Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture
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World Octopus Fisheries
Warwick H. H. Sauer, Ian G. Gleadall, Nicola Downey-Breedt, Zöe Doubleday,
Graham Gillespie, Manuel Haimovici, Christian M. Ibáñez, Oleg N. Katugin,
Stephen Leporati, Marek R. Lipinski, Unai Markaida, Jorge E. Ramos, Rui
Rosa, Roger Villanueva, Juan Arguelles, Felipe A. Briceño, Sergio A. Carrasco,
Leo J. Che, Chih-Shin Chen, Rosario Cisneros, Elizabeth Conners, Augusto
C. Crespi-Abril, Vladimir V. Kulik, Evgenyi N. Drobyazin, Timothy Emery,
Fernando A. Fernández-Álvarez, Hidetaka Furuya, Leo W. González, Charlie
Gough, P. Krishnan, Biju Kumar, Tatiana Leite, Chung-Cheng Lu, Kolliyil S.
Mohamed, Jaruwat Nabhitabhata, Kyosei Noro, Jinda Petchkamnerd, Delta
Putra, Steve Rocliffe, K. K. Sajikumar, Hideo Sakaguchi, Deepak Samuel,
Geetha Sasikumar, Toshifumi Wada, Xiaodong Zheng, Yongjun Tian, Yumeng
Pang, Anyanee Yamrungrueng & Gretta Pecl
To cite this article: Warwick H. H. Sauer, Ian G. Gleadall, Nicola Downey-Breedt, Zöe Doubleday,
Graham Gillespie, Manuel Haimovici, Christian M. Ibáñez, Oleg N. Katugin, Stephen Leporati,
Marek R. Lipinski, Unai Markaida, Jorge E. Ramos, Rui Rosa, Roger Villanueva, Juan Arguelles,
Felipe A. Briceño, Sergio A. Carrasco, Leo J. Che, Chih-Shin Chen, Rosario Cisneros, Elizabeth
Conners, Augusto C. Crespi-Abril, Vladimir V. Kulik, Evgenyi N. Drobyazin, Timothy Emery,
Fernando A. Fernández-Álvarez, Hidetaka Furuya, Leo W. González, Charlie Gough, P. Krishnan,
Biju Kumar, Tatiana Leite, Chung-Cheng Lu, Kolliyil S. Mohamed, Jaruwat Nabhitabhata, Kyosei
Noro, Jinda Petchkamnerd, Delta Putra, Steve Rocliffe, K. K. Sajikumar, Hideo Sakaguchi, Deepak
Samuel, Geetha Sasikumar, Toshifumi Wada, Xiaodong Zheng, Yongjun Tian, Yumeng Pang,
Anyanee Yamrungrueng & Gretta Pecl (2019): World Octopus Fisheries, Reviews in Fisheries
Science & Aquaculture, DOI: 10.1080/23308249.2019.1680603
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World Octopus Fisheries
€e Doubledayc, Graham Gillespied,
Warwick H. H. Sauera, Ian G. Gleadallb, Nicola Downey-Breedta, Zo
~ez , Oleg N. Katugin , Stephen Leporatih, Marek R. Lipinskia,i, Unai
Manuel Haimovici , Christian M. Iban
~ok,p, Sergio A.
Markaida , Jorge E. Ramos , Rui Rosam, Roger Villanuevan, Juan Arguelleso, Felipe A. Bricen
Carrasco , Leo J. Che , Chih-Shin Chen , Rosario Cisneros , Elizabeth Conners , Augusto C. Crespi-Abrilu,
Vladimir V. Kulikg, Evgenyi N. Drobyazing, Timothy Emeryk, Fernando A. Fernandez-Alvarez
, Hidetaka
Furuya , Leo W. Gonzalez , Charlie Gough , P. Krishnan , Biju Kumar , Tatiana Leite , Chung-Cheng Luab,
Kolliyil S. Mohamedac, Jaruwat Nabhitabhataad, Kyosei Noroae, Jinda Petchkamnerdaf, Delta Putrab, Steve
Rocliffey, K. K. Sajikumarac, Hideo Sakaguchiag, Deepak Samuelz, Geetha Sasikumarac, Toshifumi Wadaah,
Xiaodong Zhengai, Yongjun Tianai, Yumeng Pangai, Anyanee Yamrungruengaj, and Gretta Peclak
Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa; bTohoku University Graduate
School of Agricultural Science, Sendai, Japan; cFuture Industries Institute, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia; dMarine
Ecosystems and Aquaculture Division, Science Branch, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Pacific Biological Station, Nanaimo, British
Columbia, Canada; eOceanography Institute, Federal University of Rio Grande, Rio Grande, Brazil; fDepartamento de Ecologıa y
Biodiversidad, Facultad de Ciencias de la Vida, Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile; gPacific Branch of the Russian Federal
Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (TINRO), Vladivostok, Russia; hbio.inspecta, Ackerstrasse, Frick, Switzerland; iThe SA
Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, Grahamstown, South Africa; jLaboratorio de Pesquerıas Artesanales, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur,
(CONACyT), Lerma, Campeche, Mexico; kInstitute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia;
Falkland Islands Fisheries Department, Directorate of Natural Resources, Stanley, Falkland Islands; mLaboratorio Marıtimo da Guia,
Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, Faculdade de Ci^encias da Universidade de Lisboa, Cascais, Portugal; nInstitut de Ciencies
del Mar, CSIC, Barcelona, Spain; oInstituto del Mar del Peru, Direccion General de Investigaciones de Recursos Demersales y Litorales,
Callao, Peru; pNorwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA), Puerto Varas, Chile; qDepartamento de Biologıa Marina, Facultad de
Ciencias del Mar, Universidad Catolica del Norte, Coquimbo, Chile; rMillennium Nucleus for Ecology and Sustainable Management of
Oceanic Islands (ESMOI), Coquimbo, Chile; sNational Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan; tResource Ecology and Fisheries
Management Division, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, Seattle, Washington, USA;
Laboratorio de Oceanografıa Biologica, Centro para el Estudio de los Sistemas Marinos (CESIMAR CCT CENPAT-CONICET): Puerto
Madryn, Chubut, Argentina; vRyan Institute and School of Natural Sciences, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland; wOsaka
University Graduate School of Science, Osaka, Japan; xInstituto de Investigaciones Cientıficas, Universidad de Oriente, Boca del Rıo,
Isla de Margarita, Venezuela; yBlue Ventures, London, UK; zNational Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management, Ministry of
Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Govt. of India, Koodal Building, Anna University, Chennai, India; aaDeptartment of Aquatic
Biology and Fisheries, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India; abNational Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan;
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, Kerala, India; adExcellence Centre for Biodiversity of Peninsular Thailand (CBIPT),
Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Hatyai, Songkhla, Thailand; aeFisheries Research Institute, Aomori Prefectural
Industrial Technology Research Center, Aomori, Japan; afDepartment of Fisheries 408 Paknam, Chumporn Marine Fisheries Research
and Development Center, Chumporn, Thailand; agFisheries Research Centre, Ehime Research Institute of Agriculture, Forestry and
Fisheries, Matsuyama, Ehime, Shikoku, Japan; ahInstitute of Natural and Environmental Sciences, University of Hyogo, Sanda, Japan
(deceased); aiFisheries College, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, China; ajDepartment of Fisheries, Upper Gulf Marine Fisheries
Research and Development Center, Samut Prakan, Thailand; akCentre for Marine Socioecology, Institute for Marine and Antarctic
Studies, University of Tasmania
Recent studies have shown that coastal and shelf cephalopod populations have increased globally over the last six decades. Although cephalopod landings are dominated by the squid fishery, which represents nearly 80% of the worldwide cephalopod catches, octopuses and
cuttlefishes represent 10% each. Total reported global production of octopuses over the past
three decades indicates a relatively steady increase in catch, almost doubling from 179,042 t in
1980 to 355,239 t in 2014. Octopus fisheries are likely to continue to grow in importance and
magnitude as many finfish stocks are either fully or over-exploited. More than twenty described
octopus species are harvested from some 90 countries worldwide. The current review describes
the major octopus fisheries around the globe, providing an overview of species targeted, ecological and biological features of exploited stocks, catches and the key aspects of management.
Octopus; fisheries;
review; global
CONTACT Warwick H. Sauer
[email protected]
Department of Ichthyology and Fisheries Science, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
ß 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
1. Introduction
Although there are 845 living species of cephalopod
described to date (Hoving et al. 2014), including nautiloids, sepioids, squids and octopods, the latter elicit
a vast amount of interest and awe from the general
public. Octopuses are often seen as mystical creatures,
capable of escapes from captivity that Houdini could
only dream of (Wood and Anderson 2004) and, to
some, able to predict the winner of some matches in
the FIFA World Cup football competition (as mentioned, for example, by Gleadall et al. 2018).
About 300 cephalopod species belong to the
eight-armed cephalopods comprising the orders
Cirroctopoda and Octopoda (Boletzky 1999; Nixon
and Young 2003). The Cirroctopoda (which are not
part of the octopus fishery) have fins on the body and
pairs of slender cirri along the arms. Octopuses of the
Order Octopoda lack these features and consist of
seven families of pelagic octopuses in addition to the
common benthic octopuses, which are a group of
around 200 described species comprising the Family
Octopodidae (Jereb et al. 2013). Almost all octopuses
fished around the world belong to this family.
Exceptions are the giant octopuses of genus
Enteroctopus (Family Enteroctopodidae); and octopuses with a single column of suckers along each arm,
comprising the genus Eledone (Family Eledonidae
sensu Strugnell et al. 2014). Adult benthic octopuses
(Octopodidae, Eledonidae and Enteroctopodidae), the
subject of this review, are muscular animals with one
or two columns of suckers along their four pairs of
arms. In mature males, one arm (called the hectocotylus) of the third arm pair is modified for transferring
spermatophores to the female. Subadult and adult
benthic octopuses live and feed on or near the seabed.
For locomotion, octopuses walk using all or some of
their arms in contact with the substrate. Like many
other cephalopods, they swim using jet propulsion, by
contracting their muscular mantle to force water in
the mantle cavity out through a tubular funnel.
Octopuses have a well-developed brain and nervous
system which regulate sophisticated behavior and
learning, and control elaborate, dynamic skin patterns
(Hanlon and Messenger 1996; How et al. 2017). The
internal shell is reduced to a pair of small rod-like
stylets. These stylets have been used to estimate age
by counting their daily growth increments, a technique that has been validated for some coastal species
(Doubleday et al. 2006; Hermosilla et al. 2010;
Rodrıguez-Domınguez et al. 2013). Growth increments in beaks also have been used to estimate age in
octopuses (Perales-Raya et al. 2014; Villegas-Barcenas
et al. 2014). The life span of shallow-water octopuses
from tropical and subtropical areas is estimated to
range between 1 and 2 years (Leporati et al. 2009;
Leporati and Hart 2015; Herwig et al. 2012).
Most octopuses are semelparous, spawning only
once at the end of their life cycle. Their eggs have
only the chorionic membrane protecting the ovum:
they lack the additional protective membranes, capsules or jelly masses found in other cephalopod groups
(Boletzky 1998). Females take care of the eggs by
continuously cleaning and ventilating them and
protecting them from potential predators throughout
the developmental period, after which the female dies.
As with many other groups of marine organisms,
depending on the species the life cycle may be either
holobenthic, where the full life cycle takes place at
the seabed, or merobenthic, where the hatchlings are
planktonic until settling later as a benthic juvenile
through to adulthood. Examples of holobenthic
species include Octopus maya (Voss and Solıs, 1966),
Eledone moschata (Lamarck, 1798) and Amphioctopus
fangsiao (d’Orbigny, 1841). Well-known merobenthic
species include Octopus vulgaris (Cuvier, 1797), and
Enteroctopus dofleini (W€
ulker, 1910). The duration of
the pelagic period of merobenthic octopuses is known
only for few species and ranges from 3 weeks to 6
months (Villanueva and Norman 2008). This paralarval stage (Young and Harman 1988) has a considerable potential for dispersal, with some merobenthic
species reaching much broader distributional ranges
in comparison with holobenthic species (Villanueva
et al. 2016). Holobenthic species evolved to inhabit in
cold waters at deep sea or at polar ecosystems from a
~ez et al. 2014, 2018). After
merobenthic ancestor (Iban
settlement on the seabed, the early benthic life of
young octopuses has been studied in the wild for only
a few species (e.g., Octopus bimaculatus Verrill, 1883,
by Ambrose 1988). Octopuses are primarily solitary in
habit, with few exceptions (Scheel et al. 2017).
Movement and activity patterns in the field have
shown that shallower species with crepuscular activity
are most active at dawn (e.g., Octopus cyanea Gray,
1849; Forsythe and Hanlon 1997), with increasing
activity during the night and remaining inside a den
during daylight (e.g., E. dofleini; Scheel and
Bisson 2012).
A recent review described all substantial squid fisheries around the world, showing the main ecological
and biological features of exploited stocks, interactions
with the environment and their ecosystem-based fishery management (Arkhipkin et al. 2015). The present
overview is the second of three such planned reviews,
and follows a similar format for octopus fisheries,
summarizing present knowledge of the main exploited
species and stocks.
2. Octopus fisheries from ancient times
to 1900
There is little information about ancient fisheries, and
even for the relatively recent 18th and 19th centuries.
According to Erlandson and Rick (2010), the earliest
marine fisheries activities may date back as far as
160,000 years (documented for the Southern African
coast). They argue that ancient communities had
a considerable impact upon the ecosystems they
were exploiting, periodically reducing the number of
individuals by a significant amount. In contrast to
documented effects on terrestrially hunted species
(especially islands), however, fishing probably did not
result in extinctions. Cephalopods were not specifically mentioned, but it is likely that prehistoric local
coastal communities exploited littoral octopuses. In
Japan, many intact earthenware octopus pots (for
both A. fangsiao and Octopus sinensis d’Orbigny,
1834) from the mid-Yayoi period (100 BC to 100 AD)
have been uncovered by archeological excavations,
particularly around the Seto Sea; but also near
Nagasaki and the Kanmon Straits (between Kyushu
and Honshu); Ise Bay (near present-day Nagoya on
the southern central Pacific coast of Honshu); and, on
the Japan Sea coast, Miyazu Bay (northern Kyoto),
Tottori and Matsue (Uchida 2009).
Little or no technical information is available concerning nets used in ancient times, nor about the
methods of using them (see Arkhipkin et al. 2015, for
a brief prehistorical review). Aristotle (1970 English
translation) describes the morphology, anatomy,
behavior and parts of the life history of O. vulgaris
and Eledone sp. He did not explicitly mention fisheries but in view of all the details and observations he
collated, there are strong grounds to suggest that octopuses were fairly easily accessible alive and in good
condition. There is evidence in his writings that he
kept close contact with fishers.
The only systematic literary source about cephalopods in ancient Roman literature is that of Pliny the
Elder (1940), who merely mentions anecdotes about
octopus stealing fish from fish farms. In the 2nd
Century (2nd C), Oppianus of Corycus (see Oppian,
Colluthus, and Tryphiodorus 1928) wrote a poem
about marine fisheries in about 3,500 lines, which
reveals some sophistication of ancient octopus fisheries including the following:
Octopuses love the trees of Athena and have a
passion for the grey-green foliage. It is a great marvel
that they should be drawn by desire for a tree and
delight in the branches of the oily plant. For wherever
there is an olive of splendid fruit, which flourishes on
a shoreward slope neighbouring the sea, the octopus
joyfully embraces the sleek branches of the olive and
seems to kiss them. But he crawls back again to the
bosom of the sea, having satisfied his love and
longing for the olive. The snare of this same love is
his undoing, as fishermen know. For they bind
together branches of the olive around a piece of lead
and tow the bundle from the boat. The octopus
rushes to embrace his branchy comrades and not
even when he is being hauled to capture does he
relax the bonds of desire, till he is within the boat,
nor even while he perishes does he hate the olive.
Judging from the present-day artisanal fisheries in
the Mediterranean (similar to the descriptions by
Oppianus) and present day artisanal fisheries in the
Far East, methods and experiences are similar. After
the written records mentioned earlier, there is a gap
of more than a thousand years before the next publications appear (Farrugio et al. 1993). Most important
are those of Conrad Gesner (1551–1558), Guillaume
Rondelet (1556), and Ulysse Aldrovandi (1606). All of
them relied heavily on Aristotle (1991), and included
very scant mentions of fisheries of cephalopods.
Modern zoology, life history and mentions of fisheries
start with Lamarck (1815–1822) and Cuvier (1817),
being later continued by Verrill (1879–1882) and
Tryon (1879). There are some records of cephalopod
fisheries in Japan (Hitomi 1697; Terajima 1713;
Anonymous 1799). Hitomi (1697) mentions fishing
for octopus using nets for larger species; a small
wooden structure to which are tied a cuttlebone or
fish bone on one side and a hook on the other; and
small octopus pots strung together for catching A.
fangsiao. Terajima (1713; see translation by Gleadall
and Naggs 1991) discusses “tako” (O. sinensis, and
possibly also E. dofleini), noting the use of octopus
pots tied together with line; and “iidako” (A. fangsiao), fished by tying together a line of empty gastropod shells (see also Anonymous 1799). All these
accounts, however, right up to the beginning of the
20th C, lack details such as catch and/or landing statistics. In all countries of the world during the 19th C,
fishery statistics concerning octopods were collected
in a descriptive anecdotal form, or not collected at all.
3. Octopus stock exploitation
Most octopus species supporting fisheries are shallowwater species, distributed mainly on littoral reefs and
Table 1. Capture production (tonnes) of the major octopus fisheries reported by FAO (2016) from years 2005 to 2014.
Eledone cirrhosa
Eledone sp.
(E. cirrhosa þ E. moschata)
Octopus maya
Octopus vulgaris1
Total octopus
Octopus vs total
cephalopod landings (%)
Total sepioid
Sepioid vs total
cephalopod landings (%)
Total squid
Squid vs total
cephalopod landings (%)
Total cephalopod landings
Total sepioid, squid and octopus production is also indicated and their respective percentage contribution to total cephalopod production.
Statistics for “Octopus vulgaris” include several species in addition to O. vulgaris sensu stricto (Amor et al. 2017; Gleadall 2016a).
shelf areas. Few commercial species are collected
deeper than 200 m: Eledone cirrhosa (Lamarck, 1798)
is fished by trawlers usually from 50 to 300 m (Belcari
et al. 2015); “Octopus” conispadiceus (Sasaki, 1917) to
530 m (Golenkevich 1998); E. dofleini is collected by
pots down to 390 m in the NE Pacific (Barry et al.
2010), and in traps to 300 m in the NW Pacific
(Golenkevich 1998); and Enteroctopus magnificus
(Villanueva et al. 1991) is taken as a bycatch by bottom
(Villanueva 1993).
Recent studies have shown that coastal and shelf
cephalopod populations have increased globally over
the last six decades, a phenomenon probably partly
driven by large-scale oceanic processes associated with
the adaptive plasticity of this group of mollusks
(Rodhouse et al. 2014; Doubleday et al. 2016), and
partly due to a reduction in predator populations due
to overfishing (Pauly et al. 1998). The latest world
cephalopod landings reported were the highest for the
2005–2014 decade, reaching 4.8 million t in 2014
(FAO 2016). These landings are dominated by the
squid fishery, which represents nearly 80% of the
worldwide cephalopod catches, whereas octopuses and
cuttlefishes represent only 10% each (Table 1).
Octopod catches in many cases, however, represent
under-quantified landings (see the Eastern Atlantic
chapter here).
Total reported global production of octopuses over
the past three decades indicates a relatively steady
increase in catch, almost doubling from 179,042 t in
1980 to 355,239 t in 2014 (FAO 2016). Annual octopus capture production for the decade 2005–2014
published by FAO (2016) is given in Table 1. During
this period, octopus captures represented 8–12% of
the total cephalopod catch, a volume similar to
sepioid captures (7–11%), with squid captures representing most (78–85%) of the total cephalopod catch
worldwide. It is now certain, however, that octopus
fisheries, especially in the African countries of the
eastern Atlantic coast, have been under-reported on a
massive scale (Belhabib et al. 2012).
3.1. Fishing methods
Cephalopod fishing methods have been described in
detail by Boyle and Rodhouse (2005); the following
sections briefly describe methods unique to octopus
fishing, and gear taking octopus as bycatch.
3.1.1. Bottom trawling
Bottom-trawl gear for octopus consists of a largemesh net dragged by cables from a vessel, essentially
the same as that used for finfish. The horizontal
spread of the net over the sea bottom is provided by
two bottom or universal trawl doors (also known as
otter boards), which settle the net on the substrate.
The size of the bottom trawl net depends on the
power of the vessel. Species of octopus fished by bottom trawlers are usually distributed on the continental
shelf. The species O. vulgaris found on the Saharan
Bank, NW Africa, supports one of the most important
worldwide octopus bottom trawl fisheries (Balguerıas
et al. 2000). Examples of other octopus species mostly
fished by trawlers are E. cirrhosa (Regueira et al.
2014) and E. moschata (Silva et al. 2011) in the NE
Atlantic, and Amphioctopus spp. in the Gulf of
Thailand (Chotiyaputta et al. 2002). Usually, the octopuses are a bycatch of target finfish species captured
by trawlers or are part of a multispecies fishery
(Quetglas et al. 1998; Noro 2013).
Table 2. Fishing methods for octopus in Japanese waters (based on Noro 2013, modified and translated by KN and IGG)
Method (Japanese name)
(English translation)
Targeted or
Ship size
1–10 m
octopus-targeting about 1 t All areas in northern Japan
haenawa or
kara-tsuri nawa
tako-tsubo (with lid)
longline (unbaited)
10–80 m
octopus-targeting <5 t
All areas in northern Japan
octopus box (unbaited)
octopus basket (baited)
towed rake
octopus pot (unbaited)
octopus pot (baited)
10–30 m
10–50 m
10–30 m
3–20 m
3–20 m
All areas in northern Japan
All areas in northern Japan
All areas in northern Japan
Most of honshu, Pacific side
Tokyo Bay
kogata sokobiki-ami
okiai sokobiki-ami
floating-barrel drift lines
gill net
fixed net
bottom set-net
small bottom trawl
offshore bottom trawl
20–100 m
10–100 m
10–30 m
10–60 m
60–200 m
100–500 m
<5 t
<5 t
5–20 t
5–10 t
<15 t
>15 t
With or without a
commercial fishing boat
Mainly Kyushu & Seto Sea
Crab as bait. Lid shuts
when octopus enters
Hokkaido to Tsugaru Straits —
All areas
All areas
Coast of Aomori Pref. only —
Pacific coasts
Northern regions
Mostly for “O.” conispadiceus
Depth data are for Aomori Pref. only.
Gross tonnage.
This fishing method is well known to have a very
negative impact on the seabed. The trawl doors, cables
and net severely plow the sea bottom and cause largescale damage to the benthic shelf (Collie et al. 2000)
and slope (Clark et al. 2016) communities. As a result
of the turbulence generated by the trawl, mud and
sand from the bottom enter the octopus mantle and
cover the gills, which may acquire an obscure color.
In addition, the bottom trawl is a nonselective gear,
thus, many species are collected at the same time.
The impact of trawling, discards and processing of
the frozen O. vulgaris fished in NW Africa has been
discussed by Vazquez-Rowe et al. (2012).
3.1.2. Net-caught bycatch: trammel nets, gill nets,
fixed nets, bottom set-nets
In addition to trawl nets, octopuses are also fished in
shallow water areas as bycatch (always in minor numbers) when trammel nets are used (Tsangridis et al.
2002). This is a stationary net with three layers of netting to usually entangle demersal fishes and crustaceans, kept vertical by floats on the headrope and
weights on the footrope (FAO 2001). All around
Japan, octopuses are caught as bycatch of gill nets,
fixed nets, and bottom set-nets (Table 2; Noro 2013).
3.1.3. Fyke nets
This net consists of cylindrical and/or cone-shaped
netting bags or chambers, mounted on rings or other
rigid structures and fixed to the seabed by anchors
in shallow waters. In some fishing ports of the
Eastern Mediterranean, fyke nets of two or three
chambers are used for catching almost exclusively
O. vulgaris, representing 30% of the total octopus
production (Tsangridis et al. 2002).
Figure 1. Typical Octopus vulgaris trap made from an
iron frame and plastic square mesh with a size of 4 cm, and
a single entrance on the top. From Erzini et al. (2008).
3.1.4. Fishing traps
Octopus fishing traps are framed traps with a single
entrance partially blocked usually by plastic strips,
easy to push in by an octopus but not back out
(Figure 1). These traps are of different sizes and
usually are baited inside with fish. Traps can be made
with different local available materials, usually with a
framework of wire (Hernandez-Garcıa et al. 1998) and
n 2008) (Figures
n et al. 2006; Ba~
plastic mesh (Ba~
2 and 3). A variant used in Japan has elastic-powered
doors, closing when the octopus detaches a live crab
inside the trap, preventing the octopus from escaping
(Slack-Smith 2001). This kind of trap has been used
also in the NE Atlantic (Carreira and Gonçalves
2009); and a kind of trigger-trap baited with a brightorange rubber crab illuminated with a led light is
Figure 2. Types of Octopus vulgaris traps used in Galicia, NE Atlantic, made with different structures and materials. (A)
Hemicylindrical, iron; (B) cylindrical, wood; (C) prismatic, iron; (D) toroidal, iron; (E) open, iron; and (F) cylindrical, plastic. From
Ba~non et al. (2006).
used for fishing Octopus aff. tetricus (Gould, 1852)
(Hart el al. 2016).
Examples of octopus species fished using traps are
“Octopus” minor (Sasaki 1920) in the NW Pacific
(Kim et al. 2008), O. vulgaris in the NE Atlantic
n et al. 2006,
(Hernandez-Garcıa et al. 1998; Ba~
2018; Sonderblohm et al. 2017) (Figure 4) and several
species of octopuses in the NW Pacific (Takeda 1990;
Noro 2013), including E. dofleini. Some octopuses are
fished as bycatch of other trap fisheries, as with E.
dofleini in the Alaska cod pot (trap) fishery (Conrath
and Sisson 2018).
Octopus traps usually belong to the artisanal fleet
and local fishing communities, have relatively low
impact on the environment and seabed (Baeta et al.
2005) and can be considered a fuel-efficient capture
Figure 3. Japanese fishing gear for Octopus: Commercial gear used in Aomori and Hokkaido. (A–B) drag-line; (C–D) floating-barrel
drift line (C: lure; D: stowed lure-barrel-line units); (E–F) octopus boxes; (G–H) octopus baskets. (Images: KN).
technique, the adoption of which can contribute
towards more economical and sustainable fishery
(Suuronen et al. 2012; Rangel et al. 2018). When traps
are lost during fishing activities, however, the captured animal becomes the lure for the next; catching
and killing multiple animals in an effect known as
ghost-fishing, and reported also for octopus fishing
traps (Erzini et al. 2008). Fishing traps used for “O.”
minor made from biodegradable polymers may reduce
ghost-fishing (Kim et al. 2014).
3.1.5. Towed rakes
In northern Japan, rakes (Figure 3A, B; Table 2) are
towed at slow speeds to catch mostly E. dofleini
(Noro 2013).
3.1.6. Floating-barrel drift-lines
Another octopus-targeting method common in northern Japan is the floating-barrel drift-line (Figure 3C,
D; Table 2), where a line attaches an unbaited lure to
a small barrel-shaped float, a number of which are
Figure 4. Octopus trap fishery for Octopus vulgaris on the Arousa Estuary, NE Atlantic. Images are obtained from a video recorded
at around 12:00 and 8 m depth during April 2014. (A) The baited octopus trap is laid on the sea bottom, (B) the octopus detects
the bait and approach to the trap, (C–D) enters the trap, (E) consumes the bait and then (F) remains trapped inside. Frames from
the documentary “Esencia de las mareas,” reproduced with permission of the copyright owner (#FRINSA/J.J.Candan Producciones).
then allowed to drift for several hours. This method is
used for “O.” conispadiceus and E. dofleini.
3.1.7. Pots
This fishing gear is a device used specifically for the
octopus fishery. The appeal of the pot is based on the
fact that octopuses use it as a refuge in sandy/muddy
bottoms where there are few natural rocky or hard
shelters. The basic gear consists of a vase-like pot constructed of ceramic, wood or plastic material. PVC
tubes and old tyres are, however, also used. Its design
depends on the local custom and availability of materials (Figure 3 and Figures 5–8). Pots are a passive
capture gear. No bait or lure is used as attractant and
no net is used to retain the octopus inside, so, animals
are able to freely enter and exit the pot (Figure 6).
The pots are rigged to long lines containing from
50–70 (Sobrino et al. 2011) to approximately 500 pots
per line (Hart et al. 2016). The maximum number of
pots per vessel is limited in accordance with the local
fishing regulations, as 1,000 units (Sobrino et al. 2011)
or more (Figure 7). The fishery lines are checked
every 2–5 days (Sobrino et al. 2011), usually during
daytime hours using small to medium size vessels.
Fishing depths are usually very shallow waters (5 to
40 m), although pots for some species are set as deep
as 85 m (Leporati et al. 2009).
This fishing method is highly recommended.
Octopus pots are size-selective and exclusive to
Figure 5. Pots used for octopus fishing. (A) Octopus pots of different shapes and materials used in Galicia, NE Atlantic, to fish
~on et al. 2006). (B) Octopus trap made with iron frame and plastic mesh, with a plastic pot inside, used
Octopus vulgaris (from Ban
for fishing Octopus vulgaris in Cascais, Portugal (image from R. Villanueva).
Figure 6. Octopus vulgaris inside a ceramic pot on sandy bottom, Western Mediterranean. From Sanchez and Obarti (1993).
octopus (no bycatch). Usually, juveniles do not enter
them because of their relatively large size, targeting
mostly subadult and adult individuals. There is little
or no physical impact of the pots on the seabed and it
is a fuel-efficient capture technique. Ghost-fishing
mortality does not occur (cf. with basket traps or
trammel nets) as octopuses can enter and leave the
pot freely. For these reasons, octopus pot fishing is a
low-impact, environmentally-friendly fishery. Lost
plastic pots may, however, contribute to substantial
plastic pollution: of the total marine debris collected
in the O. vulgaris fishing area off Morocco, 50% of
items were made of plastic, and 94% of these were
plastic from lost plastic octopus pots (Loulad
et al. 2017).
To avoid mature females spawning inside the pots,
with the subsequent destruction of the egg mass at
harvesting, the egg string length of the species should
Figure 7. Plastic pots stored on the port of Santa Pola, Spain, Western Mediterranean, for Octopus vulgaris fishing (image from
F.A. Fernandez-Alvarez).
be considered. An internal pot diameter equal to or
less than the mean egg string length of the species
will discourage most females from using the pot as a
refuge to spawn because of the lack of space to properly attach, handle and ventilate the egg mass inside
the pot. Females will therefore select instead another
wider, natural, suitable refuge to spawn, and are
thereby excluded from the fishery.
Pot fishing is also highly recommended for collecting living octopuses for laboratory experimentation.
Octopuses collected by pots have very few or no skin
abrasions, exhibit less post-capture stress and have
higher survival rates in captivity in comparison with
other fishing methods such as bottom trawling, where
high post-capture mortality is observed.
Octopus species fished by pots are O. vulgaris in
the Mediterranean (Sanchez and Obarti 1993), NE
Atlantic (Jouffre et al. 2002; Sobrino et al. 2011;
Sonderblohm et al. 2017), Eastern Atlantic (Avila-DaSilva et al. 2014) and South Africa (Oosthuizen 2004);
Octopus insularis (Leite and Haimovici, 2008) in the
SE Atlantic (Haimovici et al. 2014); Octopus pallidus
(Hoyle, 1885) in Tasmania (Leporati et al. 2009); O.
sinensis, and A. fangsiao in Japan (Gleadall and Noro,
pers. obs.); O. aff. tetricus in Western Australia
(Leporati et al. 2015); “O.” minor in Korea (Kim et al.
2015); and E. dofleini in Alaska (Barry et al. 2010).
3.1.8. Fishing lines
Fishing lines with one or several hooks at the end and
using different kinds of bait near the hook are used
by jigging the line at the shore or from small vessels
in shallow water. Markaida et al. (2015) reviewed and
illustrated different models of hooks used for diverse
octopus species. A variety of baits are used, such as
live or dead crabs, bivalve shells, colored stones, white
plastic bags or rubber imitation prey. The different
kinds of bait and tackle are known by many local
community names. A drift fishing line is used in
coastal waters of Hokkaido (Japan) for the fishery of
E. dofleini (Taka and Wada 2018) and a particular
system of multiple fishing lines from a vessel is the al
Figure 8. Upper two figures: Commercial pots used in Shikoku for Octopus sinensis. These are a modification of traditional earthenware octopus pots, made from a sturdy plastic material with a side extension to form a flattened side, which has a heavy concrete
filling to ensure the pots lie stably on the seabed with the opening horizontal. Middle two figures: Left, commercial earthenware
octopus pots as used commonly in Western Kyushu (note the circular opening visible at the “closed” end of the pot standing on
the left; the pot on the right is lying in the normal horizontal position used for catching octopus); Right, flat reel of sturdy twine
with lure attached (used mostly for recreational fishing). Lower figures: Octopus lures for recreational rod-and-line fishing. (A) Lures
typically used for Amphioctopus fangsiao; (B) lure for small octopus species; (C–D) lures typically used for O. sinensis. At right are
lateral views of A and B. The scarlet attachments in A, C and D are painted lead weights to which the line is attached. With the
lure resting on the seabed, or being dragged by a slowly drifting boat, the weight is periodically lifted and dropped, an action
which is said to attract an attack by an octopus. The dominant pink and red hues belie Japanese fishermen’s belief that octopuses
are attracted to these hues. Scale bars 20 mm. (Images: IGG).
Figure 9. A) Simplified model of an open boat showing fishing lines for Octopus maya (modified from Markaida et al., 2019). (B)
Two terminal tackles of the fishing gear for Octopus maya in Campeche showing (1) sinkers, (2) bait, (3) float and (4) treble hook
(modified from Markaida et al., 2019). (C) Terminal tackle for octopus in the major fleet: (1–3) as before, (5) hook to hold bait fish
for O. vulgaris and (6) jig. (D) Octopus jig called pata ’e gallina from Margarita Island, Venezuela (Courtesy of Juan
Carlos Mendialdua).
garete fishing style, using fresh crabs to attract
O. maya (Markaida et al. 2015; Figures 9 and 10).
This style of fishing consists of the use of three small
boats: a larger one of 5–8 m in length equipped with
an outboard motor, carrying in its interior one or two
smaller alijos, each of 2.5 m length. Once at the fishing location, the three vessels are manned separately
by taking advantage of marine currents and the
wind using a small sail called garete (Markaida
et al. 2015).
3.1.9. Fishing by hand
Fishermen operate on foot, by snorkeling or from
small boats, predominantly around the low tide period
using harpoons, iron rods, hooks, spears and a variety
of sharp pointed instruments to capture octopuses.
Examples of octopus species fished by these methods
are O. cyanea in the SW Indian Ocean (Guard
and Mgaya 2002; Nair et al. 2018; Sauer et al. 2011);
Octopus hubbsorum (Berry, 1953) in the NE Pacific
(Alejo-Plata et al. 2009); O. insularis in the SE
Atlantic (Haimovici et al. 2014), O. maya (Markaida
et al. 2015) in the Western Central Atlantic; Octopus
mimus (Gould, 1852) in the SE Pacific (Rocha and
Vega 2003); Callistoctopus nocturnus (Norman and
Sweeney 1997) (Octopus nocturnus) in the SW Pacific
(Norman and Sweeney 1997); and Octopus tehuelchus
(d’Orbigny, 1834) in the SE Atlantic (Navarte et al.
2006). Some fishermen flush octopuses from their den
using one of a variety of irritants such as certain plant
saps (Norman and Sweeney 1997), copper sulfate
crystals (Herwig et al. 2012), or chlorine bleach
(Wright and Esmonde 2001; Haimovici et al. 2014).
In Canada, the use of irritants for the extraction and
fishing of E. dofleini is regulated, because of their
harmful effects on the environment, so it is recommended that chlorine bleach be replaced with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as an irritant less harmful to the
Figure 10. Al garete fishing style used for the Octopus maya fishery. (A) A motor boat with fishing lines carrying inside a small
boat called “alijo.” (B) The “alijo” with the small sail called “garete” extended, used to drift downwind. (C) A vessel from the large
fleet equipped for fishing octopus. (D) Dories (alijos) piled up in the stern of a vessel. From Markaida et al. (2015).
environment (Wright and Esmonde 2001; Fisheries
and Oceans Canada 2011–2012).
A particular method of fishing known as hookah
diving requires the fisherman to breathe using an air
supply hose from a compressor placed on the deck of
the vessel. It is widespread in the eastern Pacific for
O. mimus and O. hubbsorum from Mexico, Ecuador,
Peru and Chile (Defeo and Castilla 1998; ArmendarizVillegas et al. 2014; Markaida et al. 2018). Fisheries
devoted to ornamental octopus species for the aquarium trade also use hand fishing. Examples of octopus
species collected for the global aquarium market are
Wunderpus photogenicus (Hochberg, Norman and
Finn 2006) (Hochberg et al. 2006) from the Central
West Pacific, the Blue-ringed octopus Hapalochlaena
lunulata (Quoy and Gaimard, 1832) from the
Southern West Pacific (Williams et al. 2011) and the
undescribed Larger Pacific Striped Octopus (Caldwell
et al. 2015) from the Central East Pacific.
3.1.10. Recreational octopus fisheries
In many countries, recreational fishermen catch octopuses by different methods, which mainly depend on
the particular octopus species or the traditions of the
Figure 11. Recreational fishing. (A) Two hook designs and a baited stick (with sardine and squid) used for recreational Octopus
vulgaris fishing in the intertidal zone during low tides in northern Spain, NE Atlantic. (B) Fisherman trying to attract an octopus
placing the lure under a rock. (C) After the lure is grabbed by the octopus, it is caught with the hook. (Images from F.A.
area. The bathymetric range of coastal octopuses
makes them suitable for fishing from the shore, from
a boat or by scuba diving (Morales-Nin et al. 2005;
Venturini et al. 2017). From both the shore and boats,
octopuses are fished by a hand line or a fishing rod
using octopus jigs, which might be baited (Ba~
n 2014) or with an artifino
et al. 2006), unbaited (Ba~
cial vinyl crab attached (Figure 8; Noro 2013;
Markaida et al. 2015). Frequently used baits include
n et al. 2006;
sardine, crabs, and chicken legs (Ba~
Markaida et al. 2015). In Japan, some species of octopus are fished using an irritant such as ash, salt or
strong saline solution; and in Thailand the fluids
ejected by living sea cucumbers in response to handling are used to entice octopuses from their lair at
low tide on beaches of coral rubble (Gleadall,
pers. obs.).
The most primitive artificial bait designs are white
rocks, gastropod shells or even wheat spikes (Chenaut
n 2014). Some of these
1985; Solıs-Ramırez 1998; Ba~
fishing methods were used for commercial or subsistn 2014;
ence fisheries in the past (Biagi 1997; Ba~
Markaida et al. 2015). Now, other than for a few small
fisheries, these devices are used only for recreational
fishing (Pierce et al. 2010). In some countries, octopuses are fished regularly off reefs by recreational fishermen for use as bait for other kinds of sea organisms
such as fishes or crabs (Herwig et al. 2012).
In some areas, octopuses are fished from the shore
n 2014). In
by hand, with spears or hooks (Ba~
Northern Spain, a traditional fishing method combines a baited stick and a hook mounted at the end of
a stick and is used in the intertidal zone at low tide.
Farmers living close to the seashore traditionally
fished octopus this way in the intertidal zone, to supplement their diet with proteins (Manterola-Izpizua
et al. 2012). Usually, these sticks measure 1.5 m and
are baited with fish (commonly sardine or anchovy)
and/or squid flesh. The baited stick is placed inside
the octopus den and the fisherman waits until it
grasps the lure. Then, the octopus is slowly taken outside its den with the baited stick and extracted with
the hook (Figure 11). One of the few invertebrates
fished by scuba spear fishermen is the octopus, sometimes representing a high percentage of spear captures
(Morales-Nin et al. 2005).
Figure 12. Drying Octopus vulgaris in the port of Santa Pola, Western Mediterranean (image from F.A. Fernandez-Alvarez).
The use of octopus traps is forbidden to recreational fishermen in many countries and reserved for
professionals. Recently, however, the Fisheries
Department of Western Australia has opened a trigger
trap trial and allows recreational fishermen to use up
to six of these devices (Fish Resources Management
Act 1994 Section 7(2) (a) Exemption Number 2927).
3.2. Processing
Since the arrival of modern refrigerator and transport
systems in the last part of the 20th C, many octopuses
from small traditional fisheries are sold fresh both
locally or in inland territories, especially for domestic
markets. This type of product is usually sold without
any further processing except cleaning. Before the
widespread use of refrigerators, in some European
countries the major fraction of the product was dried
for storage and exportation to inland territories (e.g.,
n et al. 2006; Manterola-Izpizua, et al. 2012). As
a product of this prolonged tradition, in some areas
the tradition of drying octopuses and/or the ovaries
for local consumption still persists (Figure 12). Drying
of octopuses is still widely practised in Japan, particularly Kyushu and SW Honshu (Gleadall, pers. obs.).
Much of the modern octopus catch is sold frozen,
usually whole or with the arms separated from the
head and body. After frozen storage, lipid composition seems more affected than protein degradation.
Effects of frozen storage at 18 C on O. maya
showed no remarkable protein denaturation at the
third month of storage and 20% at the firth month,
and polyunsaturated fatty acids decreased 6% and 9%
at the third and fifth month, respectively (GullianKlanian et al. 2017). Recently, some concerns have
been raised about the dubious practice by some producers of soaking octopus (O. vulgaris, “O.” minor) in
fresh water before freezing to increase their weight
(Mendes et al. 2017a, 2017b, 2018; Lee et al. 2019).
Cooked octopus has a very firm, tough texture, due
to the content, structure and stability of octopus collagen (Morales et al. 2000). Traditionally, before cooking and selling, octopus meat was tenderized by
repeatedly beating the octopus against hard surfaces,
or with wood or metal sticks, but also prolonged heating in boiling water has been applied. These tenderizing procedures have been abandoned with the
popularization of freezers, since a freeze-thaw cycle
has an equivalent effect (Gleadall et al. 2010; Mendes
et al. 2017a). Such methods were always too time-consuming and energy-demanding for the canning industry, which developed alternative systems such as the
addition of small amounts of acid (e.g., vinegar) during the boiling process (Katsanidis 2006; Katsanidis
and Agrafioti 2009). Tumbling has been also found to
be an effective method for tenderizing octopus before
cooking (Gokoglu et al. 2017). Some food treatments
such as high hydrostatic pressure inactivates microorganisms and enzymes, improving quality during
storage and distribution. When used with octopus,
pressure reduces the proteolysis of myofibrillar
proteins, which implies that this technology may be
effective in controlling the softening of octopus
muscle (Hurtado et al. 2002).
Critical control points (Cato 1998) during octopus
processing have been identified to ensure quality of
the final product, from catching, chilled and frozen
storage, packaging, labeling, controlled thawing,
splitting, gutting and washing according to the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
series of standards (Arvanitoyannis and Varzakas
2009a, 2009b). In recent years, interest in biologically
active substances in cephalopods has increased
(Besednova et al. 2017). In particular, Karthigayan
et al. (2006) have successfully extracted promising
anticancer drugs from posterior salivary gland extracts
of Amphioctopus aegina (Gray, 1849). The properties
of octopus ink have been tested successfully for antimicrobial and potential anticancer, antiulcerogenic
and antioxidant activities (Mohanraju et al. 2013;
Derby 2014).
