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DNA structure from A to B
Article in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences · July 2001
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.141238898 · Source: PubMed
2 authors, including:
Ho Leung Ng
University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
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DNA structure from A to B
Richard E. Dickerson* and Ho-Leung Ng
Molecular Biology Institute, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1570
. Shing Ho and his colleagues at
Oregon State and Berkeley publish in
this issue of PNAS an interesting study
(1) of helical structure in the DNA hexamer GGCGCC, finding that various
states that appear to be logical intermediates between A-DNA and B-DNA can
be induced by methylation or bromination of cytosine or by crystal packing.
Their results bear on three issues that
have been argued over in the past: (i) the
differences between A-DNA and BDNA and transitions between them, (ii)
the intrinsic sequence-dependent malleability of a DNA duplex, and (iii) the
effects of local helix packing on DNA
The six x-ray crystal structure analyses
that provided the proposed intermediates in this and an earlier study (2) are
listed in Table 1. The first three are
straightforward, with one DNA helix per
asymmetric unit or eight helices per tetragonal unit cell. The next three, however, are unusual. These crystals have
three or four distinct hexamer helices per
asymmetric unit, identical in sequence
and crystallizing conditions, but differing in their local environment within the
resulting crystals. Vargason et al. (1, 2)
interpret these helical structures as intermediates between true A and B structures, characterizing them as composite
(helices e and f), extended (helices g and
h), or AyB intermediates (helices i, j, and
k). Helices a– d are the B form, and
helices l and m are the A form. Together
these are stated to form a series of 13
hexamers (see their figure 2 in ref. 1) that
bridges the entire range from B-DNA to
A-DNA. (The reuse of label i in their
table 2 in ref. 1 would appear to be a
nomenclature error; if so, their structural
progression then has 14 members rather
than 13.)
All three unique helices in the tetragonal crystals of GGCGGG 1 spermine
adopt the B form. But the four independent molecules in each of the trigonal
crystal forms having methylated or brominated C-3 exhibit at least three different
helical types, which leaves the reader puzzled and wishing to know more. Three of
the four helices in one crystal are said to
form ‘‘a planar canopy in the a-b plane,’’
whereas the fourth helix rises perpendicular to this canopy along the c axis. Of the
three helices in the canopy, one is A-DNA
whereas the other two are AyB intermediates similar to that reported earlier for
CATGGGCCCATG (3) and proposed for
CCCCGGGG and GGGGCCCC in solution (4, 5). This perturbation of DNA helix
structure by crystal environment cries out
for careful analysis.
The resulting 13 (or 14) helical structures can be grouped into a series extending from B-DNA to A-DNA, which is
attempted in figures 2 and 3 of Vargason
et al. (1). The most compelling parameter
for their sequential arrangement is x-displacement or the displacement of a base
pair away from the helix axis in the direction of the base pair short axis. This
feature makes B-DNA (with near-zero
x-displacement) a stack of base pairs
along the helix axis and gives A-DNA
(with large negative x-displacement) its
central hole (6, 7).
If a single parameter must be chosen
with which to follow the B-to-A helix
transition, then x-displacement obviously
is the parameter of choice. The inclination
of a base pair away from perpendicularity
Table 1. Crystals of proposed AyB intermediates
per cell
per cell
per a.u.
per base pair
GGCGCC 1 sper
b, c, d
f, i, j, l
e, i, k, m
5-bromocytosine; mC, 5-methylcytosine; sper, spermine; a.u., asymmetric units. Volumes are in Å3.
6986 – 6988 u PNAS u June 19, 2001 u vol. 98 u no. 13
to the helix axis, measured along its long
axis (see definitions and diagrams in refs.
8–11), is less helpful than one would expect. It has been common or received
knowledge from fiber diffraction that base
pairs in B-DNA were perpendicular to the
helix axis, whereas those in A-DNA were
inclined by 15° to 20°. Yet single crystal
structure analyses have failed to bear that
out; observed inclinations of base pairs in
A-DNA crystals are much less, generally
in the range of 5° to 12°. The present study
of Vargason et al. (1) shows little or no
correlation between helix type and base
pair inclination angle, unless the composite and extended helices e–h are arbitrarily deleted from the analysis.
Part of the problem with inclination as
a parameter is that, in short helical segments such as these hexamers, inclination can be confused with local helix
bending. The change in base pair orientation from one end of helix d to the
other is easy to see in their figure 2 (1),
for example. It can be ascribed to inclination, but much the same appearance
would result if the helix segment were
simply bent at its center in a direction
that compresses the major groove at the
right. Indeed, if the hexamer helix were
bent at its center, then the inclination
relative to an overall unbent axis would
have one sense at the beginning of the
helix, the opposite sense one-half turn of
helix later, and the original sense again
after a full turn. Careful examination of
their figure 3 shows that this reversal of
inclination is exactly what is observed in
helix d and to a lesser extent in helices c,
e, g, and h. Hence there is no compelling
evidence for changes in inclination along
the B-to-A series, but only for local helix
bending, the latter probably induced by
cr ystal packing. This inclination vs.
bending issue illustrates how longer runs
of helix than a half-turn hexamer become
The parameter slide or relative motion
of two stacked base pairs along their long
axes (see refs. 8–11) does appear to map
the transition between B and A well. This
See companion article on page 7265.
*To whom reprint requests should be addressed. E-mail:
[email protected].
slide behavior confirms an early, and still
cogent, explanation by Calladine and
Drew (12) of the B-to-A transition as
being driven by base stacking and involving the two helix parameters slide and roll.
