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2000, Proceedings of the 54th Meeting of …
10 pages
1 file
Over the past few decades many vibration and signal analysis techniques have been investigated, developed, and used to provide operational response information about mechanical power transmission systems for monitoring and diagnosis of components and their worn/faulted condition. The presence of multiple sources of excitation and forcing in a complex distributed mechanical structure (rotor transmission shafting, gearing, bearings, casing, and foundation) presents problems for algorithms that are designed to present a single feature associated with a single fault mechanism. The consequence of the mechanical structures dynamic interaction is not always clear but an understanding of it is critical for the successful development of effective integral signal p rocessing algorithms and automated reasoning components used in CBM systems. As part of a combined experimental-theoretical analysis effort, ARL is investigating mechanical fault evolution in damaged rotating components. A dynamics model of the system using component fault models was developed for response simulations. Comparison of experimentally measured and simulated results of system vibratory responses allow physical insights into vibratory measurement sensor placement and specification, dynamic system response to a fault, and the development of fault detection signal processing algorithms. In this paper, the dynamics modeling of the gearbox rotor/bearing-foundation system using the Finite Element method is outlined and it's relevance to diagnostics and prognostics is highlighted.
Proceedigs of MARCON
While tremendous improvements have been made in the performance of modern engineered systems due to increased design cycle accuracy and testing capabilities, traditional time/use maintenance practices have not changed much. While wear longevity of many subsystem components has increased with a beneficial decrease in weight and size the margins of safety have also decreased because of greater accuracy in design analysis and improved testing techniques. In an effort to increase efficiency in use of high performance and heavy-duty systems, especially in power generation and transmission subsystems, Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) has emerged as an improvement over more costly time/use maintenance practices. CBM is being enabled by the same technological (testing, modeling, analysis) improvements that have spawned increased system performance. As part of a combined experimental-theoretical analysis investigation effort related to CBM diagnostics and prognostics, an experimental gearbox failure test bed was constructed. The primary interest is the study of mechanical fault evolution in damaged rotating components that involve mechanical power transmission. As part of that same research effort a dynamics model of the system is being developed for response simulations and study of in situ mechanical dynamic fault models. Simulations of system vibratory responses will allow physical insights to be gained in vibratory measurement sensor placement and specification, dynamic system response to a fault, and fault detection signal processing algorithms. In this paper, the dynamics modeling of the gearbox drive rotor/bearing-foundation system using the Finite Element method is outlined and it's relevance to diagnostics and prognostics is highlighted.
Vibration monitoring plays an important role in order to avoid any catastrophic failure of rotating machines. This work involves theoretical analysis of a rotor bearing system using finite element method. Eigen Frequencies (natural frequencies) and Eigen Vectors (mode shapes) are obtained using state space concept. Subsequently, frequency response function, unbalance response and Campbell Diagram plotted for the same. Simulation for Model Based Fault Identification for Unbalance is carried out using modal analysis technique and least square method. Experiment results are also evaluated .At the end experimental modal analysis is also carried to find out modal damping. The coding for this work is done in Matlab.
Shock and Vibration, 2016
Gearboxes and induction motors are important components in industrial applications and their monitoring condition is critical in the industrial sector so as to reduce costs and maintenance downtimes. There are several techniques associated with the fault diagnosis in rotating machinery; however, vibration and stator currents analysis are commonly used due to their proven reliability. Indeed, vibration and current analysis provide fault condition information by means of the fault-related spectral component identification. This work presents a methodology based on vibration and current analysis for the diagnosis of wear in a gearbox and the detection of bearing defect in an induction motor both linked to the same kinematic chain; besides, the location of the fault-related components for analysis is supported by the corresponding theoretical models. The theoretical models are based on calculation of characteristic gearbox and bearings fault frequencies, in order to locate the spectral ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018
A rotating mechanical components in machineries like bearings, gears, pulleys, belt drives etc. are major components in any rotating machinery. The failure of these components leads to downtime of machines and reduction in production. Significant economic losses will be caused due to an unexpected failure of these components. Belt drives are widely employed in various industrial equipment. Finding the early fault symptoms in the belt drive is very important. This can be achieved by various methods. For detecting faults and monitoring the condition of a belt drive, the vibration signal can be used as one of the parameter. Thus, vibration signal can be used as a procedure for predictive maintenance and it is used for machinery maintenance decisions. The changes in vibration signals due to fault can be detected by employing signal processing methods. It can be used to evaluate the health status of the machinery. The nature and severity of the problem can be determined by analysing the vibration signal and hence the failure can be predicted. Signature of the fault in the machine is carried by the vibration signal. It is possible to have early fault detection by analysing these vibration signals. Different signal processing techniques are used for processing these signals. The various techniques used for fault diagnosis based on vibration analysis method are discussed in this paper. The application of the artificial intelligence techniques such as Artificial Neural Network (ANN), fuzzy sets and other emerging technologies are discussed.