3.3. Climatic change and octopus fisheries
3.3.1. Warming
Climate change, a function of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, is altering the physical and
chemical properties of the ocean. Approximately 90%
of the additional heat trapped in the atmosphere by
anthropogenic gas emissions has been absorbed by the
oceans (IPCC 2013). This has led to a 1 C increase in
mean global sea surface temperature (SST) since the
beginning of the twentieth century, and by 2100, in a
“business-as-usual” scenario, global SST is expected to
rise by another 4.8 C (IPCC 2013). Marine organisms
can respond by adapting to the new conditions within
their existing distributional range or by moving their
ecological niches through space (distribution shifts)
and/or time (phenological shifts) (Beaugrand et al.
2002; Parmesan and Yohe 2003; Perry et al. 2005;
Bates et al. 2013; Pinsky et al. 2013; Poloczanska et al.
2013; Lenoir and Svenning 2015; Molinos et al. 2015;
Poloczanska et al. 2016; Pecl et al. 2017).
Regarding octopod populations, there are already
cases of poleward shifts in species’ distributions associated with climate forcing, namely Octopus hubbsorum off the Pacific coast of Mexico (DomınguezContreras et al. 2013) and Octopus tetricus (Gould,
1852) off South-Eastern Australia (Ramos et al. 2014,
2015, 2018). The latter studies showed that even at
the extended zone (Tasmanian waters) of its common
distribution, O. tetricus displays fast growth rates and
short life span, i.e., 11 months, which allows a high
rate of population turnover (Ramos et al. 2014).
The presence of mature individuals, high fecundity,
and viable embryos suggest that O. tetricus has the
potential to be a self-sustaining population (Ramos
et al. 2015). Moreover, persistent gene flow from
throughout the historical zone towards the range
extension zone, and moderate genetic diversity; may
favor the establishment and long-term persistence of
the population in the range extension zone (Ramos
et al. 2018). Climate-driven expansion has also been
described in other cephalopod groups, namely in: i)
squids - Dosidicus gigas (d’Orbigny, 1835) (Zeidberg
and Robison 2007; Rosa et al. 2013a), Todarodes
sagittatus (Lamarck, 1798), Todaropsis eblanae
(Ball, 1841) and Teuthowenia megalops (Prosch, 1849)
(Golikov et al. 2013); and ii) sepiolids - Sepietta
oweniana (d’Orbigny, 1841) (Golikov et al. 2014) and
Stoloteuthis leucoptera (Verrill, 1878) (Quetglas et al.
2013a). There is also some evidence of changes in
octopod fauna in the Mediterranean region associated
with climate-driven range invasions, namely the presence of lessepsian migrants O. cyanea and A. aegina
in the Levantine Sea (Galil 2007; Osman et al. 2014).
Most of these distributional shifts are occurring at
higher latitudes, and other regions where the marine
ecosystems are warming the fastest (Hoegh-Guldberg
and Bruno 2010; Fossheim et al. 2015), and, therefore,
increased borealization of cephalopod communities in
the Arctic is also expected during this century (e.g.,
Xavier et al. 2016).
Doubleday et al. (2016) recently showed that the
abundance of cephalopod populations has been
increasing globally for the last six decades and suggest
that cephalopods are likely benefiting from a changing
ocean environment. It is generally argued that the
high plasticity of life history traits associated with
short life spans and opportunistic feeding regimes are
the key determinants allowing octopod and squid
populations to respond quickly to changes in climate
regimes (e.g., Pecl and Jackson 2008; Tian 2009;
Caballero-Alfonso et al. 2010; Quetglas et al. 2013b;
Rodhouse 2013; Rodhouse et al. 2014). The fact that
they “live fast and die young” and act like “weeds of
the sea” may allow them to more quickly adapt to
future global warming than their fish competitors and
predators Additionally, adaptation in cephalopods
may be supported by the higher probability of occurrence of mutations and/or establishment of novel gene
complexes in these short-lived organisms (Berteaux
et al. 2004; Rosenheim and Tabashnik 1991;
Parmesan 2006).
At first glance it would seem that climate change
may be beneficial to coastal octopod fisheries due to
enhanced growth rates, shorter life spans and greater
population turnover. For example, a recent study in
Madagascar, found the day octopus (O. cyanea) to be
one of the species most potentially capable of adapting
to climate change of 40 commercially exploited marine species examined for that region (pers. comm. G.
Pecl). Of course, it would be expected that in general
tropical species (and respective fishing stocks) may be
more affected by warming than the temperate ones,
due to the fact that the former evolving in a relatively
stable thermal environment but nearer their thermal
maxima (Tewksbury et al. 2008). That is, their ability
to increase their upper thermal tolerance limits is
much reduced compared to temperate species
(Stillman and Somero 2000, 2001; Rosa et al. 2014a;
Rosa et al. 2014c; Rosa et al. 2016). Moreover, any
tropical species living on coral reefs, e.g., O. cyanea in
Madagascar, will be negatively affected by any habitat
loss resulting from coral bleaching. As such, there is
increasing evidence that the response of octopod populations to future warming will not be straightforward,
both in tropical and temperate regions.
Potential impacts of climate change have been
documented via various experimental approaches. For
instance, Repolho et al. (2014) showed, in a temperate
and highly-seasonal region of the western Portuguese
coast, that þ3 C above summer mean sea surface
temperatures shortened embryonic developmental
time of the common octopus (O. vulgaris) by 13 days,
but also decreased survival by approximately 30% and
increased drastically the percentage of smaller premature paralarvae (from 0 up to 20%). Moreover, the
metabolic costs of the transition from an encapsulated
embryo to a free planktonic form also increased
significantly. Thus, the octopus planktonic paralarvae
will require more food per unit body size to counterbalance the enhanced energy expenditure rates associated with pulse jet dynamics (i.e., the energy cost of
swimming predominantly by jet propulsion). They
will also have a reduced capacity to endure starvation
under the future warming conditions. In the
Patagonian red octopus Enteroctopus megalocyathus
(Gould, 1852), a temperate sub-polar octopus species,
the optimum range of temperatures for embryo development is between 12 and 15 C, yet an increase of
just þ1 C outside such range was enough to drop
embryo survival by 15% (Uriarte et al. 2016). Juarez
et al. (2016) and Caamal-Monsreal et al. (2016) also
observed, in the holobenthic species O. maya off the
Yucatan Peninsula that present-day bottom summer
temperatures (around 30 C) have already drastically
inhibited female spawning and significantly reduced
embryo survival (by 70%) (Caamal-Monsreal et al.
2016). An additional increase of 1 C was enough
to elicit 100% embryo mortality after two weeks
of ontogenetic development (Juarez et al. 2016). The
early ontogenetic development of O. mimus in
Chilean waters (Warnke 1999) under simulated
medium and strong El Ni~
no Southern Oscillation
(ENSO) events (20 C and 24 C, respectively) took
35% and 62% less time than normal conditions. There
were no abnormalities visible in the embryos developed under strong ENSO conditions, and there was
also no adverse effect on the viability of the hatchlings. A more recent and comprehensive study on the
thermal ecology of O. mimus, however, showed that
the optimum range of temperatures for embryos was
around 15 to 18 C, and that 21 C is already outside
the optimal thermal window based on the excessively
high metabolic rates, with Q10 values reaching above 5
(Uriarte et al. 2012). Moreover, using a combination
of individual-based bioenergetics and stage-structured
population models, Andre et al. (2010) showed
that the biological responses of O. pallidus to future
warming may not be linear. In fact, future warming
may lead to a significant shift from an exponential
population growth to an exponential decline in just
a few decades.
3.3.2. Acidification
Basic information concerning biological responses to
different temperature conditions have been more or
less well documented within octopod fauna, but significant gaps in knowledge include responses to ocean
acidification (OA). Besides heat accumulation, the
global ocean has also taken up 30% of anthropogenic
carbon dioxide (CO2) released into the atmosphere. In
fact, atmospheric CO2 levels have risen for the first
time above 40 Pa, in at least the last 800,000 years
(NOAA 2017), and are expected to exceed 90 Pa by
2100 (IPCC 2013). Concomitantly, ocean surface pH
is projected to decrease by 0.13–0.42 units by the end
of this century, depending on the emission scenarios
(IPCC 2013). Besides the pH changes, there is also a
subsequent alteration in the relative proportion of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) species, namely a shift
in inorganic carbon equilibria towards higher CO2
and lower carbonate ion (CO32-) concentrations.
Collectively these chemical changes are known as the
“OA problem” (Caldeira and Wickett 2003; Doney
et al. 2009; Gattuso et al. 2015). Carbonate ions are
one of the building blocks of calcium carbonate
(CaCO3) and thus OA may affect the ability of calcifying organisms to precipitate CaCO3 (Gazeau et al.
2007; Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2007). Moreover, OA
also lead to acid–base balance disturbances, metabolic
depression, growth reduction, behavioral impairments
and increased skeletal deformities in non-calcifying
groups (e.g., Seibel and Walsh 2001; Fabry et al. 2008;
Munday et al. 2009a; Munday et al. 2009b; Munday
et al. 2011; Nilsson et al. 2012; Pimentel et al. 2014;
Pimentel et al. 2016; Rosa et al. 2017).
To the best of our knowledge, there is no information about the potential effects of OA on octopod
fauna. Nonetheless, elevated CO2 has been shown to
elicit negative effects on the survival, growth, calcification and physiology of other cephalopod groups. For
instance, Rosa and Seibel (2008) showed in juvenile
jumbo squid (D. gigas) that OA substantially
decreased metabolic rates (31%) and activity levels
(45%), and that the effects were significantly exacerbated by warming conditions. The authors also argued
that reduced aerobic and locomotory scope in warm,
high-CO2 surface waters would impair predator–prey
interactions with cascading consequences for growth,
reproduction, and survival. OA-driven changes in
defensive behaviors, namely increased jet escape
responses and ink jetting instead of defensive arm
postures, were also observed in the adult pygmy squid
Idiosepius pygmaeus (Steenstrup, 1881) (Spady
et al. 2014).
Regarding OA and cephalopod early life stages,
Rosa et al. (2014b) found that the combination of OA
and warming led to a significant drop (50%) in the
survival rates of summer egg clutches of a coastal
squid (Loligo vulgaris Lamarck, 1798). Moreover,
increased premature hatching and a larger percentage
of abnormalities were also found under such
conditions. OA-driven impairments in calcification
processes have also been described in the coastal squid
Doryteuthis pealeii (Lesueur, 1821) (Kaplan et al.
2013). Additionally, besides increased time to hatching
and shorter mantle lengths, squid statoliths (paired
aragonite concretions critical for balance and detecting
movement) were reduced and abnormally shaped
(with increased porosity) under OA. Similar statolithrelated findings were obtained in Doryteuthis opalescens (Berry, 1911) under combined conditions of OA
and hypoxia (Navarro et al. 2016). More recently,
Zakroff et al. (2018) developed a new 3D tracking system, which revealed that D. pealeii paralarval activity
and horizontal velocity decreased linearly with
increasing CO2 levels (yet, the overall energetic
impacts were subtle).
Interestingly, cuttlefish Sepia officinalis (Linnaeus,
1758) exhibit a certain level of pre-adaptation to longterm OA exposure, where depending on cuttlefish size,
cuttlebones could accrete between 20 to 55% more
CaCO3 under OA (Gutowska et al. 2008; Gutowska
et al. 2010). Yet, such findings were obtained using
CO2 levels (between 400 and 600 Pa) beyond those
expected for the end of this century. Hu et al. (2011)
also showed that cuttlefish embryos display a downregulation of ion regulatory and metabolic genes under
OA, which along with a general decrease in their somatic growth, seemed to indicate that the early life stages
were more vulnerable to OA than the adult. Along
with the rise of pCO2 inside the egg capsule (as well as
a drop in pH and pO2) during cuttlefish embryonic
development, oxygen tension below critical pO2 levels
suggests that the already harsh abiotic conditions inside
the capsule may be magnified under future ocean conditions (Rosa et al. 2013b). Such a tendency will
ultimately promote premature hatching and smaller
post-hatching body sizes, thus challenging survival and
fitness. Similar severe abiotic conditions inside capsules,
with differential levels of hypoxia and acidification
throughout embryonic development, have also been
described in squids (Navarro et al. 2014; Long
et al. 2016).
Based on these collective findings, we argue that
negative OA-driven effects on the early development,
physiology and behavior of octopods cannot be ruled
out, especially at the early stages of ontogeny, with
cascading impacts on their population dynamics and
associated fishery stocks.
3.3.3. Coastal hypoxia
Episodes of low dissolved oxygen (DO; <2 mg/l), or
hypoxia, have also become a major ecological concern
over the last decades, because they are increasing in
frequency, duration and severity in coastal areas
worldwide due to anthropogenic forcing (Diaz and
Rosenberg 2008; Altieri et al. 2017). DO levels are
dependent on a number of physical and biological
processes (e.g., circulation, ventilation, air-sea
exchange, production and decomposition), and they
naturally occur in certain areas, such as mesopelagic
oxygen minimum zones (Stramma et al. 2008),
upwelling areas, estuaries and fjords (Levin 2003;
Levin et al. 2009; Rabalais et al. 2010).
Such hypoxic events in coastal areas constitute
acute perturbations at species and community levels,
with great impacts on fisheries, especially those
located in the highly productive upwelling areas of
eastern boundary currents (Grantham et al. 2004;
Chan et al. 2008). Sub-lethal effects of hypoxia include
decreased feeding and growth rates, and changes in
activity level and predator avoidance (Bell and
Eggleston 2005; Goodman and Campbell 2007). It is
thought that benthic fauna is particularly vulnerable
to coastal hypoxia because the sediments usually tend
to be depleted in oxygen relative to the water column
(Gray et al. 2002; Wu 2002). Yet, because the physiological and behavioral thresholds are so species-specific (Vaquer-Sunyer and Duarte 2008, 2011), the
consequent community structure shifts and changes in
species interactions are difficult to predict (Essington
and Paulsen 2010). For instance, benthic shallowliving octopods (namely O. vulgaris, Octopus briareus
(Robson, 1929), O. cyanea, Octopus californicus
(Berry, 1911) and O. bimaculoides) are known to be
quite resilient to hypoxia as they are able to regulate
their metabolism down to less than 15% oxygen
saturation (Maginniss and Wells 1969; Borer and Lane
1971; Wells and Wells 1983; Wells 1990; Seibel and
Childress 2000). Such tolerance is associated with
their ability to slow down the ventilatory stream and
possibly suppress their metabolism, although this is
not yet confirmed. This allows them to occupy tide
pool environments where oxygen saturation can reach
anoxia. For instance, O. californicus and O. bimaculoides are able to endure 8 or 4 h of complete anoxia
at 6 and 10 C, respectively (Seibel and Childress
2000). Such short-term physiological capability,
however, will not allow octopods to thrive under the
enduring hypoxic events predicted for the future.
Nonetheless, indirect effects through changes in
predator-prey interactions may also occur. That is,
octopods may not be affected by hypoxia, but
their prey or predators may. Consequently, the
overall result of hypoxia-driven effects on octopod
communities and related fisheries could be either
positive or negative (e.g., see examples in Eby et al.
2005; Altieri 2008).
It is important to note that although many explorations of climate change have considered only one, or
at most, two drivers of climate change (e.g., one or
two of temperature, OA or hypoxia), in natural
systems these drivers are occurring and changing in
concert (Boyd et al. 2015). Wholistic considerations or
explorations of climate change thus need to consider
multiple drivers of climate change. Here, we have
also not considered all of the potential drivers of
climate change. For example, changes in productivity,
stratification, and the strength and direction of ocean
currents. Already, strong changes in the intensity and
position of western boundary currents have been
observed (van Gennip et al. 2017, and this will have
consequences for larval retention and dispersal for
example. Changes in current intensity and direction
may potentially magnify or dampen any disruptions
to population structure and population connectivity
arising from reduced larval durations occurring as
a function of warming waters. Finally, the flow-on
effects of climate-driven changes in octopus populations may have substantial implications for the
broader ecosystem. For example, modeling suggests
the range extension of O. tetricus into Tasmanian
temperate reef areas may potentially have negative
impacts for the reef-associated abalone and rock
lobster populations and associated fisheries (Marzloff
et al. 2016).
4. North-Western Atlantic
The FAO Statistical Area 21 (Northwest Atlantic)
extends off eastern America from latitude 35 N
(Cape Hatteras) to 78 100 N, and includes the
Labrador Sea. There is no directed fishery for octopus
in the entire area. Although O. vulgaris is distributed
as far north as Connecticut (Vecchione et al. 1989),
catches indicate octopus abundances are low in this
area, occurring primarily south of Cape Hatteras.
Virginia historical bycatch data since 1950 only
account for 9.9 t, while Maryland, New York and
Rhode Island combined reported just 0.6 t.
5. Central-Western Atlantic
The coastline of FAO Statistical Area 31 (CentralWestern Atlantic) extends off eastern America from
latitude 5 N (French Guiana) to 35 N (Cape
Hatteras, North Carolina); and includes the Caribbean
Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, as well as 25 sovereign
states and a dozen insular dependent territories. The
high diversity of octopods in this region has been
widely acknowledged (Voss and Toll 1998; Norman
et al. 2014). Voss (1960, 1971, 1986) was the first to
assess the octopus fishery potential in the area, identifying six prospective fishery species in the Caribbean
(Voss 1960), four of which attain appropriate sizes: O.
vulgaris, O. briareus, Callistoctopus macropus (Risso,
1826) (Octopus macropus) and O. maya (Voss, 1971).
Only six countries in this region report octopus landings on a regular basis (FAO 2016). Yearly landings
averaged 24 103 t (ranging 10–38 103 t) in this
century (FAO 2016), with the majority of these landing corresponding to Mexico (96%) and Venezuela
(3%), where the only targeted and regulated octopus
fisheries occur. In the remaining countries, the octopus fisheries are not officially acknowledged.
5.1. Octopus vulgaris (common octopus)
This is a large octopus that has been reported from
tropical to temperate waters of the Atlantic. Its
cosmopolitan distribution has been questioned (e.g.,
Mangold 1997; 1998). Genetically, O. vulgaris is one
of the most widely studied cephalopod species
(Carlini and Graves 1999, Guzik et al. 2005) which is
a result of a combination of its cosmopolitan (wide)
distribution and the difficulties of identifying the species based on morphological criteria. Norman and
Hochberg (2005) referred to this taxon as a “species
complex” and argued that a number of distinct taxa
are classified incorrectly as O. vulgaris in different
parts of the world. In fact, a number of genetic and
morphological studies, principally in the western
hemisphere, have resulted in the description of a
number of new species, including O. maya (Voss and
Solıs Ramırez 1966), O. mimus (Guerra et al. 1999),
and O. insularis (Leite et al. 2008a; Flores-Valle et al.
2018; Gonzalez-G
omez et al. 2018).
The wide distribution of O. vulgaris in the Atlantic,
however, has been confirmed by the molecular genetic
analysis of specimens from coastal waters of the
Southwestern Atlantic along Brazil, (Warnke et al.
2004; Leite et al. 2008a; Moreira et al. 2011; Sales
et al. 2013), and South Africa (Oosthuizen et al.
2004). Octopus “vulgaris” type I is a geographically
disjunct form of O. vulgaris corresponding to the
Tropical Central-Western Atlantic Ocean, distributed
from the US to Venezuela (Norman et al. 2014; Roper
et al. 2015). According to Warnke et al. (2004) specimens from Isla Margarita, Venezuela, are not
distinguishable from those from the Eastern Atlantic.
Recent genetic studies, however, have revealed that
individuals from Venezuela and Yucatan (Type I) and
Brazil (Type II) belong to the same Western Atlantic
subgroup, differing from the subgroups from the
Eastern Atlantic and Asia (Sales et al. 2013; Lima
et al. 2017).
This species is presumably caught along the coastline
of the whole region, with main fisheries occurring in
northeastern Yucatan (Mexico) and eastern Venezuela.
Productivity in both areas is driven by seasonal coastal
upwellings (K€ampf and Chapman 2016). Knowledge on
its biology in the region is very fragmentary. Off South
Carolina the largest octopus are caught in late fall and
early winter at water depths of 12–25 m. As water temperature decreases in December and January, catch
rates also drop sharply. Although brooding females are
found in other seasons, most spawning activity occurs
during spring. They feed mainly on brachyuran crabs
and fish (Whitaker et al. 1991). Studies on O. vulgaris
from Yucatan are under way.
Off eastern Venezuela the fishing season is during
the warmer months, July to December, when octopus
migrate to shallow sandy and shelly bottoms 25–50 m
depth to mature. Mature individuals of both sexes dominate catches. Female size at maturity is 153 mm mantle
length (ML) and 844 g body weight (BW). The presence
of 8% of spent females in catches raise some concern on
the sustainability of this resource. From January to June
(closed season) the more productive waters ensure sufficient food for octopus hatchlings. Growth estimates
using size distribution analysis suggest a life span of
15.6 months for males and 19 months for females
(Arocha and Urosa 1982; Gonzalez et al. 2015).
Similarly, in the Gulf of Cariaco O. vulgaris are abundant between July and September, with a predominance
of mature individuals. Females spawn in September and
October. No octopus are found from December to
March (Arocha and Urosa 1982).
A number of studies have been undertaken on the
food and feeding behavior of O. vulgaris in the shallow
waters of Bermuda, Bahamas and Bonaire (Anderson
et al. 2008; Kuhlmann and McCabe 2014; Mather 1988,
1991; Mather and O’Dor 1991; Mather and Nixon 1995).
Captive female O. vulgaris from the Bahamas copulate
and spawn throughout the year (Wodinsky 1972).
5.2. Octopus maya (Mayan octopus)
This species is endemic to the Campeche Bank, off the
western and northern shores of the Yucatan peninsula.
Octopus from Campeche grow and mature during the
fishing season, from August to December, spawning in
November and December. A small proportion of mature
individuals are, however, found throughout the year.
Both sexes reach sexual maturity within a wide range of
BW. Size at 50% maturity varies among seasons and
localities, but averages at 124 mm ML and 1,024 g BW
for females and 91 mm ML and 484 g BW for males. In
cultured animals, the life span is 300 days. Estimations
from modal length analysis ranging 10–26 months (DOF
2016a) are probably overestimated. O. maya attain over
4 kg BW in captivity, although individuals rarely exceed
2.5 kg in catches (Solıs-Ramırez 1998; Van Heukelem
1983a; Markaida et al. 2017).
The recruitment process varies annually (ArreguınSanchez 1992). Two recruitment peaks have been
observed in the fishery from ML modal analysis; one
in April–May and another in September–October.
Only the second recruitment peak is observed during
the fishing season (Arreguın-Sanchez et al. 2000).
Females lay 300–5,000 large eggs (11–17 mm) on
shallow bottoms 2–7 m depth. Eggs develop over a
period of 45–65 days. Hatchlings are benthic, weighing around 0.1 g and behave like adults (Solıs-Ramırez
1998; Van Heukelem 1983a). These large hatchlings
make O. maya a preferred candidate for rearing studies, and as a result the majority of knowledge on its
biology comes from cultured animals (Van Heukelem
1983a; Rosas et al. 2014; Vidal et al. 2014).
5.3. Octopus insularis
species can attain sizes just less than 1 kg BW, but is of
lower economic value than O. vulgaris (Dıaz-Alvarez
et al.
2009). It was occasionally caught north of Los Frailes
Island, NE Margarita Island, Venezuela, being landed
mixed with O. vulgaris (Arocha 1989). It might be caught
in other regions as well. Little is known about its biology
in the area (Voss 1957) and its taxonomy in the western
Atlantic is still unresolved (Norman et al. 2014).
The species O. briareus is soft and is not a preferred species for consumption. In Puerto Rico it has
no commercial value and in Cuba is considered somewhat toxic (Voss 1960). As for C. macropus, this species does not seem to be abundant enough to support
a fishery (Voss 1986). Females spawn 100–500 eggs
(10–14 mm long) from January through April in shallow waters. It grows to 1 kg BW. This species has
been experimentally cultivated and it is popular in the
aquarium trade in the US (Aronson 1986; Hanlon
1983; Norman et al. 2014).
Other species from the Western Central Atlantic such
as Octopus hummelincki (Adam, 1936) (Octopus filosus),
Amphioctopus burryi (Voss, 1950) (Octopus burryi),
Octopus joubini (Robson, 1929) and Octopus zonatus
(Voss, 1968) are too small to promote any commercial
interest (Voss 1960; Arocha and Urosa 1982). The species
A. burryi and O. zonatus are mixed with the octopus landings from the northeastern coast of Venezuela, particularly
from the area around Margarita Island (Arocha 1989). A
recently described species, Octopus tayrona (GuerreroKommritz and Camelo-Guarin 2016), is taken in shallow
waters (<6 m depth) of Colombia.
Recent genetic research from Veracruz shallow reefs
(south western Gulf of Mexico) confirms the presence
of O. insularis in that fishery (Flores-Valle et al. 2018;
omez et al. 2018), and largely supposed to
be O. vulgaris. The main reproductive season occurs
between January and March (Hernandez-Tabares and
Bravo-Gamboa 2002). Males mature at a smaller size
(590 g BW; 90mm ML) than females (870 g BW;
108 mm ML) (Gonzalez-G
omez et al., 2020). The discovery of O. insularis in Puerto Rico, Guadalupe and
Dominica islands widely extends the geographical
range of this species, and raises concerns about previous O. vulgaris ecological studies as they were carried
out in similar habitats to those occupied by O. insularis in Brazil (Lima et al. 2017).
Although no studies on stock identification have been
conducted, O. vulgaris is fished in several separate
regions of the central western Atlantic: US, Yucatan
peninsula (Mexico) and Venezuela.
Isozyme studies did not find evidence of distinct
intraspecific stock units of O. maya (Tello et al. 2007,
2012). Microsatellite analysis suggests that O. maya
constitutes a single population, with most genetic variability located at the center of the species distribution
(Sisal) and genetic variation thinning towards the periphery of the distribution (Seybaplaya and El Cuyo
(Juarez et al. 2010).
5.4. Other species
5.6. Catches/landings
A small number of C. macropus contribute to octopus
catches off Veracruz (Hernandez-Tabares 1993;
Hernandez-Tabares and Bravo-Gamboa 2002). This
5.6.1. Eastern U.S
No octopus directed fishery has ever occurred in the
eastern United States. Bycatch of O. vulgaris from a
5.5. Stock Identification
Figure 13. Historical octopus landings in the southeastern US.
Data from Annual Commercial Landing Statistics at http://
variety of gears, however, accounts for several dozen
tonnes caught annually in the Carolinas and Florida
(Figure 13). In western Florida (Gulf coast) bycatch is
done during the stone crab (Menippe mercenaria) fishing season, from November to March (NMFS 2007).
Octopus bycatch has increased in recent years due to
the very low stone crab landings which may have
encouraged fishermen to develop better markets for
octopus (Ryan Gandy, Florida Fisheries and Wildlife
Research Institute, pers. comm. 2/9/2016).
Expanded regulations on many offshore finfish fisheries and a rising price for octopus is causing some
interest. Experimental fishing with pots suggests the
potential for a seasonal fishery targeting relatively large
octopus off South Carolina (Whitaker et al. 1991). With
catches of several thousand pounds, a small-scale fishery could be supported off South Carolina and Georgia
(Whitaker, pers. com. 4/2/2016). However, trials in
North Carolina suggest that octopus abundance would
not support a directed commercial operation
(Rudershausen 2013). Voss (1985) found that octopus
bycatches in the Florida stone crab and blackfish traps
could be profitable if properly handled. Experimental
fishery results suggest that there are sufficient octopus
stocks in Florida to support a directed fishery using
unbaited pots (Roper 1997).
5.6.2. Mexico
Octopus may have been fished by the ancient Maya
from Yucatan peninsula, since it is mentioned in the
very first colonial chronicles from Campeche (Landa
1986). The first statistical records date from 1947 and
by the 1950s yearly catches averaged around 100 t in
Campeche. By 1965 landings attained 1,300 t year 1.
Intensive promotion during the 1970s expanded the
Figure 14. Historical cumulative octopus landings for (A)
Yucatan and (B) Campeche states. Catches from Quintana Roo
are not shown. Since 2000 catches from Yucatan state are segregated in Octopus maya and unspecified octopus items (accumulated). Data from Solıs-Ramırez (1988), CONAPESCA
(2016, 2018).
fishery to the neighboring state of Yucatan (SolısRamırez 1988). In 1982 the large fleet began targeting
octopus in more distant waters, incrementing landings
to 8,000 t year 1. The fishery expanded in 1996, when
exportation to the European Union raised prices
(Josupeit 2008). In this century, O. maya mean yearly
landings accounted for 7 103 t at Campeche.
Yucatan accounted for at least 10.4 103 t year 1,
although sharp decreases in catches below 3 103 t
occurred in 2005 and 2008 (Figure 14; CONAPESCA
2016). Record landings occurred in 2018 with
13.6 103 t in Campeche and 22.8 103 t in Yucatan.
The fishery expanded to Holbox, in the eastern state
of Quintana Roo, by 1989 where some 200 t year 1
have been landed in this century. Currently the fishery
extends in shallow waters of the Campeche Bank,
from Sabancuy to Holbox (Figure 15B).
Catch per unit effort (CPUE) for O. maya in 1980
averaged 46 kg/small boat/day; with a CPUE of
approximately 33 kg/boat/day at Dzilam del Bravo and
31 kg at Champoton (Solıs-Ramırez and Chavez 1986).
In 2002–2008, small boat catches from the states of
Yucatan and Campeche ranged 6–60 kg/day (DOF
2014; Salas et al. 2012). Alijos (small dories) carried
by a variety of boat sizes caught 13–28 kg/day (Salas
et al. 2009, 2012). The monthly CPUE of large vessels
also varied greatly, landing 1.2–5.5 t per trip (11–14
days) (DOF 2014; Galindo-Cortes et al. 2014).
Figure 15. (A) Octopus fishing grounds in the north western Atlantic. (B) Yucatan Peninsula (modified from Galindo-Cortes et al.
~o et al. 2019). (C) Veracruz reef system showing the most visited reefs (modified from Gonzalez-Gomez et al. 2018),
2014; Avendan
Tuxpan reef system is not shown. (D) Industrial fishery fishing grounds in Venezuela (modified from Arocha 1989). (E) Octopus fishing grounds for the artisanal fishery in eastern Venezuela.
The catchability of octopus using baited lines differs by area, fleet and species (Velazquez-Abunader
et al. 2013; Gamboa-Alvarez
et al. 2015). CPUE
analysis and visual surveys revealed significant changes
in the spatial and temporal distribution of O. maya
abundance on the Yucatan shelf (DOF 2014; Gamboa
et al. 2015; Galindo-Cortes et al. 2014).
Fishing for O. vulgaris on the Yucatan shelf began
in 1982, when large, mechanized vessels from the red
grouper and snapper fishery targeting O. maya
ventured in deeper waters of the northeast peninsula
(Solıs-Ramırez 1988; Figure 15B). Landing statistics
from Yucatan state started segregating catch by
species in 2000: O. maya and “Unspecified octopus”
as a generic name. The latter accounts for 38% of all
catches since then, averaging 6 103 t year 1 and is
thought to mainly represent O. vulgaris (Figure 14A;
CONAPESCA 2016). This distinction is far from
accurate, however, as O. maya could easily have been
misidentified as O. vulgaris in landings (Lima et al.
2017). FAO (2016) statistics for the Mexican Atlantic
report common octopus since 1958 with consistently
larger catches than O. maya, which are reported just
since 2005. This discrepancy can only be explained
because data for both species were switched.
The octopus fishery located on the Veracruz and
Tuxpan reef systems in the western Gulf of Mexico
targets mainly O. insularis (formerly thought to be
O. vulgaris), with less than 10% of the catch being
C. macropus, although no differentiation is made in
catch statistics (Hernandez-Tabares 1993; HernandezTabares and Bravo-Gamboa 2002; Tunnel et al. 2007;
Jimenez-Badillo 2010; 2013). In Tuxpan octopus fishery
occur mainly at El Tuxpan, Tanhuijo and Isla Lobos
reefs, while in the Veracruz system most reefs contribute
to the fishery (Hernandez-Tabares and Bravo-Gamboa
2002; Figure 15C). At Veracruz octopus catches average
80 t year 1, while at Tuxpan only 3 t have been landed
since 2006 (Figure 16). Individual catches average
3–11 kg per fisherman per day at the Veracruz reef system, where octopus densities range 10–155 individuals/
km2 (Jimenez-Badillo 2010).
5.6.3. Venezuela
Over 90% of the cephalopod catch from Venezuela
was taken as bycatch from double-rigged trawlers of
the shrimp fleet until mid-90s. Three regions have
been described in this fishery; namely the Gulf
of Venezuela in the west, and two areas in the east,
the Unare shelf and around Margarita Island (Nueva
Esparta and Sucre states) (Figure 15D). The O. vulgaris bycatch from the Gulf of Venezuela decreased to
its lowest level in 1979. Since 1982 landings began to
improve, with 85% of the octopus landed in the
northeast, mainly around Margarita Island from May
to October (Arocha 1989). Octopus catches by shrimp
trawlers abruptly decreased from the mid-1990s, until
this fishery was terminated in March 2009 (Figure
17A). This fishery produced an average octopus
bycatch of 500 t year 1.
The remainder of the octopus catch was taken by
artisanal fishermen, mainly along the northeastern and,
to a lesser extent, central coasts (Arocha 1989). Since
1995, artisanal octopus catches rapidly increased. Most
catches are done in the insular dependencies of Los
Frailes and Los Testigos archipelagos (Figure 15E).
Additional fishing grounds are located in Margarita,
Coche and Cubagua islands (Nueva Esparta) and in the
Araya peninsula and to the east (Sucre state). Over 90%
is landed in Nueva Esparta state and the rest in Sucre.
Landings averaged 700 t year 1, although in recent
years they have decreased (Figure 17B).
Octopus are targeted using lines with jigs off
eastern Margarita Island from July to December
(Gonzalez et al. 2001). Catch per fisherman ranged
between 4–11 kg per hour of fishing during
1996–1999, with a peak usually found to occur
in September (Gonzalez et al. 2001). Catch rates per
fishermen appear to have increased since then, being
estimated at 20 kg day 1 in 2015.
5.6.4. Other countries
The majority of the catch in Puerto Rico is comprised
by O. vulgaris, taken mostly in November and
Figure 16. Historical octopus landings in the Veracruz and
Tuxpan reef systems, state of Veracruz, Mexico. Data from
Solıs-Ramırez (1988), CONAPESCA (2016, 2018).
Figure 17. Historical cumulative octopus landings from
Venezuela for (A) bycatch in shrimp trawlers and (B) artisanal
fishery. Reported data from Arocha (1989), Marcano et al.
(2001), INFOPESCA and Pauly and Zeller (2015).
December with spears and hooks (Voss 1971, 1975).
Today almost all the catch is taken by scuba divers
who collect queen conchs on the south coast, where
some 19% of fishermen target octopus amongst other
resources. Some octopus is caught in lobster traps.
Annual catches range from 4–22 t and are distributed
along the year (Figure 18A). Estimates for mis- and/or
Figure 19. Reconstructed octopus catches for Haiti, Panama
and British Virgin Islands (Pauly and Zeller 2015).
Figure 18. Historical non cumulative octopus landings reported
from FAO (2016), Pauly and Zeller (2015) and national agencies
from (A) Puerto Rico (SEDAR 2009; Matos-Caraballo 2012), (B)
Dominican Republic and (C) Colombia. Unreported estimates
from Pauly and Zeller (2015) are accumulated.
no directed fishery nor catch records exist (Rafael
Tizol, Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras, pers. com.
2/12/2016). Octopus were taken in fish traps or with
hooks using water glass (Voss 1973, 1975). In Jamaica
the octopus catch was insignificant, being used only
for bait (Voss 1973). Octopus catches are not reported
for the rest of the Caribbean. Catches, if any, should
be negligible, and most probably taken as bycatch in
a variety of gears (Voss 1971, 1986). Octopus catches
have been reconstructed for several countries (Pauly
and Zeller 2015). Haiti, Panama and British Virgin
Islands catch several dozen tonnes in their artisanal
and subsistence fisheries (Figure 19).
5.7. Fisheries/fishing methods/fleet
non-reported landings represent 0.22–0.5 times these
reported values (SEDAR 2009; Matos-Caraballo 2012).
In the Dominican Republic, catches for 2010–2014
averaged 30 t year 1 (Figure 18B; FAO 2016). The
catch is directed to tourism and does not meet the
local demand, which must be imported. Unreported
catches, mostly subsistence fishing, more than double
those of reported landings (Pauly and Zeller 2015).
Most octopus are caught in the northeast of the island
as bycatch in a variety of fisheries: free and scuba diving, traps “nasas,” lines and beach seines (Voss 1971,
1975; Estanislao Balbuena, CODOPESCA; pers. com.,
7 March 2016).
Octopus landings off the Atlantic coast of
Colombia from 1995 to 2009 ranged from 0–17 t
(Figure 18C; FAO 2016). Octopus are caught by
artisanal fishermen, although no fishing method is
mentioned (Dıaz et al. 2000). Most of the artisanal
catch from shallow waters (<6 m depth) seems to be
comprised by the newly described species O. tayrona.
In Cuba, octopus production for 1958 was estimated at roughly 10 t (Voss 1960), although currently
5.7.1. Eastern U.S
The species O. vulgaris is caught as bycatch in the
South Atlantic Bight and the adjacent Gulf of Mexico
by a variety of fishing gears such as hook and line,
fish potters, blue crab potters and trawlers fishing for
penaeid shrimps (Whitaker et al. 1991). Off Northern
Carolina, the highest catches occur in wire mesh
traps used for Black Sea Bass, Centropristis striata
(Rudershausen 2013). In Florida, the largest octopus
bycatches occur in the stone crab trap fishery, particularly from September to December (Voss 1985).
The experimental fisheries conducted in the
Carolinas and Florida used pots constructed of plastic
pipe and sections of automobile tires set in a longline
fashion, as well as wire mesh traps (Whitaker et al.
1991; Roper 1997; Rudershausen 2013; Voss 1985).
5.7.2. Mexico
In the 1950s, O. maya was first caught with hooks
(Carranza 1959). Fishermen used water-searchers –
also called “look-boxes” or “water-glasses” – to look
for octopus from small vessels operating in shallow
waters <3 m depth. This method was still in practice
in the sixties (Solıs-Ramırez 1998). Fishing with baited
lines, commonly known as “garete” (drifting), was
also already established in the sixties, although when
this method was first introduced remains unclear.
Each open boat carries two long rods from which 2–4
lines baited with crabs are set. One side of the boat
bears additional baited lines. The boat drifts over the
fishing ground, while the crabs are carried over the
sea bottom, attracting any active octopus (Figure 9A).
As it takes the crab, the fisherman hauls the line in,
retrieving the octopus (Markaida et al., 2015, 2019).
Lines were generally baited with crabs, although baiting with Strombus shells was also popular. Lines are
weighted with lead sinkers. The use of a treble hook at
the end of the line to hold the octopus is optional, as
the octopus will rarely leave the bait when pulled out
from shallow waters (Figure 9B).
The boats were originally wooden, propelled with
a sail, the lines were made of henequen and the rods
made of mangrove (Solıs-Ramırez 1998; Voss 1985).
Substantial changes modified the fishing effort in the
80s as boats become fiberglass and equipped with outboard engines, and nylon lines and bamboo rods were
introduced (Solıs-Ramırez 1988). Today this method
is the most sophisticated among the line methods
used to catch octopus worldwide, as each fisherman
handles over a dozen baited lines set together.
This fishing gear is considered sustainable for octopus exploitation as mature or spent females cease
feeding and do not attack the bait (Van Heukelem
1983a). Bycatch is also non-existent, as no hooks are
needed on the line when pulling the octopus up in
shallow waters. It does, however, demand a vast quantity of crabs of different species, compromising their
availability and increasing fishing costs (Solıs-Ramırez
1998; Markaida et al. 2015, 2019). Traditionally local
decapods such as blue crab (Callinectes spp.), stone
crab (Menippe mercenaria) and spider crab (Libinia
dubia) have been used as bait (Solıs-Ramırez 1997). In
recent years crabs from neighboring states such as the
mangrove crab (Ucides cordatus) from Tabasco and
blue crab (Callinectes spp.) from Chiapas have been
imported. Experiments substituting these baits with
artificial lures have not been successful (Markaida
et al., 2019).
The major fleet uses crabs as bait when targeting O.
maya, and fish when targeting O. vulgaris. Sandperch
Diplectrum or grunt Haemulon are fished on the spot
and used fresh. They are tied onto a hook on the line.
Because fishing is performed over deeper waters, a
rudimentary jig made with hooks at the end of the line
is used to snare the octopus when it tries to grab the
bait (Figure 9C; Botello et al. 2010; DOF 2014).
Three different fleets operate in the octopus fishery
on the Yucatan peninsula (Salas et al. 2009; 2012).
Small fiberglass open boats of 5–9 m in length and
with overboard engines (50–95 hp) are widespread
over the entire range of this fishery (Figure 10A).
They fish for a whole morning, typically 6 am to
15 pm, targeting O. maya in shallow waters (5–8 m
depth in Campeche) 10–24 km offshore. They may
spend an additional day at sea if properly supplied.
Each boat can carry 1–3 small (2–3 m in length)
dories (alijos) to the fishing grounds (Figure 10A and
B), multiplying the effort while saving fuel cost. Alijos
always operate fewer baited lines than boats. Both
the boat and the alijos drift while fishing with a single
fisherman on board. A rudimentary sail (which
can work as an anchor as well) favors drifting
(Figure 10B). Currently around 3,500 small boats in
the state of Yucatan and another 1,700 in Campeche,
target octopus with their alijos (Salas et al. 2009, 2012;
DOF 2014).
The medium fleet is a heterogenous group of larger
boats, 9 to 12 m long, with larger capacity. They carry
four fishermen and 3–4 alijos, undertaking trips of 3–4
days. The O. maya occurring 40 km offshore are the
target of this fishery. Some authors consider them as part
of the small fleet (DOF 2014; Galindo-Cortes et al. 2014).
The larger fleet targets both O. vulgaris and
O. maya in deeper (20–30 to 60 m depth), distant
waters of the NE corner of the Yucatan peninsula
(Galindo-Cortes et al., 2014; Avenda~
no et al., 2019).
These are mechanized vessels (12–22 m in length)
from the red grouper and snapper fishery serving as
mother vessels carrying 12–15 alijos (Figure 10C and
D). Fishing trip duration is 11–15 days. Alijos fish
octopus in two daily sessions, returning to the mother
vessel for food and to spend the night. Catch is preserved with ice. Currently around 400 such vessels,
based mainly at Puerto Progreso, Yucatan, operate in
the octopus fishery (Salas et al. 2012, Figure 15B). Out
of octopus season (January to July) all fleets target
other marine resources.
Other fishing methods commonly used in Yucatan
include skin diving with hooks, traps and pots,
although they are considered illegal (Botello et al.
2010). In Campeche state, PVC pipes and commercial
plastic jars are used as octopus pots set in a longline
fashion, and they have raised great concern (Botello
et al. 2010). Organized divers invest in concrete blocks
to set artificial reefs that attract octopus. They are
GPS-located and regularly visited by a team of eight
divers in a single boat. This is a widespread practice
of a major concern. Catches are substantially larger
than those made with baited lines and are believed to
comprise a major share in landings in Campeche.
While diving for octopus they also spear a variety
of finfish, and collect conchs and stone crabs as well.
Octopus bycatch in traps targeting other species such
as stone crab are of lesser importance.
According to Voss (1960; 1973), in the fifties,
octopus were caught off the coast of Veracruz city
using pots named “nummarelas” by two Italians.
