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This research focuses on advancements in bearing steel technology, emphasizing the need for accurate evaluation methods for non-metallic inclusions and the development of slag refining techniques. It explores various studies on fatigue life predictions, performance under contaminated lubrication, and microstructural optimization of bearing steels, highlighting improvements in service life and resistance to extreme conditions. The paper concludes with discussions on the material composition's impact on bearing performance and suggests future directions in enhancing bearing technologies.

Upload By: Drive To Download Preview Ebook : Basic Fluid Mechanics and Hydraiulic Machines To Download a Full Book Click The Link Below Thank You!!!!! Foreword This publication, Bearing Steel Technology, contains papers presented at the symposium of the same name held in Phoenix, AZ., on 8-10 May 2001. The symposium was sponsored by ASTM International Committee At on Steel, Stainless Steel, and Related Alloys and its Subcommittee A1.28 on Bearing Steels. The Symposium chairman was John M. Beswick, SKF Group Purchasing, Engineering and Research Centre, B. V., Nieuwegein, The Netherlands. Contents Overview vii BEARING STEEL PROCESS DEVELOPMENTS Development of 5280 Rolling Bearing Steel for I m p r o v e d Performance a n d Productivity--P. v. DIMITRY, P. M. MACDONOUGH,G. BECK, R. EBERHARD, AND H.-W. ZOCK 3 Effect of Steel M a k i n g a n d Processing P a r a m e t e r s on Carbide Banding in Commercially Produced A S T M A-295 52100 Bearing SteelhP. K. ADISHESHA 27 U l t r a Clean Steel for Anti-Frictlon Bearing Applications--s. GANGULY, I, CHAKRABARTI,M. D. MAHESHWARI,AND T. MUKHERJEE 47 STEEL TECHNOLOGYAND BEARINGCOMPONENT MANUFACTURE Machinability ControI-A Topic of G r e a t I m p o r t a n c e to the Engineering I n d u s t r y - T. JOHANSSONAND H. SANDQVIST 71 Environmentally Friendly Bearing Steel With Reduced H a r d e n i n g D i s t o r t l o n - T. B. LUNDAND L. ]. PATRIKC)LUND 86 DEVELOPMENTS IN BEARING STEEL QUALITYASSESSMENTAND CORRELATIONSWITH BEARINGLIFE A p p r o p r i a t e Techniques for I n t e r n a l Cleanliness Assessment---G. AUCLAIR A N D P. DAGUIER I01 Influence of Hydrogen T r a p p e d b y Inclusions on Fatigue Strength of Bearing S t e e l h Y. MURAKAMIAND N. N. YOKOYAMA 113 Statistical Prediction of the M a x i m u m Inclusion Size in Bearing Steels--G. SHI, H. v. ATKINSON,C. M. SELLARS,C. W. ANDERSON,AND L R. YATES 125 Steel Supplier Evaluation Techniques to Assure Bearing P e r f o r m a n c e - - j . o. WOLFE 138 vi CONTENTS Study of Evaluating Method for Non-Metallic Inclusions and Development of Slag Refining for Bearing Steel--T. NISHIKAWA, H. NAGAYAMA, S. NISHIMON, K. ASAI, I. FUJII, AND T. SUGIMOTO 148 Higher Macro-Cleanliness of Bearing Steels Needs More Accurate Measuring-Methods---D. THIERYANDC. DELHAES 164 Recent Evaluation Procedures of Nonmetallic Inclnsions in Bearing Steels (Statistics of Extreme Value Method and Development of Higher Frequency Ultrasonic Testing Method)---Y. KATO,K. SATO,K. HIRAOKA,ANDY. NURI 176 DEVELOPMENTSIN BEARINGSERVICELIFETESTING