Construction technology project

RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY IN CIVIL ENGINEERING By D.BHAVANA(09011A0103) P.MEGHNA(09011A0112) DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING J N T U COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (AUTONOMOUS) HYDERABAD – 500 085, A.P., INDIA 2013 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, JNTUH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, HYDERABAD - 500085 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project report entitled “A Study on Resource Management in Construction Projects” submitted by D.Bhavana(Roll no. 09011A0103) and P. Meghna (Roll No. 09011A0112) in partial fulfillment for the award of B.Tech in Civil Engineering to the Department of Civil Engineering, JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad, is a record of bonafide work carried out by her under my guidance and supervision. The results embodied in this report have not been submitted to any other university or institution for the award of any degree or diploma. DECLARATION I hereby declare that the report of the B.Tech Project work entitled “A Study on Resource Management in Construction Projects” which is being submitted to the Department of Civil Engineering, JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad, in partial fulfillment for award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering, is a bonafide record of the work carried out by me. The material contained in this report has not been submitted to any other university or institution for the award of any degree or diploma. I also declare that no part of this project report is a reproduction from any other sources published or unpublished without acknowledgement. Place: JNTUCEH Signature of the Candidate D.BHAVANA(09011A0103) Hyderabad P.MEGHNA (09011A0112) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Sri. B. Siva konda Reddy, Assistant Professor in the department of Civil Engineering, JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad for his valuable guidance. I was privileged to carry out my project under his guidance. It was with his constant encouragement and esteemed guidance that this work has seen the light of the day. I also wish to extend my thanks to the Head of the Department of Civil Engineering, JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad for his encouragement and concern shown in providing the laboratory and administerial facility during the project work. Finally I thank God who helped me to complete this work and also thank my father, mother and all the unmentioned persons, invisible hands that helped me in completion of this Report successfully. (D.BHAVANA) (P.MEGHNA) ABSTRACT The reality of most project scheduling applications is extremely complex, project managers must make task start decisions under different scheduling needs (such as smooth resource utilization profiles and resource constraints) and under conditions of uncertainty that sometimes extend beyond task durations. Resource Management is a difficult task due to inherent complexity of construction projects. The present study deals with resource planning for a fast track project with constrained durations. The study was carried out in two phases. In the first phase, plan of Office building was taken. From the plan the quantities for various activities were estimated. According to the Standard Schedule Rates (CPWD) the manpower and cost required for various activities were estimated. By using PRIMAVERA software project schedule was prepared. The requisite data was collected from the detailed drawings and prevailing site conditions. In the second phase, if the contractor wants to finish the work before the prescribed schedule time we will go for Resource Leveling for various activities by decreasing resources with increased duration to study the time-cost implications. CONTENTS Page No. ABSTRACT i AKNOWLEDGEMENT ii CONTENTS iv-vi LIST OF TABLES vii LIST OF FIGURES viii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1-7 1.1 Definition of a Resource 1 1.2 Importance of Resource in Construction Projects 2 1.3 Classification of Resources 2 1.4 Quantification of Resources 4 1.5 Factors Affecting the Number of Resources 4 1.6 Resolving Workload / Resource Imbalances 4 1.7 Need For This Study 5 1.8 Objectives of this study 6 1.9 Scope of Study 6 1.10 Methodology Adopted 6 1.11 Organisation of Report 7 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 8-35 2.1 Defining Construction Project Management 8 2.1.1 Construction Projects 8 2.1.2 Project Management 8 2.2 Resource Management 10 2.2.1 Flow Diagram of Resource Management 10 2.2.2 Objective of Resource Management 11 2.2.3 Labour Requirements 12 2.2.4 Identification of Resources 13 2.2.5 Specification of Resources 13 2.2.6 Aspects of Resource Management 13 2.2.7 Assumption of Resource Availability 14 2.2.8 Availability Resources 15 2.2.9 Restricted Manpower Supply 15 2.3 Resource Allocation 16 2.3.1 The Need for Resource Allocation 17 2.3.1 Types of Resource Allocation 17 2.3.3 Methodology 19 2.3.4 Leveling for Different Resources 20 2.4 Resource Planning 24 2.4.1 Activity Duration Using Available Resources 25 2.4.2 Manpower Planning and Optimization for an Activity 26 2.4.3 Material Planning and Optimization for an Activity 27 2.5 Resource Scheduling 27 2.5.1 Purpose or Objective 27 2.5.2 Characteristics 28 2.5.3 Technical Relationships 28 2.5.4 The Environment as a Project Resource 28 2.5.5 Project Scheduling with Limited Resources 29 2.5.6 Scheduling Project Materials 30 2.6 Cost 30 2.6.1 Introduction 30 2.6.2 Classification of Construction Costs 30 2.6.3 Control Estimates 31 2.6.4 Contingency 32 2.6.5 Cost – Volume Relationship 33 2.6.6 Time – Cost Relationship 34 CHAPTER 5: RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 47-71 CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE SCOPE 78-79 REFERENCES 80-82 APPENDIX I – V 83-87 LIST OF FIGURES Fig. No. Figure Caption Page No. Fig. 1.1 Classification Of Resources 3 Fig. 3.1 Overview Of Project Management Knowledge Areas And 13 Project Management Fig. 3.2 Flow Diagram Of Resource Management 14 Fig. 3.3 Network Diagram For Painters 22 Fig. 3.4 Histogram Showing Period By Period Resource Requirement 23 For The Schedule Fig. 3.5 Histogram Showing The Revised Requirement Of Painters 23 Fig. 3.6 Constant Resource Objective 26 Fig. 3.7 Minimum Increase Minimum Decrease Objective 27 Fig. 3.8 Minimum Maximum Resource Objective 28 Fig. 3.9 Approaching The Objective 28 Fig. 3.10 Example For An Activity 31 Fig. 3.11 Cost Volume Relationship 38 Fig. 3.12 Time Cost-Relationship Of An Activity 40 Fig. 4.1 Plan Of A Commercial Building 42 Fig. 4.2 Network Diagram Of Project Activities 42 Fig. 4.3 Relationship Of Finish To Start 49 Fig. 4.4 Relationship Of Start To Start 50 Fig. 4.5 Relationship Of Finish To Finish 50 Fig. 4.6 Relationship Of Start To Finish 50 Fig. 4.7 Month Wise Required Masons 66 Fig. 4.8 Month Wise Required Unskilled Labour 66 Fig. 4.9 Month Wise Required Barbenders 67 Fig. 4.10 Month Wise Percentage Duration Of Total Project Duration 68 Fig. 4.11 Plot Showing Time (Months) VS Cumulative Direct Cost 70 Fig. 5.1 Histogram Of Masons 74 Fig. 5.2 Histogram Of Barbenders 75 Fig. 5.3 Histogram Of Unskilled Labors 76 Fig. 5.4 Histogram Of Painters 77 Fig. 5.5(a) % Decreased Resource Constrains Vs % Increase In 78 Project Duration Fig. 5.5 (b) % Decreased Resource Constrains Vs % Increase In 79 Mason Duration Fig. 5.6 (a) % Decreased Resource Constrains Vs % Increase In 83 Project Duration Fig. 5.6 (b) % Decreased Resource Constrains Vs % Increase In 83 Barbender Duration fig. 5.7 (a) % Decreased Resource Constrains Vs % Increase In 85 Project Duration Fig. 5.7 (b) % Decreased Resource Constrains Vs % Increase In 86 Unskilled Duration Fig. 5.8 (a) % Decreased Resource Constrains Vs % Increase In 87 Project Duration Fig. 5.9 Cost For The Increased Duration 89 LIST OF TABLES Table no. Table caption Page no. Table 3.1 Time And Labour Requirement For Each Activity 16 Table 3.2 Example Project, Carpenter Labour Requirement 20 Table 3.3 Resource Allocated Schedule 22 Table 3.4 After Resource Smoothing 23 Table 4.1 Manpower Output Constants For Different Labors 43 Table 4.2 Manpower Required For Various Works As Per CPWD 44 Analysis Of Rates Table 4.3 The Manpower Required For Few Activities 45 Table 4.4 The Different Activities And Quantities Involved In 60 Construction Of Commercial Building Table 4.5 Details Of Masons Required For Various Activities 62 Table4 .6 Details Of Unskilled Labour Required For Various Activities 65 Table 4.7 Details Of Barbenders Required For Various Activities 66 Table 4.8 Month Wise Required Masons 66 Table 4.9 Month Wise Required Unskilled Labour 66 Table 4.10 Month Wise Required Barbenders 67 Table 4.11 Monthly Cash Flow Of Direct Cost 69 Table 5.1 Details Showing Change In Duration For Different 78 Resource Constraints Table 5.2 Details Showing Change In Duration For Different 79 Resource Constraints Table 5.3 Details Showing Change In Duration For Different 80 Resource Constraints Table 5.4 Details Showing Change In Duration For Different 81 Resource Constraints Table 5.5 Monthly Units Of Masons For Different Trails 82 Table 5.6 Monthly Units Of Unskilled Labour For Different Trails 83 Table 5.7 Monthly Units Of Barbenders For Different Trails 84 Table 5.8 Monthly Units Of Painters For Different Trails 84 Table 5.9 Cost for the Increased Durations 89 NOMENCLATURE Cum Cubic Meter Sqm Square Meter Ton Tons L.S Lump Sum d Days Cc Crash Cost Cn Normal Cost Tc Crash Time Tn Normal Time Chapter 1 introduction The term “Construction Project” refers to a high-value, time bound, and special construction mission with predetermined performance objectives. The project mission is accomplished within complex project environments, by putting together human and non-human resources in to a temporary organization headed by the ‘Project Management’. Project Management is the Planning, Organizing, Directing and Controlling of company resources for a relatively short-term objective that has been established to complete specific goals and objectives. Due to the resource-driven nature of construction management, the construction manager must develop a plan of action for directing and controlling resources of workers, machines and materials in coordinated and timely fashion in order to deliver a project within the limited funding and time available. Hence, aside from a technology and process focus, a resource-use focus must be adequately considered in describing a construction method or operation in a project plan. In general, construction projects are high value, and they employ huge resources of men, materials and machines. Major works involve heavy investments, say from a hundred crores of rupees to a few rupees, require high level of technology and need effective management of resources. 1.0 Definition of a Resource: The resource has been defined as many ways. “A resource is any entity that contributes to the accomplishment of project activities.” Personnel Equipment Contractors Spaces Materials A resource is a “physical quantity” such as manpower, material, money, equipment, time or space, which are required for carrying out a project. The resources may be raw materials, machine, time or people time, money or anything else to maximizing profits, minimizing costs, or achieving the best possible quality. 1.1 Importance of Resources in Construction Projects: The crucial factor in successful implementation of a construction project not only depends on the quality & quantity of work, but also largely depends on availability of resources. All activities involved in the project require certain amount of resources to be completed. Each activity is allocated with a specific resource and completed within the time limit, otherwise implication of overall duration of the project. The best combination of resources to use for performing a construction activity is based on contractor’s ability to identify the interdependencies of the various resources. The time and cost directly concerns to the availability of resources. The time required may be determined by dividing the productivity associated with the resources used on the activity into the defined quantity of work for the activity. 1.2 Classification of Resources: Resources are responsible for actually completing the tasks in the project. They can be classified in various way based on various factors involved in different projects. a) Based on nature: Resources can be classified as follows. Fig. 1.1 Classification of Resources. Work resources: People and equipment resources that perform work to accomplish a task. Work resources consume time (hours or days) to accomplish tasks. Material resources: The supplies or other consumable items used to complete tasks in a project. b) Based on their Attributes: Generally, resources in a construction project may be categorized into two groups- namely, Simple resources Complex Resources All resources can be classified as either simple resources or complex resources. Each resource has its own attributes, such as quantity and capacity. For example, in an earth moving operation, earth could have quantity and density as its attributes, while truck not only has number and capacity as its attributes, but also has loading, moving to dump, dumping, and moving load as its methods. In this example, earth is a simple resource, and truck is a complex resource. Based on Category: Skilled: Experts in performing their jobs are called skilled. Eg., Carpenter, Barbender, Masons, Electrician, and Plumber. They cannot involve or perform many activities. Unskilled: All helpers come under this category. They can help anybody in various activities of construction. These labour which are not involved in the skilled work. Eg., Earth labour, concreting labour. Semi Skilled: Person who is not as expert as skilled labour, but can perform the same job in more duration. 