International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 1, January - 2014
Energy Management Practices in Energy Intensive Industries
Ms. S. S. Valunjkar
Mrs. S. D. Joshi
Prof. Dr.(Mrs.) N. R. Kulkarni
Post Graduate Student
Assistant Professor
Vice Principal ,Professor & Head
Department of Electrical Engineering, Modern College of Engineering, Shivaji Nagar, Pune,
Maharashtra, India.
Energy plays a key role in achieving the desired
developmental goals is webbed around a successful
energy strategy. Energy is a pivotal prerequisite of
developed economy and social structures. The aim
of this paper is to describe and analyze energy
management practices in two different energyintensive industries: the pulp and paper industry
and the foundry industry. In this paper importance
of energy management and its benefits are
1. Introduction
2. Energy management in industry
The primary objective of energy management
is to maximize profits and minimize costs. The
main objectives of energy management programs
1. Improving energy efficiency and reducing
energy use, thereby reducing costs.
2. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and
improve air quality.
3. Cultivating good communication on
energy matters.
4. Developing and maintaining effective
monitoring, reporting and management
strategies for wise energy usage.
5. Finding new and better ways to increase
returns from energy investments through
research and development.
6. Reducing the impacts of curtailments,
brownouts or any interruption in energy
Effective energy management for facilities
(e.g., hospitals, factories, malls, or schools) is
becoming increasingly important in view of rising
energy costs, the government mandate on reduction
of energy consumption and human comfort
requirements. The problem is to minimize the
energy and demand costs while satisfying human
comfort, system dynamics, load limit constraints,
and other requirements.
Industrial energy efficiency is becoming
increasingly important from the point of view of
both public economy and business. Governments
have instituted several incentives to increase energy
efficiency in industry, since this is one of the most
promising means to reduce CO2 emissions
resulting from the use of fossil fuels [1]. From a
business point of view, greater energy efficiency is
of importance as it has direct economic benefits
such as increased competitiveness and higher
productivity. Research, however, has shown that
despite the existence of cost-effective energy
efficiency measures in industry, these are not
always implemented due to various barriers to
energy efficiency.
as regards policy formulation. It should also be
noted that the paper does not aim to evaluate
energy management standards and practices but
more on an aggregated level describe and analyze
how energy management is carried out in two
highly energy-intensive industries.
For industry there are two main means of
coping with increase in energy price 1) supply side
management, for example investment in new
electricity production and negotiating lower prices
with energy suppliers, and 2) demand side
management, for example a greater focus on energy
management. Recently, energy management has
been the subject of considerably increased attention
Energy management is a means to overcome
barriers to energy efficiency. Research by has
shown that industries who adopt energy
management practices may save up to 40 percent of
their total energy use [2]. Both top managements
wholehearted support and a strategic approach are
of outmost importance if an energy management
programme is to succeed. Some other important
elements include an initial energy audit, senior
managements support, monitoring of energy use, an
energy policy, a programme for energy saving
projects, and staff motivation and training [3]-[4]
3. Energy intensive industries
The energy intensive industries include
paper and pulp industry and foundry industry
considered in this paper. This research was carried
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 1, January - 2014
out as a case study of the pulp and paper and
foundry industries. Case study research is
especially advantageous when, how or why
questions are asked about a contemporary set of
events over which the investigator has little or no
control. The research was carried out using a
questionnaire focused on energy management
This is due to the fact that an investment is
in many cases related to both production efficiency
and energy efficiency. Moreover, a discrepancy
between operational and strategic measures should
also be noted. Many of the energy efficiency
investments related to the support processes, have
lower initial costs compared to heavily capital
intensive production processes.
Three issues of importance to energy
management in industry were chosen as indicators,
viz. the pay-back criteria for energy efficiency
investments, the existence and duration of a longterm energy strategy, how the companies allocate
their energy costs, and how various information
sources for energy efficient technologies are
< 3 years
< 2 years
< 1 year
Pulp and
Figure.1 Payoff-criteria for energy efficiency
investment shown as percentages of the total
number of responses
This means that while the support process
measures may be adopted on an operational level in
the organizations, many of the heavily capitalintensive production process related investments
are often related to strategic decision making.
Though, 25 percent of the studied energy-intensive
foundries lack investment criteria for energy
efficiency investments, which may indicate an area
for potential improvements concerning energy
management practices.
In an attempt to categorize the studied
industries, based on three of the chosen indicators,
in terms of success or lack of success as regards
energy management practices, three categories
were chosen. The first category comprised those
mills and foundries that answered affirmatively to
having pay-off periods for energy efficiency
investments of two years or more, having an energy
strategy of three years or longer and allocating
energy costs based on sub-metering. The second
category comprised organizations that answered
affirmatively to two of the statements and the third
category comprised the remainder of the mills and
> 3 years
4. Energy management practices in
energy intensive industries
The following section outlines and
analyses the results of the study, beginning with
results regarding the industries pay-back periods,
followed by results regarding the existence and
duration of a long-term energy strategy and the
results regarding the allocation of energy costs. In
the final part of the section, the companies are
categorized in terms of successful energy
management practices, and the industries view on
various information sources is presented.
