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Anais do XI Seminário de Pesquisa em Ciencias Humanas, 2016
O presente trabalho tem como temática a presença e a influência de valores e princípios religiosos nos assistentes sociais da cidade de Londrina e região, especificamente em sua intervenção profissional, e surge devido à percepção da significativa influência que a religião ainda exerce nos indivíduos, e que algumas vezes determina tanto o comportamento quanto as ações dos mesmos. O objetivo é investigar como esses profissionais relacionam a religião, a religiosidade, com a prática profissional no ambiente de trabalho. Para tanto, é necessário buscar o contexto histórico da profissão no país e chegar a seu estado atual. Focando nas particularidades desses profissionais, é importante apresentar aspectos da subjetividade, uma vez que, o assistente social está inserido em um complexo problemático e controverso, que requer habilidades, dentre elas, a habilidade política-a ação para com o Estado-e a habilidade afetiva para trabalhar com as desigualdades e vulnerabilidades diárias do público que atende. A principal técnica de coleta de dados é o questionário aplicado para 130 assistentes sociais. Sua análise permite visualizar como a maioria dos assistentes sociais desenvolve o vínculo com a religião e/ou com os princípios religiosos no exercício da profissão, através de orações, por exemplo. INTRODUÇÃO O artigo pretende discutir a presença e a influência de valores e princípios religiosos na prática profissional do assistente social 1. O interesse por esta temática justifica-se por constatar a influência que a religião ainda hoje exerce nos campos social, político e econômico, determinando por vezes, tanto a concpeção de mundo como o comportamento de homens e mulheres, fato que pudemos analisar em pesquisa realizada junto aos jovens que participam de manifestações religiosas 2. Uma pesquisa com os profissionais do Serviço Social vem sendo realizada desde 2014 3 e o presente artigo traz alguns resultados fruto das seguintes indagações 4 : diante do agravamento dos problemas sociais e da falta de recursos, o profissional do Serviço Social estaria se utilizando de valores como solidariedade e fraternidade para 1 Para facilitar a leitura, faremos uso somente do artigo masculino quando nos referirmos ao profissional do serviço social.
Menadi e baccanti. Donne e riti dionisiaci in Grecia e a Roma, 2024
La menade è una figura complessa, sfuggente e mutevole: né mortale né divina, né umana né animale, né morale né immorale. La sua natura per così dire semanticamente stratificata fa sì che la menade sia non solo oggetto di studio nelle varie discipline – dalla storia delle religioni alla sociologia, dalla psicologia all’arte – ma anche fonte inesauribile di ispirazione per poeti, artisti, registi e scrittori. La menade è come argilla: si lascia plasmare, adeguandosi a sempre nuove narratività. Non è un caso se la menade è stata di volta in volta ardente devota di Dioniso e instancabile cacciatrice, vittima e carnefice, sacerdotessa e prostituta, casta e ninfomane, madre e mostro. Tali caratteristiche hanno permesso alla menade di muoversi tra le pieghe del rito e del mito, della Storia e delle storie e di continuare a vivere nel corso dei secoli. Ma al contempo, tale malleabilità rende arduo ricostruire il complesso mosaico della menade, in cui ogni tessera – dai contorni indefiniti e dai colori sfumati – si fonde e confonde con l’altra.