1.3 Quantification of Resources: Resources can be quantified as follows. One way is to use some measure of resource usage – Output Staff hours Equipment hours Another way is to indicate the number of units of resource assigned Numbers of staff Number of Equipments 1.4 Factors Affecting the Number of Resources: Skill or expertise – workmanship Site conditions Nature of work Quantity of work Continuation of work 1.5 Resolving Workload/Resource Imbalances: Request additional resources Plan to work overtime Contract out work Delay start or extend durations of non-critical activities Change the approach used to perform the work Reduce project scope or extend project deadline 1.6 Need for This Study: Resources required for the construction industry are: Men: For skilled and unskilled work men, supervision and management. Materials: Such as cement, bricks, aggregates, reinforcement, fittings and fixtures, and consumable items like petrol, lubricants, etc. Machines: To facilitate construction, such as trucks, earth moving equipment, pile drivers, etc., together with repair and maintenance facilities. The deployment of above resources involves money. Since for any given work, money available is limited, there is always a limitation on the available resources and these must be utilized in a planned and efficient manner so as to extract maximum benefits. Further, there are a number of uncertainties in the actual availability of resources. The right type of labour may not be available at the specified time due to seasonal variations in the supply, labour unrest, etc. There could be difficulties in the procurement of scarce materials, breakdowns in machines cause delays. Unexpected site conditions may also affect the progress of the work. The delays result in increase in costs and time, but these can be brought within reasonable limits by proper management of works. While developing CPM and PERT networks, it is generally assume that required sufficient resources are allocated to perform all the activities and complete the project. But in real practice, resources are always limited and limitation on resources can significantly affect the initiation, performance and completion of activities on scheduled time and can cause the project to be extended beyond the scheduled duration. Therefore, various activities of the project are to be scheduled in such a manner that there should be best possible utilization of available resources. Certain type of resources may fluctuate from very high at one time to very low at other time. If it is an easily available material or unskilled labour, which has to be procured or hired from time to time, the fluctuation in demand will not have much effect on cost of the project. But if it is rare equipment or skilled workmen, which are needed for the project and cannot be made available or deployed easily, then, they have to be hired or employed on a permanent or semi-permanent basis. This will affect the cost of the project due to high idle time. Therefore, the fluctuation of the resources should be utilized in an optimal way. In fast track construction projects, the importance of resource management need not be further emphasized the various implications of possible resource constraints on the schedule and cost of the project needs to be analysed before the actual start of the project. Normally such analysis is not carried out by the stakeholders in the medium sized fast track construction projects. This study is an attempt to make such analysis. 1.7 Objectives of Study: To investigate the importance and necessity of “Resource” and need for “Resource Management” in Construction Industry. To achieve “Resource Plan” through Resource Allocation and Leveling using Manual and Computer Applications. To know the “Cost implication” for increased duration based on the “Resource Constrained Analysis”. 1.8 Scope of Study: This study is carried out during the construction period of an ongoing project of medium size during from December 2011 to July 2013. The proposed methodology for estimated resources and resource implication on cost is based on The available information on the project. Experiences of experts in the field of construction. 1.9 Methodology Adopted: This study is carried out in two phases. In first phase, all the information and data needed to estimate resources were collected. The construction project schedule using the estimated resources was prepared in the form of Gantt chart and resources required for each activity were tabulated. The peak units required for a project day by day are shown in Resource histograms. In second phase, the actual resources available for the project were analyzed by Resource leveling with increased duration. The time-cost implications have been analyzed to alert the management. 1.10 Organization of Report: This Report has been organized into five chapters as follows. Chapter- 1: Presents the importance of Resources in Construction projects along with definition of Resource, Classification of Resources are briefly explained. Need for this study, Objectives of this study, Scope of study and Methodology adopted. Chapter- 2: In this chapter brief review of literature about Resource Management, Allocation, Planning and Scheduling etc. are explained briefed by various authors and experts in the field of project management. Chapter- 3: In this chapter Resource Management, Allocation, Planning and Scheduling etc. as explained and briefed by various authors and experts in the field are presented. Chapter- 4: Deals with the project attributes for an ongoing project about project schedule using Primavera software program along with manpower required for different activities. The costs incurred in the project are also presented. Chapter- 5: Presents a “Resource Constrained Analysis” has been carried out by Resource leveling method and also cost implication on increased durations has been presented. Chapter - 6: Presents the results and discussions from Chapter - 7: Presents the concluding remarks drawn from the study carried out. Chapter - 8: presents a Bibliography Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.0 Introduction: A brief review of the important aspects of the available literature pertaining to project management and resource leveling are presented in this chapter. Khaled El-Rayes and Dho (2009) studied “Optimizing Resource Leveling in Construction Projects”. Construction schedules, generated by network scheduling techniques, often cause undesirable resource fluctuations that are impractical, inefficient, and costly to implement on construction sites. This paper presents the development of two innovative resource leveling metrics to directly measure and minimize the negative impact of resource fluctuations on construction productivity and cost. The first metric quantifies the total amount of resources that need to be temporarily released during low demand periods and rehired at a later stage during high demand periods. The second measures the total number of idle and nonproductive resource days that are caused by undesirable resource fluctuations. The two new metrics are incorporated in a robust and practical optimization model that is capable of generating optimal and practical schedules that maximize the efficiency of resource utilization. An application example is analyzed to illustrate the use of the model and demonstrate its capabilities. The results of this analysis show that the present model and metrics are capable of outperforming existing metrics and eliminating undesirable resource fluctuations and resource idle time. M. Easa, (1989) studied “Resource Leveling in Construction by Optimization”. Resource leveling is needed in construction to avoid the difficulties associated with the large variations in resource usage. This paper presents an integer- linear optimization model of resource leveling (single resource, continuous activities) which guarantees the optimal leveling. The objective function of the model minimizes the absolute deviations between the resource requirements and a uniform resource level, between consecutive resource requirements, or between the resource requirements and desirable non-uniform resource levels. The model requires as input the critical path method (CPM) scheduling results, from which the constraints and objective function of the model are established automatically by an interface program. Extensions of the model to multiple resources and trade-off of cost scheduling are suggested. The model is applicable to activity-on-arrow, activity-on-node, and precedence networks and is intended for small- to medium sized construction projects. Tarek Hegazy (1999) studied “Optimization of Resource Allocation and Leveling using Genetic Algorithms”. Resource allocation and leveling are among the top challenges in project management. Due to the complexity of projects, resource allocation and leveling have been dealt with as two distinct sub problems solved mainly using heuristic procedures that cannot guarantee optimum solutions. In this paper, improvements are proposed to resource allocation and leveling heuristics and the Genetic Algorithms (GAs) technique is used to search for near-optimum solution, considering both aspects simultaneously. In the improved heuristics, random priorities are introduced into selected tasks and their impact on the schedule is monitored. The GA procedure then searches for an optimum set of tasks priorities that produce shorter project duration and better-leveled resource profiles. One major advantage of the procedure is its simple applicability within commercial project management software systems to improve their performance. With a widely used system as an example, a macro program is written to automate the GA procedure. A case study is presented and several experiments conducted to demonstrate the multi objective benefit of the procedure and outline future extensions. Dho Heon Jun and Khaled El-Rayes (2011) studied “Multiobjective Optimization of Resource Leveling and Allocation during Construction Scheduling”. Construction scheduling techniques often generate schedules that cause undesirable resource fluctuations that are inefficient and costly to implement on site. This paper presents the development of a novel multi objective optimization model that is capable of measuring and minimizing these undesirable resource fluctuations to maximize resource utilization efficiency and minimize project duration while complying with all precedence relationships and resource availability constraints. The model incorporates three main modules: (1) a startup module that calculates lower and upper bounds for the model decision variables; (2) a scheduling module that generates practical schedules and evaluates their performance; and (3) a multi objective genetic algorithm module that searches for and identifies optimal schedules. The model is integrated in a commercially available software system to facilitate its use and adoption by construction planners. An application example is analyzed to illustrate the use of the model and demonstrate its new and unique capabilities in generating optimal trade-offs between maximizing resource utilization efficiency and minimizing the duration of construction projects. CHAPTER 3 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 3.0 Introduction: In general, major construction works are time bound and employ huge resources of men, material and machines. Construction project involve heavy investment from 100 crores of rupees to a few rupees. They require a high level of technology and need an effective management of resources. The execution of major construction capital works is undertaken by projecting them i.e., by organizing many simpler construction projects and performing the jobs to complete or achieve the goal or objective (major construction). 3.1 Defining Construction Project Management: It is impossible to define a complex operation such as Construction Management in a simple one-sentence. We will have to dissect the term and define its many facets. 3.1.1 Construction Projects: In general, major construction works are time bound and employ huge resources of men, material and machines. Construction projects involve heavy investments from hundred crores of rupees to a few rupees. They require a high level of technology, and need an effective management of resources. The execution of major construction capital works is undertaken by projecting them that is, by organizing many simpler construction projects and performing the jobs to complete or achieve the goal or objective (major construction). 3.1.2 Project Management: Project Management is the utilization of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to meet or exceed client needs and aspirations from a project. Meeting or exceeding client needs and expectations invariably involves balancing competing demands among: Scope, time, cost, and quality. Stakeholders with differing needs and expectations. The term project management is sometimes used to describe an organizational approach to the management on-going operation. This approach is called management by projects, walking many conditions of on-going operations of projects in order to apply project management to them. Figure 3.1 shows the overview of Project Management knowledge areas and Project Management process. Fig.2.1.Overview of project management areas and project management. 3.2 Resource Management: 3.2.1 Flow Diagram of Resource Management: Fig. 3.2 Flow diagram of the Resource Management. 3.2.2 Objective of Resource Management: Project management has been previously described as the judicious allocation of resources to accomplish project completion at maximum efficiency of time and cost. Manpower, equipment, and materials are important project resources that require close management attention. The supply and availability of these resources are seldom completely certain because of seasonal shortages, labour disputes, breakdowns, competing demands, and delayed deliveries. Nevertheless, if the project schedule is to be met, the work must be supplied with necessary men, equipment, and materials when they are needed and efficient use must be made of them. If shortage of resources materialize or are anticipated or if different job activities compete for the same limited resource, it is a management responsibility to avoid or minimize the accompanying adverse effects. The basic objective of resource management is to supply and support the field operations, so that a planned time schedule can be met and cost can be optimally controlled. The project manager is responsible to identify and schedule future requirements, so that field managers may obtain the resources at an appropriate time and place to employee these in the project. The real key to the efficient usage of labour and equipment is the consistent achievement of favorable production rates in the field. In this regard, project management and field supervision play complementary roles. The scheduling and allocation of manpower, equipment, materials, finance and time frames are all interrelated. Resource management is devised to take the appropriate decision among these interrelating options. A construction project site is usually far away from other projects and from the head office. Allocating a resource from one project to another is greatly constrained, and it always involves extra costs and time losses. Moreover, uncertainties in a construction project often limit the planning accuracy regarding when a resource is needed on a job site and/or when it can be released. Furthermore, some construction operations cannot be performed if a key or driving resource (e.g. crane) is not available. Contractors normally want to maximize the usage of key resources, but the utilization of other resources might be compromised. These factors must be considered while company-level resource allocation techniques are studied. Project resource allocation, leveling, and optimization have been widely studied with common objectives such as meeting the needs of a project, maximizing the utilization productivity of resources, or minimizing a project’s duration/cost. A contractor owns various resources such as equipment and crews. It may have insufficient or extra resources to meet the needs of its ongoing projects. Allocating available resources to ongoing projects is an important company-level business decision in order to maximize the overall business objective of the company. 