Simulation and Analysis on Photovoltaic Solar Power System



A worldwide system was developed for solar photovoltaic (PV) applications. The demand for "clean" power generation is primarily powered here. The grid-based PV systems would become most important player in prospect mixed power systems, combined with multiple power electronic converters. Strict demands on the entire PV network have been made to achieve consistent & effective power generation from PV systems. Development of power converters in PV systems is being built in response. This paper offers a description of the latest power electronic converters used widely in residential applications, in three-phase PV systems. This paper also discusses demands for three-stage grid-connected PV systems and common systems management strategies.

International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (IJEET) Volume 11, Issue 6, August 2020, pp. 34-41, Article ID: IJEET_11_06_004 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6545 and ISSN Online: 0976-6553 DOI: 10.34218/IJEET.11.6.2020.004 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed SIMULATION AND ANALYSIS ON PHOTOVOLTAIC SOLAR POWER SYSTEM Upendra Prasad, Satan Rajwar and Ramesh Devarapalli Department of Electrical Engineering, B.I.T. - Birsa Institute of Technology Sindri, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India ABSTRACT A worldwide system was developed for solar photovoltaic (PV) applications. The demand for "clean" power generation is primarily powered here. The grid-based PV systems would become most important player in prospect mixed power systems, combined with multiple power electronic converters. Strict demands on the entire PV network have been made to achieve consistent & effective power generation from PV systems. Development of power converters in PV systems is being built in response. This paper offers a description of the latest power electronic converters used widely in residential applications, in three-phase PV systems. This paper also discusses demands for three-stage grid-connected PV systems and common systems management strategies. Key words: Inverters, CHB, THD, hybrid topologies, PWM, phase shift pulse width modulation, Solar System, sinusoidal pulse width modulation, Solar power, Renewable Energy, Solar panel, MPPT, Boost converter. Cite this Article: Upendra Prasad, Satan Rajwar and Ramesh Devarapalli, Simulation and Analysis on Photovoltaic Solar Power System. International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, 11(6), 2020, pp. 34-41. 1. INTRODUCTION The long-term national strategies consider conventional power generations that are fundamental sources for fossil fuel to be unsustainable. This has been a key driving force for the expanded use of energy from renewable energies including solar PV power, wind power, biomass, hydropower, geothermal & ocean power, etc. [1], [2]. Solar PV energy production has risen steadily among major renewable energy sources over previous five years [3], [4]. Therefore, 3-phase grid-connected PV systems were in context of this work to explain technologies for catering for correct PV integration into future mixed grid as standard setup for residential PV applications. Power electronics technology, like solar PV systems, has been used as a tool to allow further grid renewable sources [8]. Control electronics part of PV system (that is, control transducers) is associated with production of power semiconductor devices[9] and is responsible for a stable, effective conversion from a clean, non-polluting and 34 [email protected] Simulation and Analysis on Photovoltaic Solar Power System endless solar PV energy. Thus, a large number of grid-connected PV power converters were widely produced & marketed [10]-[15]. Compared to the most recent technology, four design principles [2], as is shown in figure 1., are primarily used to coordinate as well as transfer PV power to grid. 1. All of these gridconnected concepts includes series of parallel PV-panels and strings, which are configured accordingly to output voltage of PV-panels and power levels by multiple power electronics converters (DC-AC inverters &DC-DC converters). For 3-phase grid-connected PV system by power kWp central inverter is commonly utilized. For reduced cost, this technology can accomplish reasonably high efficiency but includes high-voltage DC cables [10]. Besides, this definition is notable for its low immunity to hotspots as well as partial shading (i.e. low PV consumption). Power