A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the
requirements of the Manchester
Metropolitan University for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
Faculty of Education
The Manchester Metropolitan University
September 2019
Table of Contents
List of Tables ................................................................................................ i
List of Figures .............................................................................................. ii
Abstract ................................................................................................................. iv
Acknowledgements .................................................................................... vi
Glossary .................................................................................................... vii
Chapter 1: Introduction ........................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ................................................................................ 1
1.2 Aims of the Research ................................................................. 3
1.3 Design of the Study .................................................................... 4
1.4 Key Issues That This Thesis Will Address ................................. 4
1.5 Personal Interest ........................................................................ 5
1.6 Overview of the Thesis ............................................................... 6
Chapter 2: Review of the Literature ........................................................ 9
2.1 Thinking and Learning ................................................................ 9
2.2 Metacognition and Learning ..................................................... 11
2.2.1 Measuring Metacognition ...................................................... 14
2.2.2 Conversational Exchanges .................................................... 16
2.3 Computer Game Design and Learning ..................................... 22
2.3.1 Learning in Curriculum Subjects ........................................... 24
2.3.2 Developing 21st Century Skills .............................................. 27
2.3.3 Developing Computational Thinking ..................................... 30 Defining Computational Thinking ....................................... 31 Assessing Computational Thinking in Computer Games .. 34
2.3.4 Promoting Metacognition ....................................................... 39
Chapter 3: Methodology ........................................................................ 42
3.1 Mixed method approach ................................................................... 42
3.2 Research Paradigm ........................................................................... 46
3.3 Participants ....................................................................................... 50
3.4 Data Collection Techniques............................................................... 53
3.4.1 Participant Observations ................................................................ 53
3.4.2 Informal Conversations .................................................................. 55
3.4.3 Semi-structured Interviews ............................................................ 55
3.4.4 Learning Journals and Problem-Solving Sheets ............................ 55
3.4.5 Group Discussions ........................................................................ 56
3.4.6 Metacognitive Skills Instrument ..................................................... 57
3.4.7 Children’s Game Plans and Completed Games ............................ 57
3.5 Data Collection ................................................................................. 58
3.6 Data Analysis .................................................................................... 61
3.7 Ethical Considerations ....................................................................... 73
Chapter 4: The Educational Value of Children's Game Making
Activities ................................................................................................. 77
4.1 Curriculum Subjects ................................................................. 78
4.2 21st Century Competencies ...................................................... 82
4.2.1 Collaboration ......................................................................... 83
4.2.2 Critical Thinking and Problem solving .................................. 88
4.2.3 Communication .................................................................... 92
4.2.4 Creativity ............................................................................... 94
4.3 Computational Concepts ......................................................... 97
4.4 Conversation for Self-regulated Learning .............................. 100
Chapter 5: Developing Computational Thinking ............................... 103
5.1 Towards a Multi Evaluation Approach for Assessing CT ....... 103
5.2 Computational Concepts ........................................................ 104
5.2.1 Computational Concepts in Scratch ................................... 112
5.2.2 Computational Concepts in Alice ....................................... 120
5.3 Metacognitive Practices ........................................................ 126
5.4 Learning Behaviours ............................................................. 127
5.5 Game Mechanics .................................................................. 134
Chapter 6: Conversational Exchanges ............................................. 140
6.1 Conversational Exchanges: An Overview ............................. 140
6.2 The Modes of Conversational Exchanges .............................. 150
6.3 The Interaction Between the Modes of Conversation ............ 164
Chapter 7: Measuring Metacognition ................................................ 169
7.1 Data Analysis of Metacognitive Skills .................................... 169
7.2 A Framework for Metacognitive Skills .................................. 183
7.3 Metacognitive Skills Instrument (MSI) for Game Making ...... 189
Chapter 8: Conclusions ....................................................................... 198
8.1 Implications of the Key Findings ............................................ 198
8.2 Implications for Teacher Education ....................................... 206
8.3 Contributions to Knowledge .................................................. 208
8.4 Limitations of the Research ................................................... 210
8.5 Further Research .................................................................. 210
Appendices ............................................................................................ 213
Appendix 1: Example Data Analysis (Interviews) ........................ 213
Appendix 2: Example Data Analysis (Observations) ..................217
Appendix 3: Consent Form for Parents …....................................218
Appendix 4: Consent Form for Children .......................................220
Appendix 5: Children’s Own Planning Sheets ............................. 222
Appendix 6: Planning Templates ................................................. 224
Appendix 7: Problem Solving Sheet ........................................... 226
Appendix 8: Metacognitive Skills Instrument (MSI) .................... 227
References ............................................................................................. 229
List of Tables
Table 1: Data collection methods ................................................. 53
Table 2: Peering for the focus children ......................................... 60
Table 3: Mapping the data to specific questions .......................... 62
Table 4: Data collection techniques and themes used for RQ 1 ... 63
Table 5: Data analysis process for RQ 1 ...................................... 64
Table 6: Data collection techniques and themes used for RQ 2 ... 67
Table 7: Data analysis process for RQ 2 ....................................... 68
Table 8: Data collection techniques and themes used for RQ 3 .. 69
Table 9: Data analysis process for RQ 3 .......................................................... 70
Table 10: Data collection techniques and themes used for RQ 4 .. 71
Table 11: Methods used for assessing metacognition .................. 71
Table 12: Programming constructs ............................................. 105
Table 13: Scratch Case Study ..................................................... 114
Table 14: Mean scores for programming constructs .................. 117
Table 15: Comparing pair and independently created games ...... 119
Table 16: Alice case study .......................................................... 121
Table 17: Scoring system for Alice programming constructs ...... 122
Table 18: Mean scores for programming constructs ................... 124
Table19: Gender comparison of children’s games using Alice ... 125
Table 20: Game mechanics in children’s games ......................... 136
Table 21: Modes of conversation in game design context .......... 151
Table 22: A framework for metacognitive skills ........................... 185
Table 23: Items pool for metacognitive abilities .......................... 191
Table 24: The structure of the MSI and item factor loadings ....... 195
List of Figures
Figure 4.1: Records of a dialog in a game design sheet ............... 79
Figure 4.2: Child C’s log entry of mathematic problem ................. 80
Figure 4.3: Scratch scripts ............................................................. 98
Figure 4.4: Alice coding .................................................................. 99
Figure 5.1: Multiple Evaluation Approach to CT skills ................. 104
Figure 5.2: Sequence in Scratch and Alice ................................. 106
Figure 5.3: Loop in Scratch and Alice ......................................... 107
Figure 5.4: Events in Scratch and Alice ...................................... 107
Figure 5.5: Parallelism in Scratch and Alice ................................ 108
Figure 5.6: Conditionals in Scratch and Alice .............................. 109
Figure 5.7: Operators in Scratch and Alice ................................ 110
Figure 5.8: Timer variable in Scratch and Alice ........................... 111
Figure 5.9: Abstraction in Scratch and Alice ............................... 111
Figure 5.10: Kick about game interface ....................................... 113
Figure 5.11: Badguyrobot and Goodguyrobot animation screen . 120
Figure 6.1: Child K and H’s Robot fights entrance scene ............ 141
Figure 6.2: Child K and H’s Robot fights scene ........................... 143
Figure 6.3: Child D’s racing game using Scratch ........................ 146
Figure 6.4: The interaction between the different modes of
conversation ................................................................................. 165
Figure 7.1: Headings for the game planning template ............... 172
Figure 7.2: Planning for making game using Scratch .................. 173
Figure 7.3: Planning for making game using Alice ...................... 174
Figure 7.4: An example journal entry of monitoring activity ......... 175
Figure 7.5: Child C’s explanation of a mathematic problem ........ 177
Figure 7.6: A Framework for metacognitive abilities ................... 184
Figure 7.7: Scree plot graphic from exploratory factor analysis .. 194
This thesis examines children’s thinking, learning and metacognition when
designing their own computer games. The study aims to understand more
about what kind of learning takes place, and how it emerges whilst children
are authoring their own computer games. The aim is to get an insight into
the cognitive processes students exercise that activates the ‘thinking for
learning’, in particular in relation to the role of the teacher and digital game
making activities as a learning space.
Whereas mainly case studies and design-based research projects have
been used as methodologies to study learning with digital game making,
this study gives an ethnographic account by observing children’s problemsolving activities from moment to moment. Field notes were collected by
examining the language and the context children use for their ‘self’
explanations and group discussions, the gestures, the culture of their
relationship with their teacher, peers and technology in their classroom
settings. A metacognitive skills self-report instrument was created and used
to investigate the metacognitive skills that children develop whilst working
on their games. The data were collected for a period of eight months,
conversations and video recordings of children’s group discussions in a
primary school in London. Learning logs and problem-solving sheets were
introduced for the ten focus children to record their thinking when solving
problems. During this research there were many opportunities to observe
the changes in a child’s reasoning over time, which provided an insight into
children’s mental activities.
The study found that game design activities have many learning benefits for
children. The main themes that are emerged from the study include
metacognitive awareness; CT; learning in curriculum subjects; and
developing transferrable 21st century skills. Furthermore, the role of
conversation in triggering thinking processes and self-regulated learning are
discussed using data from the study.
Although the study provides insight into different aspects of learning during
game design, it also highlights the difficulty in evaluating these different
learning benefits. The results contribute to the growing body of knowledge
about how to evaluate children’s computational skills by providing a multiple
evaluation model and a Metacognitive Skills Instrument (MSI) for measuring
metacognitive skills that children develop whilst making their computer
games. The challenges and limitations of these methods are discussed to
form questions for the future studies.
This PhD would now have been possible without the support of my husband
Simon Allsop and my son Simon Peter Allsop. My interest in children’s game
making activities was triggered by Prof. Andrew Burn from London
Knowledge Lab and transformed into a study with the guidance of Dr John
Jessel from Goldsmiths, University of London.
I owe a special thanks to my first supervisor Prof. Nicola Whitton, who
allowed me to develop this study through my own journey and supported
me throughout the research. Her willingness to read and provide me with a
constructive feedback is what kept me on task constantly.
I offer my thanks to my second supervisors Sarah McNicol who has been
my first supervisor from 2019 and she went over and above supporting me
to complete this PhD. Her encouragement and guidance is what helped me
to stay on track.
I would like to say a thank you to my third supervisor Susan Bermingham
who have been very supportive during this sometimes very challenging
I thank all my students past, present and future as without them this thesis
would not be completed. They continue to inspire me to do better through
asking questions.
I would like to dedicate this PhD to my mum, Emis Soysal, who worked very
hard for my sister and me to have choices in life that she was not given. It
was only because of her that I managed to go to school and receive basic
education, which today enabled me to complete a PhD in the UK in a
language that other than my mother tongue.
21st Century skills refer set of skills and abilities that have been identified
as being required for success in 21st century society and workplaces by
educators, business leaders, academics, and governmental agencies.
21st-century skills can be organised into the following categories: literacies
(literacy, numeracy, citizenship, digital, and media); competencies (critical
thinking, creativity, collaboration); and character qualities (curiosity,
initiative, persistence, resilience, adaptability, leadership).
Abstraction is the process of removing of all but the relevant data about an
object or problem to facilitate focus on pertinent concepts
Alice, Alice 2.4 is a block-based programming environment for creating
animations, building interactive narratives, or program simple games in
three dimensions
AI artificial intelligence, is the ability of the computer systems to learn
Coding is the process of designing, writing, testing, debugging /
troubleshooting, source code of computer programs
CSF Computational Sophistication Framework is an approach which is
developed by Werner, Denner and Campe (2014) for evaluating students’
games in an Alice programming environment
CAS Computing at School is a community of individuals who are passionate
about giving our children a great education in computing
Computational Concepts refer to the programming constructs that are
commonly used for completing tasks in programming environments such as
sequences, loops, conditionals, and variables
Computational Thinking (CT) is a problem-solving process that includes
characteristics such as logically ordering and analysing data and creating
solutions using a series of ordered steps (or algorithms).
Conditional is an instruction in a program that is only executed when a
specific condition is met
CFA is a statistical procedure that is used to verify the factor structure of a
set of observed variables.
Conversational exchanges is a form of inquiry that engages learners in
evaluating their thoughts, decisions and actions through conversations and
dialogues with an ‘invisible other’ and other collaborators which are
sometimes audible and / or sometimes visible through gestures
DES Descriptive experience sampling is a method developed by Russell
Hurlburt, for the observation and description of inner experiences. The
participants wear a an electronic ‘beeper’ in their natural environment and
when the beep sounds at random times they report on their inner
Dr Scratch is a web-based application for assessing computational thinking
concepts in games that are created in Scratch programming environment
Drag and Drop coding is a method of moving coding blocks from one place
to another by clicking on them with the mouse and moving them across the
GCS Game Computational Sophistication is an approach for measuring
children’s learning of computational concepts in Alice programming
Game mechanics are the main elements of games which defines how
players interact with the game
Gamestar Mechanic is an online game and community designed to teach
the guiding principles of game design and systems thinking
Inner speech is the silent expression of conscious thought to oneself in a
coherent linguistic form
Learning behaviours are the strategies, approaches and habits that have
been exhibited by children whilst working on a task, which promotes
Likert Scale is usually a five (or seven) point scale which is used to allow
the individual to express how much they agree or disagree with a particular
LOGO is an educational programming language, designed in 1967 by Wally
Feurzeig, Seymour Papert and Cynthia Solomon
Loop is a sequence of instructions that are repeated until a specific task
MAGICAL multilateral European project called Making Games in
Collaboration for Learning, which was co-funded under the European
Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme (KA3). The project set out to
investigate the viability and added value of Collaborative Digital Game
Making (CDGM) for learning, especially for supporting learners’ transversal
skills such as collaboration, creativity, problem solving and ICT literacy.
Metacognitive Activities Inventory (MCAI) is a questionnaire developed
by Cooper and Urena (2009) for measuring awareness of chemistry
Metacognition refers to a skill set which enables one to deploy and manage
one’s cognitive resources effectively to regulate one’s thinking and learning
Metacognitive practices can be seen as the trigger and executive control
for regulating cognitive activities, which includes planning, evaluation and
Missionmaker is a game-authoring software tool for making 3D
videogames quickly with no specialist programming knowledge
MSI Metacognitive Skills Instrument is a Likert type self-report instrument
designed to evaluate the metacognitive skills that children develop when
creating their own games for this study
Neverwinter Nights is a third-person role-playing video game developed
by BioWare
a programming
paradigm based on the concept of "objects", which may contain data, in the
form of fields, often known as attributes; and code, in the form of
procedures, often known as methods.
Operators are functions for both mathematical and logical expressions and
it enables the use of both numeric and string operations
Parallelism is making events take place at the same time for different
characters or for the same character
PISA the Program for International Student Assessment is an international
assessment that measures 15-year-old students’ performance in reading,
Mathematics, and Science literacy every three years.
Private speech is speech spoken to oneself for communication, selfguidance, and self-regulation of behaviour
Pseudocode is a detailed description of what a computer program or
algorithm must do, expressed in a formally-styled natural language rather
than in a programming language
Scratch is a free programming language and online community where you
can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations
Sequences are the series of steps for completing a task that can be
executed by the computer
Syntax error is an error in the source code of a program. It can be seen as
the small grammatical errors such as missing a semi colon or using an extra
bracket at the end of a line.
Squeak Etoys is a child-friendly computer environment and object-oriented
prototype-based programming language for use in education
Standard Deviation (SD) is a statistical term that measures the amount of
dispersion around an average.
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
Variables are a value, which can change depending on conditions.
Variables used for holding on to a value to use it later.
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background
Since computer games have become an integral part of the daily lives of
children (Gee, 2003; Granic, Lobel and Engels, 2014; Olson, 2010; Prensky,
2001), there has been interest in digital games for educational purposes
(Denner, Campe and Werner, 2019; Ke and Abras, 2013). The review of the
literature has shown that games can facilitate learning through increased
motivation (Boyle et al., 2016; Connolly et al., 2012; Vos, Meijden, and
Denessen , 2011; Wrzesien and Alcaniz Raya, 2010) and provide
“immersive and compelling social, cognitive, and emotional experiences”
(Granic, Lobel and Engels, 2014, p.1). A number of studies also highlighted
the impact of game playing on children’s learning, suggesting that games
can offer play opportunities that are very important for promoting children’s
development in numerous areas including, Mathematics, literacy and critical
thinking (Boyle et al., 2016; Evans et al., 2013; Habgood, Ainsworth and
Benford, 2005; Shin et al., 2012).
Traditionally, many studies around games and learning have focused on
game playing. However, recent influences of constructivist theories on
technology-supported learning, where learners actively build knowledge
through experiment and discovery, have led to an increasing interest in the
potential learning benefits of children creating their own games (Denner,
Campe and Werner, 2019; Kafai, 2012; Kafai and Burke, 2015). The ease
of having access to a vast range of game design programs online and the
ability to create digital games without any knowledge or technical skills also
motivated this interest (Denner, Campe and Werner, 2019). Kafai and Burke
(2015) argue that regardless of either the programming software that was
used or the age of the learners, “making games proved to be a compelling
context for learning computational concepts and practices and broadening
participants' perspectives on computing and STEM overall” (p.13). They
concluded that some studies in game making and learning mainly
addressed the outcomes on children’s learning in specific curriculum
subjects and problem-solving skills, rather than investigating the relation
between game making and development of metacognitive skills.
A few studies indicated that there are opportunities to teach 21st century
skills through computer game design (Bermingham et al., 2013; Carbonaro
et al. 2008; Jenson and Droumeva, 2016). According to the Organization
for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 21st century skills
are “those skills and competencies young people will be required to have in
order to be effective workers and citizens in the knowledge society of the
21st century” (Ananiadou and Claro, 2009, p. 8). Binkley et al. (2014) refer
to 21st century skills as the learning and innovation skills which include
critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication. Jenson et al.
(2016) argue that designing and making digital games, “can provide an ideal
framework for operationalizing 21st century learning” (p.111). Furthermore,
Pinto and Escudeiro (2014), suggest that creating games using Scratch
application can help children develop 21st Century skills such as creativity,
problem solving, and augmented media literacy and critical thinking.
The literature also provides us with a few studies focusing on children
developing their thinking skills through programming and game design
activities. For example, Papert (1980) used programming as a way to
promote learning general thinking skills. He described programming as a
construction tool for personal expression and knowledge construction.
Jonassen (1994) defined computers as cognitive tools and noted that when
used with constructivist learning environments, computers can activate
critical thinking and learning. Jonassen, Peck and Wilson (1999) described
technology as “the designs and environments that engage learners” (p.12).
They also talk about how learners learn the most when they become the
designer of the learning materials, rather than just learn from them. Dyer
(2008) focused on a number of games-making projects for primary school
children explaining that creating digital games motivates learners to
achieve; increases self2
esteem; provides opportunities for collaborative learning; develops problem
solving; develops students’ ability to observe, question, hypothesize and
test; and facilitates metacognitive reflection.
Whereas much has been written about the potential of game design as a
learning tool, the empirical evidence is still limited. There is also a lack of
focus upon developing an understanding of the cognitive process in
students’ minds that activates the thinking process in relation to the roles of
teacher and technology. The question is not whether game design
enhances learning; it is more about what kind of learning is supported, how
it emerges and how it can be evaluated in a classroom setting. Kafai and
Burke (2015) noted that in 55 studies they reviewed on making games, half
of the learning took place out of schools and half in the classroom. This
means game making is frequently integrated into classroom curricula and
there is a need to develop methods to evaluate the learning outcomes. This
will, therefore, be in the focus of this study.
1.2 Aims of the research
There are two main aims of this thesis:
To examine children’s thinking, learning and metacognition when
designing their own computer games.
To unfold the thinking and learning process in order to define the
elements of learning in a game-design context.
In exploring these two main aims, the thesis will consider four research
What is the educational value of children's game making
activities in relation to thinking, learning and metacognition?
How can children develop computational thinking skills whilst
making their computer games?
What is the role of conversational exchanges in metacognitive
process and children’s learning?
How can metacognition be measured in computer game
design context?
1.3 Design of the study
A mixed method approach was adopted, where ethnography is used as a
qualitative method alongside a self-report metacognitive skills instrument as
a quantitative method to closely examine children’s thinking and learning
when making games in a classroom setting. Using a mixed method
approach for the evaluation of children’s game-authoring activities
enhanced the contribution of both methods and provided richer data than
that which would have been gained through using one method alone.
Data from participant observations, semi-structured interviews, field
conversations, problem solving sheets, diary logs, game planning sheets,
video recording of group discussions, interviews, children’s completed
games and metacognitive self-report instrument were used to investigate
the children’s learning, thinking and metacognition when authoring
computer games.
1.4 Key issues that this thesis will address
It is very difficult to describe what exactly children learn by making digital
games, as this will depend on the way digital game design is integrated into
a learning environment, the teacher’s approach and learners’ resources.
Furthermore, it is valuable to mention that most of the games-making
activities that are mentioned in the literature are taking place in a controlled
environment, mainly in after school clubs for a short period, where learners
are willing to participate in the activity. Therefore, they are motivated from
the beginning. How this would manifest in an ordinary classroom setting,
where students have diverse skills, interests and needs, is another question.
This will be investigated in this study in depth.
Another issue explored through this study is the question of children’s
learning in game design context. What can be defined as learning and what
are the characteristics of these learning points and additionally how
these learning aspects can be evaluated in a classroom environment will be
investigated. The third issue explored is the role of metacognition in the
learning process of children and how language plays a part in triggering and
regulating these learning activities.
1.5 Personal interest
Since I became a primary school teacher in 2003, I have been curious about
how children learn. What I mean by this is beyond achieving learning
objectives that have been set for them, what actually happens in their minds.
I have shown particular interest in finding answers to questions such as;
‘how do children think?’, ‘what questions do they ask?’, ‘how do they trigger
this thinking process?’, and ‘how do they come to know and /or understand
This interest became more defined during my MA studies where I looked at
children’s learning whilst creating games using Missionmaker software,
which was created by Prof. Andrew Burn from UCL London Knowledge Lab.
I observed children not only talking aloud with their peers, but also to
themselves which is something was not visible during other lessons that I
taught such as history or literacy. This led me to complete a pilot study prior
to this research to investigate whether the process of children’s thinking
whilst making computer games was altered or not. The outcome was
fascinating as it showed that children followed a different way of thinking
when making computer games and, more interestingly, they were aware of
it (Allsop, 2016).
I wanted to focus more on the metacognitive process that children go
through when working on designing their games, especially the role of
language in helping them self-regulate their learning. This includes talk with
partners but also talk with self. I also wanted to highlight whether these
metacognitive activities have any links to CT, as my experience of teaching
programming to children has shown that programming is more than knowing
and using programming constructs. In order to select and apply the correct
coding scripts, students surely need to use other skills such as decisionmaking and evaluation. Therefore, I wanted to find out more about what
other skills they use whilst creating their games and whether this can be
transferred when learning in different contexts.
1.6 Overview of the thesis
Having introduced the research, I will give a brief overview of the remaining
chapters of the thesis.
Chapter 2 looks at the overview of the studies relevant to the focus of this
thesis. I start the chapter with discussing what learning is and how it relates
to thinking processes. I look at studies about metacognition and its role in
children’s learning alongside conversational exchanges in educational
contexts in detail as the main themes of this study. This is crucial for data
collection and analysis because it is not possible to recognize
characteristics of metacognitive skills without knowing what these are. The
methods for measuring metacognition are also explored using recent
studies which enabled me to create a framework and design a tool to
measure metacognitive awareness in game design context. The second
part of the literature review focuses specifically on learning that occurs
whilst children work on their computer games. Themes included in this
section are learning in curriculum subjects; developing 21st century skills;
computational thinking; promoting metacognition. Furthermore, studies
about measuring CT in game design context are examined in depth to
develop an approach for evaluating children’s learning of CT skills during
this research.
Chapter 3 provides details of the research design and methodology,
commencing with a rationale for adopting a mixed method approach,
followed by an exploration of data collection and analysis techniques. I
discuss the paradigm that encapsulates my personal approach to research,
namely pragmatism. I explain why a mixed method approach was adopted,
using ethnography as a qualitative method alongside a metacognitive skills
instrument as a quantitative method to examine children’s thinking and
learning when making games in a classroom setting. The data collection
methods were: participant observations, semi-structured interviews, field
conversations, problem solving sheets, diary logs, game planning sheets,
video recording of group discussions, children’s completed games and a
metacognitive skills instrument.
Chapter 4 is the first of four data analysis chapters. In this chapter empirical
data are used to represent the skills and approaches that were visible whilst
children were creating their computer games. Themes and categories that
emerged from systematic data analysis process are discussed using data
voiced by participants to give an insight into children’s experiences.
concepts, communication, creativity and critical thinking themes are
discussed in detail to illustrate the analysis of the learning process in game
design context.
Chapter 5 presents the analysis process for investigating what CT
constitutes and the ways to best evaluate it using both the support of
literature and the data collected from this study. I use qualitative directed
content analysis (Hsieh and Shannon, 2005) to examine the relevant
studies for defining what CT is and what approach is best suited to its
evaluation. I proposed a multiple evaluation approach for assessing CT
process to demonstrate the full scope of learning through CT process which
included four aspects: computational concepts, metacognitive practices,
learning behaviours and context (game design). A guide for evaluating
computational concepts in games that were created using the Alice and
Scratch programming environments is shared. This guide is then used to
assess computational concepts in two games that were created by
participants using Scratch and Alice programs. I use detailed extracts from
data to illustrate three other themes: metacognitive practices, learning
behaviours and game mechanics (context).
Chapter 6 draws some conclusions about how children used different
modes of conversation (conversational exchanges) to evaluate their
thoughts and regulate their learning process. Using the data from semistructured interviews, children’s problem-solving sheets, participant
observations and video recordings of group discussions, I was able to
investigate the types of conversation that took place whilst children were
creating their games. I use children’s quotes to demonstrate their own
experiences of using language for self-regulating their activities. I
investigated the interaction between the different modes of conversation
using both data from this study and relevant literature.
Chapter 7 is the last data analysis chapter. In this chapter I explore the
issues around metacognition in a classroom context. In this study, in order
to evaluate the metacognitive skills that children used when making games,
I used participant observations, interviews, journal logs, problem solving
sheets and a self-report instrument. The steps for designing a framework
for metacognitive skills and an instrument for measuring these skills in a
game design context are discussed in detail. The validity of the
Metacognitive Skills Instrument (MSI) for Game Making is examined and
suggestions to develop it shared.
In Chapter 8, I draw out some conclusions, issues and concerns raised
about defining and evaluating children’s learning in a game design context.
I discuss the challenges around measuring metacognition and the role of
the teacher in modelling metacognitive skills. Limitations of the research and
suggestions for further investigation are offered. The contributions of this
study to knowledge were also discussed. The thesis provides a platform for
sharing the voices of students, which are evident in the data extracts that
have been shared throughout the data analysis chapters.
Chapter 2: Review of the literature
This study investigates the link between learning, thinking and
metacognition in a game design context. In order to provide an overview of
the key literature, I begin with an introduction to children’s learning and
thinking processes in the context of school education. I then present an
overview of the concept of metacognition and investigate the role of
conversation in metacognitive processes. Finally, I discuss the educational
benefits of children’s game authoring activities under four headings:
learning in curriculum subjects, developing 21st century skills, CT and
promoting metacognitive awareness.
2.1 Thinking and Learning
Although there appears to be a general understanding of what the term
learning means in education, there is no agreed definition of learning
(Qvortrup et al., 2016). MacBlain (2014) noted that it is difficult to define
learning as most of the studies in this topic were undertaken in the field of
psychology. There seems to be lack of interaction between different fields
such as psychology and education (Qvortrup et al., 2016) which makes it a
challenging task for teachers to connect studies in the area of psychology
to education practice. Thus, learning might be defined from different aspects
depending on the researcher’s field. The Oxford English Dictionary (2017)
defines the term ‘learn’ as “The acquisition of knowledge or skills through
study, experience, or being taught”. It is not clear what this definition means
by as ‘the acquisition of knowledge or skills’, as acquisition in different
contexts can be at different levels and forms. For example, if a student is
learning to play a musical instrument, how do we decide at which grade they
acquired the necessary knowledge and skills to play an instrument?
Atkinson et al. (1993) define learning as “a relatively permanent change in
behaviour that results from practice” (p.227). Smith, Cowie and Blades
(2003) emphasize the importance of the environment on changes in
behaviour and suggest that, “the way an animal behaves depends on what
it learns from the environment” (p.34). This might be useful for explaining
the influence of an environment on observable behaviour, similar to the
behaviourist tradition (Skinner, 1971); however, it provides no information
about the process, in other words, the cognitive domain. Fontana’s (1995)
conceptualism provides the necessary clarification as he sees learning as
something that people make happen “by the manner in which they handle
incoming information and put it to use” (p.45). Ambrose et al. (2010) define
learning as “a process that leads to change, which occurs as a result
of experience and increases the potential for improved performance and
future learning” (p.3). This idea of learning being a dynamic process is also
supported by Piaget (1959) and Vygotsky (1978) who suggest that learning
occurs when children are actively involved in constructing meaning by using
their existing knowledge to make sense of new knowledge through social
The definitions of learning discussed above highlight that learning is not
something we do to learners but is the outcome of how learners respond
and interpret their experiences, in other words, how they make sense of
their experiences through thinking. This is also supported by Perkins (1992,
2003), who notes that learning is a consequence of thinking and successful
learning depends on making thinking visible to self and others. This shows
that there is a strong relation between thinking and learning, overlapping at
times. Thinking is a mental process to learn which happens through the
inward and outward effects of one’s actions in the physical world that
constitutes the skills of enquiry, creative thinking, reasoning, information
processing and evaluation (DfES, 2004). Similarly, learning also includes
developing the ability to think critically and to be analytical; to use
information effectively; to make decisions; and to think imaginatively,
creatively and critically (Jessel, 2012). Piaget (1977) notes that thinking is
an active process and it occurs as a result of learners’ interaction with the
world around them. Vygotsky (1986) discusses thinking from a social
perspective and emphasises the importance of language for articulating
thoughts and that enabling the organisation of these thoughts in a conscious
way. This is supported by Bruner (1986) who argues that “language is a way
of sorting one’s thoughts about things. Thought is a mode of organising
perception and action” (p.72). This suggests that thinking is used by
learners for self-regulating their activities and is triggered by language
As mentioned before, although learning and thinking can be argued to
constitute similar skills, learning is extensively dependent on how well
students can transfer and apply these skills to different learning contexts
(Fink 2003; Perry, 1970). Bransford, Brown and Cocking . (2000) argue that
the transfer of skills and knowledge is possible when learning involves more
than simple memorisation or applying a fixed set of procedures. Foremost,
students need to understand the concepts and become expert in the skills,
then know how, and when, to apply the skills to new situations. Although
these steps look very straightforward, they are only viable when one
develops the ability to understand and reflect on one’s own thoughts, in
other words, develop metacognitive skills (Fisher, 1998; Flavell, 1979).
Students can improve their learning by being aware of their own thinking
and regulating their learning activities. This link between thinking and
metacognition will be investigated further in the following section.
2.2 Metacognition and learning
In this section, I will provide an overview of metacognition and learning,
focusing on methods for measuring metacognitive skills and the role of
conversation in metacognitive process.
As a cognitive process, metacognition became a popular research field for
many educators and psychologists in the mid1970s (Brown, 1987).
Originally, Flavell (1979) described metacognition simply as ‘thinking-aboutthinking’ and emphasized the role of metacognition in managing cognitive
activities. Other studies explained metacognition as the process of
monitoring or regulating first-order cognition (Kuhn, 2000) and some
claimed that it refers to an individual’s awareness and knowledge about their
own cognition (Pintrich, 2002). First order cognition can be described as the
“operations on single cognitive elements such as single sets or functions.
Second order cognitions are operators which hierarchically integrate two
first order cognitive elements such as two sets or two functions” (Langer,
1993, p. 302). Over the years, many terms have been associated with
metacognition, such as meta-knowing, metacognitive skills, metacognitive
strategies, metacognitive awareness, higher order skills and self-regulation.
Although there is no unified definition of metacognition, it is widely accepted
that metacognition is important for learning (Kuhn, 2000; Pintrich, 2002;
Krathwohl, 2002).
A majority of the studies into metacognition distinguished metacognitive
knowledge (knowledge of cognition), from metacognitive control (regulation
of cognition) (Baker, 1991; Brown, 1987; Jacobs and Paris, 1987; Schraw
and Moshman, 1995). Metacognitive knowledge refers to what a person
knows about his or her own cognition and it usually includes declarative,
procedural, and conditional knowledge (Brown, 1987; Jacobs and Paris,
1987). Declarative knowledge refers to knowing ‘about’ things and it
includes knowledge about oneself as a learner (Flavell, 1979; Schraw and
Moshman 1995). It involves skills and strategies that are required to achieve
a goal. Procedural knowledge is all about knowing “how” to do things and it
refers to the execution of skills and the use of strategies for accomplishing
tasks successfully in different contexts (Brown and DeLoache, 1978;
Zimmerman and Risemberg, 1997). Conditional knowledge refers to
knowing “why” and “when” to use cognitive strategies, procedures and skills
(McCormick, 2003; Schraw and Moshman, 1995). Although Baker (1989)
suggests that adults have more knowledge about their own cognition in
comparison to children, Schneider (1985) notes that children aged 10-12
develop the ability to use cognitive strategies and regulate their learning by
spending more time working on complex situations.
Metacognitive control refers to metacognitive functions and activities that
help regulate and control one’s mental activities and learning. Planning,
monitoring and evaluation are seen as the main regulatory skills (Baker,
1989; Jacobs and Paris, 1987). Planning includes the allocation of cognitive
resources effectively and the selection of appropriate strategies for specific
tasks. Being able to come up with a sequence of strategies to achieve a
specific task is the core of the planning process, which can be seen as
creating an algorithm in the context of Computer Science. Monitoring refers
to being aware of how well one accomplishes the task. It may involve
constant testing and checking for errors similar to debugging when
programming. Evaluation involves assessing the learning process against
the set goals and criteria from the planning process, followed by further
planning if necessary.
Metacognitive practices allow learners to take control of their learning when
completing a task or solving a problem. Flavell (1979) argues that
metacognition is fundamental for learning in many areas such as oral
communication, oral comprehension, reading comprehension, writing,
memory, and problem solving; however, these claims are lacking empirical
evidence. A number of studies also claimed that these metacognitive
experiences also have an impact on students’ academic achievements
including reading, writing and Mathematics (Caretti et al., 2014; Dignath,
Buettner and Langfeldt, 2008; Vula et al., 2017) and other researcher teams
have suggested that students who are able to monitor and regulate their
own learning are more independent and successful learners (Annevirta and
Vauras, 2006). The heart of metacognition is the ability to think inwards and
organize mental activities in the mind, by visualizing the steps through
conversations with ‘self’. For example, when a child is asked to come up
with a narrative for their game design, they use their internal voices to talk
with themselves about their ideas before sharing their choice with others.
Sternberg (1998) argues that metacognitive skills are driven by motivation,
which activates learning and thinking skills; these then feed back into
metacognitive skills, enabling one’s level of expertise to increase. The
crucial question is: ‘can metacognitive skills be taught?’ Although many
studies in this area agree that metacognitive strategies can be taught
(Garner, 1990; Sperling et al., 2004), they also highlight that it is a very
challenging process to teach metacognitive skills. Flavell (1979) argues that
“increasing the quantity and quality of children’s metacognitive knowledge
and monitoring skills through systematic training may be feasible as well as
desirable” (p. 910). It is, however, critical to remember that facilitating
metacognitive development requires more than just teaching students about
metacognitive knowledge. It is essential to adopt an approach whereby
students are exposed to metacognitive practices that incorporate both
metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive regulation. This provides
students with the knowledge of cognitive and metacognitive strategies and
how to allocate them to monitor and evaluate their learning outcomes.
Lester and Garofalo (1986) argue that teachers can facilitate the
development of metacognitive knowledge through asking questions that
encourage students to reflect on their own thinking processes.
One of the most important aspects of metacognition, as mentioned before,
is that it enables students to self-regulate their mental processes which
enables them to manage their own learning. This is important as a number
of researchers suggest that there is a strong relationship between the level
of self-regulative skills and academic success (Bouffard et al., 1995;
Zimmerman, 1994). One of the reasons for this result might be that students
who regulate their own learning have developed awareness that their
learning is an outcome of their own attitudes and hard work. Knowing this
also impacts on a student’s motivation to achieve their goals. Still, in order
to develop self-regulative skills, students need to be exposed to a learning
context that would enable them to be actively involved in constructing their
own understanding of concepts and gain experience of managing their own
learning process.
2.2.1 Measuring Metacognition
The measurement of metacognition is extremely challenging, as individuals,
especially young people, are not always aware of the metacognitive
process. There are two different approaches to the measurement of
metacognition. First, qualitative methods such as observations, learning
journals, diaries and strategies such as think aloud can be used to capture
the metacognition process (Rickey and Stacy, 2000). Whitebread et al.
(2009) suggest that using observational methods, learners’ behaviours can
be recorded, which makes it possible to capture non-verbal behaviours.
However, the metacognition process is a complex construct that is individual
to each learner and not always directly observable (Sperling et al., 2002).
Although these methods can provide in-depth information about children’s
metacognitive awareness, it might not be appropriate with very young
children “whose verbal ability and working memory capacities are
incompletely developed” (Lai, 2011).
