The School Health Index
as an Im petus for Change
Lisa K. Staten, PhD, Nicolette I. Teufel-Shone, PhD, Victoria E. Steinfelt, MS, Nohemi Ortega, Karen
Halverson, Carmen Flores, Michael D. Lebowitz, PhD
Suggested citation for this article: Staten LK, Teufel-Shone
NI, Steinfelt VE, Ortega N, Halverson K, Flores C, et al.
The School Health Index as an impetus for change. Prev
Chronic Dis [serial online] 2005 Jan [date cited]. Available
from: URL: http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2005/jan/
The increase in childhood obesity and prevalence of
chronic disease risk factors demonstrate the importance of
creating healthy school environments. As part of the
Border Health Strategic Initiative, the School Health
Index was implemented in public schools in two counties
along the Arizona, United States-Sonora, Mexico border.
Developed in 2000 by the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, the School Health Index offers a guide to
assist schools in evaluating and improving opportunities
for physical activity and good nutrition for their students.
Between 2000 and 2003, a total of 13 schools from five
school districts in two counties participated in the School
Health Index project despite academic pressures and limited resources.
The Border Health Strategic Initiative supported the
hiring and training of an external coordinator in each
county who was not part of the school system but who was
an employee in an established community-based organization. The coordinators worked with the schools to imple-
ment the School Health Index, to develop action plans, and
to monitor progress toward these goals.
The School Health Index process and school team participation varied from school to school. Individual plans
were different but all focused on reducing in-school access
to unhealthy foods, identified as high-fat and/or of low
nutritional value. Ideas for acting on this focus ranged
from changing the content of school lunches to discontinuing the use of nonnutritious foods as classroom rewards.
All plans included recommendations that could be implemented immediately as well as those that would require
planning and perhaps the formation and assistance of a
subcommittee (e.g., for developing or adopting a districtwide health curriculum).
After working with the School Health Index, most
schools made at least one immediate change in their school
environments. The external coordinator was essential to
keeping the School Health Index results and action plans
on the agendas of school administrators, especially during
periods of staff turnover. Staff turnover, lack of time, and
limited resources resulted in few schools achieving longerterm policy changes.
Adult U.S. Hispanic populations living along the
Arizona, United States-Sonora, Mexico border experience
type 2 diabetes prevalence rates that are double the rate of
the general U.S. population (1,2). The rate of type 2 diabetes is also rising among youth, especially in Mexican
American children (3,4). School nurses in the border region
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only
and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2005/jan/04_0076.htm • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
report that the number of children with diabetes in their
schools is increasing rapidly. Risk factors contributing to
these rates are ethnicity, family history, obesity, physical
inactivity, and poor nutrition (5).
Increases in rates of diabetes are closely associated with
obesity rates. Obesity rates among U.S. children have been
escalating rapidly over the past three decades (4,6,7). Data
from the 2003 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System show
that 14% of Arizona high school students were at risk for
becoming overweight, and 11% were overweight. While
this was slightly lower than the U.S. estimates of 15% at
risk and 14% overweight (8), no data are available for children living along the border. If extrapolations are made
from adult data from the region (1,2), more children living
along the border are at risk and are overweight than the
general U.S. population. To reverse this trend of increasing obesity and diabetes in youth along the U.S.-Mexico
border, interventions must target two modifiable risk factors: physical inactivity and poor nutrition.
Schools are ideal environments for promoting physical
activity and good nutrition (9,10). Unfortunately, U.S.
schools face many barriers to having healthy environments. The reduction or elimination of physical education
(PE), the transfer of school food service to outside vendors,
and reliance on vending machine revenues for extracurricular activities all contribute to a less-than-optimal health
environment for children. In addition, these factors may be
contributing to the dramatically increasing rate of childhood obesity in the United States (4). Policies and
resources shaping the school environment impact students’ patterns and levels of physical activity (9,10) and
patterns of food and nutrient intake (11).
To address physical activity and nutrition in the
school environment, the CDC developed the School
Health Index for Physical Activity and Healthy Eating:
A Self-Assessment and Planning Guide (SHI) in 2000
(12). The SHI enables schools to 1) identify strengths
and weaknesses of physical activity and nutrition policies and programs; 2) develop action plans for improving
student health; and 3) involve teachers, parents, students, and the community in improving school services.
The SHI manual consists of eight modules drawn from
the CDC Coordinated School Health Program model.
The SHI is a team-based assessment process.
