When he was 17 years old, Christopher Sim- of these issues before. In 1988, it held that it
mons persuaded a younger friend to help was unconstitutional to execute convicts unhim rob a woman, tie her up with electrical der 16, but it ruled in 1989 that states were
cable and duct tape, and throw her over a within their rights to put 16- and 17-year-old
bridge. He was convicted of murder and sen- criminals to death. Thirteen years later, it detenced to death by a Missouri court in 1994. cided that mentally retarded people shouldn’t
In a whipsaw of legal proceedings, the Mis- be executed because they have a reduced casouri Supreme Court
pacity for “reasoning,
set the sentence
judgment, and control
aside last year. Now
of their impulses,”
27, Simmons could
even though they genagain face execution:
erally know right
The state of Missouri
from wrong (see sidehas appealed to have
bar on p. 599). That is
the death penalty rethe standard Siminstated. The U.S.
mons’s lawyers now
Supreme Court will
want the court to exhear the case in Octend to everyone untober, and its decider 18.
sion could well rest
Cruel and unusual?
on neurobiology.
Simmons’s lawyers
At issue is
argue that adolescents
whether 16- and 17are not as morally
year-olds who comculpable as adults and
mit capital offenses
therefore should not
can be executed or
be subject to the
whether this would
death penalty. They
be cruel and unusual
claim that this view
punishment, banned
reflects worldwide
by the Constitution’s
“changing standards
eighth amendment.
In a joint brief filed Test case. Christopher Simmons received the of decency,” a trend
on 19 July, eight death penalty for a crime he committed at 17. that has been recognized in many U.S.
medical and mental
health organizations including the American courts. Today, 31 states and the federal govMedical Association cite a sheaf of develop- ernment have banned the juvenile death
mental biology and behavioral literature to penalty. The latest to do so, Wyoming and
support their argument that adolescent South Dakota, considered brain developbrains have not reached their full adult po- ment research in their decisions.
Putting a 17-year-old to death for capitential. “Capacities relevant to criminal
responsibility are still developing when tal crimes is cruel and unusual punishyou’re 16 or 17 years old,” says psychologist ment, according to this reasoning. “What
Laurence Steinberg of the American Psy- was cruel and unusual when the Constituchological Association, which joined the tion was written is different from today. We
brief supporting Simmons. Adds physician don’t put people in stockades now,” says
David Fassler, spokesperson for the Ameri- Stephen Harper, a lawyer with the Juvenile
can Psychiatric Association (APA) and the Justice Center of the American Bar AssociAmerican Academy of Child and Adoles- ation (ABA), which also signed an amicus
cent Psychiatry, the argument “does not ex- curiae brief. “These standards mark the
cuse violent criminal behavior, but it’s an progress of a civilized society.”
The defense is focusing on the “culpaimportant factor for courts to consider”
when wielding a punishment “as extreme bility of juveniles and whether their brains
are as capable of impulse control,
and irreversible as death.”
The Supreme Court has addressed some decision-making, and reasoning as adult
30 JULY 2004
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This fall, the U.S. Supreme Court will consider whether capital crimes by teenagers under
18 should get the death sentence; the case for leniency is based in part on brain studies
Shades of gray
Structurally, the brain is still growing and maturing during adolescence, beginning its final
push around 16 or 17, many brain-imaging
researchers agree. Some say that growth maxes out at age 20. Others, such as Jay Giedd of
the National Institute of Mental Health
(NIMH) in Bethesda, Maryland, consider 25
the age at which brain maturation peaks.
Various types of brain scans and
anatomic dissections show that as teens
age, disordered-looking neuron cell bodies
known as gray matter recede, and neuron
projections covered in a protective fatty
sheath, called white matter, take over. In
1999, Giedd and colleagues showed that
just before puberty, children have a growth
spurt of gray matter. This is followed by
massive “pruning” in which about 1% of
gray matter is pared down each year during
the teen years, while the total volume of
white matter ramps up. This process is
thought to shape the brain’s neural connections for adulthood, based on experience.
In arguing for leniency, Simmons’s supporters cite some of the latest research that
points to the immaturity of youthful brains,
such as a May study of children and teens, led
by NIMH’s Nitin Gogtay. The team followed
13 individuals between the ages of 4 and 21,
performing magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) every 2 years to track changes in the
physical structure of brain tissue. As previous
research had suggested, the frontal lobes matured last. Starting from the back of the head,
“we see a wave of brain change moving forward into the front of the brain like a forest
fire,” says UCLA’s Thompson, a co-author.
The brain changes continued up to age 21,
the oldest person they examined. “It’s quite
possible that the brain maturation peaks after
age 21,” he adds.
