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2019, Pak Armed Forces Med J
3 pages
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Hematidrosis or hematohidrosis is an extremely rare clinical phenomenonin which a spontaneous recurrent painless and self-limited bleeding from skin in any part of the body, with diverse causal etiologies and inconstant success to different current management modalities. Our case studies report the clinical finding of two cases of a very rare ontological hematohidrosis. It is an extremely rare medical condition, with very few cases reported in literature.
International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 2016
Background: Spontaneous bleed from ear, nose, throat is a rare condition called as hematohidrosis, which occurs under condition of extreme physical or emotional stress. This condition manifests as spontaneous painless bleeding through unbroken skin in any part of the body. It is self-limiting in nature. This condition is relatively unaware among otorhinolaryngologists, the diagnosis of which is made by presence of bloody discharge without any obvious cause through intact skin, witnessed and confirmed by a health professional and the presence of blood components on biochemical analysis. Methods: Retrospective analysis of series of eight cases. Results: All eight cases had normal haematological parameters and were under emotional stress. Two cases manifested with oral bleed. Conclusions: Hematohidrosis is relatively unknown condition to the otorhinolaryngologists and the cases are occurring sporadically which goes unnoticed. This condition occurs in severe stress which may also lead to ear, nose, oral, gastrointestinal bleeds or in combination from any of the sites with a relation of severity of stress level with quantity and site of the bleeding episodes. The condition can be managed effectively if the condition is recognized after ruling out bleeding diathesis. If awareness is created about this clinical condition which is relatively unknown entity, it will lead to further insight on evaluation and management of this rare entity probably an exocrine disorder.
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2023
Hematohidrosis is a rare clinical condition in which an individual sweats blood. Even though there are several causes, such as systemic diseases, vicarious menstruation, extreme physical activity, psychogenic reasons, and idiopathic causes, acute fear and intensive mental pondering are the most frequent. Bloody perspiration, bloody tears (Hemoclaria), bleeding from the nose, bleeding from the ears (Otorrhoea), and leaking blood from various skin surfaces are all indications and symptoms of this condition. Here, we present a case of hematohidrosis in a 9y old female child with bleeding for two months from her forehead, nose, ear, and vagina, who responded to propranolol.
Hematohidrosis is a very rare clinical condition of blood sweating. A 10 yr female child was presented in paediatrics department with history of spontaneous bleeding from skin since five months only on mornings around 6:00 am. During examination bleeding manifestations on face were absent. Child had complaint of ear pain and she diagnosed otitis externa by ENT specialist. No specific diagnostic test was performed to reveal hematohidrosis. Patientwas diagnosed hematohidrosis based on her clinical manifestations. Etiology of this condition is unknown and the case was managed by administering propranolol 10 mg. Reporting of these type rare clinical entity should be encouraged by clinician to create awareness among health care providers.
Cureus, 2023
Hematohidrosis is an extremely rare condition characterized by the oozing or secretion of blood through intact skin and mucosa, particularly through eccrine glands. Although there is not much literature available on the condition, examples of Hematohidrosis include the crying and sweating of blood. The fluid may have a bloody tinge or may be frank blood. The anomaly has no identifiable etiology, and patients generally present in a good state of health. In this report, we present a 19-year-old female who had weekly occurrences of bloody diaphoresis that had been present consistently for one year. During her presentation at the hematology clinic, she was investigated thoroughly for alternative causes, but none were found. The patient was diagnosed with hematohidrosis and was offered treatment with propranolol, which she declined. She continues to follow up routinely in the hematology clinic with persistent symptoms.
International Research Journal of Pharmacy, 2016
International Journal of Dermatology, 2016
Head & face medicine, 2006
The most common causes of hemotympanum are therapeutic nasal packing, epistaxis, blood disorders and blunt trauma to the head. Hemotympanum is characterized as idiopathic, when it is detected in the presence of chronic otitis media. A rare case of spontaneous bilateral hemotympanum in a patient treated with anticoagulants is presented herein. A 72-year-old male presented with acute deterioration of hearing. In the patient's medical history aortic valve replacement 1 year before presentation was reported. Since then he had been administered regularly coumarinic anticoagulants, with INR levels maintained between 3.4 and 4.0. Otoscopy revealed the presence of bilateral hemotympanum. The audiogram showed symmetrical moderately severe mixed hearing loss bilaterally, with the conductive component predominating. Tympanograms were flat bilaterally with absent acoustic reflexes. A computerized tomography scan showed the presence of fluid in the mastoid and middle ear bilaterally. Treatme...
Bangladesh Journal of Psychiatry
Factitious disorder is described as the patient’s intention to produce fake symptoms to play a sick role and gain medical attention.1 The symptoms could be physical, psychological or mixed. The wide spectrum of symptoms makes the diagnosis and management challenging. This is a case report of a 17 year old girl who was referred to us with history of recurrent bleeding from left side of her forehead. Detailed hematological investigations revealed no abnormal causes of bleeding but on clinical examination, we found multiple scar marks on the affected site. The history was suggestive of hematohidrosis but the patient had scar marks on the affected area which indicated that the bleeding was self-inflicted. This was the most important diagnostic and differentiating point in this patient. Pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy were followed by complete remission. Bang J Psychiatry June 2018; 32(1): 19-21
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 2009
In 1930, considering the diseases of the blood and lymphatic glands in relation to otolaryngology, Goldsmith and McGregor stated that ".. . the otolaryngologist has frequently to deal with bleeding from the nose and throat. . .". After approximately 8 decades, in particular preoperatively, the use of universal coagulation screening in children is still controversial. Aim of the present review was to offer a concise but complete discussion of clotting disorders with pediatric otolaryngological interest recognizing: (i) vascular disorders, (ii) platelet disorders, (iii) disorders of coagulation, and (iv) thrombosis. Methods: An exhaustive review of literature was performed to investigate available data and evidences regarding pediatric otolaryngologic manifestations of bleeding disorders. Results/Conclusions: Modern otolaryngologists should be familiar with common bleeding disorders since many have head and neck manifestations. This knowledge allows the choice of appropriate pre-operative screening of surgical patients. The most important component of the preoperative assessment is the bleeding history that directs further laboratory evaluation. All otolaryngologic surgical procedures in children with bleeding disorders should be carried out with the close cooperation of the Haematology Department.
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