12-16 JULY 2021
■ Organisation of the sessions: Opening and presentation of the speakers by the chair;
each talk lasts a maximum of 20 minutes (15 minutes for young scholars) and is carried out
either in English or in French; the discussion, in English and in French, takes place at the end
of the session.
■ Link to join the conference:
Click on the link or copy-paste it to your browser.
■ Except when there is only one main
event, sessions are divided into different
Rooms, as indicated in this programme
Please join by yourself the Room (number
1, 2, 3 or 4) of your choice during each
Having trouble finding your breakout
session? Click on Participants, then View
all breakout sessions and finally on the
Room (1 to 4) that you wish to join
■ For speakers: use the Share
button to display your documents
■ For all: use the Chat button for questions
and interventions during discussions, as
well as your microphone and camera
■ In case of technical problems, you can
write to
[email protected]
■ The sessions will not be recorded
■ All abstracts, information on art events,
performances and more on our website
■ The present programme is using the
Luxembourg time zone (UTC +2). Please
check what time it will be in your part of
the world
our 12 time zones!
■ For the best experience, please
download the free WebEx app:
USA (HST): UTC -10
Canada (MDT): UTC -6
USA (CDT) & Peru: UTC -5
USA & Canada (EDT): UTC -4
Canada (ADT), Argentina, Brazil: UTC -3
Senegal: UTC +0
UK & Portugal: UTC +1
Luxembourg, France, Italy…: UTC +2
Romania, Greece, Russia, Israel: UTC +3
Australia: UTC +10
New Zealand: UTC +12
■ Some examples of local times are
provided in this programme
14:00-15:30 ROOM 2
Re-Viewing, Re-Imagining
Regional Waters in Word and
Image (Northern Atlantic Arc)
Lindsay Blair: The Ring Net: Angus Martin and Will Maclean
Nathalie Roelens
Philippe Laplace: Picturing St Kilda: Tourism and the Evolution
of Visual Representation of the Archipelago from the 19th to
the 21st Century
Georg Mein (Dean)
Peter Gilles (Head of Department)
Liliane Louvel (President of IAWIS)
Monika Szuba: Reimagining Marine Energy: Tidal Rhythms in
Alec Finlay’s Collaborations
16:00-17:30 ROOM 1
in the USA (EDT): 10:
Water, Knowledge and
Agency in Scientific and
Technical Illustration…
Lauren Beck: Water in Seals and Coats of Arms of the
Industrial Age and the Politics of Identity and Place in the
Jeanne Britton: Visualizing Historical Knowledge: Giovanni
Piranesi’s Layered Images of Roman Aqueducts
Catherine J. Lewis Theobald: Picturing Canals, Arteries of
a Changing Body Politic in 18th Century France and
12:00-13:00 KEYNOTE Marah Hardt
An Intimate Act: Sex, Sustainability,
and the Future of Our Planet Ocean
14:00-15:30 ROOM 3
Fluid Boundaries: Water as
Metaphor and Material
Ashley Mason: Drip/Drip/Intercede
13:00-14:00 BREAK (1 hr)
14:00-15:30 ROOM 1
DT): 07:00-08
in the USA (C
Water, Knowledge and
Agency in Scientific and
Technical Illustration from
the Age of the Industrial
Kevin L. Cope: When Watercolor Meets Waterfall – Or
Geyser: Illustrating (and Occasionally Explaining) Extreme
Aqueous Environments
Leigh G. Dillard: The Contemplative Man’s Recreation:
Illustrating the Human Element in The Compleat Angler
Laurence Roussillon-Constanty: Spas, Watering-Places
and Health in the 19th Century Visual Imagination:
Voyage aux Eaux des Pyrénées
Pierre-Emmanuel Perrier de La Bâthie: L’eau et le corps chez
Bruce Nauman : la fontaine comme forme artistique
