Cretaceous Resources, Events
and Rhythms
Background and Plans for Research
edited by
R. N. Ginsburg
Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science,
University of Miami,
Miami Beach, FL, U.S.A
Bernard Beaudoin
Ecole des Mines de Paris,
Comparative Sedimentology
Inst. of Earth Sciences
Budapest/aan 4, NL 3508
TA Utrecht,
The Netherlands
Department of Geological Sciences
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0740
Departmento de Scienze della Te"a
Via Mangiagalli 34
Milan, Italy
ABSTRACT. The sedimentary record of orbitally-forced variations in climate has
the potential to provide high-resolution dating to levels of a few hundred thousand
years of less. Easily-measured, bed-to-bed variations in various components give the
basic data for defining these rhythms. The Cretaceous is a particularly appropriate
period for testing both the validity and the application of cyclostratigraphy.
Recommended specific short range objectives are: detailed comparative studies
of time slices, in order to recognize the effect of orbital influences in different
sedimentary environments, and to map the paleogeographic distributions of obliquitydominated patterns versus precession-eccentricity dominated ones. This approach
should illuminate Cretaceous climates and oceanography, and the pathways along
which sedimentary systems were forced.
This position paper was prepared with the help of A. Berger, D. Bottjer, P. Cotillon, W.
Dean, J. V. Gardner, C.R. C. Paul, I. Premoli Silva, W. Ricken, P.H. Roth, W. Schwarzacher, A. Strasser, and G. P. Weedon. In addition, all the members of WG-4, who
attended the meeting in Perugia, provided infonnation and ideas.
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Dordrecht I Boston I London
Published in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs Division
In 1895 G.K Gilbert suggested that certain rhythmic stratification patterns in the
Cretaceous of Colorado (USA) reflect the response of sensitive sedimentary facies
to orbital rhythms (Fischer, 1980). His concept was based on the work of astronomers
of those days, such as d'Alembert who had discovered the precessional cycle and
Leverrier who had discovered the variation in eccentricity - concepts which had
R. N. Ginsburg and B. Beaudoin (eds.). cイセエ。」・ッオウ@
Resources, Evenls and Rhythms, 139-172.
C> 1990 All Rights Reserved. Primed in the Netherlands.
already been applied to the ice-age problem by Adhemar and by Croll (Imbrie &
Imbrie, 1979). Such signals should provide a basis for a geochronology - a burning
topic in Gilbert's day, and still a matter of great interest.
The recognition of orbitally induced rhythmic sedimentation and the environmental
factors behind it would shed light on paleoclimatology, and on oceanic and
sedimentary responses to changes of climate and the sensitivity of the various
sedimentary systems. These topics have assumed increasing significance as we have
come to recognize the environmental fragility of the outer Earth. In the end, they
also might clarify the evolution of the Earth's orbital behaviour.
Despite Gilbert's great challenge, the succeeding century did not see the
development of a workable cyclostratigraphy. Many thought (and think) the concept
far-fetched. The effects of orbital cycles on climates and sediments, in various
sedimentary facies and through time are complex. Many sedimentologists were
inclined to attribute all to allo- or autocyclic causes with stochastic timing. The level
of stratigraphic detail needed was daunting, as was the prospect of analyzing large
data sets.
This has now changed. Insight into the orbital variations and their climatic effects
has grown due to the work of Milankovitch (1941), Berger (1978a, 1988), and others.
The sensitivity of climate and ocean to external forcing is becoming clear (Emiliani,
1955; Hays, Imbrie & Shackleton, 1976; Fischer, 1981). The case for rhythmic orbital
control of the Pleistocene glaciations has become overwhelming (Imbrie et al., 1984).
Thus the theoretical basis for a cyclostratigraphy has been established. So has the
need for it. Man now feels imminently threatened by climatic changes, partly of his
own making. Only cyclostratigraphy can yield the chronological resolution and the
insight into ancient climates that are necessary to understand climatic change. At the
same time, instrumental methods of scanning sedimentary sequences for variations
in physical and chemical characteristics have come into use, as have the processing
of large data sets and the analysis of time series by computer. Thus practical cyclostratigraphy is coming within reach.
CRER Workshop 3 was designed to consider the following questions:
1. Do certain sedimentary sequences really record orbital variations?
2. How widespread are such orbital signals in sedimentary facies and in time?
3. How are they best identified and studied?
4. What can they tell us about geochronology, orbital variations, paleoclimates
and sedimentology?
5. Is there hope to link them into a coherent cyclostratigraphy?
6. How can we best proceed toward the goal of establishing and testing a working
well zoned by biostratigraphical means, and relatively free ?f ウィッイ・M。」ゥセエ、@
tectonic and geomorphic noise. Thus, CRER provides a particularly appropriate
framework for further research in cyclostratigraphy.
In subsequent pages we briefly review the general basis of what is known _about エセ・@
orbital variations, their possible climatic effects, and the role of chmates m
facies. We review _the nature _of
influencing sedimentation in various ウ・、ゥセョ。イケ@
stratigraphic rhythmicity and methods by which セエ@ can be approached. Finally we rruse
some practical problems; whether to proceed with a global program of research, and,
if so, how this might be coordinated.
Orbital Variations
Centuries of detailed astronomical observations have provided the basis for
calculating the characteristics of the Earth's orbit. Berger (1978b) charted the orbital
changes for the Neogene that potentially could have affected climates, namely the
distribution of insolation patterns by latitude and by season. These chan¥es are
related to the Earth's cycle in axial obliquity, and with the cycle of precession and
the changing eccentricity of the Earth's orbit around the Sun.
main period
in years about
19,000 - 23,000
Figure 1. Outline of the orbital variations.
Whereas the effects of orbital forcing may be recorded in local sedimentary
sequences, they can only be properly understood in a global context. An inventory
of cycle patterns must proceed on a global basis. Cyclostratigraphy thus fits
particularly well into the framework of GSGP. Work on cycles will continue
throughout the stratigraphic column, yet a coherent global cyclostratigraphy calls for
a time-focus. The Cretaceous period seems particularly promising for this endeavour.
The wide expanse of the Cretaceous seas provided a large area for marine sediments,
Obliquity. The Earth's obliquity changes through about 3.5 degrees of arc, with .a
both. poles. m _
dominant period of about 41,000 years. The climatic signal 。ヲ・」セ@
phase. With increasing obliquity, the mean annual latitudinal 、ゥセエョ「オッ@
of セッャ。エQPョ@
becomes more uniform, but seasonality increases. The chmat1c effect is most
pronounced in the polar regions, where increasing obliquity expands the extent and
duration of the polar winter night.
Precession-eccentricity syndrome. The Earth's orbit would be circular except for the
effect, of ーャセョN・エ。イケ@
The ァイセカゥエ。ッョャ@
attraction of the planets deforms the
Earth s orbit mto an of varymg eccentricity, and drags its axis through space.
Be.rger's セQYW。I@
calculations show major periodicities in eccentricity at ca. 100 Ka
(With maJor 」ッューセョエウ@
at. 98 and 126 Ka), 400, 1,290, 2,030 and 3,400 Ka. We may
term エィ・ウセ@
El, E2, E3, E4 and ES. However, by itself, the effect
of eccentnc1ty on chmate 1s thought to be very slight.
Yr• DQol
Figure 2. 。イゥセエ\ャLAウ@v
in eccentricity, obliquity, and the precession index
( e smw) over the past 800,000 years (Berger, 1978b ). At right: variance
spectra calculated from these time series, with the dominant periods (Ka)
of conspicuous peaks indicated.
The Earth's axis precesses with a period of 26 ka Precession is related to spin rate,
an? £?-USt the.refore: ィ。セ・@
slowed during geological time (see below). Relative to the
elliptical orbit (penhehon) the precessional period measured is not 26 ka, but varies
between extremes of 14 and 28 ka, with a mean value of 21 ka, owing to the variable
drag of the elliptical orbit through space. The gross "average" measured at the Earth's
surface is 21 ka In a circular orbit, the precession cycle would have no climatic effect.
the 」ッュセゥョ。エ@
of elliptical orbit and precession causes changes in the
d1stnbuuon of received solar energy. When a given hemisphere
occupies the perihelia! portion of the orbit in summer, i.e., faces the Sun when closest
to it, it experiences a hot short summer and a long, cold aphelia! winter, i.e., greaterthan-norrnal seasonality. At the same time, the opposite hemisphere, with an aphelia!
summer and a perihelia! winter, experiences a reduced seasonality. The effect varies
directly with the eccentricity. The result of this coupling is the generation of climatic
cycles that have the period of the precession, but whose amplitude varies in response
to the eccentricity - i.e. in response to a hierarchy of cycles with longer periods. This
relationship is expressed in Berger's "precession index" (Fig. 2).
