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2020, Islam and Muslim Societies: A Social Science Journal
8 pages
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Family Planning is no longer a secluded factor of an individual but tangled with the economic and social comfort not only of nation but of mankind itself. To control overgrowth of population modern centre's of research have been set in various parts of the world; like in West the Ford and Rockefeller, University centre's like the Carolina Centre and World organizations like the U.N. Fund for Population Activities. Population explosion is a recent problem, so there is not any direct instruction in the Qur'ān and Hadith about in favour or against the family planning; however the Islamic Jurists either support or condemn the practice of family planning. There are certain techniques and methods in the times of Prophet for birth control like practice of coitus interruptus ('Azl). The present study is to highlight that Islam is not against the family planning rather it provides some useful techniques and methods of contraception. "We expect Women to work like they don't have children and raise children as if they don't work" Family Planning Family planning is a joint effort of a couple to space births in order to attain an optimal interval between them, to limit or control the birth rate to attain the desired size of family and to treat the needs of infertile couples who want to have children. 1 It includes the use of contraceptives with the mutual agreement by a couple to regulate their fertility with a view to ward off health, social and economic hardships and to enable them to take responsibilities of their children and society on their shoulders. In other words, it is the method of family planning which encompasses; "spacing of children to allow breast-feeding and safeguard the health of the mother and child, timing of pregnancies to occur at a safe age and adjusting the number of children, not only to the family's need, but also to its physical, financial, educational and child raising capabilities." 2 Sajad Ahmad Padday (Ph.
Marriage and procreation is rampant in the world today, but the proper upbringing of the offprings according to Islamic tenets is observed to be low standards. Family planning is a way to curtail rapid reproduction in human society, a practice adopted by many families including Muslims family in the world. This paper aims at looking whether this practice agrees with Islam or contradict it; it gives an overview of the Islamic position on the family planning and modern contraception. The paper relies on secondary sources, through internet and library materials such as journals, magazines, newspapers and textbooks for the study. The study discovered that family planning is divided in to two: Permanent and Temporary, it is permissible to use temporary methods of birth control for the purpose of spacing pregnancies, or preventing pregnancy for a specific period of time, if there is a valid reason, but the permanent method like sterilization is prohibited. The paper recommends Muslims to be very careful in western propaganda on family planning and birth control related issues, and they should ask Islamic scholars for more clarification on modern family planning.
Proceedings of the 1st Raden Intan International Conference on Muslim Societies and Social Sciences (RIICMuSSS 2019), 2020
Family Planning (KB), or tandzim al-nasl, or tahdid al-nasl, is a program that tries to regulates and controls the number of births, in order to achieve family welfare and happiness, by accepting and practicing the idea of potential and happy small families. However, lately, the problem is that there are many women who suffered some diseases caused by birth control medication and programs. Therefore, this research question is how family planning is viewed from the perspective of Islamic law. The purpose and benefit of this research is to know scientifically and contribute to the legal knowledge and the community, especially about family planning. This research is a combination of normative and empirical legal research (applied law research). Normative-empirical legal research is legal research that is the object of the study of normative legal rules (in abstracto) and their application to legal events (in concreto). Pros and cons among scholars in addressing family planning is very reasonable, because KB itself has several benefits and harms at the same time. Family Planning Law revolves around the law contained in it. If family planning is defined as tandzim al-nasl, then it can be in line with the purpose of the KB, which is to achieve a happy and prosperous family by preparing a more established cadre, namely a generation that is small but of quality and quality, but if the understanding of family planning is interpreted as tahdid al-nasl then this is contrary to the aims of the shari'ah which is not permissible in Islam. One of the lightest effectiveness is al-'azl: this is what the Prophet taught.
