A Characterization of Wavelet Convergence in Sobolev
Mark A. Kon1
Boston University
Louise Arakelian Raphael2
Howard University
Dedicated to Prof. Robert Carroll on the occasion of his 70th birthday.
We characterize uniform convergence rates in Sobolev and local Sobolev spaces
for multiresolution analyses.
1. Introduction and definitions
In [KR1] it is shown that convergence rates of wavelet and multiresolution expansions
depend on smoothness of the expanded function . Specifically, if is not larger than a
fixed parameter and / then the error of approximation is 6²2c² c°³ ³, with
dimension and the number of scales used in the expansion. This result is expected (see
[Wa]) and comparable to Fourier approximation orders. In this paper we study a very
different phenomenon which occurs for function spaces beyond a certain degree of
smoothness. In these cases the rate of convergence “freezes” and fails to improve, no
matter what the smoothness of . Such behaviors have been studied in the context of
approximation theory.
We show here that the smoothness level at which such freezing occurs depends on the
wavelet or scaling function in a well-defined way, and that it more generally depends on the
reproducing kernel of the multiresolution analysis (MRA).
This completes a
characterization of pointwise convergence rates in Sobolev spaces for general MRA's
begun in [KR1], to include Sobolev spaces / with large. In addition (Theorem 8), we
extend these results to local Sobolev spaces which are related to spaces with uniformly
bounded derivatives. See [Ma, Me, Wa] for some results on 3 and 3B convergence rates
of -regular multiresolution expansions.
1Research partially supported by the National Science Foundation, Air Force Office of Scientific
Research, and U.S. Fulbright Commission
2Research partially supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the National Security
1991 AMS Mathematics Subject Classifications: primary 42C15; secondary 40A30
In [KR1] it is assumed wavelets or scaling functions have sufficient regularity that
the regularity of is the limiting factor in convergence rates. Here we assume has
sufficient regularity, and show that limitations on approximation rates then depend on
regularity properties of or . We indicate more generally how the interaction of the
regularities of and of limits convergence. This complements results (see [D2, Ma,
Me]) which relate convergence rates for functions to exact characterizations of function
spaces. These results rely on sufficient regularity for , and so do not give information
when wavelets have lower regularity relative to .
Our conditions on behavior of wavelets near the origin are more precise versions of
Strang-Fix type conditions ´SF]. They can be translated into moment conditions on
wavelets in the case that the moment powers are integers; see also [KR2].
For detailed definitions and theory of an MRA we refer to [D2]. An MRA is defined as
an increasing sequence of subspaces ¸= ¹ of 3 ²l ³ ( ³ such that ²%³ = iff
²%³ =b , the intersection of the spaces is ¸¹, the closure of their union is all of 3 ,
and = is invariant under translations of integers. It is also generally assumed (though we
do not require it here) that there exists a function ²%³ (the scaling function) whose integer
translates form an orthogonal basis for = .
Let > be the orthogonal complement of = in =b , i.e., > = =+1 m = , so that =+1 =
= l > . From existence of it follows (see, e.g., [D2], [Me], [Wo]) that there is a set of
basic wavelets ¸ (%)¹$ (with $ a finite index set) such that
° ² % c ³ ( t, td ) form an orthonormal basis for > for fixed , and form
an orthonormal basis for 32 (ld ) as Á Á vary.
Our results will hold for any wavelet set ¸ ¹ related to > whose translations and
dilations form an orthonormal basis for 32(ld), regardless of how they are constructed (see
[D2], Ch. 10; [Me]; [HW]).
It follows from the above definitions that there exist numbers ¸ ¹t such that the
scaling equation
²%³ ~
²% c ³
holds. We define
²³ c
V²³ ~ ²°³
V²°³, where V denotes
to be the symbol of the MRAÀ Note it satisfies
Fourier transform. Our convention for the Fourier transform is
V²³ < ²³²³ ²³c°
²%³ch% %
where h % ~ %À
Definitions 1.1: We define 7 and 8 to be the 3 orthogonal projections onto = and
> , respectively, with kernels (when they exist) 7 (%,&) and 8 (%,&). We define 7 ~ 7 .
Given 32 ,
(i) the multiresolution approximation of is the sequence ¸7 ¹ ;
(ii) the wavelet expansion of is
²%³ ,
the 32 expansion coefficients of , and denoting convergence in 3 ;
(iii) the scaling expansion of is
²%³ ,
²%³ b
are 32 expansion coefficients, and ²%³ ~ ²% c ³À
where the ,
We say such sums converge in any given sense (e.g., pointwise, in 3 , etc.) if the sums
are calculated in such a way that at any stage in the summation there is a uniform bound on
the range (largest minus smallest) of values for which we have only a partial sum over ,
Definitions 1.2: A multiresolution analysis (MRA) or family of wavelets yields
pointwise order of approximation (or pointwise order of convergence) in H r if for
any f H r , the th order approximation 7 satisfies
+7 c +B ~ 6²c ³Á
as tends to infinity, if c ° (if c ° the left side of (1À4) is in fact infinite
for some ). It yields best pointwise order of approximation (or convergence) in /
if s is the largest positive number such that (1À4) holds for all f H À If the supremum of
the numbers for which (1À4) holds is not attained, then we denote the best pointwise order
of convergence by c À
The MRA yields optimal pointwise order of approximation (or convergence) if is
the best pointwise order of approximation for sufficiently smooth , i.e. for / for
sufficiently large . Thus this order of convergence is the best possible order in any
Sobolev space. We say ~ B if the best order of approximation in / becomes
arbitrarily large for large .
By convention best order of approximation means that the supremum in (1À4) fails to
go to 0; thus by our definitions.
We remark that our use of the term best approximation order differs from the term best
approximation as used, e.g., by Singer [Si]. In addition the word best is used for technical
reasons associated with the formulations of our statements. Specifically, in this paper an
expansion has order of approximation if the optimal exponent in (1À4) is or better,
while it has best order of approximation if the optimal exponent is and no larger than .
Definitions 1.3: The Sobolev space / s is defined by
/ s F 32 (l ): s n
O ^ ()O 1 + || !s < B G.
The homogeneous Sobolev space is:
/s F 32 (l ): Á n
O^ ()O ||2 < B G.
Note the spaces contain the same functions (by virtue of the fact that / is restricted to
3 )À Only the norms differ, and the second space is incomplete as defined (its completion
contains non-3 functions which grow at B³À
Definitions 1.4: A function (%) on ld is radial if depends on |%| only. A real valued
radial function is radial decreasing if O (%)O O (&)O whenever |%| |&|. A function
²%³ is in the radially bounded class [RB] (c.f. [GK1,2]) if it is absolutely bounded by a
positive 31 radial decreasing function (%), i.e., (% ³ ~ ²% ³ when O% O ~ O% O Á with
(%1 ) (%2 ) whenever |%1 | |%2 |, and (%) 31 (ld ) (note we assume is defined and
finite at the origin, so that must be bounded).
Less general forms of the following two theorems were announced in [KKR2, KR2];
Theorems 1 through 4 were proved in [KR1] (see http://math.bu.edu/people/mkon/). These
theorems say that under mild assumptions on the MRA (i.e., the scaling function or
wavelets have a radially decreasing 3 majorant), for / ²l ³, the rate of convergence
to of the error P c 7 PB has sharp order c² c°³ À We emphasize that the conditions
in Theorems 1 through 4 are equivalent.
Theorem 1 [KR1]: Given a multiresolution analysis with either
(i) a scaling function [RB],
(ii) basic wavelets [RB] or
(iii) a kernel 7 ²%Á &³ for the basic projection P satisfying |P²%Á &³| H²% c &³ with
H [RB],
then the following conditions (a to b) are equivalent for °, with the dimension:
(a) The multiresolution approximation yields pointwise order of approximation s c ° in
H s.
(aZ ) The multiresolution approximation yields best pointwise order of approximation
s c d/2 in H s .
(aZZ ) The multiresolution approximation yields best pointwise order of approximation
r c ° in H for all ° r À
(b) The projection 0 c Pn : Hhs ¦ LB is bounded, where 0 is the identityÀ
Theorem 2 is related to the vanishing moments property of the wavelets À
Theorem 2 [KR1]: Under the assumptions of Theorem 1, if there exists a family ¸ ¹ of
basic wavelets corresponding to ¸Pn ¹ with (x) [RB], then the following conditions are
equivalent to those of Theorem 1:
(c) For every such family of basic wavelets and each , /c , the dual of / À
(cZ ) For every such family of basic wavelets and for each ,
| ()|2 ||c2s d < B
for some (or for all) > 0.
(cZZ ) For some such family of basic wavelets, (1À5a) holds.
Definition 1.5: We define the space < / to be the Fourier transforms of functions in / ,
with the analogous definition for < / À
Theorems 3 and 4 are related to the so-called Strang-Fix conditions on the scaling
function and the low pass filter .
Theorem 3 [KR1]: Under the assumptions of Theorem 1, if there exists a scaling function
corresponding to ¸Pn ¹, the following conditions are equivalent to those of Theorems 1
and 2:
V| < / c .
(d) For every such scaling function, 1 c (2) /2 |
(d Z ) For every scaling function [RB] corresponding to ¸Pn ¹
^ ()|) ||c2s d < B
( 1 c (2)°2 |
for some (or all) > 0.
(d ) For some scaling function corresponding to ¸Pn ¹, (1À5) holds.
(d ZZZ ) For every scaling function [RB] corresponding to ¸Pn ¹
^ ( + 2M)|2 ||c2 < B
||< M£0
We define - = ¸0,1¹d to be the set of all -vectors with entries from the pair ¸0,1¹.
Theorem 4 [KR1]: If m ²³ is a symbol of a multiresolution expansion corresponding to a
sequence of projections 7 as in Theorem 1, the following conditions are equivalent to
those in Theorems 1-3 for ° ¢
(e) For every symbol m () corresponding to ¸Pn ¹,
(1 c |0 ()|2 ) ||c2 < B
for some (or all) > 0
(eZ ) For some symbol m0 () corresponding to ¸Pn ¹, (1À5 ) holds.
(ZZ ) Every (or some) symbol m () corresponding to ¸Pn ¹ satisfies
|m ²³|2 | c |c d < B
for some (or all) > and for every - Z , where we define
- Z - ±¸¹,
where - ~ ¸Á ¹ and denotes the zero vector in ²1.6³.
For the remainder of the paper, we assume the following:
Assumptions: We assume in all of the following theorems that one of the following holds:
²³ The projection 7 onto = satisfies
O7 ²%Á &³O /²% c &³ for some / [RB]À
²1 À 7 ³
If a scaling function exists,
²³ [RB].
If a wavelet family exists,
²³ ²%³²ln² b O%O³ [RB] for all .
Remark: It is shown in [KKR1] that ²³ ¬ ²³ and ²³ ¬ ²³À This follows from the
representations of 7 ²%Á &³ in terms of sums involving or when they exist.
Note that the condition on in ²³ is somewhat stricter than that required for Theorems 1
through 4 above. It is required for existence of a kernel 7 ²%Á &³ for the projection 7
satisfying O7 ²%Á &³O /²% c &³, with /² h ³ a radial decreasing 3 function. This class of
wavelets includes all r-regular wavelets (see [Me]) for any r 0. The assumptions are
also needed for appropriate 3 and a.e. convergence properties of wavelet expansions
Theorems 1 - 4 apply only to expansions of functions in Sobolev spaces / for which
, ~ 0 c 7 ¢ / ¦ 3B is bounded (see (b) of Theorem 1). They say nothing about the
case of unbounded , . We show here that for larger (for which , is unbounded),
approximation rates are essentially the same as for the largest for which , is bounded.