The second approach to the measurement of metacognition is self-report
questionnaires or rating scales that enable learners to describe or rate their
use of specific strategies. Questionnaires can be used with a large group of
learners and evaluated more quickly. However, it is not always clear if the
students fully understand the questions. Another issue with questionnaires
is that they do not provide the opportunities for in-depth investigations that
interviews offer. On other hand, teachers have to set time aside to
undertake interviews as it is not usually possible to integrate these into the
daily routine of a classroom environment. As there is no single method
available for measuring metacognition (Schraw, 2009; Tobias and Everson,
2002), any tool should be designed around the purpose required and involve
a blend of appropriate mediums appropriate for the age of the learners.
A few studies have investigated the instruments that can be used for
measuring a learner’s metacognitive awareness, mainly focusing on
domain-specific metacognition. Cross and Paris (1988) investigated
children’s metacognitive reading skills using The Reading Awareness
Interview. This instrument included 33 Likert Scale items and 19 open
ended questions. Sperling et al. (2002) used the Junior Metacognitive
Awareness Inventory with students in grades 3-9 (8-15 years old). Version
A was aimed at younger children and had 12 items with a 3-point scale.
Version B was designed for students in grades 6-9 (11-15 years old) and
contained 18 items with a 5-point Likert scale. The items asked about the
metacognitive strategies that each student had used. Kramarski and
Mevarech (2003) developed a metacognitive questionnaire to measure
general metacognition and domain-specific metacognition, in their case
Mathematics strategies. Students were asked to rate strategies that they
used from a given strategy inventory using a 5-point Likert scale that ranged
from ‘never’ to ‘always’.
Karamarski and Mevarech (2003) found that
students who received metacognitive instructions were able to use
metacognitive strategies that are specific to Mathematics such as
mathematical reasoning, representing concepts in many different ways, and
transferring skills to different tasks. This also shows that they were
successful at using a Likert scale to measure metacognitive knowledge.
Cooper and Sandi-Urena (2009) developed the Metacognitive Activities
Inventory (MCAI) to assess students’ metacognitive awareness during
chemistry problem solving, although the items included are relevant to many
problem-solving situations. Schraw and Dennison (1994) developed the
Metacognitive Awareness Inventory, which included 52 items such as “I am
good at organizing information,” “I summarize what I’ve learned after I’ve
finished”. One of the main concerns with using these self-report instruments
is that it is not clear whether they measure metacognitive knowledge in a
specific domain, rather than the quality and suitability of strategies that have
been selected and applied by learners. Another issue is that metacognition
includes different components such as planning, monitoring and evaluation.
Therefore, it may require different procedures for measuring these different
aspects of metacognitive skills.
2.2.2 Conversational Exchanges
Before proceeding to explore the role of language in the metacognitive
process, it is important to discuss how conversation differs from dialogue.
Conversation takes place between two or more participants and is a
communication process where an understanding of someone’s perception
is developed. It can be seen as a spontaneous debate to explore ideas and
share viewpoints without a pre-set intention. Dialogue, on the other hand
can be simply defined as a focused conversation with the purpose of
negotiating meaning. Bakhtin explains dialogue as ‘conversation and
inquiry’ (Bakhtin 1986, quoted in Alexander, 2000, p.520). This suggests
that dialogue is more structured and includes elements of questioning.
Bruner (1986) describes language as ‘a way of sorting one’s thoughts about
things.’ (p.72). This is relevant to metacognition because, as previously
described, the heart of metacognition is to be able to think inwards and
organize mental activities in the mind. This is a very important point as,
when we ask a child to ‘think’, it basically directs them to use their internal
voice to talk with their ‘self’. Asking questions to either ‘self’ or ‘others’ does
not aim to evaluate what a child already knows, rather, it enables them to
analyse, reflect, share and extend their understanding and thinking when
performing a task. Articulating their thoughts through language, learners
regulate their mental activities when designing solutions, making decision
and classifying-selecting appropriate strategies to accomplish a task. This
conversation element makes ‘thought’ more visible and manageable. In this
domain conversation becomes a function to negotiate meaning, rather than
a tool to communicate.
A number of theorists have explored the function of children’s self-talk,
namely private speech, egocentric talk and self-directed speech (Flavell,
1979; Mead, 1934; Piaget, 1959; Vygotsky, 1978). Piaget (1959) uses the
term ‘egocentric’ to describe speech that is not directed to a listener other
than the child and argues that it appears in the spontaneous conversations
of children aged five to six and disappears with age. He claims that private
speech is the sign of a child’s inability to distinguish their own perspective
of events from those of others and would be replaced by social
communication from the ages of eight to nine years. According to Piaget,
the reason young children use private speech is their unwillingness to
socially interact and share information with others. He posited that, although
the child might talk next to another person, they are not interested in
whether this person either hears them or understands their perspective.
Flavell, Beach, and Chinsky (1966) argue that ‘private speech’ occurs when
a child is alone or in a social setting in a form of non-communicative speech.
Piaget (1959) uses the term ‘collective monologue’ to describe this as a
category of private speech and suggests that the child may not expect to be
acknowledged by others and continues to talk to self without collaborating
with their audience. I agree that during private speech, a child may not direct
their conversation to other collaborators, but this does not mean that private
speech will not lead a social interaction. It is possible that the child might
receive some reaction or response from other children and adults around
even though this was not intentional. This changes the form of conversation
from lone to unintentional social communication.
The use of language for regulating mental activities is also supported by
Vygotsky (1978), who sees the interaction between thought and language,
that is, private speech, as the main link between social and cognitive
experience. He suggests that young children use language not only as a
tool for communication with others, but at the same time to self-regulate
their own activities through planning and monitoring. He agrees with
Piaget’s view that private speech is visible among children aged five to six
years old and declines with age. However, he was opposed to the idea that
it is replaced by social communication. According to Vygotsky, private
speech goes underground, transforming into a cognitive function (selfregulating) and becoming a verbal thought called ‘inner speech’, generally
from the age of seven.
Vygotsky (1978) claims that the regulation of this cognitive process depends
on a person’s ability to reflect on their activities through internal and external
verbalisation of their thinking. He states that language and thought dwell
together and, in order to raise awareness of mental activities, one needs to
know how to articulate one’s thoughts. He saw dialogic exchange as an
essential skill, which can transform the way in which children think and
learn. For metacognition to occur, one should have the ability to transfer
and apply metacognitive knowledge and skills to a specific problem-solving
context. Vygotsky (1978) argues that inner speech or private speech can
support the transfer and the application of these strategies as ‘it promotes
higher order reasoning about the relationship between the problem, the
problem-solving process, and the solution’ (Tarricone, 2011, p.23). Inner
speech, referred as inner dialogue or verbal thinking, is also said to have an
impact on self-regulative learning (Diaz and Berk, 1992; Vygotsky, 1986),
and metacognition and self-awareness (Morin, 2005).
According to Diaz (1992), there is a correlation between the use of private
speech and children’s task performance. She suggests that if a child has
the level of competence that is necessary for completing a task, the child
would be able to accomplish the task without the need for private speech.
While this might be a valid point for some situations, other aspects that
would impact on the task performance should also be considered. For
example, a close-ended task that requires selecting an option from
presented solutions may not motivate a child to use private speech as much
as an open-ended task that requires exploring ideas, creativity and making
decisions. If a task is too challenging or easy, the child would be disengaged
which would diminish the need for private speech. The challenge level of
the task would, therefore, have an impact on the usage of private speech
(Behrend, Rosengren and Perlmutter, 1989; Kohlberg, Yaeger and
Hjertholm, 1968). The context and the purpose of the task can be designed
to maximize or minimize the use of self-talk for self-regulating. This is
supported by Vygotsky (1978) who suggests that the use of private speech
by children will vary by the activity type and social context. Likewise, Berk
and Garvin (1984) claim that children use private speech when they are
engaged in problem solving or a goal-directed task as these situations
places high levels of self-regulatory demands on them. Other studies also
found that working alone (Martlew, Connolly, and McCleod, 1978) or having
the support of an adult as a facilitator (Goudena, 1987; Diaz et. al., 1992)
encourages the use of private speech.
The review of the literature, focusing on young children and private speech
utterances, presents different approaches for identifying the type of speech
that is being used. Copeland (1979) analysed children’s private speech data
using nine categories: exclamations, nonwords (e.g. erm), description of
commands, questions and inaudible vocal sounds. Rubin and Dyck (1980)
used seven categories for coding private speech discourse: analytic
statements (involves reasoning), comments about the objects, comments
about the activity, directions to self, feedback, questions and other for any
private speech characteristic that does not fit into previous six categories.
Kraft and Berk (1998) used six categories for analysing private speech data:
affect expression (e.g. wow!), word play and repetition, fantasy play speech
such as role play, describing one’s own activity (planning, thinking aloud),
and inaudible mutterings (lip movements, silence). This scheme seems to
be more appropriate for younger children and for isolated activities rather
than game making which facilitates collaborative work.
Girbau (2002) analysed subcategories of private and social speech of eight
to nine years old children’s dyadic communication while playing with Lego
sets. For coding private speech utterances, she used three categorisation
communicative gestures that represents verbalisation, and silence (a pause
of 2 or more seconds). For social speech, she listed ten conditions and
suggested that at least one of them should be met. These were: eye contact
with a partner; expecting action or response from a partner; giving
information to a partner; repeating or reformulating a previous message to
a partner; requesting a partner’s attention using words or physical contact;
replying to a partner’s request; completing a partner’s sentence; and
contributing to a conversation using short answers, e.g. yes, no or laughing.
She also adopted a categorization unit related to the information shared by
the partner before or after that categorization unit, and further categorized
both private and social speech according to whether they were audible and
task relevant. She also coded change of turn and category change (private,
inner, untraceable), which is useful for describing the relation and
progression between different forms of speech.
With the exception of Girbau’s (2002) study, the coding schemes discussed
above were specifically designed for analysing children’s private speech
utterances. The studies about inner speech are limited, especially in
comparison to studies about private and social speech. I think the main
reason for this is the difficulty of observing inner speech, which is necessary
for empirical studies. According to Alderson-Day and Fernyhough (2015),
asking people to report whether they experienced inner speech using
questionnaires is simplest way of evaluating inner speech utterances. They
added that this is also useful “for investigating inner speech frequency,
context dependence, and phenomenological properties, although their
veridicality has often been questioned” (p.4). I agree that asking people to
describe their inner speech experiences is a valuable method. However, I
am not sure from what ages this would be able to provide valid data, as
children may not always be able to identify their experiences, especially if
they are unsure about the characteristics of speech utterances. Another
method mentioned by Alderson-Day and Fernyhough (2015) was
experience sampling, which investigates the occurrence of inner speech
randomly using a diary or other recording methods. As part of sampling
process, they discussed descriptive experience sampling (DES) that
involves participants first taking brief notes of their inner speech utterances
and then being interviewed to share the accounts of their experiences.
Although I like the idea of providing young people with a diary for them to
keep a record of their experiences, this might be challenging for those who
are not very confident in writing. Furthermore, they might have limited ability
to understand their own inner experience (Flavell, Flavell and Green, 2001)
and trying to record everything that happens might be very difficult while
they are also trying to complete their task. Providing participants with a
template to record specific speech utterances during a set short task or a
problem might be a more valuable practice.
My study aims to investigate different modes of conversations that take
place while children are working on their games including social, inner, and
other uncategorised speech types, as well as private speech utterances.
Furthermore, as discussed above, the majority of existing studies focus on
private, social or inner speech separately. This makes it difficult for
researchers to study the interaction between different modes of speech and
how these impact on the task performance. Nonetheless, this is important
because it is likely that in some situations several types of speech were
taking place during the same interaction, overlapping at times. Therefore, it
is very difficult to use one coding scheme to measure each speech
utterance that occurs in interaction while children are working on their
games. In the following section, I will discuss learning in the context of game
2.3 Computer Game Design and Learning
In this section, I will discuss the learning benefits of computer game design
activities for children from different aspects. In this thesis the term ‘computer
game design’ is used to describe children’s game making activities which
offers “opportunities for children exercise a wide spectrum of skills (such as
devising game rules, creating characters and dialogue, visual design, and
computer program- ming) to create a complex artefact” (Robertson and
Howells, 2008, p.562). The artefact they create may not always include a
narrative, but it will have the playability element embedded into the design
using a software tool.
Recent years have seen many game-making applications and programs
that are designed specifically for educational purposes. Additionally, in
parallel to the popularity of tablet devices in education, the focus on
developing apps to teach children how to program and make their own
games is also on the rise. As schools use these programs and apps more
than ever, further studies have focused on how programming and gamemaking activities can impact on children’s learning (Denner, Campe and
Werner, 2019; Hainey, Baxter and Ford, 2019; Kafai and Burke, 2017;
Ruggiero and Green, 2017). A worldwide interest in encouraging young
people to learn how to code, supported by both the education and
technology community and industry, has also had an impact on this level of
interest (Sterling, 2016).
It is extremely difficult to draw all the studies about learning through game
making under one category as they explore very different aspects of
learning. This was also the experience of Kafai and Burke (2017) who
reviewed 55 studies about children’s game making activities and found that
the focus of these studies was very diverse. They reported that out of these
55 studies, 44% focused on developing computational strategies for
problem solving; 34% looked at children’s learning of computational
metacognitive skills (children’s own sense of learning);
and 16%
investigated children’s learning in a specific curriculum subject e.g.
Mathematics, Literacy.
There have been numerous studies into children’s game-design practices
and their impact on learning over the last two decades. These have mainly
addressed the outcomes on children’s learning in specific curriculum
subjects. Some studies explored children’s game making practices focusing
on the impact on specific learning areas such as literacy skills (Dyer, 2008;
Howells and Robertson, 2012; Robertson and Howells 2008; Robertson,
2012, 2013) or skills in the areas of Mathematics, Science, Art and
Computer Literacy (Ke, 2014; Yatim and Masuch, 2007); others studied
games design as part of game literacy, teaching students to learn to be
critically, creatively and culturally accomplished individuals (Buckingham
and Burn, 2007). As a result of the growing emphasis on teaching children
21st century skills, a few studies have explored transferrable skills such as
collaboration, communication, and problem solving that children develop
when they design their own computer games (Bermingham et al, 2013;
Ching and Kafai, 2008; Denner and Werner, 2007). Simultaneously, the
popularity of teaching children how to code has inspired researchers to think
about the relationships between computer game making, CT and
metacognitive awareness (Games and Kane, 2011; Vos, Meijden, and
Denessen, 2011). Thus, empirical research into facilitating CT through
game design, or using game making as a space for children to develop
metacognitive skills, is still limited, which is why I have chosen to make it
the focus of this study. The review of the studies above highlights that
computer game design activates can provide learning opportunities in many
different areas. Therefore, this study will look at learning through computer
game design in four areas: learning in curriculum subjects, 21st Century
skills, computational concepts, and metacognitive awareness.
2.3.1 Learning in Curriculum Subjects
Digital game making is a powerful tool for storytelling through which
students can manipulate objects, backgrounds and characters to create
narrative elements for their games, moulded by their creativity. In ‘The
Game Maker Workshop’, Robertson and Good (2004), explored children's
narrative development through game authoring. They used the ‘Neverwinter
Nights Toolset’ for the game authoring activities. Face-to-face storytelling
sessions were used together with a game creation task using a computer.
The sessions included various steps such as a group discussion about the
games, a trial of the Neverwinter Nights game, character design including
creating a 3D character model; plot planning and storyboarding with digital
cameras; game authoring using the Neverwinter Nights toolset; and finally
reflecting on their progress and planning further steps. The study found that
the children most enjoyed creating their characters, followed by designing
a background setting for their story. Robertson and Good (2004) suggest
that character design and area design have similarities to the design of
plays and other types of drama. Children also reported that they found it
difficult to write their stories in advance and that allowing their stories to
evolve as they designed their game was easier. Robertson and Good (2004)
suggest that the greatest educational benefit gained from this workshop was
its motivational power, which can be used to raise standards of literacy in
schools; however, the evidence for this is limited.
When evaluating the educational value of games, it is crucial to mention the
work of Kafai (1998) who was involved in the early development of the
Scratch educational programming language. She was one of the first
researchers who studied the design of computer games as a context to
understand how girls and boys think when playing and designing games
(Kafai, 1998). She describes how students spent long hours working to
design their own games, where they not only used their creativity, but also
evaluated and revised their designs constantly. Through this constant self
and peer evaluation, learners share and develop their ideas and then test
them to check if they have designed a solution for a problem. Kafai (1995)
Learning through design considers programming not only valuable
for its computational and technological knowledge, but also
supportive of other learning. It proposes an environment in which the
computer becomes a tool that allows children to express their
personal thoughts and ideas in the form of a product (1995, p. xvii).
This again emphasises the importance of how design makes programming
more meaningful for learners by enabling them to reflect their individuality
within their design.
Yatim and Masuch (2007) investigated children's learning when designing
games using Squeak Etoys, an educational programming language tool that
uses visual development. They asked children to create a competitive game
that can be played by two people. The children were taught how to use the
game authoring tool. The study suggests that, by creating games, the
children developed transferable skills in the areas of Mathematics, Science,
Art and Computer Literacy. Yatim and Masuch (2007) saw game creating
activities as creative because of the involvement of children’s imagination
and originality. They explained that creativity requires critical judgement and
cannot be seen as just creating new solutions, but also creating better
The 'Making Games' Project (Pelletier, Burn and Buckingham, 2010), which
was supported by Immersive Education, aimed to develop a game authoring
software to use in education, the result of which was Missionmaker. The
project continued for three years and 100 young people, aged 12-15 were
involved in the project as part of their media education course. They made
their own games using a prototype version of the tool. Missionmaker was
developed and used by media educators, who realised the importance of
the relationship between the changes in digital technology and young
peoples' culture of constructing meaning and who wanted to try different
ways of implementing game literacy into education. Their aim was to create
a program where children would be actively creating games instead of just
playing. Their effort had a very positive impact on secondary schools
focusing on media education the UK. They have, however, received little
attention in primary schools.
Buckingham and Burn (2007) explain that their focus with Missionmaker
was to develop a model of game literacy based on researching the students’
existing experiences of games and their creative authoring practices. They
investigated the potential of game making as a creative cultural expression
and its role in developing students' critical understanding of the medium.
Furthermore, they suggest that creativity is a combination of children's
imaginative acts and conceptual thinking. This, of course, involves learners’
experiences of games with both narrative and ludic elements. When their
interactions with these elements of the game are combined with their
imagination and conceptual thinking, they create a new gaming culture
based upon their experiences. In the 'Making Games' project, students were
primarily taught how to analyse a text through marketing and packaging
materials. They were then allowed to design an action adventure game. The
design process involved making decisions such as choosing characters,
objects and locations, and also creating rules for actions. The children
worked collaboratively and developed technical skills and an interest in
games. They reflected upon what they had learned about their own game
and from others' games, which enabled them to analyse their games and
modify them if necessary. They discussed their ideas, sharing them with
other game makers, which developed their speaking and listening skills.
Howells and Robertson (2012) used Adventure Author, a computer game
design tool for children aged 10-14 that allows children to create an
interactive game and add story text to objects to tell the narration. They
found that the children did not necessarily use their storytelling skills from
their traditional writing tasks when making games. The authors suggest that
the reason for this could be that children did not see games with heavy-text
as successful and focused more on the action of the game. I think deciding
the story for a game, selecting characters and backgrounds are crucial part
of storytelling, and helping children master using these elements in game
design context would offer opportunities for development of literacy skills.
Ching and Kafai (2008), studied 5th grade (10-11 years old) students’ game
development where the students were asked to generate ideas for computer
games to teach fractions. They found that game-making activity provided
an authentic and meaningful learning experience for students to connect
their mathematical thinking with their real lives by allowing them to include
elements from their personal interest. This outcome was also supported by
Ke (2014) who studied middle grade students’ learning while creating maths
games using the Scratch programming application. The participants
comprised both boys and girls and had different levels of maths
competency. Observation, interviews and a pre and post-game-making
Mathematics attitudes survey were used for collecting data. Ke found that
the students’ attitudes towards Mathematics were significantly more positive
after computer game making activities. Furthermore, the study indicated
that integrating maths content into Scratch games helped students to
engage with mathematical thinking. To conclude, Ke (2014) suggested that
“computer game making provided a powerful learning environment or a
‘microworld’ for children to actively explore, represent, and test their domain
knowledge and skills.” (p. 37). The review of the studies above shows that
computer game design activities can support children’s learning in
curriculum subjects especially in Mathematics and literacy. In the following
section I will discuss the studies that focused on developing 21st century
transferrable skills through game making, rather than learning in curriculum
2.3.2 Developing 21st Century Skills
Recent developments in communication technology have not only changed
the way young people communicate with each other, they have also
transformed the way they understand the world around them. Children's
interaction with the media, either through watching videos or playing games
online has started to shape the learning culture of the individual. Today,
young people communicate, socialise and search for information differently
(Allsop 2016; Gibbons, 2007; Liao, 2016). They use making and
sharing media such as music, animations, films and games as a way of
communicating their ideas and concurrently developing their cultural identity
through “claiming membership of particular social groups” (Burn and
Durran, 2007, p.3). This transformation of the daily lives of youth through
emerging technologies requires the development of a new set of skills and
capabilities that can be either transferred or applied to any situation in both
informal and formal education settings. Such new capabilities and skills are
called transferrable skills or 21st Century skills and are seen as necessary
to succeed in learning and work (Trilling and Fadel, 2009). It is arguable
that, as some of these skills have been around for centuries, it is inaccurate
to introduce them as new competencies. Nonetheless, the manner in which
they have been applied to different activities, in particular involving digital
technologies, has encouraged educators to re-think learning and the
education system in general.
Defining what constitutes 21st Century skills and competencies is a very
challenging task. Several reviews include critical thinking and problem
solving; collaboration; creativity; communication; and information and
communication technologies (ICT) in their frameworks (Trilling and Fadel,
2009; Binkley et al., 2012; Voogt and Pareja Roblin, 2012). These
reviews posed a question about what pedagogical approaches are needed
to teach these skills to learners. The constructionist (Papert, 1991)
approach to learning, based on the fundamentals of constructivism (e.g.
Bruner 1960) is widely regarded as the main pedagogy as it accommodates
collaborative, problem-based learning where learners are actively involved
in constructing their knowledge and understanding of the world around
them. From a constructionist perspective, learning is seen as reconstruction
rather than knowledge transmission (Papert, 1991). In constructionist
learning space children draw their own conclusions through active
experiments and teacher’s role is to create conditions for invention, rather
than providing ready-made knowledge. I see game making as a
constructionist activity because as it allows students to learn through
interacting and building digital artefacts (Papert, 1980).
Game making as a constructionist form of learning can provide learners with
interactive, learner-centred activities by engaging them with problemsolving tasks. However, there are limited studies investigating the impact of
computer game making on developing transferrable or 21st Century skills
(Bermingham et al, 2013). Bermingham et al. (2013) explored the use of
collaborative game making as a pedagogical model. This study differed from
previous ones as the focus was not purely on digital game making, but had
a blended approach, where non-digital game making was used to scaffold
a student’s knowledge and understanding of the game design process
through collaborative and hands-on tasks. According to this study, “gamemaking can also support the development of 21st century competencies like
creative problem solving, collaboration, ICT literacy, systems thinking, and
positively affect engagement in STEM subjects” (p.46). The study also
discussed the complexity of the game-making task individually or
collaboratively and how this requires higher-level ICT skills. Bermingham et
al. (2013) explain that collaborative game making as a ‘learning by doing’
activity could provide learners with opportunities for problem solving, which
includes ‘representing, planning, executing, and self-regulating’ skills
(Mayer and Wittrock, 2006, as cited in Bermingham et al., 2013, p.48). The
study did not focus on communication and critical thinking. However, as
working in pairs or as a team requires learners to discuss and communicate
their ideas, collaborative game making does provide a space for learners to
apply and develop their communication skills.
Liao, Motter and Patton (2016) studied how girls can be engaged with 21st
Century learning skills through digital artmaking including creating
animations and video games. The students used GameMaker and My
Avatar Games software to tell stories and create games collaboratively. The
study found that, through making games, the students learned 21st century
skills such as critical thinking and problem solving. These examples
highlight that game design activities can be used as a teaching tool to
facilitate the development of 21st Century competencies.
2.3.3. Developing Computational Thinking Through Game Making
The recent inclusion of programming concepts in primary school curricula
in many countries, including England, have raised interest in teaching
children how to code. As a result, educators started to explore methods of
engaging learners with programming activities. The terms ‘coding’ and
‘programming’ are used interchangeably, however, this creates confusion
as programming includes “many other skills, such as getting specifications,
planning and debugging” (Duncan, Bell and Tanimoto, 2014, p. 62).
According to Duncan, Bell and Tanimoto (2014) coding refers to “the last
stage of the process of programming, translating a designed program into
programming expressions and typing/entering these into a computer”
(p.62). They define ‘programming’ as the activity of formulating a problem
then implementing a program to solve it. This study also agrees and adopts
the same definition when discussing children’s programming activities in
game design context.
An overwhelming number of applications and apps for teaching
programming have been developed and made available, for free, to anyone;
these include Scratch and Alice applications. These developments have
produced an environment where programming is seen as a skill that is easy
to teach and learn (Marcelino et al., 2018; Papadakis and Orfanakis, 2016;
Plaza et al., 2017). However, while young people might be interacting with
digital technologies on a daily basis, having basic technical skills does not
guarantee that they would be able to cope with the cognitive demands of a
programming task. Furthermore, children use technology outside of the
school environment mainly for a purpose that has a meaning for them.
Therefore, we cannot expect that students’ attitudes to using technology
would be the same in a classroom environment where learning for pleasure
is replaced with learning for a curriculum objective that is mainly shaped
and controlled by a teacher. Resnick et al. (2009) suggest that children’s
interaction with digital technologies does not necessarily make them fluent
with new technologies. Only when they start using new media to design,
create, and basically, make things, do they reach ‘digital fluency’. Although
I agree with this statement, I think that we need to direct our attention to the
design, making and evaluation process where the majority of learning
occurs, rather than the coding alone. Some researchers have suggested
that computer game design is a fun and effective way of introducing
programming concepts (Basawapatna, Koh and Repenning, 2010; Denner,
Werner and Ortiz, 2012) as it includes this type of design, making and
evaluation routine. Hainey, Baxter and Ford (2019) developed a coding
scheme for analysing primary school children’s games that were created
using the Scratch application which they focused on both the programming
and design aspects of children’s learning. They concluded that after just four
lessons, the children were able to develop a working game and learn
programming and design concepts in the process.
Another important issue is the readiness of teachers to plan, teach and
assess children’s learning when they teach programming. Teachers might
be able to describe the terminology relating to Computational Thinking (CT)
or teach programming using lesson plans and instruction sheets that are
available online without mastering the concepts. However, this does not
mean that they would be able to recognise CT skills when they assess
children’s work. There are some automated web-based applications for
assessing programming concepts in children’s games, such as Dr. Scratch
(Moreno-León and Robles, 2015), but these programs provide little
information about the learning process that children go through and the
extent to which they are able to develop and use CT skills when solving
problems in different contexts. There are also limitations around the
generalisation of these applications as they are specific to one programming
environment. In order to gain a better understanding of how computer game
making activities can facilitate development of CT skills, it is important to
discuss what CT is. In the following sections, I will investigate what CT is,
how it can be best taught and approaches to assessing CT skills. Defining Computational Thinking
There is no common definition of Computational Thinking (CT) and its
characteristics. While Papert (1980; 1991) did not discuss CT directly, he
did come up with the idea of CT by focusing on the procedural thinking that
children develop through programming in a LOGO environment. Wing
(2006) championed this idea and emphasized that CT is not just about
coding; it is a skill set for understanding human behaviour using
fundamental concepts from Computer Science. In 2010, she reintroduced
the term ‘computational thinking’ as “the thought processes involved in
formulating problems and their solutions so that the solutions are
represented in a form that can be effectively carried out by an informationprocessing agent” (Wing, 2010, p.1).
A number of studies highlight CT as a cognitive process (Selby and
Woollard, 2014; Sung et al, 2016) and some describe it as a problemsolving approach (Cuny, Snyder, and Wing, 2010). The role of
metacognition in the CT process is also emphasized (Brennan and Resnick,
2012; Kafai and Burke, 2015). Furthermore, how CT is different to other
ways of thinking has been explained by focusing on the automation of
information when computers execute repetitive tasks efficiently (Aho, 2012;
Lu and Fletcher, 2009). This highlights the link between CT and Artificial
Intelligence (AI). AI can be defined as the ability of computer systems to
making (Gadanidis, 2017). At the core of this repetitive task automation are
algorithms and abstractions, which are also key elements of CT (Yadav et.
al., 2014).
Aho (2012) explained CT as the thought processes involved in formulating
problems so that “their solutions can be represented as computational steps
and algorithms” (p.832).
From a psychological perspective, forming a
mental representation of a problem (formulating problems); planning and
choosing appropriate strategies for a solution (formulating solutions);
checking for errors (evaluating) and debugging them; and thinking about
how to improve work (monitoring) are components of metacognition
(Davidson, Deuser and Sternberg, 1994).
Lu and Fletcher (2009) describe CT as a “full set of mental tools necessary
to effectively use computing to solve complex human problems” (p1). The
effective allocation of these mental tools for completing a task requires one’s
own knowledge of these tools and knowing how to use them for executing
a task, namely metacognition. Several researchers also highlight the
relationship between metacognition and CT. Resnick (2007) suggests that
constructive learning environments, where learners are given opportunities
to design solutions iteratively and reflect on their own learning processes,
are required to facilitate the learning of CT skills. This was also supported
by Papert (1980) who argues that creating programs encouraged learners
to be more aware of the strategies they used for debugging problems and
think about ways of improving them. Kafai and Burke (2015) discuss the
benefits of constructionist game making and emphasised the learning
beyond coding. They claim that a constructionist game-making space
supports children to think about their own thinking and learning namely
“reflection or metacognition” (2015, p.10).
The Barefoot Computing Programme (2014) consider computational
thinking from the concepts and approaches aspect. They list tinkering,
creating, debugging, persevering and working collaboratively as the main
approaches that pupils apply and develop during the CT process. Brennan
and Resnick (2012) discuss questioning, connecting and expressing under
the term “computational perspectives”. In a model for CT created by the
Somerset E-Learning and Information Management team (2014), making
mistakes, perseverance, imagination CT process. Furthermore, other
studies have found that, while working on their games, pupils have
opportunities to apply and develop skills such as collaboration, creativity,
communication, critical thinking, tinkering, and persevering (Akcaoglu,
2014; Bermingham et al, 2013; Denner and Werner, 2007).
All these
approaches, perspectives and attitudes can be described as learning
behaviours since these are the strategies for promoting behaviours that are
‘necessary for learning’ (Ellis and Tod, 2013, p.53). Powell and Tod (2004)
suggest that learning behaviours reflect pupils’ social, emotional and
cognitive development and depend on their prior learning experiences;
patterns of development would, therefore, vary for each pupil.
As discussed above, the CT process offers a wider scope than just learning
of programming constructs. Informed by the discussion about CT in relevant
literature, I propose the following definition of CT, which:
is a cognitive process;
is regulated by metacognitive practices;
involves the application of a series of computational concepts;
includes the utilization of learning behaviours;
aims to design solutions to problems that are susceptible to
The definitions shared above include problem solving, thinking in an
abstract manner, formulating problems, formulating solutions, automation,
higher order thinking, cognitive skills, planning, evaluation, improving and
decomposition. The definition also emphasises the functional relationship
between metacognition and CT that highlights the executive role of
metacognitive practices in the CT process, which should be considered
when evaluating the development of CT skills.
It is evident that
metacognition is an integral part of the CT process, although it is not limited
to computational practices. It enables learners to think about their own
thinking and learning in different scenarios across disciplines. Perhaps,
rather than taking ownership of concepts and skills from other disciplines
under CT, a multi-dimensional approach to the analysis of the computational
process would be more constructive. This approach will be discussed in the
next section using the current models from literature. Assessing Computational Thinking in Computer Games
Before discussing the studies that focused on measuring CT skills in
children’s computer games, it might be useful to clarify the terms
‘assessment’ and ‘evaluation’. Although people usually use the terms
‘assessment’ and ‘evaluation’ interchangeably, they do refer to different
processes. Evaluation as a term is used for describing and providing some
form of judgement on the quality of the present work rather than focusing
on attainment (Baehr, 2010). Whereas assessment is not concerned with
the quality of the work, rather on how to improve the quality level of the work
for future performances (Ibid). In this study I used evaluation to determine
whether the children were able to use programming concepts rather than
an assessment tool to provide feedback on their strengths and weaknesses
for future improvement. This evaluation step can be seen as part of the
wider assessment process but not enough to determine the performance of
students alone.
A number of studies have suggested that, if supported with appropriate
teaching strategies and game making tools, game design can help children
develop and demonstrate the learning of CT skills (Pelletier, Burn and
Buckingham, 2010; Robertson, 2012; Robertson and Howells, 2008;
Werner, Denner and Campe, 2014). Several studies have been conducted
to measure the CT skills that children develop when creating their own
computer games (Brennan and Resnick, 2012; Werner et al, 2012; Werner,
Denner and Campe, 2014).
Werner et al. (2014) proposed a three-level assessment model called Game
Computational Sophistication (GCS) for measuring children’s computational
learning in an ‘Alice’ programming environment. The first level is about
coding blocks that are crucial for programming or making games. At the
second level, students use coding blocks to create patterns. The next level
involves a combination of programming constructs and patterns, namely,
‘game mechanics’. They identified 15 patterns and 11 game mechanics in
the games that the students had created. Although the clear structure of
their game mechanics and pattern model makes it easier for investigating
evidence of CT skills in the games that were created by the children, it is
crucial to remember that CT includes both concepts and approaches
(Barefoot CAS, 2014). Therefore, other methods should be used alongside
this model to provide a more detailed overview of the CT skills that learners
develop when making computer games. Using programming constructions
to evaluate learners’ games tells us whether they used CT concepts, but it
does not provide information about whether they were able to transfer and
apply these concepts when solving different problems. It is also difficult to
gain an insight into the challenges they faced and/or how they managed
their thinking and learning processes by just looking at the programming
constructions that they used. Furthermore, it does not provide information
about the strategies they selected and employed for identifying and
debugging the errors in their games, or the interactions with their friends
and the programming environment and how this would impact on their ability
to think critically and solve problems.
Werner et al. (2012) used a three-stage model called Use-Modify-Create to
evaluate students’ progression in CT skills. In the first stage, students were
required to complete a series of self-paced instructional tasks. During the
second stage, students were asked to create their own games. Finally, in
the third stage they were told to complete Fairy Assessment, which is an
Alice game with built-in tasks to measure the CT skills that the students
apply whilst they modify the programming code to complete these pre-set
tasks. One of the limitations of this model is that it is difficult to generalize
these tasks to other programming environments directly as the tasks would
be specific to the Alice programming application.
Brennan and Resnick (2012) proposed a model for measuring CT skills
when children develop games in a ‘Scratch’ programming environment.
They suggested a framework with three dimensions: computational
concepts, computational practices and computational perspectives.
Computational concepts include sequences, loops, parallelism, events,
conditionals, operators and data. CT practices involve focusing on the
thinking and learning process, namely, how students planned their games,
how they solved problems, which strategies they used and so forth.
Although the CT practices were defined in relation to a Scratch
Programming environment, it can be applied to activities when using other
gaming applications. This dimension can be seen as a metacognition of
programming as it involves metacognitive skills such as planning,
evaluating, modifying, monitoring, reflecting – in other words thinking about
Brennan and Resnick (2012) define the design process as an adaptive
process because it is not always a sequential practice Instead, children will
modify their design whilst creating in small steps. Similarly, in the pilot study
that I have completed prior to my PhD study I also found that children’s
thinking sequences when making digital games had a similar pattern.
However, when children were asked to draw the way they thought when
making games, they drew their thinking process as a circular continuous
cycle that had the flexibility to allow them to move between different steps
as they needed. This adaptive process involved functions such as engaging,
exploring, engineering, experimenting, eliciting and error checking /
evaluating (Allsop, 2016).
The final dimension of Brennan and Resnick’s (2012) model for measuring
CT skills is called the computational perspective and is all about children’s
“understandings of themselves, their relationships with others, and the
technological world around them” (p.10). They suggested three approaches
to assess computational concepts, practices, and perspectives: project
analysis, artefact-based interviews and design scenarios.
One interesting point about Brennan and Resnick’s (2012) model is that it
regards computational practices as similar to the metacognitive process in
that they involve focusing on the thinking and learning process: how children
planned their games, how they solved problems, which strategies they used
and so forth. Metacognition in the CT process can be seen as the executive
function that “involves the ability to monitor and control the information
processing necessary to produce voluntary action” (Fernandez-Duque,
Baird, and Posner, 2000, p.288), in other words, the process that
coordinates cognition.
In a recent large-scale empirical study Hainey, Baxter and Ford (2019)
investigated the issues around teaching programming using the gamesbased construction learning (GBCL) approach. They defined GBCL as “an
innovative learning approach that uses appropriate tools in order to allow
games to be constructed to support learning and teaching” (p.2). They
developed a coding scheme to analyse 178 games that were created by
384 children between levels 4 and 7 in primary education (7-11 years old)
using the Scratch application. The coding scheme included programming
and design categories that were divided into 29 categories to code each
game according to “the presence of each element or to the extent that the
element was utilised within the category”(p.5). One interesting point about
this coding scheme was, it analysed the games from both programming and
design aspects rather than focusing only on programming constructs to
provide a full view of children’s learning activities in game design context.