A New Physically Based Model for Predicting the Fatigue Life Distribution of Rolling Bearings--R. FOUGI~RES,G. LORMAND,A. VINCENT,D. NELIAS,G. DUDRAGNE, D. G1RODIN,G. BAUDRY,ANDP. DAGUIER 197 Estimation of Rolling Bearing Life Under Contaminated Lubrication--H. TANAKAANDN. TSUSHIMA 213 Rolling Contact Fatigue Under Water-Inf'dtrated Lubrication--v. MATSUMOTO, Y. ~ , ANDM. OOHORI 226 Microstructural Optimisation of Bearing Steels for Operation Under Contaminated Lubrication by Using the Experimental Method of Dented Surfaces-H.-J. BOI.-IMERANDR. EBERHARD 244 Rolling Contact Fatigue Tests to Investigate Surface Initiated Damage and Tolerance to Surface Dents--D. GIRODIN,F. VILLE,R. GUERS,ANDG. DUDRAGNE 263 BEARING METALLURGY DEVELOPMENTS FOR IMPROVED SERV1CE LIFE Development of Long Life Rolling Bearings for Use in the Extreme Conditions-M. SHIBATA, M. GOTO, A. OHTA, AND K. TODA 285 The Effect of V, Ai and N on the Fatigue Life of a Carbonitrided Bearings--S. J. YOO, S. W. CHOI, S. K. HAN, J. S. LEE, B. J. JUNG, B. H. SONG, AND C. N. PARK Development of a New Material for Guide Roll Bearings for Continuous Casting Machine---K. YAMAMURAANDM. OOHORI 297 309 Improved Bearing Steel for Applications Involving Debris, Higher Loads and Temperatures--P. DAGUIER, G. BAUDRY, J. BELLUS, G. AUCLAIR, J. ROFI~S-VERNIS, G. DUDRAGNE, D. GIRODIN, AND G. JACOB 320 The Effect of Bearing Steel Composition and Microstructure on Debris Dented Rolling Element Bearing Performance--D. CARLSON, R. PITSKO, A. J. CHIDESTER, AND J. R. IMUNDO 330 CONTENTS vii DEVELOPMENTS IN HIGH ALLOY STEEL FOR IMPROVED HIGH TEMPERATURE AND ENHANCED CORROSION RESISTANCE PROPERTIES Wear and Corrosion Resistant PM Tool Steels for Advanced Bearing Applieation-A. KAJINIC, R. B. DIXON, AND B. A. HANN 349 A Comparison of the Mechanical and Physical Properties of Contemporary and New Alloys for Aerospace Bearing Applications--M. A. RAGEN, D. L. ANTHONY, AND R. F. SPITZER 362 Progress in the Evaluation of CSS-42LTM: A High Performance Bearing Alloy-C. M. TOMASELLO, H. 1. BURRER, R. A. KNEPPER, S. BALLIETT, AND J. L. MALONEY 375 Duplex Hardening for Aerospace Bearing Steels--E. STREITANDW. TROJAFIN 386 Carburizable High Speed Steel Alioys---D. W. HETZNER 399 The Development of Bearing Steels with Long Life and High Corrosion Resistance--s. TANAKA, K. YAMAMURA, AND M. OOHORI 414 MICROSTRUCTURAL CHANGE AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH BEARING FATIGUE AND LWETIMEPREDICTION Local Elasto-Plastic Properties of Bearing Steels Determined by Nano-Indentation Measurements--A. VINCENT, H. ELGHAZAL, G. LORMAND, A. HAMEL, 427 AND D. GIRODIN Microstructural Stability and Bearing Performance---A. P. VOSKAMP 443 MATERIAL FACTORS IN BEARING LIFE CALCULATIONS A Physically Based Endurance Limit Model for Through Hardened and Surface Hardened Bearing Steels---A. VINCENT, R. FOUGI~RES, G. LORMAND, G. DUDRAGNE, AND D. GIRODIN Fatigue Limit Stress--A New and Superior Criterion for Life Rating of Rolling Bearing Materials--T. A. HARRIS 459 474 Application of a New Physically Based Model to Determine the Influence of Inclusion Population and Loading Conditions on the Distribution of