According to Pope John XXIII, "the Council was not essentially an appointment between the bishops and the pope, a horizontal meeting; it was first and foremost an appointment of the entire episcopal college with the Holy Spirit, a vertical encounter, the acceptance of an immense outpouring of the Holy Spirit for our time, a sort of new Pentecost" 1 Probably a "Charismatic Renewal" among Catholics would never have arisen if the Pope and the Bishops gathered at the Second Vatican Council had not implored and confidently awaited a new Pentecost from the Holy Spirit and had not taken important decisions. 2 Considering the hitherto negative attitude towards what other churches might have to offer, this positive appreciation of the spiritual values existing among Christians of other denominations was certainly an extremely important factor in the acceptance of the idea that serious "Pentecostalism" could contribute to the spiritual renewal of the Catholic faithful. The second decision of the Second Vatican Council that paved the way for the acceptance of a Catholic Pentecostalism was the recognition of the relevance of charismatic gifts in the Church. This recognition was strongly opposed by some participants in the Council, but Cardinal Léon Joseph Suenens, Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels and Primate of the Catholic Church of Belgium, managed to have the declaration on the charisms of the Holy Spirit maintained and approved by the overwhelming majority. Cardinal Suenens comments: "The reference to charisms in the provisional text of Lumen Gentium sparked the reaction of Cardinal Ruffini, alone the author of a hundred interventions, who asked for their suppression, arguing that charisms were perhaps a prerogative of the early Church but that considering them as still relevant could generate misunderstandings. On the contrary, my opinion was that it was necessary to talk about it and that the charisms of the Holy Spirit were an integral part of Christian life and evangelization. The Council chose this perspective and the reflections on charisms were integrated into a wise and moderate but decidedly positive tone. Subsequently, this text served to rehabilitate the Charismatic Renewal: unintentionally, my intervention at the time was already looking to the future." 3 A fundamental passage of the text of the Second Vatican Council was the following: "And these charisms, from the most extraordinary to the simplest and most widespread, since they are above all adapted to the needs of the Church and intended to respond to them, are to be received with gratitude and consolation." 4 A few days after the talk on charisms, Cardinal Suenens met with an Orthodox bishop representing the Orthodox Patriarchate of Moscow at the Council, who said that this statement on charisms "was an important meeting point for rebuilding unity among the churches." In fact, the cardinal believed that the full appreciation of the role of the Holy Spirit in the Church was also indispensable for any ecumenical dialogue. In the history of the Church, every Council is called "Ecumenical" because it represents the universality and catholicity of 3 Chap. V, II op. Cit. 4 Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Dogmatic Constitution, Lumen Gentium 12. the Church, but this time the term "Ecumenical" took on a meaning of total Christian universality at the behest of John XXIII because it saw the participation as observers of the representatives of the main Churches and Christian Communities. Of particular importance was the presence of Pastor David Du Plessis (nicknamed Mr. Pentecost), Pentecostal Minister, who helped the birth and development of the Charismatic Renewal in the Catholic Church. The Pope and the Bishops who in 1964 had wanted and approved the declaration on charisms could hardly have imagined that only after three years, many of their faithful Catholics would manifest gifts such as glossolalia and prophecy starting from that famous retreat of the first Catholic charismatics at Duquesne University in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania in 1967. In fact, without these two important decisions of the Council, it is doubtful that Roman Catholics would have been so open to a spiritual renewal whose origins, growth and spread are to be found in the Pentecostal experience of the Evangelical and Protestant churches. It is not surprising that in addition to the ecumenical and charismatic movements, the propositions of the Council also included other spiritual contributions inspired by the Holy Spirit in the Christian world outside the visible boundaries of the Catholic Church, especially since the Protestant Reformation, as well as that of the biblical movement. The Holy Spirit, through the ecumenical movement and the charismatic movement, had made the whole Church understand that the two movements were in reality two branches of a single river, flowing from the same source, bathing the same banks and flowing into the same sea. Ecumenism and Catholic Charismatic Renewal are two aspects of the same indivisible and sovereign action of the Holy Spirit. In fact, what differentiates them are the different aspects and areas in which the Spirit moves them. Certainly, the acceptance of these gifts, as well as the very spread of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, is largely due to the intervention of Cardinal Suenens, who was notoriously engaged in ecumenical dialogue even before the Second Vatican Council.
Edición: octubre de 2018. © Asociación Cultural «La Carrahila» © De los textos y sus imágenes: los autores.
El manual de materiales para la Exploración de habilidades básicas en lectura, en educación preescolar. Herramientas para la escuela, publicado por la Dirección General de Desarrollo de la Gestión Educativa, contiene los formatos, materiales e indicaciones que se requieren para llevar a cabo cada una de las actividades que se proponen para la exploración de habilidades básicas con los alumnos de tercer grado de educación preescolar. Los materiales para la actividad de lectura son: 1. Tabla de registro del alumno (emplear una para cada niño e integrarla a su expediente personal). 2. Tabla de resultados de grupo. 3. Cuento de la Colección Libros Del Rincón "Iba Caminando", en caso de no contar con este libro en la biblioteca de aula o de la escuela, se incluye el archivo en formato PDF para su impresión en papel tamaño oficio, se recomienda emplear hojas de alto gramaje o papel tipo fotográfico para evitar que las imágenes se transparenten de una página a otra. La impresión inicia en las páginas intermedias 15-16, para continuar hasta la portada y contraportada (15-16, 17-14, 13-18, 19-12…….1-30, portadilla y página legal, portada y contraportada). La estructura del documento está diseñada para su impresión en formato doble cara.
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Cadernos De Informacao Juridica, 2014
Annales Des Télécommunications, 1977
Avicenna Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2018
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European Archives of Oto-rhino-laryngology, 2011
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