Recommended team members include administrators,
teachers, school health workers, food service personnel,
parents, and community health agencies. Team members respond to a series of questions in each module, and
the questions are scored to yield an index reflecting their
school’s strengths and weaknesses. The SHI also
includes a planning section that helps schools use the
index scores to develop action plans (12).
Between 2000 and 2003, the SHI was implemented in
13 schools in two Arizona-Sonora border counties as part
of the Border Health Strategic Initiative (Border Health
¡SI!) (13). Border Health ¡SI! was a legislative appropriation for a comprehensive diabetes prevention and control
program in Cochise, Santa Cruz, and Yuma, Arizona
counties. Border Health ¡SI! consisted of policy coalitions
and interventions targeting providers, people with diabetes, their families, the general community, and schools
in two of the border counties. This paper describes the
schools component of Border Health ¡SI!. It provides a
case study of the SHI implementation process for seven
elementary schools and the barriers to change encountered in the school environment.
Schools were recruited from the Nogales area of Santa
Cruz County and the communities of Somerton and San
Luis in Yuma County, Arizona. Nogales had a population
of approximately 21,000 in 2001 and is predominantly
Hispanic (97%) (14). The majority of individuals (64%) had
incomes less than 200% of the federal poverty level. Most
adults (52%) did not have a high school diploma, and 17%
were unemployed (14).
Border Health ¡SI! recruited eight schools from three
public school districts in the Nogales area. Combined, these
districts serve approximately 9256 students and have 10
elementary schools, three middle schools, and three high
schools. Of these 16 schools, six did not meet the federal
Leave No Child Behind criteria in 2003, and two were
underperforming (15-17). No schools were classified as
excelling. During the first two years of Border Health ¡SI!,
one district was on a year-round calendar. In 2002, this district resumed a traditional calendar. A small district (made
up of one school) kept the year-round schedule.
In the Yuma area, five schools were recruited from the
communities of Somerton and San Luis, which are 100%
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only
and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention • www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2005/jan/04_0076.htm
Hispanic. Combined, the two communities had a population of approximately 24,610 in 2001 (18,19). Between 63%
and 78% of the population had incomes less than 200% of
the federal poverty level. The majority of adults
(62%–65%) did not have a high school diploma, and a large
percentage (44%–66%) was unemployed (18,19).
Border Health ¡SI! worked with two public school districts in Yuma County. At that time, the districts served
approximately 6524 students from K–12 with six elementary schools, two middle schools, and one high
school. Of the nine schools, four were ranked by the state
of Arizona as underperforming, and four did not meet the
federal Leave No Child Behind criteria in 2003 (20,21).
No schools were classified as excelling. Because of
exploding population growth, two schools in one district
were running double sessions (7:00 AM–12:25 PM and
12:30 PM–6:00 PM) with two sets of principals and teachers. This schedule did not allow time for extra activities
or even a vacant meeting room.
The community agencies and others involved in Border
Health ¡SI! expressed concern that the schools were overburdened and that health promotion and chronic disease
prevention might not be high priorities. We believed, however, that an outside advocate could discuss the serious
issues related to chronic disease and how they impact children. We also believed that resource-stressed schools
would accept external coordinators from established and
trusted agencies to provide assistance and support.
Cooperative Extension and SEAHEC identified staff members who could serve as external coordinators to assist
schools in completing the SHI assessment and planning
process and in coordinating and compiling the SHI materials. MEZACOPH staff provided education to external
coordinators on the SHI and the relationship between adolescent health and chronic disease. External coordinators
were responsible for documenting recruitment efforts, the
SHI process within the schools, team member activities,
and action plans.
School recruitment
Selection of SHI
The community-based agencies involved with Border
Health ¡SI!, along with technical assistance from the Mel
and Enid Zuckerman Arizona College of Public Health
(MEZACOPH), selected the recently released SHI as a tool
that would enable schools to start thinking about creating
healthier environments. Despite the lack of published
evaluation results, the Border Health ¡SI! group felt that it
was a reasonable tool to focus schools on physical activity
and nutrition policy. The SHI and follow-up were the only
school-based interventions as part of Border Health ¡SI!.
Project design
The University of Arizona Cooperative Extension in
Yuma County and Southeast Arizona Area Health
Education Center (SEAHEC) in Santa Cruz County facilitated implementation of the SHI. These two communitybased agencies had strong existing relationships with local
schools. SEAHEC was involved in a variety of school nutrition education programs, and Cooperative Extension was
responsible for the 4-H clubs for children and thus also
worked closely with area schools.