In the precessional climatic cycles generated by the eccentricity-precession
syndrome, the hemispheres are 18if out of phase. This results in a shift of the 」。ャセイゥ@
equator, which invades a given hemisphere during its perihelia! summers, carrymg
with it low to mid-latitude climatic belts and the boundaries between them (de Boer,
1982). This not only shifts the zonal boundaries between wet and dry belts, but also
disturbs the balance between zonal and monsoonal wind circulation (Kutzbach &
Otto-Bliesner, 1983). The effects are thus especially pronounced in the climates of
the mid-latitudes.
Orbital Variations During The Geological Past (Berger & Loutre)
Among the longest astrophysical and astronomical cycles that might influence climate
(and even among all forcing mechanisms external to the climatic system itself), only
those involving variations in the elements of the Earth's orbit have been ヲッセョ、@
significantly related to the Jong-term climatic data de?uced from エセ・@
records. The aim of the astronomical theory of paleochmates, a particular version
of which being due to Milankovitch (1941), is to study this relationship between
insolation and climate at the global scale. It comprises four different parts: the orbital
elements, the insolation, the climate model and the geological data (Berger, 1988).
During the first half of this century, Milankovitch regarded mild winters and cool
summers as favouring glaciation. After Koppen and Wegener related Milankovitch's
new radiation curve to Penck and Bruckner's subdivision of the Quaternary, there
Qu.aternary セャ。」ゥᆳ
was much scepticism if such changes in insolation can ・クーャセゥョ@
interglacial cycles. In the 1970's, with the improvements m datmg, m 。」アオュセァ@
and with. the
in interpreting the geological data: with the advent of_ 」ッューセエ・イウ@
development of astronomical and climate models, the M1Jank0Vltch theory revived
(Imbrie & Imbrie, 1979; Berger et al., 198:4)· .
Spectral analysis of Quaternary paleochmatic records has proVlded ウオ「エ。ョセQャ@
evidence (Berger, 1987) that, at least near the obliquity and precession ヲイセアオ・ョ」ウL@
a considerable fraction of the climatic variance is driven in some way by 1nsolat1on
changes forced by changes in the Earth's orbit (Hays et al., 1976; セイァ・L@
fundamental astronomical and climatic frequencies are not only alike but the climatic
series are also phase-locked and strongly coherent with orbital variations (Imbrie et
al., 1984).
Models of different categories of complexity, from conceptual ones (lmbne &Imbrie, 1980) to 3-D atmospheric general circulati?n models (Prell & Kutzbach, 1987)
and 2-D time-dependent models of the whole climate system (Be.rger et セiNL@
have now been astronomically forced in order to test the physical reality of the
astronomical theory. For example, seasonal models for simulating the transient
response of the climate system to the astronomical forcing are developed and their
output compa!es favourably with data of the past 400,000 years. Accordingly, the
m?del predictions for the next 100,000 years are used as a basis for forecasting how
cltmate would evolve when forced by orbital variations in the absence of anthropogeThe long-term cooling trend which began some 6,000 years ago will
nic セゥウエオイ「。ョ」・N@
contmue for the next 5,000 years; this first temperature minimum will be followed
by an amelioration around 15 ka AP (after present), by a cold interval centered 23
ka AP and by a major glaciation at around 60 ka AP (Berger, 1980).
The validity of the astronomical computation was also tested (Berger, 1984). The
time series of eccentricity, obliquity, precession and related insolation developed by
Berger (1976) were acceptable for the last 1.5 Ma (Berger & Pestiaux, 1984). For
the accuracy in the time domain of the long-term variations of the astronomical
and of the insolation values, improvements required in the early 1980s for
penods further back than 2 Ma BP (before present) are in progress (Berger et al.,
1988b). It is expected that the new solution will be now reliable for at least 10 Ma.
About the stability of the frequencies, the fundamental periods (around 40, 23 and
19 ka) do not deteriorate with time over the last 15 Ma but their relative importance
for each insolation and each astronomical parameter is a function of the period
For the Pre-Quaternary times, it is roughly 100 years after Gilbert's suggestion
that. the astr?nomical frequencies start to be found with some degree of
confidence m geological records of the Mesozoic (de Boer & Wonders, 1981; Fischer
& Schwarzacher, 1984; Fischer, 1986; Olsen, 1986). The sensitivity of climate to the
astronomical forcing is also becoming clear, in particular for the Cretaceous (Barron
et al., 1985), so that there is an imperative need now to understand how and why the
orbital frequencies change at the geological time scale.
There is no hope, at present, to obtain a general solution of the planetary system
valid over the whole Earth's history (Deprit et al., 1984). The equations can indeed
not .be integrated over more than the Neogene period using the present way of
solvrng them. Before this general solution becomes available, we will bypass the
difficulty by assuming that the system is locally stable in time; it means that it keeps
its general form for a given value of the slowly varying parameters of the EarthMoon system. Therefore, forgetting about the amplitudes and phases (which depend
primarily upon unknown initial conditions), we may focus on the frequencies only and
analyse how they respond to changes of these slowly varying parameters.
Theoretical investigation of the frequencies of the orbital parameters has allowed
to trace their origin (Berger, 1978a; Berger & Loutre, 1987). They are a linear
combination of 17 basic frequencies, 16 (s; and g,., l:Si:S8) which are characteristic
of the two fundamental sets of variables of the Earth's orbit (Berger, 1977b) and the
last one, k, which is introduced through the Poisson's equations for precession and
which present-day value is 50''439273/year. This frequency k has the following general
ex: ---
------- ( E +
whereAis the rotational angular velocity of the Earth, A and C the Earth's moments
of inertia around an axis contained into and perpendicular to the equator, ac the
semi-major axis of the orbit of the Moon around the Earth, E and M are functions
of the Earth and Moon orbital parameters which vary much faster thann, C, A and
セ@ at the geological time scale.
In fact the obliquity, e , and the climatic precession, e sinw, are given by Berger
e sintU
where f; and
:E P; sin ( a;t
+ 6;),
take one of the following forms:
s;+k, 2(s;+k), s;+sj+2k, s;+gj+2k, gj+k, srsj and ウイセᄋ@
Among them, s; + k (i = 1, ... , 8) and g. + k (j = 1, ... , 8) are related to the m?st
important periods of the obliquity (41,0oo and 54,000 years) and the precession
(19,000 and 23,000 years), respectively. Consequently, the changes in f; and a; due
to the changing value of k can be computed.
Geological epoch
Upper Cretaceous
Lower Permian
Upper Carboniferous 298
Middle Devonian
Lower Silurian
J.o.d. 19000
41000 54000
Table 1. Estimated values for the last half-billion years of the semi-major axis of the
lunar orbit, of the length of the day and of the two most important
periods of precession and obliquity.
The past values of the length of the day (1.o.d.) and accordingly of , are taken
from Stoyko (1970), the subsequent past values of (C-A)/C are those computed by
Denis (1986) and the past value of ac is given by Walker & Zahnle (1986). Table
1 summarizes the results obtained for the last half-billion years (Berger et al., 1987).
As it was foreseen by Bernard (1975), the lengths of the ヲオョセ。ュ・エャ@
periods are
past. Due to non- becoming smaller and smaller with time back into セィ・@
linearities in the relationship between the frequencies and the different parameters
the longest periods decrease more rapidly than the others at a rate such that セLUP@
Ma BP, the 41,000 yr obliquity period becomes equal to the 23,000 yr precess1onal
Geoclimatic Forcing Mechanisms
The changes in caloric seasons and insolation patterns (Milankovitch, 1941) provided
by the orbital variations are small, but the changes in the monthly values are much
larger (up to 12%; Berger, 1978a). Some changes in half-year caloric insolation may
be transferred to the sediment record directly but most forcing is probably amplified
by non-linear responses, feedback mechanisms and threshold effects (Anderson,
1984, 1986), that are more pronounced at certain latitudes and in certain sedimentary
environments than at/in others.
