Precambrian Research 127 (2003) 89–101
Formation of Earth’s early Archaean continental crust
R.H. Smithies a,∗ , D.C. Champion b , K.F. Cassidy b
Geological Survey of Western Australia, 100 Plain Street, East Perth, WA 6004, Australia
b Geoscience Australia, GPO Box 378, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
Accepted 10 April 2003
Subduction of oceanic crust at an unusually low-angle has been proposed as a model for the growth of continental crust older
than about 2.5 Ga. At modern zones of low-angle-, or flat-subduction, magmatic additions to new crust come from partial melting
of both the subducting oceanic crust (slab) and the thin wedge of mantle above the slab. Evidence for both a slab and wedge
source is preserved in most late Archaean (3.0–2.5 Ga) terrains, but we find little evidence that a mantle wedge contributed to
crustal growth prior to ∼3.1 Ga. This lack of evidence in part reflects a dearth of exposed crust aged between 3.0 and 3.3 Ga, but
also suggests that subduction enriched mantle source regions did not develop before ∼3.3 Ga and possibly not before 3.1 Ga. In
contrast to most modern terrains and some late-Archaean terrains, early Archaean (>∼3.3 Ga) continental crust evolved through
direct melting of thick mafic crust. We invoke a process of subduction that does not include the development of a mantle wedge,
and call this process Archaean flat-subduction to distinguish it from modern low-angle subduction.
© 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Archaean; Crustal evolution; Magmatism; Low-angle subduction; Enriched mantle
1. Introduction
Opinion on how Earth’s earliest continental crust
evolved is strongly divided. A popular uniformitarian view is that it formed in the Archaean (>2.5 Ga)
as it has today (e.g. Lowe, 1994; Kusky and Polat,
1999), primarily through accretion of volcanic arc
material. However, features that characterise modern
convergent margins (e.g. high-pressure metamorphic
belts, ophiolites, etc.) are absent from much of the
Archaean record (e.g. Condie, 1997) and this has led
to an alternative view that modern-style plate margin
processes played little role in Archaean crustal evolution (Hamilton, 1998). It has also been suggested that
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +61-8-9222-3611;
fax: +61-89-222-3633.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (R.H. Smithies).
crust-forming processes evolved throughout the Archaean (e.g. Davies, 1995, 1998; De Wit, 1998). While
brittle and partially hydrated oceanic plates might
have both existed and interacted in the early Archaean
(here taken as ∼3.3 Ga and older), modern-style subduction and arc accretion processes may only have
emerged towards the late Archaean (De Wit, 1998).
Earlier crust may have evolved through melting of
very thick, or perhaps stacked, mafic crust (Davies,
1995, 1998; De Wit, 1998).
It is widely believed that the Archaean mantle was
hotter than modern mantle and underwent more extensive melting, which would have resulted in oceanic
crust that spread at a higher rate and was thicker,
warmer and more buoyant than modern oceanic
crust—and would have strongly resisted subduction
(e.g. Abbott and Hoffmann, 1984; Bickle, 1986;
Hoffman and Ranalli, 1988; Abbott et al., 1994). An
0301-9268/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R.H. Smithies et al. / Precambrian Research 127 (2003) 89–101
emerging view is that if subduction occurred in the
Archaean then faster moving, more buoyant oceanic
crust subducted at a much lower angle than it typically
has done in modern subduction zones (e.g. Abbott and
Hoffmann, 1984; Martin, 1986; Abbott et al., 1994).
Oceanic crust at today’s convergent margins is
typically subducted at a steep angle of ≥30◦ (e.g.
Gutscher et al., 2000a), with extreme inclinations
of 70◦ recorded at some subduction zones (e.g.
Vanuatu—Peate et al., 1997). Subduction at angles
<30◦ is less common and has been variously referred
to as low-angle-, shallow- or flat-subduction (e.g.
Jarrard, 1986; Abbott et al., 1994; Gutscher et al.,
2000a, b). Conditions favouring truly flat-subduction,
where the slab actually approaches a horizontal plane,
occur at only ∼10% of today’s convergent margins
(Abbott et al., 1994; Gutscher et al., 2000a) but that
figure may have decreased from 99% at ∼3.0 Ga
(Abbott et al., 1994).
At modern convergent plate margins, crustal growth
has typically occurred via accretion of arc-related material (e.g. Rudnick, 1995) largely derived from the
wedge of peridotitic mantle between the steeply subducting oceanic slab and the overriding crustal plate.
