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2021, Geofive : Advanced Intelligence Technology
3 pages
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Asian Research Journal of Current Science, 4(1): 197-204, 2022, Article no.ARJOCS.924, 2022
ABSTRACT This study illistrate Economic Crisis Management for Bashaer Gas Station using Geoinformatics Technology, the motivations there aren’t study reality analysis gas station in sudan also lack information for gas station in sudan. The objectives are Build Fuel Gas Station Geodatabase (FGSG), pattern analyze to Reality Analysis using Average Nearest Neighbor, Measuring Geographical Distribution, Design and implementation Reality Analysis application. The importance is support decision makers for reality analysis of gas station. The methodology is applied and descriptive. There are many results as Build Fuel Gas Station Geodatabase (FGSG), the pattern does not appear to be significantly different than random, The center feature is Al-Handasia Gas Station in Industry region administrator, Mean Center (x= 32.527744,y= 15.589923) in Amarat administrator, Median Center(x= 32.535738, y= 15.593838) in Amarat administrator, in addition measuring Directional Distribution and Standard Distance and Design and Implementation System for data center for Gas Station. There are many recommendations are reality analysis for gas station in sudan, build distributed enterprise geaodatabse for gas station in sudan, GIS Applications in Optimum Site Selection for Gas Stations in Sudan.The future research areusing geoinformatic technology in atomatic managing and controling for Econonic Stations in Sudan, also meauring the polution. KEYWORD: Geoinformatics Technology Economic Crisis Management (GTECM), Spatial Analysis, Analyze pattern, Measuring Distribution.
Asian Basic and Applied Research Journal 5(4): 12-15, 2022;Article no.ABAARJ.923, 2022
Abstract This paper analyzes the shortcomings of previous approaches in renewable energy using GIS Modeling, Multi Criteria Model, and Sustainable Model. Geospatial has become decision Support Maker, and how to enable sustainable energy efforts. Multi-criteria modeling in Geospatial has proven useful for locating optimal areas. We are currently essential trends: GIS Modeling, Multi Criteria Model, and Sustainable Model. And future research Geospatial renewable energy research: Decentralization Data Storage, Sensor data via internet of things(IoT), Big Data, BlockChain, 3D Building Models, CyberSecurity, Geospatial 3D Analysis, and Geovisualization. Keywords: GIS; Sustainable and Smart city; Geospatial Analysis.
Academic Journal of Research and Scientific Publishing| AJRSP(2706-6495), 2022
Distributing Geodatabase allows organizations to disperse their data as necessary from central servers to regional or local offices, which may be in a connected or disconnected environment. The aim of this study is distributed geospatial database development For Economic Crisis Management and Natural Disasters (ECM-GDB) using Geoinformatics technology. The motivation is deep need to organize the Economic Crisis Management and Natural Disasters in Sudan. The objectives are: Define the crisis & emergency concepts, Design and implementation Economic Crisis Management and Natural Disasters Geodatabase (ECM-GDB) Geodatabase in Sudan, and apply GIS call center Managing Economic Crises and Natural Disasters the GIS call center. The importances are to support decision maker in Government, Society and Customer. The methodology depends on GIS phases. There are many recommendations of this study: build ECM System. Also There are many future researches: build many mobile applications specific ECM.
Although spatial distance is a very important concept for a wide variety of disciplines including social, natural, and information sciences, the methods used to measure spatial distance are not directly expressed and fully explained. In this study, we calculate and compare Euclidean distances and network distances for 10 randomly selected European cities. On the contrary to the findings reported in past research, we find that there is not a global straight forward relation between the Euclidian distance and network distance.
Environment-Behaviour Proceedings Journal, 2016
Although spatial distance is a very important concept for a wide variety of disciplines including social, natural, and information sciences, the methods used to measure spatial distance are not directly expressed and fully explained. In this study, we calculate and compare Euclidean distances and network distances for 10 randomly selected European cities. On the contrary to the findings reported in past research, we find that there is not a global straight forward relation between the Euclidian distance and network distance.
This report is about an analysis done on Quetta for locating the healthcare facilities and finding the areas that are deficient of this facility. Quetta has a very rich history and it is Pakistan’s highest and 5th most populated city. Quetta is has its importance as it is the trade center between Pakistan and Afghanistan. It was also known as the little Paris. Now these days, Quetta is facing a lot of problems regarding Healthcare facilities and also clean water availability. Our analysis is based upon locating health care facilities in our desired region and recommending locations for new hospitals using buffer in proximity analysis. Our methodology was first we did a land use analysis of our area that means digitizing our area and making layers according to roads, land use and landmarks mainly hospitals. After that we made a slope map and a contour line map that clearly justifies our terrain to be flat as all of the area has very less slope or elevation. After that we made categories in land use and calculated the area of settlement and the area that is receiving the facility of hospital with a reachable distance and area of those settlements that are deprived of hospitals in case of emergency. Then we have selected a buffer of 2km2 and created a buffer around each existing hospital that showed us the areas which were not under the buffer zone of any hospital. After that we analyzed those areas and calculated their area in km2. This information will help us in construction of hospitals. We have recommended three locations on our area map, where if we construct hospitals, then their buffer zone of 2km2 will cover almost all of the settlement area . These areas are selected near the roads so that there will be less time of transportation from any residence to the Hospital. Co-ordinates of those three locations are also mention in the end.
Geographic Information System is virtually used in every field. It's comprised of hardware, software, data, humans, and a set of organizational protocols. These components must be well integrated for effective use of GIS to help people reach a common goal. GIS technology applies geographic science with tools for understanding and collaboration. It’s used in every aspect of our daily lives and it is difficult to count its uses as it is used by different institutions and hundreds of thousands of organizations for many different purposes and to make maps that communicate, perform analysis, share information and solve complex problems around the world since it allows the analyzation of environmental, demographic, and topographic data. This is changing the way the world works. GIS is a tool used by individuals and organizations, schools, governments, and businesses seeking innovative ways to solve their problems. It's considered as a decision-making tool which uses spatial information. It supports the study of natural and man-made phenomena. Words can't explain how his tool is so very important in our lives so that the intention of this book is to lay the principle basics foundation of GIS and to define some of the common terminologies which GIS users using.
Academia Biology, 2024
The 21st century featured explosive discoveries, inventions, and finely crafted technologies where the vaguely dangerous and ambiguous mix of genomics, neuroscience, nanotech, robotics, cyber, and other advanced scientific ventures leads to unknown and possibly unpleasant outcomes pose an acute dilemma. The engineered convergence of advanced technology such as cutting-edge medical technology frontiers of cognitive dynamics, decoding key neural functions, explaining brain biochemistry, and exploring excursions into neuromodulation and plasticity research make the brain a prime object of sustained scientific desire. Today it has become a covert contentious battlefield. Experts in neuromedicine, technology, societal security, and strategy must grasp that a variety of technologies that arguably enhance brain function, influence or augment intelligence, link brains with computers, and enablenon invasice access to the brain-are highly attractive. Now the grim reality is that like so many other aspects of science and technology all ostensibly benign, decent, therapeutic, and beneficial they also contain a dark, malevolent, destructive warlike side as well. Our brains are vulnerable daily within a complex electromagnetic—cyber—RF saturated environment and that vulnerability is critical to grasping our collective dilemma. Cognitive integritys is a paramount risk for our times.
F M P a g e i W e d n e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 3 , 2 0 0 0 2 : 3 0 P M
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