Microvitum -- The Mysterious Emanation of Cosmic Factor

In this spoken discourse, P.R. Sarkar (1922-1990) first proposed the revolutionary scientific concept of microvita. These mysterious living creatures, “smaller or subtler than atoms, or electrons or protons” are, in his view, the carriers of life and creators of minds throughout the universe. There are three broad categories of microvita. The crudest microvita can be seen in powerful microscopes and can cause diseases said to be of virus origin. Subtler microvita are known indirectly through their actions and through conceptions reflected into perceptions. Microvita are creations in the “returning phase” of the cosmic cycle of creation—the phase where individual minds evolve. Microvita travel through physical media or through ideas. According to P.R. Sarkar, research on microvita through physico-psycho-spiritual efforts must be started “immediately without any further delay.” Human beings need to develop control over these microvita if many problems of modern society are to be solved “in a nice way”. P.R. Sarkar, also known as Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, was the founder and president of the global movement Renaissance Universal (RU) and the Renaissance Artists and Writers Association (RAWA) of spiritually-oriented and socially-minded intellectuals, artists and writers, and the founder of the global spiritual movement Ananda Marga (“Path of Bliss”). He was a spiritual guru and social philosopher.

Microvitum -- The Mysterious Emanation of Cosmic Factor Prabhat Rainjan Sarkar In this spoken discourse, P.R. Sarkar (1922-1990) first proposed the revolutionary scientific concept of microvita. These mysterious living creatures, “smaller or subtler than atoms, or electrons or protons” are, in his view, the carriers of life and creators of minds throughout the universe. There are three broad categories of microvita. The crudest microvita can be seen in powerful microscopes and can cause diseases said to be of virus origin. Subtler microvita are known indirectly through their actions and through conceptions reflected into perceptions. Microvita are creations in the “returning phase” of the cosmic cycle of creation—the phase where individual minds evolve. Microvita travel through physical media or through ideas. According to P.R. Sarkar, research on microvita through physico-psycho-spiritual efforts must be started “immediately without any further delay.” Human beings need to develop control over these microvita if many problems of modern society are to be solved “in a nice way”. P.R. Sarkar, also known as Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, was the founder and president of the global movement Renaissance Universal (RU) and the Renaissance Artists and Writers Association (RAWA) of spiritually-oriented and sociallyminded intellectuals, artists and writers, and the founder of the global spiritual movement Ananda Marga (“Path of Bliss”). He was a spiritual guru and social philosopher. -- Richard Gauthier, Department of Chemistry and Physics, Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa, California, USA, 23 September, 2020. Microvitum -- The Mysterious Emanation of Cosmic Factor Renaissance Universal Presidential Speech, 31 December 1986, Kolkata, India The discourse is on “Microvitum, the Mysterious Emanation of Cosmic Factor.” It is one of human wonts that whatever we do not know, in order to conceal our limitations or hide our imperfections, we say, we either say that it is non-existent, or in a more intelligent style, we say it is an abstract. In this universe of ours, whatever comes within the scope of our senses or within the periphery of our perception, we say, “It is.” And whatever is beyond our arena of senses or the jurisdiction of perception, we cannot say anything. Our world is, our world functions within the limitations. Hence our world functions within the limitations of our senses and perceptions. We know in the realm of Cosmic introvert or extrovert, in the first phase – that is, in the phase of extrovert – “subtle” is transmuted into “crude”, and in the returning phase, that is, in the phase of introvert, “crude” is metamorphosed into “subtle”. In this progress, rather in this semicircular approach, there may be, in the scope of matter, there may be subtler objects, many objects subtler than electrons or protons or positrons – and similarly when the mind starts in that psychic stratum. But we find no alternative but to say that either it is electron or proton or positron or neutron. And similarly, in psychic sphere there may be entities subtler than ectoplasm or its extro-psychic coverage, endoplasm. But there are entities who come within the realm of both physicality and psychic expression which are smaller or subtler than atoms, or electrons or protons, and in the psychic realm they may 1 be subtler than ectoplasms. For such objects or for such entities I use the term “microvitum”. These microvitum, or in plural microvita may be, are not of protoplasmic order, and as such they have got little to do with carbon molecules or carbon atoms, which are treated as the initial point or initial state of life in this universe. There, so far as physicality is concerned, these microvita are, their position is just between ectoplasm and electron, but they are neither ectoplasm nor electron. It is human wont that whatever we know regarding any subject or any object, when we know that it exists but its characteristics and other particulars are not known to us, we say it is “mysterious”. So regarding these microvita, we may say it is mysterious. That’s why I used the term “microvitum, the mysterious emanation of cosmic factor”. They are neither of protoplasmic order, and hence the question of their protozoic structure or metazoic structure there doesn’t arise. They are something mysterious. Now, these microvita are not of same density or same subtlety. Some of them may come within the range of highly developed microscope; some of them may not come within the range of microscope, but their actional expression or through their actional faculty or as a result of their actional vibrations, they may come within the scope of our perception. They are of subtler order. There may be still more subtle forms of microvita who may not come directly within the scope of our perception but they may come within the scope of a special type