This mantle wedge has partially melted as large ion
lithophile element (LILE)-rich volatiles are released
from the slab (Fig. 1). The result is basaltic and andesitic ‘calc-alkaline’ arc magmas enriched in LILE.
In the less common case of modern low-angle-,
and flat-subduction, the slabmelts to produce silica-,
Na- and LILE-rich magmas (Kay, 1978) called
adakites (Fig. 1; Drummond and Defant, 1990). This
oceanic crust
melting of metasomatised
(LILE-rich) mantle calc-alkaline magmas
arc basalt
and andesite
oc old
ea , c
nic old
cru ,
slab - dehydration and
metasomatism of overlying mantle
oceanic crust
oc oung
ea ,
nic wa
cru rm
slab melting – TTG
melting of mantle metasomatised
by addition of slab melt (adakite) and/or
volatile phases – boninite-like rocks, high-Mg
andesite, Nb-enriched basalt
hybridisation of slab melt–
high-Mg TTG, high-Mg andesite
Fig. 1. Modern-style steep- and low-angle subduction, showing contrasting magma sources—note that a mantle wedge still occurs during
flat- and low-angle subduction and slab-derived melts typically interact significantly with that wedge.
R.H. Smithies et al. / Precambrian Research 127 (2003) 89–101
high-pressure melting occurs in the presence of garnet
and amphibole, but commonly not plagioclase, and
leaves adakite notably depleted in heavy rare earth
elements (e.g. Yb) and enriched in Sr compared to
calc-alkaline rocks (Drummond and Defant, 1990).
Gutscher et al. (2000b) suggest that the main cause of
very low subduction angles is the subduction of unusually thick (plateau) oceanic crust, but in some cases it
is more likely the result of subduction of anomalously
young and hot oceanic crust (e.g. Drummond and
Defant, 1990; Defant and Drummond, 1993). Defant
and Kepezhinskas (2001) note that some adakites
have been produced during fast subduction (i.e. with
high convergence rates), which, according to Jarrard
(1986) and Gutscher et al. (2000b), should typically
also be at a lower angle. Other mechanisms that may
lead to adakite production, but that don’t necessarily
involve low-angle-, or flat-subduction, include arc–arc
collision, the initiation of subduction, or slab-tearing
(Defant and Kepezhinskas, 2001). Importantly, however, Gutscher et al. (2000a) noted that ∼80% of
modern zones of flat-subduction are linked to adakite
Thus, a low-angle-, or flat-subduction model predicts that adakite-like rocks should be very common in the Archaean, and this is certainly the case.
Granitic rocks with adakite-like compositions form
the tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) series
that volumetrically dominates many areas of Archaean crust (Martin, 1987; Drummond and Defant,
1990). The complimentary dearth of calc-alkaline arc
(‘wedge-derived’) basalt and andesite, particularly
in early Archaean terrains, is consistent with highly
buoyant Archaean oceanic crust, and suggests that
steep-subduction was unlikely to have been an important process throughout much of the early Archaean.
In modern-day slab-derived magmas, high Mg#
(Mg/(Mg + Fetot )), Cr and Ni provide strong evidence for interaction with a mantle wedge, and this is
most obvious in high-Mg andesite, Mg-rich adakite,
and adakite−Nb-enriched basalt associations (Kay,
1978; Defant and Drummond, 1993; Mahlburg Kay
et al., 1993; Yogodzinski et al., 1995; Kelemen, 1995;
Kepezhinskas et al., 1997; Rapp et al., 1999). The
mantle wedge, therefore, is still an important contributor to arc-related crustal growth during modern
low-angle- and flat-subduction. In this paper we show
that, unlike the case at modern subduction (steep,
low-angle or flat) settings, there is very little evidence
for any interaction between slab-derived magmas and
mantle material prior to c. 3.1 Ga. One reason for this
might be that styles of subduction involving a mantle
wedge, including low-angle- and flat-subduction, may
not be appropriate for early Archaean crustal growth.
We propose an alternative process whereby one slice
of oceanic crust is subducted (or thrust) beneath another, in a way that totally excludes a mantle wedge.
We refer to this process as Archaean flat-subduction,
both to distinguish it from modern flat-subduction
and to emphasize that subduction of hydrated oceanic
crust remains the fundamental process.
