G225: Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture (10985)
Spring 2016
T/TH 9:30 – 10:45 AM, Rawles Hall 100
Dr. Dinah Holtzman
[email protected]
office: Memorial Hall, M09 West (Mezzanine)
office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:00 – 2:00 PM and by appointment
Gender Studies main office: Memorial Hall 130 East, 855-0101
Associate Instructor: Reginald Blockett
[email protected]
office: 216 Memorial Hall office hours:
This course explores how popular culture generates and articulates our understandings of gender and sexuality and their intersections with race and class. The weekly themes cohere around two correlated topics: 1. “Celebrity” and its imbrications with 2. “Media Scandals, Controversies and Contentious Debates.” This syllabus reflects the premise that popular culture is never simply entertainment or a diversion for audiences. Instead, “pop” culture provides us with stories, images and scripts through which we imagine and practice femininities, masculinities, and sexualities. Popular culture provides us with models of how to understand our own racial, gender and sexual identities. This course allows us to critically analyze images, practices, and narratives that perpetuate and/or disrupt these norms. By the end of the course, you should have the skills and tools to perform such analyses on your own.
To learn the basic concepts of major critical methodologies such as feminist, critical race and queer theory used in studies of popular culture.
To apply facets of these theories to critical analysis of a popular text.
To perform visual analysis of a popular text through close attention to structure, imagery, and generic components.
To demonstrate thematic analysis of a specific text’s treatment of issues of gender, sexuality, and race.
Note: This course contains sexually and violently explicit material and language, including descriptions, discussion of rape and graphic depictions of sex. If you are uncomfortable with this subject matter, you should drop this course.
Course Texts:
There is no required textbook for this course. All assigned readings are available as pdf files under the assignments heading via the course’s Canvas homepage or through the hyperlinks (highlighted in blue) on the syllabus.
Course Requirements:
Attendance and Participation
Attendance will be monitored at the start of each class session. As a rule, I allow two excused absences per semester. After those two absences, any additional (hence unexcused) absences will lower your final attendance grade (10%) by 1/3 of a letter grade for each additional unexcused absence. For example, 3 absences = A-, 4 absences = B+ and so on.
I count your first two absences as those that are permitted and any that you accrue thereafter as unexcused--meaning I do not cherry pick which of your absences are excused versus unexcused. Therefore, if you feel that you have a valid excuse for missing more than two class sessions than you should plan on providing me with a doctor’s note explaining the extenuating circumstances that prevented your attendance. I do not consider slips of paper documenting a visit to the health center or a list of tests administered at the health center to be proof of extenuating circumstances.
Participation will be assessed by way of attendance, in-class discussions/activities and response papers. (10%)
Midterm and Final Papers
Both the midterm and final papers will cover material from the assigned readings and screenings as well as the various media clips presented in class. The midterm paper should address material covered between Week #1 – Week #7. The final paper should explore material covered between Week #8 – Week #15.
Midterm Paper – 20% course grade
Final Paper – 20% course grade
You will be required to view a number of media clips for this course. We will view some short videos and clips during class sessions. I have marked these on the syllabus as in-class viewing. There are three-four feature films (Magic Mike, I Love You, Man, Bronies and Fruitvale Station) listed on the syllabus that you should view outside of class.
The first two are available via streaming video accessible through Canvas. To access the films you must click on the course title in the box on the left, then you must enter the course password GenStudsPC (case sensitive). *Please note that if you copy and paste the URL link into the address bar you must make sure that it hasn’t appended extra characters. For example, the URL for Magic Mike is:
Sometimes when you paste the address it will add characters after VAD3736 so check and if there are extra characters, if so, delete them and the link should work.
Clicking on the hyperlinks in the syllabus frequently does not work so you should plan on cutting and pasting the link as well as looking at the pasted address to insure there are no appended characters.
As of yet, I am uncertain whether I will be permitted to provide streaming video of Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Fans and Fruitvale Station. In the event that my requests are denied, I will try every available option to provide students with free access to those titles.