Inner race fault in bearing suspension is relatively the common fault in induction motors coupled with a gearbox, their detection is feasible by vibration monitoring of characteristic bearing frequencies. However, vibration signals have numerous drawbacks like signal background noise due to external excitation motion, sensitivity due to the installation position and their invasive measurement nature. For this reason, it is necessary to apply an extremely efficient method known as stator current signal analysis which offers significant savings and implementation advantages over traditional vibration monitoring. This paper represents a mathematical model for electromechanical systems and for rolling-element bearing faults to study the influence of mechanical defects on electrical variables (stator current). The novelty in this work involves three contributions: modelling of rolling bearing faults by external forces applied on the electromechanical system; Physical representation of ro...
— Rotating shaft is a vital element in power stations like Gas power stations, steam power station and Tidal power stations. These shaft failure or break down lead to the consequences, ranges from annoyance to the financial disaster or human damage. Hence predictive maintenance which includes early detection, identification and correction of machinery problems is paramount to anyone involved in the maintenance of industrial machinery to insure continued, safe and productive operation. Condition monitoring of machines is become necessary to run the machines efficiently. Vibrations are caused due to unbalance in the rotating components, dry friction between the two mating surfaces, misalignments, imperfect of coupling or bearings, and cracks in the shafts or blades. In predictive maintenance, vibration monitoring and analysis is essential. Health of any rotating shaft can be identified by its signature includes number of peaks. The peaks in the spectrum or signature give the information regarding the type of fault. In this paper gives a overview on vibrations analysis and faults diagnosis in various rotating machine parts and also this paper attempts to epitomize the recent research and developments in rotating element vibration analysis techniques.
ACTES DES SECONDES RENCONTRES NORD-SUD DE PRÉHISTOIRE RÉCENTE-2015 HABITATIONS ET HABITAT DU NÉOLITHIQUE À L'ÂGE DU BRONZE EN FRANCE ET SES MARGES Cet article se propose de parcourir le corpus des architectures domestiques du Néolithique moyen aujourd'hui disponible sur une vaste zone allant du Centre à l'Ouest de la France. La documentation sur cette question est longtemps restée rare, voire exceptionnelle, ne permettant pas d'élaborer des généralités. Aujourd'hui de nouveaux sites viennent enrichir ce corpus et ce dans des contextes topographiques et sur des substrats variés. Cette étude comparative permet une première approche des architectures et des techniques de construction, et conduit à proposer certaines hypothèses de restitution des élévations (volumes, étage, ouvertures). Trois catégories d'architecture peuvent ainsi être rencontrées. La première correspond à des bâtiments sur poteaux " disjoints ". En raison de leur chronologie et de leur forme, une partie d'entre eux s'inscrit dans la fin de la tradition architecturale rubanée. Par contre, d'autres bâtiments de plus petites dimensions semblent plus tardifs et sont clairement en rupture avec ce modèle. La seconde catégorie, mise en évidence avec la découverte du bâtiment circulaire d'Auneau, est devenue quantitativement la plus importante et se caractérise par la présence d'une tranchée de fondation continue sur la majeure partie du bâtiment et ayant servi à la mise en place d'une paroi de poteaux contigus. Cette catégorie apparaît assez standardisée avec deux types majeurs : les bâtiments circulaires et les bâtiments rectangulaires. Une troisième catégorie comprenant les architectures en terre crue peut être aussi envisagée. Comme à Lillemer, ce type d'architecture est associé à une forme d'agglomération de l'habitat. Ce premier travail collectif de défrichement permet dès à présent de dégager des problématiques et des perspectives importantes, qui concernent notamment l'organisation des groupes villageois et le statut des sites, les comparaisons avec les aires culturelles voisines et les implications économiques en termes de gestion de la ressource ligneuse.
Par LONZO LUBU Gastonfils (1) et KABWE OMOYI Fanny (2) (*) Résumé L'objectif de cet article consiste à évaluer l'effet de l'intermédiation financière sur la croissance économique en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) pendant la période de Janvier 2001 à Décembre 2012. L'étude est basée sur deux approches économétriques, d'abord l'approche directe, à l'aide de Moindre Carrés Ordinaire (OLS), ensuite l'approche indirecte grâce au test de causalité au sens de Granger ainsi que la méthode à variable instrumentale (2SLS, GMM, LIML). Les résultats de quatre approches économétriques se confortent et suggèrent que l'intermédiation financière exerce un effet positif et significatif sur la croissance économique en RDC et cela directement ou grâce à un canal indirect passant par l'inflation, le taux de change et la masse monétaire avant d'impacter sur le niveau d'activité économique globale. Ces résultats nous enseignent aussi sur la vulnérabilité de la fonction d'intermédiation financière par les banques commerciales congolaises dans le financement des secteurs porteurs à forte demande la main d'oeuvre congolaise (agriculture, construction et industrie); en effet, la part de crédit accordé aux entreprises et particuliers est faible et de court terme, et finance essentiellement le Crédit documentaire à l'importation , donc elle n'est pas adressée à la structure interne de l'économie congolaise. Ces résultats nous enseignent également que les autorités monétaires de la RDC ont intérêt à mettre en place des reformes sur des mesures favorables à l'émergence d'un système financier efficace notamment en faveur de l'agriculture en milieu rural.
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2019 IEEE International Conference on Smart Internet of Things (SmartIoT), 2019
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International Journal of Molecular Sciences