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1993, Genomics
5 pages
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European Journal of Personality, 2001
Effects of cognitive load, objective self-awareness and time limits on the self-regulation of performance speed and accuracy were investigated between procrastinators and nonprocrastinators. In experiment 1 chronic procrastinators completed fewer items (slow speed) and made more errors (less accuracy) than non-procrastinators under high but not low cognitive load conditions when the time span was limited and brief. In experiment 2 chronic procrastinators performed slower than non-procrastinators under a 2 second, but not under no limit, 1 second, or 4 second time limit conditions. Chronic procrastinators compared to non-procrastinators also performed more slowly and made more performance errors under objective self-awareness conditions regardless of the length of time. These experiments indicate that chronic procrastinators regulate ineffectively their performance speed and accuracy when they`work under pressure' (de®ned by high cognitive load, objective self-awareness, and imposed time limitations).
Diseño y construcción de una bicicleta de transmisión eléctrica JULIO 2014 Adrián Areces González Álvaro Noriega González, 2019
análisis de diseño de una bicicleta de transmición
Islamic finance has started to grow in international finance across the globe, with some concentration in few countries. Nearly 20 percent annual growth of Islamic finance in recent years seems to point to its resilience and broad appeal, partly owing to principles that govern Islamic financial activities, including equity, participation, and ownership. In theory, Islamic finance is resilient to shocks because of its emphasis on risk sharing, limits on excessive risk taking, and strong link to real activities. Empirical evidence on the stability of Islamic banks, however, is so far mixed. While these banks face similar risks as conventional banks do, they are also exposed to idiosyncratic risks, necessitating a tailoring of current risk management practices. The macroeconomic policy implications of the rapid expansion of Islamic finance are far reaching and need careful considerations. JEL Classification Numbers: E44, E52, E58, G15, G21, G28
A sexualized spirituality : a spiritualized sexuality. Will we be able, in the West, to remove the crust of guilt that for thousands of years we have been forming regarding sexuality? Freud discovers the importance of sexuality, but argues that spiritual life can only be a sublimated, hypocritical version of the "true" biological impulses. Freud continues with another Manichaeism : no longer that of Judaic moralism, but that of scientific materialism, which only sees a reproductive function behind the charm of love. Then come other psychologisms, other functionalisms like Master & Johnson who will believe to have overcome guilt, but they did not have re-found religiosity. For them, sexual life has a function: to expel energies that, if accumulated in bodily life, would create neuroses and blockages. Is a little vision of Wilhelm Reich: yet for the , sexual activity is primarily therapy, and orgasm is her goal. Achieving orgasm: the new mission of sex therapists, the new Boom of North Americans, the apparent understanding of how to overcome psychological pathologies, in the neo-capitalist paradise of sexual "liberation". Being "in ": talking about sex, publishing books about sex, recording television programs about sex, "doing" sex. Precisely because it was not possible to talk about, is that the tare dragged by thousands of years is considered overcome when it is allowed and encouraged to make the subject public.
NABU, 2018
[texts now published in M. Béranger, « Dur-Abi-ešuh and the Aftermath of the Attack on Nippur: New Evidence from Three Unpublished Letters », Revue d'assyriologie et d'archéologie orientale 113, 2019, p. 99-122]
Error is the assent of the intellect to a false proposition. In error, 1 which is a mental act, that which is false is judged to be true, or that which is true is judged to be false. 2 If logical truth is the conformity of one's judgment with reality, with what is, error consists in the nonconformity, the disconformity, the non-correspondence of one's judgment with reality, with what is. Error (also called logical falsity) is the positive non-conformity between the intellect's judgment and the reality about which the judgment is made. "Positive deformity is had when the intellect at the same time that it composes or divides (separates) its ideas, attributes to an object a note which does not belong to the object, or denies a note which should be attributed to the object, and thus the intellect affirms that something is what it is not, or denies that something is what it is. In this positive deformity properly consists logical falsity, or error." 3 If logical truth consists in the adequation of our judgments with reality, logical falsity or error consists in the absence of this conformity. "If I judge that an attribute belongs to a thing, and it actually does, then I have truth; so, too, if I judge that an attribute does not belong to a thing, and it actually does not, I have truth. But if I judge that an attribute belongs to it, while it actually does not, or if I judge that an attribute does not belong to it, while it actually does, I have error. For example, I state that 'The rose is red,' 'the rose is not yellow'; if this is so stated, my judgment is true. If, however, I were to state that 'The rose is yellow,' 'the rose is not red,' while as a matter of fact it is red and not yellow, my judgment would be erroneous. Truth and error, then, reside formally in the judgment, and not in the ideas taken alone for themselves. Truth, must, therefore, be defined as the conformity of judgment to reality; and error, as the disconformity of judgment to reality." 4 "Error is a false judgment. Error is an assent to what is not so, or a dissent from what is so; we say yes when we should say no-or vice versa." 5 "Falsità. La falsità è l'opposto della verità. Ora «come la verità consiste nell'adeguazione della cosa e dell'intelletto così la falsità consiste nella loro inadeguazione». 6 Errore. L'errore è l'assenso a una proposizione falsa. Esso è un atto mentale, mentre la falsità è propriamente la qualità della proposizione che afferma qualcosa di difforme dalla realtà. Se la verità è la conformità del pensiero con la realtà, l'errore è la privazione di questa conformità. Se la verità si manifesta formalmente nel giudizio, anche l'errore compare in questa proposizione della mente, quando questa afferma contraddicendo la realtà." 7 "L'errore si può definire: «assenso dell'intelletto ad una proposizione falsa». Non cioè semplice difformità tra conoscenza e cosa, ma affermazione di identità dove questa non c'è; si ha
This research investigates the relations between Seyyid Ali Bin Hamoud, the Sultan of the Arab State of Zanzibar and Mr. Rogers, his First Minister and Regent from 1902 till 1905. The motives that led the British Government to install Seyyid Ali as Sultan and the establishment of' the Regency are thoroughly dwelt with. The study highlights the gradual relationship between the Sultan and the Regent and the circumstances that led the Sultan to seek the abolition of' the Regency. More light is cast upon the attitude of the British Government towards the Sultan's efforts and their ways and means to impose their policy in Zanzibar. Lastly, the study analyzes the circumstances that led the British Government to end the Regency.
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Vol 6 (1) July, 2024
Environmental earth sciences, 2024
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2018
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 2021