The definition of CT that I proposed highlights the complex structure of
computational thinking and the interaction between the elements of AI,
computer, cognitive, learning and psychological sciences, while providing a
foundation for defining the multiple aspects that the evaluation of CT skills
should include. This multiple means of assessment approach was also
supported by Brennan and Resnick (2012) who highlighted the necessity of
focusing on the process that children go through rather than only their
codes. Similarly, Grover (2015), after reviewing different assessment
approaches to CT, recommended that Conley and Darling-Hammond’s
(2013) ‘systems of assessment’ would provide a more comprehensive view
of children’s learning of CT skills. I agree with this view, as it is not possible
to use one single method to evaluate the interaction between the elements
of computer, cognitive, learning and psychological sciences. Adopting a
multiple means of assessment approach would not only provide more indepth information about children’s understandings of computational
concepts, but also gather evidence of children’s individual skills
development, especially during pair programming activities. In this context,
I use the term ‘assessment’ to represent the evaluation of children’s learning
rather than a formal assessment tool.
In Chapter 5, the dimensions for assessing children’s CT skills will be
discussed in detail using analysis of the data collected for this study.
2.3.4 Promoting Metacognition
The empirical research about children’s cognitive and metacognitive
process when making computer games is very limited. Kafai (1998) was one
of the first researchers who studied children’s game design activities to
understand how girls and boys think when playing and designing games.
She asked children in their fourth grade (9-10 years old) to create 2D games
using the LOGO programming language. She found that children developed
not only domain specific skills, such as programming and Mathematics, but
at the same time they used metacognitive skills necessary for planning and
monitoring the game design task. Kafai (1998) suggested that when making
games the students evaluated and revised their designs constantly.
Through this constant self- and peer-evaluation, learners share and develop
their ideas and then test them to check if they have designed a solution for
the problem. Kafai (1998) emphasised the importance of how design makes
programming more meaningful for the learners by enabling them to reflect
their individuality through their design. In a more recent meta-analysis,
focusing on constructionist gaming and its benefits for learning, Kafai and
Burke (2015) describe ‘learning about learning’ as one of the educational
benefits of game making and suggest that game making allows learners to
learn about their own thinking and learning, in other words, metacognition.
Robertson and Nicholson (2007) proposed a model of the creative process
of computer game authoring. Their model included exploration, ideas
generation, game design, game implementation, game testing and
evaluation stages. As the stages are not fixed, the designer can return to
any stage as they develop their ideas. Although they concluded that the
analysis of meta-cognitive skills demonstrated by the children is ongoing,
their evaluation of children’s game authoring activities using a creative
process provides us with clues into this field. Exploring ideas, engineering
ideas, testing their design and evaluating can all be seen as metacognitive
strategies that are used for regulating children’s game design activities.
However, it is important to explore how children actually managed the
application of these strategies. Interestingly, they asked children to record
their interactions into a ‘Designer’s Notebook’, which may provide an
opportunity to find out about the strategies they selected when creating
ideas, debugging problems, evaluating their games and executing them.
Dyer (2008), focuses on game-making projects for primary school children
that aimed to develop, students' storytelling and writing skills based on the
curriculum. The project involved schools and four different game authoring
software programmes: Missionmaker, Thinking Worlds, Gamemaker, and
Neverwinter Nights. Dyer (2008) argues that creating digital games from a
perspective of learning motivates learners to achieve; increases selfesteem; provides opportunities for collaborative learning; develops problem
solving; develops a student’s ability to observe, question, hypothesise and
test; facilitates metacognitive reflection; and makes school an exciting
place. Dyer (2008) also analyses the outcome of the children's game
authoring activity from the perspective of games literacy. She suggests that
after game making activities, children were more aware and critical of
Games (2010) studied the language and literacy practices of middle-school
children during their game authoring activities using Gamestar Mechanic.
He used participants’ conversation and think-aloud interview data to
examine the changes in children’s design and thinking strategies over time.
He suggests that during this activity, children started to use more
sophisticated metacognitive strategies when addressing design problems
and debugging. He sums up his findings as follows: “the tools at hand
(Gamestar mechanic) allow the learner to think in function of systemic
interactions and establish metacognitive strategies” (p.16).
Vos, Meijden, and Denessen (2011) studied the effects of constructing and
playing an educational game on student motivation and deep learning
strategy using a sample of 235 pupils: 128 designed their own game (a
version of Memory), and 107 (a control group) played a Memory game. They
found that learners who were involved in game design activities were better
motivated and engaged in deep learning strategies. They suggest that the
‘constructing’ element of gaming might provide a more authentic,
meaningful and complex learning experience, which might require the use
of deeper strategies such as critical thinking and self-regulated learning.
Metacognition and critical thinking are deeply connected as critical thinking
happens when one uses metacognitive skills and strategies to achieve an
outcome (Magno, 2010). Self-regulation as a metacognitive function also is
a crucial element of the metacognitive process, as was mentioned earlier in
this chapter. Although Vos, Meijden and Denessen (2011) share some
important points, they were not able to provide an insight into the students’
learning process as they did not use any structured qualitative data.
In conclusion, the studies that have been discussed in this section
contributed to the design of my research in a number of ways. Although the
main focus of my research is the metacognitive skills that children develop
when authoring their own games, it is clear that this cannot be investigated
independently from learning and thinking processes. The review of
metacognition and game making research illustrate how children apply
metacognitive strategies to regulate their learning. However, it does not
present enough information to form a model of metacognition. This literature
review also highlights the wider spectrum of learning benefits of game
making activities from metacognitive awareness, curriculum subjects, 21st
century skills and CT perspectives. Evaluating the data collection methods
of these investigations was also valuable, as it revealed the limitations of
using only quantitative methods to gain insight into children’s thinking and
learning processes. This critical evaluation of research designs of relevant
studies was useful when forming my methodology and selecting data
collection tools. The research approach of this study will be discussed in
detail in Chapter 3: Research Design.
Chapter 3: Methodology
In this chapter, I will outline issues related to the research design and
methodology and discuss the research approach taken within the context of
educational research. The research techniques that have been adopted are
presented with regards to each research question and the ethical issues
associated with this research are reviewed at the end of this chapter.
As discussed in Chapter 1, this study aims to examine children’s learning,
thinking and metacognition when making computer games. The research
questions for this study are:
What is the educational value of children's game making
activities in relation to thinking, learning and metacognition?
How can children develop computational thinking skills whilst
making their computer games?
What is the role of conversational exchanges in metacognitive
process and children’s learning?
How can metacognition be measured in computer game
design context?
3.1 Mixed method approach
Before discussing the method, a quick explanation of game design as a
medium is necessary. Although game design seems to be a simple activity
using coding, it is in fact a complex process requiring understanding of a
wide spectrum of skills and knowledge domains. Game design involves the
process of developing a concept, a thought in mind, and then actualising it
through a physical design. It is mainly based on hypothesizing an idea,
which can be seen as problem setting, whilst the activity itself involves
developing solutions, or problem solving. The difficulty is that children will
perceive problems differently and their solutions will also be dissimilar.
Therefore, the focus of the methodology should not be the problems or
solutions themselves, but on the interpretation of the learners’ actions and
their ongoing dialogue with both their ‘self’ and ‘others’ in the learning space.
For the purpose of this study, a mixed method approach was adopted,
where ethnography, as a qualitative method, was used alongside a
metacognitive skills instrument, a quantitative method employed to closely
examine children’s thinking and learning when making games in a
classroom setting. As described below, using a mixed method approach for
the evaluation of children’s game authoring activities enhanced the
contribution of both methods and provided richer data than that which would
have been gained through using one method alone.
Whereas, previous empirical work in the area of children’s game design
activities were mainly adopted case studies (Kafai, 2005) or design-based
research (Robertson and Howells, 2008) as their methods, ethnographic
accounts of young children’s thinking and learning with digital game making
are still relatively new. There are only a few ethnographic studies into
student’s learning with technology. McNeil and Diao (2010) used
ethnography to explore how undergraduate students used technology in
their everyday lives, and Satwicz (2006) used ethnography to analyse
children’s video gaming practices.
Denzin (1997) describes ethnography as a “form of inquiry and writing that
produces descriptions and accounts about the ways of life of the writer and
those written about” (p.xi). Ethnographic research can be used to predict
and explain the behaviour of the members of the group being studied.
Researchers using this method, look beyond what people do and know, to
explore the meaning of the behaviour and their feelings. Ethnography aims
to “discover their culture, to learn to see the world from their perspective”
(Hicks, 1976). Making extensive field notes of the children’s designs and
problem-solving activities and listening to how they viewed their learning
enabled me to understand the social and cultural context around children’s
thinking and learning, which provided a more detailed description than using
a single questionnaire or interview.
Ethnography not only enabled me to blend different data collection methods
but also provided me with a rich written account of the children’s learning
process. By being in the classroom for a long period of time to observe what
children are saying and doing, I was be able to monitor the changes in
children’s reasoning over eight months, which provided me with detailed
understanding, and a very personal level of experience.
Using ethnography to investigate metacognition is a challenging task as
thinking is not always visible. According to Perkins (1992, 2003) learning is
a consequence of thinking, and successful learning depends on making
thinking visible. Balka and Miles (2011) talk about ways that visible thinking
manifests itself within classrooms. Students share their thinking orally; listen
to and articulate others’ thinking; participate in discussions whilst forming
their understanding; record their thinking by completing projects, problem
solving and keeping journals; and demonstrate their thinking through the
use of technology. Observing the children’s problem-solving activities as
they happen in real-time, the language that they used for their individual
explanations and group discussions, the gestures they made, and their use
of technology provided a detailed insight into their thinking. There are,
however, some limitations of ethnography.
Ethnographic research requires a substantial amount of time spent in the
field collecting data. This may be a problem where researchers have limited
time. As Fetterman (1998) explains, “Ethnography is more than a 1-day hike
through the woods” (p.ix). This wasn’t an issue for my study as I had 28
weeks to study children’s learning when making computer games. This
provided me with enough time to observe the changes in children’s learning
over a long period.
There is also danger of researchers bringing their previous experiences and
preconceptions about cultures with them, which makes ethnographic
research subjective. However, this can also be beneficial, as knowing the
studied culture well may help the researcher to unfold meanings that are not
visible to others. As a Mathematics and technology teacher, I have had the
opportunity to work with many different classes within the school, therefore,
the children did not see me as an outsider, and this helped to make the role
of participant observer easier. Furthermore as Jessel (2012) stated
“Innovation arising from new technologies makes a variety of demands upon
the role of the teacher” (p.28). At the time I started data collection, ICT was
replaced with Computing and teaching programming was included in the
Primary Computing Curriculum (Department for Education, 2013). This
sudden change of the computing curriculum meant that teachers had to
develop their subject knowledge of programming before they could plan and
teach in the classroom. Although I felt confident enough to teach
programming using the Scratch application, there were times when I
couldn’t answer the students’ questions directly and on many occasions I
had to explore possible answers collaboratively with the students. It can be
said that the changes in the computing curriculum had an impact on my role
in the classroom and as a result during this study I adopted the role of a
researcher, a teacher and a co-learner. This was useful in terms of getting
an insight into the students’ learning processes as I was an active part of
their discussions and problem-solving activities. Again, this new role helped
me to document the culture, the perspectives and practices of students in a
classroom setting which is the central aim of ethnography (Hammersley,
1992; Reeves, Kuper and Hodges, 2008).
The success of ethnographic research, as for any research, relies on the
researcher. Collecting credible data, then writing about it in a persuasive
way is a skill that the researcher needs to develop. There are also
discussions around the reliability and credibility of ethnographic research
(Hammersley, 2006; LeCompte and Goetz, 1982). One of the criticisms is
the generalizability of results, as it is limited to statements about the specific
group studied (Hammersley, 2006; Small, 2009). Although this is true, indepth, detailed descriptions can provide a good context for theoretical
3.2 Research Paradigm
In this section, the research approach for this study will be examined,
including the research paradigm and methods. According to Greene and
Caracelli (1997) a paradigm “frames and guides a particular orientation to
social inquiry, including what questions to ask, what methods to use, what
knowledge claims to strive for, and what defines high-quality work” (p.6).
Morgan (2007) defines paradigm as ‘‘Systems of beliefs and practices that
influence how researchers select both the questions they study and
methods that they use to study them’’ (p. 49). Paradigm is a tool that
researchers can use for framing their approach to their research problems
and design some solutions to address these based on their beliefs about
the world. In research, ontological assumptions, which relate to one’s view
of reality, informs epistemological assumptions, which is how one acquires
knowledge (Cohen, Manion and Morrison 2007). This, in turn, shapes
methodology and data collection techniques. Together, ontological and
epistemological assumptions (Crotty, 1998) make up a research paradigm,
which can be seen as beliefs and feelings about the world and how it should
be explored and studied (Denzin and Lincoln, 2003). Grix (2004) argues
that ontological assumptions represent the way researchers view the world
and understand the nature of reality which impacts on the research
questions that they select to study a research area.
A critical factor in this research is that I am adopting a mixed methodology.
This means it is particularly important to explore the paradigm issues around
mixed methods.
According to Tashakkori and Teddlie (1998) mixed
methods is the combination of “qualitative and quantitative approaches in
the methodology of a study” (p.ix). Some have suggested that for a
researcher to take a stance for combining qualitative and quantitative data
through two incompatible paradigms is problematic (Guba and Lincoln,
As a solution to this problem different approaches have been
presented (Tashahori and Teddlie, 2003).
The first option suggested by Tashahori and Teddlie (2003) is to adopt and
-a-paradigmatic stance, which suggests that paradigmatic issues should be
ignored. This becomes problematic when a researcher is interpreting
research data as epistemology plays a role in the method that has been
selected for collecting and interpreting data. I therefore rejected this option
for my research.
The second options suggested by Tashahori and Teddlie (2003) is to use
multiple paradigms within one research study. In my case, it may have been
possible to take this approach by using a positivist paradigm for the MSI
self-report instrument whilst using an interpretivist paradigm for the
ethnographic aspects of the study. The positivist paradigm typically focuses
on proving or disproving a hypothesis using scientific method and statistical
analysis. The ontological assumption of positivism is that the reality is
external to the researcher and can be observed by the senses and
predicted. The epistemological position of positivism is that knowledge is
drawn from a hypothesis and the evidence should be verifiable and should
be the result of direct observation that allows for testing. According to
Bryman (2008), in this paradigm the researcher tests theories, and typically
uses quasi-experimentation and non-experimental methods such as
questionnaires and surveys.
One of the main criticisms of positivism is that it makes it difficult to conclude
an absolute truth as people will perceive and interpret events differently.
The ontological position of interpretivism, on the other hand, is relativism.
This means that reality is regarded as subjective and constructed differently
by different people (Guba and Lincoln, 1994). The role of the researcher is
to, “understand, explain, and demystify social reality through the eyes of
different participants” (Cohen, Manion and Morrison 2007, p. 19). The
epistemological position of the interpretivist paradigm is that the world does
not exist independently, that is, without people’s knowledge of it (Grix,
2004). A research methodology based on this approach focuses on
understanding events through one’s perception and studying the interaction
between individuals in connection to their cultural and historical ties. Case
studies and ethnography are examples of typical interpretivist methods.
One criticism of this paradigm is that it is difficult to generalize results. Whilst
it may have been possible to take this approach of mixing paradigms within
my study, I decided not to take this option because, as Tashahori and
Teddlie (2003) point out, there is no any clear information about how
paradigms might can be combined, and which paradigms can be mixed
together. In addition, this “dual epistemology tends to discourage mixing
qualitative and quantitative methods in single studies by encouraging
epistemological and methodological purism among both qualitative and
quantitative researchers” (Alexander, 2006).
I therefore decided to adopt the third approach suggested by Tashahori and
Teddlie (2003) and Somekh and Lewin (2005), namely, to use a single
paradigm approach, pragmatism, which lends itself to the use of both
quantitative and qualitative methods in one research study. Johnson and
Onwuegbuzie (2006) suggest that the aim of pragmatism is to find and
strengthen the weaknesses in a study using a mixed method approach.
Pragmatism focuses on the outcome product of the research (Biesta, 2010;
Johnson and Onwuegbuzie, 2006). According to Creswell (2003), the
pragmatic paradigm enables researchers to select research methods that
are appropriate for their research questions, i.e. linking their research
approach directly to the research purpose. The quantitative approaches
usually associated with the positivist paradigm engages with data collection
strategies that typically result in numeric data, whilst the qualitative
approaches, most frequently associated with the constructivist paradigm,
employ strategies that usually result in open-ended textual data. A mixed
method approach, typically, associated with the pragmatic paradigm
enables the researcher to collect data in a simultaneous or sequential
manner, using strategies from both quantitative and qualitative approaches
to address the research questions in a best fit approach (Cresewell, 2003).
The main advantage of using a mixed method approach for research design
is, researchers can use all of the data collection techniques that are
available, rather than being limited to qualitative or quantitative research.
This provides them with diversified findings that can be used for interpreting
different viewpoints.
My personal approach to the selection of a research paradigm is closely
aligned with pragmatism as the primary philosophy of my mixed methods
research. This paradigm allows me to investigate the phenomenon that I am
focusing on from different angles using many data collection tools to gain a
more in-depth understanding of reality. In a mixed method research
approach, the findings from one method can lead the researcher to use
another method to ask and study further questions; or they might choose to
use two methods side by side to strengthen the validity of their results. In
this study, the findings from studying the metacognitive skills that children
develop when making computer games using qualitative methods led me to
ask the same question using a quantitative method, namely a self-report
instrument to gain an understanding of the students’ perspectives. I linked
the data collection method directly to the question and purpose of this study.
Using a self-report instrument enabled me to verify the findings of previous
data collection methods with a study results from a defined population
(Creswell and Plano Clark, 2007:121).
Taking the position of pragmatic approach enabled me to be flexible with
the selection of my methods, as I did not want “be the prisoner of a particular
method or technique’’ (Robson, 2002, p. 291). Furthermore, the different
methods and techniques that I used informed and supplemented each other
as they helped me to address the questions from different aspects (Teddlie
and Tashakkori, 2009). For example, while participants observations were
used for understanding the processes of how children learn and use
programming constructs to create their games, their completed games were
analysed to establish which programming constructs they were able to
include in their games and at which level. Analysing children’s games
qualitatively and quantitatively allowed me to evaluate how well the children
could use programming constructs.
Feilzer (2010) states that “pragmatism is a commitment to uncertainty, an
acknowledgement that any knowledge ‘‘produced’’ through research is
relative and not absolute” (p.14) which helps researchers to be flexible and
open to unexpected data occurrences. One example of this can be that
whilst reviewing the literature to define metacognitive skills that children
developed, the role of language in metacognitive process appeared as a
theme. Therefore, I analysed the data to understand how language relates
to children’s thinking processes. In a way pragmatic approach helped me to
be adaptable and focus on what I wanted to know using methods that have
the potential of answering my research questions. In the following section I
will discuss these data collection methods and techniques in more detail.
3.3 Participants
A class of 30 children aged ten and eleven (Year 6) were included in this
study, however the Metacognitive Skills Instrument was administered with
223 children aged nine to eleven (Year 5 and 6) as they were all learning
about making games in their computing lessons. Using the MSI
(Metacognitive Skills Instrument) with a larger group size was vital in order
to evaluate its validity.
Ten children were selected as focus children in order to provide an in-depth
analysis of children’s learning activities when making games. I wanted to
observe if there was any link between children’s game making activities and
learning in Mathematics, therefore the children were selected from my top
set Mathematics group as I only taught Mathematics to Year 5 / 6 top set
groups and did not have access to other classes. Eight were boys and two
were girls. Although parents sign a generic declaration giving permission for
the school to study their child’s learning, because this research was for my
PhD study, I sought consent from each child and their parents by giving
them a consent form. Although all the children chose to be part of the study,
only 14 parents agreed that their child could be interviewed, could keep a
journal, and could take part in group discussions. This was the reason for
having only two girls, as these were the only children whose parents ticked
the statements to allow their child to be a focus child. The focus children will
be referred in letters throughout this PhD. Below is the brief information
about each child. In order to ensure anonymity, I used random letters
instead of their names or initials.
Child A was female and ten years old. Her spoken language at home was
not English. She was in the top set Mathematics group, but she achieved
lower grades in comparison to the rest of the class. She had a very good
knowledge of calculations, but she had issues solving problems with 2 or
more steps. In English, she was receiving additional support. The main
reason for this was identified by her class teacher as the lack of confidence.
She reported that she does not enjoy playing computer games. During
breaks she played outside with her friends.
Child B was male and ten years old. English was his first language. He was
in the top set group for Mathematics. He received support for English as he
was achieving below the expected level. He was very confident and good
at articulating his thoughts. He loved playing commercial games. He did not
enjoy making games or working on robotics projects. He preferred playing
football during breaks.
Child C was male and ten years old. He was in the top set groups for both
Mathematics and English. English was his second language. He liked
playing commercial games with his friends. He had a confident personality
and expressed his ideas easily. His parents could not speak English. During
breaks he worked on robotics projects in the Computing Lab.
Child G was male and aged 11 years old. English was his second language.
He was in the top set Mathematics and English groups as he achieved
above expected levels in both subjects. He had an interest in game playing
and he played commercial games daily. He was very confident and good at
expressing his ideas. During breaks he played football.
Child H was male and ten years old. He was in the top set Mathematics
group; however, he was struggling with the level of the work. English was
spoken at home alongside his mother tongue. In English, he received
additional support as he was achieving below the expected level. He had
confidence issues which meant that he found it hard to express his ideas
and only wanted to work with Child K. Their families were originally from the
same country and they lived very close to each other. During breaks he
played football.
Child J was male and 11 years old. His spoken language at home was
English. He was in the top set group for both Mathematics and English. He
was very confident and good at expressing his ideas. During breaks he
worked on robotics projects in the Computing Lab.
Child K was male and ten years old. English was his second language. He
was born in the UK, but English was not spoken at home. He was in the top
set Mathematics group. In English, he was working at the expected level.
He enjoyed playing commercial computer games, especially with his dad,
and making games at home using Unity. He was very confident and
sometimes was described as dominant by his friends. During breaks he
worked on robotics projects in the Computing Lab.
Child M was male and ten years old. His home language was English. He
was in the top set group for both Mathematics and English. He was
interested in robotics and electronics. He liked playing commercial games
with his friends. Whilst he was very articulate at sharing his ideas, he only
talked when he was asked a question rather than voluntarily. He spent his
breaks working on robotics projects with Child S.
Child S was male and 11 years old. English was his second language. He
spoke English and another language at home. He loved playing commercial
games with his friends and was interested in robotics. He was in top set
Mathematics group, but he received extra support for English as he was not
achieving at expected level. He was very confident and spent all his breaks
working on robotics projects in the Computing Lab.
Child T was female and ten years old. She was in the top set Mathematics
group as she achieved high levels in this subject. English was her first
language. She was achieving at the expected level in English. She was very
shy and found it hard to talk in front of the class. She was better able to
express her ideas in a written format than verbally. She loved playing Sims
on her phone. During breaks she worked on robotics projects in the
Computing Lab.
3.4 Data collection techniques
The data were collected for eight months using participant observations;
semi-structured interviews; informal conversations; group discussions;
learning journals and problem-solving sheets; the metacognitive skills
instrument; and children’s planning sheet for their game design and
completed games. Table 2 shows the data collection methods in relation to
when it was used, and which participants were involved.
Table 2: Data collection methods
Participant observations
Every session
The whole class
At the end of the study
Focus children
Informal conversations
Every session
Focus children
Group discussions
Three times (November, Focus children and their
January and March)
Learning journals and Every few sessions
Focus children
Problem-solving sheets
Children’s game plans At the beginning and at Focus children
and completed games
the end of Scratch and
Alice projects
Skills At the end of the study
All of the Year 5 and 6
children (223 in total)
Below data collection strategies that were used for this study will be
discussed in detail.
3.4.1 Participant Observation
My aim as a researcher was to find out what was happening when the
children were making games in a context of thinking and learning. According
to Patton (2002) the “participant-observer employs multiple and overlapping
data collection strategies: being fully engaged in experiencing the setting
(participation) while at the same time observing and talking with other
participants about whatever is happening” (pp. 265 – 266). The difficulty I
faced, however, was that having both the role of a teacher and of a
researcher, sometimes had an impact on the students’ interaction with me
as their teacher. Hammersley and Atkinson (1995), talked about the danger
of the researcher having too close a relationship with the people being
observed which may affect their objectivity. Although there was a risk of
subjectivity that I could not dismiss, I feel that having a prior knowledge of
the children and the class culture helped me to convey their meanings
better. Knowing me may also have helped the children to feel comfortable
with my presence, which would not affect the natural state of the group
I have found that the key for participant observation is to write down brief
notes straight away as soon as something significant happens, then write
up full notes at the latest by the end of the day. Notes must be clear, so that
they can be understood easily at a later date. Although it is important to give
a detailed account, recording every single event in the setting can be
challenging and can also be a distraction as the children might pay more
attention to my notes than the activity. Therefore, I kept in mind the research
focus and wrote down only simple bullet points when undertaking
observations. Field notes were collected by examining the language
children used for their ‘self’ explanations and group discussions; their
gestures; and the context of their relations with their teacher, their peers
and the technology in their classroom setting. My field notes before editing
after each session were around 30 A5 pages. Through editing my notes, I
expanded some points, therefore at the end I had around 40 A5 pages of
data. I think maybe it would have been useful to use a sound recorder after
the session to record my thoughts on the points that I had written down, as
I realised that it was difficult to remember everything that I had observed
3.4.2 Informal conversations
During observations, I used informal or conversational interviews with the
focus children, which allowed me to discuss issues that arose, or question
the children on significant events as they occurred. Because they were not
formal interviews, this helped the children to feel more comfortable and
open in giving their answers. Informal conversations are more than just
observing the children’s interactions; it is the process of allowing the
children to reflect on what they are doing or saying that relates to the
research purpose. It is a way of revealing and making their thinking visible
whilst making games. This data collection tool allowed me to be aware of
my students’ experiences. There were 26 informal conversations were
recorded in my field notes during participants observations.
3.4.3 Semi-structured interviews
I interviewed the ten focus children at the end of the project individually. The
interviews were recorded using a sound recorder and transcribed. Each
interview was around 8-12 minutes long. Semi-structured interviews were
used to unfold the student’s ‘deeper self’ and collect ‘authentic data’
(Marvasti, 2004). Having one-on-one contact with the students for a longer
period enabled the children to reflect on their learning and thinking
processes. By giving a ‘walking tour’ of their digital game design and their
notes in their learning journal, I had the opportunity to clarify any
unanswered questions about how and what they had learned when making
their digital games. As I used semi-structured interviews, there was the
flexibility for probing and using follow up questions. By talking about their
design process and problem-solving activities, children were able to reflect
on their own thinking and learning. These interviews were audio recorded
and transcribed.
3.4.4 Learning Journals
In addition to studying the children’s behaviour and actions in the classroom,
documenting their individual thinking when solving problems was
necessary. For this purpose, ten focus children were given a notebook to
record their problem-solving tasks when making their games. By
encouraging them to be aware of their own thoughts and then share them
in either drawing and/or written form, I managed to get extensive data about
the children’s individual problem-solving activities. In other words, the
learning journals provided an insight into their thinking processes. As some
children found it difficult to decide what to record in their journals, I decided
to provide them with a template to record their activities when solving
problems. This problem sheet included questions and a space for the
children to draw their problem as an alternative to writing down their
comments. Some children completed these problem-solving sheets for
each session, some every few sessions. Altogether, 27 problem solving
sheets were completed during Scratch sessions and 34 during Alice
3.4.5 Group discussions
Group discussions with the focus group children and their partners from
their class, took place every two months where the children had an
opportunity to share their thinking with both their peers and with me. These
discussions were video-recorded and transcribed to re-visit the children’s
perspective of their learning and interactions when making games. Video
recording the discussions allowed me to study not only the students’
answers, but their body gestures and facial expressions when interacting
with their peers through conversation. In total, three group discussions were
video recorded and transcribed; each was around 30-40 minutes long. It is
important for the ethnographer to be aware of the sensitive issues
surrounding working with young people in order to provide a safe space for
dialogue. Although the group discussions provided me with some
information about the students’ learning when making computer games, the
students were able to expand their explanations during the individual semistructured interviews described above.
3.4.6 Metacognitive Skills Instrument
Although other data collection tools that were used for this study provided
me with an insight into metacognitive skills that children developed, I
decided to develop a Likert type instrument to collect further data to gain an
understanding of how children describe their behaviours that represented
metacognitive awareness when making computer games. Measuring
metacognition using one approach is challenging; therefore, it is valuable to
employ different tools to understand how metacognitive skills are applied in
a game-making context. Class teachers and students were involved in the
design of a Metacognitive Skills Instrument (MSI). The statements (items)
were decided using the analysis of the data that had been collected by
utilizing the other data collection methods. I administered the instrument in
groups of six students. The students completed the self-report instrument
anonymously on a paper. Although many children read the items
themselves, I read out the statements for those students who had reading
difficulties. Altogether 223 students completed the instrument. The process
of creating MSI instrument will be discussed in section 7.3 in more detail.
3.4.7 Children’s game plans and completed games
The children’s game plans allowed me to see how well children could predict
the outcome of their written scripts and use resources from the game
environment to express their ideas.
The children’s completed games were studied to examine the CT process
that the children went through whilst they were working on their games. In
total, I analysed 18 games that were created using the Scratch application
and 15 games that were created using Alice 2. I mainly looked at the
programming constructs and game mechanics that the children had used in
their code scripts. One of the challenges of this process was, because a
majority of the children had worked in pairs, it was difficult to decide which
children were able to apply the specific skills or use constructs successfully.
Another issue was my ability to recognize programming constructs in
children’s completed games. Although I am confident in my subject
knowledge of these concepts, it might have been better to moderate this
evaluation process to ensure the quality.
3.5 Data collection
The data were collected, over a period of eight months in a primary
classroom setting in London. The school is larger than the average primary
school with approximately 900 students. The school has a high proportion
of pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds. There is also a high proportion
of pupils who speak English as an additional language. The proportion of
pupils with special educational needs is above average. The students
mainly come from disadvantaged backgrounds, so the proportion of the
children registered as eligible for free school meals is high.
In the first session, the elements of computer games were discussed with
the class of 30 children. The question ‘what makes a game a game?’ was
asked and the children were told to discuss this in pairs. They fed back their
ideas, which had answers such as; ‘reward, timer, lives, points, aim, people,
animals, story, characters, places and challenge’. They were then asked to
explain the difference between a game and an animation. The common
answer was ‘you can’t play an animation; you just watch it’. The children
were told that during the game-making project they were free to:
Move around in the classroom and look at what others were doing
or share their work.
Have discussions with their partners or other students
Sit however they felt comfortable
Provide feedback to their friends about their work.
For this study, Scratch 2.0 and Alice 2 applications were used for teaching
computer game design. Scratch 2.0 is an online editor with a drop and drag
2D programming environment for creating animations and games. Scratch
has instruction palettes in different colours for different functions that include
coding blocks. These coding blocks can be dragged and dropped on the
coding area to write scripts to make things happen. Scratch has a built-in
image, sound and background library, but also allows users to create
custom built ones or upload images from their computers.
Alice 2 is a 3D drag and drop object-based programming environment. Alice
uses three-dimensional objects that can be programmed in the virtual world
by dragging and dropping coding blocks that represent instructions in logical
structures. The language structure that Alice uses is very similar to Java
language and it allows syntax-free programming which prevents any typing
errors that might occur in a text-based programming environment. In Alice,
‘objects’ are anything that can be programmed. Objects have names and
properties and can perform actions called methods that are written in code.
Although objects in Alice have pre-built methods for main tasks, new
methods can be developed by programmers. Functions in Alice can be
described as the messages that return information.
The children (16 boys, 14 girls) in a Year 6 class aged 10-11 years old used
the Scratch application between September 2013 and January 2014 for four
months, once a week, for an hour as part of their weekly computing session.
This totalled 14 hours of programming. Although all 14 of the girls decided
to work in pairs, only 10 of the boys chose to work in pairs and six of them
opted to work alone. All of the focus children chose to work in pairs. They
also worked with the same partners during Alice sessions. Table 1 show the
peering for the focus children. There were, however, occasions where focus
children worked with another focus child, non-focus child or alone because
their partners were away. For instance, Child K worked with Child B during
one of the Scratch sessions and created a game together as Child K’s
partner Child H was not in school. The children were allowed to explore the
application at their own pace and look at some examples on the Scratch
website. After a brief introduction to the Scratch Interface, they were given
some example projects that they could complete themselves. They were
then asked to discuss and plan their animation or game in pairs. Some
children used the template for planning their project, but others decided to
use blank paper.
Table 1: Peering for the focus children
Age Gender
Child T
Child C
Child K
Child M 10
Child B
Age Gender
Child A
Child G 11
Child H 10
Child S
Child J
A similar process was repeated for the game-making project using Alice 2.
The children worked on their games between January 2014 and April 2014
for four months, once a week, for an hour as part of their weekly computing
session. This also totalled 14 hours of programming. Similar to the Scratch
project, the children were first allowed to explore the program and look at
examples. They found the Alice programming environment very
challenging; I therefore decided to model some projects that would help
them to understand the structure and the functions of the application. In the
first session, we discussed the interface of Alice 2 and I modelled some
simple actions, such as inserting an object from the gallery and making
object parts move. They were then left alone to try these out and play around
with objects and functions. In the second session, I provided them with
instruction sheets for making animations. Some used these, but some
children decided to look on YouTube and the Alice website for other ideas.
In the third session, I asked the children to plan their game. I had a
storyboard printed out for them, but ten children (five pairs) preferred not to
use these. The difficulty of the program might have had an impact on this
as to program even the simplest action one needed to write relatively
complex script in comparison to Scratch. For example, as a 3D program
Alice allows students to program individual body parts; therefore, to make a
character run, each part of the body should be programmed individually.
The limitations of the program, such as having no option for creating custom
built characters or backgrounds, also made the children change their stories
couple of times.
3.6 Data analysis
I started the data analysis using a form of qualitative content analysis where
initial coding started with previous research findings (Hsieh and Shannon,
2005). In content analysis using a directed approach researcher begin by
identifying the key categories from existing studies (Potter and LevineDonnerstein, 1999). Drawing on concepts from previous studies at the
beginning of data analysis was very useful (Berg, 2001), especially for
identifying the relationship between existing themes, data and emerging
I used methodological triangulation, which can increase the validity of
studies (Denzin and Lincoln, 2012). Although collecting data using many
different methods provided me with a better understanding of emerging
themes, I found it challenging to analyse the vast amount of data that I
collected. In order to tackle this issue, as suggested by Miles and Huberman
(1994), I organised the data into manageable units through constant
comparison and coding to answer each focus questions separately.
Focusing on research questions helped me to analyse the data in a more
structured way as it was easier to identify categories from literature that is
relevant to individual questions. I focused on the key themes and
investigated similarities and relationships between categories, which helped
me to make sense of the data. In order to make the coding process more
efficient during constant comparison process, I created a table to record
which data was relevant for answering specific questions. Each data
segments from participant observations (PO), informal conversations (IC),
semi-structured interviews (S-SI), Scratch games (SG), Alice games (AG),
Scratch problem solving sheets (S-PSS), Alice problem solving sheets (APSS), Children’s game plans (GP), group discussions (GD) and
Metacognitive Skills self-report instrument (MSI) was numbered and
mapped to the specific questions (Table 3).
Table 3: Mapping the data to specific questions
RQ 1
RQ 2
RQ 3
RQ 4
A5 1, 4, 8-12, 4, 6-14, 17- 1-7, 11, 14- 1-5, 7, 9-14,
21-28, 30-40
26, 29-40
25, 28-40,
25, 29-40
(26 2, 8, 14-17, 2, 4, 7-12, 1-26
22, 24-26
15-19, 22-26
S-SI (10)
(18 1-18
(15 1-15
S-PSS (27)
A-PSS (34)
GD (3)
GP (31)
I analysed the data abductively, deductively and inductively, individually at
first, then I moved back and forth between different data sets using the
knowledge produced by each one of them. I then brought the data from
different methods together which enabled me to interpret the data from a
multidimensional perspective. The data was sorted again through constant
comparison to refine the existing themes under each question and identify
the emerging categories. As a result, each data set was informed,
questioned, and enhanced by the others. I did not use any computer
application for analysing the data, rather adopted a traditional approach
where pen and paper were used as data analysis tools. In the following
section I will explain the focus of each question with respect to data
collection and analysis techniques.
RQ 1: What is the educational value of children's game-making
activities in relation to thinking, learning and metacognition?
This question creates a frame to explore the learning benefits that gamemaking activities may offer and the link between thinking, learning and
metacognition in game design contexts. The literature review provided
information about what children could learn through game making and also
the skills that they might develop, such as computational concepts;
metacognitive skills; and 21st century competencies including problem
solving, collaboration, communication and creativity. These themes were
used to make sense of educational benefits of children’s game making
activities using the support of the data. The existing themes and data
collection techniques used to address this question are summarised in
Table 4 below.
Table 4: Data collection techniques and themes used for evaluating the
educational benefits of game authoring activities
Educational benefits of children's game-making activities
Categories from literature
Data collection methods
Curriculum •
Participant observations
21st Century Competencies •
Children’s game plans
(Critical thinking, collaboration, •
Children’s group discussions
Semi-structured interviews
communication, •
problem solving)
Problem solving sheets
Children’s completed games
Computational Concepts
The coding was completed in the format of ‘open coding process’ (Strauss
and Corbin, 2008), where I read and annotated each interview script, field
notes, children’s problem-solving sheets and their completed game
designs. I highlighted and labelled concepts on each data text (Appendix 1
and 2). As I continued to code, themes and categories that were different
from previous studies emerged. For example, when analysing the data from
the interviews, problem solving sheets and the field notes; ‘Talking to self”,
‘Talking in mind, in the head’ for managing learning were repeated many
times. Therefore, conversation for regulating learning although can be seen
as part of communication, was included as an additional category. I refined
and grouped individual data segments around key themes which was very
useful when discussing the findings. Table 5 shows the key themes that
were identified when answering RQ 1 using data.