Details of the approximation rates, however, depend somewhat delicately on the wavelets
or scaling function. Before giving an overview of our new results in Theorem 5, we refer
the reader to formulas ²1À5a, b, d³ as motivation for the following definition.
Definitions 1.6: We define for Á 0
0 ( )
2 ( ) sup
3 ( )
^ ()|7 ||-2s d
6 c ²³° |
V ²³O ||-2s d
(1 c |0 ()|2 ) ||-2s dÀ
In this paper an often-used consequence of Theorems 1 through 4 is the existence of a least
upper bound (best Sobolev parameter), depending only on the MRA, for which ²³ of
Theorem 1 holds. This motivates the following definition.
Definition 1.7: The best Sobolev parameter of an MRA is
= sup ¸ | (0 c 7 ): / ¦ 3B is bounded¹.
By convention ~ if the set in the supremum is empty. Some bounds on follow from
Theorem 1 above:
Proposition 1.8: If the best Sobolev parameter £ , then °, and the set
' ¸ | (0 c 7 ): / ¦ 3B is bounded¹
' = ²°, µ
' = ²°, ).
Proof: Assume £ Á so that (recall ~ means there is no positive order of
convergence). Under any one of the assumptions (1.7), the kernel 7 ²%Á &³ of the projection
onto = is bounded by 2²% c &³, with 2 [RB]. Thus 2 is bounded and in 3 , and
hence 2²% c &³ 3 ´&µ and is bounded in 3 ´&µ, uniformly in %. Thus for 32 ,
7 3B À
But for every nonnegative integer , there exist unbounded / . For such ,
, ~ ²0 c 7 ³ ~ c 7 is not in 3B , and so , ¢ / ¦ 3B is unbounded.
Similarly, , ¢ / ¦ 3B is unbounded for °. Thus if £ , i.e., if , is
bounded for some , then , must be bounded for an °. Therefore , the
supremum of for which , is bounded, must satisfy °.
To prove statement (1.8) we need only show ' is connected. This on the other hand
follows by the equivalence of ²Z ³, ²ZZ ³, and ²³ of Theorem 1, showing ' ~ ²°Á ³ or
' ~ ²°Á µÀ
From Theorems 1 and 4 we then have immediately
Proposition 1.9: If the best Sobolev parameter £ , then
~ sup ¸ | 0 ²³ B¹ ~ sup ¸ | 2 ²³ B¹ ~ sup ¸ | 3 ²³ B¹.
In Theorems 1-4, is important in that all statements hold only if . For
approximation rates in / , we prove the following theorem. This summarizes convergence
rates in all / in terms of properties of the projections 7 or of integrals involving the
wavelets or scaling functions.
Theorem 5: Given a multiresolution approximation ¸P ¹,
²³ If ~ , there is no positive order of approximation for the MRA ¸7 ¹ in any / ,
If ²³ does not hold then ° and:
(i) For °, the best pointwise order of approximation in / is ;
(ii) If ° s , the best pointwise order of approximation in H is ~ s c d/2;
(iii) If s = , the best pointwise order of approximation in /
c /
if 0 (0) B
( c /2)
if 0 ²0³ ~ B
(iv) If
, the best pointwise order of approximation in /
c °
if 0+1/2 ( ) = 6(1° ) ( ¦ ³
( c /2)
(v) In (iii) and (iv) above, 0 ²³ can be replaced by 2 ²³ or by 3 ²³.
Another way to say (iv) is that if , then there exists / ²l ³ such that
sup ² c°³ P c 7 PB ~ BÀ This says the convergence rate cannot be improved for
functions belonging even to very smooth Sobolev spaces. Moreover we note that the value
b ° used above in (iv) is not crucial for its statement. Equivalent conditions to those in
(#) exist in the form 0 b° ²³ ~ 6² c ³ for any (or all) .
In terms of the Sobolev order of the expanded function and the best Sobolev
parameter of the MRA, the following diagram gives rates for an MRA expansion in any
Sobolev space (or local Sobolev space; see below). The rates on the boundary region
~ in (iii) above are not indicated in the diagram.
Figure: Approximation rate diagram; see Theorem 3²³ for rates on the boundary ~ . The ²c³
in ² c °³²c³ indicates that the superscript c is present only in some cases.
We will show that this diagram applies to expansions of functions in / and in
uniform local spaces /" , when the decay rate ! of the scaling function satisfies ! c
(see Theorem 8³. In addition, on compact subsets the rates in the diagram apply to
functions in local Sobolev spaces / , when the wavelet has compact support. See
Definitions 1.10 below for definitions of the spaces /" and / .
We now establish several equivalent conditions for failure of convergence in all
Sobolev spaces.
Corollary 6: The following ((a) through (e)) are equivalent for the MRA ¸7 ¹:
(a) 0 c 7 ¢ / ¦ 3B is unbounded for all .
(b) This operator is unbounded for ²°Á ° b ³ for some .
If there exists a family of wavelets ¸ ¹ ¢
V ²³O OOc ~ B for some .
( ) For every °Á O
If there exists a scaling function ¢
V²³³OOc ~ B.
() For every °Á ² c ²³°
() In every Sobolev space / of nonnegative order, the MRA fails to have any positive
order of convergence, i.e., the optimal order of convergence is À
We now state our results for optimal pointwise orders of convergence in Sobolev
spacesÀ Recall denotes the best Sobolev parameter of ¸7 ¹, and that optimal order of
approximation denotes the highest order of approximation in sufficiently smooth Sobolev
Corollary 7: If the best Sobolev parameter £ , then the wavelet collection [or
scaling function ] yield optimal pointwise order of approximation c ° if
0b° ²³ ~ 6²°³ [where 0 can be replaced by 2 or L], and ² c °³c otherwise.
This optimal order is attained for all functions with smoothness greater than , i.e., for
/ with
Corollary 7 gives “best possible” pointwise convergence rates, i.e., convergence rates
for the smoothest possible functions. In fact this optimal rate in fact is largely independent
of how smoothness is defined, i.e., which particular scale of spaces we are working with.
Such a statement is possible because when the smoothness parameter is sufficiently large,
the most used scales of “smoothness spaces” satisfy inclusion relations. For example for Z
large the space / is contained in the sup-norm Sobolev space 3B and in other 3B -type
Sobolev spaces. Therefore the optimal rates of convergence given here are upper bounds
for convergence rates in all 3B spaces, no matter how smooth.
What is most important is that such inclusions work in both directions for the uniformly
local spaces in Definitions 1.10 below. For example, for sufficiently large , the uniformly
local 3 -Sobolev space 3," is contained in spaces in the scale ¸3Á" ¹ for any fixed
values of and (including B³. In addition, for sufficiently large the space 3,"
contains Sobolev spaces 3 . This includes 3B and its related smoothness spaces of
functions with bounded derivatives.
This observation can then be used as follows. If ²%³ has decay rate ! (Def. 1.10) with
! c c ° (which holds for many wavelets of interest), then by Theorem 8 below the
optimal convergence rate in all of the scales of uniformly local spaces 3Á" (including
~ B), is either c ° or ² c °³c , i.e., the same as in Corollary 7. Now the
extension of Corollary 7 to the spaces 3," (Corollary 9) can be broadened, by the above
argument, to more general scales of smoothness spaces, including smoothness spaces based
on sup norms. (The caveat, however, is the scaling function must have sufficiently rapid
With this motivation, we now give the results for uniformly local Sobolev spaces. Our
results will also extend to local Sobolev spaces / with some caveats.
Definitions 1À10: The decay rate of a function is
sup¸! ¢ O²%³O 2O%Oc! for some 2 ¹À
We will assume here our decay rates ! are positive unless otherwise specified.
The local Sobolev space / is ¸ ¢ / D *B ¹, where *B is compactly
supported * B functions. The uniform local Sobolev space /" is ¸ ¢ P P" B¹Á where
the uniformly local norm P h P" is defined by ²here )% is the unit ball centered at %):
P P" sup P P
Above, the local norm is defined by
Á)% .
P i P À
~ , /
Similarly, the space 3 ¸ 3 ¢ ² c "³ ° 3 ¹ has a local version 3Á" defined
analogously to the above with the norm P i P in ²1À9³ replaced by the norm of the Sobolev
space 3 À
Thus /" consists of functions locally in / with local / norms uniformly bounded.
The following results for /" are effectively local versions of our rates of convergence
results, modulo the spatial uniformity assumptions on functions in /" . Such uniformity
assumptions also hold, e.g., for 3B Sobolev spaces.
We require our working spaces /" to have uniformly bounded local 3 Sobolev norms
rather than 3B Sobolev norms, since the latter would make our work more difficult. As
shown above, however, most other scales of smoothness spaces based on uniform (3B type) bounds satisfy inclusion relations with the uniform Sobolev spaces /" , extending
optimal convergence rate results to these spaces. Additionally, our results of course
become entirely local (valid for local Sobolev spaces) if wavelets involved have compact
Recall from the definitions that approximation order 0 in a space ? means the error
, fails to have any positive rate of decay for some ?À
Theorem 8 (Localization): The multiresolution or wavelet expansion corresponding to a
scaling function [RB] has a best pointwise approximation order of at least
min ²Á ! c ³ in /" , with the rate of best approximation in / and ! the decay rate
of .
Corollary 9: If the best Sobolev parameter ! c ° (where ! is the decay rate of ),
(a) The optimal approximation order in the scale of spaces /" is exactly c ° if
0b° ²³ ~ 6²°³ [where 0 can be replaced by 2 or L], and ² c °³c otherwise.
(b) The same exact optimal approximation order holds in the scale of uniform local spaces
3Á" for fixed B, and in particular also in the scale LBÁ" and thus 3B .
Indeed, note that when is an even integer (i.e. the operator ²c"³ ° is local) the
spaces 3B and 3BÁ" are identical, since the first space always is contained in the second,
and if ¤ 3B , then there is a sequence of unit balls ) for which sup ²c"³ ° is
unbounded, so that ¤ 3BÁ" À Thus for each , the scale ¸3Á"
¹ is eventually contained in
3 for sufficiently large, and similarly ¸3 ¹ is eventually in 3BÁ" , so the two scales
have identical optimal orders of convergence. This type of inclusion also works for other
scales of 3B Sobolev spaces, yielding identical optimal orders of approximation.
Proposition 10: If is compactly supported, the best pointwise approximation rate for the
expansion of any H on any compact 2 l is the same as the rate for the global
space / À
Examples: To illustrate these results we give applications to some well-known wavelet
1. Haar wavelets
We calculate the exact approximation order for Haar wavelets. The scaling function
is the characteristic function of the unit interval, whose Fourier transform is
V ² ³ ~
V²³O ~
In this case O
c% % ~
l b 6²OO ³
sin ²°³
so by Proposition 1À9, ~ °Á and
0 ²³ ~ BÀ In addition
0b° ²³ ~
V²³O³OOc c
² c ²³° O
8 c
sin °
9 O O
² ° b 6² ³³ c ~ 6² c ³.
Thus by Theorem 5, in / Haar expansions have best order of convergence
c°Á ° °
c Á
with the same orders in the uniform local Sobolev spaces /" by Theorem 8. By the same
theorem, since is compactly supported, these orders of convergence to ²%³ hold
uniformly for % in a compact set, for any ²%³ locally in / . Finally by Corollary 7, the
optimal approximation order for such expansions (i.e., for arbitrarily smooth functions) is
1. By Corollary 9 this optimal order also holds, for example, in the scale 3B of 3B
Sobolev spaces.