14:00-15:30 ROOM 4
Marc Courtieu: De la vague
Water Carrier of Images: How
to Surpass the Uncatchable
in Greece: 15
Sophia Felopoulou: Mots et images de l’eau et de la mer dans
l’œuvre théâtrale de Samuel Beckett
Armand Erchadi: L’épopée de l’eau : à propos des Lusiades
de Camões
16:00-17:30 ROOM 2
The Seventh Art Explores the
Seventh Continent: New
Mirror of Our Future
Charlotte Bank: The Sea as a Metaphor for Critique in
Contemporary Middle Eastern Art
Francesca Gallo: Entre symbole et territoire : l’eau, les rivières
et les mers dans l’art vidéo italien
Astrid Zenkert: Ocean without a Shore: Water as Fluid Border
and Zone of Transformation in Bill Viola’s Video Installations
16:00-17:30 ROOM 3
Picturing the End of the
World: It’s Time to Pay
Pamela Krause : Ode à l’amertume du monde chez
Saint-John Perse
Laurence Petit: From the “Shipwreck of Knowledge” to the
Necessity of “Being-in-the-World”: John Banville’s Ghosts
15:30-16:00 BREAK (30 min)
Silvia Riccardi: Apocalypse at Shore: Water and Punishment
in Blake’s Illustrations of Dante’s Inferno
16:00-17:30 ROOM 4
): 07:00-08:30
in the USA (PDT
Figuration of Water:
Women and Aquatic
Polymorphisms in the Arts
Timothy Erwin: Jane Austen’s Oceans
Béatrice Laurent: The Woman-in-a-shell Motif in 19th
Century Western Art
Catriona MacLeod: Women Underwater in Nazi Cinema
Carine Roudière-Sébastien: L’eau, l’air, la terre : trois
éléments pour une « fille de feu » – Mélusine dans les
œuvres de deux auteurs-médecins-alchimistes du XVIe
siècle, Rabelais et Paracelse
11:00-12:00 KEYNOTE Jean-Jacques
Poétique de la mer,
l’impensé bachelardien
12:00-13:00 KEYNOTE Massimo
Venturi Ferriolo
Fons vitae.
The Water Source of Landscapes
13:00-14:00 BREAK (1 hr)
Ecological Anxiety Disorder
Link to the video:
14:00-15:30 ROOM 1
in Peru: 07:00-
The Sea in the Hagiography
and Iconography of the
Christian Saints
Vincent Grégoire: Marie de l’Incarnation ou l’iceberg
miraculeusement évité
Cécile Michaud: Entre le ciel et les eaux. La Vierge, la mer et
la figure de la sirène dans la prédication, la poésie et
l’iconographie au Vice-royaume du Pérou
Celia Rubina: L’univers aquatique en image et paroles : de la
gravure européenne à la peinture coloniale des Amériques
The Biblical or Mythical
Imaginary of Water and
Jacques Athanase Gilbert: L’immersion n’est pas une
lustration : de la purification à la conversion
Alex Kiefer da Silva: Oxum femme, mère et reine : le culte
de la déesse de l’eau douce, de l’amour et de l’or dans
les traditions religieuses afro-brésiliennes, symbole de
l’autonomisation des femmes aujourd’hui
Divya Kumar-Dumas: Shapes of Water: Confronting
Sculptural Reliefs at Mamallapuram
14:00-15:30 ROOM 3
Introduction by Paola Capone
17:00-18:00 BREAK (30 min)
18:00-19:00 PROJECTION
Sandy Flinto & Pierrick Grobéty
14:00-15:30 ROOM 2
At the Whim of Water: Texts
and Images
Sanda Badescu: Image de la mer comme mystère humain
chez Proust
Carlo Lavoie: La rivière et l’appel de la région : appartenance
acadienne et poésie du Madawaska
Corina Sandu : Images de la mer dans la conscience troublée
d’un opiomane amoureux
14:00-15:30 ROOM 4
in Brazil: 09:0
Waves that Makes Us
Enjoy and Teach Us
how to Desire
Kathleen Maxymuk: Water: Mirror and Mediator in the Films
of Jean-Luc Godard and Éric Rohmer
Palmireno Neto: In Search of the Ultimate Soul: the Sea in
Mário Peixoto’s Cinema and Poetry
Jean-Marie Weber: Se jeter à l’eau, même si on ne sait pas
15:30-16:00 BREAK (30 min)
16:00-17:30 ROOM 1