Table 5: Data analysis process for RQ 1
Data segments
in •
PO 1, 8, 22, 32-36
IC 8, 22, 15
S-SI 1, 3, 6-10
GD 1-3
GP 1-31
PO 8, 11, 23-26, 32, Ö
35, 37-40
IC 2, 8, 22, 24-26
S-SI 2, 5, 7-10
S-PSS 1-27
A-PSS 1-34
IC 14, 16-17, 24-26
S-SI 1, 3, 5-10
S-PSS 1-27
A-PSS 1-34
GD 1-3
IC 8, 14, 25
S-SI 1, 5. 7-10
SG 1-18
AG 1-15
GP 1-31
Communication •
PO 1, 4, 8-12, 21-28, Ö
S-SI 1, 3, 5-10
S-PSS 1-27
A-PSS 1-34
PO 8, 22, 24, 27
S-SI 1-10
SG 1-18
AG 1-15
S-SI 1-10
S-PSS 1-27
A-PSS 1-34
PO 4, 8-10, 21, 23, 27-
34, 40
S-SI 1-10
S-PSS 1-27
A-PSS 1-34
GD 1-3
RQ 2: How can children develop computational thinking skills whilst
making their computer games?
The second research question investigates whether students can develop
computational thinking (CT) skills through game making activities. Although
this is briefly explained when discussing the educational values of children’s
game making activities, it is crucial to explore this area further to provide a
sound understanding of the link between game making and CT.
Computational Sophistication Framework for assessing children’s learning
when using Alice (Werner, Denner and Campe, 2014) and Scratch
assessment package (Brennan and Resnick, 2012) were explored in depth
to understand how game making activities facilitate CT skills. Case studies
of 2 Scratch and 2 Alice games created by the students were shared to
display the process for assessing the children’s games in relation to CT
The following table presents the existing themes and methods for data
Table 6: Data collection techniques and themes used for investigating how
game making can facilitate learning of CT skills
Computational Thinking skills
Categories from literature
Data Collection methods
Computational •
Thinking Skills
Children’s completed games
Participant observations
Computational concepts
Problem solving sheets
Learning behaviours
Children’s game plans
Metacognitive practices
Children’s group discussions
Game mechanics
In order to evaluate the thinking process that the children went through
when making games, their problem-solving sheets were analysed for
patterns of CT skills. For this, I first formed a definition of CT to describe
what CT consists of using the literature review in Chapter 2. I then looked
at the programming constructs that the students applied when creating their
computer games using both the Alice 2 and Scratch applications.
I examined the learning behaviours that students exhibited using the data
from participant observations, group discussions and interviews. Finally, I
studied the data from their problem-solving sheets, planning documents,
participant observations and interviews by looking whether the students
mentioned or displayed meta cognitive skills (planning, monitoring,
evaluation, self-questioning, choosing and applying). The coding process
was similar to data analysis for RQ 1. I reviewed each data segment to refine
the existing themes and identify the emerging categories. Table 7 displays
the data and the key themes for RQ 2.
Table 7: Data analysis process for RQ 2
Data segments
Existing theme
SG 1-18
AG 1-15
PO 4, 6-14, 17-
New theme
26, 29-40
IC 2, 4, 7-12,
15-19, 22-26
S-SI 1-10
S-PSS 1-27
A-PSS 1-34
IC 7, 8, 11
SG 1-18
AG 1-15
S-SI 1-10
S-PSS 1-27
A-PSS 1-34
GP 1-31
RQ 3: What is the role of conversational exchanges in metacognitive
process and children’s learning?
The third research question examines the role of conversational exchanges
in metacognition. Firstly, the link between game making and conversational
exchanges was explored using the findings of the literature review from
previous questions. It was important to define what ‘conversational
exchanges’ refers to and how it can be identified through different data
collection techniques. The participant observations and children’s group
discussions were used to analyse the visible form of conversational
exchanges. However, this was limited to what I could see and hear, and
what the children included in their group discussions. To gain more in-depth
information, a question was added to the children’s problem-solving sheets
and they were asked to record any conversation that they had with their
friends, teacher, computer or their ‘self’. Semi-structured interviews were
used to unfold the student’s ‘deeper self’ and collect ‘authentic data’
(Marvasti, 2004) about their conversations and how this shaped their
thinking. The existing themes and data collection techniques used to
address this question are summarised in Table 8 below.
Table 8: Data collection techniques and themes used for examining the link
between conversational exchanges and game making
Conversational Exchanges
Categories from literature
Data Collection methods
Types of conversation
Private speech
Social speech
Inner speech
• Participant observations
record sheets
Children’s group discussions
Semi structured interviews
Participant observations were used to identify when and how children’s
thinking became visible. Additionally, the children’s learning journals and
problem-solving sheets were analysed to see whether the children used
conversational exchanges in their problem-solving process. The learning
journals and the problem-solving sheets that the children completed were
also useful for making their thinking visible as children kept a written record
of their strategies for solving problems and explained the process that they
went through. Table 9 shows the data segments and the key themes for RQ
Table 9: Data analysis process for RQ 3
Private speech
Social speech
Inner speech
collaborative talk
Data segments
• PO 1-7, 11, 1425, 28-40
• IC 1-26
• S-SI 1-10
• S-PSS 1- 27
• A-PSS 1-34
• GD 1,2,3
Existing theme
New theme
As discussed in section 2.2.2, there is no an agreed system of analysing
children’s speech practices, and many studies focus on private speech. In
contrast, this study aims to examine the children’s utterances from private,
inner, social and other uncategorized perspectives.
RQ 4: How to measure metacognition in a computer game design
The final research question considers approaches to the measurement of
metacognition. To answer this question, firstly, the data from participants
observations, children’s learning journals and group discussions were used
to determine the metacognitive skills that were visible whilst the children
were working on their games. Secondly, the data analysis from previous
research questions and the relevant studies were used to define a
framework for metacognitive skills that would be useful for measuring
metacognition. The existing themes and data collection techniques used to
address this question are summarised in Table 10 below.
Table 10: Data collection techniques and themes used for measuring
Measuring Metacognition
Categories from literature
Data Collection methods
Metacognitive skills
Participant observations
Children’s learning journals
and problem-solving sheets
Semi-structured interviews
Children’s group discussions
Measuring Metacognition
Qualitative methods (e.g. MSI self-report instrument
Observations and learning
self-report questionnaires /
rating scales
In this research, in order to evaluate the metacognitive skills that children
used when making games, participant observations, interviews, journal
logs, problem solving sheets and a self-report instrument were used. Table
11 displays the purpose and issues of the methods that were used for
assessing metacognition in this study.
Table 11: Methods used for assessing metacognition
Children were
interviewed after
the game design
project and
asked to share
their thoughts
about their
for probing
-Difficulties with
every detail from
the learning
-Issues with
verbal reporting
-Time consuming
Journal logs
Children were
asked to keep a
record of their
mental activities.
Children were
given a template
to keep a record
of their problemsolving activities.
-In depth data
-Time to reflect
-Structured so it
support for a
-Making thinking
about the
Children were
-Easy to use
questionnaire asked to describe with a large
the metacognitive group
strategies that
they used by
interactions were
observed when
making computer
-Not being
confident in
-Confused about
what to record
-Too much data to
-No opportunities
for probing
-Lack of time for
-Distraction from
the task
- Issues around
-Probing is not
-Time consuming
-They may not
understand the
-They may select
the answer to
please the
- Time required
-Opportunity to -It might distract
the the learners
observe a large
In order to discover the children’s perception of the metacognitive
awareness that they developed when making computer games at a larger
scale, a metacognitive skills self-report instrument (MSI) was developed
and used with the 223 children. A Mixed Anova (Question as the repeated
measure, class and gender as independent-samples factors) and with
Greenhouse Geisser correction was used to analyse the interaction
between question and class; and gender and year group. When using
Likert-type scales, it is necessary to calculate and report Cronbach’s alpha
coefficient for internal consistency reliability (Brown, 2011; Gliem and
Gliem, 2003) therefore, factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha were used to
measure the validity and internal consistency reliability of the instrument.
More detailed analysis of the instrument and the conclusion drawn can be
found in Chapter 5.
The detailed analysis of the methodology and data collection and analysis
techniques that are discussed for each question illustrates that different
qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis techniques have
been used as part of this research. The next section of this chapter
considers the ethical issues associated with the research.
3.7 Ethical Considerations
In research, informed consent needs to be sought and may be withdrawn at
any time, and it is also important to use direct talk regarding the continued
willingness to participate (Cassell, 1982). Although the school had a generic
form signed during the child’s registration to allow the school to study the
children’s work, because this was part of a PhD study, I created an
information sheet and a consent form in line with BERA (2011) ethical
guidelines for both parents and the children (Appendix 3 and 4). A
permission letter regarding observing children working on their game
designs; interviewing them; and studying their written learning log, photos,
videos and audio was prepared. I listed the data collection activities on the
consent form which included: taking part in the study, being observed by the
teacher, keeping a journal, participating in audio recorded interviews, and
taking part in video recorded group discussions. All of the parents agreed
for their children to take part in the activity and be observed. Fourteen out
of 30 parents agreed to permit their child to take part in all data collection
activities. All ten of the focus children were selected from this list. I only
selected ten focus children, as the size of the sample would be large enough
to provide me with extensive data. Sixteen parents selected some of the
data collection activities on the list. I provided all of the parents with an
information letter and asked them to discuss this with their child. This also
allowed parents to find out about the topic of my study and their children’s
involvement in the research process.
BERA (2011) guidelines suggest that participants’ identities should not be
revealed, and their names should be changed. In my data analysis when I
mention children, I use names such as ‘Child T’ and ‘Child A’. I also covered
their names on their planning and problem-solving sheets. When
transcribing group discussions, whenever a child mentioned the name of
another student, I again changed this using the ‘Child T’ format. I did not
use any extracts from the videos or audio recordings in my presentations
about this study.
Fisher (1993) suggests that when children are old enough to understand the
purpose of the research, they need to be asked for informed consent, in
addition to parental consent. He also talks about how children’s thinking
enables them to understand scientific principles and researchers should
respect and enhance this by giving a full explanation of the research project
in child friendly language. In line with this, I explained the purpose of the
study to the children verbally, so that they were aware of the aims of the
research project and then gave them a consent form. I also informed them
that their participation was voluntary and that they may withdraw from the
study at any time. As Flewitt (2005) suggested, it is difficult to regulate
ongoing consent, but I wanted to make sure that the children were happy to
take part in all of the stages of this study. However, as the activities took
place during our computing lessons this made it more difficult for them to
withdraw from the activity. If there was any situation when a child did not
want to participate in the study, but continue with the activities, I would then
exclude them from the data collection process. It would be difficult to send
them to another class, as this task is part of their curriculum targets, which
they needed to complete. I gave the children information about the research
procedure so that they knew what to expect during the study. The children
did not ask any questions about the study.
Before the group discussions and interviews, I asked the children if they
were happy to be included. I had been their teacher for years and I believed
that they felt safe with me and were therefore able to establish an open
dialogue. One example of this was when on one occasion, one of the
children did not want to take part in the group discussion because he felt
very tired. I specifically had the group discussion sessions at the end of the
day where children were allowed to select an activity of their choice. I let
this child to join another class (the same age group) and take part in a
reading activity which was his choice. I discussed this with the class teacher
prior to the session.
During the video recording of children’s group discussions, the camera was
positioned in an angle that would reduce the filming of children’s faces. The
school’s camera was used for filming three group sessions as the school’s
use of technology policy does not allow filming using personal devices. The
video file was transcribed directly and the file itself was kept in an encrypted
computer in the school. This was also the case for the audio files. I used
school’s devices to record the interviews with 10 focus children and
transcribed them directly. I deleted the both the video and audio files when
I left working at the school as this was the requirement of the school’s policy.
During this project, I had to constantly meet the demands of two roles: being
a teacher and being a researcher. This might have had put a pressure on
the participants to take part in the study (Ebbs, 1996) because of their
concerns around how their refusal might impact on their relationship with
me as their computing teacher. This might look unethical, however, as
Edwards and Chalmers (2002) argued, the research can be carried out
ethically if this pressure on participants can be managed. I explained to the
students (and also included in the information sheet for parents and
children) that they are free to decide whether they would like to take part in
this project and there will be no negative consequences if they decide not
to participate. I also explained that if they are not included in the study, they
will be completing the same game design activities with another class that
is not part of this study. They knew that I would be teaching other classes
Another issue that I discussed with children was the confidentiality of the
data. I explained to children (and also included in the information sheets)
that neither their identifies nor the raw data would not be available to others.
Although I mentioned that I will use direct quotes from the data, I would
ensure that this will not jeopardise the anonymity of the participants.
However, confidentiality during group discussions was tricky as the children
needed to know that they could not share the data from their group
discussions with others that were not part of the focus group. Having a
discussion with the students about risk and benefits of this study before the
project was very useful in this respect.
In summary, in this chapter, I have discussed my personal approach to
research paradigms and provided detailed information about data collection
techniques that I used for collecting data. I shared information about the
data analysis process and explained how I coded the data in relation to each
specific research question. Ethical issues were considered and challenges
around taking a dual role of teacher and researcher were clarified. The
existing themes and new categories identified in this chapter will be
discussed in the next four chapters to show how findings from the data of
this study was used to answer the research questions.
Chapter 4: The educational value of children's game making
This chapter aims to answer RQ 1:
What is the educational value of children's game making activities in relation
to thinking, learning and metacognition?
In Chapter 2, a literature review was carried out to identify the skills and
competencies that children developed whilst making their own computer
games. In this chapter, the data from the children’s completed games, game
plans, problem solving sheets, participant observations, group discussions
and semi-structured interviews are examined in detail to identify existing
and emerging categories in relation to children’s learning in computer game
design context. These themes are then discussed using examples from the
data to explain the educational benefits of children’s game design activities.
As discussed in Chapter 2, there have been a number of studies that
explored children’s game making activities focusing on their impact on
children’s learning (e.g. Denner, Campe and Werner, 2019; Kafai and
Burke, 2017; Ruggiero and Green, 2017). Some studies addressed is the
impact of game making on children’s learning of specific curriculum subjects
such as literacy and Mathematics (e.g. Ching and Kafai, 2008; Howells and
Robertson, 2012; Ke, 2014).
Other studies explored the relationship
between children’s game design activities and skills such as collaboration,
communication, problem solving, critical thinking and creativity (e.g.
Akcaoglu, 2014; Bermingham et al, 2013; Liao, Motter and Patton, 2016).
The recent focus on teaching children how to code has also encouraged
researchers to explore how game making provides opportunities for
teaching CT concepts (e.g. Denner, Campe and Werner, 2019; Kafai and
Burke, 2014). Only a few researchers have focused on the link between
game making and metacognition (e.g. Games and Kane, 2011; Vos,
Meijden, and Denessen, 2011).
As outlined above, the literature was useful to identify existing themes in
relation to educational benefits of game design activities. The categories
that emerged from the literature were: learning in curriculum subjects; 21st
communication, problem solving); and computational concepts. Below, I will
discuss the findings under each category.
4.1 Curriculum subjects
This study did not aim to investigate children’s learning in any specific
curriculum area, although the task itself provided opportunities for
developing literacy and Mathematics skills. Children sometimes planned
their games on paper first, and sometimes developed their games as they
went along whilst making their games. Eight students mentioned writing
during the interviews. They suggested that game design encourages them
to write, just like writing a story, as they needed to plan the narration script
for their game before they start creating it. Child T expressed this as:
“First I write a piece of script like how the steps, then I think to myself,
‘how can I make it better?’”
Child B mentioned using writing for planning and also for problem solving;
“I write down the steps for my game as a list, so I won't get mistakes
in my game then I make. If I have a problem, I write the steps down
too, because it helps you to solve it quicker.”
Other students also shared similar comments about how they use writing
for planning their games and organizing their ideas as they did in literacy
lessons and explained how this helps them with identifying their errors
before start creating the game.
Child C: “First you have to write down your ideas on paper to see
what you are going to do, and then when you finished, you get a
laptop and you look at your ideas and then put it on Scratch”.
Child M: “Writing steps helps you to think about what you going to
do. It is a bit like story telling really”.
Child H: “I like writing on a paper, it helps you to see mistakes you
made that you wouldn’t normally see”.
Child J: “For me, it is like writing a story. You have to have characters,
a story, and actions, climax. We use planning like this one in literacy
lesson too”.
Children’s planning sheets also showed that children used writing to plan
their games, including characters, background and storyline. Some children
wrote down the detailed actions and records of the conversation that should
take place between characters during their games. Figure 4.1 shows one
example of this. The children had many opportunities for writing during
game design activities; they used writing as a medium for organizing their
ideas before creating using a computer program. This might have had an
impact on their language development as Robertson and Good (2004)
found in their study. However, it is difficult to identify the scale of this as the
children would have received support towards the development of these
skills during other lessons. Additionally, it would be very difficult to measure
the change in children’s writing skills without evaluating these prior to the
game design activities.
Figure 4.1: Records of a dialog in a game design sheet
There were rare occasions where children shared how game making helped
them to solve Mathematics problems. During a maths lesson, when
discussing the strategies that children used for solving Mathematics
problems that involves transferring patterns from cubes to nets, Child C
reported that he visualised the cube as it was on the Alice 2 screen. He
added that he continued to visualise where the pattern would appear. He
mentioned the 3D feature of Alice 2 allowing him to visualise the cube, as it
is also a 3D shape. He recorded this in his game journal (Figure 4.2).
Figure 4.2: Child C’s log entry of mathematical problem
He was able to use mental folding which is a spatial visualisation ability (Linn
and Petersen, 1985; McGee, 1979) to imagine where the pattern on the
cube (3D object) would look like when it was transformed into a net (2D
shape). This example illustrates that game making can help children to
develop skills that will help them to solve problems in other curriculum
subjects, in this case Mathematics.
Learning about Mathematics was mentioned during interviews by four
children. They talked about how they had to use their knowledge of degrees
and coordinates; negative numbers; decimals; different functions such as
smaller and bigger; and estimation to program their sprite in Scratch. For
example, Child H said:
“You see when we were exploring with Scratch, I didn’t realise that
the bottom of the screen was negative, and the top was positive. My
sprite kept appearing in the wrong place. Then I asked my partner
and he told me it is like coordinates. So, I put the correct numbers for
x and y in the go to code and it worked. My car moved to the
beginning of the screen. It wasn’t in the middle anymore”. (Extract
from Interview transcription)
Child M talked about how he used his knowledge of shapes and angles to
complete a task:
“You kind of need to know some maths. Because let’s say you are
going to draw a square, you can’t do if you don’t know that it has right
angle, that is 90 degrees. But it was difficult to daw a triangle. We
tried 60 degrees, then 72, it didn’t work. But I then thought of the
pattern and I knew that it had 120 degrees. That was a bit hard, but
you try and learn” (Extract from Interview transcription).
Sharing a similar experience Child T referred to issues around using
operators and x /y coordinates:
“I forgot which one was bigger and which one was smaller, so apples
were falling from wrong places. I tried again again and then it
worked…The same happened when I was changing x for apples, I
thought x was for top and bottom position not left and right. So,
apples were coming from left of the screen, not falling from top. My
partner said change the y not x. I tried it and yes, she was right”.
During the interviews six focus children shared examples of applying their
Mathematics knowledge to create their games using Alice. They explained
that in Alice there are many options for objects such as height, width and
distance between them. They also discussed these properties can be set
using built in functions within the program or their own ones (custom).
Child C commented:
“It is a bit tricky to make your character do something because in
Alice, you get many options to choose from, if you want to program
your object. Like let’s say you want to move your character, it will ask
you first up, down, left, right, forward etc. Then you need to select the
amount like 1m, 0.5 m or you can choose math and enter your own.
It is kind of good too, because you can decide. But is a bit hard I
think” (Extract from Interview transcription).
Child K said:
“You know you can decide where to place your character. Like how
far from another object or from the edge of the screen. This is good
because you decide the distance and you can use your own number.
But when I moved the body of my character, something went wrong
and the arm did not move, it stayed. It was funny. Then I had to
program the arm. That took time.” (Extract from Interview
Another four children also mentioned using maths to set heights, widths and
position of their characters. Although this shows that they used
mathematical operations and expressions; angles; and decimals, it is not
clear whether the program helped them to learn any mathematical concept.
It seems likely the program provided them with a space to apply these skills.
However, I would suggest that even if they did not know how to use these
mathematical functions before the project, they were able to use them
through try and error during this project. The children were not assessed on
their knowledge of mathematical concepts prior to this study; therefore, it
would be very difficult to make a case that creating games using Alice and
Scratch helped them develop their skills in Mathematics.
4.2 21st Century Competencies
In addition to core subjects such as Mathematics and literacy, in the recent
years, curriculum developers have been focusing on skills and strategies
that would prepare children for their future learning and careers (Alismail
and McGuire, 2015; Lombardi, 2007). Many studies listed 4Cs; creativity,
communication, critical thinking and collaboration as the main 21st Century
skills (Kivunja, 2015; Reeve, 2016; Romero, 2015). Below, I will discuss
whether or not game making activities provide opportunities for children to
develop these four main skills. I will combine problem solving with critical
thinking because of the overlapping nature of these two skills.
4.2.1 Collaboration
Vygotsky (1978) described learning as a collaborative activity and argued
that social interaction was central to learning and development. This has
been supported by other theorists who suggested that learners construct
meanings through their interactions with others (Ernest et al, 1991; Prawat
and Floden 1994). Working collaboratively with peers, students practise
skills such as sharing ideas, making decisions and solving problems, which
Bermingham et al. (2013) discussed this collaborative element of game
making when they explored the use of collaborative game making as a
pedagogical model. They found that “game making can also support the
development of 21st century competencies like creative problem solving,
collaboration, ICT literacy, systems thinking, and positively affect
engagement in STEM subjects” (p2).
When I asked the children to decide whether they would like to work either
with a partner or alone, some chose to work alone, but they still walked
around and had different forms of interaction with other children in the
classroom. For example, some asked for help; some looked at others’ work
and asked questions or made comments; and some shared their work and
asked for feedback.
One interesting point raised from the field notes was that those who worked
with a partner also had conversations with other children in the classroom.
This shows that game making as an activity can encourage children to share
and discuss their work, whether or not they chose to work in pairs or alone,
and that working in a pair did not limit interaction to the other in the pair.
One factor that could have impacted on this was the way that I facilitated
the game making activities. For example, adapting a flexible approach to
movement and interaction within the classroom allowed the children to walk
around the classroom to look at others’ work, give feedback and ask for
The field notes demonstrated that, although most of the children usually
worked directly with their partner, on many occasions they also walked
around the classroom to look at others’ work to either make suggestions or
get some ideas for their own games. Some children asked for help from
others. There was a constant discussion between the pairs and other game
designers, which enabled them to evaluate and reflect on their own work
and to re-organise their ideas. This collaborative approach to game making
had motivational power by providing support for the children from their peers
when they needed it. This brings a question to mind as to whether not having
this support from their partner would disengage some of the children from
the activity.
The records from the participant observations showed that some children
did give up when faced with a challenge, but others persevered and did not
stop until they had found a solution to their problem. The following record
from participant observations shows the interaction which took place
between three children during one of the games-making sessions
demonstrates the importance of the collaborative element of game design
activities in encouraging children to find solutions to problems.
Child T and Child A were making a game together using Alice
application. They had a problem. They couldn’t stop spacemen
becoming smaller as they got closer to the spaceship. Child T looked
for information on Google, but she couldn’t find anything. It was
apparent from her facial expressions and body gestures that she was
getting very annoyed. Child A suggested that they should re-start
their work, however, this did not solve their problem. At this point
Child T started to become disengaged. She did not answer Child T’s
questions, she just looked at the screen. Child A called Child K to
help them. He wanted to quickly fix the problem, but Child T wasn’t
happy with this. She asked Child K to show how to stop the
spacemen becoming smaller. Rather than just doing it, she then took
the mouse from Child K and completed the task. Child T was
disengaged with the activity when she couldn’t solve a problem. Her
partner suggested that they should re-write the script, but she didn’t
show any interest in this. It was only when another child offered to
help them with their problem that she engaged with the game making
activity again (Extract from fieldnotes).
This shows the importance of allowing children to face challenges and
giving them the opportunity to work collaboratively with their peers. This was
also highlighted by Ryan and Deci, (2000), who noted that “intrinsically
motivated a person is moved to act for the fun or challenge entailed rather
than because of external prods, pressures, or rewards” (p3). We might
assume that those children who persevered to complete their tasks without
any external reward found game making an intrinsically interesting activity.
This was visible in their behaviours during game making sessions. The
following example from participant observations shows how children
thought that game making project was different than ordinary sessions.
Child K left his partner and went to look at the game of Child B and
Child J. They were creating a football game using Scratch where the
players get a point for scoring a goal. Child B was unhappy as he
argued that whenever he hits the space bar to kick the ball, the game
doesn’t directly execute the code and it takes time for the ball to move
to goal. Child J agreed with him. Child K told them that this is similar
in FIFA game and he suggested that there is a glitch in the game.
Child J and I agreed with Child K and went on the Internet to search
if other people had the same problem. Whilst they were searching on
the Internet, Child B said that it is nice to be able to decide what to
do when there is a problem rather than asking to a teacher or waiting
for permission. Child K responded “Yeah, and it is nice that we are
doing something we like”. Child J and Child B agreed with him and
Child J replied as “Yeah, it is fun, isn’t it?”. Child K and Child B agreed
with him (Extract from fieldnotes).
One reason for this might be that many of the children in the classroom are
interested in playing games, therefore making games that they can play or
can be played is relevant to them, making learning more meaningful. Their
comments also show that they see the game making sessions as different
than their other lessons. During the semi-structured interviews children
were asked if learning with game making was different than learning in other
lessons. Child H answered this as:
“It puts your brain into focus. Because, people think maths and
literacy is really boring, when it comes to game design it is really
exciting, so they focus more”.
Ryan and Deci (2000, 2016) argue that many activities in schools are not
designed to be intrinsically interesting and creating activities that would
motivate children to self-regulate their activities is a challenge. An important
question at this point is whether those children who were not engaged with
the game making activity could be extrinsically motivated using praise or
During the interviews Child A stated;
“We learned how to use our imagination and how to cooperate
because we worked in a pair. If you work by yourself you may not do
much, because two heads are better than one. It is also good for
revising; you can go over with your friend”.
This brings another question to mind: can the enjoyment and achievement
that children gained by working with a friend contribute to intrinsic
motivation, or is it best defined as an external award? Furthermore, can
students become more intrinsically motivated in a flexible learning space
that offered during game making projects? This will be discussed in
conclusions, in Chapter 8.
Children’s problem-solving sheets had many records of how they worked
collaboratively with their partner, especially when they could not solve a
problem. Child M expressed this;
“I discussed with my friend how to save it because we might lose it”.
Another child reported, “I discussed with my friend how to open the
web gallery”.
Children’s problem-solving sheets also provided many examples of how
having a specific issue encouraged them to have discussion with their
peers. Some of these specific problems were:
Child A: “What the next steps was and how you get objects in your
Child G: “Where to put the objects?”
Child T: “How are we going to make the robot say boo?”
Child B: “How can we make score and timer”?
Child H: “How we can change the size?”
Child M: “Where is the hide and show button?”
Child S: “How are we going to make characters move”?
There were also a few comments about having more generic discussions
with partner/s rather than focusing on a specific problem, which shows that
children constantly shared ideas with their peers and made decisions
collaboratively. Some of their reflections about what they talked with their
peers were:
Child M: “How to keep up with the tutorials”
Child A: “What actions to use for each sprite”
Child T: “Which game we can make together”
Child S: “What should be our game about?”
Child H: “Shall we use characters from films?”
Child K: “Could we sell our game?”
Talking to a partner and making decisions together was also mentioned
during individual interviews. Child K explained this:
“You see, if I can’t think of something, then I start talking to my
partner. We decide on things together”.
Child C mentioned of getting less frustrated during game design activities
because having a partner was like a helpline service:
“I get frustrated when I can’t do something and sometimes, I just stop
because I can’t be bothered anymore. But I have a partner for this,
so think like having a helpline just to yourself, that is very helpful”.
Other students also mentioned having fewer worries and less frustration
because of working with a partner:
Child H: “I think if I didn’t have my partner, I would give up because
sometimes it is frustrating, when you can’t make the code work how
you wanted.”
Child C: “I am not worried much because if I can’t find the error, I can
ask my partner or another friend. Some you tube videos are also
good, it shows you how to do things.”
The data analysis shows that game-making activities support children
working collaboratively with their peers, especially when they are solving a
problem. Additionally, the data illustrate that working with partners
motivates children to continue to look for solutions rather than worrying and
getting frustrated. It is also important to remember that game design does
not automatically provide a collaborative learning environment; it is the
teacher who will decide how the classroom organized when children create
computer games. For example, if children in this study were not given an
option of working with a partner or having the freedom to ask questions to
peers in the classroom, then their experience and conclusions might be
4.2.2. Critical thinking and Problem solving
Kivunja (2015) describes critical thinking as “an individual’s ability to use a
number of his or her general cognitive processing skills which fall into
Bloom’s (1956) high-order thinking levels of analysing, evaluating and
constructing new ideas or creating” (p.4) and he suggests that critical
thinking is a 21st Century skill because it encourages learners to think at a
deeper level and to formulate many different solutions for unfamiliar
problems (Kivunja, 2015). According to Trilling and Fadel (2009), critical
thinking is an essential skill for problem solving as it enables learners to
make logical judgements and decisions. Sternberg (1986) explains critical
thinking as “the mental processes, strategies, and representations people
use to solve problems, make decisions, and learn new concepts” (p. 3).
Critical thinking involves having discussions about ideas and problems, and
the ability to share viewpoints with justifications. It requires the ability to be
aware of your own strategies and organise and apply these to manage
cognitive activities such as decision making and problem solving, at the right
time. From this perspective, critical thinking can be seen as a form of
metacognition (Kuhn,1999; Kuhn and Dean, 2004). Furthermore, it sets the
foundations for learners to use range of digital tools to present their original
Critical thinking is a crucial part of the problem-solving process as, without
critical thinking, learners would not be able to evaluate their own or others’
ideas and formulate solutions. Previous research has suggested that
children learn problem-solving skills through game making (e.g. Akcaoglu
2014; Bermingham et al., 2013).
In my study, both participant observations and children’s problem-solving
sheets showed that constant problem solving was at the core of the game
making activities. The children’s problem-solving sheets, where they
recorded some of the challenges that they faced and how they solved them,
provided me with detailed information about types of problems that they
had. When using the Scratch application, most of the problems were related
to the coding of the game, although some were about the design of a
character or background. When using the Alice 2 application, the children’s
problems were all about the coding of the game. The reason for this might
be that Alice 2 does not allow the children to design their own characters
and backgrounds; they were limited to what was available in the application
library and did not need to spend time on creating their backgrounds and
characters like they did using Scratch. When analysing children’s problemsolving sheets, this was also visible in the problems that the children
recorded when making their games. In Scratch, the children solved
problems related to script, such as creating a variable. However, they also
had different problems, such as making sound work, locating sound files,
duplicating a character, and finding a costume. When designing a game
using Alice 2, the children’s problems were mainly writing the code to make
an object do something, for example, how to add a score, move an object
by itself, add a timer (variable), or move a left arm or right leg (of a robot).
In their problem-solving sheets all of the ten focus children reported helping
others to solve problems or asking for help from their friends. One example
of this was shared by Child K on his problem-solving sheet:
“We didn’t have any problem, but our friends did. They didn’t know
how to open the gallery. Some of them did but they did not have
some of the characters.”
Child M reflected:
“I had a problem with finding the ramp which my friend helped me
with, and she told me it was in the skate park section.”
Eight students wrote about asking for help. Child A expressed this:
“My problem was how to get to duplicate I solved it by asking a
Child B reported as:
“We tried to solve it with (Child J) but, he didn’t know it. So, we asked
(Child K). He is really good. He knows how to make games. He
solved it so fast. He said he will teach us more stuff”.
This shows that collaborative problem-solving activities were taking place
whilst children were working on their games. It also illustrates that children
were able to identify and formulate problems, which can be seen as critical
thinking. Some children also mentioned solving problems by talking to self.
Child H explained this as:
“My problem is how to make the sound work. I worked this by talking
to my self and not giving up.”
Child B also expressed a similar point:
“I tried everything, but the variable didn’t work. So, I said, I ask myself
and think more, then I did the correct one and it worked”.
The data from participant observations shows that identifying and
debugging coding errors and solving problems related to the design of the
games were also observed during game making. The children tested their
code frequently to check that it worked. When it did not, they tried to identify
the problem - sometimes alone, sometimes with others - and then designed
solutions. The written records of informal conversations with the children
highlighted that they evaluated their work and checked for errors during
game making more than for any other lesson. Child K reported the reason
for this is as;
“You can find your mistake very easy when making games because
if the code is wrong, game doesn’t work”.
In another record from participant observations during a Scratch session,
Child A and T had a conversation about problem solving.
Child A was frustrated as their game wasn’t working. Child T shared
some solutions, but Child A did not want to try. She told Child T that
there are always problems and she is fed up. Child A assured her
that they will solve it and their game will work. Child T complained
that they are always something that not working. Child T told her that
they have managed to solve them all and they will work it out (Extract
from fieldnotes).
During the interviews, when asked what they think they learned by making
games, seven children mentioned ‘problem solving’ as one of the skills that
they developed. Child H described this as:
“I think I learned imagination and a lot of skills. Designing,
imagination, problem solving. I learned to do it by myself, not always
many people around to help”.
Child K stated:
“When I had a problem, I would try new things to see if I could make
it work or think about adding more things to improve it. I think I am
getting better at solving problems because I solved so many and
helped other people too”.
Child M commented:
“I solved, I think, maybe 100 problems. I helped others too. But it
wasn’t hard because you could test and find what is wrong yourself.
Once you know why it is not working, then you start thinking about
solutions. I can code better now so I have less problems”.
Child A expressed her frustration:
“It wasn’t easy. Always something did not work. We could solve some
problems, but some of them were very hard, we had to ask for help.
I didn’t like it that much. It is ok. Maybe creating a story would be ok.
Variables were very hard. The timer did not work. But we made it
work later. We didn’t add it for all variables, so it didn’t work. I guess
I am getting good at it now”.
The findings of data above show that the children solved many problems
during game making project. It also highlights the importance of working
with a partner who will be able to provide support and keep each other on
task. Some children also mentioned getting better at problem solving
because they had to tackle many problems.
4.2.3 Communication
Many studies list communication as one of the main 21st Century skills
(Binkley et al., 2012; Kivunja, 2015). With the development of the digital
technology in the recent years, digital communication specifically has come
to be seen as a skill that is essential for 21st Century (Griffin, Care and
McGaw 2012). Communication is all about understanding ideas and then
exchanging these using different mediums such as speaking, writing,
coding, typing using a computer or presenting using an application. Piascik
(2015) suggests that communication involves “sharing thoughts, questions,
ideas and solutions” (p. 1). Listening is also an important part of the
communication process of course. During game design activities,
communication can take different forms. For example, it may involve
children sharing their ideas with their peers, but also can mean children
communicating their ideas with the computer by writing the script to turn
their ideas into a game.
The field notes from my observation show that the children constantly
communicated with their friends. They talked about their storylines,
characters, backgrounds, code errors and rules. They discussed their
solutions and actions to solve problems before they put them into practice.
They gave feedback to each other and made suggestions for improving their
work. This shows that communication was a core part of their game making.
During the data analysis, I focused on six actions that represent
communication activities. These were: talking about what went wrong;
telling their story/narrations to a friend; making suggestions; asking
questions; discussing (what to do next, what to change); and playing each
other’s games and making comments about it.
Eight children mentioned asking for help during their interviews.
example, Child H suggested that he first tried to solve a problem himself,
but if he could not, he asked his friend. He explained this as follows:
“What I do is, if I have a problem, like the character is in the wrong
place, I will try to move to different place by changing the code, but if
it doesn't work, I will ask my friend”.
Child K talked about how they changed their game because they had some
very useful feedback from another friend:
“We asked people to play our game and tell us what they thought.
Most of them just said, it was nice, but Child A said having a timer
would make it more interesting. So, we tried and created a timer
variable; I think it is better now”.
Child M made an interesting point during the interviews, he stated that
during game making it seemed easier to talk to people and help each other
because you do not get told off for talking:
“You see, let’s say literacy, yeah, you can’t just tell people about your
story, the teacher asks you to read at the end, but not everyone,
some, yeah, you write quietly, but here you can play some one’s
game and tell them what you think, you don’t get told off for it”.
Again, this brings the question of whether classroom organization and
teaching approach also play a role in increased communication and
collaboration activities during a game-making project. Likewise, children’s
problem-solving sheets also had records of children talking to their friends
about problems they faced whilst making games. Child B stated:
“I tried to make a character create kind of stamp of itself and then
disappear, but it didn’t work. I tried long time. So, I asked Child J, he
didn’t know but we talked and solved it”.
Child T shared:
“I was annoyed because the game wouldn’t work, tried couple of
times, then I almost stopped, but then I said why not ask someone,
my partner was ill, so Child K gave me some feedback, then I tried
different things and it worked”.