2. Mantle-wedge interaction and the Archaean
rock record
2.1. Mg-rich adakite
Adakites and TTGs share characteristics such as
high Al2 O3 , Sr, Na2 O/K2 O and La/Yb and low Yb,
which suggest that both formed through high-pressure
melting of basaltic crust (e.g. Drummond and
Defant, 1990; Martin, 1999). Modern-day adakites are
restricted to convergent margins, so there has been a
strong tendency to link TTGs to analogous subduction
environments in the Archaean (e.g. Drummond and
Defant, 1990; Martin, 1987, 1999; Drummond et al.,
Very few modern-day adakites are purely highpressure melts of basaltic slabs. Their ascent through a
peridotitic mantle wedge results in interaction with the
wedge, and this is clearly demonstrated by systematic
shifts to higher Mg# and lower SiO2 (Kay, 1978; Rapp
et al., 1999) (Fig. 2). Some late Archaean TTG suites
show this trend, but very few, if any, pre-3.0 Ga suites
show this evidence for mantle interaction, even in the
most mafic end-members (Smithies, 2000) (Fig. 2).
Smithies (2000) and Smithies and Champion (2000)
interpreted the Mg# versus SiO2 range for TTG to
suggest that the mantle wedge contributed to petrogenesis only in the late Archaean (post c. 3.0 Ga), and
even then, was not always involved. Martin and Moyen
(2002) also examined the petrogenesis of TTG and
considered a greater range of elements (including Ni,
Cr and Sr). These authors concluded that there was
actually a systematic increase in the contribution of
R.H. Smithies et al. / Precambrian Research 127 (2003) 89–101
interaction with mantle wedge
TTG < 3.0 Ga
TTG > 3.0 Ga
SiO 2wt%
Fig. 2. Variation of Mg# with SiO2 for modern adakites and for Archaean TTG (modified after Smithies, 2000). Broad arrow shows the
typical affect of contamination of adakite by mantle. TTGs older than c. 3.0 Ga do not show this trend but form a broad field at lower
Mg# and higher SiO2 . Compositional variation within that field is controlled primarily by varying degrees of melting of a hydrated mafic
source and by plagioclase and hornblende fractionation.
mantle peridotite to TTG petrogenesis from the early
to late Archaean. Their data, however, can also be interpreted to show that the concentrations of Cr and Ni
do not increase with decreasing age until c. 3.0 Ga,
and show a marked increase after 3.0 Ga (although it
must also be noted that there are relatively few data
for Ni and Cr compared to the other elements that
Martin and Moyen (2002) considered). Similarly, with
the addition of data for the 3.45 Ga primitive TTGs
from the Shaw Granitoid Complex of the Pilbara Craton (Sr up to 900 ppm—Bickle et al., 1983, 1993), the
concentration of Sr can also be interpreted to show
no increase with decreasing age from c. 3.5 Ga until
c. 2.75 Ga, with a marked increase after that (Fig. 3).
Consequently, an alternative interpretation of the data
presented by Martin and Moyen (2002) is that they
reflect little, if any, TTG-mantle interaction before
c.3.0 Ga, but that such interaction rapidly became important in the late Archaean.
Defant and Kepezhinskas (2001) have suggested
that one reason why Archaean TTG suites show little
or no evidence for interaction with a mantle wedge
might be that the very high volumes of melt driven off
the thick slab swamped the thin mantle wedge. This
might explain why low-Mg# (Cr, Ni) TTGs dominate
early Archaean crust but not why high-Mg# TTGs
are virtually absent. Periods of low slab-melt/mantle
peridotite ratio, such as at the early or late stages
of slab-melting, or at marginal zones between asthenospheric mantle and the adakite-swamped mantle wedge, should have provided an opportunity for
extensive interaction of slab-melts with the mantle
wedge. Such interaction may have also been expected
at the cessation of subduction as asthenospheric mantle moved back to reclaim the wedge, and enriched
mantle created in this way would have been a suitable
source for subsequent sanukitoid magmatism (see below). There is very little evidence that this occurred
in the early Archaean.
