33/2 (2021) 229-260
Journal of History of Medicine and Medical Humanities
Servizio di Antropologia S.A.B.A.P.-RM-MET; S.A.B.A.P.-LAZ,
Università di Foggia - Dipartimento di Archeologia, 3Soprintendenza
Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la Città Metropolitana di Bari, I
Corresponding author: Mauro Rubini, email:
[email protected]
The study of infectious diseases in the past is a very interesting and important
topic. In the last years a series of new tools were used in Paleopathology in
order to increase the reliability of the results. The aim of our research was to
present a suggestion for the approach to the study of infectious diseases in
the past. This methodology is based on interdisciplinary bases and is divided
into four steps: excavation, macroscopic analysis of bone or mummified
remains, molecular analysis to confirm the presence of the pathogen or for its
discovery from scratch and observation of mortality curves for evaluate the
demographic impact of the disease. Through the complementary use of these
four steps, results can be obtained that can increase the level of reliability of
the clinical evaluation and of the spread of an infectious disease.
1. The evolution of ancient knowledge
Human-environment and human-infection interactions have been
strongly correlated for millennia, even more so as humans have become, albeit unknowingly, a useful host for pathogens. Human atKey words: Infectious diseases - Paleopathology - Molecular biology - Demography
Mauro Rubini, Nunzia Libianchi, Alessandro Gozzi, Paola Zaio, Elena Dellù
tempts at interaction with, and knowledge of, nature have always been
aimed at understanding, dominating, and directing it in our favor, such
as using it to eradicate disease. It is therefore not surprising that there
are many references in history, archaeology, and anthropology (e.g.
Hippocrates and the De morbo Sacro1, but also in some modern popular contexts) that attest to widespread beliefs in the sacred component
of diseases and epidemics. Disease is seen as brought about by divine
entities and curable only by healers in direct contact with that divine
source2. Historical sources (e.g., medical and non-medical texts, chronicles, biographies, or parish registers) are thus a useful tool for monitoring the presence of some diseases in the past and their perception by the
community. However, their use must always account for the particular
historical period in which they were written and the nature of medical
knowledge at the time3, as well as the fact that not all epidemics would
have been recorded4. Where records do survive to the present, there are
intrinsic difficulties of description and interpretation5.
Modern paleopathology emerged at the end of the 19th century
(thanks to Shufeldt) as an important field for the study of ancient
diseases6. The definition has varied over time and it has been often
relegated to the study of extinct and fossilized remains7 or, as stated
by Møller-Christensen, “[…] the science of very ancient diseases”8.
Ruffer defined it more formally as the “[…] science of diseases which
can be demonstrated on the basis of human and animal remains”9.
The methodologies applied to the study of infectious diseases have,
from this early period, provided glimpses of a potential non-exclusively medical-anthropological approach. Ruffer’s pioneering study
of Schistosoma haematobium eggs in the remains of an Egyptian
mummy10, for example, laid the foundations for what would become
modern paleoparasitology. At the end of the 1960’s, with the work
of Mirko Grmek, an interdisciplinary and innovative approach to
the study of infectious diseases began to emerge in which the demographic sample is also analysed in its natural and cultural context. It
Infectious diseases in paleopathology
is possible to define this new approach, so-called “pathocenosis”, in
Grmek’s own words: “By pathocenosis, I mean the qualitatively and
quantitatively defined group of pathological states present in a given
population at a given time. The frequency and the distribution of each
disease depend not only on endogenous-infectivity, virulence, route of
infection, vector-and ecological factors-climate, urbanization, promiscuity-but also on frequency and distribution of all the other diseases
within the same population”11. Therefore, with this new methodology,
both the environmental and spatio-temporal contexts merit investigation. Starting from the 1970’s, the evolution of the discipline has been
aimed not only at the analysis of single case studies, but has also been
increasingly focused at the population level.