The Pleistocene record of ice volume has been deduced from changes in the stable
.isotope co.mposition of sea water as inferred from the composition of
forarrumferal tests m deep-sea cores. The pathways by which the orbital cycles drove
and the ice, are not at all clear, but certain aspects are: surely
climate, the ッ」セ。ョウ@
the growth of ice was enhanced by the positive feedback of the Earth's increased
albedo in. the sno":'-covered polar regions and by isostatic response (cf. Oerlemans,
EVJdently chmat:s were also modified by changes in atmospheric C02 content
attnbutable to changes m the relative partitioning of carbon dioxide between the two
main reservoirs - atmosphere and deep ocean (cf. de Boer, 1986). In pre-Pleistocene
times we must reckon with these as well as with additional feedbacks and thresholds.
The changes in insolation patterns drove climatic variations strong enough to change
of ッ」・。ョゥセ@
and sedim:ntary systems. Examples of such possible changes
the 「・ィセカゥッオイN@
and thelf sed1mentolog1cal effects mclude the following:
Bottom-water fonnation and global marine circulation. Presently, deep waters are
formed largely from the cold waters generated in the high latitudes. It now seems
that over large parts of geologic time, warm saline waters generated
m the paratrop1cal belts were relatively more involved in deep-water formation (Roth,
1978; Southam, Peterson & Brass, 1982). Orbitally induced climatic changes, that
triggered switches in circulation must have had massive consequences for the ecology
and geochemistry of marine settings. The changes range from bottom water
to the availability of oxygen (redox cycles), bottom current strength,
wmnowmg cycles, lysocline and calcite compensation depth (dissolution cycles), and
recycling in the ocean (productivity cycles). It seems likely that
deg;ee of ョオエセ・@
セエ@ エi_j・セ@
and. sites ?f delicate balance, the orbital variations played the crucial role
m fl1ppmg Clfculat10n from one mode into another, triggering cyclic sedimentation
responses (ROCC Group, 1986).
of boundaries between wet and dry belts. The precessional displacement of the
tropical wet belt and the paratropical horse latitudes should leave certain latitudes
to arid-humid alternations (Kutzbach & Otto-Bliesner, 1982;
1983; Barron et al., 1985). This would be reflected in the salinity
of lakes and shelf seas, in the supply of detrital matter (siliciclastic
d1lut10n cycles) and other aspects of sedimentology, e.g. paleosols, desertification
producing wind blown dust, etc.
Changes in dominance of zonal. versus latitudinal circulation. Shifts of the caloric
equator are likely to have caused cyclic variations in wind speed and direction,
causing cyclic variations in upwelling, sediment supply, etc.
Eustasy. The case for orbital control over the eustatic patterns of Pleistocene tiJ?e
has already been made. The question of polar ice through geological time remams
debated - even for the Cretaceous (Kemper, 1987). Growth and decay of even small
ice caps and the chilling and warming of oceans could result in eustatic fluctuations
of a few metres - enough to cause scour cycles (ROCC Group, 1986), emergence
1986; Strasser,
cycles of carbonate platforms (Hardie; Bose!lini & . gッャ、ィ。ュQ_・セL@
1988), small-scale progradational cycles m detntal settmgs, and d1luuon of セ「ッョ。エ・ウ@
in hemipelagic sediments. Moreover, possible effects of changes of the geo1d due to
changing orbital forces (Momer, 1981) are still a subject of debate.
There is thus no dearth of possible mechanisms that may serve セッ@ amphfy .the
climatic signal generated by orbital カ。イゥエッョセ@
.and to. 、イセカ・@
expression. Productivity cycles, carbonate and ウQィ」。セ・@
d1lut10n cycles, wmnowmg
progradat10.nal cycles, redox, and
cycles, dissolution cycles, emergence 」ケャ・セL@
colour banding in paleosols, all find possible explanations m セイッ」・ウ@
tuned by orbital variations. To be sure, these effects are certam to have changed
through time with changes in length of orbital cycles (Berger & Loutre, 。「ッセ・IL@
well as with changes in the physical disposition of continents 。セ@
oc:ans, 1!1 the
chemistry of the ocean and the atmosphere, etc. - factors whose ongins he not m the
planetary system, but within the Earth itself.
Observed Stratigraphic Cyclicity: Various Facies
Lakes. Lakes are particularly sensitive to climatic change, and they have furnished
knowledge, no
some of the best examples of stratigraphic cyclicity. While, to ッセイ@
cyclicity has been reported, to date, from Cret.aceous lake d<:pos1ts, rocks ?f other
ages have yielded fine examples of lacustnne 」ケャッウエイ。オセーィN@
noteworthy are Bradley's (1929) studies of the Eocene Green River Formation m the
Rocky Mountains, and Van Houten's (1962, 1964) and.Olson's HQYセTL@
1986) work on
the Triassic-Jurassic Newark Group. In the Green River Format10n, Bradley used
varve counts to identify a precessional cycle in the .alternation ?f ッセャ@ shale and
dolomitic marlstone. This cycle, that we now recogmze as an osc1Jlat10n betw:en
lacustrine and playa conditions (Surdam & sエ。セャ・ケL@
1978): reflects an alter?at1on
between humid and arid climatic periods. Climatic changes m the Newark senes are
recorded not only at the level of the cycle of precession but at the level of 100 and
400 ka of the eccentricity cycle as well.
Evaporite basins. Evaporite basins are similarly very sensitive to changes in セィ・@
precipitation-evaporation balance. The classical ウセ、ケ@
is the ?ne of the. Permian
.600 m thick ウセ」・QPョL@
Castile Formation by Anderson (1982, 1984). In セィゥウ@
than 200,000 annual cycles were measured, yieldmg m sulphate thickness / year a
clear record of the cycle of precession (Fig. 4).
rmm rrrn•
0 2 • 6
40 0
flTT1 I I I I I 11111111111 -
+ -
Figure 4. Smoothed plot of absolute thickness of calcium sulphate in the Castile
Formation. Smoothing is 8 ka. Dominant oscillation in the range of the
precession and the 100 ka eccentricity cycle (from Anderson, 1984).
Detrital systems. In the theoretical approaches to 、セエイゥャ@
MicrofamW'lated bt11ck clayslone
Mud cracked fabrtc
lamtn1l•d gray ctayston.
Intensely mud cracked tabtk:
Ttun bedded to massive gray siltstone
Supergroup, New Jersey - Pennsylvania. Cycles,
Figure 3. !riassic-Jurassic n・キセイォ@
inferred. to reflect the influence of the precession of the Earth's axis, show
between lacustrine fish bearing deposits and playa mudstones
with reptilian tracks. The deposits evidence oscillations of lake level as
the. result ?f changes in the precipitation-evaporation balance due to latitudinal shifts of the boundary between relatively wet and arid climate
zones (from Olsen, 1986). (© 1986 by the AAAS).
basif!S. aセ。ゥョL@
we know no good Cretaceous examples of cyclicity in
fac1es. The marine/non marine cyclothems of the Pennsylvanian
nuxed ・ーQセイ。エッュ」@
and Pernuan of the North American Mid-continent region, appear to have a timing
of ca. _400 セ。@ •. and presumably record the E2 eccentricity cycle, related to glacio・オセエ。」@
vanat10ns. In Kansas, where best developed, they show a 4-fold substructure
which i:iresumably reflects the 100 ka El cycle (Heckel, 1977; Fischer, 1986). The
shale-hmestone oscillations of the British Jurassic have been attributed to the
obliquity cycle, and contain possibly signals from El and 21 ka (House, 1985;
Weedon, 1986).
systems, ウエッ」ィ。セ@
of random fluvial meandering and of delta-lobe switching have been dominant, but
contrary views begin to appear. Apart from the activity of 。オセッ」ケャゥ@
channel switching), both fluvial and deltaic systems are obVIou_sly ウセョQオカ・@
to b?th
climate and eustasy, and rhythmicity in sandstone-shale :i-Iternat1?ns in the d・セッイオSZQ@
pro-delta facies of the Catskill (Van Tassel, 1987) and in the mQッ」・ョセ@
of c。ィヲッイセエ@
(Clifton, 1981) have been attributed to orbital effects. In places, ヲャオセ。@
embedded in a rhythmical pattern within marls and paleosols (e.g., in the TrempGraus Basin, Spain; unpubl. data, de Boer) also invite to be ゥセエ・イー、@
as responses
to alternating wet and dry periods potentially forced by orbital effects.