3.2.3 Labour Requirements: The management of construction manpower begins with the tabulation of labour requirements by trade for each project activity. Normally, an activity shown in a network can be further divided into a number of sub-activities to facilitate a labour estimate. The labour requirements to complete each activity are mainly filled up by estimates made by experienced professionals. Interviews with foremen, site engineers are helpful guides to estimate the manpower requirement. References like All India Standard Schedule of Rates by National Building Organization can also be used to estimate the manpower. An example of a tabulation sheet is presented in table.3.1 Table 3.1. Time and labour requirement for each activity Activity Sub-activity Unit Quantity Time (days) Manpower Unskilled Skilled Column casting in second floor Column base No. 52 6 5 5 Steel work MT 11.8 6 5 5 Shuttering Sqm 289.69 6 4 4 Casting Cum 34 6 28  - Deshuttering Sqm   3 2 2 Curing No. 7 2 2  - 3.2.4 Identification of Resources: A construction operation can be viewed as a collection of processes that interact with each other through certain strategies to complete its task. The interdependence and inter linkage of the processes represent the operation logic and utilization of common resources. First of all, the resources involved in the operation are identified. Typical construction resources are labour, equipment, materials, time, space, and monitoring information. For example, in a ready mixed concrete delivery operation, truck, crane, pump, bucket, concrete, labour, concrete placing crew, foreman, truck driver, crane driver, pump operator, site cleaner, traffic coordinator, water, etc. can be considered as resources. To analyze and improve the productivity of concrete delivery, some lesser resources such as drivers, cleaner, and water can be excluded. 3.2.5 Specification of Resources: The attributes and methods of the resources are customized according to the specific site conditions. Generally, the following five aspects of information are required. Quantity of resources Value of resource attributes Duration of process Resource queue discipline Link draw/release condition and/or amount 3.2.6 Aspects of Resource Management: The first step in manpower management is to make a compilation of daily labour requirements, by craft or crew, needed to maintain the normal or expedited project schedule. If it appears that there will be adequate numbers of workmen available to satisfy these requirements, the project at least can be manned sufficiently to maintain the established schedule and no adjustment of the job completion date is likely to be required. However, peaks and valleys in daily labour needs are usual and some “leveling” or “smoothing” may be in order. The floats of noncritical activities can be used to advantage in reducing the day-to-day fluctuations in labour requirements. If the compilation of labour requisites discloses that the demand will probably exceed the supply, the situation can become considerably more involved. The “stretch-out” of non-critical activities or the use of overtime or subcontracting on critical activities may make it possible to maintain the originally established schedule. Otherwise, the manager faces the difficult task of allocating the available labour to the various activities in such a way as to use it to best advantage and minimize the project time overrun. With respect to equipment, most of the major decisions concerning how the job it is too equipped were made at the time the job was priced. Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of the project manager to see that the project is properly and adequately equipped. In a manner analogous to the checking of labour needs, a compilation of equipment requirements must be made, with these needs identified in terms of calendar dates. If there are conflicts among activities for the same equipment items, rescheduling of noncritical activities will often solve the problem. 3.2.7 Assumption of Resource Availability: The planning and scheduling methods developed so far have given only limited attention to the resources required to accomplish the work. Only the matter of resource availability when required has been considered, this through the medium of resource restraints. To the maximum extent possible, these constraints have already been built into the project plan and schedule. However, it is not usual that all applicable constraints can be identified during the planning phase. As a result, restraints that subsequently develop must often be incorporated into later network revisions. In any event, restraints are only restrictions as to the times that certain resources will become available on the job site. It has been tacitly assumed that the resources needed to accomplish each activity within its estimated duration would be obtainable as required. Up until the present time, it has been taken for granted that skilled tradesmen and equipment can be furnished to the job site in the requisite quantities and at any desired time. This matter must now be checked by making a daily listing of total project manpower and equipment needs. This time schedule of resource requirements can then be examined to determine whether it can be sustained or if remedial measures are required. 3.2.8 Availability Resources: The availability of resources defines the production capability of a contractor. In general, a construction company can access two categories of resources: 1) Internal resources, which the company owns; and 2) external resources, which the company can obtain from the open market at a price. The common objective is to maximize the usage of the company’s internal resources and use market to balance the company’s operation. Given that construction projects are transient in nature, different lengths of time periods, and require different resources, it is usually very difficult to achieve a balance between the production capability and the actual workload on hand for a construction enterprise all the time. In practice, a construction company has various ways to adjust its operations to approach such a balance. For instance, when the company does not have enough jobs, it may rent out some of its owned equipment and may bid lower prices on new projects. On the other hand, the contractor may rent outside equipment, recruit personnel, or request its employees to work overtime. 3.2.9 Restricted Manpower Supply: The basic assumption of a labour shortage is that the durations of certain activities must inevitably be extended beyond their normal values if the manpower deficiency cannot be overcome by subcontracting the work or working the available men overtime. Subcontracting may well be the best answer but it depends upon circumstances. In any activity, a restricted supply of manpower may or may not affect the overall project duration. One thing is sure; however, if overtime or subcontracting cannot alleviate the situation, then the contractor has the problem of allocating the available labour among the activities to best advantage. First thing to check when a craft shortage is expected is the requirement for particular labour specialty by the critical activities. For example, four critical activities require 5 carpenters each for their accomplishment in normal 8-hours working days. At this point, the contractor must make a decision. If the four critical activities are now manned with 4 carpenters, and if usual 8-hour days are worked, table 2.2 make known that the duration of each critical activity will be increased by 1 working day and the project completion will be delayed by 4 days. On the other hand, the project duration will be unaffected if 4 carpenters work 10-hour days (2 hour overtime) while engaged on the four critical activities. Some of labourers and ironworkers would probably also have to work overtime with the carpenters to keep the work in phase. Deficiencies of labour on non-critical activities are next considered, scheduling these activities in order of increasing float. The first action in this regard is to “stretch out”; the duration of each activity is moved sufficiently to keep the labour requirement within the supply. However, when the extensions of non-critical activities equal or exceed the available floats, the contractor must again seriously consider the use of over time; otherwise possibly succeed the original critical path and proportionate delaying the entire project. Table 3.2 example project, carpenter labour requirements Critical Activity Duration with 5 Carpenters (8-Hour Days) Man (Days) Man (Hours) Duration with 4 Carpenters (8-Hour Days) Duration with 4 Carpenters (10-Hour Days) A 4 20 160 5 4 C 4 20 160 5 4 E 4 20 160 5 4 F 4 20 160 5 4 3.3 Resource allocation Every job requires time and resources for its execution. The resources can be variable quantities of Materials, Men, Money and Machinery or space required for carrying out a job. So it is important that The project be allocated with adequate resource The available resources are utilized in an optimal way. For scheduling a project, it is necessary that the requirement of resources for component jobs, as well as the project as a whole, be assessed properly; the various activities of the project are to be scheduled in such a manner that there is best may be caused during the execution. 3.3.1 The Need for Resource Allocation: The preliminary schedule focuses on the correct logical sequence of various activities in the project considering the technical and practical feasibility. Certain assumptions were made on the requirement of resources. But the actual demand for resources during the execution of project may vary considerably between very low and very high values due to fluctuations in every stage of operations and availability of resources and it would be difficult or uneconomical to arrange resource as per the initial requirement. Thus the resource allocations are a must. In general, the resource requirement s as per the original schedule would not match with the resource availability. So, it is necessary to reallocate the resources to different activities so as to make either the resource requirements as uniform as possible or to keep them within a specified level if restrictions on availability exist. This would require rescheduling of some or all of the activities. 3.3.2 Types of Resource Allocation: Basically four types of problems are encountered in resource scheduling Load Smoothing: some cases where the project is to be finished in time and there is no limitation on the resources. Rescheduling done on this situation is called Load smoothing. Example for Load Smoothing: The following example problem used to illustrate load smoothing. The resource analyzed as an example is painters. Fig.3.3 Network diagram for painters Table 3.3 Resource Allocated schedule Activity Painters TF Duration (days) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A 16 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 B 4 8 1 1 1 1 C 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 D 4 0 1 1 1 1 E 2 2 1 1 Total 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 Table 3.3 shows that, painters are allocated to the activity representing each activity. The total of each day’s need for painters is shown in fig3.4. Resource Smoothing: From the network diagram, it is found that the requirements of painters on 1st day to 4th day are high. However, the requirements of painters on 5th day onwards are low. By inspecting the network, it is found that the activity B has a total float of 8 days. Hence, the start of activity B can be shifted by 4 days. So that it starts on 7th day, instead of 1st day without changing the total project duration. Hence, fig.2.5 shows the revised histogram. Fig.3.4 Histogram showing period by period resource requirements for the schedule Table 3.4 After Resource Smoothing Activity Painters Duration (days) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 A 16 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2         B 4             1 1 1 1     C 6 1 1 1 1 1 1             D 4                 1 1 1 1 E 2                 1 1     Total 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 Fig. 3.5 A histogram showing the revised requirements of painters Limited Resource Allocation: When rescheduling is done due to limited resources is called limited resource allocation. Multi Project Scheduling: Big organizations or construction firms may have different projects being carried out at various sites concurrently. Constraints on resources will force to change schedule of different projects to allocate the resources rationally. Generalized Resource Planning: In previous cases we discussed about rescheduling due to lack of time or resources. But it is the duty of the project manager to bring the schedule to the optimum level. So any reallocation/rescheduling to optimization is the generalized resource planning. 3.3.3 Methodology: The basic methodology of scheduling resources consists of identifying periods of high and low demands from resource profile and rescheduling activities to clip off the peaks and level the valleys. Depending upon the limitations, the resource allocation can be done by two ways. Resource Smoothing and Resource Leveling a) Resource Smoothing: In a project when duration of completion is the constraint, then resource smoothing should be applied without changing total project duration. Various steps involved in resource smoothing are, List all the resources and identify the important ones. Preparation of profiles of resources by resource aggregation. Periods of peak and low demands for resources to be identified and efforts to be made to smoothen them. If there is no constraint of resource availability, make the demands as uniform as possible be altering the start and finish of non-critical activities, and also alter the activities that has float. b) Resource Leveling: Where there is a constraint for the resources or resources are limited or specifically specified, resource leveling is to done. There may be situations to restrict the resource levels these restrictions are not uncommon in any project. Equipment like heavy-duty crane is very costly and will be available in limited numbers. It is important that these scarce resources are allocated with care and to keep total resource requirement pegged down to a certain pre-determined level and it is called Limited resource allocation. We need to arrange the activities in descending order of magnitude of the positive float as resources can be conveniently diverted. This may delay the completion of work but this is inevitable for resource-constrained situations. The various steps involved in resource leveling are, Lower the peak requirement of the resources by staggering the resource input on non-critical activities first and if necessary sub-critical and then critical activities also. Either increase the duration of critical activities or place some of the concurrent activities in series to reduce the peak demands of the scarce resources. Re-arrange the activities in descending order of the magnitude of the positive float, of the non-critical activities first and critical activities last, if necessary. 