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This document articulates the establishment of the West Indies Trade Company of California as a California corporation. The founder, Mr. Robert L Silva II, outlines the purpose, mission, and operational goals of the corporation, emphasizing its commitment to enhancing human rights and quality of life through financial services and trade. The corporation is set to operate within established regulations and practices, ensuring compliance with local, federal, and international laws.
First of all, I have to express my gratitude to the organisers of this conference, for arranging it and for honouring me with an invitation, that gave me the opportunity to visit Cuba and the beautiful city of La Habana. This presentation will not reflect a specific and focused research on a specific issue; neither will it aim at being a “road map” of sorts with a view to the regional legal integration of the Caribbean in commercial matters. It rather consists of a number of discrete ideas and themes for future research connected to the themes of regional legal integration through spontaneous law and ADR. The question mark in the title is both in the sense that we actually ask ourselves whether such a regional body of law – soft or hard – does indeed exist; and in the sense that we wonder whether we should welcome it. I will assume that the answer to the latter question is positive: it is generally accepted that similar or even uniform rules are beneficial for the international busi...
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Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023
PT. Daya Matahari Utama (DMU) was founded by PW Muhammadiyah East Java in 2007 where the company is very important for the progress of Muhammadiyah organizations in the economic field. The initial capital collection uses a capital joint venture between members through cash waqf. This research will be focused on discussing the development and process of corporatization with cash waqf at PT. Daya Matahari Utama started from its establishment in 2007 until 2021, as well as the contribution made by the company to the Muhammadiyah organization. The research used is descriptive qualitative research with a case study approach method. Interviews were conducted with Muhammadiyah leaders, company leaders and employees of PT. DMU with informants can be said to be 8 people. This company makes a lot of contributions to the Muhammadiyah organization in the form of actions and materials. Contributions are in the form of activities engaged in da'wah, economy, education and social affairs. Contribution in the form of material in the process of preaching Muhammadiyah which is the result of PT.DMU was handed over to the Muhammadiyah East Java Regional Leadership. Corporatization with cash waqf can be carried out because of good business planning, professional management, employee work culture, community development strategies, cash waqf contributions from members, and company contributions to the Muhammadiyah Association.
On my first journey to northern Dampierland Aboriginal communities in 1994, many members of those communities spoke to me about ‘making a claim’. I had travelled there to speak with Bardi and Jawi peoples about the native title claim a group of elders had legally instructed the Kimberley Land Council to begin preparing on their behalf.2 Within a short time I realised that when people spoke to me about ‘making a claim’, and when I spoke with them about the native title claim, we were referring to different matters. They were speaking about outstations and the process of incorporation under the Commonwealth Aboriginal Councils and Associations Act 1976 (ACAA); I was talking about a claim to native title under the Commonwealth Native Title Act 1993 (NTA). The conflation many people subsequently made, between ‘making a claim’ to form an outstation group and ‘making a claim’ for native title, had its basis in their experiences of the outstation movement.
Tourism in India is economically important and is growing rapidly. The idea of ecotourism is gaining importance as it is a growing segment of the global tourism industry which is making significant positive contributions. Ecotourism is a cultural and natural travel-learn experience with a little bit of adventure and benefitting the well-being of indigenous people. The various type of ecotourism includes hard-core type, dedicated type, mainstream type and casual type. The major actors of ecotourism system include visitors, natural areas and their managers, communities, operators, government and non-governmental organizations. The operational mechanism of ecotourism is unique as its aim is not only the achievement of maximum returns but also sustainable growth and environment conservation. The local communities need to involve themselves more efficiently as it can reap profitable returns to them in a long run.
Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 2015
The aim of this paper is to present a comparative analysis between the Exempt type of company that can be found in the commercial legislations of the Dutch overseas countries: Aruba, Curaç ao, and Sint Maarten and the one presented by the legislations of the British overseas territories: Bermuda, Cayman Islands, and Turks and Caicos Islands. The analysis of the Exempt company structure is performed at the level of incorporation conditions, capital requirements, management, taxation in relation to the company`s activities, and accounting and reporting requirements, all in the context of the fiscal systems of these overseas countries and territories. The purpose of this research is to determine if this corporate structure follows the same patterns when it is incorporated under a civil law based commercial code, which is specific to the three Dutch overseas countries as compared to a common law based commercial code, specific to the three British overseas territories under analysis. The results of this research have shown that even though the Exempt type of company can be found in all six countries and territories under analysis, it presents significant differences in approach when constructed under the Dutch legislation, compared to the British legislation.
Business Opportunities in the Pacific Alliance, 2017
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
The Oxford Handbook of Mountain Archaeology, 2024
Journal of Central and Eastern European African Studies
Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 2014
Jurnal Manajerial Dan Kewirausahaan, 2021
Frontiers in Public Health, 2013
Al-Adab Journal, 2018
Hegemonie und sozialer Wandel. Indignados-Bewegung, Populismus und demokratische Praxis in Spanien, 2011-2016, 2023
Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1998
Journal of medicinal chemistry, 2015
Theoretical Population Biology, 2005
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2013
Journal of teaching and learning, 2024