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2014, International Journal of Applied Information Systems
6 pages
1 file
Web search users usually submit short and ambiguous queries to specify their requirement. In order to improve performance of short and ambiguous queries, query expansion is used. Query expansion is as an effective way to improve the performance of information retrieval systems by adding relevant terms to the original query. After using search engine lots of data get accumulated, from which queries that have been used to retrieve documents are used. This data is stored as query log. These query logs provide valuable information to extract relationships between queries and documents that can be used in query expansion. This paper proposes method first to determine ambiguous queries using Kullback leibler distance model. It measures difference between two probability distributions. Second, relevant or most suitable expansion terms are selected from the documents with the analysis of relation between queries and documents. The relation can be evaluated by calculating frequency coefficient with respect to document and document collection.
Int. J. Web Appl., 2013
Query Expansion Methods are proposed to solve many problems of information retrieval systems, but most of these methods do not use the information of interactions between the users and the system. In our approach, we applied a Query Recommendation Algorithm on a list of past user queries, to extract the most associated queries to the input query, and used it in a Probabilistic Query Expansion method, that is constructed as a language model to search in set of candidate terms for the most relevant terms for the initial query that we have to expand. The output of this approach is a table of terms that are candidates for the expansion of the user query, and their values of correlation with the whole query. We did our experiments using the database CISI of the standard collection of test SMART. The results show that the best values are reached by adding fifteen terms to the input queries, using the five most relevant documents of the input query and the five most relevant documents for ...
Arxiv preprint arXiv:0804.2057, 2008
Query expansion is a well known method to improve the performance of information retrieval systems. In this work we have tested different approaches to extract the candidate query terms from the top ranked documents returned by the first-pass retrieval. One of them is the cooccurrence approach, based on measures of cooccurrence of the candidate and the query terms in the retrieved documents. The other one, the probabilistic approach, is based on the probability distribution of terms in the collection and in the top ranked set. We compare the retrieval improvement achieved by expanding the query with terms obtained with different methods belonging to both approaches. Besides, we have developed a naïve combination of both kinds of method, with which we have obtained results that improve those obtained with any of them separately. This result confirms that the information provided by each approach is of a different nature and, therefore, can be used in a combined manner.
The objectives raised in this paper are to pave the new dimension to Internet searching and bring the semantic core strategies to the forefront to add values to the search process. In precise, " the search must be what user wish, not what user types ". To know the process of search intricacy, we observed the vocabulary contradiction and mismatch problem existence during retrieval can estimate the irrelevant document matching. Generally, a term or vocabulary mismatch can happens to the search iteration only if the terms not present in the fetched documents. Many techniques have been proposed such as library science, pseudo relevance feedback and later semantic indexing etc, where all the algorithms tend to find the objectives sustained but did not deal with alternate process. Hence we have proposed a technique which gives the sheer implications of all the pitfalls and device a new mechanism to support the mismatch problem. By bringing the semantics aspects of the sentences and word order of the sentence to the core part, we have emulated the proper solution to get rid of sentence or term mismatch problem. 1. Introduction It is observed that searches conducted on search engines are purely for learning, entertainment or to carry business transactions. But many searches are having the real purpose and made some impact on to take important decision about life, health, major purchase of certain things or quenching the business community quest for an acquisition target. Although the search engines have been achieving remarkable success in recent years and reaching new heights in bringing the quality results to the users, but still poor at helping the people to find exactly what they want, and their needs, especially in the circumstances where the users don't have a clear idea of what they are actually looking for. Both the conventional and the modern search engines are simply attempt to find the best match between what users asks for and what is available in their indices. Search engines have not done a good job of assessing exactly what the user wants because they are lack in the sheer knowledge of the context that made the user to generate the poor search query. Besides, the ambiguities of language are an issue which is more difficult to understand the exact intent or absolute meaning of the user's query. Searching is a iterative process in which a users grab the intended web pages via trial and error query methods that work best for the issue to resolve. It might surprise most people to know that search engines only index a small percentage of the knowledge resources available. This occurs because many web pages are stored behind password protected sites, pages are dynamically created and disappear once they serve their purpose, and several types of information are in formats that are not useable by search