I have listed hyperlinks for most of the short clips we will watch in class; please feel free to watch them before class sessions if you wish. * We may not have time to watch all the listed clips during class sessions.
The screenings are required and should be regarded with the utmost scholarly attention. *It is important to take notes during the screenings so that you can refer to them when writing your response, midterm and final papers. This will enable you to take an active role in class discussions, provide a basis for one of your response paper assignments as well as to learn material you will address in the two longer paper assignments . You might consider repeat viewings if you are considering writing about the film for one of the paper assignments.
Reading/Screening Response Papers
Over the course of the semester, students are required to turn in two 1-2-page response papers to the screenings and/or readings assigned for class (Thursdays for Weeks 3 and 11). These should be thoughtful reflections, not summaries. Think of them as ways to prepare for class discussion and for generating ideas for the essay components of the midterm and final exams. Late papers, meaning papers not received in class will be deducted a third of a letter grade for each class session that passes after the due date.
Papers should be formatted accordingly: one-inch margins, double spaced, 12-point font, and Times Roman (or a similar size) fonts. Please be sure that multiple-page assignments are stapled. Bibliographic information should use the MLA citation style. See owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/557/09/
*Students must submit paper copies to me before or after the Thursday class session upon which they are due (Thursdays of Weeks 3 & 11). I will only accept papers sent as email attachments in the event that a student will not be present in class on the day the response is due. If you send me your paper as an email attachment due to printer difficulties I will count your response as late since you were present in class but failed to provide me with the requested paper copy. (20% of course grade)
Please note I will pass out and review templates/prompts for the response papers during one of our first four class sessions. After students have turned in the first response papers and myself have graded them, with the permission of the author, I will use one of the best examples as a model demonstrating what I am looking for in these assignments. I will provide all students with a copy and we will review it together in class. In addition, I will post it to Canvas so that students may consult it before writing additional required response papers.
Mid-Term Paper 20%
Final Paper 20%
Response Papers 20%
Participation 10%
Attendance 10%
In-Class Activities 20%
Note: Graduate student graders follow my criteria for evaluation. For every grading event, I will read a representative random sample, so that by the end of the semester I will ideally have graded at least one item from everyone in the class. In the event of a dispute over a grade, I will be the final arbiter. The intra-class process to petition for a review of grade is as follows: submit a written request to me within 24 hours after the graded material has been returned to you. Your written submission should lay out the terms of the grievance in a clear manner. I will respond within one week in writing and let you know if a conference is necessary. Petitions to re-examine grades will be treated holistically: the entire exam or paper will be re-evaluated, not just a particular section.
Tardiness Policy
Each tardy arrival is distracting and will count as 1/3rd of an unexcused absence. Thus, three tardies are equivalent to one unexcused absence. Please be in your seat and ready for class to start at the appointed hour. Arriving to class two to three minutes is still arriving late; there is no five-minute grace period!
Classroom Etiquette
This class will be personal in many ways, but it is not confined to the personal. Your experiences and beliefs matter in this conversation, but so does your tolerance of others’ point of view and your ability to make applications beyond yourself. While we will certainly debate the issues, personal attacks and/or derogatory remarks will not be tolerated. Maintaining enrollment in this course signifies your willingness to respect all members of our classroom.
***Sleeping, note passing, chatting, and paper reading are distracting. While there are many students in the class I do notice these behaviors while lecturing and note them in relation to the offending actors. Leaving early is similarly not acceptable; nor is loudly packing your bag and putting on your jacket before the official end of the class session. If necessary you may take mid-class bathroom and/or water breaks but please try to exit and re-enter with minimal hubbub. See me if you have problems with any of these policies.
***With the rise of technology also comes multitudinous new ways to be distracted (and distract others) in class. For this reason, I ask that you not text, e-mail, or use laptop computers in class. If you need to use a laptop for note taking, please see me, and I will ask that you sit near the front and not connect to the Internet while class is in session.
