ED 359 783
FL 021 264
Meehan, Teresa M., Ed.; Schwenter, Scott A., Ed.
University of New Mexico Working Papers in
Linguistics, Volume 1.
New Mexico Univ., Albuquerque.
Collected Works
General (020)
MF01/PC05 Plus Postage.
Child Language; Geographic Distribution; *Grammar;
Interpersonal Communication; Japanese; *Language
Patterns; *Language Research; Language Styles;
Language Universals; *Language Variation; *Linguistic
Theory; Phonology; Pronouns; Semantics; Sex
rifferences; Sociocultural Patterns;
Sociolinguistics; Spanish Speaking
Binding Theory; *Geolinguistics; Reflexives; United
States (Southwest)
This volume contains working papers on a variety of
topics in linguistics. They include: "A View of Phonology from a
Cognitive and Functional Perspective" (Joan Bybee); "The Geography of
Language Shift: Distance from the Mexican Border and Spanish Language
Claiming in the Southwestern United States" (Garland D. Bills,
Eduardo Hernandez-Chavez, Alan Hudson); "Rethinking the 'Power
Semantic': Alternatives for the Analysis and Interpretation of
Non-Reciprocal T/V Address" (Scott Schwenter); "Prototype Theory in
Language and Cognition" (Patricia Escarraz); "Sociolinguistic
Competence in Context: The Formality Factor" (Robin Dale Zuskin);
"Male/Female Speech Patterns: Singularity versus Diversity" (Anne
Wiltshire); "Supplementing the Binding Theory: On the Question of
Proper Binding" (Hector A. Torres); "Some Considerations of the Use
of Indices with Pronouns and Wh- Traces" (Carolyn Kennedy); "Toward a
Better Understanding of Universal Grammar: Evidence from Child
Language" (Teresa M. Meehan); and "Re-Examination of the Notion of
Proper Binding: The Interpretation of Reflexives in Japanese" (Teruo
Ueno). (MSE)
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University of New Mexico
Working Papers
Edited by:
Teresa M. Meehan and Scott A. Schwenter
with the assistance of
Editorial Advisors:
April Ginther and Christine Monikowski
Partial funding for this journal was provided by the
ASUNM/ GSA Student Fee Review Board and the
Linguistics Graduate Student Organization.
Volume 1
Table of Contents
A View of Phonology from a Cognitive and Functional Perspective
Joan Bybee
The Geography of Language Shift: Distance from the Mexican Border and Spanish
Language Claiming in the Southwestern United States
Garland D. Bills, Eduardo Hernandez-Chovez, and Alan Hudson
Rethinking the "Power Semantic": Alternatives for the Analysis and Interpretation of
Non-Reciprocal T/V Address
Scott Schwenter
Prototype Theory in Language and Cognition
Patricia Escarraz
Sociolinguistic Competence in Context: The Formality Factor
Robin Dale Zuskin
Male/Female Speech Patterns: Singularity versus Diversity
Anne Wiltshire
Supplementing the Binding Theory: On the Question of Proper Binding
Hector A. Torres
Some Considerations of the Use of Indices with Pronouns and Wh- Traces
Carolyn Kennedy
Toward a Better Understanding of Universal Grammar: Evidence from Child Language
Teresa M. Meehan
Re-examination of the Notion of Proper Binding: The Interpretation of Reflexives in
Teruo Ueno
Univehzi-ty o6 New Mexico Wordthig Pape
in Linguaticis, Vot.
1993, 1 -14
A view of phonology from a cognitive and function-4 perspective
Joan L. Bybee
I. Introduction
In the '.ast two decades there has been an active interest in viewing morphosyntactic phenomena from a typological, functional and cognitive perspective. These
research perspectives have proved extremely productive in pushing us closer to an
explanation for the grammatical structures that exist in the languages of the world.
Research on universals, discourse, conversation, and cognition have stretched the
boundaries of linguistics and insisted on the principle that linguistic structures are
dependent upon semantic and cognitive substance and the uses to which languages is put.
But no movement of comparable strength has emerged which applies this principle to
phonological phenomena, even though the relevance of the application is obvious:
phonological structures must be dependent upon substancephonetic substance, and they
are surely molded by the uses to which they are put.
Phonological research in these same two decades has taken a number of interesting
stepsthe inventory of basic units has been expanded to include the syllable, the nature of
the adherence of features to particular segments has been re-examined, suprasegmental
phenomena have been seriously scrutinized and the interaction of syntax with phonology
has been studied closely. Throughout these developments the goals of phonological theory
have remained static and the basic structuralist assumptions of phonology have gone largely
unquestioned. The existence of abstract underlying represe2tations is still assumed, as is the
existence of rules which make changes to these representations; it is still assumed that
underlying systems are regular and symmetrical and that the prime units in phonology are
distinctive features.'
The goal of the present paper is to outline some aspects of a program for the
reconsideration of phonology in the light of certain perspectives drawn from functionalist/
cognitive linguistics and to cite past and current research that is relevant to that program.
Of course, the total re-examination of phonology will be many-faceted and occupy
numerous research lifetimes, but it is hoped that by sketching some points in this direction
others will be stimulated to look at phonology afresh.
I start by stating some general goals for a new phonology:
Consider the substance of phonology rather than just the structure. For syntax the
substance is word meaning and grammatical meaning. For phonology the substance is
largely phonetic, but generative phonology has also allowed the consideration of
morphology and lexicon in the conditioning of 'phonological' rules. It is our task to
distinguish the type of substance involved in any particular phenomena, for different
substance conditions different types of behavior.
Consider the uses to which phonological elements are put. Traditionally
phonological variants are only considered in their 'type distribution'the phonological
'Even variation theory has not fully exploited a functionalist perspective or reconsidered
assumptions about underlying representations and rules, even though the data found in variation studies
begs for a re-examination of all old assumptions.
environments in which they occur, much as syntax was only studied in the rarefied
environment of made-up sentences. Very little study has been devoted to the distribution of
phonological elements in texts. I will argue below that the text frequency of segments
affects their phonetic shape and evolution.
Consider subphonemic detail and variation conditioned lexically, morphologically
and socially. Generative phonology, like its predecessor, phonemic theory, chose to ignore
low-level phonetic detail'. Like the detail of actual language use that has enriched
functionalist syntactic theory, the study of detail in phonology will reveal important facts
that bear on our understanding of how language is really processed and what structures
have empirical validity.
Attend to exceptions and marginal cases, for they can be valuable sources of
information about the nature of processing and representation. As I will argue below,
marginal 'phonemes' are particularly interesting in their consequences for phonological
Reconsider what Langacker 1987 calls the 'rule-list fallacy' (see also Bybee 1988).
Our thinking and analyses need not be restricted to only two options -- either an elements
occurs in a list or it is generated by rule. I propose below that lexical elements (words or
phrases) consist of actual phonetic content that is modified as these elements are used.
While phonetic 'rules' may exist as articulatory patterns for the realization of words,
generalizations at other levels may be better thought of as emergent generalizations over
lexical representations.
2. Properties of different alternation types
The starting point for phonological alternations are the natural coarticulation and
reduction phenomena that occur when language is used. Such effects quickly become
involved in the expression of meaning, since the major function of language is
communication. In particular, phonetic alternations become associated with particular
grammatical morphemes and often also with particular lexemes. It is important to
distinguish the various stages of evolution of phonological processes, because the nature of
the generalizations differ according to whether the process is purely phonetic,
morphological or lexical.
Phonetic alternations are motivated by motor production and produce phonetic
alternates that are minimally different from one another (e.g. English [t] and [d] vs. the
flap). Generalizations at this stage are statable in purely local phonetic terms. Given an
appropriate notation (such as that found in Brownian and Goldstein 1986), it will probably
be possible one day to define substantively the maximal phonetic difference that can be
phonetically conditioned. That is, given a productive phonetic process, once the phonetic
change effected by this process has progressed beyond a certain limit, the results of the
process can no longer be phonetically conditioned (or allophonic) but are rather reanalyzed
as belonging to a different level of grammar. To use an example that will be taken up again
later, the palatal variant of German /x/, [c], which is in most environments a phonetically
predictable and natural variant, I would suggest has moved too far from the velar to still be
phonetically conditioned. In section 5 I will argue that it is in fact marginally phonemic.
The difficulty with testing this claim is that reanalysis is covert and the surface evidence for
this reanalysis may not appear on the surface until later. Another difficulty in testing this
claim is that it might require making much finer phonetic distinctions than phonologists
have been accustomed to making.
An obvious objection to the claim that there are substantive differences between
phonetic variants and variants that have been morphologized or entered in the lexicon is the
apparent fact that for instance voiced and voiceless alternations can be of either type. Thus
English has morphological and lexically conditioned alternations in words just as house,
houses, wife, wives, and German and other languages appear to have the same voiced and
voiceless alternation due to syllable-final devoicing. It has been shown, however, that the
voiceless variant derived by this productive rule in German has not lost all the properties of
a voiced stop; it is not identical to the phonemic voiceless stop either in its own properties
or in its affect on surrounding articulations (Port and O'Dell 1985). Given better phonetic
description and a more constrained view of productivity, we will probably find that truly
productive phonological processes make very small structural changes compared to those
described by non-phonetic (lexical or morphological) rules.
To the extent that morphophonemic patterns or lexical generalizations are viable
and productive, their patterning is quite different from that of phonetic processes. Phonetic
processes occur in strictly phonetic environments and can be viewed as the reduction or
overlapping of articulatory gestures; their properties will relate to the general properties of
motor gestures and the particular features of the articulatory system (Browman and
Goldstein 1986, 1990, Pagliuca and Mowrey 1987a).
In contrast to phonetic processes, morphologically-conditioned alternations tend to
diagram the semantic distinctions made in the morphology; they undergo diachronic
changes that show that the relevant parameters for morphology are quite different than for
phonology (Bybee 1985). For instance, an alternation that is morphologized may take on
different properties in nouns than in verbs. Spanish stress for example is morphologized for
verbs and has undergone some changes motivated by verbal categories that are different
from possible changes in nouns (Hooper 1976a). A class of sounds that has undergone a
phonetic change together may break apart when morphological and lexical factors
intervene. For example, the alternation of let, /ye/ and lit in Spanish verbs is marginally
productive, while the back vowel counterpart alternation of /o/, /we/ and /11/ under the same
morphological conditions is totally unproductive (Bybee and Pardo 1981).
Not only does the domain of generalizations change in morphologization but the
directionality of generalizations also changes. The basic-derived relation in morphology is
based upon the semantically basic-derived relation: alternations are predicted from singular
to plural, from present to past, from third person to other persons (Bybee and Brewer
1980, Bybee 1985), no matter what the original distribution of conditioning was
(Vennemann 1972). As argued l Greenberg 1966, Manczak 1980, Bybee and Brewer
1980, and Bybee 1985 these relations are based in large part on the way in which forms
are used: the more frequently used forms are the ones that are taken to be more basic. The
directionality of phonetic processes is from a gesture unaffected by surrounding gestures to
one that is reduced or overlapping or deformed by contiguous gestures.
Lexical generalizations evince yet another pattern. Lexical classes of verbs or
nouns with special morphological characteristics, or stress patterns in languages where
stress is partially lexicalized resemble natural categories. That is, they have the shape of
generalizations that human beings make about ern-linguistic categories, which includes the
ability to make use of holistic features of words as well as local ones, to group words in
specific as well as general patterns and to impose a prototype structure on class members
(Bybee and Moder 1983, Aske 1990 and section 6 here).
Finally. we can consider evidence available from the process of lexical diffusion
the process by which changes spread through the lexiconas lexical diffusion provides
evidence for the way that phonology and morpho-phonology interact with the lexicon.
Here we see again a difference between phonetic and non-phonetic processes: phonetic
changes spread gradually through the lexicon and tend to be more advanced in more
frequent words. Non-phonetic alternations have a tendency to be lost (leveled) and this loss
occurs earliest in less frequent items. More frequent items tend to be more conservative in
non-phonetic alternations, but more innovative in phonetic ones (Hooper 1976b). Phonetic
alternations are both phonetically and lexically gradual, but they do not usually have
exceptionseventually all words will fall prey to phonetic change. Non-phonetic
alternations not only can have exceptionsthey usually are the exceptions.
3. Phonetic substance
The phonetic material that forms the substance of phonoiogy can be viewed in two
new ways: first, rather than abstracting away and regularizing in the name of establishing a
small and coherent set of distinctive features, the actual phonetic shape of linguistic units
(whether at the level of the segment or at higher levels) should constitute the object of
study; second, words can be regarded as consisting of real phonetic substance, in the
lexicon as well as in production and perception, and this phonetic substance can be
regarded as undergoing permanent change as the result of coarticulation processes.
3.1. Distinctive features
As their name implies, distinctive features are not very useful in understanding the
nature of phonetically conditioned processes. Since they were developed to describe
contrast they often lack the level of detail necessary to describe (and thus understand)
details of coarticulation.
In addition, lice other componential features from structuralist theories, their
constancy across manifestations in different combinations is a fiction. Just as 'plural' does
not mean the same thing in first person as it does in third person (and thus leads to the
possibility of inclusive vs. exclusive, which is not possible in third person), so [continuant]
does not mean the same thing for labials as it does for alveolars. There is some
commonality, of course, in that a total obstruction of the vocal tract is attained, but the
gestures required to accomplish this closure are completely different depending upon the
point of articulation (Browman and Goldstein 1986).
This problem is more marked for the really arbitrary features such as [ar:* .:rior], but
even [continuant] should come under scrutiny given its different realizations in different
environments. The evidence for such a feature is its ability to define a 'natural class'; 'he
received position is that classes of stops (either voiced or voiceless) tend to behave in a
uniform manner across a wide variety of languages. Of course, exceptions are well-known:
[p] tends to spirantize and delete while [t] and [k] remain in tact (e.g. in Japanese, in many
Altaic dialects, in Eskimo-Aleut [1330iuca and Mowrey 1987b]). Or consider the changes
undergone by Proto-Bantu voiceless stops (Tucker and Bryan 1957, Pagliuca and Mowrey
Gilcuyu group h
Luhya dialects h
In the face of these exceptions, we might want to ask whether there is strong
evidence for the feature [continuant] in the form of 'natural classes' of stop consonants.
Pagliuca and Mowrey 1987b investigated this question using a sample of thirty-nine
unrelated languages. They examined all allophonic processes that affect voiced and
voiceless stops in these languages. They counted as 'regular' a process that affects the
whole series, that is, all voiceless stops or all voiced stops in the same way. Their counts
revealed that fewer than 50% of the allophonic processes affecting a stop series were
regular. Only 49% were regular for voiceless stops and 42% were regular for voiced stops.
This means that the chances that a stop series will behave as a natural class are 50 - 50, that
is, basically random.
Of course more cross-linguistic research needs to be done on other proposed
natural classes to see if any can be found which behave in the way that phonologists have
assumed. In the meantime, Pagliuca and Mowrey suggest giving up the 'building block'
model of phonology as their data casts doubt on the reality of features and segments.
Rather, they argue that 'phone-sized' units are heavily affected by context and that a model
of holistic processing for words and phrases is more realistic, a point to which we now
3.2. The phonetic substance of lexical items
On the phonetic side, words or larger lexical units are auditory percepts associated
with motor command patterns. What we know about other stored perceptual units suggests
that detail is not factored out, but rather preserved to a large extent. The same must be the
case with the phonetic representation of words. As Langacker (1987: 391-2) points out, if
the phonetic regularities in words are factored out, the residue would not be "recognizable
as a coherent entity plausibly attributed to cognitive autonomy." In other words, if we
suppose that the perceptual representation of linguistic units, such as words, are stored in a
way that is analogous to the way we store other units of perception, such as the visual
representation of natural objects, then we would not suppose that redundancies are
removed for storage. What this would mean, for example, for the visual representation ofa
human being is that the arms and legs, eyes, ears, nose, etc. could all be removed since
they are predictable (with some exceptions) from the feature [+hurnan]. If we recognize
stored linguistic units as objects with cognitive autonomy, then they require a full and rich
representation, with recognized regularities in their properties represented as schema at
different levels.
Moreover, many empirical linguistic facts are not explainable unless words are
viewed as consisting of actual phonetic substance. In this view, phonetic effects of
coarticulation and reduction represent changes that are made to the actual tokens, which
also affect the stored representations of words. Each new perceptual instance of an item
whether through input from another person, or through self-monitoring is superimposed on
existing representations and will gradually change the representation. We will consider
three examples here that support this view.
Consider some English words first discussed by Zwicky 1972 and later discussed in
Hooper 1976b and 1978. These are words that end in two unstressed syllables, the
penultimate containing schwa followed by [r] or [1].
In many of these words the schwa has been deleted: every, camera.
In other words, however, the schwa is variably present, or at least a syllabic [r] or
[1] are found to alternate with the absence of syllabicity: memory, celery, summary,
At the far end of the continuum are words which do not have schwa-deletion at
all; a full syllable is always present: mammary, artillery.
In Hooper 1976b I showed that the presence, variability or absence of the schwa
correlated with the frequency of the word. The words of highest frequency have
undergone schwa deletion completely, while the lowest frequency words do not allow the
reduction at all. The role of word frequency will be discussed again in section 4 below.
What this continuum shows is that the degree to which the schwa is present is
associated with a particular word or lexical unit; it is not phonetically or morphologically
predictable, nor is it determinable from social factors alone. The difference in the
pronunciation of memory and mammary is something that must be learned about these
individual words. It is, however, something that follows directly from the input and is
learned as the word is learned. If mammary is always heard with three syllables but
memory sometimes is heard with two and a half and sometimes two, that is the way these
words are stored. Just as detail about the meaning and cooccurrence patterns of words is
acquired and stored with the word, details about its phonetic representation are also
acquired and stored.
It is most reasonable to suppose that words with this phonetic environment form a
continuum as each one is gradually succumbing to greater and greater reduction of this
unstressed syllable. But even if we recognized three discrete groups of words those with
full deletion, those with syllabic [r] or [1] and those with schwa plus Eni or [1], this case
would still present a problem for structural leories of phonology, since syllabic [r] and [1]
and schwa plus [r] and [1] do not contrast elsewhere. At the very least, one could argue that
this example suggests that some rather fine phonetic distinctions can be associated with
particular lexical items, which would naturally follow from the postulate that lexical items
consist of real phonetic substance.
A second example of lexical diffusion of a gradual phonetic chang illustrates
another way that change in the phonetic shape of words can affect surface phonology. The
loss of syllable-final [s], especially in the dialects of Latin America has been well-studied.
The /s/ tends to lose its lingual articulation, remaining only as voicelessness (called
aspiration and represented as [h]), and it eventually deletes in syllable-final position, that is,
before a consonant. This occurs regularly even across word boundaries, but since Spanish
tends to re-syllabify across word boundaries, a word-final /s/ before a vowel in the next
word would be syllable-initial and would not delete. The following illustrate this:
word-internally before a C: felizmente [felihmente] `happily'
word-finally before a C: o se traen animales finos [animaleh finos]
'or fine animals are brought'
word-finally before a V: no vas a encontrar [...vasa...]
'you aren't going to find'
In strings of words, a word-final /s/ will sometimes appear before a vowel and
sometimes before a consonant. The pre-consonantal environment is two to three times
more frequent than the pre-vocalic environment. Thus the word-final /s/ is often in the
environment for reduction, and our hypothesis would predict that this will have a
permanent effect on that /s/. The data support this hypothesis: as Is/-reduction proceeds,
word-final /s/ is eventually affected, even when it occurs before a vowel in the next word.
This is not a phonetically-conditioned generalization of the process, because /s/ before a
vowel inside of a word is never aspirated; the aspirafizin of /s/ before a vowel takes place
only word-finally. The fact that the description of the situation requires that we mention
word-final position in itself suggests that the reduction of this Is/ has to do with the fact that
it appears in particular words in a particular position. It might be added that word-final /s/reduction proceeds at different rates in different words (Terrell 1975, 1977 and Hooper
Another very productive, ongoing reduction process in Spanish is the spirantization
of voiced stops following a vowel The interaction of spirantization with /s/-reduction
provides a third exar..iple showing that actual phonetic substance in lexical items is
substantively affected by phonetic processes. If a syllable-final Is./ before a voiced stop were
to delete entirely, the voiced stop would be preceded by a vowel and the right conditions
for the application of spirantization would arise. Arnastae 1989 reports on this situation in
Honduran Spanish. His data show that the voiced stop is no more likely to spirantize if the
/s/ is deleted than if it is fully there. There is no question about the productivity of
spirantization, so one would expect that the newly post-vocalic stop would instantly
spirantize. However, if stops in these words had been protected from reduction by the
preceding /s/, and if reduction is a gradual process that affects lexical representations, then
these newly-exposed stops will take a while to spirantize.
I am claiming then that lexical representations are not abstract, unchanging things
that rules apply to but that in essence remain unchanged, rather they consist of substance
that is gradually but permanently modified in language use. The old metaphor for this in
non-Neogrammarian historical linguistics was that words are like coins that are worn down
as they are passed from hand to hand. The slogan that went along with this theory was
every word has its own history'.
This is not to deny the reality or systematicity of coarticulation patterns. Each
language has associated with it a set of motor patterns or habits that strongly govern the
phonetic output. My claim is simply that these same patterns have a permanent effect on
the words that are filtered through them. Menendez Pidal (1950:531) describes the
interaction of phonetic patterns with lexical items using the analogy of leaves floating on a
flowing river:
Cada palabra que en fone:ica parezca discordante de sus anilogas, puede estar
sometida a una tendencia general que la impulsa en union con las otras. Todas son
Ilevadas por las rnisma corriente, como multitud de hojas caidas en un rio; cada
hoja sigue su curso especial, tropieza acaso con obstaculos que la desvian, la
retrasan o la detienen, pero todas estan sometidas a la misma fuerza, ora la arrastre,
ora solamente las empuje, y seria ceguedad emperiarse en observar el curso de cada
una sin darse cuenta de la corriente que las doming a todas.
The final argument (and perhaps the strongest one) for the hypothesis that words
consist of phonetic substance that is permanently modified by phonetic processes is the fact
that when phonetic processes become unproductive their effects are never undone. In
English, the voicing of intervocalic fricatives has not been productive for a long time, as we
can see by all the examples of French borrowings with voiceless intervocalic fricatives, e.g.
classes, etc. Yet the fricatives affected by this process show no tendency to devoice of is
steadfastly maintaining its [v]. The only place we see a tendency for the old voiceless
fricative to be restored are in cases of alternation, where the unmarked category has the
voiceless fricative, as in house, houses, where the latter is sometimes heard among younger
people with an [s] rather than a [z]. This restoration is due to morphological change, not
phonetic change.
4. The role of frequency
The tendency in structural phonology as in all applications of structuralism is to
concentrate on structural patterns and ignore patterns of actual use. In phonology, as in
morphosyntax, this means neglecting an important source of explanation for distribution
patterns. The role of word frequency has been consistently neglected in phonology and
even in variation studies, yet there is evidence that frequency of use is an important factor
in the spread of phonological processes.
We have already seen an example of word frequency as a determining factor in
phonetic reduction in the example of schwa reduction and deletion in certain English
words. Given the postulate of words having actual phonetic substance, what we can say
about this phonetic reduction is that the words are actually eroded in use and this erosion is
reflected in their ever-changing lexical representations. Thus frequency is important, not
just as a predicting variable, but as an actual causal mechanism, since words that are more
frequent will be used in positions of lesser stress and emphasis and will thus be more
susceptible to reduction processes.
There is also a second way that word frequency can be invoked as a causal
mechanism in phonetic change. Word frequency is also a factor in the lexical diffusion of
vowel shift changes, and it is not clear if any or all of such changes are reductive in nature.
For instance, Moonwomon 1992 studies the backing of 1=1 and the fronting of /at/ in San
Francisco English and finds that the two most freqiu..nt words with these segments, class
and got, manifest the change to the greatest extent. Even if these changes cannot be
considered reductive (and it seems to me that they might very well be reductive), their
frequency can still be a factor in causing their advancement in the change. As
Moonwomon points out, if productive processes apply in real time as speakers speak, more
frequent words will have a greater opportunity to undergo a rule than less frequent words.
If the application of a process can have a permanent effect on a word, as I am suggesting
here, the application of these processes, which produce only small incremental changes,
will eventually accumulate a more noticeable mutation in the more frequent words.
Frequency as an explanatory factor can be used to answer some questions that
phonologists have found imponderable to date. For instance, in Spanish spirantization, the
labial, dental and velar stops all spirantize, but the dental stop spirantizes more regularly
and becomes weaker or closer to deletion than the labial or velar stops. There seems to be
no phonetic explanation of this fact. However, an explanation in language use can be
found. The dental stop is much more frequent in texts than either of the other stops.
Navarro Tomas 1946 reports that in a count of 20,000 phonemes in running text, /b/
accounts for 2.54% of the total, /g/ only 1.04%, and Id/ 5.00%, making Id/ twice as
frequent as /b/ and nearly five times as frequent as /g/. In fact, /d/ is the most frequently
occurring stop in Spanish, and among obstruents in general, it is second in frequency only
to /s/.2
I have cited phoneme frequency here, but I do not believe that it is the frequency of
the segment itself that is important. It is rather the fact that the Id/ occurs in words that are
more frequent. The overall greater reduction of /d/ is due to its occurrence in some very
frequent words, such as lado, and morphemes, such as the past participle, -ado.
One difficulty with various theories of consonant weakening is that while the
directionality for manner of articulation (e.g. from stop to fricative, from voiceless to
voiced) are regular across language, which of the various points of articulation lead the
process and which lag behind differs across languages (Foley 1977). In order to make
theories of weakening more predictive across languages, more factors need to be taken into
account; these include language-specific phonetic factors, and may also include the
distribution of consonants in frequent versus infrequent words.
The role of frequency in the reduction of grammaticizing constructions is just a
special case of erosion proceeding at a faster pace in frequei.: z1,-?n in infrequent items.
