Euro-Asian Journal of Economics and Finance
ISSN: 2310-0184
Volume: 1, Issue: 1 (October 2013), Pages: 33-40
© 2013 Academy of Business & Scientific Research
Information Asymmetry, Consumer behavior and Market Equilibrium
Dr. Bairagya Ramsundar1* & Sarkar Shubhabrata2
1. Department of Economics, SambhuNath College, Labpur, Birbhum, West Bengal, India.
2. Department of Commerce, Sundarban Mahavidyalaya, Kakdwip, South-24 Pargana, West Bengal, India.
In a perfectly competitive market we simply assume that full knowledgeable sellers and
buyers have full information about the market condition and the information is free and
costless. The firm is a price taker and has an infinitely elastic demand curve. But this is
not generally happened in information asymmetry ad adverse section may occur.
Equilibrium does not necessarily depict a single price rather it is characterized by a
distribution set of price. Here the potential buyers and sellers are not price takers rather
price setters. Multiple price equilibrium are quite similar to it but they differ only due to
asymmetric information. Thus, in a buyers’ equilibrium no seller will be benefited for
announcing his own price. But in a seller’s equilibrium (when all sellers have distinct
price) some buyers may be benefitted by announcing their price. This is because the
presence of adverse selection may induce a bias towards the market adopting a convention
in which the buyers act as price setters.
Keywords: Adverse selection; information asymmetry; multiple equilibrium; price
distribution; utility index
In his classic paper on adverse selection G
Akerlof‟s (1970) “The Market for Lemons” brought
a new dimension in economic theory. In a market
sellers wishes to sell their cars to some potential
buyers and they differ in the quality of the cars
they are going to sell. Whereas buyers differ in the
values they attach to the cars of same quality. Thus
sellers know the quality of the used cars and the
buyers can only observe the average quality of the
used cars sold at each price. In this conditions
market equilibrium is at single price, but with
certain signals on the quality of the cars (J Levin
2001)) there exist a distribution of price. So far as
equilibrium is concerned two things are important;
who is the price taker? Either a buyer or a seller.
The next is that, equilibrium does not necessarily
depict a single price. Rather it is characterized by a
distribution of price. The price mechanism of
market with adverse selection needs to be
understood (Wilson C 1977, 78). In the next
sections we will discuss on market equilibrium
when buyers and sellers are price setters.
It is commonly belief that the owner of a car knows
more than any potential buyer. The various car
showrooms in various parts of a country to cover
the entire market. Generally the buyer thinks the
quality of a product depends upon its own price.
They employ many agents, advertising agencies,
media, and news papers to show their superiority
of high quality and facility at a low price than
other companies and earn more profit through
asymmetric information. As a result of asymmetric
information‟s the potential buyers due to relative
*Corresponding author: Dr. Bairagya Ramsundar,
Department of Economics, SambhuNath College, Labpur, Birbhum,
West Bengal, India
[email protected]
Consumer behavior and Market Equilibrium
ignorance assumed that any used car have a low
quality (after all the seller of the car may secretly
have a good reasons to get rid of). Finally, a high
quality car even after one day of buying if the
owner wants to sell it, the buyer bid down the
price of one day used car judging either the car is
of a low quality or any defect. This due to adverse
selection, a high quality car does not get actual
price in case of repeated sale.
Information Asymmetry
Another classic example of the asymmetric
information is the O‟ Henry “Gift of the Magi”.
This is also a problem of Battle of Sexes. The
precise story is that Jim and Della lived in a poor
family but they loved each other very much. Della
has a beautiful long brown hair like a cascade but
she has no precious comb. Jim wants to present
Della a comb which may be useful to take care of
her beautiful hair on Christ Mass era. On the
contrary, Della wants to present Jim a platinum
chain for his wonderful watch. Jim bought a
splendid comb, made of tortoise shell, enriched of
different gems. But to buy this comb (as he has no
money) Jim sold his precious wrist-watch. And
Della to buy her husband‟s platinum chain for his
wrist-watch she sold her cascade like beautiful
hair. When Jim entered into his home he became
astonished because he noticed that Della has cut
her hair. Della tried to console Jim and showed
him that she bought for him. But when she comes
to know that Jim has sold his favorite watch she
became speechless. They consoled each other and
felt their depth of love.