Marine carbonate platfonns. Studies of marine platform (emergence) cyclicity have
mostly come from the Triassic of the Alps and Hungary. Here, Schwarzacher (1947,
1954), Fischer (1964), Schwarzacher & Haas (1966), Hardi_e. et セAN@ (1986) a?d
with cycle イN。セQPウ@
Goldhammer, Dunn & Hardie (1987) found an emergence 」ケャQセ@
of around 5: 1, suggestive of glacial control forced 「セ@ P and El (Fig. 5). In penudal
environments of the Lower Cretaceous of France, Switzerland and England, Strasser
cycles ?f P, El and セRN@
(1988) and Strasser, Mojon & Deconinck HQセXI@
Of special interest to us and also to Working Group 4 1s the ー・ョMャ。エヲセイュ@
in which deposition continued during times of platform emergence, .but without the
ready supply of fine carbonate エィセN」。・イゥコ、@
the subme_rgent episodes. Rando1!1
observations suggest that rhythm1c1ty 1s strong in these settings, but further study is
j Zセ@
l 0.2
T o.4f
1 oGMセNZ@
5. Fischer plot. ッヲセ@
represen.tative sequence of 37 emergence cycles (Latemar
limestone•. M. tョセウQ」L@
cycle represents an upward transition
to mterudal or suprat1dal conditions. "Bundles" or megacycles
from ウセ「オ、。ャ@
5 」ケャセウ@
are defined by exceptionally thick cycle(s) at the basis. Mean
subsidence rate 1s plotted on the Y-axis, and the sequence of cycles is plotted
on. the X-axis, assuming a constant period per cycle. Each cycle represents an
episode of ウオ「エAセ。ャ@
followed by an emergence recorded as a cap that
has been mod1f1ed by leachmg (enlarged pores), dolomitization and vadose
Inset,autocorrelation graphs demonstrate the grouping of cycles into bundles
of 5 (from Goldhammer, Dunn & Hardie, 1987).
Hemipelagic systems. Hemipelagic systems such as those of the French "Fosse
and those _of the セ。イゥエュ・@
Alps show particularly striking cyclicity in
which are probably largely the result of fluctuating
limestone-shale 。ャNエセイョゥッウL@
and mud supply. Here 「・セ、ゥョァ@
cycles of possible precessional
or obl.1qmty t1mmg (Fischer, 1986) are grouped mto larger cycles that reach into the
domam of 1 - 2 Ma E3-E4 cycles (Cotillon, 1984; Cotillon & Rio, 1984; Ferry &
Rubino, 1987).
Somewhat similar patterns appear in the hemipelagic Niobrara chalk (Fig. 6) of
the セュ・イゥ」。ョ@
Western Interior (Bottjer et al., 1986; Pratt et al., in press). The
couplets 。セ・@
/ high-carbonate oscillations, linked to changes
(anoxia) through a Chondrites facies (dysaerobic) to
from httle. or no N「QPエオイ。セッョ@
the Planoiltes fac1:s (aerobic). These couplets are believed to reflect the precession,
grouped mto 100 .ka cycles (see also Laferriere, Hattin & Archer, 1987).
and 。イセ@
These m turn are grouped mto less-well defined superbundles with possible rhythms
Figure 6. Cyclicity in the Niobrara Formation (Coniacian - L Campanian) Colorado.
Wyoming, USA
A. Resistivity microlog (rm) and neutron porosity log (np) (mmor. plots)
of Golden Buckeye - Champlin core in Laramie <;ounty, Wyonung. B.
Calcium carbonate curve (left) and gamma ray log (nght) ッヲb・ョィセ、N@
4 State near Fort Collins, Colorado (Pratt et al, in ーイセIN@
C. Res1sUVIty
log of basal Niobrara in another Colorado.well Hセヲ・ュイ@
et al., 1987).
D. Detailed calcium carbonate curve showmg beddmg couplets (Pratt et
al., in press).
t ese mto
Bedding couplets (P) are grouped into El 「セョ、ャ・ウL@
superbundles, best shown in gamma ray log and m C.
at 400 and 1200 ka (E3) which in tum would fit into a 1,600 ka 」ケャゥセ@
(L) that is
not included in Berger's orbital periodicities. Hattin (1986) showed_ that m the ャッセ・イ@
Niobrara Formation (Fort Hays Member) the number of セ・、ュァ@
couplets ma
bundle, showing the normal 5 : 1 ratio in the trough of the 「。ウQセ@
decreases eastward
by the absence or amalgamation of some couplets, 。ョセ@
presumably due to high-frequency influx of mud from tectomcally acuve highlands.
The British Chalk (Hart, 1987) and the basal Lias of Britain Hセ・、ッョL@
1986) show
evidence of both the precessional and obliquity cycles. Cottle (m prep.) found
2 0
10 0
50 Ka
Figure 7.
Alb!an pelagic sequence near Moria, Umbrian Apennines Italy
of (precession-related) high-carbonate / low carb'onate
with 「オセ、ャュァ@
couplets m bundles of 4 - 5 representing the El eccentricity rvcle (de Boer
of control of the foraminiferal fauna by the precession obliquity and
(El and E2 cycles) in rocks which show no ャゥエィッァ」セ@
cyciicity He
corre ates presumed obliquity and El cycles over a distance of 80 km.
Figure 8. Spectral curve of the thicknesses of 150 successive carbonate-rich beds
(shaded curve) in the Albian succession near Moria (Fig. 7) in comparison
to a spectral curve (with highest peak value) of the successively most northerly
positions of the caloric equator calculated on the basis of Berger (1978b).
Analysed data thus are not equally distributed in time or space, but represent
successive maxima of the carbonate curve and of the precessional effect upon
the position of the caloric equator, the latter having a variable spacing in time
of 14 ka to 28 ka (from de Boer, 1983).
セョ・@ 0
pelagic ウケエ・セN@
The cyclic structure discovered by Gilbert in the Cretaceous
t e North American Western Interior Seaway has parallels in most other
and marl sequences, but is more elaborate than Gilbert realized
a.rt ar ュセQィエ@
has 「・セョ@
ァセゥョ・、@ 「
detailed work on the Albian - c・ョッュ。ゥセ@
and Scagha Bianca (Fig. 7) in the Umbrian facies of central Italy (de
1981, 1984; de Boer, 1982, 1983; Tornaghi, 1984; Erba, 1986;
&_Fischer, 1986; Herbert, Stallard & Fischer 1986· Park & Herbert 1987·
Erba & 1:'ornaghi, 1989). Figure 8 shows the results of a spectrai
refl ysis applied エセ@ the エセQ」ォョ・ウ@
of the successive carbonate-rich beds, thought to
m ect the ーイ・」ウQセョN。ャ@
signal, m comparison to a spectral analysis of the successively
pos1t1ons of the caloric equator calculated on the basis of Berger
Figure 9 shows the upper 20 m of this formation, as logged in the Piobbico core, in
the proximity of Moria, while instrumental scans of the underlying beds (core depth
10 - 18 m) are shown in figure 10. Bedding couplets of marl/limestone, visible in the
outcrop, appear as high frequency digitations in figure 10. They are grouped into
bundles of ca. 5 (cf. Figs. 7, 8), defined by shales (commonly black) and labelled El
in figure 10. These in turn are grouped into superbundles (E2). Applying the mean
sedimentation rate for the Albian here (5 m / Ma) identifies the bedding couplet with
the ca. 20 ka precessional cycle, the bundle with the El ca. 100 ka eccentricity cycle,
and the superbundle with the ca. 400 ka E2 eccentricity cycle. Figures 10 D and E
show the emergence of the ca. 100 ka El as the dominant peak in spectral plots,
confirming earlier observations by de Boer & Wonders (1981) and by Schwarzacher
& Fischer (1982) in underlying and overlying limestones. Park & Herbert (1987)
showed that this peak is bimodal, with its two subsidiary peaks corresponding to the
(presently) 98 and 126 ka peaks of the orbital signature. De Boer (1983) also shows
the presence of the 2 Ma cycle (E4 ).