Most (although probably not all) of the phonetic processes occurring in
,--ontraction of
grammatical elements have a counterpart in the much slower-moving 'normal' phonetic
processes of the language. Thus the deletion of /d/ from the Spanish second plural
morpheme, Latin -atis, Old Spanish -ades, Modern Castilian -ais, predated the general
weakening of Id/ by many centuries, and would have seemed aberrant at the time.
However, exactly the same change is slowly plodding through the Spanish lexicon today.
The contraction of will not to won't appears anomalous unless one considers the
fact that a postvocalic /If before a consonant tends to vocalize to a back glide in current
English, as in milk [miwk]. Then considering the rounded initial glide and reduced vowel
followed by a back glide, the emergence of [o] is not too surprising. The advanced
compression and reduction of won't, then is due to frequency. It is also frequency that
allows this negative contraction to diverge so much fi om its related affirmative form. That
is, won't is not just fused phonologically but it also has become an independent semantic or
grammatical unit as well. And it is its high frequency that allows this lexical autonomy.
2The phoneme /s/ has a frequency percentage of 7.5%, making it the most frequent consonant in
Spanish. Perhaps this is one factor in its tendency to weanand delete.
These examples of reduction and contraction of grammatical elements are well
known and accepted (though seldom studied in their own right). What I am claiming is that
this differential reduction due to frequency is pervasive throughout the forms of a language
though in a more subtle and less dramatic form. The study of patterns of use, then, is likely
to add a new dimension to the study of phonology, perhaps answering some of the longstanding questions persisting in the field.
5. Marginal phonemes and how they arise
If phonological processes have a permanent effect on lexical representations,
phonetic elements that are not phonemic will occur in lexical representations. This in turn
will lead to the development of new 'phonemes', and also to problematic cases where a
phone appears to be predictable in many, perhaps most, contexts, but appears not to be
predictable on phonetic grounds in a few contexts. A good example of this phenomenon of
'marginal phonemes' (which probably occur in all languages) is the palatal fricative of
German. In almost all contexts, the palatal is a predictable variant of the velar fricative,
occurring after front vowels and the consonants /11, /1/ and Inf. However, the consistent
realization of the diminutive suffix -chen contains the palatal fricative, even when the
preceding noun ends in a back vowel, as in Tauchen [d] 'small rope' and Pfauchen [c] 'little
peacock'. (These form minimal pairs with the verbs tauchen 'to dive' and fauchen 'to spit',
which have the velar fricative.) Further, certain loan words contain the palatal fricative in
initial position or after a back vowel: China [9] and Photochemie [9]. The traditional
solution to this problem (Moulton 1947, Leopold 1948) is to predict the [9] from a
boundary (or juncture). This is tantamount to claiming that the [9] is part of certain
morphemes and words, which in turn amounts to lexical status for [9].
The consistent realization of -chen with a palatal, even after a back vowel, arose
because this suffix was represented lex!-)ally with a palatal, at first even though the palatal
was predictable. Eventually the palatal is so associated with this morpheme that it occurs
even outside its r) phonetic environment.
Another example of a 'marginal phoneme' is the schwa in English. The schwa is
clearly a reduced vowel, but in many cases it is difficult to say what it is a reduced version
of. Similarly, the flap of American English is clearly derivable from a /t/ or /d/ in words like
writer and rider, but is always a flap in non-alternating environments, such as in the words
butter, ladder, and latter. In these words (actually in word such as writer as well) the flap
is lexical.
Given the argument concerning lexical diffusion and the representation of phonetic
detail in the lexicon, one could wonder why languages have small numbers of contrastive
units rather than having a number of phonetic representations equal in size to the number
of words in the language. Why do languages have repeated patterns that can be described
as phonemes and as syllable-structure patterns rather than a totally different set of phonetic
parameters for each word? There are two reasons, one involving cognitive processing and
one involving motor production
The processing of words, like that of °Vier percepts, involves a sorting and
matching with other similar stored images. This means that phonetically similar elements of
words will be associated with one another and common patterns will be organiz.:4 into
schemas. These schemas represent motor patterns that are used in actual production. Like
in any motor task that takes place with great speed and fluency, repeated patterns facilitate
production. There is a tendency, then, to limit, through actual use, the number of distinct
motor patterns necessary to produce speech in a given language.
6. The cognitive domain: lexical patterning
In the preceding I have been arguing for lexical storage of phonetic detail and
variation where the associated 'rules' or processes have an articulatory raison d'être. In
principle, these processes could be completely different in quality from 'rules' or
generalizations at higher levels of cognitive functioning. However, since so little is known
about the psychological functioning at any of these levels, I will not attempt a comparison,
but in this section I will cite research that reveals lexical patterning at a level above the
phonetic. In particular, I will discuss Spanish stress and English verb classes as matters of
lexical patterning rather than as described by 'disembodied rule.'
In Bybee 1988 I argued that generalizations that have lexical and grammatical
conditioning are not separable from the lexical items that they affect. In fact, in many cases
it is very difficult to get speakers to apply what have been described as 'rules' to new items.
My claim is that the generalizations described by these rules are not extracted and stored in
a separate component, but are rather patterns or schemas that emerge from connections
between stored units. Such a theory accommodates in a natural way the fact that rules with
lexical and grammatical conditioning range widely between the very specific to the very
general and readily tolerate exceptions.
Aske 1990 argues from experimental data that Spanish stress is best treated as a
lexical pattern rather than a 'disembodied rule'. Spanish stress is predictable in nouns and
adjectives in over 95% of cases by the statement that words ending in vowels have
penultimate stress, while words ending in consonants have final stress (note that the crucial
reference to the end of the word means that the generalization requires grammatical
In generative phonology this statement is canonized as rule, and exceptions to it
have to be handled lexically. In early generative phonology they are marked with an
abstract phonological feature, in more concrete generative phonology with an arbitrary
diacritic, and in metrical phonology certain vowels are marked as 'extra- metrical' (meaning
they are ignored for the purposes of stress assignment). However the exceptions are
handled, they are all regarded as equally exceptional, having to be learned individually.
Consequently, the rule analysis predicts that nonce or new words will be stressed according
to the general rule.
Aske 1990 observes, however, that some more specific conditions may govern just
how exceptional the exceptions are. While words ending in -bin are overall stressed finally
change. Bybee and Moder claim that its relative lack of importance is due to the fact that
the actual class of items that forms the lexical pattern or schema consists of the Past Tense
forms of these verbs.
This case is important for several reasons: it shows that these past tense verbs are
all stored in the lexicon and organized into a class in the lexicon. It also shows that one and
the same mental faculty is used for linguistic and non-linguistic categorization, since these
linguistic objects, verbs, are categorized in the same way as natural and cultural objects. It
is also important that the whole word forms the basis of the categorizationincluding initial
consonant cluster -- because this demonstrates a holistic storage and processing rather than a
componential or concatenative one.
Some linguists have accepted this evidence for the organization of the strong verb
classes of English, while maintaining that a 'disembodied rule' also exists for the formation
of the regular past tense. What is the evidence for a rule of past tense formation? The
evidence traditionally cited is the fact that children acquiring English characteristically
overgeneralize the regular past tense, producing forms such as eated, corned and breaked.
However, a recent study of past tense formation in English by Marcus et al. 1992 which
takes into account over 10,000 tokens of irregular past tense produced by children after
they have begun overgeneralizing shows that the median rate of overgeneralization is 2.4%.
(The average is 4.2%.) Such a low rate of overgeneralizations does not support the
hypothesis that regular past tense is formed differently than irregular, which is what Marcus
et al argue in spite of their data. This small percentage of overgeneralization suggests
instead that regular past tense formation is just one of a number of schemas available to
children. Its productivity is due to the fact that it is strongly represented, stored as it is on
such a large number of verbs.
7. Some questions for the future
The purpose of this paper has been to argue for a new approach to phonology, one
that is compatible with the newest cognitive and functional approaches to morpho-syntax
and semantics. This approach does not assume that phonological systems are symmetrical,
regular, discrete or fixed. It considers much of what phonologists analyze as rules to be
residue of historical changes. Rather than reconstructing older stages of the phonology of a
language, it is proposed to study the way speaker/hearers deal with phonological regularity
and irregularity and how that shapes the phonology. If lexical representations are viewed as
actual cognitive entities based on the realities of perception and production, it appears that
individual words must contain substantial phonetic detail. Furthermore, studies of lexical
diffusion show that individual words, and thus particular sounds as parts of words, are
affected by the way they are used and the frequency of their use. Thus even productive
processes apply differentially to individual words, suggesting that much closer attention to
phonetic detail will reveal more about lexical representations. Higher level generalizations
affecting lexical classes of words are also shown not to be strictly rule-like in their nature,
indicating that general principles of cognitive organization can be applied to this level of
Amastae, Jon. 1989. The interaction of s-aspiration/deletion and spirantization in
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reality of Spanish stress rules. BLS 16.30-45.
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phonology. Phonology Yearbook 3, 219-252.
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Papers in Laboratory Phonology I: Between the grammar and physics of speech,
341-376. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Noonan (eds.) Theoretical morphology, 119-141. San Diego: Academic Press.
Bybee, Joan L. and Carol Lynn Moder. 1983. Morphological classes as natural categories.
Lg. 59, 251-289.
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(ed.) Recent developments in historical phonology. The Hague: Mouton, 183-207.
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tin.iveitzity q New Mexico WcAl2,i_ng Paper
in Linguizticz, Vot. 1, 1993, 15-30
The geography of language shift: Distance from the Mexican border
and Spanish language claiming in the Southwestern United States
Garland D. Bills, Eduardo Hernandez-Chavez, and Alan Hudson
Early sociological assessments of factors that underlie the maintenance of Spanish in the
southwestern United States suggest the importance of the area of geographical settlement, in
particular distance from the Mexican border. For example, among 22 factors analyzed as
contributing to the viability of Spanish in the U.S., Gaarder (1977: 144) lists the nearness and
accessibility to an ancestral 'hinterland.' Similarly, Christian and Christian (1966: 290) note that
the incidence of Spanish speakers 'is heaviest near the Mexican border, and gradually diminishes
with distance from it.' In an overview of language maintenance processes appearing in the same
volume, Glazer proposes that ethnic mother tongues in the U.S. are maintained longer where the
groups are 'in effect, almost geographic extensions of homelands near at hand'; thus, Spanish is
better maintained in the Southwest because of the 'relative ease of contact with . . .
(1966: 362). Empirical support for these proposals is suggested in a recent study by the present
investigators in which we found associations of distance from the Mexican border with
concentrations of Spanish speakers (Hudson et al. 1991).
However, Glazer points out that the link with Mexico 'is being broken as the immigrants
become city dwellers and American citizens' (364). The role of urbanization, then, is seen to
become prominent in langt age shift. In a study of predominantly Mexican southeast Austin,
Thompson (1974) found a high level of retention among three generations of family members
who had been raised in rural areas. But in those families raised in Austin, the three generation
decline in Spanish home language use was dramatic. Similarly, in a survey of 544 households
in Texas, Skrabanek (1970) reports a consistent decline in the use of Spanish by urban as
compared to rural residents for each of three generations.
More recent studies have focused on the infusion of new speakers via immigration. A
study by Lopez (1978: 276) of Chicanos in Los Angeles concludes that 'the appearance of high
language loyalty is due largely to the direct effect of continuing mass immigration.' The present
investigators (Hudson et al. 1991, 1992) reach similar conclusions for the Spanish origin
population of the Southwest as do Sole (1990) and Hart-Gonzalez and Feingold (1990) for the
U.S. more generally. Veltman (1988: 3) states the case very directly: 'The data examined make
it clear that Spanish cannot survive in any area of the United States in the absence of continued
In addition, our analysis of 1980 census data (Hudson et al. 1991) found that certain
socioeconomic indicators of integration into the dominant U.S. society were strongly associated
with shift away from the use of Spanish. Educational, occupational, and economic processes
operating within language minority communities have direct and important consequences for the
level of assimilation to the majority culture. Indeed, the conclusion was inescapable that
educational and economic advance by members of the Spanish origin population are purchased
at the cost of maintenance of the ancestral language.
Thus, four major factors have been found to affect the maintenance of Spanish:
assimilation, that is socioeconomic integration into the dominant society; immigration, especially
from Mexico; rural, as opposed to urban, residence; and distance from the international border
with Mexico. The latter is the factor that is least understood both in its effect on maintenance and
in its relationship with other factors. It is eminently reasonable to assume that proximity to
Mexico will have a positive effect on the use of Spanish. It might be supposed that the closer
one is to the border, the greater the likelihood of interaction with speakers of Spanish. Nearer the
border, as we shall see, the numbers and concentrations of Spanish speakers are greater than in
more distant localities. Also, proximity encourages travel back and forth, by persons on both
sides of the border, to visit relatives, for commercial transactions, and for pleasure. And distance
from the border will affect the availability of electronic and print media, music, and other cultural
resources in the language (cf. the related observations of Silva-Corvalan 1989: 64).
In this study, then, we investigate the role of distance in the use of Spanish. We also
examine the effects on language maintenance of the other major factors and their
interrelationships with distance from the border. For our analysis, we take data from the
published materials of the 1980 Census' (U.S. Bureau of the Census 1982, 1983a, 1983b) for
the 22 largest cities in the five southwestern states of California, Arizona, New Mexico,
Colorado, and Texas as well as for the 401 counties in the same area, excluding the twenty that
encompass the 22 cities. The cities include every incorporated area that contained within its
boundaries a total population numbering 200,000 or more in 1980. For our purposes, the city data
will represent the urban portion, and the counties the non-urban portion, of our urban-rural
dichotomy. We also extract a variety of sociodemographic variables and three variables
constructed as measures of language shift. These shift variables are all based on the use of
Spanish deriving from the census question 'Does this person speak a language other than English
in the home?' In addition, each city and county is scored for a 'Distance' variable according to
its position with respect to seven bands marked at one hundred mile intervals from the Mexican
It is important to make clear from the outset that our analysis involves not individuals but
the characteristics of geographic entities (cities and counties) that may be associated with
language shift. Our reference is always to the numbers or the proportions of persons with
particular characteristics who make up the political unit. The statistical procedures, then, are
performed on the geographical units as a whole and do not address the characteristics of
individuals who live in them. The focus on cities and counties permits us to examine the
sociolinguistic dynamics of small political units as analogues of 'communities' and provides a
way of introducing social context into large-scale census analysis.
Descriptive overview
Map 1 provides a geographical perspective on these sociopolitical units. There are
counties adjacent to the Mexican border and counties as much as 700 miles away from the
border The cities considered here show an almost equally strong variation in distance from the
border: from El Paso, Texas, on the border itself to Denver, Colorado, at a distance of 550 miles.
`Adequate data from the 1990 U.S. Census for our analyses were still unavailable as of
January, 1993. For the five southwestern states, preliminary data in CD-ROM format had been
released only for Colorado, New Mexico, and part of California, and these reports contained very
limited information regarding the Spanish origin population.
The southwestern United States: Cities and counties
Long Bea
San to 1:1na
mdimurrom Ivsolswi
entionhamort. INNPIO
111411ratilra 110111.11r
Iliarripus Christi
Cities: Total Population, Spanish origin population,
Spanish home language claiming, and Mexican birth
% Spanish
% Spanish
% SOP born
in Mexico
El Paso, TX
San Diego, CA
Tucson, AZ
Santa Ana, CA
Anaheim, CA
Long Beach, CA
Phoenix, AZ
Corpus Christi, TX
Los Angeles, CA
San Antonio, TX
Austin, TX
Albuquerque, NM
Fresno, CA
Fort Worth, TX
Dallas, TX
San Jose, CA
Oakland, CA
San Francisco, CA
Sacramento, CA
Colorado Springs, CO
Denver, CO
Houston, TX
For an overview of the kinds of communities represented, let us look first at some of the
demographic characteristics of the cities. Table 1 lists the 22 cities in order of distance from the
border. As this table shows, these cities range in population size from just over 200,000 in Santa
Ana, California, to a high of nearly three million in neighboring Los Angeles, which itself is
almost twice as large as any other city in the survey.
Most of these cities have a very substantial population self-identified as 'Spanish origin'
(the ethnic label employed in the 1980 Census). Los Angeles is home to over 800,000 Spanish
origin claimants. Yet Los Angeles is but one of ten of these cities with a Spanish origin
population (henceforth SOP) exceeding 100,000. Only Colorado Springs falls below 20,000
persons of Spanish origin. More revealing than raw numbers for an understanding of the nature
of the community, however, are the proportions of this ethnic group within each city, as
displayed in the second column of Table 1. The SOP actually forms the majority in two Texas
cities, El Paso (63%) and San Antonio (54%). Close behind are Corpus Christi, Texas, and Santa
Ana, California. In contrast, cities at a greater distance from the Mexican border tend to have
smaller proportions of Spanish origin persons, ranging down to Oakland, California, and Colorado
Springs, Colorado, with just 9% each. We see, then, considerable variation in the potential for
ethnic group support across this sample of cities.
With regard to language, there were almost two and a half million claimants of Spanish
home language (henceforth SHL) in the 22 cities considered here. Over a fourth (647,865) were
residents of Los Angeles. An additional one-third lived in three Texas cities: San Antonio with
339,981; Houston with 224,169; and El Paso with 232,126. At the extreme with low numbers is
again Colorado Springs, which is home to fewer than 10,000 Spanish speakers, as well as
Sacramento and Oakland with under 25,000. Giving a better perspective on the community's
linguistic context is the density of the SHL population within the total population of each city,
as seen in the third column of Table 1. Again, El Paso stands out; fully 55% of the population
of this border city is reported to speak Spanish in the home. However, in only three other of the
22 cities does more than a quarter of the population make that claim: San Antonio, Corpus
Christi, and Santa Ana. Once more, cities most distant from the border -- Oakland, San Francisco,
Sacramento, Colorado Springs, Denver, Dallas, Fort Worth -- tend to have rather low densities
of Spanish speakers.
To conclude this broad perspective on the cities, the final column of Table 1 provides one
piece of information on immigration, which is repeatedly shown to be important in the retention
of Spanish in the Southwest. The proportion of the SOP that was born in Mexico ranges from
highs of 45% in Santa Ana and 38% in Los Angeles to an insignificant 2% in Colorado Springs
and 3% in Albuquerque.
With regard to counties, an overview of demographic characteristics is of course not so
simple. A visual display of just one important variable will suffice. Map 2 depicts the counties
in quartiles by the raw numbers of persons reported to use Spanish in the home. As with cities,
there is a tendency for counties with greater numbers of SHL claimants to be closer to the border.
It should also be noted, however, that every county that contains one of our large cities is in the
upper quartile (those in solid black), as is to be expected of most sociodemographic
characteristics based exclusively on count.
Measures of language shift
In earlier work (see Bills 1989, Hudson et al. 1991, 1992), we have examined a variety
of data from the 1980 Census that might be considered to shed some light on the extent to which,
in a given sociopolitical unit, Spanish is being retained or shift to English is occurring. Many
people believe that relative prominence of the language minority group in a given area is a vital
force in language retention. For example, the first factor on Gaarder's list of sociocultural factors
that may determine whether shift will occur is
"lb) is la sA:::e.
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4. e
'size and homogeneity of the bilingual group,' which is judged to provide 'powerful resistance'
against shift to English (1977: 141). Although size is relevant to the issue (a pcint to which we
return below), it has been clearly demonstrated (e.g., by Hudson et al. 1991 and Hart-Gonzalez
and Feingold 1990) that neither raw count nor density of ethnic language speakers is in itself a
good measure of language maintenance. These are static measures whereas the essence of
language shift is change over time.
One way of measuring community language shift that incorporates something of a
historical dimension is extractable from the census data. This assessment concerns the prominence
of the language within the ethnic group itself. Taking the reasonable stance that every member
of the 'Spanish origin' group is ancestrally connected to the Spanish language, we can then
calculate the degrt.° of language loyalty in the different political units. The proportion of the
ethnic group that has been able to retain use of the ethnic mother tongue in the home gives us
an 'apparent time' glimpse of the diachronic shift process. The general procedure permits us to
establish several distinct, but related, measures of language loyalty that will be examined here.
Table 2 provides this information for the 22 cities of our survey.
The first of these measures is the most general one: the ratio of Spanish language
claimants to Spanish origin claimants. This shift index, which we label simply the 'Loyalty'
variable, is given in the second column of Table 2. This measure reveals a strong ethnic group
retention of Spanish in every one of these urban areas, with Loyalty ratios ranging from a low
of 56% in Denver 11 the way up to nearly 100% in Dallas and El Paso.
The second measure is the degree of ethnic language loyalty among the young people.
This is the 'Youth Loyalty' variable in the second column of Table 2, which shows the ratio of
Spanish language claimants aged five to seventeen to the Spanish origin persons of the same age
group. For each city this percentage is consistently lower than the overall Loyalty ratio, but the
pattern of differences among those cities is very similar for both measures: highest percentages
in El Paso, Dallas, and Los Angeles and lowest in the two Colorado cities.
Finally, the third of these shift indices we will call the 'Retention' variable: the ratio of
the percent of under-18 SOP claiming SHL to the percent of those over-18 making the same
claim. The Retention column of Table 2 reveals considerable differences across these cities in
intergenerational loyalty to the ethnic mother tongue, ranging from a Retention rate of 93% in
the border city of El Paso to just 46% in Denver.
The Distance variable
The preceding discussion gives us some idea of what to expect in the statistical
association of Distance with language characteristics. It may, nonetheless, come as a bit of a
surprise that the three shift variables do in fact show rather clear associations with Distance (see
Table 3). The strength of the associations in all three cases suggests that the simple geographical
notion of distance from the Mexican border might play a role in the mechanisms of shift to
English on the part of the SOP of the Southwest. That is, the closer to the border, the stronger
the tendency of both the group as a whole and the young people of the group to retain use of the
ancestral language in the home, and conversely, the more distant the city or county from the
border, the stronger the manifestation of shift to English.
Other factors enter the equation of course. For example, the population demographics
reviewed above for cities carried several suggestions of the relevance of proximity to the
Mexican border. To what extent are those demographic characteristics of the communities
Cities: Three indices of shift
Youth Loyalty
El Paso, TX
San Diego, CA
Tucson, AZ
Santa Ana, CA
Anaheim, CA
Long Beach, CA
Phoenix, AZ
Corpus Christi, TX
Los Angeles, CA
San Antonio, TX
Austin, TX
Albuquerque, NM
Houston, TX
Fresno, CA
Fort Worth, TX
Dallas, TX
San Jose, CA
Oakland, CA
San Francisco, CA
Sacramento, CA
Colorado Springs, CO
Denver, CO
really associated with the Distance variable? Table 4 provides the relevant Pearson correlations.
Notice first that distance from the border shows low correlations with city and county size in
1980, whether it be the size of the total population, the SOP, or the SHL claimants. In contrast,
for both cities and counties there are strong negative correlations with the proportions of the total
population identified as Spanish origin or reported to speak Spanish in the home. Cities and
counties located closer to the border tend to have a greater density of the SOP as well as the
SHL claiming.
Cities and Counties: Pearson correlations of Distance with the shift variables
Youth Loyalty
Distance of City
Distance of County
***p < .001
Cities and counties: Pearson correlations of Distance
with selected sociodemographic variables
N of total population
N of SOP
N of SHI, claimants
Percent of total population claiming Spanish origin
Percent of total population claiming SHL
Percent of total population born in Mexico
Percent of SOP born in Mexico
Percent of SOP residing abroad in 1975
Percent of SOP residing in same county in 1975
Median years of education of SOP
Per capita income of SOP
Percent of SOP in managerial and profc 3ional occupations
Percent of SOP unemployed
Persons per SOP household
**p < .01
***p < .001
Percent of SOP below poverty level
More complex are the findings regarding immigration. The sixth row of Table 4 indicates
that proximity of a city or county to the border is strongly associated with a higher proportion
of Mexican-born persons in the total population. However, this result also appears to be in part
a reflection of the relative size of the SOP; the correlation between density of the SOP and
density of the Mexican-born is itself .65 for cities and .64 for counties. Consequently, when we
look at Distance in relation to the percentage of Mexican-born in the SOP itself, we find that the
association declines somewhat. Moreover, the parallelism between our two types of communities
begins to diverge. While cities closer to the border tend to have a higher proportion of these firstgeneration immigrants in the SOP, there is no such association for the counties. Thus, with
increased distance from the border the impact of immigration on the character of the SOP is
relatively greater in non-urban areas than in the cities. Support for this observation is seen in the
next two rows of Table 4. First, there is a trend (significant, though weak at .25) for recent
immigrants -- as measured by the proportion of the SOP living abroad just five years before the
census -- to reside in counties further removed from the border but in cities closer to Mexico.
Sitcond, a less mobile SOP (having residence in the same county five years earlier) is found in
non-urban counties nearer the border, but this association between residential stability and
Distance does not show up for the urban areas. Thus, the immigration factor breaks into two
strands: recent immigration to less urban counties more distant from Mexico and earlier (but still
first generation) immigration to cities closer to the border.
Finally, let us consider briefly the relationship of Distance to the socioeconomic condition
of the SOP in these political units.The 1980 Census provides a wealth of information for such
an inquiry. We examine here only a few key variables that summarize the SOP socioeconomic
character of the individual 'ties and counties The last six rows of Table 4 show the correlations
of Distance with six education, income, occupation, and household-structure variables. To
interpret the most general trends first, note that in all cases the associations are in the direction
that one might expect: the farther from the border, the more favorable the socioeconomic
characteristics of the SOP. Proximity to the border, on the other hand, is associated with a SOP
that has less education, less per capita income and a higher poverty rate, fewer high status jobs
but less unemployment, and larger households. But notice also that these correlations are not
especially strong, reaching .50 in only two cases, both concerning cities: median income and
household size. In the non-urban counties, on the other hand, Distance is most strongly associated
with median education and proportion of the SOP below the poverty level.