Labour market
Perfect information is not satisfied in the labour
market (i.e. in labour contract). Employers often do
not know the quality of potential hires and hiring
can be risky, especially if it is difficult to hire
employees or if they require costly training. Hence
the asymmetric information adversely affects the
labour market between the employer and the
potential employee. A worker might have a better
idea of how much he could produce (i.e. his
productivity) than his employer. But by careful
observation of the workers behavior, the employer
might be able to get some idea about his
Bairagya Ramsundar & Sarkar Shubhabrata
productivity. The quality of a labour can be judged
by his types of payment. In the labor market the
skilled laborers earn higher wage rate than the
unskilled one and thus there is wage
discriminations in the labor market. Here the
employer measures the labour productivity by
educational levels of the employee. It is commonly
belief that there is positive correlation between
educational level and labour productivity. But in
reality this may not be true and unfair wage
discriminations occur in the labor market. There
may be some situation where the educational level
is higher though the labor productivity is lower
and also the reverse. The various methods used to
measure productivity are signaling, self-selection
or by screening.
Moral hazards
The main problems of asymmetric information
before transactions are adverse selection and create
moral hazards and information monopoly.
Adverse selection may occur when an immoral
behavior like a person who has not an optimal
health or has critical diseases inclined (hidden
information) to purchase more life insurance than
someone who feels fine. Moral hazards take place
when a person who has fire insurance may behave
recklessly or be more likely to commit arson to
reap the benefits of the insurance. Another
example is that a person with insurance against
automobile theft may be less cautious about
locking his car, because the negative consequences
of vehicle theft are now (partially) the
responsibility of the insurance company. A party
makes a decision about how much risk to take,
while another party bears the costs if things go
badly, and the party isolated from risk behaves
differently from how it would if it were fully
exposed to the risk. A man will generally invest on
insurance to reduce safety and security in future.
Suppose a kitchen has well equipped and
electrified and have fire extinguisher. Then the
cook takes much risk in fire preventive measures.
It is commonly belief that the owner of a car knows
more than any potential buyer. The various car
Euro-Asian Journal of Economics and Finance
ISSN: 2310-0184
Volume: 1, Issue: 1, Pages: 33-40
showrooms in various parts of a country to cover
the entire market. Generally the buyer thinks the
quality of a product depends upon its own price.
They employ many agents, advertising agencies,
media, and news papers to show their superiority
of high quality and facility at a low price than
other companies and earn more profit through
asymmetric information. As a result of asymmetric
information‟s the potential buyers due to relative
ignorance assumed that any used car have a low
quality (after all the seller of the car may secretly
have a good reasons to get rid of). Finally, a high
quality car even after one day of buying if the
owner wants to sell it, the buyer bid down the
price of one day used car judging either the car is
of a low quality or any defect. This due to adverse
selection, a high quality car does not get actual
price in case of repeated sale.
Here we consider a consumer who purchases two
commodities good used car and bad used car (here
the quality is judged according to information
collect to him i.e. the bad used car may not be
originally bad). Now the budget line can be
written as:
P_gX + P_bY = M
where P_g = the price of the bad used car X, P_b
= the price of the good used car Y.
M = money income of the consumer (after saving
and borrowing)
(shown in figure-2) and bad used car increases
(shown in figure-3).
There are fixed numbers of cars of different quality
and a set of agents (i.e. sellers). Each car is
assigned a quality index q>0. The utility function
of each agent is Von Neumann- Morgenstern type
i.e. U(c, q: θ) = c+θq where θ is the slope or utility
i. Buyers are risk neutral w.r.t. q i.e. utility is linear
in q.
ii. For any given q of a car higher the θ, higher is
the reservation value a buyer assign to a
iii. Higher the θ implies higher a buyer‟s marginal
rate of substitution between quality and
consumption of other goods.