! セ@
&'. セ@
"セ@ セ@
An 8 m (1.6 Ma) Albian segment of
the Scisti a Fucoidi, Umbria, Italy.
A Darkness values by densitometry;
B. Calcium carbonate curve (mean
interval 2 cm);
C. Expansion of carbonate curve;
D. Adaptive multitaper spectrum of
carbonate curve;
E. Adaptive multitaper spectrum of
darkness curve;
P: inferred precessional signal; El
and E2: inferred 100 ka and 400 ka
eccentricity cycle.
(from Premoli Silva et al., 1989)
. . セ@
- I<(
--.. jj
--..セ@. i
. .j
Erba & Tomaghi, 1989; Tornaghi, Premoli Silva & Ripepe, 1989). The similarity of
carbonate, planktonic foraminifera, and colour index are evidentiated in figure 9.
Limestone/shale alternations in the Lias of Breggia Gorge, Switzerland, also reflect
the precession and eccentricity cycles (Weedon, 1989).
Even more complex patterns are to be expected where the obliquity cycle finds
stronger expression, and where dissolution, dilution and/or winnowing (cyclic or not)
overprint the primary signals, as must be the case in much of the record of the deepsea (Dean, Gardner & Jansa, 1978; Dean. Gardner & Cepek, 1981; Dean & Gardner,
1986) and of marginal basins (e.g., Monterey Formation, Bramlette, 1946).
•) Cl'lert
Magnetic signals. Magnetic properties (intensity, inclination and declination) measured
Figure 9. Upper part of Piobicco core; litho- and biostratigraphy % colour index
%To c。セSL@
% planktonic foraminiferal and radiola;ian 。「オョ、」・セ@
( omagh1 et al., 1989).
.The carbonate/marl rhythms are carbonate productivity cycles positive! correlated
with the
of bottom water aeration (de Boer, 1983;
Stallard & Fischer,
at 1 cm spacing produced rhythms in the distribution
1986). セョァ@
o planktomc ヲセイュ・。@
and セーゥョァ@
planktonic faunas every mm resulted
1 spectra that clearly md1cate the obhquity and precessional cycles (Premoli Silva,
Ci I c1.r•ous e 1A'f
tnd city
Figure 10.
in the Umbrian sequence, are not correlated to lithology, but nevertheless show
variations that fit well to the orbital signals observed in the lithology of the succession
(VandenBerg, de Boer & Kreulen, 1983; Napoleone & Ripepe, in prep.). Earlier,
such relations were suggested by Wollin, et al. (1971) and Wollin, Ryan & Ericson
(1978) .
The data suggest that magnetic secular variations may be related to orbital signals,
not transmitted via climate but through some more direct physical mechanism. They
thus constitute an independent approach to orbital cyclicity.
In summary, many stratigraphic sequences of pelagic, hemipelagic, platform,
lacustrine and evaporitic facies of various ages (from at least the Ordovician to the
Present) are cyclic in structure, and a relation with the orbital cycles has been
established with varying degrees of confidence. These are mainly sequences in which
the cyclicity is apparent to the eye, and therefore attracted study. Many more such
sequences remained unstudied as yet. There are many sequences in which no such
regularity of bedding patterns is apparent on first sight. Indeed, in many sequences
rhythmic patterns are striking at certain levels, and fade into others (e.g., Darmedru
et al., 1982; Darmedru, 1984; Tribovillard, 1988; Cottle, in prep.). Such lateral
variations can result from fluctuations in the strength of the climatic signals, from
varying receptivity of the sedimentary system, from the interference between different
cycles, from the overprint by local signals of different origin (rhythmic or not), and
from diagenetic overprint (Ricken, 1986, 1987). It may eventually be possible to
separate orbitally induced cycles from others in such sequences, but only after we
know more about the patterns of cyclicity from unalterated sections. The wide
stratigraphic range in which orbital influences can be found, i.e., the whole
stratigraphic column, means that techniques and results from CRER will be of
general application and not just appropriate to the Cretaceous.
Expression Of Cyclicity And Sampling Techniques
The expression of cyclicity takes many different forms in various sedimentary
sequences. In the Pleistocene deep sea record, for example, variations in oxygen
isotope ratios in foraminifera have turned out to be a most useful signal of orbital
cycles, despite the complex and roundabout pathway which first led to climatic change
(no doubt very complex in itself), which led to the growth and decay of ice sheets,
which in turn found expression in the isotopic composition of sea water, reflected in
turn by the isotopic composition of foraminiferal and nannofossil carbonate tests.
In other sequences it is the mineralogy which oscillates most conspicuously, as in
the Green River Formation or the Scisti a Fucoidi. Many cycles involve the character
of the bottom fauna. This may be expressed in the degree and type of bioturbation
(Bottjer et al., 1986; Savrda & Bottjer, 1987) (Fig. 11), microfaunal content, megafossil biofacies such as the cyclic occurrence of megalodont clams, alternating with
the peritidal gastropods and algal mats in the emergence cycles of Triassic platforms
(Fischer, 1964). Sedimentary structures may become diagnostic, as for example
fenestrae or shrinkage pores and desiccation cracks associated with platform
emergence. Compositional differences commonly appear to the eye as differences in
colour and/or bedding thickness, the latter often controlling the geomorphic
In short, many primary features in sediments and combinations of them may reflect
orbitally driven cycles. The rhythmically bedded appearance of a sedimentary
succession in the outcrop may represent a combination of such features, variously
suppressed or enhanced by diagenesis, tectonism, weathering and erosion.
Figure 11.
Paleo-oxygenation curve (IOC)
constructed on the basis of
trace fossil distribution and
maximum burrow diameter
(MBD, in セIN@
Fort Hays .
Limestone, N10brara Formation,
(from Bottjer et al., 1986)
L: laminated;
B: bioturbated;
C: Chondrites;
Z: Zoophycos and/or Teichichnus;
P: Planolites;
T: Thalassinoides.
Space versus time. To be sure, the appearance of cyclicity イセウオャエ@
not ッョAセ@
from_ sue?
variations, but also from their rhythmic and regular spacmg, a regulanty_which_ セ@
commonly modulated by cycles of Aッキ・セ@
as Nセィッキョ@
above. This セーエゥ。@
regularity led Sander (1936) to prop_ose his ᄋセ・オョウエQ」@
rule that space rhythm - time
rhythm, i.e., rhythmicity in the forcmg functions.
Dia enetic overprints. This heuristic rule of Sander has been 」ィ。ャ・ョァセ、@
by a ?umber
(e.g., Sujkowski, 1958; Hallam, 1986) who proposed that 、Q。ァ・ョセウ@
produce a "rhythmic unmixing" of initially homogeneous and. un?ed?ed sediment by
way of a redistribution of calcium carbonate. That such a red1stnbut10n of carbonate
.occur on a massive scale is now clear. Especially marl-limestone sequences a
affected by 、ゥN。ァ・ョセ」@
overprint Carbonate contents and bedding rhytru:
are mfluenced ?Y. エィセ@
d1ssolut10? of carbonate in marly layers and by partly or
CO?Jplete セ・ーイ」Qエ。Pョ@
of the dissolved carbonate as cement in the pore space of
limestone lay.ers (e.g: Ricken, 1985, 1986; Hallam, 1986; Bathurst, 1987).
The mfluen.ce of diagenes1s on carbonate and organic carbon content can be
calculat.ed, usmg the carbonate compaction law and performing mass balance
on numerical decompaction (Ricken. 1986, 1987). Cementation
n:sults m an mer.ease of the carbonate content of limestone layers to 5% - 30%
values, セィャ・@
th.e 」セイ「ッョ。エ・@
content of the marly beds in between is reduced.