Both examples show that communicating with another peer, whether for
asking help or feedback, helped children stay on task and try different
solutions, which can also be seen as helping them to develop persevering
4.2.4 Creativity
Robinson defines creativity as “the process of having original ideas that
have value” (2009, p.114). Compton (2007) lists enquiry, evaluation,
ideation, imagination, innovation and problem solving as the components of
creativity. Buckingham and Burn (2007) explain creativity as “a combination
of children's imaginative acts and conceptual thinking”. I therefore define
creativity as the process of presenting ideas and thoughts in a product using
imagination and brainpower. This product could be a game or a poem, for
example. I call it a process because it is not a simple one step action: it
involves tinkering and experimenting with ideas, making decisions, solving
problems and visualisation.
I did not ask children about how creative their games were during this study.
However, it is visible from their completed games and field notes that they
were experimenting with ideas that involved decision-making, critical
thinking, problem solving, and designing solutions, which can all be seen as
part of creativity. The task of character and background design also
provided the children with an opportunity to develop creativity skills, as this
allowed them to express their own ideas using technology. During the
interviews, children were asked about what they learned by making games.
Child K replied, “my imagination”.
When I asked how, he answered:
“Because like it expresses your imagination different points and it
tells you, you can come up with good things to say”.
Child H suggested that game making makes you more creative:
“It makes you more creative. I see the problem in my head, then I try
to figure out how to solve it and then that helps me to solve the
Child M said:
“In game design we also need imagination, because you can’t just
have a game that is not fun or doesn’t make sense because people
don’t want to play it”
This emphasises the link between game making and creativity. There was
mention of pair work and how this had an impact on creativity. Child H
“We learned how to use our imagination and how to cooperate
because we worked in a pair. If you work by yourself you may not do
much, because two heads are better than one”.
This shows that some children may not be able to express their ideas alone
and might need the input or support of a friend. There might be different
reasons for this. For example, the child may not feel confident, or maybe
they lack knowledge and skills that would support them developing ideas.
They might also have issues with articulating their thoughts (hinking and
language); or organising and managing their own thinking process
(metacognition), which can present barriers for sharing their ideas with
peers. The link between imagination, creativity and brainpower was
articulated by Child H who suggested that:
“Having a wide imagination means, thinking a lot harder, harder you
think, more intelligent and more creative you get”.
Similarly, Child T reported:
“It kind of makes you think a lot. You think what character you should
use. Then you think about your story and what your character should
do. Maybe glide or dance. Yeah. But you think first, don’t you, then
you create”.
It is clear that children were able to analyse creativity in their game design
activities from different aspects, including imagination, thinking and
Kivunja (2015) suggests that creativity involves learners engaging in
challenging activities and using digital tools to create a product such as a
digital story. The data from participant observations demonstrates that a
game-making project was seen as a challenging activity by learners
because it was a new skill for them to learn and involved constant problem
solving. The following interaction between Child C and F shows that,
although they were eventually able to solve problems, they found game
making very challenging when using Alice 2.
Child C was frustrated because him and his partner couldn’t make
the bird fly. Child F suggested that maybe birds just don’t fly in this
application. Child C disagreed with him as he told Child F, because
they don’t know how to do it, it doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Child
C complained that they had really good ideas but only some of them
they could include in their games because they didn’t know how to
make it happen. Child F told him that they just started to learn this,
once they try things, they will know what to do, maybe they need to
come up with some other ideas (Extract from fieldnotes).
This example shows that when children faced challenges, they refined their
ideas and produced new ones they formulated new solutions, which can be
seen as the application of creative skills. There were records of four similar
interactions between children with reference to changing or refining ideas
because of a lack of knowledge. The importance of having a good
knowledge for creativity was also mentioned by Adams (2006) who argued
that knowledge, critical thinking and motivation are three components of
creativity (p.4). The scenario shared above also highlights that not having a
good knowledge of the Alice application limited the ideas that children could
implement in their games, thereby restricting their creativity.
4.3 Computational concepts
The recent focus on teaching children how to code has focused attention on
teaching children computational concepts and strategies through game
making. In a large-scale study, Werner, Denner and Campe (2014)
analysed middle school (11 to 14 years old) students’ games that were
created using Storytelling Alice. They found that children used both key
concepts such as loops, variables and conditionals, and more complex ones
such as abstractions and event handling. Likewise, Kafai and Peppler
(2011) examined 500 Scratch gaming projects that were created by children
during a two-year period. They noted that the children used programming
concepts such as loops and conditionals more frequently in the second year
of the project. However, they did not use more complex concepts such as
variables as often as the basic constructions.
In my research, the analysis of children’s completed game designs showed
that children used computational concepts such as loops, conditionals and
variables. This can be explained in more detail with examples in figure 4.3
and 4.4. One interesting finding was that most of the children were able to
use variables such as a timer and speed in their game when using the
Scratch programming application; however, only two children created
variables using the Alice 2. application. Also, whilst the children were able
to create games using Scratch, their creations using Alice 2 were mainly
animated stories rather than games.
Figure 4.3 shows a two-sprite script from a two-player game that Child T
and Child A created. They used conditional ‘if’ to set a rule for their ‘diver
sprite’ and created a loop for their ‘start button sprite’. No variable was used.
The two ‘diver sprites’ had the same script.
Figure 4.3: Scratch Scripts
The data from the transcripts of the interviews with children show that they
found Alice 2 more interesting, not only because it is in 3D, but also because
it is more complex in terms of programming to make something happen.
Child H explained this as:
“Yeah, well scratch is easier than Alice, Alice has more complex way
to do it. Scratch. Imagine ermmm, as Alice you can move hands,
move your legs, in Scratch you can't do those stuff”.
Child J suggested that Scratch is too easy for him. He then added:
“I prefer Alice because more complex, allows you to make complex
Child T stated this as:
“Well, I think, Scratch is mainly created for youngers, Alice is for more
mature people that knows games”.
I think the reason that they thought that making games using the Alice
application was more complex was because they knew that if they wanted
to move a sprite in Scratch, they can drag the ‘move… steps’ code and
make the whole object move. When they tried to move a character in Alice
2, they realised that they needed to write a script for each part of the body
for example arm, leg, or head. This meant that they had to spend a longer
time creating their script to program their character in Alice 2 than in the
Scratch programming environment.
Figure 4.4: Alice coding
Figure 4.4 shows the script for Children K and H's ‘BadguyRobot’ game.
They were able to code different body parts of each character. The number
of codes that are needed to make a character move is much greater than
the Scratch programming application.
programming using the Scratch and Alice 2 applications when making their
games. They designed algorithms, created loops, and used variables to
manipulate objects to do something. Child K reported an example in his
“Well, today was an extremely frustrating day…I had to do an if/else
with a score, then I had to print another few sentences. I then
researched on how to make a game score. You have to make a
variable and then choose number, then set number to 0”.
It was apparent from both the problem-solving sheets and the interviews
that the children found coding in Alice 2 more challenging, as they needed
help more often than when coding with Scratch. The coding part of game
making posed more challenges for the children as they had to think critically
to design solutions (algorithms) for problems. Learning to code using
different applications and designing their own characters and backgrounds
provided opportunities for them to develop their technology skills, although
it is not the aim of this research to identify the progress they made in this
respect. The computational concepts that children develop when making
computer games will be discussed in Chapter 5, in more detail.
4.4 Conversation for self-regulated learning
Singer and Bashir describe self-regulation as “a set of behaviours that are
used flexibly to guide, monitor, and direct the success of one’s performance”
(1999, p.2). Barkley (1997) noted that self-regulation is an essential element
of metacognition and crucial for learning and achievement in schools
(Singer and Bashir, 1999). Self-regulated or self-organised learning
involves being aware of own thoughts and actions and reflecting on these
through engaging in conversations with self and others (Thomas and HarriAugstein, 1985). Language is the core of metacognition as, in order to use
metacognitive strategies to self-regulate learning, “students must learn to
talk to themselves about what they are doing and how they are doing it”
(Singer and Bashir, 1999, p.3).
The children’s’ problem-solving sheets and my observational data showed
that they constantly identified, decomposed and debugged problems,
sometimes alone and sometimes with their friends, using different modes of
conversation. Some of these behaviours were visible, either through the
observation of their dialogue with each other or gestures or were recorded
on problem-solving sheets. The following example from my field notes
illustrates this.
Child H and K had constant dialogue with each other when making
their game. When they faced a challenge, they first identified what
exactly they wanted their character to do. They wanted to make their
character (robot) move just like in Temple Run game. They tried a
couple of scripts, but they did not work. So, they looked at examples
on the Internet and watched some videos online. They found out the
reason why their script did not work. They realised that they needed
to write a script not for the whole body, but for the different parts of
the body if they wanted their character to walk just in real life. They
wrote a script for the legs, arms, head and the neck. This constant
dialogue helped them to identify and debug the problem in their
In another example, Child H reported on his problem-solving sheet that he
had experienced a problem with making the sound work. He solved his
problem by talking to his ‘self’ and not giving up. This again shows the role
of conversation, whether with a partner or self, in managing learning
During the interviews, children were asked to explain some of the points
that they had mentioned on their problem-solving sheets regarding talking
to ‘self’. Child H reported that whilst making games he talks to his brain. He
“Can I do this, it is like my brain says ‘yes’ and give me the answer,
thing like solving in my mind”.
Some students noted that they use ‘talking to self’ to check and evaluate
their work before sharing with others. Child K explained this as:
“Before let people see, I would ask myself ‘are you sure it is alright?’
When I was making the robot fighting game. I wanted to see, I talked
to myself ‘how would make it more interesting and more detailed. To
make it more like movement, maybe add voice. I just say in my mind.
What shall I do to fix this?’ if something is wrong. This makes you
think if you ask and repeat”.
Many children mentioned use of self-talk for improving and regulating work.
Child K explained this as:
“Ermmm I just, when I am making game, what I ask myself, for
example, how can I make this, what do I have to put in to make it
better, how can I improve it. It helps me mmm, like, focus”.
The detailed analysis of children using different modes of conversation
during game design activities for different purposes, including selfregulating their learning, can be found in Chapter 6.
In summary, in this chapter the educational benefits of children’s game
making activities has been explored and the skills and the competencies
that the students developed during the game design process discussed.
The data analysis shows that the children used and developed skills and
competencies, such as communication, problem solving, working
collaboratively, creativity, computational concepts, and conversation for
self-regulation. There were also some examples of children’s learning in
relation to curriculum subjects such as literacy and Mathematics. However,
it is difficult state what knowledge and concepts they exactly learned when
making games because of the difficulty in knowing their prior knowledge
and measuring the progress they may have made during this project.
Chapter 5: Developing Computational Thinking
Through Computer Game Making
This chapter aims to answer RQ 2:
How can children develop CT skills whilst making their computer games?
In Chapter 2, I reviewed the literature to define what CT is and what it
constitutes. In this chapter, I present a multiple assessment model for
assessing CT skills, which I use to identify the main themes for data
analysis. The categories emerging from this model are: computational
concepts, learning behaviours, game mechanics and metacognitive
practices. In order to examine the computational concepts that the students
used/developed, I describe each programming construct and share
examples of what it looks like in Scratch and Alice programming
environments. Following this, I present two case studies to illustrate how to
recognise and assess programming constructs in children’s games. I then
use this as a guide to analyse all of the children’s completed games in
Scratch and Alice.
I use data from participant observations, semi-structured interviews,
Scratch and Alice problem solving sheets to investigate the learning
behaviours that were visible when children were working on their games. I
use data from children’s completed games and informal conversations to
describe the game mechanics that children applied in their games. Finally,
I analyse the data collected from problem-solving sheets, planning
documents, participant observations and interviews to find whether the
students mentioned or displayed metacognitive skills (planning, monitoring,
evaluation, self-questioning, choosing and applying).
5.1 Towards a multi evaluation approach for assessing CT
As discussed in Chapter 2, it is not feasible to use one single method to
evaluate the children’s learning of CT skills. Therefore, it is important to
adopt multiple means of assessment that provide more in-depth information
about children’s understandings of computational concepts. I examined
previous research findings on defining and assessing CT skills, which
helped me to form my definition of computational thinking and a multiple
assessment model for evaluating CT skills. The terms from my definition of
CT (see which represent the interaction between different sciences,
were used to evaluate learners’ CT skills from three aspects: ‘computational
concepts’, ‘metacognitive practices’, and ‘learning behaviours’. In order to
investigate these dimensions within a game-making context, computer
game design was also included in the evaluation model. The model is semiflexible as it is possible to exclude and replace the game design dimension
when evaluating CT in a different context to computer game design, for
example, app development. Figure 5.1 presents the overview of the Multiple
Evaluation Approach to CT skills in a computer game design context.
Figure 5.1: Multiple Evaluation Approach to CT skills in a
computer game design context
5.2 Computational Concepts
Computational concepts refer to the programming constructs that are
commonly used for completing tasks in programming environments such as
sequences, loops, conditionals, and variables. Motivated by Werner et al.’
(2014) Game Computational Sophistication Analysis Procedure and the CT
concepts developed by Brennan and Resnick (2012), I included sequences,
loops, events, parallelism, conditionals, operators, variables and abstraction
as the programming constructs that represent computational concepts in
this study. Table 12 presents a brief description of these constructs.
Table 12: Programming constructs
The series of steps for completing a task that can be
executed by the computer.
A sequence of instructions that are repeated until a
specific task is achieved.
One action causing another action to happen
The function of making events take place at the same
time for different characters or for the same character
An instruction in a program that is only executed when a
specific condition is met.
Functions for both mathematical and logical expressions
and it enables the use of both numeric and string
A value, which can change depending on conditions.
Variables used for holding on to a value to use it later.
The process of removing or reducing details from a
complex object to facilitate a focus on relevant concepts
In order to make the analysis process more efficient and reliable, I created
a guide where I described each programming construct and then showed
an example of what it looks like in both the Scratch and Alice environments
(Figures 5.2 – 5.11). This is useful for educators as it would help them to
identify the programming constructs in children’s games. I then used this
guide to create case studies where I exemplified the programming
constructs in two games that were created by children using the Scratch
and Alice applications.
The guide for programming constructs
Sequences can be described as the series of steps for completing a task
that can be executed by the computer. In Scratch, an example of this could
be a script to program a sprite to move across the screen. In Scratch, any
object that can be programmed is called sprite. In Alice, consecutive
sequences for one object are created using a ‘do in order’ block. For more
than one object, a ‘For all in order’ block is used. This command will execute
an operation on each object in a list one at a time, beginning with the first
object in the list and completing the list in order. Figure 5.2 shows what a
sequence looks like in Scratch and Alice environments.
Alice 2.4
sequence Using ‘Do in order’ statement in Alice,
programs the ball sprite to move it is possible to run the codes in a
across the screen and then play consecutive order for an object.
the sound ‘pop’.
Figure 5.2: Sequences in Scratch and Alice
Loops involve the repeated execution of a sequence of statements. They
make code writing more efficient by using the repeat function instead of
creating a long script that would describe the same actions. For example, in
Figure 5.3, I created a script that makes the ball sprite move across the
screen. A more efficient way of writing this would be repeating the ‘move
100 steps and wait 0.2 secs’ code blocks three times rather than using six
coding blocks. An instruction in Scratch can be repeated for a specific
number of times, or infinitely which is the forever block. In Alice a ‘Loop’
block is used for repeated actions. Figure 5.3 displays the script using the
repeat function in Scratch and Alice.
Alice 2.4
Figure 5.3: Loops in Scratch and Alice
Events refer to one action causing another action to happen. In Scratch,
there are different ways an event can produce an action. For example, when
the green flag is clicked or when a key is pressed. In Alice, creating a new
event to produce an action is possible by clicking on the ‘create a new event’
tab which has options such as when the world starts, when a key is typed,
when a variable change or when the mouse is clicked on something. Figure
5.4 shows some of the ways that events can produce actions in Scratch and
Alice 2.4
Figure 5.4: Events in Scratch and Alice
Parallelism is making events take place at the same time for different
characters or for the same character. In Scratch, this is done through using
the same event block for different actions. For example, you can make a
character have a think using speech bubbles, change costume and play
sound all at the same time ‘when the green flag’ is clicked. In Alice
parallelism is supported using ‘Do it together’ block. ‘For all together’ block
is used for performing an operation on all the objects in a list at the same
time. Figure 5.5 displays how parallelism is supported in Scratch and Alice.
Alice 2.4
Figure 5.5: Parallelism in Scratch and Alice
A ‘conditional’ is an instruction in a program that is only executed when a
specific condition is met. In the Scratch application, a conditional is defined
using the ‘if block’. For example, in Figure 5.6 the condition for the ball sprite
to play the ‘pop’ sound is to touch the apple sprite. In Alice, conditionals are
set using ‘if / else’ block and it allows actions to be performed when a
Boolean expression is true. For example, ‘if the car is within 1 metre of the
tree, the car will play the doorbell sound’. There is also the while statement
which repeats the instructions inside a loop as long as the Boolean condition
is true.
Alice 2.4
Figure 5.6: Conditionals in Scratch and Alice
Operators (Figure 5.7) are functions for both mathematical and logical
expressions and enable the use of both numeric and string operations. In
Scratch this is done using the codes inside the ‘operators’ palette. In Alice,
logical operators such as ‘not a’, ‘both a and b’, ‘either a or b, or both’ are
used for connecting comparisons to form more complex Boolean
expressions. Relational operators, such as equal to, greater than, less than,
are also used for forming comparisons. Mathematical expressions such as
addition, subtraction, division and multiplication are also used in the Alice 2
programming environment.
Alice 2.4
Figure 5.7: Operators in Scratch and Alice
Variables are the placeholders for information which can change
depending on conditions. The common use of variables in Scratch and Alice
is creating score or a timer for games. In Scratch, variables are created
using a ‘Data’ block’. In Alice, variables are created using the ‘Create a new
variable’ tab and it includes data as numbers, objects, Boolean (true and
false) or string. Variables in Alice 2.4 can be created for a method (local
variable), to hold an argument (Parameter variables), for a specific object
(Class-level) or for all objects in a world (World –level variables). Figure 5.8
shows scripts for timer variables in both Scratch and Alice.
Alice 2.4
Figure 5.8: Timer variable in Scratch and Alice
Abstraction is the process of removing details about an object to reduce
complexity and increase efficiency. In Scratch, this can be seen as
organising instructions into code stacks based on their functions using user
defined blocks. The example for Scratch in Figure 5.9 defines the script for
drawing a rectangle. In Alice, abstractions are performed through methods
as they include actions that can be executed by objects in the world when
they have been requested. In Alice, methods can be defined at either
character level (applying to one object only) or at world level (applying to
many objects).
Figure 5.9: Abstraction in Scratch and Alice
Using the programming constructs discussed above, I evaluated the
children’s completed games. In the following section, I will share the findings
of this evaluation process and identify the programming concepts that the
students were able to apply when creating their computer games.
A three-step analysis process, as described by Werner et al. (2014), was
used to analyse each game that the children created using both Scratch
and Alice 2 applications.
In the first stage, the code was analysed to identify the programming
constructs that were used.
The games were then played to check if the programming constructs
were executed correctly.
The final step looked to define whether the code was either built-in
or created by the student.
5.2.1 Computational concepts in Scratch
For this study, the students used Scratch 2.0 online editor with a drop and
drag 2D programming environment for creating animations and games. All
of the focus children chose to work on their games in the classroom with
their partners although they were allowed to choose to work with a partner
or independently. However, the students each created an online account on
the Scratch website, which allowed them to access their work from home if
they wished to. Eight children reported that they created a copy of their
shared work to try some of their ideas at home without changing the original
game. The children were reminded about the responsible use of technology
both at school and at home at the beginning and during the project. This
aimed to eliminate some of the issues that may occur e.g. deleting, editing
partners’ work without discussion.
Individual Case study: Child B and J
The individual case study of one game created by two boys below will
illustrate the programming constructions that some children used whilst
creating their games and animations. The reason for choosing this game
was that it included more sophisticated coding structures than the other
games, therefore it makes it possible to illustrate the range of programming
concepts that the students used whilst making their game.
The game selected for this individual case study was called ‘Kick about’ and
it was created by two boys (B and J). The aim of ‘kick about’ game is to stop
the ball sprite (character or object) that is coming from the top of the screen
by moving the kicker sprite vertically using the left and right arrow keys. The
kicker sprite stands on a red line and if the ball touches this line, then the
kicker loses a life. Once all of the five lives have been used, ‘game over’
text appears on the screen and the game stops. If the kicker sprite can stop
the ball before it touches the red line, the player gets one point as a score.
Figure 5.10 displays the game interface.
Figure 5.10: Kick about game interface
Children B and J created the game collaboratively. They used programming
constructions, for example, sequences, loops, parallelism, conditionals,
operators, variables and events, to create their game. The students did not
use any custom-built blocks to define a new instruction or any other method
of abstraction. One reason for this might be that they did not need any action
that would require the creation of a new function; therefore, they were able
to complete their task with pre-built code blocks. Another possible reason is
that they may not have had sufficient knowledge to create new functions as
I only modelled this once in the classroom. However, they could have used
the Internet to develop their understanding in this area as they did use online
videos often when they did not know how to do something. Table 13 shows
‘Kick about’ game programming constructs.
Table 13: Scratch Case Study
‘Kick about’ game programming constructs
For the ball sprite
students first set the
score to zero, then
defined the position of
the ball using series of
Forever block was
used to repeat the
movement of the ball
sprite for 8 steps and
make it bounce when
it reaches the edge of
the screen.
Three sets of script
were written for the
ball sprite and they
were all executed at
the same time when
the green flag was
If statement was used
behaviour of the ball
sprite when it touches
the ‘kicker’ sprite.
Scripts for ball sprite
The condition for the
ball sprite had a
statement that used
minus (-) operator. If
the ball touches the
kicker ball it should
point ‘direction less
160’ (direction – 160).
This script sets the
direction for the ball
sprite when it meets
the condition, which is
touching the kicker
Score for the ball and
lives variables for the
kicker sprite were
used for this game.
When the ball sprite
over, then the hidden
game over text (sprite)
appears on the screen
and the whole game
The students did not
use abstraction for
this game.
Overall data analysis of programming constructs
Out of the 30 children, 24 worked in pairs and six worked alone; therefore,
18 games were included in the data analysis. Although, at first, I used Dr.
Scratch (an online application for assessing children’s Scratch projects)
created by Moreno-León and Robles (2015) to analyse the students’ games,
I then manually evaluated each game as I wanted to be able to use specific
examples from the students’ game script to explain how well they were able
to use the programming constructs rather than the generic examples that
were presented by this tool. This was very useful when giving individual
feedback to the students by using examples from their own game scripts.
The children were not given information about how their games were
graded. They were. however, given feedback about the areas that they were
good at and areas that they need to develop. This was done using examples
from children’s completed games at the end of the game-making project.
The reason for this was because, as part of the school’s assessment policy,
the teachers used learning conversations to discuss children’s learning in
different subjects and identify the areas that children need to work on. As
the Computing leader who was responsible for teaching computing to all of
the Year 5 (9 - 10 years old) and Year 6 (10 - 11 years old) classes, I used
learning conversation to discuss children’s progress in computing.
The programming constructions were graded using a simple point system
similar to the Dr. Scratch assessment tool. If the programming constructs
were not used within the game, the student received 0 points; if they were
used in a simple form, the students received 1 point; and if more
sophisticated programming constructs were used, the students received 2
Although this manual evaluation approach was useful for finding out
whether the children were able to use each of the programming constructs,
it was very time consuming. For the children who had worked in pairs, it was
also, difficult to identify which were able to apply their knowledge to create
code as the decisions were mainly taken collaboratively. Another challenge
is that this manual evaluation method requires the knowledge of how
programming structures look in Scratch, in other words, very good subject
knowledge was needed. Therefore, the analysis is limited to my knowledge
and understanding of what each programming constructs would look like in
the Scratch application. It would probably have worked better if a team had
completed the evaluation of the games in order to moderate the scoring
process, but this approach was not feasible within the constraints of this
If a student had used all of the programming constructions at a sophisticated
level, they would have received 16 points in total, which is 100%. Once I
had graded each game, I calculated the mean value to define the average
level of use for each programming construct in the Scratch environment.
This was useful for identifying the computational concepts that the children
were struggling with and those concepts that they were using efficiently.
Table 14 displays the mean score for each programming construct.
Table 14: Mean scores for programming constructs
Percentage Standard
N: 18
of Deviation
As illustrated in table 14, the mean score for using an abstraction construct
was zero, meaning that no one used custom built functions. The mean score
for sequences was 97.2% with a standard deviation of 0.2; this shows that
almost all the games included sequences at a complex level. The use of
operators was low, at only 33.3% with a standard deviation of 0.7. This
means that either the children did not know how to use operators, or it was
not necessary for their game design. Parallelism and conditionals were used
confidently with mean scores being 77.8% (SD: 0.5) and 75% (SD: 0.6)
respectively. Loops and events were used in 66.7% of the games. Variables
such as timer, score and lives were used by 52.8% (SD: 0.8) of the games.
Although pair-programming made it difficult to compare individual students’
understanding of CT concepts, single sex pairing made it possible for some
gender-based comparisons. There were 14 girls who worked in pairs to
create their animations and games. The analysis of the games that were
created by these seven pairs of girls showed that they were able to use
sequences very well; however, they struggled with the application of
variables. Only one group of girls in comparison with boys was able to use
variables to create a game with a score and a timer. The remainder created
simple animations without any variables. The students’ prior experiences of
game playing might have had an impact on this; however, there was no data
to support this claim as the students were not asked about their previous
experiences of either playing or making games. This was interesting
because at the beginning of the project we had a class discussion about
games. Many children mentioned that games have variables such as timer
or points. Although I did not ask children to use any specific programming
structure, they were aware that to create a playable game using a reward
system they needed to use a variable. The gender-based comparison for
other programming structures did not have any significant patterns; both
boys’ and girls’ groups had some issues with using operators, conditionals
and loops.
The comparison of the six games that were created by individual children
with 12 pair coded games provided me with some information about the
impact of pair programming on students’ use of programming constructs.
Table 15: Comparing pair coded and independently created games
Pair coded
Deviation N:6
Conditionals 1.7
Abstractions 0.0
As displayed on table 15, the use of variables in the games that were
created by the children who worked alone was only 25%, but 66.7% in the
games that were coded by pairs. The students who worked collaboratively
used loops, conditionals and events constructs by almost 25% more than
the games that were created independently. It is very difficult to describe
the factors that might have had an impact on the level of using programming
constructions. Students’ prior experiences of these constructs and
programming with Scratch; opportunities for talk and discussion; and
accessing the work from home can be listed as some of these; however,
there is no data to support or explain this statement. The use of sequences
and parallelism were very similar levels for both pair-coded and
independently created games.
5.2.2 Computational concepts in Alice
Individual case study: Child K and E
The game that was selected for this case study was called Badguyrobot. It
was created by two boys, both aged ten. It is an animation with two
characters: badguyrobot and goodguyrobot. This game was selected
because it included many of the programming constructs; therefore, it was
appropriate to illustrate these using example scripts from the game. The
scene background is space. Figure 5.11 shows the selected animation
Figure 5.11: Badguyrobot and Goodguyrobot animation screen
The students used both built-in methods and created their own ones. They
started by programming the left arm of the badguyrobot character to point
forwards by specifying the turn revolutions. They used a few ‘Do together’
constructions to make both characters move at the same time. They used
‘Do in order’ statements to program the goodguyrobot character to complete
4 actions simultaneously. A ‘Loop’ was used for making the goodguyrobot
say goodbye if the position of ‘badguyrobot is within a metre of
goodguyrobot’ is untrue. In the events section, the students had their first
method called ‘when the world starts’. They then had another event to
control the goodguyrobot with arrow keys. They created a new method
called ‘runaway’ and an event handler to run it when ‘A’ letter key is pressed
on the keyboard.
The students did not create any variables or parameters when creating the
‘Goodguyrobot and Badguyrobot’ animation. They used the built-in ‘say’
construct for creating a dialogue between the two characters. They used
constructs to manipulate subparts of the objects e.g. left arm. They recorded
their own voices and used these for each character. They were able to
create and use new methods, which illustrates that they were able to apply
abstraction to complete their task. They used conditionals and relational
operators (numerical and logical expressions) to define the behaviour of the
characters. Their programming constructs were tested, and they worked as
expected. Table 16 displays the Alice case study.
Table 16: Alice Case study
Goodguyrobot and Badguyrobot animation programming
‘Do in order’ statement
Loop statement
If/Else statement
Relational operators
Something that occurs while an Alice program is running
Overall data analysis of the games
Werner et al. (2014) listed Alice programming constructs in four levels of
difficulty. They placed basic constructions for creating sequences and
simple event handlers in level 1; use of built-in functions and more
sophisticated event handlers in level 2; creating methods, variables, if/else,
loop and while statement in level 3; and parameters, student-created
functions, list variables, nested if/else statements, more sophisticated
sequence and parallelism constructions in level 4. Using their analysis
scheme, I created a simple rubric that would help me to evaluate the games
that students created using Alice 2.4. I first listed the blocks under points 1
and 2 to differentiate their difficulty level. This can be seen as level 1 and 2.
Then I mapped each block and action in Alice to a programming
construction to make it easier to compare the level of use. As discussed by
Werner, Denner and Campe (2014), both if/else and while statements are
based on simple Boolean expressions; therefore, they have been listed
under the 1-point section. If the student did not use the programming
construct, they received 0 points; if they used the simple constructions as
listed in Table 17, they received 1 point; if they used more advanced
programming constructs, they received 2 points.
Table 17: Scoring system for Alice programming constructs
0 point
1 point
2 points
Do in order
For all in order
While statement
Do together
For all together
If/Else statement
Nested If/Else
Logical Operators
Non-list variables
List variables
Event with single Event with multiple
statement Nested loop
Built in methods Student
event Methods
Sophisticated event
Built-in functions
Similar to the Scratch games analysis, if a student used all of the
programming constructions at the sophisticated level, they would receive 16
points in total, which is 100%. I calculated the mean value for each
programming construct to define the average use in the Alice environment.
This helped me to see the computational concepts that the children were
able to apply at a confident level. Table 18 displays the mean score for each
programming construct.
Table 18: Mean scores for programming constructs
Percentage Standard
N: 15
As illustrated by Table 18, the mean score for the sequences construct was
100%, meaning everyone was able to create a set of instructions to program
the behaviour of an object at a sophisticated level. 80% of the games
included more than one event for an object that would happen at the same
time (parallelism). The mean score for the uses of operators was 60% with
a standard variation of 0.4, showing that the students used this construct
more than they did when programming with Scratch. Abstraction was used
in 43.3% of the games and loops in 46.7%. Students used conditionals well,
as 75% of the games included this programming construct. Variables had
the lowest mean score (10%) as only one student used this construction at
a complex level, when he created a timer and a score. Another student
attempted to create a variable, but there was an error, so it did not work
Gender comparison of the games that were created using Alice shows that
both boys and girls used sequences in their games. Boys were more
successful at using almost all the programming constructions including
loops, parallelism, conditionals and events. This does not mean that the girls
did not use these constructs in their games, but they used them less often
and used fewer complex constructs in comparison to boys. It is possible
they might have tried using them at a complex level, but they did not work
correctly. Variables seem to be problematic for both boys and girls, as girls’
games did not include any variables and only one pair of boys included
variables in their game. Another pair also tried to use a variable but did not
work properly. Abstractions were used in 50% of the boys’ games in
comparison to 35% in girls’ games. The data used for gender comparison
of the games can be seen in Table 19.
Table 19: Gender comparison of children’s games created using Alice
N: 8
Deviation N:7
93.75 0.3
Conditionals 1.8
18.75 0.7
Abstractions 1.0
5.3 Metacognitive practices
I define metacognition as a skill set that enables an individual to deploy and
manage his or her cognitive resources effectively to regulate his or her
thinking and learning. Sternberg (1998) listed planning, evaluating,
monitoring problem-solving activities and allocating cognitive resources
appropriately as the main abilities for managing the metacognitive process.
Flavell (1979) described exploring; setting goals; organizing; planning; selfquestioning; choosing and applying; monitoring; and managing thinking as
metacognitive skills. A number of studies also described planning,
monitoring and evaluation as the main metacognitive skills (Fisher, 2005;
Schraw, Crippen and Hartley, 2006; Whitebread et al., 2009). Metacognitive
practices can be seen as the trigger and executive control for managing
cognitive activities, which include planning, evaluation and monitoring.
I am arguing that at the core of metacognitive practices is the conversational
exchanges that take place between ‘others’ and ‘self’. Vygotsky (1986) also
mentioned the role of private and inner speech (conversation with self) and
social speech (conversation with others) in self-regulation, stating that
language is not only used for communication, but also for self-regulation
through planning and monitoring. Likewise, other studies also describe this
conversational exchange with self and others as an instrument for managing
planning, monitoring, thinking and learning processes (e.g. Rohrkemper
and Bershon, 1984; Zakin, 2007).
The findings of my study show that, although the methods were different,
planning was a skill used by all of the children who participated in this
research. Some children planned using text and some used images, while
others preferred to blend images and text to communicate their ideas.
Appendix 5 shows some examples of the children’s planning sheets. One
interesting outcome was that only four children decided to use the planning
sheet that I had prepared for them (Appendix 6), suggesting that children
preferred to share their ideas using their own planning methods rather than
a pre-set one. The majority of the children reported that the game design
activity helped them to use planning skills more than other learning
Another finding of this study showed that children used language as an
instrument, in different forms of conversation, to make decisions, evaluate
and regulate their activities. When the students were asked to record what
they asked / talked / thought to themselves on their problem-solving sheets,
they shared the questions that they asked in order to solve a problem, make
a prediction, or make a decision before they took an action. For example,
Child K reported this as:
“I asked and talked about how we are going to work out to move the
robot and the space men?”. Another one wrote, “I thought to myself
how I am going to make the witch move around the screen?”
There were more questions written in this section by children asking about
how to complete a specific task and also broader questions to check if they
were doing things correctly. This will be discussed in Chapter 6, in more
Monitoring and evaluation is another metacognitive skill that was visible
during children’s game making activities. The children constantly tested and
evaluated their games to identify if there were any errors. They debugged
their errors by deleting, modifying or adding new lines of codes. This
monitoring and evaluation of activities continued throughout their game
design process. The more detailed data analysis of children’s metacognitive
practices can be found in Chapter 7.
5.4 Learning behaviours
I explain learning behaviour as the strategies, approaches and habits that
promote learning, and which have been exhibited by children whilst working
on a task. Powell and Tod (2004) listed engagement, collaboration,
responsibility, disaffection and problems as the main behaviours for
learning. In a DfES White Paper about Education and Skills for 14-19 years
old pupils, enquiry, creative thinking, information processing, reasoning and
evaluation were included as learning behaviours (2005). Although he did
not mention the term ‘learning behaviour’, Claxton’s (2002) theories around
building learning power seem to focus on similar attributes that schools
should focus in order to help children learn. These attributes are resilience,
resourcefulness, reflectiveness, and reciprocity. He argues that these
attributes promote learning.
The findings of this study also found that, whilst working on their design and
programming scripts, pupils worked collaboratively; thought creatively and
critically; debugged errors; tinkered with ideas; and communicated these
ideas using different modes of conversational exchanges. Each of these
behaviours will be discussed in more detail below.
My field notes showed that although most of the children usually worked
directly with their partner, on many occasions they also walked around the
classroom to look at others’ work, where they either made suggestions or
got some ideas for their own games. Some children asked for help from
others. There was a constant discussion between the pairs and other game
designers, which enabled them to evaluate and reflect on their own work
and to re-organise their ideas. This collaborative approach to game making
had motivational power by providing support for the children from their peers
when they needed it. The relation between game making and collaboration
is discussed in section 4.2.1.
One other interesting learning behaviours shown by many pupils was
perseverance. When children identified their script error, they tried different
solutions to debug it. Sometimes this was a simple action, but sometimes
they had to spend a very long time trying different options until they found
how to make it work. The records from the participant observations of the
children working on their games showed that some children did give up
when faced with a challenge while some persevered and did not stop until
they had found a solution to their problem. The record of the interaction
which took place between three children during one of the games making
sessions, which I shared on page 93 demonstrates this.
Whilst working on their games, Child A was disengaged with the activity
when she could not solve a problem. Her partner Child T suggested that
they should re-write the script, but she did not show any interest in this. It
was only when another child (Child K) offered to help them with their
problem that she engaged with the game making activity again.
Interestingly, there were four other situations where Child A was disengaged
with the game making task when facing a challenge and it was only because
of the support of her peers that she was able to keep on task and complete
her project. This highlights the importance of providing opportunities for
children to work collaboratively or even have the flexibility to move around
and ask for help if needed.
Another interesting point was made by Child G during the interviews. He
talked about how playful elements of game making actually motivated him
to persevere. He explained this:
“I think we try again again, until it works, because it is a game.
Something you can play. You know, we like it. Not sure if I would
check my story in English again again (He laughs). I should really,
but it is not the same is it?”
When he was asked to explain what means by ‘it is not the same’ he replied:
“Well, I don’t solve a problem when I am making a game because
you ask, I do it, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to play, right? Let’s
say I wrote a story, it is not that easy to find your mistake and you
also ask to yourself, why shall I check it again again, who will read it.
You know, the teacher will read it, but that’s it. You can’t really play”.
So, you think, what is the point? (He waves his hands around).”