mismatch problem is important. In comparison, in any string / multistring PV inverter, independently, the MPPT power is obtained, which results in increased overall energy performance. In each string, however, there are still inconsistencies in PV panels, as well as multi-string technology requirements, which contribute to more investment. Based on these issue module conversion systems, which provide flexible solutions for low power PV systems and monitoring and diagnostic module levels are built (DC-modular converters, and/or AC-module inverters). Figure 1 Block Diagram of Solar System This module integrated design eliminates effects of partial shadow, module mismatch as well as various module orientations, etc., as converter operates on single PV panel with single MPPT control. Nonetheless, low total effectiveness is major drawback of this approach, that module concept, multi-string inverters, as well as string inverter are mainly general results utilized in single-phase PV applications, Since single PV module power is comparative low as well as is robustly reliant of ambient circumstances (that is, ambient temperature & solar irradiance), trend for AC-module inverters is to combine also boost or buck-boost converters into half or full-bridge inverter to accomplish suitable DC-link voltage because it’s obtainable in single-stage module included PV converter may work in buck, boost, and buck-boost mode by broad variety of PV panel output voltage. Where inverter has LCL filter, acceptable overall harmonic distortion of injected current is obtained. In [14], variant AC module was added and boost converter & full-bridge inverter was also incorporated. Result was incorporation. Main disadvantage of incorporated boost AC-module inverter is that it will present zero cross current deformation. Inverter buck-boosts of AC modules are preferred to solve this problem. Buck-boost integrated fully bridge inverter works on same principles for 35 [email protected] Upendra Prasad, Satan Rajwar and Ramesh Devarapalli every half-cycle of grid voltage. A specific source is used in this AC-module inverter. Certain AC-module inverters are planned, besides topologies primarily depend upon relatively separate DC-DC converters embedded in inverter. Any of these techniques agree with the impedance network and impedance admittance conversion theory. Figure 2 Block Diagram of Solar System Figure 3 Simulated Models 2. SIMULATION MODELLING Modeled PV system illustrated in Figure 3 includes component models of VSC (Voltage Source Converter), PV array, dc-dc boost converter, LCL filter as well as power distribution grid model. Throughout this section, PV system component level models comprising MPPT algo are defined. 2.1. PV Array & MPPT Algorithm Photovoltaic array configuration is used in a single diode [10]. Figure 3 displays PV array's V-I characteristic curves. for various levels of solar irradiance at an ambient temperature of 25◦C. In increasing irradiance level, voltage at MPP, Vmpp is shown in Figure 4. A function of Solar Irradiance (SI), as well as Ambient Temperature (AT), is sum of potential power to be derived from PV array at given moment. Given constant increase in ambient temperature and solar irradiance, MPPT algorithm has to be used to track MPP. Amid MPPT algorithms obtainable are 2 well-known MPPT algorithms, P&O (Perturb & Observe) approach also an incremental action (in C). Method for P&O is simple MPPT algorithm for tracking. 36 [email protected] Simulation and Analysis on Photovoltaic Solar Power System ……. Figure 4 VI Characteristics of PV module 2.2. VSC (Voltage Source Converter) Voltage Source Converter in Figure 5 is full-bridge converter that is through protected gate bipolar transistor switches. Across all four quadrants, the VSC will operate. The VSC, Sr is estimated to have an apparent power of 5.4 kVA. The VSC's substitution potential is used to deliver or remove reactive energy after a sufficient volume of active power is injected. The frequency of switching of VSC, fsw, is 1 kHz, as well as unipolar sinusoidal pulse width modulation, is utilized. [13]. Figure 5 is a full-bridge converter 37 [email protected] Upendra Prasad, Satan Rajwar and Ramesh Devarapalli 2.3. Selection of Dc-link Capacitor Vdc and Dc-link voltage, includes avg dc component, Vdc avg, and hundred Hurtz voltage ripple. A term for peak-to-peak hundred Hurtz voltage ripple, ∆Vdc, of Dc-link, may be derived as (1) [16]. In (1) Pg is active power-infused to grid Cdc is dc-link capacitor as