No. 59, 1995
Tamara L. Varney and Susan Pfeiffer
Non-cremated skeletal remains from the
Hind Site (AdHk-1), a Late/Transitional Archaic
burial site located in southwestern Ontario,
were studied with an emphasis on health
status. Twenty-two individuals are present,
including sixteen adults and six subadults. This
study complements previous research by
Pfeiffer (1977), and includes nine individuals
documented for the first time. The age-at-death
ranges from three months to over 50 years,
and the mean life expectancy of this sample is
low. The general health of these people is
characterized by pervasive osteoarthritis and
poor dental health, although there is little
evidence of infectious disease or nutritional
deficiency. Two unusual cases of pathology
are presented: a tumour-like lesion in a middleaged adult female, and a young adolescent
with a chronic metabolic disorder. The
condition of the latter may have obliged the
group to invest much time to caregiving.
A detailed archaeological analysis of the
Glacial Kame burials at the Hind Site (AdHk-1)
is given elsewhere (Donaldson and Wortner,
this issue supra). The following osteological
analysis complements a previous study by
Pfeiffer (1977), and includes an additional nine
individuals from Burials 2, 5, 6, 12 and 13 which
were not previously studied.
Sex and age were determined for adults on
the basis of cranial and pelvic morphology.
Adult age was determined by applying as
many methods as possible and choosing the
estimate that yielded the highest degree of
consistency. The techniques include examination of the pubic symphysis (Brooks and
Suchey 1990; Gilbert and McKern 1973), auricular surface (Lovejoy et al. 1985), sternal rib
end (Iscan et al. 1984, Iscan and Loth 1985),
and ectocranial suture closure (Meindl and
Lovejoy 1985). The age estimates for immature
individuals were determined using dental
development (Moorrees et al. 1963), dental
eruption (Ubelaker 1989:64), long bone diaphysis length (Hoffman 1979, Merchant and Ubelaker 1977) and epiphyseal union (Sledzik and
Willcox 1993). Because the majority of the
remains were in excellent condition, all or most
of these techniques could be applied. The
completeness of the fragmentary remains was
a factor in the analysis and limitations are
noted where encountered. In instances where
materials studied by Pfeiffer (1977) are reanalyzed here, some adjustments have been
made to age at death estimates since new
assessment methods have been developed in
the interim.
The external surfaces of all bony elements of
the skeletons were examined for any evidence
of pathological changes. Radiographs were
taken of subadult tibia and radii, as well as
most pathological elements. Radiographs of
the right tibiae and radii of all the immature
individuals were taken in the antero-posterior
view, and examined for the presence of Harris
lines. These lines can be visualized radiographically as transverse lines of increased
opacity. According to Mays (1985), the radiopacity must extend at least halfway across
the transverse diameter of the bone. The
distance of each Harris line from the closest
end of the bone was measured.
The following suggests some basic life
characteristics of the individuals found in each
burial, as can be deduced from the bones and
teeth. Since only the primary inhumations of
the Hind site are considered, the numerical
sequence of the burials is interrupted whenever the cremated inhumations are excluded.
Burial 1
This burial consists of the partial remains of
an adult female 20 to 25 years of age (pubic
symphysis 22-29 years, auricular surface 20-24
years, iliac crest and medial clavicle epiphysis
< 23 years). A lumbar vertebra shows bilateral
spondylolysis. This condition may have resulted from a fatigue fracture due to repetitive
stress and likely manifested mild symptoms.
Spondylolysis may have predisposing factors
of a familial nature (Merbs 1989).