External coordinators initiated the recruitment process
by presenting the SHI to school district superintendents or
assistant superintendents, the school boards, or directly to
principals. In addition, external coordinators contacted
schools where they had personal connections. By the end
of the third year, all schools in the area were approached,
and any that expressed interest were contacted. The external coordinator provided a verbal overview and copy of the
SHI, and if received positively, made a presentation to
school personnel. When schools were hesitant to participate, additional assistance was sought from two directors
of health services, a school board president, and a registered nurse at a school-based clinic to encourage schools to
participate. Schools were offered a financial incentive of
$1500 upon completion of the SHI. The incentive was provided by Cooperative Extension and SEAHEC. Schools
were encouraged to apply the funds toward their action
plans but were not required to do so. At the end of the
three-year period, the SHI was implemented in 10 elementary schools, two middle schools, and one high school,
about half of the 25 schools approached.
Implementation of the SHI
Once a school agreed to complete the SHI, the principals
identified an internal SHI coordinator. The internal coordinator recruited team members, and the external coordi-
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only
and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2005/jan/04_0076.htm • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Evaluation plan
The SHI team composition varied by school. Team size
ranged from six to 34. All schools included at least one
parent. As described earlier, the border communities are
predominantly Hispanic; therefore, at several schools, parents emphasized the need for a Spanish version of the SHI.
A health educator and social worker were not included for
Yuma area schools because these positions do not exist in
these schools.
Because Border Health ¡SI! was a legislative appropriation and was not funded as a research project, resources
were not available to do an in-depth study of the SHI.
However, the community-based agencies and MEZACOPH reached an agreement on an evaluation plan.
Documentation of the plan would include information on
the interest schools showed in completing the SHI, the
ability of SHI teams to understand and complete the SHI,
the process for completing the evaluation instrument,
whether or not the teams created action plans, and finally,
whether or not schools were able to make any changes suggested in the action plans.
An in-depth interview with 14 SHI team members
revealed that team members felt that the SHI helped to
build awareness of school commitment, identify changes
that do not require resources, encourage policy and action,
bring health issues to the schools’ attention, and raise
awareness of federal policies. The team members also
identified the four key barriers to implementing the SHI:
1) time, 2) getting people to meetings, 3) initial buy-in, and
4) perceived lack of expertise. The SHI team members
believed that the key roles played by the external coordinators were facilitation and guidance. The external coordinators also assisted in overcoming barriers.
Detailed quarterly reports by Cooperative Extension
and SEAHEC were used to document school interest and
the SHI process. MEZACOPH staff conducted in-depth
interviews with the external coordinators and with a convenience sample of 14 SHI team members from the first
five schools to complete the SHI. The purpose of the interview was to identify barriers to implementing the SHI, to
find out whether or not SHI team members believed an
external coordinator was necessary, and to identify
changes in the school environment that could be attributed
to the process. The external coordinators were in frequent
contact with the schools after completion of the SHI. A
year after completion of the SHI, external coordinators
contacted the schools to determine whether or not SHI
action plans were being implemented.
No school included representatives from community
health agencies on the SHI team. Although outside community members were suggested by SHI guidelines, both
internal and external coordinators felt that these individuals did not have the in-depth knowledge of the school
environment necessary to answer the detailed SHI questions. The external coordinators frequently filled this role
as representatives of the community. As part of the Border
Health ¡SI!, community coalitions or Special Action
Groups (SAGs) were established to focus on policy change
to create healthier communities (22). The external coordinators regularly updated these coalitions on SHI progress
in schools, and the coaltions served as resources to the
schools. Coalition members included the external coordinators, school administrators, nurses, teachers, and a wide
variety of community agencies (22).
Santa Cruz County
The SHI process was different in each of the schools. The
time frame for complete implementation ranged from four
weeks to almost two academic years. Most schools completed the SHI within one semester. Schools were encouraged to complete the SHI during the fall semester to allow
for time to work on action plans. Unfortunately, all schools
completed the SHI during the spring semester.
By the end of Border Health ¡SI!, four elementary
schools, one K-8 school, two middle schools, and one high
school completed the SHI in Santa Cruz County. During
the final quarter of the project period, the director of
health services for one district (two elementary schools,
one middle school, and one high school) used SHI results
to develop the district’s comprehensive health plan.
Results were not available from the individual schools,
nator met with the team to provide materials and an
overview and outline the assessment process. The external
coordinator then followed up with the internal coordinator
to ensure that the teams were meeting, collected scorecards, produced a summary document, and scheduled and
helped conduct the action planning session.