Plagiarism and Cheating
Plagiarism constitutes using others’ ideas, words or images without properly giving credit to those sources. If you turn in any work with your name affixed to it, I assume that work is your own and that all sources are indicated and documented in the text (with quotations and/or citations). If you have questions about how to cite properly please ask a librarian or me. There are also numerous websites dedicated to various citation methods such as MLA, Chicago, APA, etc.,
Here is the definition of plagiarism, at length, from the IU Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct:
Plagiarism is defined as presenting someone else’s work, including the work of other students, as one’s own. Any ideas or materials taken from another source for either written or oral use must be fully acknowledged, unless the information is common knowledge. What is considered “common knowledge” may differ from course to course.
A student must not adopt or reproduce ideas, opinions, theories, formulas, graphics, or pictures of another person without acknowledgment.
• A student must give credit to the originality of others and acknowledge indebtedness whenever:
Directly quoting another person’s actual words, whether oral or written; • Using another person’s ideas, opinions, or theories;
• Paraphrasing the words, ideas, opinions, or theories of others, whether oral or written;
Borrowing facts, statistics, or illustrative material; or
• Offering materials assembled or collected by others in the form of projects or collections without acknowledgment.
If you need help avoiding plagiarism, please refer to Writing Tutorial Services’ online tutorial (http://www.indiana.edu/~wts/pamphlets/plagiarism.shtml), or contact me.
I will respond to acts of academic misconduct according to university policy concerning plagiarism; sanctions for plagiarism can include a grade of 0 for the assignment in question and/or for the course and must include a report to the Dean of Students Office.
For more information on plagiarism, you may consult the following website, which provides definitions, examples, and tips on how to properly cite references: https://www.indiana.edu/~istd/definition.html
Extra Credit: Students may receive extra credit for participating in a one-on-one session with a Writing Tutor at Writing Tutorial Services (WTS) located in the Information Commons in Wells Library. WTS is open Mon–Thurs 10am–8pm; Fri 10am–5pm, and you can schedule an appointment by calling 855-6738. In order to receive extra credit students must provide me with a copy of his or her self-evaluation sheet signed by the writing tutor-- an unsigned evaluation sheet will not count toward extra credit.
Over the course of the semester, I will post news items and/or event listings relevant to the themes of the class. I encourage students interested in pursuing extra credit to consider writing a brief response (2 paragraphs rather than 1-2 pages) about any of those articles and/or events you read or attend. I typically announce any articles or event notices I post at the beginning of the first class session of the week.
*Please note that I used an extra credit accrued to determine overall course grades. For example, in the event that a student is numerically between an A- and a B+, if she has 1 or more extra credits that would bump her grade toward the A- rather than the B+.
Special Accommodations
If you need special accommodation due to medical conditions or religious observances, please see me early in the semester. If you have a documented disability and have any accommodation needs related to the classroom environment, lectures, note-taking or test taking, please let me know after class or during office hours. For more information, contact the Office of Disability Services for Students in Herman B. Wells Library W302 (812-855-7578) to receive the accommodation paperwork you need.
Course Agenda
Week 1—1/12 & 1/14: Contemporary Celebrity/Tabloid Culture
*Instructor reserves the right to modify the syllabus over the course of the semester
T 1/12—Introduction/s, Syllabus Review,
Read for 1/14:
Sean Redmond, “Intimate Fame Everywhere,” in Su Holmes and Sean Redmond (eds.) Framing Celebrity: New Directions in Celebrity Culture. London: Routledge, 2006. IntimateFame.pdf
Ellis Cashmore, “Thriving on Scandal” in Celebrity Culture. London: Routledge, 2014, 140-164. thrivingscandal.pdf
TH 1/14—Discuss Redmond & Cashmore
Read for 1/19:
Toby Miller, “The First Penis Impeached” in Lauren Berlant and Lisa Duggan (eds). Our Monica, Ourselves. New York: NYU Press, 2001, 116-136. firstpenisimpeached.pdf
“America’s Top Ten Political Sex Scandals” Time Magazine. Online.