Burial 2
This burial is a complete skeleton of a juvenile individual showing a range of abnormalities. The dental eruption status of both jaws
indicates an age of 12 years. The permanent
second molars, premolars and canines have
erupted, and radiographic analysis illustrates
their root closure. The mandibular third molars
are present in their crypts with roots approximately 1 /4 developed. An age of about 14 years
is suggested, based on the degree of third
molar root development. In contrast, the diaphyseal lengths of the long bones suggest a
much younger age of 6 to 8 years. Furthermore, the states of epiphyseal union through
the body are inconsistent. Union was in progress at the distal first metacarpals and superior dens of the second cervical vertebra. These
events usually commence at approximately 12
to 13 years. On the other hand, the
ischiopubic ramus and the acetabulum of the
hip bone, as well as the scapula and the longbones, exhibit none of the signs of fusion which
should be evident by 12 to 13 years. These
epiphyseal sites suggest an age younger than
10 years.
Estimation of age using dental eruption is
normally given more weight than long bone
growth because dental eruption is not as
readily affected by adverse environmental
factors (Saunders and Spence 1986). Overall,
the remains of this individual indicate an age
of approximately 12 to 13 years. When compared with the other juveniles from this site,
however, the long bones are short and underdeveloped (Figure 2). All of the bones lack the
expected surface development at sites of
muscle attachment such as the radial tuberosity and Linea aspera. No gross anatomical
malformation or asymmetry is exhibited. The
bones simply appear extremely slight and
gracile compared to other individuals and lack
the expected definition.
Areas adjacent to the metaphyseal-epiphyseal junctions on the long bones, and on the
posterior mandibular condyles, are highly
vascularized and exhibit a honeycombed
appearance in excess of the expected degree of
vascularization. This excessive vascularity may
represent deficiency in bone tissue production
induced by growth disturbances (Gregg and
Gregg 1987:102-103). Retarded growth due to
metabolic disturbance is further suggested by
the inconsistent pattern of epiphyseal closure.
Radiographs of the tibia and radius reveal thin
cortices and Harris lines. Several factors could
have been responsible for the thin cortex and
lack of distinctive muscle markings on the
bones, including poor nutrition due to reduced
appetite and malabsorption, and inactivity.
This individual also exhibits (a) moderate
cribra orbitalia, which is indicative of anemia
resulting from non-specific chronic illness
and/or malnutrition (Ortner and Putschar
1981:258-260), (b) lipping that resembles "slip"
wearing on the anterior border of the mandibular fossae, although there are no corresponding lesions on the mandibular condyles, and
(c) a compressed anterior margin on one of the
upper three lumbar vertebral bodies.
The dentition also points to the child's poor
health. Many of the permanent teeth were lost
antemortem (maxillary right second premolar,
both lateral incisors and left premolars; mandibular right first molar, premolars, both central incisors, left premolars, and first molar).
Radiographs of both the jaws reveal no signs of
unerupted teeth or root tips below the alveolus.
These observations make failure to erupt or
trauma improbable as explanations for the
missing teeth. Also, if the missing teeth were
absent congenitally, the remaining teeth would
reflect this in their alignment (Figure 1).
Extensive wasting of the alveolar bone is
evident, particularly on the mandible. There is
very little wear on the second molars and
considerable calculus deposited on the anterior and right posterior dentition. The left
posterior dentition has only a slight
accumulations suggest ingestion of soft,
prepared foodstuffs such as gruel.
The cause(s) of the pathological conditions
which afflicted this child are not known, but the
skeletal evidence is suggestive of a chronic
metabolic disturbance. The child's health was
poor, compromising his/her quality of life and
activity level, and likely requiring other members of the group to invest much time in caregiving.
Burial 3
This burial is the complete skeleton of an
adult female in her mid-thirties to early forties
(pubic symphysis 22-40 years, auricular surface 40-44 years, fourth sternal rib end 33.746.3 years, ectocranial sutures 22-48 years).
The maxillary teeth are severely worn. All of the
maxillary molars and right premolars are
missing premortem, and the mandible is edentulous. Ossified thyroid cartilage and a completely fused hyoid bone are present. Arthritic
changes are present on the proximal ulnae
and humeri, right distal ulna, proximal tibiae,
clavicles, and all regions of the spine.
Burial 5
In addition to a primary inhumation, this
feature yielded fragments of at least two other
individuals from the overlying plow zone.