This shows that he is aware of his perseverance skill, and he decides when
to use it depending on the lesson context. Game making seems to
encourage him to persevere to solve his problems because it is an activity
that he found it meaningful as he links it to his game playing activities
outside of the school. During interviews, Child K also made similar
comments. He said:
“Yeah, I will try to find a solution because the game won’t work, will
it. So how can you play, if it doesn’t work? (His right hand was up
waving around)”.
When he was asked if he persevered to solve problems in other lessons, he
“It depends. Ermm. Like if it is a maths problem, I try to solve because
I like maths, maybe not as long as I do when I code. Sometimes in
science too. Ermm. I am not sure about English. Hard to say what is
wrong, so. Yeah. As I said you have to make your game work, so it
can be played”.
Again, this example also shows that children persevere when working on
an activity that they like. It also shows that being able to identify problems
quicker using computers also encourages them to focus on solving these.
Both students mentioned not persevering during English lessons because
of difficulty in identifying the problem and also not seeing any purpose in
completing the task other than meeting the objective. Similar reasons were
shared by the other eight focus children who talked about how important it
was for them to ensure that their game had fully worked and could be played
by others.
The field notes from my observations of the children have shown that they
constantly communicated with their friends. They talked about their
storylines, characters, backgrounds, code errors and rules. They discussed
their solutions and actions to correct problems before they put them into
practice. They gave each other feedback and made suggestions for
improving their work. This shows that communication was a core part of
their game making. Many children mentioned asking for help during their
interviews. For example, Child K suggested that he first tried to solve a
problem himself, but if he could not, he asked his friend. He explained this
“What I do is, if I have a problem, like the character is in the wrong
place, I will try to move to different place by changing the code, but if
it doesn't work, I will ask my friend”.
Likewise, children’s problem-solving sheets also had records of children
talking to their friends about problems they faced whilst making games.
Section 4.2.3 presents a detailed discussion of how children used
communication skills whilst working on their games.
Identifying and debugging coding errors or solving problems related to the
design of the games were also observed during game making. The children
tested their code frequently to check that it worked. When it did not, they
tried to identify the problem, sometimes alone, sometimes with others, and
then designed solutions. The written records of informal conversations with
the children highlighted that the children claimed to evaluate their work and
check for errors during game making more than for any other lesson.
One interesting point was that, as children moved on with the game making
project, they needed less help with debugging their errors. This was visible
from their problem-solving sheets. Children used these sheets to record
their problems and how they debugged them. They completed these forms
regularly in the first five or six sessions of the Scratch and Alice game
making project, but after this, they only completed a few where they wrote
what they asked to themselves, rather than explaining what their problem
was and how they solved it. This does not mean that they did not use their
debugging skills. I think they became more expert in debugging and solved
their problems without realising. Another factor that could impact on this is
that, as children develop their subject knowledge of Scratch and Alice
applications, they would have made less mistakes, meaning less debugging
was required.
During the interviews seven out of ten focus children made comments to
support this. Child K said (Talking about his experience of programming with
“It was a bit hard first, so we kept making many mistakes and spent
all our time looking for some answers on YouTube. I was a bit
annoyed. I even thought maybe we won’t be able to make a game.
But after, ermm, I think sixth session we got better at it. Not very good
still, but we didn’t have too many problems. We couldn’t make the
robot run, that was a bit hard”.
Child H, who worked with Child K, explained his experience of programming
with Scratch and Alice as:
“I think Scratch was ok, not hard but a bit like, for younger
children…We had some problems but only at the beginning, then it
was fine. I guess we learned to use it very quickly. You do it a few
times, then you solve some problems, you kind of get better, right? I
liked Alice, but that was hard. Like, we couldn’t make the robot run,
we spent a whole lesson. We solved it later and then we didn’t have
many problems”.
This shows that it is important to give time for children to explore the
programming applications so that they can develop their subject knowledge,
which is necessary for debugging problems. It also highlights that having
opportunities to solve problems constantly actually helped children to make
less mistakes as they progressed with their games.
Creativity and Tinkering
I did not asked children about how creative their games were during this
study. However, it is evident from their completed games and field notes
that they were experimenting with ideas that involved decision-making,
critical thinking, problem solving, and designing solutions, which can all be
seen as part of creativity. The task of character and background designs
also provided the children with an opportunity to develop creativity skills, as
this would allow them to express their own ideas using technology.
During the interviews, children were asked about what they learned by
making games. Child T replied:
“It is a bit like writing a story really, you have to imagine first in your head,
what characters or background you will use. Then you think how to code
Child S replied as:
“I guess you use some imagination”.
When asked to explain how, he answered:
“I pictured what I was going to do, I imagined it. Then I draw some,
not everything. Because I wanted to try it first.”
Child B reported:
“I planned it with my friend. We thought in our head then, he told me
his ideas. Then I told him mine. And we created it together”.
This shows that some children may not be able to express their ideas alone
and might need the input or support of a friend. The link between using
imagination, creativity and thinking skills was proclaimed by Child S who
suggested that:
“Having a wide imagination means, thinking a lot harder, harder you
think, more intelligent and more creative you get”.
The impact of game making activities on children’s creativity is discussed in
detail, in section 4.2.4.
Problem solving
During the interviews, when asked what they thought they learned by
making games, every single child mentioned ‘problem solving’ as one of the
skills that they developed. Child K stated that, during game making sessions
when he had a problem, he would try new things to see if he could make it
work or think about adding more things to improve it.
Both participant observations and children’s problem-solving sheets from
this study showed that constant problem solving was at the core of the game
sheets,where they recorded some of the challenges that they faced and how
they solved them, provided me with more detailed information about
examples of problems that they had. When analysing children’s problem132
solving sheets, this was also visible in the problems that the children
recorded when making their games. In Scratch, the children solved
problems related to script, such as creating a variable, but they also had
different problems, such as making sound work, locating sound files,
duplicating a character, or finding a costume. When designing a game using
Alice 2, the children’s problems were mainly writing the code to make an
object do something e.g. How to add a score, moving an object by itself,
how to add a timer (variable), moving a left arm or right leg (robot). The
detailed discussion about children’s problem-solving activities during game
making project can be found in section 4.2.2.
5.5 Game mechanics
Lundgren and Björk (2003) explained game mechanics as the rules that
players need to employ when they interact with a game. Aleven et al. (2010,
p.71) described the mechanics of a game as “the basic components out of
which the game is built: the materials, rules, explicit goals, basic moves,
and control options available to the players”. Hunicke, LeBlanc and Zubek
(2004) noted that mechanics involve actions, behaviours and control
mechanisms. This complex structure of game mechanics makes it difficult
to create a set of evaluation criteria for pupil-created games. Weise (2011)
suggests that writing game mechanics in a verb form, basically as actions
that are accomplished within the limits of game rules, is a technique that
can be useful for creating a framework. Werner, Denner and Campe (2014)
used a similar technique to assess game mechanics in computer games
that were created by children using Alice 2. They listed actions such as
collecting, shooting, racing, guessing, hitting moving objects, and
exploration as game mechanics. Additionally, they included puzzles, hidden
objects, navigation, levels and avoidance in game mechanics. I will use
Werner and colleague’s framework for evaluating the game mechanics in
children’s completed games in this study.
At the beginning of the study, we had a class discussion about ‘what makes
a game, a game’. The common answers that were given by students were:
Games is something you can play”, “It has rules, you get rewards”,
“It has score”, “It needs timer”, “You get points if you win”, “You lose
lives if you don’t play well”, “You have different levels”, “Many games
have stories”, “It has goals”.
My notes of informal conversations with children during the class
discussions illustrates that they distinguish a game from animation mainly
by its playability function. Child K explained this as:
“You play with games, but animation, you just watch them, don’t
Child B reported:
“You need to get some points or some rewards. Maybe have lives, if
you don’t want points. Otherwise what is the point of playing, right?”
Child T mentioned how the game they created can be played but there was
no reward.
“Well, you can drive the car. Two players, like each control one car.
One could use space bar and then one could press arrows. If you go
to the finishing line, then you win. But you don’t receive any point.
But you can play with your friend”.
This comment was interesting as she was correct that her racing game with
her partner was a game that could be played. Her question was, ‘does a
game have to have some form of reward system to be categorised as a
game?’: I think I should have made it clearer at the beginning of the sessions
that, as long as it can be played, it is a game, as I could see that couple of
children had similar confusion.
I analysed 18 games that were created using the Scratch application and
15 games that were created using Alice 2. I used Werner, Denner and
Campe’s (2014) study to examine game mechanics in children’s games. I
added other visible actions and elements that represent game mechanics
for each game and then looked for repeated patterns, first in Scratch games,
then Alice games. Finally, I compared the results of the two separate
analyses to provide an insight into game mechanics that were used by the
children whilst making their games and how this relates to their learning,
especially the development of CT skills. Table 20 shows the actions and
elements that the children included in their games.
Table 20: The actions and elements that children included in their games
Player is given a time limit to complete the task
Player is allowed to move to different stages when
completing a challenge or reaching a target
Player avoids objects to complete a task. This is done
sometimes by controlling the object using a mouse or
arrow keys on the keyboard.
Player is given points/ reward when clicking the objects
Player moves the objects by using mouse or keys on
Player moves objects to the finishing line. This sometimes
involves time limit.
Player completes a quiz by typing answers
Player controls an object to catch other falling objects. This
is done using mouse or keys on the keyboard.
/ Player receives points or score for completing tasks.
Player is given a number of lives for completing a task. In
many games, when the player runs out of lives, the game
Player is given a number of speed options for different
levels of challenge, engagement and interaction with the
Analysis of the 18 Scratch games that were created by the children showed
that timed challenge and score/point were the most commonly used
mechanics as these were included in 11 games. Levels and lives mechanics
were used only in two games. Seven games contained the challenge of
avoiding objects by controlling a sprite using either mouse or arrow keys on
the keyboard. Three games included an action of clicking on the objects that
were appearing and hiding on the screen in order to get points. Two games
were basic racing games where two players were expected to each move a
character to a finishing line; however, this task did not have any visible forms
of reward. One game included speed for objects (apples) dropping from top,
which was a range of random numbers.
During participant observations I asked Child B what the reason was for
using speed, Child B replied:
“This made my game more challenging because players have to be
ready for speed that changes all the time”.
Child K explained that he tried to create a real game:
“You need to have all that stuff, like levels, score. We got levels, right,
let’s say you practice, get better, then you can move onto next. You
can’t play the same one again again, it gets boring”.
These examples from informal conversations show that children used
different mechanics in their game, which they thought had an impact on the
level of players’ engagement with their games.
The analysis of the 15 children’s games created using Alice showed
different results from those of the Scratch games. The most commonly used
game mechanic in Alice was moving objects, where children created events
to control the objects using arrow keys. Only one game included a timed
challenge and score. Two groups tried to create a boat racing game but had
issues with creating the score and timer. Another pair created a simple race
game by moving objects to a specified position using arrow keys. Most of
the games which the children created using Alice 2 were in a format of
animation rather than a game. When the children were asked why they did
not include mechanics in their games, they mentioned how difficult it was
for them to create a timer and score using Alice 2. When I provided them
with an instruction sheet for a game with a timer and score, they were then
able to add these to their games. This showed that they needed more input
and practise to create games using Alice 2.
In summary, this chapter explored what CT constitutes and the ways to best
evaluate it using both the support of literature and the data collected from
this study. After a thorough literature review, I proposed a definition of CT
which highlights the interaction between computation and the elements of
AI, computer, cognitive, learning and psychological sciences. This was also
used to create a framework for evaluating different aspects of the CT
Process, which can be listed as ‘computational concepts’, ‘metacognitive
practices’, ‘learning behaviours’ and ‘Context’, in this study this
wascomputer game design. I conclude that a multiple evaluation approach
should be adopted to illustrate the full learning scope of the CT Process.
Evaluation of children’s completed games demonstrated that, although a
few students found using variables and abstraction challenging, children
were able to use programming constructs including sequences, loops,
parallelism, conditionals, operators and events. The gender-based
comparisons showed that there were differences between the girls’ and
boys’ use of programming constructs both in Alice and Scratch. In the
Scratch environment, all except two girls created animations without using
variables. There were no significant differences in the use of other
programming constructs. In the Alice environment, variables were found
challenging by both girls and boys and only 35% of the girls’ games included
abstractions in comparison to 50% of the boys’ games. Analysis of the
conversations and semi-structured interviews illustrates that planning,
monitoring, and evaluation were the main metacognitive skills that the
children applied and developed through metacognitive practices when
making computer games. Monitoring through constant testing and
evaluation was also evident in all of the children’s work, showing that
metacognitive practices were used for controlling and regulating
programming activities. The findings also indicate that learning behaviours
such as collaboration, communication, persevering, problem solving, and
creativity were visible whilst children were coding games. Furthermore, the
findings of this study showed that the children used different modes of
conversation to make decisions, evaluate and regulate their activities. The
role of conversation in children’s learning will be discussed in the next
Chapter 6: Conversational Exchanges
This chapter aims to answer RQ 3:
What is the role of conversational exchanges in metacognitive process and
children’s learning?
As discussed in Chapter 2, I defined ‘Conversational exchanges’ as a form
of inquiry that engages learners in evaluating their thoughts, decisions and
actions through conversations and dialogues with an ‘invisible other’ and
other collaborators which are sometimes audible, sometimes visible through
gestures. This chapter will examine if and how children use conversation
whilst working on their games and how this relates to metacognition.
Firstly, what constitutes conversational exchanges and how this relates to
game making is explored, using the findings of the literature and data
analysis of semi-structured interviews, children’s problem-solving sheets,
participant observations and video recordings of group discussions. This is
useful for describing the characteristics of different types of conversation
that took place when children were working on their game designs. I then
discuss the interaction between different modes of conversation that took
place during children’s game authoring activities, using data from this study
to clarify the role of conversation in metacognitive process and children’s
6.1 Conversational exchanges: an overview
The data from participant observations clearly show that the children were
constantly having spontaneous conversations with themselves and more
focused dialogues with their ‘self’ and their friends. Although some of their
self-talk was aloud and audible, they did not always expect a reply from their
partner. This does not imply that they were not interested in their partner’s
perspective, but rather that their private speech had a different function than
social communication (Vygotsky, 1986). They used self-talk for a different
purpose whilst designing computer games, specifically, for clarifying things
for themselves in the process of making decisions and problem solving, in
other words, self-regulating. There were occasions where they wanted to
have the opinion of their partners; therefore, they asked questions aimed
directly at them. The following exchange, recorded through participant
observation of Child K and Child H, illustrates this use of language for
different purposes during the sixth game making session:
Child K and H were sitting next to each other and sharing a laptop.
They had created a game called ‘Robot fights’ using Alice 2. Child H
was happy with what they had accomplished and wanted to create
another game. Child K was not pleased with their work and wanted
to continue to work on it. They agreed to spend half of the session
on their robot fight game and the other half on creating a new game.
Figures 6.1 and 6.2 shows the entrance and the main fight scene from their
Robot Fights game design on their computer screen.
Figure 6.1: Child K and H’s Robot fights entrance scene
Child K was controlling the laptop and as soon as he opened the
game, he said, ‘let me see what it looks like’ and then he played it 3
times without making any comments, looking directly at the screen.
Child H: (Looking at the screen) I like it. I think it is done.
Child K: Don’t know.
Child K: (pointing at the object tree of the small robot on the left-hand
side) Why is he flying?
Child K: (Without waiting for a reply) I think I know why
(He then deleted some codes and added new ones).
Child H: Maybe we could add score, so if you win you get something.
Child K: (ignored Child H’s comments, sat back and looked at the
codes on the screen) Maybe BadGuyRobot can go down and then
turn around, small robot could go up and down, like teasing, right?
(Pointing at the BadGuyRobot on the screen)
Child H: Yeah, but it is not a game is it?
Child K: It is because you can win at the end.
Child H: But always BadGuyRobot wins. You can’t play, that is what
I am telling you.
Child K: Yeah, I know that. Hmm, what shall we do then?
Child H: I am not sure (He paused around 30 seconds, looking on
the screen).
Child K: I know (loud), we can use keyboard keys to control them,
like 2 people use different letters or arrows.
Child H: How do you do that?
Child K: I don’t know.
Child K: (Sat back, put his hands over his head) Oh man, this is going
to take forever.
Child K seems to focus on developing the fight scene, as he was not happy
with the movement of the small robot. He asked questions, but he did not
acknowledge his friend’s replies (audible private speech). He answered his
own question and then put this into action by adding and deleting codes.
Child H was not worried about the movement of the small robot; he was
thinking about whether this was a game or not. He was displeased that he
could not play the game because it had a fixed ending. A moment later,
Child K acknowledged Child H’s comment on BadGuyRobot always
winning. He tried to interact with Child H by asking what they should do
(Social speech). He then, again, answered the question himself by making
a suggestion about using the keyboard arrow keys as a controller.
Figure 6.2: Child K and Child H’s ‘Robot fights’ scene
Whilst it is certain that some forms of conversation took place between
these two children, the purpose was more than just for communication.
Each question they asked, replied, or discussed led to another action that
helped them to decide and control their next action. It was also interesting
that when asking questions or making remarks, Child K touched the codes
or characters on the screen, as if he was interacting with them. After he had
suggested that writing a script for controlling the robots will take a very long
time, he paused a few seconds and then directly went to YouTube to explore
tutorials for this task. This means he had thought about how to create this
script (inner speech) and then this led to the action of exploring YouTube.
On his problem-solving sheet, Child K stated that he had asked and talked
to himself about:
“How are we going to work out how to move the robot and the space
This is significant as he used ‘we’ instead of ‘I’ which can be seen as his
acknowledgement of his ’off-and-on’ interaction with his partner in his
thought process. He also added that he discussed with his friend how to
make the robot say ‘boo’. Other children in their problem-solving sheets also
reported this type of focused dialogue with their partner on a specific
problem, question or task.
Vygotsky (1978) shared Piaget’s (1959) view that private speech is visible
with children aged 5-6 years old and declines with age; however, he was
opposed to the idea that it becomes replaced by social communication.
According to Vygotsky, private speech goes underground, transforming into
a cognitive function (self-regulating) and becoming a verbal thought called
‘inner speech’, generally from the age of seven. During this study, although
it cannot be assumed that all of children’s thoughts were audible by others,
there were records of many occasions when children’s self-talk happened
out loud. Whilst they were having a conversation with their ‘self’, they were
touching the screen - not in a random way but aiming at specific characters
and objects. Their private speech did not gradually become social speech
or replaced with inner speech; rather they used private, social and inner
speech continuously in different sequences as they needed to. They would
talk to their ‘self’ and ask questions without expecting to be acknowledged
by another person, and then they would ask the opinion of their partner on
either the same thought or something else. Later on, they would start talking
to their ‘self’ again both loudly and quietly. Notably, when the children used
inner speech, this was visible in their gestures, facial expressions and their
interaction with the game design through touching with their fingers on the
screen as mentioned above. Furthermore, their thoughts, articulated
through inner speech, helped them to make decisions regarding their games
as their thoughts resulted in action. This can be demonstrated in the
following example (recorded through participant observation) of Child T
trying to solve a problem with her game during one of the Scratch game
design sessions:
Child T had created a 2-player racing game with 2 characters, 1
background and a button object to start the game using the Scratch
drag and drop 2D web-based game design application. In order to
start playing the game, a player should click on the green flag, then
the start button on the screen and this should hide the button so that
players can control the characters using the letter b and the up arrow
on the keyboard. The problem she described on her problem-solving
sheet was that she couldn’t make the button disappear once the
player had started to move the characters. She had a partner, but on
the day her partner was ill, so she worked alone. Figure 6.3 shows
the Child T’s game design.
Child T (touching on the start button on the screen constantly): “ohhh,
it is not disappearing, why?” She then said “Maybe” and clicked on
the events tab and dragged and dropped the ‘When green flag
clicked’ block onto the script area. She looked at the script and put
the ‘hide’ block under the ‘When green flag clicked’ block. While she
was moving the ‘hide block’ she said, “I think this would make it work”
(audible private speech).She sat back and said, “I did try that, doesn’t
work” (as if she was having a conversation with her ‘invisible self’)
(audible private speech and inner speech).
When her solution did not work, she got annoyed, said “off”, then
stood up and went to Child K. After 4 minutes she returned with Child
K and she told him that she is trying to make the button disappear
when the players start moving their characters. He looked at her
script and he said, “I know why”, he them moved the ‘hide’ code
above the forever block. They tested it and the script worked. She
said, “I thought of that too”. Child K told her that if you put the hide
under the ‘When green flag clicked’, you are telling the computer to
hide the character. He said, “you should show it at the beginning”, so
he dragged the ’show’ code under ‘When green flag clicked’ block
(social speech).
During this session, Child T started the execution of game design task
alone as she asked questions to her ‘self’ when she faced a challenge. She
made remarks as she moved the code blocks on to the script (audible
private speech). After she tried a solution and failed, it appeared as though
she was having a conversation with her ‘invisible self’, telling it that she did
try that (as though she had thought of another suggestion to solve her
problem). The level of challenge that she experienced might have had an
impact on her using audible private speech (Berk and Landau, 1993). When
she could not come up with an answer, she asked for help from a friend. It
was interesting that, after Child K helped her, she asked him to explain his
solution. Looking at her interaction with both her ‘self ‘and others, she used
private speech that was audible by others where she talked as she moved
the code blocks, social speech when interacting with Child K, and inner
speech when she was evaluating a solution in her mind. These different
forms of conversation enabled her to continue to engage with her task and
manage her activities.
Figure 6.3: Child T’s racing game using Scratch
As previously stated, the data from this study illustrates that, whilst making
games, the children constantly had spontaneous and focused
conversations with their ‘invisible self’ and ‘others’. During the semistructured interviews Child M, aged 9 remarked:
“First, I write a piece of script like how the steps, then I think to
myself, how can I make it better? I try to understand or sometimes
decide by asking myself. I usually do this when I don't understand
what I am doing, when I just check it or revise it I talk to myself. In
other lessons I do it, but I don't do it a lot. Not as often as game
It is apparent from this comment that Child M used language in a form of a
thought for asking himself for help when he does not understand something
or is making a decision. It is interesting that he is aware of a self-talk function
and he states that he uses it in other lessons, but not as often. By asking
how he could make it better, he is activating the thought process for
evaluating and planning. Child H also made similar comments, but this time
with a justification, suggesting that listening to a teacher in other lessons
limits the use of self-talk. This might pose a question as to whether or not
too much ‘teacher talk’ would have an impact on both children’s private and
inner speech.
“I ask myself shall I do that, shall I do this, trying to make a decision.
It kind of helps me to make sense of things. I do it in other lessons
too but not that much. Because you have to listen what teacher is
Child J also mentioned:
“I guess I do use it (self-talk) in other lessons too, but I don’t really
think about it. Maybe not that much because I kind of have to listen
my teacher too. Then you have to finish your work, write and stuff
like that”.
When Child J asked about why he uses self-talk, he replied:
“When I talk to myself, I decide what to do better. It is like asking
questions to yourself. Shall I do this and that. Then you answer it
yourself, but you don’t really realise that. Because it is like thinking in
your head. You hear yourself (He smiles)”.
Child H’s and Child J’s purpose of using self-talk is comparable to that of
Child M’s; all mentioned making decisions and making sense of things. They
noted that they are both aware of self-talk as a function and pointed out that
they use it more often during game making. This might suggest that the
application of conversation as a function could be task-related and the
context of how the learning was facilitated might have had an impact on the
use of conversational exchanges by children.
When the children were asked to complete the sentence “I asked/talked
/thought to myself’ on their problem solving sheets, some of them replied:
“If I did it right”, “How we could improve our game”, “How my game should
be set up”, “That I should check the game”, “I asked myself if I put this… to
make plan work”, “About the mistakes we were making”. When they were
asked to report on what they had discussed with their partner or friends,
their comments exhibited different forms of dialogue with a more specific
focus. They made comments such as “How to open web gallery”, “How to
put the alien behind the ramp”, “How are we going to make the score work”,
and “Which character we should pick”. This shows that they used both selftalk and social talk to check if they were doing the task correctly and/or to
make decisions related to specific problems with different focusses.
Video recordings of the children’s discussions provided a deeper insight into
how and why they used different forms of conversation when making their
games, especially self-talk. A few of them reported that talking to their ‘self’,
made them think, which emphasizes the link between language and
thought. Child K explained this as:
“I think when you talk to yourself, it makes your brain like, you, you
think yourself, like you don't ask someone else with different brains
to yourself. So, you see, like, was in your own brain, you know what
you are capable of, what you are good at”.
Child K’s comment also highlights how he used ‘self-talk’ to evaluate his
own ability to do something. He also connects self-talk to the mind by
“I think when you talk to yourself, it expresses your mind, makes you
think what you want to think, not anyone else”.
By suggesting that he does not ask someone, it can be assumed that selftalk took place in his mind (inner speech) and was not audible by others;
however, this was not clear.
Child M’s comments also suggest that he was able to distinguish self-talk
from talking to others and define its purpose. Child M noted that talking has
a purpose of asking someone for their opinion. He said:
“I think talking to yourself is that, it is different than talking to other
people because you don’t really ask their opinion, you ask your
opinion, like what is in your head. It makes you think, what you wanna
do, like independent, more independent than talking to someone else
to see what they think”.
This view was supported by Gallagher and Crisafi (2009) who claim that
“when we are explicitly trying to think through a problem, we conduct an
inner conversation where we may represent one side of the issue against
the other side” (p.6). They also noted that conversation with others can also
serve the same purpose and thinking is often conducted by such
Child A shared another purpose for self-talk. He suggested that it helps him
to organize things. He explained this as:
“I think that the purpose of it is like to make you a bit more organised.
Like if you couldn't bother to like, write down everything you are going
to do today, your brain, you could store it inside your brain. Like a
phone, you store stuff in your phone”.
‘Organising your brain’ means using self-talk as a function to regulate selfbehaviour (Ford et al., 2004).
It is very difficult to count the number of these speech utterances that have
occurred at the end of this project as I was not able to observe every single
focus child at the same time during each session. However, it still provided
me with an insight into what type of conversations they were using it and for
what purpose. I will discuss this in the following section.
6.2 The modes of Conversational Exchanges
It is clear from the data analysis that (as discussed in section 6.1)
sometimes learners had spontaneous conversation with themselves out
loud, which were random (unplanned) and aimed at ‘self’ with an intent of
exploring their ideas and solutions randomly (Private speech). Sometimes
they focused on a specific problem during their conversation as they
answered their own questions and/or had unintentional dialogue with others
(Unintended collaborative talk). In some situations, they had focused
dialogues with their friends in which they tried solving problems
collaboratively, which can be seen as shared thinking (Intentional social
discourse -social speech). On other occasions, they had conversations with
self that were only visible through actions and/or gestures as they
internalized their thoughts (tacit inner dialogue).
In order to have a clear picture of conversations styles and their purposes
in game design context, I first listed all the conversations that children had:
random self-talk, unintended collaborative talk, intentional social talk and
inner dialogue. I wrote the characteristics for each conversation style by
using the data from my observation notes, group discussions and semistructured interviews (Table 21). This was useful for identifying the different
types of conversational exchanges that took place whilst children were
working on their games, and their purposes. This process contributes to the
literature as it provides a clear list of children’s speech utterances and their
characteristics in computer game design context. There were 28
interactions recorded in total. Some of these interactions represented more
than one type of conversational exchange. For example, in record 15, Child
T was having a conversation with self, but then she moved onto talking to
her partner, Child A, and then went to speak with Child K. Therefore, she
used private, social and also inner speech in the same interaction. Out of
28 interactions; 11 records were private speech, six records were
unintended collaborative talk, 21 were intentional social discourse and
seven were tacit inner speech occurrences. I believe that there were more
inner speech activities included in almost each interaction; however, I was
not able to keep a record of these through visible behaviours.
Table 21: Modes of conversation in game design context
Modes of Conversations in game design context
audible Mode 2: Unintended collaborative talk
conversation (private speech)
(with ‘self’ and ‘others’)
Focused on specific problem
Aimed at ‘self’
Aimed at ‘self’ and ‘others’
Directed at an object
Asking questions to ‘self’
Answering own questions
Visible via audible talk
Intent of exploring
Mode 3: Intentional social discourse Mode 4: Mode 4: Tacit inner speech
(Focused dialogues with others)
Aimed at ‘others’
Focused dialogues
In the form of a thought
Negotiating meaning
Visible through actions or/and
Shared thinking
Asking questions to a partner
Answering questions of a partner
Eye / Physical contact
Requesting partner’s attention
Making sense with ‘self’ and
‘invisible self’
A more detailed account of the different modes of Conversational
exchanges is given below using data from participants observations.
Mode 1: Spontaneous audible private speech
The analysis of the participant observations shows that out of 28 recorded
interactions involving the focus children, 11 included interaction with
‘invisible other’, namely private speech. The children had spontaneous
conversations that were related to any part of their game design task. This
communication was aimed at their ‘self’ with a main function of ‘exploring’.
Some children made remarks about the characters and the backgrounds
that were included within the game design application, while others asked
questions without any expectations of an answer from other pupils. The
children did not communicate any information directly to others, although
some of them had a partner nearby watching their actions. They rarely
acknowledged the responses from their partners and their interactions with
their ‘self’ were visible through their facial expressions, gestures and audible
speech. The record of participant observation in the following example
presents the use of self-talk by Child T who was working with a ten-year-old
boy (not a focus child). This was the second session of using the Scratch
application when the students were exploring the program and planning
their games. She normally was partnered with Child A, but on that specific
day Child A was absent; therefore, she worked with another child. The
observation commenced 12 minutes after the students started to work on
their games.
What! That is ugly trousers, will draw a new one (Looks at a female
character in Scratch library). Maybe I can draw my own? Let me see
how you do that (Clicks on the Scratch drawing area). Should have
black hair, right, or dark brown maybe? (She draws a circle then adds
mixture of black and brown hair). Aha, cool (she smiles). It looks
similar; oh I forgot the hair clips (she looks at her drawing on her
paper then uses black felt tipped pen to over go the lines on the hair
clips of the female character on paper). Red pencil please, who has
it? (She shouts, then leaves her seat for a few seconds and picks up
some coloring pencils from other tables). (She starts colouring the
female characters clothes on her planning sheet in red), ba pam ba
pam bam pa… (She hums a rhythm while she is working). Shoes,
himmm! (She looks at the colouring pencil for a short while then starts
colouring the shoes of her character in red too). Looks ok. I know
what, I think the hair should have red (She colours the hair below the
hair clip in red. (Looks at her drawing on the paper, then looks at the
screen on her computer, she repeats this a few times, then she starts
drawing on her screen). Ah, why is it not working? (She gets cross
because the eyes she draws on screen character are not the same
size). (Her partner says ‘silly, silly, silly’ and then adds ‘use the circle
silly’). (She looks at the screen) Where? (She asks). Oh, silly me
(She smiles, finds the circle drawing tool). (She erases her character
on screen and then draws it again using the shapes drawing tools.
She uses circle for drawing the head and the eyes).
In the example above, Child T used private speech when making decisions
and finding solutions to problems. Sometimes she used a non-word (e.g.
himm…), excitement word (e.g. ah, aha) or a muttering in a form of
humming a song, and sometimes she made a sentence or asked a question,
but these were all related to her work, meaning her conversation with ‘self’
helped her to control her behaviour and focus on the task. These dialogues
also engaged her in collaborative problem-solving activities with ‘invisible
self’ (Vygotsky, 1979) by helping her to appropriately select and use
cognitive strategies. One example of this was when Child T did not like the
character in Scratch library, so she decided to draw her own one. She then
started to think about whether she could draw exactly the one that she
wanted. She used her knowledge of Scratch to open the drawing pad and
tried to create an on-screen version of her drawing from her paper. She
guided herself for this activity and constantly monitored her progress by
comparing her on screen drawing with her paper based one. Diaz (1992)
suggested that there is a correlation between the use of private speech and
children’s task performance. According to her, if a child has the level of
competence that is necessary for completing a task, the child will be able to
accomplish this without the need for private speech. This was supported by
Fernyhough and Fradley (2005) who noted that private speech is initiated
especially when facing challenging tasks. I believe that this might be the
case for some children and situations, but in this case Child T did have the
competence to complete the task. The task was open-ended and required
her to use her own ideas and creativity to explore and make decisions, and
it was this which encouraged the use of private speech. Johnson (2004)
supported this by suggesting that private speech supports children to solve
complex problems by providing them with metacognitive tools such as
guiding, monitoring and planning of tasks.
Observation of Child K during a Scratch session provides further detail
about the use of private speech for self-regulating. This observation took
place halfway through the session 6. His partner, Child H, was away and he
did not want to work with someone else. He also did not want to work on
their shared project, so he decided to create a car game.
(He was testing his code for making the car start with a speed and
then gradually gets faster). Hmmm… (He looked thoughtful and
unsure; he placed his hands behind his head, sat back on his chair
and looked at the screen). (He dragged an operation (+) block and
tried to place it onto move block), ah what, why did I do that? Ok, let
me think. X is like, like vertical line (he moves his hands, holding them
vertically, then he goes on Google and writes x vertical or horizontal,
clicks on the enter). (He reads the first web page, then returns to his
game screen), ah now I got it, it is horizontal (he laughs). (He drags
the ‘change x by’ block to the coding space. The then places ‘When
the green flag clicked’ block above and clicks on the flag. He drags
the repeat block and moves the ‘change x by’ block inside. He
programs the code to repeat 10 times. He is using the cat sprite, the
cat moves, he looks annoyed). (He puffs) so annoying man. (He then
searches on Google ‘changing the speed of a sprite Scratch’. He
opens a website and reads the instructions. He starts laughing) Oh
man, that is easy, just need a variable. (He creates a speed variable,
then he drags ‘change speed by’ block inside ‘forever’ block).
In this example, Child K uses self-reinforcement words ‘I got it’ to express
the point that he now knows the problem. He asks question to himself “Why
did I do that?” to evaluate his own action. He plans his next action by
thinking about and searching for the position of X, whether it is vertical or
horizontal. He again plans by suggesting that he needs to get a variable.
Although Child K was frustrated in a few situations, this did disengage him
with his task, but encouraged him to think ways of finding a solution to his
problem. He planned his actions and evaluated them through questioning,
which is the important part of self-regulated learning and successful
cognitive performance. As mentioned in Chapter 2, this semi-structured
problem-solving task motivated him to use private speech (Berk and Garvin,
1984). Furthermore, the task was challenging at times, which might facilitate
the use of private speech more than usual (Kohlberg and Yaeger, Hjertholm,
1968; Behrend, Rosengren and Perlmutter, 1989).
Mode 2: Unintended collaborative talk (with self and others)
There were six records of this type of conversation written down in field
notes. In this mode, the children focused on a specific question, problem or
task execution. Although their dialogue was aimed at their ‘self’ and they
mainly answered their own questions, there were cases where they had a
quick exchange of thoughts through dialogue with their partners on a shared
topic or question. It was significant that none of the parties involved in
dialogue was interested in negotiating a shared meaning or finding out
about each other’s perspectives. Although they were in the same
environment: sitting next to each other, focusing on the same activities,
looking at the same computer screen, they were just sharing their own
thoughts without an expectation of acknowledgement from each other.
The Child T example from Mode 1: Spontaneous audible private speech
section can also be used to explain this mode of conversation. During the
participant observations, Child T switched between having a conversation
with ‘invisible self’ and interacting with her partner. When she asked
questions or made comments about her actions, she did not look
at her partner or try to involve with her. When she could not come up with a
solution, although she did not ask for help, her partner who has been
watching and listening to her quietly, decided to become involved and
suggested using the circle tool to draw the character’s eyes. The interesting
point was that, although the interaction between two children started at that
point, they both continued to use private speech. This shows that they did
not replace one form of conversation with another; rather, they used them
for different purpose and situations.
The following exchange between Child M (Focus child, 10 years old boy)
and Child N (not a focus child, 10 years old girl) illustrates the main elements
of this mode of conversation. The observation took place during the third
session of Scratch gaming project. The children were still exploring the
application and developing their game plans. Child M’s partner was away
so he worked with Child N. They had a planning sheet in front of them. They
drew pictures and used text for their planning. They did not colour the
pictures; they only used black pencil to draw the characters and the
background for their game. They were sitting next to each other, but not
sharing a computer; each had their own laptop.
Child M: (Looks at the planning sheet) I need a police officer. (He
opens the Scratch library) Oh no! (He places his hand on his mouth,
and then moves it away, he smiles).
Child N: (Looks at the planning sheet, smiles, opens the Scratch
library, clicks on the people tab. She doesn’t respond to Child M.)
Child M: I can’t draw. I am rubbish! Hmm. (He opens the drawing pad
on Scratch, draws a head (He laughs). Oh God, rubbish innit? (He
still doesn’t look at Child N).
Child N: (Opens the drawing pad and starts drawing a person). (She
looks at Child M’s laptop screen, starts laughing, they both laugh).
Mine rubbish too (She continues to draw).
Child M: (He looks at Child S laptop screen who is also a focus child).
That’s good, actually really good. That’s it! (He closes the cover of
his laptop and sits back, stares at Child N laptop).
Child M did not start his task with an intention of working with his partner,
even though they were sitting next to each other. They could share a laptop
from beginning like many pairs, but they decided to have their own. There
might be many reasons for this, such as they may not get enough turns
using the laptop, or they might want to search on the Internet. Child M began
interacting with himself, focusing on a specific aim: creating a police
character for their game. He evaluated his work and did not like the quality
of what he created; he shared his self-criticism aloud but not directed to his
partner. Child N did not acknowledge her partner’s conversation or actions
until he comments on his own picture. After this, they start interacting and
commenting on each other’s work. It is not possible to simply define this
interaction being a ‘Collective Monologue’ as Piaget suggested (1959,
p.17). He noted that in this form of private speech the child may not expect
to be acknowledged by others and continues to talk to self without
collaborating with his/her audience. He might have intended to describe this
form of private speech in relation to very young children rather than the
students that took part in this study. In this episode, Child M started his
conversation with himself without expecting any answers from his partner.