Michelle Goldberg, “Why Bill’s Past Could Still Hurt Hillary” in Slate.com, Dec. 30 2015.
Allison P. Davis, “Every Rap Song That Mentions Monica Lewinsky” in New York Magazine, March 24, 2015.
Week 2—1/19 & 1/21: Political Sex Scandals
T 1/19—Review prompt for response papers G225ResponsePrompt2016.docx, discuss Miller, Top 10, Goldberg and Davis essays.
TH 1/21—Discussion continued, possible in-class activity
In-Class Screenings for T or TH:
Barbara Walters interview with Monica Lewinsky on 20/20 (1999), first 6 mins.
Chris Rock on Lewinsky Scandal,
American Experience: Clinton, The Lewinsky Scandal,
Miley Cyrus “Party in the USA” Clinton/Lewinsky Parody
Read for 1/26:
Laura Mulvey, “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema,” in Constance Penley (ed.) Feminism and Film Theory. London: Routledge, 1988, 57-68.
bell hooks, “The Oppositional Gaze: Black Female Spectators” in Black Looks: Race and Representation. Boston: South End Press, 1992, 115-131.
Week 3—1/26 & 1/28: The Gender and Racial Politics of the Gaze
*Response paper #1 due TH 1/28
T 1/26—Discuss Mulvey and hooks essay
TH 1/28—In class activity related to Mulvey and hooks, *Response paper #1 due
Read for 2/2:
Thomas Fahy, “One Night in Paris (Hilton): Wealth, Celebrity and the Politics of Humiliation” in Ann C. Hall and Mardia J. Bishop (eds.) Pop Porn: Pornography in American Culture. London: Praeger, 2007, 75-98.
Michael Z. Newman, “The Celebrity Sex Tape, Where Porn Meets Reality TV” Flowtv.org, April 10, 2014.
Alexandra Sastre, “Hottentot in the Age of Reality TV: Sexuality, Race and Kim Kardashian’s Visible Body,” in Celebrity Studies, Volume 5 (Links to an external site.)
, Issue 1-2 (Links to an external site.)
, 2014, 123-137.
Week #4--2/2 & 2/4: Celebrity Sex Tapes, Private vs. Public, Part I
T 2/3—Discuss Newman and Fahy essays
TH 2/5—Discussion continued, possible in-class activity
In-Class Screenings for T or TH:
Rob Lowe on his Sex Tape
New Paris Hilton Sex Tape
Kim Kardashian Sex Tape Footage/Barbara Walters Interview with the Kardashian Women
Kim Kardashian's Biggest Regret: The Sex Tape | Oprah's Next Chapter | Oprah Winfrey Network
Paris Hilton Carl’s Junior ad (2005)
Kim Kardashian’s Carl’s Junior Ad
Read for 2/9:
Ariane Cruz (Links to an external site.)
, “The Black Visual Experience: Hendrix, Porn, and Authenticity” in Camera Obscura. Volume 26, Number 1, 2011, 65-93. HendrixSexTape-2.pdf
Robin Leach, “Q+A: Vivid Entertainment’s Steven Hirsch talks celebrity sex tapes, state of the porn world” in Las Vegas Sun, 1/14/14.
Week 5--2/9 & 2/11: Celebrity Sex Tapes, Public vs. Private, Part II
T 2/9—Discuss Cruz and Leach essays, —*Distribute and Review prompt for Midterm Paper (due Week 8, Thursday, 3/3 turn in hard/paper copy before class session) G225MidtermPrompt2016.docx
TH 2/11--Discussion continued, possible in-class activity
In-Class Screenings for T or TH:
Jimi Hendrix: The Sex Tape
Official Jimi Hendrix Sex Tape Trailer
(excerpts) Behind the Green Door, Artie Mitchell, 1972.