The primary inhumation contained the
incomplete and very fragmentary remains of
an adult female. Only the occipital and temporal bones of the skull are relatively intact. The
assigned sex is based on cranial (small mastoids and overall size) and pelvic fragments
(presence of a wide sciatic notch, raised auricular surface and deep preauricular sulcus), as
well as the small body size when compared to
other, more complete individuals at the site. All
bones are adult in appearance. The auricular
surface is the only clue available for a more
precise age estimate and indicates an age
range of 40 to 45 years. The partial dentition is
worn through the cementoenamel junction.
Fragments from the lower vertebral column
(lumbar and sacral regions) display degenerative arthritic changes including rarefaction and
osteophytic lipping of the body surfaces and
apophyseal joint facets. Such changes, with
the addition of subchondral destruction, also
exist on the acetabulum, tibia, femur, patellae,
fifth metatarsal and mandibular fossae. Five
arnorphoric lumps, which vary in texture, width
and size are also present, and appear to be
calcified soft tissue. Due to the disturbed na-
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ture of this feature, it was not possible to ascertain the original anatomical location of these
In the plow zone above Burial 5, additional
fragmentary remains were recovered which do
not appear to be associated with any of the
burials on the site. All elements are adult in
appearance, and while no skeletal elements of
the skeleton are duplicated, it is apparent that
at least two individuals are represented. Several cranial vault fragments, including fragments of occipital, superior frontal and parietals, display closure of only the endocranial
sutures. A virtually complete mandibular
dentition (left second premolar and molars
missing) exhibits severe attrition, as well as
alveolar resorption and defects on the socket
margins indicative of periodontal inflammation. A fragmentary left temporal bone and ear
ossicles were also recovered. Incomplete
infracranial remains include a fragment of a
left humerus head, a left proximal ulna and
radius, fragments of two scapulae, distal
fragments of three metacarpals, a left fifth
metacarpal, fragments of iliac crest and a
pubic ramus, a partial pubic symphysis, small
fragments of sacrum and vertebrae, rib fragments including two sternal ends, a fragment
of a distal femoral condyle, a right talus, a left
second and third cuneiform, and left first and
fifth metatarsals.
The majority of the remains, with the exception of the ribs and pubic symphysis, likely
represent a single individual. Based on the
overall characteristics of remains at this site,
these fragments probably belong to a male of
at least 40 years. This assessment is based on
the large size and rugosity of the elements,
plus the fact that the majority exhibit similar
arthritic degeneration, including lipping, porosity and subchondral destruction. The cranial fragments are of the same texture and
colour as these remains, and the dental attrition on the mandibular teeth is appropriate for
an individual of this age.
The pubic symphysis and rib fragments do
not appear to match this individual. The partial
pubic symphysis has a deeply billowed morphology suggesting a young adult age, probably under 25 years old. Two sternal rib ends
also point to a young age at death (phase 0-1,
age range 17-18). The sex of this second individual is not determined.
Figure 1. (Top) Mandibles from Burial 2 (right) and Burial 15 (left). Both were approximately the same age
when they died. Note extensive premortem tooth loss, reduced corpus height and small mandibular
condyles on Burial 2 mandible. Burial 15 mandible has a congenitally fused M2 - M3 (arrow)
Figure 2. (Bottom) Femoral shafts from Burial 2 (top) and Burial 15 (bottom). Note smaller size, less muscular
development and greater porosity near some growth plates (arrow) on Burial 2.
Burial 6
This is the incomplete and fragmentary
skeleton of an adult female, 32 to 39 years old
(pubic symphysis 23-39 years, auricular surface 30-34 years). A partial dentition was recovered in the plow zone above this burial. All the
teeth have been worn so that only the roots
Signs of degenerative arthritis appear at
most appendicular joints and throughout the
spine. In addition to rarefaction and slight
lipping, subchondral destruction is common on
most of the articular surfaces. Although the
cervical and lumbar regions of the spine exhibit pronounced changes, the thoracic region
is normal with the exception of four apophyseal
joints with lipping. The right articular facets
between the atlas and axis exhibit significant
degeneration and changes including osteophytic lipping, severe eburnation and deformation of the right side of the dens. The third
through fifth cervical vertebrae are marked by
apophyseal joint lipping and extreme osteophyte. formation on the body margins. The
bodies of the fourth and fifth cervical vertebrae
display anterior compression fractures. The
remaining two cervical vertebrae bodies show
severe rarefaction of their surfaces.