The concept of epidemiological transition, developed by Omran12,
integrates epidemiological data with demographic changes traceable
throughout paleodemographic studies. This approach has been used to
demonstrate that the so-called “First Epidemiological Transition” occurred in the Epi-Paleolithic period when the spread of infectious diseases coincided with the introduction of agriculture (Neolithic revolution) and crowded permanent settlements13. In fact, the attestation of a
recent Third Epidemiological Transition, born as a result of industrialization, globalization, and fast and continuous human movement, has
led to substantial epidemiological instability caused by antibiotic resistance among many microorganisms and pesticide resistance among
carriers of disease (mosquitos, fleas, snails)14. While prompt antibiotic
treatment is able to reduce mortality from 60% to 15% in many cases,
the risk of infection and death in some developing countries is similar
to those of the Medieval period15. In fact, some diseases which were
considered eradicated, such as bubonic plague, have reappeared in areas where health systems are limited in scope or hygiene is insufficient
(such as Africa and areas of Southern Asia and South America)16.
It is possible to study the presence, frequency, and distribution of infectious diseases and their endogenous and environmental basis using
Mauro Rubini, Nunzia Libianchi, Alessandro Gozzi, Paola Zaio, Elena Dellù
several research tools in a multidisciplinary approach (the ‘biocultural
approach’17). We propose a methodological approach which combines
traditional anthropological and paleopathological practices with the
study of skeletal remains (from archaeological excavation) and historical sources. Recent studies conducted with this method have been
successful. For example, one study on the spread of Yersinia pestis
(plague) in Madagascar, following its reintroduction from China at
the end of the 19th century, shows a cyclical re-emergence of the disease, especially in the last forty years18. In this case, the greatest risk
of contagion is proximity and contact with the ground where hygiene
is poor, such as the placement of beds on the floor. Jobs related to agriculture, trades or local manufacturing also lead people into frequent
contact with rats and therefore plague19.
For these reasons, paleopathology can produce useful results for
understanding patterns of infection that can then be compared with
recent outbreaks. Furthermore, it provides useful data on different
risk factors and the evolutionary trends of individual pathologies.
Therefore, the aim of this work is to suggest a methodological approach for studying infectious diseases and related evolutionary
trends in past populations.
2. Methodological approaches to the study of pathogens in the past
The study of infectious diseases in the past involves the elucidation
of the etiology and the spread of pathogens within a population or
groups of populations from different geographical and chronological
contexts. The greatest difficulty is the identification of skeletal samples from victims of fast-moving infectious diseases (e.g., plague)
as the pathogens quickly attack vital organs and do not lead to the
formation of bone lesions detectable from a macroscopic analysis of
the remains. Traditionally, the method used in such cases is to combine historical written sources with other literary description of a
disease such as medical texts, histories, and legal documents20 which
Infectious diseases in paleopathology
can suggest areas for further study, provide helpful comparisons, or
act as a final validation of scientific investigations. For example, in
the case of the 6th century CE plague in the Mediterranean (known
as the Justinian plague), historical sources provided an accurate description of the epidemic that allowed only one obvious conclusion21,
while molecular testing on mass graves from the era confirmed the
suspected etiology22.
The methodological approach to the study of infectious diseases in
paleopathology which we propose involves the following four steps
(Table 1): 1) excavation and archaeological identification; 2) macroscopic and X-ray investigation of the remains (mummies, skeletons); 3) immuno-histological detection and molecular analysis; 4)
mortality curves (paleodemography).
When combined, these complementary approaches lead to a diagnosis with higher reliability than any isolated approach. It should be remembered that the study of the past always involves the projection of
patterns built in the present. Obviously, this represents the main limit.
Table 1. Steps for approaching an epidemiological investigation
Methodological approach
1) Excavation
and archaeological
The reaction of the population to the mortality crisis is detected
through field excavations and the study of funerary complexes.
