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Az előadás fő állítása, hogy Széchenyi István, sőt már édesapja, Széchényi Ferenc is a humanista Bildung programjához kapcsolódik, amikor a nemzeti kultúra támogatása ügyének szentelik életük meghatározó részét.
Mezhebî Kimliğin Belirlenmesinde Algı Yanılması –Şerîf el-Murtazâ’nın Şiîliği ve Mu‘tezilîliği-, 2016
Özet Bu makale, gerek klasik dönem âlimleri gerekse modern dönem araştırmacıları tarafından mezhebî kimliğin tespitinde yapılan bir yanlışın düzeltilmesinden ibarettir. Hicri dördüncü asırda yaşamış Şiî bir âlim olan Şerîf el-Murtazâ’nın Mu‘tezilîliği konusunda ihtilaf edilmiştir. Şiî/İmâmî olmakla birlikte Mu‘tezilî olduğunu söyleyenler olduğu gibi sadece imâmî olduğunu söyleyenler de olmuştur. Makalede ilgili görüşler arasında karşılaştırmaya gidilmiş ve Murtazâ’nın beyanatı doğrultusunda mezhebî mensubiyeti konusunda bir sonuca varılmıştır. Makale, bu anlamda yapılacak akademik çalışmalara metodik katkı sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Murtazâ, Mezhep, Şiî, Mu‘tezile, Sünnî Illusion in identification of denominationaldentify – Şerîf el-Murtazâ’s shiah and Mu‘tezile Abstract This article presents correction of a mistake in sect identification made by both classic period pund its and modern period researchers. Şerîf el-Murtazâ who is a shia pundit lived in the fourth century was disputed about Mu‘tezile. It is said that Şerîf el-Murtazâ is shia/imâm as well as Mu‘tezile, it is also said that he is only imâm. Comparison was made between related opinions and in the direction of writer statements, a conclusion has been reached in the matter of denominational commitment. In this sense, this study is aimed to present a methodical contribution to academic studies to be done. KeyWords: Murtaza, Sect, Shia, Mu‘tezile, Sunni
I suppose there is nothing unusual about imagining the power of a stern, almost mythological uncle when one is just a child. Still, even as an adult I can't help but feel that there was something special about my Uncle Sidney, even though I was eventually to learn about the limits of his authority. Growing up rather close to our extended Bronx family, I often found myself on weekends having to engage the peculiarities of my most outspoken uncle. Of course, other relatives had made their mark as well, especially my other uncles. They weren't as bright as my aunts or grandmother, but they tended to take center stage whenever possible. After all, didn't Uncle Sam during a Passover Seder at my grandmother's house put out the fire in my sister's hair by rapidly clapping his bare hands? Apparently, she got too close to the festive candles. Or how about Uncle Phil, who lived to celebrate his
International Journal of …, 2010
There is plethora of data to support the evidence of human footprints on the climate change being observed across all the continents. The climate change shall have impacts, not only on environment, but on every sphere of the human activity. Therefore, there is an urgent need to accurately characterize, understand and predict various climatological processes so that the uncertainty could be narrowed down to the minimum possible level in order to predict the impacts of climate change on various sectors. This article briefly discusses the uncertainties associated with the climate change predictions and the data constraints encountered while quantifying the various indicators and impacts of climate change particularly with reference to snow, glaciers, wetlands and agriculture and hydrometeorological data. The article discusses various data sources and the difficulties encountered in using these data particularly remotely sensed data, simulation models and hydrometeorological data used for identifying the indicators of climate change. 400 7. Bahuguna, I. M. and Kulkarni, A. V. 2005. Application of digital elevation model and orthoimages derived from IRS1C pan stereo data in monitoring variations in glacial dimensions.
Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization, 2000
This study builds on previous work by Fulton (2003, 2000) on the economics of output quotas in the presence of cheating by examining the efficiency of the policy in transferring income to producers as well as the optimal regulatory response to enforcement costs and farmer noncompliant behavior in a decentralized policy making environment. Analytical results show that enforcement costs and cheating change the transfer efficiency of output quotas, the level of intervention that transfers a given surplus to producers, the socially optimal income redistribution, and the social welfare from intervention. The incidence of the policy is shown to depend on the relative political preferences of the policy makers and the policy enforcers making the consideration of the decentralized policy making structure critical in analyzing output quotas in the presence of cheating.
Theoretical biology & medical modelling, 2013
IMGT/Collier-de-Perles is a tool that allows the user to analyze and draw two-dimensional graphical representations (or IMGT Collier de Perles) of protein domains (e.g., hydropathy plots). The IMGT/Collier-de-Perles specializes in the area of immunoglobulins (IG) or antibodies, T cell receptors (TR) and major histocompatibility (MH) of human and other vertebrate species as well as other proteins of the immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF) and of the major histocompatibility superfamily (MhSF) and related proteins of the immune system of vertebrates and invertebrates.
Although the pro-democracy agenda of Turkey’s Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi, AKP) gained significant domestic and international credibility throughout the early 2000s, the party has, since approximately 2010, experienced a dramatic process of democratic decline. The AKP has intensively used Islamist policies at home and abroad to consolidate its base of support under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdo˘gan. Weaponised in foreign policy, Islam has become both an instrument and an objective of the repressive AKP, and Turkey has emerged as a front runner in a race among countries increasingly using religion as a foreign policy tool. This new role for Turkey has created a slew of disparate perceptions among foreign countries. While some are content with Turkey’s religiously fuelled policies and designate Turkey as an influential actor which can use Islam as a soft power tool, others refuse to define Turkey’s policies within the boundaries of soft power due to its extra-territorial authoritarian practices. This study defines Turkey’s Islamic soft power as ambivalent and scrutinises the reasons behind this ambiguity by exploring examples from other countries in South-eastern and Western Europe.
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