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2021, Il Fascismo italiano. Storia e interpretazioni, Carocci
4 pages
1 file
Negli ultimi anni la discussione sul fascismo è tornata al centro del dibattito pubblico con una rilevanza che non sarebbe stata pensabile all’inizio del nuovo millennio. A partire dalle domande emerse dal rinnovato interesse storiografico, il libro racconta come il fascismo ha cambiato l’Italia, dando vita ad un regime che si distingueva nelle forme e nelle ambizioni da altre esperienze del passato e contribuiva a trasformare nel profondo la politica contemporanea. I temi posti al centro di questa indagine sono la violenza, l’impero, la guerra, la politica, l’economia, la religione, la cultura, ma anche l’antifascismo, la propaganda, la vita quotidiana e l’impatto all’estero dell’esperienza fascista. Sono argomenti centrali nella storia e nell’interpretazione del regime, qui approfonditi a partire da prospettive spesso inedite, che reinterrogando gli studi esistenti avanzano interpretazioni originali e propongono nuovi interrogativi.
frengky banioni, 2021
Buku ini sebagai panduan dasar dalam mempelajari gambar teknik
Inflexiones, Número 13: 75-101, 2024
El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en discutir si existe una o más escuelas latinoamericanas de estudios sobre las ideas y lo intelectual y, si así fuera, cuáles serían los trazos que conformarían un perfil específico, en contrastes y similitudes, con otras escuelas latinoamericanas y de otras regiones: europeas, usamericanas, asiáticas, africanas, oceánicas o subregionales. Para avanzar en una respuesta positiva, se intentan definir algunos trazos que podrían constituir un perfil. Estos serían: 1) reconocimiento de una trayectoria por generaciones; 2) ocupación sistemática por la trayectoria eidética de ALC como conjunto; 3) confección de trabajos sobre este mismo quehacer mostrando su trayectoria; 4) articulación en redes intelectuales, creando instancias de encuentro, conversación y formulación de actividades; 5) una conceptualización compartida; 6) el historicismo epistémico que inspira a muchos o todos los fundadores y continuadores; 7) una batería de preguntas de investigación que puedan mostrar lo más expresivo, fructífero o innovador de nuestra expresión; 8) su ocupación exclusiva por lo escritural, dando la espalda a la oralidad; 9) la bajísima asunción de que existe un pensamiento femenino en la región; 10) una propensión a producir obras panorámicas sobre el pensamiento por países o de toda la región; 11) la asunción de que unos estudios eidéticos bien hechos deberían potenciar a la propia región.
This is our last call before we move to register. I'm uploading it one more time here: We're looking to expand this plan into a double session: here is a CFP for a session to be convened at the annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, March 25-29, 2025, in Portland, Oregon. In this session, we’ll resurrect a set of 19th and 20th Century ethnographers who are typically omitted from the narratives we anthropologists tell ourselves about ourselves and our disciplinary history. Together, we’ll explore the contributions of a set of anthropologists who rest (in peace) outside the historical limelight, with the premise that, oftentimes, buried in the details of their ethnographic analysis one encounters analytic gems, compelling insights, and notable vista points on cultural assemblages forever changed by time. From a scrutinization of their career trajectories, their ethnographic contributions, their scholarly interests, and the applied features of their work, we’ll collectively evaluate what important insights this journey through our disciplinary history offers us. We’re looking for additional anthropologists to join us at the annual meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology in Portland, Oregon — March 25-29, 2025, potentially for a double session You should be prepared to present about a somewhat obscure ethnographer, at least by the conventions of contemporary anthropological pedagogy. The five of us have already staked out Erna Gunther, Laura Maud Thompson, Gregory Bateson, Allan Holmberg and Reina Torres de Arauz. What other lost treasures can you offer our conversation? We’re excited to hear, and to learn. I should also emphasize that we’ll be particularly interested in how you might speak to the applied/engaged portion of your explication. Contact Melissa or me if you're interested in joining us!