Read for 2/16:
Maureen Orth, “No Laughing Matter: Woody Allen and Mia Farrow” in The Importance of Being Famous: Behind the Scenes of the Celebrity-Industrial Complex. Macmillan Press, 2004. 221-236. OrthNoLaughing-1.pdf
Stephen Hinerman “(Don’t) Leave Me Alone: Tabloid Narrative and the Michael Jackson Child Abuse Scandal” in Media Scandals: Morality and Desire in the Popular Culture Marketplace. New York: Columbia University Press, 1997. 143-161. Dontleaveme alone.pdf
Josh Levin, “Dispatches From the R. Kelly Trial” in Slate.com. Online. May 23, 2008.
*Click the yellow bar that appears under the title that reads “View all Entries” to access Day 2 & 3 portions.
Day 1: The Shaggy Defense
Day 2: The “Little Man” Defense and the Case Against Sparkle
Day 3: Sparkle’s Revenge
http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/dispatches/features/2008/dispatches_from_the_r_kelly_trial_2/day_3_sparkles_revenge.html (Links to an external site.)
Week 6—2/16 & 2/18: Celebrity Sex Scandals: Child Molestation and Statutory Rape—Woody Allen, Michael Jackson, R. Kelly
T 2/16—Discuss Orth, Hinerman and Levin Essays
TH 2/18—Discussion continued, possible in-class activity
In-Class Screenings for T or TH:
The Chappelle Show Skit “R. Kelly: I’m Gonna P*** on You,”
Boondocks—R. Kelly Trial,
Spy Hit List: The Farrow Allen Previn Bunch,
Mad TV Michael Jackson Trial
Michael Jackson Neverland Statement 1993
Read for 2/23:
(excerpts—p. 43-45, p. 56 begin at Scenes Six: Watching Journalists Watch Peewee-- through p.61, last paragraph p. 62 through 69.) William Anthony Nericcio, “Watching Critics, Watching Journalists, Watching Cameras, Watching Sheriffs, Watching Pee-wee Herman Watch: The Extraordinary Case of the Saturday Morning Children’s Show Celebrity Who Masturbated” in Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies 4 (Spring 2004) pp. 43-70.
Watching Critics Watching Journalists Watching Cameras Watchin.pdf
(excerpts--p. 27 through to p. 37 end at “Consumerism and Global Pop Culture”) Jaap Kooijman, “Outside in America: George Michael’s Music Video, Public Sex and Global Pop Culture” in European Journal of Cultural Studies, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2004, pp. 27-41. Outside in America.pdf
(excerpts—p. 125 “Mass Culture and the Spectacle of Black Female Excess” through p. 132 end at “The Hip Hop Music Video and Technologies of Excess”) Nicole Fleetwood, “Excess Flesh: Black Women Performing Hypervisibility” in Troubling Vision: Performance, Visuality, and Blackness. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011, 105-146. TroublingFleetwood.pdf
Week 7—2/23 & 2/25: Celebrity Indecent Exposure-- George Michael (Restroom Solicitation), Pee Wee Herman (Public Masturbation), Janet Jackson/Justin Timberlake (Nationally Televised “Wardrobe Malfunction”)
T 2/24--Discuss Nericcio, Kooijman and Fleetwood essays
TH 2/26—continue discussion, possible in-class activity
In-Class Screenings for T or TH:
Superbowl “Nipplegate” Footage,
Janet Jackson addresses Nipplegate controversy on Oprah,
Paul Reubens - the truth behind the scandal - His side of the story, Dateline:
George Michael music videos related to his LA arrest—“Outside”
Read for 3/1:
Susan Bordo, “Beauty (Re)Discovers the Male Body” in The Male Body. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1999. 168-225. Bordo - Beauty Rediscovers the Male Body.pdf
Dodai Stewart, “Magic Mike, Junk in the Face and the Female Gaze” in Jezebel.com, 7/2/12,
James Franco, “Magic Channing Tatum” in the Huffington Post, 6/30/12
Kat Stoeffel (Links to an external site.)