The Sea in the
Massimo Leone: The Semiotics of Waves in Religious
Silvia Marin Barutcieff: From the River to the Sea. Swimming
against the Stream in the Alpine Iconography of Saint
Christopher (1350-1530)
Mia Nakayama: Reimagining Santa Maria della Strada
through Kannon: Resonances of Buddhist Patroness of the
Sea in Japan’s Christian Imagery
16:00-17:30 ROOM 2
The Biblical or Mythical
Imaginary of Water…
Daniel Laliberté: « Faire parler le rite » – Tensions entre
symbolisme universel, désirs de ritualité et tradition
croyante particulière
Kathi Lentz: Métaphores de l’eau dans l’enseignement
sapientiel de Ben Sira
Daphné Vignon: La mer dans l’imaginaire politique ou la
pensée d’une impossible frontière
16:00-17:30 ROOM 3
Liquidity Incorporated:
Early Capitalism on the
High Seas in Contemporary
Text and Image
Holger Kuhn: The Forgotten Space and 4 Waters: Deep
Implicancy: Liquidity and Flows in Contemporary Video
and Film
Elisabetta Rattalino: Sizing the Blueness of the Italian Sea:
The hydraulic practice of Pino Pascali in 32 mq di mare
17:30-18:00 BREAK (30 min)
18:00-19:30 EXHIBITION
Jean-Marie Ghislain
& Leina Sato
towards Reconciliation
and Joy
Link on our website
11:00-13:00 ROOM 1
in Portugal: 10
Young Scholar
Round Tables
Florian Breitkopf: Polyphonic Critical Ekphrasis: Clemens
Brentano’s Dialogs on Caspar David Friedrich’s The Monk by
the Sea (1810)
Dominika Bugno-Narecka: Neobaroque Image of Water in A
History of the World in 10 ½ Chapters and The House that
Jack Built
Polina Pavlikova: How the Film Industry Made “Water City“ a
Key-Image of Joseph Brodsky’s Identity Myth: SaintPetersburg – New York – Venice
David Pinho Barros: The Swimming Pool Graphic Novel:
Developments of an Intimist Subgenre in Franco-Belgian
11:00-13:00 ROOM 2
in the UK: 10:0
Célia Jerjini: La mer Méditerranée comme puissance
créatrice chez Jean-Daniel Pollet
Nicolas Piedade: Espaces anthropophages : une
archéologie culturelle fluviale ? Assimilation et restitution
identitaire dans Macunaíma de Mário de Andrade (1928) et
Joaquim Pedro de Andrade (1969)
Wassim Seddik: Le navigateur carthaginois dans la bande
dessinée, le cinéma et la littérature
Amanda Tavares: (Re-)Mapping Mediterranean Crossings:
Migrant Stories and Systems of Visibility in the Work of
Bouchra Khalili
11:00-13:00 ROOM 3
Camille Adnot: Where Monsters Wander in the Foamy
Paths’: The Chaotic Waterscape of Blake’s The Four Zoas
Simon-Gabriel Bonnot: Les mots aiment bien faire trempette
Astrid Fizyczak: La mer et le dépassement du stade du
14:00-15:30 ■ GENERAL ASSEMBLY
■ Max-Nänny-Prize for the Best
Article in Word and Image
Rebekah Cochell: Rivers and Lakes in Medieval Folklore as
Presented Through the Medium of Illustrated Books with
Disfluent Fonts
Diana Requena Romero: L’étanchement de l’eau et la fin
de la vie dans Les Poissons morts de Boris Vian
Rym Sellami: L’eau, signe d’une conscience malade ou
d’un processus de guérison ? Le cas de Jérôme de JeanPierre Martinet
Ágnes Tóth: La Mer du Nord sous la plume de Maurice
Carême et l’esquisse de Henri-Victor Wolvens
Xavier Fontaine: Agitation maritime et rendu
kaléidoscopique. Les récits de voyage de Charles De Coster
dans Le Tour du monde
Jean-Michel Galland: La mer démontée : un décryptage
bourdieusien de l’œuvre de Jean-Gabriel Daragnès
16:00-17:30 ROOM 1
Nicolas Hebbinckuys: Traverser l’Atlantique au début du
XVIIe siècle : Poétique du « franchissement transocéanique »
dans le genre viatique
Sensible Perception of