well as is grid voltage’s basic angular frequency, vg. Vdc avg is 400 Volt of modeled PV system. CDc is determined as 12000 μF with a modeled PV system which limits ∆Vdc to about five percent of Vdc avg when 5.4 kW active power is injected into grid by VSC 2.4. Dc-c Boost Converter Rated Dc-Dc Boost Converter power illustrated in Figure 6 is five kW as well as frequency of switching, fdc, 5 kHz. An inductor (LDC) current ripple, (∆I) of present streaming through inductor can then be determined as given in (2). [13]. In (2) Vpv is voltage in PV array. Ldc = Vpv(Vdc avg - Vpv)/∆IfdcVdc avg (2) Once PV array is above MPP, Vpv is about 300V following Figure 4. Therefore inductor, Ldc = 9 mH, may be computed to limit ∆I to five percent while Dc-Dc Boost Converter is operating at rated capacity. PV series is isolated from ac-side dynamics [16] by Dc-Dc Boost Converter. Therefore, Cpv capacitor is selected to be 2.5 times dc-link capacitor, Cdc, in performance of PV array. By chosen value for C pv, 100 Hz voltage ripple i.e. emerged across Figure 6 DC-Dc Boost Converter When VSC is working with rated capacity, PV array decreases to 10 percent of Dc-link voltage ripple of 100 Hz. High time constant of Cpv efficiently decouples Ac side as well as Dc side of grid-connected PV system. Cpv also reduces ripple current through PV array to a minimum. 3. RESULTS & ANALYSIS Simulation model of grid-connected 3-phase PV system was built in Matlab simulation agenda. Simulation experiments were carried out to test efficiency of models as well as PV system controllers. PV array surface temperature was studied constantly at 25 degrees centigrade in all simulation states. VSC was operating with and without low-order HC at rated capacity. 38 [email protected] Simulation and Analysis on Photovoltaic Solar Power System Figure 7 Irradiation variations for solar system There was not an optimal THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) of simulated grid voltage. Magnitudes of low-order harmonics injecting to power distribution grid are seen in figures. This is an example of the response to phase change in solar irradiance by closed-loop current controller as well as by Dc-link voltage controller (1000 to 200 W / m2 t = 0.4 s). A new current reference is created in the configured PV system after changes in the operating state. Steady-state error is nearly 0 because closed-loop current controls closely match created existing reference. Demonstrates ability to built recent controller to control active & reactive injected power independently. Figure 8 Comparative Wave for Used for PWM Figure 10 Gate firing Pulses for Three Phase Inverter 39 [email protected] Upendra Prasad, Satan Rajwar and Ramesh Devarapalli With solar irradiance’ variation example, controller of Dc-Dc Boost Converter & VSC power factor controller shows performance; with Dc-Dc Boost Converter PV array voltage has been closely controlled by duty cycle of Dc-Dc Boost Converter, Vpv at Vref system. The MPP monitoring path of the called solar radiation variations. Nonetheless, after the solar irradiance has stabilized, a real MPP algorithm has been correctly found Figure 10 Output voltage of Inverter 4. CONCLUSIONS Research on the recent three-phase PV systems development was performed in this paper. Demands were outlined in this paper for the PV three-stage systems, including the specifications related to networks, the requirements of solar PV panels, needs of ground current, efficiencies & reliability of three-stage PV converters. Since performance of conversions is still very high (with integrated DC-DC Converter), transformer is less dependent on PV topology. The analysis indicates that when DC-DC is used in boost level, MPPT control is more efficient as well as running time of PV systems is increased, for small PV units with fewer power ratings, AC-Module inverter principle is highly scalable. Besides, a short overview of synchronization and tracking techniques will also be given on the general control structures for fewer PV systems transformer. REFERENCES [1] Suvom Roy ”Modelling of 5Kw single-phase grid-tied solar photovoltaic system” 2016 International Conference on Computer, Electrical & Communication Engineering (ICCECE), 15 August 2017. [2] International Energy Agency, “Methodology Guidelines on Life Cycle Assessment of Photovoltaic Electricity”, IEA PVPS Task 12, Subtask 20, LCA Report IEA-PVPS T1201:2009 October 2009. [3] M. Chegaar, A. Lamri and A. 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