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Reading Comprehension & Writing Test for common core
[ ACTIVITIES (Actividades)] [Es aconsejable que el alumnado del grupo 1º ESO Bilingüe realice estas actividades sobre los primeros temas del curso para reforzar sus conocimientos y conseguir una buena base de inglés.] Actividades tomadas de English Plus, Oxford University Press.
Critical Reading is more recommended now than ever before because the sources of information are so abundant that we hardly know which is the most interesting. Some of them have to be read actively and critically so as to unveil their weak evidences and wicked purposes and to sift texts for not being fooled, screwed or disillusioned. Some others are also to be read critically so as to get the gist of them and obtain new valid knowledge.
Nhập toán tử s: s = tf('s') Nhập hàm truyền: Vd: G = 6.63/s/(s+1.71)/(s+286)
Journal of Korean Religions, 2018
Yun Ch’iho (1864–1945)’s voluminous personal letters and diaries have placed him at the center of a diverse array of historical studies on modern Korean history. Yun’s diaries can be especially helpful in revealing important aspects of a Christian publishing company called Ch’angmunsa, which began operations in January 1923. Yun’s diary entries yield insights into not only the complexities of the colonial publishing market, but also the entangled history of Korean Christianity during the cultural rule period of the 1920s. The establishment of Ch’angmunsa was part of a broader movement among Korean Christians to achieve more cultural autonomy from the Western missionaries. Korean Christian leaders maintained close relations with the missionaries who spread Christianity in Korea, but they also sought to establish their own basis for Christian cultural production. Through a close reading of Yun’s diary, we can gain a better understanding of the challenges of Christian publishing, the complexities of the Christian Nationalist movement, and the tensions between the missionaries and the Korean Christian leadership in colonial Korea.
Die Stratigraphie und Architektur der neuassyrischen Residenzen von Tall Šēḫ Ḥamad / Dūr-Katlimmu. Jens Rohde 19 i.V. Das Rote Haus in Tall Šēḫ Ḥamad / Dūr-Katlimmu: Eine Raumfunktionsanalyse anhand der Kleinfunde. F. Janoscha Kreppner 20 i.V. Bestattungssitten in der neu-und nach-assyrischen Stadt Dūr-Katlimmu. * s. das Literaturverzeichnis der Autorin
1 + 1 Express, 2021
Yıllara yayılan Ermeni soykırımının en nemli ayağı 1915 tehciriydi. Anadolu topraklarından, yurtlarından sürülen yüzbinlerce Ermeniden sağ kalan aşuglar başlarına gelen felaketi destanlarla anlattı. Halep’in baraka mahallelerinde, hanlarında zorla şehirleşmek zorunda bırakılanların gündelik hayatını, yaşadıkları toplumsal d nüşümü 1920-1946 arasının Ermeni destanlarına odaklanan Ermeni Evine Figan Kuruldu kitabının yazarı sosyolog Ayhan Aktar’dan dinliyoruz.
Innovations in Anthropology, 2018
erinnern_zerstören_gestalten. Denkmäler im interdisziplinären Diskurs, 2023, 2023
Middle East Law and Governance , 2021
Memory, Trauma, and the Construction of the Self, 2021
Journal of Science and Technology of Greenhouse Culture, 2019
Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, 2017
Nature communications, 2017
Physical Review B, 2008
Sustainable Agriculture Research, 2013
Život i škola : časopis za teoriju i praksu odgoja i obrazovanja, 2013
Annals of Noninvasive Electrocardiology, 2013
The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, 2016