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In this paper, we present a derivation of special relativity based in the quantification of events. We postulate that events are fundamental, and that some events have the potential to be influenced by other events. However, this potential is not reciprocal, nor are all pairs of events related in such a way. This leads to the concept of a partially-ordered set of events, which is often called a causal set. Quantification proceeds by distinguishing two chains of coordinated events, each of which represents an observer, and assigning a numerical valuation to each chain. By projecting events onto each chain, an event may be quantified by a pair of numbers, referred to as a pair. We show that each pair can be decomposed into a sum of symmetric and antisymmetric pairs, which correspond to time-like and space-like coordinates. We show that one can map a pair to a scalar and that this gives rise to the Minkowski metric. The result is an observer-based theory of special relativity that quantifies events with pairs of numbers. Events are fundamental and space-time is an artificial construct designed to make events look simple.
We present a derivation of special relativity based on the quantification of causally-ordered events. We postulate that events are fundamental, and that some events have the potential to influence other events, but not vice versa. This leads to the concept of a partially-ordered set of events, which is called a causal set. Quantification proceeds by selecting two chains of coordinated events, each of which represents an observer, and assigning a valuation to each chain. An event can be projected onto each chain by identifying the earliest event on the chain that can be informed about the event. In this way, events can be quantified by a pair of numbers, referred to as a pair, that derives from the valuations on the chains. Pairs can be decomposed into a sum of symmetric and antisymmetric pairs, which correspond to time-like and space-like coordinates. From this pair, we derive a scalar measure and show that this is the Minkowski metric. The Lorentz transformations follow, as well as the fact that speed is a relevant quantity relating two inertial frames, and that there exists a maximal speed, which is invariant in all inertial frames. Furthermore, the form of the Lorentz transformation in this picture offers a glimpse into the origin of spin. All results follow directly from the event postulate and the adopted quantification scheme.
arXiv (Cornell University), 2012
We present a novel derivation of both the Minkowski metric and Lorentz transformations from the consistent quantification of a causally-ordered set of events with respect to an embedded observer. Unlike past derivations, which have relied on assumptions such as the existence of a 4-dimensional manifold, symmetries of space-time, or the constant speed of light, we demonstrate that these now familiar mathematics can be derived as the unique means to consistently quantify a network of events. This suggests that space-time need not be physical, but instead the mathematics of space and time emerges as the unique way in which an observer can consistently quantify events and their relationships to one another. The result is a potential foundation for emergent space-time.
Gravitation and Cosmology
Principles of construction of a causal space-time theory are discussed. A system of axioms for Special Relativity Theory, which postulates the macrocausality and continuity of time order, is considered. The posibilities of a topos-theoretic approach to the foundations of Relativity Theory are investigated. Construction of a causal theory of space-time is one of the most attractive tasks of science in the 20th century. From the viewpoint of mathematics, partially ordered structures should be considered. The latter is commonly understood as a set V with a specified reflexive and transitive binary relation. A primary notion is actually not that of causality but rather that of motion (interaction) of material objects. Causality is brought to the foreground since an observer detects changes of object motion or state. It is this detection that gives rise to the view of a particular significance of causes and effects for a phenomenon under study, along with the conviction that causal connections are non-symmetric. Causality is treated as such a relation in the material world that plays a key role in explaining the topological, metric and all other world structures.
Everything that is detected or measured is the direct result of some-thing influencing something else. This is the essence of the concept of force, which has become central to physics. By considering both the act of influencing and the response to such influence as a pair of events, we can describe a universe of interactions as a partially-ordered set of events. In this paper, we take the partially-ordered set of events as a fundamental picture of influence and aim to determine what interesting physics can be recovered. This is accomplished by identifying a means by which events in a partially-ordered set can be aptly and consistently quantified. Since, in general, a partially-ordered set lacks symmetries to constrain any quan-tification, we propose to distinguish a chain of events, which represents an observer, and quantify some subset of events with respect to the ob-server chain. We demonstrate that consistent quantification with respect to pairs of observer chains exhibiting a c...
Noûs, 2023
We develop a new version of the causal theory of spacetime. Whereas traditional versions of the theory seek to identify spatiotemporal relations with causal relations, the version we develop takes causal relations to be the grounds for spatiotemporal relations. Causation is thus distinct from, and more basic than, spacetime. We argue that this non-identity theory, suitably developed, avoids the challenges facing the traditional identity theory.
