Policy & practice
Training for hearing care providers
Mahmood F Bhutta,a Xingkuan Bu,b Patricia Castellanos de Muñoz,c Suneela Gargd & Kelvin Konge
Abstract The lack of an appropriately trained global hearing-care workforce is recognized as a barrier to developing and implementing
services to treat ear and hearing disorders. In this article we examine some of the published literature on the current global workforce for
ear and hearing care. We outline the status of both the primary-care workforce, including community health workers, and specialist services,
including audiologists, ear, nose and throat specialists, speech and language therapists, and teachers of the deaf. We discuss models of
training health workers in ear and hearing care, including the role of task-sharing and the challenges of training in low and middle-income
countries. We structure the article by the components of ear and hearing care that may be delivered in isolation or in integrated models
of care: primary care assessment and intervention; screening; hearing tests; hearing rehabilitation; middle-ear surgery; deaf services; and
cochlear implant programmes. We highlight important knowledge gaps and areas for future research and reporting.
The lack of an appropriately trained global hearing-care
workforce is recognized as a barrier to developing and implementing services to treat ear and hearing disorders.1–3 This
barrier is a particular issue in many low and middle-income
countries, where a historical lack of awareness of the impact of
such disorders, and a lack of prioritization against competing
health needs, has led to low investment in relevant specialist
Both general (primary care) and specialized health workers can be used to deliver ear and hearing services (Fig. 1).
They can be deployed in a variety of service delivery models,
which may be informed by a needs assessment and evaluation
of existing regional health infrastructure.1
The primary-care workforce for ear and hearing health
may include community health workers, primary care nurses
or primary care physicians, any of whom who may screen
for disease and provide preventive or medical care. In most
low-resource settings, there are inadequate numbers of doctors to provide primary hearing care, and in several countries
nurses or community health workers fill this workforce gap.
Community health workers have been defined as those who
work predominantly in the community rather than in a health
facility and have received some formal training in the tasks
they perform, but do not have a certificate or degree-level
education.2 In 2014 there were some estimated 5 million community health workers worldwide, with a particularly large
workforce in India and Indonesia.2
Secondary or specialist care is traditionally delivered by
audiologists who can test hearing and provide hearing aids;
ear, nose and throat specialists who may offer medical or surgical treatment (surgery particularly for chronic suppurative
ear disease); speech and language therapists who may assist
adults and children with disabling hearing loss; and teachers
of the deaf who can provide educational support to children
with severe hearing loss.
Surveys conducted in the last few years reveal that in
many low- and middle-income countries specialist workers in ear and hearing care are either sparse or non-existent
(Fig. 2).3–9,11,12 In addition the tasks undertaken by such specialists may encompass a variety and variable complexity of
roles. In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland, for example, training pathways exist for audiometrists (who perform basic diagnostic hearing tests), hearing
aid dispensers (who supply and fit hearing aids), health-care
science practitioners (who provide a range of diagnostic tests
and treatment) and clinical scientists (who provide tests and
treatments that includes complex cases). In other countries,
the names and roles of the workforce in audiology are similarly disparate.3 Among ear, nose and throat specialists, not all
will operate on the ear; in the United Kingdom, for example,
only 15% identify themselves as ear specialists,13 and surveys
showed that facilities for complex ear surgery were poor or
non-existent five out of 15 ear, nose and throat centres in
Central and Eastern European countries,12 four out of six ear,
nose and throat centres in Central American countries,5 and
five out of 22 ear, nose and throat centres in Africa.6
Two parallel strategies can be pursued to fill the workforce
gap in ear and hearing care. The first strategy is local capacity
development, through the training and development of additional workers in the field of ear and hearing health. Even
though locally delivered training may be preferred,14 delivering this training may be challenging: if there are inadequate
human or physical resources in a country to deliver ear and
hearing services, then usually these resources are likely to
be inadequate to train or enable others to do the same. In
the initial stages of workforce development, training may
require collaboration with experts from outside of the region
or country. The second strategy is task-sharing, which is the
redistribution of tasks among different cadres of health workers, typically from specialist workers to those with less training. Such an approach requires a re-evaluation of traditional
job roles, and an open yet critical analysis of where and how
Department of Ear, Nose and Throat, Royal Sussex County Hospital, Eastern Road, Brighton BN2 5BE, England.