The highest vanatmns m d1agenetic carbonate content are obtained when the average
carbonate c<?ntent of the sediment is low, around 25% to 50%.
.'f!le 「・、セュァ@
is severely affected only when the carbonate content of the
sediment is high. As predicted by the carbonate compaction law, originally
curves are changed by differential compaction from sinusoidal
smuso1dal 」。イ「セュエ・@
エセ@ angular, .while the marly beds are reduced in thickness. Additionally, primary
m carb?nate content are obliterated by shifting the carbonate content in
エィセ@ lirr.iestones to ?1gher, but rela.tively constant values. セョウ・アオエャケL@
highly rhythmic,
bnck-hke alternat10ns セ・@
foun? I? cemented, carbonate-nch sequences. In carbonatepoor sequences, the diagenetJc mfluence on the original bedding rhythm is weak,
although small amounts of cements will significantly change the amplitude of the
.curve and enhance the original bedding rhythm. It is thought that
d1agenes1.s m carbonate:poor 。ャエ・セゥッョウ@
will make power spectra more significant,
alternat10ns power spectra will be severely distorted.
whereas m 」。イ「ッョセエ・MNィ@
In. ウオュセイケ[@
while pnmary ウ・、ゥュセョエ。イケ@
fabrics are overprinted to varying degrees
by diagenes1s, th.e soi_ts of .cycles ?1scussed above, expressed in multiple ways and
commonly orgamzed mto h1erarch1es of cycles, are not caused by diagenesis, though
they may be strongly enhanced or obliterated by that process.
Obscuring factors. Sander's rule would work perfectly if sedimentation were continuous
and proceeded at fixed rates. All sedimentary systems diverge from these ideals to
a greater or lesser 、セァイ・@
.. Many facies are riddled with hiatuses; in some of the finest
examples of セィケュQ@
sedimentation, such as the Scisti a Fucoidi, the cyclicity itself
m the rate of sedimentation, chiefly in the supply of carbonate.
any sedu:ientary sequence contains some elements of "noise", not related
In 。、QエPセL@
changes m エセ・@
sedimentary environment. Such noise may overpower the
to the \[y」ャセ@
rhyth.rruc ウQセ。ャ@
recorded Qセ@ ュセョケ@
sed!n:ientary systems. Thus, cyclostratigraphy is only
if HQセ@
the fac1es Qセ@ sensitive for environmental changes induced by
astronomical カ。セ「ャ・ウL@
(2) sedimentation was continuous and at relatively constant
rates, and (3) disturbances by random events were minimal.
in time and space. Urgent questions concern the distribution of cyclic patterns
m time and space:
Orbitally induced stratigraphic rhythmicity has been established in detail for
e.xample for エセ・@
Late Albian in Central Italy. A next logical step is to study the same
part of the same basin, with similar methods and in similar
time. 1i:terval m 。ョセエィ・イ@
detail, m order to discover the level of accuracy with which correlations can be made.
Can the same precessional events be recognized, and can correlations at the 10 ka
level be carried through?
Another logical step would be to study the same time interval in similar fades,
but in another basin. A study of the Late Albian portion of the Mames Bleues in
Southeastern France, highly comparable, but with a higher rate of sedimentation.
could be revealing. Indeed, any rhythmic-appearing Late Albian sequence offering
close biostratigraphic control appears attractive as a target for comparative study. Due
to dependence on close biostratigraphic control, and considering the fact that the
precessional effect dominates at low latitudes, whereas at higher latitudes the
influence of the obliquity cycle may be expected to interfere, such detailed comparisons for the Albian might, in the first instance, be restricted to the lower
paleolatitudes - the Tethyan belt and the lower paleolatitudes of the Pacific.
As stated, high latitude climates are likely to be affected more by the 40 ka rhythm
of the obliquity, and the climates of low latitudes by the cycle of precession. It is
therefore not surprising to find that the Albian-Cenomanian in Italy is dominated by
the precession-eccentricity pattern, while that of England (Hart, 1987) and of
Northern Germany (Kemper, 1987) seem to reflect the obliquity cycle. The
paleolatitude of deposition is not the only factor of importance; for example, the
bedding patterns, the productivity and redox cycles in the Albian and Cenomanian
in Umbria are dominated by the precession-eccentricity pattern, but the abundance
of planktonic foraminifera in the same beds suggest the presence of an obliquity
signal (Premoli Silva et al., 1989). It is important to identify the nature of sedimentary
rhythms within specific time slices, such as the Albian and Cenomanian stages, and
to map the global distribution of rhythmic patterns relative to paleolatitude and to
fades, using a variety of proxies.
The time-honoured method of field stratigraphers is to measure stratigraphic sections,
describing them unit-by-unit. However, published field sections rarely provide
measurements for each bed, and are thus generally not sufficiently detailed to discern
cyclostratigraphic signals. A careful field approach is absolutely ・ウョエゥセN@
e.g., in the English Chalk, shows that certain marker beds are very widespread and
to count. イィケエセウ@
easily recognizable. Once these have been identified it is ーッウゥセi・@
or flint bands between them and to achieve an even more precise correlation. This
can only be done after the basic field logging and description of sections is completed
and after key paleontological, sedimentological, and geochemical markers have been
collected and identified.
Another way to approach cyclicity in the field is to restrict measurements to a small
but rigorously observed set of features, such as bedding thickness, which can be
computer-processed. Different approaches in techniques are exemplified by
Schwarzacher (1964) and Schwarzacher & Fischer (1982) who sampled carbonate
content and bedding thickness at predetermined stratigraphic intervals, and by de
Boer & Wonders (1981, 1984) who measured the thickness of successive individual
carbonate-rich beds. The great advantage of field observations is that a great many
features can be studied. Disadvantages are that, depending on the freshness of the
exposure, diagenesis, weathering and cover provide differential overprints. The
geologist is forced to make decisions - such as what constitutes a bed - that
to a ウエ。ゥッョセイケ@
base line, but are subjective judgements made [{セ@
Z P セ@
- the 「セ。ュ@
- whose base lines are flexible, and much influenced b
1mmed1ately precedmg observations.
is エセ@ make instrumental measurements of fresh cores, which
a Slillp!e curve with a stationary base-line. Examples are the work on the
(Umbnan Apennines, Italy) core (Herbert & Fischer, 1986, Herbert, Stallard
& Fischer, 1986? Park&; Herbert, 1987). Two curves for this core, one of darkness
produced by m1crodens1tometry scans, and one of CaCO values taken at mean
of 2 cm, 、セヲゥョ・@
two rather similar curves that 」。セ@
be analyzed in various
ways HセQァN@
10). C:ontmuous peels of such cores have also allowed the construction of
essentially contmuous plots of fauna! composition that yield spectral periodicity
patterns .comparable to those for the geochemistry (Tornaghi 1984· Erba 1986·
Tornagh1 et al., 1989).
close to and comparable with outcrops, is not overly expensive,
Drilling such 」ッセ・ウL@
but few laboratories are now set up to scan cores in a rigorous and rapid fashion,
so that such procedures are time-consuming at present.
Cores. An セエ・イョ。ゥカ@
Bore.·hole logs: Objective scans of physical properties of stratigraphic sequences are
?ut by Industry, in the form of bore-hole logs (Fig. 3). Such Jogs,
taken m situ, .avoid the problem of non-recovery in cores. Logs record parameters
as porosity or ァ。ュ_QMイセケ@
counts that serve as proxies for the features which
d!rectly resulted from chmat1c change. New logging techniques (as yet little used)
yield ・Aュョエセ@
analyses. The chief problem with existing well logs is the limited
generally fails to resolve the primary bedding. Logging methods of
high イセウ_ャカュァ@
power are available, but they are not as yet being widely used. Even
so, ex1stmg logs should prove enormously useful in tracking low-frequency cycles.