An important conclusion of Martin and Moyen
(2002) was that the pressure at which TTGs were
produced was much lower before c. 3.5 Ga than in
R.H. Smithies et al. / Precambrian Research 127 (2003) 89–101
Sr ppm
Time (Ga)
Fig. 3. Plot showing variation in Sr concentration in TTGs (grey dots) throughout the Archaean. This diagram has been modified after
Martin and Moyen (2002) by the addition of data for c. 3.45 Ga TTGs from the Pilbara Craton (Bickle et al., 1983, 1993).
the late Archaean. This is indicated by significantly
lower Sr concentrations (<600 ppm) in rocks older
than 3.5 Ga, reflecting a plagioclase-rich residual
assemblage in their genesis (Fig. 3). Consequently,
regardless of the subduction angle, pre-3.5 Ga subducted slabs may have melted at a level shallow
enough to have effectively precluded any interaction
between slab-melts and mantle (Martin and Moyen,
2002). This melting is envisaged to have occurred
at shallower depths than the peridotite solidus in the
corresponding mantle wedge, although that solidus
may also have occurred at a shallower level in a hotter
early Archaean mantle than it does in today’s mantle.
Importantly, when data for the 3.45 Ga TTGs from the
Pilbara Craton (Bickle et al., 1983, 1993) are added to
the Sr versus time plot of Martin and Moyen (2002),
it appears that between 3.5 Ga and c. 2.75 Ga, maximum Sr concentrations were not only much higher
than those for pre-3.5 Ga TTGs, but they remain
rather constant at ∼900–1000 ppm (Fig. 3). These
concentrations are higher that average modern-day
adakite values of ∼700 ppm (e.g. Drummond et al.,
1996; Martin, 1999). Thus, the source for post- 3.5 Ga
TTGs probably contained less residual plagioclase,
and melting typically occurred at a deeper level than
was the case for the >3.5 Ga TTG, but there is still
no clear evidence that TTG magmas interacted within
mantle peridotite until ∼3.0 Ga.
2.2. High-Mg andesites
High-Mg andesite is rare in the Archaean, but the
intrusive equivalent, high-Mg diorite or sanukitoid,
forms a minor but widespread component of most late
Archaean terrains. High Mg# s (commonly > 60) and
high Cr and Ni contents require a mantle source but
high LILE concentrations are believed to reflect either
a subduction-modified source or mantle contamination of a slab-melt (Shirey and Hanson, 1984; Evans
and Hanson, 1997; Rapp et al., 1999; Smithies and
Champion, 2000).
Average Archaean continental crust also has a
LILE-rich composition similar to that of high-Mg
andesite (Kelemen, 1995), and this has been used to
argue that interaction between slab-melts and a mantle
wedge played a key role in forming Archaean continental crust (Shimoda et al., 1998; Tatsumi, 2001).
However, where high-Mg diorite is recognised, it
typically forms <5% of outcrop, and it is too rich in
Th, U and K to represent magmas from which the
more common Archaean felsic rocks (TTG) evolved.
Furthermore, virtually all documented high-Mg
diorites are younger than 3.0 Ga (Smithies and
Champion, 2000) (the 3.2 Ga Kaap Valley Pluton in
South Africa (Robb et al., 1984) shares some features
of high-Mg diorite (Smithies, 2000) and may be a sole
pre-3.1 Ga example of such rocks). Also, it is more
R.H. Smithies et al. / Precambrian Research 127 (2003) 89–101
likely that the high-Mg andesitic composition of Archaean crust merely reflects the average of abundant
Archaean rock-types—TTG, basalt and komatiite
(e.g. Taylor and McLennan, 1985). High-Mg diorite magmatism does indicate that the mantle wedge
may have contributed to the growth of Archaean continental crust, but the contribution was very small
(≪5%) and this evidence is restricted to the late
2.3. Boninites
Boninites have low Ti, and Gd/Yb and high
Al2 O3 /TiO2 reflecting a refractory source, but high
LILE concentrations and high La/Gd suggest subsequent source enrichment (e.g. Sun and Nesbitt,
1978; Crawford et al., 1989). Only five cases of
Archaean rocks with these signatures have been
documented—from the c. 3.7 Ga Isua greenstones
of southern Greenland (Polat et al., 2002), c. 3.5 Ga
greenstones of the Barberton region of South Africa
(Parman et al., 2001), the c. 2.95 Ga Mallina Basin
in the central Pilbara Craton (Smithies, 2002) and
the c. 2.7 Ga greenstones of the Abitibi (Kerrich
et al., 1998; Wyman, 1999) and Opatica (Boily and
Dion, 2002) regions of Canada. A further example of
such rocks might be high La/Gd, Yb/Gd basalts recently identified within the c. 3.12 Ga Whundo Group
in the western part of the Pilbara Craton (work in
progress—Geological Survey of Western Australia
and Geoscience Australia)
The challenge with Archaean rocks of boninite-like
composition is to identify compelling evidence that the
observed LILE and LREE enrichments truly reflect an
enriched mantle source rather than simply crustal contamination during ascent. Because both enrichment
processes include crustal material, distinguishing between the two may be hard or impossible based on
the geochemistry of the boninite-like rocks alone. The
Abitibi suites, however, appear to have formed in an
oceanic environment and so their LILE-enrichments
are unlikely to be the result of crustal assimilation (Kerrich et al., 1998; Wyman, 1999), and the
composition of exposed crust in the Pilbrara Craton
cannot explain LILE- and LREE-enrichments in the
Mallina rocks (Smithies, 2002). The petrogenesis of
boninite-like rocks of the 3.12 Ga Whundo Group has
not yet been evaluated, although they form the lowest
part of a mixed sequence of basalts with both ocean
floor and calc-alkaline compositional characteristics
(work in progress—Geological Survey of Western
Australia and Geoscience Australia).