Jiangsu Ear and Hearing Centre, Jiangsu Province Hospital, Nanjing, China.
Centro de Audición CEDAF, Guatemala City, Guatemala.
Department of Community Medicine, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India.
School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia.
Correspondence to Mahmood Bhutta (email:
[email protected]).
(Submitted: 17 December 2018 – Revised version received: 12 May 2019 – Accepted: 14 May 2019 – Published online: 20 August 2019 )
Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:691–698 | doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.2471/BLT.18.224659
Policy & practice
Human resources for ear and hearing care
Fig. 1. Potential human resources to deliver different components of an ear and
hearing care programme
Primary care
Ear, nose and
throat specialist
and language
of the deaf
Primary care Screening
assessment and
Hearing Middle ear
rehabilitation surgery
Programme component
Traditional role
Potential extended roles through task-sharing
task-sharing may be both possible and
In this article we assess opportunities for developing human resources
in ear and hearing health. We present
some of the relevant literature on training and development, and ask what has
been shown to be effective or ineffective,
and where there are opportunities and
knowledge gaps. We identified relevant
articles through a review of articles indexed in the PubMed® online database,
using search terms “Training AND
Audiology OR Otology OR Teacher
Deaf OR Speech Language Therapy” as
well as a search of the grey literature.
We also look at examples of task-sharing
and assess relevant outcomes reported
from such initiatives. We structure the
article by seven components of ear and
hearing care that may be delivered in
isolation or in integrated models of
care: (i) primary-care assessment and
intervention; (ii) screening; (iii) hearing tests; (iv) hearing rehabilitation;
(v) middle-ear surgery; (vi) deaf services; and (vii) cochlear implant programmes (Fig. 1).
Primary-care assessment
and intervention
With an appropriately trained workforce, assessment and intervention for
some ear and hearing disorders can potentially be undertaken in primary care.
There are descriptions of programmes to
train community health workers in such
skills, and some anecdotes of success.1
However, we found that the current literature lacks evidence of important outcome of such efforts, especially changes
to patient care or service delivery.
The World Health Organization’s
(WHO’s) Primary ear and hearing
care training resource,15 which is currently being revised, provides theoretical knowledge on ear and hearing
disorders. The four training manuals
include protocols for practical skills in
examination of the ear (otoscopy); dry
mopping of ear discharge; syringing of
the ear; and assessment of hearing in
babies and adults. These manuals have
been used in several countries to train
community health workers, including
Brazil, Burkina Faso, China, Colombia, Fiji, Kenya, Malawi and Nigeria.16
Other regional or national resources for
training community health workers are
available, for example the Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander ear health manual17
from Australia, and the Chinese ear and
hearing care training manual.18 Training programmes to date have reported
learner outcomes of community health
workers in terms of short-term improvements in knowledge,16 rather than ability
to independently assess or manage ear
and hearing disorders.
Other studies suggest that community health workers can acquire
sufficient practical skills to assess and
manage patients.16 Community health
workers in India were able to perform a
whispered voice test to screen for hear-
ing loss in adults,19 and in Malawi they
could identify patients with potential
hearing problems.20 Several studies have
shown that community health workers
are able to capture images on digital
otoscopy.16 In all these initiatives, however, the community health workers sent
captured data for expert assessment and
did not personally instigate diagnosis,
management or intervention.
Further research on methods and
outcomes of training is needed to provide evidence on if, how and to what
extent training of community health
workers enables them to undertake
independent assessment and management of patients with ear and hearing
disorders. Consequently, evidence will
also show to what extent task-sharing
may be possible in hearing care.
Achieving this higher level of ability
in community health workers may be
ambitious. It will likely require support
from experts, both in delivering the
training and in providing supervision
in the initial stages of independent
practice. In nations where such experts
are available within the country, current
technology may enable remote education and supervision.1 Where in-country
expertise is lacking, partnerships with
other countries may be helpful, notwithstanding cultural and language barriers.
It is also unclear if the development
of such expertise should be targeted
at generic community health workers
(who may have competing obligations,
for example in delivering maternal or
child health programmes) or whether
training of a subset of specialized community hearing health workers would
be preferable.
Screening for hearing loss may include
mass population screening for neonatal
hearing loss or targeted screening of
people classified as high-risk based on
their geographical location or patientspecific factors (for example indigenous
groups at risk of middle-ear disease or
children who have suffered meningitis
at risk of sensorineural hearing loss).