Today octopus fishing in Veracruz state is done by
free divers (with hooks) in the shallow waters (0–5 m)
of reef lagoons. Small open boats with outboard
motors (18–25 feet long) are used to reach the offshore reefs. Most fishermen target other finfish while
diving (Hernandez-Tabares and Bravo-Gamboa 2002;
Beaver and Chavez 2007; Jimenez-Badillo 2010, 2013).
5.7.3. Venezuela
In Venezuela most octopus were taken as bycatch
from double-rigged trawlers of the shrimp fleet until
the mid-90s. This fishery ended in March 2009. Tire
traps made with sections of automobile tires called
“longanizos” were invented in the 1960s (see illustrations in Whitaker et al. 1991; Markano and Lodeiros
1987). Successful experiments (37% efficacy) conducted in 1981 led to the adoption of this gear by
fisher communities of the northern shore of Cariaco
Gulf (Sucre) (Marcano and Lodeiros 1987). These
traps were eventually replaced by jigs and a variety of
pots. Longlines of plastic jars (4 liter capacity, 8 cm
wide) and PVC pipe pots (30 cm long, 10 cm wide
open) are commonly used. Pots are weighted with
concrete. These longlines are 200 m long and contain
30 pots at 6 m intervals. The longline is left to soak
for 15 days. Pots are mainly baited with hen feet, or
fish such as grunts, catfish or toadfish (Eslava et al.
2017). Pots are used mainly in Sucre. Only 20 boats
(15% of all) at El Tirano (Margarita Island) use these
gears, each employing 10 longlines, and with an average catch of 20 kg per longline.
Octopus is also taken as bycatch in fisheries using
wired unbaited traps called “nasa antillana” which target a variety of species from finfish to lobster (illustrated in Eslava et al. 2003). They are set in groups
of two to ten traps at intervals of 15–20 m at depths
of 20–50 m. Octopus bycatch increases during the
octopus season (Gonzalez et al. 2015).
Currently the artisanal fishery for O. vulgaris on
Margarita Island uses lines with elaborated jigs, introduced from the mainland. Two jig types were
redesigned: Ara~
na (spider, in 1996) and pata e gallina
(hen foot, in 1997) which was derived from the later
and is currently used. They are made with a metal
pipe which holds several hooks (Figure 2 in Gonzalez
et al. 2001; Figure 9D). Another type of commercial
jig is available in the market, made with a conic lead
and two rows of six hooks each. Pieces of fish (Bagre
marinus or Lycodontis moringa) or a red rag are
attached as bait. Each fisherman handles one or two
lines of 18–25 m length, drifting over the bottom for
10–20 min (Gonzalez et al. 2001, 2015). Two to five
fishermen go fishing in small open boats 6–9 m
length with 40–75 hp outboard motors.
Use of chemical compounds to catch octopus, such
as copper sulfate, have been reported at Morrocoy,
Falcon state, in the western shore (Monta~
nez 2012).
As mentioned above, in the whole Caribbean octopus
is commonly taken as bycatch by a variety of gears:
diving, traps, pots, nets.
5.8. Fishery management and stock assessment
5.8.1. Mexico
The O. maya fishery has been regulated for many
decades. In 1972, a first experimental closure was
established from November 16 to July 31 to protect
juveniles and spawning females (Solıs-Ramırez, M.
1996). Different assessments for the period 1979–1982
and 1985 estimated an annual maximum sustainable
yield (MSY) of 7,7–10 103 t and indicated that
the O. maya fishery was risking overfishing. Some of
these studies recommended the establishment of a
minimum legal size (MLS) and reduction of the fishing season (Walter 1986; Solıs-Ramırez and Chavez
1986; Seijo et al. 1987; see Table 4 in Solıs-Ramırez
1997). In 1984 two official agreements established the
current fishing regulations: a closure from December
16 to July 31, a MLS of 110 mm ML and the prohibition of fishing with hooks (DOF 1993, 1994).
Updated normative (DOF 2016a) explicitly forbid any
other gear except the use of baited lines.
Violation of regulations is a cause of major concern
in this fishery. Most catches from the small fleet are
under the MLS (Salas et al. 2009, 2012; Markaida
et al. 2017). Use of forbidden fishing methods is widespread at Campeche, such as pot longlines and free diving with hooks (Botello et al. 2010). This is evident in
catches with some incidence of spent females (Markaida
et al. 2017). The legal fishing gears, however, employ
vast quantities of decapods as bait, which usually
lack any management. Recently, regulations aimed at
preventing detrimental impacts to crab populations of
some species have been implemented, explicitly forbidding the use of stone crab and land crabs as bait (DOF
2016a), although these practices are still widespread.
Assessments for the period 1993–1999 suggested
intense exploitation. It was recommended that fishing
effort should not be increased and no more fishing
licenses granted (Arreguın-Sanchez et al. 2000;
Gonzalez-de la Rosa et al. 1997; Hernandez-Flores
et al. 2001). Further assessments using commercial
catch data from 1995–2008 suggest that the current
level of exploitation might be unsustainable (JuradoMolina 2010). Research undertaken at Holbox, however, suggests sustainable exploitation in this locality
(Hernandez-Sanchez and De Jes
us-Navarrete 2010).
Since 2001 the Fisheries Institute has established yearly
total allowable catch (TAC) quotas for the Yucatan peninsula fishery. These are based on preseason abundance estimates of O. maya conducted by visual surveys along
submarine transects and a relative abundance (fishing
availability) assessment using baited lines (WakidaKusunoki et al. 2004; Botello et al. 2010; Galindo-Cortes
et al. 2014). Quotas, however, have never been implemented and in most years the TAC has been exceeded.
The O. maya annual abundance estimates for the
2001–2011 period varied greatly from 16,219–27,019 t
(DOF 2014; Salas et al. 2009; Vidal-Martınez and OlveraNovoa 2016; Galindo-Cortes et al. 2014).
Fishing effort is regulated through permits to fish
octopus. In the state of Yucatan in 2016 there were 52
permits issued for 342 large vessels and 554 permits
for 2,269 small boats (Vidal-Martınez and OlveraNovoa 2016). In Campeche 792 permits covered 1,472
small boats for 2016. In Quintana Roo, 18 permit
holders operate 323 small boats (DOF 2014).
The O. vulgaris fishery on Yucatan shelf is managed by the same regulations as for O. maya, sharing
the same MLS, seasonal closure and gear limitation
(DOF 1994, DOF 2016a). As this species is much less
available for study, however, no assessment has been
done. It is thought that exploitation levels are still low
and the potential exists to expand the fishery (Botello
et al. 2010; Galindo-Cortes et al. 2014).
The Veracruz reef system is a protected area established as a National Park in 1992. The O. insularis
fishery in this region has been controlled with the
same regulations applied to octopus from Yucatan
(DOF 1993, 1994), with notorious contradictions.
Recently, however, a close collaboration between local
fishermen, authorities and academia (Jimenez-Badillo
2013), established an official agreement considering
definite closures for the fishery in this National Park
in 2011 (1 January to 28 February and the whole of
August) (DOF 2012a). The number of licenses to fish
for octopus range 15 to 22, corresponding to 227 fishermen in 70 boats. A single permit was issued for
Tuxpan reefs (Jimenez-Badillo 2013; Galindo-Cortes
et al. 2014; DOF 2018). A recently established regulation (DOF 2016a) replaces that established by DOF
(1993), recognizing explicit MLS and fishing gears for
Veracruz: a MLS of 140 mm ML for females, 110 mm
ML for males and the use of hooks during free diving
over bottoms <5 m depth. A management plan has
been recently published for octopus from the Mexican
Gulf and Caribbean that includes both Veracruz reefs
and Yucatan peninsula fisheries, while acknowledging
their peculiarities (DOF 2014).
5.8.2. Venezuela
Regulation for the octopus fishery of northeast
Venezuela began in 2008. A seasonal closure from
January 1st to June 30th and MLS of 400 g BW are
considered (GO 2008). Fishing gears are not mentioned in this document. Catches have to be reported
monthly. Currently a new proposal is being worked
out to formally allow only jigs, lines, free diving and
“nasas” as legal fishing gears for octopus fishing. The
use of pots, “longanizos” or chemicals to catch octopus should be considered prohibited.
Fishing effort is controlled through annually establishing the number of permits and vessels allowed in
the octopus fishery (GO 2008). Permits for jigging are
individuals, yearly and they cost around 3 US dollars.
Permit numbers at Nueva Esparta increased from 635
in 2009 to 3,452 by 2017 while catches did not
increase. A possible explanation to this discrepancy is
that a significant part of catches is not being landed
in the country but sold offshore to foreign vessels
(Eslava et al. 2017). No assessment is performed in
this fishery although high annual exploitation rates of
0.6 estimated from Margarita Island led to the conclusion that the fishery is overexploited (Gonzalez et al.
2015; Eslava et al. 2017).
In Puerto Rico the only regulatory measure considers illegal to fish and/or capture octopus using a gaff
with a grappling hook diameter of less than one inch
(Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambientales
2010). To our knowledge, no other country in the
region employ management measures for octopus.
5.9. Economic importance
5.9.1. Mexico
The Yucatan peninsula octopus fishery is the main
fishery in the region (peninsula) and the third marine
fishery resource by value and the seventh by volume
in Mexico (CONAPESCA 2016). It is also the largest
octopus fishery in the Americas and the third largest
worldwide (FAO 2016). The value of this fishery is
estimated at over 1,000 million Mexican pesos annually (ranging 40–100 US million dollars year 1;
CONAPESCA 2018; Vidal-Martınez and OlveraNovoa 2016). This figure increased threefold during
2018 due to record catches and prices. It employs
about 90% of local fishermen, some 15,000 in the state
of Yucatan and around 5,000 at Campeche. Octopus
is exported to Europe through 23 certified facilities in
Yucatan and three in Campeche. A third of the landings have been exported since 1995, with a yearly
exported volume ranging from 1.6–16 103 t and a
value of 4.6–107 US million dollars (Balanza comercial
de mercancıas de Mexico, Anuario estadıstico; VidalMartınez and Olvera-Novoa 2016). In both states,
Yucatan and Campeche, Octopus Product Systems
have been established aiming to improve the quality
of the octopus from the boat to the facilities through
training programs, fishery management, design of
facilities and so through close cooperation with federal
and local institutions (DOF 2014; Galindo-Cortes
et al. 2014).
Some 162 fishers target octopus in the Veracruz
reef system, 30% of them full time. At least 1,000 families depend directly on the octopus fishery in these
reefs, while others depend indirectly on supporting
services such as marketing, processing, boat building
and transportation (Jimenez-Badillo 2010, 2013). The
fishery was valued at almost one million dollars in
2017 (CONAPESCA 2018). Efforts to culture O. insularis at the University of Veracruz are underway
(Mendez-Aguilar et al. 2007).
6. South-Western Atlantic
The South-western Atlantic, or FAO statistical area
41, encompasses the east coast of the South American
continent. Throughout this region, cephalopods are a
major contributor to the landings of the fisheries,
reaching an average of 654,489 t annually between
1989 and 2013. The majority of the catch is made up
of squid, in particular Illex argentinus in Patagonian
waters (Haimovici et al. 1998, Crespi-Abril and Baron
2012). Octopus landings during the same period were
on average 1,396 t annually, or 0.21% of the catch.
At least 14 species of the family Octopodidae are
known to occur in the neritic region of the Southern
West Atlantic, namely A. burryi, Macrotritopus cf.
defilippi (Verany, 1851), O. hummelincki, O. insularis,
Paroctopus cf. joubini (Robson, 1929), C. macropus,
Scaeurgus unicirrhus (Orbigny, 1840), Pteroctopus tetracirrhus (delle Chiaje, 1830), O. vulgaris in the
warmer waters; and O. tehuelchus, Eledone gaucha
(Haimovici, 1988), Eledone massyae (Voss, 1964), E.
megalocyathus and Robsonella fontaniana (R. fontanianus being the currently accepted name) (d’Orbigny,
1834) (Haimovici and Perez 1991, Haimovici et al.
2009, Re 1998a, 2009; Jereb et al. 2013) in the colder
waters. Only a few species are fished, however.
In southern Brazil O. vulgaris is the target of a pot
longline fishery and E. massyae is part of the bycatch
of the shrimp fishery. In central and northeastern
Brazil O. insularis is the target of both pot longiners
and small scale fisheries in which occasionally C. macropus is also caught (Costa and Haimovici 1990;
et al. 2014; Haimovici et al. 2014).
Along the Patagonian coast there are two small scale
fisheries for O. tehuelchus and E. megalocyathus (Re
1998a; Re and Ortiz 2008; Ortiz 2009; Storero 2010).
6.1. Octopus vulgaris (common octopus)
5.9.2. Venezuela
In El Tirano at Isla Margarita the octopus fishing season employs 75% of the 300 fishermen and 131 small
open boats. Cephalopod exports are negligible (FAO
2016), although some quantity is exported to Trinidad
and Tobago, Martinique and Europe and the majority
of the catch is consumed locally.
The status of the octopus fishery has changed little
in the remaining region of the central western
Atlantic since surveys by Voss. There is no proper
fishery nor catch records. Negligible volumes are
taken in a variety of gears. Octopus might be used as
bait. In touristic areas, most octopus have to be
imported (Voss 1960, 1973).
A phylogeographic analysis based on the mitochondrial genes 16S rDNA and Cytochrome Oxidase subunit I (COI) confirmed the monophyletic status of
specimens of O. vulgaris from the Southwestern
Atlantic relative to those of other areas around the
world, although three distinct haplogroups were
clearly differentiated, corresponding to the Americas,
Europe and Africa, and Asia (Sales et al. 2013). In the
Southwestern Atlantic, O. vulgaris is most abundant
along the southern and south-eastern Brazil coast
(0–100 m depth) on soft bottoms with biodetritic
patches (Haimovici et al. 2009). Larger concentrations
occur in the Southeastern Brazil Bight from Cabo Frio
(23◦S) to Santa Marta Grande Cape 29 S) (Tomas and
Petrere 2005; Avila-Da-Silva
et al. 2014), but O. vulgaris is fished as far south as the border between Brazil
and Uruguay (lat 34 S).
In Brazil adult specimens frequently attain sizes up
to 2,000 g and occasionally over 4,000 g (Tomas and
Petrere 2005). Sexually mature and spawning females
have been found year round along southeastern
Brazil, with reproduction occurring throughout the
year with no evidence of seasonal spawning peaks
(Tomas 2003). Tomas (2003) found 50% of females
and males were in advanced stages of maturity at
110 mm dorsal ML, and by 150 mm ML, over 90%
were mature. These ML converted to total weights
(TW) with the relationship TW ¼ 0.0019ML2.66
(Tomas and Petrere 2005) correspond to 511 g and
1.167 g respectively. Along Southern Brazil, mature
females with their deposited eggs were observed year
round in the catches of the pot longline fishery
(Haimovici pers. comm.). This species lays small eggs
and has high fecundity. Paralarvae of pelagic octopod
larvae identified as pertaining to O. vulgaris were
caught using ichthyoplankton bongo nets in a series
of pelagic surveys along the outer shelf and slope of
Southeastern Brazil and Southern Brazil in autumn
and winter, but not in spring (Santos and
Haimovici 2007).
Castanhari and Tomas (2012) investigated the
growth of O. vulgaris by counting the microincrements on the lateral wall of the upper beaks of 120
specimens and observed the microincrement pattern
was similar to the one validated experimentally for O.
vulgaris in the Mediterranean Sea by Canali et al.
(2011). The number of microincrements varied from
162 to 356 (ML 50 to 1633 mm, 55 to 1498 g). Growth
was fitted to potential relationships (ML ¼ 0.876a0.876;
WT: 0.001 a2,424) and no differences were observed
between males and females.
The diet of O. vulgaris along Southern Brazil was
investigated by examining stomach contents (n:117)
and by collecting prey items carried into longline fishery pots by octopus. Crustaceans (62%), followed by
fish (29%) and cephalopods (9%) were the most frequently consumed prey. Within the longline pots,
partly eaten fresh remains of 11 species of crustaceans
(Brachuiura, Scylaridae, Squillidae), 24 teleost and two
elasmobranch fishes, three Octopodidae and polychaetes, and fresh shells of seven bivalve mollusks
were identified Although crustacean and mollusk are
probably the main prey of O. vulgaris in southern
Brazil, fishes seem to be a regular and important part
of the diet (Haimovici and Freire 2007).
6.1.1. Stock Identification
The distribution of O. vulgaris is continuous in the
neritic waters of Southern and South-eastern Brazil
along which spent females and pelagic paralarvae have
been observed over the shelf and upper slope. The
lack of oceanographic barriers and surface currents
parallel to the coast (northward Brazil Coastal Current
and southward Brazil Current) do not favor isolated
stocks in the region. Moreira el al. (2011) observed
high variability of six microsatellite loci of O. vulgaris
but did not identify a consistent geographical pattern
that could be associated to isolated populations or
stocks. Therefore, at present, a single stock is considered to exist along Southern and Southeastern Brazil.
6.1.2. Fisheries
Since at least the 1970s O. vulgaris has been caught as
part of the incidental catch of double rig otter board
trawlers targeting shrimp in coastal waters (>30 m)
that land in harbors of Rio de Janeiro, S~ao Paulo and
Santa Catarina Estates. It was also landed by semiindustrial double rig decked trawlers smaller than 15
m length, fishing primarily inshore (<30 m) along
S~ao Paulo State and targeting the sea-bob shrimp
Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (Costa and Haimovici 1990;
Haimovici and Mendonça 1996; Graça et al. 2002;
Perez et al. 2007; Tomas et al. 2007; Graça
et al. 2002).
The industrial longline pot octopus fishery was
introduced by the Santos (SP) fishing fleet in 2003
and quickly spread to the other main ports of the
region (Avila-da-Silva
et al. 2014). Most fishing boats
from Santos were wooden or steel converted pair
trawlers, 15 to 24 m long and 180 a 365 HP, equipped
with hydraulic winches. The fishing gear consists of a
main line, usually 10 to 12 miles long with 1,500 to
2,500 pots attached to short secondary lines. Inox steel
snaps are used to fix and remove the secondary lines
to the main line. Initially PVC pipes were used as
pots, but were soon replaced by a plastic model used
in Korea. This plastic model is 33 m long with a
diameter of 16–18 cm diameter and is ballasted inside
with one to two kg of concrete. The lines are anchored at regular distances and generally no buoys are
used to display the positions. Lines are deployed along
parallel isometric lines and the skippers use GPS to
locate them for retrieval. Lines and pots are usually
left at sea between fishing trips. Fishing trips range
from 5 to 15 days. The S~ao Paulo fleet fishes mostly
between latitudes 23 S–27 S and 40 to 135 m depth.
The number of pots per boat reached 35 thousand in
2005 and 2006, but decreased to 15 to 23 thousand in
former years (Avila-Da-Silva
et al. 2014).
6.1.3. Catches/Landings
Almost all O. vulgaris is landed by industrial fisheries
but small scale artisanal fishing with hand lines and
baited barbless hooks exists along rocky shorelines for
which landings are not recorded. Until 2002 all
recorded landings were by trawlers. The mean annual
total octopus landings between 1979 and the beginning of the longline pot fishery in 2003 was 432 t and
represented 0,10% of the total marine landings fisheries for the period. Between 2004 and 2012 total
octopus mean annual landings increased to 1,370 t
and the maximum landings were over 1,800 t in 2007
and 2008. On average, 66% of Santa Catarina and S~ao
Paulo landings were attributed to the longliner pot
fishery. No data discriminated by gears are available
for Rio de Janeiro. S~ao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro landings for 2013–2015 show some recovery following the
fall of production in 2010 (Figure 20).
During the period in which larger catches were
recorded (2004–2009), up to 41 longliners fishing with
pots landed in S~ao Paulo, 21 in Santa Catarina and 10
in Rio Grande do Sul, with mean landings per trip
being 2,894 kg (n ¼ 1,694), 3,597 kg (n ¼ 360) and
3,624 t (n ¼ 36) respectively. Most landed octopus
weighted between one and two kilograms (Avila-DaSilva 2014; Univali/CTTM 2010, unpublished results).
6.1.4. Economic importance
The species O. vulgaris is of small economic importance when considering marine fishing in Brazil overall. Until 2003 it represented less than 0.1% of the
total marine Brazilian recorded landings and was all
consumed in the national market, mainly S~ao Paulo,
where is it is appreciated by the Italian and Japanese
descendant communities. Since the inception of the
longline pot fishery in 2003, O. vulgaris in the
Brazilian landings increased to 0.27%. Favorable
exchange rates, and higher production stimulated fishery products exports in the early 2000s (Silva-Filho
et al. 2005). Between 2004 and 2009 55% of the total
landings of O. vulgaris - that is, most of those landed
by the pot fishery - was exported, yielding a total of
27 million US$. The European Union, in particular
Spain, was the main importer (85%) followed by the
United States and Japan (Archidiacono and Tomas
2009; Avila-Da-Silva
et al. 2014). The world financial
crisis of 2007, the Brazilian currency appreciation
against the dollar and increasing oil prices
Figure 20. Reported annual landings of Octopus vulgaris in the
Southern and Southeastern Brazil states. Sources in the text.
discouraged exports, and probably limited the total
effort in the pot fishery.
6.1.5. Fishery management and stock assessment
The exponential growth of the longline pot fishery
between 2003 and 2004 can be explained by several
factors (1) the success in fishing octopus in the outer
shelf of S~ao Paulo (2) the favorable exchange rate and
the access to the export market (3) the cheap conversion of trawlers and bottom longliners fishing on
overexploited stocks (4) the free access to a non-regulated fishery.
In 2005 the Federal Secretary of Aquaculture and
Fisheries published a norm that limited the number of
licenses to fish octopus with longline pots to 25 fishing boats with former licenses for other gears. Each
fishing boat was authorized to use up to 20,000 pots
and after two years remain in the fishery or return to
operate with their former license. Furthermore, a minimum ML of 110 mm for the retained octopus was
established; and to minimize conflicts with boats fishing with other gears, fishing, was limited to beyond
the 70 m isobaths. It also imposed the presence of
observers in 25% of the fleet. All the 25 licenses were
granted to boats based in S~ao Paulo. As the fishery
quickly expanded southwards and northwards, in
2008 18 licenses were renewed for S~ao Paulo and
another 10 for boats based in Santa Catrina for fishing
in southern Brazil. In practical terms the enforcement
capacity of the federal fishery agency is limited and a
number of unlicensed boats fished irregularly with no
control on the number of pots per boat, which may
have reached 40 thousand per boat (Avila-Da-Silva
et al. 2014).
In terms of assessment, only a short series of catch
and effort data is available from S~ao Paulo and shows
an increase from ca 400 kg per 1,000 examined pots in
2004 to ca 900 kg in 2008 followed by a decrease to
Figure 21. Catch (C), effort (E) in 1,000 examined pots and
catch per unit effort (CPUE) in kg per 1,000 examined pots for
the pot longline fishery based in S~ao Paulo, Brazil between
2003 and 2010. (Avila da Silva et al. 2014)
400 kg in 2010 (Figure 21). It is not clear if natural
fluctuation in the abundance or overfishing was
responsible for the decrease. Former recovery of the
landings in 2011–2015 (Figure 20) suggest the first
hypothesis. On the other hand, the number of days at
sea increased from eight to twelve and the distance
traveled by boats landing in Sao Paulo increased from
50–100 nm in 2008 up to 70–150 nm in 2009–2010,
suggesting the necessity to explore further fishing
grounds due to decreasing yields (Avila-Da-Silva
et al. 2014).
6.2. Octopus insularis
This is a medium to large sized octopus that can
attain a weight of over 2,000 g. It lays small eggs and
displays the large fecundity common in the warm
tropical coastal waters along northern, north-eastern
and central Brazil and its oceanic islands (Leite et al.
2008a; Sales et al. 2013). Its known distribution has
recently been expanded to the two tropical Mid
Atlantic islands of Ascension and St. Helena (Amor
et al. 2015) and the North Caribbean Sea along
Mexico (Lima et al. 2017). It is also likely to occur in
the Southern Caribbean Sea but its presence has not
still been recorded.
Off the Brazilian oceanic islands, this octopus is
associated with hard substrates as reefs, bedrock, rubble, gravel, sand beds and rocky bottoms, regardless of
the presence of algae, at depth up to 40–50 m (Leite
et al. 2009a). Juveniles have only been recorded in
shallow waters less than 5 m deep (Leite et al. 2009a).
Like most benthic octopods, O. insularis feed on a
wide variety of prey species, with small crabs being
predominant in their diet. It can be considered a specialized generalist (Leite et al. 2009b) as its dominant
preys change between regions (Leite and Haimovici
2006). It uses mainly chemotactile exploration to
locate its prey but can adopt several hunting strategies, such as opportunistic visual attacks, depending
on variables such as size, opportunity, and habitats
(Leite et al. 2009b). It performs intense searches for
food during short hunting trips, with the frequent use
of cryptic body patterns during foraging trips suggesting that this species is a “time-minimizing” forager in
order to minimize the risk of being preyed on (Leite
et al. 2009b).
In a year-long study of the life cycle of O. insularis
in a coastal shallow environment (15–35 m) of vermetid reefs, corals and coralline algae along Rio do Fogo
in northeastern Brazil, mature specimens were
recorded year round, with peaks of maturation
strongly correlated with the cycles of sea surface temperature and wind intensity (Lima et al. 2014). The
largest male in this study was 1,600 g and largest
female 1,940 g. Males matured at a considerably
smaller size than females, the mean ML and BW at
which 50% of males attained maturity were ML50%:
60 mm and W50%: 212 g and 90% were mature at
85 mm and 443 g. Females attained 50% sexual maturity 95 mm and 493 g and over 90% were mature at
130 mm ML and 1,130 g. In culture, a female laid
83,000 eggs 2.06–2.47 mm long and the ML of the
hatchlings was 1.50–1.92 mm (Lenz et al. 2015). The
number of intraovarian oocytes in mature females
ranged from 60 to 120 thousand (Lima et al. 2014).
Sperm in oviducal glands of immature females is evidence of early fecundation along growth. By growing
larger, females of this species increase their fecundity
and accumulate energy reserves for parental care as
feeding stops after spawning (Hanlon and Messenger
1996; Mather et al. 2010).
6.2.1. Stock identification
In a phylogenetic study using Cytochrome Oxidase
subunit I (COI) for samples of O. insularis from the
western Atlantic by Lima et al. (2017), 20 haplotypes
were recorded. The highest genetic diversity was
found along northeastern Brazil and the nearest
Fernando de Noronha island. Haplotype nets and
neutrality test points suggest a recent population
expansion, and AMOVA tests indicate three main
stocks in the Northern Caribbean Sea, Northeastern Brazil
and Central Brazil. Despite having a small planktonic
paralarvae favoring dispersion, other characteristics such
as low mobility of adults may limit the connectivity along
its distribution range in three stocks that appear to be
structured by marine currents and seamounts chains.
Figure 22. Octopus insularis fisheries along central and northeastern Brazil (Haimovici et al. 2014) (A–C) Gaff fishing on shallow
reefs during low tides (D) Free diving fishing. (E–F) Small scale experimental fishing with pots. (H) Industrial pots longline fishery.
6.2.2. Fisheries and management
The main species of octopus fished along central and
north-eastern Brazil and its oceanic islands is O. insularis. Several hundred tonnes are fished each year in
four geographically distinct fisheries (Haimovici et al.
2014) (Figure 22). The coastal reef fishery along Central and
North-eastern Brazil. Octopus are fished along more
than 2,000 km of coastline from Bahia to Ceara states.
Octopus are caught over the shallow coastal reefs during
low tides with gaffs (handhold hooks) and free diving
along the reefs base and rocky coastlines (Figure 22A–C).
These small-scale fisheries are mostly a part time and seasonal activity undertaken for self-consumption and supply
to local restaurants and tourists (Martins et al. 2012). The
total quantity of octopus fished is unknown, but in 2000
on a typical coastal reef along Bahia State the mean daily
catch per fisher recorded was 1.54 kg and total annual
catch was estimated as 4,457 kg (Jambeiro 2002).
Although smaller octopus are caught during the main
tourism season (late spring to early autumn), yields are
higher and prices in 2000 attained an average of 10 US$/
kg (Jambeiro 2002).
Most O. insularis are caught in marine protected
areas where small scale fishing is permitted. There are
no specific rules for this fishery but environmental legislation for conservation of the reefs include the banning
of the use of levers or bleaching water to extract the
octopus from their burrows, as well as the prohibition
of anchoring boats on the reefs. Young octopuses (100
to 400 g) are more commonly caught as larger spawning
females move to deeper waters out of the reach of the
fishers. At its current level there is no evidence that the
populations are affected and environmental education to
raise awareness among the local population to preserve
their reefs occurs in many localities (Martins et al. 2012;
Haimovici et al. 2014). Fernando de Noronha fishery. The island of
Fernando de Noronha, 430 km off mainland Brazil, is an
important touristic destination Around part of the island,
free divers catch O. insularis with gaffs along the rocky
coastline at depths from 2 to 25 m (Figure 22D), and small
octopus are collected over the reefs during low tide, mostly
by women and children due to the restricted access of the
island. From 2003 to 2005 the life history and fishery of O.
insularis were studied to support its management. Fishers
were found to be mostly native, aged between 18 and 55
years, having dived for octopus since their youth for family consumption (Leite and Haimovici 2006; Leite et al.
2008b, Leite et al. 2008c). These are not full-time fishers
and the most active fishers dived on average twice a week,
with mean harvest weighing 7.95 kg. In 2004, 45 divers
fished between 3 and 6 t annually. Half of the catch was
for self-consumption and the other half sold to restaurants
and hotels, supplying at least 11% of the local demand.
The mean weight of the octopus sold by divers was 940 g,
and the price per kg oscillated between 5 and 10 US$. The
octopus fishery has small economic importance, but it is
part of the local culture (Leite et al. 2008c).
The population of O. insularis of Fernando de
Noronha does not seem to be at risk by recreational
and small scale fishing. Most of the island and its surrounding waters are a National Park in which fishing
Figure 23. Reported annual landings of Octopus insularis in
Northeastern Brazil Rio Grande do Norte State (gray) and Ceara
Estate (black) sources in the text.
is banned. The total area of water within the depth
range of 0–20 m around the island (where O. insularis
is found) is at least 20 km2, 30 times larger than the
0.6 km2 in which fishing is legal. Furthermore from
December to April fishing is inhibited by strong
winds which reduce visibility. No spawning females
were observed in shallow waters, and it is thought
that large females may move deeper to spawn, out of
the range of the free diving fishery. Octopus is part of
the charismatic fauna of the islands and management
is focused to guarantee their conservation in the
island. Regulated small scale fishing by locals is not a
threat for the O. insularis population around the
island. The management plan approved in 2005
includes a) a limited number of licenses issued only to
local residents; b) the banning of all gears except gaffs
to minimize illegal fishing of lobsters; c) the banning
of irritants such as bleach to force the withdrawal of
octopus from burrows; d) a minimum ML of 80 mm
and e) the prohibition of fishing on the shallow reefs,
to protect the nursery grounds and allow the recruitment to deeper areas (Leite et al. 2008c). The Rio Grande do Norte diving fishery.
Along the 410 km of Rio Grande do Norte State,
20,000 small scale fishers in 98 coastal communities
are involved in fishing. Lobsters are the main fishing
resource but O. insularis are also important. Mean
annual octopus landings recorded (1994–2010) were
219 t, with catch most years oscillating between 100 t
and 250 t, apart from 2006 which had exceptional
catches of 478.5 t (Figure 23).
Octopus are fished with gaffs by both freediving
and scuba fishers along the narrow continental shelf
of Rio Grande do Norte. Free divers use small, 3.5 to
4.5 m long flat bottom boats called “paquetes” (Figure
22E). Scuba divers fish from 7.5–10.0 m boats with
larger internal motors. Most boats have GPS for locating their fishing grounds. Although fishing for
octopus using scuba equipment is illegal, it is used by
fishers mainly targeting lobsters, who then also target
octopus especially during the seasonal closure of the
lobster fishery.
The municipality of Rio do Fogo situated in the
Costa dos Corais, a large marine protected marine
area of 180,000 ha, 90 km north of the capital Natal is
responsible for half of the catches of octopus in the
State of Rio Grande do Norte (Vasconcellos 2008). A
recent study by Andrade (2015) showed that around
34% of the ca 4,000 ha urban population of Rio do
Fogo are workers (n: 238), or their dependents
(n ¼ 1,017), associated directly or indirectly with the
production and service chain of octopus (Andrade
2015), e.g., fishers, buyers, transporters. The final consumers in the chain are mostly restaurants and hotels.
The price increase from the first sale by the fisher and
the last buyer in a Natal fish shop is 82% and the initial hydration (storage in fresh iced water to increase
body weight) and the four step sales chain makes
octopus an expensive dish at a restaurant, as cooked
octopus attains only 63% of the weight.
The octopus fishery is a de facto free access fishery
for local fishers but there is an informal geographical
division of the fishing grounds between coastal communities. In the free diving fishery in Rio do Fogo, the
median landing CPUE between 2002–2010 was 3.7 Kg/
day- fisher, with a minimum of 2.7 kg/day-fisher in
2002, a maximum of 5,0 Kg/day-fisher in 2009. The lack
of significant changes suggests that there was no overexploitation during that period (Andrade 2015).
Fishing octopus with pots from small boats was investigated in Rio do Fogo as an alternative to fishing for octopus when underwater visibility is low in the windy season
from June to November (Figure 22F). In experimental
fishing between 2011 and 2013, the mean rate of occupancy of the pots collected every 7 days was 8.5%; the
mean weight of the octopus was 815 g and ranged from
302 to 2,005 g. Leaving the pots for 14, 21 and 28 days did
not yield significantly larger catches than those left for 7
days. No significant differences were observed when pots
of different colors (green, yellow, red and black) were
used. Shortly after beginning the experimental fishing,
fishers began producing their own pots using PET bottles
and cement. These pots cost seven times less than the
PVC pots, the owners could mark them for recognition
and lasted longer. A comparison of the profitability of a
pot fishery with free diving for fish, lobster and octopus as
targets showed that fishing with pots was economically
viable during the low visibility season, however, a critical,
and still unsolved problem was the theft of the catch and
the longlines (Andrade 2015).
State longline pot fishery. The Ceara
Recorded landings of octopus in Ceara State ranged from
2.0 to 12.5 t between 1995 and 2005. With the development of the Itarema pots fishery landings increased rapidly since 2006 to attain 225.5 t in 2010 (Figure 23).
In 2005 a fleet of mid-sized decked boats begun
fishing O. insularis with longlines of pots in a
2,000 km2 on gravel bottoms at depth ranging from 20
to 40 m deep on the narrow shelf of northern Ceara
State between 39 300 W and 40 300 W (Braga et al.
2007). The fishing boats are 10–15 m long, powered
by motors over 60 HP and have a small cabin at stern
(Figure 22G). They were provided with GPS, VHF
radios and echo sounders and geared with hydraulic
winches to pull the longlines. The longlines main lines
are of twisted polyester and polypropylene of 10 mm
of diameter, 2,000 to 4,000 m long, each with 200 to
400 pots attached with snaps to 0.5 m secondary lines
of 3 mm twisted polyester. Initially plastic pots were
similar to those used for O. vulgaris in south-eastern
Brazil that soon were replaced by slightly smaller
locally produced polyethylene pots 30 cm long, 17 cm
of diameter, reduced to 11 cm in the mouth, with a
larger base ballasted with up to 3 kg of concrete.
Smaller pots are more adequate for the smaller sized
O. insularis and shorter secondary lines and heavier
ballast avoid wearing due to rolling over the stone
and gravel bottoms over which the species is fished.
For each trip fishing boats spend around 5 days at
sea and fish with ca 8,000 pots. Longlines are moored
to the bottom with anchors and their position
recorded in the GPS. No buoys are used for localization to avoid theft. Longlines are examined at around
two weeks intervals (Haimovici et al. 2014). The mean
weight of the octopus caught are between 600 and
700 g. Bivalves and gastropods conchs present in pots
occupied by octopus are collected (Figure 22H) and
sold for artisanal works and collectors to complement
the rent of the fishers (Matthews-Cascon et al. 2009).
Although the pot longline fishery begun as an alternative to lobster fishing during the seasonal closure of
the lobster fishery from December to April, it has
become an almost year round activity. Landings and
catch per day in grams per pot and day of soaking of
the pots longline fishery are higher between the rainy
season from August to December, yield falls in the dry
season and some boats stop fishing from January to
April (Figure 24). In the dry season, the percentage of
females in the catches decrease and the number of pots
with spawned females increase suggesting that large
mature females leave the fishing grounds towards
higher depths to spawn (Marinho 2011; Batista 2016).
Figure 24. Reported monthly landings and catch per unit
effort (CPUE) in grams per pot and day fishing by the pot
longline fishery based in Itarema, Ceara State between August
2009 and December 2010 (Marinho 2011).
In 2008, the number of longliners was of 9 and
increased to 17 in 2010. Each boat used a mean of
8,241 pots at sea (Haimovici et al. 2014). In 2010
there were no signals of overfishing, unfortunately
data on the former years are lacking. The operating
costs of the pots longline fishery are reduced because
no bait is required, fuel consumption is low and the
fishing grounds are near the harbor. In 2008, expenses
for a five day fishing trip expenses were the equivalent
to the first sale price of 150 kg of octopus, or 600 kg
in per month while the mean monthly catch was
of 2,137 kg.
The development of the pots fishery has some marketing limitations. The mean weight of O. insularis in
the catches of the pots fishery is 600–700 g, too small for
export that requires octopus of over 1,000 g. Almost all
catches are consumed in the region. Initially in 2005 the
O. insularis fishery was regulated by the same rules that
govern the O. vulgaris fishery in Southeastern Brazil. In
2007, the minimum size limit of 110 mm ML was
relaxed and the maximum number of licensed boats
was temporarily established in 25, each fishing with up
to 5,000 pots. At present the licenses have expired and
fishery statistics collection has been discontinued. The
fishery can be considered as free access and unmanaged.
6.3. Eledone massyae
The small E. massyae is an endemic octopus with
large eggs that rarely attains more than 200 g found
from the Southwest Atlantic with records from central
Brazil to San Jorge Gulf in Argentina (Haimovici and
Perez 1991; Re 1998a; Haimovici et al. 2007). In the
outer shelf of southern Brazil early stages of sexual
maturation are more frequent from summer to spring
and both males and females attain full maturity in
early summer. Mature females bear up to little more
than one hundred of oocytes of up to 12 mm long.
The size at maturity of females was estimated at
approximately 50mm (75g). The spawning grounds
are still unknown, but probably are in hard substrates
from the shelf break. (Perez and Haimovici 1991). In
the Buenos Aires province the peak of mature and
mated females was observed in spring (Re 1998a).
Along southern Brazil its main preys are benthic crustaceans, but polychaetes, gastropods, cephalopods,
bony fishes and amphipods were also recorded (Perez
and Haimovici 1995).
6.3.1. Fisheries
Because of its small size and low fecundity E. massyae
is not a target for fishing but it is caught as bycatch
in the trawl fisheries targeting shrimp along the
region. The only recorded landing in Argentina was
76 t in 1986 as bycatch in a shrimp trawl fishery along
Mar del Plata (Re 1998b). In Rio de Janeiro mean
landings were 10.7 t between 2011 and 2015 (Fiperj
2016). It is probably discarded or consumed by the
fishers when it is caught in small numbers.
6.4. Octopus tehuelchus
This is a small sized octopus with large eggs and low
fecundity that can reach little more than 200 g and is
found from Southeastern Brazil to the San Jorge Gulf
in Argentina (Haimovici and Perez 1991; Re 1998a).
In Argentina, the highest abundance were recorded
from in the intertidal and infralitoral up to 90 m
depth. of the north Patagonian gulfs of San Matıas,
San Jose and Nuevo (lat 43 S), where the species
inhabits rocky bottoms using holes for protection and
breeding (Iribarne 1991a, 1991b; Re 1998a). In Brasil
O. tehuelchus is found in the inner shelf on gravel and
soft bottoms and uses large gastropods shells for refuge and spawning (Alves and Haimovici 2011).
In the Northern Patagonian waters specimens
attain two years of life but some specimens, mostly
females, may reach three years (Pujals 1982; Iribarne
1991a, Storero et al. 2016). After hatching, growth is
rapid: males can reach adult size (28 mm ML, 30 g)
with three months (Iribarne 1990, Re 1998a). The
peak of maturity of males is attained between
November and March of the second year of their lifetime, however, some mature males are observed year
round. Males start copulating 2–3 months before
females attain full maturity. Females maturation starts
in spring and a high proportion of females are mature
in autumn, size at maturity is 64 mm ML and between
15 and 18 months old and the maximum number of
laid eggs was of around 220 (Re 1989; Iribarne 1991a,
1991b; Re 1998a). In this region O. tehuelchus is an
active and generalist predator on mollusks, crustaceans, mainly mussels and hermit crabs and cannibalism is important in this species during summer and
autumn (Re and G
omez Simes 1992). Growth slows
down in winter (Re 1998a; Sotero et al. 2016).
In southern Brazil, O. tehuelchus it was recorded
from the inner shelf mostly less than 50 m depth on
mud, sand or gravel sediments where large gastropod
shells are used as shelters (Haimovici and Perez 1991;
Alves and Haimovici 2011). Females are more numerous in shallower waters and attain a larger size than
males. Fully mature males and females were observed
in all seasons and mean ML at maturity was 46 mm
for females and 27 mm for males. The maximum
recorded number of laid eggs was around 240 measuring 8 to 14.5 mm long.
6.4.1. Fisheries and management
The only fishery of this species is located in San
Matıas Gulf were it has been fished for more than 60
years. Largest catches between 1965–1973 when,
between 100 and 300 t were recorded annually. Since
then catches decreased sharply to less than 50 t per
year (Iribarne 1991a; Re 1998b; Narvarte et al. 2006).
Octopus are caught by fishermen using hooks to
remove them from the holes of the rocky bottom
during low tides or diving in shallow waters from
late spring to autumn (March–April). Since 2004,
O. tehuelchus is also captured by providing plastic
PVC tubes as artificial shelters. This last method is
highly efficient but has the potential to capture large
numbers of incubating females (Osovnikar et al.
2006). Since 2005, some restrictions were implemented, such as limiting the number of fishermen to
10 and the number of traps per fishermen to 3,000,
also the fishing season was restricted from December
to April.
6.5. Enteroctopus megalocyathus
This species is distributed throughout the southern
coast of South America, from Chiloe Island (42 S)
in the southeast Pacific Ocean (Rocha 1997; Iban
et al. 2009) to San Matıas Gulf (42 S) in the southwest
Atlantic Ocean (Re 1998a). In the Southwestern
Atlantic specifically, this species is distributed from
the San Matıas Gulf to Beagle Chanel, including
Malvinas Islands and Namuncura Bank. Individuals
are found from the intertidal region up to 140 m of
depth (Re 1998a), usually associated to rocky bottoms.
In general terms, the maturity cycle of the species
is annual with a clear peak of maturity in spring and
summer. A low proportion of females at advanced
maturity stages are found in July, and of newly
spawned eggs in August; however, there is a suggestion of a weaker second spawning period in winter.