Głównym celem opracowania jest prezentacja bohaterskiej postaci ks. Bolesława Stefańskiego (1910-1964), który był kapelanem i dowódcą jednego z oddziałów powojennego podziemia antykomunistycznego. Ten duchowny rzymskokatolicki dostrzegał w komunizmie wielkie zło, dlatego po 1945 r. kontynuował działalność niepodległościową, rozpoczętą podczas okupacji niemieckiej. Po aresztowaniu przez funkcjonariuszy komunistycznego Urzędu Bezpieczeństwa, zapłacił za swoją postawę bardzo wysoką cenę.
Mohamad Hidayat Muhtar, 2017
Istilah pelanggaran berat HAM muncul untuk menggambarkan dahsyatnya akibat yang timbul dari perbuatan pidana tersebut terhadap raga, jiwa, martabat, peradaban, dan sumberdaya kehidupan manusia dengan itu dibentuklah sebuah lembaga peradilan yang disebut dengan Pengadilan HAM yang dibentuk berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 26 Tahun 2000 dengan kompetensi absolut pengadilan pidana atas pelanggaran berat HAM (Pasal 4) yang berupa kejahatan genosida dan kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan (pasal 7, 8, dan 9). 1 Perjuangan menegakkan hak asasi manusia di negeri Indonesia adalah hal yang amat wajar sebagai kewajiban kita semua, disebabkan oleh tuntutan nilai-nilai falsafah kenegaraan kita Pancasila. Semua sila dalam falsafah itu melahirkan kewajiban kita berusaha menegakkan hakhak asasi manusia. Ditambah lagi bahwa kita sebagai anggota PBB, dengan sendirinya kita menerima dan menyetujui serta terikat kepada butir-butir dalam Deklarasi Universal Hak-hak Asasi Manusia (Universal Declaration of Human Right) 1948. 2
Purpose – The broad aims of this research are to analyse the status of, and processes underlying, strategic human resource management (HRM) integration within organisations and to contribute to theory development in the area. A great deal of attention is given in the literature to the facilitative role that HRM can take in organisational change but as yet little attention has been given to modelling the change processes within HRM itself. This paper addresses that gap by providing a model of the proposed influences on the move towards strategic HRM integration. Design/methodology/approach – In-depth interviews with senior HR, finance and line managers in 13 Australian Best Practice companies are used to explore the supports and barriers underlying strategic HRM integration. Findings – The model that is developed uses ideas from the change literature to explain that the engagement of strategic HRM integration requires a certain set of symbolic and ritualistic gestures. These symbolic changes, however, do not always result in desired strategic HRM outcomes: symbolic adjustments must be accompanied by deeper levels of change both from within the HR profession and from other stakeholders in the organisation. Practical implications – The research holds a number of practical implications for the career design of HR professionals: a case is made, for example, for a broader business career background requirement that may provide the level of business acumen necessary to be a credible participant at the senior management strategic decision-making level. Intended future research will draw from a larger sample to test the proposed model. Originality/value – This research model's specific responses and outcomes require an ideological shift both from the HR profession and from stakeholders within the organisation.
The 1791 slave revolt in Saint-Domingue (Haiti) and the first French abolition of slavery in 1793-1794 are generally seen as epochal events that redefined labor relations in the French Caribbean. But a close analysis of the labor codes promulgated during and after the Haitian Revolution indicates that elites were eager to reconcile the ideal of universal freedom with the needs of plantation agriculture, resulting in a succession of oppressive labor systems that subsisted until the 1820s.
In this paper, we elaborate on work presented at the Dutch crossmedia PICNIC festival, in a special symposium entitled: the China Language Bridge. We will discuss a number of online resources, including games, for learning the chinese language, including chinese characters which are also used in japanese. After a brief digression on potential pitfalls in using online translation services, we will present some ideas, and indicate in what way these ideas might be realized using the XIMPEL interactive video platform, developed on top of the open source flex/as3 SDK. Such an approach would cover both the need to introduce appropriate context to stimulate language learning, as well as the unaviodable repetitions, which often proves to be one of the main obstacles for eective language learning.
Scientific Reports
African Journal of Business Management, 2010
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Journal for person-oriented research, 2022
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South African Journal of Science, 2007
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016