In sum, distance from the Mexican border is clearly associated with language shift as it
is being measured here, whether that shift is taking place in cities or in non-urban counties. In
addition, however, Distance is associated with other characteristics of a sociodemographic nature,
some of which reveal urban-nonurban differences. Most important among these other factors are
those dealing with immigration and socioeconomic status, since these variables also relate to
language shift, a question to which we now turn.
Sociodemographic characteristics and language shift
Researchers consistently identify two powerful, but competing forces important influences
on the process of language shift: immigration and assimilation. Urban settings such as the 22
cities treated here should be especially susceptible to both of these forces. On the one hand, cities
tend to attract immigrants who speak (often exclusively) the ethnic language, and this is so in
the case of Spanish in the Southwest, whether these persons come directly from Mexico or from
rural areas in the United States. This constant 'urban renewal' helps to maintain the ethnic
language, both in reinforcing use of the language by the earlier arriving members of the ethnic
group as well as in simply replacing the more assimilated who move to the suburbs and other
greener pastures. At the same time, however, it is particularly in the urban areas that we
encounter powerful societal pressures to shift to the dominant language. Not only is English
usually needed for participation in the city outside the home and the ethnic community, but the
social evidence appears everywhere that socioeconomic success is the province of the Englishspeaking. Correlations of our three shift variables with selected demographic and socioeconomic
characteristics of the SOP that relate to these other forces are presented in Table 5.
Cities and Counties: Pearson correlations of the shift variables with selected
sociodemographic characteristics of the Spanish origin population
Youth Loyalty
% born in Mexico
% living abroad in
Median years of
Per capita income
% below poverty level
% managerial and
profession occupation
% unemployed
Persons per household
**p < .01
***p < .001
Reflecting the findings of the preceding section, two characteristics of the SOP prove to
be important in assessing the influence of immigration on Spanish language retention: the
proportion born in Mexico and the proportion living abroad in 1975. The Mexican nativity
variable has significant correlations with all three shift variables. As the first row of Table 5
demonstrates, in the case of cities, Mexican birth is modestly correlated with the Loyalty variable
and more strongly correlated with the two variables that tap into generational concerns: Youth
Loyalty and Retention. In non-urban polities the association with maintenance is much weaker.
It is clear, however, that immigration from Mexico exerts some influence on the use of Spanish
in Southwest cities and counties, especially among the youth. Moreover, whatever the precise
form of the connection between immigration and Spanish retention might be, the mechanism is
more an urban phenomenon.
It might be expected that recent immigration would have a still more powerful influence
in this respect. However, the second row of Table 5 shows that the proportion of the SOP
reported to have been living abroad five years before the census has unexpectedly low
correlations with the shift variables, especially for counties. There is but one salient exception:
the Retention variable for cities. In cities having a higher ratio of recent immigrants, the SHL
claiming of the youth more closely approximates that of the adults.
The second powerful force on Spanish language retention, assimilation pressures, may be
assessed by means .f the same six socioeconomic variables treated in the previous section. The
correlations of the three shift variables with these SOP characteristics of individual political units
are seen in the final rows of Table 5. Median years of education is strongly correlated with all
three linguistic variables in both cities and counties: the more highly educated the SOP, the
smaller the proportion of SHI, claiming in each case. The association of Spanish speaking with
lower levels of education is, of course, a readily perceptible social fact and represents one form
of social pressure to abandon Spanish.
The two income variables also show significant associations with Spanish maintenance.
We may note first of all that for both cities and counties, the average per capita income of the
SOP shows negative correlations while the percent of this group in poverty level status shows
positive correlations. Interpretation is straightforward: the more the income and the lower the
poverty rate, the less the Spanish. The fact that these correlations are much less striking for cities
than for counties is due simply to the fact that there is very little variation among the urban areas
in these SOP economic indicators while the range is much greater across the counties.
With regard to occupation, we see that the degree to which the SOP of a city or county
is employed in high status occupations is, predictably, associated with shift to English. Again,
the general picture that emerges as a transparent social fact is that economic success is linked to
abandonment of Spanish. The other occupational variable, the percent of the adult SOP that is
unemployed, yields a result that may seem counterintuitive at first. The negative correlations
indicate that higher levels of unemployment correspond to lower rates of SHL claiming. We
interpret this fmding as follows: where there is high Spanish claiming a relatively high proportion
of the SOP may be employed, but in menial, low-paying jobs, and more individuals in the SOP
may be marginalized from the social service system that provides the statistics on unemployment.
The fact that this association is far stronger in the cities supports our suspicion that participation
in the network of official unemployment is a form of assimilation.
Finally, such a simple societal feature as number of persons per SOP household reveals
a fairly strong association with all three of the variables. Once more, Spanish as a home language
is seen to be associated with a tradition of large families that is itself associated with low level
of education (-.62), low per capita inc-me (-.46), and low level of high status employment (-.53).
Table 6
Multiple regression analysis for counties
1. Median education
2. Distance
4. Per capita income
5. Unemployment rate
1. Median education
2. Distance
2. Household size
3. Mexico -born
3. Abroad in 1975
Youth Loyalty
3. Mexico-born
1. Median education
4. Distance
y screpancies
tween e r s ere an e sew ere m
s report are ue to e
necessity of using listwise deletion for the multiple regression whereas pairwise deletion is
more suited for the general correlations.
The best predictors of shift
The Distance variable produces substantial and highly significant correlations with all three
measures of language shift, for the 22 cities as well as for the 401 non-urban counties.
Nevertheless, the preceding discussion of immigration and socioeconomic factors makes it clear
that it is not simply the distance of a city or county from the Mexican border that accounts for
language shift. However, it is also not simply that the Distance and socioeconomic variables are
measuring the same thing. As we saw above (see Table 4), the correlations with Distance are not
overwhelming for either the immigration or the socioeconomic variables.
The question that remains is whether the statistical association between language shift and
Distance reflects a direct causal relationship, or whether it represents the effect of one or more
of these other variables which are associated with both distance from the border and with shift.
In order to explore this possibility, the three shift variables were independently regressed on
eleven predictor variables that include Distance itself besides a variety of sociodemographic
variables. The results of the regression are summarized in Tables 6 and 7.
Considering first the 401 non-urban counties, Table 6 shows that the single highest predictor
of language shift in every case is the median number of years of education completed by the SOP
of the county. In the case of Loyalty, for example, the ratio between SHL claiming and Spanish
origin claiming is negatively correlated (r = -.65) with SOP educational level. Once the effect of
education is partialed out, however, the effect of distance from the border emerges as a nontrivial
second order predictor of language loyalty in the SOP as a whole and in the SOP aged five to
seventeen years, contributing an additional 8% and 6%, respectively, to the explained variances.
In the case of Retention, however, Distance emerges only as the fourth most important predictor,
after education, household size, and Mexican nativity, though it still accounts for an additional
4% of the explained variance. For the counties, then, the paramount force in language shift is
education, a socioeconomic factor reflecting assimilatory pressures. Yet Distance also proves to
carry a consistent, though less powerful association with shift, and it will be noted that
immigration (as measured by one or the other immigration variable) turns up as a significant third
order predictor for all three shift indices.
Table 7
Multiple regression analysis for cities
1. Unemployment rate
2. Distance
1. Distance
2. Median education
Youth Loyalty
1. Mexico-born
2. Employment rate
ee explanation in '!'able 6.
Turning to Table 7, the multiple regression for the 22 cities yields a very different display
from that of the counties, as well as less homogeneity across the three shift variables. For
Loyalty, the highest predictor is the SOP unemployment rate, a special manifestation of
integration into the mainstream, as argued above. Distance, however, figures prominently also,
contributing fully 19% of the variance beyond the 42% explained by unemployment. In the case
of Youth Loyalty, Distance surfaces as the single most powerful predictor at 39%, combining
with educational level to explain 60% of the variance. Finally, with regard to Retention, the
immigration variable of Mexican birth comes to the fore, though unemployment also contributes
a strong 13% to the explained variance. Thus, all three kinds of impact on language shift
assimilation, immigration, and distance from the border -- seem to play a role in the urban areas.
This exploration of 1980 Census data for Southwest urban areas and non-urban counties
demonstrates that distance from the border enters into an understanding of the process of
language maintenance and shift in an important, though secondary, way. For both cities and
counties, proximity to the border favors retention of Spanish on the part of the SOP while greater
distance favors shift to English. The most straightforward interpretation of this result must be that
location closer to the border increases the possibilities for contact with those who are
monolingual in Spanish. Residents nearer the border are likely to have more frequent contacts
with relatives and businesses on the Mexican side of the border as well as greater interaction with
Mexican citizens crossing the border into the U.S. for business or pleasure.
But in addition to opportunity for use of the language, there is likely to be a more favorable
attitude toward Spanish deriving from community and institutional support. It was noted above
that the proportion of the SOP and of Spanish speakers in the total population tends to be higher
in those sociopolitical units that are closer to the border. Such strength in numbers may well
promote a more positive evaluation of both the ethnic group and the language. On the other hand,
the relative weakness of cultural support in numerical terms at greater distances from the border
should correlate with weaker recognition of ethnic identity, thereby facilitating assimilation into
the mainstream.
These interpretations also apply to understanding the relatively stronger influence of distance
in the cities than in the non-urban areas. In the counties, Distance may be viewed almost literally
as an assimilation variable, adding to the paramount education variable a composite of integration
features that accumulate with distance from Mexico. But the urban situation is more complex.
With regard to the Loyalty variable for cities, distance may be viewed again as a composite
assimilation measure, once more surfacing as a second order predictor, though it is much more
independently powerful in cities, where we find the stronger assimilation pressures. On the other
hand, the fact that Distance is the single best predictor of urban Youth Loyalty -- the proportion
of SHL claiming by those under eighteen years of age -- seems to follow naturally from the
decline in density with distance: language acquisition is determined solely by opportun*ty.
Opportunity for acquisition also explains why Distance fails to show up as a predictor of
Retention, the degree to which youth loyalty approximates adult loyalty. The Spanish origin
persons in the Southwest most likely to speak Spanish in the home are those born in Mexico and,
consequently, among the young it is their children who are most likely to be SHL claimants.
Though cities closer to the border tend to have greater Mexican nativity among the SOP, the
Retention variable seems to be susceptible to the individual immigrant as a language transmitter
and not to the community support that Distance seems to reflect.
The Distance variable, then, appears to be a kind of surrogate measure of integration into
mainstream U.S. society. Its associations with language shift are important, though clearly
intertwined with other phenomena such as urbanization, immigration, and socioeconomic status.
Proximity to Mexico, immigration from Mexico, and insulation from the mainstream tend to
favor retention of Spanish while their opposites conspire to promote shift to English, particularly
in the urban setting.
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Rethinking the "Power Semantic": Alternatives for the Analysis and Interpretation
of Non-Reciprocal T/V Add ressl
Scott A. Schwenter
Owing primarily to Brown & Gilman's 1960 paper "The Pronouns of Power and
Solidarity," the study of tulvous pronouns was a prolific topic during the early years of
sociolinguistics. These pronouns, generally abbreviated as TN, represent different ways to address
second person interlocutors, similar to English you.2 More specifically, the T pronoun generally
represents "familiarity and intimacy," while the V pronoun represents "formality and politeness."3
The TN labels, taken from the French forms, have come to denote the corresponding pronouns in
languages which have such a distinction.
Since the appearance of the original Brown & Gilman article, a multitude of studies on
TN-type systems in numerous languages and language families has been realized (for more
comprehensive overviews of TN, see Malhaiisler & Harre 1990; Robinson 1978; Wainennan
1976). However, although Brown & Gihnan's "Solidarity Semantic," governing reciprocal address,
has been generally accepted by researchers, the construct regulating non-reciprocity, the "Power
Semantic," has received far less scrutiny. The objective of the present paper is thus to advance new
theoretical and methodological concepts for the examination of TN non-reciprocity,
and also to
report on an empirical study which implemented these concepts.
Before entering into a critique of the "Power Semantic," it will be beneficial to present an
introduction to Brown & Gilman's notions of TN address patterns. The next section provides a
brief overview of their theory of the sociolinguistics of TN pronouns.
Brown & Gilman's Theory of TN
First published in 1960 (1 will refer to the 1972 reprint herein), Brown & Gilman's seminal
paper "The Pronouns of Power and Solidarity" focused its probe of TN
pronoun phenomena on
European languages exhibiting this system. Generally, the authors were concerned with two issues:
(1) the semantics of the pronouns of address, or the "covariation between
the pronoun used and
the objective relationship existing between speaker and addressee"
(1972:252); and (2) expressive
style, or covariation between the pronoun used and characteristics of the person speaking
(1972:252-3). Through analysis of these issues as applied to historical and literary sources, Brown
I This paper was presented at NWAVE XXI, held at the University
of Michigan; and also at a University of
New Mexico Department of Linguistics Graduate Student Colloquium. I am grateful to Alan Hudson
and Otto Santa
Ana for helpful comments and criticism. Finally, my most sincere thanks go out to the Alicante interviewers; this
paper would not have been possible without their gracious assistance.
2 The TN distinction usually obtains in both singular and plural
pronominal forms. To the extent that the
sociolinguistic study of TN pronouns has focused in a nearly exclusive fashion
on the singular forms, no analysis of
the plural forms will be advanced in the present paper.
3 As one may imagine, the semantics of these pronouns
are not always so fixed; indeed, their variability will
be evident from this paper. Nonetheless, the general framework proposed by Brown
& Gilman (1972), which I
critique herein, designates TN in this manner.
& Gilman concluded that TN pronominal address was governed by two types of regulatory
"semantics": power and solidarity.
The first semantic, that of "power," defines the relationship between two interlocutors, one
of whom can control the behavior of the other, and is thus designated as holding power, in relative
terms, over the other individual (Brown & Gilman 1972:255). This demonstration of power,
additionally, implies non-reciprocal address between the two interlocutors, with V directed at the
superordinate individual and T at the subordinate within the dyadic relation. The "solidarity"
semantic, in contrast, finds its application between interlocutors who share certain social
characteristics which lead them to address each other in a reciprocal manner, whether through
utilization of symmetrical T or V. The instance in which speakers employ mutual V originates as a
consequence of the equality of age or social status which they share, in combination with a
common lack of familiarity. Reciprocal T between speakers, on the other hand, arises in contexts
of approximate social or age equivalence as well as previous familiarity, becoming stronger within
symmetric relations between siblings, and reaching hypothetically maximal levels between identical
twins (Brown & Gilman 1972:258). A more concise statement of Brown & Gilman's theory has
been assembled by Braun (1988:19), into what she calls two "important regularities ":
Reciprocal use of address, variants signals either mutual distance (e.g., with
the V pronoun) or intimacy (T pronoun), while status differences are
ignored or reformulated into degrees of intimacy/distance.
Nonreciprocal use of address variants signals status differences, with the V
pronoun... being used upwards and the T pronoun... being used
Within the present work, I will be concentrating on the second characterization listed
above, that which confronts non-reciprocity. The reason for this focus is that, in contrast to the
Solidarity Semantic, the Power Semantic has not been em oirically validated by TN investigators
following in the tradition of Brown & Gilman (cf. Fasold 1990:29-30). Specifically, Brown &
Ggman's argument that non-reciprocal address arises as a result of power differentials and the
controlling ability of one person over another will be called into question, and a distinct
explanation, which sees interlocutor social distance interacting in a significant manner with
institutionalized norms of deference, will be advanced.
An Alternative Interpretation of Non-Reciprocal T/V
I shall focus on two oft-recurring asymmetrical patterns which the "Power Semantic" has
not adequately explained: firstly, address between older and younger persons, in which the former
receive V yet give T to the latter, and, secondly, the fact that females, not males, have been more
often the recipients of non-reciprocal V. As we will see, it is very difficult to posit "power as
controlling ability" as the factor which influences pronoun use in these cases of non-reciprocity.
Rather, these instances are more easily accounted for by a theory which considers: (1) the
importance of the social distance between the interlocutors, defined as the similarity/difference of
social attributes and the degree of intimacy which individuals have, both of which are dependent
on the situational context (Schwenter, forthcoming); (2) the nature of deference, or the "symbolic
means by which appreciation is regularly conveyed to a recipient...or of something of which this
3 r6
recipient is taken as a symbol, extension, or agent" (Goffman 1956:477); and (3) the interaction
between the first two which, in turn, can cause non-reciprocal TN address to arise.
From a diachronic perspective, the trend towards a non-power-based view of non-
reciprocal address is parallel to Brown & Gilman's original observation that many formerly powergoverned relations within society were being reinterpreted in terms of solidarity. Accompanying
this shift, some formerly power-governed relations retained non-reciprocal TN due to the type and
degree of social distance between the interlocutors. This reanalysis of previous power-linked
relations in society in terms of relative social distance has, in many cases, been institutionalized,
which accounts for the fact that, contrary to Brown & Gilman's prediction (1972:282), not all TN
address has become reciprocal and solidarity-regulated. The synchronic result of this historical
development is that actual dyadic power relations are no longer as relevant to TN choice; instead,
the relative social distance of the speakers is considered, and pronoun use within the dyad is
determined by the interaction of this social distance with the institutionalized norms for deference,
which many times emanated from former power relations within society.
The first typical pattern of non-reciprocal address, then, is one in which a younger person
of high social status gives V yet receives T from an older pens -in with lower social status; this
pattern was noticed in Italy between housemaids and the family's children (Bates & Benigni 1975).
According to Brown & Gilman, this use is Freudian in nature: to the extent that parents are
authority figures for their children, so too are all elders (1972:256). Thus, those persons who are
recipients of asymmetrical V during a person's lifetime represent parent figures. Brown & Gilman's
ad hoc characterization of such situations is evidence of a severely limited view of non-reciprocal
V use as "obeisance, submission, and propitiation that someone under authority gives to someone
in authority" (Goffman 1956:478-9). Rather, as Goffman illustrates (1956), deference is usually
ritualized and symbolic within society; there exist some typical relations between deference and
social distance which are ceremonial in nature. In addition, the TN address patterns which arise
from these norms of deference can be oblivious to actual interlocutor power relations or their
feelings toward each other. The frequent pattern of non-reciprocity between interlocutors who are
socially distant due to age thus represents a classic case in which such social distance interacts with
norms of deference, and is manifested through the TN pronoun exchange.
The second commonly occurring non-reciprocal pattern with which I am concerned, that in
which women are more commonly recipients of asymmetrical V, is explained by Brown & Gilman
by the fact that women have traditionally had more social power than men (1972:261). If one finds
this position valid, then obviously this type of non-reciprocal pattern can be reclaimed as an
instance of the "Power Semantic." However, I tend to side with Fasold (1990:30), and a myriad of
researchers investigating gender issues, who would dispute this claim. A more plausible explanation
for this non-reciprocal pattern is that it preserves the appearance of "appreciation through
deference" in the face of a real power differential. Thus, it is not the case here that a former
power-regulated relationship has been reanalyzed; rather, it is an institutionalized norm which has
remained stable in the communities in which the pattern prevails.
The thesis presented here in favor of the roles of social distance and deference for the
explanation of TN non-reciprocity does not necessarily claim that all power-regulated asymmetries
have disappeared, since there exist dyads in which power differentials still may determine TN use.
The view tendered here, however, is more capable of explaining both widespread societal TN
patterns which are inexplicable through reference to interlocutor power differences, as well as
individual alterations in use which vary according to the situation or specific purposes of the
speaker. Hence it is clear that the previous emphasis on power as the causal element in TN non-
reciprocity needs to be shifted to a broader perspective which sees social distance and deference as
interacting in a significant manner.
The next section provides an outline of some methodological suggestions for the study of
TN address in general.
Methodological Directions for Research on T41
At the outset, it was observed that TN pronouns had a fruitful existence throughout the
early years of sociolinguistics. Despite this previous attention, during the last ten years or so
interest in the topic has waned considerably. I hypothesize that TN's loss of attractiveness as a
field of inquiry is principally due to two factors: first, as seen above, the scarcity of theoretical
innovation in the study of TN pronouns since Brown & Gilman has caused it to stagnate; and
secondly, in explicit connection with the first item, the lack of methodological diversity has
spawned a mass of indistinguishable questionnaire-based studies which rely solely on self-report as
their primary data source.
The quandaries which result from self-report data have been very well-known to
sociolinguistics since the field's beginnings. As regards TN pronouns, the few attempts that
researchers have made to obtain further "real-life" corroboration of their subjects' usage have
resulted in discrepancies. Bates & Benigni (1975), for example, uncovered what they termed
"idealized address" within questionr.airefmteniew data, which disagreed with selection patterns
observed while accompanying a few of the subjects in public. Even within the questionnaire itself;
as a study by this author illustrated (in press), speakers are not able to correctly explain the factors
which influence their patterns when asked to comment on such detenninants.4
Obviously, methodologies which are unobtrusive to the interlocutors' behavior are
necessary. As an alternative to the macro-level, quantitative ambitions of the questionnaire
techniques, we demand a method which permits compilation of large quantities of data, but does
not require an overt hypothetical response from the individuals under study. Clearly, there are
various options open for such a technique, as both existing sociolinguistic methods and innovative
ones could .e devised. Due to space limitations, I would like to briefly comment on one of these
existing methods: the rapid and anonymous survey.
The rapid and anonymous survey methodology entails the elicitation of a linguistic variable
from respondents in public situations. Normally, the investigator asks a question to evoke the
variable under study, and then records the respondent's usage after leaving the encounter (cf.
Milroy 1987; Moreno Fernandez 1990). First implemented by Labov in his New York City
department store study (1966), this procedure produces a minimal effect on the subject which is
fundamental for valid characterizations of TN use in real-world situations. Furthermore, the rapid
and anonymous survey permits manipulation of both investigator and subject variables in a nonreactive way. This combination of attributes makes the rapid and anonymous survey an ideal
method from which to study TN pronouns in general, since it allows massive data collection, with
a small amount of subject awareness, in very short periods of time.
Of course, there are shortcomings to a rapid and anonymous survey approach, such as the
lack of objective data obtainable on the subjects. Nevertheless, as was illustrated by Milan (1974),
4 This study was a comparison of Spanish and Mexican adult TN use in which the respondents were asked
to, among other things, comment on their own usage. Interestingly, the commentary provided by each respondent
group actually described the usage of the other group; that is, Mexicans' comments more accurately reflected the
usage of the Spaniards, and vice versa.
the technique is easily modified to procure such information, and also readily applicable to
linguistic phenomena othc,. than phonological variables. Thus, my suggestion is not that we make
the rapid and anonymous survey the exclusive method for the collection of TN data; but rather,
that we design techniques whit; ii utilize an unobtrusive, non-reactive approach in an effort to
negate the dilemmas created by self-report data.
I now turn to an empirical investigation of TN non-reciprocity in which the theoretical and
methodological proposals tendered above were implemented.
An Empirical Study of TIV Non-Reciprocity in Alicante, Spain
Application of the rapid and anonymous survey technique to the study of TN nonreciprocity was carried out during May-June 1992 in Alicante, Spain. Alicante is a city of
approximately 300,000, located on Spain's southeastern Mediterranean coast. The survey was
perfonned on city sidewalks by four interviewers, who requested directions from strangers. The
fact that the subjects were strangers is of great importance, as is the brevity of the encounter: both
these characteristics make postulation of one person's controlling ability over another difficult. On
the other hand, if strong non-reciprocal patterns arise, 1 believe that they can be appropriately
considered to result from institutionalized patterns of linguistic deference stemming from certain
differences in speaker variables such as gender or age which are indicative of the social distance.
between the interlocutors.
The four interviewers were all Alicante natives varied by gender and age: two males ages
47 and 25, and two females ages 46 and 24. All interviewers dressed in what could be considered
an inconspicuous "middle class" style. In addition, the interviewers were trained by the author to
carry out the study, which they all mastered with ease after a couple of hours of practice survey
Subjects were selected in accordance with three variables: gender, age, and outward
appearance. In addition to the male/female selection, the age variable was split into three groups:
18-30, 31-50, 51+; these categories were determined mainly because of the confidence expressed
by the interviewers in selecting from such age ranges. Furthermore, subjects were selected by their
outward appearance, mainly their style of dress, and divided into those the subjects believed to be
dressed better and those worse than themselves. In the end, this variable was found to play no role
whatsoever in the results of the study, and thus will not be discussed further. Nonetheless, it was
deemed an important component in subject selection since people can be aware of others' dress.
Also, to the extent that it could represent a marker of social status differences, the inclusion of this
variable was important in that it aided us in disconfirming part of the status/power-based argument.
Regarding the procedure of the survey itself, all interviewers followed the same route along
the Alicante city sidewalks. Using a TN pronoun, requests for directions to a nearby locale were
made in order to keep the interaction brief.5 In addition, the questions were framed in such a way
as to compel the subjects to answer with a verb marking the TN pronoun, which is obligatory in
Spanish.6 A sample exchange between interviewer and informant would be as follows:
5 The success of this "rapid" technique is evidenced by the fact that the vast majority of interviewer-subject
encounters lasted less than twenty seconds.
6 To my knowledge, all languages which display a TN pronoun distinction also mark this distinction
through verbal inflection.
interviewer: Perdon, senora, i,me puede decir como llegar a
estacion de
autobuses? ('Excuse me, ma'am, could you (V) tell me how to get to the bus
Subject: Si, sigues recto y en la esquina doblas a la izquierda ('Sure, you (T) keep
going straight and you (T) turn left at the corner.')
The success of the request design was indisputable: only those subjects who didn't know directions
failed to provide a TN-marked verb or pronoun. The data was recorded into a notebook by the
author, who followed a short distance behind the interviewers. Finally, for ease of comparability
and consistency, the pronoun "given" by the interviewers was standardized in accordance with the
age of the subjects. Thus, the youngest age group (18-30) was accorded T only, the middle age
group (31-50) both T and V as equally as possible, and the oldest age group (51+) V only.?
Results of the Alicante Study
510 dyadic interactions, distributed evenly among the four interviewers, were obtained.