Only four lumbar vertebrae are present. The
three inferior vertebrae exhibit large osteophytic growths on the body margins and one
has a large, oblong Schmorl's node. A
Schmorl's node represents herniation of the
invertebral disc into the vertebral body (Ortner
and Putschar 1981:430-432).
A premortem condition has created a large
hole through the ilium of the left hip bone. The
external borders of the hip bone (i.e. iliac crest)
remain intact and apparently unaffected. The
lesion extends almost the entire height of the
ilium. The lesion extends internally to the
auricular surface where it involves the preauricular sulcus, but the sacroiliac joint surface
itself is minimally involved. The lesion perforates both the lateral and medial walls of the
ilium. The cortical margins on the lateral side
appear to have suffered slight postmortem
damage, but are generally well defined. The
periosteal surface adjacent to the lesion exhibits only a small amount of disorganized bone
apposition. Linear struts and large pores line
at least half of the lesion's medial
circumference, giving it a honeycomb appear-
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ance. There are no exostoses, and only slight
expansion from the expected shape of the
bone. Large, thick trabeculae line the internal
boundary of the lesion and are mainly oriented
with the long axis of the bone. No spongy bone
is present, and it is clear that the resorption of
the spongy bone occurred premortem. Radiography reveals a multilocular region surrounded by a sclerotic margin. The extent of heavy
trabecular support and sclerotic build-up are
evidence of the chronic existence and slow
growth of the lesion. No similar lesions were
observed on any other bony elements (Figure
The bone and radiograph of the bone were
independently examined by two radiologists,
the late Dr. W.P. Cockshott and Dr. P. White at
McMaster University Hospital. The condition
was tentatively diagnosed as an enchondroma, a benign bone tumour composed of
cartilage. This condition is often considered to
be a growth dysplasia due to a failure of normal endochondral ossification. These tumours
often begin in utero and grow until the afflicted
individual reaches maturity. They are most
often asymptomatic and do not usually require
treatment. In some cases chondrosarcoma, a
malignant condition, may develop in later adult
life (W. Cockshott, personal communication
1993; Dahlin 1978:28-42, Steinbock 1976:325).
The multilobular radiographic appearance,
sclerotic margins, and noninvolvement of the
joint are typical of an enchondroma. This
lesion is, however, unusually large for an
enchondroma. Other possibilities (in order of
preference) include metastatic cancer, fungal
infection or a hydatid echinococcosis.
Burial 9
This is the complete skeleton of an adult
female approximately 30 years of age (pubic
symphysis 23-39 years, auricular surface 30-34
years). The individual has osteophytes on the
seventh and eighth thoracic, and the fifth
lumbar vertebrae. Arthritic lesions were not
present on any other joint surfaces. The teeth
are only slightly worn.
Burial 10
This is the complete skeleton of an adult
male estimated to be between 45 and 60 years
Figure 3. (Top) Medial view of left hip bone from Burial 6 showing extensive lesion probably due to a tumour.
Figure 4. (Bottom) The skull of Burial 10. Arrow points to interproximal caries, unusual in association with
marked attrition.
of age (pubic symphysis 28-78 years, auricular
surface 45-49 years, sternal rib end 43.3-58.1
years and 59.2-71.2 years, ectocranial sutures
30-71 years). The degree of dental attrition is
extreme, with the majority of teeth having only
the root tips remaining. Three of these tips
were held in place by soft tissue alone, the
bony sockets having been completely resorbed.