Thus, q=0 for agents having no cars. The utility
index θ is such that h (θ)>0 on [θ0, θ1], where θ0>0
and H (θ) =∫_θ0^θ▒h(x)dx are the no. of buyers
with utility index less than θ.
For the ownership set q>0, the agents or sellers
have same utility index θ, but they differ in the
quality of the cars they own. The quality q is such
that f (q)>0 on [q0, q1], where q0>0 and
F (q) =∫_q0^q▒f(x)dx are the no. of sellers with cars
of quality less than q.
The budget equation can be written as:
Y =M/ P_g – (P_g/P_b ) x where – (P_g/P_b ) <0
asP_g, P_b>0 is the slope of the budget line which
is downward (shown in figure-1).
Suppose in case of symmetric information the
original budget line is PQ. Now to asymmetric
information and due to adverse selection the
consumer re-allocate his budget constraint in such
a manner that he wants to purchase more of X and
less of Y i.e. P1Q1.
Derivation of the demand car
We derive the demand curves for two types of car
used. The demand for good used car decreases
Proposition 1
For any expected quality function q*(p) defined on
a set of prices, if a buyer with θ1 chooses to
purchase at p1 then any buyer θ2> θ1 will choose
at least p¬1.
Let, q*(p) be the expected quality function over set
of prices p, and θ1 be a typical indifference curve
for a buyer with positive sloped straight line.
Let, q* and p* be equilibrium price at a given level
of quality arrived by q*(p) = θ.
the buyer with θ1 will have an equilibrium
quality q1 and price p1. Thus any other buyer with
Consumer behavior and Market Equilibrium
Bairagya Ramsundar & Sarkar Shubhabrata
θ2> θ1 will enter into the market with a least
expectation of q1 and p1. Since, θ2 > θ1 and q2
>q1, so p2>p1.
Equilibrium with adverse selection
Buyers are price setter
Buyers cannot determine the quality of the cars
rather they perceive the average quality of the cars
sold and the prices at which they are sold.
Equilibrium is defined as the price at which
quality of cars supplied is equal to the quantity of
cars demanded.
Let, θq be the value assigned by an owner of a car
of quality q and price p. thus an owner will sell his
car iff p≥ θq.
The supply of cars at price p is S (p) which is
equal to the no. of cars for which q≤ p/ θ.
S (p) = ∫_q^(p/ θ)▒f(q)dq, p>θ q0 , otherwise 0.
And the average quality of cars offered for sale at
price p is q*(p), since no seller will offer their cars
at prices less than θq0 and q* is defined at prices at
or above θq0.
[{qf(q)dq}/S(p) ]
p>θq0 , or q0 p>θq0.
Since, the buyers can only observe the average
quality of the cars sold at each price, the expected
benefit of buying a car at price p with an utility
index θ is θq*(p). Thus, buyers will enter into the
market when θq*≥p.
Thus, demand for cars D (p) is equal to the no. of
cars for which the utility θ ≥ p/θq*(p).
So the demand function can be written as:
D (p) = ∫_(p/θq*(p))^( θ1)▒
p<θ1q*(p), otherwise 0.
p/(q*(p)) (dq*(p))/dp > 0. In addition to this
condition the density of buyers at the marginal
value of θ is sufficiently high and hence the
demand curve may become even flatter than the
supply curve.
θ) dθ for
Thus the equilibrium price pe is at D (pe) =S (pe).