, “Why We Objectify Men Without Guilt,” New York Magazine, 8/24/2014
Max Kessler, “The Top 15 Celebrity Bulges of 2012” in Paper Magazine, 12/12/12.
*Outside of Class Screening for 3/1: Magic Mike, Steven Soderbergh, Warner Bros., 2012, 110 mins.
Week 8—3/1 & 3/3: Magic Mike and Male Objectification
*Midterm Paper due on TH 3/3
T 3/1—Discuss Bordo, Stewart, Welch, Franco, Stoeffel essays and Magic Mike
TH 3/3—continue discussion, possible in-class activity
Read for 3/8:
Henry Alford, “The Bro Hug: Embracing a Changing Custom” in the New York Times, 9/26/14
Peter Forster, “Rad Bromance (or I Love You, Man but we won’t be humping on Humpday)” in Michael DeAngelis (ed.) Reading the bromance homosocial relationships in film and television. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2014, 191-212. radbromance.pdf
Jane Ward, “Straight White Dude Seeks Same: Race, Power and the Secret World of Straight Guy-on-Guy Action” in Salon.com, Aug. 19, 2015.
*Outside of Class Screening for 3/10: I Love You, Man, John Hamburg, Dreamworks, 2009, 105 mins.
*Outside of Class Screening for 3/12:
Kanye West, James Franco, Seth Rogen "Bound 2.5"
Naked and Afraid James Franco and Seth Rogen
Week 9—3/8 & 3/10: Bromides for Bromancing Bros
T 3/8--Discuss Alford and Foster essays, I Love You, Man, Screen "Dick Graze"
TH 3/10--James Franco and Seth Rogen (and Judd Apatow)—Kings of the Bromance
Week 10—3/15 & 3/17: Spring Break—No Classes, Make Good Choices!!
Read for 3/22:
Catherine Tosenberger, “Homosexuality at the Online Hogwarts: Harry Potter Slash Fanfiction” in Children’s Literature. Vol. 36, 2008, 185-207. tosenberger.pdf
Lynn Comella, “Fifty Shades of Erotic Stimulus” in Feminist Media Studies. Volume 13 (Links to an external site.)
, Issue 3 (Links to an external site.)
, 2013, 563-566. 50shadeserotic.pdf
Venetia Laura Delano Robertson, “Of Ponies and Men: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and the Brony Fandom” in International Journal of Cultural Studies. Vol. 17 No. 1, 2014, 21-37. poniesmen.pdf
*Outside of Class Screening for 3/22: Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony, Laurent Malaquis, Big Focus Television, 2012.
Week 11—3/22 & 3/24: Cult Fandom and Slash Fan Fiction
T 3/22 – Discuss Tosenberger, Comella and Robertson essays
TH 3/24 – Discussion continued
Read for 3/29:
Terrance Dean, “The Meaning of Frank Ocean,” in The Advocate, 9/14/12.
Yolanda Young, “Is 50 Cent Gay? Did Vivica Lick His Crack? Is Anything Wrong That?” the Huffington Post, Nov. 10, 2015.
Nico Lang, “10 Queer Rappers you should be listening to rather than Eminem,” Salon.com, 11/16/13
Savannah Shange, “A King Named Nicki: Strategic Queerness and the Black Femcee” in Women and Performance, Vol. 24 No. 1 2014, 29- 45. nickiking.pdf
Week 12 – 3/29 & 3/31: Queer(ing) Hip Hop
T 3/24 Discuss Dean, Young, Lang and Shange essays
TH 3/26—Discussion continued
In-Class Screenings for T or TH:
Related videos:
*click links in Lang essay to watch videos prior to class
Angel Haze, Azalea Banks, Big Dipper, Big Freedia, Le1f, Mykki Blanco, jbDubs, House of LaDosha, Zebra Katz
Fly Young Red, “Throw that Boy Pussy”
Big Mama, “Dentata”
Yo Majesty! "Kryptonite Pussy"
Read for 4/5:
Ariel Levy, “Ariel Levy on 'raunch culture,'” The Independent, December 2005.
