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International Educational Applied Scientific Research Journal [IEASRJ], 2022
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming education by providing personalized learning experiences and enhancing student assessment. This paper examines AI's impact on personalized learning and student assessment, discussing its benefits, challenges, and future prospects. Through a comprehensive analysis of recent research and data, we explore how AI technologies like machine learning, natural language processing, and data analytics are revolutionizing educational practices, offering insights into the efficacy and potential of AI-driven educational tools.
La interculturalidad es un proceso de comunicación e interacción entre personas y grupos, donde no se permite que un grupo cultural esté por encima del otro, favoreciendo en todo momento la integración y convivencia entre culturas. En las relaciones interculturales se establece una relación basada en el respeto a la diversidad y el enriquecimiento mutuo. Sin embargo, no es un proceso exento de conflictos, estos pueden resolverse mediante el respeto,la generación de contextos de horizontalidad para la comunicación, el diálogo y la escucha mutua, el acceso equitativo y oportuno a la información pertinente, la búsqueda de la concertación y la sinergia. Es importante aclarar que la interculturalidad no se refiere tan solo a la interacción que ocurre a nivel geográfico si no más bien, en cada una de las situaciones en las que se presentan diferencias.
In this paper, I argue that, at any given place and time, a representation of a black face can potentially confirm racist stereotypes as easily as it can disrupt and break away from racist stereotypes. What really matters about a representation of a black face is who is addressed by this representation. An issue we should focus on is interpretation. This may be a route to getting beyond debates concerning good and bad imagery. The representation of a black face is about debates concerning contradictory interpretations. I’m concerned with the following issue: What happens when conscious black artists, thinkers, and others choose to bracket black identities into some medium of representation? While for some, this concern might seem simplistic or too obvious, we are constantly experiencing artists, thinkers, and others, who actually believe they can control the interpretation of the visual representations they each present to the public. However, I want to show that it only takes a negative interpretation from just one person to disrupt the premises of such representational assumptions. This paper is framed around an account a student gives in reaction to a representation of a black face. I do not provide any visual images precisely because I am concerned with how our imaginative interpretations signify the visible. Instead, I provide an interpretation of an experience. The imaginative part of the experience is up to the reader’s interpretation.
Revista de Filosofía Unisinos, 2023
Thomas Aquinas maintains that the entity is constituted by the divine fontal causality, which is causa totius esse, but at the same time he warns that the entity is not by the divine Esse, but by its own esse. This double causal aspect that shapes the metaphysical structure of created entities forces us to search for a formula that manages to articulate these two causal aspects, without reciprocal detriment. In this article we propose to find this formula starting from the very nature of causality and its metaphysical foundation.
Canoa do tempo, 2021
Robeilton de Souza Gomes. 1 Apresentação Sobre o historiador José D'Assunção Barros poder-se-ia usar o lugar comum de que sua trajetória "dispensa apresentação", dado o reconhecimento acadêmico, na Historiografia nacional e internacional, que sua obra tem alcançado. Contudo, na entrevista 2 que se segue, o autor comenta aspectos importantese pouco conhecidosde sua obra como historiador, musicólogo e literato, além de rememorar episódios de sua biografia que nos ajudam a entender melhor como ele compôs um perfil como intelectual multifacetado, capaz de se expressar por muitas vozes. Nascido na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, no ano de 1957, em uma família de classe média composta por cinco irmãos, com pais professores e amantes da leitura e da pintura. Como boa parte dos jovens de sua geração D'Assunção Barros fez suas primeiras escolhas de modo convencional, com as quais se revelou posteriormente insatisfeito. Foi assim com o curso de Engenharia, o emprego de bancário e o "casamento desastroso". Divorciou-se de tudo para "que sua vida voltasse a ser sua". Ele nos conta o desafio que foi abandonar uma profissão financeiramente estável para cursar Música, uma opção menos segura profissionalmente, sobretudo, naquele início dos anos de 1980. O autor nos fala da sua trajetória como estudante de História e, particularmente, da sua atuação nas áreas de Teoria da História e da História das Artes, as que ele considera a centralidade dos seus interesses historiográficos. Comenta também sobre o importante papel que a Literatura desempenha na sua formação intelectual, tanto como leitor quanto como escritor.
International Journal of Economic Sciences, 2021
Classical models for the construction of an investment portfolio do not account for fundamental values of companies considered. In our approach, we extend the portfolio choice by adding a new criterion connected with the fundamental values of companies to the classical criteria of expected return and risk. It is assumed that an investor selects stocks according to their attractiveness, measured by some indicators of economic and financial situation of companies. In this approach, portfolios are assessed according to three criteria: their expected returns, risk (measured by variance of returns) and economic situation of the companies (measured by some indicators). In this article, we consider the book value to price ratio as a measure of the fundamental value of a company. We discuss an algorithm for constructing portfolios with this fundamental value criterion based on analytical solutions for relevant optimization problems. In the optimization problem, we consider minimizing variance with constrains on expected return and attractiveness of investment. We also present empirical examples of calculating effective portfolios of stocks listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and compare their performance with effective portfolios built according to the classical Markowitz approach. By adding an additional criterion of the book to market value, we received portfolios with a higher average realized rate of return compared with the classical Markowitz model. Thus, it can be useful for investors in the capital market to incorporate an additional criterion connected with fundamental values of companies when preparing a model of stock returns.
Bandung Conference Series: Mining Engineering, 2022
isara solutions, 2023
Applied Optics, 2009
Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 2020
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2019
Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior (Campinas)
Santhet: (Jurnal Sejarah, Pendidikan, dan Humaniora), 2021
Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change, 2016
Journal on Migration and Human Security, 2024