Dental caries on the maxillary dentition
include one on the distobuccal side of the
crown of the left canine, one on the mesial
cementoenamel junction of the right second
molar, and two interproximal affecting the
distal side of the right second molar and mesial side of the right third molar (Figure 4).
Ossified hyoid, thyroid and costal cartilage are
present. All regions of the spine exhibit arthritic
changes, as do the majority of the articular
surfaces on the skeleton. The sides of the
neural arch of the first sacral vertebra are
unfused, a condition common to the lower
spine which has little or no clinical significance
(Hadley 1964:35).
Burial 12
Based on minimum counts, this feature
contained the very fragmentary remains of at
least three adults. None of the elements are
appropriate for precise age estimation and no
good indicators of sex are present. The degree
of robustness of three occipital bone fragments
representing three different individuals suggests one male, one female, and one unknown.
Other cranial elements include fragments of a
mental trigonum, left coronoid process, two
mandibular fossae (one from each side), and
two right temporals.
Fragments of the permanent dentitions of
two individuals include three maxillary third
molars and one mandibular left second molar.
The teeth are moderately worn and exhibit
three caries, including one on the upper right
third molar at the cementoenamel junction,
and two others on the crown of the lower left
second molar (one on the mid-occlusal surface
and one on the mid-lingual side).
Infracranial elements include fragments of
the acromial ends of three clavicles, a few rib
and vertebra fragments, the distal half of a left
humerus, a humeral head fragment, ulnae and
radii fragments from both sides, four fragmentary proximal femur shafts (three left, one
right), five femoral heads, left and right tibia
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shaft fragments, three tali (one left, two right),
fragments of 13 phalanges and many very
small long bone fragments. The only apparent
pathological condition affecting the bone
consists of a femur shaft fragment (1/4 of the
proximal shaft just distal to the lesser trochanter) that has its entire surface covered by
periostitis. We interpret this as a non-specific
response to health stress.
Burial 13
This is the complete skeleton of an infant
approximately 12 months old (diaphyseal
lengths 12 months, dental age 11-12 months).
No Harris lines are visible on a radiograph of
the tibia. No unusual or pathological conditions were observed.
Burial 14
This is the complete skeleton of an adolescent with an estimated (epiphyseal union) age
range of 15 to 18 years. Based on the morphology of the cranium and pelvis, this individual
was probably female. Harris lines are visible
on a radiograph of the tibia. No unusual or
pathological conditions were observed.
Burial 15
Based on the epiphyseal union, this is the
complete skeleton of a 13-year-old adolescent.
The second and third molars are fused together to form one element and are erupted.
Radiographs of the tibia and radius exhibit
very distinct Harris lines. Fragments that appear to represent calcified soft tissue were
recovered from the abdominal region of the
skeleton during excavation of this burial (Figures 1 and 2).
Burial 16
This is the complete remains of a young
infant approximately 3 to 4 months old. Dental
formation and eruption charts provide age
estimates of birth to 2 months and 6 months
(Ubelaker 1989:64), and 3 to 4 months
(Moorrees et al. 1963). The long bone diaphysis
lengths indicate an age less than 6 months. No
Harris lines are visible on a radiograph of the
Burial 18A
Burial 21
Based on the epiphyseal union, this is the
skeleton of a late adolescent, approximately 15
to 18 years old. The cranial and pelvic morphology suggest a female, but the sacrum is
quite curved. Hence, this person may be too
young for a confident assessment of sex. The
individual has peg-like third molars. No Harris
lines were observed on radiographs of the tibia
and radius.
This is the partial skeleton of a young adult
female, possibly mid-twenties to mid-thirties in
age. This age estimate is derived from the
dentition and ectocranial suture closure — the
only elements available for age estimation. The
degree of dental attrition is severe, with all the
teeth worn into the pulp cavities. The upper
right first premolar has a periapical abscess.
All of the teeth have significant calculus buildup. The roots are thickened with a layer of
secondary cementum. This is indicative of
chronic minor trauma to the teeth, such as
biting hard foodstuffs or using teeth as tools (J.
