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2002, 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. Proceedings (Cat. No.02CH37353)
4 pages
1 file
An optical receiver achieving 2.5 Gbith bit-rate was realized in a 0.25pm CMOS process. The preamplifier has a gain of 250 ohms, a bandwidth of 1.5 GHZ, and an input referred current noise of g p A /&. It is followed by three post amplification stages with automatic offset control. The receiver is fully packaged and consumes only 36 mA (65 mA with the complete test circuits and output buffers) from a low power supply voltage of 2V.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2006
This paper presents the design of an optical receiver analog front-end circuit capable of operating at 2.5 Gbit/s. Fabricated in a low-cost 0.35-m digital CMOS process, this integrated circuit integrates both transimpedance amplifier and post limiting amplifier on a single chip. In order to facilitate high-speed operations in a low-cost CMOS technology, the receiver front-end has been designed utilizing several enhanced bandwidth techniques, including inductive peaking and current injection. Moreover, a power optimization methodology for a multistage wide band amplifier has been proposed. The measured input-referred noise of the optical receiver is about 0.8 A rms. The input sensitivity of the receiver front-end is 16 A for 2.5-Gbps operation with bit-error rate less than 10 12 , and the output swing is about 250 mV (single-ended). The front-end circuit drains a total current of 33 mA from a 3-V supply. Chip size is 1650 m 1500 m.
Wireless Engineering and Technology, 2013
This paper reports design of a CMOS optical receiver front-end using 0.18 μm technology. Design process is current associated with photodiode using trans-impedance amplifier (TIA) for wide bandwidth, high gain, low input referred noise and wide dynamic range. The Automated Gain Control (AGC) voltage is used to provide variable gain for multilevel signals. This design is simulated in 0.18 μm UMC technology for the performance analysis. The best simulation results are reported the maximum TIA gain of 67.26 dBΩ at 0 V AGC followed by a post amplifier gain of 86.70 dBΩ. The bandwidth range is 7.03 GHz to 11.5 GHz corresponding to 0-3 V AGC respectively. The input referred noise level value is 43.86 pA/√Hz up to 10 GHz frequency. In addition authors have obtained the common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) is 72.42 dB and rectified group delay is 144.48 ps. Verification of the design, reported results are compared with earlier published work and improvements obtained in the present results.
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IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2000
A monolithically integrated optical receiver fabricated in an unmodified 0.18-m silicon complementary metaloxide-semiconductor technology is presented. The receiver features a spatially modulated photodetector to suppress slow diffusion tails. The receiver circuit comprises a transimpedance amplifier, a limiting amplifier, and an output buffer. At 2 Gb/s and an incident wavelength of 850 nm, a receiver sensitivity of 8 dBm at a bit-error rate of 10 9 has been achieved.
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 2000
This paper presents a monolithic optical detector, consisting of an integrated photodiode and a preamplifier in a standard 0.18-m CMOS technology. A data rate of 3 Gb/s at BER 10 11 was achieved for = 850 nm with 25-W peak-peak optical power. This data rate is more than four times than that of current state-of-the-art optical detectors in standard CMOS reported so far. High-speed operation is achieved without reducing circuit responsivity by using an inherently robust analog equalizer that compensates (in gain and phase) for the photodiode roll-off over more than three decades. The presented solution is applicable to various photodiode structures, wavelengths, and CMOS generations.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 1988
This paper discusses gigabit receiver IC's for optical communications, focusing on their circuit and package design, the performance of gigabit receiver IC's that we fabricated, and their application to a 1.6 Gbit/s optical receiver.
