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Disusun Oleh : Raras Aroyo (C1C018102) KELAS R10 PROGRAM STUDI AKUNTANSI FAKULTAS EKONOMI DAN BISNIS UNIVERSITAS JAMBI 2020 KATA PENGANTAR Puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena berkat Rahmat dan Hidayah-Nya kami dapat menyusun makalah Akuntansi Keperilakuan ini tepat waktu. Makalah ini disusun untuk mengetahui hal-hal yang berhubungan Aspek Keperilakuan pada Persyaratan Pelaporan.
Analisis korelasi bertujuan untuk melihat keeratan hubungan antara dua variabel atau lebih.
Серегин Н.Н., Тишкин А.А., Матренин С.С., Паршикова Т.С. Костяные (роговые) детали плетей в предметном комплексе населения Алтая жужанского времени (по материалам некрополя Чобурак-I) // Археология евразийских степей. 2023. №3. С. 257–267. , 2023
The article presents the results of the study of one of the rather rare groups of findings – bone (antler) parts of whips, revealed during the excavations of the objects of the Rouran period necropolis on the Choburak-I burial site. This complex, studied by the Altai State University expedition, is located in the Chemal district of the Altai Republic. The details of the whips, that make up the most numerous series of such items from the published objects of the Bulan-Koby culture, come from the burials of four men and one teenager (barrows 29a, 30a, 31, 32, 38). The morphological analysis of the finds, their classification and comparison with materials from the sites of North and Central Asia of the early Iron Age and the Middle Ages made it possible to determine the functional characteristics of the objects, among which parts of handles and ends of whips, as well as knobs (end-pieces) of crops were identified. The chronology of different types of items within the first half of the I millennium AD has been specified. It was found that crops with knobs (end-pieces) in the form of massive tubes were material culture indicative elements of the Altai nomads in the second half of the IV – the first half of the V centuries AD. The thesis that whips were a stable marker of the burial set of the male population of the region under consideration in the Great Migration period is confirmed.
Emblemas moralizadas, de Hernando de Soto, es un hermoso librito de emblemas que se publicó en Madrid en 1599. Reúne 61 emblemas en los que, con gracia no exenta de tonos amargos, se pretende entretener y enseñar mediante la acertada combinación de imagen y texto. La edición actual de esta obra se acompaña con una profusa anotación del texto, un estudio biográfico del autor, la historia editorial y las fuentes empleadas, un apartado de notas complementarias en las que se rastrean las fuentes de las picturae, y un índice de motivos iconográficos.
Yeoh Eik Den, 2018
This paper provided the gap analysis that focus on real estate retail space and propose by using data analytics to improve the supply and demand process that enable real estate management to make better decision to resolve the critical gaps. This included a set of key performance indicators (KPI) to monitor and control the supply chain process and optimize business value. Factors that influence the demand and supply of real estate management in Malaysia can be from government policy, economic, demographic and etc. However, there are not many of the real estate management know how to apply data to identify the potential value to this area for improve their business and how to stay more competitive advantage. The main focus on this paper is how operation excellences with identify the key factors and how data can help real estate management to stay competitive and planning that improve the sustainable environment especially in the retail space that include commercial purpose. Many organizations today have more information ever before. In many cases, the information is not being utilized which organizations missing on the potential competitive opportunity. This may due to number of challenges that faced by management such as still comfortable with the existing method or doesn’t know how to move forward to setup the rights skills of data science team. Even they willing to hire, but there is a big gap to hire the right one in the market. This is new trend and still very less resources in the market, this need government to play an important role to build and encourage education institutes to provide such skillset to fill the gap. Data sciences and business analytics will be important and critical skills for many businesses to find the potential opportunity to improve their supply chain process nowadays. It is about the quantitative analysis and predictive modeling towards data-driven competitive strategies that could align with the sustainable strategies and improvement to the organizations supply chains process.
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