Fig. 1 shows the effect on an ideal B-DNA
helix of first applying (b) a 21.5-Å slide or
(c) a 1 12° roll, and then (d) applying both
slide and roll simultaneously. Slide without roll pushes the base pairs off-axis and
creates the central hole that is typical of
fiber A-DNA, and roll without slide forces
the base pairs to become inclined to the
helix axis without displacing them from
that axis. Slide plus roll creates the familiar idealized A-DNA helix, in which base
pairs are both inclined (to some degree)
and shifted off the helix axis. It would be
interesting to examine all of the helices of
the Vargason et al. studies (1, 2), to see
whether they could be mapped successfully onto a CalladineyDrew transition
Deoxyribose sugar pucker correlates
well with slide. All of the helices with
large negative slide of ca. 22.5 Å, g–m,
exhibit the C39-endo sugar conformation
of A-DNA. Those helices with little or no
negative slide, a– d, are described as having the C29-endo sugars that conventionally are associated with B-DNA. The two
intermediate, extended helices e and f,
are hybrids in which the first three sugars
along each strand are C39-endo whereas
the last three sugars vary from C29-endo
through C19-exo to O49-endo (see ideal
conformation progression in Fig. 2).
There is a sound mechanical reason
why high-slide helices should exhibit
C39-endo sugars whereas low-slide helices are more variable. As Fig. 3A shows,
sliding base pair 1 to the right over base
pair 2 pushes sugar ring 1 against the
phosphate group, and the resulting pressure is relieved by allowing the 39 carbon
of the sugar ring to buckle toward the
side of the ring away from the phosphate—to the endo side. Hence a highDickerson and Ng
slide A-DNA helix requires C39-endo
sugar puckering. This strain is absent in
the B form (Fig. 3B) with essentially zero
slide, and its sugar rings consequently are
free to adopt a greater range of conformations, from C39-exo through C29-endo
to C19-exo to O49-endo to C49-exo to the
C39-endo that is demanded by an A helix.
Fig. 2 illustrates how restricted the ADNA helix is and how broad the distribution for B-DNA is.
In summary, what is to be concluded
from the Vargason et al. studies of
GGCGCC-based hexamers? The first
caution is that one must be careful about
overinterpreting the geometry of a short
half-turn of helix; inclination can be confused with bending, for example. In addition, it is sobering to consider that
different helix types can be observed at
different locations in the same crystal
form, that the DNA helix itself is highly
malleable and susceptible to outside inf luences. Yet in a sense that is one of the
strengths of DNA. It is not a rigid, repetitive helix; neither is it a rigid entity
with sequence-determined local structural variations. Rather, as analyses of
DNA alone (13) and in complexes with
proteins (14 –16) have both shown, the
DNA duplex exhibits sequence-dependent deformability, or a potential for
being deformed that varies from one part
of the base sequence to another.
This significant demonstration by Vargason et al. of true intermediates between A-DNA and B-DNA, obtained
under relatively mild conditions, shows
that A-DNA and B-DNA are not two
separate, isolated c onfor mations.
Fig. 2. Distribution of torsion angle d vs. pseudorotation angle in sugar rings of B-DNA (E) and A-DNA
(crosses), as observed in single-crystal structure analyses. Theoretical correlations between d and pseudorotation angle are marked by h. Note that sugar conformations in A-DNA are grouped tightly around
the expected C39-endo conformation, whereas the B helix permits a much broader range of sugar
conformations. B-DNA is not limited exclusively to the C29-endo region as is often assumed. [Reproduced
with permission from ref. 7 (Copyright 2001, International Union of Crystallography].
PNAS u June 19, 2001 u vol. 98 u no. 13 u 6987
Fig. 1.
Two-step conversion of B-DNA to A-DNA by
varying the two helix parameters slide and roll. (a) Initial
idealized B-DNA. (b) Intermediate structure obtained by
application of a uniform slide of 21.5 Å from one base pair
to the next. (c) Alternative intermediate produced by
applying a uniform roll of 112°. (d) A-DNA reached by
varying both slide and role simultaneously. [Reproduced
with permission from ref. 3 (Copyright 2000, National
Academy of Sciences; original proposal by Calladine and
Drew (12).]
Fig. 3. (A) Segment of a typical A-DNA helix, of sequence GGTATACC (17). Negative slide pushes the base pair marked 1 to the right, relative to base pair 2
just below it. This move forces sugar ring 1 against phosphate group 2, and strain is relieved by allowing atom C39 of ring 1 to move to the far side of the ring,
away from the phosphate. This C39-endo conformation is demanded by A-DNA. (B) Segment of a typical B-DNA helix, of sequence CGCGAATTCGCG (18). Now
base pairs 1 and 2 have essentially zero slide between them, and no strain is felt at sugar ring 1, which is free to adopt a C29-endo conformation. However, it
is not restricted to C29-endo and can adopt the broad range of conformations seen in Fig. 2.
Rather, they resemble the distinctions
between liberal and conservative in the
political arena. Everyone can define the
difference between a liberal and a conservative, which is a legitimate distinction. Yet the differences offered will vary
with the speaker, and an ideological con-
tinuum exists from one camp to the
other. One person’s conservative can be
another person’s liberal (especially if he
is snubbed by the White House). We all
can define the extreme prototypes, but
woe unto whomever shall maintain that
one extreme must have one set of prop-
erties and only those, whereas the other
extreme must have opposite properties.
A-DNA and B-DNA are useful boundary
extremes with which to classify DNA,
but they in no sense are bottomless local
potential minima. Intermediates do exist
and exist under the mildest of conditions.
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