Bearing Lives--G. LORMAND, D. PIOT, A. VINCENT, G. BAUDRY, P. DAGUIER, D. GIRODIN, AND G. DUDRAGNE 493 Rolling Bearing Material Quality Fatigue Testing--Material Quality Life Factors-A. GABELLI, S. IOANNIDES, J. BESWICK, G. DE WIT, H. KROCK, B. KORENHOF, AND A. KERRIGAN 509 Author Index 527 Subject Index 529 STP1419-EB/Jul. Author Index G A Gabelli, A., 509 Ganguly, S., 47 Girodin, D., 197, 263, 320, 427, 459, 493 Goto, M., 285 Guers, R., 263 Adishesha, P. K., 27 Anderson, C. W., 125 Anthony, D. L., 362 Asai, K., 148 Atkinson, H. V., 125 Auclair, G., 101, 320 H B Hamel, A., 427 Han, S.-K., 297 Hann, B. A., 349 Harris, T. A., 474 Hetzner, D. W., 399 Hiraoka, K., 176 Balliett, S., 375 Baudry, G., 197, 320, 493 Beck, G., 3 Bellus, J., 320 Beswick, J., 509 B6hmer, H.-J., 244 Burrier, H. I., 375 C Imundo, J. R., 330 Ioannides, S., 509 Carlson, D., 330 Chakrabarti, I., 47 Chidester, A. J., 330 Choi, S.-W., 297 Jacob, G., 320 Johansson, T., 71 Jung, B.-J., 297 D Daguier, P., 101, 197, 320, 493 Delhaes, C., 164 De Wit, G., 509 Dimitry, P. V., 3 Dixon, R. B., 349 Dudragne, G., 197, 263, 320, 459, 493 K A., 349 ~ ajinic, ato, Y., 176 Kerrigan, A., 509 Knepper, R. A., 375 Korenhof, B., 509 Krock, H., 509 E L Eberhard, R., 3, 244 Elghazal, H., 427 Lee, J.-S., 297 Lormand, G., 197, 427, 459, 493 Lund, T. B., 86 F M Foug~res, R., 197, 459 Fujii, I., 148 Maheshwari, M. D., 47 527 Copyright 9 by ASTM lntcrnational 2002 528 BEARING STEEL TECHNOLOGY Maloney, J. L., 375 Matsumoto, Y., 226 McDonough, P. J., 3 Mukherjee, T., 47 Murakami, Y., 113, 226 Song, B.-H., 297 Spitzer, R. F., 362 Streit, E., 386 Sugimoto, T., 148 T N Nagayama, H., 148 Nelias, D., 197 Nishikawa, T., 148 Nishimon, S., 148 Nuri, Y., 176 O Tanaka, H., 213, 414 Thiery, D., 164 Toda, K., 285 Tomasello, C. M., 375 Trojahn, W., 386 Tsushima, N., 213 Qhta, A., 285 Olund, L. J. P., 86 Oohori, M., 226, 309, 414 P Park, C.-N., 297 Piot, D., 493 Pitsko, R., 330 R Ragen, M. A., 362 Rof6s-Vernis, J., 320 Sandqvist, H., 71 Sato, K., 176 Sellars, C. M., 125 Shi, G., 125 Shibata, M., 285 V Ville, F., 263 Vincent, A., 197, 427, 459, 493 Voskamp, A. P., 443 W Wolfe, J. O., 138 u Yamamura, K., 309, 414 Yates, J. R., 125 Yokoyama, N. N., 113 Yoo, S.oJ., 297 Z Zock, H.-W., 3 STP1419-EB/Jul.2002 Subject Index A Subject Index Abrasive wear, 362, 375 Acid solution, extraction of, 148 Adhesive resistance, 349 Adhesive wear, 375 Aerospace applications, 362, 375, 386 Aluminum, 297 American Iron and Steel Institute 440C, 414 Antifriction beatings, 47 ASTM standards A 295, 113 A 295 52100, 27, 113, 330 Austenite, retained, 320, 330, 399 control, 309 heat treatment generation, 244 life elctension relationship, 285, 297 Automotive applications, 164, 285 Ceramic ball hybrid bearings, 349 Chip formation, 71 Chromium, 349, 399, 414 chromium-molybdenum steel, 113 reduction, 3 Cleanliness, 138, 176, 226, 443, 509 assessment, internal, 101 improvement, 263 macro-cleanliness, 164 ultra clean steel, 47 Contact stress, uniform, 330 Continuous casting, 3, 27, 309 Corrosion resistance, 349, 362, 375, 414 Coulter counter method, 148 Cracks, 197, 213 microcracks, 297 nucleation, 493 propagation, 443, 493 Cronidur 30, 362, 