The performance of the data transmission using the principle of the optical communication can be enhanced further simply by increasing both the wavelength count and bit rate per channel, so as to improve the utilization of the optical fiber bandwidth. This approach in turn requires the most suitable device structures and the technologies for both opto-electronic transducers and the associated driving electronics circuitry. The number of transistor stages required between the power and ground rails is only two so that the minimum supply voltage required is one threshold voltage plus one pinch-off voltage. The pre-amplifier is a balanced two-stage configuration such that the effect of bias-dependent mismatches is minimized. A new inductive series-peaking technique has been introduced so as to enhance the bandwidth by utilizing the resonance characteristics of LC networks. In addition to this arrangement, a new negative differential current feedback technique has been put forward for the discussion so as to boost the bandwidth of the system and to reduce the value of peaking inductors. This pre-amplifier circuit has been implemented in TSMC 0.18 µm, 1.8 V, 6-metal mixed mode CMOS technology and is analyzed using Spectre from Cadence Design Systems with BSIM3v3 device models. For an optical front-end with a 0.3 pF photodiode capacitance, simulation results demonstrate that the pre-amplifier has bandwidth of 3.5 GHz and provides a trans-impedance gain of 66 dB. The total chip area is approximately 1 mm 2 and the DC power consumption is about 85 mW
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 2000
A high-speed ten-channel optical receiver, integrated in a standard 0.6-m CMOS technology, is presented. Each data channel consists of a spatially modulated light detector (SML-detector) and a low-offset receiver. The SML-detector has a much higher intrinsic bandwidth than a conventional photo-diode junction implemented in standard CMOS. One channel of the ten is sacrificed and used as a reference to define the threshold level for the other channels. The optical receiver can handle up to 250 Mb/s of noncoded data (including dc) per channel at 20 W average light input power ( = 860 nm). Power dissipation per channel is only 4 mW. When combined with appropriate light emitters, a compact and low-cost optocoupler can be obtained with improved speed performance compared to existing optocouplers.
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits
High-speed, low-power optical interconnects, such as intensity modulation direct detection (IMDD) optical links, are increasingly deployed in data centers to keep pace with the growing bandwidth requirements. High-sensitivity low-power optical receivers (RXs) are the key components that enable energy-efficient IMDD optical interconnects. This article presents a low-power nonreturn-to-zero (NRZ) optical RX using a combination of a limited-bandwidth trans-impedance amplifier (TIA) and duobinary sampling to improve RX sensitivity at high data rates. Duobinary sampling leverages the well-controlled TIA inter-symbol interference (ISI) to recover the transmitted data, making it much more hardware efficient than canceling the ISI using a decision feedback equalizer (DFE). The proposed optical RX employs a CMOS-based analog front-end (AFE) to achieve high linearity and excellent power efficiency. Fabricated in 65-nm CMOS process, the prototype RX achieves optical modulation amplitude (OMA) sensitivity of −11.6 dBm at 16 Gb/s with 0.7-pJ/bit efficiency.
Pendahuluan anusia adalah makhluk monodualis yaitu makhluk yang terdiri dari beberapa kodrat tetapi merupakan satu kesatuan secara utuh. Manusia terdiri dari susunan kodrat yaitu, jiwa dan raga; sifat kodrat yaitu, sebagai makhluk individu sekaligus sebagai makhluk sosial; dan kedudukan kodrat yaitu, sebagai makhluk Tuhan dan makhluk yang berdiri sendiri. Dalam bahan ajar unit-5 akan dibahas lebih jauh tentang sifat kodrat manusia sebagai makhluk sosial. Manusia dikatakan sebagai makhluk sosial karena setiap individu berkepentingan dengan individu-individu lain dalam lingkungan kelompoknya sendiri maupun di luar kelompoknya. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari rasa berkepentingan itu tersalurkan melalui proses sosialisasi dan interaksi sosial, yang dalam perkembangannya mengalami berbagai keadaan. Apa yang dimaksud dengan proses sosialisasi dan interaksi sosial? Agar Anda dapat lebih memahami, silahkan mengikuti penjelasan berikut ini. Seorang bayi dilahirkan pada keluarga tertentu. Biasanya perkenalan pertama dengan lingkungannya dimulai dari keluarga, yang terdiri atas ayah, ibu, dan kalau ada pengasuh serta kalau ada lagi kakak-kakaknya. Dari mereka si bayi akan memperoleh rasa kasih sayang, perlindungan, dan pemeliharaan yang pertama. Bayi itu pada umumnya belum segera memberikan reaksi terhadap segala perlakuan yang diberikan padanya. Apabila ada, sifatnya hanya kebetulan saja. Baru kemudian reaksi itu menjadi disengaja dan berkembang menjadi kebiasaan. Di sinilah proses sosialisasi bagi si bayi itu berlangsung. Ayah, ibu, dan semua anggota keluarga mencurahkan perhatiannya untuk anak. Dari merekalah diperoleh dasar-dasar dan pola pergaulan hidup. Tutur kata dan perilaku mereka menjadi contoh yang "memperlancar" berlangsungnya proses sosialisasi, baik menyangkut kedisiplinan, kesopanan, M Unit 5
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