of perception which is actually reflection of conception within the range of perception in a limited sphere. So these microvita may be broadly divided into three categories – coming within the scope of microscope; not coming within the scope of microscope but coming within the scope of perception as a result of their expression, as a result of their actional vibration; and third one, not coming within the scope of common perception but coming within the scope of a special type of perception which is actually reflection of conception within the periphery of perception. And such perception – the special type of perception – may be felt or realized by persons having highly developed mind, having spiritually oriented mind. Regarding those who are of cruder order and that may come within the scope of microscope, people say, “Give it the name virus”. They say, “This disease is of virus creation, of virus origin.” Like this. But virus is a vague term. The better term will be microvita, and not virus. Now, these microvita, they move throughout the universe, from one celestial body to other. And thus they move everywhere, crossing the boundaries of nebulae, piercing through milky-ways, the galaxies, stars, satellites, planets and meteors. (1) They move unbarred, without caring for the atmospheric condition or the barometric reading. And how do they move? Every body requires some media for movement. Mobility means movement through medium or media. There may be more than one medium, that is, there may be many media at a time in the same movement. These microvita also move through several media. They move through sound. The virus of a diseased man, the so-called virus of a diseased man, not “deceased”, diseased man may move through his sound. They may move through tactuality. They may move through forms, figures. They may move through fluids. They may move through smell. In case of some of the diseases, the disease spreads through smell, smell of the disease. And in case of subtler microvita, they may move through ideas. A particular idea may get accelerated speed in a particular planet with the help of a few conceptually developed minds. That is, a great man with great conceptually developed mind may spread his idea through, with the help of these microvita throughout that planet, or even throughout this universe in different celestial bodies. 2 Now, what is the root cause of this universe? What’s the, which one is the starting point of life or vitality? These microvita, they’re the carriers of life in different stars and planets and satellites – and not carbon atoms or carbon molecules. But these living creatures with their mysterious movement create minds and bodies, living bodies in different celestial bodies, and they are, they also destroy minds and physical bodies, or developed or undeveloped corpus, in any corner of this universe. So the root cause of life is not the unicellular protozoa or unit protoplasmic cell, but this unit microvitum. Now, there should be extensive research work regarding these microvitum or these microvita. Our task is gigantic and we are to start our research work regarding these microvita immediately without any further delay. Otherwise many problems of modern society won’t be solved in a nice way. As Pramá [equilibrium and equipoise] is an essentiality in the field of intellectuality or intellectual pursuit, similarly in higher intellectual realm, research work on these microvita is extremely necessary. Here we should again remember the fact that these microvita are a creation in the internal phase, rather the returning phase of cosmic expression. And we are human beings with developed intellect. I think, rather I hope, rather I am sure that that day is sure to come when human beings will have proper control over these microvita. In ancient times, regarding the singular or collective structure of these microvita, the ancient rśis [sages] say that they’re of seven types, seven species. They gave them the name: yakśa, gandharva, vidyádhara, kinnara, siddha, prakrtiliina and videhaliina according to the nature of their subtlety or nature of their crudeness. And I think, by dint of our spiritual sádhaná, rather physico-psycho-spiritual sádhaná, our mind will develop in all its strata, and the power of conception, the power of conceiving, will also develop, and with that developed conceiving power, we’ll know all the secrets of these microvita.(2) 31 December 1986, Kolkata, India References P.R. Sarkar, “Microvitum -- The Mysterious Emanation of Cosmic Factor”, in Microvitum in a Nutshell, Ananda Marga Publications,, accessed 9/20/2020, and in The Electronic Edition of The Works of P.R. Sarkar – V7.5”,, and in the video of this discourse at, accessed 9/20/2020. The discourse starts at the 4 minute mark of the video. Footnotes (1) There is a sentence included at this point in the Electronic Edition of the discourse that does not appear in the video of this discourse. The sentence is “Like other psychic and psychophysical beings, they have also got basic characteristics – such as existing, multiplying and dying.” A footnote to the discourse in the Electronic Edition says: “Shortly after this discourse 3 was given, this discourse was published alone in a pocket-sized booklet. This sentence first appeared in that version of the discourse. By the year 2002, the editors of that booklet could not remember where the sentence had come from, but the chief editor thought that the author (P.R. Sarkar) might have given it and instructed that it should be included at this point in the discourse.” (2) I carefully compared the transcript of this discourse contained in the Electronic Edition of the Works of P.R. Sarkar – V7.5 with the spoken discourse and the corresponding subtitles in the referenced video above. The subtitles give a more literal transcription of the discourse, but contain a few small transcription errors that I corrected by listening closely to the audio. The present article therefore closely follows the subtitles of the video discourse, with a few corrections, and therefore is a more literal transcription of the original discourse than that contained in the Electronic Edition. The present transcription of “Microvitum: The Mysterious Emanation of Cosmic Factor” is subject to further corrections from readers who also listen closely to the video of the discourse. Website: Contact: richgauthier (at) 4