375 CSS-42L, 362, 375 Cutting forces, 71 D B Bend fracture strength, 349 Bending strength, rotating, 3 Boundary lubrication, 226 C Carbide, 309, 349, 459 banding, 27 coarse eutectic, 414 Carbon, 414, 427 Carbon alloy, high, 27 Carbonitride, 309 Carbonitriding bearing steel, 297 Carbon reduction, 3, 27 Carburized layer, 427 Carburizing, 330, 399, 459 stainless steel, 362, 375 Case hardenable steels, 244 Casting techniques, 164 529 Damage mechanisms, 197, 244 surface, 320, 330 surface initiated, 263 Debris denting, 330 Defects, 164 Dents effects, 244 raceway, 263 Dimensional stability, 244 Distortion, 86 Duplex hardening, 386 Dynamic capacity, 213 E Elastic modulus, 427 Elastohydrodynamic film parameter (lambda), 226 Elastoplastic properties, 427 530 BEARING STEEL TECHNOLOGY Endurance limit, 459 Environmental issues, 86 ES1 steel, 414 Evaluation program, bearing steel, 138 Extraction, 148, 176 F Fatigue endurance, 101 Fatigue failure, 125, 148 ultra-long, 113 Fatigue life, 113, 309, 414, 493 carbonitrided bearing, 297 characteristics, 349 distribution, 197 extension, 285, 459 nonmetallic inclusion evaluation, 148 prediction, 474 testing, 138, 226, 244, 375 testing, duplex hardened components, 386 Fatigue limit, 101 stress, 474 Fatigue, spalling, 443 Fatigue strength, 113, 176 Fatigue tests, 263, 330, 509 flat washer, 493 life tests, 138, 226, 244, 375 Finite element method, 427 52100, 3, 349, 375, 474 5280, 3 Flaking, 226 surtace originated, 213 Fracture delayed, 226 reverse, 226 test, 138 toughness, 362 C Generalized Pareto distribution, 125 German standard, 164 German steel industry, 164 Grain boundary, 226 Grain growth inhibition, 27 Grain size, 297 Grinding, 86 Groove formation, 509 H Hardenin$, 47 distortion, 86 duplex, 386 strain, 427 Hardness, 3, 309, 414 hot, 349, 362, 375, 399 micro-hardness, 297 recovery, 362 surface, 386 Heat treatment, 113, 399, 474 applied, 443 carbonitriding, 297 characteristics for life extension, 285, 309 optimization, 244 performance, 330 property development, 27 quenching, 86 response, 3 Hertzian stress, 47 High speed steels, 399 Hoop stress, 459 Hydrogen, 113 embrittlement, 226 Image analysis, 176 Immersion tests tap water, 414 ultrasonic testing, 164 Impact bending, 3 Impact toughness, 349 Inclusion, 113, 459, 493 micro-inclusion, 509 nonmetallic, 101, 164, 226, 459 elastic modulus, 427 evaluation method, 148, 176 hard, 47 hydrogen trapping, 113 spalling effects on, 320 population, 493 ratings, 125 size prediction, 125 size ratings, 509 Indentation, 197, 263, 427 simulation, foreign particle, 244 INDEX 531 Ingot size, 27 Inhomo~eneity, 459 Internatxonal Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO 3685, 71 K KE bearings, 285 Micro-yield stress, 427 M1, 399 Modeling, 197 bearing fatigue life, 509 endurance limit, 459 fatigue life distribution, 197 statistical, 493 Molybdenum, 113, 399 M2, 399 L N Light interferometry, 330 Load, equivalent bearing, 213 Loading, 125, 197, 320, 349 applied, 493 Local stress, 213 Lubrication, 474 contaminated, 244, 263, 309, 320 life estimation under, 213, 297 film, 330 water-infiltrated, 226, 309 Lundberg-Palmgren bearing life theory, 213 life equations, 