In particular, crisis episodes are documented by multiple
burials which can be deduced based on joint articulation and
the existence of contact points between skeletons. The aim is
to highlight the possibility of simultaneous burials. This is a
good indicator of a “catastrophic” event.
In diagnosing disease in palaeopathology, when the human
skeletal remains preserve infectious lesions, careful description
of the appearance and distribution of lesions is essential. The
dominant study approach is providing a differential diagnosis
and identifying bone alterations with a different aetiology in
order to exclude other infections. Comparisons with skeletal
reference group with recorded diseases known and the x-ray,
CT and MCT methods are helpful.
2) Macroscopic
and radio-diagnostic
Mauro Rubini, Nunzia Libianchi, Alessandro Gozzi, Paola Zaio, Elena Dellù
Methodological approach
3) Immunohistological
and molecular analysis
Immunohistological analyses, e.g., immunohistochemistry
and immunofluorescence, based on detection of antigenic
determinants in mummified tissues, faecal remains or bone
samples, provide specific recognition of microorganisms.
However, some limitations remain relating especially to
preservation and sample access. The analysis of aDNA
provides significant advances in the diagnosis of pathogens,
particularly in confirming diagnoses. Recommended protocols
and accurate procedure steps (pre-treatment of the sample,
aDNA extraction, PCR amplification of products, sequencing
and analysis) must be followed.
Epidemic crises usually cause a selection in terms of age
and sex. Estimating these parameters is fundamental as
demographic anomalies may suggest an epidemic when
compared with a natural population. All the collected data is
used to reconstruct mortality trends, graphically represented,
which can highlight crisis mortality or demographic shock.
Study of the co-evolutionary relationship with infectious
diseases allows the definition of mathematical patterns of
infection dynamics in different geographical and historical
contexts and the creation of theories about mobility and
migration patterns of the human groups in the past.
4) Mortality curves
2.1. Archaeological identification
Since the 1980s, archaeological excavations have brought to light an
increasing number of human skeletal remains (and, in some cases,
mummies). Not all remains receive anthropological and paleopathological study, while in some cases material is selected on the basis of
archaeological interests related to the grave contexts (e.g., types of
tombs, grave goods, social importance of individuals). However, it is
now possible to apply an innovative and interdisciplinary approach
- “Archaeoanthropology or Archaeothanatology”23 - from the moment of excavation to reduce the loss of anthropological data. The
archaeological excavation of a burial is destructive, and therefore is
a unique and unrepeatable moment. For this reason, it is necessary to
fully document the stratigraphic deposit as well as the taphonomic
Infectious diseases in paleopathology
and diagenetic changes which would have impacted the body from
the moment of death until its discovery and excavation.
Modern technologies allow for the documentation of every detail of
the burial for subsequent studies. Through the use of photogrammetry
or laser scanning we can recreate the depositional context of the body
using 3D models, and therefore observe the deceased and their grave
from multiple angles and measure individual bone fragments in situ24.
This data is not only useful for archaeologists but is also essential
for anthropologists and paleopathologists who are able to access
data that is otherwise lost forever after the removal of the skeleton.
In particular, this method of investigation and documentation is useful in the study of multiple burials, where some mass death event
can be suspected (Fig. 1) due to the articulated nature of the skeletons and the existence of contact points between skeletons which
suggests a simultaneous deposition of bodies25. It is not always possible to find articulated or connected skeletons in certain situations,
such as shallow mass graves which can be easily disturbed by later
activities (ploughing, agricultural ditches, etc.) which alter the skeletal positioning.
Even in such cases, the presence of multiple individuals in a single
grave is still significant. However, it is necessary to identify “true”
multiple graves, which correspond to the deposition of several
corpses in the same place over a short period of time. These must be
distinguished from so-called collective burials, which are not due to
unusual mortality rates but rather are the result of successive burials on a longer time scale (e.g., family graves). In the former case,
we can observe the maintenance of skeletal articulation even when
several bodies are superimposed while, in the latter case, the various bones are likely to be disturbed26. Application of archaeothanatological methods leads to more reliable results, since the distinction
between a collective or multiple burial is determined based on the
degree of resistance of the joints to post-depositional disruption27.