2. Meyer wavelets
We now consider standard Meyer wavelet expansions. The Fourier transform of the
scaling function is [D2, page 137]
V ² ³ ~
²³c° Á
²³c° cos ´ ² OOc³µÁ
OO °
°OO °
V *B . In this case
where is an appropriately chosen smooth function for which
~ Bc , so we have order of convergence c ° in each Sobolev space / , °Á
and convergence order for °À Note this implies that for functions in the
intersection q / of all Sobolev spaces, we have convergence faster than any finite order
. The same holds in the uniform local spaces /" by Theorem 8. Thus the optimal order
of convergence in both these cases is B, iÀe., convergence rates have no intrinsic
limitations based on the wavelet for very smooth .
3. Battle Lemarié wavelets
Consider now Battle-Lemarié wavelets, which effectively yield spline expansions of a
given order. For splines of order 1 the B-spline is
²%³ ~ H
c O%OÁ
The Fourier transform is
V²³ ~ ²³c° 8 sin ° 9 .
Here is not a scaling function, since it does not have orthonormal translates. The
orthogonalization trick ([D2], section 5.4) yields a scaling function with orthogonal
translates, whose Fourier transform is
Ṽ²³ ~ l²³c°
sin °
´ b cos °µ°
The corresponding wavelet has Fourier transform
b sin °
c° °
sin ° @
²³ ~ ²³
b cos °
sin °
B ´ b cos °µ° C ~ 6² ³À
From this it follows from Proposition 1À9 that ~ °À Further, 2 ²³ ~ B, while
2b° ²³ ~ 2 ²³ ~
V ²³O OOc ~ 6²°³À
By Theorem 5, Battle-Lemarié expansions (and of course order one spline expansions,
since the scaling spaces = are the same) have order of convergence
c°Á 1° 5°
c Á
~ °
in / À In the uniform local spaces /" the same approximation rates hold by Theorem 8.
Analogous results hold for the higher order versions of these spline wavelets, and the
corresponding spline expansions.
4. Daubechies wavelets
For standard Daubechies wavelets of order 2, we consider the symbol ²³ (see ²1.2³;
note the definition of the coefficients in equation ²1À1)):
[(1 + l3) + (3 + l3)c + (3 - l3)c + (1 c l3)ec ]
~ ´ b ' b ' b ' µ
0 () =
Here ' ~ c , and
~ b lÁ ~ b lÁ ~ c lÁ ~ c l.
Note ²³ ~ , while
O ²³O
>² b b b ³ b ² b b ³ cos b ² b ³ cos b cos ?À
O ²³O e~
~ . Since b ~ , b b ~ , and ~ cÁ
" cos c cos #,
and so O ²³O f
~ À In addition,
O ²³O f
~ but
>36 cos c cos ?,
so O ²³O f
£ À Therefore O ²³O ~ b 6²OO ³ ( ¦ ³, so Theorem 4 implies
~ °. Thus by Theorem 5, in / the best order of approximation for these Daubechies
wavelets is
c°Á 1° 5°
c Á
Similar analyses can of course be done for higher order Daubechies expansions. As before,
by Theorem 8, the global space / can be replaced by the uniform local space /" . We see
the optimal order of convergence for Daubechies wavelets of order 2 is 2.
For the compactly supported Daubechies order 2 wavelets, these are entirely local
results. Thus for any /oc , the above exact approximation rates hold uniformly on any
compact 2 l À
Remark: Our results imply that for one dimensional [RB] scaling functions with * B
Fourier transforms (e.g., for compactly supported ones), optimal orders of convergence are
always integers. The reason is clear from Theorem 5, since for such is always a halfV is always infinitely
integer (see Def. 1.6 and Prop. 1.9), given the Fourier transform
VO ~ m
VV is also infinitely differentiable at 0,
differentiable at the origin. Specifically O
V²³O ~ b 6²OO ³ with an integer and ~ ° b ° (note ~ here)À
and so O
V²³O always has a maximum of
However must be even since O
l at ~ À
In such cases the Strang-Fix conditions, which indicate integer convergence orders and
are related to moment and polynomial representation conditions, are entirely equivalent to
those above. However, for non-compactly supported scaling functions supported cases the
two theories can diverge, in particular our results allow for non-integer optimal
convergence rates (see [KR1]).
The proofs for the new results 5-9 above are given in section 7. These hold for
multiresolution, scaling, and wavelet expansions when they are defined.
2. Preliminaries for proofs
Let 7 and 8 be the kernels of the 3 projections onto the spaces = and > ,
respectively. We inverse Fourier transform and obtain
V ²%Á c³ ~ <&c 7 (%Á &);
V ²%Á c³ ~ <&c 8 (%Á &)
²2 À 1 ³
V ²%Á c³ ~ ²³c°
7 ²%Á &³& &
²2 À 2 ³
V ²%Á c³ defined similarly. The transforms converge everywhere and are continuous
and 8
in if O7 ²%Á &³O /²% c &³ with / [RB] (see Def. 1À4). As usual, we have defined
7 ~ 7 here. The same conclusions hold if ²%³ ln (2 + |%|) [RB] [KKR1].
The error , 0 c 7 is bounded in 3 À In Fourier space its kernel is [KR1]
(, )(%) = , < ,
where ,n has the kernel (in the variable )
, ²%Á ³ ~ (2)c/2 % c 7V (%,c),
²2 À 3 ³
We denote , ~ , À
Recall the scaling property
7 (%Á &) = 2 70 (2 %, 2 &),
²2 À 4 ³
, ²%Á ³ ~ , ² %Á c ³À
²2 À 5 ³
which implies
Also under our assumptions on the scaling function , the Fourier kernel , ²%Á ³ of the
remainder operator , is
V² ³Á
, ²%Á ³ ~ ²³c° % c A²%Á –³
²2 À 6 ³
A²%Á ³ (% c ) c = (% b )
is the Zak transform of .
For later reference, it follows from [KR1], equation (3.12) and its sequel, along with
properties of the Zak transform, the Poisson summation formula, and the scaling function ,
that the Zak transform can be written
^ (2 c )2%
A²%Á ³ ~ c% (2)/2
~ ²2³° c% 0 ( c /2)
^ ( c °2) 2% ,
2t b
where - ~ ¸Á ¹ .
In addition, as calculated in ´KR1], we have from (2.6)
,²%Á ³
^ ()
(2)c/2 % c A (%,–)
^ (2 b ) 2%
^ ( ) À
(2)c/2 % :1 c (2)
The second factor can be written in the form
^ (2 b )2%
^ ()
1 c (2)
^ ()|2 c (2)
^ ()
^ (2 b )2% .
~ 81 c (2) |
For completeness we state a proposition relating approximation orders and operator
norms, and two propositions relating operator norms and kernels.
Proposition 2.1 [KR1]: Assume a Banach space (, a normed linear space ), and a
sequence of bounded operators Q ¢ ( ¦ ). Then the sequence 8 has order of
approximation ²³, i.e., +²0 c 8 ³ +) * ²³ for all (, if and only if the
operator norm +0 c 8 + * Z ²³, where * Z Á * are constants (the latter depending on
Proposition 2.2: An operator 9: / s ¦ 3B with kernel 9 ²%Á ³ defined by
9 ²%³
V ²³
9 ²%Á ³
has operator norm
~ sup O9 ²%Á ³O ² b OO ³c À
Proposition 2.3 [KR1]: For l, the operator R: / ¦ 3B defined by equation
²2À11³ is bounded if and only if the kernel 9 ²%Á ³ satisfies
O9 ²%Á ³O OOc * B .
Replacing the operator 9 by , ~ 0 c 7 we get:
Corollary 2.4: For ° the MRA ¸Pn ¹ has best pointwise order of approximation
c ° in H s if and only if , (%Á ) < /c in the variable , uniformly in x, i.e., iff
|, ²%Á )| O|c2 is essentially bounded in x.
Proof: This follows from equivalence of ²Z ³ and ²³ of Theorem 1 and Proposition 2.3.
3. Growth rates of functions
The following results on growth of functions are required in our proofs of sharpness of the
best Sobolev parameter , and our main result, Theorem 5. The proofs are available for
reference in an appendix to this paper on the Internet at http://math.bu.edu/people/mkon/,
with the same title as this paper.
Definitions 3.1: A function ²%³ on an open set E is locally bounded if it is bounded on
compact sets. We denote by ) the unit ball of l À
Lemma 3.2: Given a locally bounded positive function (²%³ on ) c ¸¹ and £ Á
(a) We have (²%³ ~ 6²O%Oc ³ if and only if
O(²%³ c (²%°³O ~ 6²O%Oc ³
²3 À 1 ³
where if we assume (²³ ~ lim (²%³ ~ À
() If and (²³ ~ lim (²%³ exists, but we do not assume (²³ ~ , then in statement
(a), (²%³ ~ 6²O%Oc ³ is replaced by O(²%³ c (²³O ~ 6²O%Oc ³ .
( ) In (a), 6² h ³ may be replaced by ² h ³ (as % ¦ ).
Definitions 3.3: Two functions ( h ) and ( h ) are equivalent, ( h ) ( h ), if there exist
positive constants c1 and c2 such that for every in their domain,
c1 ( ) ( ) c2 ( ).
For * Á we define B* ~ B* ²l ³ to be the class of positive radial functions ²O%O³ on
l satisfying ²³ ²³ for and , i.e., such that for all ,
We also define the norm
% |%|c ²O%O³
Henceforth we assume all statements involving the order parameter hold for
Theorem 3.4: The following statements are equivalent for any fixed and a positive
function ²%³ on the unit ball ) of l , with (all integrals are restricted to the
unit ball):
(a) The integral
²%³% ~ 6² c ³À
() For some (or all) ,
²%³ O%O % ~ 6² c ³
´and if , ²%³O%O % BµÀ
(') For some (or all) l,
²%³ O%O % ~ 6² c ³À
('') For some (or all) , and some (or all) with b c ,
²%³O%O ² b O%O³ % ~ 6²+ c ³
´and if and b c Á then lim ²%³O%O ² b O%O³ % exists and is finiteµÀ
( ) For any function ²O%O³ BC such that
|%|c ²O%O³ % B ,
it follows that
²O%O³ O%O ²%³ % BÁ
for some (or all) * À
Statements in brackets ´ h µ may be included or excluded without changing the equivalences.
In addition, 6² h ³ may be replaced by ² h ³ simultaneously in all of the above
statements excluding (c), and the equivalences of (a)-(ZZ ) (i.e. all statements excluding ())
continue to hold.
Remark: For completeness (though this will not be used in the paper) we remark that the
conditions in the above Theorem are also equivalent to the following conditions, listed
(b''') For some (or all) , O%O< ²%³ O%O % ~ 6² c ³À
(b'''') For some (or all) Á l , c/2<O%O< ²%³ O%O ² b O%O³ % ~ 6² bc ³À
(d) °O%O ²%³ % ~ 6² c ³À
(e) °O%O |%| ²%³ % ~ 6²³À
We now state a corollary which gives uniformity for Theorem 3.4.
Corollary 3.5: Let ¸q ¹qQ be a family of positive functions from ) to lÀ The following
statements (with all inequalities uniform in ) are equivalent for fixed (note all
integrals below are restricted to ) ) and :
²³ The integral
²%³% 2 c .
²³ For some (or all) ,
q ²%³ O%O % 2 c
´and for , ²%³O%O % 2 for some 2 independent of µÀ
²Z ³ For some (or all) l ,
q ²%³ O%O % 2 c .
²ZZ ³ For some (or all) choices of with and with b c ,
q ²%³O%O ² b O%O³ % 2 bc
´gand if and satisfy b c Á then ²%³O%O ² b O%O³ % 2 for some
2 independent of µ.