However, his out loud comments triggered a conversation with Child N and
they mediated their ideas to form a solution for their game project. They
moved from working alone to collaborative interaction through conversing,
although this was not continuous as they switched between working alone,
talking to self and talking to each other. Their conversation was not aimed
at anyone specifically; rather, conversing both with self and each other
occurred unintentionally.
Another interaction took place between Child B and J during one of the Alice
Child B and Child J were sitting together. Although they were working
on their game on Child B’s computer, Child J also had logged onto
his computer. Child J was on You Tube looking at some videos. Child
B asked himself if he should make the boat bigger (His hand was on
the mouse). Child J replied as “I am not sure”. He was still keeping
an eye on his screen. Child J then opened a video and said “Yes”
(looked very excited and happy). Child B was still working on resizing the boat object. Child B suggested that it (the boat) looked
better now. Child J looked at the boat very quickly and said “Yeah, I
think so”. He (Child J) then looked at his screen and said, “This is
cool, but looks a bit hard”. Child B only looked briefly to Child J’s
screen and smiled. The You Tube screen showed a boat race on
Alice with a timer at the top. I left the students and moved to another
part of the classroom. When I returned maybe 5 minutes later, Child
B was looking at Child J’s screen. They watched the video together;
they stopped the video at certain times in order to follow the step-bystep instructions (Extract from fieldnotes).
This example shows that although the children worked on the same task,
their conversation was always aimed at each other. Sometimes they asked
a question to themselves and sometimes they acknowledged a comment
that was made by their partner although this was not expected of them. Still,
they were having a conversation on the shared task unintentionally which
brought them together later on to work collaboratively. While they did not
have a purpose of solving a problem together or finding an answer, through
speech, they evaluated each other’s ideas and focused on investigating
their own ideas at the same time.
Mode 3: Intentional social discourse (Focused dialogues with others)
‘Intentional social discourse’ refers to the social interaction that is based on
a shared task, challenge or question. Conversation in this form has the
function of negotiating, meaning that could trigger an evaluating, planning
or monitoring process. There were 21 records of the children having focused
dialogues with either their partner or others in the room for both
communicating their ideas or/and asking questions. They engaged
collaboratively with a problem, challenged, questioned or executed tasks
through focused dialogues that led to a shared thinking. When analysing the
data to identify social speech, the focus was not only on the verbal
communication that took place between children, but at the same time the
physical contact and/or eye contact that they made. The following examples
from observations present intentional social speech practices that took
place during game-making activities.
Child K and Child L (10 years old, not a focus child). This interaction
took place during the 3rd session of Alice game making project. Child
K’s partner Child H was away.
(Child K clicks on the green flag to run his code, it doesn’t work. He
looks at his partner, Child M. His partner raises his eyebrows, looks
at the screen and waits in silence for about 6 seconds).
Child M: Let me do it then (Sounds like he is not happy).
(Child K moves back, Child M clicks on the green flag to run the code,
it doesn’t work).
Child M: Why did you put this?
(Child M moves the pointer to a code, he deletes a code and then
drags another one, and he is humming a tune at the same time, Child
K watching him).
Child K: Ah now I know, wait.
(Child M stops and looks at him).
Child M: What? I am making it
(Child K moves forward and takes over the control of the laptop; he
pats Child M on the shoulder)
Child K: Yep, yep, I know now.
(Child M looks very annoyed, folds his arms and sits back, still
looking on the screen).
Although Child K did not directly ask for help of his partner, by looking at
him he triggered the communication using eye contact. They do not seem
to work on the problem together; rather, they try to solve it alone.
Nevertheless, they responded to each other’s verbal comments and
actions. This made the conversation ongoing and kept them on task. There
were moments were the students were silence whilst their partner was using
the laptop, but this did not disengage them from the activity, or stop the
social interaction. Rather, they seem to be thinking about their next action,
as a verbal comment or physical movement often followed this silent
Another example of this was observed between Child A , Child T and Child
K. This interaction took place during sixth session of Alice game making
project, 34 minutes after the session had started. Child A and Child T are
partners, creating their game together. Child K has a different partner;
however, during the observation of this specific interaction he was sitting
with Child A and T.
Child T: Yeah, done that, tried it (Looking at Child A)
(Child A nods)
Child K: Hmm, let me see, emm, what about (He is controlling the
laptop, moving some codes).
Child T: Can you see it (Looking at Child A)
(Child A nods her head)
Child T: Sure?
Child A: Yes (Nods)
(Child K, working on the script, he deletes some codes and drags
some new codes).
Child K: You could create a procedure, you know, it saves time, you
don’t keep adding code.
Child T: Yeah, we tried, haven’t we (Looking at Child A).
Child A: (Nods her head) didn’t work.
Child K: Let’s see; let me run it, yes (He raises his fist above his head,
‘Yes’ comes very loud).
Both Child T and A are smiling (they look relieved).
Child T: Can you show us though?
Child K: Your variable, yeah, you need to create it for this sprite, you
see what I mean (pointing at the code)
Child A: I did say (Looking at Child T)
Child T: We did that, I am sure we tried that (Looking at Child A,
expecting a response).
Child K: You did for all of them, not just for this sprite
Child T: oh, I see, well.
I am assuming Child A and Child T could not make their code work, so they
asked Child K for help. Child A was very quiet; she mainly nodded her head
and made very only two short verbal comments. This is unusual as she is
normally very chatty and dominating. She does not get on well with Child K,
so this might impact on her involvement level. Child K is very good at coding
in both Scratch and Alice environments. The students always ask him for
help. Although Child A did not say much, it was clear that she was engaged
with the conversation through eye contact and physical gestures. Child T
always used plural form for verb (we), reflecting that the game was created
collaboratively. She also requested Child A’s attention by looking at her for
a response or asking her question directly. The interaction between Child T
and Child K was more than asking for help; Child T wanted to find out what
their error was and how they could solve it. She asked Child K for further
explanations, in other words, she constructed her understanding through
social interactions with Child K. They used social speech to evaluate the
script, identify the error and create a solution, which involved some form of
planning, although this was not always visible.
One interesting point is that the children’s social speech was not always
audible. As presented in this example, the use of eye contact or physical
gestures which are not audible were also part of this mode of interaction. It
is not possible to suggest that Child A did not have necessary resources for
using social speech, as there might be many reasons for her silence such
as not having a good relationship with Child K. Another interesting point was
that the conversation between children became more intensive when there
is a problem. In both episodes, the social speech was taking place because
the children could not find a solution for their problem and they needed help;
in other words, social speech was triggered by a problem.
In another example, Child C and G solved a problem which involved
creating a variable for one character. Child C was holding the mouse and
he deleted the variable. Child G became upset and told him off for deleting
the variable.
Child C: So, what, we can create it again (not happy with Child G’s
Child G: Wait man, just wait. You don’t know what was wrong though,
do you? (He looked cross).
Child C: (Passing the mouse to Child G) Fine, you do it (he folded his
Child G: (Clicked on make a variable, then he created a score
variable) Here it is.
Child C: Test it, come on
Child G: (Tested the game) Offff! (He looked at me as if he was
expecting me to help, I turned my head other way as if looking at
another child).
Child C: Did you click on the apple?
Child G: I think, oh no, background. I know what to do. Just select
this (apple sprite).
Child C: Yeah, told you (smiling).
Child G: For this or for all (clicking on the make a variable tab)
Child C: Make it so if click on strawberries you lose points. So, you
need to have one more for that one.
Child G: This is for apple (created a variable).
Child C: Yeah.
Once the variable for the apple sprite worked, they both looked happy. They
basically identified and solved the problem together. In this scene, they used
conversation as a tool to communicate, but also to think of solutions for a
problem, then evaluate these through testing. In a sense, Child C guided
Child G by offering hints which can be seen as indirect support through
social conversations that can help with their cognitive development
(Bodrova and Leong, 1996). This was supported by Tobin (1998) who
suggested that language-based interactions enable students to negotiate
meaning (in this example evaluating and formulating solutions) which can
contribute to both social and cognitive development. Furthermore, these
language-based social interactions are essential for learners to self-regulate
their learning (Tobin, 1998; Vygotsky, 1978; Schunk and Zimmerman,
2011). One important point is when Child C and G were having a
conversation, they were also making comments that directed at self. For
example, when Child G wanted to create a variable, he talked to himself;
“for this or for all”, “just select this(apple)”, “this is for apple”. There were
many similar interactions where private and social speech were used
together. Kraft and Berk (1998) reported that when children worked
collaboratively with their peers, they used private speech more often than
when they were alone. I cannot make any claims as all the students in this
study had social interactions either through working with a partner, or
walking around and exchanging ideas, or both.
Mode 4: Tacit inner speech (Thought)
Inner speech can be simply defined as dialogue with oneself (Bakhtin,
1986). It is very difficult to observe when and how children use tacit inner
speech (thought) as it is not audible by others, but it is sometimes visible
through children’s actions that reflect their decisions. Child A’s explanation
during interviews illustrates this:
“When trying to find out, like when I was trying to make the character
move, I was thinking how can I make the character move? Let me
look around the place. I kind of explore in my mind. If you say it in
your head, you can think more, focus on it and learn more.
Sometimes I do it in maths and science”.
In this episode, Child A used tacit inner speech to find a way to make his
character move. He suggests that if you say it in your head (inner speech),
it can enhance your learning. Tacit inner speech (thought) mainly took place
after one of the other modes of conversation in the form of a ‘pause’ and
‘silence’. This moment of silence enabled children to make sense of their
conversations with both their ‘self’ and ‘others’ through evaluating and
negotiating meaning in their mind. This ‘making sense’ process would lead
to decisions, followed by an action. In some cases, this action was going
back to explore some more ideas or modifying the planning or the game
Some of the children used tacit inner speech to evaluate their decisions and
actions and to plan their next steps, some to formulate solutions. The
example I shared in the previous section where Child G and Child C were
having an issue with creating a variable. They tried out different solutions to
debug their errors. They used social speech to discuss their ideas and
private speech to evaluate their own thinking. Every time they had
language-based social interaction, their social and private speech gradually
internalized and became silence (inner speech) (Winsler and Naglieri,
2003). Ford et al. (2004) suggest that the purpose of inner speech is to
control thought and behaviour. Although it was silent, inner speech became
visible through Child C’s and Child G’s private and social speech practices
as they constantly made decisions and evaluated these. In the following
section, I will discuss the interaction between these four types of
6.3 The interaction between the modes of conversation
The data from participant observations, children’s interviews and the
problem-solving sheets show that the children used modes of conversation
in different sequential order. During the interviews, Child G explained his
‘talk’ activities as:
“Depends on what my problem is. Sometimes I think in my head and
that works, sometimes I will talk to Child C or other people. Yeah,
and solve it together”.
He moved between talking to his ‘self’ and friend to find an answer to his
problem. He compared his inner speech to talking to his brain, which could
be seen as ‘invisible self’.
Child T also described her interaction using different modes of
conversation. She said:
“First, I try to make a plan in my head, think what I want my characters
to do, how I want my characters to look, what shall I do, how shall I
do it? Then, I start talking to my partner. We decide on things
Child J explained:
“Well, of course, I first think in my head, right, and ask how, how I
can solve it. If I got the answer then it is ok, I tell my partner, or if it
was too hard, then I would ask for help”.
Participant observations shown that Child A started her task by planning in
her head (inner speech) then discussing these with her partner (social
speech) to decide together. It appears as though some children decided to
start having a conversation with their partner directly to plan their games
rather than their ‘self’. Other children chose to explore some ideas on their
own by looking at examples on the Internet and making remarks to their
‘self’ whilst analysing these. There were some students who wrote notes on
paper as they talked to their ‘self’ during mode 1 and thought to their ‘self’
during mode four. As they moved between the modes, they used
conversation to trigger, apply and control different cognitive and
metacognitive strategies (Johnson, 2004). Figure 6.4 shows the interaction
between the different modes of conversational exchanges.
Figure 6.4: The interaction between the different modes of conversational
According to Tomasello et al. (1993), the core of internal dialogues of selfregulation is social interaction. They argued that the child could only be
engaged in internal dialogues of self- regulating speech after they have
managed to understand others’ thoughts and perspectives. I agree that
dialogue through social interactions can lead to internalization of thoughts,
in other words, inner speech. However, the data from this study shows that
the internalization of audible private speech is also possible as children
negotiate the meaning through self-talk. Vygotsky argued that “Inner speech
is not the interior aspect of external speech - it is a function in itself”
(Vygotsky, 1986, p. 149). Assumptions around inner speech occurring
automatically as a consequence of social speech are therefore misleading.
Vygotsky (1978) also suggests that, alongside its cognitive function, private
speech also indicates one’s ability for self-communication, similar to social
speech demonstrating one’s capacity for social communication. The
interpretation of ‘self’ in self-communication makes this statement more
understandable. Self in this process acts as ‘invisible self’ with a function
of regulating by providing another perspective for negotiating meaning, just
as we do in social communication. This dialogue between ‘self’ and ‘invisible
self’ leads internalization of language as thoughts (Inner speech). Child A’s
comments from interviews illustrates how communication with ‘invisible self’
enables one to adopt two different roles that enable social-like dialogue.
She explains:
“I think about what I want to do in my game or animation. Then I plan
it out. First in my mind, then on a paper. After I finished planning then
I start talking to my brain, finding out what makes this thing move and
actions, like how do you make it stop at certain times. I ask, and my
brain answers me. If it doesn't work, I try different things, sometimes
I ask my friend or teacher but most of the times I talk to myself,
because it helps your mind to think about the steps you need to
follow. I do it more in game design, because game design is more
complicated. You have to improvise it; you have to find new things.”
Child A expressed her interaction with ‘invisible self’ by stating that she talks
to her brain and her brain answers back. She also explains that when she
talks to herself, this helps her mind to think about what to do next. She
moves between talking to brain, talking to self and talking to friend/teacher.
All these modes of conversation share a common feature, that of social
interaction. Self-talk is also a form of social interaction in this scenario, as
this enabled Child A to negotiate answers for her questions with herself.
During the group discussions, the children used different words to represent
‘invisible self’. Child A explained this as talking to a ghost. She said:
“If you can't really remember it, you ask yourself and it answers back.
It is like a ghost; it is inside you”.
Child B mentioned having two different people in her brain:
“it is like I have 2 different people in my brain. One is me; one is the
part that is saying, do this, do that”.
The data from this study suggests that the children’s use of different modes
of conversation were neither based on a developmental stage nor related
to age. The children used some or all of the modes of conversational
exchanges in different sequential orders. This might have been determined
by many different factors. The children may have been lacking the
awareness or skills that are necessary for using different modes of
conversation for regulating their own mental activities. They might not have
the emotional readiness for interacting with friends. The teachers may not
have an understanding of the role of self-talk in learning and how they
facilitate this process in the classroom. The game-making task may not be
interesting for all of the children or might be too challenging for some.
In summary, children used conversations to think and regulate their
planning, decision-making and evaluating activities. In a sense, these
conversational exchanges are metacognitive conversations because they
act as a trigger for evoking metacognitive process. This idea is supported
by Mead (1934) who agreed with Vygotsky that speech and thought could
be in the form of a dialogue that allows children to make sense of their own
actions when they discuss the meaning with others. In the next chapter, I
will discuss metacognition and tools for measuring metacognition in more
Chapter 7: Measuring Metacognition
This chapter aims to answer the RQ 4:
How to measure metacognition in a computer game design context?
In this chapter, I first evaluate the data from the participant observations,
game design planning sheets, children’s journals and problem-solving
sheets, semi-structured interviews and group discussions to gain an
understanding of the metacognitive skills that children apply and develop
when making their computer games. I than propose a framework for
metacognitive skills using the support of relevant studies in this field and the
data from this study. Finally, I report on the development of the
Metacognitive Skills Instrument (MSI) based on the framework for
metacognitive skills in game making context: a self-report instrument for
pupils to measure their perception of metacognitive awareness whilst
authoring their own games. The development and the use of this tool can
be seen as a way of checking the validity of the metacognitive framework
that has been shared.
It is clear from my discussions in section 2.2.2. that measuring
metacognition is very challenging and in order to cover all the components
of metacognition, it is crucial to employ different procedures for measuring
metacognitive skills from different aspects. The complete list of the methods
that were used for identifying the metacognitive skills that children applied
during game making activities can be found in Chapter 3, Table 11.
7.1 Data analysis of Metacognitive skills
It is a very difficult task to describe the metacognitive skills that children
apply when making computer games, as their mental activities are not
always visible. Their game designs could give us information about whether
they were able to use the software to create a game. However, it does not
explain the underlying functions they used in the control and monitoring of
their cognitive process, such as, how they solved the problem, the strategies
they used, whether they had previous knowledge which helped them with
the task, how they selected the information they used, how they knew it was
the right choice and so forth. This section tries to answer these questions
by analysing the findings from the participant observations, game design
planning sheets, children’s journals and problem-solving sheets, semistructured interviews and group discussions, in conjunction with the
literature in metacognition.
As explained in section 2.2, metacognition is simply described as ‘thinkingabout-thinking’ (Flavell, 1979). Claxton (1999) explains metacognition as a
way of supporting people to manage their minds more productively, which
enables them to use their resources more effectively. It is clear that
metacognition involves self-regulating, monitoring activities and skills to
manage these processes. Therefore, I define metacognition as a skill set
which enables people to deploy and manage their cognitive resources
effectively to regulate their thinking and learning. A number of studies
describe planning, monitoring and evaluation as the main metacognitive
skills for learners to regulate their learning whilst completing a task (Fisher,
2005; Perry et al., 2018; Schraw et al., 2006; Whitebread et al., 2009;
Zepeda et al. 2018) and these will be used as a starting point for examining
metacognitive skills that children applied whilst working on their games.
Several studies suggest that collaborative game making provides a context
for children to solve problems which requires planning, executing and selfregulation skills (Bermingham et al., 2013; Kafai; 1996). In my study, I also
found that planning was a skill used by all of the children throughout the
activity for different purposes such as making predictions; managing
resources and time; and selecting and allocating strategies. At the
beginning, the children used different methods and styles to plan their
games when using both the Scratch and Alice applications. This involved
making predictions about which codes that would help them achieve their
goals and allocating the resources that would help them to create their
games (characters, backgrounds, sounds). On their planning sheets, some
children preferred only drawings as a tool to communicate their ideas; some
used both text and pictures; and a few used only texts to present their
Most of the children’s planning sheets had a title, characters and
background information. They included a story or narrative, but not
necessarily game elements such as variables. Although their finished
games included some variables such as a timer, score and levels, some of
the children did not have any records of this on paper. During the semistructured interviews, many children talked about how they went over their
work and changed their games constantly. Again, this was visible when their
finished games were compared with their paper versions. However, there
were no alterations made on the planning sheet. It therefore seems as
though they used their planning sheet purely as a verbal review tool and
made the changes on the actual design rather than on paper.
A majority of the children planned their games in multiple parts. One of the
interesting points was that, when they designed their work in parts, most of
them listed each action that will take place as a bullet point. This task is very
abstract for young people and requires organizing, predicting, visualising
and sequencing skills. Coming up and tinkering with ideas and then
visualising how these ideas would transform into a game through planning
in mind (visualising) and discussions with partners were common
behaviours that were recorded, both during participant observations and
The data from the semi-structured interviews also suggests that game
design activities helped the children to use planning skills more often for
other activities as well. Child S reported this:
“I used to be like, let’s do this, but never planned for anything. But
game design made me to do stuff freely, like independent. And then
suddenly my thinking has changed. Now I plan everything out”.
Child G explained:
“I kind of got used to doing it, then I start doing in other lessons. I
don’t have to, but, erm, like you know it helps me remember things,
or I write steps down, so I know what to do next”.
Using their early planning sheets, I created a planning template for them to
use if they wanted to (Appendix 6). Some children preferred to use the
ready-made template to organize their ideas, but most continued to plan
using blank sheets. There were only a few children who preferred to just
plan on-screen as they went along rather than planning on paper in
advance. Those who used the template seemed to include more-detailed
information and spent more time on drawing and colouring the scenes. The
template had two pages. The first page was in the form of a diagram for the
children to just write down some words to express their ideas. The second
page had simple instructions to tell them what they need to focus on (Figure
7.1). I tried not to include too many instructions, as I did not want to affect
either their ideas or the methods that they used for recording their thoughts.
One of the most interesting points was on the first page of the template,
which had small circles for the children to write down some ideas, some
children preferred to just draw rather than use text. Not defining the form in
which children should present their ideas enabled them to think using
different methods to organize and share their designs, which requires
deeper thinking.
Write down the main events as a list How would your game / animation
to help you with your planning
look like?
Figure 7.1: Headings for the game planning template
Flavell (1979) listed ‘exploring’ as a metacognitive skill. Before starting to
plan their games, a majority of the students first explored the Scratch and
Storytelling Alice programs and investigated what it is possible to do using
these programs. Although I wanted to help them to get familiar with the Alice
interface through modelling a simple animation, all except two of the
children wanted to just explore the program for themselves. I changed the
structure of my lesson and worked with those two children who wanted more
help with using the application. The rest of the class spent the session trying
out different elements of the Alice program. This ‘exploring’ activity had
occurred in two different ways: learning about the mechanics of the medium
(interface) and knowing what they could manifest with it (design). They
looked at the characters and backgrounds that are available within the
application and found out about how to draw their own objects. They also
needed to visualise and predict how their sentences would translate into
code to form actions in their design in order to identify the next steps.
Although it looked as though they are very different activities, all are
required for the planning process. The planning sheet for their game design
using Scratch (Figure 7.2) had more detailed drawings than Storytelling
Alice. One reason for this might be that after exploring the capabilities of the
programs, they knew they would not be able to create their own characters
using the Storytelling Alice programs; therefore, they did not spend much
time on designing it, but used a stick figure or a simple drawing (Figure 7.3).
Figure 7.2: Planning example for making game using Scratch
Figure 7.3: Planning example for making game using Alice
Monitoring is another metacognitive ability that was included as a main
metacognitive skill in many studies (Brown, 1987; Fisher, 2005; Tobias and
Everson, 2002; Whitebread et al., 2009) and it refers to “one’s awareness
of comprehension and task performance” (Schraw and Moshman, 1995). It
involves making decisions about when to change strategies and use new
ones to solve issues when performing a task. The monitoring process for
problem solving activities was visible in students’ learning logs, but not
always recorded in detail. Some students explained how they solved their
problems with their partner or other friends in depth. Many students
mentioned asking for help or receiving help from others. This shows that
there was constant interaction taking place between the students when they
came across a problem. During one of the sessions, one group had a
problem changing the position of a character when they were using the
Scratch application. They asked for help from the class and another student
came to model it for them. I found this behaviour interesting, as the children
seemed to be more comfortable at asking for help during their game design
activities than in other lessons. This made me think about the reasons the
way I organized and managed the classroom during the different activities.
I realized that during game design activities, I adopted a less structured,
more flexible approach to classroom management that might help the
children to feel more comfortable about moving around and having a
conversation with their friends.
The children were able to identify their errors and explain how they solved
them, which can be seen as both a ‘monitoring’ and an ‘evaluating’ skill.
Schraw (1998) defines evaluation as “appraising the products and efficiency
of one’s learning” (p.115). Child T explained that they found their mistake,
which was ‘naming the variable wrong and corrected it’. She also added that
both she and her partner learned to:
“sort stuff out and how to correct their mistakes in game design” (figure 7.4).
Figure 7.4: An example journal entry of monitoring activity
Child C explained their problem-solving activity as:
“We couldn’t change the colour of the tombstone, we went on You
Tube and followed the instruction, and we had to put down a lot of
This shows that this student was able to evaluate the quality of his game to
identify the error and then use a different strategy to solve this. Child J
recorded their problem-solving activity as:
“We test it and it doesn’t work…I then figured out that the lollipop
must be behind, so we add another net which is behind it. BINGO! It
All these activities can be seen as demonstrations of self-directed learning
because if had they stopped when they could not immediately solve a
problem, the learning would also have stopped. Rather the children used
different strategies to help themselves to continue to look for solutions for
their problems. This involved testing, evaluating, communicating, working
collaboratively, making decisions, experimenting with ideas and selecting
The participant observations showed that the children constantly tested
their game design and checked their code for errors when it did not work as
they expected. They deleted lines of code or added new code blocks to
make their designs work, in other words, debugged their errors. This
constant evaluation activity continued throughout the design, not just as the
learners developed their games, but also at the end as a final check-up
activity. The children also helped each other to evaluate their games by
giving one another feedback. They walked around the room, played with
their friends’ games and gave verbal feedback. Some students analysed
their game and provided feedback to their ‘self’. For instance, Child B looked
at his design at the end then started to touch the screen and talk to his ‘self’.
He said:
“This works (pointing at a car, good. The sound ‘pop’ doesn’t go with
this. Maybe I could use (he clicked on the sound tab and explored
different sound effects) this one (chomp)”.
Findings from the semi-structured interviews also demonstrate that,
although the children made decisions throughout the design process, they
did not elicit their final game design ideas until towards the end. They
constantly reviewed their work and modified it. Many of them reported that
they could not always come up with the correct script to turn their idea into
a design, so they decided to re-design it in order to make it work and
complete their game. Child T explained his reason as:
“I tried to make it like, you have three lives and if you lose them you
need to repeat the game. But it didn’t work. Levels didn’t work.
I asked my partner, she didn’t know. So, we said, maybe we won’t
use levels just have points. That worked better”.
As discussed in Chapter 2, evidence of learning is extensively derived from
how well students can transfer and apply their learning and thinking skills to
different learning contexts. An incident that demonstrates this notion
occurred during a problem-solving activity in a Mathematics lesson where
some of the focus children were present. Child C shared how he used the
game design program Alice 2 screen to visualize a solution for a
Mathematics problem. I asked him if he could also record his explanation in
his journal later on, which he did. Figure 7.5 shows his explanation. He also
drew a diagram to explain how logic is used for problem solving both in
Mathematics and game design sessions. He was able to think about his
learning and reflect on it by using his prior learning experience to construct
the new knowledge. He was able to transfer and apply the visualisation skill
that he developed during his game design activities when solving a
mathematic problem. Additionally, he was aware that he had this skill and
was able to decide when and how to apply it to a new learning situation,
which can be seen as part of self-regulation process.
Figure 7.5: Child C’s explanation of a mathematic problem
According to Dyer (2008) game making facilitates metacognitive reflection.
Candy, Harri-Augstein and Thomas (1985) define metacognitive reflection
as the “specific approach to enable learners to examine their own learning
in a systematic manner and uncover their own assumptions and constructs
about what they are doing as a means for learners to identify and question
their own strategies” (pp.16-17). During the metacognitive reflection
process, first learners think about their prior learning and experiences
related to the new concept. They then use these beliefs and attitudes to reevaluate their values that enable them to be aware, and to select and apply
the appropriate strategies for learning. The following example of Child K
provides an account of metacognitive reflection:
Child K was working in a pair with Child M as his usual partner Child
H was not in. They were creating a game called ‘Chase the dog’
using the Scratch application. The aim of the game is to click on as
many dogs that appear on the screen as you can before they
disappear. For each dog clicked, the player receives a point. Child K
suggested that they use the beach background so that they can have
dogs appearing over the sea. Although they had played around with
the Scratch application, they had not created a fully functioning game
before. They selected a dog character from the Scratch library and
then started to discuss their code. Child M wanted to duplicate the
dogs. Child K explained that they should duplicate once the code is
completed so that they wouldn’t have to program each dog
individually. Child M asked if this was possible. Child K replied as
“Like the witch game that miss showed us”. Child M agreed with him
and they decided to write the code. Child K decided to plan the code
in plain writing on paper before actually working on the screen. Child
M wanted to play around with the codes and try it on the screen, but
Child K suggested that this is like solving a problem in Mathematics:
first they need to decide what they want to do and then think about
how they can do this. He then tested his solution on screen to check
that it worked.
It is clear from this example that Child K was aware of different strategies
that he had developed through previous activities and was able to
appropriately allocate them to complete the new task. Child M, on other
hand, did not recognize that his prior knowledge would help him with his
new learning experience. This could mean that game making does not
automatically make children reflect metacognitively, but it does provide a
space for them to think and engage with their learning at a deeper level.
Furthermore, it encourages children to use and apply metacognitive skills
such as planning, monitoring and evaluation, allowing them to self-regulate
their learning activities.
Some of the learners reported that they were confused and were not sure
what to record or how to record the way they solved a problem. I thought
that it would be useful to have a template for planning and recording
problem solving activities for those who may have difficulties with writing or
organizing their ideas. Appendix 7 shows an example of a learning log that
was completed by a focus child when making a game. The section titles
were decided after analysing the findings from the journals, participant
observations and semi-structured interviews. During the semi-structured
interviews, some children mentioned asking questions or talking to their
‘self’ or sometimes the computer itself. They were aware of their discussions
with their friends but showed less knowledge of their interaction with their
By including a section ‘I asked / talked / thought to myself…’ sub-heading in
their problem-solving sheets, I aimed to encourage them to think and reflect
about their conversations with their ‘self’, others and the ‘computer’. This
would be an instrument in unfolding the role of language in regulating mental
activities that take place whilst making their computer games.
The templates were available in the classroom for each session and the
children were told that they do not have to use the template; if they
preferred, they could continue to use their journals. All of the focus children
decided to use these templates. During the interviews I asked them the
reason for this. The answers were:
Child A: “easier to share what I think”.
Child G: “helps me to remember”.
Child B: “I don’t have to worry about what to write”.
Child M: “I just answer the question, quicker to complete”.
Some of the children answered the questions on the template in a few
words, whilst some provided a more detailed explanation. There might be
many reasons for this. The child might want to spend more time on the game
design and forget to keep a record of their activities. There might be issues
around being able to express their ideas and feelings in a written format.
Although we discussed each question from the template to make it clear,
some children might have found it difficult to understand what the question
is actually asking and what type of answer it requires as the questions were
Under the ‘I have learnt to…’ section, they mainly shared how they learned
to complete a specific task such as uploading a file, resizing objects,
creating new moves and objects, making characters speak, adding objects,
using a gallery, duplicating and adding variables. These showed that the
students were aware of their own learning and evaluated what they were
actually able to do. They also reported how they learned to make objects
look more realistic, be precise about the script, create games that look real,
or make their game better. This implies that they thought about how to
improve both their design and the coding of their games.
The template had a box for the children to explain how they solved a
problem. Some children shared more than one problem, whereas some only
wrote down one specific problem that they had solved. Some reported on
their friends’ problems and how they helped them to come up with a
solution. The main problem reported was finding where the specific objects
and characters were in the Scratch or Alice program. Child A expressed the
problem as:
“My problem is how to make the sound work I worked this by talking
to myself and not giving up”.
During the interviews I asked the student to explain this statement further.
Her answer was:
“Sometimes we need to try different things to make something work.
I usually ask myself to decide what shall I do now, which button I
should touch, which code I need to use for this to happen”.
When the students were asked to record what they asked / talked / thought
to themselves, they shared the questions that they were asked in order to
solve a problem, make a prediction, or make a decision before they took an
action. For example, Child H reported this as:
“I asked and talked about how we are going to work out to move the
robot and the space men”.
Child B wrote:
“I thought to myself how I am going to make the witch move around
the screen”.
There were more questions written in this section by children asking how to
complete a specific task and also more general questions to check if they
were doing things correctly.
The data from the interviews also demonstrated that the conversations with
both their ‘self’ and ‘others’ were taking place when the children were
regulating their problem-solving activities. Child S stated that he would use
dialogue with his ‘self’ to check and evaluate his design before sharing it
with others:
“Before let people see, I would ask myself; are you sure it is alright?
When I was making the robot fighting game, I wanted to see, I talked
to myself how I would make it more interesting and more detailed. To
make it more like movement, maybe add voice. I just say in my mind,
what shall I do to fix this? if something is wrong. This makes you think
if you ask and repeat”.
Child G also explained:
“It is hard to explain. Like, I say it to myself in my head, then I tell my
partner, then ask myself, and my partner. It is like, I am talking all the
When he was asked about what kind of things he usually talks about, he
“Not sure really, sometimes, when I have a question or can’t decide
something. Sometimes, ermmm, let’s say the game is not working,
so I would ask myself, what is wrong, if I can’t debug, then I would
ask my partner”.
This social interaction between self and ‘invisible self’ (Private speech), fits
into Vygotsky’s notion of language and thought. According to Vygotsky
(1986) language and thought dwell together. He believed that, in order to
raise awareness of mental activities, children need to know how to articulate
their thoughts. He saw dialogic exchange as an essential skill for children
to manage the way they think and learn. Whitebread et al. (2009) also noted
that social interactions allow children to evaluate their ideas with their peers
through metacognitive dialogues. Johnson (2004) argued that private
speech provides children with tools such as planning and monitoring that
promotes metacognition while Morin (2005) shared similar thoughts for
inner speech, emphasizing its role in metacognition. Zakin also concludes
that, “Learning activities based on inner speech allow students to become
more aware of their thought processes in general and their cognitive
decision-making in particular” (2007, p.10). Several other studies also argue
that private speech emerges from interaction with self or others, transforms
into inner speech and is crucial for both metacognition and self-regulation
(Berk and Winsler, 1995; Winsler, Diaz, and Montero, 1997). The examples
above show that the children used both private, inner and social speech to
plan, monitor and evaluate their activities such as debugging errors and
making decisions. This highlights the important role of conversational
exchanges in metacognitive process as a metacognitive skill.
7.2 A framework for metacognitive skills
Defining a framework for metacognitive abilities requires the ability to
distinguish cognitive from metacognitive. However, as Flavell (1979)
pointed out, separating cognition from metacognition is not always a
straightforward task. Cognitive strategies are usually used to help one to
achieve a specific objective such as designing a computer game. On the
other hand, metacognitive strategies are used to ensure that the objective
has been met. For example, questioning could be observed as either a
cognitive or metacognitive strategy depending on the purpose it is used for.
Similarly, when solving problems, an understanding of the problem may be
seen as a cognitive process, and the monitoring of this understanding
process may be seen as metacognitive activity. The difficulty is that, in some
cases, cognitive and metacognitive strategies overlap. Identifying
metacognitive strategies might be a useful approach to understanding the
distinction between cognitive and metacognitive.
As mentioned before several studies describe planning, monitoring and
evaluation as the main metacognitive skills for regulating learning whilst
completing a task (Fisher, 2005; Perry, Lundie and Golder, 2018; Schraw,
Crippen and Hartley 2006; Whitebread et al., 2009; Zepeda et al. 2018).
This study agrees that planning, monitoring and evaluation are the main
metacognitive skills for managing mental activities; however, I would like to
highlight the role of conversational exchanges (discussed in Chapter 6) in
metacognitive processes.
The data analysis of children’s problem-solving sheets, learning journals,
participant observations and interviews demonstrates that, whilst making
games, children used their mind as a lab where they developed and tested
their ideas, through conversations with ‘self’ and ‘others’ before turning
these into a game using software. Manning et al. (1994) suggested that
“private speech reflects children's future potential for cognitive self-direction
to plan, guide, and monitor their goal-directed activity” (p.3). There are other
studies that also described private speech as an instrument for planning,
monitoring and managing the thinking and learning process (Berk, 1986;
Manning, 1991; Rohrkemper, 1989). Research also shows that alongside
private speech (Johnson, 2004), social speech (Whitebread et al., 2009)
and inner speech (Morin, 2005; Zakin, 2007) provides children with tools to
self-regulate their learning.
As discussed in detail in Chapter 2, Chapter 6, and section 7.1, children’s
language-based interactions (Conversational exchanges) with self or others
acted as an executive function which evoked and directed the application of
metacognitive skills such as planning, monitoring and evaluation whilst
children were creating their computing games. To represent these
language-based interactions for regulating activities, it is crucial to include
metacognitive skill alongside planning, monitoring and evaluating. However,
in order to manage their learning, children need to be conscious of different
modes of conversation and know how to use them for different purposes.
Figure 7.6 shows a conceptual framework for metacognitive abilities.
Figure 7.6: A Framework for Metacognitive abilities
The steps for designing a framework for metacognition:
To define the framework for metacognitive abilities, first I reviewed the
literature and issues around the current metacognition frameworks (see
Chapter 2). I then recorded the cognitive (C) and metacognitive (MC) skills
that were illustrated through data analysis next to each component. To link
this information with the data, I listed the visible behaviours that represented
these abilities for each strategy alongside the information about when they
were adopted during the activity. Finally, I explained each component with
regard to the game design context. Table 22 shows the metacognitive skills
and abilities that were visible when the children were making their own
computer games.
Table 22: A framework for metacognitive skills
Metacognitive Skills/ abilities
Exploring (C) or (MC)
Randomly looking at the
Designing (MC)
of the task characters/
Engineering (MC)
and during (Scratch software)
Visualisation (MC)
Coming up with ideas
Partner discussions
Planning first in head
Planning on paper
Drawings of scenes (game
Game script in bullet points
Focused dialogues with Beginning
and during ‘self’
and at the Discussing with partners
(Private speech)
conversations end of the Deciding ideas
Talking / asking questions to
Deciding which character,
background and code to use
Inner speech
Making sense of what is not
Unintended collaborative
Designing a solution
Trying out things to make it
M Self-regulating (MC)
During the Making game better
Checking if the game is
working well
Changing the planning on
Testing (C) and (MC)
At the end Testing the game
Debugging (C) and (MC)
of the task Checking codes
Feedback (self and peer) and during Debugging
Looking for problems
Analysing (MC)
Deleting codes
Adding new codes
Metacognitive planning (MPL)
Planning skills help children to formulate their actions in order to reach their
goals. It provides learners with a base for analysing their approaches to a
task before they actually start working on it. Planning involves exploring,
predicting, analysing, visualizing and tinkering (experimenting with ideas).