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2014
We present a novel derivation of both the Minkowski metric and Lorentz transformations from the consistent quantification of a causally-ordered set of events with respect to an embedded observer. Unlike past derivations, which have relied on assumptions such as the existence of a 4-dimensional manifold, symmetries of space-time, or the constant speed of light, we demonstrate that these now familiar mathematics can be derived as the unique means to consistently quantify a network of events. This suggests that space-time need not be physical, but instead the mathematics of space and time emerges as the unique way in which an observer can consistently quantify events and their relationships to one another. The result is a potential foundation for emergent space-time.
Physical Review Letters, 1987
We propose that space-time at the smallest scales is in reality a causal set: a locally finite set of elements endowed with a partial order corresponding to the macroscopic relation that defines past and future. We explore how a Lorentzian manifold can approximate a causal set, noting in particular that the thereby defined effective dimensionality of a given causal set can vary with length scale. Finally, we speculate brieAy on the quantum dynamics of causal sets, indicating why an appropriate choice of action can reproduce general relativity in the classical limit.
Minkowski famously introduced the concept of a space-time continuum in 1908, merging the three dimensions of space with an imaginary time dimension $ i c t $, with the unit imaginary producing the correct spacetime distance $ x^2 - c^2 t^2 $, and the results of Einstein's then recently developed theory of special relativity, thus providing an explanation for Einstein's theory in terms of the structure of space and time. As an alternative to a planar Minkowski space-time of two space dimensions and one time dimension, we replace the unit imaginary $ i = \sqrt{-1} $, with the Clifford bivector $ \iota = e_1 e_2 $ for the plane that also squares to minus one, but which can be included without the addition of an extra dimension, as it is an integral part of the real Cartesian plane with the orthonormal basis $ e_1 $ and $ e_2 $. We find that with this model of planar spacetime, using a two-dimensional Clifford multivector, the spacetime metric and the Lorentz transformations follow immediately as properties of the algebra. This also leads to momentum and energy being represented as components of a multivector and we give a new efficient derivation of Compton's scattering formula, and a simple formulation of Dirac's and Maxwell's equations. Based on the mathematical structure of the multivector, we produce a semi-classical model of massive particles, which can then be viewed as the origin of the Minkowski spacetime structure and thus a deeper explanation for relativistic effects. We also find a new perspective on the nature of time, which is now given a precise mathematical definition as the bivector of the plane.
We show how the Minkowskian space-time emerges from a topologically homogeneous causal network, presenting a simple analytical derivation of the Lorentz transformations, with metric as pure event-counting. The derivation holds generally for d = 1 space dimension, however, it can be extended to d > 1 for special causal networks.
RVAP 99-100, 2014
La toma de decisión judicial no es sólo una actividad mental, sino que tiene un componente argumentativo que tomado en cuenta puede mejorar la decisión. Una teoría de la argumentación jurídica que se ocupe del contexto de descubrimiento permite determinar de una manera más precisa los requisitos de una motivación legal, racional, suficiente y completa de la sentencia y, en consecuencia, su control. Aspectos que frecuentemente escapan del contenido de una adecuada motivación, como la selección de los argumentos interpretativos empleados, la forma de su uso, la presentación y debate de los argumentos de las partes o de otros magistrados, quedarían incluidos de este modo entre los requisitos motivatorios de la sentencia. Erabaki judizialak ez dira jarduera mental hutsak, badute argudiozko osagai bat ere, eta hura kontuan hartzeak hobetu egin dezake erabakia. Aurkikuntzaren testuingurua kontuan hartzen duen argudio juridiko batean errazago zehaztu ahal dira epai baten motibazioa legala,...
Il romanzo audiovisivo. Le serie TV come genere della narrazione, 2022
The Evidence for the Cult of Aphrodite in the Colophonian Land, 2020
Conflittologia, 46, 2023
Symbolic Interaction, 2020
Bir Zamanlar Toroslarda: Sagalassos: Meanwhile in the Mountains
Applied Physics Letters, 2011
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
Design of the medal for the reincorporation of Santo Domingo to Spain (1861), 2024
Electronic Journal of University of Aden for Basic and Applied Sciences
African Review of Economics and Finance, 2019
Scientific Reports, 2020