²³ For any function ²O%O³ B* such that PPB |%|c ²O%O³% B , it follows that
²O%O³ O%O q ²%³% 2 PPB Á
for some (or all) * À
² Z ³ For any function ²O%O³ B* such that PPB B , it follows that
²O%O³ O%O q ²%³ % 2²³Á
for some (or all) * , where 2²³ depends on but not on .
The above constants 2 are all equivalent, i.e., there is a constant such that
2 2 Á 2 ,Ã Á 2 2 , for any fixed choice of Á Á and . The bracketed
statements in ²³ and ²ZZ ³ can be included or excluded without changing the equivalences.
Remark: For completeness (though this will not be used in this paper), we remark that the
conditions of Corollary 3.5 are also equivalent to the following:
(b''') For some (or all) , O%O< q ²%³ O%O % 2 c .
(b'''') For some (or all) Á l , c/2<O%O< q ²%³ O%O ² b O%O³ % 2 bc À
(d) °O%O q ²%³ % 2 c .
(e) °O%O |%| q ²%³ % 2 .
with the constants 2 through 2 equivalent to 2 through 2 .
The next Corollary relates divergence rates of two integrals as ¢
Corollary 3.6: Let ¸i ¹8 denote a family of positive functions i ¢ ) ¦ lÀ The
following statements (with all inequalities uniform in ) are equivalent for given
Á Á lÁ with c , and Á c positive.
(a) ) i ²%³² b O%O³ % 2 c , for some 2 and all À
(b) ) i ²%³² b O%O³ b % 2 c b , for some 2 and all .
Furthermore, if the above assumptions hold except that c is negative, then (a) implies
that the left side of (b) is bounded uniformly in À
Proof of Corollary 3.6: We first prove () ¯ () under the initial assumptions. Note that
for fixed , statement ²ZZ ³ of Corollary 3.5 is equivalent to itself if "for some" is replaced
by "for all". By the symmetry of ²³ and ²³, it suffices to prove ²³ ¬ ²³. Thus assume
²³ holds. We define constants Á Á which satisfy
~ and b c ~ c .
Note that since
c it follows . Defining the function by
i ²%³ ²%³O%O ,
we see that ²ZZ ³ of Corollary 3.5 is satisfied for our choice of Á Á . Let , and now
replace by b , and replace by c . With these new values of and , we keep
and unchanged, so that (3.2) is still satisfied. By the equivalence of the "for some" and
"for all" versions of statement ²ZZ ³ in Corollary 3.5, it follows that for this new value of ,
²ZZ ³ still holds. However, ²ZZ ³ of Corollary 3.5 with the new value of is the same as ²³
of this Corollary, proving ²³ as desired.
Now consider the case where c is negative. We will show that () implies that
the left side of () is uniformly bounded. We maintain all of the original assumptions of
this Corollary, with the only change that now c is assumed negative instead of positive.
Again define Á Á so that (3.2) holds. Then with these values of Á Á Á ²³ above
is again equivalent to the unbracketed part of ²ZZ ³ of Corollary 3.5.
Since the unbracketed part of ²ZZ ³ for one value of implies the bracketed part for
all values of such that b c , it follows that the bracketed part of Corollary 3.5
holds for the new value of . Thus
q ²%³O%O ² b O%O³ b % 2
for some 2 . This completes the proof.
4. Convergence rates and the best Sobolev parameter
The main result of this section, Theorem 4.3, shows that for any wavelet expansion the
best pointwise rate of convergence in / is independent of for , where is the best
Sobolev parameter.
We recall that , ~ 0 c 7 Á and 8 ~ , c ,b ; see ²2À1³ and ²2.3³ for definitions
of 8 and , .
The next proposition will be used later to establish that the function 2 ²³ can replace
0 ²³ (see Def. 1.6) in the statements of our theorems.
Proposition 4.1: If °, £ c , and , then for
4 ²³ j
|,n ²%,³| ||cs dj
~ 6² c ³
if and only if
5 ²³ j
Vn ²%,³| ||cs dj
~ 6² c ³,
where the norms are in xÀ
Proof: Assume 4 ²³ ~ 6² c ³À Using scaling properties of the kernels ²2À5³,
5 ²³ ~
V (%Á )| ||c2s B
O, (%,°³ c , (%Á )O OOc B
2 6P
c b
= 2²
O, (%Á °³O OOc B +
O, (%Á )O OOc B 7
4 (°) + 4 ( )³,
proving 5 ²³ ~ 6² c ³À
Conversely assume 5 ²³ ~ 6² c ³À Then we have
5 ²³ ~
O, (%Á °) c , (%Á )O ||-2s B
|| O, (%Á °)O PB
c P
~ 6°c
~ ²
||c2s O, (%Á )O P°
B c P
4 ²°³
|| |, (%Á )| B
° 5
c 4 ²³
||c2s O, (%Á )O B
where all 3B norms are in %.
To show this implies 4 ²³ ~ 6² c ³, define :²³ ~
4 ²³° À Then
5 ²³ ~ 6°c :²°³²°³°c c °c :²³7 ~ c ²:²°³ c :²³³ À
Since 5 ²³ ~ 6² c ³,
O:²°³ c :²³O ~ 6² c°b
²4 À 1 ³
By ²³ of Lemma 3.2, if c Á we have :²³ ~ 6² c°b c° ³, and so
4 ²³ ~ 6² c ³ as desired.
If on the other hand c , in order to apply Lemma 3.2 (a) we show :²³ lim
:²³ ~ . To this end, we first bound 4 ²³ as follows. Define
@ ²³ ~ P, ²%Á ³PB ~ P²³c° % c A²%Á –³V² ³PB Á
where the above norms are in %. It is not difficult to show (see [KR1] and the remarks for
- ²³ before equation (2.3.16³ there) that @ ²³ .
Note also that
P, ²%,³PBÁ% ||-2s d ~
2 c
~ ²
@ ²³ ||-2s d
@ ²³ d
sup @ ²³
4 ²³
P,n ²%,³PBÁ% ||c d ~ ² c ³,
using the equivalence of (b) and (b') (in the case where 6 is replaced by ) in Theorem 3.4,
since by our assumptions c À Thus
lim :²³ ~ lim
4 ²³° ~ ²³
² ¦ ³Á
so that :²³ ~ À
Now applying Lemma 3.2 (a), we have by ²4À1³ in the case c that
:²³ ~ 6² c°b c° ³, so 4 ²³ ~ 6² c ³ in this case as well, completing the proof.
Theorem 4.2: For
if and only if
, the MRA ¸Pn ¹ has pointwise order of convergence l in H
|, (%Á )|2 ( + ||)c 2 ²c
for , uniformly in %.
Proof: Assume first ²4À2³ holds. Then for / (letting = 2c )
²4 À 2 ³
|, (%)|2 = e
, (%Á ) ^ () e
|, (%,)|2 (1 + ||)c
= 2
|^ ()|2 (1 + ||)
|, (%°Á )|2 ( + ||)c
2 cc
= 2 2c ,
|^ ()|2 (1 + ||)
independently of %. In the third line we used the scaling property ²2À5³ for kernels.
Conversely assume the MRA has approximation order in H . Then for f / we
have , B 2 2c = 2 . Thus by Proposition 2.1 P, P/ ¦3B ~ 6²c ³,
implying by Proposition 2.2 (and the equivalence of the factors ² b ||³c and
² b || ³c ³ that
2c ~ 2
ess sup |, n (%Á )|2 ² b ||³c d
~ cb ess sup |, (%Á )|2 ² b O|³c2 Á
ess sup |, (%Á )|2 ² b O|³c2 2 ²c
as desired.
Theorem 4.3: If the best Sobolev parameter £ , then the best pointwise order of
convergence of the MRA ¸7 ¹ in / is independent of for À
Proof: Assume we have approximation order in / . Then uniformly a.e. in %,
referring to the definition of , (%Á ) in (2.3) and Theorem 4.2,
|,̃ (%Á )|2 ( + ||)c2 2 c2
Assume initially that b °À We apply Corollary 3.6 with %i ²³ ~ |, (%Á )|2
and ~ c , ~ c c , and ~ . We show the hypotheses and (a) of the
corollary are satisfied as follows. First, b ~ c c . Second,
%i ²³² b OO³ ~
³O ² b OO³c 2 c
~ 2 c . ²4À4³
Note that since b °, it follows that ²0 c 7 ³ ¢ / ¦ 3B is unbounded. The
integral on the left side of (4.4) diverges as ¦ , since by the equivalence of ²Z ³ and ²³
in Theorem 1 and Corollary 2.4, |,̃²%Á )| O|c2s is unbounded in % for . Thus
Now, for an (to be determined later), we claim that (using ~ ³, uniformly a.e.
in %,
|,̃ (%Á )|2 ( + ||)c2²
2 c2²
~ 2 c
We first define more precisely. We will require that be sufficiently small that
c ²° b ³ À
Further, we require that be chosen so that the exponent c b in (4.5) is nonzero.
Before continuing we will show that the part of the integral in (4.5) which is outside the
unit ball remains uniformly bounded a.e. in % and À To this end, note that the exponent in
the integral satisfies
c² c (°+)³ c cÁ
since °. Thus the integral over the outside of the ball remains uniformly bounded,
since ,̃²%Á ³ is uniformly bounded (this follows from the definition of , and from the fact
that 7 ²%Á &³ is in all cases bounded by an 3 convolution kernel /²% c &³ with / radially
bounded; see [KR1]).
Now we will show that under the above assumptions in fact c b . Indeed,
Corollary 3.6 implies that if c b , then the left side of (4.5) is uniformly bounded
a.e. in % as varies in ²Á ³ (this includes the portion of the integral outside the ball by the
above remark). However, by (4.6), the left side of (4.5) diverges as ¦ since (as above)
by Theorem 1 and Corollary 2.4, |,̃²%Á )| O|c2s is unbounded in % for . Hence
c b .
Thus by Corollary 3.6, (4.5) holds, and by Theorem 4.2 we conclude that we have order
of convergence in / c²°b³ À Thus since c ° c ²° b ³, we also have order
of convergence in / c° (when b °³.
Thus if + 1/2, and we have order of approximation in H , then we also have
order of approximation in / c1/2 . This means that if : is the set of orders of
convergence in / , then : c° : for b °À We know also that any order of
convergence in / also applies to / for Z > , and so : as a set is nondecreasing with .
Thus : c° : À Combining the above inclusions, : c° ~ : , i.e., as a function of the
set : is periodic with period 1/2. Combining this with the fact that : is nondecreasing,
we conclude the set : must be constant as a function of for > . Thus the valid orders
of convergence are the same in / for > . We remark that above any positive constant
could have been used in place of ° in the term b °.
Proposition 4.4: If E: / ¦ 3B is bounded, then for all , the MRA ¸Pn ¹ has best
order of convergence c /2 in / .
Proof: Our assumption on the boundedness of , implies by Proposition 1.8 that
By Theorem 1 if c °, the MRA has approximation order in / , and
hence in / / for . Thus the best approximation order is at least c /2 in / ,
and so : = ´Á c /2], where : denotes the set of approximation orders in / À Note we
have used the equivalence of () and (') in Theorem 1, which implies that if we have
approximation order - d/2 in / this order is the largest possible in / .
By Theorem 4.3 : is independent of . We claim for , : = ´Á c /2].
First note since : is increasing with and : = ´, c /2], we have : ´Á c /2] for
> .