4.1 Pay off criteria
Several different ways of calculating
potential energy efficiency investments exist, one
of the most recognized and straightforward
methods being the pay-off method. As it can be
seen from Figure. 1, most of the companies apply a
pay-off criterion of 3 years or less for energy
efficiency investments, which can be compared
with a general pay-off period of 4.1. It is often
problematic to distinguish investments in energy
4.2 Existence and duration of long term
energy strategy
A long-term energy strategy should not be
considered to be equivalent to an Energy
Management System (EMS), which is adopted on a
more operational level, lower down in the
organization supporting the operation of energy
management. Energy management should have the
support of top management and adopting a longterm energy strategy is an important means of
emphasizing this. However, successful energy
management practices could be facilitated by an
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 1, January - 2014
No. of
> 5 years
5 years
3 years
1 year
Pulp and
Paper Industry
Figure. 2 Existence and duration of a long-term
energy strategy
50% 100%
Figure. 3 Allocation of energy costs.
management practices
Pulp and
Paper Industry
As shown in Figure. 2, about one fifth of
the pulp and paper mills lack a long-term energy
strategy, and more than half of the foundries lack
such a strategy, indicating that these industries do
not consider energy management to be a core
activity. Moreover, Figure 2 also indicates that less
than half of the pulp and paper mills and less than
30 percent of the foundries have an energy strategy
of at least five years. Adopting an energy strategy
of one to three years and calling it “long-term” is
useless. This shows that most of the companies
either lack a strategy or have a strategy with regard
to energy of three years or less, indicating areas for
improvement with regard to energy management
practices. The explanation for this may be an
increased focus on core business that may result in
fewer resources being allocated to non-core
activities such as energy management.
In many industries inadequate allocation
of energy costs may lead to slack energy
management [5]. A monitoring system using submetering at plant level is one of the major
prerequisites for proper energy cost allocation, and
successful energy management adoption. However,
research shows that it is not always installed in
manufacturing companies and even where it exists
it is not always used for proper energy cost
Figure. 3 show that the majority allocate
energy costs using sub-metering. However, about
one fifth of the mills and about one third of the
foundries do not allocate energy costs at all, and at
about one tenth of the industries, energy costs are
allocated per square metre and per number of
employees respectively. This indicates that the split
incentive problem may be of importance, even
among the studied energy-intensive industries.
Pulp and
Not at all
50% 100%
4.3 Allocation of energy costs
Figure. 4 Categorization of energy management
The first category includes those
companies that answered affirmatively to having
pay-off periods for energy efficiency investments
of two years or more, having an energy strategy of
three years or longer and allocating energy costs
based on sub-metering. The second category
comprises companies that answered affirmatively
to two of the above outlined statements, and the
third category comprises the remaining companies.
As can be seen from Figure. 4, about 40 percent of
the pulp and paper mills and 25 percent of the
foundries may be considered successful, using the
three indicators. The use of indicators is a very
rough means of making such a categorization but it
nevertheless gives an indication that a potential for
improvement seems to exist as regards energy
management practices in the studied industries.
5. Conclusion
Energy conservation ultimately leads to
economic benefits as the cost of production is
reduced. In energy- intensive industries like pulp
and paper and foundry industry. The cost of energy
forms a significant part of the total cost of product.
Using energy efficient technologies will reduce the
manufacturing cost and lead to production of
cheaper and better quality products.
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 3 Issue 1, January - 2014
Based on the research results presented in
this paper, even among energy-intensive industries,
energy management does not seem to be fully
prioritized at all the companies – around 40 percent
of the mills and 25 percent of the foundries may be
considered successful in terms of energy
management. Moreover, the degree of adoption of
energy management practices seems to increase
with the size of the company and in particular
increase with energy intensity.
If energy management is not fully
prioritized in energy-intensive industries – the pulp
and paper industry and foundry industry it will
probably not be prioritized in less energy-intensive
industrial sectors either. This indicates a large
untapped potential with regard to achieving cleaner
and more environmentally sound production in
different industrial sectors.
[1] IPCC, Contribution of Working Group III to the
Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change. Summary for
Policymakers. Retrieved October 8, 2007, from: 07.pdf
[2] Gruber, E., Brand, M.,. Promoting energy
companies. Energy Policy; 1991,19(3):279-87,.
[3] McKane, A., Williams, R., Perry, W., T, L.,
Setting the Standard for Industrial Energy
Efficiency Retrieved, December 9, 2009, from:
[4] Worrell, E., Bernstein, L., Roy, J., Price, L.,
Harnisch, J., Industrial energy efficiency and
climate change mitigation. Energy Efficiency;
[5] Rohdin, P., Thollander, P., Barriers to and
Driving Forces for Energy Efficiency in the Nonenergy Intensive Manufacturing Industry in
Sweden. Energy; 2006, 31(12):1836-44.