Water – Poetics of
Movement and of the
Stefano Maria Casella: “Where All the Waters Meet”: Seas
Lakes Rivers in T.S. Eliot’s Poetry
Ana Lía Gabrieloni: The “laisse de mer” as a Poetic Emergent
Image of Natural History
Miriam Vieira: The Water Under the Bridge (Brooklyn Bridge)
16:00-17:30 ROOM 2
DT): 10:00-11:3
in Canada (E
Water as Material
and Medium in
Contemporary Art
16:00-17:30 ROOM 4
rg: 17:00-18:3
in St. Petersbu
Verbal and Visual
Representations of the
Pacific Ocean and Its
Daniel Gane: Describing the Ocean and the Journals of 18th
Century Pacific Exploration
Richard Hobbs: Time and Place in Gauguin’s Avant et après
Aurélien Lorig: Octave Mirbeau : une représentation littéraire
et artistique des eaux au service de l’écriture réfractaire
Andrey Kostin: Puddle, Path and Poetry: Lomonosov’s Verbal
Imagination of Transcontinental Navigation
Frances Guerin: Energy into Art: The Repurposing of Water in
Ruhr Valley, Germany
Janna Schoenberger: Ger Van Elk’s Ludic Canal Cruise
13:00-14:00 BREAK (1 hr)
Seas and Oceans in Book
Illustration from the 17th
Century to the Present Day
– Perilous Journeys
15:30-16:00 BREAK (30 min)
in Argentina:
11:00-13:00 ROOM 4
16:00-17:30 ROOM 3
Carla Taban: Water Marks: Water as Material in Two
Beckettian Site-Specific Installations
17:30-18:00 BREAK (30 min)
18:00-19:30 ROOM 1
Sensible Perception
of Water…
Anikó Ádám: La perception sensible de l’eau – la poétique
du mouvement et de l’infini
Anikó Radvánszky: « Que fais-tu pour apaiser une mer en
fureur? » Sur l’imagination de l’eau violente (Swinburne et
Françoise Sammarcelli: Perceiving Water, Inscribing Wonder:
Aspects of Thoreau’s Poetics of Movement and the
Unsayable in Walden
18:00-19:30 ROOM 2
in Sydney: 02
18:00-19:30 ROOM 4
All Is Lost: Shipwrecks in the
Contemporary Imagination
Roy Grundmann: Goebbels’ Ghost in History’s Anteroom:
Titanic (1943)
11:00-12:00 KEYNOTE Bertrand Westphal
Ronit Milano: Visualizing the Invisible: Damien Hirst’s Treasures
from the Wreck of the Unbelievable
Vega Tescari: Shipwreck with Spectator: Claudio
Parmiggiani’s Oeuvre
Le liquide et l’effroi
Frederico Câmara: Gift: Attempts to Sweeten the Population
of a City
Adília Carvalho, introducing artist
Marco Godinho
Sébastian Thiltges, introducing
novelist and poet
Jean Portante
Water as Material
and Medium…
Bill Balaskas: A “Poor” Material: Water in Arte Povera and the
Work of Jannis Kounellis
Simone Grossman, introducing artist
Hervé Massard
13:00-14:00 BREAK (1 hr)
Fabiana Senkpiel: Life is a River in a Constant State of Flux:
Curriculum (2004/2008) by Isabelle Krieg
18:00-19:30 ROOM 3
in Romania:
Seas and Oceans in Book
Illustration from the 17th
Century to the Present
Day – The Sea from
Cartography to Poetics
Sophie Aymes: “A Little Deeper into the Sea”: William Hyde’s
Illustrations to Ford Madox Ford’s the Cinque Ports
Monica Tilea: Le punctum poïétique d’une mer indéfinie
14:00-15:30 ROOM 1
Northern Seas in
Word and Image
Davide Finco: On Freedoms, Dreams, Wisdom, Life: Björn
Larsson’s Northern Sea(s)
Thomas Mohnike: Melancholic Men Looking at the Sea: A
Short Intermedial History of a Mytheme Complex Since 1800
Christelle Serée-Chaussinand: Of Whales and Men: Caitríona
O’Reilly’s Septentrional Voyage in The Sea Cabinet (2006)
14:00-15:30 ROOM 2
The River: Reality, Myth,
and Metaphor
in Senegal: 12
in the UK: 13:0
Water in All Its Forms: Seas,
Tsunamis, Thunderstorm in
Contemporary Japanese
Popular Culture
Aneesh Barai & Nozomi Uematsu: Tsunamis, Nuclear Power
