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2021, Daffa Rizky Ramadhani
5 pages
1 file
Abstrak Saat ini masih belum ada terminologi pasar modal syariah yang tercantum dalam literatur Islam Klasik. Sebagai Muslim tentu perlu untuk memastikan tentang apakah investasi di dalam pasar modal syariah diperbolehkan atau tidak menurut ajaran agama Islam. Untuk itu perlu diketahui dalil-dalil yang berhubungan dengan pasar modal syariah dan dapat dijadikan sebagai landasan penerapannya. Selain dalil peninjauan dari para ulama juga penting sebagai pendukunng dalam pernyataan boleh atau tidaknya transaksi di dalam pasar modal syariah. Dari tinjauan yang telah dilakukan berdasarkan dalil yang ada transaksi pasar modal syariah temasuk ke dalam kegiatan muamalah dan tidak dilarang selama tidak mengandung unsur-unsur yang diharamkan. Pendapat dari para ulama yaitu tokoh ekonom Muslim berbeda-beda dengan terbagi menjadi kubu yang mendukung dan menolak.
Munculnya sistem perekonomian dengan prinsip syariah memberikan kabar baik bagi bagi umat Islam karena dengan itu mereka dapat merasa tenang sebagai praktitisi ekonomi. Salah satu bagian dari itu adaalah dengan diterbitkannya pasar modal syariah oleh DSN-MUI. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pentingnya pasar modal syariah terhadap perekonomian di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara menghitung PDB dari bulan Januari 2011 sampai Desember 2017. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahawa dengan adanya pasar modal syariah memberikan dampak yang baik bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia khususnya mampu menarik para investor.
: Chita Arifa Hazna NPM : 1406536221 Indonesia mengenal Pasar Modal Syariah kurang lebih sudah dua dekade, namun kenyataannya belum sepopuler lembaga keuangan lain. Hal ini kemudian menjadi pertanyaan, mengapa perkembangan Pasar Modal Syariah begitu lambat dibandingkan dengan yang konvensional.
Quantum dots (QDs), semiconductor nanocrystals ranging in size from 2 to 10 nanometers, present a revolutionary approach to improving solar energy conversion. With tunable electronic and optical properties driven by quantum confinement effects, QDs allow for the absorption of a broader spectrum of sunlight, including the infrared and ultraviolet ranges. This paper explores the principles of quantum dots, their integration into photovoltaic (PV) technologies, and their potential to overcome the limitations of conventional silicon solar cells. Through mechanisms such as bandgap engineering and multiple exciton generation (MEG), QD-enhanced solar panels are shown to theoretically surpass the Shockley-Queisser limit for photovoltaic efficiency. This paper reviews advancements in quantum dot solar cells (QDSCs), the associated challenges of material synthesis, scalability, and toxicity, and their potential environmental and economic impacts. Finally, future research directions and the role of QDSCs in the global energy transition are discussed.
Paper delivered at the Conference "Decolonising the World Republic of Letters. Circulations, Translations and Intellectual Networks across the Global South" (a propósito del 25 aniversario de The World Republic of Letters, de Pascale Casanova). “The Third World was not a place. It was a project”, wrote Vijay Prashad in his influential book The Darker Nations: A People's History of the Third World (2007), which initiated a new cycle of historical studies on Third Worldism as a political-cultural imaginary. But if the Third Worldist utopia thus implied a universalist emancipatory opening that challenged the very notion of place as a fixed identity territory, the postcolonial nation-states that emerged from the Third Worldist cycle put a stop to this cross-border ubiquity. Similarly, if some of the premises of contemporary decolonial critique play an important role in illuminating the intellectual and political power relations that structure cultural maps of the world, they often overlap with identities crystallized in particularist traditions. In critical dialogue with some of Pascale Casanova's propositions in her The World Republic of Letters, this paper argues about the function of cultural capitals as spaces of cosmopolitan universalization and critique of the identity fixations that limit emancipatory impulses. It does so on the basis of the case of Buenos Aires as a cultural capital of the periphery, and of the canonical encounter that took place there between Victoria Ocampo and Rabindranath Tagore, with lasting effects on the diagramming of alternative routes in global cultural circuits. If Tagore's visit to Buenos Aires in 1924 has been read as a fortuitous episode of his planned trip to Peru, an accident mainly due to Ocampo's dazzlement by his figure, another reading can be made from a perspective that contemplates more broadly the material and cultural conditions of existence of the Argentine capital as a space favorable to the mobility of literary and cultural references, and of reception and diffusion of world literatures. Ultimately, if on the one hand cultural capitals condense and reproduce power relations, on the other they create the conditions for their own provincialization and for the knotting of new terms within universal horizons of emancipation.
Although much overlooked by social scientists, a considerable amount of the classical Greek literature (circa700-300BCE) revolves around human relationships and, in particular, the matters of friendship, love and disaffection. Providing some of the earliest sustained literature on people's relations with others, the poets Homer (circa 700BCE) and Hesiod (circa 700BCE) not only seem to have stimulated interest in these matters, but also have provided some more implicit, contextual reference points for people embarked on the comparative analysis of human relations. Still, some other Greek authors, most notably including Plato and Aristotle, addressed these topics in explicitly descriptive and pointedly analytical terms. Plato and Aristotle clearly were not of one mind in the ways they approached, or attempted to explain, human relations. Nevertheless, contemporary social scientists may benefit considerably from closer examinations of these sources. Thus, while acknowledging some s...
The Large Glass No. 35/ 36, 2023 (Journal of Contemporary Art, Culture and Theory) Published twice a year. Price for a single copy 500 MKD, Annual subscription: 1000 MKD Publisher: Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje Address: Samoilova 17, MK -1000 Skopje, 2023
Current ways of thinking and living in the western world, and the value judgements and actions that are borne out of modern humanism, capital growth, and extraction - in which museums are complicit - are contributing to the devastating consequences of global warming and related more-than-human disasters. Such circumstances require a rethinking of the museum, curatorial practices, and the anthropocentric conception of strong agency founded on epistemological subject-object models and the mindsets that emerge from these relational figurations. It is increasingly apparent that all things are interconnected, and human agency is just one among many others in complex and often unruly processes. While history, science and technology museums, and their engagement with non-human worlds, have always been ecological as an empirical reality, the human-centred frameworks and forms of human agency that institutions deploy tend to be non-cognizant of this reality. This article is a synopsis of the arguments presented in my recent monograph, Museum Practices and the Posthumanities: Curating for Planetary Habitability. This book project seeks to inspire museological scholars to conduct research and for museum professionals to curate all manner of activities from a different ecological reference point. It acknowledges that for this to occur, novel and plural more-than-human curatorial visions, methods, conceptual frameworks, policies, and museologies are required that signal an enmeshed and more-than-human approach to the make-up and composition of the world to promote a planet good enough for all things to live and thrive in radical coexistence. The book also offers theoretical grounding for museum activism in the face of climate and planetary crises while at the same time undoing the crisis of modern humanism
La balanza de pagos es un documento contable en el que se registran operaciones comerciales, de servicios y de movimientos de capitales de un país con el exterior.
Agricultura sustentável e lucrativa (Atena Editora), 2021
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2021
Cell reports, 2018
Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 2013
Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 2017
Journal of Applied Physics, 2018
Studia Obszarów Wiejskich, 2018
Frontiers for Young Minds