In a game design context, students may think about the title of a game, their
narration, characters, backgrounds so forth. One issue that was visible
during game making activities was, children’s planning activities were not
always verbalized or presented on paper. Sometimes children planned their
activities in their mind whilst developing their games and did not necessarily
record these on their planning sheets or problem-solving templates. It was
possible to get some information about this through interviews, but not in
detail, as they could not always recall the changes they made. They may
ask questions such as: ‘What is my task/my goal?’ ‘What do I need to
know?’, ‘What strategies do I need to use?’ ‘What are the steps for making
a computer game?’ ‘Which character or/and background shall I use?’ and
‘What is my game about?’.
Metacognitive Conversation (MC)
According to Harri-Augstein and Thomas (1991) meta-cognitive strategies
such as planning, monitoring, self-testing does not automatically lead to
learning. They suggest that learning is derived from both internal and
external (group) 'conversations', where learners negotiate a meaning
through dialogue with others. I argue that, in this domain, the conversation
becomes a skill of its own to negotiate meaning, rather than a tool to
communicate. Conversation has a key role in monitoring and evaluating
processes where children reflect on the success and the difficulties that they
had when solving problems, as well as acting as a mediator for developing
an understanding that leads to learning. In a game design context,
computers can also become a ‘learning partner’ where children have a
dialogue in order to make decisions or check, revise and reflect on their
mental activities. Learners may ask questions regarding the execution of
strategies to manifest an outcome: Which strategy shall I use? What is the
problem here? How can I solve this problem? What does my partner think?
What do you think about my solution? Will this solution work? Which
characters shall I use?
Metacognitive monitoring (MM)
Monitoring refers to the learners’ ability to manage their own cognitive skills
while working on a task to identify problems and modify their planning as
needed. It is a difficult strategy to develop and use, even by adult standards,
as it requires one’s awareness of one’s own progress. According to Delclos
and Harrington (1991), monitoring skills develop with training and practice.
During the interviews, many of the students reported that, because of their
game design experience, they started to keep checking their work in other
lessons. In a game design context, the children are constantly testing a
sequence of codes to check if their game works. This can be seen not only
as use of the monitoring skill, but also it links to debugging, a CT concept.
When the children were working on a task in another subject such as
literacy, they could need support with identifying mistakes in their writing as
they may not even be aware that they had done something wrong. In game
design, they can diagnose their errors directly when testing because if there
was something wrong, the program would stop working. The questions
learners might ask are: Am I on the right track? Do I understand the task?
Am I working towards my goals? Is my plan working? Do I need to make
any changes to my planning?
Metacognitive evaluating (ME)
“Evaluating refers to appraising the products and efficiency of one's
learning” (Schraw, 2001, p.5). The evaluation skill is all about the learners’
reflection on their own progress by checking the final outcome against their
objective. It involves auditing the solutions they have designed and the
strategies they used to execute their planning for a specific goal. Their aim
is to determine whether the strategies they used were successful in
supporting them to achieve their goal. It is especially useful when identifying
errors in their solutions.
The questions that may be asked by the learner are: Have I reached my
target? Which strategies worked? Which methods didn’t work? What could
I do to make it better? What could I do differently next time? What other
problems can I use this strategy for?
7.3 Metacognitive Skills Instrument (MSI) for Game Making
The MSI (metacognitive skills instrument) self-report instrument was
constructed for use in computer game design context; however, it could be
used in different contexts with modification. It is intended to be used to gain
an insight into children’s own perceptions of the metacognitive abilities that
they develop or apply whilst creating computer games.
The development of MSI was guided by several efforts:
A comprehensive review of literature on metacognition, and
metacognitive skills.
Insights gained from existing self-report instruments for measuring
general and domain specific metacognition
A review of recent literature on the role of conversations in
metacognitive process and learning.
The data analysis of children’s conversations whilst making their
computer games.
Input from four colleagues and seven focus children in terms of clarity
and readability of the items.
The use of factor analysis to examine the validity, reliability and the
structure of the self-report instrument
The definition of metacognition had an impact on how it has been measured.
My definition described metacognition as a skills-set that is used for
managing the thinking and learning processes. The data analysis of
(Metacognitive conversation) is a crucial component skill for metacognitive
process (Chapter 6). Therefore, the MSI was constructed as a list of skills
with four components; planning, monitoring, evaluating and conversational
exchanges. Typical behaviours that represent metacognitive skills for each
component were listed as statements in a table (Table 23).
The initial collection of 28 statements were discussed with four colleagues
and seven focus children to avoid repetition and to ensure that they are
understandable by young learners. The teachers focused on evaluating
whether the item represented the specific skills and readability, where
children checked if the items were confusing and /or expressed using a clear
language. The review resulted in elimination of eight items mainly due to
repeated statements. Students suggested that it might be useful to include
examples for some of the statements, and these were added to the
instrument. Some of the items were written in a more generic form to assess
metacognition, whereas others were worded specifically for computer game
making activities. For example; ‘I write down my ideas’ is a statement that
can be used for evaluating metacognitive planning in different domains.
However, ‘I start making my game as soon as I open the game design
program’ item focuses on the learner’s behaviour whilst designing their
computer game. This can be useful if the instrument is to be used for
measuring metacognitive skills in different domains, as it can be easily
Twenty items, five for each component of metacognition, were retained for
initial testing in addition to a short section asking students for their age,
gender and year group. Appendix 8 shows the MSI for game making
contexts. All of the 20 statements were formed positively as negative
comments could confuse young learners. Table 23 was used to construct a
five-point Likert-type instrument (1= Never, 2=Seldom, 3=Sometimes,
4=Often, 5=Always) and students were asked to circle the answer that best
described their behaviour when authoring their own computer games. Age
and gender were also included in the instrument to evaluate the relationship
between these variables and learners’ ability to regulate their own learning.
Table 23: Items pool for Metacognitive Abilities
Metacognitive Skills
When adopted
Beginning of the I start making my game as
task and during soon as I open the game
monitoring when design program
I write down my ideas
I check if it is similar to
anything that I have done
I make a plan of what I
need to do
I discuss/share my ideas
with others
Focused dialogues At the beginning, I
with others
during and at the myself to make sense of my
end of the task.
I design solutions to solve
problems using different
(Private speech)
methods (such as linking
up what I know or breaking
down the problem)
Inner speech
I make notes of what works
O (with
well and doesn’t work to
develop my game further
(such as; loop statements)
I discuss my work with
others during the task
manage my learning
During the task
I ask myself whether I am
on the right track
I check to see if my plan is
I think about other ways of
making my game design
I look at the work that I don’t
I make changes to my
planning during the task
At the end of the I test my design to see if it
task and during works
Feedback (self and monitoring when I correct my errors
I ask my friends their
opinion of my design
I share with my friends
what I think of their designs
I think about what I could do
better the next time
Finally, the Metacognitive Skills Instrument (MSI) for game making was
presented to a total of 223 children, aged 9-11, in Year 5 and 6 classes; 117
(52.5%) of the learners were female and 106 (47.5%) were male. Before
administrating the instrument, the students were informed that this was not
a test to level them and they would not receive any reward for scoring high
on the MSI for game making. They were advised to read the statements
carefully and those who had reading difficulties were allowed to ask me to
read for them. Learners completed the MSI independently in groups of six
supervised by me, rather than as a whole class. There was no time limit for
completing the instrument, as having a set time can cause the students to
associate the MSI with a test.
When using Likert-type scales, it is imperative to calculate and report
Cronbach’s alpha coefficient for internal consistency reliability for any
scales or subscales that one may be using. Therefore, factor analysis and
Cronbach’s alpha were used to measure the validity and internal
consistency reliability of the instrument. The internal consistency of the
Metacognition Skills Instrument for game making is 0.788, indicating a
reasonably reliable measure of metacognitive skills.
Exploratory factor analysis was used to identify common factors for the MSI
20 item instrument as this would be useful for identifying any item that might
be deleted or refined. Before the factor analysis, it is necessary to check the
suitability of the data for factor analysis. Individual KMO statistics were all >
0.6 and the overall KMO statistic was 0.767. Bartlett’s test of sphericity was
significant, p < .001. These outcomes suggest that a factor analysis for the
data can be undertaken. The factor structure of MSI was investigated using
SPSS to evaluate if there was empirical support for the four factors
(components) of metacognition and identify any items that might be
removed from the instrument. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
using Principal =axis factor analysis on the 20 items of the MSI indicated
support for a 5-factors solution. Principal-axis Factor Analysis (PFA) was
used as a method of common extraction, with Promax rotation with Kaiser
Normalization, which allows for inter-correlation among factors. Rotation is
useful for improving the interpretability of factors as “it maximizes the
loading of each variable on one of the extracted factors whilst minimizing
the loading on all other factors.” (Field, 2005, p.3). Figure 7.7 presents
Metacognitive Skills Instrument (MSI) for game making scree plot graphic
from exploratory factor analysis using the SPSS program.
Figure 7.7: Scree plot graphic from exploratory factor analysis
One of the selection criteria known as Kaiser-Guttman criterion suggests
that all the factors with eigenvalue of ≥1 should be retained. The factor
analysis of the MSI instrument showed that four factors clearly met this
criterion. Another method is making the decision using the scree plot which
shows the eigenvalues on the y-axis and the number of factors on the xaxis (Cattell, 1966). The point where the scree plot levels and the curve start
to disappear indicates the number of factors that should be included in the
analysis. As it is displayed, the graph expands horizontally after the fourth
item and after this there is no significant decrease. Although there is a slight
slope after factor 5, the first four factors explain large amounts of variance
(40% of total variance) and factors after 4 explain only small amounts of
variance. Therefore 20 items then underwent another principal-axis factor
analysis under four factors.
There is no set answer to which loading factors should be retained in the
pool (Comrey and Lee, 1992). However, it has been suggested that the
items that load onto one component strongly and maybe show small or nil
loading to other components should be included in the item pool
(Matsunaga, 2010). Setting a priori determined cut off value seems to be
a common approach that has been utilized by researchers. In many cases,
items with a factor loading of .40 or greater is retained. All of the items
loaded were above .40, meaning they can be retained in the item pool.
Confirmatory factor analysis can be used for explaining patterns of
relationship between different latent structures. It is not intended to confirm
previously built structure, but to define the current structure using the data
set. The structure of the MSI for game making and item factor loading can
be seen on Table 24. At the beginning the items in the instrument were
categorised under four components:
Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 were listed under the ‘planning’ component
Items 6,7,8,9,10 were listed under the ‘Conversation’ component
Items 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 were listed under the ‘monitoring’ component
Items 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 were listed under the ‘Evaluation’ component
Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) shows that although some of the items
fall into the same categories, there are some that do not.
Items 1, 2, 4 can be listed under ‘planning’
Items 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15 can be listed under ‘conversation’
Items 12, 13, 16, 17, 20 can be listed under ‘monitoring’
Items 5, 9, 18, 19 can be listed under ‘evaluating’
Table 24: The Structure of the MSI and Item Factor Loadings
Conversation Monitoring
Loading values for the factors varied between .412 and .733. Although all
of the items had a loading value above .40 and can be included in the final
instrument, item 19 had a loading value of .412, meaning that it might be
more appropriate to either delete it from the instrument or check the wording
of the statement. Items 5, 9, 18 and 19 are categorised under the
‘evaluating’ component. However, items 5 and 9 are very similar and again
the wording of these items needed to be checked to make sure that the
statements are not repeated.
The MSI is an instrument for collecting data of self-reported game design
metacognitive skills within the context of game making activities. I
conducted confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) in order to demonstrate the
strength of a four-factor model underlying the MSI: Planning, conversation,
monitoring and evaluation. Not all the observed scores of the MSI regressed
on the factors that they were supposed to measure. This does not make the
four metacognitive skills components invalid; however, it might suggest that
the wordings of the statements used to represent each component may
need to be reviewed.
In summary, in this chapter, I investigated the metacognitive skills that
children develop when making computer games and methods for measuring
these. The data analysis showed that children used metacognitive skills
such as planning, monitoring and evaluation to regulate their activities whilst
working on their games. Using the findings of this study, I proposed a
framework for metacognitive skills with four components: planning,
conversation, monitoring and evaluating. I suggested that language as the
core of conversation is crucial for triggering metacognitive activities such as
planning, monitoring and evaluating. I discussed the development of an MSI
self-report instrument for measuring children’s metacognitive skills in a
game design context. Although the four components proposed in the
metacognitive framework were confirmed with the result of MSI, and all 20
items could be retained in the pool as they were loaded above .40, not all
of the items regressed on the factors that they were grouped in the
beginning. This might suggest that the wordings of the items should be
revised and re-tested to ensure the validity and reliability of the MSI
instrument for measuring metacognitive skills in game-design context.
This chapter is the final one in which I discuss the findings of my study. In
the next chapter, I will draw some conclusions from my research and
discuss these in connection to relevant literature.
Chapter 8: Conclusions
In this chapter, I will first summarise the research in the light of the findings
and relevant literature. I will then discuss the contributions that this study
has made, especially for providing an insight into assessing children’s
learning in a game design context and measuring metacognition. This is
followed by recommendations for teachers, based on the findings. I will also
examine the possible limitations of this research and share ideas for future
research in relation to children’s game making activities in classroom.
8.1 Implications of the key findings
This study found that overlapping link between thinking, learning and
metacognition made the analysis of learning process more challenging. For
example, when investigating the metacognitive skills that children develop
whilst making computer games, the question of how teachers can evaluate,
and measure metacognition also arose. Similarly, when it was clear that the
conversational exchanges played an important role in metacognitive
process, further study was needed to define what constitutes conversational
exchanges and how game making activities can facilitate the application of
this skill.
Below, I will answer the individual research questions through a synthesis
drawn from the study findings.
RQ 1: What is the educational value of children's game making
activities in relation to thinking, learning and metacognition?
Research question 1 was addressed in Chapter 4. This chapter presented
the findings from participant observations, semi-structured interviews, field
conversations, problem solving sheets, diary logs, video recordings of group
discussions, interviews and children’s completed games. The findings
indicated that it is not possible to list the learning benefits of game design
under one category as it has links to many different aspects that are part of
the learning process. This confirms the notion of MacBlain (2014) who
stressed the difficulty in defining learning and the necessity of investigating
learning from different aspects (Qvortrup et al. 2016). This was also evident
in the literature review which showed that a number of studies explored
children’s game making activities from different learning aspects, including
learning in curriculum subjects (Buckingham and Burn, 2007; Robertson
and Good, 2004; Robertson, 2012, 2013; Ke, 2014; Vattel and Riconscente,
2012); computational concepts (Kafai and Burke, 2014; Denner, Werner
and Ortiz, 2012); developing transferrable or 21st century skills
(Bermingham et al, 2013; Denner and Werner, 2007); and metacognitive
skills (Vos, Meijden and Denessen, 2011).
Although this thesis did not attempt to study learning in a specific curriculum
subject, students shared comments comparing their learning activities to
other curriculum activities such as planning and writing stories in literacy
lessons. This shows that, as Robertson and Good (2004) found in their
study, the writing elements of game making activity may have an impact on
children’s language development. It is more difficult to state whether game
making activity helped children’s learning of mathematical concepts as only
one student shared how his experience of game making supported his
learning in Mathematics and only four students mentioned using
mathematical operations and functions to design their games. However, the
study found that students used mathematical operations and expressions,
angles and decimals to create their games. Furthermore, there were many
opportunities for developing their problem solving and critical thinking skills,
which suggests that this might contribute to other learning situations,
including when solving problems in Mathematics lessons.
A number of studies suggested that game making can help children develop
21st Century skills such as collaboration, communication, and problem
solving (Bermingham et al, 2013; Ching and Kafai, 2008; Denner and
Werner, 2007; Jenson and Droumeva., 2016; Pinto and Escudeiro, 2014).
This study found that there were many opportunities for children to develop
their problem solving, creativity, critical thinking, collaborative working and
communication skills whilst working on their games. The way I approached
classroom management whereby I allowed children to move around and
interact with each other freely may have contributed to this outcome. Similar
to findings of Akcaoglu (2014) and Bermingham et al. (2013), this study also
identified problem solving as the core element of game making activities.
This was especially visible on children’s problem-solving sheets where they
kept records of their problems and how they solved these. The findings also
suggested that children were able to use their creativity by refining and
producing ideas, especially related to design of their games and formulating
solutions to problems they faced.
The findings of this study indicated that alongside 4C (critical thinking,
communication, collaboration, and creativity) of 21st Century Skills, children
developed their knowledge and understanding of computational concepts
and self-regulation skills through engaging in conversations by self and
others. This finding encouraged me to explore the relationship between
game making and these two aspects in more detail and the findings for this
are synthesised under questions 2 and 3.
RQ 2: How can children develop computational thinking skills whilst
making their computer games?
After a thorough analysis of the literature, this study proposed a definition
for CT in Chapter 2, which argued that CT constitutes of computational
concepts, metacognitive practices and learning behaviours. This definition
then was investigated in Chapter 5 using findings from participant
observations, semi-structured interviews, informal conversations, problem
solving sheets, diary logs, video recordings of group discussions, and
children’s completed games.
A key issue that emerged during this study was the challenges around
measuring learning with respect to these CT elements. Although I have
provided excerpts from semi structured interviews, children’s diaries,
problem solving sheets and examples from my field observations to
illustrate the elements of learning that took place, these methods were not
used as an assessment tool; rather, it was to point out the learning benefits
of game making activities. The thesis has shared a framework for assessing
children’s learning of CT skills and argued that a multiple means of
assessment approach that has been discussed by previous studies
(Brennan and Resnick, 2012; Grover, 2015; Werner, Denner and Campe,
2014) should be adopted for gathering more in-depth information about
children’s learning of CT, especially during pair programming activities.
Multiple Evaluation Approach proposed that the CT process should be
evaluated from four dimensions; ‘computational concepts’, ‘metacognitive
practices’, ‘learning behaviours’ and ‘Context’ (game design). This was also
supported by Hainey, Baxter and Ford (2019) who analysed children’s
Scratch games from both programming and game design aspects.
This thesis did not approach assessment as a tool for measuring
progression, rather as an inquiry for developing “deeper understanding of
individuals as learners, not just performers” (Hargreaves, 2005, p. 11). The
aim of this approach was to make sense of children’s learning processes in
a game design context, rather than coming up with conclusions for
improving learning. On the other hand, it can be suggested that knowing
about children’s learning process can inform teachers’ planning and
practice, and thus, might consequently support them in improving learning.
Hainey, Baxter and Ford (2019, Kafai and Peppler (2011) and Werner et al.
(2014) argue that programming concepts can be taught through making
games using a programming application. The findings of this study also
suggest that the use of Scratch and Alice programming applications
provided children with the opportunity to learn about computational
concepts as children had to first learn to code in order to design their games.
The case studies and overall analysis of children’s games showed that,
although the level of the competence varied, children were able to learn to
use programming constructs including sequences, loops, parallelism,
conditionals, operators, variables, events and abstraction constructs.
Furthermore, they were able to develop and apply other components of CT,
such as metacognitive practices and learning behaviours. The findings from
participant observations showed that children used constant testing and
evaluation when working on their games, showing that they used
metacognitive practices for controlling and regulating their programming
activities. There was evidence of working collaboratively, especially when
solving problems, perseverance, communication, debugging problems,
tinkering with ideas and using creativity, in both participant observations and
interview data.
RQ 3: What is the role of conversational exchanges in metacognitive
process and children’s learning?
After reviewing the literature on metacognition in section 2.2, and
conversational exchanges in section 2.2.2, it was evident that talk had an
important role in children’s learning. Therefore, I decided to investigate this
further and I found that children’s private, social and inner speech
utterances were connected and necessary for their learning, especially
when managing mental activities and self-regulating their learning
(Johnson, 2004; Winsler and Naglieri, 2003). Some literature highlighted the
link between social interactions and self-regulated learning (Tobin, 1998;
Vygotsky, 1987; Schunk and Zimmerman, 2011), whilst other publications
discussed the role of private speech in internalization of language as
thoughts (Johnson, 2014; Vygotsky, 1978) and some explained the purpose
of inner speech in controlling thought and behaviour (Ford et al., 2004;
Morin, 2005; Zakin, 2007). This highlighted that children used different types
of talk (private, social, inner) for different purposes, such as decision making
and managing behaviour. I saw these different forms of talk as
conversational exchanges, which I defined in section 2.2.2 as a form of
inquiry that engages learners in evaluating their thoughts, decisions and
actions through conversations and dialogues with an ‘invisible other’ and
other collaborators which are sometimes audible, sometimes visible through
gestures. I then investigated how this relates to game making in Chapter 6,
using the findings of the literature and data analysis of semi-structured
interviews, children’s problem-solving sheets, participant observations and
video recordings of group discussions.
The study found that the students used different forms of conversation for
different purposes. Sometimes they randomly and audibly talked to
themselves to explore their ideas and solutions; sometimes they talked with
their friends, especially when solving problems. There were times they had
some silence conversation with self which was only visible through their
actions and gestures. On some occasions they employed a mixture of
talking to self and talking to their peers unintentionally. The findings of this
study showed that children used conversational exchanges for selfregulating their planning, monitoring and evaluating activities when making
computer games. Building on the literature and the data analysis, the thesis
identified four different mode of conversational exchanges that were visible
whilst children were working on their computer games. These are:
Spontaneous audible conversation (private speech)
Unintended collaborative talk (with ‘self’ and ‘others’)
Intentional social discourse (Focused dialogues with others)
Tacit inner speech (Thought)
An interesting finding of this study was that the children used some or all of
the modes of conversational exchanges in different sequential orders,
suggesting that the use of different modes of conversation were neither
based on a developmental stage nor related to age. It was more about using
it where it was needed for appropriate purposes.
It was challenging to evaluate children’s conversational exchanges without
a set framework. Although there are studies that suggest keeping a record
of children’s speech utterances using running records during observations
and then analysing these using a coding framework (Copeland, 1979;
Girbau, 2002; Kraft and Berk, 1998; Rubin and Dyck, 1980), it is difficult to
suggest how this would be implemented by a teacher in a classroom
environment. First, teachers would need to learn about the purpose of
identifying the type of speech that being used in the classroom and then
know how this could be used for improving learning. This thesis did not
provide a separate tool for analysing children’s speech activities; however,
the statements about children’s conversations were included under the
‘metacognitive process’ component within the MSI self-report instrument
(Meta cognitive Skills Instrument). Although this provides some information
about children’s reflections on their use of different modes of conversation
for learning, it does not show the details about how children develop and
apply these in different learning contexts. Furthermore, the instrument does
not portray the details of language development of individual children and
how they internalise language to form their thoughts.
RQ 4: How can metacognition be measured in computer game design
After discussing the literature on metacognition and its role in the classroom
in section 2.2, I investigated how game making activities can facilitate the
development of metacognitive skills and the methods that can be used to
measure these in Chapter 7. Planning, monitoring and evaluation were
listed as the main metacognitive skills by many studies (Fisher, 2005;
Schraw, Crippen and Hartley, 2006; Whitebread et al., 2009).
Several studies highlighted the relation between game making and
(Bermingham et al., 2013; Games and Kane, 2011; Kafai, 1996; Vos,
Meijden, and Denessen, 2011).The findings of data from the participant
observations, game design planning sheets, children’s journals and
problem-solving sheets, semi-structured interviews and group discussions
also indicated that, during game design activities, the children used
metacognitive skills such as planning, monitoring and evaluation to regulate
their activities. Planning was used not only for game plans, but also planning
solutions and actions. The children constantly monitored and evaluated
their games by identifying and debugging errors and modifying their game
This study argues that, alongside planning, monitoring and evaluation,
conversational exchanges as metacognitive talk should also be listed as a
metacognitive skill. Some studies described private speech (Berk, 1986b;
Manning, 1991; Rohrkemper, 1989), social speech (Vygotsky, 1987;
Whitebread et al., 2009) and inner speech (Morin, 2005; Zakin, 2007) as an
instrument for planning, monitoring and managing the thinking and learning
(Conversational exchanges) enable children to manage their mental
activities and learning processes.
The study found that the evaluation of the metacognitive skills that children
develop during game authoring activities is possible; however, it requires
knowledge of both the skills and the methods for investigating the
occurrences of these skills. I used observational methods, as suggested by
Whitebread et al. (2009), to identify the metacognitive skills that children
used. I then created and used an MSI (Metacognitive Skills Instrument) selfreport instrument to gain an insight into children’s own perceptions of the
metacognitive abilities that they develop or apply whilst creating computer
games. The reason for blending these methods was the lack of a single
medium that can be used for measuring metacognition (Schraw, 2009;
Tobias and Everson, 2002). Both these methods were useful for examining
the metacognitive skills that were gained and applied by children whilst
working on their games. However, without any reference to progress, it
might be difficult to integrate into a curriculum where learning is evaluated
through tests.
The thesis contends that there is no simple way of measuring metacognition
(Schraw, 2009; Tobias and Everson, 2002), especially in classroom context.
Although I shared some methods that can be used for assessing
metacognitive skills, including a self-report instrument, these can be very
time-consuming and difficult to use in different learning scenarios other than
game making without some expertise in adapting them to different learning
contexts. Many studies developed and used similar tools successfully for
measuring metacognition in different domains (Cross and Paris, 1988;
Kramarski and Mevarech, 2003; Sperling et. al, 2002). The analysis of the
MSI self-report instrument that has been developed and used for this study
showed that the instrument is reliable; however, some of the statements
would benefit from further revision. Nonetheless, the MSI, after further
revisions, could be used as a method for evaluating a large group of pupils’
metacognitive skills in game design domain, alongside other methods in a
formative way to inform future planning.
8.2 Implications for teacher education
In the light of results from this study and existing literature, some important
points concerning teacher education have come to the forefront. The
following recommendations are suggested to improve teacher education,
especially in teaching of computing at primary level.
During this study, I focused on the context of children’s learning when
making computer games and found that there are many learning benefits of
children’s game making activities. The thesis shared evidence for children’s
learning of computational concepts, 21st Century skills, metacognitive
abilities and learning behaviours. Therefore, it is crucial for teachers to be
aware of the various learning possibilities within a game making context in
order to plan suitable lessons and adopt appropriate assessment strategies.
According to Jessel (2012), new approaches to learning that are arising
from new technologies have an impact on the role of the teacher. He adds,
“At another level, the introduction of innovation makes major demands upon
teachers' pedagogical, professional and managerial skills (p.28).” The
inclusion of Computer Science in the new Computing Curriculum
(Department for Education, 2013), requires that teachers can plan, teach
and assess computational concepts, especially CT skills. To achieve this,
teachers need to have the necessary subject knowledge. They will need to
know how to code using wide range of applications and recognise different
programming constructs. They then need to be aware of the strategies that
will help them to utilize the full potential of learning to code. Therefore, they
need to pay attention to pedagogical principles that they should be adopting
when teaching children how to code.
The thesis shared a Multiple Evaluation Approach to evaluate children’s
learning of CT from three aspects: computational concepts, metacognitive
practices and learning behaviours. Teachers should be taught about these
elements and supported to develop simple tools to evaluate each aspect in
their classrooms. They should also receive training to help them to
recognise programming constructs in children’s work in different learning
contexts in order to assess and monitor children’s learning of computational
concepts. They should be made aware that the successful evaluation of
children’s learning of CT skills in game making contexts requires them to
blend different methods of evaluation, including formative strategies, to gain
an insight into children’s learning process in game making context.
Another important finding of this thesis was the importance of metacognition
in children’s learning and the role of language as the main tool for facilitating
metacognitive processes. Many researchers have suggested that teachers
could model inner speech as a tool within their pedagogy to help students
monitor and improve their own performance (Berk and Landau, 1993; Diehl,
2005; Zakin, 2017). Teachers should create conditions that will enable
students to use different modes of conversation for self-regulating their
learning. Strategies such as group or partner discussions would allow
students to explain their reasoning to their friends and visualise different
solutions to problems collaboratively. It was evident from the data analysis
that computer game making activities offered a fun and interactive learning
space for students to use different modes of conversation. Teachers could
provide learners with similar tasks that are at an appropriate level for
students’ needs which would encourage them to use different modes of
conversation. This also highlights the importance of the way lessons are
executed as during game making sessions I had adopted a very flexible
approach to my classroom organisation where I allowed children to manage
their learning independently.
This thesis raised questions about the ways children’s metacognitive skills
could be measured in a classroom environment and concluded that the use
of multiple methods provides a better view of children’s metacognitive
awareness and self-report instruments such as Metacognitive Skills
Instrument (MSI) proposed in this study could be used by teachers to
perspectives; planning, conversation, monitoring and evaluating. These
aspects relate to children’s all learning activities not only game design,
therefore MSI could be used as a diagnostic tool for identifying students’
strengths and weaknesses. This would help teachers to plan and teach
according to the individual needs of the students. The tool will be made
available to teachers after another review and pilot study.
It is crucial that teachers are given training to learn about the role of
metacognition in learning and the strategies they could use to integrate it
into their classroom practices.
8. 3 Contributions to knowledge
To my knowledge, this is the first study that explored thinking, learning and
metacognition in game design context in a classroom environment using an
ethnographic approach. Learning through game making has been a focus
in recent years; however, many of the studies have taken place in
afterschool clubs and for a short period, rather than as part of children’s
lessons in the classroom. Furthermore, the studies were conducted by an
external researcher, rather than a class teacher based in the school. This
study adds to academic knowledge as it unfolds the thinking and learning
process of children and provides an in-depth overview of the elements of
learning in a game design context using direct examples from data.
The present study equally contributes to knowledge of teaching and
assessing CT by sharing a Multiple Evaluation Model of children’s learning
of CT skills which can be applied to different learning contexts. Although
some studies have discussed the need for multiple means of assessment
for CT, and some that mention that the focus should include more than
programming constructs, they do not share a clear model for this multiple
means of assessment system. Using evidence from both the literature and
the data from my study, I have argued for the inclusion of computational
concepts, metacognitive practices, learning behaviours and context in this
model. This model contributes to both teacher education and classroom
practice by providing teachers with the main learning elements that they
should focus on when assessing children’s learning as this is part of the
curriculum in England in 2019.
I believe that this study will contribute to classroom practice further as it
unravels the role of conversations in learning. Not only does the study
highlight how children use different modes of conversation to manage their
planning, monitoring and evaluation activities, but it also indicates how this
leads children to self-regulate their learning. I have shared the
characteristics of different modes of conversation that children used for
managing their learning, which might help teachers to think about ways of
modelling these in their classrooms.
After highlighting the challenges around measuring children’s metacognitive
skills in a game design context using one method, the study presented an
MSI self-report instrument for measuring metacognition in the classroom.
To my knowledge, this is the first self-report instrument for measuring
metacognition specifically designed for children’s game making activities.
Therefore, the study has the potential to provide a tool for teachers to use
for measuring metacognition when implementing computer game design
into their lessons.
Finally, the present study also directs attention to multiple aspects of
learning when children make their own games using a programming
application as part of their computing lessons. I believe that this will
encourage further discussions and studies to investigate the learning
process that children go through whilst working on their game design, rather
than focusing on the codes that they create.
8.4 Limitations of the research
This was a small-scale study for my PhD; therefore, the research cannot
fully address the learning process of students in game design environments.
The data included in this study was collected from a small group of focus
students and it is not possible to generalize the findings without further
I adopted a mixed methods approach for this study where ethnography was
used to gain an in-depth insight into children’s activities. I was the computing
and Mathematics teacher for the focus children that were include in this
study and I believe that this helped them to feel more comfortable around
me, in their natural learning environment. On the other hand, because I was
their teacher they might have said or done things to please me. I knew the
children well which was very useful when having a conversation with them
and / or during the interviews; however, my experiences with them might
had an impact on the way I observed them or interacted with them
Since the empirical research for this study completed many developments
have taken place in terms of supporting teachers with the teaching of the
new Computing Curriculum. Additionally, since this time, children’s
interaction with programming applications such Scratch has altered. The
students who were part of this study were in Year 6 and this was the first
time they used the Scratch programming application. My recent discussions
with schools showed that many schools start teaching Scratch from Year 2.
Therefore, by the time the students reach Year 6 they would be expert in
this language and their experience would be very different. Repeating this
study in a classroom where students were exposed to programming
activities from very young ages may well produce different result.
8.5 Further research
Further research is required into children’s learning and thinking when
making computer games, focusing on the role of metacognition and
conversation in learning, and ways to evaluate it in the classroom
environment. The thesis highlighted the lack of research into children’s
learning process when making computer games and facilitating the learning
of CT skills through game design activities. Therefore, further research is
needed with different age groups to gain a better understanding of how
learning progresses when children are authoring their own computer
The role of conversational exchanges was very visible in computer game
design context as part of the metacognitive processes children used to
manage their mental activities and self-regulate their learning. Further
research about facilitating the use of different modes of conversation in
different learning contexts would be beneficial for classroom practice. The
thesis focused on the teaching of computational concepts through game
making activities during 2013-2014, when the new computing curriculum
was just being introduced. Since this period, teacher guidelines have been
published by Computing at School (Berry, 2013), a grassroots computer
science community. In addition, an assessment system called ‘Project
Quantum’ for assessing children’s learning in Scratch environment has
been shared; this focuses mainly on assessing children’s learning of
However, these resources do not cover all the aspects of learning that
occurs when children create their own computer games using a
programming application, so further support or guidelines would be
beneficial. Furthermore, as more schools are implementing game design
activities for teaching CT skills, longitudinal research is needed into how
schools use game design as a tool for teaching CT skills and the learning
process that children go through during these activities.
In summary, this thesis has primarily been concerned with exploring
children’s thinking and learning processes in order to define elements of
learning in game design context. The research approached this question
from three facets: learning, thinking and metacognition. Under these three
aspects, how computer game design activities could facilitate the learning
of metacognitive skills, programming concepts and transferable skills
(educational value) was examined in depth through the analysis of data that
has been collected using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The
data analysis process displayed the multi-dimensional structure of the
learning process that children go through whilst working on their games.
This also highlighted the complex issues around defining and assessing the
skills that children developed and/or applied when making computer games.
Appendix 1: Example data analysis
Appendix 2: Example data analysis (Participant observations)
Coding key
Talking to self: self-remarks, directed at self, visible via
audio, directed at an object (e.g. talking to computer)
Talking to others: asking questions to others, asking for
help, answering question, eye/physical contact,
expecting response
Inner speech: Silence, pause (then an action such as
talking or working on their games), visible through
Other: untraceable speech utterances
Participant observation - 2nd Scratch Lesson, Child T.
What! That is ugly trousers, will draw a new one (Looks at a female
character in Scratch library). Maybe I can draw my own? Let me see how
you do that (Clicks on the Scratch drawing area). Should have black hair,
right, or dark brown maybe? (She draws a circle then adds mixture of
black and brown hair). Aha, cool (she smiles). It looks similar; oh I forgot
the hair clips (she looks at her drawing on her paper then uses black felt
tipped pen to over go the lines on the hair clips of the female character on
paper). Red pencil please, who has it? (She shouts, then leaves her seat
for a few seconds and picks up some coloring pencils from other tables).
(She starts colouring the female characters clothes on her planning sheet
in red), ba pam ba pam bam pa… (She hums a rhythm while she is
working). Shoes, himmm! (She looks at the colouring pencil for a short
while then starts colouring the shoes of her character in red too). Looks
ok. I know what, I think the hair should have red (She colours the hair
below the hair clip in red. Looks at her drawing on the paper, then looks at
the screen on her computer, she repeats this a few times, then she starts
drawing on her screen). Ah, why is it not working? (She gets cross
because the eyes she draws on screen character are not the same size).
(Her partner says ‘silly, silly, silly’ and then adds ‘use the circle silly’). (She
looks at the screen) Where? (She asks). Oh, silly me (She smiles, finds
the circle drawing tool). (She erases her character on screen and then
draws it again using the shapes drawing tools. She uses circle for drawing
the head and the eyes).
Appendix 5: Children’s own panning sheets
Appendix 6: Planning templates
Appendix 7: Problem solving sheet
Appendix 8: Metacognitive Skills Instrument
I am interested in how you think during making computer games. Please read the
sentences below carefully and circle the answer that relates to you.
Gender: Male / Female
1= Never
I start making my game as soon as I open the game design program
2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5
I talk/ask questions to myself to make sense of my thoughts
2 3 4 5
I design solutions to solve problems using different methods (such as
2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5
I discuss my work with others during the task
2 3 4 5
I make decisions to manage my learning
2 3 4 5
I write down my ideas
I check if it is similar to anything that I have done before
I make a plan of what I need to do
I discuss/share my ideas with others
linking up what I know or breaking down the problem)
I make notes of what works well and doesn’t work to develop my game
further (such as; loop statements)
I ask myself whether I am on the right track
2 3 4 5
I check to see if my plan is working
2 3 4 5
I think about other ways of making my game design better
2 3 4 5
I look at the work that I don’t understand
2 3 4 5
I make changes to my planning during the task
2 3 4 5
I test my design to see if it works
2 3 4 5
I correct my errors
2 3 4 5
I ask my friends their opinion of my design
2 3 4 5
I share with my friends what I think of their designs
2 3 4 5
I think about what I could do better the next time
2 3 4 5
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