and Animations by Studio Ghibli
Filippo Cervelli: Sea and Knowledge: The Secret of Blue Water
and Jules Verne
Véronique Plesch: The River of Life: Drawing Lessons from
Thomas Cole in Images and Words
Bocar Aly Pam: Poétique d’espaces charnières : le pont et
les fleuve symboles de passage, de rencontre et de liaison
intercommunautaires dans le roman Un Pont de lumière
pour le fleuve (Sada Weïndé Ndiaye)
Kirsty Bell: Le fleuve comme procédé littéraire et
interartistique dans les essais de Louise Warren
14:00-15:30 ROOM 3
Rivers, Lakes and Ponds
in Book Illustration from
the 17th Century to the
Present Day
Brigitte Friant-Kessler: Lignes d’eau et de formes : Stanley
William Hayter, Ophelia et l’abstraction
Pouneh Mochiri: « Le dessein d’un jardin autant délectable
et d’utile invention » : l’évocation des jeux d’eau dans
quelques recueils descriptifs à la Renaissance
Gabrielle Thierry: L’esthétique musicale de l’eau. Comment
la synesthésie agit sur l’Ophelia de Shakespeare pour en
réaliser sa partition colorée
BREAK (30 min)
Northern Seas…
Maria Hansson: L’eau et les rêves. Blommér vu par Victoria
Anders Löjdström: Le Kattegat dans les glaces : la mer dans
Les Écus du messire Arne de Selma Lagerlöf
Roger Marmus: « Till Havs ! Till Havs ! » Appel du large et retour
au rivage dans le manuel scolaire suédois Läsebok för
folkskolan (1868)
16:00-17:30 ROOM 2
Representing Numen Aquae
in Literature, Folklore and
Modern Popular Culture
Hanna Chuchvaha: Sea Monsters and Popular Imagination in
Russian Popular Prints and Chapbooks: Bogatyr Eruslan
Lazarevich and His Adventures
Eloy Martos Núñes, Estíbaliz Barriga Galeano, Mar Campos
Fernándes-Fígares, Aurora Martínez Ezquerro: Représenter les
numen aquae dans la littérature, le folklore et la culture
populaire moderne : l’état de la question
12:00-13:00 KEYNOTE Olivier Francis
Freezing Days in Antarctica:
Embarking on a Journey
Towards the End of the World
13:00-14:00 BREAK (1 hr)
14:00-15:30 ROOM 1
Diasporic Narratives on
Sea Borders and Migration
14:00-15:30 ROOM 3
Mare Nostrum: Word
and Image and the
“Mediterranean Proof”
Marta Carraro: À l’eau – Contestation et hybridité chez Toni
Albert Göschl: The Metaphor of the Shipwreck in the ‘Last
Mediterranean Age’
Cecilia Piantanida: Representing Mediterranean Migration in
Contemporary Italian Fiction
14:00-15:30 ROOM 4
in Canada (ADT) : 09:
The Sea: Infinity
and Limitation
Adília Carvalho: La Ville d’Ulysse de Teolinda Gersão
Kim Huynh: Elastic Memory
in Canada (MDT) : 06:
Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes: Vivisective and Forensic
Mapping: Brian O’Doherty’s Northern Irish
Mathilde Savard-Corbeil: L’incroyable épave de Damien
Hirst : fictionalité, narrativité, matérialité
14:00-15:30 ROOM 2
in Wellington: 04:00-05:
Symbolic, Sociocultural
and Spatial Impact of
the Ocean Crossing and
of the Net Navigation
Charles Rice-Davis: Droves: Representing Overseas Mass
Lauren Weingarden : Hijacking the Seine: Stéphane Thidet’s
Blanca Navarro Pardiñas: L’écriture et la mer : le cas
d’Antonine Maillet
Luc Vigneault: La mer et l’éthique de la limite. Réflexion sur
l’œuvre de Thierry Hentsch
Our partner Brill Publishers offers a selection of
books for a special price with a 35% discount code
that you will find on this PDF document, along with
a list of publications. Please order through before 1 September 2021 in order
to benefit from the discount.
Laurence Roussillon-Constanty
[email protected]
[email protected]