Males reach maturity earlier in the year and at a
smaller size than females (Ortiz et al. 2011). The
smallest mature male sampled was 528 g of BW and
102 mm of ML. The smallest advanced mature female
was 659 g of BW and 105 mm of ML. The size at
maturity was 135.4 mm (1,072 g) for males and
158.5 mm (1,613 g) for females. Ortiz et al. (2011) suggested a bathymetric migration in spring and summer
when most brooding females migrates out of shallow
waters (less than 20 m deep) towards deeper and thermally stable sites suitable for spawning. This could
explain the drop in the number of individuals at
advanced maturity stages approaching shallow waters
during summer. In addition, sex ratios were close to
1:1 in spring and summer, suggesting that both sexes
would move from nearshore to offshore areas and
vice versa nearly at the same time. The maximum
estimated fecundity for the species in the northern
Patagonian Gulfs was of ca 6,500 oocytes Ortiz et al.
(2011). Longevity estimates based in the analysis of
modal progression of sizes of along three consecutive
years of samplings was estimated in 24–36 months
(Ortiz 2009). It is a key species in the trophic web of
benthic ecosystems in Patagonia. This species is an
opportunist predator with ontogenetic changes in the
diet. In Patagonian waters, at least 26 prey items were
observed: 12 species of crustaceans (the most representative are Peltarion spinosulum, Cyrtograpsus sp. y
Munida sp.), 8 species of teleost belonging to the families Nototheniidae, Tripterygiidae and Clinidae, 3 species of polychaeta belonging to the families Nereidae,
Polinoidae and Eunicidae, and 3 species of mollusks
belonging to the family Otopodidae suggesting a high
level of cannibalism.
6.5.1. Fisheries
In northern Patagonia the red octopus is harvested by
small-scale fisheries that operate by diving in shallow
waters or by extracting the animals from rocky intertidal shores. In the north Patagonian Atlantic coast
(San Jose and Nuevo gulfs), the species is harvested
mainly by diving using an iron-hook to extract octopus from holes and crevices located in isolated rocky
outcrops or in submerged abrasion limestone platforms (Re 1998b; Ortiz et al. 2006). The fishing period
is restricted from March to November, when octopus
Figure 26. Historical octopus catches for the Mediterranean
(Source FAO, Global Capture Production Statistics 1950–2016.).
Figure 25. Historical octopus catches for the Northeast
Atlantic (Source: Eurostat/ICES database on catch statistics –
ICES 2011, Copenhagen).
abundance in shallow waters is highest (Re 1998a,
1998b). Although fisheries of E. megalocyathus are
unregulated and there are no official statistics of their
landings, Re (1998b) estimated captures from 10 to 15
t per year for this area. Further south, Cinti et al.
(2003) estimated around 9–10 t for intertidal harvesting in Camarones Bay (44 420 S 65 540 W) and its surrounding areas.
7. North-Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean
As the same octopus species are targeted throughout
European waters, the Northeast Atlantic and
Mediterranean (FAO statistical areas 27 and 37,
respectively) regions are discussed together. Previously
considered a minor fishery resource, the past 30 plus
years has seen an increase in the importance of these
fisheries, with cephalopod fisheries in Europe today
playing a significant role in the region (Pierce et al.
2010). Initially averaging 14,017 and 17,867 t in the
early 1950s, total reported cephalopod landings in the
Northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean, respectively,
have increased over the second half of the previous
century. In recent years (2000–2016) total cephalopod
catch has averaged at 54,542 t for the Northeast
Atlantic and 56,837 t in the Mediterranean (FAO
2016). Catch records from 1950–2016 indicate octopus
catch contributed between 17–47% (NE Atlantic) and
26–49% (Mediterranean) to total cephalopod catch.
Data for more recent years (2000 onwards) shows
octopus to make up almost a third of all cephalopod
landings in the Northeast Atlantic (29%), and close
to half in the Mediterranean (44%). Total octopus
catch in these two regions has averaged at 15,646 and
25,133 t, respectively; with the highest reported
octopus landings for this century being 31,319 t
(Mediterranean). It is clear from Figures 25 and 26
that the historical octopus catches in the Northeast
Atlantic and Mediterranean reflect the growing
importance of this fishery over the decades. Octopus
landings in European waters consist solely of species
belonging to the Octopodidae family, and include
O. vulgaris, E. cirrhosa and E. moschata.
7.1. Octopus vulgaris
This species is particularly abundant in the Eastern
Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea (Belcari and
Sartor 1999), inhabiting rocky, sandy, and muddy substrata from the coast to the edge of the continental
shelf at depths up to 200 m (Cabranes et al. 2008). In
the Gulf of Cadiz, most of the population concentrates
on the continental shelf, down to 100 or 150 m depth
(Guerra 1981). A similar depth distribution is
observed in the Mediterranean with most O. vulgaris
inhabiting depths <100 m (Belcari et al. 2002).
Male to female sex ratio appears to be relatively
similar for both the Northeast Atlantic and
Mediterranean (1.06:1 and 1:1, respectively) with no
evidence of significant seasonal variation (Quetglas
et al. 1998; Silva et al. 2002). Although spawning
occurs throughout the year, as detailed by Pierce et al.
(2010), spawning peaks vary depending on locality.
For example, two peaks have been observed in
Portuguese waters in winter and summer (Moreno
2008); and spring and autumn off Morocco (Faraj and
Bez 2007) and the Canary Islands (Hernandez-Garcıa
et al. 2002). These populations fall within the main
upwelling regions along the Northeast Atlantic coast
(Pierce et al. 2010). In the Gulf of Cadiz, spawning
peaks in April–May and August (Silva et al. 2002),
with other authors also reporting a main spawning
peak in summer (Rodrıguez-R
ua et al. 2005; Moreno
2008). A summer spawning peak has also been
observed in Mediterranean populations (Sanchez and
Obarti 1993; Mangold 1997; Belcari et al. 2002b).
Males mature earlier than females (Rodrıguez-R
et al. 2005), and therefore reach maturity at a smaller
size. In the Gulf of Cadiz size at maturity has been
estimated as 10.4 cm and 671 g for males, and 17.6 cm
and 2,023 g for females (Silva et al. 2002); and 850 g
for males and 1,250 g for females on the Atlantic coast
of Andalusia, south of Spain (Rodrıguez-R
ua et al.
2005). Total fecundity ranged between 70,060 and
605,438 oocytes (mean ¼ 315,197 ± 135,865) (Silva
et al. 2002).
Upon hatching, paralarvae are planktonic, only
adopting the benthic lifestyle upon settlement at
7.5 mm ML (Villanueva 1995). In the coastal areas
off Greece, a main peak of benthic settlement was
observed during summer, and a secondary, irregular
peak during late autumn (Katsanevakis and
Verriopoulos 2006). Katsanevakis and Verriopoulos,
(2006) estimated that more than 50% of the just-settled individuals will eventually die after 3 months,
with mortality rate declining as individuals grow
larger. Juvenile recruitment is sensitive to unpredictable environmental fluctuations (Cabranes et al. 2008).
Adults and juveniles may feed on crustaceans, teleost
fish, other cephalopods, and polychaetes (Pierce et al.
2010). In the eastern Mediterranean, specifically off
the coast of Spain; the diet is predominantly comprised of fish and crustaceans (Quetglas et al. 1998),
with a high percentage of that (80%) being crustaceans (Guerra 1978; Sanchez and Obarti 1993;
Quetglas et al. 1998); whilst off Portugal bivalves
make up the highest proportion of the diet (Rosa
et al. 2004).
7.1.1. Fisheries
It is taken throughout the year as a target species in a
number of small-scale coastal fisheries operating at
depths of 20–200 m in the Northeast Atlantic and
Mediterranean (Pierce et al. 2010). The O. vulgaris
fisheries are of substantial importance in southern
Europe (Pita et al. 2015), and this is especially true for
Spain and Portugal. In the Spanish multi species
demersal fishery operating in the Gulf of Cadiz (NE
Atlantic), O. vulgaris constitutes one of the most
important species in terms of landed catches (Silva
et al. 2002). Both trawl and artisanal fleets participate
in this fishery, with the latter using species-specific
gear such as clay-pots, locally called “alcatruces or
cajirones”; hand-jigs, locally called “chivos” and
“pulperas,” and traps (Silva et al. 2002). The clay pot
fishery exclusively dedicated to catching O. vulgaris is
made up of 185 artisanal vessels, most of which are
5.3 t of gross tonnage (GT) and 55 hp (Sobrino et al.
2011). Catch volume fluctuate annually, depending on
the abundance and availability of O. vulgaris (Sobrino
et al. 2011).
A census of the artisanal fleet operating out of
Galicia (the main fishing region in Spain, also NE
Atlantic) recorded almost 5,000 vessels operating in
the coastal waters (Otero et al. 2005). Moreover, in
terms of cephalopod catch for this fishery, the O. vulgaris catch is the largest when it comes to volume
(Otero et al. 2005). It is targeted using traps (called
“nasa de polbo”), which are fairly specific to octopus,
and which forms 80–90% of the total catches in this
gear (Pierce et al. 2010). In Portugal, the octopus fishery is of considerable social and economic value, and
small-scale fishing is increasingly economically
dependent on this resource (Pita et al. 2015). Pots and
traps of various types are among the most widely used
gears in these Portuguese small-scale fisheries (Erzini
et al. 2008). Depending on fishing vessel size, vessels
operating in the small-scale fishery may carry from
750 up to 1,000 traps (Erzini et al. 2008). In the
Algarve region, the most widely used octopus traps
are metal frame, hard plastic netting, single entry
traps (Erzini et al. 2008).
In the Mediterranean, octopus are also exploited by
a variety of gears including commercial trawl gear and
artisanal gear such as fyke nets, pots and traps
(Tsangridis et al. 2002). In the Kavala and Limenas
regions of Greece (Eastern Mediterranean), fyke nets
consisting of two or three chambers made of netting
and hoops are used for catching (almost exclusively)
octopus, and are operated in shallow coastal waters
between 8 to 30 m deep (Tsangridis et al. 2002). In
Vilanova, Spain (Western Mediterranean), trawls,
trammel nets, pots and traps are used. Collecting data
for these three areas, Tsangridis et al. (2002) found
trawls are responsible for most of the octopus landings, and that trawls exploit mostly small and immature individuals whilst artisanal fleets exploit larger
mature individuals In the Balearic Sea (Western
Mediterranean), it was found that octopus represented
between 20–40% of total trawl catch (Quetglas
et al. 1998).
7.1.2. Catches
As reported by Cabranes et al. (2008), catches of O.
vulgaris around the Iberian Peninsula (NE Atlantic
and Mediterranean waters of Portugal and Spain) represent 97–99% of the total catch of this species in the
whole ICES area. Historical (2000–2005) and official
nominal (2006–2015) O. vulgaris catches, as provided
Figure 27. Solid lines: Historical (2000–2005) and official nominal (2006–2015) Northeast Atlantic Octopus vulgaris catches as
provided by Portuguese and Spanish authorities. Source:
Eurostat/ICES database on catch statistics and Eurostat/ICES
data compilation of catch statistics - ICES 2017, Copenhagen.
Dashed lines: Northeast Atlantic catch of unidentified octopus.
Source: FAO, Global Capture Production Statistics 1950–2016.
by Portuguese and Spanish authorities, are given in
Figure 27. Although official O. vulgaris landings are
reported from 2000 onwards, only from 2010 onwards
are the majority of landing data identified down to
species level. As O. vulgaris is the major species
landed and hence makes up the majority of the octopus catch for both Portugal and Spain, total octopus
catch is a relatively good indicator of O. vulgaris
catches. Reported Northeast Atlantic octopus catches
for Portugal have ranged from 7,249 t to a high of
13,577 t between 2000 and 2015. Although a great deal
of fluctuation is evident in annual catches, there does
not appear to be a significant downward or upward
trend. Northeast Atlantic octopus catches by Spain
are generally lower than those reported for Portugal,
fluctuating between 2,895 and 6,998 t. In the
Mediterranean, however, Spanish catches of octopus
have dropped consistently every year, from 7,889 t in
2000 to 2,867 t in 2016 (Figure 28). Prior to 2005,
Italy generally reported the highest O. vulgaris catches
for this region (no unidentified octopus data submitted and hence O. vulgaris data used). Catches have,
however, also steadily declined and in recent years
Italy has only been the third largest producer of
O. vulgaris, with a low of 2,256 t reportedly landed
in 2016. Except for a peak of 4,638 t landed by
Tunisia (landings identified to species level) in 2004,
reported O. vulgaris catch for Tunisia and France,
and the combined O. vulgaris and octopus nei catch
for Greece has remained below 4,000 t (2000–2016),
with France reporting a maximum catch of only
2,128 t. Other countries reporting specific O. vulgaris
Figure 28. Reported Mediterranean Octopus vulgaris catches
for France, Italy and Tunisia. Spanish catches are for unidentified octopus, and catches for Greece are those for O. vulgaris
and unidentified octopus combined. Source: FAO, Global
Capture Production Statistics 1950–2016.
landings for the Northeast Atlantic, although at much
lower volumes, are France, Netherland and Ireland
(Table 4).
7.1.3. Stock identification
Results to date indicate that there is some genetic
structuring between populations of O. vulgaris within
the Mediterranean (Casu et al. 2002), within the
Atlantic (Cabranes et al. 2008), and between the
Mediterranean and Atlantic (Casu et al. 2002). Within
the Mediterranean, two clear genetic groups, where
identified, corresponding to the western and eastern
Mediterranean basins (Casu et al. 2002). The results
showed, however, that all of the populations analyzed
were conspecific, namely there is no evidence of
Mediterranean or between Atlantic and Mediterranean
populations (Casu et al. 2002). Cabranes et al. (2008)
found a fine spatial substructure in O. vulgaris
populations in the Atlantic which was a function of
geographical distance. Their results did not show significant differences between pairs of samples separated
by <200 km (Portugal–Cadiz), and so the authors
concluded that from a fisheries management perspective, the results could be considered as supporting
coordinated management of neighboring stocks
around the Iberian Peninsula specifically.
7.1.4. Fisheries management
Management of cephalopod stocks in European
waters remains limited; and octopus fisheries in the
European Union (EU) are excluded from quota regulations under the Common Fisheries Policy (Pita et al.
2015). Instead, countries are responsible for implementing their own octopus fishery management measures. Pierce et al. (2010) reviewed the management of
cephalopod fisheries for EU countries. These authors
found that Southern European countries appear to
manage their cephalopod fisheries more actively than
northern European countries; which they linked to
likely being a reflection of the long history of these
fisheries and the local socio-economic importance of
the species and fisheries. Spanish fleets in the Gulf of
Cadiz are limited to having no more than 1,000 pots
and 250 traps per vessel, and no more than 2,000 m
of pot or trap line. Fishing is also restricted by distance to the coast and a one month closed season is
implemented annually. In Galicia (Spain), vessel size
and the number of fishers determines the number of
traps that can be carried, with a maximum of 350
traps allowed. Catch per day is also limited and a two
month closed season implemented. Spanish fleets
fishing in the Mediterranean are limited to a certain
number of pots, depending on fishing area, and traps
allowed per vessel. Area specific closed seasons are
also implemented and fishing is only allowed at certain depths, depending on the areas fished. In Spain,
there is a MLS for O. vulgaris of 1,000 g. In Portugal,
<3,000 pots are allowed per vessel; and <500, <750
and <1,000 traps allowed, depending on vessel size,
and MLS is 750 g. In Greece, a limited number of
plastic cylindrical pots (<1,500) and fyke nets (<1,000
pairs) are allowed per vessel, a three month closed
season implemented and there is a MLS of 500 g.
7.1.5. Economic importance
Cephalopods are an important fishery resource in the
EU, not only in terms of quantities landed, but also in
terms of trade (Pierce et al. 2010). In addition to fishing and landing cephalopods, a number of countries
deal in cephalopods as import and export products.
The O. vulgaris fishery is of substantial importance in
southern Europe specifically (Pita et al. 2015). In
Portugal there is an increasing dependence of the fisheries economy on cephalopod landings, and landings
and their economic value have maintained a significant growth (Pierce et al. 2010). Here the octopus
fishery has considerable social and economic value
and small-scale fishing remains increasingly economically dependent on this resource (Pita et al. 2015). In
Spain although octopus landings have decreased, their
total value remained fairly stable (1998–2003, Pierce
et al. 2010).
7.2. Eledone sp
7.2.1. Eledone cirrhosa
This is a common species in European waters with
a range extending from 67 N, south to the northwest
African coasts in the Northeast Atlantic (Guerra
1992); and throughout the Mediterranean Sea up to
depths of 770 m (Massy 1928; Belcari et al. 2002). The
highest densities of E. cirrhosa were found to be in
the Gulf of Lions, in the Ligurian and northern
Tyrrhenian seas and in the northern Aegean Sea
(Belcari et al. 2002). Females are generally larger than
males reaching a maximum size of 190 mm ML, with
males having a maximum size of 135 mm ML (Pierce
et al. 2010). In addition to the size differences between
sexes, Pierce et al. (2010) also highlight the role of
area in size at maturity, with Mediterranean populations reaching maturity at smaller sizes compared
to the Northeast Atlantic (Belcari and Sartor 1999a
and Belcari et al. 2002a in Pierce et al. 2010). In
the Mediterranean, sexual maturity generally occurs
earlier in the western basin (spring–summer) than in
the eastern basin (summer–autumn) (see Belcari et al.
2002 for references). It is a summer spawning species,
with fecundity ranging from 2,000 to 9,000 eggs,
depending on area (Boyle et al. 1988; Pierce et al.
2010; Rossetti 1998). Recent studies have been
conducted in the NE Atlantic in relation to its distribution and abundance (Regueira et al. 2014), feeding
(Regueira et al. 2017), growth (Barratt and Allcock
2010; Regueira et al. 2015) and reproduction
(Regueira et al. 2013).
7.2.2. Eledone moschata
The musky octopus, E. moschata, is considered
a typical Mediterranean species (being limited in the
Atlantic Ocean to the southern coasts of Portugal and
the Gulf of Cadiz), found at depths of 15–200 m
(Belcari and Sbrana 1999; Belcari et al. 2002; Guerra
1992). Females mature at slightly larger sizes compared to males. As reported in Pierce et al. (2010),
females reach maturity at a ML of 12 cm in the Gulf
of Cadiz (Atlantic), whereas those in Tunisian waters
(Mediterranean) reach maturity at a somewhat smaller
size of 11 cm (Ezzeddine-Najai 1997; Silva et al. 2004).
It has a prolonged spawning period, extending from
autumn through to summer (October to July in the
Gulf of Cadiz; and November to July in the southern
Mediterranean) (Ezzeddine-Najai 1997; Silva et al.
2004). In the northwestern Mediterranean, however,
the spawning period is somewhat shorter, being
restricted to winter and spring (January to June,
Belcari et al. 2002).
7.2.3. Fisheries, catches and economic importance
Both E. cirrhosa and E. moschata are mostly caught
by bottom trawl fisheries (Pierce et al. 2010), along
with O. vulgaris. Although generally not thought of as
having any economic importance in Northeast
Atlantic waters and often being discarded, these two
species represent a commercially important resource
in the Mediterranean basin, and E. cirrhosa is considered one of the most important commercial cephalopod species in the Mediterranean (Belcari et al. 2002;
Pierce et al. 2010). A juvenile E. cirrhosa fishery in
the NW Mediterranean is described by Sanchez et al.
(2004). Compared to O. vulgaris catches, catches of
E. cirrhosa in the Northeast Atlantic are minimal,
ranging between 102 and 417 t (2006–2015) for
Portugal; and 483 and 648 t for Spain (2013–2015)
(Figure 29). For the Mediterranean, Eledone catches
are not separated by species, with both horned and
musky octopus catches been reported together. Here
catches are higher, with Tunisia reporting an average
catch of 710 t (2000–2016) and Italy an average of
529 t (2009–2016) (Figure 30). Reported Eledone catch
for Croatia is the highest, averaging at 4,566 t
(2000–2016), with a maximum catch of over 8,500 t in
2007 (Figure 30).
Figure 29. Official nominal Northeast Atlantic Eledone cirrhosa
catches (2006–2015) as provided by Portuguese and Spanish
authorities. Source: Eurostat/ICES data compilation of catch
statistics - ICES 2017, Copenhagen.
8. South- and Central-Eastern Atlantic
A number of octopod species are known from South
and Central-Eastern Atlantic (FAO statistical areas 47
and 34, respectively): stretching from Morocco in the
north to Cape Agulhas in the south. Most of the octopod species occurring in this region are not considered of any value for fisheries due to their gelatinous
quality and pelagic habitats, e.g., Argonauta argo
(Linnaeus, 1758), Argonauta hians (Lightfoot, 1786),
Argonauta nodosus (Lightfoot, 1786), Ocythoe tuberculata (Rafinesque, 1814), Tremoctopus violaceus (delle
Chiaje, 1830), Haliphron atlanticus (Steenstrup, 1861),
Vitreledonella richardi (Joubin, 1918), Bolitaena
pygmaea (Verrill, 1884) and Japetella diaphana
(Hoyle, 1885). Shallow-water Eledone schultzei (Hoyle,
1910) is not taken even by subsistence fishers because
of its small size (mean mass 65 g; Oosthuizen 2003).
Deepwater octopods, even when common, are
also not of particular interest to fisheries, e.g.,
Bathypolypus valdiviae (Thiele, 1915), Benthoctopus
sp. complex of species, and Graneledone sp.
The only species subject to exploitation in this
region are the O. vulgaris complex of species (see
below), A. burryi, E. magnificus and P. tetracirrhus.
Only O. vulgaris sensu stricto (s. str.) and O. vulgaris
Figure 30. Reported Mediterranean Eledone catches for
Croatia, Italy and Tunisia. Source: FAO, Global Capture
Production Statistics 1950–2016.
type III, however, are subject to directed fisheries,
with the remaining species caught as bycatch in the
trap-based crustacean fisheries, the small trawl fisheries targeting shrimp and/or finfish (P. tetracirrhus,
E. magnificus) and small inshore subsistence fisheries.
Fisheries science and academic research is uneven
across the region: in the north, considerable research
effort has resulted in several reviews (e.g., Bravo de
Laguna 1989; Caveriviere et al. 2002). In the south
research started in the earnest in the 1997. In South
Africa, there were two early directional papers on O.
vulgaris (presumably type III) from the Durban area
(Smale and Buchan 1981; Buchan and Smale 1981).
There was a pioneering study on E. magnificus in
Namibia (Villanueva and Sanchez 1993). Other works
concerning O. vulgaris appeared in 2002–2003
(Smith and Griffiths 2002; Smith 2003; Oosthuizen
2003), and E. magnificus in 2006 (Smith et al. 2006;
Groeneveld et al. 2006). These latter works concerned
only South African waters.
8.1. Octopus vulgaris
For the purpose of this review, O. vulgaris refers to
both O. vulgaris s. str. distributed along the west coast
of Africa in the FAO area 34 (NW Africa), and O.
vulgaris type III in the FAO area 47 (southwestern
Africa). This species complex may occur as deep
as 250 m, but is usually limited to shallow waters
of up to 100 m. Most studies conducted in South
Africa were based on individuals collected shallower
than 30 m.
Both groups have a similar life cycle. Smaller
individuals are found in the intertidal zone in South
Africa (0.4 kg on average) compared to subtidal areas
(1.2 kg on average; Oosthuizen 2003). The largest
octopuses are found in deeper water and may reach
over 4 kg, with females being larger than males. In
Senegalese waters, however, Caveriviere et al., (2002)
states that females may reach 5 kg and males 6–8 kg.
This is possibly an error as both Oosthuizen (2003,
South African waters) and Kivengea (2014 PhD,
Kenyan waters) report females to be marginally larger
and considerably heavier than males in their extensive
sampling. Van Heukelem (1976 PhD) reported that
males were larger and heavier than females in his
sample of O. maya. The species O. vulgaris may
occupy a number of habitats, such as rocky bottoms,
reefs, grass beds and soft sediment habitats.
Bottom temperatures above 7 C are preferred. They
undertake some limited migrations, usually seasonally,
overwintering in deeper waters and moving shallower
in spring/summer. Breeding migrations are also
undertaken when adults approach maturity. They are
generally mostly active at night, retreating to their
dens during the day; but this also depends largely on
local conditions and is very variable. For example, in
some regions octopods are most active during the
day. Dens are easier to identify on soft substrates
as they are surrounded by shells and various other
debris. Prey includes crustaceans, mollusks and fish.
Females retreat to their dens to lay eggs
(100,000–500,000 eggs). They brood eggs for up to 5
months, remaining immobile and not feeding during
this period. They die shortly after the small octopods
hatch. Laying eggs and brooding them occurs only
once during a female lifespan (semelparity). The size
at maturity for both males and females is highly variable, depending on factors such as location and time
of the year (both being related to temperature and
other physical parameters). Kivengea (2014) found
that size at maturity (at 50% level) was 10.5 cm and
10.8 cm for males and females respectively. Hatchlings
(1.7 mm ML on average ¼ 1.2 mg) resemble adult
octopods (proportions between arms and body being
obviously different; they are also semi-transparent).
They go through a planktonic phase lasting from
weeks to months. After settlement they live up to
two years.
8.1.1. Stock identification
Although there are several studies addressing stock
structure problem (e.g., Oosthuizen 2003; Oosthuizen
et al. 2004; Warnke et al. 2004; de Luca et al. 2016),
there is no full clarity about worldwide stock identity.
O. vulgaris s. str. and type III are forming clinal
relationship. The type III is closely related to O. vulgaris s. str. from Senegal and adjacent waters (0.79%
divergence) and marginally less to that from the
Mediterranean (1.32% divergence). There is, however,
a divergence jump when octopi from Taiwan and/or
Venezuela are added to the analysis (Oosthuizen
2003). On the other hand, de Luca et al. (2016)
reported differentiation in the Mediterranean region
compatible with the island model instead of a clinal
8.1.2. Catches and effort
According to FAO catch records, global catches of O.
vulgaris have reached and exceeded 100,000 t/year
four times in the history of fisheries: in 1972, 1974,
1975 and 1983 (Figure 31). So-called “not identified
octopods,” however, also pertain mostly to this species, which adds between 120,000–160,000 t annually.
Therefore, these annual catches reached and exceeded
200,000 t annually many times in the history of the
fisheries; this result may be further questioned and
corrected upwards (e.g., Belhabib et al. 2012; see
below) because of the illegal fishing and gross underreporting in FAO area 34 and possibly other areas.
The O. vulgaris which occurs in NW African waters
constitutes about 30% (and possibly more) of the
world catches. In this region O. vulgaris is the most
important cephalopod exploited. Its importance
decreases southward, where it is replaced by a cuttlefish Sepia hierredda (Rang 1835). There are small or
no landings of O. vulgaris south of Senegal. There are
three “stocks” of O. vulgaris for FAO area 34: Dakhla
Figure 31. Reported global Octopus vulgaris catches for 1950–2016. Source: FAO, Global Capture Production Statistics 1950–2016.
stock (26–21 N), Cape Blanc stock (21–16 N), and
Senegal-Gambia stock (16–12 N).
It is estimated (Belhabib et al. 2012a) that in
Morocco, 41.5% of the catches were not reported (calculated summarily for the period 1950–2010).
Belhabib et al. (2012a) have reconstructed Moroccan
catches (all species), finding steady growth from
311,780 t in 1950 to 1,563,124 t in 2010. Cephalopod
catches were also increasing quickly in this period:
Mediterranean region: 2,866 t in 1950 to 4,394 t in
2010; central region: 1,958 t in 1950 to 42,390 t in
2010 (with a peak of 71,789 t in 2000); southern
region: 1,663 t in 1950 to 73,576 t in 2010 (with peak
of 113,524 t in 2000). The species O. vulgaris constituted 65–75% of the total cephalopod landings. In
addition, there were catches of distant water fleets (of
more than 19 countries) in this period, with chronic
under-reporting of these catches to FAO (Belhabib
et al. 2012b). Octopus featured prominently in the
catches of some countries (e.g., Spain: total catches
typically 378,000/year, octopus 5.4%, i.e., over 20,000
t; Italy 562,500 in 1968, with octopus share of 20%,
i.e., 112,500 t). Fortunately, as the Moroccan fleet
were improving their catches, distant water fleets were
gradually phased out; however, there was a substantial
overlap. It is therefore unsurprising that cephalopod
resources of the region (octopus in particular) are
considered to be seriously depleted, with unreported
catches and substantial discards still troubling these
fisheries. This is illustrated by the decreasing CPUE
observed for small scale fisheries: 1981–11.63 (t per
boat per year); 1991–9.10; 2010–6.78.
It is more difficult to assess the percentage of octopus in catches off Mauritania, Senegal and Gambia.
Massive under-reporting, lack of records and illegal
activities are in abundance in this region (Belhabib
et al. 2012c). Reconstructed total catches were 59,400 t
in 1950, 2,300,000 t in 1976, and 1,900,000 t in 2010.
It may be assumed that O. vulgaris constituted up to
10.5% of these catches, but when seasonal variation is
added, it may drop to 8% or less. Still, it would translate to 4,752 t in 1950, 184,000 t in 1976 (peak), and
152,000 t in 2010. CPUE in two selected regions
stayed similar over the measurement period
(1998–2002: 22.5, 26.1, 25.9, 27.9 and 23.4
Thus, as the official (FAO) records estimate the
total catch of O. vulgaris from Area 34 to be 60,000 t
on average, the corrected records show total catches at
their peak as over 330,000 t per year.
Catches of O. vulgaris in Southern African waters
are still on exploratory stage and do not exceed 100 t
per year for both an experimental fishery and bycatch
by trawlers and trap fisheries for lobster.
8.1.3. Fishing methods and fleet
Octopus directed fisheries uses bottom trawls and
pots; bycatch is substantial in the crustacean trap fisheries; artisanal fisheries use pots, spearfishing, diving
and collecting from rock pools. All these methods
except pots can result in catching an array of species.
Only a “pot” method is considered an octopus-specific
method (it should be called “shelter method” because
sometimes pvc pipes are used). This fishing gear consists of long lines with a number of shelters attached
at intervals. The lines are anchored and buoyed at
each end. The shelters could consist of PVC pipe or
tyres encased in concrete, either closed off in the
midline or at one end. The type of shelters (mixed or
uniform), their number and spacing as well as soak
time, will be at the discretion of the individual fisher.
The difficulty in using this method over a loose and
moving substrate (e.g., frequent occurrence in southern African waters) is that shelters and lines may
get covered in mud, silt and small rocks and then are
difficult or impossible to recover.
The fleet of vessels taking octopus in the FAO Area
34 is extremely diverse. In Moroccan waters, the
freezer trawler fleet oscillates between 200 and 300
vessels (up to 1999, there were also up to a hundred
Spanish freezer trawlers). These vessels fishing on
average 120 days per year, with trips lasting several
weeks. These vessels are 30–40 m in length, with a
tonnage of 200–600 GRT, and engine power
600–2,000 HP. Local coastal trawlers are much smaller,
with an average of 60 GRT and 400 HP. There are
about 100 of these vessels in operation. The artisanal
fishery uses small wooden dories called pateras
(<6 m). The number of boats in operation was 2,700
in 1981 and 2,600 in 2010, but at times has reached
staggering numbers (almost 16,000 in 2004).
In Mauritania, the freezer and ice trawler fleet
numbered 177 vessels in 2006 and 146 in 2007.
Spanish vessels were 34 m long with 287 GRT and
896 HP on average, whilst local vessels were slightly
smaller with 258 GRT (2006). The artisanal fishery
uses wooden, aluminum or plastic canoes and
pirogues, with numbers in operation increasing from
the 1950s (125) to 2005 (3,950).
In Senegal and Gambia, mostly Spanish ice trawlers
target octopus. The exact number of vessels operating
in the region is not available, but probably does not
exceed twenty. Their length is about 36 m, 244 GRT
and 771 HP. There is also a thriving artisanal fishery,
details of which are lacking. In Namibia and South
Africa O. vulgaris is caught as bycatch in the small
local ice and freezer trawlers targeting hake. These
vessels do not exceed 30 m in length and 200 GRT.
There are approximately 130 such vessels in operation.
Some bycatch is also made by the crustacean trap
fishery, which has approximately 300 vessels in operation (see Sauer et al. 2003).
An experimental O. vulgaris fishery was run in
South Africa from 2004 until 2009, and again from
2012 until now (2016). Results are being processed
and total catches are not available as yet.
8.1.4. Duration of fishing period
In the FAO Area 34 fishing activities for O. vulgaris
are carried out for most of the year; season in
Mauritania lasts nine months (Belhabib et al. 2012c).
Various closures were, however, instituted throughout
the history of the fisheries (e.g., Banc D’Arguin
National Park, no trawling shallower than 20 m,
and closed seasons of various duration (up to eight
months). As pointed out by Belhabib et al. 2012, most
of these measures are poorly enforced.
8.1.5. Stock assessment
As illustrated above, catch records in the FAO Area
34 is incomplete at best, and false and misleading at
worst. These “catch statistics” more often than not
form an input for stock assessment. There are several
models proposed and/or in use for these cephalopod
fisheries (e.g., Grant et al. 1981; Bravo de Laguna
1989; Laurans et al. 2002; Jouffre et al. 2002a, 2002b).
In the Report of the FAO/CECAF Working Group on
the Assessment of Demersal Resources (2012), the use
of the Schaefer dynamic production model for the
region was mentioned. Results are given in Table 3.
These results suggest that O. vulgaris is severely overfished in Area 34. Due to a questionable input for
Mauritanian and Senegalese fisheries, the risk of
irreversible stock depletion is even greater than
that indicated.
8.1.6. Economic importance
In terms of export value, O. vulgaris from Area 34
(Morocco average data for 2008–2011, per year) is
worth approximately 5.2 mln $for fresh product and
240.5 mln $for frozen product. These are official
export figures for Morocco only. Jouffre (1998) has
stated that O. vulgaris is an important fishery resource
in terms of value in Mauritania. Total value for the
region (excluding foreign fleets and landings and sales
made elsewhere, outside of the Area 34) should be at
least doubled. The sheer number of vessels and small
and big packing factories in the region indicates
the huge importance of these industries to the local
economy (not only as a source of income but also as
a job creation opportunity). The mode of exploitation
indicates, however, large risk of collapse of these
resources, although Jouffre (1998) stated that O. vulgaris
“seems to tolerate overfishing better than other species.”
This fact, even if true and objectively evaluated, should
not prompt fisheries managers to tolerate a risk to the
valuable resource.
8.2. Enteroctopus magnificus
This species was fairly recently described (Villanueva
et al. 1991) and research about its biology is underway.
Table 3. Results of the Schaefer dynamic production model for the region, as reported by the FAO/CECAF Working Group on the
Assessment of Demersal Resources (2012).
Stock/abund. Index
Cape Blanc stock/CPUE Mauritanian cephalopod freezer trawlers
Senegal-Gambia/Senegalese industrial fleet
Table 4. Reported North Atlantic and Mediterranean Octopus vulgaris catches for other countries.
NE Atlantic
Source: FAO, Global Capture Production Statistics 1950–2016.
It is endemic to Namibia and South Africa, but occurs
also around Marion Island (Villanueva et al. 1991).
It was found inshore (15 m) at Marion Island, but
usually occurs in deep waters along the west coast of
South Africa and Namibia (adults 300–500 m, 450 m
on average; Lipinski, Dr Fridtjof Nansen records).
Smith et al. (2006) has described its basic biology on
the basis of 384 individuals taken as a bycatch in the
spiny lobster trap-based fishery (mean depth 110 m),
and 75 individuals collected from demersal bottom
trawl surveys (mean depth 235 m). Trap-obtained
individuals were caught along the South African south
coast (from Mossel Bay to Port Elizabeth). Maturity in
Smith et al. (2006) sample was reached by 50% males
at a weight of 4.6 kg, and females at 5.8 kg. It seems
that reproduction is more frequent in summer than in
autumn or winter. It is large-egg octopus (4–9 mm)
with relatively low fecundity (potential fecundity up to
10,000 eggs). It feeds mainly on crustaceans (84% for
trawl caught octopuses) (Villanueva 1993; Groenevald
et al. 2006). The most frequently taken fish species
was jacopever Helicolenus dactylopterus. Longevity
has not yet been researched, but Smith et al. (2006)
has considered two hypotheses: one-year or 2–3 years
life cycle.
8.2.1. Stock identification, catches and effort, fishing
methods and fleet, duration of fishing period,
stock assessment and economic importance
As mentioned above, E. magnificus is not well
researched. In particular, there is lack of information
about detailed distribution, abundance, biomass and
production of this species. It is relatively widely
distributed in the region, with the possibility of some
geographic disjunction. Trawl and trap catches suggest
a continuous distribution between Namibia and South
Africa, with the Marion Island population almost
certainly being separate. It is caught as bycatch by
trawl fisheries around southern African coasts at
depths ranging from 80 to 600 m. Reported landings
for years 1979–1997 were 65–115 t per year. In
addition, there is unreported bycatch in south coast
sole and lobster trap fisheries. Not much is known
about seasonality of these catches, nor their distribution. It is felt that it is more sparsely distributed that
O. vulgaris type III, but still worth an exploratory
effort, well controlled and properly documented.
The E. magnificus bycatch is so far sold to local and
international markets, mostly to North America and
Europe (Smith 1999; Oosthuizen 2003). There is lack
of information about value of these sales.
8.3. Other species
The species A. burryi is distributed mostly in the
western Atlantic, from North Carolina to northern
Brazil. It is small with 7 cm ML and a total length
(TL) of 25 cm, and occurs up to 200 m over bottoms
of sand, broken coral and shells. Not much is known
about its biology. The species P. tetracirrhus is distributed in the Mediterranean Sea and along western
African coast up to the Equator, at depths 25–720 m.
It is small (13 cm ML, TL 28 cm), occurs mainly over
muddy substrates. It may appear in demersal catches
in November and December. Both these species are
caught in small quantities throughout the region
(FAO Area 34).
9. West Indian Ocean
The West Indian Ocean (WIO) region, or FAO statistical area 51, includes the western part of the Indian
Ocean, the Red Sea, Persian Gulf, and Arabian Sea
(Gulf of Aden and Gulf of Oman). Octopus are an
important resource for coastal communities throughout the region (Rocliffe and Harris 2016). According
to the FAO, 1,397 t of octopus was caught in this
region in 1990, increasing to 2,517 t in 2015, contributing 0.75% to global octopus production.
9.1. Southwest Indian Ocean
9.1.1. Octopus cyanea
This species, commonly known as the “big blue
octopus” or “Day octopus,” is distributed throughout
the Indo-Pacific region, from the African coast in the
east to the Hawaiian Islands in the west; and as far
north as the Gulf of Aden and the Red and Arabian
Seas. It is an important part of coral reef communities
(Yarnall 1969) throughout the tropical Indo-pacific.
Although generally inhabiting reef flats, mature
females move into deeper subtidal waters to spawn
(Oosthuizen and Smale 2003; Smale and Buchan 1981;
Whitaker et al. 1991), cementing clusters of
150,000–700,000 eggs to a surface and brooding them
until they hatch (Van Heukelem 1976). The larvae are
planktonic, remaining in the water column for 1 to 2
months before settlement (Raberinary and Benbow
2012) and adoption of the benthic lifestyle of the
juvenile and adult stages. It is thought that dispersal
during the planktonic phase is wide ranging, with larvae traveling up to several hundred kilometers in
ocean currents (Murphy et al. 2002; Casu et al. 2002).
Females tend to mature at a larger size than males,
for example off southwest Madagascar 50% maturity
of female and male O. cyanea occurred at 2,246g and
643 g respectively (Raberinary and Benbow 2012).
Although this same trend was seen off the coast of
Tanzania, O. cyanea here appear to mature at an overall smaller size (600 g for females and 320 g for males,
Guard and Mgaya 2002). Rabineray and Benbow
(2012) report maturity variance differed greatly
between the male and female weight frequency distributions, with males being consistently mature by
643 g whereas the weight at maturity for females varied to such an extent that BW cannot be used as a
proxy for maturity in females.
Although likely to spawn all year round as suggested by data collected off southwest Madagascar
(Raberinary and Benbow 2012), peak spawning and
brooding periods have been recorded in Rodrigues
and Tanzania. In Rodrigues, peak spawning occurs
from November to December (JT Genave unpublished
data, as cited in Sauer et al. 2011); and in Tanzania in
June with a smaller peak in December (Guard and
Mgaya 2002).
9.1.2. Octopus vulgaris
This species is widely distributed in the SWIO and is
commonly caught along with O. cyanea, although in
smaller numbers (Rocliffe and Harris 2016). Being so
widely distributed, it is one the most well studied
cephalopod species in the world (Mangold 1997) and
aspects of the biology of this species have been investigated in a number of regions. There appears to be
no published studies specific to it life cycle and reproductive biology in the SWIO region, however.
9.1.3. Stock identification
Although it is likely that paralarval dispersal contributes to the maintenance and replenishment of octopus
stocks at a regional level (Raberinary and Benbow
2012), it is not yet known whether O. cyanea populations in the SWIO are self-sustaining in the supply of
new larval recruits or whether the larval supply travels
large distances, e.g., from an up current location
(Benbow and Harris 2011; Gough et al. 2009). In
order to identify genetic linkages, the genetic analyses
of octopus throughout the western Indian Ocean
region has been noted as an important focus of future
research (Benbow and Harris 2011). According to
morphological and genetic analysis, O. vulgaris specimens from the St. Paul and Amsterdam Islands in the
southern Indian Ocean match O. vulgaris sensu stricto
from the Mediterranean (Guerra et al. 2010).
9.1.4. Fisheries
Although for centuries octopus in the SWIO were originally caught for barter and subsistence, the establishment of foreign-owned collection companies has
transformed these fisheries into valuable commercial
fisheries (Rocliffe and Harris 2016). This is particularly true for Madagascar, Kenya and Tanzania, which
are the largest exporters of octopus in the SWIO
(Rocliffe and Harris 2016). Throughout much of the
WIO, octopus are caught by either walking along the
lower reaches of intertidal reef flats at low tide in
search of octopus dens (small holes, often marked by
small piles of stones and discarded shells) known as
gleaning; or by snorkeling or diving along the reef
edge. Once a den has been located, the octopus is
removed using spears, harpoons or steel rods and
killed. Both gleaning and diving are the common
fishing method used in Kenya, Madagascar,
Mozambique, Rodrigues, Seychelles, Tanzania and
Zanzibar (Rocliffe and Harris 2016). Gleaning is the
primary fishing method used in the Comoros (Rocliffe
and Harris 2016). Although in some regions of the
SWIO this was traditionally a fishery dominated by
women and children, the increased demand for the
product on the international market and the greater
income opportunities has increased male participation
(Guard and Mgaya 2002). Some 1,400 and 7,313 fishers participate in the octopus fisheries of Rodrigues
and Zanzibar respectively (Rocliffe and Harris 2016).
In Kenya and Madagascar an estimated 6,500 and
>40,000 fishers, respectively, participate in the artisanal fishing sector (Rocliffe and Harris 2016) which
targets octopus amongst other commercially valuable species.
9.1.5. Catches/landings
The Day octopus O. cyanea makes up the majority
percentage of octopus catch in Madagascar, Reunion,
Tanzania, Zanzibar, Kenya, Mozambique and
Rodriguez. The species O. vulgaris is also commonly
caught, although in much smaller numbers and often
only constituting a small percentage of overall octopus
catch. Seychelle catches differ in that the primary species caught is O. vulgaris (IOC 2014). The two species
A. aegina and Cistopus indicus (Ferussac and
d’Orbigny, 1835) are also present in catches from
Mozambique (Rocliffe and Harris 2016). Octopus
catch data for Tanzania and Zanzibar (combined),
Mauritius, Kenya, Reunion, Mozambique, Seychelles
and South Africa has been sourced from the FAO
Global Capture Production database (1950–2015). As
data for Madagascar is unavailable, octopus export
data sourced from the Comtrade Database (https:// is used as a conservative proxy for
catch data, following Rocliffe and Harris (2016). This
gives some indication of catch as generally in
Madagascar all octopus catch is sold (Barnes-Mauthe
et al. 2013) and an estimated 93% exported (Moreno
2011 as cited in Rocliffe and Harris 2016). The bulk
of octopus catch for the SWIO region is from
Madagascar, Tanzania and Zanzibar (Figure 32).
