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2022, Artifacts of Orthodox Jewish Childhoods
11 pages
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An exploration of the world described in the lyrics of "Country Yossi and the Shteeble Hoppers" for a forthcoming volume on "Orthodox Childhoods". This is a draft version. The full version was published in "Artifacts of Orthodox Jewish Childhoods", edited by Dr. Dainy Bernstein (Ben Yehuda Press, 2022).
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G. Delogu, K. Stapelbroek, A. Trampus (ed.), Free Trade and Free Ports in the Mediterranean, 2024
Imfauziah figis ramadhani , 2024
Students find it difficult to see the relevance of learning mathematics to everyday life. Therefore, innovation in learning mathematics is needed. This article aims to provide an innovation in learning mathematics that is more relevant, interesting and effective. Data information retrieval uses the Library Research method. Based on the results of the review, mathematics learning innovation with the use of E-Book and Quizizz technology with the addition of the RME approach, discussion methods, and transparency of assessment can be a solution in the independent curriculum to prepare students to face the challenges of the 21st century
Sebuah Papper yang membahas tentang kritik sebuah Jurnal (Critical Review)
Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente
Escalamiento horizontal y profundo de la agroecología: lecciones de dos organizaciones defensoras de la soberanía de semillas en Colombia 1 Escala horizontal e profunda da agroecologia: lições de duas organizações que defendem a soberania da semente na Colômbia Horizontal and deep scaling of agroecology: lessons from two organizations that defend seed sovereignty in Colombia
We have analyzed Y-chromosomal variation in populations from Transoxiana, a historical region covering the southwestern part of Central Asia. We studied 780 samples from 10 regional populations of Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Dungans, and Karakalpaks using 35 SNP and 17 STR markers. Analysis of haplogroup frequencies using multidimensional scaling and principal component plots, supported by an analysis of molecular variance, showed that the geographic landscape of Transoxiana, despite its distinctiveness and diversity (deserts, fertile river basins, foothills and plains) had no strong influence on the genetic landscape. The main factor structuring the gene pool was the mode of subsistence: settled agriculture or nomadic pastoralism. Investigation of STR-based clusters of haplotypes and their ages revealed that cultural and demic expansions of Transoxiana were not closely connected with each other. The Arab cultural expansion introduced Islam to the region but did not leave a significant mark on the pool of paternal lineages. The Mongol expansion, in contrast, had enormous demic success, but did not impact cultural elements like language and religion. The genealogy of Muslim missionaries within the settled agricultural communities of Transoxiana was based on spiritual succession passed from teacher to disciple. However, among Transoxianan nomads, spiritual and biological succession became merged. Transoxiana is a historical region of Central Asia (Fig. 1). It covers the territories of five modern countries: Uzbekistan, western Tajikistan, western Kyrgyzstan, northwestern Turkmenistan and southern Kazakhstan. The peculiar features of its geographical landscape and abrupt shifts of cultural landscapes in the course of the history of the region allow us to use it as a model for investigating the connection between genetic, cultural and geographic landscapes. Geographic landscape of Transoxiana. This includes a desert located between the Amu Darya and Syr Darya river basins. The riversides are densely populated by Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz and Turkmens (Fig. 1). The Tian Shan mountains are located in the southeast of Transoxiana, while desert plains expand to the northwest and are bordered by the Aral Sea. As geographical landscapes and barriers tend to shape the gene pool 1–3 , it is important to assess their role in the geographically heterogeneous Transoxiana. Cultural landscape of Transoxiana. Two distinct modes of subsistence with contrasting traditional cultures-settled agriculture and nomadic pastoralism-have been practiced in the region for thousands of years. Located on the Silk Road, Transoxiana's history has been influenced by both the West and the East. The first known impact came from Western Asia. During the rule of the Achaemenid Empire (6th century BC) the region was at the Published: xx xx xxxx OPEN
Roman Military Equipment from the River Ljubljanica: Typology, Chronology and Technology; Catalogi et monographiae, 2019
The River Ljubljanica, running through central Slovenia, has yielded a wealth of archaeological finds, including 79 pieces of Roman military equipment. An in-depth research of these pieces (Istenič 2019), mostly from the Middle and Late Augustan periods (15 BC to AD 14), included the characterisation of non-ferrous metals (33 objects are in whole or partly of non-ferrous metals).
Yüzüncü Yılında Olay ve Olgularla 1924 Yılı, 2024
Osmanlı Devleti’nde farklı dinsel yorumlar nedeniyle uygulanmasında muğlaklık bulunan “hafta tatili” kavramı, Tanzimat Dönemi’nden itibaren daha net bir şekilde ortaya konulmuş ve dönemin padişahı Abdülmecit tarafından çıkarılan bir iradeyle, cuma günü hafta tatili olarak kabul edilmiştir. II. Meşrutiyet Dönemi’nde, özellikle İttihat ve Terakki Fırkasının uygulamış olduğu politikalarla “millî” bir nitelik kazanan cuma tatili, bu dönemde kimi zaman İslami çevrelerin kimi zaman da gayrimüslimlerin direnişiyle karşılaşmışsa da kamusal alan ile tüm ticaret ve sanayi çevrelerine benimsetilmeye çalışılmıştır. Cumhuriyet Dönemi’ne girildiğinde ise artık yenilenen Mecliste cuma tatiline karşı duracak bir Meclis yapısı bulunmamaktadır. Bir diğer muhalif kesim sayılabilecek gayrimüslimlerin önemli bir kısmı da mübadele vb. nedenlerle ülkeden gitmişlerdir. Üstelik Müslüman-Türk tüccar arasında cuma tatili konusunda güçlü bir istek vardır. Şartların bu derece uygunluğuna paralel olarak hafta tatili konusu yenilenen Meclise geldiğinde, artık fazla bir muhalefete uğramadan 2 Ocak 1924’te kabul edilecek ve 1935 yılına kadar ülkede hafta tatili cuma olarak uygulanacaktır.
Andechs? Que son mujeres místicas de la Edad Media, con un profundo amor a Dios, poseedoras de carismas diferentes, y que eran a la vez respetuosas y trasgresoras de lo que la sociedad y la Iglesia esperaba de ellas. Las mujeres místicas de la Edad Media no responden a lo que tradicionalmente se piensa de la vida femenina religiosa medieval. No vivían fuera de la realidad, sino que eran plenamente conscientes de las dificultades sociales, económicas, políticas y religiosas de su época. Vivieron epidemias de peste, hambrunas, crisis sociales y eclesiales. Y no se restaron de ellas, sino que las asumieron y enfrentaron como mujeres amantes de Dios. A ello les ayudaba su espíritu inquieto y su gran sed de conocimiento.
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Celestinesca 42, 2018
Biotropica, 2019
Cereal Chemistry
Археологические вести, 2021
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2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW), 2020
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Revista Brasileira de Climatologia, 2019