The demand function is not necessarily downward
sloping. The demand depends on the price and as
it raises the average quality is also high and these
results much more benefit to the marginal buyer
than the price. This is due to the utility index of the
marginal buyer θ=p/q*(p). Thus the necessary and
sufficient conditions for an upward sloping
demand function is;
i. Each buyer may announce at most one price.
ii. After the announcements seller may offer
his/her car to any buyer he/she wishes.
iii. For any excess supply at any price sellers are
rationed at random.
iv. Sellers unable to sell at the higher price may
offer their cars at lower price or may stay out of the
Buyers’ demand
The price buyer choose mainly depend upon the
average quality of the cars for sale and the seller
will accept the buyer‟s price. Since the search cost
is nil the seller may opt for the most favorable
price. Thus a buyer may always expect an offer at
price ‘p‟, provided that there is an excess supply
at prices higher than „p‟. So „p‟ may be chosen as
the cutoff price at or above which the subjective
probability of buying is 1 and below which is 0.
Sellers’ supply
In absence of search cost each seller has the
opportunity to offer his car to as many buyer as he
wish until the car is sold. The supply of cars is an
increasing function, because; with high price
sellers are less interested to withdraw their cars
and greater the no. of sellers with low reservation
The market is in equilibrium when the
expectations of a buyer are right. That is a buyer
can anticipate both the set of prices at which a car
can be purchased and the average quality of cars at
each price. The equilibrium is characterized by two
(i) at every price where sale occurs the buyers‟
expected quality function should equate the actual
quality function.
Euro-Asian Journal of Economics and Finance
ISSN: 2310-0184
Volume: 1, Issue: 1, Pages: 33-40
(ii) at every price at or above „p‟ the excess
supply of cars should be positive.
Proposition 2
Let, p* be the highest equilibrium price and let, (p,
q*) be the buyers‟ equilibrium. Then, given quality
function q*, buyer θ1, prefers to purchase at p*
than any higher price. Then all active buyers
announce p* and p=p*.
Let, p* be an equilibrium price, θ the highest utility
index and p be the cut off price. If a buyer prefers
to buy at p* than any other higher price, then by
proposition 1 all buyer will prefer p*.
Thus the cut off price is p=p*. Similarly, if p** is
the next higher equilibrium price then the cutoff
price p*=p** for all active buyers. Thus, the
ordering of cutoff price is p<p*<p**.
If p is the equilibrium cutoff price, then from
proposition 2 p ≤ p* the price is determined by the
point on the average quality curve at or above p
which reaches his highest indifference curve which
will be at p or θq ( since, no owner will sell at p≤
θq) or a point of tangency of θ and q. Thus, at p
enough buyer enters the market eliminate excess
supply and there is a distribution of price.
There are two points for conclusion:
i. No buyer announces a price in the interval
where the demand curve is positively sloped and
hence buyers will prefer to purchase at even
higher price.
ii. Most buyers will announce p.
Therefore, any price below p will make the excess
supply negative and the buyers will be forced to
raise their prices to attract sellers until all have
announced p. Thus, p is the most buyers‟
announced price.
Therefore the buyers‟ equilibrium is (p, q*) if:
i. q*(p) = q(p) for all p≥ θq0.
ii. E (p; p**, q*) = 0 iff p< p**.
2.4 Sellers set the price
Here each and every seller has the option of
announcing a price or staying out of the market.
For any excess supply of a car (at any price) the
probability of selling a car at that price is the ratio
of demand to supply. Given the set of prices sellers
have announced, buyers must have an expectation
about the quality of cars at each price and they
purchase at a price where their expected utility is
maximized. Equilibrium is at a point where
expected probability function for sellers and
expected quality function for buyers are same,
such that it generate a realized probability function
and realized quality function which are consistent
with the original expectation functions. Given the
above conditions seller equilibrium may be of two
i. Where all sellers announce the same price.
ii. Where all sellers announce a distinct price.
Let, ψ*(p) be the expected probability of making a
sale at price p, such that ψ (p) =0 means seller
announces no price and P (ψ*) be the set of prices
announced by sellers.
Then the expected quality function for buyer =
q*(p; P (ψ*)). Thus the demand function is D (p; P
(ψ*), q*), which is no. of buyers at each price.