We show : ´, c /2] as follows. If it were true that c ° and : then
Theorem 4.3 would imply that :b° , since b ° À This would give by the
equivalence of ²Z ³ and ²³ in Theorem 1 that 0 c 7 ¢ / b° ¦ 3B is bounded. By
definition of (Definitions 1.7), this would imply b °, giving the desired
contradiction. Thus it is impossible that : if > c /2 and . Therefore : =
´Á c /2] for > as claimed, completing the proof.
5. Conditions for convergence rates
With Corollary 2.4 as motivation, we define (for 1³
1 ( ) = sup
|, (%,)|2 ||c2 d ,
where the sup as usual is a.e.
The following theorem is the analog of Theorem 5, using the 1 instead of the 0 integrals
as criteria for approximation orders.
Theorem 5.1: Given an MRA ¸Pn ¹ with £ :
() If ° s the best order of approximation of ¸Pn ¹ in H s is - d/2À
if 1 (0)B
() If s ~ , the best order of approximation in / is ~ F (c°
c°2) if 1 (0)~B
() If s , the best order of approximation in H s is r = F
cd°2 if 1+1/2 ( ) = 6(° ) ²¦³
( c°2) otherwise
Proof: Since £ we have ° by Proposition 1.8. Statement () follows
from the definition of and from the equivalence in Theorem 1 of (ZZ ) and (). If
1 ²³ B, statement (ii) follows from Corollary 2.4. On the other hand if 1 ²³ ~ B,
then by Corollary 2.4, approximation order c ° fails. However, by Proposition 1.8 the
set ' satisfies ' ~ ²°Á ³À Thus for any Z with ° Z , the operator
, ¢ / ¦ 3B is bounded, and so the MRA has approximation order Z c ° in / and
hence also in / À Therefore, in / we have all orders of approximation less than c °,
which means the order of approximation is ² c °³c À
It remains to prove (iii). Since by Theorem 4.3 we have best order of approximation
independent of s for s > , we need only consider a specific value of , say = + /2, and
find the best approximation order in / s . By Theorem 4.2 this is the supremum of values of
for which
|, (%,)|2 ( + ||)c2 c d 2 c2+bc .
for . For any where ²5À1³ holds, we have order of convergence in / +/2 .
We first show (letting = c °)
|, (%Á )|2 ( + |)-2- d 2 c2+2( cd/2)bc ~ 2°
1+/2 ( ) = 6( c ),
²recall all order statements in hold for only). Then we show that ²5À2³ is true
for replaced by c (i.e. it holds for all Z < ) if ²5À3³ fails. We also need to show these
choices of and c are best possible (largest possible) in ²5À2³.
To prove the first statement, i.e., equation ²5À2³, assume ²5À3³ holds, i.e.,
|, (%Á )|2 ||c2 c 21 c .
With the goal of applying Corollary 3.5, let % ²³ ~ |, (%Á )|2 OOcc and ~ . Let
~ b and ~ c c , so that b c ~ c and c ~ .
Applying the equivalence of ²³ and ²ZZ ³ in Corollary 3.5, we conclude
|, (%Á )|2 ² b O|³c2 c 21 c .
This proves ²5À2³ and shows that if 1+1/2 () = 6( c ) we have approximation order c
/2 in / +1/2 by Theorem 4.2.
Note that this order is in fact best by Theorem 1. Indeed, since this order is the same in
all / for , it holds for ~ b for À However by Theorem 1 the
approximation order in / in this case cannot be better than b c °, and so the
(constant) order of approximation in / for cannot be better than this for all ,
and hence cannot be better than c °. Thus for ~ b ° (and so for all ) the
best approximation order in / is c ° as desired.
Now we consider when 1+1/2 ( ) = 6 (° ) fails to hold, and show we have best
approximation order ( c /2)c in / b° . By (ii) above the best approximation order is at
least ( c /2)c and we must show it cannot be better. However since ²5À3³ fails by our
assumption, it is easy to show by the same arguments as above that ²5À2³ fails. By Theorem
4.2 therefore, we fail to have order of convergence ( c /2) in / +1/2 , so the best
approximation order must be ( c /2)c . Thus by Theorem 4.3 this is the best
approximation order in / for all .
6. Preliminaries for the proof of Theorem 5
We present some technical lemmas required in the proofs of the main results, parts
(iv) and (v) of Theorem 5. Recall that the class B* and the norm P h PB are given in Def.
3.3, and that the integral
0b° ²³
^ ()|7 ||c2c1 .
6 c (2)/2 |
Lemma 6.1: Let ° and * . Assume 0b° ²³ ~ 6²°³ (for ). Then
for ²OO³ B* with PPB B, we have (defining ²³ ~ ²OO³OOc )
²³ ||< (1 c O0 (/2)|2 ) ²³ < B
²³ OO |0 ( b /2)|2 ²³ < B for - ~ ¸Á ¹ À
Proof: Using the assumption 0b° ²³ ~ 6²°³ and the equivalence of () and ( ) in
V()|7OOc c and ~ , we have
Corollary 3.5, letting ²³ ~ 61 c (2)°2 |
V()|7²³ B.
61 c (2)°2 |
In addition,
V()| 7²³ ~
61 c (2) |
V()|7 61 + (2)°2 |
61 c (2)°2 |
Thus since
V()| 7 ²³ < B.
61 c (2) |
V(2)|2 c 17 c |0 ()|2 6(2) |
V()|2 c 17,
|0 ()|2 c 1 = 6(2) |
we have
(1 c O0 (°2)|2 ) ²³ d < BÁ
proving ²³À
Additionally, it is known that (e.g., [KR1, equation (2.3.9) and Lemma 2.3.1]),
|0 ( + )|2 = 1Â
^ ² + M³|2 = ²³cd À
If £ 0, by ²6À4³Á
|0 ( b /2)|2 = 1 c |0 (Z b °2)|2 1 c |0 (°2)|2 ,
Z £
so by ²6À3³
|0 ( b /2)|2 ²³ < BÁ
yielding ²³ and completing the proof.
The Fourier kernel ,̃²%Á ³ is given in ²2.6³. We also have:
Lemma 6.2: Let ° and * . Assume 0b° ²³ ~ 6²°³ ( )À Then the
kernel ,²%Á
³ satisfies
˜ ²%Á ³PB c P,
˜ ²%Á °³PB O ²³ B
O P,
for any ²OO³ B* with PPB B. Here ²³ ~ ²³OOc , and the P h PB norm is
taken with respect to %.
Proof: We have from (2.8):
^ ()
A (%Á –)
^ (°2)A (2%,–°2) b (°2)
^ (°2) ( b °2)A (2%,–°2 c ),
~ |0 (°2)|2
and so
^ () c A (2%Á –°2)
^ (/2)
A (%Á –)
^ (°2)A (2%,–°2) b (°2)
^ (°2) ( b /2)A (2%,c/2 c )À
~ (|0 (°2)|2 c 1)
We now use (6.6) and ²³ and ²³ of Lemma 6.1 (with and as in the Lemma), noting
˜ ²%Á °³PB ~ P,
˜ ²%Á °³PB , to obtain
˜ ²%Á ³PB c P,
˜ ²%Á °³PB O ²³ 9
O P,
^ () c ²³c° c c% A (2%Á –°2)
^ (/2) c ²³c°
A (%Á –)
B f ² ³ 9
= :
^ () c A (2%,–/2)
^ (°2) 2 ²³ d
A (%,–)
^ (°2) A (2%,–/2)
(|0 (°2)|2 c 1)
^ (°2) ( b /2) A (2%,–/2 c ) 2 ²³
+ 0 (°2)
^ (°2) A (2%Á –°2) O 2 ²³
O (|0 (°2)|2 c 1)
^ (°2) O ( b °2)O A (2%Á –°2 c ) O 2 ²³
O m0 (°2)
V²³, and ²³ are uniformly bounded in % and À
where we have used that A (%Á ),
Lemma 6.3: Assume that °. There exists a number * such that for any
²OO³ B* ²l ³, the following holds (defining ²³ ~ ²³OOc ):
For any positive @ ²³ with @ ²³ , if ||<1 | @ () c @ (/2)|2 ²³ B, then
OO |@
²³| ²³ B.
²OO³ if OO
Proof: Define ²OO³ ~ H
, with B* , and * to be determined. Let
²³ ~ ²OO³OOc , so that from the assumption of the Lemma
|@ () c @ (/2)| 2 ²³ d B.
Now choose * so
c * ° c° Á
which is possible since °À
O@ ²³ c @ ²°³O ²³ ~
O@ ²³²³° c @ ²°³²°³° ²°³O
where (recall B* ; see Definitions 3.3)
²6 À 7 ³
²°³ ²³
c * ° c° .
We have defined ° ~ above.
Let @ () be a positive sequence in 32 which converges pointwise to @ () such that
@ ²³ @ ²³À
We may assume convergence occurs such that, defining
.²³ ~ @ ²³²³ and . ²³ ~ @ ²³²³° Á
|. () c ²°³. (°)| |.() c ²°³.(°)|.
²6 À 8 ³
For example, since @ ²³ , we could choose @ ²³ ~ ²@ ²³ c °³b , with +
denoting the greater of the argument and 0. Then O@ ²³ c @ ² ³O O@ ²³ c @ ² ³O for all
Á l , and
O. ²³ c ²°³. ²°³O ~ |@ ²³²³° c @ ²°³² ³° |
|@ ²³²³° c @ ²°³²³° |
~ |.²³ c ²°³.²°³O
as desired. Now
. () c ²°³. (°)P2 . ()P2 c ²°³. (°)P2
² c °c * ° ³ . ()P2
²6 À 9 ³
By our choice of * we have c °c * ° . By ²6À7³
|.²³ c ²°³.²°³O ~
|@ () c @ (°)|2 ²³ d B.
Thus by dominated convergence and ²6À8³, the left side of ²6À9³ converges, so the right side
is bounded in . Thus the sequence P. ()P2 is bounded, and since . () converges to
.() pointwise from below, P.()P is finite, proving the lemma.
Recall for an inner product space = (with inner product h ³, a family of vectors ¸A ¹ =
forms a frame if there exist constants ( and ) B such that for all = ,
(P P O h A O )P P À
Lemma 6.4: In a finite dimensional space, the optimal frame bound is a continuous
function of the frame. Specifically, if the vectors ¸A ²³¹m
~ form a frame in l for each ,
and if the A ²³ vary continuously in , then
O h A ²³O
O h A ²³O
are continuous functions of .
Proof: We write
O h A ²³O
O h A ²³O .
l Á OO~ ~
Because suprema of equicontinuous function families are continuous, it is only necessary
that we check that the family ¸ O h A ²³O ¹ S
is equicontinuous, where
: ~ ¸ ¢ O O ~ ¹. But for this it suffices to show that for each , ¸O h A ²³O ¹ S forms
an equicontinuous family of functions, which is clear by the Schwartz inequality.
Lemma 6.5: Let f() and A ²%Á ³ be vector functions on l , let , and assume
²³ The vectors ¸A ²%,³¹ span l , i.e., there is no nonvanishing vector such that
A ²%Á ³ h ~ a.e. ´%µ.
²³ A ²%Á ³ is continuous in .
Then if ²³ is a vector function in 3 ²l ³ such that
O ²³ h A ²%Á ³O ~ 6² c ³
a.e. ´%µ,
it follows that
O ²³O ~ 6² c ³À
Proof: Assume (6.12). Let ¸% ¹~ be such that ¸A²% Á ³¹ is a basis for l , and such that
the equality in (6.12) holds for % ~ % D. Then by the previous Lemma, for OO sufficiently
small, say OO Á
O ²³O 2 O ²³ h A ²% Á ³O Á
since ¸A (% Á 0)¹ forms a basis and thus a frame.