Catches appear to have increased substantially since
the early 2000s, from an average of 217 t (1990–2000)
to 1,087 t (2001–2015) in Madagascar; and 576 t
(1990–2002) to 1,241 t (2003–2015) in Tanzania and
Zanzibar. Reported catch for other SWIO countries
for the period 1990–2015 is small in comparison,
averaging at 324 t (Mauritius), 242 t (Kenya), 91 t
(Reunion), 53 t (Mozambique), 30 t (Seychelles) and
Figure 32. SWIO octopus catches for Madagascar, Tanzania
and other countries (Mauritius, Kenya, Reunion, Mozambique,
Seychelles and South Africa).
11 t (South Africa). Higher catches from Mauritius
and Kenya are responsible for the notable increase in
catches from the “Other countries” group observed in
recent years (Figure 32).
9.1.6. Fisheries management
Octopus fisheries in the SWIO are primarily managed
by locally imposed rotational closures (Madagascar
and Rodrigues) and/or seasonal closures (Madagascar
and Kenya), size limits which are often voluntary
(Comoros, Madagascar, Seychelles, Tanzania and
Zanzibar) and gear limits (Comoros). Tanzania and
Zanzibar have also implemented licensing of fishers.
9.1.7. Economic importance
Artisanal fishing for octopus is a highly important economic and subsistence activity for local coastal communities in the East African region (Guard and Mgaya
2002). In particular O. cyanea is of considerable commercial value to artisanal fisheries in coastal East Africa
and Western Indian Ocean island states (Raberinary
and Benbow 2012). Catches are generally sold through a
network of collectors which supply national and international export markets (L’Haridon 2006 as cited in
Raberinary and Benbow 2012). Both domestic and foreign-owned trading and collection companies now
operate throughout the region, and the top five buyers
of octopus originating from the WIO are Portugal,
Italy, France, Mauritius and Spain (Rocliffe and Harris
2016). According to Rocliffe and Harris (2016) an average of 3,224 t of octopus was exported per year between
2008 and 2012 from the western Indian Ocean, with an
average value of US$12.2 million per year. In southwest
Madagascar, octopus accounts for 60–70% of the value
of marine resources purchased by collection and export
companies (L’Haridon 2006 as cited in Raberinary and
Benbow 2012).
9.2. India
The West India Ocean (WIO) region of India includes
the Indian west Coast and the oceanic waters of
Lakshadweep Islands. Cephalopods are largely caught by
the commercial neritic trawl fisheries operating from the
Indian sub-continent, although a smaller subsistence
fishery also exists in the Lakshadweep Islands. Three
main species of commercial importance are primarily
caught by the trawl fishery, namely Amphioctopus
neglectus (Nateewathana and Norman, 1999) (Octopus
neglectus), Amphioctopus marginatus (Taki, 1964)
(Octopus marginatus/Octopus dollfusi) and C. indicus.
Apart from these major commercial species, A. aegina,
O. cyanea and other Octopus spp. are also landed sporadically (CMFRI 2012). The octopus resource contributes a relatively small contribution to the Indian
cephalopod landings, which has gradually increased over
the years. It contributes an average of only 7.3% to total
cephalopod production, ranging between 3.7–12.1% during 2007–2015 (Figure 33). Annual estimated octopus
landings ranged from 2,904 t in 2007 to a peak of 8,123
t during 2012 (Figure 33). The landings have leveled off
recently around an average production of 4,669 t during
2013–2015 (Figure 33).
9.2.1. Amphioctopus neglectus
The species A. neglectus is distributed from the waters of
the Andaman Sea, Gulf of Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam,
Taiwan and west to Kerala, in the southern part of India
(Norman et al. 2014). It is the most important octopus
species commercially exploited along the west coast of
India, and is caught at depths of 30 to 90 m. Generally
abundance is higher along the narrower shelf of the southwest coast. Males are more frequently caught in commercial fishing operations (Mohamed et al. 2009).
Commercially caught individuals were recorded to have a
ML range of 20 to 95 mm and a weight range of 8 to 190 g
(Kripa et al. 2000, Sundaram and Khan 2009, Mohamed
et al. 2009). Off the coast of India, males with mature
gonads were encountered in the trawling grounds
throughout the year suggesting year-round spawning.
Females in advanced maturation stages were more common in May, October, January. The smallest mature specimen in the exploited population measured about 30 mm
ML. while, fifty percent of the population matured at
35 mm ML (Mohamed et al. 2009). Genetic studies have
not been carried out for A. neglectus found along the
Figure 33. Cephalopod production on the west coast of India.
Data source: National Marine Fisheries Data Center of Central
Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, India.
Indian Coast. Considering the biology and distribution of
the species, the stock along the Indian coast is likely to be
a continuous single stock. Catches/landings. The A. neglectus fishery
started in early 1991, consequent to the shift from single-day fishing cruises to multi-day cruises by the
shrimp trawlers operating along the southwest coast.
Among the octopus landed, A. neglectus was the dominant species in the fishery contributing 82% to the total
octopus catch on southwest coast (Cochin Fisheries
Harbor, Kripa and Joseph 1995). The catch statistics do
not categorize the small fraction of Amphioctopus rex
(Nateewathana and Norman, 1999) caught in the A.
neglectus fishery. Most of the octopuses caught along
the coast are fished by multi-day trawlers. In preference
to larger octopus, A. neglectus are caught and preserved,
as their small size makes them an ideal product to be
sold on the overseas market as “frozen baby octopus.”
The A. neglectus catch increased from 107 t in 1991
to 430 t in 1992, before declining to 27 t in 1993. The
fishery recovered in 1994, along with the growing
export market in EU, USA and south East Asia. In the
recent past (2007–2015), the average catch from the
coastal states of Kerala, Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra
and Gujarat, was estimated at 2,571 t. Landings reached
a maximum of 4,313 t in 2012, followed by the decline
in production since 2013. This species contributed
53.68% to the average octopus catch during this period,
with catches from the southwest portion of the coast
making up nearly 90% of total west coast catches. The
catch rate in multi-day trawl fishery varied from
0.09 kg/h in 2010 to 0.2 kg/h in 2012 and peak abundance was in August months (Figure 34). Fisheries/fishing methods/fleet. This octopus
is principally caught by bottom trawlers operating up
Figure 34. Estimated catch (2007–2015) of Amphioctopus
neglectus by season. Data source: National Marine Fisheries
Data Center of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute,
Kochi, India.
to 200 m deep (Kripa and Joseph 1995, Mohamed
et al. 2009). Catch and effort data from the west coast
suggests that there are two main fishing seasons,
a major season from August to October and a minor
season from March to May (Figure 34). Fishery management and stock assessment.
Mechanized fishing, including trawling is closed
during the southwest monsoon (June–September) for
a period of ranging from 47 days (June 15 to July 31)
to 61 days (starting from 1 June to 31 July). The
minimum cod-end mesh size of the trawler is regulated at 35 mm. Among these closed season and mesh
size regulations, the former regulation is very strictly
enforced, while compliance for the latter is poor. The
annual total mortality rates of A. neglectus stocks
exploited from Cochin Fisheries Harbor using the
length converted catch curve increased during
1997–2002 (CMFRI 2004, Project Report). The
exploitation rates indicated that the stocks were optimally exploited along the coast during 1997–2002.
Juvenile exploitation of fast growing and high value
species like cephalopods results in considerable economic loss, due to growth overfishing. A MLS was set
to protect juveniles, maintain spawning stocks and to
control the sizes of A. neglectus caught in trawl
fishery. The MLS for landing was set at 45 mm ML
(Mohamed et al. 2009).
9.2.2. Cistopus indicus
This is a shallow water subtidal species occurring
on soft sediment substrates up to depth of 50 m
(Norman et al. 2014). The species is reported from
South China Sea (Norman and Lu 2000); Hong Kong
(Norman and Hochberg 1994); Philippines (Norman
and Sweeney 1997); Thailand (Nateewathana 1997);
Celebes (Toll and Voss 1998) and is part of a species
complex under the genus Cistopus from India (Sreeja
et al. 2015). It is a relatively large octopus, typically
attaining sizes of 180–229 mm (Norman et al. 2014;
Sundaram and Deshmukh 2011). In Indian waters,
large sized specimens were reported in commercial
fishery landings during September.
It is largely piscivorous (Sundaram and Deshmukh
2011) with fish forming the majority of the diet in
both males and females. Prawns and cephalopods
were also found to form a significant component of
the diet. It appears crabs are only occasionally consumed. Diet analysis revealed that over half of males
and females analyzed had empty guts, with only 2%
having full stomachs. No differences in the feeding
habits of males and females were evident.
Males have been found to be dominant in the
commercial catches, with a skewed sex-ratio of 1:0.36
male:female. Also using commercial catch data, it was
found that 29.7% males were immature, 55.7% mature
and 14.6% gravid. Among females, 5.3% were
immature, 30.3% mature and 64.4% gravid. For trawl
caught C. indicus in the region, ML ranged between
20–229 mm, and between 15–40 mm for dol net
caught individuals. All females were mature above
130 mm ML. The size at 50% maturity for females
was reported at 82.7 mm ML. Ova diameter ranged
from 2 to 6 mm and the Gonadosomatic Index (GSI)
of females increased from October onwards, peaking
in March and thereafter declining till November, indicating a peak spawning period during March–May
(Sundaram and Deshmukh 2011). Stock identification. The stock management
of octopus is done at a regional level and genetics
studies have not been undertaken for the west coast
of India. Catches/landings. Since 1991, the 9 t of catch
reported exclusively from Cochin Fisheries Harbor
rose to 1,691 t reported in 2012 from the entire west
coast. The estimated annual catch by trawlers ranged
from 389 t to 1,655 t with an average value of 807 t
during the period 2007–2016. Trawlers contributed
85% of the average annual catch. Cistopus spp. catch
showed an increasing trend up to 2012, but decreased
thereafter. Annual catch rates varied between
0.018 kg/h in 2013 and 0.08 kg/h in 2012. Seasonal
trends show peaks in August and April. Catches are
relatively fairly distributed along the coast, with the
southwest region contributed 59% of the catches, and
the northwest 41%.
REVIEWS IN FISHERIES SCIENCE & AQUACULTURE Fisheries/fishing methods/fleet. Although
98% of Cistopus landed are caught by trawlers, incidental catches are also landed by other fishing vessels
operating in inshore waters such as non-motorized
crafts, mechanized as well as motorized out-board
dol (fixed bag-nets) netters, outboard gill netters and
out-board liners. Fishery management and stock assessment.
Mechanized fishing, including trawling is closed
during the southwest monsoon (June–September) for
a period of ranging from 47 days (June 15 to July 31)
to 61 days, starting from 1 June (midnight of May 31)
to 31 July. The minimum cod-end mesh size of the
trawler is regulated at 35 mm. The former regulation
is very strictly enforced, while compliance for the
latter is poor.
9.2.3. Other species
The species A. marginatus is distributed in tropical
continental waters of the Indian Ocean, from Durban,
South Africa, to Red Sea, India, south-east Asia,
Taiwan, Philippines and Japan, as well as east to
north-eastern Australia (Norman et al. 2014). It is the
second most abundant species in the Indian west
coast (21.7%). Nearly 87.6% of the catches were
caught from the southwest coast. This species tends to
be caught across the region throughout the year by
demersal trawlers, with peak landings during
August–October. Typically, the resource is distributed
at depth of about 30–40 m on the shelf. The ML of
the species landed at New Ferry Wharf ranged from
50 to 90 mm during December–March while larger
specimens up to 120 mm were observed during
April–May. Sarvesan (1969) made some observations
on the brooding behavior of this species. The contribution of the species in the octopus catch increased
from 6% in 1991–1992 (Kripa and Joseph 1995) to
21.72% during 2007–15 (NMFDC CMFRI, Kochi).
The Sand bird octopus, A. aegina, is distributed
in the Western Pacific, Indian Ocean, Red Sea and
Japan, and southwards to Mozambique. This species
formed 1.16% of the total octopus landed from the
southwest coast of India. Catch ranged between 53 t
in 2007 and 127 t in 2010, with an average annual
catch of 55.6 t during 2007–2015.
A major species reported from Lakshadweep
Islands is O. cyanea. Nearly 99% of the catch in
the recent past from Kavaratti and Agatti Islands was
comprised of this species (Aditi and Deepak 2015),
although earlier studies (Appukuttan et al.,1989)
reported the exploitation of O. vulgaris, O. cyanea and
A. neglectus. Appukuttan et al. (1989), has given a
detailed account of the fishing for octopus in
Lakshadweep Islands. They are caught during low
tide, with octopus burrows and crevices being easily
detected by the presence of loosely kept coral stones
and discarded freshly eaten crab shells at the entrances. In deeper waters, masks are used to search for
burrows. Long steel rods of 1–1.5 m in length are
used to remove the octopus. As soon as the animal is
caught, the mantle is turned inside out, known as
“turning the cap,” to remove the ink sac and alimentary canal. The annual yield from Kavaratti Islands,
estimated at 1.9 t in 1985 increased to 139 t during
2008–2009 with a CPUE of 0.52 kg/person/h (Aditi
and Deepak 2015). Catch rates in Agatti were higher
at 2.93 kg/person/h, resulting in higher catches estimated at 963 t. In Agatti Islands, there was substantial
increase in octopus catch in recent times from a meager production of 2.5 t in 1985 (Appukuttan et al.
1989). Since CMFRI and NMFDC does not collect
fishery statistics from Lakshadweep Islands, and since
there is no consolidated estimate of octopus catches
from the Lakshadweep Islands, an indirect estimation
of 300–350t per annum from ten Islands was made
based on the known catch rate range, number of
fishers and number of fishing days.
The species O. vulgaris is caught by dolnetters
operating at a depth of 14–16 m (Sundaram and
Sarang 2011). The octopus caught in dolnets are
generally alive. The species is observed in the fishery
almost throughout the year with a peak period
of abundance during January–April. The O. vulgaris
fishery of Lakshadweep Islands is mainly for selfconsumption and for use as bait in local tuna fishery
(Appukuttan et al. 1989), but statistics relating to
catches by species are not detailed.
9.2.4. Economic importance
There was no local demand for octopus, except in the
Lakshadweep Islands, hence octopus are mainly
exported. Previously, the entire catch was salted in the
harbor and sold at Rs. 5–10/kg. The wholesale market
price of Rs.3–5 per kg in 1991 (Kripa et al. 2000,
increased to Rs. 13/kg in 2001 (Sundaram and
Sarang 2004) and Rs.60/kg in 2008 (Sundaram 2010).
By 2013–15, the wholesale prices in the landing center
stabilized at Rs. 80–90/kg.
Today, octopus are taken to fish processing units
within 4 to 6 h of being landed, where they are processed.
About 10.7% (US $532 million) of the marine product
export earnings during 2013–2014 was from cephalopods, of which octopus contributed 3.65% (US $19.4
the potential development of fisheries of the Arab
states (Feidi 1998), the Gulf of Aden was noted as
being an underexploited fish-rich area, where crustaceans and cephalopods are available and could withstand further exploitation.
10. East Indian Ocean
Figure 35. Reported octopus catches for Yemen and Egypt.
million). They are processed as frozen blocks, individually quick frozen, individually frozen (blast frozen) and
cooked products. Nearly 26 different product styles are
exported to markets in European Union (47% by quantity), south-east Asia (36%), USA (7%), Japan (4%), middle east (2%) and others (4%). Recently, domestic
demand for octopus has emerged in isolated pockets
catering to the demand of Chinese restaurants in
Mumbai (Sundaram 2010). Octopus are chilled on board
the multi-day trawlers, often without grading. By the end
of the fishing cruise these are auctioned (unsorted) off at
fish landing centers. “Whole octopus” forms the maximum (53%) share of the octopus exported from India.
9.3. Other countries
Artisanal fisheries in both Egypt and Yemen target
octopus, amongst other valuable marine resources.
Octopus is considered one of the many key species
in the artisanal fisheries in Yemen, where artisanal
fishing accounts for over 90% of total marine production. An analysis of these key species and their
contribution in catch and value in 2012, indicated
cephalopods contributed 6.9% to total marine catch,
with octopus (6 t) making up a very small percentage (0.003%) of this (Alabsi and Komatsu 2014).
Although relatively high during 2003 to 2005 with
catches of up to 60 t, in the last decade catches have
averaged 4.4 t per year (Figure 35). Small-scale fishermen typically use small fiberglass boats (with outboard engines) of 7–16 m length, and larger wooden
boats (10–20 m), with inboard or outboard engines
(Alabsi and Komatsu 2014). Fishing is highly seasonal, controlled by monsoon winds and the availability of species, with fishermen often shifting
targets and gears when certain species are no longer
profitable (Alabsi and Komatsu 2014). Only reported
since 2012, catches from Egypt are higher, averaging
at 36 t per annum (Figure 35). Although no other
catch data for the region is available, in a report on
The east Indian Ocean region (FAO area 57) is for the
purpose of this review, defined as the waters between
Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu Southern India to Cape
Howe on the Victorian and New South Wales border in
Australia. The area encompasses the following countries:
India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand,
Malaysia, Indonesia, East Timor and Australia. Due to
available information, however, the focal points for this
paper are India, Thailand and Australia.
Octopus fisheries in the East Indian Ocean region
are a mixture of targeted and bycatch species, with a
broad range of fishing methods and catch rates. From
dugout canoes to mechanized vessels equipped with
the latest technology, octopus fishing fulfills: subsistence needs, niche and mass markets across the region.
Exploitation rates follow a similar pattern, with some
stocks potentially overfished, whilst others are at a
developmental phase. Regardless of exploitation rate,
method, gear or area within the region, a commonality in these fisheries is the need for further research
on the biology, ecology and population dynamics of
the harvested species, especially as octopus fishing
expands throughout the region over recent and coming decades.
10.1. India
Octopus fisheries have become increasingly important over the last decade due to surging export
demand to the United States and European countries. In the eighties and nineties, there was no specific demand for octopods within India except as a
bait fishery. Sundaram (2010) stated that octopods
were one of the least exploited species in India even
though they occur all along the Indian coastline and
surrounding islands. Octopus now, constitute 5.92%
of the total catch of cephalopods along the east coast
of India (Table 5). The predominant species landed
are A. marginatus, A. neglectus, A. aegina, O. cyanea
and C. indicus.
The first comprehensive checklist for cephalopods
of the east coast (Chennai coast) was published by
Table 5. Estimated total cephalopod and octopus landings (t)
in from the east coast of India during 2007–2015, with percentage of octopus landed per total cephalopods.
Cephalopods (t)
Octopus (t)
% Octopus
Data Source: National Marine Fisheries Data Center of Central Marine
Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, India.
Figure 36. Geographic regions of the east coast of India.
Jothinayagam (2007) comprising 10 species of octopods, of which three species have taxonomical issues
in current day classification. The Zoological Survey of
India in the same year published the fauna of the
Chennai coast, updating the cephalopod work of
Jothinayagam (Zoological Survey of India 2007). The
work of Silas et al., (1985) listed 38 octopus species in
the Indian waters with about 30 species reported in
the east coast of India (Table 5).
The east coast of India is divided into four biotic
provinces (Figure 36), namely the East Indian Coast,
the Coromandel Coast, the Andaman Islands and the
Nicobar Islands. Historical reports identify the island
areas of Andaman and Nicobar, Gulf of Mannar, and
Palk Bay as prime locations for octopus abundance
(Silas et al. 1985). The common names for octopus
vary in each state and union territory. In Tamil, octopus are called Pei Kanavai, Cha kanavai, Visha kanavai and baby kanavai; Ashtapadhi in Oriya and
Astopodi in Bengali.
10.1.1. Amphioctopus aegina
The Sandbird octopus, A. aegina, is distributed in the
coastal waters of Asia from 30–120 m depth.
Distribution in the East Indian Ocean is reported
from China and Taiwan), south to Malaysia and
Indonesia, west to at least Chennai, India (eastern
Indian coast) and from the Philippines (Norman et al.
2014). Consequent to the increased demand in octopus, the hitherto discarded octopus resources gained
significance in commercial quantities and this benthic
species was commonly found in the continental shelf
off Tamil Nadu and was recorded in Maharashtra
(western Indian coast) (Sundaram and Jadhav 2013).
Thus, extending the known geographical distribution
further from Chennai.
The Sandbird octopus is a common species of commercial importance caught in trawl nets in
Mandapam waters on the Palk Bay and the Gulf of
Mannar, southeast coast of India. The life cycle of A.
aegina was studied in the laboratory condition by
Promboon et al. (2011). Similar to other benthic octopus species, the life cycle of A. aegina has embryonic,
planktonic and settling phases. Laboratory studies
indicate that female octopus release eggs after 2–3
days of mating in the morning hours (Ignatius and
Srinivasan 2006). The egg capsules are spindle shaped
and whitish in color, measuring 3.18 ± 0.5 mm length
and 1.04 ± 0.07 mm width. The egg capsules are woven
together with a cement secreted by the oviducal gland
during laying. The number of eggs per cm of a string
(festoon) was 29–32. Females provide parental care,
where during brooding she continuously cleanses and
aerates her eggs. Embryonic development takes 18–20
days at 28 C. The ML of the newly hatched octopuses
is 3.07 ± 0.15 mm. Females die within 17 ± 8.6 days
after the eggs hatch, with males dying within a few
days after.
Dorsal mantle length (DML) for octopuses caught
in the commercial fishery ranges from 33 to 87 mm.
Gravid females with a DML range of 67–85 mm, typically have oocyte counts of 2,962 to 8,820 oocytes
(average ¼ 5,690 oocytes) (Ignatius 2005). Fecundity
is highly variable between different areas. Male A.
aegina attain maturity at approximately 40.8 g TW,
while mature females weigh closer to 78.8 g. This species spawns throughout the year with an increase in
males with mature stages at specific times of the year
(Ignatius et al. 2011a).
The TL at first maturity was documented as
7.17 cm for the females and 5.7cm for males. Four
maturation stages were recorded for females namely
immature, maturing, mature and spent, while two
maturation stages were recorded for males namely
mature and immature (based on the presence or
absence of spermatophores in the Needham’s sac).
The GSI values range from Stage I: 0.023–2.98; Stage
II: 3.71–5.89 and Stage III: 8.081–19. 39 for females.
In males, the mean GSI values were 1.76 ± 0.21
(immature) and 2.95 ± 0.69 (mature). Males had a
higher sex ratio during the sampling period
(1.71:1.00–October 2001 to September 2002) showing
a variation from the usually expected 1:1 ratio. The
study also reported higher number of males in all
months except June and July (2002). The results reveal
presence of mature females throughout the study with
a maximum percentage of mature ovaries recorded
during October, January and February. As for males,
more than 50% were found to be mature throughout
September–November and January–March.
Primary peak in spawning activity was reported to
occur during January–February followed by a second
peak in October (Ignatius 2005). The spawning season
coincided with the withdrawal and onset of the northeast monsoon where temperature falls below the normal average of 27 C. From the collected samples,
average oocytes per gram was estimated to be
488 ± 51.9 whereas the length of spermatophores in
males ranged from 2.7–3.8 mm (Ignatius 2005).
Laboratory studies reveal brooding females spent
most of the time in hides caring for festoons without
feeding for the entire period (Ignatius 2005).
The gut content analysis recorded fishes and crustacean as the main prey items.
10.1.2. Amphioctopus membranaceus
This octopus possesses the iridescent ringed ocellus
found in many ocellate Amphioctopus species. As one
of the first ocellate members of this genus to be
described and illustrated (showing the iridescent ring
within a dark ocellus), the name membranaceus has
been used widely for almost two centuries for many
Indo-West Pacific species of ocellate octopuses. As no
additional animals have been attributed to the original
species, it remains poorly known and defined but is
considered as valid as the type species (Norman et
al. 2014).
The webfoot octopus A. membranaceus is a common species found in the east coast of India. Rao and
Rao (2013) observed some aspects on the biology of
this species from Visakhapatnam coast, Andhra
Pradesh during 2008.
All the four aforementioned maturity stages were
observed in female A. membranaceus. Length and
weight at maturity was recorded as 22.5 cm in females,
with a minimum length of 20.0 cm for ripe females.
The sex ratio was 1.00:1.54 for males to females indicating a dominance of females during most part of
the study except in June, August and November
(2008–2009). Presence of higher maturing and mature
ovaries in September (2008) reveals the peak spawning
season for A. membranaceus. The estimated fecundity
for female A. membranaceus ranged from 20,432 to
62,324 oocytes with a mean of 32,569 ± 2,693.801
oocytes in the coastal waters of Visakhapatnam. The
gut content analysis recorded fishes and crustacean as
main prey items.
10.1.3. Other species
One of the species also caught on the east coast of
India is A. marginatus, however detailed biological
information on the species from this region is not
available except some preliminary observations on
parental care in A. marginatus (O. marginatus/O.
dollfusi) under captivity (Sarvesan 1969). The eggs
were laid in festoons and the female octopus brood
their eggs throughout the development period until
hatching occurs. The incubation period was reported
as two weeks. The hatchlings ranged in size between
3.3 and 3.8 mm ML. The species A. neglectus supports a commercial octopus fishery using bottom
trawl methods along the entire west coast of India.
Other species caught include C. indicus and O.
cyanae. The latter is of considerable commercial
value to artisanal fisheries in coastal waters of southeast coast of India (Tamil Nadu) and Andaman
Islands. The recent demand in export market has
resulted in renewed commercial exploitation of the
resource from the southeast region. Research on the
biology and life history of the species have not been
carried out from Indian waters.
10.1.4. Catches/landings
The total cephalopod landings across India remained
at very low production levels up to the early 1970s
and significantly increased above 200,000 t in 2013
(Sathianandan et al. 2014). A threefold increase in
octopus landings from the east coast of India was witnessed during 2015 with 6,755 t landed (Table 5).
Table 6. Octopus species composition (%) for different fishing gears along the east coast of India.
Gear type
Multi-day trawling (%)
Single-day trawling (%)
Hook and line (%)
Mean catch (t) 2007–2015
Mean octopus
catch (t)
Data source: National Marine Fisheries Data Center of Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi, India.
Species composition for different fishing gears demonstrated that the greatest quantity of octopus were
caught via trawling. The most dominant species
recorded during 2007–2015 across all gear types was
C. indicus (26%), O. cyanea (23%), A. marginatus
(20%), A. aegina (16%) and A. neglectus (14%)
(Table 6).
10.1.5. Fisheries
Historically, octopus were caught in specially designed
shell traps, exclusively for the bait, in hook and line
fisheries along the Palk Bay (Hornell 1917). These
traps were set using gastropod shells (30 shells per
line) fastened at 5 or 6 feet intervals along a rope.
Several ropes were tied end to end and laid in shallow
water overnight. Small octopus were reported to shelter in the cavities of the shells. Hundreds of these
shell-trap lines were in use along the weedy shallows
of Palk Bay (Ramanad coast of Tamil Nadu). A
smaller species of octopus locally called sangu kanavai
(Polypus) was largely caught in this bait fishery.
Another species of small octopus, Visha kanavai (literally “poisonous octopus”) was also occasionally caught
in shell traps in relatively less proportion (1–2%;
Hornell 1917).
Currently there is no specific gear type for large
scale commercial octopus fishing along the east coast
of India. Instead, octopuses are caught from the continental shelf in bottom trawl nets operated by mechanized trawlers. Traditional small scale fishing methods
still exists (Sundaram and Dias 2008) where trap setting, harpooning or poisoning of rock pools and bottom set gill netting is still practiced. Because of the
increasing economic value of the octopuses, they are
now being targeted in bottom trawls all along the
east coast.
Currently O. cyanea are caught by hook and line
operated in depth between 10 and 15 m in the coastal
waters (NMFDC CMFRI, Kochi). Almost the entire
octopus production from hook and line is considered
to be constituted by O. cyanea in the region. The seasonal peaks in landing in hook and line is during
October–January. Besides this, the species constitute
67% of the multi-species bottom trawl catch, that
undertake daily trips along the Tamil Nadu coast. An
annual average catch of 431 t was estimated from the
region during 2007–2015 (NMFDC CMFRI, Kochi).
Mechanized trawlers contribute to more than 50%
of annual fish landing in India totaling 1.4 million t
during 2013 along the east coast (Sathianandan et al.
2014). Trawlers were introduced during the 1950s as a
result of the Indo-Norwegian Project and have dominated the fishery in the country’s coastal waters since
then. Size varies from 11–20 m overall length and
varies from state to state. The trawl fishery contributes
88.4% of the octopus fisheries along the east coast of
India (Table 6).
Traditional country craft called “Vallams” are operated in the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay, to operate
bottom set gill nets. Octopods are caught as incidental
bycatch. A decade ago octopuses were discarded from
this fishery, now due to local and export demand they
are retained regardless of size or species.
Dugout canoes
The tribal community comprising Andamanese,
Nicobarese and Shompens use dugout canoes with
outriggers to venture into the sea. Spear fishing for
reef fishes and octopuses is often carried out using
this craft. The Nicobarese canoe is made from the
wood of a jackfruit tree and is called a “Hodi.” Length
of the canoes varies from 3 to 9 m, with a breath of
0.3 to 1 m. The arecanut tree is used to make the outrigger. Nowadays this particular craft is coated with
Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP).
Trawl nets
Different kind of trawl nets used in trawling process include conventional fish trawl, fish/shrimp trawl,
shrimp/fish trawl, one-boat fish trawl, two-boat fish
trawl and two-boat mid-water trawl. The cod end of
the nets varies with the fish being targeted. While
35 mm is the recommended mesh size for the codend, most trawl units use trawl nets below this size.
This gear is considered destructive because of the
damage it causes to the benthic environment.
Octopods are collected along with other cephalopods,
which are sorted, preserved in ice and brought ashore
to the landing centers for auction.
Gill nets
A variety of bottom set gill nets exist along the
south-east coast of India to target species like fishes,
crabs, lobsters, etc. The mesh size varies from
40–120 mm. Octopods are usually attracted to the
fishes and crabs that are usually entangled in this
gear, in order to feed on them and are incidentally
caught at the time of net retrieval.
Linrech/chok (Spears)
Spearing is a primitive traditional fishing method
popular among the Nicobarese for catching octopus.
The spear is locally made with iron rods to which a
string made of rubber is attached at the end
(Ravikumar et al. 2016). The spears are used to catch
octopus both in rocky areas as well as deep water
where snorkeling or skin diving is adopted. In the
case of deepwater fishing, to keep the spears buoyant
and for easy retrieval, bamboo or wooden sticks are
attached to the spears.
Fishing with light
Dried coconut leaves, dried bamboo leaves, etc. are
closely tied together, folded and lit to illuminate the
rock pools near the shore. This fishing method is carried out in Car Nicobar by the tribal population to
exploit the photoaxic behavior exhibited by octopuses
(Ravikumar et al. 2016). Besides dried coconut leaves,
other light sources like torches, lamps, etc. are
also used.
Poison fishing
The seeds of Barringtonia asiatica, commonly
called the “sea poison tree” (Locally called Kinyav) is
used as an Ichthyotoxic agent for poisoning species
trapped in rock pools during low tide. The seeds
collected from the wild are dried, powdered and
sprayed in the tidal pool. Sometimes wheat flour or
dust is used to make the water turbid (Ahmed et al.
2013) so as to frighten and poison the trapped fishes
or octopus. Shavings taken from the seeds are also
used as a poisoning agent. The shavings are dropped
in tide pools to immobilize octopus and
small fishes.
10.1.6. Fishery management and stock assessment
Ignatius et al. (2011b) studied the growth and mortality rates of A. aegina by applying length based
methods. The mortality rates were estimated at 5.68
for total mortality (Z), 3.02 for natural mortality
(M) and a fishing mortality (F) of 2.66. This study
pointed out that the maximum exploitable rate was
0.5730 against the exploitation rate of 0.47 during
October 2000 to December 2002. By applying
growth parameters, the estimated growth of A.
aegina was 7.45 cm DML at the end of first year and
9.34 cm at the end of the second year. The study
concluded that this species takes 1.5 years to attain
the observed length of 8.7 cm and requires more
than 36 months to reach asymptotic length of 10 cm,
with a life span of 3 years.
Octopus are exploited mainly in trawls and the
mechanized trawling is regulated along the east coast
of India through a seasonal ban for a period of 46
days (15 April to 31 May). There is no specific fishery management available for octopus in India. Most
research studies identify octopus as an untapped
resource. Besides, stock assessment of octopus species in the east coast of India are considered inadequate.
10.1.7. Economic importance
Octopod fishing has been part of the hunting process
for Nicobari tribes in the islands and is an important
seafood in their culture. There is no report of consumption of octopus from the north-east coast of
India like West Bengal and Odisha whereas, southern
Andhra fisher folk cook octopus meat just like squids
and cuttlefish. In the south-east coast, consumption of
octopods is common and popular among fishing communities. It is cooked either by boiling and making it
into a curry or dried and pickled. Hornell (1917)
explained how the fishermen processed the octopus
by turning the body inside out referred to as “turning
its cap,” forcing the visceral mass out. This was the
simplest of methods to degut and then the mantle
skin is removed clean. More recently, octopods are
gaining popularity in local restaurants and are served
as a delicacy.
Indian seafood exporters target octopus markets in
the United States and Europe. The demand for Indian
octopus has increased due to overexploited resources
in the West African countries like Morocco and
Mauritania (Krishnakumar 2014). Most of the products exported include octopus whole cleaned, octopus
frozen, octopus fresh chilled, octopus fresh – baby,
Individual Quick Freeze (IQF) octopus tentacles, IQF
whole cleaned octopus, other value added products
like IQF octopus cut and cooked (V cut) and frozen
octopus tray packs.
A sudden demand in the export of juvenile octopods weighing 10–100 g began in 2014 because of the
poor landings in Vietnam market (Krishnakumar
2014). Smaller octopus species, A. neglectus were
Figure 37. Total cephalopod catches (t) in Thai Waters during 1971–2013.
collected in large quantities from the west coast.
Juvenile octopuses collected from the east coast in
Palk Bay and Gulf of Mannar regions are transported
to processing units in Kerala (west coast of India) for
processing (IQF and block frozen) as “baby” octopus
for export. Presently, the export demand for baby
octopods is high especially in the southeast coast
of India.
10.1.8. Economic importance
Octopus are a non-conventional food in the domestic
seafood markets of India (Sarvesan 1974; Kripa et al.
2000). In Andaman and Nicobar Islands octopuses are
sought for being used as food and regular “octopus
hunting” is pursued. Their use as bait is widespread
in the south-eastern coast of India (Sarvesan 1974).
Fishermen traditionally dried and sold these octopuses
in the local market. Recently, development of new
lucrative export market for octopus has led to an
increase in the exploitation of this species and frozen
processing (Kripa et al. 2000).
10.2. Thailand and surrounds
The Gulf of Thailand, is an inlet of the South China
Sea in the Southwest Pacific Ocean. It is a semi-closed
sea and has an area of about 350,000 km2. The Gulf is
a shallow body of water with an average depth of
about 30–40 m and a maximum of 85 m. Another
sub-region is the East Andaman Sea, a part of the
East Indian Ocean along the western part of the
Thailand Peninsular, which covers the continental
shelf to about 95oE. Its average depth is about 200 m
with a maximum of more than 4,000 m. The currents
and water circulation in both areas are under the
influence of 2 annual monsoons; the Southwest
Monsoon and the Northeast Monsoon. The rainy season can last as long as 6 months in the upper part of
the Gulf and up to 8 months in the Thailand
Peninsular. Freshwater discharge from four major rivers in the upper-part of the Gulf and from many
small rivers on the Peninsula enriches the waters of
the Gulf with sediments and nutrients. As a result, the
salinity can fluctuate from freshwater of zero psu after
heavy rain and consequent floods in the upper-part to
33 psu in the middle of the Gulf. Conditions are more
stable in the Andaman Sea because of the greater volume of seawater and the lower volume of freshwater discharge.
The total economic-cephalopod yields of Thailand
comprise approximately 50% loliginid squids, 40%
sepiid cuttlefish and 10% octopus (Kittivorachate
1980; Supongpan 1995; Chotiyaputta et al. 2002).
Over the last four decades, from 1971–2013, the
annual yield of octopus in Thai waters varied between
700 t and 32,000 t (Figure 37) (DFO 2015). These
annual yields have constituted about 30 to 70% of the
total annual octopus yields of about 22,000–35,000 t
from the Southeast Asian region (FAO 2014). Other
countries that fish for octopus are Indonesia, Malaysia
and the Philippines with approximate annual yields of
about 1,300–11,000 t (FAO 2014). In Thailand,
various species of octopus are either locally consumed
or processed, on both a small and large scale, for
export in a variety of frozen and dried products.
Thailand is one of the world’s major exporters of
cephalopod products to overseas markets, especially to
Japan and the European Union.
The major species captured in this region by local
fishermen are all benthic species except the argonauts.
Ten species are recorded in Thai Waters
(Nabhitabhata et al. 2009, Nabhitabhata and
Nateewathana 2010; 2016), namely A. aegina,
Amphioctopus exannulatus (Norman, 1993), A. marginatus, A. neglectus, A. rex, Amphioctopus siamensis
(Nateewathana and Norman, 1999), Callistoctopus
luteus (Sasaki, 1929) (previously Octopus luteus), C.
indicus, O. cyanea and A. hians. There are no detailed
catch statistics of individual species, however, as all
catches are routinely mixed and roughly categorized
as (loliginid) squids, (sepiid) cuttlefish and octopus
according to the size of each individual on landing.
Moderate-sized species (e.g., Amphioctopus) are mixed
with juveniles of larger species (e.g., Cistopus). The
gear used for large scale fishing are mainly trawlers
(otter-board trawlers, paired trawlers). Any small species caught (e.g., A. hians) are discarded onboard as
trash fish or retained and later processed into fishmeal for aquaculture feed.
Artisanal octopus fishing is mainly done by trapping. Octopus trapping originated in the early years of
this millennium in the eastern Gulf of Thailand and
was soon widespread throughout the country (Srikum
and Somchanakit 2011). Based on yields and available
studies, only the marbled octopus, A. aegina
is described.
10.2.1. Amphioctopus aegina
This is the most abundant species both in the Gulf of
Thailand and in the East Andaman Sea. Previously
quoted in fishery statistics under the name O. dollfusi,
A. aegina has a ML of 20–100 mm (Nateewathana
1997, Norman and Hochberg 2005). The octopus is
solitary with crepuscular and homing behavior
(Promboon et al. 2011). Its habitat ranges in depth
from the intertidal zone to about 40 m and is most
abundant in 1.5–20 m depth on sand, muddy sand
and sandy mud substrates (Srikum and Somchanakit
2011, Petchkamnerd and Suppanirun 2014).
Petchkamnerd and Suppanirun (2014) determined
that the ML of mature females can range from 35 to
102 mm. Females generally reach first maturity at a
ML of 56.4–62.6 mm, which corresponds to the ML of
54.7 mm at the first mating observed in laboratory
(Promboon et al. 2011). Female fecundity is approximately 5,000 eggs (1,000–12,000) (Thitiwate 2003,
Petchkamnerd and Suppanirun 2014, Ratanakaminee
et al. 2014). The male to female sex ratio is 1:0.5–0.9,
depending on the locality (Phanichpong 1985,
Sukhsangchan 2011, Petchkamnerd and Suppanirun
2014, Ratanakaminee et al. 2014). On the basis of
mature female to total female ratio, reproduction is
considered to occur throughout the year with three
non-prominent peaks during February–March, August
and December (Petchkamnerd and Suppanirun 2014,
Ratanakaminee et al. 2014). GSI peaks are from
January to July in females (3.2–3.7) and February to
December in males (1.4–3.3) (Thitiwate 2003,
Ratanakamineeet al. 2014).
In the laboratory, the average number of eggs laid
by a single female is about 7,000 (Promboon et al.
2011). The egg capsules are about 3 mm long and
1 mm wide and take about 18 days to hatch at 30 C.
The hatchlings have a ML of 2.7 mm and are planktonic for 20–25 days before settling as benthic juveniles. The daily growth rate in the laboratory is
approximately 4% by length and 13% by weight
(Nabhitabhata 2014). Mating occurs at about 125 days
after hatching, when the male and female are 47.0 and
54.7 mm in ML, respectively. The life span of A.
aegina in captivity is about 200 days (Promboon
et al. 2011).
10.2.2. Stock identification
Age, growth and growth rate are determined from
length frequency data. Length frequency analysis is
based on von Bertalanffy growth model. Bhattacharya
method is generally used to separate normal distribution curves from the total distribution plot. The modal
progression analysis is consequently used to relate the
mean lengths of different cohorts and to estimate the
(Petchkamnerd and Suppanirun 2014). CPUE has
been estimated from the catch composition fished by
research vessels as a routine monitoring activity. The
MSY is estimated from Schaefer surplus production
models and Fox derivatives (Supongpan 1983, 1995;
Chotiyaputta et al. 2002).
10.2.3. Catches/landings
During the years 1971– the octopus yield annually
ranged from 700–32,000 t (DOF 2013), which represented about 10% (2–17%) of the total cephalopod
yield (60,000–188,000 t) from Thai waters (Figure 38).
From year to year, approximately 36–99% of the yield
has come from the Gulf of Thailand and 1–64% from
Figure 38. Total octopus catches (t) in the Gulf of Thailand and the East Andaman Sea during 1971–2013.
the East Andaman Sea (Figure 38). The potential yield
of octopus stock in Thai waters had been estimated at
about 7,000–11,500 t, with a corresponding optimum
fishing effort of 4.47 million standard hours
(Supongpan and Kongmuak 1981, Supongpan 1995,
Chotiyaputta et al. 2002). Supongpan (1995) and
Chotiyaputta et al. (2002) estimated that the MSY of
the octopus stock had already been reached by 1982.
Such estimates, however, were based on the overview
that octopus resources in Thai waters belonged to a
single homogeneous stock.
10.2.4. Fisheries
Octopus fisheries in Southeast Asian countries can be
categorized by the type of fishing gear used. Firstly,
for the small-scale or artisanal fisheries, commonly
used gears include gill net, small push net, hook and
line, cast net, traps, etc. (Ogawara et al. 1986; SlackSmith 2001). Fishing boats are non-powered or
equipped with an outboard engine (so called “long-tail
boats” in Thailand) or a small inboard engine.
Second, for the large scale or commercial fishing,
gears are of various types, including, otter-board
trawl, beam trawl and pair trawl, large push net and
large-scale octopus traps. All of the commercial fishing boats are powered with inboard engines and can
be classified according to length, as small (<14 m),
medium (14–18 m) or large (18–25 m and >25 m)
(DOF 1997).
At present, there are two major types of fishing
gear used to capture octopus in this region:
Trawl nets
Trawl nets comprise of beam trawls, otter-board
trawls and pair trawls. Most of the annual yield of
octopus in Thai waters is captured by trawlers. Trawl
netting can be operated all year round. Otter-board
trawl nets are used on small, medium and large fishing boats, fishing from inshore to offshore areas. The
catch rate is 0.7–0.9 1 of which octopus makes
up about 30% of the cephalopod catch composition
(Cholatharn 1980, Sinanuwong 1981). The annual
yield from otter-board trawlers alone is approximately
70–80% of the total octopus yield from all types of
fishing gear in this region (Supongpan and Kongmuak
1981, Supongpan 1983). Octopus caught by this kind
of trawling are mixed with other demersal organisms.
Beam trawling is operated mostly inshore by small to
medium size boats, but octopus are not the target species. Pair trawling by medium to large fishing boats is
operated offshore with a catch rate of 0.9–2.4 1:
about 10% of cephalopods are captured by this gear
type (Sinanuwong 1981; Supongpan 1983).