The supply function is then S (p; ψ*).
For S (p; ψ*) ≥ D (p; P (ψ*), q*), then the probability
of making a sale is (D(p; P(ψ*),q*))/(S(p; ψ*)).
Thus, probability of making a sale at each price is
ψ** (p; ψ*, q*).
Therefore seller equilibrium is then defined as an
expectation function (q*, ψ*) for all p belongs to P
(ψ*) if:
i. q**(p, ψ*) = q*(p; P(ψ*)) and ii. Ψ*(p, ψ*, q*) =
ψ*(p) ≤ 1.
Now for
i. All sellers with same price announcement (i.e.
single price equilibrium):
Let at p0, D (p0) < S (p0)
Then, ψ*(p) = D (p0) / S (p0) for p≤ p0 otherwise 0.
Since a new seller will always choose to announce
p0 so P (ψ*) = {p0}. Thus given the action of sellers
the buyers need only to formulate their expected
Consumer behavior and Market Equilibrium
Bairagya Ramsundar & Sarkar Shubhabrata
quality function at p0. Let qb(p) be the quality
expectation of buyer.
Since at p0, q*(p0) =qb(p0) and the no. of buyers is
equal to the demand function,
Therefore, ψ (p0) = D (p0) / S (p0) = ψ*(p0). Thus
seller equilibrium (q*, p*) is at p0 = p*.
ii. All sellers with distinct price announcement
(multiple price equilibrium);
Let, the seller‟s realized probability function be ψ*
and he is offering cars with quality q. He will
choose the price (p) that maximizes
ψ*(p) [p – θq (p)].
The First Order Condition for maximization
requiresΨ*(p) + ψ*( ׳p) [p – θq (p)] = 0
Let, θ*(p) be the utility index of a buyer. His
objective is to choose a price that maximizes his
It is quite evident that when both buyers and
sellers are price takers the market may have
multiple equilibria. That is, it might not be certain
that the demand and supply meet at a single point.
All these equilibria are distinct from a full
information competitive equilibrium, where each
quality of cars will have a distinct price. Which
means cars will be allocated such that highest
quality cars are allocated to agents with highest
marginal rate of substitution (MRS) of quality for
price. However multiple price equilibrium is quite
similar to it. But they differ only due to
asymmetric information. Thus, in a buyers‟
equilibrium no seller will be benefited for
announcing his own price. But in a seller‟s
equilibrium (when all sellers have distinct price)
some buyers may be benefitted by announcing
their price. This is because the presence of adverse
selection may induce a bias towards the market
adopting a convention in which the buyers act as
price setters.
Max. θq*(p) – p
The First Order Condition for maximization
requiresθ*(p) q*(׳p) – 1 = 0
Since, buyers and sellers are continuously
distributed, the buyers and sellers per unit interval
is h (θ*(p) θ*( ׳p) and f (q*(p) q*( ׳p)) respectively.
ψ*(p) = ([h(θ*(p)θ* (׳p)] )/([f(q*(p)q* ( ׳p))] ) (iii)
From (i), (ii) and (iii);
Ψ*( ׳p) = (ψ*(p))/(p- θq*(p) )
q*( ׳p) = 1/(θ*(p))
θ*(׳p) = (ψ*(p)[f(q*(p)q*(׳p))] )/(h(θ*(p))) =
Now for price interval [p0, p1] (because sellers are
announcing different prices), and from equation
(v) and (vi) no seller would love to quote price
lower than his reservation value. Similarly, θ*(p) is
also increasing in p (since, p ≥ θq). Thus for p0 the
equilibrium will be
[q*(p¬0), ψ*(p0)] and for p1
it will be [q*(p¬1), ψ*(p1)].
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Consumer behavior and Market Equilibrium
Bairagya Ramsundar & Sarkar Shubhabrata
Good used car
Q1Q1 Bad used car