Automated devices have simplified several screening protocols. In the
majority of European or other highincome settings, screening for neonatal
hearing loss is undertaken by a nurse
(or sometimes an audiologist) using
automated otoacoustic emission or
auditory brainstem response devices.21
Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:691–698| doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.2471/BLT.18.224659
Speech and language therapists
Specialists per
million population
No data
Ear, nose & throat specialists
Specialists per
million population
No data
Human resources for ear and hearing care
Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:691–698| doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.2471/BLT.18.224659
Fig. 2. Global workforce of specialists in ear and hearing care
Teachers of the deaf
Specialists per
million population
No data
Specialists per
million population
No data
3 500 km
Notes: We plotted data collated from several workforce surveys,3–10 including raw data obtained for the World Health Organization survey11 and for the study by Verkerk et al.12 Such surveys rely on self-reporting and accuracy of data is
therefore not assured. Where data were available from more than one source, we used the most recent figures.
Policy & practice
Policy & practice
Human resources for ear and hearing care
Studies from India22 and Nigeria23 show
that, after two weeks of training, community health workers can also perform
automated neonatal screening using
such devices. Screening in neonates
by community health workers using a
low-cost rattle made from wood and
metal spheres has also been described
in India,24 and in children and adults
using a semi-automated mobile phone
application (following only a few hours
of training) in South Africa.25 Hence,
the evidence suggests that automated
screening of hearing is a feasible task
for a variety of health workers, following
only a relatively short period of training.
Hearing rehabilitation
In many high-income countries, audiologists provide most of expertise in
hearing assessment and rehabilitation,
but task-sharing in this field has been
described. A literature review found
several studies reporting that community health workers were able to perform
pure tone audiometry, the basic test of
adult hearing, but details of the training
given or the accuracy of the results were
lacking in such studies.16 A study from
the Dominican Republic reported that
a charity developed a 3-month training
programme for staff with at least secondary school education to perform basic
hearing tests.26 Again, detailed methods
or outcomes were not reported.
The fitting of hearing aids is also
open to task-sharing. A survey of 62
countries globally in 2008 found that in
12 countries ear, nose and throat specialists undertook hearing tests, and in 11
countries they fitted hearing aids.3 In
India, a cadre of science graduates were
trained over six weeks to perform pure
tone audiometry and to fit and maintain
hearing aids for people with moderate
to severe hearing loss, with successful
long-term benefit to communication
reported by the majority of users.27 Future technological advances may further
simplify these tasks.
Provision of more complex audiology services requires a specialized
workforce and longer training. In Bangladesh, a trial of accelerated training
of community health workers over two
weeks to carry out play audiometry (a
method to test hearing where young
children are asked to respond to sound
by performing a task) proved unsuccessful.28 In the past, many audiologists
visited neighbouring countries to obtain
training, such as those from the Central
and South America visiting Argentina,
Mexico or the United States of America.4
Many nations now report in-country
training programmes.11 Again, we found
no published literature detailing the
nature and duration of these training
initiatives or learner outcomes.
Further studies are needed in this
field, particularly those reporting methods and outcomes from the training of
non-specialist workers to perform basic
tests of hearing and to provide hearing
rehabilitation services.
Middle-ear surgery
The two operations for treating suppurative ear disease are tympanoplasty and
mastoidectomy, both of which involve
complex microsurgery on the temporal
bone of the skull. Training in ear surgery is difficult, even in resource-rich
environments. Standardized educational
programmes exist in countries such as
Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom
and the United States, which typically
comprise 5–6 years of specialist training
in ear, nose and throat surgery,29 including training on cadaveric material. 30
A survey in the United States showed
an average of 4.5 years before trainees
felt able to perform tympanoplasty or
mastoidectomy independently.31 Data
from the United Kingdom suggested
that trainees in the last two years of
training may still have suboptimal
outcomes from tympanoplasty 32 and
be unable to perform mastoidectomy
independently.33 One should note that
such trainees are learning all aspects of
ear, nose and throat surgery, not only
otological surgery.
Targeted training in ear surgery
may be available in low- and middle-income countries, but is often not possible
due to a lack of in-country expertise,
relevant equipment or (due to logistic or
sometimes religious constraints) cadaveric material for rehearsal. Alternative
simulation using plastic bones or virtual
tools is possible, although inferior for
learning outcomes and not without
cost.34 Ear, nose and throat specialists
may go abroad to train. For example,
specialists from Malawi35 and Zimbabwe7 have been trained in South Africa,
and those from Bhutan and Nepal in
Malaysia, 8 although outcomes from
such training have not been reported.