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only
and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention • www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2005/jan/04_0076.htm
and the district health plan is not complete at this writing.
The information reported here is based on reports from
three of the elementary schools representing two school
districts. Overall, half of the schools in the area completed
the SHI. The main reasons for schools refusing to participate were lack of time and lack of a school champion.
When a school champion was identified, time became less
of a barrier.
The intent of the SHI is for SHI teams to collaboratively
develop action plans based on the results from the eight
SHI modules. In two of the Santa Cruz County schools, the
SHI was completed at the end of the semester, and the
teams were unable to develop action plans. The principals,
who had participated on the teams, created the action
plans in isolation. This process was especially problematic
because one of the principals resigned shortly after creating a plan. In fact, by the beginning of the next academic
year, only two of the seven SHI team members were still
at their school (hereafter referred to as Santa Cruz School
1 [SC1]). The second principal to develop action plans promoted many school-level changes (Santa Cruz School 2
[SC2]). Unfortunately, she also left her position.
Case Study 1
SC1 made several changes as it implemented the SHI,
including the decision to move all candy sales out of the
cafeteria. Most notably, the school hired a full-time PE
teacher and developed a policy that prohibited the selling
of junk food for fundraisers. The fundraising policy came
into question the following academic year when the loss of
almost all members of the SHI resulted in very little institutional memory. This case offers an example of how
important the external coordinator’s role is in the process.
The remaining SHI team member was uncomfortable promoting the action plans to the new principal. The external
coordinator contacted the principal early in the school year
to discuss the SHI and action plans. The long-term goal of
the SHI team was to increase the length of the lunch period. The principal was unfamiliar with the SHI but
expressed verbal support for the action plans. When resistance developed over the fundraising policy, the principal
enlisted the aid of a remaining SHI team member to
explain the policy to the staff and parent-teacher organization. The policy was upheld. SC1 had a new principal
the following year. The external coordinator continued to
follow up and provided the impetus for the principal to create a new SHI team that completed the SHI a second time.
SC1 has had a full-time PE teacher for three years. They
have not lengthened the school lunch period. Fundraisers
now include gifts, wrapping paper, and magazines as well
as chocolate. Items for sale at lunch include pencils, notebooks, pickles, oranges, peanut butter crackers, and
salditos (salted dried prunes) instead of baked goods and
junk food.
Case Study 2
The principal/superintendent at SC2 was deeply committed to the SHI process. The school made several immediate changes. The school bake sales were converted to
healthy snack sales. Graduation cookies and punch were
cancelled and replaced with lemonade and baked chips
and salsa. As a result of the SHI, the school hired a fulltime PE teacher and developed a PE course. The goal was
to have a letter grade for the course, not a pass/fail grade.
An existing staff member was certified as a PE instructor.
The school also organized track and basketball teams for
the first time. The following summer, the school board
attempted to drop the program. The principal called the
Border Health ¡SI! coalition for assistance. Coalition members, teachers, and parents attended the school board
meeting. The principal presented the SHI results, and the
teachers and parents strongly supported the program. The
PE program was not cut. Unfortunately, before the next
academic year, the principal accepted a job as a district
superintendent in another community. In that role, she
was able to add PE into all elementary schools. The PE
course is pass/fail. Individual teachers are offering low-fat
snacks and less sweet snacks at parties, but this is not a
coordinated school effort. Carrots, orange juice, milk, graham crackers, and cheese sandwiches are served at the
school open house.
Case Study 3
The third Santa Cruz school (SC3) to complete the SHI
took one and a half years to complete the process. The
school was undergoing major renovations when it was first
contacted and despite expressing interest, it was unable to
commit to the process. Once the school committed, however, the external coordinator reported that the SC3 SHI
team was the most enthusiastic. The school removed the
vending machine from the cafeteria and decided to remove
all other soda and candy vending machines and replace
them with healthier choices. The beverage machines
include fruit juices, water, tea, and lemonade. The SHI
team also recommended removing the school store from
the cafeteria. The SHI team reported their results to the
Border Health ¡SI! coalition. The team was encouraged by
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only
and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2005/jan/04_0076.htm • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
the coalition to write a newspaper article for the local
paper describing the changes they were making. Students
were interviewed by a local television station when the
soda was replaced by fruit drinks. The students said they
missed the soda “but juice was okay.”
The school store has not moved, but it is no longer selling candy. It replaced candy with healthier options, and
profits have stayed the same. Bake sales now have
oranges, cucumbers, and carrots. Some sales include
candy but only small candy bars.