The images showed a rapid conversion
Crime, Culpability, and the
Adolescent Brain
brains are,” says law professor Steven
Drizin of Northwestern University in
Chicago. And some brain researchers answer with a resounding “no.” The brain’s
frontal lobe, which exercises restraint over
impulsive behavior, “doesn’t begin to mature until 17 years of age,” says neuroscientist Ruben Gur of the University of
Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. “The very
part of the brain that is judged by the legal
system process comes on board late.”
But other researchers hesitate to apply
scientists’ opinions to settle moral and legal
questions. Although brain research should
probably take a part in policy debate, it’s
damaging to use science to support essentially moral stances, says neuroscientist Paul
Thompson of the University of California,
Los Angeles (UCLA).
from gray to white matter. Thompson says
that researchers debate whether teens are
actually losing tissue when the gray matter
disappears, trimming connections, or just
coating gray matter with insulation. Imaging doesn’t provide high enough resolution
to distinguish among the possibilities, he
notes: “Right now we can image chunks of
millions of neurons, but we can’t look at
individual cells.” A type of spectroscopy
that picks out N-acetylaspartate, a chemical found only in neurons, shows promise
in helping to settle the issue.
In addition to growing volume, brain
studies document an increase in the organization of white matter during adolescence.
The joint brief cites a 1999 study by Tomás
Paus of McGill University in Montreal and
colleagues that used structural MRI to show
that neuronal tracts connecting different regions of the brain thickened as they were
coated with a protective sheath of myelin
during adolescence (Science, 19 March
1999, p. 1908).
In 2002, another study revealed that
these tracts gained in directionality as well.
Relying on diffusion tensor MRI, which follows the direction that water travels, Vincent Schmithorst of the Children’s Hospital
Medical Center in Cincinnati, Ohio, and
colleagues watched the brain organize itself
in 33 children and teens from age 5 to 18.
During adolescence, the tracts funneled up
from the spinal tract, through the brainstem,
and into motor regions. Another linked the
two major language areas. “The brain is
getting more organized and dense with
age,” Schmithorst says.
Normal Brain Development
Don’t look at the light
Adults behave differently not just because
they have different brain structures, according to Gur and others, but because
they use the structures in a different way. A
fully developed frontal lobe curbs impulses coming from other parts of the brain,
Gur explains: “If you’ve been insulted,
your emotional brain says, ‘Kill,’ but your
frontal lobe says you’re in the middle of a
cocktail party, ‘so let’s respond with a cutting remark.’ ”
As it matures, the adolescent brain slowly
reorganizes how it integrates information
coming from the nether regions. Using functional MRI—which lights up sites in the
brain that are active—combined with simple
tests, neuroscientist Beatriz Luna of the University of Pittsburgh has found that the brain
switches from relying heavily on local regions in childhood to more distributive and
collaborative interactions among distant regions in adulthood.
One of the methods Luna uses to probe
brain activity is the “antisaccade” test: a
simplified model of real-life responses de-
Maturing brain. An NIMH study of 13 individuals over a decade reveals a process—
still under way in the late teens—in which
gray matter is replaced throughout the cortex, starting at the rear.
signed to determine how well the prefrontal
cortex governs the more primitive parts of
the brain. Subjects focus on a cross on a
screen and are told that the cross will disappear and a light will show up. They are
told not to look at the light, which is difficult because “the whole brainstem is wired
to look at lights,” says Luna.
Adolescents can prevent themselves
from peeking at the light, but in doing so
they rely on brain regions different from
those adults use. In 2001, Luna and colleagues showed that adolescents’ prefrontal
cortices were considerably more active than
adults’ in this test. Adults also used areas in
VOL 305
the cerebellum important for timing and
learning and brain regions that prepare for
the task at hand.
These results support other evidence
showing that teens’ impulse control is not
on a par with adults’. In work in press in
Child Development, Luna found that volunteers aged 14 years and older perform
just as well on the task as adults, but they
rely mainly on the frontal lobe’s prefrontal
cortex, whereas adults exhibit a more complex response. “The adolescent is using
slightly different brain mechanisms to
achieve the goal,” says Luna. Although the
work is not cited in the brief, Luna says it
30 JULY 2004
Adolescence: Akin to
Mental Retardation?
The human brain took center stage
in 2002 when the U.S. Supreme
Court ruled against the death
penalty for mentally retarded persons. In that case ( Atkins v.
Virginia ), six of the nine justices
agreed that executing a convict
with limited intellectual capacity,
Daryl Atkins, would amount to cruel and unusual punishment. Instructing the state of Virginia to
forgo the death penalty in such
cases, Justice John Paul Stevens
wrote: “Because of their disabilities Last stop. In 2002, the Supreme Court rejected the
in areas of reasoning, judgment, death penalty (6–3) for mentally retarded persons.
and control of their impulses,
[mentally retarded persons] do not act with the level of moral culpability that characterizes the most serious adult criminal conduct.”