However, training in a foreign country
may be difficult, because limited opportunities exist, medical qualifications
may not be recognized internationally
and the financial or language barriers
can be substantial.
An alternative is to rely on visiting
specialists to deliver training. In many
low- and middle-income countries, specialists from high-resource settings visit
on trips (missions) to provide a surgical
service to the local patient population,
and many will try to incorporate training into such trips. However, a recent
survey from the United States of ear,
nose and throat surgeons involved in
global health found that the majority focused on missions, but that only
35% (125 out of 362) had been to the
same hospital more than once, and that
93% (187 out of 202) went for no more
than two weeks.36 Critics question the
ability to provide meaningful training
and local capacity development though
such short-term and inconsistent visits.
Interviews with ear, nose and throat
trainees in Cambodia revealed they
deemed these types of missions to be of
little educational value.37
Coordinated missions can, however, be fruitful. A collaboration between
ear, nose and throat departments in
three North American medical schools
(University of British Columbia, New
York University School of Medicine
and University of Ottawa) delivered incountry training in Uganda through frequent missions and a structured training
programme. 38 The project started in
2001 and the first independent mastoid
operation by a Ugandan surgeon was
performed four years later.
Another model is to provide prolonged in-country training by a visiting
resident specialist. In Cambodia, two
local ear, nose and throat trainees were
trained by visiting ear, nose and throat
specialists from the United Kingdom.37
The first visiting surgeon was a continuous resident for six months and taught
tympanoplasty. The second surgeon was
a continuous resident for four months
and taught mastoidectomy. At the end
of this period, trainees were able to
perform both operations independently,
with high self-reported confidence and
surgical success (for tympancoplasty:
88%; 100/113; tympanic membrane
closure and 81%; 76/89; with improved
Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:691–698| doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.2471/BLT.18.224659
Policy & practice
Human resources for ear and hearing care
It is uncertain if those with lower
levels of background training could also
perform ear surgery. Clinical or medical
officers, who are not doctors, have been
trained to deliver surgical care, such
as laparotomy or caesarean section, in
many countries,39 In some countries,
such as Cameroon, Kenya, Malawi,
Mali and Togo,6 this training includes
performing simple ear, nose and throat
operations, such as removal of foreign
bodies, adenoidectomy or tonsillectomy.
There are no reports of the outcomes
from such training, and to date, the only
record of trying to train such workers to
perform tympanoplasty was said to be
The existing literature suggests that
the acquisition of skills in ear surgery
is achieved via a focused, coordinated
and consistent mentorship approach,
taking place over several months or
years. Future programmes for training
in ear surgery should look to incorporate
such ideals.
Deaf services
Deaf services typically involve teachers
of the deaf, and speech and language
therapists. There are few published data
on the methods or effectiveness of training for teachers of the deaf,41 making it
difficult to know what a successful training programme might include.
Many countries have reported the
existence of a training programme for
speech and language therapists. In several countries in South America, and
in some areas of India, audiology, and
speech and language therapists are one
profession, with a subspecialization.42,43
In some instances speech and language
therapists have trained abroad. For
example, therapists in Paraguay have
trained in Brazil, therapists in Bolivia
and Venezuela in the United States,42
and therapists in the Philippines and
Singapore in Australia, the United
Kingdom and the United States.43 Other
examples document programmes in
speech and language therapy that have
been established with foreign assistance:
for example in Sri Lanka and Uganda
with volunteers from the United Kingdom,44,45 in Togo with volunteers from
France,46 and in Viet Nam with volunteers from Australia.47 The institutions
in Togo and Uganda have subsequently
become regional centres in Africa,
training speech and language therapists
specialists in Benin, Gabon and Mali,46
and in Rwanda and the United Republic
of Tanzania, respectively.44 Some authors
have expressed concerns that foreign
assistance in the development of training curricula for speech and language
therapists risks marginalization of populations who may differ linguistically or
culturally. For example this has occurred
with the under-provision of speech and
language therapists services to the black,
economically disadvantaged population
of South Africa.48
While the guiding principles of
speech and language therapy or deaf
education are universal, the specific
nature of the training will be determined by the local culture and language
(whether spoken or signed). Such differences means that sharing of training
resources or learning across linguistic
regions or borders may be difficult or
even inappropriate. Outside assistance
may be helpful to guide the set-up of
services, but such initiatives need to
remain sensitive to local needs.