Mayhall, personal communication 1993).
The vertebral column is fragmentary. The
cervical region exhibits degenerative changes
including rarefaction, lipping and compression
of the centra.
Burial 19
This is the skeleton of an adult male in his
late thirties to mid-forties (pubic symphysis 2359 years, auricular surface 40-44 years, sternal
rib end 34-42.3 years, ectocranial sutures 24-75
The proximal head of the right radius has a
porous, triangular-shaped depression in its
centre. This lesion is probably the remnant of
a healed green stick fracture sustained in
youth (Pfeiffer 1977:40). Arthritic changes
including osteophytic lipping of articular surfaces are present on the bones of the lower left
leg and foot, as well as on much of the spine.
This individual exhibits ossification of the
thyroid and costal cartilages, the ligament of
seventh thoracic vertebra, and several other
amorphic pieces.
Two periapical abscesses are present, one at
the left mandibular canine and first premolar
and one (which appears to have been healing)
at the first maxillary molar (Figure 5).
Burial 20
This is the complete skeleton of an adult
male, approximately 35 years old. An age
range of 30 to 40 years (pubic symphysis 22-43
years, auricular surface 40-44 years, ectocranial sutures 24-60 years) is estimated.
Alveolar resorption has left the posterior
teeth with very little bony anchorage. There are
three periapical abscesses located at the lower
left canine, the upper left second premolar and
the upper left second molar.
Arthritic changes to the skeleton are evident
on the wrist and hand bones, distal femora,
patellae, both first metatarsals and proximal
phalanges, and the spine. The first thoracic
vertebra exhibits an ossified tendon.
Burial 22
This is the complete skeleton of an adult
male 25 to 30 years old (pubic symphysis 19-35
years, auricular surface 30-34 years, ectocranial sutures 19-48 years). The last element
of the sacrum is not united with the main body,
indicating an age under 30 to 32 years. All of
the teeth are worn through the enamel and
exhibit secondary dentin on the occlusal surfaces. The proximal femur is broken into several pieces. The broken ends show no signs of
healing and are covered by the same red stain
as the outer surface of the bone. This suggests
that the femur was broken during the collapse
of the grave shaft soon after burial while the
bone was still relatively green or that a compound fracture was associated with the cause
of death.
Burial 23
This is the complete skeleton of an adult
male 45 to 55 years old (pubic symphysis 23-59
years, auricular surface 40-44 years,
ectocranial sutures 33-76 years). The dentition
has been severely worn. The anterior teeth are
represented only by root tips, and the posterior
teeth have only small portions of crown remaining. Very little anchorage of the roots by
alveolar bone suggests they were held in place
mainly by soft tissue. The left maxillary dentition includes two small nodules of isolated
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Figure 5. Left lateral view of skull from Burial 19 showing extreme dental wear and abscessing.
dentin rooted in the alveolar bone. They are
located on either side of the first premolar on
the buccal side, and are not long enough to
contribute to the occlussal surface. Rose et al.
(1984:47, 53) report a case with similar nodules
at almost the same location. A smooth, circular
passage leads into the sinus cavity at the site
of the right maxillary first and second molar
sockets. The tooth sockets are completely
obliterated. The right zygomatic process has a
depression just below the orbit and lateral to
the nasal aperture. The floor of the depression
is porous, but shows little evidence of new
disorganized bone apposition. These features
represent a dental abscess that has spread to
the maxillary sinus and soft tissue.
The muscle markings of the infracranial
elements are very robust. All regions of the
spine show degenerative arthritic changes on
all articular surfaces. Such changes are also
evident on most of the other infracranial elements, with the addition of small areas of
subchondral destruction on the distal femora,
tibiae and patellae.
Sample Composition
Twenty-two individuals are represented by
the noncremated skeletal remains excavated
at the Hind site. These include 16 adults of
which seven are female, seven are male and
two are of indeterminate sex. There are six
immature individuals including two adolescents, two juveniles, and two infants. Overall,
this sample spans a broad age range, from
three months to late middle age. Among the
adults, the average age of death is 35 years
and is slightly lower for females (32 years) than
for males (39 years). At least one of the males
(Burial 10) may have survived to the age of 60.
The mean life expectancy in this sample is
low. If this is a random sample that reflects the
mortality pattern of a band of hunter-gathers,
it suggests that about one third of the children
did not survive to reproductive age. Further, it
suggests a relatively high probability of dying
during mid-childhood and adolescence —
times which are not normally considered
periods of risk. Conclusions about palaeodemography can be misleading when they are
based on such small samples. Nevertheless,
the mortality profile is consistent with people
who died not from disease but from mishaps
and, perhaps, occasional food shortages. Such
factors could affect people at any age. As
explained below, the adults' dental problems
may have made some of them more
vulnerable. Their general health is characterized by pervasive degenerative arthritis and
poor dental health but little chronic infectious
disease or nutritional deficiency. While some of
the subadult individuals exhibit multiple
Harris lines and Burial 2 shows moderate
cribria orbitalia in concert with other abnormal
features, no other indicators of chronic nutritional stress (e.g., enamel hypoplasias and
porotic hyperostosis) are apparent on the
skeletal elements. The size and robustness of
the adults attest to the general adequacy of
their nutrition.
Skeletal Health
All adults show evidence of pervasive osteoarthritis, ranging from a mild to moderate
degree. Rarefaction and lipping of the joint
articular surfaces characterize the arthritic
changes. Although commonly associated with
advanced age, this degenerative disease of
articular cartilage and bone can be caused by
trauma, such as activity-related stress which
produces repetitive damage to the joint. Overall, the lesions seen in this sample occur
throughout the skeleton, with the spine affected most severely. In addition to osteoarthritic lesions on the apophyseal joints of the
spine, osteophytic lipping of the body margins
is common. These bony outgrowths of bone
indicate degeneration of the intervertebral disc
consistent with activity-related stress. They are
a compensatory reaction that provides additional support and stability to the spine (Hadley
The arthritis suffered by the Hind Site adults
is almost certainly the result of a pervasively
rugged lifestyle, reflecting the accumulation of
injuries sustained by repetitive microtraumatic
events related to commonly undertaken activities. The symptoms manifest by such a condition (i.e., pain and limitation of movement) vary
considerably between individuals in a clinical
context and range from none to severe (Hadley
With the exception of dental abscesses,
bony evidence of infectious disease is scarce,
with the only other manifestation being perios-
titis on a femur shaft fragment from Burial 12.
Burial 12 is a mixed feature that also includes
two carious teeth (possibly from another individual), which are also rare in this group.
Archaeological evidence (Donaldson and
Wortner, this issue supra), suggests that this
burial may be an intrusive feature from a later
time period.
It is interesting that several of the adults
exhibit ossified thyroid cartilage — probably a
familial trait when it occurs in such young
adults. Also recovered were several fragments
from Burials 5 and 15 that appear to be calcified soft tissues. These pieces deserve further
The presence of Harris lines may be a general indicator of stress during an individual's
period of growth and development. Harris lines
may represent periods of growth arrest due to
acute stress such as illness or malnutrition,
followed by sufficient recovery to allow catchup bone growth (Mays 1985). Harris lines could
be seen on the radiographs of three of six
juveniles. Two of the individuals who did not
exhibit Harris lines were under one year. Since
this feature is rarely seen in infants under one
year of age, it was not expected that these
infants would exhibit Harris lines. A short lifespan probably would not have allowed for
sufficient time for the cycle of health stress and
recovery required for line formation (Pfeiffer et
al. 1986:30). The presence of Harris lines in the
three subadults may indicate that these children were affected by periodic bouts of stress
severe enough to induce growth arrest, perhaps on a seasonal basis and due to fluctuations in food supply.