The percentages of non-reciprocal address received by the interviewers can be seen in Tables 1
and 2.
Interviewer #1
(male, age 25)
Interviewer #2
(female, age 24)
51 +-
7 The detenriination of which pronoun(s) to use with the different groups made after consultation with
the interviewers, and also following a week of preliminary observation of TN use in the community. Since the
objective of this study was a valid characterization of real-life TN use, I decided not to implement TN usage which
would clearly violate established norms. Nonetheless, the manipulation of the int. ',viewer's pronoun could prove
interesting in a study of people's responses to unexpected or norm-violating address.
Looking at Table 1, we find that these younger interviewers always received reciprocal
address when they addressed subjects with T. Furthermore, the majority of responses from the
oldest age group subjects was also T, in spite of the fact that these strangers were categorically
given V by the interviewers. Together, I interpret these two patterns to be evidence for the fact that
the age category which includes interviewers 1 and 2 is one which is not accorded deference,
regardless of the social distance between the interlocutors; hence, younger persons overwhelmingly
receive T, even though they may have initiated the encounter with V.
Interviewer #3
(male, age 47)
Interviewer #4
(female, age 46)
In contrast, Table 2 illustrates a very distinct pattern for interviewers 3 and 4. When these
individuals gave T to the youngest age group, the respondents returned nearly equal amounts of
deferential V and reciprocal T; in these dyads, the participants' age difference can be relevant to
TN, as when the older persons received the more deferential form. Nonetheless, this appears to be
a dyadic configuration where the norms of TN use are somewhat in flux, and further age
breakdown among the subjects would be beneficial. Additionally, interactions with subjects from
the oldest age group also differed from those seen in Table 1: with interviewers 3 and 4, these
subjects returned reciprocal, deferential V as opposed to the widespread non-reciprocal T
addressed to interviewers 1 and 2. In this case, although there is age-based social distance, it is not
great enough to cause strong patterns of non-reciprocity.
Along with the strong patterns of TN variation which stem from age differences, both
tables show some variance as regards gender, although these shifts are not nearly as great. In order
to test all these factors for statistical significance, analyses of variance (ANOVA) were done; the
ANOVA results appear in Table 3.
el ,.....
Main Effects
Independent Variable
Gender of Interviewer
Gender of Subject
Age of Interviewer
Age of Subject
Interviewer Pronoun
Two-Way Interactions
Interviewer Age/Pronoun
Significance of F
p= 692
Looking first at the gender variable, we see that these differences were completely
insignificant as regards the dependent variable, i.e. the pronoun returned by the subject. Thus,
neither the gender of the interviewer nor that of the subject was relevant to the latter's TN choice.
On the other hand, both the age of the interviewer and that of the subject had great effect on the
dependent variable, as these results were highly significant statistically. These findings thus confi rm
the patterns noted in Tables 1 and 2: degree of age difference is highly relevant to non-reciprocity
and TN selection in general, and the strength of these patterns are an indication of the highly
institutionalized nature of non-reciprocal address. Additional support is provided by the two-way
interaction between the age of the interviewer and his/her pronoun. These factors interact in a
significant manner to influence the subject's pronoun, and demonstrate how address patterns are
associated with age groups. The middle subject age groups from Tables 1 and 2, which were given
both pronouns by the interviewers, are particularly clear examples of this interaction, inasmuch as
they illustrate strong patterns of variation with regards to both the interviewers' age, as well as to
the pronoun which they offered to the subjects.
As a whole, I believe the results from Alicante show the importance of considering the
linguistic as part of the social, as well as the significance of linguistic deference: certain social
categories which are not necessarily more powerful than others receive more deferential address
than other categories, giving rise to non-reciprocal TN address. Moreover, this non-reciprocity
can occur in spite of personal feelings between the interlocutors and, as we have seen, can also be
oblivious to objective power relationships and socioeconomic status differentials.
In conclusion, this paper has provided new theoretical and methodological directions for
the study of TN pronouns and, in particular, TN non-reciprocity. In addition, a study which
implemented these concepts was detailed, providing confirmation of their applicability to empirical
data collection. Although further refinement of my views and analysis of more varied dyadic
situations in diverse communities are certainly needed, I believe that the ideas advanced in this
paper are valid ones, and also shed new light on a time-worn sociolinguistic topic. It is my hope
that the innovations presented herein will be an impetus to renewed interest in TN pronouns.
Bates, E. & L. Benigii. (1975). Rules of address in Italy: a sociological survey. Language in
Society 4:271-88.
Braun, F. (1988). Terms of address: problems of patterns and usage in various languages and
cultures. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Brown, R. & A. Gilman. (196011972)). The pronouns of power and solidarity. In P.P. Giglioli
(ed.), Language in social context. Harmondsworth: Penguin. 252-82.
Fasold, R. (1990). Sociolinguistics of language. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Goffman, E. (1956). The nature of deference and demeanor. American Anthropologist 58:473-
Labov, W. (1966). The social stratification of English in New York City. Washington, DC: Center
for Applied Linguistics.
Milan, W. (1974). The influence of the sex and age factors in the selection of polite expressions; a
sample from Puerto Rican Spanish. The Bilingual Review 3:99-121.
Milroy, L. 1.987). Observing and analysing natural language. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Moreno Fernandez, F. (1990). Metodologia sociolingaistica. Madrid: Credos.
MiihlhAusler, P. & R. Harre. (1990). Pronouns and people: the linguistic construction of social
and personal identity. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Robinso-'. J. (1978). Verbal deference in Catalan: a sociolinguistic investigation of the pronouns
*dress. PhD dissertation, Stanford University.
Schwenter, S. (in press). Diferenciacion dialectal por medio de pronombres: una comparaeion del
use de to y usted en Espana y Mexico. Nueva Revista de Filologia Hispanica 43 (1).
Schwenter, S. (MS). Theoretical and methodological innovations in the sociolinguistic study of
T/V non-reciprocity. Department of Linguistics, University of New Mexico.
Wair' 'Lerman, C. (1976) Sociolinguistica de la forma pronominal. Mexico, D.E.: Editorial Trillas.
Univuusity o6 New Mexico Won line Papeit
in Lingui/stic4, Vot. 1, 1993, 40-45
Prototype Theory in Language and Cognition
Patricia Escarraz
Although prototype theory began as an explanation of the relational representation of
lexical items and their attributes, i.e. as a theory of semantics, it has proved useful in many
other domains of linguistic analysis as well. Indeed, it is my intention to show in this paper how
prototype theory, in a diversity of forms, can be applied to virtually all domains of linguistic
analysis, rendering itself a kind of linguistic metatheory. In order to see prototype theory as
having such a broad scope it is necessary to assume an interactivist position. That is, prototype
theory is widely applicable because it posits the notion that linguistic structure and other general
cognitive structure follow the same principles of organization.
In illustrating this prototype metatheory, I will start by contrasting the original conception
of prototype theory with its predecessors in the field of semantics, and discussing the predictions
the theory would make for psycholinguistic research. I will then move to applications of
prototype theory in domains of linguistic analysis other than semantics, outlining a specific
example of a prototype theory of syntactic categories. I will also include a discussion of how the
concepts of schema and script relate to the notion of prototype and how these theoretical
constructs provide a complete and powerful tool for the task of explaining the representation of
meaning in the human mind.
Origination of Prototype Theory
Prototype theory was first advanced in its most useful and sophisticated form by Eleanor
Rosch in 1975. The theory came into being as a counter-explanation of the organization of
lexical items to the then popular semantic network models and semantic feature models. Though
the prototype theory of semantics had much in common with the two semantic models of the
time, it proved to be a more complete theory of the categorization of lexical items and the
relations between them.
The semantic network model, presented by Collins and Quinlan in 1969, proposed
relations between lexical items, but did not explain how specific features of lexical items fit into
these relationships. In this model of semantics it was proposed that lexical items which obviously
have some semantic relation to each other are represented jn the mind in a network structure.
Words that have some semantic connection to each other, for instance, 'canary' and 'robin,'
would theoretically be represented in the network structure somewhat close to each other and
one of these words would 'activate' a semantic 'pathway' to the other. The major objections to
this theory are that while it did represent relations between semantically related words, it did
not specify why those relations exist or how and why some sets of words may be more closely
related than other sets.
The semantic feature model, proposed by Smith, Shoben, and Pips, 1974, did more than
the network model to explain why some sets of words are more closely related than others. In
the feature model, Smith et. al. suggested that each lexical item is represented by two lists of
attributes. In one list were all the features characteristic of the item and in another were all the
defining features of the item. These two checklists would supposedly explain two levels of
relatedness between associated word sets. What the theory did not explain, however, was just
how large a set of associated lexical items might be represented in the mind.
Rosch and Mervis' (1976) prototype theory, in contrast to the other two semantic models,
accounted for both dimensions of lexical organization by suggesting the existence of fuzzy
boundaries between lexical items based on the attributes (or features) those items share, or,
`family resemblance' between related items. In a paper entitled "Family Resemblances: Studies
in the Internal Structure of Categories," Rosch and Mervis show, through a series of
experiments, that family resemblance of items in a category is a major factor of prototype
formation. Family resemblance is also shown to be more indicative of category membership than
criterial attributes (of the semantic features model). In another paper in 1976, Rosch et. al. show
that prototypes form in 'basic categories' where items in those categories have the largest
number of attributes in common and a minimum of attributes in common with items of
contrasting categories.
In the field of psycholinguistics it is assumed a semantic model should not only explain
the representation and the relationships of lexical items in the mind, but also it should explain
the occurrence of 'priming effects' in lexical access studies. A complete and powerful theory of
semantics should make predictions consistent with the evidence from studies on lexical access
which find priming effects in both lexical decision and naming tacks. The theory should do this,
as well, with the smallest set of theoretical concepts necessary. Prototype theory does, in fact,
suggest a minimum number of constructs, namely, that lexical items group in 'basic categories,'
the members of which share 'family resemblances' and that a prototypical member of a category
will have the most attributes in common with other members of that category and the least with
members of other categories. With these constructs, Rosch and Mervis' theory, consistent with
the evidence, predicts that semantic priming will occur in lexical access studies involving lexical
decision and naming tasks. Furthermore, a study by Rosch (1975) showed that priming effects
are stronger when the prime is a prototypical member of a category rather than simply another
member of the category of the test stimulus.
Prototype Metatheory
As suggested in the introduction, prototype theory has a broad scope of application
because it proposes that the organization of meaning in the human mind follows the same sorts
of principles whether in the domain of lexical semantics or any other cognitive set of meanings.
D. Geerearts, in an article entitled, "Prospects and problems of prototype theory," refers to
examples of extensions of prototype theory to phonology, morphology, syntax, historical
linguistics, markedness theory, and theoretical lexicography in support of his staement that "the
development of prototype theory into cognitive linguistics contains exciting promises of a unified
theory of linguistic categorization." In Geerearts' paper the discussion of a 'unified theory' is
prefaced by the generally accepted mandate that linguistic theories provide explanatory depth as
well as descriptive adequacy and productivity. In the following section of the present paper I will
sketch a very simplified version of an example of prototype theory in the domain of syntax in
order to show that the 'unified theory' of which Geerearts speaks is precisely the linguistic
metatheory mentioned in the introduction to this paper and that it does provide the explanatory
depth as well as the descriptive adequacy and productivity necessary for deserving this label.
Prototypes in Syntax
One extension of prototype theory to a domain of linguistic analysis other than semantics
William Croft's functionalist syntactic theory outlined in Syntactic Categories and
Grammatical Relations. As the name of his book implies, his theory is based on two dimensions
of linguistic analysis: categories and relations; both of which are defined in terms of
prototypicality. Croft's theory involves many more concepts not relevant to the present
discussion, but the basis of this grammatical theory rests on prototypical notions of semantic
classes of lexical roots and of the pragmatic function the root performs.
The first dimension of Croft's analysis distinguishes between three major classes of
lexical items; nouns, verbs, and adjectives. In this distinction all three categories are said to be
prototypical classes, though adjective are a less prototypical class than nouns and verbs. Croft
cites Rosch (1978) saying, "prototypes tend to contrast maximally in their defining properties..."
as explanation for why adjectives are less prototypical than nouns and verbs. As is clear from
Table below (from Croft 1991:132), adjectives have some features in common with nouns and
some with verbs; they have one unique feature of gradability. Nouns and verbs, however,
contrast maximally.
In addition to establishing the three major semantic classes of lexical roots, Croft
proposes the idea that prototypical members of prototypical classes correspond to particular
functions in language use. In other words, a lexical root which is
a prototypical member of the
class adjective, like 'white,' will function in modification. A prototypical noun will function in
reference, and a prototypical verb, such as 'hit,' will function in predication. This is to explain
that even though a noun like 'motion' may denote action just as does the verb 'move,' the noun
form is marked with function-ir dicating morphosyntax, and its lexical root is, in fact, the
prototypical verb form, 'move.' This second dimension of Croft's theory yields Table 2, which
outlines types of members from the prototypical syntactic categories (in italics), along with some
non-prototypical correlations, classified by their corresponding discourse functions and their
semantic class (1991:67).
unmarked nouns
genitives, adjectivalizations
predicate nominals
deadjectival nouns
unmarked adjectives
predicate adjectives
action nominals,
infintives, gerunds
participals, relative
unmarked verbs
Prototypes in Cognition
Beyond the scope of linguistics, prototype theory has played a significant part in the study
of cognition. In fact, before the split between linguistics, psychology, and anthropology became
hard and fast, Bartlett (1932), an anthropologist, introduced the idea that people organize stories
according to 'basic organizing principles,' or 'schemata,' which suspiciously resemble story
prototypes. Thus in telling and reading stories, people use knowledge of what a prototypical
story in their culture should include. A computer scientist, Roger Schank, adding to the body
of work utilizing the notion of prototypes, suggested that people also have episodic knowledge
of prototypical event structure, which he called scripts. Both these concepts, it is maintained,
are culturally specific. In other words, people establish cognitive prototypes to use as knowledge
of how things occur in their culture.
Though there is still division between linguistics, psychology, and anthropology, several
researchers in these fields continue to search for agreement on the role of prototypes in
cognition. In a book called Cultural Models in Language and Thought, editors Dorothy Holland
and Naomi Quinn integrate the authors' intentions saying, "Collectively, the authors argue that
cultural knowledge is organized in "cultural models" story-like chains of prototypical events
that unfold in simplified worlds. . ." This concept of 'cultural models' seems to be an expansion
of the notion of a script and also closely related to that of schema. Cultural models, it could be
said, are made up of scripts linked together to form a larger script. One example of a cultural
model explored in Cultural Models is George Lakoff's paper, "The cognitive model of anger
inherent in American English." In this piece Lakoff outlines a cultural model of anger based
on the physiological effects of anger and its prototypically cooccurring participants and events,
and shows how, through metaphor and metonymy, American English displays adherence to the
cultural model of this cognitively complex state. In other words, idioms like 'hot under the
collar' and 'she flipped her lid' are not random expressions of an unanalyzable emotion, but are
systematically related through prototypical cognitive representations (metaphor and metonymy)
of physiological relationships in the world. "ANGER IS HEAT." hence, 'hot under the collar'
PERSON EXPLODES, PARTS OF HIM GO UP IN THE AIR," so 'she flipped her lid.'
Prototypes as Platonic Ideals?
Following the major point of this paper, namely that prototype theory is a useful tool in
describing the organization of meaning in both linguistic and other cognitive domains, the
question of the universality of prototypes must be addressed. If prototypes were to be thought
of as like platonic ideals, prototype theorists would be suggesting that a prototype of a given
category, for instance a prototypical chair in the category of all possible chairs, is the one ideal
mental representative of the category of chairs for all but an beings. This is not, however, the
argument that is made by prototype: theorists across the board. Several studies (Kay 1976, Kay
and McDaniel 1978) utilizing prototype theory in the investigation of the meanings, and
'linguistic significance' of basic color terms have concluded that there are universal prototypical
representatives of 'basic' colors. Also suggested in this body of work, though, is the idea that
the prototypes of those colors may change over time, as the culture, and consequently the
language, incorporates new color terms. Although many of the researchers involved in these
studies conclude that universal evolutionary processes are at work in defining color terms
differently at different point in time within a given culture, it would be premature to suggest that
all prototypes are universal. It may be much more useful, in fact, to allow prototypes from
distinct cultures to tell us something about how cultures differ from each other in their
representations of meaning. In other words, the use of prototypes in cognitively constructing
relations between meaning may be seen as a cognitive universal, while the particular prototypes
adhered to in any given culture, or subculture for that matter, may differ widely from those of
other cultuiss.
Assuming an interactivist position, from which it can be said that linguistic knowledge
and episodic, or other general cognitive knowledge are organized by the same principles,
prototype theory clearly stands up to the task of explaining cognitive structure. In the field of
semantics, prototype theory was first advanced by Rosch and Mervis (1975) in order to explain
relationships between lexical items based on their shared attributes, or "family resemblance."
The utility of prototype theory did not begin and end in the field of semantics, however. It
began, in fact, with the notion of schema, or basic (prototypical) organizing principles, proposed
by Bartlett in 1932. Yet today the theory gains proponents putting it to use in a wide variety of
fields, cognitive and linguistic. In this paper, by discussing several areas of analysis in which
prototype theory has proven useful, I have begun to develop a kind of prototype metatheory. It
is yet to be seen whether or not linguists, psychologists, and anthropologists can follow the
mandate of such a metatheory in integrating their fields of study to produce the comprehensive
model of human cognition the theory implies.
Berlin, B. 1970. A universalist-evolutionary approach in ethnographic semantics. Current
directions in anthropology. Bulletins of the American Anthropological Association 3(3),
part 2.
Croft, W. 1991. Syntactic categories and grammatical relations: the cognitive organization of
information. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Geerearts, D. 1989. Introduction: prospects and problems of prototype theory. Linguistics
Holland, D., and N. Quinn. (eds.). 1987. Cultural models in language and thought.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kay, P. 1976. Synchronic variability and diachronic change in basic color terms. Language in
Society 4:257-70.
Kay, P., and C. McDaniel. 1978. The linguistic significance of the meanings of basic color
terms. Language 54:610-46.
Rosch, E. 1975. Cognitive representations of semantic categories. Journal of Experimental
Psychology: General 104:192-233.
Rosch, E., and C.B. Mervis. 1975. Family resemblances: studies in the internal structure of
categories. Cognitive Psychology 7:573-603.
Rosch, E., C.B. Mervis, W.D. Gray, D.M. Johnson and P. Boyes-Braem. 1976. Basic objects
in natural categories. Cognitive Psychology 8:382-439.
UnivotzLty o6 New Mexico Wo "zing Pape'
in LinguiAtiez, Vat. 1, 1993, 46-51
Sociolinguistic Competence in Context:
The Formality Factor
Robin Dale Zuskin
The task of assessing a second language learner's sociocultural competency is
extraordinarily complex. This component of communicative proficiency entails many "fuzzy"
variables which need to be explored before an evaluation tool can be developed. Formality has
surfaced as one of these factors, with the degree of politeness and directness entangled in its
scope. At times these factors may appear identical, particularly politeness and formality, but I do
not believe this is the case. Accordingly, a formal code of speech may not necessarily insinuate
attention to politeness norms (e.g., one can appear impolite while using a formal register or quite
polite with an informal one). Blum-Kulka (1990) argues, for example, that social situations and
their related "frames" ('a la Goffman 1967,1974) are in fact responsible for those politeness
values we come to rely on in deciding upon our appropriate course of speech action.
This social encoding varies from culture to culture since the level of intimacy and
symmetry (or asymmetry) of the role and power relationships among family members greatly
accounts for the degree of directness. But the point remains that formality appears to affect
constituents' choices of which politeness strategies to use in a given situation. It is very easy to
understand how politeness and formality variables have been mistakenly viewed as synonyms.
Blum-Kulka, one of the few researchers to call attention to the issue of formality, is trying
to explain the politeness phenomenon. She admits that their delicate relationship stems from
social expectations, on the one hand, and cultural ones on the other hand. But the contextual,
situational constraints seem to correspond to both of these variables so that a complex triad
The notion that there exists a set of culturally-specific sociolinguistic rules which govern
norms of behavior (Ervin-Tripp, 1971; Lakoff, 1975) presents a challenge for second language
learners. While second language teachers have begun to make these face-saving aspects of speech
more explicit to non-native speak/ rs, very little emphasis has been placed on the situation
specificity of determining an utterance as "appropriate." It is this undersensitivity to contextual
constraints which needs to be conveyed to students. And since the effectiveness of teaching
strategies demands evaluation, any measurement tool which includes a sociocultural construct
must also be found on authentic native-speaker reactions to a mismatch of situation registers.
Sociocultural Competence
A number of studies on speech acts from apologizing to requesting to complimenting have
demonstrated that despite their strong command of grammar and lexicon, many non-native
speakers may lack the ability to effectively communicate in a given situation (Wolfson, 1981,
1989; Thomas, 1983; Rintell, 1981; Scarcella, 1983). The largest study of this type concerns the
Cross Cultural Speech Act Realization Project (CCSARP) (Blum-Kulka et al, 1989) which is
currently investigating sociocultural constraints across a number of different languages and
cultures. In addition to establishing native speaker and non-native speaker norms of apologizing
and requesting behaviors in various contexts, this research team hopes to examine interlanguage
variation as well as cross-cultural, universal patterns.
These studies have contributed a great deal to our understanding of the reasons underlying
second language learners' inappropriate sociolinguistic behavior, their responses have often been
misinterpreted by native speakers (NSs). However, little research has focused on native speaker
reactions to these violations. Instead, the general efforts have been toward collecting samples of
non-native speakers' (NNSs) inappropriate utterances of NS norms against which the former
should be judged. In response to this void, I have decided to probe native speakers for their
attitudinal reactions to NNSs nonconformity to expected rules and standards.
The objective of this study is to see how NNSs' strict adherence to the "informal
prohibition rule" (Janicki, 1985)-- the overgeneralization and overapplication of the formal
speech code to both informal and formal situations--affects NSs of English. This study will serve
as a pilot for designing a research project which will include a quantitative component of analysis
as well as a much larger pool of subjects. The value of employing a qualitative analysis of NNSs'
emotional reactions in the future will also be determined by this preliminary study.
Through this project, the following hypothesis will be tested: that NSs perceive NNSs'
overreliance on the formal register (regardless of the formality of the situation at hand) as more
acceptable in terms of politeness and appropriateness than if NNSs were to use a predominantly
informal code in situations mandating formal communication strategies.
Ten adult native speakers of English (5 females and 5 males) whose ethnocultural
background is primarily Anglo-American. The subject population was selected from graduate
students (age 22-40) at the University of New Mexico, most of whom are studying history or
science-related disciplines. The lack of random selection and small size of the subject pool were
admittedly conspicuous weaknesses of this design.
Data Collection Procedures
The elicitation of native-speaker judgements was accomplished with pre-recorded
dialogues between a native and non-native speaker. This format has proven to be popular among
researchers and relatively dependable. Two unique variations have been added to this procedure:
1) a Likert or Summated Rating Scale' which is meant to simulate politeness and appropriateness
continuums; and 2) 4 emotional descriptors that attempt to characterize the native speaker
responses and which Janicki (1985) strongly recommends.
Specifically, 8 scripted conversations between a NS and NNS were performed and tape
recorded: Two in an informal scenario (e.g., a student party, McDonald's) where the NNS
adheres to the formal code, Two in an informal scenario where the NNS employs the informal
register, two in a formal scenario (e.g., a bank, a professor's/employer's office) where the NNS
uses informal speech; and two in a formal scenario where the NNS maintains the formal speech
1A type of attitudinal scaling technique which contains a set of approximately equal items in terms of
attitude or value loading. The subject selects from the scale's varying degrees of intensity ranging between two
extremes such as agree-disagree, accept-reject, easy-difficult, etc. This type of scale is widely used for teacher and
course evaluations. This technique has been adapted from the Semantic Differential model (Isaac and Michael, 1989).
Subjects were asked to rate NNS deviant communication strategies along three
dimensions: 1) appropriateness continuum (scale of 1-7, with I being very inappropriate and
7 being very appropriate); 2) politeness continuum (scale 1-7, with 1 being very impolite and
7 being very polite); and 3) their emotional reaction to that NNS: IRRITATION (negative
feelings from uneasiness to annoyance), AMUSEMENT (NS laughs or smiles). APPRECIATION
(e.g., feelings of contentment, admiration or other positive feelings evoked in NS), of
ACCEPTANCE (no emotional reaction). The results from subjects' emotional reactions are not
included in this brief report.
Results & Analysis
Table I. Mean of Politeness Ratings (1-7)
Across - Subjects, Across Dialogues
The hypothesis that an overly informal code is construed as less polite than an overly
formal code seems to be supported by the data collected in this experiment. In fact, deviation
from the expected register is approximately two times less polite when the request was
excessively informal as opposed to formal. Native speakers appeared to agree more on the
underuse of formality codification than its overuse; in other words, the data generated by this
included a more limited range of numbers on the scale 1-7 with no excessively high or low scale
ratings recorded. NSs appeared to arrive at a consensus more easily regarding what constitutes
impolite rather than polite sociolinguistic behavior.
Table 2. Mean of Appropriateness Ratings (1-7)
Across - Subjects, Across Dialogues
In terms of whether overly polite. or insufficiently polite behavior was appropriate to the
perceived context, native speakers were quite clear on what were unacceptable request forms but
had more trouble with the cut off point of that acceptability level. Thus in Table 2, the ranking
of appropriateness for informal requests made in what was perceived as formal situations was
rated much lower than when register and situation are reversed (almost half-3.0 vs 5.5). Once
again, we find further support for the hypothesis stipulated in this paper.
Moreover, the perception of formal contextual constraints seems more keen than those
associated with informal scenarios. NSs, in general, appear to be more certain or clear as to what
constitutes violation of non-casual sociocultural rules than casual ones. This can be explained by
the more specific nature of defining taboos in a society over explaining what is in fact acceptable
behavior--more attention is given to indoctrinating speech community members on the DONT'S
vs. the DO'S.