Family planning is defined as an educational, medical or social activity by which an individual decides about the number of children and the distance between each child's birth, and the manner of procreation. Family planning can include deciding how many children a person will have, as well as deciding not to have children, and the age at which they will have them. This is influenced by various external factors, such as marital status, business career, financial status, difficulties which may arise, etc. For sexually active individuals, family planning may include the use of contraception and other methods of controlling their procreation. Other aspects of family planning include sex education, prevention and control of STDs, pre-conception counseling and infertility control. Much attention is paid to maternal health during family planning. Maternal health refers to the care of a woman's health during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. Although motherhood is a positive experience that is fulfilling, too many women meets with suffering, poor health and even death., 2021
The number of children directly affects the health and nutritional status of mother. For a healthy child, the mother should be healthy and this could be possible with planned pregnancies or avoiding unwanted pregnancies by use of family planning methods. The present study was undertaken to investigate the methods of family planning used and their effect on the health of a woman. The study was carried out in the city of Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh, India. The study was cross-sectional and comprised of 220 married women aged 25-40 years, who voluntarily agreed to participate in the study. The respondents were randomly selected, with the exclusion criteria for unmarried, widow, divorcee women, or those who were not living with their husbands. The results showed that the respondents were aware of the family planning concept. The best source of information regarding family planning was media (36.36%); and the maximum of them preferred the permanent method (40.45%) as the method of contraception. Only a few of them (38.64%) were aware of government policies and plans related to family planning. 26.37% of respondents felt that they were having health problems by using contraceptive methods. The health problems were observed among the respondents using Intra-Uterine Devices (58.49%) and oral contraceptive pills (41.51%). Age and nutritional status of the mother during conception both contribute to the health and nutritional status of the child. Government should establish policies related to exposure of married couples towards family planning methods along with easy access to family planning methods especially for the lower class people. Also, more in-depth study of the use and awareness of family planning methods should be done as it is essential for the well-being of the mother, child, and family and even society as a whole.
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam
Terdapat kontroversi di kalangan para ulama tentang keluarga berencana (KB) dalam Islam. Sebagian menyatakan bahwa keluarga berencana itu boleh, tetapi sebagian memandangnya tidak sesuai dengan ajaran Islam. Di samping itu, ia dicurigai sebagai agenda tersembunyi asing (non muslim). Selain itu, KB dicurigai karena berasal dari negara asing yang (mayoritas non - Muslim ) dengan agenda yang tersembunyi untuk melemahkan umat Islam. Jadi, apa substansi keluarga berencana? Apakah metode dalam melakukannya? Apa tujuan melakukannya? Lalu, bagaimana jika hal ini dikaitkan dengan ekonomi dan ekosistem? Siapa yang berhak untuk menentukan pelaksanaan keluarga berencana? Apa keluarga berencana dalam hukum Islam? Tulisan ini akan membahas hal-hal tersebut dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif dan analisis terhadap argumen yang diajukan oleh kedua kalangan baik yang menerima maupun yang menolak. Penulis berpendapat bahwa dalam kondisi yag sangat tidak seimbangan antara pertumbuhan populasi manusia...
This paper tries to examine the process of and primary purposes of human procreation in the light of Glorious Qur'an. It defines family planning and distinguishes it from planning for family; Islamic lawful and unlawful methods of child control and expected roles of parents over their wards/children are discussed.
Unilorin MSSN, 2013
It is not logical to assume that a religion that has adequate legal provisions for marriage and inheritance has nothing to do with how the family should be planned. Apparently, the currently designed family planning propaganda which the west are sponsoring and advocating has some hidden agenda behind it. Nevertheless, this development has been a challenge for Muslims to check their sources of law and apply the Islamic legal provisions to this current issue. Base on this background, it can be seen that family planning in Islam varies from the conventional perspective of family planning in the questions of Why? and How?
It is every parent’s joy to have well-spaced children. The importance of birth spacing and the proper use of NFP methods in achieving proper birth spacing, is something to grasp. The African understanding and practice of NFP is the most satisfying and beautiful model of spacing children. This understanding of natural family planning is majorly based on two pillars; culture and the value of life. The main reason for this claim is the profound understanding and belief that life is the most valued asset among Africans. Africans believe that life is a gift from God for they are notoriously religious as Mbiti postulates. They also believe that life is fostered by the ancestors, and it is at the center of social life without which everything else becomes meaningless. God being the giver and center of human life makes African understanding and practice of natural planning compatible with the Church’s teachings on procreation and responsible parenthood. This work indeed presents the daily experiences and practice of begetting and spacing children in a natural and responsible manner among Africans. The research includes both modern practices and traditional practices of natural family planning in African societies. From this work, we shall be able to know the African and the theological perspective of NFP. We shall also see what the scriptures, the church fathers, and the church documents deliberate about the noble act of spacing children and the value of life. Finally, we shall be able to examine how this practice is beneficial to the couple who practice it, its effectiveness and how we can be able to implement it in our parishes, institutions, and in our society at large.