Although a subduction enriched source has been
suggested for the early Archaeaen boninite-like rocks
of the Isua and Barberton greenstone belts (Parman
et al., 2001; Polat et al., 2002), the possibility that
these rocks have simply assimilated felsic crust can
not be discounted. Parman et al. (2001) suggest that
crustal contamination of the boninite-like komatiites
of the Barberton region lacks support because the nature of the crust upon which the magmas were erupted
is not known and because the magmas themselves contain no crustal xenoliths. However, crustal xenoliths
are not frequently described from komatiites, even
from those shown to be contaminated (e.g. Arndt and
Jenner, 1986). Also, the early Archaean evolution of
the Barberton region and of the eastern part of the Pilbara Craton (Western Australia) is remarkably similar
(e.g. Zegers et al., 1998), and the recognition that c.
3.5 Ga mafic and ultramafic rocks of the latter were
erupted through, and contaminated by, felsic crust (e.g.
Green et al., 2000), clearly indicates that a similar fate
for the Barberton boninite-like komatiites should be
properly evaluated.
Polat et al. (2002) showed that the boninitic signature of the Isua boninite-like rocks can be reproduced
simply by assimilation of slightly older, regionally
available TTG crust. However, the exposed geology
provides no evidence for a direct relationship between the boninite-like rocks and the TTG crust, and
so Polat et al. (2002) invoke a modern-style subduction setting with a mantle source region enriched
through interaction with TTG-like slab-melt. It is
worth noting, however, that c. 3.8 Ga TTGs show
the least evidence for mantle interaction (Martin and
Moyen, 2002), a feature contrary to that expected
if the mantle source component of the boninite-like
rocks was indeed enriched by TTG-like slab-melts.
It is also important to note that the Isua greenstones
outcrop over an area of <140 km2 and form one of
the most deformed Archaean sequences. Cas et al.
(2001) show that rock relationships in the area are
extremely difficult, if not impossible, to confidently
assess. Consequently, any relationship between local
TTG crust and the boninite-like rocks might be impossible to either prove or disprove.
R.H. Smithies et al. / Precambrian Research 127 (2003) 89–101
2.4. Nb-enriched basalt
Nb-enriched basalt combines high LILE concentrations with Nb and Ta concentrations (and Nb/La
ratios) higher than those in typical arc- and continental basalts. Many modern examples of flat-subduction
show a strong association between adakites and
Nb-enriched basalts (Defant and Drummond, 1993;
Drummond et al., 1996), and these basalts are attributed to melting of a mantle wedge that has been
contaminated by slab-melt (Kepezhinskas et al., 1997;
Sajona et al., 2000). Wyman et al. (2000) note that
the common recognition of Nb-enriched basalt within
Archaean terrains would provide good evidence for
ancient mantle-wedge processes, but there are only
two documented occurrences (Wyman and Hollings,
1998; Wyman et al., 2000); both are from the Superior
Province and are 3.0 Ga or younger.
3. low-angle-, and flat-subduction in the
Low-angle-, and flat-subduction has been proposed
as a model for Archaean crustal growth, based primarily on the suggestion that Archaean oceanic crust
typically met the physical requirements (i.e. was
thick, warm and buoyant), and on the observation that
Archaean TTGs are compositionally similar to felsic
partial melts of recently subducted basaltic crust (e.g.
Drummond and Defant, 1990; Martin, 1999). This
model would explain the abundance of TTGs (as
slab-melts) and the complementary dearth of rocks
similar to modern-day, calc-alkaline arc products.