Finally, the close parallel between NSs' awareness of politeness and appropriateness
norms deserves comment. The major source of difference between the two (not to say I'm
claiming "significant" difference since I have not applied statistical procedures to this analysis)
seems to lie in the -FORMAL situation, +FORMAL code combination. Here NSs judged
appropriateness differently than politeness. They demonstrated sensitivity to the excessive
politeness forms of the nonnatives almost uniformly but differed in their perceptions of whether
that excessiveness was appropriate to the situation or not; variability among the NS raters was
a salient feature of this study.
This pilot study has demonstrated that formality does play a role in determining the
politeness and appropriateness of speech. It also offered evidence toward the notion that such
expected norms of behavior are grounded in culturally-specific knowledge. Native speakers
appear, however, more clear on what defines formal speech norms versus informal norms.
Voeglin (1960) explains this phenomena in terms of "evaluational consensus." He argues that
formal speech has available to it more litmus tests or criteria with which to define appropriate
behavior and violations of that behavior. This is due to the fact that there is little disagreement
about what constitutes non-casual speech, while a greater diversity of opinion in evaluating casual
speech can be expected.
Future studies associating formality, politeness and even directness are highly
recommended. Possibly an exploration of gender variation with regards to register would also
shed some light on the face-to-face interaction norms which appear to be on the cutting edge of
the sociolinguistic research forum. By recognizing that sex identification carries with it
sociocultural baggage, we stand to interpret sociolinguistic data with greater accuracy. Finally,
in terms of the emotional responses produced by the NSs in this preliminary study, it seems that
a qualitative review of such data should prove valuable; however, to attempt to quantify them
would defeat their utility entirely. This combination of qualitative and quantitative analyses is
gradually becoming more and more acceptable in L2 research--a logical outcome reflecting the
field's need to improve research methods.
In spite of the high interest this topic has generated over the past decade, the
formality/informality dichotomy has bee somehow overlooked. It may very well be due to a
belief that formality is a subcategory of politeness and that the reverse is not possible. It seems
to me that when variables such as status and role receive credit for influencing politeness and
indirectness behavior, their appearance in the definition of formality is no slight coincidence. We
stand to learn a great deal about sociocultural competence--and communicative competence in
general--by investigating this socially significant dichotomy. I believe that Janicki may be right
in her analysis of the problem: that we have arrived at a free-for-all of terms. The careless crossapplication of politeness and formality has prevented researchers from looking at formality as a
distant, although not inseparable, factor.
Native Speaker Appropriateness/ Politeness Questionnaire
(instructions plus sample of dialogue #1 only)
Instructions: you will hear 8 different tape-recorded conversations between an American native
speaker of English and a foreign-born person whose first language is NOT English. Each
dialogue will be played twice. For each one, you will be asked to put yourself into the role of
the native speaker and judge the non-native speaker's utterances on a scale of 1-7 in terms of
degree of appropriateness and degree of politeness. The scales you are to use for ranking are
illustrated below:
Very Inappropriate
Very Appropriate
Very Impolite
Very Polite
Finally, you will be asked to give your emotional reaction, as a native speaker of English, in
reference to the non-native speaker's utterance. You can chose from these four response
IRRITATION (negative feelings ranging from uneasiness to annoyance)
AMUSEMENT (You are made to laugh or smile)
APPRECIATION (The utterance evokes feelings of contentment, admiration or other positive
ACCEPTANCE (no emotional reaction)
Note: Your honest, initial reaction is crucial to the validity of this study. Please do not respond
according to what you think you are expected to say. No one is judging your reactions.
Dialogue #1
Appropriateness of non-native speaker's utterance:
Politeness of non-native speaker's utterance:
(on a scale of 1-7)
(on a scale of 1-7)
Emotional reaction descriptor word: Irritation Amusement -- Appreciation -- Acceptance
(circle one)
Blum-Kulka, Shoshana, House, Juliane and Kasper, Gabriele, (Eds.). (1989). Crosscultural
pragmatics: Requests and apologies. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Co.
Blum-Kulka, Shoshana. (1990). You don't touch lettuce with your fingers: parental politeness in
family discourse. Journal of Pragmatics, 14, 259-288.
Clancy, Patricia M. (1986). The acquisition of communicative style in Japanese. In B.B.
Schieffelin and E. Ochs (Eds.), Language socialization across cultures. (pp. 213-250).
New York: Cambridge University Press.
Ervin-Tripp, Susan (1971) Sociolinguistics. In J. Fishman (Ed.) Advances in the sociology of
language. The Hague: Mouton.
Goffman, Erving. (1967). Interaction ritual: Essays on face-to-face behavior. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Goffman, Erving. (1974). Frame Analysis. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Irvine, Judith. (1979). Formality and informality in communicative events. In J. Baugh and
J. Sherzer (Eds.), Language in use: Readings in sociolinguistics. (pp. 211-228).
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Isaac, Stephen and Michael, William B. (1989). Handbook in research and evaluation.
San Diego, EDITS Publishers.
Janicki, Karol. (1985). The foreigner's language: A sociolinguistic perspective. Oxford:
Pergamon Press.
Lakoff, Robin. (1975). Language and women's place. New York: Harper Row.
Rintell, Ellen. (1981). Sociolinguistic variation and pragmatic ability: A look at learners.
LJSL, 27, 11-34.
Scarcella, Robin. (1983). Developmental trends in the acquisition of conversational
competence by adult second language learners. In N. Wolfson & E. Judd (Eds.),
Sociolinguistics and language acquisition (pp. 175-183). Rowley, MA: Newbury House.
Tannen, Deborah. (1985). The pragmatics of cross-cultural communication. Applied
Linguistics, 5, 189-195.
Wolfson, Nessa. (1981) Compliments in cross-cultural perspective. TESOL Quarterly,
Wolfson, Nessa. (1989). Perspectives: Sociolinguistics and TESOL. New York: Newbury House.
Univefusi-ty o6 New Mexico Noithing Pape/vs
in Lingu,i..sti.e.s, Vat. 1, 1993, 52-60
Male/Female Speech Patterns: Singularity versus Diversity
Anne Wiltshire
In an effort to understand differences in male/female speech in concrete, measurable
terms, I have turned to acoustical and phonetic literature. However, it soon becomes clear that
even a fairly comprehensive understanding of the physiology of speech and perception is
inadequate to explain the phenomena observable in gender differentiation. As the early
sociolinguists discovered in reaction to the abstract nature of Chomskyan linguistics, language
cannot be understood outside of the social context in which it is used. Similarly, even the most
rigorously scientific researchers now concede that social and cultural factors partially account for
the discrepancies found between the understanding of the physiology of speech and the ways in
which it is produced.
The classic study of vowels conducted by Peterson and Barney (1952) first established
statistical methods for measuring two formant frequencies (F1 and F2) of ten English vowels.
They set out to understand the incongruities that often occur between intended utterance and that
which is identified. The authors tested the speech of men, women, and children and found that
sounds were produced and perceived on a continuum with much overlap and variability within
individual speakers (although with more variability across speakers), and that this distribution was
not random, but systematic according to each subject and each group. It was noted that higher
frequencies mad the task of measuring formant frequencies much more difficult, thus explaining
the apparent neglect of females and children in acoustical studies. It was also noted that there was
more variability within female formant patterns than in those of either men or children. Indeed,
one graph illustrated that formant patterns of men and children have fairly homogeneous
groupings at opposite ends of the spectrum. Peterson and Barney did not have an explanation for
the wider distribution in female formant patterns but they did explain the problem of intended
versus identified utterance as being related to the speaker/hearer's previous experience.
Specifically, speakers who did not clearly distinguish between low vowels in their own speech
also failed to classify these sounds as distinctive in the speech of others. Similarly, a speaker who
substituted one sound for another systematically made this substitution in the speech of others.
These two findings laid the groundwork for other researchers; indeed, this study remains relevant
forty years later.
Given that there are acoustically measurable differences in the speech of males and
females as demonstrated in the Peterson and Barney experiment, we now must ask: What are the
cues and strategies which listeners adopt for gender identification? Coleman (1976) extracted two
voice qualities: Fo (fundamental frequency) and VTR (vocal tract resonance), and constructed two
experiments to test the possible predominance of one over the other as a gender identification
strategy. It is noted that previous experiments found that gender differences were still accurately
perceived when fundamental frequency was removed, as in whispered phonation and voiceless
segments. Nevertheless, this dimension is apparently still the most consistent and salient cue in
gender differentiation. Coleman's hypothesis is that gender identification may be a result of
combined acoustic cues, specifically Fo and VTR. The hypothesis was corroborated in that, when
produced simultaneously, these two cues produced overwhelmingly correct results. However, in
another experiment in which the cues were deliberately mixed across genders: i.e Fo from a male
voice was presented simultaneously with VTR from a female voice and vice-versa, the results
were ambiguous. It should be noted that, in this experiment, Fo was artificially provided by a
laryngeal vibrator according to standard levels of male/female production. Coleman concedes that
this may skew the data due to the difficulty of artificially reproducing female Fo (a problem that
continues to plague voice synthesis research). Despite this glitch, results in the experiment
demonstrated an overwhelmingly higher rate of "maleness" identification. More women were
identified as male when the male Fo was presented together with female VTR, though men were
still mostly identified correctly when the cues presented were female Fo and male VTR. Coleman
attributes the predominance of male perceptual cues in this experiment to three factors: (1) the
artificial source of frequency already discussed; (2) possible differences in glottal source in which
females use dimensions other than pitch; and (3) bias of the listeners in which females
consistently used low Fo as a male marker (women used this cue 80% of the time as opposed
to men only 45% of the time).
The aforementioned experiments basically support the hypothesis that fundamental
frequency is still the most salient and consistent cue in gender identification, though more so for
maleness. These results are perhaps not surprising considering the emerging evidence for the
more complex production of the female voice, i.e. glottal source variation other than Fo.
Other researchers have attempted to find how many acoustic parameters are required for
gender identification and the relative salience between them. Murry and Singh (1980) chose five
dimensions: pitch, hoarseness, breathiness, nasality, and effort. They concluded that the most
consistent cue across gender was Fo; although for females this may be secondary to other
complex qualities. Their conclusion seems to be supported by the fmding that lengthening of the
stimulus from single vowel to phrase provided necessary additional information when judging
female speakers (the vowel was sufficient to identify male speakers). Cues depended both on sex
and the sample, and they did not find any common set of parameters- -apart from Fothat could
be used consistently across gender lines. Again, the implication of such a finding is that the
production and perception of female speech is more complex than acoustic measurements can
adequately describe and that cultural and social factors may be involved.
Research in voice synthesis has led to studies which attempt to uncover the apparent
anomalies in female speech production and perception. Childers and Wu (1991) conducted a
partial replication of the Peterson and Barney study. The former researchers confirmed the greater
variability in female formant patterns (although they found some different values for formant
frequencies), and also found that this variability may be due to glottal activity rather than vocal
tract shapes. Childers and Wu also confirmed that both Fo and VTR improved gender recognition
(as found in Coleman 1976). Additionally, Childers and Wu found that by further breaking down
the acoustic information, better results could be obtained for gender recognition. For example,
Fo provided 100% efficiency in identifying males, but F2 was equally effective (100%) in
identifying females. Thus their attempts to uncover one crucial recognition variable were defeated
in the face of the realization that no one dimension was sufficient for this task. Formant values
and Fo overlapped to provide redundancy in gender information, but Fo alone was insufficient.
If female voice production is more complex than male, the question arises: In what way
and why? Henton and Bladon (1985) investigated the use of phonation types in English,
specifically, the quality of breathiness. The authors note that this characteristic is not used
distinctively in English as it is in some other languages, and though it may be symptomatic of
some pathological condition, Henton and Bladon posit the suggestion that breathiness in English
may be a marker of female speech. They set out to find the acoustic correlates of breathiness by
examining Gujarati, in which breathy voice is employed contrastively. Through comparison of
English and Gujarati, Henton and Bladon established (by measuring the elevation of the first
harmonic) that English-speaking females were producing as much breathiness as that of Clujarati
speakers, even though the latter use it distinctively. Two different dialects of English (RP and
a Northern British dialect) were sampled to eliminate dialect-specific uniqueness; still, breathiness
was found to be equally present in both English varieties.
It is understood in phonetic terms that breathiness is a less efficient method for phonation
since, by definition, it permits leakage of sub-glottal air pressure form incomplete adduction of
the vocal folds. Breathiness is also known to decrease intelligibility since, again, by definition,
sound is being produced against a background of noise, i.e. escaping air. Finally, incomplete
adduction implies a lack of longitudinal tension in the vocal folds, thus lowering the pitch.
Therefore, a breathy voice implies restrictions on pitch movement as well as intensity, thus
limiting overall variability and color in delivery. Interestingly, these two qualities--variability and
color--are usually cited as characteristic of female speech; this apparent crmitradiction is not
mentioned by Henton and Bladon. They do suggest, however, that women choose to use this
voice type as a conscious or unconscious paralinguistic device to appear desirable. They claim
that this manipulation can occur because of the possible effects on voice quality during arousal:
secretion of lubricants bathes the larynx, making effective adduction more difficult, thus creating
a voice quality similar to breathiness. By emulating this quality, women may be attempting to
appear more desirable. Of course, we are all aware of the exploitation of this vocal quality in
many TV and radio commercials (in the USA, at least), in which women are directed to
exaggerate this phonation type in order to enhance a certain stereotype. This raises the question
of how much is choice, how much expectation? Is it possible that there is a Whorfian view c:
speech production?
Apart from the social and cultural implications raised by the Henton and Bladon paper,
is the awareness that women are in fact adding other learned behavior to voice production which
must be accounted for in any serious attempt at reproducing or recognizing female speech. Klatt
and Klatt (1990) actually included the added dimension of breathiness in constructing a
synthesizer to reproduce female speech. They discovered in so doing that breathiness is signalled
by a large number of diverse cues, and again found that no single cue was as effective as a
combination of cues. It was also suggested that it may not be the case that listeners employ
different strategies for identification, but rather that the manipulation of single cues produces
perceptual ambiguity; that is, listeners hear differently instead of choosing an interpretive
Most significant in the Klatt and Klatt paper was the fact that breathiness was accepted
as a "natural" dimension of female speech in English, and that by incorporating this
characteristic, the synthesizer was much more successful at reproducing female speech. It can't
be assumed that this a cross-linguistic trait, since we know that some languages use this
phonation distinctively. Another study cited by Klatt and Klatt--Karlsson 1985--did not find
breathiness in the vowels of female Swedish speakers. This evidence further supports the claim
that acculturation and socialization are determinants in speech patterns.
The question then arises: If female speakers are incorporating more features into their
vocal production, how much of this is innate (due to physiological differences) and how much
is cultural? Sachs, Lieberman, and Erickson (1973) looked at this question from a phonetic
viewpoint by studying pre-adolescent children ranging in age from 4-14 years. The authors noted
that, up until this age, there is no physiological differentiation in oral tract or pharyngeal size.
Thus, any perceived differences would be the result of speakers choosing certain strategies to
distinguish their speech styles. For example, pitch is the most obvious and consistent marker
between adult males and females, partly due to the enlargement of the male larynx at puberty.'
However, there is evidence from most acoustical and phonetic studies to suggest that
physiological differences do not adequately account for the diverse patterns observed in
male/female speech patterns. Reanalyses of the Peterson and Barney (1952) data attest to this
finding (Childers and Wu 1991; Mattingly 1966); that is, men tend to talk "bigger" and women
"smaller" than their relative sizes.
Sachs et al. (1973) set out to probe if the acquisition of gender characteristics occurred
in pre-adolescence--before the occurrence of physical changes, and also to find out if formant
frequencies figured in this differentiation (since Fo was virtually negated). They found support
for both hypotheses. There was a high percentage of correct gender identity and formant
frequencies were relevant to this discovery. Although, at these ages, boys have higher Fo than
girls, during this experiment it was found that they consistently lowered their vowel formants.
Girls, in contrast, demonstrated the mirror image in lower Fo and higher formants. Thus, although
the lower formants were significant in identifying boys' speech, formant values were not highly
significant in identifying girls' speech. Nonetheless, the overall pattern of high Fo, low formants,
and low Fo, high formants were those characteristics documented as representing "boy-like" and
"girl-like" speech, respectively.
Interestingly, two girls were consistently misidentified as boys: their formant patterns
more closely resembled those produced by boys. Although they were not the tallest or heaviest
(the children were paired according to height and weight to counteract physiological differences),
their personalities were assessed as tomboys, athletic, tough, and competitive. The authors
speculate that correlations between voice type and personality may be revealing; still, this is an
area which has received little attention. I would argue that acculturation patterns are acquired
early, become automated early, and thus very often cease to be transparent to the speaker's
personality because the personality may develop beyond early imposed role-types with which the
voice remains associated.
Sachs et al. also note that boys have a tendency to centralize vowels upon lowering their
formants. This centralization is especially notable with /a/, which moves to a more schwa-like
position. The implication from the Sachs et al. study is that although physiological differences
are not yet effective because of physical immaturity, they are nonetheless relevant at this stage
of development. The relevance of these differences stem from the observation that boys and girls
appear to be experimenting with the physiological boundaries of their vocal apparatus and
arriving at different ways of exploiting them. Indeed, this finding is consistent with the manner
in which some researchers think that children learn articulation generally (cf. Papcun MS). For
example, it would appear that in order to obtain lower formants despite an immature larynx, boys
need to manipulate the vocal tract, making it longer to create deeper resonance. This can be done
using the lips in more forward positions. Conversely, girls often speak with their lips spread, as
in the smile, thus having the opposite effect of shortening the tract and diminishing resonance.
The distinct articulatory positions of boys and girls is reminiscent of a study by Ohala
(1984), in which he presents the 0-face (aggressive, assertive) versus the smile (child-like,
dependent) as representing two different communicative strategies. This approach is meant to be
Ohala (1983) points out that it is not so much an enlargement, but rather a lowering of the male larynx at
puberty, which then creates more resonating space for the male speaker.
an "ethological" perspective in which the expressions and accompanying styles are present in all
living creatures, and signal largeness, power, dominance versus smallness, helplessness, and
subordination. In another paper (1983), Ohala extends this idea to cross-linguistic use of pitch.
He concludes that all language users exploit the "frequency code" in which high pitch is
correlated with smallness and non-threatening behavior (produced with a smile or smile-like
facial posture); and low pitch is correlated with largeness and threatening behavior (produced
with 0-face). Given the degree of variation we have seen among individual speakers, it is not
clear that this view can be generalized to gender differences in speech. However, the implication
are not easily dismissed when one considers the unconscious patternings and the manner in which
acculturation occurs in speech behavior.
Spender (1980) notes that a study of deaf adolescents (without hearing from birth) shows
an absence of voice change phenomena in their speech, implying that this rite of passage for male
youths in our culture is indeed culturally determined. She also questions our culture's devaluation
of high-pitched delivery, such as that of female broadcasters, and considers the option as to
whether it is this inherent characteristic which is being devalued of the class of women itself. The
problem becomes one of what is the norm and who is establishing it.
Following the lines of Sachs et al. (1973), Meditch (1975) acknowledges the claim that
physical differences are only partial explanations and that gender-specific voice patterns are
learned. Meditch's goal was to find out how early such patterns might be acquired. In a study
reminiscent of Labov's (1989) investigation of the acquisition of linguistic variables in very
young children, Meditch observes very young children (3-5 years of age) to test for differential
speech patterns along gender divisions. Clearly, these children are even further removed from the
influence of physiological differences than the children studied by Sachs et al. (1973), but that
is Meditch's goal: to see if even younger children can be consistently identified along gender
lines. Meditch found that there was still a high percentage of correct identification, though
consistently higher for males than for females. In this case, the two oldest girls included in the
study were often misidentified as boys; Meditch attributed this misidentification to physiological
differences. In sum, what is of interest in Meditch's study is: (a) the early onset of the
acculturation process; and (b) the hypothesized path of development for the divergent patterns
which are already perceptible, despite the lack of physiological differences.
Meditch mentions three possible patterns of development to explain the apparent
differences which seem to stem from the loss of features in boys' speech, and the subsequent
gain of features in girls' speech. It seems that children begin with undifferentiated speech and,
most likely, boys then begin to drop child-like features very early in their development. At this
stage, girls' speech may remain unchanged, or suffer some loss of features before gradually
attaining others. This addition of features apparently occurs, after the boys' loss of features and
appears in contradiction to the common wisdom which states that girls are precocious in language
development when compared with boys. Perhaps this is only an apparent paradox, since the
process of adding features implies layering of complexity. Meditch does not specify these
features, except to note that they are markers of identity. The misidentification of the two oldest
girls could be due to the fact that they have begun the process of losing undifferentiated speech
(eventually attained by all speakers), but not yet begun the acquisition of added, gender-specific
Also of interest in Meditch's study was the differential behavior of respondents. Female
respondents consistently identified both genders more accurately than male respondents, and were
also more likely to guess male voices. An explanation for the ease with which boys were
identified is the assumption that they have undergone more change at this stage. There is no
satisfactory explanation for why women are more acutely perceptive to voice identification,
except that hearers may adopt strategies such as in-group and out-group criteria to process
differences. If this is so, then women are accurately identifying the out-group. Why, then, does
this not work in reverse?
Finally, in a study of Arabic emphatics, Kahn (1975) rejects physiological arguments for
gender differences and sets out to demonMrate cultural patterns of behavior. First, she establishes
the acoustic and phonetic correlates of Arabic emphatics and finds that they are pharyngeal. In
addition, she discovers that, in vowels following an emphatic consonant, the first formant is
raised and the second is lowered. Kahn then proceeds to attempt to uncover male and female
patterns of emphatic use.
In the first study, Kahn used four native speakers (2 male, 2 female) of Cairene Arabic,
who uttered strings of minimal pairs in which the emphatic consonant changed the meaning of
the word: e.g. /ti:n/ "figs" -- /t.i:n/ "mud". Male speakers used much lower second formants than
dictated by anatomical differences, thus departing further from a "neutral" position, and
exaggerating differences inherent to female speech. On a subjective plane, informants were asked
to cite any differences in the way which men and women speak. Responses noted that less
pharyngealization sounded more feminine.
Because of the deficiencies of the small sample size in the first study, Kahn conducted
a second experiment using a larger sample and a control group: three native speakers (1 male and
2 females) and seven American students (3 male and 4 female) who were studying Arabic as a
foreign language with a male teacher. Interestingly, the results revealed that acoustical values,
namely, Fl raising and F2 lowering, were significant differentiators of males and females. It was
also found that Arabic women actually distinguish emphatics more than men (measured
acoustically), a finding which contradicts anatomical differences and therefore suggests strong
cultural influence. Kahn does not explain, however, if the lesser contrast in male speech was due
to an overall greater degree of pharyngealization. In addition, it was conceded that in the second
study only one Egyptian informant was used, therefore introducing dialectal differences.
However, the fact that American female students of Arabic showed similar formant values to
Arabic-speaking males would also rule out anatomical differences and support a theory of learned
Kahn's study was clever in excluding the acculturation factor by using foreign speakers,
also in using a male teacher--thus learners are not picking up unconscious female gender
patternings, which accounts for the results here of american women adopting the same formant
patterns as Arabic males. It would be interesting to run a test in tandem with that of Kahn, using
student informants studying with a female teacher. Kahri, concludes with a caution that any
phonetic effect such as emphatics should not be treated as standard phenomena, but rather is
manipulated by speakers beyond physiological constraints to their own conscious or unconscious
ends. The fact that Arabic women consistently showed higher formant values than American
women also suggests culturally-determined behavior. It has been noted that this phenomenon
occurs in some other languageszsuah as Japanese in which it is expected that women speak with
higher pitch.
A study similar to that of Kahn is Ham (MS). Iiaeri associates palatalization in Cairene
Arabic with general fronting processes in other languages and attempts to generalize this fronting
tendency as a characteristic of female speech. She claims that palatalization is perceived as
"feminine" and is a preferred form of production for the majority of women. However, there is
also evidence that this does not operate merely according to a sex-based, biological dichotomy,
but also along gender lines. That is, some men use palatalization (or do not consciously avoid
it), thus reminding us that sex differentiation, when removed from the strictly anatomical
distinction, becomes more complex than the binary distinctions often imposed by social scientists.
Haeri's hypothesis might benefit from the addition of technical information about the
phenomena under observation. For example, instead of only using impressionistic analyses, it
would be beneficial to establish the acoustic and phonetic correlates of palatalization in order to
measure the degree of secondary articulation being observed. These additional measurements
would also be useful in establishing how much variation can be attributed to physiological
influence and how much to other factors such as acculturation and socialization. Haeri's
generalization that fronting tendencies are "feminine" and backing tendencies are "masculine" in
some ways resembles Ohala's thesis on ethology; this correlation is perhaps worth further
investigation, but with the realization that distinctions according to gender are more complex than
superficially apparent (Haeri MS, Eckert 1987). It would also be appropriate to admit thr, caution
against accepting one dimension (acoustic or phonetic) as constant, since it is used on a gradient
scale diverging from physiological properties (Kahn 1975).
It appears from the literature surveyed in this paper that there exist further complexities
in speech, apart from physiological differences, which distinguish male and female speech
patterns. The apparent anomaly in Peterson and Barney's (1952) data in which female formant
patterns displayed wider variability than either those of men or children can be explained by the
adoption of learned behavior in which females employ other production techniques than Fo for
differentiation, while Fo remains the single most salient marker of male speech. At least one
variant in phonation type (breathy voice) for female speech other than Fo has been considered
in the present paper, but it cannot be assumed to be a cross-linguistic variant, because it is used
in some languages distinctively. It appears that differentiation in male/female speech is a crosslinguistic phemomenon, and that the phonation types that contribute to this differentiation are a
product of acculturation- -this provides a rich field for cross-linguistic and cross-cultural research.