Now write (for small )
O ²³O ~
O ²³O b
O ²³O
2 O ²³ h A ²% Á ³O b
6² ³ b 2
~ 6² c ³À
O ²³O
7. Proof of Theorem 5
The next theorem establishes the equivalence of the functions 0 and 3 .
Theorem 7.1: For Á , ! £ b ,
^ ()|) ||c! ~ 6² c ³
( 1 c (2)°2 |
(1 c |0 ()|2 ) ||-t ~ 6² c ³
if and only if
Proof: Let the left side of ²7.1³ be ; ²³ and that of ²7.2) be < ²³À Recall
V²³ ~ ²°³
V²°³À Let :²³
V ²³O ³OOc! À Note by factoring
² c ²³ O
the integrand that :²³ ~ 6² c ³ iff ; ²³ ~ 6² c ³.
Assume ²7.1³. Then (6.2) gives ²7.2³ (after factoring the differences of squares on
the right of ²6À2³).
Conversely assume ²7.2³ holds, i.e., that < ²³ ~ 6² c ³À Then note
V(2)|2 7 c 61 c (2) |
V()|2 7 = (2) (1 c |0 ()|2 ) |
V()|2 .
61 c (2) |
The factors in the integrand of ²7.2³ are positive since they symbol ²³ assumes its
V²³O ~ for
maximum of 1 at ~ . Thus, without loss redefining c ²³° O
OO °,
6² c ³ ~
^ ()|2 ) c ( 1 c (2) |
^ (/2)|2 ) | ||c!
|( 1 c (2) |
^ ()|2 )OOc! c c!
( 1 c (2) |
~ O:²³ c
^ )|2 )||c!
(1 c (2) |(
Defining 7 ²³ ~ !c :²³ we have
6² c ³ ~ O c! ²7 ²³ c 7 ²°³³OÁ
O7 ²³ c 7 ²°³O ~ 6² cb!c ³.
²7 À 4 ³
Hence if ! c c , by Lemma 3.2, 7 ²³ ~ 6² !cc ³, so ; ²³ ~ 6² c ³Á as desired.
On the other hand, if ! c c Á then we can again apply Lemma 3.2 (a) if we can
^ ()|) Á
show 7 ²³ lim7 ²³ ~ À To this end, note that since (1 - (2)/2 |
^ ()|) ||c! ²°³c! O)²³O sup ² c ²³° O
V²³O³ ~ ² c! ³Á
( 1 c (2)/2 |
where O)²³O denotes the volume in dimensions of the ball of radius . Thus by the
second paragraph of the statement of Theorem 3.4 (note since ! c c we have
! ) relating to replacement of 6 by ,
; ²³ ~
^ ()|) ||c! ~ ² c! ³À
( 1 c (2)°2 |
So by factoring the integrand below,
:²³ ~
^ ()| ) ||c! ~ ² c! ³,
( 1 c (2) |
and thus 7 ²³ ~ !c :²³ . Thus we can apply Lemma 3.2 to (7.4), to again obtain
7 ²³ ~ 6² !cc ³Á and ; ²³ ~ 6² c ³Á completing the proof.
Note for later reference that
(%)) = 2c /2 c2c ^ (2c ).
< (
Recall also formula (2.6) for , ²%Á ³.
We now give the complete proof of Theorem 5, the main result of this paper.
Proof of Theorem 5:
(o) If ~ it suffices to show that we fail to have any positive order of convergence in /
for °. Recall ~ means 0 c 7 ¢ / ¦ 3B is unbounded for all À
To begin we claim that in this case the convergence rate of the MRA for ° is
independent of À The rest of the proof is similar to that of Theorem 4.3.
Assume we have approximation order in / . Then uniformly (as usual a.e.) in
%, we have by Theorem 4.2
|, (%Á )|2 ( b ||)c2 d 2 c2
~ 2 c .
Assume for the moment that
° b °À
We apply Corollary 3.6 with
% ²³ ~ |, (%Á )| , ~ c ,
~ c c , and ~ b , with to be
determined belowÀ Note that the supremum of the left side of ²7À5³ diverges as ¦ by
Corollary 2.4, the equivalence of ²Z ³ and ²³ in Theorem 1 and the fact that ° ,
so that c À Similarly to the proof of Theorem 4.3, it follows from Corollary 3.6 that
for some we have uniformly a.e. in %:
|, (%Á )|2 ( + ||)c2²
2 c2²
~ 2 c
More precisely, we choose so small that c ²° b ³ °, and also so that the
exponent c b £ 0. Then as in the previous proof, we conclude that in fact
c b , since the left side of ²7À6) diverges as ¦ . The divergence of the left
side of ²7À6) follows by Corollary 2.4, the equivalence of ²Z ³ and ²³ in Theorem 1, and the
fact that c ²° b ³ ° À Corollary 3.6 then gives ²7À6).
From this we conclude we have pointwise approximation order in / c²°b³ À With
appropriate choice of , it follows (as in the proof of Theorem 4.3) that the best
pointwise approximation order (as a function of ) is periodic with period ° and
nondecreasing. Thus the set of orders is constant for °, as desired.
We have established the rate of convergence in / is independent of . By Theorem
1, it is also less than c ° in / for °À Since can be arbitrarily close to °, we
conclude c ° must be smaller than any positive number. Hence there is no
positive rate of convergence in any Sobolev space / with °. Since for Z °
and ° we have / / , it also follows that there are no positive convergence rates
for Z °. Thus we have proved (o).
²i³ For °, there exist unbounded / . However, for any / ,
7 3B . This follows since by our assumptions, the scaling function satisfies
O²%³O ²O%O³ with bounded, decreasing, and in 3 ²l ³. Thus
O7 O ~ O ²% c ³O :O O ;
: ²% c ³ ;
2P7 P3 P P .
Above, the sum involving can be bounded by the norm on the right because it can be
bounded by an integral. Thus for unbounded / we have , ~ c 7 is unbounded.
Therefore , ¢ / ¦ 3B is never bounded, and hence P, P/ ¦3B fails to have any decay
rate. This yields approximation order 0 in these spaces (by our definition of approximation
order ).
(ii) This follows from equivalence of (ZZ ) and () in Theorem 1.
(iii) This follows from the equivalence of () and (Z ) of Theorems 1 and 3. Specifically if
0 ²³ B then by these theorems the best pointwise approximation order in / is
c °. But if 0 ²³ ~ B, then Theorems 1 and 3 imply the best approximation order in
/ cannot be c °. However for ~ c Theorem 1 implies the best approximation
order in / is c ° ~ c ° c . Thus for any c the best approximation
order is at least c ° c À Since this holds for all , for the MRA has
approximation order c ° c for all , and hence has best order ² c °³c as
Since £ , we have °. By Theorem 4.3 the best approximation order in
/ is independent of for > . Thus to determine this order for any > we only
consider = + 1/2. By part ²³ of this Theorem, since best approximation order in / 2
cannot be worse than in / 1 for 2 > , the best order in / is at least ( c d/2)c .
We now show that if
0b° ²³
^ ()|7 ||c2c1 ~ 6(1° )
6 c (2)°2 |
²7 À 7 ³
then we have approximation order c /2 in / s for . To do this we will verify
1 b1/2 ( ) sup
˜ (%Á )|2 ||c2 c1 ~ 6²°³,
and use Theorem 5.1.
To verify (7.8) we will use equivalence of () and ( Z ) in Corollary 3.5. Specifically
we let % ²³ ~ |,̃ (%Á )|2 OOcc and ~ . It then suffices to show for some fixed *
that for any ²||³ B* such that ||c ²OO³ B,
˜ (%Á )|2 ||c2 2 B
²||³ sup |,
To prove ²7À9³ for some * (we will choose * later), let ²OO³ ~ H
²OO³ if OO
@ () P,²%Á
³PB ,
we have by Lemma 6.2 that if ²³ ²OO³OOc ,
| @ () c @ (°2)|2 ²³ B.
Note that @ ²³ (see remarks before equation (2.3.16³ in [KR1]). Now choose * as
in the statement of Lemma 6.3. Then, using Lemma 6.3, we have
˜ (%Á )|2 ||c2 ~
²||³ sup |,
@ 2 ²³ ²³ B,
so ²7À9³ has been established, proving we have approximation order c ° in / for
To prove the second case of ²#³, suppose now that
0b° ²³
^ ()|7 ||c2c1 d £ 6(1° )
6 c (2)°2 |
for À By the equivalence of ²³ and ²³ in Theorem 3.4 for any * there then
exists ²OO³ B* with ||c ²OO³ B and
^ ()|7 ||c2 ²OO³ ~ BÀ
6 c (2)/2 |
We wish to show that in this case the order of convergence in / for is ² c °³c À
To this end it suffices to show, by Theorem 5.1Á that 1b° ²³ £ 6²°³ for . Again
let ²³ ~ ²OO³OOc .
We have
^ ()|) ²³ = BÀ
(1 c (2)°2 |
Letting * denote the unit cube in l , we have by (2.9) and (2.10):
˜ ²%Á ³f ²³
c /2
c /2
^ 2
^ ^
81 c (2) |()| 9 c (2) ()(2 b )
f ²³
^ 2
/2 ^
81 c (2) |()| 9f b e(2) ()(2 b )e
^ ()
^ (2 b )e ²³
||< £0
The second equality follows from the Parseval identity for Fourier series, since the %
integration (once % and integrations are interchanged) is the square of the 3 -norm of a
Fourier series in %.
By ²6À4³ and ²7À10³, factoring the difference of squares below,
V² b M³O )²³ ~
^ ()|2 )²³ ~ B,
(1 c (2) |
V²³ £ and
V is continuous)
so comparing with ²7À11³, (since
˜ ²%Á ³e ²³ ~ BÀ
The above is an 3 norm over the unit cube * in %, so the 3B norm is also infiniteÀ
Thus the error operator , with Fourier kernel
^ ()
,˜ ²%Á ³ ~ (2)c/2 % c A (%Á –)
O,˜ ²%Á ³O ²³ j
~ B.
% ²³ ~
O, ²%Á ³O OOc c ,
( Z )
it follows
1b° j
O, ²%Á ³O OOcc j
£ 6²°³À
Now by Theorem 5.1, it follows that the best pointwise order of approximation in / is
² c °³c , as desired. This completes the proof of (#).
²#³ We wish to show the above statements hold with 0b° ²³ replaced by 2 b° ²³ or
3b° ²³À Note by Theorems 1 through 4 the proof of ²³ does not change if we replace 0
by 2 or 3.
Now consider the proof of ²#³ in these cases, first with replacement of 0b° ²³ with
3b° ²³. We wish to show
0b° ²³
^ ()|7 ||c2 c1 ~ 6(1/ ),
6 c (2)d/2 |
if and only if
3b° ²³
(1 c |0 ()|2 ) ||c c ~ 6²°³.
We apply Theorem 7.1 with ! ~ b , and ~ , so b ~ b . We have ,
so that ! ~ b £ b . It follows that 0b° ²³ may be replaced by 3 b° ²³, as
To show we can replace 0b° ²³ by 2 b° ²³, we show first that if
0b° ²³ ~ 6²°³,
then the same holds for
2b° ²³ sup
O ²³O ||c2 c .