Margaret Schwartz, “The Horror of Something to See
: Celebrity "Vaginas" as Prostheses,” Genders Online. Issue 48, 2008. The_Horror_of_Something_To_See_Celebrity.pdf
Week 13 – 4/5 & 4/7: Female Chauvinist Pigs and Raunch Culture
T 3/31--Discuss Levy and Schwartz
TH 4/2—Discussion continued
In-Class Screenings for T or TH:
Girls Gone Wild Ultimate Rush Infomerical Part I
Girls Gone Wild World Infomerical Part I
Curb Your Enthusiasm, “Larry Orders Girls Gone Wild”
Read for 4/12:
Elizabeth Y. Whittington and Mackenzie Jordan, “’Bey Feminism’ Vs. Black Feminism” in Adria Y. Goldman et. Al (eds.) Black Women and Popular Culture: The Conversation Continues. London: Lexington Books, 2014, 155-174. Beyfeminism.pdf
Aisha Durham, “’Check On It’: Beyoncé, Southern Booty, and Black Femininities in Music Video” in Feminist Media Studies, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2012, 35-49. BeyonceBooty.pdf
Rawiya Kameir, “Despite What You May Think, Miley Cyrus and Rihanna Are Feminists,” The Daily Beast, 11/21/2013
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/11/21/despite-what-you-think-miley-cyrus-and-rihanna-are-feminists.html (Links to an external site.)
Week 14 – 4/12 & 4/14: Ohhh Bey Bae: Pop Stars, Booty and Feminism
T 4/7--Discuss Whittington and Jordan, Powers and Kameir essays
TH 4/9—Discussion continued
In-Class Screenings for T and/or TH:
Beyoncé “***Flawless” Video
Beyoncé at 2014 VMAs
Beyoncé, “If I Were A Boy” video
Read for 4/19:
Kyra Gaunt, “YouTube, Twerking and You: Context Collapse and the Handheld Co-Presence of Black Girls and Miley Cyrus” in the Journal of Popular Music Studies, Vol. 27, Issue 3, 2013, 244-273.
Mary Beltrán, “The Hollywood Latina Body as Site of Social Struggle: Media Constructions of Stardom and Jennifer Lopez’s ‘Cross-over butt’” in Quarterly Review of Film and Video, 12, 2002, 71-86. Crossoverbutt.pdf
Akiba Solomon, “On Saying No to Miley Cyrus, the Habitual Twerk-Crosser” in Colorlines.com, Aug. 27, 2013.
Taffy Brodesser-Akner, “Nicki Minaj: Cheeky Genius,” in GQ, 11/14
*Outside of Class Screenings for 4/19:
J. Lo/Iggy Azalea “Booty” video,
Nicki Minaj “Anaconda” video,
Miley Cyrus twerking performance
Miley Cyrus Worst Moments– Twerking, Crying, Fighting With Paparazzi, Controversies & More
Celeb Reactions to Miley Cyrus’ twerkin
Amy Schumer, “Milk, Milk, Lemonade”
Lily Allen, “Hard Out Here” video
Taylor Swift “Shake it Off” video
Rihanna “Pour it Up” Video
Meghan Trainor, “All About that Bass”
Week 15 – 4/19 & 4/21: Booty Part II, Female (Pop) Stars & Backin’ Up Badonkadonk
T 4/19—Discuss Gaunt, Beltrán, Solomon and Brodesser-Akner essays
TH 4/21—Discussion continued
Read for 4/26:
Katie Rogers, “Nicki Minaj: Black Women ‘Rarely Rewarded’ for Pop Culture Contributions” in the New York Times. July 22, 2015.