3.3.4 Leveling for Different Resources: To meet the physical limits of construction resources, to avoid day-to-day fluctuation in resource demands, and to maintain an even flow of application for construction resources, resource leveling is needed in the construction industry. Traditional resource leveling models assume activity durations to be deterministic. Nevertheless, activity duration may be uncertain, owing to variations in the overall environment, such as weather, site congestion, and productivity level. The main objective in resource leveling problem is to reduce peak resource requirements and smooth out period-to-period assignment within the required project duration. The construction contractor is not always constrained by the limited existence of a required type of project resource when building a construction project. For example, the contractor may often consider various types of required labour to be somewhat unlimited in supply, since available labour at the local union hall may far exceed any feasible demand for labour the contractor may have. When the contractor does have access to unlimited project resources, he may build the project in a duration determined by technological constraints of the project activities. In fact, when the contractor has access to unlimited project resources, he may build the project using any of the many project schedules, which may be constructed consistent with such duration. This includes the earliest start time schedule and the latest start time schedule for the project. Many other schedules may be constructed by shifting activities within their allowable float times. The amount of resource required for a project varies over the project duration or time may result in added contractor cost, lower productivity, or inability to profitably obtain the resources in such a fashion. The optimal project resource plan is a function of the contractors overall resource allocation objective. Naturally, such a resource allocation objective should be consistent with the contractor’s maximum profit or rate of return project objective. It is difficult to suggest an all-encompassing optimal contractor resource allocation plan. The type of project, and the contractor’s opportunities regarding other projects, dictate the optimal resource allocation plan. a) Equipment: When allocating equipment to a project, the contractor will often attempt to level the use of the equipment, i.e. he will attempt to keep the equipment’s demand at some constant value during the duration of the project. Such a leveling objective would result in a project resource schedule as shown in fig 3.6. Project Duration Time Fig. 3.6 Constant resource objective b) Labour: When allocating labour, the contractor may have yet another resource allocation objective. It may be beneficial to gradually build up his work force to a peak, and then gradually decrease it until the end of the project. Such a project resource schedule is shown in fig. 3.7. The most obvious benefit of such a plan is that the contractor never has to hire, fire, and then rehire the same worker. Also, the activity logic of many projects allows the project work to gradually increase to a peak value, and then gradually decrease until the project is finished. As such, the allocation material may also be consistent with such a resource objective. Project Duration Time Fig. 3.7 Minimum increase, minimum decrease objective c) Capital: When considering the capital resource to the project, the contractor may desire to minimize the maximum amount required at any given time during the project. Such an objective’s intent may be to keep the contractor’s overdraft for the project to a minimum. This attempt to minimize the amount of resource at any time may also be consistent with the task of allocation project equipment or labour. Although the resource schedule which results from such an objective may be somewhat similar to that resulting from a leveling objective, the contractor who is attempting to minimize the amount of resource required may have more freedom in developing the resource schedule since it is not necessary to keep a constant resource level. A minimum-maximum resource schedule may take a dorm such as that shown in fig. 3.8. Project Duration Time Fig.3.8 Minimum-maximum resource objective. The ability to shift an activity within its allowable float time results in being able to vary the amount of resources from one time period to the next. Owing to the fixed nature of resource requirement of each activity, and because of their logic and continuous nature, the contractor will seldom be able to shift activities within the project plan so that he perfectly satisfies his resource allocation objective. For example, assume a contractor has a resource allocation objective as shown by the solid mines in fig. He may only be able to approximate such an objective by means of the resource allocation schedule shown by dashed lines in fig.3.9, he may only be able to approximate such an objective by means of resource allocation schedule shown by dashed lines in fig. 3.9. However, such a resource schedule may be a vast improvement over the resources schedule dictated by only the technological constraints of the activities. Project Duration Time Fig. 3.9 Approaching the objective 3.4 Resource Planning: In planning resource requirements, the following points to be considered: The total resource requirements for a project over its duration. Minimum delay in completion of the project when insufficient resources are available. Most efficient utilization of resources to carry out the project in a fixed time. Resource planning is the process of making sure resources are available as required to execute the project according to schedule. Two types of resource planning problems exist while preparing schedule. In one, the project faces a scarcity of resources, and the activities on network must be arranged in such a way that the requirement of resources does not exceed availability. In case such an arrangement is not feasible, the one, which gives the minimum additional requirement of resources, is chosen. The resources are allocated among competing activities in the order of their importance. In the other type of resource planning problem the scarcity condition is relaxed, and what is needed is to level up the highly fluctuating demand for resources at different times, primarily to facilitate project supervision and enhance efficiency. In all resource planning problems the sequence of activities and the method of working are not generally altered. The objective is to complete the project within optimal time with requirement of resources maintained within availability level. Where this is not possible the objective to find out minimum extra resources to complete the project within the given period. Sometimes, several different alternative plans can be studied by assuming different levels of resources as being available to study the impact of resource constraint on project schedule. For various reasons analytical treatment of resource planning problems is often complex and difficult. It is not always possible to determine the functional relationships between resources and activity durations and costs. The objective of the planner may be to get the minimum total project cost assuming a linear relationship between time and cost. The choice in this case may exist between small resource capacities with long activity durations, and large resource capacities with short activity durations – both combinations giving identical costs. The possibility of sub dividing some activities and distribution the sub-divisions over the available float is likely to give rise to combinational problems of large magnitudes. Though theoretically the utilization of a resource over the entire duration of an activity is considered uniform, in real life this seldom happens. In the beginning they usually make use of lower capacities of resources and this utilization gradually increases as the execution of the activity progresses. It may, therefore, be possible to start more than one activity with a common set of resource. However, the decision in such cases is necessarily subjective in nature. With multiple resources planning a priority order has to be decided for dealing with each resource at a time. The most important resource is tackled first, then the second resource in order of importance, and so on, until all resources have been planned. It is necessary every time to return to check that earlier tackled resources are not disturbed beyond their limitations. 3.4.1 Activity Duration Using Available Resources: Project Management has been previously described as the systematic allocation of resources to accomplishment project completion at maximum efficiency of time and cost. The knowledge of available resources is essential to assess the activity duration. As is well known, resources vary with place, environment and projects. It is management responsibility to allocate available resources for activities to avoid or minimize the accomplishing adverse effects. Activity duration directly varies with the assessed human and non-human resources. To the maximum extent possible activity duration should be assessed using the available resources as of the time-cost tradeoff and the project plan must be formulated as change in activity circumstances occur. While allocation of resources care should be taken for not delaying critical activities will not be delayed such that the overall project should meet project time line. It has been tacitly assessed that the resources needed to accomplish each activity within its estimated duration will be obtainable as required. After knowing the available resources, resource leveling is done which is described in section (3.3.3 b) For example: Fig. 3.10 example for an activity Suppose one of the activities in a network is shown in above figure. If the work content of building this wall is six man-days, the duration of the job will depend upon the number of bricklayers employed. For one, it will be six days, for two, it will take three days and so on. The rule here is that the normal level of resources must be assumed. 3.4.2 Manpower Planning and Optimization for an Activity: The manpower requirements are determined separately for each activity. Practically in any activity duration time is the manpower estimate. For example if an activity ‘X’ takes 5 weeks, it must be based on a given number, say 10, of persons of any particular skill. It is possible that by employing 20 men, this activity could be completed in 3 weeks. One has to see whether employing 20 men for 3 weeks will be more economical or 10 men for 5 weeks. This will, of course, depend on whether the activity ‘X’ is on critical path and what the time-cost trade is off. Therefore, in manpower planning and optimization there will be two considerations. Optimum number of men to be employed for each activity depending upon the cost trade off. Manpower loading or leveling so as to employ uniform labour force and scheduling of activities on that basis. 3.4.3 Material Planning and Optimization for an Activity: The first step in Materials Planning is determination of the requirements for major materials (particularly the scarce items) and common project equipment which is followed by the procurement plan to ensure their availability by required dates. Where necessary, an allocation system may also have to be developed when the total availability is less than total requirements. Generally, the items to be covered would be: Cement Steel Imported items Costly items like Joinery, Flooring, Plumbing, Fitting, Fixtures, Electrical/Mechanical equipments Other inputs for construction / execution and etc. The requirements for the Materials will be derived from the activities of the Network Chart. When an activity with time duration is drawn on the Network, it indicates the use of certain materials, manpower, money, equipment and other inputs. For example, if the scheduled starting dates of 5 activities, A, B, C, D, and E, falls in Qr. I and Latest Allowable dates of start of A, B and C are in the beginning of Qr. I and D & E in Qr. II then the sum of quarterly requirements of say, cement, for A, B, C, D, and E will represent the Normal cement requirements for Qr. I while sum of the quarterly requirements of only A, B, & C will give us the minimum cement requirements for Qr. I. 3.5 Resource scheduling: 3.5.1 Purpose or Objective: The objective of resource scheduling is to determine an optimal plan and schedule for the project activities required resources (labour, equipment, material, and capital), subject to availability constraints. Such a plan and schedule may necessitate an activity plan and schedule, which differs from the ones determined considering only the technological logic of activities. An optimal plan and schedule allows for the maximum rate of return for the contractor building the project. When a contractor is involved with building projects simultaneously, the optimal plan and schedule for a single project is, in fact, dependent on the plans and schedules for contractor’s other projects. The components of the task of resource scheduling include resource requirements of the project activities, and resource availabilities of the contractor. Activity planning and project planning are not totally independent; therefore, the optimal activity construction methods are partly determined by the optimal plan. 3.5.2 Characteristics: The components of resource-scheduling task are some of the characteristics of various resources used in building a project. For Example, labour union restrictions, which limit hiring, using, and firing labourers, must be considered in the determination of optimal plan and schedule. In addition, the different means of procuring a piece of equipment (buying, renting and leasing) must be considered when addressing the equipment availability constraint. 