Octopus traps
Octopus traps are both an artisanal and a commercial fishing gear depending on the size of the boat and
number of traps. Commercial fishing uses larger boat
and consequently more traps (Petchkamnerd and
Suppanirun 2014). This fishing gear is highly efficient
due to the homing behavior of the octopus and has a
long history as Japanese octopus pots (Slack-Smith
2001). Octopus trapping is selected to be the detailed
focus hereafter, since the gear for this type of fishing
was originally designed specifically for and targeted
on octopus.
The octopus trapping emerged in about 2004 from
the eastern Gulf of Thailand and soon became an
important gear for octopus fisheries (Srikum and
Somchanakit 2011). The species A. aegina makes up
more than 90% of the octopus annually fished by
traps with a small amount of A. rex fished in some
seasons (Petchkamnerd and Suppanirun 2014). The
trap is a gastropod shell, noble volute Cymbiola nobilis, of about 100 mm in length and 25 mm in aperture
width. The apex of the shell is cut off and with a hole
bore in to the posterior for rope. This fishing gear is
colloquially called “Kung-King” from the sound of its
colliding shells make when the gear is being carried.
About 150–500 shells are tied to a line by polyethylene string of 3–5 mm diameter at 2–6 m intervals.
Intervals are increased when boats are equipped with
a mechanical winch and/or in localities with a good
yield. These shell-traps can last more than 10 years
(Srikum and Somchanakit 2011, Petchkamnerd and
Suppanirun 2014).
Considered a semi-passive gear, the trap line is laid
on the bottom substrate and equipped with floats for
positioning and flags for ownership. The fishing depth
varies from 1.5 to 18 m depending on the location
and size of the boat, the larger the boat, the deeper
the fishing. The trap lines are placed parallel to the
shoreline, with 150–5,000 traps in each track and a
distance of 20–200 m between lines (Srikum and
Suppanirun 2014).
Fishing boats of two sizes are used for octopus
trapping; the small boats (6–12 m length) can carry
600–15,000 traps and the large boats (12–22 m) with
inboard engines can carry up to 40,000 traps (Srikum
Suppanirun 2014). If more than 2,000 traps are used,
the boat is equipped with a mechanical winch.
Traps are left for 1–3 days before harvesting in
the early morning. Octopus trapping can be done all
year round in the central-west part of the Gulf of
Thailand (Petchkamnerd and Suppanirun 2014),
from November to May in the eastern Gulf, and
from April to October in the lower-west part of the
Gulf (Srikum and Somchanakit 2011). In the western
part of the Gulf, the fishing period for each month
is 7–8 days and in the eastern part 14–20 days.
Traps are cleaned every 2 or 3 months (Srikum and
Somchanakit 2011).
The species A. aegina accounts for 99–100% of
the yield from trapping and the remainder, less than
1%, is made up by A. rex (Nateewathana and
Norman, 1999). The species A. rex (40–50 mm ML)
can be trapped only in deeper waters, further from
the shoreline and only in some locations and certain
times of the year, i.e., July to October in the centralwest of the Gulf (Petchkamnerd and Suppanirun
2014). Yields are approximately 0.10 kg for 10 traps
(0.04–0.22 kg) with a peak in November–February
and April–August (Srikum and Somchanakit 2011,
Petchkamnerd and Suppanirun 2014). Statistics of
the total yield from octopus traps in the region is
still unknown.
The advantage of octopus trapping is its flexibility;
fishing can be started with a low investment for a
small number of traps which can be gradually
increased depending on success (Petchkamnerd and
Suppanirun 2014). The trap itself is easy to operate,
with fewer working hours and a longer duration of
materials compared to other gears (Srikum and
Somchanakit 2011). The price of the volute shell rapidly increased by more than 3-fold in eleven years
(2005–2016), however, from US$0.25 per piece to
US$0.83. Importing them from neighboring countries
has been a temporary solution. The fishermen have
tried to find substitutes. They have used the pieces of
PVC pipe (100–150 mm long), pieces of old automobile tyres (100–150 mm long), glass bottles
(80–140 mm long), and even shells of a freshwater
gastropod, Pomacea canaliculata (with a cement coat).
But, in the fishermen experience, their size and weight
are less appropriate (compared to volute shells), and
consequently have not gained favor (Petchkamnerd
and Suppanirun 2014). The artificial volute shells
made of resin-plastics are also tried, but their efficiency is currently unknown.
10.2.5. Fishery management and stock assessment
From the point of view of natural resource conservation, the advantage of octopus trapping is that mostly,
the full-grown stock is exploited and there is no fishing for a period of 10–21 days in each month which
allows for natural stock recruitment. But the disadvantage is that brooding females are also captured.
Petchkamnerd and Suppanirun (2014) reported that
34–98% of the total yield is comprised of individuals
with a ML of less than 62.6 mm, the size at first
maturity. Additionally, the increasing popularity of
octopus trapping is consequently reducing stocks of
the noble volute (C. nobilis).
A major threat is octopus trappers coming into
conflict with trawlers, gill netters, push netters and
clam-dredgers exploiting the same fishing grounds.
Traps are lost when they are in the line of a trawling
operation. The Notification of Changwat Surat
Thani (a local government authority) in 2011 is an
example of a resolution that has been settled in
some communities along the central-west coast of
the Gulf of Thailand based on the agreement of public and local stakeholders. It assigned limited zones
(zoning or spatial partitioning) for each type of fishing all the year round and limited the fishing periods for each type of fishing gear in the zone
Suppanirun 2014). Such measures not only reduce
conflicts, but also increase the chance of natural
stock recruitment. As well as the price of noble volute shells, another problem is the continuous
increase in the price of gasoline.
The Notification of Thailand’s Ministry of
Agriculture and Cooperatives issued in 1981 is a regulation prohibiting push netting and trawling within
3 km of the shoreline. Some local provincial governments have extended this limit to 5.4 km (3 nautical
miles). Zoning of Marine Protected Areas and Marine
National Parks as well as other zoning under different
names with similar purposes can also indirectly
enhance the stocks.
Resource management measures should include the
installation of artificial reefs in certain areas as sanctuaries from trawling. Another measure should be the
enhancement of aquaculture to restocking of A. aegina
and A. rex by seed production in hatcheries and consequent seed releasing, as has been previously carried
out by Thailand’s Department of Fisheries during
2000–2003, and in situ seed production similar to the
current “Squid Seed Bank” created by local communities in southern Thailand (Nabhitabhata and
Segawa 2014).
10.3. Australia
Australia currently has two dedicated octopus fisheries in the Eastern Indian Ocean region, the
Western Australian O. aff. tetricus fishery and the
Tasmanian O. pallidus fishery. Apart from these two
fisheries, the majority of octopus landed in Australia
are caught as bycatch in commercial lobster pot fisheries in Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria
and Tasmania. The primary octopus species landed
in this region in order of quantity, whether targeted
or bycatch, are: O. aff. tetricus (200 t), O. pallidus
(70 t) and Macroctopus maorum (Hutton, 1880)
(Octopus maorum) (40 t). Other species occasionally caught by commercial fishers include O. tetricus
in Tasmania, O. cyanea in Western Australia and
Octopus berrima (Stranks and Norman, 1992) in
South Australia and Tasmania. The Australian
domestic market has traditionally been slow to
embrace octopus, particularly in the fresh form.
Value added products (i.e., pickling), however, are
considered a delicacy and receive a premium price.
A gradual increase in demand has led to the exploration of new fishing grounds and the refinement of
fishing techniques and technology. Recreational fishing for octopus in Australia is at a relatively low
level in comparison to teleost species and has not
been fully quantified.
10.3.1. Octopus aff. tetricus
The Perth octopus O. aff. tetricus is a medium sized
species (max 4 kg), endemic to the south-west temperate waters of Australia, distributed from Shark Bay
(25.4744 S, 113.4878 E) in the north to the South
Australian border (31.67 S, 128.88 E). Previously
regarded as the same species as O. tetricus found on
the east coast of Australia and New Zealand, recent
research by Amor et al. (2014) identified O. aff. tetricus as a distinct species. Although, a new species
name is yet to be allocated, both O. aff. tetricus and
O. tetricus are closely related to the cosmopolitan O.
vulgaris species complex (Guerra et al. 2010; Amor
2011; Soledad Acosta-Jofre et al. 2012).
The documented depth range for O. aff. tetricus is
5–70 m, inhabiting rocky reefs, seagrass meadows and
sandy substrates (Edgar 1997; Norman and Reid
2000). Recent research has indicated that along the
west coast of Australia mature females may migrate to
offshore reefs to find appropriate shelters in which to
brood eggs, which are followed by mature males looking for mates (Leporati et al. 2015).
Maximum size for females is 4 kg, of which a
considerable proportion is contributed to reproductive
investment; males reach a maximum size of 2.5 kg.
A distinct increase in growth rate has been observed
with rising sea surface temperature (SST) up to 21 C,
which can then drop dramatically at >22 C. This
temperature limit is aligned with long-term SST data
for the geographic range of the species, and increased
mortality observed in tank reared juveniles when temperatures exceed 22 C (Leporati and Hart 2015; S.
Kolkovski pers. comm.).
Octopus aff. tetricus has a merobenthic (with
paralarval stage) life history strategy, laying 100,000
eggs that take 30 days to hatch (Joll 1976).
Hatchlings spend 50 days as paralarvae in the water
column before settling on the benthos (S. Kolkovski,
eastern boundary is near the Western Australian and
South Australian border. The existence of distinct
populations within Western Australian waters has not
been studied, yet given the broad expanse of the
coastline and considerably different oceanic conditions
between the west and south coast, it is considered
relevant to treat the two areas as distinct stocks for
management and research purposes.
Figure 39. Commercial catch (t) of octopus in Western
Australia since 1990. Catch is divided between the main sectors West Coast Rock Lobster Fishery (WCRLF), Cockburn
Sound Line and Pot Fishery (CSPLF), Developmental Octopus
Fishery (DOF) and other (bycatch from trawl and miscellaneous
pot fisheries). Taken from Hart et al. (2015).
pers. comm.). Maximum longevity for both genders
has been estimated at 1.5 year using stylet increment analysis (Leporati and Hart 2015). A semelparous species, average age at maturity is 12 months
for females and eight months for males. The O. aff.
tetricus population breeds throughout the year with
hatching pulses occurring every six months, during
periods of transitional temperatures (Leporati et al.
2015). The ability of females to mate prior to maturity and store sperm for up to 16 weeks, helps ensure
females can lay eggs when necessary, rather than
being completely bound by environmental cues
(Joll 1976).
Continual spawning throughout the year ensures
that two or more generations are present within the
population at any given time. Males mature on average 4.5 months earlier than females and continue to
mate with available females until death, providing
males with potentially a 12-month viable matingperiod. This gives males the opportunity to mate
with numerous mature and immature females during
their lives, thus enhancing the probability of reproductive success. Due to the later maturation of
females and their subsequent six-month spawning
window, however, the opportunity for males to mate
with the next generation is minimized (Leporati and
Hart 2015). Stock identification. The extent of O. aff.
tetricus eastern distribution is currently unknown due
to a lack of samples from the Great Australian Bight
region. In this instance, however, it is assumed the Catches/landings. The total catch of octopus in Western Australia is currently 204 t.
Landings primarily came from three fisheries: the
Developmental Octopus Fishery with 149 t, the West
Coast Rock Lobster Fishery with 14 t and the
Cockburn Sound Pot and Line Fishery with 39 t. An
additional 2 t has been estimated as recreational
catch (Hart et al. 2015). The Developmental Octopus
and Cockburn Sound fisheries both target octopus,
whereas the Lobster fishery lands octopus as byproduct (Figure 39). Fisheries/fishing methods. Commercial
octopus fishing in Western Australia was first investigated by Japanese scientists during 1979–1981, in
response to the high level of octopus predation and
bycatch in the Western Australian rock lobster fishery
(Joll 1977). During the 1980s, 90s and early 2000s the
rock lobster fishery landed the majority of O. aff. tetricus, peaking at 160 t in the early 2000s (Figure 39).
In response, targeted octopus fishing was reinvestigated and the developmental octopus fishery established in 2001. The primary gear type used during
this period and the following nine years was a plastic
shelter pot attached to a demersal longline. A light
open ended passive gear type, the shelter pots were
restricted to relatively protected and shallow waters
(<30 m) due to their tendency of being buried in
more high energy environments. This restriction prevented the broad exploration of the coastline and subsequently resulted in catch rates remaining around 30
t for several years. In 2010 the trigger trap was introduced to the fishery. Consisting of a rectangular pot
baited with a plastic crab connected to a tripwire that
triggers a trap door when grasped by an octopus. This
active gear type is set in blocks of three on a cradle
similar to those used for lobster pots. The result is a
significantly heavier gear type that can be easily
hauled by a lobster fishing vessel. These capabilities
led to the trigger trap being able to be set in all
regions and opening up the coastline for explorative
fishing. The impact of the trigger trap was
instantaneous with catches increasing to 170 t in the
first year of deployment.
The fishing power (i.e., CPUE relative to soak
period) of a single cradle of trigger traps is 30 times
that of a single shelter pot per annum. Shorter soak
periods for trigger traps are required due to the octopus being trapped inside. In addition, the catch composition of trigger traps is markedly different to
shelter pots, where triggers traps predominantly catch
large (>1 kg) mature males and shelter pots catch predominantly small (<1 kg) immature males and
females. The depth profile of where the two gear types
are generally deployed, also plays a part, where trigger
traps are mostly set in waters deeper than 25 m and
shelter pots primarily are set in water shallower than
25 m (Leporati et al. 2015).
The increased fishing efficiency of the trigger traps
and the ability to explore deeper waters has prompted
the exploration of 780 km of the western coastline of
Western Australia, with the 1,600 km southern coastline is only beginning to be considered. Fishery management and stock assessment. The O. aff. tetricus fishery is currently an
interim managed fishery. As a limited entry fishery,
effort control and spatial management are currently
used to manage effort and expansion. A formal stock
assessment has yet to be conducted for the fishery. Economic importance. Commercial octopus
fishing for O. aff. tetricus is still at a small scale relative to the potential of the stock (Hart et al. 2016).
Regardless, what is presently caught is value added
through processes such as pickling. The majority of
product landed is currently sold on the domestic market.
10.3.2. Octopus tetricus
The Gloomy octopus or common Sydney octopus
O. tetricus occurs along eastern Australia, from
southern Queensland to southern New South Wales
(Edgar 2000; Norman and Reid 2000). In recent
years, however, this species has extended its geographic distribution along the coast of Victoria and
around Flinders Island in north-eastern Tasmania
(Villanueva and Norman 2008; DPIPWE 2009;
Johnson et al. 2011; Edgar and Stuart-Smith 2014;
Robinson et al. 2015). It also occurs in northern
New Zealand, where it is classified under the name
Octopus gibbsi (Amor et al. 2014). A distinct species,
O. aff. tetricus, occurs in Western Australia (Amor
et al. 2014). The gloomy octopus’ depth range
extends from 0 to approximately 60 m in shallow
coastal waters and adjacent to rocky reefs (Jereb
et al. 2013), sea grass or muddy bottoms. Stock identification. A recent genetics study
using microsatellites on individuals from along eastern
Australia only, suggests that there are two subpopulations of O. tetricus along eastern Australia: One
subpopulation that is common along NSW, Victoria,
and Tasmania and a distinct subpopulation detected
off Tasmania (Ramos et al. 2018) Life history. The life history characteristics
of O. tetricus have only been examined from specimens collected during commercial fishing operations
at Flinders Island in north-eastern Tasmania. This
species has a planktonic paralarval stage; maximum
life span is estimated to be 11 months, with daily
instantaneous relative growth rates of 0.014 ± 0.0006
(mean ± s.e.). Maximum mantle weight (MW) is 210 g
and BW is 2.3 kg (Ramos et al. 2014). Mature females
with developing eggs are found throughout the year,
although greater numbers of mature females have
been observed during the austral summer and spring.
In contrast, mature males are observed all year round.
Females reach size and age at 50% maturity at 132 g
MW and 224 days, whilst males reach size and age at
50% maturity at 92 g MW and 188 days. Fecundity is
high with around 278,448 eggs ± 29,365 s.e. produced
(Ramos et al. 2015). Recruitment. Size or age at capture have not
been determined due to highly variable growth rates
in response to environmental variability within O.
tetricus, which is characteristic of cephalopod
populations. Fisheries. Along the east coast of mainland
Australia octopuses are caught throughout the year
using fish or prawn trawl nets in <100 m depth
(Nottage et al. 2007; Emery et al. 2014). In northern
New South Wales prawn trawls of 40 mm mesh size
are used, whereas the central and southern New South
Wales fisheries use fish trawls of 90 mm mesh size
(Nottage et al. 2007).
The species O. tetricus is a by-product species of
the small-scale O. pallidus fishery that operates off the
northern Tasmania coast. Only one operator currently
holds a license to fish for octopus in the fishery,
employing two vessels. Octopus are caught using
tetricus through time, however the majority of the
catch in 2015 was caught in the austral spring
(September to November).
It has been caught off north-east Flinders Island;
for instance, in 2015 the majority of catch (3.1 t) was
caught in this area. The remaining 0.4 t, however, was
caught in the middle of Bass Strait, halfway between
King and Flinders Islands. Estimated recreational
catch surveys in Tasmania do not differentiate
between octopus species so there are no accurate
records of O. tetricus recreational landings. Given O.
tetricus current spatial distribution, the impact of recreational fishing pressure is likely to be minimal.
Figure 40. Octopus tetricus landings per state in Australia from
2009 through 2016. There is no landing data for Queensland
and Victoria.
unbaited plastic pots of 10 cm high 10 cm width
30 cm long with a weight at the bottom of the posterior end. Approximately 500 pots are attached to a
demersal longline 3–4 km long that is set at variable
depths of 15–85 m (Leporati et al. 2009). Pots have
proven an effective method of capture, allowing the
fishery to rapidly expand production as octopuses use
them as refuges to hide and brood eggs. An ecological
risk assessment of the fishery conducted in 2012
considered the risk to O. tetricus from potting effort
negligible (Bell et al. 2016). Catches. In New South Wales, O. tetricus
usually comprises 20% of the commercial octopus
catch, although in some years it can be up to 40%
(Nottage et al. 2007; Rowling et al. 2010; Hall 2015).
Catches are higher from January through to May
(austral summer and autumn), with a peak in March.
The Estuary prawn trawl and Ocean trap and line
fisheries harvest the greatest quantities of O. tetricus
(Hall 2015). Prior to 2009, octopus landings were not
recorded at the species level in New South Wales
(Figure 40).
This species was recorded for the first time off eastern Flinders Island in north-eastern Tasmania in
2006. Octopuses landings were not recorded at a species level in Tasmania until 2010, therefore there is no
accurate information on O. tetricus landings from
2006 to 2009. Tasmanian O. tetricus catches since
2010 have been highly variable, ranging from just 2
kilograms in 2010 to 3.5 t in 2015, which constituted
less than 1% and 5% respectively of the total octopus
commercial catch from the fishery (Figure 40). There
appears to be no seasonal pattern to the catches of O. Fisheries management and stock assessment. The bycatch of O. tetricus in the Tasmanian
commercial O. pallidus fishery is regulated under the
Tasmanian (Scalefish) Rules 2015. The fishery is
managed through a combination of gear restrictions,
spatial controls and limited entry. The Tasmanian
octopus fishery is only allowed to operate in State
waters north of the line of latitude 41 South
(DPIPWE 2015a). Individual octopus pots cannot
exceed five liters in volume and fishers can only use
a maximum 10,000 pots, capped at 1,000 pots per
line. Octopus pots must be unbaited, without a
door, flap or other device that would restrict an
octopus from escaping from the pot and cannot be
used to take fish species other than octopus
(DPIPWE 2015a). Other commercial fishers are only
allowed to take maximum 100 kilograms of combined octopus species per day or be in possession of
no more than 100 kilograms of combined octopus
species at any point in time (i.e., on a single trip).
The recreational fishery has a bag limit of five combined species of octopus per day, with fishers not
able to possess more than ten octopuses at any point
in time (DPIPWE 2015b).
Octopuses do not represent a significant portion of
commercial and recreational fisheries in Queensland.
Hence, they are only reported as incidental catch at a
group level. The trawl fishery is permitted to retain
octopuses caught but they cannot be actively targeted.
The Ecological Risk Assessment for east Queensland
did not identify any significant risk to octopus species
from trawling (Pears et al. 2012). Economic importance. The Tasmanian
O. tetricus is a bycatch fishery that is sold frozen or
it is processed (e.g., pickling) and sold in the domestic
65 Stock identification. Stylet elemental analysis
and genetics (microsatellites) suggest that O. pallidus
populations are highly structured, forming distinct
subpopulations across small spatial scales (100s of
kms) (Doubleday et al. 2008a; Higgins et al. 2013).
Genetic differentiation among sub-populations follows
an isolation by distance model (i.e., the closer individuals are to each other the more genetically similar
they are), which is consistent with dispersal mediated
via benthic hatchlings and adults (Higgins et al. 2013).
Figure 41. Total catch of Octopus pallidus in Tasmanian waters
per licensing year during 2000–2016. Taken from Emery and
Hartmann (2016a).
10.3.3. Octopus pallidus
While currently placed within the generic genus
Octopus, the assignment of this species awaits major
revision (Reid 2016). The species O. pallidus, also
known as the pale octopus, is commonly found
throughout temperate inshore south-east Australian
waters (Stranks 1996; Reid 2016). It occurs on sandy
substrates up to 275 m, among sponges, seagrass, and
ascidians (Stranks 1988). A small holobenthic (without
paralarvae stage) species, O. pallidus reaches a maximum size of 1 kg, producing a small number of
eggs (400 to 800 per spawning event) that hatch into
large (20 mm), well-developed benthic hatchlings
(Leporati et al. 2008a). The maximum known age of
O. pallidus is 1.6 years based on stylet increment
analysis (Doubleday et al. 2006; Leporati et al. 2008b).
The species spawns all year round with peaks in late
summer/early autumn; time of maturation is largely
related to size, rather than age, with males maturing
at a smaller size (<250 g) than females (470 g).
Spawning occurs throughout the year with an optimal
period between late summer and early autumn
(Leporati et al. 2008a).
Growth rates for this species are highly variable,
both in the wild (1.32 to 6.9% BW/day) (Leporati
et al. 2008b) and in constant conditions in the laboratory (Semmens et al. 2011), with little relationship
between age and size. Modeled projections suggest
that wild immature O. pallidus comprise a mixture of
individuals displaying either exponential growth or
“two-phase” growth (i.e., rapid exponential growth
followed by a slower phase, best described by a power
function), with the proportion of each depending on
inherent growth capacities at the individual-level and
food availability (Andre et al. 2009). Catches/landings. The total catch of the O.
pallidus is currently 70 t per annum. The fishery is
comprised of two licenses operated by a single license
holder. The small scale of the fleet, expanse of potential fishing grounds and natural fluctuations in the
population, have produced considerable variation in
landings over the past 15 years (Figure 41) (Emery
and Hartmann 2016). Fisheries/fishing methods. It is the target
species for a pot fishery in the waters of Bass Strait in
Northern Tasmania. The fishery was established in
1981 following an observation by fishers of a high
prevalence of octopus in the stomach contents of
sharks caught in the southern shark fishery. The octopus fishery was gradually built during the ensuing
decades, with fishers exploring the waters of Bass
Strait, whilst refining gear types and fishing techniques. Octopus are caught in passive shelter pots 10 cm
high 10 cm width 30 cm long with a weight at
the bottom of the posterior end. Approximately 500
pots are set on demersal longlines 3–4 km in length at
depths of 18–85 m. The shelter pots are predominantly set on sand and silt substrates where they provide shelters in a structure poor environment. As a
result of the function of the pots as a shelter, the pots
predominantly catch mature females looking for a
shelter to brood their eggs (Leporati et al. 2009). Fishery management and stock assessment. In the O. pallidus fishery, operators are only
allowed to fish in State waters north of the line of latitude 41 South (DPIPWE 2015a). Individual octopus’
pots cannot exceed five liters in volume and fishers
can only use a maximum 10,000 pots, capped at 1,000
pots per line. Octopus pots must be unbaited, without
a door, flap or other device that would restrict an
octopus from escaping from the pot and cannot be
used to take fish species other than octopus
(DPIPWE 2015a).
W. H. H. SAUER ET AL. Economic importance. The O. pallidus fishery is small scale fishery that uses value adding (e.g.,
pickling) to service a mostly domestic market.
10.3.4. Macroctopus maorum
Geographic distribution of the Maori octopus,
M. maorum, includes the north and south Islands of
New Zealand, as well as southern Australia, from eastern Victoria to Perth (Western Australia) (Stranks
1988; O’Shea 1999; Norman and Reid 2000; Jereb
et al. 2013).
It is considered the largest octopus species in
Australasia with a body size up to 300 mm ML, TL to
1 m, and body mass of 10 kg (Norman and Read
2000). The species inhabits intertidal and subtidal
areas, from shallow waters to 300 m depth (O’Shea
1999). Adults mainly occur in soft-sediments, reef and
fringe habitats in New Zealand (Anderson 1999), and
earlier stages (newly settled and juveniles) can be
found in intertidal pools in Tasmania (Stranks 1988).
Whilst smaller individuals are more active during
night time, adults can forage during daylight (Reid
2016). Burrowing behavior has also been reported in
this species (Vafiadis 1998).
It is a selected feeder (Anderson 1999; Grubert
et al. 1999), with a specialization towards decapod
crustaceans, fish and bivalves (e.g., scallops)
(Anderson 1999; Grubert et al. 1999). Cannibalism is
conspicuous in this species (Grubert et al. 1999).
Additionally, M. maorum is an important within-trap
predator in the rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) fisheries
in South Australia (Brock and Ward 2004; Brice~
et al. 2015) and Tasmania (Harrington et al. 2006;
no et al. 2016). Octopus depredation is highly
variable at spatial and temporal scales, causing
important economic and ecological uncertainties for
the associated fisheries in south-eastern Australia
no et al. 2015). It is consumed by a diversity of
top predators, including sharks, large fishes, birds and
mammals (see Lalas 2009), although its trophic role
still needs further understanding.
The life span of M. maorum is unknown. Although
stylet increment analysis has been applied, it may not be
a feasible ageing method for M. maorum due to the soft,
gelatinous structure of their stylets (Doubleday et al.
2011). It appears to be a spring-summer spawner,
although a year-round mating and egg spawning strategy has been suggested in south-east Tasmania
(Grubert and Wadley 2000). Ovary weight and fecundity were not correlated with body weight (Grubert and
Wadley 2000). Potential fecundity can range from
56,000 to 232,000 eggs (Grubert and Wadley 2000). In
Figure 42. Annual catch of Macroctopus maorum between
2000 and 2015 in Tasmania.
captivity, females can spawn between 4,200 (Carrasco
2014) and 7,000 eggs (Batham 1957; Anderson 1999).
Eggs are attached individually (Anderson 1999), with
an intermediate egg size of 6.43 ± 0.21mm length,
1.45 ± 0.11 mm width and 6.41 ± 0.52 mg of BW
(Carrasco 2014). Embryonic development can take
approximately 2 months at 16–18 C in New Zealand
(Anderson 1999; Carrasco 2014), with an intermediate
paralarvae size (6.54 ± 0.39 mm TL and 7.46 ± 0.54 mg
TW) (Carrasco 2014). Hatchlings are fully planktonic,
with a unique chromatophore pattern (Anderson 1999;
Carrasco 2014). Stock identification. Although M. maorum
has a planktonic paralarval stage, genetic, morphometric and stylet chemistry data suggest that the species
has a complex population structure within southeast
Australia that is influenced by regional oceanographic
features (Doubleday et al. 2008a, 2009). Genetic
divergence was also observed between Australian and
New Zealand populations. This species aggregates in
large numbers (e.g., up to 70 individuals) in a shallow
narrow embayment in south-east Tasmania (Grubert
et al. 1999). Why this species aggregates is unknown,
but genetic and chemistry data suggest that individuals
originate from southwest Australia, with larval transport facilitated by the Zeehan Current (Doubleday et al.
2008b; Doubleday et al. 2009; Higgins et al. 2013). Catches/landings. Catches of M. maorum in
the O. pallidus fishery have been minimal, averaging
550 kilograms (kgs) over the last five years, with 343
kgs landed in 2015 (Emery and Hartman 2016). Catch
was higher in the scalefish fishery, averaging 2 t over
the last five years, with 1.5 t landed in 2015 (Emery
et al. 2016). Catch of octopus is undifferentiated at a
species level in the Tasmanian rock lobster fishery,
but M. maorum is considered to be the main octopus
caught in lobster pots (Harrington et al. 2006).
Consequently, “unspecified octopus” landings averaged 6 t over the last five years, with 4.2 t landed
in 2015 (Figure 42). Recreational fishing surveys
conducted in Tasmania estimate the landed catch of
unspecified octopus to be 1,443 individuals in 2012/13
(Lyle et al. 2014). Catch of undifferentiated octopus in
the South Australian marine scalefish fishery averaged
13.3 t over the last ten years, with 10.5 t landed
in 2015. Catch of undifferentiated octopus in the
Victorian rock lobster fishery averaged 2.9 t over the
last ten years, with 21.8 t landed in 2015. Fisheries/fishing methods. The species M.
maorum is landed as a byproduct species in various
Tasmanian commercial fisheries including: (i) the O.
pallidus fishery, which operates off the northern
Tasmanian coast; (ii) the southern rock lobster
(J. edwardsii) fishery, which operates State-wide and;
(iii) the scalefish fishery, which also operates Statewide but predominately on the south-east coast. It
may also be landed as a byproduct species in various
Victorian and South Australian fisheries, primarily in
the rock lobster and marine scalefish fisheries
The southern rock lobster has 312 licenses and
between 205 and 220 active vessels. The fishery utilizes baited pots no more than 1.25 m high x 1.25 m
width x 75 cm long, including at least three escape
gaps, one 5.7 cm high x 40 cm wide and the other two
5.7cm high x 20 cm wide (DPIPWE 2011). Vessels are
limited to the use of 50 pots, which are individually
set at depths of up to 100 m.
The scalefish fishery has 286 licenses, of which 123
were active in 2014. It is a multi-species and multigear fishery, incorporating various vessel types and
sizes. Examples of some gears used include: gillnet,
hook and line, longlines, spears, drop lines, squid jigs,
fish traps, purse seine nets, beach seine nets, dipnets
and Danish seine (Emery et al. 2016).
In the recreational fishery in Tasmania, M. maorum
are not a target but most likely to be caught during
fishing operations involving gillnet, pot or spear.
In the Victorian rock lobster fishery there are 118
licenses and baited pots are used to catch the southern
rock lobster (J. edwardsii) but also may opportunistically take octopus species, including M. maorum. The
pots are 1.2 m high by 1.5 wide x 1.5 m long, with at
least one entrance and escape gap. Vessels are limited
to 120 and 140 pots in the eastern and western zones
In the South Australian marine scalefish fishery,
there are over 60 species landed using 21 different
gears, including octopus traps. These traps cannot be
baited or have doors but may be of any size. Fishery management and stock assessment. There is no formal stock assessment currently
undertaken for M. maorum in Tasmania, South
Australia or Victoria.
Catches of M. maorum in both the Tasmanian commercial O. pallidus fishery and the scalefish fishery is
regulated under the Tasmanian (Scalefish) Rules 2015
and managed through a combination of gear restrictions, spatial controls and limited entry. There is a single quota management system in place to manage the
commercial take of banded morwong. In the scalefish
fishery, license holders are only allowed to take maximum 100 kilograms of combined octopus species per
day or be in possession of no more than 100 kg of combined octopus species at any point in time (i.e., on a single trip) (DPIPWE 2015a). They are also only allowed
to take a maximum of five combined octopus species
per day or be in possession of more than five combined
octopus species in Eaglehawk Bay (DPIPWE 2015a).
Catches of M. maorum in the Tasmanian southern
rock lobster fishery is regulated under the
Tasmanian (Rock Lobster) Rules 2011 and managed
through individual transferable quotas (ITQs) with
associated gear restrictions, minimum size limits,
limited entry and spatial/temporal closures. Under
these regulations, rock lobster license holders are
only allowed to take maximum 100 kilograms of
combined octopus species per day or be in possession of no more than 100 kilograms of combined
octopus species at any point in time (i.e., on a single
trip) (DPIPWE 2011).
The Tasmanian recreational fishery has a bag limit
of five combined species of octopus per day, with fishers not able to possess more than ten octopuses at
any point in time (DPIPWE 2015b).
There are no catch limits or regulations in the
Victorian rock lobster fishery relating to octopus. The
fishery itself is managed through individual transferable quotas (ITQs) with associated gear restrictions,
minimum size limits, limited entry and spatial/temporal closures (DPI 2009).
There are no catch limits in the South Australian
marine scalefish fishery relating to octopus but there
are some spatial closures in place. The fishery itself is
managed through a combination of input and output
controls, gear restrictions, limited entry and spatial/
temporal closures (PIRSA 2015).
Figure 43. Octopus dishes in China. (Image: XZ) (A) Octopus sinensis sashimi; (B) Cistopus chinensis boiled whole; (C) Cistopus chinensis fried whole. Economic importance. The economic
importance of M. maorum has not been quantified.
Sold primarily at fish markets for a niche market, the
typical price per kilogram is relatively low in comparison to many other forms of seafood and value added
products from other octopus species.
11. North-Western Pacific
The Northwest Pacific region (Area 61 as defined by
the FAO) is the western part of the Pacific Ocean
between 22 N and 52 N to the west of 175 W and
includes the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea, the Bohai
Sea, the Japan Sea, and the Okhotsk Sea, including the
coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula outside of the Bering
Sea and the island of Sakhalin. The coastlines of China,
Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula, Eastern Russia and the
Japanese Archipelago are in this region. Data for three
regions (China, South Korea and Taiwan) are available
mainly just for “octopus” and, apart from general catch
trends for octopus, few other details are available. These
countries are therefore considered first, followed by
brief introductions to Russia and Japan before discussion of individual species.
Figure 44. Cephalopod catch data (t) for China, 2003–2017
(data source: China Fishery Statistical Yearbook; does not
include data from Taiwan).
11.1. North-Western Pacific country overviews
Figure 45. Total annual landings of octopus (t) from the main
coastal provinces of China (2003–2017) (data source: China
Fishery Statistical Yearbook).
11.1.1. China
Octopus has been consumed in China since pre-historic times. Currently the most commercially valuable
species are O. sinensis, “O.” minor and A. fangsiao.
Octopus sinensis, the East Asian common octopus is
of major economic importance in the southern waters
of China, whilst “O.” minor and A. fangsiao are
important on the northern coast (Shandong and
Liaoning Provinces). Small catches of Cistopus chinensis, Cistopus taiwanicus and Amphioctopus ovulum are
landed in some provinces, such as Fujian, Guandong
and Guanxi. Species not treated in detail in this
review are not fished commercially or are present as
minor bycatch, and are included in catch statistics in
the miscellaneous category “octopus.”
Octopus sinensis, is the preferred species for charcoal grilling and “sashimi” (Figure 43A). Species of
small mantle size such as A. fangsiao, A. aegina, A.
ovulum and young C. chinensis are typically boiled or
fried whole (Figure 43B, C).
Prior to 1987, China reported no octopus production figures to the FAO, and between 1987 and 2003,
figures reported to FAO were only the annual catches
from the west coast of Africa (O. vulgaris) and did
not exceed 7,500 t (Jereb et al. 2013). The reported
annual catch (available since 2003; Figure 44) appears
to be fairly stable at just over 100,000 t, with
Shandong and Zhejiang Provinces each recording
landings of more than 20,000 t; followed by
Guangdong Province. The two species A. fangsiao and
‘O.’ minor are the main octopus species landed in
Shandong Province, and O. sinensis in the Zhejiang
Province. As a proportion of total cephalopod catches,
the annual catch of octopus has risen to almost 20%
in recent years (Figure 46).
Figure 46. The ratio of catch for squid, cuttlefish and octopus
in the Chinese coastal fishery.
69 Exports and imports to China. Reflecting
the fact that the Chinese seafood trade is the largest
in the world, China octopus catch accounts for almost
half the global octopus catch (e.g. the 126,000 t taken
in 2011 was 41% of the world’s total). In 2009, the
export quantity of raw octopus in China was 13,358 t
with an economic value of US $4,480.5 million. The
export quantity of processed octopus was 38,662 t
with an economic value of US $15,892 million (data
source: FAO 2013).
A significant amount of octopus is also
exported from China: 67,908 t in 2017, 11 times
greater than imports 5,873 t (Figure 47). Among
imports, frozen octopus accounts for the largest proportion (95.9% and 97.7% respectively in 2017 and
2018; Fig. 47). Species distribution in China. The main
commercial species are listed in Table 7, the most
important of which are O. sinensis, “O.” minor and A.
fangsiao (Figure 48). All three are abundant, widely distributed and consequently important economically. In
the markets they are often sold mixed as just ‘octopus’
(‘zhangyu’ in Chinese) and occasionally include O. cyanea and C. luteus.
Figure 47. Exports and Imports of octopus in China in 2017 and 2018 (data source: Chinese Customs web site).
Table 7. Economic octopus species along the coastal waters of mainland of China.
Bohai Sea
Yellow Sea
East China Sea
Taiwan Strait
South China Sea
Beibu Bay
Amphioctopus fangsiao
Amphioctopus ovulum
Amphioctopus aegina
Amphioctopus kagoshimensis
Amphioctopus marginatus
Cistopus chinensis
Cistopus taiwanicus
Callistoctopus luteus
“Octopus” minor
Octopus sinensis
Figure 48. Chinese species of octopus (image: XZ). A, Octopus sinensis; B, ‘Octopus’ minor; and C, Amphioctopus fangsiao. Identification. A number of guides for
Chinese cephalopods have been published which
include octopuses, notably Lu (1998). Supplementary
identification sources include Lu et al. (2012), Zheng
et al. (2012, 2013) and Lu and Chung (2017). As with
many octopus species, once dead they can be very difficult to distinguish. “Muzhuzhang” usually refers to
O. sinensis. ‘Duantuishao’ or ‘fangshao’ usually refers
to A. fangsiao, but also includes other species of
Amphioctopus. “Luanshao” is considered to be A. ovulum, but found to include at least two other species
(A. rex and A. neglectus) based on morphological
identification and DNA barcoding (Tang, 2018). Fisheries management. Fishing activity off
the coast of China is strictly regulated by implementation of the Fisheries Law of the People’s Republic
of China, which was issued by the State Council in
1986. In view of overfishing and the severe decline of
coastal fishery resources, the fishery administration
at all levels strictly enforced the fishing license system and strengthened fishing management by establishing a protection system for aquatic resources,
increasing protection for young fish, improving
closed fishing zones and closed fishing season systems, prohibiting or restricting fishing gear and
methods, using minimum mesh sizes and other
measures to protect fishery resources. Conservation
and management regulations for fisheries resources
within territorial waters, including octopus, are
developed and established by local (city or county)
and state governments and ministries. For example,
in order to better protect “O.” minor juveniles, the
Ministry of Agriculture approved the establishment
of a National conservation area for aqua-germplasm
resources for “O.” minor in Moon Lake in Shandong
Province in December 2012. A series of local standards were issued and implemented between 2013 and
2018. To date a total of 2.3 million reared young
octopuses have been released in the coastal waters of
Shandong. The resulting harvest of ‘O.’ minor in
Moon Lake and the adjacent sea has increased by a
mean of 10.5% year on year over the last nine years;
a remarkable recovery.
11.1.2. Korea
The governmental organization Statistics Korea compiles and distributes all statistics for the Republic of
Figure 49. Annual landings of octopus off Korea (data source:
Statistics Korea).
Korea (South Korea), fisheries statistics, and is the
source of all information in this section1. Landings of
octopus for the period 1970–2015 were obtained, subdivided according to whether the fisheries source was
“adjacent waters” or “distant waters” (Figure 49). No
species categories are recognized, the statistics being
for the blanket term “common octopus” only. This
presumably includes the same species as are fished on
the Japanese side of the Japan Sea, as deduced from
Korean studies on O. sinensis, “O.” minor, A. fangsiao
and “Octopus” longispadiceus (Sasaki, 1917); as the
respective synonyms O. vulgaris, O. minor, Octopus
ocellatus and “O.” longispadiceus (Yamamoto 1942b;
Chang and Kim 2003; Kim, et al. 2008; Kang et al.
2009; Son et al. 2015; Kim, Yang, and Lee 2016).
Chikuni (1985) notes that “O.” conispadiceus is captured in northern Korean waters, and Yamamoto
(1942a) identified E. dofleini from waters off the
Korean coast.
Interestingly, the data appear to show a fluctuating
but clearly marked decline in octopus fished in
“distant-waters” between 1970 and 1990, reaching
insignificant proportions between the late 1980s and
the present; replaced by a general increase in
“adjacent-waters” landings (Figure 49). The reasons
for this are unclear (direct enquiries to Statistics
Korea and the Korea Overseas Fisheries Association)
although the rise in catches from local Korean waters
has been attributed to continuous increases in fishing
efficiency (Chikuni 1985). The total octopus catch in
recent years has declined to less than 10,000 t and is
about half what it was in peak years in the late 1970s
and early 1980s, when it briefly exceeded 20,000 t.
The major types of gear employed are traps, pots,
and jigging with hand-operated lures composed of
several hooks attached to a central object.
Obtained as a brief answer to questions asked in an official application
to the Civil Petition Office of Statistics Korea: Petition 1AA-1605-134269
made by IGG to
[email protected] on 23 May, 2016
Figure 50. Annual production for all fisheries in comparison
with catches of distant-water squid and other cephalopods.
Table 8. Octopus species fished from the seas around Taiwan.
Octopus sinensis
Octopus cyanea
Octopus minor
Amphioctopus aegina
Amphioctopus exannulatus
Amphioctopus fangsiao
Amphioctopus kagoshimensis
Amphioctopus marginatus
Callistoctopus luteus
Callistoctopus ornatus
Cistopus taiwanicus
Scaeurgus patagiatus
Enteroctopus sp.
Off North
Off South
Octopus is eaten parboiled, as sushi, stir-fried and in
various kinds of stew. Par-boiled octopus is an important symbolic offering at wedding parties, especially for
the communities of Gangwon and Gyeonsangbu islands
(fide Statistics Korea, pers. comm. to IGG).
11.1.3. Taiwan
Typical of many countries, cephalopod catches off
Taiwan are relatively small compared to the total catch
for all fisheries, but nevertheless significant (Figure 50).
As with China and Korea, octopus fisheries production data for Taiwan are recorded under a single
category “octopus” although at least 13 species have
been collected and described from local fish markets
(Lu 1998; Lu and Chung 2017), most of which are
captured at all three major fishing areas (Table 8).
Octopus landings are a minor part of the total
cephalopods fished off Taiwan (Figure 51). Annual
cephalopod production is dominated by the distantwater squid jigging fishery, which has accounted for
more than 70% of cephalopod production and
Figure 53. Annual landings of octopus in Russia, based on
FAO statistics for 1992–2016 (
Figure 51. Comparison of octopus annual landings versus
catch data for other cephalopods (excluding distant-water
squid catches).
Figure 52. Annual production value of Taiwan fisheries for distant-water squid and locally-caught cephalopods in comparison
with total fisheries production. Exchange rate approx. 30 New
Taiwan Dollars ($NTD) to 1 $US (USD).
fisheries value since 1984 (Figure 52). Between 1959 and
2014 the annual cephalopod production for the neritic
and coastal fisheries off Taiwan ranged from 2,300 t in
1960 to 25,000 t in 1982, with a mean of 5,600 t for the
years 2005–2014 (Figure 51). For the same period, the
annual octopus production ranged from 1.5 t in 2011 to
1,500 t in 1982. It was 20–30 t in the 1960s, increased
during the 1970s, with a mean of 87 t for the years
2005–2014, accounting for 2% of local cephalopod production (Figure 51). Octopus production in recent years
has dwindled and in 2014 was only 130 t. Conservation and management measures.
