National Excellence in Teaching Award

Anthony Col lins (co | | i nsa @ u is cu rre ntly a Psychology Lecturer at the Universrty of KwaZulu-Natal but from 2014 will be Associate Professor of Journalism at Media Studies at Rhodes. He teaches at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has done ground-breaking work in curriculurn desrgn and delivery (teaching) in psychology, opening new approaches, focusing on societal issues (violence, trauma, consumer culture) and context.

NATIONAL EXCELLENCE IN TEACHINGAWARDS WINNER Anthony Collins (co||[email protected]) is currently a Psychology Lecturer at the Universrty of KwaZuluNatalbut from 2014will beAssociate Professor of at MediaStudies at Rhodes. He teaches at Journalism undergraduate andpostgraduate levels. He hasdone ground-breaking work in curriculurn desrgnanddelivery (teaching) in psychology, openingnewapproaches, (violence, focusing on societal issues trauma,consumer culture)andcontext. He usesa blendedapproach, integrating contact, films, onlineandsocial mediawithina largeclass environment wherediversity isthe normandstudents havea range of abilities. He consolidated thisfocuson developing contextua llyreleva nt curriculumby combining psychology andcritical socral theorythoughestablishing postgraduate the Psychology programme andSociety at UKZN. He focuses on the question: What isworthteaching? Hisapproach is basedin CriticalandTransformative Pedagogies andis highlyparticipatory, startingwrth students' own livedexoeriences andhow thesecan be understood usingconceptual toolsfrom the social sciences. He believes it isvitalto beginwith students andtheirlifeexperiences in orderenablethemto developed insightandskillsto transform themselves andthe society theylifein. Hisworkcanbefoundonlineat http:// ins