3.5.3 Technological Relationships: The technological relationships of project activities, in addition to each activity’s duration, are components of the resource-scheduling task. They are not really variable components since they have been previously determined. However, the technological relationships and duration do affect the resource scheduling task, since they determine what resources are required and also affect the determination of when they are required. It is normal to first construct a project activity plan subject to only the technological activity constraints. This plan usually contains assigned activity durations. 3.5.4 The Environment as a Project Resource: The environmental characteristics such as temperature and precipitation can influence activity production and, therefore, activity duration. As an alternative to treating such environmental characteristics, it is common to account for them when establishing the overall project plan and schedule. The construction planner may treat climatic conditions as resources to the construction project. Such resources often vary over the duration of a construction project. The production, and therefore the duration, of many construction project activities are affected by climatic environmental characteristics. For example, it may take a construction crew 3 hours to backfill a large culvert. However, owing in part to cold weather, frozen ground, and snow, it may take a construction crew 8 hours to backfill the same culvert. Thus, the construction contractor must consider climatic environmental characteristics when assigning durations to the project activities, and when fitting the activities into an overall project plan and schedule. The construction contractor can account for variable activity production and duration, resulting from project climatic characteristics, by defying productivity efficiency factors for the various project activities. The factors are a function of the type of activity, the time of year the activity is performed, the project climatic environment, and the location of the project. 3.5.5 Project Scheduling with Limited Resources: A construction contractor is often limited to the use of a fixed number of resources when determining a project plan and schedule, especially considering his equipment and capital project resources. It is common to develop methods for various project activities independent of one another. Thus, even if every project activity is planned within the contractor’s available resources, when incorporating the activities into an overall project plan, it is more than likely that activities which occur simultaneously will require resources in excess of those the contractor has available. Therefore in addition to the technological activity constraints, the construction project planner must consider his limited amount of project resources. Resource availabilities must be incorporated into the logic of the overall project plan and schedule. If one assumes that activity resources and durations remain fixed as determined in the task of activity planning, then it is very possible that the activity logic, as determined by technological constraints, may have to be changed to account for the availability of project resources. The limited-resource allocation problem arises in many construction projects when there are different limitations on the amount of resources available to the contractor. The scheduling objective is to hold project duration to a minimum while resolving the resource conflict by shifting the activities until the resource requirements do not exceed the amount of resource available. 3.5.6 Scheduling project materials: As previously discussed, the material resource to the construction project may be viewed as supporting the labor and equipment resources. Materials needed by labor and equipment, which is used to build the project, must be made available when they are required, to maximize labor and equipment productivity. Thus, the contractor must determine a material schedule, which satisfies the material demand schedule. To maximize his project profitability, the contractor should have the objective of minimizing the cost of such a material schedule. 3.6 Cost: 3.6.1 Introduction: Cost estimate is one of the most important aspects of construction management. Several types of estimates depending upon the objectives and resources of the decision maker can be prepared. As expected, the accuracy of a cost estimate is proportional to the time and funds deployed. Construction cost planning encompasses planning judgment, costing techniques an accounting discipline for developing standard costs, financial forecasts, project budget, and cost control measures with the ultimate goal of achieving project profit/cost objectives. It uses standard cost concepts for costing work-packages, work-items or activities. The work-packages’ standard costs facilitate planning and controlling of costs. Financial forecasts indicate the trends of expected scales, production expenses, profit and cash flow at specified intervals of time. Project budget quantities the project plans in monetary terms and outlines the financial plan for implementation. 3.6.2 Classification of Construction Costs: The cost of a work-unit, which may be an activity, a work-item or a work-package, is composed of one or more cost elements. These cost elements include labour costs, material costs, plant and machinery costs, administration costs and other expenses. The process of cost estimation (termed costing) would be if it were possible to directly correlate various cost elements to the activity that incurs them. These costs can then provide a clear picture of the construction costs and thus simplify planning, forecasting, accounting and controlling costs. Construction cost can be classified in two general categories: A) Direct Costs also known as Variable Costs b) Indirect Costs, sometimes referred to as Fixed Costs a) Direct Costs: Direct costs are those expenditures, which are directly chargeable to and can be identified specifically with the activities of the project. These include costs of materials, labour and equipment etc. b) Indirect Costs: Indirect costs on a project are those expenditures, which cannot be apportioned or clearly allocated to the individual activities of a project, but are assessed as a whole. The indirect cost includes the expenditure related to administrative and establishment charges, overhead, supervision, expenditure on a central store organization, loss of revenue, lost profit, penalty etc. 3.6.3 Control Estimates: During the actual execution of the construction, detailed analyses of costs are required to be made. The cost estimates prepared during the design stage may not be sufficient or applicable during the execution stage. During the execution stage, the control estimate system serves two useful purposes. It develops the production information for materials, labour and equipment that can be used as input for future estimates. It generates information so that one may study to take corrective measures to minimize the cost at any step. In case of control estimates, overheads may be divided into a number of indirect cost estimates for monitoring purposes. 3.6.4 Contingency: Contingency is cushion of cost to deal with the uncertainties. It has become complicated because of the different definitions assumed by various parties. a) To the top management: Contingency is the money, which would not be expended and would be returned as profit at the end of the project. b) To engineers: Contingency is a savings account that can be drawn on to cover the additional costs of add-on features to the project. c) To construction managers: Contingency is an indirect cost like a social party and gifts that cannot be charged directly to the project. Contingency, in principle, is intended to reduce the risk of an over-run for a project executed under expected conditions. A few of the factors that belong to contingency are minor design changes, underestimate of cost and quantities, lack of experience, unanticipated price changes, corrections of minor erroneous assumptions, items not identified fully in the estimating stage and some unforeseen regulations and safety problems social welfare to the labors/workmen at site. Contingency may or may not include escalation and allowances. Escalation is a provision in the estimated cost for inflation or continuing price level increase over time. Allowance is a fund included in the estimate for items that are known but cannot be defined to the extent to estimate the cost. The method for developing contingency depends on the organization, type and duration of the project, type of estimate and the phase of the project. The subjective estimate by skilled professionals is most often used. The percentage difference between an estimated and an actual cost of past projects provides a better idea of probable contingencies. For large projects with different types of works, a weighted average of contingencies for each type of work may be used for the total project. The contingency is generally included under a separate head in the project cost. 3.6.5 Cost – Volume Relationship: As the name suggests, the cost-volume relationship examines the relation-ship among cost, volume and profit. The cost is divided into fixed and variable components. The analysis plots the cost and revenues against the volume of business. The revenue per unit exceeds the variable cost per unit and is able to make some contribution towards recovering fixed cost. The volume at which all of the fixed costs as well as the variable costs are recovered is the breakeven point. An example is presented below. Fig. 3.11 Cost – Volume relationship 3.6.6 Time-Cost Relationship: Estimates of resource requirements and costs for each activity may also be written against the appropriate arrow in the network if desired. It is certainly an advantage in practice to have all the necessary information available for quick reference on the network diagram itself. When the estimates have been written on the network diagram the diagram is then ready for analysis. The estimated completion time for a project can be shortened by deploying additional resources to certain activities, if not to all the activities. These additional resources could be labour, equipment, capital, or any other resource. To give a simple example, if the staff in a project normally work an eight-hour shift, one can speed up the work on the project by having the staff work an additional shift or a few extra hours), but they will have to be paid extra wages, often at enhanced over-time rates. Thus, the project duration can be shortened, but the direct cost would have increased. The time to perform any activity in the project is variable, depending on the amount of effort or resources applied to it. CC CostC Cn Tn Tc Activity Duration Fig 3.12, Time -Cost relationship of an activity Initially, we assume that a given activity in the project is performed at the normal work pace. This is the usual or customary way of executing the activity, and its direct cost and duration are designated as Cn and Tn, respectively, as shown in figure (2.12). The normal pace is assumed to be the most efficient and, hence, the least costly pace of doing work in an activity. We also assume that the same activity can be quickened by applying additional resources of labour, equipment, or capital. As we mentioned in the previous paragraph, this could be done by employing staff on overtime rates. When the maximum effort is applied so that the activity can be completed in the shortest possible time, the activity is said to have been crashed. This condition is represented by the direct cost, Cc, and the duration, Tc, in above fig. You will see from the figure that the crash condition represents not only the shortest activity duration Tc, but also the greatest direct cost Cc for performing the activity. Cost Time Slope = Chapter 4 Project attributes 4.0 Introduction: This chapter presents details of an ongoing project in terms of project schedule, manpower required for different activities to carryout resource constrained analysis. The costs incurred in the project have also been presented. 4.1 Project Brief: Spike Technologies is a software company situated on Whitefield - Bangalore. M/s Equis India is the project management consultants and M/s KNK Swamy and Co. is the contractors for the building project. 4.1.1 Project Details: Name of the project : Construction of Office Building Total Site area : Built up area : 47700 Sft Number of Storey’s : Ground + Five Floors Floor to Floor height : 3.35m Height of Plinth : 0.50 m above Ground Level Depth of Foundations. : 1.50 m below Ground Level. External Walls : 250 mm thick including plaster Internal Walls : 150 mm thick including plaster Parapet Walls : 250 mm thick including plaster 4. 2 Collection of drawings: Generally the collection of drawings from the company is very much useful for resource management in construction projects. From these drawings we can estimate the quantities of respective activities. These quantities plays key role for proceeding resource constrained analysis. Especially in this Report construction of office building drawings were collected from Company Ltd. A plan of all the details of ongoing project is shown in Fig.4.1 4.3 Estimation of quantities: After collecting the drawings from a company the quantities were estimated for various activities. The quantities such as earthwork excavation, concrete, steel etc., were estimated from the drawings. 