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National Endowment for the Arts Magazine
6 pages
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Los Angeles Art Critic Doug Harvey reviews "Children of the Plumed Serpent: The Legacy of Quetzalcoatl in Ancient Mexico" at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
is paper reexamines the iconic Feathered Serpent Pyramid at the short-lived Epiclassic (AD 650-900) city of Xochicalco in the Central Highlands of Mexico in two speci c contexts: Archaeological evidence concerning its location and construction stages, as well as its relationship to the city's sculptural tradition. E orts are made to situate the pyramid in the site's chronology and to reappraise the possible meanings of the building's complex iconographic program. Striving to create an image fostering social and political cohesion amidst the inevitable divisiveness of competition for power, the monuments' designers and makers reformulated a cosmological message with foundations in an ancient Teotihuacan monument through a Maya-derived visual idiom, honoring the league of tribute paying polities while justifying the need for military order imposed by the Xochicalco state.
Museum Anthropology, 2007
Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture, 2019
Following an introductory essay, six short contributions by academics and museum curators in the United States (US) and Europe tackle the current state and future of Pre-Columbian visual culture studies. They explore the field’s impressive growth in this century, as well as some of the dangers it currently faces as a result of that growth. Several trace its present state to its origins and the part played by early Mexican and US nationalism, the popularity of world’s fairs, and the civil rights movement, among other factors. Also considered are problems inherent in the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century separation of the preconquest past from the newly labeled colonial period, as well as the concurrent embrace of the term “Pre-Columbian.” Other essays take a hard look at the present and future relation of art history to archaeology and cross-disciplinary studies within the field, which is defined in part by their dependence on, or skepticism regarding, iconography. Whereas...
“Forest of Jade. Luxury Arts and Symbols of Excellence among the Ancient Peoples of Mesoamerica, 2017
" In Técnicas analíticas aplicadas a la caracterización y producción de materiales arqueológicos en el área maya, edited by Adrián Velázquez Castro and Lynneth S. Lowe, 109-34. Mexico City:
Vistas 8, 2023
My work for Vistas theorizes art historical methodologies to approach indigenous understandings of nature and history.
Reconstruction of early Mixtec history, in particular the narrative of the origin of the Mixtec rulers and the epic story of Lord 8 Deer.
19&20, 2015
Table of contents: "Introduction" by Maria Berbara, Roberto Conduru and Vera Beatriz Siqueira | 1. "The pre-Hispanic tradition in Ricardo Rojas’ Americanist proposal: an analysis of El Silabario de la Decoración americana (The Syllabary of American Decoration)" by María Alba Bovisio | 2. "Katú Kama-rãh: friendship, image and text according to Algot Lange" by Raphael Fonseca | 3. "The construction of a discourse based on the drawings in the archaeological albums of Manuel Martínez Gracida (Oaxaca, 1910) and Liborio Zerda (Bogota, ca. 1895)" by Carolina Vanegas Carrasco and Hiram Villalobos Audiffred | 4. "The poetic ethnography of Correia Dias: a tour of indigenous traditions from Dias’ mythical pool" by Amanda Reis Tavares Pereira | 5. "The modernist experience in travels: some possibilities" by Renata Oliveira Caetano | 6. "Under the Designs of Gods: Il Guarany and Atzimba" by Jaime Aldaraca Ferrao | 7. "Sculpture and indianism(s) in 19th century Brazil" by Alberto Martín Chillón | 8. "New World Portraits" by Jacqueline Medeiros | 9. "Figari, Goeldi, Africanity - contexts" by Roberto Conduru | 10. "The others. Oriental, Afro-American and Indigenous presence in the representation of women in the Argentine illustrated periodical press of the early 20th century" by Julia Ariza | 11. "Lola Mora’s Fuente de las Nereidas (Fountain of the Nereids): a new look at an old controversy" by Georgina G. Gluzman | 12. "Modern experimentation with images in gaucho literary publications: Luis Perez’ and Hilario Ascasubi’s newspapers" por Juan Albin
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La città dei desideri. Sogni e disegni di architettura, 2023
Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, 73, 3, pp. 363-376 , 2010
Urban Studies, 2019
Review of Political Economy, 2024
Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 2021
Journal of Power Sources, 2015
Materials Research Bulletin, 2011
Journal of Emergency Management (JOEM), 2024
The Journal of Immunology, 2000
Revisao anual de patologia de plantas, 2023
Scientific Reports, 2019
Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 2017