When the case of Christopher Simmons, who committed murder at age 17, comes before the same justices in October, says law professor Steven Drizin of Northwestern University in Chicago, defense attorneys hope to equate juvenile culpability to that of mentally retarded persons. “Juveniles function very much like the mentally retarded. The
biggest similarity is their cognitive deficit. [Teens] may be highly functioning, but that
doesn’t make them capable of making good decisions,” he says. Brain and behavior research supports that contention, argues Drizin, who represents the Children and Family
Justice Center at Northwestern on the amicus curiae brief for Simmons. The “standard of
decency” today is that teens do not deserve the same extreme punishment as adults.
The Atkins decision provides advocates with a “template” for what factors should be
laid out to determine “evolving standards of decency,” says Drizin. These factors include the movement of state legislatures to raise the age limit for the death penalty to
18, jury verdicts of juvenile offenders, the international consensus on the issue, and
public opinion polls. In 2002, the court also considered the opinions of professional organizations with pertinent knowledge, which is how the brain research comes into play.
Last, the justices considered evidence that the mentally retarded may be more likely to
falsely confess and be wrongly convicted—a problem that adolescents have as well.
clearly shows that “adolescents cannot be
viewed at the same level as adults.”
Processing fear
Other studies—based on the amygdala, a
brain region that processes emotions, and
research on risk awareness—indicate that
teenagers are more prone to erratic behavior than adults. Abigail Baird and Deborah
Yurgelun-Todd of Harvard Medical School
in Boston and others asked teens in a 1999
study to identify the emotion they perceive
in pictures of faces. As expected, functional
MRI showed that in both adolescents and
adults, the amygdala burst with activity
when presented with a face showing fear.
But the prefrontal cortex didn’t blaze in
teens as it did in adults, suggesting that
emotional responses have little inhibition.
In addition, the teens kept mistaking fearful
expressions for anger or other emotions.
Baird, now at Dartmouth College in
Hanover, New Hampshire, says that subse-
quent experiments showed that in teenagers
the prefrontal cortex buzzes when they view
expressions of people they know. Also, the
children identified the correct emotion more
than 95% of the time, an improvement of
20% over the previous work.
The key difference between the results,
says Baird, is that adolescents pay attention to
things that matter to them but have difficulty
interpreting images that are unfamiliar or
seem remote in time. Teens shown a disco-era
picture in previous studies would say, “Oh,
he’s freaked out because he’s stuck in the
’70s,” she says. Teens are painfully aware of
emotions, she notes.
But teens are really bad at the kind of
thinking that requires looking into the future
to see the results of actions, a characteristic
that feeds increased risk-taking. Baird suggests: Ask someone, “How would you like to
get roller skates and skate down some really
big steps?” Adults know what might happen
at the bottom and would be wary. But teens
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don’t see things the same way, because “they
have trouble generating hypotheses of what
might happen,” says Baird, partly because
they don’t have access to the many experiences that adults do. The ability to do so
emerges between 15 and 18 years of age, she
theorizes in an upcoming issue of the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London.
Luna points out that the tumultuous nature of adolescent brains is normal: “This
transition in adolescence is not a disease or
an impairment. It’s an extremely adaptive
way to make an adult.” She speculates that
risk-taking and lowered inhibitions provide
“experiences to prune their brains.”
With all the pruning, myelination, and reorganization, an adolescent’s brain is unstable, but performing well on tests can make
teens look more mature than they are. “Yes,
adolescents can look like adults. But put
stressors into a system that’s already fragile,
and it can easily revert to a less mature
state,” Luna says.
The amicus curiae brief endorsed by
the APA and others also describes the
fragility of adolescence—how teens are
sensitive to peer pressure and can be compromised by a less-than-pristine childhood
environment. Abuse can affect how normally brains develop. “Not surprisingly,
every [juvenile offender on death row] has
been abused or neglected as a kid,” says
ABA attorney Harper.
Biology and behavior
Although many researchers agree that the
brain, especially the frontal lobe, continues
to develop well into teenhood and beyond,
many scientists hesitate to weigh in on the
legal debate. Some, like Giedd, say the
data “just aren’t there” for them to confidently testify to the moral or legal culpability of adolescents in court. Neuroscientist Elizabeth Sowell of UCLA says that
too little data exist to connect behavior to
brain structure, and imaging is far from
being diagnostic. “We couldn’t do a scan
on a kid and decide if they should be tried
as an adult,” she says.
Harper says the reason for bringing in
“the scientific and medical world is not to
persuade the court but to inform the
court.” Fassler, who staunchly opposes the
juvenile death penalty, doesn’t want to predict how the case will turn out. “It will be
close. I’m hopeful that the court will carefully review the scientific data and will
agree with the conclusion that adolescents
function in fundamentally different ways
than adults.” And perhaps, advocates hope,
toppling the death penalty with a scientific
understanding of teenagers will spread to
better ways of rehabilitating such youths.
Mary Beckman is a writer in southeastern Idaho.
30 JULY 2004