4.4 Manpower Required: Manpower output is the output quantity i.e., the quantity of work which can be done per day per person considering all safety and quality measures as required by client. This was calculated based on the CPWD Analysis of Rates and IS: 7272 (part I – 1974) recommendation for labour output constants for buildings work and also considering views based on the experience’s and thorough technical knowledge, of many project managers, architect’s, engineer’s and many contractor’s who are experts and working in this field for many years. Some of the output constants for various types of activities are shown in table 4.1. The Some of the output constants for various types are shown in fig 4.1. The study is limited to these activities only under normal working and site conditions. Table 4.1: Manpower output constants for different labors Activity Labour output per day 1. Unskilled (incl. Excavation, transportation) Excavation - PCC and Concrete 1.5 M3 0.2 M3 2. Carpenters (for all activities) 6.0 M2 3. Barbenders (for all activities) (incl. Cutting, bending, fabrication, transportation etc.,) 0.2 MT 4. Masons (includes shifting of materials within the site, wetting in water and dressing in SSM) - Size stone masonry Block Masonry Plastering 0.9 M3 6.0 M2 6.0 M2 8.0 M2 5. Painters (incl. Preparatory works as required) 10.0 M2 Table 4.2 Manpower required for various works as per CPWD Analysis of rates Activity Per Unit Masson Bhisti Beldar Plane Cement Concrete (PCC) 1 Cum 0.1 0.7 1.63 Barbending work 1 Ton 7.5 - 10 Shuttering work 4 Sqm 1 - 1 Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) 1 Cum 0.17 0.9 2 Masonry work 1 Cum 0.72 0.217 1.56 Plastering work 10 Sqm 0.67 0.93 0.86 Painting work 10 Sqm 0.54 - 0.54 Based on the total quantities (obtained from drawings), output constants, manpower required have been computed for various activities as shown in table 4.4. The following example illustrates the computations carried out for these activities. the quantities have been computed and presented in table 4.3 Example computations: The example has been carried out for various activities. Table 4.3: The manpower required for few activities Name of Activity As per CPWD Per Unit Masson Bhisti Beldar Actual Quantity Masson Bhisti Beldar PCC 1 Cum 0.1 0.7 1.63 16.4 Cum 1.64 11.48 26.73 Barbending work for Foundation 1 Ton 7.5 - 10 2.892 Tons 21.69 - 28.92 Shuttering work for Foundation 4 Sqm 1 - 1 324 Sqm 81 - 81 RMC for Foundation 1 Cum 0.17 0.9 2 194 Cum 32.98 174.60 388.00 Masonry work for Ground Floor 1 Cum 0.72 0.217 1.56 280.36 Cum 201.85 60.83 437.36 Internal wall Plastering for Ground Floor 10 Sqm 0.67 0.93 0.86 1287.5 Sqm 86.26 119.73 110.72 Painting for All Floor walls 10 Sqm 0.54 - 0.54 16190 Sqm 874.26 - 874.26 4.4.1 Basis for calculating manpower: In the table 4.4, skilled manpower is taken as mason quantities and unskilled manpower is taken as from bhisti and beldar adding their quantities. In the finishing works since we cannot take it as a manpower basis, but we taken as lump sum basis such as plumbing work, electrical & mechanical works, flooring work and fixing the doors and windows of all floor works. Table 4.4 The different activities and quantities involved in construction of office building. Activity ID Activity Name Quantity Unit Duration Skilled Manpower Unskilled Manpower A1000 Site Clearance - - 2 - 20.00 A1010 Marking - - 1 - - A1020 Excavation 1232 Cum 8 - 43.00 A1030 PCC 16.4 Cum 10 1.64 38.212 A1040 Barbending work for Foundation 2.892 Ton 12 21.69 28.92 A1050 Shuttering work for Foundation 324 Sqm 6 81 81 A1060 RMC for Foundation 194 Cum 10 32.98 562.6 A1070 Barbending work for Pedestal up to 1.5m 0.72 Ton 3 5.4 7.2 A1080 Shuttering work for Pedestal up to 1.5m 80.66 Sqm 3 20.165 20.165 A1090 RMC for Pedestal up to 1.5m 3.6 Cum 8 0.612 10.44 A1100 Barbending work for Plinth Beam 3.08 Ton 4 23.1 30.8 A1110 Shuttering work for Plinth Beam 560 Sqm 5 140 140 A1120 RMC for Plinth Beam 45.26 Cum 8 7.6942 131.254 A1130 Back Filling 1037.6 Cum 5 0 25 A1140 Barbending work for Column up to GF Slab 9.2 Ton 12 69 92 A1150 Shuttering work for Column up to GF Slab 345 Sqm 12 86.25 86.25 A1160 RMC for Column up to GF Slab 28.7 Cum 5 4.879 83.23 A1170 Barbending work for GF Beams & Slab 20.2 Ton 10 151.5 202 A1180 Shuttering work for GF Beams & Slab 1331 Sqm 20 332.75 332.75 A1190 RMC for GF Beams & Slab 167 Cum 4 28.39 484.3 A1200 Barbending work for Column up to 1st Floor Slab 8 Ton 14 60 80 A1210 Shuttering work for Column up to 1st Floor Slab 300 Sqm 14 75 75 A1220 RMC for Column up to 1st Floor Slab 25 Cum 5 4.25 72.5 A1230 Barbending work for 1st Floor Beams & Slab 20.2 Ton 12 151.5 202 A1240 Shuttering work for 1st Floor Beams & Slab 1331 Sqm 22 332.75 332.75 A1250 RMC for 1st Floor Beams & Slab 167 Cum 6 28.39 484.3 A1260 Barbending work for Column up to 2nd Floor Slab 8 Ton 16 60 80 A1270 Shuttering work for Column up to 2nd Floor Slab 300 Sqm 16 75 75 A1280 RMC for Column up to 2nd Floor Slab 25 Cum 7 4.25 72.5 A1290 Barbending work for 2nd Floor Beams & Slab 20.2 Ton 14 151.5 202 A1300 Shuttering work for 2nd Floor Beams & Slab 1331 Sqm 24 332.75 332.75 A1310 RMC for 2nd Floor Beams & Slab 167 Cum 8 28.39 484.3 A1320 Barbending work for Column up to 3rd Floor Slab 8 Ton 18 60 80 A1330 Shuttering work for Column up to 3rd Floor Slab 300 Sqm 18 75 75 A1340 RMC for Column up to 3rd Floor Slab 25 Cum 9 4.25 72.5 A1350 Barbending work for 3rd Floor Beams & Slab 20.2 Ton 16 151.5 202 A1360 Shuttering work for 3rd Floor Beams & Slab 1331 Sqm 26 332.75 332.75 A1370 RMC for 3rd Floor Beams & Slab 167 Cum 10 28.39 484.3 A1380 Barbending work for Column up to 4th Floor Slab 8 Ton 20 60 80 A1390 Shuttering work for Column up to 4th Floor Slab 300 Sqm 20 75 75 A1400 RMC for Column up to 4th Floor Slab 25 Cum 11 4.25 72.5 A1410 Barbending work for 4th Floor Beams & Slab 20.2 Ton 18 151.5 202 A1420 Shuttering work for 4th Floor Beams & Slab 1331 Sqm 28 332.75 332.75 A1430 RMC for 4th Floor Beams & Slab 167 Cum 12 28.39 484.3 A1440 Barbending work for Column up to 5th Floor Slab 8 Ton 22 60 80 A1450 Shuttering work for Column up to 5th Floor Slab 300 Sqm 22 75 75 A1460 RMC for Column up to 5th Floor Slab 25 Cum 13 4.25 72.5 A1470 Barbending work for 5th Floor Beams & Slab 20.2 Ton 20 151.5 202 A1480 Shuttering work for 5th Floor Beams & Slabs 1331 Sqm 30 332.75 332.75 A1490 RMC for 5th Floor Beams & Slab 167 Cum 14 28.39 484.3 A1500 Plumbing work for Ground Floor L.S - 15 - - A1510 Masonry work for Ground Floor 280.36 Cum 25 201.8592 497.35864 A1520 Electrical & Mechanical works for Ground Floor L.S - 20 - - A1530 Internal wall Plastering for Ground Floor 1287.5 Sqm 26 86.2625 230.205 A1540 External wall Plastering for Ground Floor 1287.5 Sqm 20 86.2625 230.205 A1550 Flooring work for Ground Floor 625 Sqm 10 - - A1560 Fixing the Doors and Windows 30 No’s 2 - - A1570 Plumbing work for 1st Floor 0 0 15 - - A1580 Masonry work for 1st Floor 240.77 Cum 27 173.3544 427.12598 A1590 Electrical & Mechanical works for 1st Floor L.S - 22 - - A1600 Internal wall Plastering for 1st Floor 1106.5 Sqm 28 74.1355 197.8422 A1610 External wall Plastering for 1st Floor 1106.5 Sqm 22 74.1355 197.8422 A1620 Flooring work for 1st Floor 625 Sqm 12 - - A1630 Fixing the Doors and Windows 30 No’s 2 - - A1640 Plumbing work for 2nd Floor L.S - 15 - - A1650 Masonry work for 2nd Floor 280.36 Cum 29 201.8592 497.35864 A1660 Electrical & Mechanical works for 2nd Floor L.S - 24 - - A1670 Internal wall Plastering for 2nd Floor 1106.5 Sqm 30 74.1355 197.8422 A1680 External wall Plastering for 2nd Floor 1106.5 Sqm 24 74.1355 197.8422 A1690 Flooring work for 2nd Floor 625 Sqm 14 - - A1700 Fixing the Doors and Windows 30 No’s 2 - - A1710 Plumbing work for 3rd Floor L.S - 15 - - A1720 Masonry work for 3rd Floor 240.77 Cum 31 173.3544 427.12598 A1730 Electrical & Mechanical works for 3rd Floor L.S - 26 - - A1740 Internal wall Plastering for 3rd Floor 1106.5 Sqm 32 74.1355 197.8422 A1750 External wall Plastering for 3rd Floor 1106.5 Sqm 26 74.1355 197.8422 A1760 Flooring work for 3rd Floor 625 Sqm 16 - - A1770 Fixing the Doors and Windows 30 No’s 2 - - A1780 Plumbing work for 4th Floor L.S - 15 - - A1790 Masonry work for 4th Floor 240.77 Cum 33 173.3544 427.12598 A1800 Electrical & Mechanical works for 4th Floor L.S - 28 - - A1810 Internal wall Plastering for 4th Floor 1106.5 Sqm 34 74.1355 197.8422 A1820 External wall Plastering for 4th Floor 1106.5 Sqm 28 74.1355 197.8422 A1830 Flooring work for 4th Floor 625 Sqm 18 - - A1840 Fixing the Doors and Windows 30 No’s 2 - - A1850 Plumbing work for 5th Floor L.S - 15 - - A1860 Masonry work for 5th Floor 240.77 Cum 35 173.3544 427.12598 A1870 Electrical & Mechanical works for 5th Floor L.S - 30 - - A1880 Internal wall Plastering for 5th Floor 1106.5 Sqm 36 74.1355 197.8422 A1890 External wall Plastering for 5th Floor 1106.5 Sqm 30 74.1355 197.8422 A1900 Flooring work for 5th Floor 625 Sqm 20 - - A1910 Painting for All Floor walls 16190 Sqm 25 874.26 874.26 A1920 Fixing the Doors and Windows 30 No’s 2 - - 4.5 Project Scheduling: The schedule contains different types of activities with different durations based on their nature of work and quantities calculated from drawings. From the quantities man power required for various activities were calculated. Based on the quantities, manpower required and realistic durations in the current situations are taken in to account and durations are calculated. Based on the data obtained network diagram has prepared and relations assigned to activities calculated the critical path. The network diagram as shown in Fig 4.2. Also checked by the same network using Primavera software. Finally the total duration of the project was calculated by the Primavera. 4.5.1 Types of Relationships: We can define relationships from the predecessor to the successor activity. The relationships can be classified as Finish-to-Start (FS) Start-to-Start (SS) Finish-to-Finish (FF) Start-to-Finish (SF) Finish-to-Start (FS): The successor activity can begin only when the predecessor activity completes. Fig 4.3: Finish to start Start-to-Start (SS):  The start of the successor activity depends on the start of the predecessor activity. They may end at different times (depending on the duration of each activity), but they can start at the same time. This relationship is utilized when two activities will be launched at the same time. Fig 4.4: Start to start Finish-to-Finish (FF): The finish of the successor activity depends on the finish of the predecessor activity. The two activities may start at different times (depending on the duration of each activity), but the completion of the two activities is coordinated. This relationship is utilized when the completion of two activities should be linked together. Fig 4.5: Finish to Finish Start-to-Finish (SF): The successor activity cannot finish until the predecessor activity starts. . Fig 4.6: Start to Finish After doing the schedule in Primavera software the total project duration was estimated at 507 working days (includes inception stage to completion stages). Fig 4.7 shows all the details of various activities of original durations start and finish dates, existing total floats and budgeted costs. The resource analysis for the masons, barbenders, unskilled and painters are shown below tables (Table 4.5 , 4.6, 4.8) Table 4.5: Details of masons required for various activities Activity ID Activity Name Budgeted Units Original Duration Start Finish Masons 4920.54d 461 8-Dec-11 28-May-13 A1030 PCC 1.64d 10 8-Dec-11 19-Dec-11 A1050 Shuttering work for Foundation 81.00d 6 13-Dec-11 19-Dec-11 A1060 RMC for Foundation 32.98d 10 15-Dec-11 26-Dec-11 A1080 Shuttering work for Pedestal up to 1.5m 20.20d 3 27-Dec-11 29-Dec-11 A1090 RMC for Pedestal up to 1.5m 0.61d 8 28-Dec-11 5-Jan-12 A1110 Shuttering work for Plinth Beam 140.00d 5 7-Jan-12 12-Jan-12 A1120 RMC for Plinth Beam 7.69d 8 9-Jan-12 17-Jan-12 A1150 Shuttering work for Column up to GF Slab 86.30d 12 24-Jan-12 6-Feb-12 A1160 RMC for Column up to GF Slab 4.88d 5 1-Feb-12 6-Feb-12 A1180 Shuttering work for GF Beams & Slabs 332.70d 20 8-Feb-12 1-Mar-12 A1190 RMC for GF Beams & Slabs 28.39d 4 27-Feb-12 1-Mar-12 A1210 Shuttering work for Column up to 1st Floor Slab 75.00d 14 10-Mar-12 26-Mar-12 A1220 RMC for Column up to 1st Floor Slab 4.25d 5 21-Mar-12 26-Mar-12 A1240 Shuttering work for 1st Floor Beams & Slabs 332.70d 22 29-Mar-12 23-Apr-12 A1250 RMC for 1st Floor Beams & Slabs 28.39d 6 17-Apr-12 23-Apr-12 A1270 Shuttering work for Column up to 2nd Floor Slab 75.00d 16 2-May-12 19-May-12 A1280 RMC for Column up to 2nd Floor Slab 4.25d 7 12-May-12 19-May-12 A1300 Shuttering work for 2nd Floor Beams & Slabs 332.70d 24 23-May-12 19-Jun-12 A1310 RMC for 2nd Floor Beams & Slabs 28.39d 8 11-Jun-12 19-Jun-12 A1330 Shuttering work for Column up to 3rd Floor Slab 75.00d 18 28-Jun-12 18-Jul-12 A1340 RMC for Column up to 3rd Floor Slab 4.25d 9 9-Jul-12 18-Jul-12 A1360 Shuttering work for 3rd Floor Beams & Slabs 332.70d 26 21-Jul-12 20-Aug-12 A1370 RMC for 3rd Floor Beams & Slabs 28.39d 10 9-Aug-12 20-Aug-12 A1390 Shuttering work for Column up to 4th Floor Slab 75.00d 20 29-Aug-12 20-Sep-12 A1400 RMC for Column up to 4th Floor Slab 4.25d 11 8-Sep-12 20-Sep-12 A1420 Shuttering work for 4th Floor Beams & Slabs 332.70d 28 24-Sep-12 25-Oct-12 A1430 RMC for 4th Floor Beams & Slabs 28.39d 12 12-Oct-12 25-Oct-12 A1450 Shuttering work for Column up to 5th Floor Slab 75.00d 22 3-Nov-12 28-Nov-12 A1460 RMC for Column up to 5th Floor Slab 4.25d 13 14-Nov-12 28-Nov-12 A1480 Shuttering work for 5th Floor Beams & Slabs 332.70d 30 1-Dec-12 4-Jan-13 A1490 RMC for 5th Floor Beams & Slabs 28.39d 14 20-Dec-12 4-Jan-13 A1510 Masonry work for Ground Floor 201.86d 25 28-Mar-12 25-Apr-12 A1530 Internal wall Plastering for Ground Floor 86.26d 26 19-May-12 18-Jun-12 A1540 External wall Plastering for Ground Floor 86.26d 20 19-May-12 11-Jun-12 A1580 Masonry work for 1st Floor 173.35d 27 19-May-12 19-Jun-12 A1600 Internal wall Plastering for 1st Floor 74.14d 28 16-Jul-12 16-Aug-12 A1610 External wall Plastering for 1st Floor 74.14d 22 16-Jul-12 9-Aug-12 A1650 Masonry work for 2nd Floor 173.35d 29 16-Jul-12 17-Aug-12 A1670 Internal wall Plastering for 2nd Floor 74.14d 30 15-Sep-12 19-Oct-12 A1680 External wall Plastering for 2nd Floor 74.14d 24 15-Sep-12 12-Oct-12 A1720 Masonry work for 3rd Floor 173.35d 31 15-Sep-12 20-Oct-12 A1740 Internal wall Plastering for 3rd Floor 74.14d 32 21-Nov-12 27-Dec-12 A1750 External wall Plastering for 3rd Floor 74.10d 26 21-Nov-12 20-Dec-12 A1790 Masonry work for 4th Floor 173.35d 33 21-Nov-12 28-Dec-12 A1810 Internal wall Plastering for 4th Floor 74.14d 34 31-Jan-13 11-Mar-13 A1820 External wall Plastering for 4th Floor 74.10d 28 31-Jan-13 4-Mar-13 A1860 Masonry work for 5th Floor 173.35d 35 31-Jan-13 12-Mar-13 A1880 Internal wall Plastering for 5th Floor 74.14d 36 17-Apr-13 28-May-13 A1890 External wall Plastering for 5th Floor 74.14d 30 17-Apr-13 21-May-13 Table 4.6: Details of unskilled labour required for various activities Activity ID Activity Name Budgeted Units Original Duration Start Finish Unskilled 14596.67d 505 2-Dec-11 12-Jul-13 A1000 Site Clearance 20.00d 2 2-Dec-11 3-Dec-11 A1020 Excavation 43.00d 8 6-Dec-11 14-Dec-11 A1030 PCC 38.21d 10 8-Dec-11 19-Dec-11 A1040 Barbending work for Foundation 28.92d 12 8-Dec-11 21-Dec-11 A1050 Shuttering work for Foundation 81.00d 6 13-Dec-11 19-Dec-11 A1060 RMC for Foundation 562.00d 10 15-Dec-11 26-Dec-11 A1070 Barbending work for Pedestal up to 1.5m 7.20d 3 23-Dec-11 26-Dec-11 A1080 Shuttering work for Pedestal up to 1.5m 20.20d 3 27-Dec-11 29-Dec-11 A1090 RMC for Pedestal up to 1.5m 10.44d 8 28-Dec-11 5-Jan-12 A1100 Barbending work for Plinth Beam 30.80d 4 2-Jan-12 5-Jan-12 A1110 Shuttering work for Plinth Beam 140.00d 5 7-Jan-12 12-Jan-12 A1120 RMC for Plinth Beam 131.25d 8 9-Jan-12 17-Jan-12 A1130 Back Filling 25.00d 5 18-Jan-12 23-Jan-12 A1140 Barbending work for Column up to GF Slab 92.00d 12 10-Jan-12 23-Jan-12 A1150 Shuttering work for Column up to GF Slab 86.30d 12 24-Jan-12 6-Feb-12 A1160 RMC for Column up to GF Slab 83.17d 5 1-Feb-12 6-Feb-12 A1170 Barbending work for GF Beams & Slabs 202.00d 10 26-Jan-12 6-Feb-12 A1180 Shuttering work for GF Beams & Slabs 332.70d 20 8-Feb-12 1-Mar-12 A1190 RMC for GF Beams & Slabs 484.30d 4 27-Feb-12 1-Mar-12 A1200 Barbending work for Column up to 1st Floor Slab 80.00d 14 23-Feb-12 9-Mar-12 A1210 Shuttering work for Column up to 1st Floor Slab 75.00d 14 10-Mar-12 26-Mar-12 