Note that if ²7.13) holds then by part ²#³ of this theorem and by Theorem 5.1,
|, ²%Á ³| ||c c d B ~ 6²°³
which by Proposition 4.1 implies that
V ²%Á ³| ||c c d B ~ 6²°³À
V ²c³c À We then have
We write 8 ~ 8 and , ~ , À Note that < ² ²& c ³³ ~
that the kernel [KKR1]
³ ~ <& ²8²%Á &³³
~ <& ² ²% c ³ ²& c ³³
~ ²% c ³<& ² ²& c ³³
V ²c³c
~ ²% c ³
V ²c³A ²%Á ³Á
where A ²%Á ³ ~ ²% b ³ is the Zak transform of . But for a set . of % of
positive measure, A ²%Á ³ is nonzero at ~ (see [KR1] after (2.2.9)), and it is always
continuous in , since its Fourier coefficients ²% b ³ are in M . We have, letting
V ²c³Á
V ²c³Á à Á
V ²c³³,
A ²%Á ³ ~ ²A Á A Á Ã Á A M ³ and ²³ OOc c° ²
e²³ h A ²%Á ³e ~
V ²c³A ²%Á ³e OOc c
V ²x,³| ||c c d
~ 6²°³À
The set ¸A ²%Á ³¹%. spans l in that there is no nonvanishing vector (see
[KR1], before (2.2.9)) such that A ²%Á ³ h ~ for almost all % .À Thus we may apply
Lemma 6.5 to conclude that
O²³O ~ 6²°³
2b° ²³ ~ sup
O ²³O OOc c ~ 6²°³Á
as desired.
Conversely, assume
2b° ²³ ~ 6²°³;
we wish to show that then 0b° ²³ ~ 6²°³. But if (7.16) holds, then
O8V ²%Á c³O OOc c ~
V ²c³A ²%Á ³e OOc c ~ 6²°³Á
( ¦ ), by the boundedness of A ²%Á ³À Then by Proposition 4.1, ²7À14³ holds, and so by
Theorem 5.1 the best order of approximation in / is ~ c °. Thus by ²#³ of this
theorem, which has already been proved, it follows that
0b° ²³ ~ 6²°³,
as desired. This completes the proof of (#).
Proof of Corollary 6: The implication ²³ ¬ ²³ is clear, while ²³ ¬ ²³ and
²³ ¬ ²³ follow from Theorems 1 through 3. Also ²³ implies that ~ , which by
Theorem 5 implies ²³. Thus ²³ implies ²³, ²³, ²³, and ²³. On the other hand, by
Proposition 1.8, ²³ implies ~ and thus ²³. By Theorems 1 through 3, ²³ and ²³
imply 0 c 7 ¢ / ¦ 3B is unbounded for °, which implies () and hence also ()
(recall , ~ 0 c 7 ¢ / ¦ 3B is unbounded for °³. In addition, by Theorem 1,
() implies () and hence ().
8À Proof of Theorem 8
Proof of Theorem 8: Note that the statement of the theorem yields positive convergence
rates only if ! , which we assume throughout. Our assumption easily implies that
uniformly in % and &,
O7 ²%Á &³O 2O% c &Oc! .
Indeed, since 7 ²% b Á & b ³ ~ 7 ²%Á &³ it suffices to check this for % in the unit cube 9.
For % 9, since O²% c ³O ² b OO³c! , we have
O7 ²%Á &³O ~ O²% c ³²& c ³O
2 ² b OO³c! ² b O& c O³c!
~ 2
² b OO³c! ² b O& c O³c!
2 O&Oc! ² b O& c O³c! b
s O&cOO&O°
2 O&Oc! Á
² b OO³c! .
recalling that ! À Then ²8À1³ follows from the boundedness of 7 ²%Á &³À
In this case it suffices without loss to find a uniform local rate of convergence in the unit
ball ) l , since the same rate will hold in any other unit ball. We consider /" with
P P/ ~ . For such an we write ~ b , where is supported in ), is
supported outside ), and P P/ * with * independent of . Then
P, PB P, P B b P, PB À
The first term satisfies
P, PB 2 h c ,
with 2 independent of . The second term satisfies (for % ))
|, | ~ f 7 ² %Á &³ ²&³&f
~ f 7 ² % c ´ %µÁ & c ´ %µ³ ²&³&f
O7 ² % c ´ %µÁ & c ´ %µ³O&
b )c´ %µ
O7 ² % c ´ %µÁ &³O &
b )c´ %µ
O&Oc! &
O&Oc! &
2 c²!c³ Â
above ´ h µ denotes the greatest integer function applied componentwise to vectors, and ) is
the complement of )À We have used the fact that 3B , with norm 2 bounded by the
norm P P/" , since /" 3 , given °À
Proof of Corollary 9:
(a) The assumptions of the Corollary imply c ° ! c . For , therefore, the best
order of convergence in /" is the same as in / , i.e., ~ ² c °³²c³ , by Theorem 8,
where ² c ³ indicates the possibility of c or its absence in the superscript. Since this
statement is independent of , we conclude the optimal order of convergence is
² c °³²c³ À
(b) For any Á B and , the inclusion 3Á" 3Á" holds for
sufficiently large. Indeed in this case P P3 2P P3 is clear from the standard
Sobolev inclusion relations. In particular, 3 Á" /" for sufficiently large, so in the
scale ¸3 ¹ , the optimal order of convergence is at least that in the scale ¸/" ¹ and
thus the scale ¸/ ¹ , as seen above. The reverse inclusion (for sufficiently large ³
shows that it cannot be greater, and so is the same as in the scale ¸/ ¹À
Proof of Proposition 10: This proposition follows immediately from Theorem 5, since on
any compact 2 a function in / is a restriction of a function in / , and convergence
properties for a function on 2 depend only on the properties of in 2 , since the wavelet
is compactly supported.
We conclude by remarking that most of the present results and their variations hold in
general spaces of functions to which global versions of these theorems apply.
Acknowledgments: The first author thanks the U.S. Fulbright Commission and the
University of Warsaw for its support. The second author is grateful to Anneli and Peter Lax
for encouragement and useful comments on this work, and Louis Nirenberg for an invitation
to spend a year at the Courant Institute.
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Mark A. Kon
Department of Mathematics
Boston University
Boston, MA 02215
[email protected]
Louise A. Raphael
Department of Mathematics
Howard University
Washington, DC 20059
[email protected]
Note: This appendix is not included in the published version of this paper.
9. Appendix for “A Characterization of Wavelet Convergence in Sobolev Spaces”
by Kon and Raphael
This appendix contains the technical proofs of statements in Section 3 of this paper.
The following is a standard fact whose proof (using the closed graph theorem) we
omit. Below ) again denotes the unit ball of l .
Lemma 9À1: On a normed linear space (NLS) ? , two norms in which ? is complete are
equivalent if whenever ¦ in the first norm and ¸ ¹ converges in the second norm,
then ¦ in the second normÀ
Recall a seminorm P h P on a vector space ? satisfies P P ~ OOP P for ? and
], and satisfies the triangle inequality, but not necessarily positive definiteness. We
say seminorm P h P on a vector space ? is complete if for every Cauchy sequence ¸ ¹ there
exists ? such that ¦ , i.e., P c P ¦ .
Note that seminorm convergence ¦ does not in general determine uniquely.
Lemma 9À2: A nonnegative seminorm P h P on a vector space ? is complete if and only if
whenever a sequence ¸ ¹ is absolutely convergent (i.e., P P B), it follows
converges (i.e., there exists ? such that i c i ¦ ).
Lemma 9À3: Let ¸P h P ¹ ; be a family of seminorms on a vector space ? . Assume that
for any ¸ ¹ ? , if for each ,
¦ B ? in seminorm and sup P P B, then
there is an ? such that
¦ B in all the seminorms P h P . Then if ? is complete
in each of these seminorms, it is also complete in the seminorm P P sup P P , assuming
the latter is always finite.
Proof of Lemma 3.2: (a) The forward implication is clear, and we prove the reverse. First
assume . Then if O%O °, we have
(²%³ f <(²2 %³ c (²b %³=f b (²5b %³
* Ob %Oc b (²5b %³
* °² c c ³³O%Oc b (²5b %³Á
²9 À 1 ³
where 5 ~ 5 ²%³ is the largest integer such that O5b %O is less than 1. This yields
(²%³ * O%Oc ,
with * ~ 2c * °² c c ³ b sup (²%³, where we note that by the definition of 5 ,
° O
%O À Also note (²
%³O%Oc (²5b %³ since O%O . On the other
hand, if ° O%O , then (9.2) also clearly holds, yielding the desired bound for all
% ) À
On the other hand if
O(²%³O ~ f (²2c %³ c (²cc %³f * Oc %Oc ~ * O%Oc °² c ³,
²9 À 3 ³
yielding * ~ * °² c ³À
(b) In this case
O(²%³ c (²³O ~ lim f 6(²2c %³ c (²cc %³7 b (²c5c %³ c (²³f
~ f (²2c %³ c (²cc %³f
* O%Oc °² c ³,
where the last inequality follows as in ²9À3³.
(c) Here we again need only prove the reverse implication. Our assertion is equivalent to
showing that if O(²%³ c (²%°³O + ²%³O%Oc where + ²%³ is positive with + ²%³
, then (²%³ + ²%³O%Oc , where + has the same properties as + .
First consider the case À Then under our assumptions
(²%³ f <(²2 %³ c (²b %³=f b (²5b %³
* + ²b %³Ob %Oc b (²5b %³À
where 5 is chosen as above. We now redefine 5 ²%³ to remain an integer for all %, but so
that as % ¦ we have 2 %° 5b % 2 %° À Then by part (a), since we know at
least that (²%³ ~ 6²O%Oc ³,
(²5b %³ 2 O5b %Oc 2 O%Oc° ~ ²O%Oc ³À
Consider the ratio (recall 5 ~ 5 ²%³)
b c
f + ² %³O %O f
c²5 b³
c O%Oc c
b c
f + ² %³O %O f
Ob %Oc
* sup + (2b %³
Thus (²%³ ~ ²O%Oc ³, as desired, if À
Now assume , and that (²³ ~ À In that case,
O(²%³O ~ f (²2c %³ c (²cc %³f,
* + ²c %³Oc %Oc
~ sup + ²c %³ * O%Oc °² c ³
~ ²O%Oc ³,
as desired.
Below is a more general version of Theorem 3.4, with proof included.
Theorem 3.4: The following statements are equivalent for and a positive function
²%³ on the unit ball ) of l with (where all integrals are restricted to the unit
(a) The integral O%O % ²%³ ~ 6² c ³À
(b) °O%O % ²%³ ~ 6² c ³À
(c) °O%O % |%| ²%³ ~ 6²³À
(d) For some (or all) , O%O % ²%³ O%O ~ 6² c ³
´and for , % ²%³O%O BµÀ
(d') For some (or all) l, c/2<O%O< % ²%³ O%O ~ 6² c ³À
(d'') For some (or all) , O%O< % ²%³ O%O ~ 6² c ³À
(d''') For some (or all) , and some (or all) with b c ,
% ²%³O%O ² b O%O³ ~ 6²+ c ³
´and for and b c Á then lim % ²%³O%O ² b O%O³ exists and is finiteµÀ
(d'''') For some (or all) Á l , c/2<O%O< % ²%³ O%O ² b O%O³ ~ 6² bc ³À
(e) For any function ²O%O³ BC such that % |%|c ²O%O³ B , it follows that
% ²O%O³ O%O ²%³ BÁ for some (or all) * À
Statements in brackets ´ h µ may be included or excluded without changing the equivalences.
In addition, 6² h ³ may be replaced by ² h ³ simultaneously in all of the above
statements excluding (c), and the equivalences of (a)-(ZZ ) (i.e. all statements excluding ())
continue to hold.
Proof of Theorem 3.4: We first prove the statements above are equivalent without the
bracketed inclusions. Whenever we apply Lemma 3.2, we implicitly extend ²%³ to have
value 0 for O%O .