Mauro Rubini, Nunzia Libianchi, Alessandro Gozzi, Paola Zaio, Elena Dellù
Fig. 1. Plague. Simultaneous multiple burials with overlapping bodies - A over B - without
alteration of anatomical topography.
This generally changes over the course of a few weeks, but it may
fluctuate considerably according to climatic conditions and funerary
treatments; it is not always easy to differentiate between truly simultaneous deposits and those separated by a few days. Furthermore,
poor preservation of the bones and/or physical separations between
the bodies (caused by wood, shroud, cloth etc.) may hamper the recognition of the real degree of disarticulation28. Where the state of
preservation of the remains is optimal, it is possible to identify si-
Infectious diseases in paleopathology
multaneous mortality, attributable in some cases to social or natural
events (such as wars, massacres, catastrophes, epidemics)29.
We must not forget that many individuals who died naturally or as a
result of epidemics may have been cremated, or otherwise had their
bodies destroyed, which limits our view into certain populations and
periods throughout history30. Therefore, for those cases with extant
skeletal remains, detailed and innovative excavations are vital for
providing sufficient data for such studies, from macroscopic study
of the bones to microscopic and biomolecular studies, in order to understood both individual cases as well as wider demographic trends.
2.2. Macroscopic and radiological observations
A careful macroscopic taphonomic and diagenetic screening of the
lesions present on the osteological remains - aimed at discerning the
pathological from the pseudopathological - is the basis from which
to begin the analysis31. However, it should be noted that infectious
diseases do not always produce observable traces on the bones and
for this reason further laboratory investigations are necessary. While
such laboratory methods identify the pathogens of a particular disease, it does not necessarily mean that the subject has had recognizable or significant clinical manifestations, as the disease may have
remained latent. Similarly, some bacteria with low pathogenicity and
a long incubation (such as leprosy which can have a 20-year incubation32) may lead to late clinical manifestations33. Therefore, it is likely
that the number of people who are diagnosed on the basis of biomolecular tests is greater than the number showing obvious lesions or
who may have been affected to such an extent that they die34.
In order to provide an exact diagnosis, it is important to first exclude
bone lesions relating to violent death and, consequently, to acts of
war or massacres. The presence of wounds allows us to reject an
epidemic as the cause of death35. However, occasionally some nonspecific pathological alterations may have caused similar reactions in
Mauro Rubini, Nunzia Libianchi, Alessandro Gozzi, Paola Zaio, Elena Dellù
Fig. 2. Leprosy. Rhinomaxillary changes. Loss of the nasal spine (white arrow) and remodeling of the inferior margin of the piriform aperture with new bone formation (black arrow).
the skeleton, such as periostitis or osteomyelitis lesions, complicating the diagnosis. The latter are documented in numerous burial sites
and their aetiology can be traced back to either bacterial infections
or traumatic events (based on traces of haematomas or blunt force
trauma etc.). Once trauma is excluded, it is then necessary to distinguish between infection and other illnesses36 on the basis of clinical
criteria37. In a differential diagnosis, the skeletal lesions potentially attributable to infectious disease can also be the result of metabolic diseases, tumours, haematopoietic diseases, and other pathological conditions. For instance, there are some alternative diagnoses that could
lead to the destruction of bone in the rhinomaxillary area in the cases
of leprosy (Fig. 2). These disorders include granulomatous disease,
Infectious diseases in paleopathology
sarcoidosis, treponematoses, some infections such as aspergillosis,
phycomycosis, and actinomycosis, and tuberculosis of the facial skin
(Lupus vulgaris)38. Distinguishing between these diagnostic options
will not always be possible on the basis of skeletal evidence. However,
a careful identification of the type and distribution of lesions often allows identification of, at a minimum, a general category of diseases
(Table 2). The two most common pathological processes that occur
in bone are abnormal bone formation and abnormal bone destruction.