The study adopted explanatory research design, the research strategy used was cross-sectional survey, the research approach used was qualitative research approach, the population of the study was 10 authors, the sampling design were surveyed of the papers published by academic journals and papers published at the various websites, the source of collecting data for the study was primary source, the method of data collection was research. The problem statement of the study was"The revelance of family planning in the 21st century". The objectives of the study were achieved and the background of the study was brief introduction of family planning. The study found out that family planning had contributed to the well-being of mankind. The study recommended that pastors of the various churches should educate their church members to practice family planning methods, medical doctors and nurses ought to educate patients to practice family and governments of the various countries must create plateform to educate the general public to understand the need to practice family planning.
Population explosion is not an individual's problem alone, it is a national problem. It results in food scarcity, poverty, unemployment, illiteracy and dearness. Limiting the size of family is a voluntary action by the mutual cooperation between the couple and also be implemented by the existing Government by framing policies in support of family planning.
They can use various means to promote and aware the common masses about the benefits of family planning, like; spreading knowledge through mass-media, education and social legislation. They can frame the policies and officially implement them through law and order. 3 The concept of stabilizing the population with the national economy was the concern of all the times, in the past times the high birth rate was balanced with equally high death rate. It is done for the interests of family as well as for the interest of national economy. 4 The means and methods were used to control the birth rate but was a matter of individual interest only. The contraceptives were generally used for preventing the pregnancy of illegal sexual relations. However, these preventive techniques were also used for legal purposes under few circumstances, like ill health of wife. In contemporary times this issue has taken a new turn and attained a collective stride. 5
Islamic Perspective of Family Planning
Family is the basic and nucleus constituent of cosmopolitan world. In Islam the basis for family formation is Marriage. Marriage is a social institution, essentially a civil contract.
The essentials of marriage in Islam are based on mutual consent and public declaration. 7 It is the legal union between a man and a woman bonding together through wedlock. Besides other essences of marriage the legalize sexual intercourse for procreation is very important.
The issue of population explosion which affects the global world would be solved where it originates i.e. at family level. The essence of family planning or birth control is to reduce the responsibility of an individual so that the birth of children may not constitute nuisance to the society. Family planning or birth control does not refer to limit the children to two or three but to give birth to a convenient number by an individual family. 8 The objectives of the family in Islam is not merely the procreation of human species but the socio-cultural structure and self-sustaining mechanism which ensures social, ideological and cultural stability is based on family phenomenon. Preservation and continuation of the human race is one of its objectives. 9 The primary sources of Islam, the Qur'ān and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad are divinely revealed which Muslims hold. The case not explicitly addressed in these two fundamental sources, however, the two complementary but subordinate sources Ijma (Consensus of theologians) and Qiyas (Analogy) are very much important sources regarding this issue. Muslims also follow the directions of religious leaders and Ijtihad, which allows the formulation of independent judgment and interpretation. However, the various schools of law or jurisprudence differ in the extent to which Ijtihad is allowed. 10 Ijtihad is the ability to analyze the Qur'ānic text or a problematic situation within the relevant culture and historical context and then devise an appropriate interpretation or solution based on a thorough understanding of the Qur'ānic principles and the Sunnah. It is very essential as Islam was revealed for all people and for all times, similarly, its jurisprudence must be capable of responding to widely diverse needs and problems, shows the flexibility of Islamic law. The Qur'ānic text does not forbid prevention of conception. However, the Qur'ānic verse which forbids the infanticide, is misunderstood by some Muslim scholars to reject birth control, "And do not kill your children out of poverty; We shall provide for them and for you. Truly, the killing of them is a great sin." 11 Family planning is a recent phenomenon due to the population explosion, but traced its roots in ancient societies in one way or the other. When Islam came in the 7 th century, there was no such kind of population explosion as we found in modern societies. Poverty was there, but not because of over population. This would be the reason that the Qur'ān did not directly mention any principle regarding the family planning. However, the Qur'ān is and remains the guiding book for the whole humanity, which different jurists quoted either on the support or opposes the family planning. 