engines. Users search the web for the information with their needs and mostly their queries are explicit expression of their search needs. The information need in web search process can be termed as intent and that demands more productive fetching of web pages. Many times, the user query is not adequate to describe the intent which they actually aimed but it only contains few terms. This problem exists, because of the lack of domain knowledge or insufficient skills to express their intents. And also, the intent primarily resides in the mind of the user and thus difficult to observe. Despite all these hiccups, even if the user is obliged to reveal his actual intent, it's also a challenging task to describe the intent accurately. Hence, users can reformulate the initial query following the search results shown to them and their understanding would become more specific by extracting clues from search activities. Basically, the web users are categorically separated as: navigational, informational and transactional. The navigational query can be used to reach the specific web site or web pages where the users don't have the clear indication of it. The navigational queries can take the user to different web pages which are all relevant to one another. The information queries are very specific where it demands the relevant information about the given topic. The users want to learn or find the information which might scatter at various web pages or sites. The transactional queries are absolutely interactive and carry out a robust transaction with the websites like downloading music, carry out online shopping, playing online games etc. In order to achieve the search process more productive, we need to extract the semantics from the questions which the user often posed in the web. The questions can be categorized in many ways like the queries which are only yes or no type, some queries are seeking the reasons of particular thing (like why type questions), few queries are asking the opinion of particular things, some queries wants to know the details of the particular
An ideal information retrieval system is expected to retrieve only the relevant documents while irrelevant ones are ignored towards ensuring throughput of the retrieval system and reduce the time user spend on the search engines as well as serving a motivation for continue the search. The process of IR consists of locating relevant documents on the basis of user query, such as keywords. One of the most fundamental research questions in information retrieval is how to operationally define the notion of relevance so that we can score a document with respect to a query appropriately. The most critical language issue for retrieval effectiveness is the term mismatch problem because both the indexers and the users do often not use the same words. This scenario is called vocabulary problem. Consequently, IRS users spend much time and resources to obtain their information need after querying the system. One solution to this problem is known as query expansion via pseudo relevance feedback w...
抄録: The understanding of how users use search queries is an important step towards developing successful web search engines. Mining search query log is a way to gain insight into user behavior. One technique used to analyze the query log is query clustering. Query clustering can be used to group semantically related queries, and can be used to gain an understanding of query usage. In this work, we focus on queries written in Thai language. A technique for query clustering is proposed.
FSKD, 2013
The retrieval effectiveness of Query Expansion (QE) is very much dependent on the ability to accurately identify and expand core concepts which are truly representative of the intended search goal. Two characteristics of natural language queries which hinder the performance of query expansion for information retrieval are query length and structure. The varying lengths of a query translate to the number of core concepts that may exist and the possibility of there being multiple query intents embedded within a single query. On the other hand, the structure of queries reveals the linguistic properties which allows for the determination of whether they take the form of well-formed sentences or are simply bags-of-words which in the strictest sense are a series of words with no obvious relations amongst them. Whilst query lengths are easily assessed, we propose a two-level automated classification technique consisting of linguistics based and statistical processing for query structure classification. The proposed method has revealed high levels of classification accuracy on TREC ad hoc test queries.
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Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 2014
-- Maritime Treasure-guard, jangada, jaṅgala ’double-canoe’ Tugra left Bhujyu behind in a cloud of water, Aśvins, as one who has died (leaves behind) his wealth. You carried him with your breathing ships (naubhír) that bob in the midspace far from water. Rigveda 1.116.3 'Then you two acted as heroes upon the unsupporting sea, which has no place to stand and nothing to grasp, when, Aśvins, you carried Bhujyu home after he mounted your ship of a hundred oars (śatāŕitrāṁ nāvam).' Rigveda 1.116.5 'When we two, Varuṇa and (I), will board the ship (nāvam), when we two will raise the middle of the sea, when we two will voyage through the crests of the waters, we will swing on the swing for beauty.' Rigveda 7.88.3 Now (the singer should praise you), you two worlds, along with the Ahi budhnya, you two goddesses with the desired water deities. Just as the profit-seekers discovered the sea on a journey together, they discovered the rivers that bubble like hot potion.' Rigveda 4.55.6 'Tugra left Bhujyu behind in a cloud of water, Aśvins, as one who has died (leaves behind) his wealth. You carried him with your breathing ships (naubhír) that bob in the midspace far from water.' Rigveda 1.116.3
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