Yuma County
A total of five schools, four elementary schools and one
middle school, implemented the SHI as part of the Border
Health ¡SI! in the southern Yuma area. All three elementary schools in one district participated. In the second district, only one elementary school participated. It was the
only elementary school not running double shifts. Overall,
five of the nine schools in the area completed the SHI. The
main reason for refusing to participate was lack of time. In
Yuma, the external coordinators actively facilitated the
action planning process. Documentation from the Yuma
area focuses on the action plans.
Case Study 1
All teachers participated on the SHI teams at the first
school (YC1) in the Yuma area. Not all teachers were
enthusiastic. A school policy was developed to prohibit the
use of food as a reward in the classroom, and students
were limited to one snack per day. The SHI team also set
goals of 1) teaching more nutrition information, 2) gathering and disseminating information on all food and drink
items sold at the school, and 3) shifting from selling junk
food items and sports drinks to healthier options. The
school offered granola and fruit bars as alternatives, but
they did not sell, and the school reverted to selling junk
food. YC1 established walking groups two to three days
per week for students. Teachers organized structured fitness breaks. The school also implemented an annual field
day for staff and students.
Case Study 2
YC2 also established a school policy prohibiting nonnutritious food as a reward and limiting snacks to one per
day per student. The SHI team was especially interested
in eliminating outdated health education material and
incorporating a sequential health education curriculum.
Teachers began standing at the salad bar to encourage
children to eat more fruit and vegetables. The school also
began to increase use of community facilities and to offer a
swimming class at the local community pool. The school’s
part-time PE teacher left the school for a full-time position
out of the district. The SHI team presented the SHI results
at a staff workshop.
Case Study 3
YC3 established a lengthy list of goals, including requiring hand washing, adopting a sequential health education
curriculum, and incorporating activity breaks into the
classroom. Two years after implementation of the SHI, no
progress has been made.
The three Yuma area elementary schools described here
are from one school district. The superintendent and SHI
team members requested that the external coordinators
from Cooperative Extension present the SHI results to the
school board. The perception was that the board would
view the external coordinators as community members
and not as school personnel, and they would thus have a
greater impact. The SHI team members then presented
the results to the Border Health ¡SI! coalition.
Case Study 4
The fourth Yuma area elementary school (YC4) was
from the second school district and focused on similar
issues as the other three schools. This school chose to focus
on increasing instruction time for health and PE, adopting
new health education textbooks, and presenting healthrelated information to parents and staff. At this point, no
progress has been made toward these goals.
The action plans of these schools emphasized modifying
health-related curricula and adopting a sequential health
education curriculum. Upon exploring the issue at the district level, it was determined that the district is not considering modifications to health education curriculum
until 2005. To provide the teachers with resources,
Cooperative Extension presented a resource event where
teachers selected educational materials focusing on health
education, nutrition, and physical activity and provided
suggestions on ways to incorporate nutrition messages
and physical activity into the existing curricula. In addition, Cooperative Extension also provided one school
library with more than 50 books on physical activity and
nutrition (fiction and nonfiction).
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only
and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention • www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2005/jan/04_0076.htm
Seven Arizona elementary schools along the ArizonaSonora border assessed their school environments and
developed action plans using the CDC’s SHI. Despite some
difficulties resulting from time constraints and human
resources, all schools were able to complete the assessment. The schools focused their action plan priorities on
nutrition and physical activity. School action plans included items that could be addressed immediately (e.g., a
school policy prohibiting use of candy as rewards) as well
as policies that would necessitate implementation at the
district level (e.g., adopting a sequential health curriculum
or seeking funds to hire a full-time PE instructor). The
individual school action plans varied, but all seven shared
one component: to reduce internal access to unhealthy
foods. Plans included changing the content of school lunches, discontinuing the use of nonnutritious foods as classroom rewards, moving candy sales and a snack bar away
from the cafeteria, and choosing healthy alternative
fundraisers. Two schools were able to use SHI results to
hire PE teachers.
The goal of Border Health ¡SI! was for schools to disseminate the results of the SHI at least to the teachers at
each participating school. In addition, we hoped that the
results would be presented at parent-teacher and school
board meetings. High rates of staff turnover highlight the
importance of disseminating SHI results and action plans
to a larger audience. It is crucial for schools to have an
advocate for physical activity and nutrition. The external
coordinator and Border Health ¡SI! coalitions served as
those advocates and were able to keep the issue of school
health prominent in school administrators’ minds.