Although males rely on Fo for identity, they exaggerate this dimension beyond the
expected constraints of anatomy. The relative singularity and concentration of male production
also explains why male speech is more consistently identified.
Male/female speech patterns defy simple explanation and cannot be contained within a
strictly acoustical or phonetic framework. As in other language studies, male/female speech
patterns cannot be abstracted from social and cultural factor.
Childers, D.G., and K. Wu. 1991. Gender recognition from speech. Part II: Fine analysis.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 90:1841-56.
Coleman, R.O. 1976. A comparison of the contributions of two voice quality characteristics to
the perception of maleness and femaleness in the voice. Journal of Speech and Hearing
Eckert, P. 1987. The relative values of variables. In K. Denning et al. (eds.), Variation in
language: NWAV XV at Stanford. 101-110. Stanford University: Department of
Haeri, N. MS. Sex differences, Gender differences. University of Pennsylvania.
Henton, C. and R. Bladon. 1985. Breathiness in normal female speech: inefficiency versus
desirability. Language and Communication 5:221-7.
Kahn, M. 1975. Arabic emphatics: the evidence for cultural determinants of phonetic sex-typing.
Phonetica 31:38-50.
Klatt, D. and L. Klatt. 1990. Analysis, synthesis, and perception of voice quality variations
among female and male talkers. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 87:820-57.
Mattingly, I. 1966. Speaker variation and vocal tract size. Paper presented at the 71st
meeting of the Acoustical Society of America.
Meditch. A. 1975. The development of sex-specific speech patterns in young children.
Anthropological Linguistics 17:421-65.
Murry, T. and S. Singh. 1980. Multidimensional analysis of male and female voices. Journal
of the Acoustical Society of America 68:1294-1300.
Ohala, J. 1983. Cross- language use of pitch: an ethological view. Phonetica 40:1-18.
Ohala, J. 1984. An ethological perspective on common cross- language utilization of F of voice.
Phonetica 41:1-16.
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Wu, K. and D. Childers. 1991. Gender recognition from speech, part I: coarse analysis. Journal
of the Acoustical Society of America 90:1828-40.
UniveA6Lty o6 New Mexico
-in LingtiiistEc6, Vot,
1993, 61-67
Supplementing the Binding Theory:
On the Question of Proper Binding
Hector A. Torres
In this essay I want to propose that the phenomenon of proper binding is relevant to the
theory of grammar and suggest that, if allowed to play a part in the writing of a generative
grammar, proper binding can serve as an interface between the form of the grammar and its use
in discourse pragmatics. With the term proper binding I refer to the prescriptive and descriptive
statement requiring that anaphor and bound pronouns agree with their antecedents with respect
to person, number, gender. In this vein, proper binding relates to the theory of grammar in the
same way that government does. Like government, proper binding is the appropriation, on the
part of generative grammar, of a traditional term and phenomenon, in order to present it in a new
In its new role in the theory of grammar, proper binding provides a way to conjoin
conditions A and B of the Binding Theory, turning them into a single statement. In particular,
there will be no need to refer to the definition of the notion 'governing category.' The fact that
the definition of the notion 'governing category' defines a domain that is syntactically equivalent
to the domain of a clause (or a nominal) indicates that there is a duplication taking place to the
extent that the use of these two terms refer to the same domain. Within the Government and
Binding theory of grammar, such duplication is needed in order to make the clause into a
complete functional complex; that is, the duplication allows every piece of information within
a clause to play a role in the explanation of the way anaphors and pronominals behave
(Chomsky, 1986). While recognizing the need for the duplication at the level of formal grammar,
proper binding itself has no need for the duplication because, for its purposes, it is enough to
refer to the categorical domain in which an element may be bound. In this respect, proper binding
does not make descriptively explicit in any precise way the specific constituents needed to
construct the notion of a governing category. It does not seek to account for obligatory coreference and obligatory disjoint reference in the same way the Binding Theory does. What
proper binding proposes instead is a supplementary statement that would, first of all, rule in as
grammatical all constructions in which an anaphor or a bound pronominal agrees with its
antecedent in terms of person, number, and gender. Secondly, it would designate as
ungrammatical those constructions in which such agreement does not occur. And thirdly, it
would, on the basis of generalized agreement, rule out as ungrammatical those cases that the
Binding Theory rules out because of its theory-internal definition binding. To the extent that it
can deal with all these cases following generalized agreement, proper binding is compatible with
the Binding Theory. And further, because the notion of generalized agreement is a semantic
notion, proper binding has a fairly direct link to discourse pragmatics. Thus proper binding seeks
to stand between the pure form of the grammar and how that form may be used in co-operative
This paper has three sections, the first section is a short sketch of the BT as Howard
Lasnik constructs it in his A Course in GB Syntax (1988). With this short exposition I am
interested in showing how the strict requirement that the BT account for the form of the grammar
leads to a definition of governing category that loses the intuition that anaphors are subject to
obligatory coreference and pronominals are not. The second section deals with the details of
proper binding. The last section suggests ways in which proper binding may be used as a
grammatical interface between syntax and discourse.
The Binding Theory
In chapter 2 of A Course, Lasnik presents the essentials of Binding Theory, doing so in
terms of approximations. He goes through several approximations to conditions A and B or the
Binding Theory before he presents the final product. In the course of this procedure he also
defines the basic relations that will have much to say about how statements in the grammar are
to be made. The relation of constituent-command relation, for instance, requires that in a
configuration where a node C immediately dominates a node A and also dominates a node B,
node A gets to define the c-commanding domain. This is prototypically exemplified with the
subject constituent of a clause; the subject c-commands all the elements inside the predicate of
a clause. The relation of binding is defined in terms of c-command and co-indexation: A binds
B iff (i) A c-commands B and (ii) A and B are coindexed. What the BT seeks to accomplish
through the use of indices, proper binding tries to accomplish through generalized agreement.
This is an interesting difference between the two approaches addressed in section two. With
respect to the final version of the BT, where the approximations state conditions A and B by
making reference to a clause (or NP) as a binding domain, in the final version of the BT,
reference to this domain via the clause is displaced in favor of the new expression 'governing
An ANAPHOR must be bound in its governing category (GC).
A PRONOUN must be free in its governing category (GC).
This new expression also receives a definition by approximations. The first approximation, for
instance, defines GC in the following way:
a is the GC for B iff a is the minimal NP or S containing 0 and a governor of B
In the final version of GC a more highly specified structure emerges, the definition making
reference to every major constituent of the clause.
The GC of a is the minimal NP or S containing a, a governor of a, and a
SUBJECT accessible to a
In this definition, not only do we have a highly-specified domain, we also have a specialized
reference to the SUBJECT, which, in capital letters signifies an AGR-subject and a lexical NPsubject. The specialized reference comes in the relation of accessibility, described thus:
B is accessible to a if
B c-commands a, and
0 is not co-indexed with any category containing a
The statement (4.b) is also known as the i-within-i filter. The final version of the BT requires the
statement of (4.b) in order to account for constructions in which an ANAPH refers out of its
tensed clause in violation of the Tensed-Sentence Condition, or TSC. The TSC prohibits any
relation between X and Y in a configuration such as the following:
Y ...,
where a = Tensed Clause
In this configuration, Y is an ANAPH and X an antecedent, but Y should not be able to pick up
X as its antecedent because the morpheme Tense keeps Y from referring out of a. A clause like
(6) below is lost to the TSC because it cannot account for its grammaticality and its failure to
pattern after (7):
The men think THAT picture of each other will be on sale.
*The men think THAT each other are intelligent.
With (7), the TSC has no problems. The lower clause, being tensed, keeps the anaphor from
referring out of that domain. The BT accounts not only for the behavior of the anaphor in (7) but
also for the anaphor in (6), which behaves in contrast to (7). How (6) is ruled in as grammatical
is the work of the i-within-i filter, (4.b) above. That filter allows the matrix clause subject to be
the relevant (accessible) SUBJECT for the RECIPROCAL-each other. Let us apply the definition
in (4) of accessible SUBJECT to the following structures (8), the embedded clause of (7):
[THAT pictures of each other AGR-will be on sale]
AGR, as the inflected pronominal in the verb, while it appears as a potential SUBJECT-B for a
RECIP-a, does not qualify as accessible. In others words, if we were to put the index of B on
the category containing a, namely the NP-pictures of each other, we would create an i-within-i
structure. The general effect of the i-within-i filter is to insure that the same index does not
appear too often in a particular construction, effectively ruling out those constructions in which
indices seem to 'bunch up.' In (8) above AGR must co-index with the NP-pictures of each other,
thus making AGR inaccessible to the RECIP. Only the SUBJECTs of the matrix clause are
accessible to the RECIP. As we can see, in this approach, for a to have an accessible SUBJECT-
B. a must be able to recognize its antecedent through the empirical filter of the i-within-i
condition, submitting the potential SUBJECT-6 (the AGR of (8)) to an indexing test. By
requiring this test, the grammar is simply using every formal element at its disposal in order to
write the most constrained grammar possible. In such a grammar, the RECIP will not fail to get
its antecedent; either it will find the GC in which it is bound or it will be free (unbound) in that
same GC. In the second case, we can only expect ungrammaticality. Despite the deficiencies that
surround the BT, there is a certain elegance that emerges when one follows how exactly an
ANAPH escapes the Tense of the lower clause in which it finds itself and accesses a SUBJECT
in the matrix clause. That chain of reasoning shows that the BT has a way to let anaphors in
tensed embedded clauses refer to an antecedent found not the lower, tensed clause but in the
upper, containing clause.
As mentioned above, one problem that accompanies this version of the BT is the way in
which the definition of GC reproduces exactly the domain of a clause. The problem here is not
so much that one has to mention two types of SUBJECTS, a lexical head, and the referentiai
element under consideration as it is that the semantic intuition that the RECIP and the accessible
SUBJECT of the matrix clause are obligatorily coreferential is made opaque by the pure form
of the grammar. It is for this reason that I believe that the notion of proper binding is relevant
to the BT. As a supplement to the BT, proper binding can easily take care of the straightforward
cases of both obligatory coreference and obligatory disjoint reference. As for the more difficult
cases, proper binding will not fail to interpret these, even in the absence of a fully worked out
definition of GC. Let us turn to section two in order to see how proper binding is relevant to the
Proper Binding as a Supplement to the Binding Theory
In a theory of grammar in which one does not need a fully worked out definition for the
notion 'governing category,' proper binding will play the role of insuring that generalized
agreement, as a bundle of formal elements in the grammar, does not get violated. In this respect,
generalized agreement and the i-within-i condition have a similar function: as i-within-i gives
empirical content to the definition of GC, so generalized agreement furnishes the descriptive
features needed to account for an improper binding. In other words, as the i-within-i filter
identifies cases of indexation that lead to ungrammaticality. so the relation of proper binding
highlights those cases in which there is a mismatch between the features of a potential antecedent
and the features of an anaphor or a bound pronominal. Since proper binding works in such close
tandem with the i-within-i condition we might speculate if the latter is not an instance of the
As a supplement to the BT, proper binding enters the grammar as a strategy for collapsing
Conditions A and B into a single statement, which we might call the Proper Binding Statement
(PB) and articulate as in (9):
ANAPHS and PRONS are properly bound in y, where
(i) y = a minimal NP or S and (ii) no indexed element in
i condition
violates the i-within
One of the most immediate ways in which one can see the relevance of the proper binding
statement to the BT comes in the form of the following data:
a. *Himself likes John
b. *each other left
c. *the boys like herself
d. *the boys believe that
Mary likes himself
To account for these data is no simple ta::1( f:ir the BT. For (10.b) the BT needs to stipulate that
a root clause is the GC for a governed element such as the RECIP (Course, p. 62). For the PBstatement, none of these cases is problematical. For (10.a) we simply say that there is impropriety
of precedence. For (10.b) the reciprocal lacks a structurally represented antecedent to bind
properly in its clause. Also, while (10.c) exhibits a mismatch of number and gender, (10.d)
exhibits one of gender: himself' does not agree with Mary. Further, if proper binding
straightforwardly accounts for those cases in which a construction with indexed elements must
be ungrammatical because the featural structure between antecedent and anaphor do not match,
it can also, obviously, account for those cases in which the indexing in a construction must yield
a grammatical structure, and this thanks to the similarity of function between i-within-i and
generalized agreement.
Paradigm (12) below is a prototypical set of data that allows the BT to speak in terms of
the Tensed-S effect in (10.a) and the Specified Subject Condition effect (SSC) in (12.b-c). The
BT rules out (12.a) as ungrammatical, calling it a Condition A violation. The SSC takes a
structural formula much like the one for the TSC, except that the value of a differs, as (11)
X ...[a Y
where a contains a specified subject Z
( 12.b-c) are hence SSC-effects because the specified subject Z NP-Mary lacks the obligatory
coreference between antecedent and reflexive. For the BT, these also amount to condition A
violations because the ANAPHS cannot, in any case, refer out of their tensed clause. Moreover,
the BT designates (12.d) as ungrammatical, calling it a condition B violation: the pronominal is
bound when it should be free.
*John, believes that himself, likes Mary
*John, believes that Mary likes himself,
*John, believes that Mary to like himself,
*John, likes him,
The proper binding statement has a way to rule out (12.a-c). It has little to say about (12.d)
unless we force him to behave like an anaphor, which is what the indexing is forcing. To rule
out (12.a-c), the PB-statement first assigns y to the lower clause, and then requires the anaphor
in that domain to match feature for feature with a potential antecedent. If it fails to do this, it is
shown to be improperly bound. The REC1P ends its search for an ANTECEDENT. (10.d), as we
have said, represents an ungrammatical case determined by the definition of Binding. In (10.d)
the pronominal is properly bound in y if it is free in y in the BT sense of free and bound. That
is, in terms of the proper binding statement, we can simply say that a pronominal is proper in
-y when it is free to refer and pick up and ANTEC, whether that ANTEC is structurally
represented or not.
Consider a couple of cases that prove to have interesting explanations in terms of proper
binding. The first has to do with the empty category PRO, the non-phonetic subject of infinitival
(13) It is important [PRO to understand the problem]
As far as the empty category in (13) is concerned, the PB-statement treats it as a pronoun that
must be proper in 7, in this case the lower clause. In (13) PRO is flee to refer and is thus proper
y. Similarly. for a pair of clauses like (14.a,b).
(14) a. The boys, know how PRO, to behave themselves,
They know how PRO, to behave oneself,
The PB-statement will simply take it for granted that both PRO and the ANAPH search for a
category in which each can be properly free and bound, respectively. In (I4.a) for instance, the
reflexive matches with PRO in terms of featural structure and thus PRO properly binds the
reflexive. The reflexive is thus proper in its own y. PRO is free in the y of the reflexive but has
its proper binding with the ANTEC NP-the boys. Thus, PRO too has its own y. This type of data
shows the further relevance of proper binding to the BT and its applicability to a non-phonetic
category like PRO. In sum, it is an interesting fact that proper binding can account for the
behavior of PRO.
Next consider how proper binding would analyze the Japanese reflexive system. Katada
(1990) presents a three-way system by which Japanese reflexives may pick up a nearby ANTEC.
The three reflexives are:
Each of these reflexives, Katada points out, "displays contrastive binding behavior in a systematic
fashion" (p. 288). Katada demonstrates this point with the following sentence:
zibun?ij `'`
John-go' I
+no koto-o hanasita tol itta
'John said that Bill told Mike about self'
In this paradigm zibun may pick as its ANTEC, the lower or the higher clause NOM-Case NPs
John or hill, but may not pick up the DAT-Case NP-Mike. By contrast, zibun-zisin may pick up
only the lower clause NOM-Case NP. The DAT-Case NP is still not an option with these two
reflexives. The third reflexive restricts itself to the lower clause and may pick up either the
NOM- or DAT-Case NP. What this Japanese data suggests, along whh the English cases in which
an ANAPH refers out of a Tensed clause, is that the tendency is for ANAPHS to break out of
so-called opaque domains. As such, what proper binding says about English reflexives applies
to the Japanese reflexives as well. Zihun makes obligatory coreference with a subject constituent
possible. Where i is the index, the coreference is bound to the higher clause subject. Stated in
terms of proper binding, one can say that it makes the reference to that SUBJECT proper, in
much the same way that in (7) and (8) above, the NP-the men is an accessible SUBJECT to the
ANAPH-each other. Similar analyses can be given for the other two reflexives. But I will stop
here. deferring discussion of the PB-statement's capacity to interface syntax and discourse, in
order to give that topic a fuller treatment elsewhere.
Chomsky, Noam. 1986. Knowledge of Language: Its Nature, Origin, and Use. New York. Praeger
Katada, Fusa. 1991. The LF Representation of Anaphors. Linguistic inquiry 22, 287-313.
Lasnik, Howard. 1988. A Course in GB Syntax: Lectures on Binding and Empty Categories.
Cambridge: The MIT Press.
Unive)vs.i.ty o
New Mexico WokUng Pape)us
in LingwiAticA, Vot. 1, 1993, 68-75
Some Considerations of the Use of Indices
with Pronouns and Wh-traces
Carolyn Kennedy
In this paper, some of the consequences inherent in the practice of the use of indices to
explain the reference of pronouns in the theory of government and binding will be addressed.
I will attempt to show that some of the boundaries demanded by a theory of government and
binding offer a rigidity which disallows some grammatical sentences in the English language.
First I will examine current understandings of indexing as it is constrained by government and
binding, and then 1 will propose a discourse level, pragmatic approach to indexing. I will use
sentences from a situation which I have observed in current English usage to support my
Freidin and Lasnik (1981) offered the following explanation adopted from Chomsky's
(1980) formalism for the assignment of indices.
Every NP is assigned a referential index, consisting of a single integer i (i > 1). In
addition, every nonanaphoric NP is assigned an anaphoric index, given as a set of integers
which consists of the referential indices of all c-commanding NPs. An index (i, {j})
indicates that an NP whose referential index is i may not have the same intended referent
as an NP whose referential index is j. The relation between the referential and anaphoric
indices of an NP is that of disjoint reference (DR). Anaphors are not assigned anaphoric
indices; only nonanaphoric NPs enter directly into the relation of DR (p. 40).
I will express obligatory disjoint reference by use of anaphoric indices in the following data
which is taken out of context and thus considered only in terms of sentence level .
Adam(0 thinks L. Erica(zi /0 loves himo, (1,2)).-1
Adam(() thinks L. that he(2,00 loves Ericao.
It will also be necessary to introduce the principles of binding which are necessary for the
relations of bound anaphora and disjoint reference. Freidin and Lasnik (1981) maintain that
anaphors and pronouns are governed by the binding rules of Specified Subject Condition (SSC)
and Propositional Island Condition (PIC) while wh-traces are not so governed. They suggest the
following formulation of the PIC and the SSC.
*NP,, NP, an anaphor, unless NI), is bound in the domain of
a subject (the SSC)
tense (the PIC).
The formulation in (3) can be accepted as a filter at the level of Logical Form (LF). That is, an
NP and an NP which is an anaphor, cannot be co-indexed unless the NP is bound either (a) in
the domain of subject (the SSC) or (b) in the domain of tense (the PIC). This is the standard
paradigm of bound anaphora and includes reflexive pronouns, reciprocals, and NP-traces. The
following data will illustrate.
lexical anaphors:
*Adam, believed L. Erica to love himself,]
*Adam, believed L. that himself, loved Erica]
Adam, believed [,. himself, to love Erica]
*Adam, was believed [s. Erica to love el]
*Adam, was believed L. (that) e/ loved Erica]
Adam, was believed L. el to love Erica]
According to (3) above, the anaphors in the (i) examples are free in the domain of subject in the
complement (subordinate) clause, so they are prohibited by the SSC. And, the anaphors in the
(ii) examples are free in the domain of tense in the complement (subordinate) clause, so they are
prohibited by the PIC. On the other hand, the anaphors in the (iii) examples fall within the
domain of subject and tense in the main clause, so they are bound in the main clause and are not
prohibited by (3).
Pronouns also fall within the domain of SSC and PIC, but there is a difference in that
pronouns have the relevant property of obligatory disjoint reference while anaphors have the
relevant property of obligatory coreference.
Indexing would explain that a pronoun is free with respect to an NP with the referential
index i when the anaphoric index of the pronoun does not contain the integer i.
Again, a look at the data well illustrate:
Adam believed Erica to love him.
Adam believed that he loved Erica.
The pronouns in (5 a,b) are free in reference to Adam. It is not clear if they refer to Adam or
someone else. If we continue to follow Freidin and Lasnik's concept of indexing, then a pronoun
whose anaphoric index does not contain the integer i is free in reference to an NP with a
referential index i. Examples (6 a,b) will illustrate this.
a. Adama) believed L. Ericao..(11) to love himo1201
b. Adams} believed L. that he(2) loved Ericao.(1,2))-1
In other words,
A pronoun with referential i is free in a domain where there is no c-commanding
NP with referential index i in that domain.
This is a formalized rule in Chomsky (1980) as explained in Freidin and Lasnik (1981).
When a pronoun with anaphoric index j
of subject or tense, j > j -
is free (i) in the domain
i} .
But this rule (8) can result in an NP with a zero referential index, and it is assumed that such
index is ill-formed. That is, *NP(o). This is the reindexing rule, and it reads as follows:
When an anaphor with referential index i is free(i) in the domain of subject or
tense, i > 0.
This is the system that Freidin and Lasnik (1981) used to show that a wh-trace has an anaphoric
index which is not subject to the reindexing rules and is therefore distinct from an anaphor and
a pronoun. I will look at the evidence involving coreference possibilities between a wh-trace and
a c-commanding pronoun commencing with the current assertion in government and binding
theory (Freidin and Lasnik (1981), Chomsky (1977), Postal (1971), Wasow (1972), Haegeman
(1991)). The following paradigms will bring the problem to the fore.
Who does he think Erica loves?
Who wants Erica to love him?
Who does he think loves Erica?
Who thinks he loves Erica?
In examples (b,d), the reference of the pronoun is free with respect to the variable bound by who.
Also, the speaker may not need to know the referent of the pronoun in order to answer the
question. The speaker may know the referent, however, as would be the case with a rhetorical
question. On the other hand, in examples (a,c), according to Haegeman (1991), the referent of
the pronoun he must be disjoint from the variable bound by who (crossover phenomena), and the
speaker must already know the referent for these pronouns. I will argue against this claim below.
The references can easily be examined when anaphoric index and predicate calculus are used.
(for 10a):
L.L who3}L does het think L. e3[5 Erica2 loves e3]]]]
(for which X3, X3 a person) L hel thinks L Erica2 loves X3]]
(for which X3, X3 a person L hea thinks L Ericam/i) loves X(3(1,21)11
(for 10b):
[Acwhollls e1 thinks L. L Erica2 loves him3111]
(for which X1, X1 a person) L X1 thinks L Erica2 loves him3]]
(for which X1, X1 a person) L X(1) thinks L Erica(240) loves him(3}1.2))11
Examples (lib, 12b) simply replace a wh-phrase with its meaning. Examples (11c, 12c) have
mapped the anaphoric indices onto examples (11b, 12b).
But first a look at current theory concerning wh-phrase movement and case assignment.
Often in English abstract case is not morphologically realized leaving the who/whom distinction
as one of the few surface structures remaining which indicate case. This distinction is rapidly
grammaticalizing out of the language as well and is seldom made in spoken English. Whom does
still occur in standard written English, although it is disappearing in other written English
dialects. Although Haegeman (1991) argues that the trace of wh-movement is case-marked, I
would adjust her statement to argue that in contemporary English, case marking is almost
completely eradicated.
Lasnik (1988) defines the notion of Governing Category (GC) and its three conditions in
the following manner.
An anaphor must be bound in its governing category
A pronominal must be free in its governing category
A referring expression must be free.
The above are referred to as Condition A, Condition B and Condition C, respectively.
The following data will be used to illustrate the next section of this paper.
Adarno) thinks [that(. hem loves Erica(2(1))1]
*Whom does Adamo) think [to) L. t(j) loves Erica20)).1]
Does a wh-trace behave like an anaphor? Wh-traces do need a c-commanding antecedent.
But the wh-constituent is co-indexed with its trace and it c-commands this trace because it is in
an A' position. Binding theory does not address A' binding, so the possibility of wh-trace acting
like an anaphor can be ruled out.
So, then, does a wh-trace behave like a pronoun? Is it free in its governing category?
Condition B of the binding theory says that pronominal elements must be free in their GC. That
is, a pronoun may be bound by something outside its GC. So if wh-traces behave in the same
manner as pronouns, then they should have the same distribution.
In (14), the pronoun he is coreferential with the NP Adam. This is possible because the
NP is outside the GC for the pronoun. According to current binding theory, in (15), the lowest
trace of who is indeed in the same position as the pronoun he in (14). But taken out of context,
the natural answer to the question posed in (15) would not be that 'Adam thinks that he himself
loves Erica.' That is, current binding theory would make it impossible to co-index Adam with
who and the traces of who.
This current state of the binding theory would then present a case for wh- .trace to act like
R-expressions. Principle C of the binding theory insists that wh-traces would have to be free
everywhere. And that seems to be true. However, this would determine that who in 15 could
not then be bound to Adam. Haegeman concludes, then that wh-traces are like R-expressions.
Also to be considered is the Leftness Condition.
A wh-trace cannot be co-indexed with a pronoun to its left.
This would preclude the wh-trace in (15) from being co-indexed with Adam.
The following data is offered as evidence for the position that a discourse could allow the
co-indexing of wh-trace with a pronoun or noun to its left. It is a transcription of dialogue
overheard recently on a popular soap opera. The participants are Adam, a very rich and powerful
man; Adam's illegitimate teenage daughter, Hay ley (until recently unknown to exist); and Stuart,
Adam's retarded twin brother. Recall that this dialogue does, after all, come from a soap. But
it is in standard English, and it is certainly comprehensible.
Hay ley:
These past few months, I haven't had a companion, and I'm not at my best
without one.