Both these aspects can occur from the same infection and in the same
lesion, as can be observed in treponematoses. In these cases, a central
lytic focus that is the initial lesion is present, followed by the development of a crater-like depression surrounded by newly-formed bone39.
Table 2. Main bone changes in some infectious diseases (from Ortner, 2008 modified)
Manifestation level*
Tuberculosis Leprosy Treponematosis Periostitis Osteomyelitis Brucellosis Smallpox Mycosis
Abnormal bone
Abnormal bone
Sclerosis on
lytic margins
* 3: common; 2: occasionally; 1: occurs but is uncommon; 0: does not occur or is rare; ?: insufficient.
Mauro Rubini, Nunzia Libianchi, Alessandro Gozzi, Paola Zaio, Elena Dellù
Although the effect of infectious pathogens on the skeletal remains
is an important source of information for identifying infectious disease, the skeleton is remarkably resistant to the effects of infectious
pathogens40. Certain diseases, such as skeletal syphilis, tuberculosis,
and leprosy produce specific bone lesions41 that are more easily recognisable as they consist of epidemic diseases that are not lethal in
the short term42. However, leprosy, although it is a non-fatal infection that is associated with long-term close contact between individuals, often has non-specific indicators on the skeleton indicated
only by new bone formation43. Furthermore, diagnosis on the basis
of macroscopic observation is almost impossible when the rapid action of the infectious agents does not allow time for the development
of osseous lesions, such as in acute infections44 of malaria45, trench
fever, typhus46 and bubonic plague. The latter, a zoonosis caused by
the bacterium Yersinia pestis, does not leave any skeletal lesions47.
Bubonic plague, linked to two historical pandemics from the 6th to
18th centuries, was widespread in Eurasia from the Neolithic Age, as
evidenced by the recent discovery and reconstruction of the Yersinia
pestis genome in Neolithic farmers in Sweden, pre-dated and basal
to all known strains of this pathogen48. The absence of bone lesions
requires the use of historical data and/or biomolecular analysis49, that
may provide to determine a possible cause for the mortality crisis.
Importantly, the description and diagnosis of many infectious alterations is possible through X-ray, CT and mCT scans. Early applications of radiology in archaeology began in 1896 and were applied on Egyptian mummified remains in order to discern what lay
within the wrappings50. However, in the 1970s when paleopathology became a recognised discipline, radiography became routine in
skeletal analyses, allowing the morphological identification of more
lesions by revealing those parts hidden by overlying bone. The bone
alterations examined can then be compared with known lesion morphology in living patients and/or with the ample radiographic re-
Infectious diseases in paleopathology
Fig. 3. Tuberculosis. CT scan and 3D application in Pott’s disease (A) and pulmonary tuberculosis (B).
cord of diseases documented in the medical literature from the first
half of the 20th century51.
At present, the most efficient and useful source for the study of the
lesions of infectious diseases is computer assisted tomography (CT).
This technique, developed in 1974, consists of taking a large series
of X-rays around a single axis of rotation in order to record a body in
detail. CT scans continue to have all the advantages of conventional
radiographs without the problems of superimposition, in addition to
the ability to make separate slices through the body that can be combined to create a three-dimensional picture52 (Fig. 3).