The number of underperforming schools in these districts and the lack of highly performing or excelling
schools results in stress on the educational system.
Principals and school board members are under pressure
to improve the academic performance of their schools.
When approached for funds or time to implement new
programs, school administrators frequently cite the need
for scholastic improvement above all other issues.
External coordinators returned repeatedly to meet with
school administrators to discuss the importance of physical activity and good nutrition. An additional tactic for
educating administrators was to recruit them to participate in the Border Health ¡SI! SAGs.
The current educational system is responsible for a wide
variety of activities: academic performance, social services,
childhood immunizations, and the nutrition of students
through the federal school breakfast and lunch programs.
Involving schools in health promotion and disease prevention activities is critical, but we must recognize that most
school systems are under extreme pressure to demonstrate
academic progress. The fact that half of schools
approached in two low socioeconomic areas participated in
the SHI process indicates the commitment of school
personnel to the overall health and well-being of their
students and communities. The support of an external
coordinator from a local agency can assist in removing
some logistical barriers.
While most schools were extremely committed and
enthusiastic about SHI action plans, staff turnover,
time, and limited resources were barriers to progress
even with the support of an external facilitator.
Implementation of new programs is limited further by
the low number of certified PE and health education specialists employed by the districts. Change in staff in one
district occurred during the first year, and staff had to
be educated about the SHI action plans and school goals.
Some schools were undergoing major renovations and
building projects, and in some cases, new schools were
built. These schools found it challenging to take on new
projects like the SHI.
One cautionary note is that publicity may present a barrier to acceptance of the SHI process. In the opinion of the
external coordinators, publicity surrounding the removal
of soda machines at one school may have discouraged
other schools from participating in the SHI process. When
funding for schools is so tight that vending machine sales
are used to support photocopying expenses, field trips,
graduation ceremonies, and extracurricular events, the
threat of losing those funds can deter schools from eliminating this source of revenue, even though they are interested in improving the health of their students. The SHI
and our project did not push schools to remove vending
machines; instead, we encouraged schools to identify the
best priorities for their own schools. These messages were
lost by the news media. The external coordinator sought
advice from the Border Health ¡SI! SAGs on how to convey
our messages. The negative impressions receded after a
brief time, and five more schools completed the SHI by the
end of Border Health ¡SI!.
The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only
and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2005/jan/04_0076.htm • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
This project showed the value of having an external coordinator to help with continuity and with keeping the project top-of-mind with school officials, especially during periods of high staff turnover. In addition, the external coordinators acted as a resource beyond coordination. External
coordinators created resource manuals for alternative
ideas for school fundraisers, linked schools with other community resources, found funds to provide teachers with
educational materials, and volunteered at school events.
Although the SHI process does not include incentives, we
found that monetary incentives for carrying out policy priorities seemed to encourage participation and gave schools
resources to implement policies. Overall, most schools
were able to implement immediate changes. Policies
requiring a longer-term process and additional resources
were more difficult to carry out. Future projects should
focus on documenting whether students increased their
physical activity or improved their eating habits as a
result of SHI policies.
This project was funded by Contract 200-2000-10070
from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We
thank school personnel and district administrators in the
Gadsden, Nogales, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz Valley, and
Somerton school districts.
Author Information
Corresponding author: Lisa K. Staten, PhD, Division of
Health Promotion Sciences and Southwest Center for
Community Health Promotion, Mel and Enid Zuckerman
Arizona College of Public Health, University of Arizona,
2231 E Speedway Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85719. Telephone:
520-321-7777. E-mail:
[email protected].
Author affiliations: Nicolette I. Teufel-Shone, PhD,
Division of Health Promotion Sciences and Southwest
Center for Community Health Promotion, Mel and Enid
Zuckerman Arizona College of Public Health, University of
Arizona, Tucson, Ariz; Victoria E. Steinfelt, MS, and
Nohemi Ortega, Cooperative Extension, College of
Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Arizona,
Yuma, Ariz; Karen Halverson and Carmen Flores,
Southeast Arizona Area Health Education Center,
Nogales, Ariz; Michael D. Lebowitz, PhD, Arizona
Prevention Center and Southwest Center for Community
Health Promotion, Mel and Enid Zuckerman Arizona
College of Public Health, University of Arizona, Tucson,
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The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only
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The opinions expressed by authors contributing to this journal do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the Public Health Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the authors’ affiliated institutions. Use of trade names is for identification only
and does not imply endorsement by any of the groups named above.
www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2005/jan/04_0076.htm • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention