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Мартин Христов. Жилищно-стопански комплекс в землището на село Драговищица, община Костинброд-Villa Rustica, "Обект № 4 по трасето на междусистемна газова връзка България-Сърбия км 13+690-13+830". Някои предварителни наблюдения ....
Las dificultades del aprendizaje (DA) es un término genérico es utilizado para referirnos a un grupo bastante heterogéneo de trastornos que afectan al aprendizaje, y se manifiestan por dificultades importantes a la hora de hablar, leer, razonar, escribir, o comprender las matemáticas y aritmética. Las dificultades de aprendizaje pueden presentarse de diferentes formas: Problemas a la hora de pronunciar las palabras, de llamar a las cosas por su nombre, dificultades para aprender las letras y leer, dificultades con la escritura, caligrafía difícil de entender, problemas con los números, dificultades con el cálculo, no seguir las instrucciones que se le dan, etc…
The scope of this paper is to analyse two clearly divergent approaches in relation to corporate governance in Europe, namely the UK’s shareholder oriented model and Germany’s stakeholder oriented model, and see how these models have influenced the economy of the two countries and have led to country specific industries. More specifically, the way in which these two countries have been influenced by the financial crisis has been very different and a comparative analysis of both models in terms of advantages and disadvantages in relation to the financial crises and resulting income inequality can possibly render an answer to the question whether there is an appropriate corporate governance model for Europe. The final chapter will address the imminent reality of Brexit and the possible effect that this will have on both UK and German corporate governance models as a result of shifts in country specific industries.
Bezpieczeństwo na lądzie, morzu i w powietrzu w XXI wieku, 2014
Wybrane problemy z zakresu zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa na lądzie, morzu i w powietrzu to główne zagadnienia niniejszej publikacji. W obliczu zmieniającego się katalogu zagrożeń uzasadnione wydaje się podejmowanie dyskusji nad zmianą rozumienia pojęcia bezpieczeństwa zmierzającą do przeciwdziałania zagrożeniom i minimalizowania skutków ich wystąpienia. Publikacja jest próbą syntezy zagadnień z różnych dziedzin nauki, a także wiedzy praktycznej z obszaru bezpieczeństwa.
Revista TEOLOGIA, 2018
In today’s Orthodox church language, to define the first hierarch (primus – πρῶτος) in a synod, the term “protos-hierarch” is usually used, alternating with the term “primate”, even if they are not synonyms. In the Orthodox-Catholic theological dialogue, the terms are used randomly, which has led some Orthodox theologians to borrow this linguistic usage, creating an ambiguous equivalence between the two terms, and others to criticize such a practice, claiming that the term “primate” is not specific to the Orthodox Church, but a late development of Catholic ecclesiology, and therefore should not be used as a synonym for the term “protos-hierarch”. The study examines this problematic ecclesiological situation, analyzing the canonical provisions regarding the nature and role of precedence in the Church and the relationship with synodality.
Despite numerous attempts to evaluate language learning programs, longitudinal studies reevaluating the effectiveness of the previous evaluation is highly scarce. The purpose of this study is to investigate the preparatory school's program evaluation (focusing particularly on reading, grammar and listening courses) based on the principles of Patton's Utilization Focused Evaluation in an ELT Department at a state university in Turkey. A descriptive mixed method research design is employed for this study. Data were collected via open-ended questionnaire, individual interviews, nominal group technique in two subsequent years. The number of the participants were 38 in total (first year, n=19; second year, n=19). The results of the first evaluation were disseminated to all parties involved (i.e. the students, instructors, policy-makers, and the head of the department). Thus, the second evaluation served for assessment of the first one as well as providing detailed analysis of the new program. Results indicated that all changes were all well accepted by almost all of the participants, particularly by the new-comers, highlighting the effectiveness of re-evaluation of the previous program.
Proyecto a favor de la convivencia escolar Implementación en 3°de primaria. Implementación en los niveles de preescolar, primaria y secundaria. Implementación en primaria 1°a 6°. Formará parte del Componente Curricular: -"Desarrollo Personal y Social. (Habilidades Socioemocionales). --Autonomía curricular.
The analysis of the water network in the northern sector of ager Carthaginesis in connection with the Roman settlement, motivated by the f nding of a pool and a cistern in the Roman site of Los Morenos (Corvera, Murcia), highlights the close ties that have rural sites with watercourses on a seasonal basis (dry riverbeds). The absence of natural streams and the arid climate resulted in an occupation model oriented towards the exploitation of water resources, using methods that had not been considered until now. This pattern of settlement in the early stage of the Roman colonization, seems to extend to much of Southeast and Eastern regions, as it has been found.
The Tagalog word, balikbayan, means to return home. Oftentimes, balikbayan refers to boxes sent or brought to family in the Philippines by Filipina/x/o Americans (FA). The balikbayan, then, also refers to the person returning, which is an embodiment of relational accountability, social responsibility, and communal reciprocity. Returning, however, cannot be removed from the legacy of colonialism and how Filipino-Americanism has created a fragmented identity. This paper, then, explores how we, as FA coauthors, complicate Filipino-American diasporic journeys by examining experiences that deepen our work as racially just and decolonial educators. Critical race hermeneutics and kuwentos methodologically act to be in control of our own counter-stories. Orientalism, (de)coloniality, and whiteness act to critique the boxes that confine identity as well as reimagine the possibilities of moving out of these boxes. In doing so, we theorize a more expansive diasporic notion of being and becoming balikbayan.
International journal of the Platonic tradition, 2022
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A missão da Igreja é evangelizar: apontamentos pastorais no contexto da pandemia, 2020
Il contributo dell'organizzazione alla qualità dei processi, 1993
Proceedings of the International Conference On Applied Science and Technology 2019 - Social Sciences Track (iCASTSS 2019), 2019
Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2006
SOAL PAT PPKN KLS 2 kurikulum 2013, 2023
Conceptos de Sociedad de Información, 2018
Atti del XII Convegno SIA, Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia. Edizioni La Città del Sole, Napoli, maggio 2014, pp. 107-122, ISBN 978-88-8292-486-7.
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1997
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2011
Neuroscience Letters, 2001
Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 2017