Listen, if you're gonna gab about your love life, I'm really not up to it.
Is this the kind of stuff fathers talk to their daughters about, really?
This stuff? We're not talking stuff! We're talking about the essence of
the universe. We're talking about the one thing each and everyone of us
want more than anything else in the world. To love someone and have
them love us. I'm not talking about just anyone here. I'm talking about
that one person in a billion who's perfect for us, our soulmate.
Hay ley:
Oh boy!
I've had my eye on this delectable creature for some time now, and well,
last night, I gave her the good news.
Hay ley:
You told her you picked her.
No, no. There was no picking. This is destiny. This is two people
coming together who are fated to be together.
Hay ley:
Who is the lucky lady?
Someone you like. Someone of whom I know you approve.
Hay ley:
Well, who?
Erica Kane.
Hay ley:
You're trying to make me laugh, right? Take my mind off the trial?
Yes, yes, Erica.
Hay It j:
Yes, yes. Haven't you seen it, Hayley? When Erica and I are in a room
together, we ignite. It's the most amazing phenomenon in the world. We
get along and then we don't get along. We drive each other mad and then
turn right around and love each other. Erica and I had a rather disastrous
marriage, you know.
So I've heard.
But suddenly, out of the ashes of that relationship, this phoenix has arisen.
Are you sure Erica has the same slant on this? I mean, are you sure she
wants you guys to be a twosome again?
She's not totally conscious of it yet, no, but I'm sure she has the same
feelings I do.
Yeah, right.
Well, she's being a little cautious, as rightly she should be. But I'm sure
she's just as excited about this revival as I am.
(Doorbell rings and Hayley answers the door.)
Oh, hi, Stuart. How's it going?
Fine. I just thought I'd stop by before school to see if you're ok.
I'm just Jim-dandy.
Good morning, Stuart.
Adam. I didn't expect you back this early.
I flew on the wings of eagles.
Don't mind him, Stuart. His phoenix is rising. You know, he's talking
about the latest love of his life, Erica Kane.
Suppose at this point, Stuart simply asks, "What's going on, Hay ley?" prompting Hay ley
to relate her conversation with her father. Suppose further that after relating the story to this
point, Hay ley, a hyped-up, disgusted and excitable teenager, continues her narrative to Stuart in
the following manner:
Hay ley:
What's going on? Are you kidding? That's what's going on. My own
father, off on another wild goose chase. Who does he think he loves? He
thinks he loves Erica. We all know that's not true, but he thinks it. And
to make matters even worse, Who .does he think Erica loves? He thinks
Erica loves him!
This is definitely a situation in English where the following indices are indeed allowed
to produce a grammatical sentence.
Whoa) does Adam(L) think ta) loves Erica(2{11)
Whom does Adam(1) think Ericaa(1)) loves ta(2))
I propose the following explanation for the phenomena demonstrated above.
Chomsky (1988) notes that binding theory concerns itself with connections among noun
phrases that have to do with such semantic properties as dependence of reference. Included are
the connections between referring expressions and their antecedents. He explains that this theory
deals with one of the subparts of the language faculty and this subsystem in turn interacts with
other subsystems to yield an array of complex linguistic phenomena.
I believe one such
subsystem that supersedes strict binding principles is pragmatic discourse constraints.
Jakobson (1990) explains that
Shifters are elements in the code whose general messages can be specified only by taking
into account their use in messages, because this meaning incorporates a conceptualization
having to do with particular elements of the speech event. For example, pronouns
designate speaker, addressee, and context...(p. 17)
Since the early Middle Ages, it has been asserted again and again that the word out of
context has no meaning. This is a bit strong, but Jakobson offers an interesting example of how
this problem can manifest itself in speech. For selection deficiency aphasics, the context is
indispensable and decisive. Speech for these aphasics is reactive. That is, an aphasic can easily
carry on conversation but will have a pretty hard time starting one. He has to be put into a
context in order to communicate. The more his utterances are dependent on discourse, the better
he copes with his verbal task. For example, the sentence "it rains" cannot be produced unless
the aphasic sees that it is actually raining. So, the more a word is dependent on the other words
in the same sentence or in the same discourse and the more it refers to the syntactic context, the
less it is affected by the speech disturbance. Words syntactically subordinated by grammatical
agreement or government are more tenacious, whereas the main subordinating agent of the
sentence tends to be omitted. Words with an inherent reference to the context, such as pronouns
and pronominal adverbs, and words serving merely to construct the context, such as connectives
and auxiliaries, are particularly prone to survive. Referring expressions seem to be a part of the
framework of the language. They work as the connecting links of communication and need
discourse to come alive and have meaning.
I think Jakobson's expanded definition of "shifter" sheds light on this problem.
(A) "shifter" is characterized by a reference to the given speech event in which the form
appears...The first-person form of...the first-person pronoun is a shifter because the basic
meaning of the first person involves a reference to the author of the given act of speech.
Similarly, the second-person pronoun contains a reference to the addressee to whom the
speech event in question is directed. If the addressers and addressees change in the
course of the conversation, then the material content of the forms I and you also change.
They shift (emphasis mine) (p. 175).
That is, forms which depend on the discourse for part of their meaning must be able to connect
to whatever part of the discourse supplies that meaning.
Sebeok (1986) uses the example of one of Ulysses S. Grant's last communications to
discuss pronouns at some length. Grant's hand-written note is short in length but loaded with
"I do not sleep though I sometimes doze a little. If up I am talked to and in my efforts
to answer cause pain. The fact is think I am a verb instead of a personal pronoun. A
verb is anything that signifies to be; to do or to suffer. I signify all three" (p. 2).
Sebeok quotes Peirce's understanding of the pronoun as needing to be defined as "a word which
may indicate anything to which the first and second persons have suitable real connections, by
calling the attention of the second person to it" (p. 8). He then explains that Grant saw himself
as a verb rather than as a personal pronoun certainly not by mischance, but by a respectable
linguistic convention. He merely called the other person's attention to the fact. Ricoeur (1974)
as well had the understanding that
outside the reference to a particular individual who designates himself in saying I, the
personal pronoun is an empty sign that anyone can seize: the pronoun is waiting there,
in my language, like an instrument available for converting the language into discourse
through my appropriation of the empty sign.
I conclude, therefore, that the rigidity inherent in binding theory fails to account for the fact that
referring expressions often can and must reach outside a sentence for their antecedents, and there
are times when antecedents are common to more than one referring expression, such as in the
data in (17) and (18) above. The system of using indices is a workable system as long as word
forms which derive part of their meaning from discourse are allowed free rein to search the
discourse for their antecedents.
Chomsky, Noam. 1980. "On binding." Linguistic Inquiry, 11, 1-46.
Chomsky, Noam. 1988. Language and problems of knowledge.
Cambridge: The MIT Press.
The Managua lectures.
Freidin, Robert and Howard Lasnik. 1981. "Disjoint reference and wh-trace. Linguistic Inquiry,
12, 39-53.
Haegeman, Liliane. 1991. Introduction to government and binding theory. Cambridge: Basil
Lasnik, Howard and Juan Uriagereka. 1988. A course in GB syntax: Lectures on binding and
empty categories. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
Postal, Paul. 1971. Cross-over phenomena. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Ricoeur, Paul.
"The question of the subject: The challenge of semiology." In The
Conflict of Interpretations: Essays in Hermeneutics. Don Tilde, ed., pp. 236-266.
Evanston: Northwestern University Press.
Sebeok, Thomas A. 1986. I think I am a verb: More contributions to the doctrine of signs.
New York: Plenum Press.
Wasow, T. 1972. "Anaphoric relations in English. Doctoral dissertation, MIT, Cambridge,
Massachusetts. As quoted in Freidin and Lasnick, above.
Waugh, Linda R. and Monique Monville-Burston, eds. 1990. On languagelRoman Jakobson.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
UniveAzity o6 New Mexico Wonking Papers
in Lingu.bstAlcis, Vot. 1, 1993, 76-87
Toward a Better Understanding of Universal Grammar:
Evidence from Child Language
Teresa M. Meehan
It is Chomsky's conviction that the most prominent feature of natural languages is the
contrast between the structural complexity of these languages and the ease with which children
learn to speak them. It is this "inductive leap" between linguistic experience and knowledge that
Chomsky has characterized as "the fundamental problem of linguistic theory" (Wasow 1986:107;
also see Chomsky 1972). For Chomsky (1957, 1965), theoretical adequacy requires satisfactory
descriptions, models, and theories. 'Theoretical adequacy is achieved when a finite set of
principles is discovered that not only accounts for all the language behaviors observed but also
identifies the actual set of mechanisms used by language-learning children' (Bohannon and
Warren-Leubecker 1989: 168). It is the peculiar language-specific properties which 'set the limit
that linguistic theory aims to approach' (Chomsky 1980:1).
Within the tradition of Chomskyan thought, the central concept is the notion of a
Universal Grammar (UG): 'the system of principles, conditions, and rules that are elements or
properties of all human languages ... the essence of human language' ( Chomsky 1976; In Cook
1988:1). In terms of UG, specific proposals have been advanced in the most current model
known as the Government and Binding Theory (Chomsky 1981).
In this paper, I propose that by taking into account the form of a particular grammar
(syntax) and its use by children in discourse, the adequacy of the GB theory can be empirically
tested, as well as perhaps explain particular phenomena of child language acquisition. First, I
will consider the general nature and goals of the Binding Theory (BT). In particular, I will focus
on Principle A: the relationship between an anaphoric reflexive pronoun and its obligatory NP
antecedent. Second, I will consider the Case Theory module in conjunction with Binding Theory
in order to shed some light on the following question: What can the Binding Theory and Case
Theory tells us about children's acquisition of anaphora? And third, I will consider the notion
of "Proper Binding Domain" proposed by Torres (1991). Does evidence from child language
acquisition support the theory of Proper Binding Domain as a supplement u the binding theory
which acts 'as an interface between the form of the grammar and its use in discourse
It should be noted that all of the examples presented in this paper are the actual utterances
a 5 year old male, who at the time of the discourse interaction, was describing his collection of
dinosaurs to me.'
The Binding Theory
ANAPHORIC RELATIONS. The main concern of the Binding Theory is to show how different
categories of NP are distributed in the sentence. In English, for example, reflexive pronouns such
as himself, reciprocals such as each other, pronominals such as him, and common nouns such as
'See the appendix for the transcription of the entire discourse interaction.
Sam or Pat, are referring expressions that elicit a unique relationship. In general, the binding
theory aspires to provide an 'explicit formulation of the grammatical constraints on NP
interpretation in argument positions or A-positions. It is a theory of A-binding' (Haegeman
For the purposes of this paper, the working definition of anaphora that I will employ is
one which is given by Lust (1980:74) as follows: 'Anaphora refers to the natural language
situation wherein a term must be interpreted by reference to another term in a sentence or
discourse.' The previous definition is particularly important to the general goal of this paper
because where most formal grammars prefer to limit their structural analysis to the level of the
sentence, this paper will consider the impact of considering the grammar as it was generated at
the discourse level.
The immediate concern has to do with the anaphoric relationship between reflexive
pronouns and their obligatory NP antecedents. Because reflexives lack independent reference
they must have an antecedent to which it binds. Consider the following example:
But he was a meateater with urn ... actually three claws, actually like five claws and he
could rip into somethin,7, bigger than himself.
In example (1) above, the pronoun he serves as the NP antecedent to which the reflexive
himself is bound. In other words, if an expression is in a certain structural relationship to another
and is coindexed with it, it is bound to it. As such, Principle A of the Binding Theory, as
presented by Lasnik (1988:36) is stated as follows:
An anaphor must be bound in its governing category.
GOVERNING CATEGORY. An important property of the BT with regard to Principle A is that
the antecedent and the reflexive must be coindexed. That is, 'if two NPs have the same index,
they are coreferential' (Lasnik 1988:45).
In addition to coindexation though, binding is also defined in terms of (c)onstituentcommand which is defined by Lasnik (1988:32) as follows:
For A, B nodes in a tree
A c-commands B if every branching node dominating A dominates B and neither A nor
B dominates the other.
As a result, it is the usual case that the subject is in the c-commanding position of the clause.
It has been proposed that other attributes of the governing category include such
characterizations as the Tensed Sentence Condition (TSC) which requires that the binding
antecedent be within the same finite clause as the reflexive anaphor, and the Specified Subject
Condition (SSC) which states that 'a subject cannot intervene between the binder and the bindee'
(Lasnik 1988:35).
Before a final approximation of the GC can be proposed, however, the specialized
reference to the SUBJECT must be characterized in relation to accessibility. According to Torres
(1991) when SUBJECT is represented in capital letters it signifies and AGR-subject and a lexical
NP-subject. Lasnik (1988:58) describes the notion of accessibility as follows:
B is accessible to a if
a. B c-commands a, and
b. B is not co-indexed with any category containing a
Thus, (4.b) refers to a grammatical principle known as the i-within-i filter.
(5) The i-within-i filter
B; ...]
Keeping the above information in mind then, a final approximation of GC is proposed by
Lasnik (1988:58) as:
The GC of a is the minimal NP or S containing a, a governor of a, and a SUBJECT
accessible to a.
Torres (1991) points out the fact that 'the definition of governing category defines a domain that
is syntactically equivalent to the domain of a clause.' Therefore, a diagrammatic representation
equals the following:
a = {NP/S1
Now, consider examples (8a) and (b) below. At first glance it might be tempting to say
that the subject NP of the matrix clause he qualifies as a bindihg antecedent for the anaphoric
reflexive himself. However, in the spirit of the notion of GC given above, it appears evident that
we must account for the non-phonologically realized NP of the infinitival clause. Therefore, (8b)
has been posited.
He had scaly skin to protect himself.
He had scaly skin [PRO to protect himself]
The non-overt NP is indicated as PRO with regard to the syntactic representation. Haegeman
(1991:244) writes that 'if we postulate that the infinitival clause has a non-overt gubject, PRO,
this subject can act as the binder of the reflexive', thereby satisfying the conditions of Principle
A and the notion of GC. In addition, PRO is anaphoric in nature: it is dependent on another NP
for its interpretation. Therefore, in considering what has been termed the control theory of GC,
PRO is controlled by the main clause subject by co-indexation as in (8c) (cf. Chomsky 1980;
Lasnik 1988; and Haegeman 1991).
He; had scaly skin [PRO; to protect himself]
Case Theory
CASE CATEGORIES. Case theory is one way in which the formal properties of overt NP's
are integrated into the grammar. According to Baine and Hardy (1982:220) case categories have
two interrelated functions:
First, within the lexicon they have a semantic function: to distinguish the arguments of
a predicate by providing each with a distinct label.
The second function of case categories is syntactic: the rules use the case categories to
identify arguments and specify where the arguments are to be found in sentences, so that
both speaker and listener know when in the sentence the noun identifying the hitter is
going to appear, and where the noun for who or what gets hit will be.
Although case categories are not as overt in Englisn as they are in German, for,example,
they are still morphologically realized in the pronoun system with the exception of the 2nd
person singular/plural form you and the 3rd person singular neutral it. However, it has been
postulated that 'English has a fully-fledged system of abstract case ... We assume that abstract
case is part of universal grammar' which parametrically varies by language (Haegeman
The case categories which are still pisghologically realized in the English pronoun
system are the following:
NOMINATIVE- marks the NP in the subject position of finite
ACCUSATIVE- marks the object NP of a transitive verb, the
subject NP of an infinitival subordinate clause,
and an NP complement of a preposition.
notes a case used primarily to indicate that a
noun is a modifier of another noun, often to
express possession, measure, origin etc.
Further, Givan (1984:147) points out that the nominative-accusative case-marking
typology allows for the marking of subjectization. Givon explains that this type of case-marking
displays 'the pragmatic unity of the category "subject", regardless of whether the verbal clause
is transitive or intransitive, and regardless of the semantic role of the subject.'
The primary function of Case Theory within the theoretical
framework of GB is to explain various restrictions that appear to have very little to do with case.
That is, it explains the existence of Cases and their implications for the structure of the sentence.
Lasnik (1988:10) refers to the general principle of UG which is involved as the Case-Filter:
At S-Structure, every lexical NP needs Case.
Although the above statement of Case-Filter relates the general idea, perhaps a more
accurate statement is one given by Chomsky (1986; In Cook 1988:139):
Every phonetically realized NP must be assigned (abstract) Case.
The inclusion of abstract case in the statement of the Case-Filter is an important concern
to the overall theory of UG because as Haegeman (1991:139) writes:
'Abstract case is a
universal property, while the overt realization of abstract case by means of morphological case
varies cross-linguistically.'
ACQUISITION OF ANAPHORA. With an understanding of the primary goals underlying both
Binding Theory and Case Theory, perhaps some insight can be revealed concerning the
acquisition of anaphora by children learning to speak English. For instance, consider example
(12) below.
*He was probably a twelve horned dinosaur and he didn't.. he could go in.. he would
protect hisself with these horns.. but they weren't a frill.
What can we say about this data? First, it suggests that children do indeed exhibit
knowledge of Principle A of the BT: an anaphor must be bound in its governing category.
Knowledge of the principle of binding becomes evident in (12) by acknowledging the use of the
English reflexive morpheme -self. The ungrammaticality of the utterance is related to improper
case assignment. Here, the child assigned the genitive case to the 3rd person masculine form of
the reflexive instead of the grammatical accusative case.
Second, example (12) supports the plausibility of such a notion as Case Theory. We
cannot just dismiss the distribution of particular overt NP's as occurring in some sort of
complementary distribution. Rather, the fact that the genitive case never occurs together with
the reflexive form -self in adult language implies that case assignment is acquired as a separate
process from that of binding. Further support is presented in (13):
(13) *He; had two sets of horns [just [PRO; to protect themself]
As a result of the previous observation made in (12) and (13), I posit that the
morphological realization of the accusative form of the anaphoric pronoun together with the
reflexive marker -self are not considered a single lexical representation by the language learning
child. Wasow (1986:108) notes that 'while adults may provide children with instruction
regarding the case marking or gender or pronouns, parents do not seem to tell children how
pronouns are associated with antecedents and interpreted.'
Proper Binding Domain
PROPER BINDING STATEMENT. When anaphoric pronouns are interpreted as bound
variables, their analyses belong in part to the domain of semantics. In an attempt to capture the
notion of semantic agreement between the features of the bound variables, a concept referred to
as generalized agreement, Torres (1991) proposes a supplement to the BT which allows the
collapse of Principles A and B into a single statement:
Anaphors and Pronominals are properly bound in y, where
y = a minimal NP or S and
(ii) no indexed element violates the i-within-i condition in y
Thus, consider example (15) below:
*He; would use it [PRO; to protect himselves3
The Proper Binding Statement first assigns y to the lower clause which satisfies the requirement
that y be equivalent to a minimal NP or S. Then, the anaphor in that domain is required to match
the potential antecedent with the features person, number, and gender. As was stated earlier in
this paper, the non-overt subject PRO is dependent on another NP for its interpretation. The
Proper Binding Statement considers the non-phonetically realized subject PRO to function like
a pronoun which is phonetically realized. Since PRO is proper in y and is free to refer, He;,
PRO;, and himselves; are all coreferential as is signified by the indices. As a result, he and
himselves must share agreement features. Example (15) is ungrammatical because the indexed
elements lack AGR in terms of the feature, number.
With regard to the Proper Binding Statement, Tones (1991) remarks:
if pr
er binding straightforwardly accounts for those cases in which a construction with
indexed elements must be ungrammatical because the featural structure between
antecedent and anaphor do not match, it can also, obviously, account for those cases in
which the indexing in a construction must yield a grammatical structure, and this is thanks
to the similarity in function between i-within-i and generalized agreement.
CASE AND PROPER BINDING. An intrinsic principle of UG is that it forbids two elements
of the same Case to be coindexed within the clause. This fact is consistent with the underlying
assumption of the i-within-i filter. Therefore, it follows that two Nominative NP's can not be
properly bound in y, or for that matter in terms of the BT, in the same GC. Briefly consider
what the impact of above proposition is on example (16):
*They could use their head to ram into the Tyrannosaurus Rex's stomach if they; wanted
to protect theirselves; because they had bony heads, real bony and they; could even use
right down here to stab 'em or back here to protect theirselvesi.
In terms of Proper Binding, both sets of anaphoric expressions are properly bound in y. Also,
they exhibit generalized agreement in terms of AGR-number, AGR-person, and AGR-gender.
Yet by adult speaker standards, the utterance is ungrammatical.
emphasizes that importance of Case Theory in relation to binding.
The result, once again,
A main goal of this paper was to empirically test GB theory by taking into account
particular phenomena which occur in child language. As a general observation, children appear
to have basic intuitions concerning all of the mechanisms involved in properly binding a reflexive
anaphor to an antecedent NP at a fairly young age: a fact which supports the theories proposed.
Predictably, it is the child's errors which have provided the most insight into the nature of
Universal Grammar.
Most notably, children make mistakes by assigning genitive case to reflexive NP's. This
fact is not so surprising if you consider that the child may perceive the reflexive as consisting
of two distinct elements, the genitive possessive pronoun as modifying the Noun self. Notice that
the child never makes the mistake of using the nominative form of the pronoun with the
The next step in this study should be to study the nature of coreference beyond the single
sentence. For example, consider (17) below:
*He didn't have any weapons it.. itself. It had only these kind of weapons.. only.
In the above example, he and itself are bound in the GC. In terms of the Proper Binding
Statement, however, the sentence is labelled ungrammatical because in lacks AGR-person. But
notice the following sentence. Where the referential subject in the previous sentence was he, it
is now it. If a subject NT can pick up its reference from the preceding reflexive anaphoric
pronoun, what is the ensuing impact on linguistic theories such as those that have been discussed
in this paper, that is, Binding Theory and Proper Binding? It is not my intention to deal with
this problem here, yet it is interesting to consider nonetheless.
This is a and his neck is probably about 50 feet tall because it could eat like
trees, like the trees outside it would be taller than them saw a track of one in a
museum and it's really big. It's bigger than my hand. It's probably from right over that chair
right over to there. And could probably lay down in it, maybe two persons could lay
down in it because it was big and we even saw a leg bone from it and it's about as big as this
house and not as fat (laugh). Not as big as this house but probably from that window to that
window. No that one..over to there. And its bend down or its legs could
move really far, they could probably crush the trees if it was walking through here. Sometimes
they would crush the plants and they would be flat like..really flat like it's paper, probably as flat
as paper. (Adult: Does that one eat plants or does he eat meat?) He eats plants and his tail was
used for a weapon only. His tail was the only weapon he had. (A: Because he doesn't have
sharp teeth, right?) Yeah he doesn't have.. yeah he has teeth. No he doesn't. (A: Well, he has
teeth but not like...) They're not really sharp. They had to eat stones to help grind it up. And
this is my bubble bath one. (Laugh)
This is a Stegosaurus and he weapons. He used this for a weapon cause if the
Tyrannosaurus Rex would bite it he could probably break his teeth out cause it was made out of
stale bone and his tail could kill the Tyrannosaurus Rex cause it had sharp spikes, really sharp.
And could turn his head back and forth and his tale could go back and forth but this one
can't. And his legs couldn't..he wasn't as big as Tyrannos..I mean.. as big as this guy. He was
only as big as this house only his tail was longer than the house, probably down.. maybe.. maybe
half long as our driveway, maybe down into the middle of our driveway. He would use it to
prec..protect himselves.
Here's two head bonkers, actually they're called peca.. pecalysecalosauruses. Their heads (A:
Pecaly what?) Peca.. I can't say it right either, pecalosauruses. I call 'ern pecalosauruses and
their head was the only weapon and their tail was a weapon. So their tail and head was the only
weapon they would have. They could use their head to ram into the Tyrannosaurus Rex's
stomach if they wanted to protect theirselves because they had a bony head, real bony and
they could even use right down here to stab 'em or back here to protect theirselves. They
had skin that was really hard, they have lots of layers of it and when they would fight they would
do the same thing.. just hit 'em together.. as hard as they could.
Here's a duckbill and this one does not have a crest.. rim.. some do and they have their.. they
didn't have any weapons at all. They didn't. [*G's last response was to a questioning look from
his mother] They um.. what their weapon was urn.. it they were out in.. they would run out into
the deep waters because they wouldn't drown like Tyrannosaurus Rex would cause they had sp..
they had.. um., their nostrils were up on top of their head right there. Some with their crestes
had nostrils up on the top of the crest. If this one had a crest the crest was really as big as this
house from.. maybe from here.. maybe as tall as me.. probably as tall.. as tall as me but his
head.. we've seen a head and with the crest.. and probably.. but I don't think it.. somebody could
fit in it cause it was an awfully small head. And.. but the dinosaur had a really small brain. It
probably as big as..maybe that big. And it could think a lot. It could think what to do. Like
it would go out into the waters. It could think up a lot.. with one little small brain.
Here's a dinosaur that.. like.. the water called.. I don't remember what he's called cause it's a
hard name.. I don't even know what he was called. Some.. he would.. urn.. he has paddled little
feet so he could paddle through the water and.. he would eat meat cause he got sharp teeth and
he would even eat plants. He got this stuff to protect himself, hard scaly skin.. just to protect
himself from the meat eaters that would dig him out of the water and.. maybe bite him.
The skin is very hard to get.. urn.. to break. It's kinda like wood and.. it.. the tail is its only
weapon too.. and its jaw were too.. cause it could really bite hard.
Here's a Triceratops and here's another one. These two.. this is the b.. the.. regularly sized one.
When they were babies they wouldn't. be this small, they would be bigger then.. bigger than this,
maybe.. um.. about that big.. this tall. And mothers were way bigger. I'm.. their skulls.. urn..
were huge. They had to use a lot of glass to get 'em into a glass thing to protect 'em. And their
outer skull.. that.. is.. pretty big. The mouths were meant for chewing. The jaws back in the
background were meant for grinding.. urn.. plants and so was the.. teeth, they weren't very sharp
but they were sharp to grind you. They would have to use stones to bite.. through.. the hard stuff
because it..but they had.. but they urn.. because somethimes they..their teeth would get.. but that
would wear out their teeth so they would eat.. they.. somethimes they would eat the stones just
to help grind up and that would wear out their teeth anyway because the plants were softer.