474 Nano-indentation measurements, 427 Nickel, 226, 297 Nitrided layer, 427 Nitrided steel, 362, 459 Nitrogen, 414 Noise level measuring test, 414 Nondestructive testing, 125 Nonmetallic inclusions, 101, 164, 226, 459 elastic modulus, 427 evaluation method, 148, 176 hard, 47 hydrogen trapping, 113 spalling effects on, 320 Notch effects, 244 Notch impact strength, 3 M Machinability, 71 Machining, hard, 86 Manganese increase, 3 Martensitic stainless steel, 414 Material optimization, 244 Mechanical properties, chemical composition effects, 297 Metallography, quantitative, 101 Metal particles, hard powder, 330 Metal shaping, 474 M50, 349, 375, 386, 399 Microhardness, 297 Microplasticity, 427 Microscopic image analysis, 176 Microscopy, 138 Microstructural change, 443 Microstructural optimization, 244 Microstructural stability, 443 Microstructure, 3, 330 chemical composition effects, 297 Micro-yield shear, 459 0 Oil lubrication life test, 414 Optical emission spectroscopy, 101 Optically dark area, 113 Oxygen, 47 analysis, 138 content, 176 P Particle indentation simulation, foreign, 244 Particle metallurgy, 349 Peeling, 226 Plastic deformation, 244 Process evaluation, 138 532 BEARING STEEL TECHNOLOGY Production costs, 414 Pyrowear 675, 362 Q Quenching, 3, 86, 113 R Railway, 164 Reduction ratio, 27 Rig testing, 386 Roughness, 197 S Saltwater spray test, 414 Sample preparation ' requirements, 138 SCM435, 113 SEP 1927, 164 Slag refining, 148 Sliding wear, 386 Soaking time, 27 Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) SAlE 5140H, 297 SAE 52100, 3, 176, 309, 320 comparison wtih CSS-42L, 375 fatigue failure, 113 Society of Tribologlsts and Lubrication Engineers (STLE), 474 Sodium chloride immersion test, 414 Softening, 443 Solidification, 27 Spalling, 493 fatigue, 443 Spectroscopy optical emission, 101 Stability, microstructural, 443 Statistics of extreme method, 125, 176, 509 Stress analysis, 263 Stress conditions, 3 Stress, contact, 474, 509 Stress, cyclic, 443 Stress d~stribution, 125 Stress, fatigue limit, 474 Stress level, applied, 443 Stress-life method, 474 Stress, local, 213 Stress, micro-yield, 427 Stress, residual, 386, 399 Sulphur reduction, 27 Supplier evaluation techniques, 138 Surface dents, 263 Surface hardened steel, 427, 459 Surface hardness, 386 Surface initiated damage, 263 Surface integrity, 71 T Teeming/casting temperature, 27 Temperature resistance, 285 Tempering stability, 320 Tensile strength, 3 Tension-compression fatigue tests, 113 Test lives, 213 Thermal-induced transformation, 244 32CDV13, 362 Through-hardened steel, 459 Titanium, 47 Tool life, 71 Tool steel, 349 Tungsten, 399 Turning test, single point, 71 U Ultrasonic testing, 47, 138 cleanliness level characterization, 101 higher frequency method, 176 immersion, 164 nonmetallic inclusion evaluation, 148 V Vacuum arc degassing, 47 Vanadium, 297, 349, 399 W Water-infiltrated lubrication, 226 Water submerge life test, 414 INDEX 533 Wear resistance, 3, 27, 309, 349 aerospace applications, 386 Cronidur 30, 362 CSS-42L, 362, 375 nitrided steel, 362 Pyrowear 675, 362 XD15NW, 362 Weibull distributions, 386, 493 X XD15NW, 362 X-ray diffraction analysis, 443