A1220 RMC for Column up to 1st Floor Slab 72.50d 5 21-Mar-12 26-Mar-12 A1230 Barbending work for 1st Floor Beams & Slabs 202.00d 12 13-Mar-12 26-Mar-12 A1240 Shuttering work for 1st Floor Beams & Slabs 332.70d 22 29-Mar-12 23-Apr-12 A1250 RMC for 1st Floor Beams & Slabs 484.30d 6 17-Apr-12 23-Apr-12 A1260 Barbending work for Column up to 2nd Floor Slab 80.00d 16 13-Apr-12 1-May-12 A1270 Shuttering work for Column up to 2nd Floor Slab 75.00d 16 2-May-12 19-May-12 A1280 RMC for Column up to 2nd Floor Slab 72.50d 7 12-May-12 19-May-12 A1290 Barbending work for 2nd Floor Beams & Slabs 202.00d 14 4-May-12 19-May-12 A1300 Shuttering work for 2nd Floor Beams & Slabs 332.70d 24 23-May-12 19-Jun-12 A1310 RMC for 2nd Floor Beams & Slabs 484.30d 8 11-Jun-12 19-Jun-12 A1320 Barbending work for Column up to 3rd Floor Slab 80.00d 18 7-Jun-12 27-Jun-12 A1330 Shuttering work for Column up to 3rd Floor Slab 75.00d 18 28-Jun-12 18-Jul-12 A1340 RMC for Column up to 3rd Floor Slab 72.50d 9 9-Jul-12 18-Jul-12 A1350 Barbending work for 3rd Floor Beams & Slabs 202.00d 16 30-Jun-12 18-Jul-12 A1360 Shuttering work for 3rd Floor Beams & Slabs 332.70d 26 21-Jul-12 20-Aug-12 A1370 RMC for 3rd Floor Beams & Slabs 484.30d 10 9-Aug-12 20-Aug-12 A1380 Barbending work for Column up to 4th Floor Slab 80.00d 20 6-Aug-12 28-Aug-12 A1390 Shuttering work for Column up to 4th Floor Slab 75.00d 20 29-Aug-12 20-Sep-12 A1400 RMC for Column up to 4th Floor Slab 72.50d 11 8-Sep-12 20-Sep-12 A1410 Barbending work for 4th Floor Beams & Slabs 202.00d 18 31-Aug-12 20-Sep-12 A1420 Shuttering work for 4th Floor Beams & Slabs 332.70d 28 24-Sep-12 25-Oct-12 A1430 RMC for 4th Floor Beams & Slabs 484.30d 12 12-Oct-12 25-Oct-12 A1440 Barbending work for Column up to 5th Floor Slab 80.00d 22 9-Oct-12 2-Nov-12 A1450 Shuttering work for Column up to 5th Floor Slab 75.00d 22 3-Nov-12 28-Nov-12 A1460 RMC for Column up to 5th Floor Slab 72.50d 13 14-Nov-12 28-Nov-12 A1470 Barbending work for 5th Floor Beams & Slabs 202.00d 20 6-Nov-12 28-Nov-12 A1480 Shuttering work for 5th Floor Beams & Slabs 332.70d 30 1-Dec-12 4-Jan-13 A1490 RMC for 5th Floor Beams & Slabs 484.30d 14 20-Dec-12 4-Jan-13 A1510 Masonry work for Ground Floor 497.36d 25 28-Mar-12 25-Apr-12 A1530 Internal wall Plastering for Ground Floor 230.20d 26 19-May-12 18-Jun-12 A1540 External wall Plastering for Ground Floor 230.21d 20 19-May-12 11-Jun-12 A1580 Masonry work for 1st Floor 427.13d 27 19-May-12 19-Jun-12 A1600 Internal wall Plastering for 1st Floor 197.80d 28 16-Jul-12 16-Aug-12 A1610 External wall Plastering for 1st Floor 197.80d 22 16-Jul-12 9-Aug-12 A1650 Masonry work for 2nd Floor 427.13d 29 16-Jul-12 17-Aug-12 A1670 Internal wall Plastering for 2nd Floor 197.80d 30 15-Sep-12 19-Oct-12 A1680 External wall Plastering for 2nd Floor 197.80d 24 15-Sep-12 12-Oct-12 A1720 Masonry work for 3rd Floor 427.13d 31 15-Sep-12 20-Oct-12 A1740 Internal wall Plastering for 3rd Floor 197.80d 32 21-Nov-12 27-Dec-12 A1750 External wall Plastering for 3rd Floor 197.80d 26 21-Nov-12 20-Dec-12 A1790 Masonry work for 4th Floor 427.13d 33 21-Nov-12 28-Dec-12 A1810 Internal wall Plastering for 4th Floor 197.80d 34 31-Jan-13 11-Mar-13 A1820 External wall Plastering for 4th Floor 197.80d 28 31-Jan-13 4-Mar-13 A1860 Masonry work for 5th Floor 427.13d 35 31-Jan-13 12-Mar-13 A1880 Internal wall Plastering for 5th Floor 197.80d 36 17-Apr-13 28-May-13 A1890 External wall Plastering for 5th Floor 197.80d 30 17-Apr-13 21-May-13 A1910 Painting for All Floor walls 874.26d 25 14-Jun-13 12-Jul-13 Table 4.7: Details of Barbenders required for various activities Activity ID Activity Name Budgeted Units Original Duration Start Finish Barbenders 1328.19d 306 8-Dec-11 28-Nov-12 A1040 Barbending work for Foundation 21.69d 12 8-Dec-11 21-Dec-11 A1070 Barbending work for Pedestal up to 1.5m 5.40d 3 23-Dec-11 26-Dec-11 A1100 Barbending work for Plinth Beam 23.10d 4 2-Jan-12 5-Jan-12 A1140 Barbending work for Column up to GF Slab 69.00d 12 10-Jan-12 23-Jan-12 A1170 Barbending work for GF Beams & Slabs 151.50d 10 26-Jan-12 6-Feb-12 A1200 Barbending work for Column up to 1st Floor Slab 60.00d 14 23-Feb-12 9-Mar-12 A1230 Barbending work for 1st Floor Beams & Slabs 151.50d 12 13-Mar-12 26-Mar-12 A1260 Barbending work for Column up to 2nd Floor Slab 60.00d 16 13-Apr-12 1-May-12 A1290 Barbending work for 2nd Floor Beams & Slabs 151.50d 14 4-May-12 19-May-12 A1320 Barbending work for Column up to 3rd Floor Slab 60.00d 18 7-Jun-12 27-Jun-12 A1350 Barbending work for 3rd Floor Beams & Slabs 151.50d 16 30-Jun-12 18-Jul-12 A1380 Barbending work for Column up to 4th Floor Slab 60.00d 20 6-Aug-12 28-Aug-12 A1410 Barbending work for 4th Floor Beams & Slabs 151.50d 18 31-Aug-12 20-Sep-12 A1440 Barbending work for Column up to 5th Floor Slab 60.00d 22 9-Oct-12 2-Nov-12 A1470 Barbending work for 5th Floor Beams & Slabs 151.50d 20 6-Nov-12 28-Nov-12 4.5.2 Month wise required resources: The histograms for various resources shown in below. Fig 4.8: Monthly wise required Masons Fig 4.9: Monthly wise required unskilled labour Fig 4.10: Monthly wise required Barbenders 4.6 Weightage in terms of total project duration: The total project duration was estimated 507 days. Total individual activity original durations were estimated 1516 days. The percentage of all individual activity durations to the total individual activity duration was calculated. This percentage weightage is taken as a resource. By using this percentage weightage monthly wise project durations were estimated using PRIMAVERA Software. The following fig 4.11 shows monthly wise percentage duration of total project duration Fig 4.11: monthly wise percentage duration of total project duration 4.7 Cost: The total cost of the project has been divided into two types namely, direct cost and indirect cost. The direct cost the project are shown in table 4.11 4.7.1 Direct Costs: Direct project costs are those expenditures, which are directly chargeable to and can be identified specifically with the activities of the project. These include labour cost, material cost, equipment cost, transportation cost etc. The Table 4.11 shows monthly cash flow of direct Cost and fig 4.12 Plot showing Time (Months) Vs Cumulative Direct cost Table 4.11: Monthly cash flow of Direct Cost Month Cost Cumulative cost Dec-11 1,180,057.60 1,180,057.60 Jan-12 1,341,330.14 2,521,387.74 Feb-12 1,542,203.52 4,063,591.26 Mar-12 1,857,485.53 5,921,076.79 Apr-12 2,190,596.04 8,111,672.83 May-12 2,811,692.03 10,923,364.86 Jun-12 4,125,439.75 15,048,804.61 Jul-12 2,459,919.26 17,508,723.87 Aug-12 3,755,913.56 21,264,637.43 Sep-12 2,417,912.59 23,682,550.02 Oct-12 3,837,272.30 27,519,822.32 Nov-12 2,252,538.19 29,772,360.51 Dec-12 2,555,199.27 32,327,559.78 Jan-13 2,117,096.24 34,444,656.02 Feb-13 1,360,944.42 35,805,600.44 Mar-13 2,140,254.66 37,945,855.10 Apr-13 649,891.84 38,595,746.94 May-13 983,419.29 39,579,166.23 Jun-13 719,161.58 40,298,327.81 Jul-13 877,707.32 41,176,035.13 Fig 4.12. Plot showing Time (Months) Vs Cumulative Direct cost 4.7.2 Indirect Costs: Indirect costs on a project are those expenditures, which cannot be apportioned clearly allocated to the individual activities of a project, but are assessed as whole. The indirect cost includes the expenditure related to administrative and establishment charges, overhead, supervision, expenditure on a central store organization, loss of profit, loss of revenue, penalty etc. In this project indirect cost is taken as 10% of direct cost. Indirect Cost of the project = Rs. 41,176,03.51 Chapter 5 Resource Constrained Analysis 5.1 Introduction: In this chapter an attempt has been made to generate resource histograms based on the manpower required for different activities (from Table 4.4). From the project schedule (fig.4.7) it is observed that, almost all the activities are critical except finishing works (Total float zero or minimum). Hence, any resource leveling needs to be achieved by enhancing the duration of the project under constrained resources. In view of this constraint, presuming that management allows the increase in the project duration, implications on project costs have been analyzed by enhancing the project duration. 5.2 Procedure Adopted for Resource Leveling: The ‘peak’ and ‘low’ demands have been identified in resource histograms for Masons, Barbenders, Painters and Unskilled for different days. These values have been obtained from resource histograms (Fig 5.1 to Fig 5.4). In order to illustrate the resource leveling procedure adopted in this study, only data and procedure pertaining to masons has been presented as an example. In masons histogram (fig 5.1), the peak units in a day were 31 (and total project duration was 507 days) with a total man power units of 4920.5. The man power units are taken as fixed units. The three main parameters required to compute total man-hours are total duration, peak units, and total number of masons, from the table 4.5. Total duration for masons = Adding all individual durations of Activities involving masons namely, (Activity 1030, 1050, 1060, 1080 etc.) = 461 days Peak units = the maximum resources in any day.(from fig. 5.1) = 31 numbers Total masons for activities = Sum of all the individual resources of each Activity if corresponding duration = activity 1030 = 1.64 numbers = activity 1050 = 81 numbers Similarly, cumulative of all mason activities = 4920.5 numbers Total man-hours for masons = = 4920.5 x 8 hrs/day = 39,364 hours It can be observed that there was no over allocation in the histogram when 31 units were assigned for activities duration as per the original schedule, and is shown in fig. 5.1. In the first trial, assuming resource constraints for masons were reduced to 10% i.e. 27.9 masons was considered to be available. In these trails total masons required is taken as constant i.e. 4920.5 numbers, when change has been effected in from 31 to 27.9 units and is shown in table 5.1. The reduction in peak units attempted for different activities namely, masons, barbenders, unskilled, and painters are shown in tables 5.1 to 5.4. In the project schedule substructure, superstructure and finishing work for 5th floor activities are critical. This is shown in fig.4.5. For the above activities, the over allocation has been reduced by increasing duration without changing the man-hours. However, in above case overall man-hours allocated remained the same for completion of the activity and the duration was evenly distributed for all activities in all days. The increased duration of masons and total project duration corresponding to resource constraints (peak units) is shown in table 5.1. These results are obtained from the table 4.5 -----(revised schedule) Total duration for masons = Adding all individual durations of Activities involving masons namely, (Activity 1030, 1050, 1060, 1080 etc.) = 469 days Similarly, the procedure was carried out for barbenders, masons and painters and unskilled helpers. Details have been presented in table 5.1 to 5.4 respectively. The effected change in all the resources namely, masons, barbenders, unskilled, and painters were reflected in the main schedule. It was observed that the total project duration was increased to 515 days, with the same total man-hours for all the different activities. The same procedure was carried out for masons, barbenders, unskilled, and painters for another 4 trials reducing resources as shown in tables 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 respectively. The reduction in resources of different activities has resulted in increase in total project duration from 507 days to 515, 518, 538, 566 and 620 days respectively. The detailed schedules showing the revised total duration have been presented in fig. 4.14, 4.15, 4.16, 4.17 The cost implication on indirect cost for increased durations is shown in table 5.8 and in fig 4.9 for the total project 5.3 Decreased resource constraints for different trails The decreased resource constraints for masons, barbenders, unskilled labour and printers for different trails shown in the following tables. 5.3 Results: The increased duration are shown in below. a) Masons: Table 5.1: Details showing change in duration for different resource constraints Resource Constraints 31 27.9 24.8 21.7 18.6 15.5 Duration for Masons 461 469 472 492 520 574 Total Increased duration 507 515 518 538 566 620 Fig. 5.5 (a): % Decreased Resource Constraints Vs % Increase in project duration Fig. 5.5 (b) % Decreased Resource Constraints Vs % Increase in masons duration b) Barbenders: Table 5.2: Details showing change in duration for different resource constraints Resource Constraints 15 13.5 12 10.5 9 7.5 Duration for Barbenders 306 314 317 326 332 348 Total Increased duration 507 515 518 538 566 620 Fig. 5.6 (a) % Decreased Resource Constraints Vs % Increase in project duration Fig. 5.6 (b) % Decreased Resource Constraints Vs % Increase in Barbenders duration c) Unskilled: Table 5.3: Details showing change in duration for different resource constraints Resource Constraints 143 128.7 114.4 100.1 85.8 71.5 Duration for Unskilled 505 513 516 536 564 618 Total Increased duration 507 515 518 538 566 620 Fig. 5.7 (a): % Decreased Resource Constraints Vs % Increase in project duration Fig. 5.7 (b):% Decreased Resource Constraints Vs % Increase in Unskilled duration d) Painters: Table 5.4: Details showing change in duration for different resource constraints Resource Constraints 35 31.5 28 24.5 21 17.5 Duration for Painters 25 25 25 25 25 25 Total Increased duration 507 515 518 538 566 620 Fig. 5.8 (a): % Decreased Resource Constraints Vs % Increase in project duration 5.4 Monthly Units of resources for different trails: The results of different trails along with increase duration and total units for different resources were shown in tables 5.5 to 5.7. The assumption has been made in different trails the total units of masons, barbenders, unskilled labour and painters taken as fixed. Table 5.5: Monthly Units of Masons for different trails Month Initial Trail 1 Trail 2 Trail 3 Trail 4 Trail 5 Increase duration 507 515 518 538 566 620 Total units 4920.55 4920.55 4920.55 4920.55 4920.55 4920.55 Dec-11 136.13 136.13 136.13 136.13 136.13 122.35 Jan-12 198.34 169.57 169.57 169.57 169.57 161.77 Feb-12 378.2 319.13 319.13 319.13 319.13 274.17 Mar-12 180.65 172.19 154.42 154.42 154.42 199.53 Apr-12 485.28 340 298.21 298.21 293.48 254.42 May-12 344.71 320.82 350.86 305.03 275.38 319.21 Jun-12 454 419.71 383.15 279.38 348.94 265.02 Jul-12 349.85 385.27 419.74 452.56 318.28 252.99 Aug-12 410.87 545.8 376.35 334.36 307.01 272.43 Sep-12 284.27 225.36 356.16 390.35 267.04 309.29 Oct-12 466.45 604.6 317.9 321.34 285.12 224.26 Nov-12 173.03 117.41 376.4 365.18 383.96 233.32 Dec-12 536.43 494.16 355.11 308.86 287.71 274.27 Jan-13 62.25 200.52 371.96 346.48 347.97 231.98 Feb-13 234.72 166.26 159.05 235.83 229.35 268.99 Mar-13 77.09 155.33 221.57 132.89 136.92 154.65 Apr-13 54.37 18.12 11.07 161.18 260.35 167.63 May-13 93.91 