Recognition And Identification Of Orbitally Induced Cyclicities
Wi:h certain exceptions, the identification of stratigraphic rhythmicities with specific
orbital has 「・セ@
based upon ・セエゥュ。ウ@
of their periods. Three approaches have
one, applicable t? (partially) varved sequences, relies on extrapolating
been オセ・、N@
varve (1.e. year) counts to orbital cycles, the other on the calculation of sedimentation
rates, and the third on the complicated but characteristic character of astronomical
r-:'a':'es were オウ・セ@
by bセ。、ャ・ケ@
by Van hッオエセョ@
(1964), and by Olsen (1986) in
the strat1graph1c rhythms m the Green River Formation and the Newark
Senes. Varve ュセ。ウオイ・ョエ@
in a. long continuous set of evaporites allowed Anderson
(1982, セYXTI@
:o 1dent1fy precess10n and eccentricity forcing in the Permian Castile
Format10n (Fig. 4).
Sedi'!1entati?n rates infe"ed {セッュ@
bio- and magnetostratigraphy. The great majority of
marme sediments lacks varvmg, and an approach to the timing of rhythms can be
made using stratigraphic datum levels based on biostratigraphy, calibrated by means
of radiometric scales such as those of Harland et al. ( 1982), Kennedy & Odin (1982),
Hallam et al. (1985), and others. Such calculations invariably contain an element of
uncertainty: the duration of stages is commonly not well constrained, sedimentation
rates during a stage may vary, and the sequence may contain stratigraphic gaps
(Sadler, 1981; Anders et al., 1987), especially when there are notable lithological
changes and/or discontinuities. Thus timing arrived at by this means must generally
be considered as a tentative first approach until confirmed by other methods.
The refinement of magnetic geochronology offers another approach to the duration
of cycles in times of a frequently reversing magnetic field (Schwarzacher, 1987).
The use of integrated stratigraphy, based on various mega- and microfossil groups,
magneto- and chronostratigraphy (cf. Kauffman, 1988) holds a great promise for
improved temporal resolution.
Once orbital cycles in sediments have been clearly established,and the changes in
orbital frequency through geological time are known, cyclostratigraphy may contribute
to refining the chronostratigraphy, as was first attempted already by Gilbert (1895)
in the last century. Suggestions for refinement and adaption of parts of the
stratigraphic timescale, based on the analysis of orbitally induced cyclicities in
sedimentary successions, are being made already, e.g., for part of the Turonian
(Cottle, pers. comm.), for the Pliocene (Hilgen & Langereis, 1989) and for the
Pleistocene (Shackleton, 1989).
Interference patterns characteristic for astronomical cycles. In cases where a detailed
time control is lacking, use can be made of the complexity of the orbital motions. The
effects upon climate and sedimentary facies do not produce a simple sinusoidal
pattern in time and space. Rather it is a complex pattern due to the interference of
the different orbital motions, each of which is characterized by a long series of
different frequencies and amplitudes. For the Umbrian sequence it clearly turned out
that cyclicities in the pattern of bedding thicknesses show a pattern that is closely
comparable to the pattern of maxima of cool spring equinoxes at the equator,
modulated by eccentricity and obliquity patterns. De Boer & Wonders (1981)
calculated the statistical incidence of bedding thicknesses (reflecting subsequent
periods of cumulative positive influence of the precession cycle upon ocean water
circulation, nutrient supply and carbonate production) for the Albian in the Umbrian
sequence (Fig. 8), and Schwarzacher & Fischer (1982) for the Barremian and
Cenomanian in Umbria and for Carboniferous limestones in Ireland.
In theory, periodicities in lithology, and others, elemental chemistry, isotope rati?s,
etc., hidden to the eye, should emerge in spectral plots of several sorts - fast Founer
transforms, power spectra, Walsh spectra, etc. (Schwarzacher, 1964, .1975, 1987;
Ripepe, 1988; Weedon, 1989). Essential to this method is (1) the ex1stmg of an
accurate time control, (2) a long-enough time span to provide a fair sampling of the
low-frequency cycles involved, and (3) a low diagenetic ッカセイーゥョエN@
rocks セエィ@
In unlithified, porous rocks (e.g., DSDP/ODP cores) and m 」ッュー。セエ・、@
low diagenetic overprint (e.g., marly shales) power spectra can be directly apphed.
Spec.tral ai;alysis can provide an objective demonstration of regular cyclicity in a
(although 、。セゥョァ@
can be poor) or of modulation of cycles by
st.ratigraph1c ウ・アセ@
higher セイ、・@
cychcltles: d・セッョウエイ。Q@
of regular cycles in thickness can be a very
useful piece of supportmg eVIdence that the observed sedimentary cycles are indeed
cycles. Walsh spectral techniques (Schwarzacher, 1975; Weedon,
related to the _イ「Qセ@
1986) are reqmred Qセ@ severely 」セュー。エ・、@
or st;ongly diagenetic sequences where the
physical or geochemical properties of the section vary in a more nearly square-wave
pattern エィセ@
in a sinusoidal セョ・N@
Moreover, a better understanding of how power
are mfluenced by stra.t1g;aph!c gaps (Sadler, 1981; Anders, Krueger & Sadler,
1987, wセ・、_ョL@
1989), by vanat1?ns Qセ@ エセ・@
of.sedimentation, and by differential
compact10n is needed ..ウセエ・ュ。Q」@
vanat1on m sedimentation rates between beds can
「セ@ detected by determmmg エィセ@ ,t):'Pe depositional dilution (e.g., dominant dilution
either throu&h the ".3-"bonate, srhctclastrc, or organic fraction) and by applying dilution (Ricken, m pres.s ). In car?onat7-rich alternations, considerable diagenetic
due to cementat10n and d1ssolut10n processes is accompanied by differential
the shape of the carbonate curves, and reduce the thickness
compact10n; both 。ヲセ・」エ@
of the marl beds (Ricken, 1986, 1987, and "diagenetic overprint" above).
.the ー。エセイNョウ@
of Milankovitch forcing have been
recognized Qセ@ pelagic, henupelagic, evapont1c and lacustrine facies from various parts
of Earth's セQウエッイケN@
Up to four hierarchies, ranging from the 20 ka precessional cycles
to a cycle m the 2 Ma range, have been identified in a single sequence. These cycle
patterns la;gely seem to match those of the Earth's orbital variations and thus
G.1lbert's original proposition. The case for an orbital イ・」セ、@
in the
strat1&1'aph1c column now appears strong. Clearly this is a major frontier for stratigraphic work.
patterns may be expressed in paleontological, physical (e.g.,
mmeralogical. and sedimentological oscillations. Study of surface outcrops
will 」ッョセュオ・@
to be an important factor in cyclostratigraphical studies, but field
measurements are advantageously combined with laboratory data
obsei;ations セ、@
that yield add1t1o?al ョオュセイゥ」。ャ@
time series. Particularly advantageous can be the use
which prov1?e. the opportunity of continuous paleontological, physical
of core ィセャ・ウL@
Ex1stmg borehole logs commonly lack the resolving power to
and 」ィセュQ。ャ@
recognize the high-frequency H「・、セゥョァM」ッオーャNエI@
cycles, but nevertheless they constitute
a ャ。セァ・@
unexplored database of mformat10n on cyclostratigraphic rhythms. New
loggmg methods hold great promise.
timing of rhythms have to be refined, including
Methods for both Nゥ、・ョエヲセッ@
methods for modellmg ウ・、Qュセエ。ッョ@
;ates, f?r improving the resolution of power
spectra, and for the deconvolVIng of d1agenet1c overprint
. That cyclostratigraphy was discovered in the Cretaceous is no accident. The
seas with. 」ャゥュ。エセケ@
?ensitive sedimentary systems predisposed this
f?r the recordmg of climatic cycles. This, together with a well-developed
b10str.at1graphy, makes the Cretaceous system particularly promising for the
establishment of a coherent stratigraphy.
The Cretaceous is also a time of particular interest for paleoclimatology. Its low
latitudinal gradients suggest a greenhouse atmosphere, a state towards which セ・@ may
be heading now, due to anthropogenic carbon dioxide enrichment. Cyclostrat1graphy
of the Cretaceous promises to bring insights into the functioning of Cretaceous
atmosphere and oceans on the one hand, and on the other into the chronology
needed to apprehend the rates of climatic change.