However, even in modern zones of low-angle-, and
flat-subduction there is still significant evidence that
the mantle wedge has contributed to arc formation by
way of a range of Mg- and LILE-rich magmas reflecting interaction between slab-melts and the wedge (e.g.
Kay, 1978; Drummond and Defant, 1990; Kelemen,
1995; Kepezhinskas et al., 1997).
For the late Archaean, the best evidence for the
development of a subduction-modified mantle comes
from the Abitibi subprovince (Superior Province) and
the central part of the Pilbara Craton. Both contain
boninite-like rocks and high-Mg andesites (sanukitoids) while the Abitibi subprovince also contains
Nb-enriched basalt and TTGs that show evidence of
mantle interaction (e.g. high Mg# , Cr, Ni: Feng and
Kerrich, 1992).
Convincing evidence of a subduction-modified
mantle is considerably harder to find in the igneous
rock record of terranes that are older than ∼3.1 Ga,
although the boninite-like rocks of the Barberton and
Isua greenstone belts must be viewed as possible
evidence. At least for the period between 3.1 and
3.3 Ga, this may in part reflect a relative dearth of
preserved outcrop. However, for the early Archaean,
and possibly also the period between 3.1 and 3.3 Ga,
we suggest that either the mantle was not frequently
enriched through recycling of crust at subduction
zones, or that such ‘enriched’ sources made no contribution to crustal growth at subduction zones. Either
case contrasts strongly with processes at most modern convergent margins, including low-angle-, and
flat-subduction zones, where subduction modified
mantle wedge has provided a primary source for new
or recycled crust. Modern-style subduction processes,
including flat-subduction, are not thoroughly appropriate models for the evolution of early Archaean
crust, and are probably not even universally applicable
for late Archaean crustal evolution.
4. Discussion—towards a better model
Thermal considerations indicate that early Archaean mafic crust was typically too thick, warm and
buoyant to subduct steeply, if it could have subducted
at all (e.g. Abbott and Hoffmann, 1984; Hoffman and
Ranalli, 1988; Abbott et al., 1994). The estimated
thickness of Archaean oceanic crust ranges between
∼15 and 45 km (Bickle, 1986; Abbott et al., 1994;
Ohta et al., 1996), significantly thicker than typical
modern oceanic crust (∼7 km—e.g. Hoffman and
Ranalli, 1988), and thicker than most modern oceanic
plateau crust (15–20 km—Gutscher et al., 2000b).
Even on the modern Earth, oceanic plateau crust is
very difficult to subduct and may instead be obducted
or even ‘injected’ (i.e. tectonically underplated) into
the lithosphere (Tarney, 1992). If oceanic crust was
subducted in the early Archaean, it would have almost certainly have done so at a very low-angle. The
actual mechanism of subduction may also have differed from those that are believed to drive modern
flat-subduction. According to Gutscher et al. (2000a),
R.H. Smithies et al. / Precambrian Research 127 (2003) 89–101
in the rare case of modern flat-subduction the typically
steep angle of subduction shallows to a near horizontal trajectory as normal thickness oceanic slab is
replaced by thicker oceanic (including plateau) crust.
In the Archaean, however, it is unlikely that any form
of subduction was typically facilitated by a preceding
phase of steep subduction. We suggest that buoyant
Archaean oceanic crust was not dragged into a subduction zone, but was pushed by very high spreading
rates (e.g. Hoffman and Ranalli, 1988), with one edge
thrust beneath, or even into, the other. This model
excludes a mantle wedge altogether and is similar in
some respects to earlier models proposed by Wilks
(1988), De Wit (1998) and Davies (1992). The process
represents underthrusting or tectonic underplating,
and we refer to it here as ‘Archaean flat-subduction’.
Under these circumstances, compositional differentiation of earliest mafic crust can only have proceeded
through direct internal melting of the thickened crust.
Two constraints on the evolution of early crust are
that the voluminous TTG suites require a considerably more voluminous mafic source, and that melting
of that source must have occurred at depths great
enough to stabilise garnet (garnet amphibolite or
eclogite) (∼40 km or more: Wyllie et al., 1997), even
in the early Archaean. Zegers and van Keken (2001)
estimated that melting between 3.48 and 3.42 Ga
alone contributed a volume of TTG to the Pilbara
Craton equivalent to a layer up to10 km thick. Up
to ∼20% partial melting of hydrated basalt produces
TTG-like melts (Rapp et al., 1999), so 10 km of
TTG crust equates to a ∼50 km thick basaltic source
region that must have resided at depths of 40 km
or more. Either the crust (including a lower 50 km
of basaltic material) was at least 90 km thick, or a
very large amount of mafic crust was cycled through
the melting zone over a ∼60 million-year period.