Cochlear implant
Cochlear implants are surgically implanted devices for those affected
by severe hearing loss. Implant programmes should ideally incorporate
comprehensive pre-implant assessment
and post-implant rehabilitation and
support, which requires appropriately trained audiologists, ear, nose and
throat surgeons, and teachers of the
deaf or speech and language therapists.
Anecdotally, cochlear implants have
been performed in many low- and
middle-income countries without such
a comprehensive team, leading to concerns that such programmes may not be
optimal. In general, data is lacking on
outcomes from cochlear implantation
in low- and middle-income countries,
although data from several countries
in South America and Asia show that
in most locations implant use rates are
over 95%.49,50
Additional challenges
Other issues compound the challenges
to human resources and training outlined above. One is the lack of special-
Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:691–698| doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.2471/BLT.18.224659
ist equipment, such as audiometers for
performing hearing tests;4 hearing aids
for rehabilitation; or microscope, drill
and micro-instruments for performing
ear surgery.1 Another is the retention of
staff after training. In low- and middleincome countries, health workers in
the charitable or public sector are often
poorly remunerated, and so trained staff
may leave to join the private sector. In
many Eastern European countries, for
example, otological surgery is more
available in the private sector compared
with the public sector.12 Processes to allow parallel public and private practice
by health workers may be one mechanism to counteract this issue.1
Training, development and task-sharing
are strategies that can be used to counter the significant human resource gap
for ear and hearing health. However,
the existing literature inadequately addresses or documents the potential for
these strategies.
In terms of training, most existing
studies with community health workers have reported outcomes in terms
of knowledge acquisition. We have
not found any studies that evaluated
whether community health workers
may be able to independently assess
and manage ear and hearing disorders
in primary care. In the more complex
tasks of undertaking hearing tests, hearing rehabilitation, middle-ear surgery
and provision of deaf services, only a
handful of studies describe training or
task-sharing and of these few report
Future studies should therefore
report not only models of training, but
also short and long-term outcomes of
training, including the effects on delivery of care. Such reporting will inform
those trying to emulate or translate such
training to other contexts, and so help
to optimize workforce development in
ear and hearing health. ■
We thank Shelly Chadha, Misha Verkerk,
Anki Wessling, Alvar Bhutta and Aisha
Competing interests: None declared.
Policy & practice
Human resources for ear and hearing care
بام يف ذلك دور مشاركة،القطاع الصحي يف رعاية األذن والسمع
املهام وحتديات التدريب يف البلدان ذات الدخل املنخفض والدخل
قمنا بوضع املقالة طبق ًا ملكونات رعاية األذن والسمع.املتوسط
تقييم:التي يمكن تقديمها بمفردها أو يف نامذج متكاملة للرعاية
الرعاية األولية والتدخل؛ والفحص؛ واختبارات السمع؛ وإعادة
تأهيل السمع؛ وجراحة األذن الوسطى؛ وخدمات الصم؛ وبرامج
وجماالت،نحن نركز عىل الفجوات املعرفية اهلامة.زراعة القوقعة
.البحث والتقارير املستقبلية
تدريب مقدمي خدمات رعاية السمع
من املعروف أن النقص يف القوى العاملة العاملية املدربة تدريب ًا
يمثل عقبة يف سبيل تطوير وتنفيذ،مالئ ًام عىل رعاية السمع
نقوم يف هذه املقالة.اخلدمات لعالج اضطرابات األذن والسمع
بالنظر يف بعض األدبيات املنشورة حول القوى العاملة العاملية
نحن نوضح حالة كل من القوى.احلالية لرعاية األذن والسمع
بام يف ذلك العاملني يف القطاع الصحي،العاملة للرعاية األولية
، بام يف ذلك أخصائيي السمع، واخلدمات املتخصصة،املجتمعي
وأخصائيي عالج النطق،وأخصائيي األذن واألنف واحلنجرة
نحن نناقش نامذج تدريب العاملني يف. ومعلمي الصم،واللغة
预 ;筛查 ;听力测试 ;听力康复 ;中耳手术 ;针对失
聪人士的服务 ;以及人工耳蜗植入计划。我们着重阐
Formation pour les prestataires des soins de l'audition
Le manque de prestataires de soins auditifs adéquatement formés à
l'échelle mondiale est considéré comme un obstacle au développement
et à la mise en œuvre de services destinés à traiter les troubles de l'oreille
et de l'audition. Dans cet article, nous examinons des documents
publiés au sujet de la main-d'œuvre mondiale actuelle au service des
soins de l'oreille et de l'audition. Nous présentons l'état de la maind'œuvre au service des soins primaires, et notamment des agents de
santé communautaires, ainsi que l'état des services de spécialistes, et
notamment des audiologistes, des spécialistes ORL, des thérapeutes de
la parole et du langage et des enseignants pour les personnes sourdes.