That (a) ¯ (b) follows from Lemma 3.2, choosing
(²³ ~ O%O % ²%³À To show (b) ¬ (c) assume (b) holds. Then
% ²%³ ~ 6²³À
% ²°³ ²%³
% O%O ²%³
% ²%³
²9 À 4 ³
so (c) follows. This argument can be reversed to yield (c) ¬ (b).
The equivalence of ( ) and (Z ) is proved in essentially the same way as that of () and
( ).
To show ( ) ¬ () assume ( ) holds and let * À Assume %O%Oc ²|%|³ B for
some ²|%|³ B* . Letting ~ sup ²³, and the same quantity with sup replaced
c cb
by inf ,
c O%Ocb
% O%O ²%³
c O%Ocb
% ²O%O³O%O ²%³
c O%Ocb
% O%O ²%³À
Since ²O%O³ B* , we have for some 2 Á °2 ²³°²³ 2 for 1 À
Thus if O+O is the surface area of the unit sphere in dimensions,
2 h
% O%Oc ²O%O³
O+O c O%Ocb
% O%Oc ²O%O³À
O+O c O%Ocb
% ²O%O³O%O ²%³ ~
~ O%O
c O%Ocb
% O%O ²%³
% O%O ²%³ 9
~ 8 sup
% ²O%O³O%O ²%³
c O%Ocb
c O%Ocb
% O%O ²%³ 9 h
c O%Ocb
% O%Oc ²O%O³
% O%Oc ²O%O³
implying (³.
To show () ¬ ( ), assume () for some * .
We wish to show
²%³ ~ 6²³, or equivalently
| ²%³ ~ 6²³ as the
c O%Ocb
integer becomes largeÀ For this it suffices to show that for any positive summable
sequence ¸ ¹, the sequence
c O%Ocb
% |%| ²%³I
²9 À 5 ³
is also summable. Further it suffices to show the collection of sequences for which this
holds includes the summable sequences ¸ ¹ satisfying
°* b ° *À
Indeed if £ 6²³ (i.e., is unbounded), let ¸ ¹ be a subsequence satisfying c À
We could then choose a family of sequences ¸ ¹ , defined by ~ c * cOc O , and then
define ~ À Since for each the sequence (as a function of ) satisfies ²9À6³, it
follows that does as well. Furthermore, clearly is summable. And finally we would
: ; 0 0 ~ c ~ B.
Thus it would be false that ²9À5³ is summable for all ¸ ¹ satisfying ²9À6³. This shows that
it suffices to show ²9À5³ is summable for all summable ¸ ¹ satisfying ²9À6³.
Given an arbitrary summable ¸ ¹ satisfying ²9À6³, there exists a function
²O%O³ ¢ l ¦ l such that ~ c O%Ocb % O%Oc ²O%O³. Indeed let be chosen so
c ²³ is constant on each dyadic interval c cc and equals °O+O, where
+ is the surface of the unit -ball. In this case
% O%Oc ²O%O³ ~ O+O
c O%Ocb
c cb
c °O+O ~ .
%O%Oc ²O%O³ ~ BÀ
For any constant 2 we have
c ²³ ~ °O+O
for c cb , while ²³c ²³ ~ °O+O or 2c c °O+OÀ Then
²³c ²³
c ²³
max²*°Á ³
implying that for
c ²³°²³ max²*°Á ³Á
and so
²³°²³ max²*Á ³.
Further, letting ~ above, we have ²2³c ²2³ ~ 2c c °O+O, so
²2³c ²2³
c c
c ²³
and so
²2³c ²2³
so ²³ B* À
Since we are assuming (),
% |%| ²%³ ~
c O%Ocb
c O%Ocb
c O%Ocb
% c O%Oc ²O%O³O+O |%| ²%³
% O%OO%Oc ²O%O³O+O |%| ²%³
proving ²9À5³ is summable for an arbitrary summable sequence ¸ ¹ satisfying ²9À6³. Thus
c O%Ocb
% |%| ²%³ ~ 6²³,
implying ²³, and showing () ¬ ( ).
We have thus showed equivalence of (), (), ( ), (Z ), and (). For , Lemma 3.2
implies () and (Z ) are equivalent. If ( Z ) holds for some l, then by the same
arguments as earlier (showing equivalence of () and ( )) it holds for all l, proving the
equivalence of ( ) and (Z ) if in (Z ) as well. To show equivalence of (d'') and ( Z ),
note the implication (ZZ ) ¬ ²Z ³ is clear. The reverse follows once we observe that if (Z )
holds, then (recall ²%³ may be assumed 0 outside the unit ball)
¦B O%Oc
% ²%³ O%O ~ lim
Z ~c
' O%O 'b
% ²%³ O%O
lim * h ² c³ BÁ
Z ~c
so % ²%³O%O B. Therefore if (²³ O%O % ²%³ O%O , we have (²³ ~ Á and so
by Lemma 3.2 (²³ ~ 6² c ³.
That (ZZZZ ) is equivalent to (Z ) is clear since if ° O%O , then Á O%OÁ and b O%O
are all of the same order.
To show (ZZZ ) is equivalent to (ZZZZ ) it is first clear (ZZZ ) implies (ZZZZ ). Now assume
( ). Then if and b c , it follows that , so that
% ²%³O%O ² b O%O³ ~
% ²%³O%O b
b c
~ 6²
% ²%³O%O ² b O%O³ b
% ²%³ O%O ² b O%O³
% ²%³ O%Ob
³ b 6² bc ³
as desired, where we have used ( ) and (ZZ ). Thus the ()-() are equivalent.
To prove that we may also include the bracketed statements in ( ) and (ZZZ ), it
suffices to prove the statement in brackets in () follows from the unbracketed statement
there, and similarly for (ZZZ ). First assume the initial part of () holds, i.e., that for some (or
all) , O%O % ²%³ O%O ~ 6² c ³. Then by what has already been proved (i.e., the
equivalences of the unbracketed statements), if , O%O % ²%³ O%O ~ 6² c ³Á so
% ²%³ O%O BÀ Similarly, if the initial part of ( ZZZ ) holds and b c Á then
we have by the dominated convergence theorem
% ²%³O%O ² b O%O³
% ²%³O%Ob BÁ
where the right side is finite by the fact that the bracketed part of () holds as shown above.
Note the left side is always finite if , again by the bracketed part of ( ). This
completes the proof of the equivalence of statements ()-().
To complete the proof we now assume statements (a)-(d'''' ) have 6² h ³ replaced by ² h ³À
The equivalence of (a) and (b) then follows directly from Lemma 3.2( ). The equivalence
of parts (b), (c), (d'), and (d'''') follows from the fact that, multiplied by appropriate powers
of , the left sides of the expressions in all of these parts have the same order ²i.e., are
equivalent as functions of ). The equivalence of (d) and (d') is proved in the same way as
that of (a) and (b). The equivalence of (d') and (d'') again follows from Lemma 3.2( ). To
show that (d''') and (d'''') are equivalent, it is first immediate that (d''') ¬ (d''''). To prove
the reverse implication, assume that (d'''') holds. Then the proof of (d''') follows identically
to the proof of (d'''') ¬ (d''') in the previous case above. This completes the proof.
Proof of Lemma 9.2: Assume ? is complete. If P P BÁ let 5 ~ À Then
¸5 ¹ forms a Cauchy sequence, and so since ? is complete there is a such that
j c j
¦ BÀ
Conversely assume that whenever P P B it follows converges. Then if
¸ ¹ is a Cauchy sequence let be a subsequence satisfying P c P c for all
. Then ~ b ² Z c Z c ³À By our assumption since the infinite sum
of the norms in the previous expression is finite, P c P for some ?. Thus
by the triangle inequality P c P
¦ B and ? is complete.
Proof of Lemma 9.3: Assume these hypotheses and let P P BÀ Then for each
P P B, and since P h P is complete, converges in P h P À By our assumption
P c P ¦ for all for some fixed .
Note if ¦ in the norm, then P P ¦ PP À Indeed P P PP b P c PÁ and
PP P P b P c P. Thus if ~ in P h P (recall such sums are not unique), then
P P P P , since i i
5 ¦B
P P .
j c j ~ supj c j
~ supj j
sup P P
sup P P
~ P P
5 ¦ B Á
proving completeness of P h PÀ
Proof of Corollary 3.5: Define the norms associated with the above statements as follows
(subscript refers to statement):
P P sup O%O % | ²%³| Â
P P sup °O%O % | ²%³|
P P sup °O%O % |%| | ²%³|Â P P sup c
P PZ sup c
% | ²%³| O%O
% | ²%³| O%O Â P PZZ sup c
sup cc % | ²%³|O%O ² b O%O³ Â
P PZZZZ sup cc
P P sup PP
°O%O % | ²%³|O%O
% | ²%³| O%O
² b O%O³ Â
% ²O%O³ O%O O ²%³O.
These are norms since the triangle inequality can be verified for all of them, and they are all
positive definite. Further, defining as each norm's domain the space of functions
¢ ) ¦ ] on which it is finite, each of these norms has the same domain ( by Theorem
3.4À We claim each of these norms is complete on (À
The proof of completeness is similar for all the norms. To show P h P is complete for
example, note P P is equivalent to the norm
P Pi sup c
cc O%Oc
% | ²%³|Á
where tb denotes the nonnegative integers.
Defining the seminorm
P Pi Á
cc O%Oc % | ²%³|, we see this seminorm is complete, being equivalent
to an 3 seminorm. In addition, if is a sequence which converges in each seminorm i Á
to , and supP Pi Á B, then clearly there is a ( such that ¦ in the norm
P h Pi Á Á being equal to in the interval cb O%O c À Thus by Lemma 9.3 the
norm P h Pi is complete, and hence so is P h P À
To show P h P is complete on the domain (, define for each positive with PPB ~
the norm P PÁ ~ % ²O%O³ O%O O ²%³OÀ Then ( is complete in this norm, since it is a
weighted 3 norm. If we have ¦ in each of the norms P h PÁ , then since each is
positive, it follows that the functions must all be the same, i.e., for some fixed .
Thus by Lemma 9.3 P h P is complete in (À The proofs of completeness for the other
norms follow similarly.
By Lemma 9.1 in order to prove equivalence of the norms on their common domain ( it
now suffices to show that if ¦ 0 in one of these norms and converges in a second, then
¦ 0 in the second norm. Since convergence in all the norms implies 3 convergence on
compacts not containing 0, it is easy to see that the same limit must be obtained in all the
norms if it exists. Thus the norms are all equivalent, proving the equivalence of (a) - (e).
To prove equivalence of (e) and (e'), note that for fixed * , defining the space
A* ~ ¸ B* ¢ PPB B¹Á
each defines a linear functional - on A* , defined by
- ²³ ~
% ²O%O³ O%O q ²%³À
By the uniform boundedness principle, the family ¸- ¹ is uniformly bounded on A* if and
only if it is uniformly bounded for each A* À However, uniform boundedness of ¸- ¹
on 2* is equivalent to (e), while uniform boundedness for each A* is equivalent to
²Z ³, proving equivalence of (e) and (e').
That the bracketed statement in (d) follows from the unbracketed statement follows
from the fact that we have already showed that (d) implies (d''), which completes the proof.
In (d'''), if b c Á then it follows from (d'''') that
%q ²%³O%O ² b O%O³ 2 bc À
Summing the left side for ~ ° , with ~ Á Á Á Ã , we get %q ²%³O%O ² b O%O³ À
On the other hand, the right side of (9.6) adds up to a finite number, giving the bracketed
part of (d'''). This completes the proof.