Such estimates would obviously be even higher if
the amount of partial melting of basaltic crust is less
than the assumed 20%. Furthermore, the common
occurrence in Pilbara granites of inherited zircons
with ages older than c. 3.48 Ga (Van Kranendonk
et al., 2002), and Nd-isotopic data (Fig. 4), indicate
that TTG production was certainly not confined to
the period between 3.48 and 3.42 Ga, and so these
estimates should be considered a minimum. Indeed,
seismic refraction data shows the Pilbara Craton to be
between 30 and 35 km with an average density con-
sistent with a felsic composition (Drummond, 1988).
Geochronological and Nd-isotopic data suggest that
the vast majority of crust in the eastern part of the
Pilbara Craton was produced before c. 3.4 Ga, and has
simply been recycled since then (Fig. 4 and Champion and Smithies, in prep). To generate a maximum
combined 35 km thickness of TTG crust would have
required a combined thickness of up to ∼170 km of
mafic crust (assuming 20% melting of basaltic crust)
to have been below the garnet-present melting zone
before c. 3.4 Ga. Clearly, the actual amount of mafic
crust below the garnet-present melting zone at any
single stage was almost certainly considerably less
than 170 km. However, the volume of mafic crust
indicated in these rough calculations is clearly inconsistent with any form of magmatic underplating.
Rather, it strongly suggests that the mafic source
for the TTG was continuously processed through a
garnet-present melting zone, in a way very much like
oceanic crust is cycled through modern subduction
Consequently, we suggest that early continental
crust evolved through direct partial melting of thick
(perhaps overthickened; e.g. De Wit, 1998), and continuously replenished, hydrated oceanic crust, by a
process of Archaean flat-subduction, with little or no
contribution from subduction-enriched mantle. One
possible schematic representation of the development
of thick earlier Archaean mafic crust is presented
in Fig. 5. The process of Archaean flat-subduction
may have been locally, or perhaps more generally,
facilitated by ductile lower crustal weak zones in
the thick oceanic crust or in the evolving, thickened
proto-continental crust. It has been suggested that
modern continental crust that is thick and hot (e.g.
Basin and Range Province, Tibetan Plateau) may develop a middle- or lower-crustal viscous layer capable
of significant flow on geological time scales (e.g.
Ranalli and Murphy, 1987; Burchfiel et al., 1989;
Block and Royden, 1990; Clark and Royden, 2000).
According to Hoffman and Ranalli (1988), Archaean
oceanic crust with a thickness of ≥25 km would have
a similar rheological structure. We speculate that Archaean flat-subduction may, in some cases, have been
initiated at lower-crustal weak zones as high oceanplate spreading rates (Bickle, 1986; Hoffman and
Ranalli, 1988) pushed thick buoyant oceanic crust
R.H. Smithies et al. / Precambrian Research 127 (2003) 89–101
Major granitic events in the eastern part of the Pilbara Craton
Intrusive age ranges
(SHRIMP U–Pb zircon ages)
Model ages, and number
of Nd–isotopic analyses
Fig. 4. Variation in the depleted mantle model ages (TDM ) determined on granites from seven distinct felsic intrusive periods in the
eastern part of the Pilbara Craton (Nd-isotopic data—Bickle et al., 1989, 1993; Geological Survey of Western Australian and Geoscience
Australia, unpublished data; and Champion and Smithies, in prep). According to Zegers and van Keken (2001), melting between 3.48 and
3.42 Ga (hatched area), contributed a volume of TTG equivalent to a layer up to10 km thick, however, it is clear from this TDM plot that
considerable felsic crust was also generated prior to that period.
Partial melting in the lower portion of the thick
crust leads to TTG magmatism, which subsequently
forms the earliest felsic continental crust (Fig. 5a).