Mauro Rubini, Nunzia Libianchi, Alessandro Gozzi, Paola Zaio, Elena Dellù
2.3. Supplementary analysis: histologic, immuno-detection
and molecular biology
In recent years, new histological analyses have emerged as a result of
improvements in microscopic instrumentation, dramatically improving our ability to identify traces of infectious pathogens (viruses,
bacteria, parasites, or fungi) in ancient organic tissues. Initial observations concerned specific histological samples, cytopathic effect,
reliable patterns of inflammation, and evidences of microorganisms
in hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained sections. However, the microscopic analyses soon revealed some limitations, specifically as a
result of the variable size of the microorganisms themselves. While
some microorganisms are too small to be clearly observed by light
microscopy, larger specimens are difficult to identify in sections
as they are often obscured by surrounding tissues53. Therefore six
special stains were introduced which embed paraffin in the sample:
Giemsa, Gram, Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS), Grocott-Gomori methenamine silver (GMS), Warthin-Starry, and Ziehl-Neelsen stains54.
In the 1960s, the development of the Transmission Electron
Microscope (TEM) and the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM),
proved beneficial for the identification of detailed structures within
skeletal remains. In paleopathology the most common application of
the TEM and SEM has been microscopic observation of the connective fibers of ossein, collagen and parasites (Fig. 4). Electron microscopy has been used to diagnose the Variola virus in old formalin-fixed
tissues, in an Italian mummy from the 16th century, and to identify
treponemes in an Italian Renaissance mummy with syphilis55.
In the 1980s, immunohistochemistry developed which allowed for
the recognition of specific microorganism in tissue sections, such
as in mummified tissue or fecal remains56. Most of the proteins are
protected from degradation by bone so extracellular matrix proteins
may be isolated from archaeological material and analyzed57. The
lipids are less relevant but can be helpful for identifying microor-
Infectious diseases in paleopathology
Fig. 4. SEM analysis – Exoskeleton of a flea in an ancient Roman dress (2nd-3rd century CE)
ganisms such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis with its characteristic
long-chain fatty acids and other cell-wall components which may
more easily detect the molecules of mycolic acid able to protect the
pathogens58. These techniques are based on the detection of antigenic
determinants in tissue sections, and particularly on the use of monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies directed against specific microbial
antigens. Immunofluorescence procedures use frozen samples while
immunoperoxidase methods are applied on formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissues. Both methods allow the analysis of fastidious or non-cultivatable microorganisms and well-fixed specimens in
order to reveal differences between morphologically similar pathogens, cytopathic effects, and to recognize those infectious agents
highly causative of outbreaks of infection. Two potential limitations
of immunohistological techniques are the difficulty of detecting microorganism antigens because the tissue samples are often preserved
Mauro Rubini, Nunzia Libianchi, Alessandro Gozzi, Paola Zaio, Elena Dellù
in fixatives such as formaldehyde and that the antigenic determinants
in such histological sections are often damaged59. Nevertheless, such
techniques are considered valid and have been used in a wide range
of studies such as the detection of Salmonella antigens in a Peruvian
mummy60, the Schistosoma antigen and the malaria protozoan parasite Plasmodium falciparum in the ancient Egyptian mummies61,
as well as more recent studies that have detected Yersinia pestis in
bone, demonstrating that this technique can be successfully applied
to both skeletal samples and mummified remains62.
Many tissue specimens can now be analysed using ancient DNA
(aDNA). These new studies allow the identification of microorganisms present within ancient animal and human remains63. aDNA
investigations include the sequencing of ancient genomes that are
then compared with already-analysed modern genomes. There are
many uses for this new technique, including assisting with differential diagnoses, confirming diagnoses, providing disease data for individuals without bone changes, providing genetic data to aid in the
examination of species or strains of an organism, revealing carriers
of disease, documenting soft tissue pathologies in skeletal remains,
looking at susceptibility and resistance genes, and reconstructing the
frequency rates of diseases in populations64.
However, as seen in human remains and historical documentation65,
aDNA techniques also have some limitations. This includes contamination with ‘foreign’ DNA and the destructive nature of the DNA
fragments, as well as the high costs, time, and specialized structures
needed for the analysis. The extraction process for the aDNA and the
interpretation of the results also differ between different laboratories.