119.86 122.33 97.6 185.33 268.89 Jun-13 10.3 21.42 105.86 88.83 245.36 Jul-13 6.18 117.39 195.91 Aug-13 8.24 98.49 Sep-13 113.27 Oct-13 12.36 Table 5.6: Monthly Units of Unskilled labour for different trails Month Initial Trail 1 Trail 2 Trail 3 Trail 4 Trail 5 Increase duration 507 515 518 538 566 620 Unskilled units 14596.7 14596.7 14596.7 14596.7 14596.7 14596.7 Dec-11 805.75 805.75 805.75 805.75 805.75 787.06 Jan-12 575.61 466.05 466.05 466.05 466.05 430.29 Feb-12 933.7 579.22 579.22 579.22 579.22 567.12 Mar-12 657.87 886.9 791.33 791.33 791.33 769.11 Apr-12 1264.41 770.39 563.45 543.45 462.73 491 May-12 863.42 1083.54 1296.9 1082.71 1101.41 1067.88 Jun-12 1300.74 1028.6 902.76 548.42 699.34 618.01 Jul-12 870.51 1132.96 1288.79 1465.28 1170.36 826.5 Aug-12 1196.06 1358.21 883.58 660.42 634.99 792.97 Sep-12 770.29 752.39 1078.96 1303.57 924.77 498.26 Oct-12 1269.19 1437.97 674.62 703.39 537.47 973.24 Nov-12 597.36 474.58 1170.05 1150.46 1257.83 407.84 Dec-12 1216.41 1070.75 723.4 830.85 710.19 968.8 Jan-13 207.82 656.76 1104.25 885.81 941.62 538.39 Feb-13 602.06 426.46 410.24 603.54 584.52 768.65 Mar-13 195.59 396.27 570.02 327.92 337.36 381.04 Apr-13 145.05 48.35 29.54 414.93 667.94 417.58 May-13 250.55 319.78 326.37 260.43 477.33 688.24 Jun-13 489.59 237.29 162.05 282.41 237.05 628.9 Jul-13 384.67 664.44 769.35 366.19 313.18 503.55 Aug-13 524.56 336.71 262.81 Sep-13 559.53 302.19 Oct-13 277.76 Nov-13 629.47 Table 5.7: Monthly Units of Barbenders for different trails Month Initial Trail 1 Trail 2 Trail 3 Trail 4 Trail 5 Increase duration 507 515 518 538 566 620 Barbender units 1328.2 1328.2 1328.2 1328.2 1328.2 1328.2 Dec-11 27.09 27.09 27.09 27.09 27.09 27.09 Jan-12 167.85 107.25 107.25 107.25 107.25 86.35 Feb-12 101.46 136.35 136.35 136.35 136.35 157.25 Mar-12 185.79 173.63 135.75 135.75 135.75 85.25 Apr-12 56.25 64.13 90.75 75.75 75.75 126.25 May-12 155.25 185.25 185.68 103.29 135.75 60 Jun-12 69.47 43.33 44.15 111.55 89.08 151.5 Jul-12 142.03 168.17 178.17 122.95 141.35 50 Aug-12 68.42 45 36 94.22 74.81 161.5 Sep-12 143.08 166.5 150.25 101.5 117.75 18 Oct-12 54.55 32.73 49.8 101 83.93 134.58 Nov-12 156.95 133.32 118.78 75.15 89.69 69.83 Dec-12 45.45 68.18 136.35 113.63 94.54 Jan-13 106.05 Discussions: The figure’s of Unskilled, Barbenders, Masons and Painters show the duration Vs peak units and total resources. This figure’s are drawn based on the actual quantities shown in table 3.2. From the figures it is observed that there was increased in total resources for the increased total duration’s of the project. In the case of Barbenders the resources have been increased very high after some duration. In all other cases the resources have been increased evenly through all the duration. All these results are obtained in the PRIMAVERA Software. In case of painters, a linear curve was obtained, because of only one activity. Where as in case of Unskilled, Carpenters, Barbenders and Masons zig - zag curves were obtained. This is because of more activities having been considered. The Cost for the increased durations is shown in table 5.8 and is obtained as shown below. Total Indirect cost = Rs. 4117603.5 Average Indirect cost per month = Rs. 205880.17 Indirect per day = Rs. 6862.67 Table 5.8: Cost for the increased durations Duration in days 507 515 518 538 566 620 Increased cost in Rs. 45293639 45348540 45424029 45636772 46041670 46817152 Fig 5.9: Cost for the increased durations CHAPTER 6 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 6.0 Introduction This chapter presents the discussions made on results obtained from the project attributes and resource constrained analysis. From the plan, quantities and man power required for various activities for the construction of office building. In project attributes, using collected from drawings and codes schedules were prepared using PRIMAVERA Software. After scheduling the total duration of the project was estimated. An attempt has been made to generate resource histograms based on the manpower required for different activities from Table 3.2. From the project schedule (fig.3.1.) it can be observed that, almost all the activities are critical (Total float zero or minimum). Hence, any resource leveling needs to be achieved by enhancing the duration of the project under constrained resources. In view of this constraint, presuming that management allows the increase in the project duration, implications on project costs have been analyzed by enhancing the project duration. 6.1 Discussions on resources used in the project All the collected data incorporated in PRIMAVERA Software, by maintaining various relationships, after scheduling was done as the total project duration is 507 working days. The calendar is taken as 6 day work week so the total duration became 592 days. Project was started at 02-12-2011 and will end at 15-07-2013. The man power required for various resources such as masons, unskilled, Barbenders and painters was estimated 4920, 14596, 1328, 874 no’s respectively. From Fig 4.8, it is observed that, in the month of December 2012 masons required are more due to the activities of RMC for 5th floor beams and slab and shuttering for 5th floor beams and slabs. From fig 4.9 in the month of July 2012 unskilled labours required are more due to more number of parallel activities including the 3rd floor as Shuttering work for Column, RMC for Column, Barbending work for Beams & Slabs and Shuttering work for Beams & Slab. Similarly from fig 4.10: in the month of march 2012 Barbenders required are high due to Barbending work for Column up to 1st Floor Slab and Barbending work for 1st Floor Beams & Slab. 6.1.1 Discussions on costs The total cost for project was estimated as Rs. 4,125,439.75. From the Table 4.11 in the month of June 2012 project cost is high due to the progress of simultaneous activities of third floor shuttering, Barbending, RMC of column and shuttering work of beams and slab. 6.1.2 Discussions on percentage based on project duration: The total project duration was estimated 507 days. Total individual activity durations were estimated 1516 days. The percentage of all individual activity durations to the total individual activity duration was calculated. This percentage weightage is taken as a resource. By using this percentage weightage monthly wise project durations were estimated using PRIMAVERA Software. In the month of October 2012 the percentage of weightage of total duration is more due to total activity durations are more (Fig 4.11). 6.2 Discussions on constraint analysis: An attempt has been made to generate resource histograms based on the manpower required for different activities. Generally the resource graphs had been made percentage of decreased constraints to increased project duration and percentage increased resource duration to the increased project duration. In constraint analysis, the resources were taken into account are masons, unskilled labors, Barbenders and carpenters. From the tables 5.1 to 5.4, it is observed that as the duration increases as the resource constraints decrease for corresponding activities namely, masons, barbenders, unskilled and painters. And also the corresponding graphs are shown in figures from 5.5(a) to 5.8(a). From tables 5.1 to 5.4, the total duration of the project increases 507 days to 620 days as the resource constraints decreases for resources namely, masons, barbenders, unskilled and painters. From the table 5.1, it can be observed that the increase in duration is about 19.69% corresponding resource constraints for masons. From the fig. 5.5(b), decreasing constraints to increased mason duration is linear variation up to 30%. The drastic variation in decreasing constraints to the increased project duration from 30% to 40%. From the table 5.2, it can be observed that the increase in duration is about 12.07% for corresponding resource constraints for barbenders. From the fig. 5.6(b), it can be observed as duration increases there was less decrease in total barbenders and finally it reached to very steep. From the table 5.3, it can be observed that the increase in duration is about 18.28% for corresponding resource constraints for unskilled labour. From the fig. 5.7(b), it can be observed that as duration increases there was gradual decrease in masons and at some point it reaches to vary low and it increases as duration increases. In the case of painters from table 5.4, there is no percentage increase in duration. CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS Based on the analysis and results of previous chapters, the following conclusions are emerged. Allocation of resources for activities is essential to complete the project within the scheduled time. Resource leveling is needed in construction projects to avoid the difficulties associated with the large variations in resource usage. The presented schedule was very time constrained due to the client’s objectives. The schedule contains all the activities are critical (total float zero). This schedule time can be extended by resource leveling, if the client willing to extent. The presented schedule increases the day by day cost due to sudden requirement of labour and hence, this results in impact on the overall project cost and is shown in. that the cost is very steep. If the resource constraints are decreased about 10% to 50%, it causes the total duration of the project to increase about 2% to 18.23%. For the decrease in resource constraints, it is observed that increase in duration for resources namely, masons, barbenders, and unskilled as 19.7%, 12.07%, 18.28% respectively. But there no change in increase in duration of painters due to it has only one activity in the total project. The increased duration results in increase in the indirect cost of the project and finally enhances the total project cost. The percentage increase in duration is about 18.23% causing percentage increase in project cost about 1.684% CHAPTER 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY K.K. Chitkara, Construction Project Management, Tata Mc Graw-Hill, Institute of Constriction Project Management, Gurgaon. Haryana, Sixth reprint, 2003. James j. Adriam, P.E, Quantitative methods in Construction Management, Bradly University, Americal Elsevier Publishing Company, Inc, 1973. B. Sengupta and H. Guha, Construction Management and Planning, Tata Mc Graw – Hill, Seventh reprint, 2003. Harold Kerzner, Project Management, CBS Publishers & Distributers, Second Edition, 2004. B.C. Punmia and K.K. Khandelwal, Project Planning and Control, Laxmi Publications, Third Edition, 1987. Harpal Singh, Construction Management and Accounts, Tata Mc – Graw – Hill, Seventh reprint, 1990. K.C. Jain and L.N. Aggarwal, Production Planning Control and Industrial Management, Khanna Publishers, Fourth Edition, 1985. User’s Guide for Microsoft Project 2000. S. Seetharaman, Construction Engineering and Management, Umesh Publications, First Edition, 1997. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, 2000. Richard. H. Clough and Glenn. A. Sears, Construction Project Management, A Wiley Interscience Publication, second edition, 1979. Daniel W. Halpin and Ronald W. Wood head, Construction Management, John Wiely and sons, Inc, 1980. Dr. Mahesh Varma, Construction Planning and Management Through System Techniques, Metropolitan Book Co. Pvt. Ltd, second edition, 1980. Ritz and George, Total Construction Project Management, Me Graw-Hill Companies, first edition, 1994. Jonathan Jingsheng Shi, and Daniel W. Halpin, Enterprise Resource Planning for Construction Business management, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management © ASCE, Vol. 129, No. 2, April 1, 2003. D.K.H. Chua, M. ASCE, and M. Li, Resource – Interacted Simulation Modeling in Journal of Construction Engineering and Management © ASCE, Vol. 128, No. 3, June 1, 2002. Ming Lu and Heng Li, Resource – Activity Critical Path Method for Construction Planning, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management © ASCE, Vol. 129, No. 4, August 1, 2003. Sou – Sen Leu and Tzung – Heng Hung, An Optimal Construction Leveling and Scheduling Simulation Model, Can. J. Civ. Eng. Vol. 29, 2002. Resource Considerations, Mc Graw-Hill companies, Inc, 2001, www.personal.psu.edufaculty wdozba 241 class 6.ppt. Project Management, Resource loading and leveling, M Keil, cis8150, PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT v Head of the Department Civil Engineering JNTUCollege of Engineering Hyderabad B. Siva konda Reddy Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering JNTU College of Engineering Hyderabad Resources Work Resources Plant and Machinery Material Resources Un Skilled Skilled Semi Skilled All resources can be classified as either simple resources or complex resources. Each resource has its own attributes, such as quantity and capacity. For instance, in an earth moving operation, earth could have quantity and density as its attributes, while truck not only has number and capacity as its attributes, but also has loading, moving to dump, dumping, and moving load as its methods. In this example, earth is a simple resource, and truck is a complex resource. PROCESS PROCESS PROJECT MANAGEMENT SCOPE MANAGEMENT Initiation Scope Planning Scope Definition Scope verification Scope Change Control 2. TIME MANAGEMENT Activity definition Activity Sequencing Activity Duration Estimating Schedule Development Schedule Control 3. Cost management Resource planning Cost estimation Cost budgeting Cost control 4. Quality management Quality planning Quality assurance Quality control 5. Human resources management Organizational planning Staff acquisition Team development 6. Procurement management a) Procurement planning b) Sollicitation c) Source selection d) Contract administration e) Contract closeout Network diagram Planning Modification if necessary Works volume per period Resource requirements per period Equipment requirements Labour requirements Material requirements Financial requirements Physical constraints Financial constraints Resource allocation decision Resource indent Start 0 Days Activity; A 8 D, 2P Activity; B 4 D; 1 P Activity; C 6 D, 1 P Activity; D 4 D, 1 P Activity; E 2 D, 1 P Finish 0 Days Resources Required Resources Required Resources Required Resources Required BUILD WALL Total Variance Break-even Point Variable Cost Revenue Rs Fixed Cost Output Rs Crash Activity direct cost Normal Where Cc = Crash Cost Cn = Normal cost Tn = Normal Time Tc = Crash Time Successor Finish to start Predecessor Successor Start to start Predecessor Successor Finish to Finish Predecessor Successor Start to Finish Predecessor Fig 4.2 Schedule of Commercial Building shown as Work Breakdown Structure(From Primavera) Total carpenters for all activities X 8 hrs/day Fig 5.1 Histogram of masons ( from Primavera) Fig 5.2 Histogram of Barbenders (From Primavera) Fig 5.3 Histogram of unskilled labors ( from Primavera) Fig 5.4 Histogram of Painters (from Primavera)