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The aim of this work is to evaluate the effectiveness of a Simple Tuning algorithm applied on a Fuzzy Pulse Width Modulation controller in a real situation with DC gear motors. The fuzzy logic model proposed to control motor's no-load speed consists in 25 rules based on Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System. A hardware implementation and an interface are designed for controlling the plant. In addition to the Simple Tuning process, another algorithm is presented to get the vector of operation points of each input and save the new one after applying such process. The experimental results are presented at the end of this paper.
The aim of this work is to evaluate the effectiveness of a Simple Tuning algorithm applied on a Fuzzy Pulse Width Modulation controller in a real situation with DC gear motors. The fuzzy logic model proposed to control motor's no-load speed consists in 25 rules based on Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System. A hardware implementation and an interface are designed for controlling the plant. In addition to the Simple Tuning process, another algorithm is presented to get the vector of operation points of each input and save the new one after applying such process. The experimental results are presented at the end of this paper.
This paper presents the design of a fuzzy control system to control speed of a DC motor. The motor was modelled and converted to a subsystem in Simulink. This paper describes the design of a Fuzzy logic based controller to control te speed of DC mtor. The contolling signal is computed in real time using suitable fuzzy membership functions depending upon the state of the power factor. The use of output membership function permits further fine tuning of the controller parameters for varied system configurations especially in multi machine environment. The efficacy of the proposed controlling technique has been demonstrated using multi-machine computer simulation model of power system under a wide range of system and test conditions.
International journal of engineering research and technology, 2018
In this case, fuzzy logic is implemented in a standard microcontroller to regulate the speed of a universal motor by a real time adjustment (every 30 millisecond) of the motor current. This microcontroller directly tunes the motor current by means of a chopper converter. Starting from a basic food-processor application, the paper practically shows how a fuzzy logic approach can be applied to build a closed speed regulation loop from a very low cost tacho-generator. Practical guidelines are successively given from the initial concept analysis phase, up to the final generation of the executable code to be loaded in the microcontroller. The paper also gives the practical procedure to define the input parameters and to build fuzzy logic rules when using the fuzzy logic development tool. Finally, the major benefits of this paper lie in an original approach where fuzzy logic is applied to fast "real-time" regulation loop without requiring any specific expertise in conventional methods of regulation.
IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2012
This project uses FUZZY LOGIC TECHNIQUE in estimating speed and controlling it for DC motor. The rotor speed of the dc motor can be made to follow an arbitrarily selected trajectory. The purpose is to achieve accurate trajectory control of the speed of DC Motor, especially when the motor and load parameters are unknown. Such a control scheme gives very accurate and precise result in very short time. The fuzzy logic controller employs if-else form programming of the various conditions to control the motor speed.
The fuzzy controller is one of the intelligent soft computing methods that realize a human being hierarchy sense and expert by building the program that realized it. In this work real time implementation of a fuzzy controller is realized by programming the industrial computer in c++ language. The performed fuzzy controller has two inputs and one output. The inputs are the speed error and change in error with controller output as PWM. The applied program architecture uses the matrix representation and subroutines for data entering the linguistic memberships for both error and change in error and performing rule-base in the inference mechanism using fuzzy logic. The output of the defuzification is pulse width modulation to the chopper drive circuit. The result shows good a fulfillment of the soft computing of the controller and with fast response and the effect of load as a disturbance on the shaft of the motor has been rejected quickly.
This project uses FUZZY LOGIC TECHNIQUE in estimating speed and controlling it for DC motor. The rotor speed of the dc motor can be made to follow an arbitrarily selected trajectory. The purpose is to achieve accurate trajectory control of the speed of DC Motor, especially when the motor and load parameters are unknown. Such a control scheme gives very accurate and precise result in very short time. The fuzzy logic controller employs ifelse form programming of the various conditions to control the motor speed.
Direct current (DC) motors are controlled easily and have very high performance. The speed of the motors could be adjusted within a wide range. Today, classical control techniques (such as Proportional Integral Differential - PID) are very commonly used for speed control purposes. However, it is observed that the classical control techniques do not have an adequate performance in the case of nonlinear systems. Thus, instead, a modern technique is preferred: fuzzy logic. In this paper the control system is modelled using MATLAB/Simulink. Using both PID controller and fuzzy logic techniques, the results are compared for different speed values.
Energy, Power and …, 2010
BAB 1 PENDAHULUAN 1. Latar Belakang Masalah Penyakit infeksi adalah penyakit yang disebabkan karena masuknya bibit penyakit kedalam tubuh seseorang. Penyakit infeksi masih menempati urutan teratas penyebab kesakitan dan kematian di negara berkembang, termasuk Indonesia. Bagi penderita, selain menyebabkan penderitaan fisik, infeksi juga menyebabkan penurunan kinerja dan produktifitas, yang pada gilirannya akan mengakibatkan kerugian materil yang berlipat-lipat. Bagi Negara, tingginya kejadian infeksi di masyarakat akan menyebabkan penurunan produktifitas nasional secara umum, sedangkan dilain pihak juga menyebabkan peningkatan pengeluaran yang berhubungan dengan upaya pengobatannya. Sebagaimana diketahui, infeksi dapat disebabkan oleh bakteri, virus, maupun jamur, dan dapat terjadi di masyarakat (community acquired) maupun di rumah sakit (hospital acquired). Pasien yang sedang dalam perawatan di rumah sakit memiliki resiko tertular infeksi lebih besar dari pada di luar rumah sakit. Lingkaran infeksi dapat terjadi antara pasien, lingkungan/vektor, dan mikroba. Sebagaimana uraian diatas, maka dalam makalah ini kami akan membahas mengenai salah satu masalah yang diakibatkan oleh terjadinya inveksi terhadap jaringan otak oleh virus, bakteri, cacing, protozoa, jamur, atau ricketsia, yang biasa disebut dengan ensefalitis. Ensefalitis adalah radang jaringan otak yang dapat disebabkan oleh bakteri, cacing, protozoa, jamur, ricketsia atau virus (Arif Mansur : 2000). Ada banyak tipe-tipe dari ensefalitis, kebanyakan darinya disebabkan oleh infeksi-infeksi yang disebabkan oleh virusvirus. Ensefalitis dapat juga disebabkan oleh penyakit-penyakit yang menyebabkan peradangan dari otak. Dengan gejala-gejala seperti panas badan meningkat, sakit kepala, muntah-muntah lethargi, kaku kuduk, gelisah, serta gangguan pada penglihatan, pendengaran, bicara dan kejang. Virus atau bakteri memasuki tubuh melalui kulit, saluran nafas dan saluran cerna, setelah masuk ke dalam tubuh, virus dan bakteri akan menyebar ke seluruh tubuh dengan beberapa cara. Salah satunya adalah pada jaringan otak yang nantinya akan menyebabkan ensefalitis. Berdasarkan faktor penyebab yang sering terjadi maka ensefalitis diklasifikasikan menjadi enam tipe, yaitu : ensefalitis supurativa, ensefalitis siphylis, ensefalitis virus,
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