Most of what we now know has been learned in the last two decades. New
approaches have been developed and more will come along. As yet the rhythmic
sequences analyzed are isolated fragments out of the geological record. Many more
sequences, sufficiently well distributed ?ver the FQPセL@
have to be ヲセ、@
and analyzed,
to provide rigorous counts of precess10nal, obhqmty and eccentnc1ty cycles for the
zones and stages and polarity chrons of the stratigraphic record, in order to make
a contribution to geochronology. A clear view on cycle patterns for. given t!me slices
will contribute to paleoclimatology and paleoceanograph¥, and. will provtde. オセ・ヲャ@
information for reconstructing the evolution of the Earths orbital charactensucs.
The analysis of orbital cyclicities in sedimentary successions requires techniques
ranging from log interpretation to time-series analysis, and is strongly depende.nt upon
geochronological control, largely rooted in biostratigraphy and magnetostraugraphy.
Accordingly, cyclostratigraphy calls for combinations of talents, for teamwork.
Returning to the questions posed in the introduction:
. .
The existence of stratigraphic sections that record orbital variations 1s now
well established for rocks of many different facies and ages.
Orbitally forced rhythms are widespread 「ッセ@
in facies セ、@
time, at least fr?m
the Ordovician to the present day and m both manne and non-marme
Cyclic sequences are best studied by techniques which rapidly generate
quantitative data for spectral analysis.
Potentially they offer an enormous amount of mformauon, and a much refined
Practical cyclostratigraphy is within reach, but will reqmre a great deal of
detailed sampling.
The best method seems to define time horizons, and to attempt to fix
segments of cyclic sequences in time. In the Cretaceous s.everal. good .mark7r
beds are available, including tephra horizons, well-_constramed _Qセエイ。ァーィ」@
and magnetostratigraphic boundaries, and promise the poss1b1hty of intercontinental stratigraphic correlation.
Work on continuous and cyclic appearing sequences is encouraged, but particularly
timely is work directed at answering any of three
-What will cyclostratigraphy do for accuracy of 」ッイ・ャセエQョウ_@
The answer to that question is to be sought by detailed cyclo.strat1gr:aph1c study
of a time-slice in which a cyclostratigraphy has been resolved m 、・エセQャN@
-What is the paleogeographic distribution of major cycle types - obhqmty versus precession/obliquity?
This can be approached by more general studies of global cycle patterns on the
scale of a stage.
Did cycle patterns change in time?
The answer to this lies in the analysis of long sequences of cycles of appropriate
and uniform facies.
Prospects And Recommendations
General comparative studies of longer stratigraphic sequences. Are there temporal
patterns in orbitally driven cyclicity such as shown in the Pleistocene isotope record
(cf. Pestiaux & Berger, 1984)? Are there regional or global alternations between
episodes of marked cyclicity and others in which the orbital signatures are suppressed
or absent? Any long and continuous stratigraphic section of appropriate and relatively
uniform facies lends itself to this type of study.
Ideally, such work should be done in close cooperation of sedimentologists,
paleontologists, magnetostratigraphers, geochemists and geophysicists, ィ。セ、@
in hand
with astronomers studying changes of the character and of the frequencies of the
orbital movements during the geological history on a theoretical basis.
Every bore-hole for petroleum is now logged by various methods, and enormous
numbers of such logs rest in the files of Industry and Governments. While most of
these logs lack the resolution needed to identify the higher frequencies, they at least
represent a largely unused source of data on the lower frequencies in the orbital
variation spectrum. They will certainly become vital in linking the more detailed
cornerstone studies.
No one method of spectral analysis is ideal for any and all data sets. Continued
research on mathematical resolution of rhythmicities in stratigraphic time series is
highly desirable. At the same time, so Jong as 、ゥヲセ・イNョエ@
workers process エセ・ゥイ@
in different ways as to achieve a power spectrum m different manners, their results
are not comparable. It therefore is a matter of importance to devise some central
data base in which numerical cyclostratigraphical data of all sorts can be collected
and redistributed for availability to all who wish to process such data in comparable
There is a gap be.tween traditional stratigraphic resolution (order of accuracy of Ma)
and modern sedimentary phenomena observed within the limits of our personal
eph.emeral experience. The Milankovitch rhythms partially fill this gap. For parts of
for キィゥ」セ@
astronomical cycles have been clearly and reliably
established, relative age determmations can be made, that is, relative within that
and with .great detail. The complicated pattern of frequencies and
amplitudes of the orbital movements and their effects provide a basis for detailed
cor:elations, with a resolution of a fraction of the 21,000 precessional period on a
scale (de Boer, 1983), and also over the globe (Cotillon, 1984, 1987). Cyclostrat1graphy should not become a science 'per se', but it should contribute to a better
of sedimentary セョ、@
climatic processes of the past. It also may allow
pred1ct1ons of the future evolution of the Earth in relation to the activities of Man.
The_refore, we call upon stratigraphers to identify Cretaceous sequences that show
to commence studying them. Discovery of Milankovitch cyclic1ty Qセ@ ウエイ。Qセーィ」@
sequences is a function of the degree of sophistication with which
sequences have been studied. It is presently restricted to sequences
studied smce long. Therefore, prospects of finding other examples in more remote
areas seem good.
corr:parative studies. One of the first questions to be settled is the suitability
of orbitally mduced cycles for precision in stratigraphic correlations and geochrono!ogy. The most detailed cyclostratigraphy now in hand is that of the praeticinesis zone
m the Late Albian of central Italy (Premoli Silva et al., 1989), and that zone is a
target f?r ウゥュセ。イ@
studies elsewhere, wherever it can be rigorously identified in
fac1es. sセ」ィ@
work should include profiles in the same basin, in adjacent
basms and m other, distant parts of the world. Other studies will reach the same level
of detail, and may define other time slices of equal promise.
General comf!arative studies of time slices. Also where such close stratigraphic control
does not exist, cycle patterns in time slices such as the Late Albian and the
Cenomanian should be resolved wherever the sedimentary facies permit, in order to
map the paleogeographic distributions of obliquity-dominated patterns versus
precession-eccentricity dominated ones. This should prove illuminating for our
conception of Cretaceous climates and oceanography, and for the pathways along
which sedimentary systems were forced.
identification of stratigraphic rhythmicities with specific orbital cycles depends
primarily on their periods. A coherent cyclostratigraphy, ャゥォセ@
a ュ。セョ・エッウイゥァーィケL@
can only be developed with the help of close b10straugraph1c control. Thus,
improvements in geochronology and stratigraphic cor:elation セイ・@
of great ゥュセッイエ。ョ」・@
to refine determinations of frequencies. Paleoecolog1cal studies are needed m order
to better determine causes and pathways of cyclicities. Composition of, セョ、@
preservation of fossil assemblages, especially if 」ッュ「ゥョセ、@
with .g.eochemical ウセオ、Q・L@
allow a more realistic determination of oceanographic cond1t1ons and sed1mentological processes in the past (see e.g., Roth, 1986; Thierstein & Roth, 1989 for an
interpretation of Lower Cretaceous cycles).
The present state of the art has convinced some. (but no.t all) straugraphers that
a cyclostratigraphy is attainable. It calls. for. focus mg a w1d.e array ?f talents 。セ、@
techniques on microstratigraphy, and 1t will depend on ュセ・イョ。オッャ@
cooperation and possibly coordination. All this places cyclostraugraphy squarely mto
the CRER framework.
A newsletter on (Cretaceous) cyclostratigraphy could serve as a clearing house to
keep cyclostratigraphers informed into what is being done where. Walter Dean (US
Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.) has offered to ャ。オョセィ@
such a letter.
The benefits derived from CRER do not end there. Cyclostrat1graphy must be
with creセN@
coordinatio?,: イ・、ッセ@
intimately linked with other stud.ies being 」。イセゥ・、@
cycles for example are directly linked to the mte.rests of the black shales group,
emergence cycles are intimately tied to the question of .sea level change, and bear
on the life history of carbonate platforms. All of these fit mto the broader framework
of Cretaceous Paleoclimates. Cyclostratigraphy depends upon geochronology, and
holds promise for refining it. Thus CRER will serve not only a coordinating function
for the cycle workers, but will insure their interaction with other endeavours focused
on the Cretaceous.
Our workshol? in Perugia has served to canvas the field of cyclostratigraphy, from
theory to techruque, and from what we have learned to what may lie beyond. Under
the aegis of CRER this can the beginning of a drive towards a COHERENT
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