Here's another one. Urn.. this one's smaller and he has the horns.. like on this guy. Urn.. their
back scales were the only protection.. and their horns.. they could use to kill the Tyrannosaurus
Rex with their horns.
Here's a Stegosaurus but he's different cause.. this is an African Stegosaurus cause they live
down in Africa.. cause they look like this cause the African ones.. were.. kinda like meat eaters
but had claws just to grab into the ground. That.. urn.. the dinosaurs down there were
very.. had very tough teeth, so they had boney spikes and they had three on one side and two on
the other side so if they wanted to just kinda wound it they would use two and if they wanted
to really hurt.. if they wanted to teach it. cause they would use both of 'em and they're both the
same strength.. urn.. so like.. if they.. they would both wound it or kill it.. so if these two.. urn..
stuck into its heart or its stomach it could kill it.
Here's an.. urn.. African Ankylosaurus. He didn't have any weapons it.. itself. It had only
these kind of weapons.. only. They were not weapons they were things to protect them and..
urn.. they could protect their head.. cause they had hard skin on their head.
Here's the regular kind of Ankylosaurus. He had t.. he had horns on.. right down here.. and up
here. He had two sets of horns.. just to protect :hemself right here and right here.. up here.
And he had a hard head and a hard scaly thing. And then back in the background he had a c..
hard club on his.. thing.. so he could wack the Tyrannosaurus Rex really hard an'.. probably
would hurt.. to wack sombody in these days. These things.. they're.. those things would probably
be about this big around, maybe as big as my Morn's head.. I bet (laugh). Maybe as big as
persons head because they would use 'em for protection.. like the Stegosaurus.
I don't know what this.. this guys called? This guy is a rather.. big dinosaur.. more horns than..
I don't know what he's called.. No.. there isn't no name and he has one.. one two three
twelve.. twelve horns. He was probably a twelve horned dinosaur and.. he didn't.. he could
go in.. he would protect hisself with these horns.. but they weren't a frill. They would
protect his neck and back in the back.. if he got bit there he wouldn't be really dead. No
(Different child: No there's thirteen) No. (cause the one) No, right there? No, that's not.. there
isn't thirteen.
Here's Tyrannosaurus Rex. Urn.. he ate meat. He was the biggest meat eater. They made him
kinda wrong cause they put these spiked thumbs. And he had some scales going down his
back, not to protect himself but just kinda so he would look fiercer [pronounced 'fyusr'].
He'd even use his tale for a weapon. His claws could kill.. um.. he didn't need a weapon
actually, cause he wa more fiercer than any other dinosaur, he could kill most of the.. any
dinosaur.. even his own kind of an.. ances.. even his own.. kind. The strongest and the oldest
could probably kill his own kind that was even stronger than him.. because their teeth.. when
they get really old their teeth get like.. brittle.. like I mean like.. metal. You can't push in.. on
'em they could.. somebody really when they're back in.. then.. it could.. somebody could fit in
their skull. They could just swollow somebody an'.. they would just go down their throat.
Here's a dimetrodon. He.. urn.. didn't.. he would need some protection but he didn't ne . have
any. He had his claws for protection. But this was not any protection. This was to keep.. the
heat or the urn.. keep coolin' down. He was an.. also a meat eater. He had scullies.. scaly skin
to protect himself. His head wasn't very hard. His neck wasn't hard at all.. because urn.. that's
where.. cause he didn't need a hard neck. Well.. he did but he didn't have one because
Tyrannosaurus Rex could bite through it.
(What's this? Oh..) This is a Sa(v)er toothed tiger, he lived back in the other times.. urn.. right
after the dinosaurs. And.. he actually.. why he was called Sa(v)er toothered cause he had two
teeth.. really big like this. See those teeth hangin' out. (A: hi the front?) Uh huh, right back
here. Those were da.. urn.. his killing teeth so he could rip in the meat and this is a skeleton of
him.. one of 'em.. but not a real skeleton it's a m.. probably dis um.. a.. thing.
Here's an urn.. this is a urn.. wait.. that big one was a Broncheosaurus right there cause kinda
the lump is on him.
This is a Brontosaurus which was actually smaller than Brocheosaurus. Brocheosaurus had a
neck about 50 feet long maybe.. no I don't think so. You know like I told you. This guy only
had a neck probably as tall as.. as long as this house. The Brocheosaurus was taller than this
guy. This guy would look like a little baby to the Brocheosaurus.
(I can't find what I want. Oh, here it is.)
This is a urn.. little meat eater. He was a.. he was called.. Dimetrodon which was a (inaudible
attempt at some word) I don't know what his name. It was a (more inaudible) But he was a
meat eater with urn.. actually three claws, actually like five claws and he could rip into
something bigger than himself. Like a Brocheosaurus he could kill with lots of bites only..
cause he was a poisonous he had a poisonous mouth.. inside.. because he had two jaws of it
hanging out when he bit.. (A: hum) to kill the dinosaur harder.
Here's an iguana. They lived back in the dinosaur times and.. they just have spiky feet (laugh)
that's all (laugh) about that guy. Here's another Triceratops. (Oh...)
This was a urn.. these were both.. (What were these guys called? ...(6sec pause)... Tyran..)
Tyrannodons. These were (laughs from listeners) I can't remember their names cause they're
hard. These are Tyrannodons cause they had big.. foreheads, just to.. kinda help the heat an..
help 'em glide. Their wings were like f.. they 'r they were like fifty feet long. So.. and their
legs could help 'em land or um.. and even their beak was sharp, really sharp. Urn.. they bu..
they were meant for killing urn.. fish and their hands were not.. were not.. (inaudible) well they
were kinda. Their hands were for battle sometimes and even their legs or their beaks. And..
whenever they fought they would.. pretty make damage on the other one and both of 'em would
be damage up, so. (A: That would be kinda scary up in the air, fightin' like that) I know, so
would I. They could fly like.. maybe.., probably as high as an airplane (A: wow) an' they could
still breathe. There's no air up there but they could still breathe.. cause they could take air up
from down below an' use it.. but not even let it out, just use it to breathe in.. but they wouldn't
let it go out. (A: Then they'd hafta go back down and get more air?) Yeah, that would take 'em
a long time probably like.. hou.. an hour.
(A: I don't think I'd wanna live back when dinosaurs aid, would you?)
I don't think you would want to anyway cause you would only probably live up to maybe
fourteen or like only you would be like three an' they would an' you would die or maybe just
be a baby and die cause the big dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus Rex.
(A: I bet they'd like to eat us too, don't you think?)
He would eat anything that he could get his hands on.
Bohannon, J.N., & Warren-Leubecker, A.(1989). Theoretical approaches to language acquisition.
In J. Berko Gleason (Ed.) The development of language,(pp. 167-223). Columbus: Merrill
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The goals of linguistic theory, (pp. 63-130). Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
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Haegeman, L. (1991). Introduction to government and binding theory. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
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Paper presented at a colloquium of the Duke City Linguistics Circle, Albuquerque, N. M.
UnivousZty o6 New Mexico Cliokfzing PapeU
in Lingtti.)Stic/S, Vol.. 1, 1993, 88-96
Re-examination of the Notion of Proper Binding:
The Interpretation of Reflexives in Japanese
Teruo Ueno
I. Introduction
In his working paper, Torres (1991) proposes the notion of proper binding as a
supplementary statement to the Binding Theory. The statement rules in as grammatical "all
constructions in which an anaphor or a bound pronominal agrees with its antecedent in terms of
person, number, and gender," and rules out as ungrammatical "those constructions in v.,hich
such agreement does not occur" (Torres, 19917 2). In other words, proper binding, letting
semantics creep in, judges grammaticality of sentences on the basis of generalized agreement
between an anaphor and its potential antecedent, but not on the basis of the definition of
"binding". Because of this semantic nature of proper binding, he further claims that proper
binding is fairly directly related to discourse pragmatics, serving as "an interface between the
form of the grammar and its use in discourse pragmatics."
In this paper, I would like to present an argument for the notion of proper binding
through the interpretation of Japanese reflexives, jibun "self', jibun-jishin "self-self', and karejishin "he- self'.'
In the next section, I will briefly summarize the characteristics of the Japanese reflexives
jibun ,jibun-jishin, and kare-jishin, introducing Katada's (1991) three-way classification with
respect to Raising. In the third section, I will describe the morphological structure and
semantic function of the three reflexives, claiming that jibun and jibun-jishin share the same
semantic function, which would lead to the same behavior with respect to co-reference with the
antecedent. In the last section, I will apply the notion of proper binding to these Japanese
reflexives to see how proper binding deals with the ambiguous constructions which are
normally unmentioned in the Binding Theory.
2. Three-way Classification of jibun, jibun-jishin, and kare-jishin
Katada (1991) makes a three-way classification of these reflexives in terms of locality
of binding, and subject orientation in identifying their antecedents:
(a) long-distance anaphors with subject orientation (e.g., jibun),
(b) local anaphors with subject orientation (e.g., jibun-jishin),
(c) local anaphors with subject orientation (e.g., kare-jishin).
'Although jishin originally means "own body", I will translate it as "self" in this paper, following the
recent literature discussing the Japanese reflexives. Jishin is also used as an independent word with the meaning
of jibun "self", although the latter is much more often used than the former.
The three-way contrasts above are exemplified in the following sentence2.
(1) Johni-ga
John NOM
Bill NOM
Mike DAT
thing ACC
`John said that Bill told Mike about self.'
According to Katada (1991), jibun in (1) may refer back to John, subject of the matrix
sentence (i.e., a higher clause) as well as Bill, subject of the embedded (or lower) clause.
(Therefore jibun is a long-distance anaphor with subject orientation.) Jibun-jishin, on the other
hand, can refer only to the clausemate subject Bill. (Therefore Jibun-jishin is a local anaphor
with subject orientation.) Further; kare-jishin can pick up as its antecedents either the NOM or
DAT NP in the same clause, but not in the higher clause. (Therefore kare-jishin is a local
anaphor with no particular orientation.)
Katada (1991), then, tries to reduce these contrasts to the contrastive behaviors of the
reflexives in terms of raising in LF, by introducing the notion of operator/nonoperator
anaphors. He claims that jibun is an operator anaphor and is raised to an operator position (A 'position) by way of VP adjunction in LF, the domain of which adjunction is not limited if the
operator is lexically governed by a case marker. This multiple VP-adjunction sites account for
the long-distance behavior of jibun, which may pick up as its antecedent even the subject of the
higher clause. On the other hand, kare-jishin is a nonoperator anaphor, hence undergoes no
raising. His explanation of jibun-jishin is unique in that since jibun- in jibun-jishin is lexically
ungoverned (i.e., case marker is not attached), it cannot land at multiple VP-adjunction sites as
jibun does because of the ECP; that is, when jibun- undergoes raising, its lexically ungoverned
trace has to be antecedent-governed, resulting in the limitation of the domain where jibun- can
land without violating the ECP. In short, jibun- cannot be raised beyond the clause boundary.
This behavior of local raising, Katada (1991) argues, explains the property of local binding
with subject orientation exemplified by jibun-jishin.
The argument is summarized in the following LF representations:
(2) Long-distance raising
NP1-ga Ivp jibun Evp
[ c-command
NP2-ni... [cp* ...
tX c-command.-1
[ +lex-governed]
CP* stands for zero or more occurrences of clauses.
2The example is from Katada (1991) with my slight modifications in rominized
writing, and in
grammatical notation. Grammatical notation used in this paper is as follows; NOM = nominative, DAT =
dative, ACC = accusative, GEN = genitive, and COMP = complementizer.
(3) Local raising
NP-ga [VP2 [CPI [TP1 NP-ga
(-lex -governed
(4) Non raising
[vp ...NP2-ni
[kare jishin] ...J ...1
> c command--i
Although Katada's explanation nicely describes most of the phenomena, it involves
highly abstract form of representations and many assumptions3. Moreover, his theory does
not say anything about grammaticality judgement marked as '?*' in the example (1). The
symbol "r or ''?*' is obviously different from '4", which is marked for a construction clearly
`ungrammatical'. However, Katada's explanation fails to account for the difference between
them. According to his three-way classification of reflexives, there should not be a
construction judged as 'T or '?*'. For example, kare-jishin in (1) should never be co-indexed
with the higher clause subject John because of its non-raising property as a nonoperator.
Accordingly it should be clearly marked as '*', not as '?*'.
In the next section, let us examine the morphological structure and semantic functions
of the three reflexives in question.
3. The morphological structure and semantic functions of jibunjibun-jishin,
and kare-jishin
First, it should be noted that -jishin in jibun-jishin is a very productive reflexive
marker, practically turning every noun and pronoun into a reflexive or emphatic form. For
example, not only watashi-jishin
watashi-tachi-jishin 'we-self', kanojo-jishin 'sheself', sore jishin 'it-self', karera-jishin 'they-self', anata-jishin `you- self', and anata-tachijishin 'you-PLURAL-self', the possibility of all of which can be inferred from the structure of
kare-jishin 'he-self , but also the combination NOUN[-Eanimate] jishin', such as inu-jishin
`dog-self', Yamada-san-jishin 'Yamada-Mr.-self', otoosan-jishin 'Father-self' etc. are
possible. Moreover, the high productivity of -jishin has stretched the semantic domain of
-jishin to the inanimate, for which there is a separate reflexive marker, -jitai. For instance,
kami-jishin 'paper-self' e.t.c. are
3Conceming syntactic connectedness (,or connectivity) in backward reflexivization seen in scrambled
constructions, he proposes that operators must remain in A'-position, while nonoperators must undergo
reconstruction in LF. Indeed, the proposed statement is able to handle constructions involving scrambling, but
he does not explain why that is the case. In other words, the motivation of the different behavior in
reconstruction in LF between operators and nonoperators is not presented at all, giving us the impression that
the stipulation is ad hoc.
possible, although some might insist, from a prescriptive point of view, that -jitai should be
exclusively used for the inanimate.4
Just like in English, reflexive forms in Japanese have two semantic functions; that is,
(i) emphatic function, and (ii) pure reflexive function. Words with jibunl-jitai are exclusively
used for the former, and both jibun and -jishinl-jitai forms are used for the latter. The
following sentences (5)-(7) will illustrate this point.
(5) Tanaka-wa
Tanaka NOM
Yamada-self DAT
`Tanaka saw Yamada himself.' (Emphatic use of -jishin)
(6) Tanakai-wa
Tanaka NOM
c.elf-self ACC
`Tanaka laughed at himself.' (Reflexive use of -jishin)
(7) Tanakai-wa
Tanaka NOM
self ACC
`Tanaka laughed at himself.' (Reflexive use of jibun)
In short, -ji-hin could be attached to any noun/pronoun to make a reflexive form,
which, in turn, ham two functions, (i) aia semantic emphasizer of a noun/pronoun in
apposition to itself, and (ii) as a pure reflexive, while jibun has only the latter function.
Here, I would like to claim that the pure reflexive function the word jibun has, whether
used independently or together with -jishin, plays a crucial role in picking up the subject as its
antecedent. On the other hand, considering th.. fact that kare jishin is, as I described above,
formed by attaching -jishin to a pronoun kare, it will not be unreasonable to think that the
41n fact, contrary to the expected argument against the examples here, the first phrase keikaku-ffshin is
taken from Gendai Kokugo Reikai Jiten (Shogakukan, 1985), one of the most widely used Japanese dictionaries
among secondary school students.
5McCawley (1989) argues that jibun is not fully acceptable when its antecedent is the subject of the
same clause. However, I claim that the ambiguity concerning the referent of jibun is derived from the double
meanings of the word, not from the syntactic constraint on jibun: That is, jibun can be used in two different
ways, i.e., (i) as a pure reflexive, and (ii) as a pronoun referring to the speaker/writer of the sentence. When the
discourse cannot fully specify which .;eading should be taken, the ambiguity occurs, which is often the case with
the examples of those linguists who deal with a single sentence independently of the context. Therefore, the
ambiguity is caused not by the improbability of co-reference of the anaphor with the clausemate subject because
of some inherent nature of jibun, but simply by the double meanings it possesses. Without being fully aware
of this fact, the grammaticality judgement of (7) will differ from one person to another. For example, Miyara
(1982) does not mark this type of construction as ungrammatical or ambiguous, while Katada (1991)'s
judgement is the same as McCawley's, namely '?'.
strength of the reflexive function of kare-jishin is a little weakend or softened by the
pronominal character it inherits from the pronoun kare.
This claim implies that in principle, jibun-jishin can pick up as its antecedent the subject
exactly the same way as jibun does, whether the subject is in a higher clause or not, because of
the pure (or unweakened) reflexive function it possesses, and that kare-jishin may refer to
virtually any noun/pronoun if the noun/pronoun referred to is [1-animate][+male], which
features kare has, and therefore requires of its antecedent.
Now let us examine how this claim, interacting with the notion of proper binding,
accounts for the data.
Application of Proper Binding to Japanese Reflexives
Tones (1991: 5), collapsing Conditions A and B, states proper binding as follows:
(8) Proper Binding Statement
Anaphors and Pronouns are properly bound in g, where
(i) g = a minimal NP or S, and
(ii) no indexed element in g violates the i-within-i condition.
Keeping in mind the statement (8), and the claim that proper binding makes use of
Agreement features, let us analyze the following sentence.
(9) Tom! -wa
Jane DAT
jibun-jishini/*/*k -ni
town GEN
environment NOM
kare]/ irk
`Tom told Jane that the environment of that town didn't fit self.'
There is no ambiguity whatsoever in interpre the antecedent of these reflexives.
Note that jibun-jishin and kare-jishin pick up as their antecedent the subject of the higher
clause, namely Tom, which phenomenon cannot be explained with Katada's
operator/nonoperator dichotomy. In fact, the possibility of co-reference of jibun-jishin and
lcare-jishin with the subject of the higher clause is excluded in his three-way classification of
Japanese reflexives.
The unambiguous co-reference of jibun-jishin and kare-jishin with Tom is, however,
straightforwardly explainable with the proper binding statement. Kare-jishin, inherited the
features [+humari][+male] from a pronoun kare. has no way of referring to kankyo, or Jane,
which has the feature [-human] and [-male] respectively. In other words, having failed to find
the antecedent of kare-jishin in the g assigned to the lower clause because of the mismatch of
the Agreement features (hence, g = /-proper/), the Proper Bii0ing Statement stretches g to the
higher clause in search of a potential antecedent of kare-jishin, where it identifies Tom but not
Jane as the antecedent, based on the feature agreement between Tom and kare-jishin (hence g =
/+proper/, and kare-jishin is properly bound in g). If the main clause subject in (9) were Mary
instead of Tom when the reflexive is kare-jishin, the Proper Binding Statement fails to assign g
to the higher clause too, resulting in the improper binding of kare-jishin.
As for the possibility of co-reference of jibun and jibun-fishin with Jane, it is ruled out
because of another important feature of the two reflexives, i.e., [+subject referring], by which
I mean the feature that requires the antecedent to have the subject status, and with which the
feature [+subject] matches.6
As we have seen, (9) clearly supports the claim that I made at the end of the previous
section: (i) There is no difference between jibun and jibun-jishin in the behavior of identifying
their antecedent, i.e., there is no constraint on jibun-jishin that it should look for its antecedent
only in the clause it is in. In fact, both can pick up as their antecedent the subject NP whether
or not it is their clausemate, as long as their Agreement features match with those of the subject
NP. Further, (ii) kare-jishin can refer to any NP, as long as the Agreement features of each
other match. In short, there is no structural constraint on the three reflexives. in terms of the
lower/higher clause.
The above argument holds good even if we look at a fairly complicated sentence such
as (10) below.
(10) [Toms -wa
Nancy DAT
[Janes -no
kare-jishind*re*//*m -o
Jane GEN
kiratteiru] to
Mary NOM
mother NOM
`Tom told Nancy that Mary thought that Jane's mother hated himself.'
In (10), the reflexive kare-jishin crosses two S boundaries to search for its proper
binder with the features of [+human][+male], finding only Torn as the qualified antecedent.
The proper Binding Statement has no problem in dealing with this even quite artificially
complicated sentence, while Katada(1991)'s theory, not allowing the raising of kare-jishin,
fails completely.
Now, let's suppose that the reflexive used in ete above sentence (10) is kanojo-jishin
`she-self', not kare-jishin. Then we would have a very ambiguous sentence (11); 'ambiguous'
in a sense that there are more than one potential antecedents which share the same Agreement
features with the reflexive, but not 'ungrammatical' in a sense that the sentence is wrongly
constructed, both syntactically and semantically. Put it differently, it is possible to interpret the
meaning of (11) in more than a single way, creating ambiguity, but not ungrammaticality of the
61-lere, it may seem that I am mixing semantic features with syntactic features, but since 'subject
(referring)] is actually derived from the semantic feature [agent] in the active voice, and (recipient] in the passive
voice, it would not be improper to use the word 'subject' for the convenience' sake.
(11) !Tomi-wa
Nancy DAT
kanojo-jishin*Opk/ilm -o
Mary NOM
mother NOM
Jane GEN
omotteiruj to
COMP told
`Torn told Nancy that Mary thought that Jane's mother hated nerself.'
Applying the Proper Binding Statement, such an ambiguous situaticn will be explained
as follows:
The Proper Binding Statement first assigns g to the lowest clause, and then has the
reflexive find its antecedent with the same Agreement features as its own. In the case of (11),
for example, two nouns in the lowest clause, Jane and mother having the features [+human][
male], will be identified as a potential antecedent of kanojo-jishin. Since the two nouns are
equally qualified as the antecedent of the reflexive, the choice between the two really depends
on the context, or pragmatic discourse. Having successfully identified the antecedent, the
reflexive will most naturally stop its search for the antecedent there, without extending the
searching domain (i.e., g) to a higher clause, unless the discourse forces it to do so. This is
the most straightforward way of interpreting the reflexive in question. I suppose that this
straightforward interpretation is the main reason the reflexives in the form of X-jishin are often
claimed to be locally (i.e., in the same clause as their antecedent) bound.
However, if the context does not allow the kanojo-jishin to take either Jane or mother
as its antecedent, the Proper Binding Statement will let the reflexive extend its searching
domain to the next higher clause, and if the context does not allow it to pick up Mary there
either, then it will again search for its antecedent in the next higher clause, where Nancy will be
identified as a potential antecedent. As long as the discourse context does not give a warning
against the new reading, kanojo-jishin is properly bound with Nancy in that new g.
Syntactically and semantically, there is nothing wrong or illegal with this operation, therefore,
nothing wrong or ungrammatical with the interpretation of (11), where Nancy and kanojo
jishin are co-referential. The ambiguity of (11), as marked "?', is, therefore, not caused by
the impossibility of such co-reference, but simply by the multiple choice type of decision we
are forced to make out of many potential antecedents.
The decision making requires the context in which the sentence occurs. Unfortunately,
however, such context is normally omitted or ignored in linguistic literature even when the
anaphor-antecedent referential questions like the ones discussed in this paper, are dealt with.
In discussing such questions, linguists should be much more aware of the important role the
discourse plays.?
7Zribi-Hertz(1989), and Ward. Sproat,a McKoon(1991) are among the few who take discourse into
serious consideration in dealing with the nature of anaphor binding. Beth challenge the Principle A, claiming
that the analysis under the Binding Theory is incomplete on a point that it lacks in the consideration of
Now before closing the section, let's re-examine the sentence (1), employing the
Proper Binding Statement, in order to confirm my claim. The sentence is repeated here as (12)
for convenience.8
(12) Johni-ga
John NOM
Bill NOM
thing ACC
Mike DAT
`John said that Bill told Mike about self.'
First, in the lower clause assigned g by the Proper Binding Statement, each of the
reflexives tries to find feature matching nouns/pronouns to correctly identify its potential
antecedents. Jibun and jibun-jishin, for example, sharing the same Agreement features
[ +human][ -Frnale][ +subject referring], will pick up only Bill, and kare-jishin, which has [subject referring], will choose both Bill and Mike. The choice between the two is a matter of
Having succeeded in identifying their respective antecedent, the reflexives will stop
their search for other potential antecedents, with g remaining in the lower clause. However, if
the discourse prohibits the reflexives from referring to these potential antecedents in the lower
clause, the Proper Binding Statement re-assigns g to the higher clause, where the reflexives are
allowed to look for other potential antecedents.
All of the reflexives in question can pick up John as their antecedent because of the
same Agreement features, and again, if the discourse allows the co-reference there, the
reflexives are properly bound in the new g, and if not, they are not properly bound, creating
not a 'ambiguous' but an 'unacceptable' and 'ungrammatical' sentence. The mark "?' is placed
for all of the reflexives simply because we cannot infer the discourse constraint, i.e., we cannot
judge if the discourse requires us to assign g to the higher clause, just by looking at this
sentence. Such information is necessary but lacking here, therefore (12) is judged as an
`ambiguous' sentence, but not an 'unacceptable' or 'ungrammatical' sentence.
Although, it may not be able to completely replace the Binding Theory, the notion of
Proper Binding, as shown in the above discussion of the Japanese reflexives, provides us with
a powerful 'interface between the form of the grammar and its use in discourse pragmatics'
(Torres, 1991: 1).
Moreover, it should be also noted that as for the Japanese examples used in this paper,
some of which are fairly complex with respect to syntactic and semantic structures, proper
binding has been proved to be not merely powerful enough to be a supplement to the Bireng
Theory but, in fact, more powerful in explaining the linguistic phenomena involving reflexives
than the Binding Theory.
8The acceptability judgement made here is mine.
Hayashi, K. (Ed.) (1985). Gendai kokugo reilcai jiten. Tokyo: Syogakukan.
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Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Miyara, S. (1982) Reordering in Japanese. Linguistic Analysis 9, 307-340.
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