A Family Cell: Visual Ethnography in a Prison 'Mothers' Section'

2020, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham

This chapter draws upon research produced as part of the documentary film Imprisoned Lullaby to interrogate the suitability of cell life for children. Findings suggest that mothers must overcome difficult obstacles in raising their children within the prison environment and both mothers and children adopt different stategies of resilience to transform prison life into 'playtime'. They develop several approaches to use the cell as a space to build intimate relationships but rarely attempt to build attachments to the prison cell as a 'home'. Instead, all long-term emotional and material connections to this 'cursed' space are deliberately avoided. Exploration of this case study raises questions about the function of the prison cell and its role as a space for building relationships for every prisoner. This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access.

27/8/2020 A Family Cell: Visual Ethnography in a Prison ‘Mothers’ Section’ | SpringerLink A Family Cell: Visual Ethnography in a Prison ‘Mothers’ Section’ The Prison Cell pp 187-212 | Cite as Rossella Schillaci (1) (2) (3) (4) 1. University of Lisbon, , Lisbon, Portugal 2. The University of Texas at Austin, , Austin, USA 3. University of Turin, , Turin, Italy 4. Azul Film, , Torino, Italy Chapter First Online: 09 July 2020 22 Downloads Part of the Palgrave Studies in Prisons and Penology book series (PSIPP) Abstract This chapter draws upon research produced as part of the documentary film Imprisoned Lullaby to interrogate the suitability of cell life for children. Findings suggest that mothers must overcome difficult obstacles in raising their children within the prison environment and both mothers and children adopt different stategies of resilience to transform prison life into ‘playtime’. They develop several approaches to use the cell as a space to build intimate relationships but rarely attempt to build attachments to the prison cell as a ‘home’. Instead, all long-term emotional and material connections to this ‘cursed’ space are deliberately avoided. Exploration of this case study raises questions about the function of the prison cell and its role as a space for building relationships for every prisoner. This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access. References Agamben, G., & Rueff, M. (2007). Profanations (Vol. 226). New York, NY: Zone Books. Google Scholar ( q=Agamben%2C%20G.%2C%20%26%20Rueff%2C%20M.%20%282007%29.%20Pro fanations%20%28Vol.%20226%29.%20New%20York%2C%20NY%3A%20Zone%20B ooks.) Alejos, M. (2005). Report on Babies and Small Children in Prisons. Geneva: Quaker United Nations Office. 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First Online 09 July 2020 DOI Publisher Name Palgrave Macmillan, Cham Print ISBN 978-3-030-39910-8 Online ISBN 978-3-030-39911-5 eBook Packages Law and Criminology Law and Criminology (R0) Buy this book on publisher's site Reprints and Permissions Personalised recommendations © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Part of Springer Nature. Not logged in Not affiliated 5/5