Nous étudions des modèles de formation des agents de santé axés sur
les soins de l'oreille et de l'audition, et en particulier sur le rôle du partage
des tâches et les problèmes liés à la formation dans les pays à revenu
faible et intermédiaire. Cet article s'articule autour des différents aspects
des soins de l'oreille et de l'audition, qui peuvent être fournis isolément
ou dans le cadre de modèles intégrés de soins: évaluation des soins
primaires et intervention; dépistage; examens auditifs; réhabilitation
auditive; chirurgie de l'oreille moyenne; services pour les personnes
sourdes; et programmes d'implantation cochléaire. Nous attirons
l'attention sur d'importantes lacunes et sur les domaines sur lesquels
pourraient porter les recherches et les rapports à l'avenir.
Обучение специалистов по охране здоровья слуха
Нехватка во всем мире надлежащим образом обученных
специалистов по охране здоровья уха и слуха рассматривается
как барьер для разработки и внедрения услуг по лечению
уха и нарушений слуха. В данной статье проведено изучение
опубликованной литературы, посвященной текущему состоянию
трудовых ресурсов по охране здоровья уха и слуха во
всем мире. Описано состояние как трудовых ресурсов
первичного звена, включая общинных медицинских работников,
так и специализированных услуг, включая аудиологов,
оториноларингологов, логопедов, преподавателей для лиц с
потерей слуха. Обсуждаются модели обучения специалистов
здравоохранения в области охраны здоровья уха и слуха, включая
роль распределения задач и проблемы обучения в странах с
низким и средним уровнем дохода. Статья структурирована
по компонентам охраны здоровья уха и слуха, которые можно
обеспечить изолированно или в интегрированных моделях:
первичная оценка и вмешательство, скрининговое обследование,
испытания слуха, реабилитация при потере слуха, хирургия
среднего уха, услуги для лиц с потерей слуха, программы
установки кохлеарных имплантов. Акцентировано внимание
на важных пробелах в знаниях, а также областях дальнейших
исследований и отчетов.
Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:691–698| doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.2471/BLT.18.224659
Policy & practice
Human resources for ear and hearing care
Formación para proveedores del cuidado de la salud auditiva
Se reconoce que la falta de trabajadores especializados en el cuidado
de la salud auditiva a nivel mundial constituye un obstáculo para el
desarrollo y la implementación de servicios de tratamiento de los
trastornos auditivos y del oído. En este artículo examinamos parte
de la literatura publicada sobre los trabajadores que actualmente se
dedican al cuidado de la salud auditiva y del oído en todo el mundo.
Describimos la situación de los trabajadores de atención primaria,
incluidos los trabajadores sanitarios de la comunidad, y de los servicios
especializados, incluidos los audiólogos, los especialistas en oído, nariz
y garganta, los terapeutas del habla y del lenguaje, y los profesores
de las personas sordas. Discutimos los modelos de formación de los
trabajadores sanitarios en el cuidado de la salud auditiva y del oído y
de la, incluyendo la función de la asignación de tareas y los retos de la
formación en los países de ingresos bajos y medios. Estructuramos el
artículo por los componentes del cuidado de la salud auditiva y del oído
que se pueden prestar de forma aislada o en modelos integrados de
atención: evaluación e intervención de la atención primaria; exámenes;
pruebas de audición; rehabilitación de la audición; cirugía de oído medio;
servicios para las personas sordas; y programas de implantes cocleares.
Destacamos importantes lagunas de conocimiento y áreas para la
investigación y presentación de informes en el futuro.
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