The lack of preservation of the aDNA can be a substantial barrier to
analysis66. The choice of samples is therefore often impacted by environmental factors. There are few geographical areas with climatic
conditions suitable for the preservation of aDNA67. Good preservation occurs with a continuous low temperature, a dry environment,
Infectious diseases in paleopathology
and an absence of sunlight68. Low temperatures and a lack of oxygen
inhibit microbial degradation, and aDNA is also preserved in material submerged in water69. Unfortunately, most of the ancient infections documented in historical records did not spread in geographical
areas characterized by these environmental conditions70. However,
certain precautions can be used to obtain high quality samples, such
as the Altai Neanderthal and Denisovan samples which show which
regions of archaic hominin DNA have been preserved in the modern
human genome (AMH).
An interesting case study, only possible with new molecular biology
techniques, is a recent analysis of a sub-adult individual with a nonspecific disease dating from 8th-9th-century AD from Byzantine
Turkey71. The results obtained from this sample were positive for
M. leprae DNA (Fig. 5) and subsequently leprosy within this human
group was confirmed by specific morphology in three other adult
individuals from the same burial area72. However, it should be noted
that even when skeletal lesions are present (indicating the existence
of an infectious disease) molecular tests of the same individual can
be negative. This may be due to a lack of pathogens, to poor conservation of pathogenic DNA, or (in very ancient cases) to decay of the
pathogenic DNA73.
2.4. Palaeodemography
Paleodemography, the demographic comparison of intra- and intergroup populations is another area of interest. Indeed, mortality crises originating from epidemics usually do not affect different age
groups within a population to the same degree; rather, a selection
in terms of age and sex is inevitable, depending on the nature of
the epidemic (Fig. 6). Thus, understanding such parameters74 is fundamental as demographic anomalies in the mortality curves may,
when compared with a natural population75, suggest a probable death
cause76. However, research has demonstrated that diseases do not
Mauro Rubini, Nunzia Libianchi, Alessandro Gozzi, Paola Zaio, Elena Dellù
Fig. 5. Leprosy aDNA – PCR of a positive sample of leprosy in the absence of bone changes.
always discriminate by sex77. The Black Death (bubonic plague) is
one such case in which bioarchaeological research had confirmed
a lack of sex-discrepancy in mortality. DeWitte has slightly complicated this picture; his analysis reveals that mortality was higher
for males with osteological stress markers than for females78. This
suggests two interpretations: 1) a higher number of stress markers
increased the risk of death for men, or 2) the Black Death was killing more otherwise healthy women than healthy men, based on the
Infectious diseases in paleopathology
Fig. 6. Mortality curves in a “normal” population (A) and in populations with plague (B).
lower excess mortality of women with stress markers79. Additional
findings and analysis would be necessary to confirm one of these interpretations. This is made more difficult by the limited nature of the
samples (e.g., sex ratio data, lack of accuracy in sex identification80)
and of the documentary source material81. It also unclear whether
“[...] sex differentials in mortality during plagues were the result of
inherent vulnerabilities to the disease itself, or instead caused by
inequalities in exposure [...]”82. For example, the bioarchaeological
Mauro Rubini, Nunzia Libianchi, Alessandro Gozzi, Paola Zaio, Elena Dellù
data from a burial site in Milan between 1452 and 1523, showed a
higher mortality rate for women. This was attributed to poor hygiene
and overcrowded living conditions for female immigrants83.
The first stage of the analysis of the exhumed population should therefore be a detailed collection of individual biological data, sex, and
age at death84. Sex estimation is conducted through the macroscopic
observation of morphologic features of the os coxae85 and skull86, using standards suggested by Buikstra and Ubelaker87. While molecular
determination is more reliable, the costs are still high for this type
of analysis. Age at death is evaluated using standard anthropological and forensic methods for the analysis of adults88 and subadults89.