The dense, melt (TTG)-depleted material that remains
(eclogite) is returned to the mantle through a process
of delamination, which may proceed via a process of
negative diapirism (e.g. Davies, 1995, 1998; Zegers
and van Keken, 2001) or may also be initiated along
lower-crustal weak zones, possibly as a result of further Archaean flat-subduction (Fig. 5b). If Archaean
oceanic plates were faster moving that their modern
counterparts (e.g. Abbott and Hoffmann, 1984), tectonic thickening of mafic crust may also have been
rapid, with the potential to produce felsic crust at a
high rate. Faster moving Archaean plates also suggest
that horizontal ‘ridge push’ would have been a dominant force and any ‘gap’ created by delamination may
have been readily filled both from beneath, by mantle upwelling, and from the sides by further Archaean
flat-subduction (Fig. 5b). These competing processes
provide both a fertile source for further TTG magmatism (i.e. cycling hydrous oceanic crust into the
melting zone) and heat (upwelled mantle) to melt that
source. Voluminous mafic volcanism forms a large
proportion of the basal successions of early Archaean
greenstones, and was a feature that occurred in several distinct stages throughout the 3.48–3.42 Ga evolution of the Pilbara Craton (Hickman, 1983; Van
Kranendonk et al., 2002). These mafic rocks are intercalated with felsic volcanic rocks on a craton-wide
scale, but neither mafic nor felsic rocks shows any
clear evidence for mantle-wedge type processes (e.g.
Green et al., 2000). Zegers and van Keken (2001) have
suggested that these rocks might also be a result of
delamination induced mantle upwelling events.
Our model is an attempt to explain only the relative
temporal distribution of diagnostic igneous rock types
throughout the Archaean, with considerably lesser at-
R.H. Smithies et al. / Precambrian Research 127 (2003) 89–101
older thickened
TTG oceanic
rapid plate
lower crustal
weak zone
melting zone - TTG source
- eclogite residue
TTG rich
upper crust
TTG melting zone
melting of
upwelled mantle
sinking eclogite
Fig. 5. Cartoon showing possible mode of early Archaean crustal evolution by Archaean flat-subduction. TTG crust is produced as the
lower part of thickened mafic crust melts and is converted to eclogite. (a) Shows oceanic crust (slabs) subducted beneath (1) slightly older
thickened mafic (oceanic) crust. It also shows Archaean flat-subduction initiated at lower-crustal weak zones (slabs 2 and 3) speculated
to develop in thick and warm crust (see text). Eclogite is delaminated (b) and replaced by “TTG-fertile” oceanic crust from the sides
and from above (Lithostatic loading). Upwelled mantle provides both heat for subsequent TTG production, and a source of basalt for the
supercrustal greenstone successions.
tention paid to other lines of evidence (e.g. structure) pertaining to early crustal growth. The scenario
presented here does not exclude the possibility that
modern-style subduction (steep or flat, but accompanied by a wedge) occurred before c. 3.1 Ga, or indeed,
before 3.3 Ga; boninite-like rocks such as those of the
Barberton and Isua greenstone belts (Parman et al.,
2001; Polat et al., 2002) may suggest that it might
have. However, the instances of such events must have
been sufficiently low that preservation of diagnostic
evidence has not yet been clearly identified. The scenario is also simplistic, and it seems likely that the
warmer Archaean Earth worked in at least two complimentary ways to ensure that interaction between
slab-melts and mantle peridotite was not a dominant
process before c. 3.1 Ga—by causing slab-melting at
lower pressures (Martin and Moyen, 2002) and by
producing thicker, buoyant and faster moving oceanic
crust. By the end of the Archaean (∼2.5 Ga), however,
oceanic crust was less buoyant and slab-melting occurred at higher pressures such that processes resembling modern-style low-angle subduction operated frequently enough to ensure that evidence was preserved
in most terrains.
R.H. Smithies et al. / Precambrian Research 127 (2003) 89–101
Many crustal growth models have suggested a significant increase in the growth rate of continental crust
around 3.0 Ga (e.g. McLennan and Taylor, 1982). We
suggest that the more or less coincident emergence of
evidence for a subduction-modified mantle contribution to crustal growth marks a fundamental change in
the actual process of crustal growth, with the beginning, in earnest, of modern-style mantle-wedge formation and contribution to juvenile crust.
We thank Arthur Hickman, Steve Sheppard, ShenSU Sun, Ian Tyler, Martin Van Kranendonk and Lesley
Wyborn for reviews and/or discussions. Thanks also
to journal reviewers, Dallas Abbott (who suggested
we consider lower crustal weak zones), Hervé Martin and Hugh Rollinson, who provided many helpful
comments. Lisa Cosgrove is thanked for drafting the
figures. Published with the permission of the Director,
Geological Survey of Western Australia and the Chief
Executive Officer, Geoscience Australia.
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