Vanessa Grigoriadis, “The Passion of Nicki Minaj” in New York Times October 7, 2015.
Joe Cascorelli, “Miley Cyrus on Nicki Minaj and Hosting a ‘Raw’ MTV Video Music Awards” in the New York Times. Aug. 27, 2015.
Erin Keane, “10 questions Taylor Swift could have asked herself before picking a fight with Nicki Minaj” in Salon.com, Jul. 22, 2015.
Elle Hunt, “Taylor Swift v Nicki Minaj row: Katy Perry joins in...and brings Rihanna with her” in The Guardian, Jul. 23, 2015.
Suman Varandani, “Miley Cyrus-Nicki Minaj Feud Update: Taylor Swift Supports ‘Anaconda’ Singer; Meek Mill’s Girlfriend Upset Drake's On 'Team Miley'” in com. Sep. 9, 2015.
Week 16 – 4/26 & 4/28: Female Pop Stars Beefing About the Racial Politics of the Music Industry
T 4/26 – Discuss Grigoriadis, Coscarelli, Hunt and Varandani essays
TH 4/28 – Discussion continued
In-Class Screenings for T and/or TH:
Nicki Minaj Calls Out Miley, Kanye 2020, & More - Top 2015 VMAs Moments
8 Most WTF Miley Cyrus Moments from 2015 MTV VMA's
Miley Cyrus Parents React To Nicki Minaj Fight at 2015 MTV VMAs
UNCENSORED: Miley Cyrus Reacts to Nicki Minaj Calling Her Out at the 2015 VMAs | MTV News
Read for 5/3:
Alicia Garza, “A Herstory of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement by Alicia Garza” in the Feminist Wire, October 7, 2014.
Scott Cacciola, “At Nets’ Game, a Plan for a Simple Statement Is Carried Out to a T: LeBron James, Jay-Z and More Made 'I Can't Breathe' T-Shirts Happen in the N.B.A.” in the New York Times, Dec. 9, 2014.
Everett Glenn, “The Intersection of Race, Sports and Money: 'Black Lives Matter'” in the Huffington Post, Dec. 6, 2014.
Rebecca Onion, “Are We in the Midst of a New Civil Rights Movement?” in Slate.com, Aug. 6, 2015.
Ira Boudway (Links to an external site.)
, “'I Can't Breathe' and the Not-So Protected Speech of Professional Athletes,” Business Week, December 12, 2014
CBS News, “Missouri football players announce boycott over school president” Nov. 8, 2015.
Alexander Billet, “The New Anthems of Resistance: Hip-Hop and Black Lives Matter” in com, Aug. 21, 2015.
Kavitha Davidson and Bloomberg, “No Justice, no LeBron, Black Lives Matter says” in the Chicago Tribune, Dec. 31, 2015.
*Outside of class screening for 5/3: Ryan Coogler, Fruitvale Station, 2013, 85 mins.
Week 17—5/3 & 5/5: Professional Athletes, Black Lives Matter and “I Can’t Breathe” T-Shirt Activism
T 5/3—Discuss Glenn, Onion, Boudway, CBS News and Davidson essays
TH 5/5 —Discussion continued
In-Class Screenings for T and/or TH:
LeBron & Others Wear "I Can't Breathe" Shirts - ESPN First Take
I Can’t Breathe Shirts Sweep NFL and NBA
Kobe & Lakers Also Wear "I Can't Breathe" Shirts! - ESPN First Take
Entire College Team Wears 'I Can’t Breathe' Shirts
Notre Dame Women's Basketball Team Wear I Can't Breathe T-Shirts During Pre-Game Warmup
Kendrick Lamar, “Alright” music video
Janelle Monáe and Wondaland Arts Society “Hell You Talmbout” music video,
Prince, “Baltimore” (fan video),
Final Paper due Monday, May 9th by 5 PM, deposit to Canvas.