Diagnostic reliability levels are higher for sub-adults. For adults, it
is useful to attribute large age classes which can then be redistributed when constructing the mortality profile. While this reduces the
error interval of the estimate of age to death, it does result in lower
accuracy. The second stage of the analysis is the creation of a mortality profile and the calculation of the sex ratio (the theoretical rate
is 50%)90. This makes it possible to test whether the sex distribution
derived from the archaeological data reflect natural demographic distributions or if there are anomalies that require explanation91.
The collected data is used to construct a life-table for the group. The
mortality trends, graphically represented, may highlight a crisis relating to warfare, catastrophe, or an epidemic that can either confirm,
or be confirmed by, results obtained by other methodical approaches.
The abridged life-table consists of a rectangular matrix showing a
set of life table measures (columns) alongside different ages (rows).
In order to construct a graphical representation of mortality and life
expectancy trends for the individuals examined, the key variables
are mx (the percentage of people who died aged x) and ex (the life
expectancy to x age)92. These two variables are chosen in order to
represent the demographic impact of an infectious disease within a
restricted human population93.
Infectious diseases in paleopathology
In a paper about the recent Malagasy epidemic, the authors highlight how the risks of death (graphically represented by cyclical
peaks) are not uniformly distributed across age in either modern or
historic human groups exposed to the plague94. The study showed
that, during the 2014-2015 outbreak, the highest risks of death were
mainly recorded in two age groups (5-9 and 20-29 years of age)
although this disease can usually affect all age classes. This trend is
in accordance to those highlighted through the previous 50 years of
Malagasy plague outbreaks95. It was also observed that risk factors
in a plague-free population are uniformly distributed throughout
life with only natural concentrations usually detected around birth
(i.e., delivery, premature birth, stillbirth) and among the elderly (≥
70 years). A graphic representation of this homogenous distribution
of risk factors in plague-free populations reveals flat, linear mortality curves with two peaks in perinatal and older ages96. Conversely,
demographic data relating to the effects of leprosy from a LombardAvar cemetery in central Italy (Campochiaro, Molise, 6th–8th century AD) showed a similar mortality trend to other comparison
populations, with no mortality peaks equivalent to those observed
in short-term diseases (i.e., plague), perhaps due to the long clinical
course of leprosy97.
As we are dealing specifically with infectious and parasitic diseases
- with an exogenous or endogenous origin in the first case, or an endoparasitic or ectoparasitic origin in the second - it is necessary to
look beyond the individual case to the larger population context98. The
identification of pathogens, together with vehicles (such as water, air,
soil, and food) and vectors (such as insects) of infection, can lead to
considerations that exceed purely biological data and take on a historical character. In this case, in addition to defining the health status of
past populations, we can create models for the diffusion of various pathologies which are strongly connected to migratory movements and
commercial exchanges that took place throughout history. From this,
Mauro Rubini, Nunzia Libianchi, Alessandro Gozzi, Paola Zaio, Elena Dellù
it is possible to project possible trends into the present and suggest risk
factors stemming from contact with various pathogens.
3. Conclusions
The method of study presented here is intended to be a suggestion for
the study of infectious diseases in the past. In isolation, each of the
four approaches cannot provide us with comprehensive and exhaustive information on the presence of a particular pathology. Moreover,
the importance of studying infectious diseases in the past cannot be
represented by a single case study as, by their nature, infections spread
in a population. Thus, the ultimate goal of their study will require first
the identification of the pathogen followed by contagion estimates and
assessment of the probable impact on the population in terms of mortality/survival. The application of different approaches in this exploratory sequence allows us to correlate interdisciplinary information in
order to arrive at the highest level of reliability with a global result. As
a result of these four steps, we are able to better understand the sociocultural context (burial modalities), the clinical characterization of the
pathology (macro- and X-ray analysis), the molecular characterization
of the pathogen (molecular biology), and its impact on the mortality/
survival of a population (paleodemography).
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Revised: 13.04.2020
Accepted: 10.02.2021