All fishing vessels are required to operate under a
license to fish in the waters around Taiwan. Trawling
has been prohibited within 3 nautical miles around
Taiwan since 1999. Conservation and management regulations for fisheries resources, including octopus,
within territorial waters are developed and established
by local (city or county) and/or central governments
(Fisheries Agencies) in Taiwan. For example, Peng-Hu
county government announced a ban on harvesting an
endemic octopus species for 45 days (from 29 March to
12 April) which has been in force since 2015.
11.1.4. Russia
The total commercial catch (targeted catch and
bycatch) for octopus in the Russian EEZ shows significant annual variability, based on data submitted to
the FAO beginning from the early 1990s (Figure 53).
The annual catch reached its highest peak of 317 t in
1995, with subsequent smaller peaks, each of about
200 t, in 2003 and 2005, after which landings in
Russia have been very low, at less than 30 t in 2015.
Catch statistics for specialized octopus trap fisheries
in different geographic regions within the Russian
EEZ are available from early this century (Figure 54).
Annual catches of octopus in these specialized traps
have fluctuated widely, and were at first much higher
in the Pacific Ocean off the South Kuril Islands, but
recently most of the harvest has been from the northwestern Japan Sea.
Considering all types of gear that catch octopus as
a target, with octopus exceeding 50% of the total catch
of all bottom species, the highest annual catches of
the early 2000s were not accompanied by the highest
catches per unit effort (CPUE), which were reported
from fisheries off the South Kuril Islands (up to 5.6 t
per day per vessel). Fisheries using specialized traps
usually did not yield high CPUE values but they were
consistent, unlike the high annual fluctuations seen in
the total catch.
Figure 54. Annual landings of trap-caught octopus off different areas of eastern Russia.
Figure 55. Annual landings of octopus off Primorye in the
northwestern Japan Sea.
The octopuses presently fished in the Russian far
eastern seas are primarily from the northwestern Japan
Sea and comprise mostly two targeted species: E.
dofleini and “O.” conispadiceus, both cold-water species.
Unfortunately, prior to 2009, fishing companies did not
specify target species in their reports, and only in the
last three years have these two species been identified
in statistics for the specialized octopus fishery of
Primorye (Figure 55). In this region, the annual
commercial harvest of octopus increased rapidly to 30 t
in 2009, reached a maximum of 44 t in 2013, and
subsequently decreased to 23 t in 2016. The share of
the catch of E. dofleini has tended to increase, which
could be attributable to the fact that, in the last three
years, 75–94% of all octopuses were harvested from
rocky substrate off the southern part of Primorye.
11.1.5. Japan
Consumption of octopus has occurred throughout
Japan since pre-historic times. In recent times though,
the more abundant squid are generally the most
popular cephalopod seafood item, particularly with the
modern advances in efficient capture last century using
vessels carrying multiple automated jigging machines.
The most valuable octopus commodities in Japan are
E. dofleini (with “O.” conispadiceus), O. sinensis and A.
fangsiao. Landings of small amounts of “O.” longispadiceus and “O.” minor in some prefectures are also
Figure 56. Annual catch of octopus off Japan since records
began in 1894 (data source: Japan eStats national fishery data
by catch group category “tako-rui”).
Figure 57. Consumption of octopus in Japan. Domestic
fisheries production and imports of octopus during the early
part of the 21st Century (data source: Japan Customs web site;
see Appendix A). At least half of the imports are attributable
to Octopus vulgaris, which is closely related to the East
Asian endemic, O. sinensis. Note that a significant part of the
fisheries catch for Japan is Enteroctopus dofleini (GPO) and “O.”
conispadiceus. Octopus sinensis is a (large) component of the
domestic category “other octopus species.”
discussed below. Species not treated in detail in this
review (e.g., some of those listed in Table 9; see also
Appendix B) are not fished commercially or are
present as minor bycatch and are included in catch
statistics in the miscellaneous category “octopus.”
The Japanese fast-food item known locally as
“takoyaki” (grilled dough balls filled with a piece of
octopus meat) has shown a dramatic rise in popularity
this century, with restaurants opening in many
countries world wide (Hotland plc, for example, now
has branches in China, Hong Kong, South Korea,
Malaysia, Taiwan and Thailand; advertising literature
and K. Matsubara, pers. comm. to IGG). The East
Asian common octopus, O. sinensis, is the preferred
species for takoyaki. The consequent rise in domestic
popularity of the common octopus group of species
has increased the pressure on populations that are
already acknowledged to be fully- or over-exploited
(Hamabe et al. 1976; Chikuni 1985). Species very close
to O. sinensis account for much of the octopus
imported to Japan, most of which ends up as
takoyaki. The species E. dofleini (along with “O.”
Table 9. Distribution of species included in catch data reported from the main coastal regions of Japan.5
Enteroctopus dofleini
“Octopus” conispadiceus
Octopus sinensis
“Octopus” hongkongensis
“Octopus” longispadiceus
Amphioctopus fangsiao
“Octopus” minor
“Octopus” sasakii
Amphioctopus kagoshimensis
Amphioctopus sp.
Octopus cyanea
“Octopus” ornatus
“Octopus” luteus
Japan Sea
conispadiceus) is consumed mostly as sushi, and
A. fangsiao is typically boiled whole as one of the
components of a hot-pot dish known in Japanese as
“oden” or “kant
o-ni” and for special dishes focused
on the rice-like egg content of ripe females, particularly during Spring.
Figure 56 indicates a steady increase in total octopus
catches off Japan seen since records began in the late
19th century, presumably the effect of an increase in the
number of fishing vessels along with improvements and
innovations in gear (cf. Worms 1983). Superimposed on
this increase is a declining trend in catches since a peak
of over 100,000 t in the late 1960s. Over the last few
decades, the total octopus catch off Japan has fluctuated
between 40,000 and 60,000 t. Since the beginning of this
century, catches are declining, and this is shown more
clearly in Figure 57, which reveals that the decline
applies to both local catches and imports. In Japan, certainly, this decline is now acute: in particular, E. dofleini
is declining year upon year, particularly off the Pacific
northeastern coast of Honshu; A. fangsiao is currently in
unavailable off Okayama Pref. (T. Akiyama, pers. comm.
to IGG, March 2018); and in Hokkaido the catch of
“O.” conispadiceus has plummeted such that urgent
research is in progress to try to raise juveniles from eggs
in the hope of rejuvenating the fishery by restocking (N.
Akiyama, pers. comm. to IGG, April 2018). Imports to Japan. Taking the place of much
of the demand for the overfished octopus in Japan,
imports were over 100,000 t at the turn of the century
(Figure 57) but are now only a fifth of that amount.
In 2017, Japan imported 23,763 t of octopus: 9,034 t
from Morocco, 8,118 t from Mauritania, 3,995 t from
China, 1,338 t from Vietnam, 304 t from Senegal, 302
t from Mexico, 289 t from Thailand, 143 t from Chile;
less than 100 t each from India, Indonesia, Malaysia,
Peru and the Philippines; and less than 5 t each from
Greece, Russia and Spain (data source: Japan Customs
web site, details in Appendix A). Imports from
Greece, Mauritania, Morocco, Senegal and Spain (56%
of total imports for 2017) are O. vulgaris and (along
with the country of origin) are labeled “madako”
in Japanese supermarkets, which is the same name
used for the local O. sinensis. It has been suggested
(Gleadall 2016a) that the overwhelming amount
of O. vulgaris imports (labeled “madako”) has been
masking the dramatic decline of the local O. sinensis
(also labeled “madako”): compare the import tonnage
with the total Japanese fisheries catch, comprising
catches of E. dofleini, “O.” conispadiceus and “other”
species, which includes Japanese “madako” O. sinensis
(Figure 57). To draw consumer attention to this situation, the Japanese name “chich
ukai madako” (literally
“Mediterranean common octopus”) has been proposed
(Gleadall 2016b) with the aim of applying it to
O. vulgaris imports to Japan.
Tariffs on imported octopus (as announced on the
Foreign Ministry Trade Statistics Japan Customs web site)
are generally 10% (WTO 7%; GSP 5%) but free for
imports from less developed countries (LDC) and named
regions and countries (ASEAN, Brunei, Chile, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand).
Species listed top-down roughly in order of annual catch weight.
Regions listed left-to-right from Northeast to Southwest (refer to map,
Figure 59). NEP, combined prefectural coastal catches from the
northeastern Pacific coast of Honshu (Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima,
Ibaraki and Chiba); SCP, southern Central Pacific coast of Honshu (Tokyo,
Kanagawa, Shizuoka, Aichi, Mie and Wakayama); Seto, Seto Sea and
surrounding regions (Osaka, southern Hyogo, Okayama, Hiroshima,
Yamaguchi and Shikoku). ’Japan Sea’ includes combined prefectural
catches for Akita, Yamagata, Niigata, Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui, northern
Hyogo, Tottori and Shimane. Identification uncertain: an ocellate species
sometimes misidentified as Amphioctopus areolatus. Species distribution in Japan. The main
commercial species are listed in Table 9. The most
important species in the Japanese fishery is E. dofleini
(which along with lesser amounts of “O.” conispadiceus is aimed at the sushi trade), followed by O. sinensis (Figure 58). They are important not only in terms
of their abundance as common species, but also for
Figure 60. Annual landings of octopus for the Japan Sea coast
of Hyogo Prefecture.
Figure 58. Enteroctopus dofleini (left) and Octopus sinensis
(right) of comparable size on the deck of a fishing vessel
unloading octopuses taken in the same catch by an octopuscage fisherman off Oura Port, Oshika Peninsula, Miyagi,
in January, 2014. (Image: IGG).
Figure 61. Annual landings of octopus for Akashi, on the Seto
Sea coast of Hyogo Prefecture.
Figure 59. Map showing the larger islands of Japan with
geographical features and divisions of the Japanese coastal
regions of Honshu used in this review (cf. Figure 63). For the
prefectural composition of these coastal regions, see notes
with Table 9. Note that Hyogo Pref. has coasts on both the
Seto and Japan Sea sides. The northern island of Hokkaido is
discussed in more detail in section 11.3.2: Japanese fisheries.
their wide distribution, the annual tonnage of each
caught in Japanese waters, and their consequent economic importance. Both species occur among the
catches of the Japan Sea and northeastern Pacific
coasts of Honshu (NEP, Table 9), so their distributions overlap geographically, although they occur at
different depths and temperatures, since E. dofleini is
a cold-water species, while O. sinensis requires much
warmer waters. In more southerly, shallow coastal
seas, O. sinensis dominates. The species distribution
shown in Table 9 is exemplified by catches off Hyogo,
which is the only prefecture of Honshu (except for
the northern and southern ends) with a coast on both
the Japan Sea and Pacific sides (the latter in the Seto
Sea). Octopus catches on the Japan Sea coast are relatively much smaller, at around 40 t per year, while on
the Pacific (Seto) coast the annual catch usually
exceeds 1,000 t (compare Figure 60 and Figure 61).
Relatively small amounts of octopus are taken from
the ocean off Okinawa (the Ryukyu Islands) and the
species are very different from those present off the
large Japanese islands from Kyushu northwards. The
annual catch throughout the Ryukyu Islands is rarely
more than 100 t, recently around 70 t, and is dominated by the Indo-West Pacific species O. cyanea,
with very small amounts of “Octopus” ornatus Gould,
1852 and C. luteus (O. luteus) (Ohta and
Uehara 2015).
Qualitatively, the catch composition is very different: note the absence of E. dofleini from the enclosed,
warm, shallow Mediterranean-like Seto region (Figure
61), which instead has significant catches of A. fangsiao and “O.” minor. Both these latter species are present in the Japan Sea at least as far north as the
Toyama region (see Sasaki 1929) but in amounts too
small to appear on catch charts. Monthly catch data
for the Japan Sea prefecture Ishikawa show clearly the
temperature dependence and seasonality of E. dofleini
and O. sinensis, the former taken only during cold
winter months, while O. sinensis is taken year-round
but mostly in the Spring and Autumn (Figure 62).
In terms of quantity, E. dofleini is taken in largest
amounts around Hokkaido and off the NEP coast of
Honshu, while the largest catches of O. sinensis are off
the southern Central Pacific coast (SCP) and the
Seto region.
Breaking down the total catch by region of capture,
it can be deduced that the decline in catches since the
late 1960s is due mostly to declines in the warm-water
species (corresponding to the yellow and deep-blue
solid portions of the graph in Figure 63). The catches
of E. dofleini (the majority of the Hokkaido catches)
seem reasonably stable at this level of resolution. In
view of the dominance of O. sinensis in the SCP and
Seto regions, this suggests strongly that the decline
in the octopus catch has been borne mainly by
O. sinensis (see also Gleadall 2016a), although there is
evidence that the much smaller A. fangsiao also is
heavily overfished. The reasons for this decline are
not clear. Commercially important shellfish and kuruma prawn catches here have also slumped recently,
and a fall in secondary production by macrobenthic
communities generally has been detected in the Seto
region (Tsujino 2018). Identification. A number of guides for
Japanese cephalopods have been published which
include octopuses (Okutani et al. 1987; Kubodera
2000, 2013; Tsuchiya et al. 2002) and these can be
consulted for identifications not only for Japan but
also for the Northwest Pacific region in general.
Supplementary identification sources include Gleadall
(1993, 1997, 2004, 2016a), Lu (1998), O’Shea (1999)
and Lu and Chung (2017). As with many octopus
species, once dead they can be very difficult to distinguish and many fisheries statistics list all octopuses
together under blanket names such as “common
octopus” (listed in Japan by the vernacular name
“madako,” usually in the sense of O. sinensis, but also
including any species in the O. vulgaris complex of
species) or even just “octopus” (“tako”). Fisheries management. Fishing effort off
Japan is regulated through a strict licensing system
(Chikuni 1985). Japanese coastal fisheries and
aquaculture are overseen by some 934 local fisheries
co-operatives and unions around the Japanese archipelago, with the number per prefecture reflecting the
length of coastline available: for example, the coasts of
the large island of Hokkaido are overseen by 70 different organizations; while on the relatively short coast
Figure 62. Ishikawa Prefecture monthly octopus landings.
Compiled from monthly data for Toyama and Ishikawa downloaded from the Toyama Prefectural Fisheries Research
Institute web site: the main Ishikawa ports are mostly at the
western end of Toyama Bay, on the eastern side of the Noto
Peninsula (refer to map, Figure 59).
Figure 63. Total annual landings of octopus from Japanese
waters by region (as indicated in Figure 59). See footnotes
of Table 9 for prefectures comprising each region. Data
for each prefecture downloaded from the eStats web site
(see Appendix A).
of Miyagi Prefecture there are only five. These cooperatives maintain exclusive control of all fishing
rights and activities in each local area, supported by
quasi-governmental prefectural research stations.
The status of octopus stocks in Japanese waters
varies by region. In some prefectures, landings show a
steady seasonal pattern that is reasonably consistent
(as for Ishikawa Pref., for example; Figure 62). It
has long been recognized, however, that, in general,
octopus is fully exploited in Japanese waters (see,
for example, Itami 1976; Chikuni 1985). For octopus
fishing, size limits are imposed (e.g., a 100 g legal minimum for O. sinensis; Itami, 1976) as well as seasonal
closures in some prefectures (information available in
Japanese on the web sites for individual prefectural
marine research institutes). For example, the O. sinensis fishery off Kagawa Pref. is closed in September
(Seto region); there is a limit on the size of fishing
vessels that may offload during July and August at
Ishinomaki Port, Miyagi Pref. (IGG, pers. obs. and
information obtained during port visits); and sales of
octopus are prohibited in Miyagi Pref. during June
through August.
11.2. Enteroctopus dofleini
In the Northwest Pacific, the giant Pacific octopus
(GPO; “mizudako” in Japanese) occurs widely across
the Subarctic Pacific Rim from the Japan Sea and
coastal Asia northwards. It is very common along the
shores of Japan and Korea, rarer in Russian waters
(Akimushkin 1963, 1965). In Japanese waters, it
occurs off the coasts of Hokkaido and Northeastern
Honshu (Tohoku in Japanese) and in deeper waters
further southwards (Sasaki 1920, 1929). There are
however some uncertainties concerning its species
Pickford (1964) identified three subspecies: E.
dofleini dofleini in the Northwest Pacific; E. dofleini
martini in the Northeast Pacific; and E. dofleini apollyon off the Aleutians. Gleadall (1993) discovered that
Pickford’s identification of the Japanese population
included specimens of another species, “Octopus” hongkongensis (Hoyle, 1885), and concluded that the evidence presented by Pickford did not justify
recognition of a subspecies complex of E. dofleini in
the North Pacific (cf. also some past misidentifications
of GPO using the species name hongkongensis:
Kanamaru, 1964; Kanamaru and Yamashita 1968).
Nesis (1994) reported on a population in the
Western Bering Sea that he identified as subspecies
apollyon (although he was unfortunately unable to
retain or preserve any of the specimens, which were
obtained by him as a visiting researcher aboard a
Japanese survey trawler). That population was
sampled mainly in trawls between 100 and 750 m,
mostly at 300–400 m depth. Recently, the presence of
more than one species of GPO has been confirmed off
Alaska, in the American Northeast Pacific (Toussaint
et al. 2012; Hollenbeck and Scheel 2017), raising the
possibility, also, that there may be more than one species of the E. dofleini complex in Russian and
Japanese waters. The two Alaskan species, however,
are very similar morphologically, especially when
dead, so for fisheries purposes the identification E.
dofleini (GPO) is appropriate at the present time.
If more than one species is present in the
Northwest Pacific also, research on their distribution
pattern and fisheries impact will be advisable in order
to manage this important fishery effectively and sustainably, particularly in view of the recently observed
decline in catches of this species in the population off
northeastern Honshu, Japan. In shallower Russian
waters, where it is harvested commercially, GPO seem
to inhabit only shelf areas from the inter-tidal zone
down to the shelf-break (Hartwick 1983; Nesis 1982,
1987; Sakamoto 1976; cf. Noro and Sakurai 2012),
rarely in the bathyal zone (Akimushkin 1963, 1965;
Kondakov 1941). The Albatross Expedition of 1906
collected four specimens from off Miyazaki, eastern
Kyushu, at 800 m, marking the southern limit of its
known distribution in the Northwest Pacific (Sasaki
1920; as “O.” hongkongensis), although there is no
GPO fishery this far south.
Apart from its very large size, the living animal
(Figure 58) is distinguished by a single, large, earshaped papilla above each eye; longitudinal stripes
and grooves on the dorsal mantle, emphasized by
raised, laterally-flattened papillae; and differential
aggregations and/or expansions of chromatophores
manifested as longitudinal lines, which on the skin of
the arms and interbrachial membranes form an
amorphous network. These features disappear soon
after death, however, following which the main distinguishing features are the large body size, the very
long, slim ligula of males (Gleadall 1993) and the
presence of large numbers of very small eggs in
mature females (38,000 to 94,000; Noro 1996). This
species may live for up to 5 years, reaching a correspondingly very large size, with some individuals
reaching more than 50 kg wet weight.
The GPO is a cold-water octopus with an optimal
food conversion rate between 2.5 and 5 C, decreasing
at higher temperatures (Sano and Bando 2018). Daily
growth rate is optimal at 10 C, decreasing as the
water temperature increases, until at 20 C it becomes
negative and weight is lost; the daily feeding rate
decreases at temperatures above 15 C (Sano and
Bando 2018). The most abundant food items of GPO
(in Japanese waters) include significant amounts of
the echiuran “penis” worm Urechis unicinctus, various
fish, crabs and octopus (Sano et al. 2017).
11.2.1. Russian fisheries Distribution and life history. The main
focus of Russian GPO catches in recent years is the
northwestern Japan Sea, which is enclosed by two
Regions (Krai) and one Area (Oblast) of the Russian
Federation: Primorskyi Krai (Primorye) in the south,
bordering China except for a short border with North
Korea; further north, Khabarovskyi Krai lining the far
northwestern Japan Sea; and, to the east, Sakhalin
Oblast, which includes the island of Sakhalin, the
Figure 64. Distribution of Enteroctopus dofleini (GPO) in the northwestern Japan Sea in April-June, 2015 (symbols: no. of individual
octopuses per square km in groups of 50). Inset graph: Distribution by depth, showing two main groups, at about 10 m and
100 m.
Kuril Islands, and the Tatar Strait between
Khabarovskyi Krai and Sakhalin (Figure 64).
Data collected during trap-box surveys suggest that,
off the Primorye region, GPO migrate seasonally up
and down (and presumably also along) the shelf,
largely associated with reproductive behavior and seasonal changes in habitat conditions (Golenkevich
1998). During the warm Summer–Autumn season,
octopuses were captured at depths from 10–15 m
down to 100 m, with the highest occurrence at depths
20–50 m and water temperatures near the bottom of
8–18 C. During the cold Winter–Spring season, they
were found sporadically from the inter-tidal zone
down to 150 m depth, very occasionally down to 300
m depth, occurring mainly between 15 and 100 m.
These octopuses therefore show at least two largescale seasonal migrations: moving up the shelf and
close to the coast in Summer; returning to deeper
waters in the Autumn as the coastal waters cool
(Golenkevich 1998).
Wide-scale patterns of geographic and bathymetric
distribution of GPO in the northwestern Japan Sea
were obtained during an extensive bottom trawl survey in the Spring of 2015 (Figure 64). Bottom hauls
were made down to 600 m but GPO were encountered only on the shelf at depths of 19–132m, with
the highest concentrations occurring in the shallow
Tatar Strait (between Sakhalin Island and the mainland) and off the southwestern cape of
Sakhalin Island.
GPO distribution patterns are related to the species
life history features (Katugin et al. 2010). Octopuses
mature at about 3 years and mate presumably in
deep-water areas during Winter and Spring. Females
then migrate to shallow waters (usually not deeper
than 50 m) and occupy a den inside crevices with an
overhanging surface on which they deposit up to
100,000 eggs per female. The eggs are relatively small,
elongate-ovoid, 6–7 mm in length with a long
(15 mm) thin stalk. As with all octopus species (e.g.,
Kaneko et al. 2006), females brood their eggs, blowing
water over them for efficient aeration, cleaning them
with the many suckers on the arms and protecting
them from predators. Brooding usually lasts 5–7
months during Spring to Autumn, and after the eggs
have hatched, the females die.
Newly hatched paralarvae are planktonic during the
next 2–3 months, after which they settle on the seabed, where the benthic phase of their life cycle begins
and will last for about the next 2 years. Once more
than a year old, by late June to early July, the immature octopuses recruit into stocks which are harvested
by the fishery. Therefore, on the shelf of Primorye,
the early season (Winter and Spring) fishery is based
upon two major groups of octopus with different sizeat-maturity features: smaller immature and maturing
animals; and larger mature and pre-spawning animals
(Golenkevich 1998). Immature and maturing males
weigh 5–13 kg (with a reproductive system of
60–450 g), and fully mature males weigh 8–24 kg
(reproductive system 500–1,000 g, largest in November
to December, dwindling to half that by early
February; Akimushkin 1963, 1965). Immature and
maturing females weigh 3–13 kg (reproductive system
20–450 g), and pre-spawning copulated females weigh
8.7–20.4 kg (reproductive system 520–1,400 g). As the
season (early Summer) progresses, mature and readyto-spawn animals migrate to spawning areas and disappear from the catches. Eggs are laid in Spring and
early Summer (Akimushkin 1963, 1965). In Summer,
catches are dominated by growing and maturing individuals, which will mature the following Spring.
There are two distinctive peaks of bathymetric
occurrence of GPO in Spring, one close to the shore
in shallow areas; and the other at depths of about 100
m (Figure 64), presumably related to their life-history stage. Stock identification. No data on stock identification for GPO are available from Russian waters
so far, other than the above-mentioned age- and
depth-related cohorts. Catch and landings. GPO catches on the
Primorye shelf show a seasonal pattern and are associated with life history features such as maturation and
migrations. After a winter drop in octopus abundance,
there is a spring rise in catches of large octopus at
10–20 m depth. In April and May, large pre-spawning
females occur which later disappear from catches. In
the early Summer, relatively small immature animals
weighing 3–8 kg dominate the trap-box catches. An
increase in octopus catches then occurs from late
August through October, during which up to 80% of
trap-boxes are occupied when hauled in. At this time,
actively foraging octopuses concentrate mainly within
the depth range of 20–50 m, which could be associated with an increase in productivity of coastal waters
due to upwelling of deep, nutrient-rich water (Zuenko
1998). This is the most favorable time for the octopus
fishery over most of the entire shelf of Primorye, and
the octopus harvest is based primarily upon immature
and fast-growing individuals. Later in the season,
when the water cools due to autumn wind-stress mixing and maturation of octopus progresses, first the
pre-mature males and then large pre-mature females
disappear from the catches. In December, GPO occurrence is at its minimum. Fishing methods (vessels, gear). Methods
for GPO fishing make use of information on specific
features of the species behavior and distribution, particularly octopus occurrence on different types of seabed, and preference for certain biotopes. In the coastal
zone, octopuses frequently utilize as a shelter various
rocky areas with caves, boulders and crevices, so they
tend to aggregate near rocky capes and occur less frequently in the central parts of sandy bays. Farther offshore, octopuses do not seem to have any substrate
preference and may occur on gravel and shelly
(Golenkevich 1998).
Close to the rocky shores of Primorye, fishing for
octopuses is begun by scuba divers. Such a harvest of
octopuses traditionally occurs at depths of 12–28 m
along the crenelated shoreline of the mainland, as well
as near large islands (such as Ascold and Putyatin),
small islands, and steep conical rocks, some of which
emerge above the sea surface. Large mature octopuses
usually migrate to these areas during the period
between early May and late July, where they find a
den suitable for egg laying. Observer data suggests
that during this short-term fishing season (which
lasted only 17 days in June–July of 2008) octopus
catches per diver were up to 40 kg per individual diving operation and total daily catches ranged from 100
to 350 kg per boat, peaking at 480 kg. A total of about
4,000 kg of octopus was taken aboard a fishing boat
by scuba divers, with the catch consisting of males
weighing 4–24 kg and females 5–20 kg.
In areas where there are no natural dens, fishing
for octopus is conducted using longlines and traps.
Along the Kuril Islands, small conical crab traps,
Russian whelk traps and Japanese unbaited longlines
are used to capture octopuses. The latter gear
appeared the most successful with a catch per longline
of 6 thousand hooks peaking at 2.5 t per fishing operation. In the northeastern Japan Sea, octopuses are
harvested mainly using specially designed boxes made
of wooden boards with a hole in one side (trapboxes). The holes may have different shapes: oval,
rectangular, or rhomboid. These traps are attached to
the longline and deposited on the bottom. Fishery management. GPO fishery management is based on existing general knowledge of the
species abundance and distribution patterns, and
reflects the demands and abilities of the fishing industry. In view of the habits specific to octopuses (solitary
lifestyle associated with the seabed and frequent use of
hiding shelters) it is difficult to collect reliable information on distribution and abundance.
Trawl research surveys conducted in Peter The
Great Bay (the largest gulf of the Japan Sea, at
Vladivostok in Primorye, just north of the short border with North Korea; Figure 64) have provided some
information about GPO abundance. Over a research
area of 9–11,000 km2 in the bay, GPO biomass was
estimated at 437 t (distribution density 21–22 individuals per km2) in 2011; and 170 t (3–4 individuals per
km2) in 2012. Over a much smaller area of 151 km2,
the survey in 2013 covered a rather dense aggregation
of GPO, for which the biomass was estimated as 68.1
t (76 individuals per km2). This may reflect patchiness
in the distribution as well as shifts in the timing of
migration, and annual changes in abundance.
Estimation of the recommended annual harvest rate is
difficult, and the demands by the local fishery are low,
so the catch quota for GPO is set at only 15 t on the
Primorye coast.
In the Tatar Strait off the Sakhalin coast, GPO distribution density was calculated at the turn of the century based upon trap-box surveys. No sharp annual
changes in abundance have been observed in the
region: stock size of large mature animals weighing
more than 5 kg was estimated to be about 200 t; and
the annual quota for this species was set at 60 t. Each
year, however, the annual catch is very low due to the
low demands of the fishery. Around the south Kuril
Islands, where the commercial GPO catch is based on
at least two aggregations near Kunashir and Shikotan
islands, the annual catch quota is set at 240 t, based
Figure 65. Map of Hokkaido to illustrate some of the major
ports and features mentioned in the text and fisheries literature. UB, Uchiura Bay (commonly known also as Funka Bay, ¼
Eruption Bay). Key to Hokkaido subprefectures (also the names
of towns in some instances): 1, Oshima; 2, Iburi; 3, Hidaka
(now part of Iburi); 4, Tokachi (main port Hiro); 5, Kushiro; 6,
Nemuro (now part of Kushiro); 7, Soya; 8, Rumoi (now part of
Kamikawa); 9, Ishikari (now part of Sorachi; Ishikari town is not
far from Otaru); 10, Shiribeshi; 11, Hiyama (now part of
Oshima); 12, Okhotsk (name changed from Abashiri
Subprefecture in 2010; main port Abashiri); 13, Kamikawa; 14,
Sorachi. Note that, since 2010, five of the former coastal subprefectures are no longer official names but have been commonly used in the fisheries literature. (Annotated by IGG from
a base map with a Creative Commons license attributed
to Kolya).
on the minimum mature octopus abundance, estimated to be about 800 t. Economic importance. Since catches of GPO
are very low and there is low demand, GPO currently
are not economically important in Russia.
11.2.2. Japanese fisheries
In contrast to the relatively low levels of GPO exploitation in the NE Pacific and off Russia, the GPO fisheries of Japan are at least an order of magnitude
larger, with an annual fishery of around 20,000 t.
Most landings are from around the coast of the northern island of Hokkaido (Figures 65–67) with more
modest amounts fished off the northeastern Pacific
and Japan Sea coasts of northern Honshu (Figure 67;
ref. Figure 59). Distribution and life history. Seasonal
changes in the vertical distribution of GPO have been
investigated off the Rumoi coast of northwestern
Hokkaido (Kanamaru 1964; Sano et al. 2017). Most
GPO sampled were immature with a body weight of
2.5–10.0 kg (mean 5.7 kg). Immature octopuses in this
fishery appear to undertake two sets of seasonal
migrations per year: into shallower waters during
(April–May); and into deeper water during Winter
(January–February) and Summer (June–September).
Sea bottom temperatures off Rumoi show an annual
cycle, with a broad minimum of 2 C in Winter
(around March) and 22 C in Summer (peaking
sharply in September–October).
GPO are found mostly on the shelf region down to
200 m, particularly in regions of rocky substrate (Sano
2017). Their seasonal migrations were investigated in
and near the S
oya Straits (the restricted seaway, also
called the La Perouse Straits, or Proliv Laperuza in
Russian, passing between the islands of Hokkaido and
Sakhalin at Cape S
oya on the Japanese side and Cape
Krilon on the Russian side). The location of octopus
catches by drift fishery boats was monitored by GPS.
Immature octopuses were found at 40–60 m in
Summer; 10–30 m in Autumn to Spring. Mature male
and female octopuses were observed over similar ranges
but in June–July they migrated to deeper areas just
before spawning. Most fished specimens are pre-mated
individuals (Sano 2017). GPO spawning off Hokkaido is
estimated to occur between May and July (Yamashita
1974). It was deduced that they migrate to deeper areas
to avoid sea temperatures above 18 C (Sano and Bando
2015). Eggs have been recorded at depths of 7–73 m in
various localities (Sano et al. 2011; Sano 2017).
Immature octopuses have the following mean
weights in December: 40 g (at 1 year old); 1 kg (2
years); 1–10 kg (3 years); 4–12 kg (4 years). Mature
octopuses weigh more than 7 kg and are of age 3 or 4
years (Sano et al. 2011; Sano 2017). Mating takes place
during October to December, with eggs laid in the following June and July. A captive female at Iwanai in
Hokkaido (at the southwestern base of the Shakotan
Peninsula in Shiribeshi Subprefecture) laid eggs in
June. These took 181 days (just over 2,600 degree
days) of incubation, hatching the following December
(Yamashita 1974). In colder waters off the Pacific
coast (under the direct influence of the cold boreal
Oyashio Current, at temperatures of 2.6 C to barely
above 10 C), it is estimated that incubation lasts
about 1 year (Yamashita and Torisawa 1983).
Paralarvae remain in the plankton for 1–2 months
(Sano 2017).
In the Tsugaru Straits region, sampling shows that
immature octopuses of both sexes are present
throughout the year (Noro and Sakurai 2014).
Maturing males appear from March through
December and mature males from November to May.
Mature testis size peaks in November, overall gonad
size in January, and mature males have a mean of 6
Figure 66. Map showing the geographical distribution of the
11 main fishing regions for Enteroctopus dofleini (GPO) around
Hokkaido, as determined by Sano (2010) based on annual
catch abundance in licensed fishing grounds, and changes in
annual catch between 1985 and 2004 (modified from Sano
2010). The Tsugaru Straits (east and west) and waters off
Aomori (northern Honshu), resolve into a single fishery (see
text), resulting in a total of just 10 Hokkaido fishery regions.
(range 1–12) spermatophores of about 1 m in length
from December through April. Mature females are
caught from December to May and weigh upwards of
8.5 kg, copulated females more than 10.6 kg.
Maximum ovary size occurs in April–May (Sato 1994,
1996; Noro and Sakurai 2014). Mating takes place
between January and May and eggs are laid in Spring.
Maximum body weight is 37 kg for males, 36 kg for
females; and maximum life span 4.4 years for males, 5
years for females. Tsugaru GPO were found deeper
during Summer, shallower in Autumn and Winter,
and the population was limited mostly to within the
straits (Noro and Sakurai 2012). Stock identification. The geographical distribution of GPO fisheries was assessed for fisheries
management by Sano (2010), based on the abundance
of annual catch in licensed fishing grounds and
changes in annual catch from 1985 to 2004. This
information was used to classify Hokkaido fisheries
into 11 regions (Figure 66), which are as follows: the
oya Straits including the coastal area around Rishiri
and Rebun islands; the Okhotsk Sea coastal region;
the Nemuro Straits; the eastern and southern Pacific
Ocean coasts of Hokkaido; the area near the mouth of
Funka Bay; the eastern and western Tsugaru Straits;
the coastal area around Okushiri Island; and the
northern and southern Japan Sea coasts of western
Hokkaido. The catch trends in these regions differ, so
the disposition of these local octopus fisheries regions
is well suited to fisheries management (Sano 2017).
Concerning the Tsugaru Straits regions, tag and
recapture research has shown that GPO migrate long
distances, including between the eastern and western
sides, as well as across the straits between Aomori
(the most northern prefecture of Honshu) and
Hokkaido (Sato and Yorita 1999; Noro and Sakurai
2012). This presumably explains the correlation of
catches between the Hokkaido and Aomori sides of
the straits (Sato and Yorita 1999), so Aomori and the
Hokkaido eastern and western regions of the Tsugaru
Straits can be combined as a single fishery, resulting
in a total of no more than 10 Hokkaido fishery regions. Catches/landings. During the 32-year period
from 1985 to 2016, the mean catch for Hokkaido was
15,300 t. The lowest annual catch during this period
was in 2013 (11,338 t) and the highest was 21,653 t in
2003. The annual catch for Hokkaido is therefore
mostly sustained, and in 2016 was 15,722 t, which is
just above the mean. There is, however, no predictable trend.
The different regions show local differences, with
the Okushiri and Tsugaru catches (both East and
West regions) showing a steady and disconcerting
decline over the last eight years, each to very low levels of 70 t for the former and just 20 t for each of the
latter (Sano 2017). A similar trend has also been
noted for the northeastern Pacific region of Honshu
(NEP as defined in the footnotes to Table 9), stimulating a joint meeting of researchers and fishermen,
which took place in Morioka, Iwate Pref., on 28
February 2015 (“Iwate Prefecture Mizudako Forum”).
Catches since 2011 for Fukushima have been artificially low because of the suspension of fishing activity
since the radioactive contamination of the coast in
that area resulting from the multiple large-scale disasters on 11th March of that year. Consequent destruction of fishing vessels and equipment on the NEP
coast has also, of course, depressed fishing activity,
but this is now recovering. Fisheries/fishing methods/fleet. The majority of the GPO catch is attributed to floating-barrel
drift lines (Sano 2017; Taka and Wada 2018). This
method is used off the Hokkaido subprefectures of
oya, Rumoi, Ishikari, Shiribeshi, Hiyama, and
Oshima (ref. Figure 65). Also efficient are octopus
cages and baskets. The octopus cage method involves
35–40 box cages tied to a main rope attached to a
buoy, leaving the cages on the seabed until they are
occupied by octopuses. This method is used off
Figure 67. Annual landings for Enteroctopus dofleini (GPO) in
Japan by prefecture. Compiled from data supplied by individual Prefectural Fisheries Research Institutes, where separate figures for different species were made available. Aomori Pref.
data (incomplete, so not included) constitute an additional
1,500 to 2,000 t per annum, comprising about 10% of the current total Japanese GPO catch.
Figure 68. Octopus baskets: baited traps used to catch octopus. The traps are collapsible for easy storage. At setting, there
are two entrances, which tend to stay closed at the inside and
octopuses cannot return after once entering. The mesh size is
designed to retain octopuses of large size. Smaller octopuses
can squeeze through the mesh (Drawing: DP).
southern Hokkaido, the East Pacific coast, Okushiri
Is., and all other areas of Hokkaido except Rebun Is.
The octopus-basket method involves a main rope
attached to baited round baskets (Figure 68), mostly
off S
oya Subprefecture. Other fishing methods specialized for GPO include unbaited longlines, set nets, bottom set nets and inshore and offshore bottom trawls
(Noro 2013; Sano 2017).
By method (for the areas where statistics are available: the area of the S
oya Straits and nearby Rishiri
and Rebun Islands), fishing effort (as number of outings per year) reveals stable, fairly constant but relatively low levels of fishing by unbaited longline,
octopus cage and octopus basket (Sano 2017).
Use of the floating-barrel drift line method has
declined dramatically off Rebun Is. since the turn of
the century (from more than 10,000 outings per year
in 1992 to the same basal levels as the other fishing
methods by 2015). Off the S
oya Straits and Rishiri Is.,
there is much more activity, although outings per year
have declined somewhat: in the S
oya Straits, from a
peak of nearly 20,000 outings in 2003 to around
10,000 per year since 2004; and off Rishiri, after peaking at just over 4,000 outings in 1996, declining gradually to around 1,500 outings in 2016. The annual
CPUE for this method, however, reveals a fluctuating
but steadily increasing trend since 1982, peaking at
just over 200% of 1982 levels in 2014, and in 2016 at
around 160% (Sano 2017).
For the 11 fisheries regions of Hokkaido, annual
CPUE data were calculated based on representative
floating-barrel drift lines for S
oya (for the S
Rebun/Rishiri region), unbaited longlines for Mashike
Port (Japan Sea north region), and the rest based on
figures reported by the respective fisheries organizations. These figures reveal CPUEs fluctuating around
100% of 1982 levels for most regions, with the
Okhotsk Sea and northern Japan Sea fisheries consistently showing the best performance with over 160%
in 2016. The Tsugaru Straits East and West CPUEs
have steadily fallen to around 20% in 2016, and
Okushiri Island annual CPUE has declined to around
50% (Sano 2017). Fishery management and stock assessment. Of the 11 Hokkaido fisheries regions recognized by Sano, for 2016 they were assessed as
developing as expected but with resource sustainability
uncertain (Sano 2017). The regions on either side of
the Tsugaru Straits showed lower than average catches
but this is considered to be an effect of the declining
number of fishers rather than a problem with
the resource.
Since GPO growth is very fast, in most regions a
limit is placed on octopus size, which is set independently in each fishing region (Sano 2017): 3 kg for
Hiyama, Oshima (except Toi-machi Fishing
Cooperative), Iburi and Hidaka; 2.5 kg for S
Rumoi, Ishikari, Shiribeshi and the Toi-machi region
of Oshima; 2 kg for Okhotsk; and no limits for
Tokachi, Kushiro and Nemuro. In some regions and
for some methods, non-fishing periods are imposed
(Sano 2017).
Statistics on fishing licenses for octopus are available as a measure of fishing effort: the number of
local government fishing permits for octopus (Figure
69) and the number of people and co-operatives
actively holding a fishing license (Figure 70), along
with new entrants in these categories (Sano 2017).
Numbers have fluctuated but remained fairly stable
for most regions of Hokkaido except the S
oya Straits
Figure 69. Changes in the number of active local government
fishing permits for octopus in Hokkaido (data from Sano 2017).
Figure 70. Changes in the number of active co-operative fishing licenses for octopus in Hokkaido (data from Sano 2017).
region, which has seen a steady decline since the year
2000: from around 1,400 to 600 co-operative license
holders and from around 500 to around 300 governor’s permit holders (Sano 2017).
The CPUE for the S
oya region floating-barrel drift
lines shows a gradual rise to around 171% for 2016
compared with 1982 (Sano 2017). A comparison of
catches for all 11 regions of Hokkaido reveals that,
since 1985, all regions show fluctuations but there is
no overall upward or downward trend. Okushiri
Island and the eastern and western Tsugaru Straits
regions, however, have shown a steady decline: the
catches in these regions were each in excess of 180 t
in 1988, but by 2016 the Okushiri catch was less than
80 t; and for the Tsugaru Straits regions the catches
had fallen to barely 20 t. The outlook for Hokkaido as
a whole is uncertain but it is considered that there
will be no particularly large fluctuations (other than
off the Tsugaru region). Off the S
oya Straits and the
northern Japan Sea region of Hokkaido, the catches
are expected to remain at around the same amounts
(Sano 2017). Economic importance. With annual GPO
catches off Hokkaido exceeding 20,000 t, this is an
important fishery economically, earning some JPY 7
billion per year (Sano et al. 2017; USD 70 million).
The fishery off Cape S
oya, at 2,400–5,200 t per year,
comprises between 12 and 26% of the total landings
of Hokkaido and is worth JPY 0.9–1.6 billion (USD
9–16 million). Wholesale prices for GPO have
remained stable over the last 5 years (Figure 71), fluctuating between JPY. kg 1 400 and 500 (roughly USD
4–5), despite a declining trend in catches in Japanese
waters (Figure 67). This price stability might be
explained by the simultaneous complementary rise in
world catches of the NE Pacific GPO fishery, development of which has begun only recently (see section
12). Much of the GPO product is par-boiled soon
after landing (IGG pers. obs. of GPO landings at
Rishiri) and is used mainly within Japan for the sushi
trade (T. Got
o, M. Sano and A. Takanashi, pers.
comm. to IGG).
11.3. “Octopus” conispadiceus
Also known as the chestnut or sandy octopus
(“yanagidako” in Japanese; Okutani et al. 1987;
Gleadall 1993), “O.” conispadiceus (Sasaki, 1917) is a
cold-water species inhabiting the northwestern Pacific
Ocean and adjacent marginal seas, from off southern
Sakhalin Island and southern Kuril Islands to Korea
and Japan, including the coasts of Hokkaido and
northern Honshu (Sasaki 1929; Kondakov 1941;
Akimushkin 1963, 1965; Nesis 1982, 1987; Okutani
et al. 1987; Gleadall 1993; Katugin et al. 2010; Katugin
and Shevtsov 2012). It is much smaller than E.
dofleini: mature octopuses weighing from 1.5 to 7 kg
(Golenkevich 1998; Hoshino 2017), with a different
life history. The ripe eggs are much larger than those
of E. dofleini, about 15 mm long and 6 mm wide, and
during the incubation period of 10–11 months, the
eggs triple their weight and reach 19 by 9 mm. The
fecundity is much lower than for E. dofleini, at about
700–1200 eggs per female, and newly hatched individuals begin life on the seabed immediately after hatching, taking refuge inside empty whelk and clam shells
(Sakamoto 1976; Katugin et al. 2010). Complete mitochondrial genome sequencing by Ma et al. (2014)
showed remarkable similarity to that of O. vulgaris, A.
fangsiao, C. chinensis and C. taiwanicus.