Dental Health
The Hind Site dentitions show extreme
attrition, periodontal inflammation, periapical
abscessing and premortem loss. Caries are
almost nonexistent, found only in Burial 10 and
Burial 12 (possibly an intrusive feature). Severe
attrition and/or chronic trauma to the dentition,
resulting from such activities as chewing or
biting hard substances and use of teeth as
tools, can cause periapical abscessing. No
differences in tooth wear were noted with
respect to tooth type or sex, and the pattern of
molar occlusal wear is characteristically helicoidal. These features suggest that coarse
dietary foodstuffs were primarily responsible
No. 59, 1995
for the attrition.
Severe attrition of a tooth may expose its
pulp cavity to invasion by microorganisms,
leading to infection that spreads toward the
apical region. In the chronic form, periapical
periodontitis appears in sinuses at the root
apices. These sinuses form to accommodate
the pus and granulation capsule that surround
the infection (Hillson 1986:316-317), and are
apparent in the alveolar bone of several of
these individuals (Burials 19, 20, 21 and 23).
The presence of disorganized cementum
deposited on the root surface is also evidence
of chronic trauma and infection (Brothwell
1963:282-283. J. Mayhall, personal communication 1993).
Substantial alveolar resorption occurs as a
direct result of chronic inflammation and tooth
loss. Some individuals retain teeth that are no
more than short remnants of roots with very
little or no bony anchorage. Meticulous excavation of the site led to the recovery of even the
smallest fragments of tooth roots. The poor
anchorage of the teeth may also be partially
due to slow continuous eruption, an adaptive
response which maintains the occlusal surface
as the crown is worn (Hillson 1986:180-183).
There is no doubt that the poor dental health
described above would have had an impact on
the quality of life and general health of the
Hind Site people. By the early to mid-part of
their fourth decade of life, many adults had
very little enamel crown remaining on the
majority of their teeth, in some cases retaining
only small remnants of the roots, and had
experienced premortem tooth loss. These
conditions coincided with the average age at
death for this group. Poor dental health can
compromise general health through poor
nutrition due to loss of appetite, reduction of
masticatory efficiency and the spread of infection (Powell 1985).
The people interred at the Hind Site provide
us with some insight into life in the Late Archaic period of Ontario. The common chronic
health problems shown are activity-induced
osteoarthritis and poor dental health due to
heavy wear. As expected in any group with a
hunter-gather subsistence involving wild,
coarse foodstuffs, caries are rare. With the
exception of dental abscesses, bony evidence
of chronic infection or malnutrition is also
scarce. There are few examples of major
pathological conditions represented, and causes
of death are not evident.
Two exceptional cases of pathology are
present. Neither points to a clear etiology and
both merit further study. The woman of Burial 6
exhibits a longstanding lesion of the left ilium,
possibly representing a tumour or tumour-like
condition, which apparently did not affect her
hip joint or her gait. Given the size of this lesion it
is unlikely that it remained asymptomatic.
The remains in Burial 2 are of a chronicallyill young adolescent. The other members of the
group probably invested a great deal of time to
the care of this child. The weak development
apparent in the bones of this child indicates
that he/she was limited in the amount of activity
he/she could perform, and would have required
mobility assistance. The fragile state of the
child's dentition and jaws also suggests that the
child's food was ground into a gruel that would
not require much mastication. Despite having a
condition that precluded a normal share of the
labour, the child was not abandoned. The long
term care of this child suggests a culture that
placed value on the well-being of its lessfortunate members. De-spite the challenges
faced by this group, their cultural system
appears to have provided for the food and
transportation of the child. Further study of
both these cases is in progress.
Acknowledgments. We would like to thank
Dr. Howard Dobson and Alice Daw, Ontario
Veterinary College for the radiographs, Dr. P.
White and the late Dr. W.P. Cockshott for their
opinions on the pathology shown by Burial 6,
Marie Zehr for assistance in the laboratory with
preparing the remains for analysis, Bill
Donaldson for support with many aspects of the
study including photography (Figures 3 and 5),
and Alexander von Gernet for his editorial
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