12 The verse mentioned above, regarding the killing of children, used by different jurists to condemn family planning should be seen in which context the verse addressed. The Arabs kill their children for three reasons; economic stringency, propitiating the gods and the self-imposed shame of searching for a son-inlaw. 13 Imam Al-Ghazzali was of the view that 'azl is permitted, but depends on the motives behind this practice. He put forward three causes in which the practice of 'azl is permitted-to safeguard one's proprietal right as was in the case of a slave girl, to preserve the beauty of wife or to protect her life if having risk in birth of a child, and the fear of numerous anxieties by having numerous children. 18 The practice of 'azl is also permitted during the breastfeeding of an infant, as if a women becomes pregnant during breast-feeding, the infant born will be weak and the duration of breast-feeding mentioned in the Qur'ān is about two years. 19 The hadith related to this issue is narrated by Hazrat Asma bint Yazid Al-Sakan, she state that she heard from the Prophet saying that, "Do not kill your children in secret for al-ghil (intercourse with a woman while she is breast-feeding her infant) is like a horse-rider in a fight who shall be thrown of the horse and trampled." 20 The scholars of Islamic law in earlier times mentioned only the method of al-'azl to stop pregnancy as it was known to them at that time and through analogous reasoning (qiyas) alternative methods of contraception can be permitted with some limitations. The modern methods used to barrier between man and woman or medicines prescribed by physicians are allowed as long as they did not destroy fecundity permanently. The Hanafi jurists permitted the blocking of the mouth of the uterus, but with the husband's consent and Shafeei jurists allowed temporary delay of pregnancy. 21 Moreover, Islam endorses child-parent relationship in a very naturalistic manner by specifying the rights and obligations of one to the other. In order fulfill these rights and obligations one should properly plan his family life. The modern methods permissible by different schools of thought to delay pregnancy are described below.
Methods and Techniques
It is very important for marriage and family formation that an appropriate and sizeable planning is indispensable. The methods and techniques used to avoid pregnancy and planning a family is permissible according to different jurists of Islam, who are in support of family planning, are as follows:
This method was known and used by many Companions of Prophet of Islam. 'Azl means the withdrawnlof man's genital organ from the vagina of the woman before ejaculation. 22
Barriers Methods
These methods are used to prevent pregnancy by confinement the male gamete (sperm) from triumph the female egg, like use of condoms (both for men and women), the diaphragm (for women), spermicide (contraceptive foam, tablets, jelly or cream). 24 The pills used for birth control prevent conception by inhibiting ovulation. The pills are orally taken for about 20 or more days during each menstrual cycle, some of the pills work after the intercourse. These pills are permissible as they prevent implantation; however, the physician consultation must be taken for possible side-effects. 25
The other method used to prevent the pregnancy is abortion. This practice is done for different reasons, all of which are not acceptable to religion. Theologians who find abortion permissible under certain conditions preferred use of contraceptives. Although several Muslim jurists permit abortion, but they differ on the stages of foetal development beyond which it becomes prohibited. They divided abortion in three tiers; before 40 days, 120 days and after 120 days. The tradition of Prophet informs about this development of foetus, as the foetus is held as nutfa for 40 days, alaqa for another 40 days and mudgha for additional 40days, then the ensoulment takes place over 120 days. All theologians are of the consensus that after 120 days abortion is categorically prohibited except to save the mother's life.
This method involves the surgical operation; in men this is called vasectomy, which blocks the tube which passes sperm from the testes to the prostrate and to other reproductive organs through the male reproductive tract and in women this is called tubal ligation, which blocks the fallopian tubes which transport the ovum. This method is permissible but is prohibited in certain circumstances when it poses serious harm to a woman's health, when it involves any prohibited act like touching or looking at the private parts of a woman that are forbidden for him to look. 26 The theologians of Islam have no objection as if performed for treatment and temporary loss of the ability of a man to impregnate a woman or woman to conceive. But, if it is performed for permanent contraceptive purposes then it becomes problematic.