Figure 71. Mean annual wholesale price of Japanese octopuses by species (JPY kg 1).
This moderately large species has a superficial
resemblance to E. dofleini, with which it is often confused and consequently included in GPO catch and
landing statistics for some regions of both Japan and
Russia. When alive, it is very different from the GPO,
with a much broader head, across which there is a
thin pale head bar (Okutani et al. 1987; Gleadall
1993), and there are no longitudinal grooves and
ridges characteristic of E. dofleini (cf. Figure 58). The
distinguishing features of both species, however, disappear with death and relaxation of the skin and (presumably since in Japan both species are sold to the
sushi trade) they are often processed together.
11.3.1. Russian fisheries Distribution and life history. Similar to E.
dofleini, most information on the distribution of “O.”
conispadiceus within the Russian EEZ was obtained
from waters off the coast of Primorye. In that particular area, “O.” conispadiceus occurs almost all year
round at depths of 20–530 m, and concentrated in
off-shore areas at depths of 50–100 m down to
300–400 m (Golenkevich 1998). These octopuses may
live on all types of seabed substrate. Most frequently
their distribution density is higher in regions of
gravel, sand and silt, and much lower in rocky areas.
Seasonal features in bathymetric distribution of “O.”
conispadiceus have been observed but were much less
clear than for E. dofleini.
Wide-scale patterns of geographic and bathymetric
distribution of “O.” conispadiceus in the northwestern
Japan Sea were obtained during a bottom trawl survey
in Spring 2015 (Figure 72). Bottom hauls were made
down to 600 m and, contrary to E. dofleini (which
aggregated at shallow depths), “O.” conispadiceus
occurred over a wide depth range from the intertidal
zone down to 600 m, and was found throughout the
entire research area.
Figure 72. Distribution of “Octopus” conispadiceus in the northwestern Japan Sea in April–June, 2015 (symbols: no. of individual
octopuses per square km in groups of 50). Inset: Distribution by depth. Note the much larger depth range compared with E.
dofleini (Figure 64).
In Summer, octopuses usually occur at depths from
30 to over 300 m and concentrate in relatively cold bottom areas influenced by deep shelf and cold intermediate
water (Zuenko 1998). In Winter, when thermal water
structure transforms from the summer type into a cold
relatively homogeneous water layer, octopuses tend to
occur at shallower depths. In Spring, when the water is
still cold, dense concentrations of “O.” conispadiceus
occasionally occur close to the shore at depths of 15–20
m. These observations suggest that this species has a
generally wider bathymetric distribution, compared to
E. dofleini, and tends to live deeper and at lower nearbottom water temperature (Golenkevich 1998).
Information on the life history of “O.” conispadiceus is scarce (Golenkevich 1998). Mature and prespawning individuals occur almost throughout the
year, and though a female brooding her egg-clutch
was captured at 70 m depth only once in November,
spawning is thought to be extended over most of the
year. Individuals at the earliest known stages, and
weighing about 5 g, occasionally occur in the mid- to
late Summer at shallow depths of 5–15 m, with larger
animals up to 17.6 g occurring during the late
Summer and Autumn within the depth range of
10–70 m; young octopuses weighing 200–300 g occur
at 100–200 m. These observations seem to indicate
that this species gradually migrates offshore with
growth, with larger mature individuals concentrating
in deeper areas below the shelf-break. After sexual
maturity and copulation, females move back shoreward to lay their eggs. After mating, males apparently
remain in deep areas, judging by the observations that
males are much more numerous there than females
(Golenkevich 1998). Stock identification. No data on stock identification of “O.” conispadiceus are available from
Russian waters so far.
W. H. H. SAUER ET AL. Catch and landings. Catches of “O.” conispadiceus from the shelf of Primorye are associated
with the bathymetric distribution of this species. It is
not yet possible, however, to provide a reliable analysis of catches for “O.” conispadiceus because most of
the catch statistics at hand relate to unidentified octopus, and subdivision of the catch by species in fishery
reports was inconsistent until recently. Fishing methods (vessels, gear). Fishing for
“O.” conispadiceus is with trap-boxes similar to those
used for GPO, and it is also harvested as a bycatch
during fishing for whelk and shrimp. During experimental fishing with whelk traps in April–June 1996 in
Peter The Great Bay, “O.” conispadiceus regularly
occurred in trap catches at depths of 100–300 m.
Octopus catches were, however, low; with a mean of 9
individuals (maximum 32 individuals) per line, which
consisted of either 400 or 800 traps. During 301 sets
of line traps, 88 t of whelk and only 569 kg of octopus
were captured. Most of the captured octopuses were
identified as “O.” conispadiceus; however, GPO were
taken occasionally (one individual per 10–20 trap
lines), as well as “Octopus” cf. yendoi (Sasaki 1920).
Aggregations of “O.” conispadiceus were also found
during shrimp fishing at the shelf break along the
coast of Primorye. Catches of octopus peaked at
500–600 kg per line of 650 shrimp traps deposited at
depths of 250–300 m off southern Primorye in 1994;
and 200–400 kg per trap line in the Tatar Straits
in 1995. Fishery management. Advice for “O.” conispadiceus management to the fishing industry is based
upon existing knowledge of the species abundance,
distribution patterns and the demands and abilities of
the fishing industry. The effectiveness of such advice,
however, is difficult to estimate, since most of the
catch reports until recently provided octopus catch
statistics without species identification, and catches
including both E. dofleini and “O.” conispadiceus were
reported as “Octopus spp.” Economic importance. Presently, “O.” conispadiceus in Russia waters is not of significant economic importance.
11.3.2. Japanese fisheries Distribution and life history. Off Japan, this
species is fished from 100–400 m, mainly off
Hokkaido, with small amounts taken off the NEP
coast. Mature individuals appear at a body weight of
about 3 kg. The maximum wet weight is around 7 kg.
Off Hokkaido, eggs are laid during May–June at
120–180 m on the Japan Sea coast, and at around 70
m during Winter on the Pacific eastern coast. There
are some seasonal movements to different depths but,
since there is no planktonic larval stage, there are no
known long-distance migrations and it is considered
that the young begin a benthic life directly in the
region where they hatch. Juveniles are found at
around 30 m (Hoshino 2017). Stock identification. There is no reported
stock identification for “O.” conispadiceus but since it
is a large-egged form with probably no significant
migration (other than depth migrations), the fisheries
regions recognized from catch statistics by Sano
(2017) might be considered to form a proxy for stock
identification. The totals for Hokkaido were divided
into four sea regions, according to data from the following subprefectures (in parentheses) for each region
oya, Rumoi, Ishikari,
(see Figure 65): Japan Sea (S
Shiribeshi and Hiyama); Erimo West (Oshima, Iburi
and Hidaka); Erimo East (Tokachi, Kushiro and
Nemuro); and Okhotsk Sea (Okhotsk). In the main
production region of the Pacific coast, the fishing season for “O.” conispadiceus begins from October and
continues until the following Spring, making allowances for depth migrations. Catches/landings. The Pacific regions comprise almost 90% of the catches of “O.” conispadiceus
for the whole of Hokkaido, based on years from
September to August.2 For Hokkaido as a whole,
catches were 8,000–9,000 t between 1985 and 1990,
falling to 4,000–5,000 t between 1991 and 1995, rising
again to about 7,000 t, then to 12,000 t in 2004–2005.
After 2007, the catch was again 5,000–7,000 t, and in
2015 was about the same at 6,408 t. (Hoshino 2017).
By region, Japan Sea catches were around 1,000 t
in the 1990s, falling to just 400 t in 2011, recovering
to 701 t in 2015. The Erimo western Pacific region in
1995 showed low catches, following which
3,000–4,000 t has been the level at which catches have
fluctuated, and was 2,951 t in 2015 (around 110% of
the yearly mean since 1985). East of Erimo, similar to
the Japan Sea, the early 1990s were a time of low
catches, following which the annual catch gradually
Note that, until 2015, data were for normal calendar years but because
of the working dates of the unbaited longline fisheries businesses of
Hidaka Subprefecture, data compiled for 2015 onwards are based on
years from September to August, so 2015 runs from Sept. 2015 to August
2016 (Hoshino, 2017).
increased, with a sudden increase in 2004–2005 when
more than 7,500 t were taken in the Nemuro region.
Although the catch fell significantly in 2012, it recovered, reaching 3,054 t in 2014 and 2,682 t in 2015.
The catch off the Japan Sea coast is generally much
lower, with 100–300 t taken in the 1990s, since which
there has been a low mean annual catch of around
100 t only (Hoshino 2017).
The peaks of catches (monthly means for
2011–2015) occur in January to February (400 t) to
the east of Cape Erimo, and March to April (700 t) to
the west. Peak catches for the Japan Sea region are in
October–November (60 t) and May–June (80 t); and
September (12 t) for the Okhotsk region
(Hoshino 2017). Fisheries/fishing methods/fleet. A number
of different kinds of gear are used to catch “O.” conispadiceus, including unbaited longline for octopus,
octopus box, various types of octopus basket and
cage, offshore bottom trawl, and gill net. Mostly
prawn cage and offshore bottom trawl are used along
the extent of the Japan Sea coasts; unbaited longline
for octopus and octopus cages are used on the Pacific
coasts either side of Cape Erimo; and offshore bottom
trawl is used on the coast of Okhotsk (Hoshino 2017). Fishery management and stock assessment. The highest catches are taken off the Pacific
coasts of Hokkaido: 55% (based on the mean catches
of 2011–2015) to the west of Cape Erimo (between
Oshima and Hidaka Subprefectures); and 33% to the
east (Tokachi to Nemuro). In 2015, 6408 t were
landed, which is similar to the previous year catch:
there seems to be no particular trend for catch
increase or decrease (Hoshino 2017). The number of
local governor-licensed octopus fishing businesses for
“O.” conispadiceus catches of 3 Pacific-coast subprefectures (Hidaka, Kushiro and Nemuro) have been used
to compile a measure of fishing effort (Hoshino
2017). In Nemuro Subprefecture there are around
140–160 local government permits (octopus box and
unbaited longline) and 150–170 are registered with
the Kushiro authorities (unbaited longline), fluctuating
by around 70–80. The effects on the resource depend
on a variety of different fishing measures and season
times. No major changes are expected during the next
few years (Hoshino 2017).
Considering the catches since species-specific
records were begun in 1985, the 1990s level of around
4,000 t was a low period, while the annual catch
recently has fluctuated mostly between 5,000 and
8,000 t, so it is not possible to predict any large rises
or falls over the coming years (Hoshino 2017). On the
Pacific coasts, the region east of Erimo has shown the
largest fluctuations, accounting for the largest and
smallest annual catches of the whole of Hokkaido
over the years. Since (apart from these exceptional
years) it seems unlikely that there will be a future
reduction in catches in this region, it is considered
that the kind of fluctuations seen will be repeated in
the future, presumably with no long-term deleterious effects.
On the Japan Sea coast since the 1990s, the catches
have gradually dwindled, apparently due to the decline
in the number of fisheries businesses in recent years,
so it is considered unlikely that the resource is declining and that it will show similar fluctuations as the
Pacific side of Hokkaido. Although the Okhotsk
region showed high catches during the 1990s, the
trend seems to be repeated fluctuations superimposed
upon a general decline.
Overall, it is considered that the long-term pattern
observed in past catch records will continue with
Considering the changes in annual catch during the
20-year period 1995–2014, and taking the mean
annual catch as representing 100, fluctuations outside
60–140% are considered “high” and below this as
“low.” For 2015, the resource level was 91%, which is
therefore judged to be “average” (Hoshino 2017).
The above-mentioned large fluctuations in the
overall resource for Hokkaido are similar to the
changes occurring in the eastern Erimo population, so
such fluctuations will presumably continue. Observing
the sudden decline in catches during the 1990s and
sudden rise during the early part of the first decade of
this century, the annual catches show sudden and
unpredictable changes, providing an uncertain basis
for predicting future trends. Therefore, the future outlook is classified as “uncertain” (Hoshino 2017).
Although it is not possible to predict long-term
trends, the present usage of this resource seems to be
appropriate. Since changes in the resource are presumably reflected in the catch taken, it will be necessary to continue to monitor catch trends for each
region (Hoshino 2017). Economic importance. From 2013 to 2016,
the price of “O.” conispadiceus has fluctuated around
JPY kg. 1 400–500, more recently closer to JPY 600,
similar to that for E. dofleini (Figure 71). This reflects
its similar usage since for the consumer typically it is
not distinguished from E. dofleini.
11.4. Octopus sinensis
This is the East Asian common octopus (“Zhangyu”
or “Muzhuzhang” in Chinese; “madako” in Japanese)
and, setting aside the large catches of E. dofleini (and
“O.” conispadiceus), it is the most important species in
the local Japanese fisheries. It is found from northern
Honshu (Aomori and the Tsugaru Straits) and Taiwan
(Sasaki 1929; Gleadall 2016a; Noro 2017) to the South
China Sea (Lu et al. 2012).3 It is in high demand in
Japan for its superior taste along with closely similar
species O. vulgaris. The latter is imported to Japan
Mediterranean and supplements dwindling catches of
O. sinensis.
It was identified until recently as O. vulgaris (Amor
et al. 2017; Gleadall 2016a, 2016b) and data from the
latter have often been mixed with those obtained from
Japanese populations of “madako” (see, for example,
reviews by Mangold 1983, and Takeda 1990).
This is a warm-water species apparently preferring
temperatures around 25–26 C (for spawning at least;
Itami 1976). It shows reduced feeding below 12 C
and stops feeding completely at 7 C. It can survive at
6 C but dies if the temperature remains at 5 C
(Itami 1976).
11.4.1. Distribution and life history
Although found as far north as the Tsugaru Straits
and the waters of NEP (Tohoku) and the Japan Sea
coast of Honshu (Gleadall 2016a; Noro 2017), it is
found much more abundantly in the Seto and Kyushu
regions southwards and westwards (Figure 63). It is
not present in the seas around Okinawa (cf. Ohta and
Uehara 2015), emphasizing the association of this species with warm seas over the East Asian continental shelf.
In the Kanmon region of northern Fukuoka Pref.
(waters between Kyushu and Honshu) the times of
year when most (>60%) females are mature with eggs
August–September (Autumn) each year. These females
mature from a ML of about 70 mm (Ueda 2010).
In the Seto region, O. sinensis females mature at
144 g (Takeda 1990) and the number of eggs laid is
estimated to vary according to size of the female at
laying: 64,000 eggs for a female of 500 g; 120,000 at
Based on similarity of mitochondrial DNA sequences, O. sinensis has been
reported also from the Kermadec Islands in the southern hemisphere, to
the north of New Zealand (Amor et al., 2017; cf.O. jollyorum Reid and
Wilson, 2015), although morphological differences are detectable among
males of the Japanese and Kermadec populations (compare data of Reid
and Wilson, 2015, with Gleadall, 2016a).
Figure 73. Octopus sinensis annual landings in Hyogo Pref.
(Akashi, Seto Inland Sea side, southern Hyogo Pref.) in comparison with three prefectures on the northeastern Pacific
(NEP) coast. The data are incomplete but illustrate the large
catch fluctuations for this species, and the differences in
annual catches between the NEP and Seto regions (see Figure
59 and Table 9 for the location of these regions).
1 kg; and 170,000 at 1.5 kg (Itami 1976; Takeda 1990).
Eggs are laid in festoons of 70–80 mm length, each
containing about 500 eggs, over a period of about 5–6
days in Spring (April to May) or Autumn (September
to November), and require incubation for about
24–25 days before hatching (600–800 degree days;
Itami 1976; Takeda 1990). They hatch at a mean ML
of 1.7 mm, with 3 suckers on each arm. They will
then grow to a ML of around 4–6 mm and arms with
21–23 suckers just before settling, which takes about
40 days at 25 C (Takeda 1990). Off Akashi and in
Osaka Bay (eastern Seto region), sampling detected
paralarvae only during August to December (with a
peak in October; Sakaguchi et al. 1999), and newly
settled young between December and June. Based on
these observations, Takeda (1990) concluded that O.
sinensis reaches 400 g in about 9 months and lives
about 1 year, 1.5 years at most (cf. also Itami 1976;
Sakaguchi et al. 2000). The young reach 40 g in about
90 days after hatching, 740 g in about 150 days and
1 kg after 180 days, although they can reach 1.6 kg
within five months (Itami 1976). They become mature
around 140 days (Itami 1976).
The NEP coast of Honshu (Figure 59; Table 9) shows
wide variations in annual catch (Figure 73) but from
the surveys conducted it is concluded that the fishery is
a local one. Considering maturity, catch, migration and
size characteristics of the population found in
Fukushima waters, a cohort lays eggs there during
May–September, and another group arrives from
Ibaraki after traveling north during May–August.
Octopuses hatching during March–June off Ibaraki and
Chiba are captured off Fukushima during the following
October–January. Those octopuses spawning in the
Fukushima area during May–September seem to be
those that hatched off Ibaraki and Chiba during the previous May–August and subsequently have migrated
northwards. The large number of octopuses taken in
Fukushima waters during November–January do not
lay eggs there but instead are thought to migrate southwards to lay eggs off Ibaraki and Chiba during
March–June and September–October (Tanaka 1958).
Considering the large fluctuations in size and timing of
capture, however, those distributed during March–June
are important. The status of the coastal and offshore
waters affects egg laying and paralarvae during
March–July in the NEP coastal region and this depends
on the relative strengths of the Kuroshio and Oyashio
currents, which collide in this area producing conditions which vary greatly from year to year, particularly
temperature (Akimoto and Sato 1980).
In the Tsugaru Straits fishery off Aomori, O. sinensis females mature from 500 g body weight, males
from 100 g (Noro 2017). Mating takes place throughout the year, the males possessing 34–389 spermatophores measuring 31–92 mm in length. Egg laying
occurs mostly in Summer. Males weigh up to 3.7 kg,
females to 3.8 kg, and life span is estimated to be
about 1 year (Noro 2017). Based on correlations of
seasonal occurrence, state of maturation and body
size, two different populations have been detected in
this area: one is a group of larger-bodied octopuses
caught during Autumn and Winter and considered
migratory; and the other a locally-based group of
smaller-bodied individuals caught in Spring and
Summer (Noro 2017).
Off the northwestern coast of Hokkaido, bottom
temperatures rise above 20 C during the summer
(Sano 2017), providing potentially suitable conditions
for O. sinensis, at least for part of the year (cf. the seasonal patterns of migratory movements of O. sinensis
documented below). It is thus not unreasonable to
speculate that the distribution of this species may
extend further northwards in future as global warming
progresses (cf., for example, Doubleday et al. 2016).
In Chinese waters, the fecundity of O. sinensis is
around 95,000 eggs per female, with time from laying
to hatching of 25–35 days at 20.4–23.6 C and a mean
hatchling length of 3.08 mm (Lin et al. 2006, Cai et al.
2009, Zheng et al. 2011).
11.4.2. Stock identification
There is no information on stocks of O. sinensis but it
is clear from section 11.4.1 that some populations
seem to feed and reproduce within certain of the
main fishery regions (such as the population which
lays eggs on the coast off Chiba, Ibaraki and
Fukushima and forms the O. sinensis fisheries within
much of the NEP region; the population found mainly
within the Seto region; and a local population detected
in the Tsugaru Straits off Aomori; Akimoto and Sato
1980; Takeda 1990; Noro 2017). There is some evidence, though, that individuals can and do travel for
long distances: a mark, release and recapture study in
the eastern Seto region recorded recapture distances
and times of 21 km in 3 days, and 48 km in 9 days
(Itami 1964)4 and there are no obvious barriers to
gene flow.
11.4.3. Catches/landings
Exact figures for the total catch of O. sinensis are difficult to assess. Some prefectures record catches by species (using Japanese vernacular names) but others
lump together all catches under the category “tako”
(octopus). While the latter often refers mainly to O.
sinensis this is not always so, therefore if the name
“madako” has not been used, catch data have not
been included here. A selection of catch data involving O. sinensis is presented in Figure 60, Figure 61,
Figure 62 and Figure 73. These data show that annual
catches of O. sinensis are erratic and unpredictable.
Fishing off Fukushima, for example, has produced
bumper years of 700–1,000 t but others where catches
have been close to zero. There seems to be little correlation with catches off other prefectures (Figure 73),
even in the same region. Catches in the Seto region
(Figure 61, Figure 73, and Figure 75) tend to be much
higher than in the Japan Sea (Figure 60 and Figure
62) or the NEP region (Fukushima, Ibaraki and Iwate
in Figure 73).
This species is taken all year round in the Seto
region, with a peak in Summer (40% of the annual
catch between June and August), and more than 10%
of the catch taken between May and September. In
the NEP region, there are two catch peaks: August to
September and December to April, each occurring
about 2–3 months before spawning is due. It is also
taken as significant bycatch in commercial Japanese
offshore trawls on the continental shelf of the East
China Sea, where it has been recorded as widely abundant (Chikuni 1985).
Where monthly data are available, the seasonality
of catches of O. sinensis and E. dofleini can be clearly
seen. Off Ishikawa, a small number of E. dofleini are
taken in Winter each year, while O. sinensis shows
two peaks of abundance: a larger amount being taken
Note, however, that (as Itami himself pointed out) the octopuses in this
study had been transported from the East China Sea coast of Kyushu (see
section 12.4.5) and had survived being hot-iron branded before release.
Figure 74. Culture in the coastal waters of Fujian and Zhejiang (image: XZ) A, In net cages in coastal waters; B, In indoor tanks.
in Spring–Summer, and a lesser peak of abundance
appearing every Autumn (Figure 62).
11.4.4. Fisheries/fishing methods/fleet
The species O. sinensis is captured by octopus pot,
basket or by hand line with an unbaited lure (see,
for example, Ueda 2010). Itami (1976) noted that, in
the Seto region, fishing for O. sinensis is typically
close to rocky shores and best where the tidal current is strong. Gear is used seasonally and includes
octopus pots (June to the end of September), trawling and angling (May to September) and driftline
(October to November). Fishing was originally at
20–30 m but extended to 100 m in the 1970s and
1980s with improvements in gear, when trawling
gathered 65% of the catches and pot fishing about
15% (Itami 1976). Bottom trawls were towed by
small vessels of 5 t and under 11 m in length.
Chikuni (1985) considered the majority of warmwater octopus catches (most of which is O. sinensis)
to be taken in the Seto region, attributing 15% to
traps, 20% to hook-and-line and 60% to bycatch of
small-scale dragnet fishing.
Seabed substrates where O. sinensis is fished are
typically sand or small stones, occasionally mud
(reviewed by Takeda 1990, for the Seto region, Tokyo
Bay of the southern Pacific regions, and Ibaraki and
Fukushima of the NEP region).
Ranching of small octopuses during times of cheap
prices was recorded as taking place during the 1960s
and 1970s off Hyogo in the Seto region by Takeda
(1990), exceeding 500 t around 1965 (when trawling
for octopus yielded more than 60,000 t), then declining below 10 t (trawl catches falling to less than 1,000
t) by 1981.
In recent years, rising prices and worries about sustainability of stocks have encouraged increased
research efforts to raise O. sinensis as an aquaculture
species in Japan, with financial support from the
Japan Science and Technology Agency and the
Figure 75. Okayama Prefecture annual landings of octopus.
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. In
China, O. sinensis is an important export species,
ongrown from juveniles mainly in the coastal waters
of Fujian and Zhejiang (Figure 74).
11.4.5. Fishery management and stock assessment
Fishing pressure on O. sinensis is likely to continue
into the future and attention will need to be paid to
managing the fisheries for this species, to ensure its
sustainability. The population of O. sinensis in the
Seto region has long been recognized as “fully
exploited” (Hamabe et al. 1976) but there are clear
regional differences in the sustainable populations.
Note, for example, the clear difference in abundance
for Hyogo Prefecture (which has coasts on both the
Seto Sea and Japan Sea; Figure 60 and Figure 61,)
compared with the northeastern prefectures of the
Pacific coast (Iwate, Fukushima and Ibaraki; Figure
73). There are also erratic changes from year to year
in some fisheries (Figure 73 and Figure 75).
The exceptionally cold winter of 1963 decimated
the O. sinensis population in the Seto Region, so in
the following July the eastern part of the local population
was supplemented with around 40,000 young octopuses
(10.5 t in total wet weight) trucked in from the East China
Sea coast of Kumamoto, Kyushu (Itami 1964, 1976).
Fishing for O. sinensis was prohibited in the Seto region
and empty concrete pots were provided for the octopuses
to spawn (a practice used since the 1930s; Itami 1976). It
was recognized, however, that the presence of sufficient
live feed is likely to be a limiting factor, and trawling and
pollution have also been cited as causes of decreases in
catches of O. sinensis (Itami 1976).
Multi-annual cycles in abundance have long been
recognized in northern waters, and this is shown in
long-term data such as those for Fukushima: note the
peaks in the early 1970s and at the turn of the millennium in Figure 73. Wide variation in catches has also
been noted for Aomori (the most northern prefecture
of Honshu; Noro 2017): O. sinensis here is caught
mainly inshore, particularly off the most southern
part of the Pacific coast of Aomori.
From a population analysis in the Akashi area
(Seto region), Takeda (1990) concluded that the population of O. sinensis is overfished and suggested that
the best way to control the size of octopus caught is
by fixing the size of octopus pots.
Beginning in the 1930s and into the 1980s, there have
been several efforts to encourage and protect spawning
octopuses in the Seto region (off Hyogo) and off the
Nagasaki coast of Kyushu (Itami 1976; Takeda 1990).
Such efforts are ongoing (NPO activity in the region of
Okayama and Kurashiki in the Seto region; IGG and K.
Matsubara, personal observations), with activities including the distribution of loose octopus pots, often embedded
in concrete to discourage movement by currents; laying
large stone ballast over sandy and gravel areas; and sinking
large stones and concrete blocks of around 1 t to deter
trawling activity (Itami 1976; Takeda 1990).
11.4.6. Economic importance
The wholesale market price of O. sinensis has doubled
over the last 5 y, from JPY 500 to 1,000 kg 1 (Figure 71).
This reflects the importance of this species, especially
amid the currently limited catches and increasing demand
for this highly prized commodity, based on the availability
not only of O. sinensis but also of closely similar imported
species in the O. vulgaris species group (cf. Figure 57).
11.5. Amphioctopus fangsiao (and other species of
This is a small species with a mature ML typically
around 50 mm and arms of subequal length except for
arms 1, which are conspicuously shorter; arms 4 are
Figure 76. Commercially packed Amphioctopus fangsiao
imported from Hyogo Pref., obtained in Naha market, Okinawa
(image: C. Timmons). B: bar, broad and pale in color, across
the dorsal surface of the head, between the eyes; O: goldcolored iridescent ring component of an ocellus
(false eyespot).
the longest by a small margin over arms 2 and 3. It is
one of the easiest octopuses to identify when alive or
freshly dead because of the presence of a distinctive
golden iridescent ring on the outer surface of the
interbrachial membrane between arms 2 and 3 of the
right and left sides, and a broad pale-colored bar
across the dorsal surface of the head (Figure 76;
Sasaki 1929; Gleadall and Naggs 1991; Gleadall 1997).
The iridescent rings are components of each of a pair
of ocelli (false eyespots), which the living octopus uses
to surprise and distract potential predators. After the
octopus has died, however, the rings may appear only
in rather vague form (as shown on the octopus
labeled “O” in Figure 76), or may disappear altogether
(as for the three animals accompanying the specimen
with the “O” label; Figure 76). Similarly, the pale head
bar can be obvious (“B” in Figure 76), or (after death)
apparently absent (other animals in Figure 76).
Several other species in this genus (including A.
aegina, A. ovulum, A. kagoshimensis and A. marginatus), both domestic and imported, and with or without ocelli, all tend to be identified in Japanese markets
using the vernacular name for A. fangsiao: “iidako.”
11.5.1. Distribution and life history
The distribution of A. fangsiao is apparently similar to
that of O. sinensis, since it has been confirmed as present in continental shelf seas from Hong Kong (Gleadall
1997) to northern Japan (Segawa and Nomoto 2002;
Gleadall 2003). It is commonly found on sandy and
gravel substrates and has been described as “one of the
most commercially important edible cephalopods” of
southern and western Korea (Son et al. 2015).
This species (sometimes identified by a junior synonym, O. ocellatus) has been maintained in laboratory
Figure 77. Small octopus pots (left and middle) and shells of Rapana venosa (right) for Amphioctopus fangsiao off the coast of
China being hauled aboard. (Image: Zheng XD).
aquaria, where it has been shown to have a life span of
six months to one year (Segawa and Nomoto 2002; Son
et al. 2015). Eggs are laid shortly after mating takes
place in Spring or Autumn: Spring confirmed for the
Seto region (Segawa and Nomoto 2002) and Korea (Son
et al. 2015); and Autumn confirmed for Tokyo Bay
(IGG, LJC, DP, unpublished observations) and Aomori,
northern Honshu (IGG, unpublished observations).
Females lay around 300–600 large eggs (length
10–13 mm in the ovary, 7 mm after ovulation and
laying) which develop directly into benthic octopuses
with no planktonic paralarval stage (Segawa and
Nomoto 2002).
11.5.2. Stock identification
Gao et al. (2013) used polymorphic microsatellite loci to
investigate the population structure and conservation
genetics of A. fangsiao. Cryptic species have been
detected but further research is required to clarify this
species complex (Zhang et al., unpublished data).
11.5.3. Catches/landings
Catch data specific to A. fangsiao are sparse. At the
present time, this species appears to have been heavily
or over exploited and numbers are very low
(Figure 61). The Seto region appears to have (or used
to have) the largest population of this species and
catches in other regions are of the order of a few
hundred kg at most (e.g., 30 kg annual catch for the
whole of Toyama Pref. in 2016). As an example of
a prefecture from the Seto region, annual landings
in Okayama Pref. were several hundred tonnes in
the 1970s, sometimes surpassing catches of O. sinensis
(Figure 75).
11.5.4. Fisheries/fishing methods/fleet
In Japan, A. fangsiao has been caught in largest quantities in the Seto region (e.g., Hyogo and Okayama
Prefs.; Figure 61 and Figure 75), apparently taken in
trawls aimed at O. sinensis. It is available (but apparently not in commercially exploitable quantities) in
Mutsu Bay, Aomori Pref., and Sendai Bay, Miyagi
Pref. (IGG, pers. obs.). In Tokyo Bay at Futtsu,
Chiba Pref., there are several vessels operating a small
commercial recreational fishery (rod and line with
unbaited lure) for a limited season usually restricted
to October and November each year (IGG, LJC, DP,
pers. obs.).
Off the coast of Haizhou Bay, China, A. fangsiao is
taken using octopus pots and shells of Rapana venosa
(Figures 77 and 78).
11.5.5. Fishery management and stock assessment
No information has been obtained on fishery management and stock assessment for A. fangsiao. Erratic
catch statistics for Japan, however, suggest that stocks
are overfished (Figures 61 and75), probably in the
Seto region in particular (cf. Figure 63; and failure
recently to obtain specimens of A. fangsiao in the
Okayama area of the Seto region; T. Akiyama, pers.
comm. to IGG). There is geographic isolation among
different local populations, since this is a large-egged
species with no planktonic dispersal: seven distinct
local stocks have been identified in the populations of
Chinese coastal waters (L€
u et al., 2010, who used the
A. fangsiao synonym Octopus ocellatus). The only fishery management measure applied in the East China
Sea is a summer fishing moratorium from May to
August (Lin and Cheng 2009).
Figure 80. “Octopus” longispadiceus landings for Niigata and
Tottori Prefectures.
Figure 78. Close-up of an octopus pot and shells of Rapana
venosa containing a captured specimen of Amphioctopus fangsiao caught off the coast of China. (Image: Zheng XD).
Figure 79. Monthly wholesale price for Amphioctopus fangsiao
during the last 5 years or so.
11.5.6. Economic importance
Seasons when most females are ripe with eggs govern the pricing of this species which fluctuates
erratically throughout the year (Figure 79), being
much more expensive in the Spring when the price
per kg may rise by more than JPY 1,000 compared
with other seasons. A smaller rise from the basic
price is also seen in Autumn (Figure 79), when
females with eggs are again briefly available. The
added value of female A. fangsiao with (rice grainsize) eggs as a gourmet item partly explains the
large differences observed also for mean annual prices (Figure 71).
11.6. “Octopus” longispadiceus
This species (“kumodako” in Japanese; Okutani et al.
1987; Gleadall 1993) is a small, cold-water, boreal
form, taken at 100–300 m at temperatures to around
4 C (though not usually above 1.5 C; Akimushkin
1963, 1965), endemic to the Japan Sea, Okhotsk Sea
and the Kuril Islands (Kondakov 1941; Akimushkin
1963, 1965). It has also been reported from the
Pacific coast of Hokkaido off Kushiro (Takeda
2003). Landings in Japan are mostly from the Japan
Sea, as exemplified by figures for Niigata and
Tottori Prefs (Figure 80). Little has been written
about “O.” longispadiceus since its original description (based on 4 male specimens from deep waters
off Miyagi Pref. on the NEP coast of Honshu),
except for the surveys and review by Takeda (2003)
concerning specimens taken off northern Hyogo
Pref. (which is just east of Tottori Pref., on the
Japan Sea coast) and by Gleadall (1993, 2004), who
demonstrated morphological affinities of this species
with genus Muusoctopus. It is a large-egged species
which probably does not have a planktonic paralarval stage (Takeda 2003).
Males of this species are easily recognized by the
right third arm being as long as, or longer than,
the third left arm (in males of most octopus species,
the third right arm is very much shorter than the
third left). The end of the third right arm of this
species terminates with an obvious, long, slim ligula
(sucker-free end of the third right arm of males),
typically 2 or 3 cm in length (Sasaki 1929; Gleadall
1993; Takeda 2003). It has been reported also in
Korean waters (Kim, Yang, and Lee 2016).
The catches of “O.” longispadiceus are relatively
minor and no information has been acquired about
its distribution, life history, stock identification,
fishing methods, gear, fisheries management or stock
assessment. In view of the relatively small catch size,
it is of minor economic importance compared with
other octopus species available in Japanese waters.
11.7. “Octopus” minor
This name (“changtuishao” or “mashao” in Chinese,
and “tenagadako” in Japanese) is used for octopuses
from East Asian waters distinguished by conspicuously long first arms, with arms 2, 3 and 4 of
consecutively decreasing length (very different from
the other species of octopus mentioned above, none
of which have conspicuously longer first arms). The
number of species involved is uncertain and the taxonomy of the group to which they belong requires
further research. Larger specimens with similar
morphology have been described as “Octopus” variabilis (Sasaki 1929) and “Octopus” pardalis (Sasaki
1929). Males have a markedly short right third arm
with a conspicuous, cylindrical, club-like termination. The females lay large eggs. Off Japan they are
fished much less frequently than the other octopus
species, and are regarded as less tasty and consequently of lesser importance, typically obtained as
bycatch in trawls aimed at O. sinensis and
A. fangsiao.
It is also widely distributed along the coastal
waters of China, Korea and Japan. It is nocturnal
(Chang and Kim, 2003) and one of the most well
studied octopuses in China due to its economic and
ecological value (Zheng et al. 2014; Gao et al. 2016;
Wang and Zheng, 2017, 2018; Song et al., 2019). It
is a large-egg species, producing relative fewer eggs
than other species, so it is not surprising to find
that, like A. fangsiao, it shows substantial differentiation among geographical populations (Wang and
Zheng, 2017, 2018). Multiple paternity and batch
spawning have been observed. Development is direct
with eggs hatching to release crawl-away young after
an embryonic phase of 72–89 days (Zheng et al.
2014). The distribution of this species extends from
Hainan Island in the south, along the coastal shelf of
China and Korea to the Primorye coast of Russia
and southern Sakhalin, and the main Japanese
islands including Hokkaido (Sasaki 1929; Okutani
et al. 1987; Zheng et al. 2014). Small numbers of
“O.” minor are reported to be present in Mutsu Bay,
Honshu, which opens into the Tsugaru Straits (KN,
pers. obs.).
Yamamoto (1942b) provides an account of an
apparently similar species in Korean waters which he
identified as O. variabilis typicus (Sasaki 1929),
describing it as a mud-dweller in shallow, sheltered
bays, where it digs deep into the mud (see also Zheng
et al. 2014). It is harvested at low tide during Spring
and Autumn, using a spade-like implement or a small
hand-held plow to dig the octopuses out of the mud.
The breeding season is May–June, sometimes extending into the Autumn. Females lay 120–130 large
21–22 mm
(Yamamoto 1942b; Zheng et al. 2014). Hatchlings
develop directly over 72–89 days (at 21–25 C; Zheng
et al. 2014; Song et al. 2018) and show the adult-like
burrowing habit soon after hatching, the adults
Figure 81. Fishery management regions of the northeast Pacific.
eventually reaching a total length of up to 700 mm
(Yamamoto 1942b). There is also a trap fishery for
“O.” minor off the southwestern coast of the Korean
Peninsula (Kim, An, et al 2008).
Said to be a popular seafood item in East Asia,
“O.” minor is cultured on the NE coast of China
(Zheng et al. 2014), originally for release of young
octopuses as a resource stock enhancement strategy to
boost the local “O.” minor population around
Shandong Province.
12. North-Eastern Pacific
The coastline of FAO Statistical Area 67 (Northeast
Pacific) extends from northern California through
Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, Alaska and
the Bering Sea to eastern Russia. For this review landings from northern California are included in the
Central East Pacific section and those from Russia in
the Northwest Pacific section. Fishery management of
the Northeast Pacific is conducted for four regions:
the United States Pacific Northwest (waters off the
coast of Oregon and Washington states), Canadian
waters off the coast of British Columbia, the Gulf of
Alaska (GOA), and the Bering Sea and Aleutian
Islands (BSAI) (Figure 81). In the U.S., waters within
3 nm of the coast are managed by state fisheries agencies, while waters from 3–200 nm offshore are considered federal fisheries and are managed by regional
Fishery Management Councils. In Canada, all marine
waters are managed by Fisheries and Oceans
Canada (DFO).
More than 19 species of octopods (two Orders,
six Families) are found in the northeast Pacific in
coastal waters from the U.S. and Canadian west
coast through Alaska to the Bering Sea and Aleutian
Islands chain (Jorgensen 2009; Jereb et al. 2013).
These species range from open-ocean pelagic species
through deep-water benthic species to species found
in the shallow intertidal. While most of these species
are small (100 g at maturity), the northern Pacific is
home to the largest species of octopus in the world,
E. dofleini (formerly Octopus dofleini), which grows
to 15–25 kg at maturity. The total abundance of
octopods and the relative species composition is
unknown, as there is no effective way to census
either pelagic or benthic populations. Octopus are
occasionally taken in tribal, recreational, research,
and commercial fisheries, but the size and species
caught depends strongly on the type of fishing gear
used and the depth of fishing. The species most
commonly observed are red octopus (Octopus rubescens Berry, 1953), North Pacific giant octopus (E.
dofleini), and flapjack devilfish (Opistoteuthis californiana Berry, 1949). Deepwater and pelagic species
are rarely seen except in research surveys. The only
species harvested commercially in the northeastern
Pacific is E. dofleini. This species has a long history
of artisanal fisheries by various Pacific Northwest
tribes and Canadian First Nations, but was not commercially exploited prior to 1950, and has been harvested sporadically and at low levels since then.
Commercial harvest in British Columbia historically
included a directed dive fishery but currently consists of bycatch in trawl (shrimp and groundfish)
and trap (shrimp and crab) fisheries. Octopus stocks
off British Columbia are not assessed. There is no
directed commercial fishery for octopus in U.S.
waters, but octopus taken incidentally in commercial
groundfish fisheries are sometimes retained and
sold. Because of the size of the Alaskan groundfish
industry, incidental catch of octopus in the two
regions off Alaska is substantial. The North Pacific
Fishery Management Council began tracking catch
of octopus from federal and state waters off Alaska
in 2003, and has set annual catch limits for an octopus assemblage since 2011. An annual assessment is
conducted for octopus in Alaska, but this assessment is considered data-poor, most notably because
of the inability to estimate total biomass for
the stocks.
The geographic range and principal habitat of octopus species in the northeast Pacific are described in
Jorgensen (2009) and Jereb et al. (2013) and are
summarized in Table 10. Both O. rubescens and E.
dofleini are widely distributed geographically and
common in coastal shelf waters. Other species are
largely limited to greater depths (Muusoctopus leioderma Berry, 1911, Opisthoteuthis californiana) or offshore pelagic habitat (J. diaphana).
12.1. Enteroctopus dofleini
This species is found throughout the northern Pacific
Ocean from northern Japanese waters, throughout the
Aleutian Islands, the Bering Sea and the Gulf of
Alaska down the Pacific coast to southern California
and Baja California, Mexico (Kubodera 1991;
Jorgensen 2009; Jereb et al. 2013).
It has been studied extensively in Alaskan,
Japanese and Canadian waters, but the dynamics of
natural populations are still largely unknown. Unlike
other octopus species, E. dofleini may live up to 5–6
years, although Hartwick et al. (1981) and Hartwick
and Barriga (1997) suggested that growth rates were
more consistent with a 2–3 year life span in the
wild. It has been found to mature between 10 to
20 kg, with size at 50% maturity values in the Gulf
of Alaska of 13.7 kg for females and 14.5 kg for
males (Conrath and Conners 2014). Similar work in
the southeast Bering Sea (Brewer et al. 2013) found
a weight at 50% maturity of 12.8 kg for females and
10.8 kg for males. They are problematic to age due
to a lack of documented beak growth checks and
soft chalky statoliths (Robinson and Hartwick 1986),
therefore determination of age at maturity is difficult
for this species. In Japan this species is estimated to
mature at 1.5 to 3 years and at similar but smaller
size ranges (Kanamaru and Yamashita 1967; Mottet
1975). Hochberg and Fields (1980) documented
maximum size at 272 kg, for an individual with an
arm span of 9.6 m; Cosgrove and McDaniel (2009)
discussed the provenance and validity of this, and
other size records.
It is semelparous, with a planktonic paralarval stage
lasting weeks to months after hatching. Within the
Gulf of Alaska this species has a protracted reproductive cycle with a peak in spawning in the winter to
early spring months (Conrath and Conners 2014). A
similar pattern was observed in the southeast Bering
Sea, with E. dofleini reproductively active in the fall
with peak spawning occurring in the winter to early
spring months (Brewer et al. 2013; Brewer 2016). It
appears that reproduction in this species is not fully
synchronous, as mature adults of both sexes were
observed throughout the year in both regions. Due to
Table 10. Octopus species found in the northeastern Pacific Ocean and eastern Bering Sea.
General distribution
Scientific name
Order Octopoda
Family Opisthoteuthidae
Opisthoteuthis californiana
Family Alloposidae
Haliphron atlanticus
Family Amphitretidae
Bolitaena pygmaea
Japetella diaphana
Family Enteroctopodidae
Enteroctopus dofleini
Muusoctopus canthylus
Muusoctopus hokkaidensis
Muusoctopus leioderma
Muusoctopus oregonensis
Muusoctopus profundorum
Muusoctopus robustus
Muusoctopus sibiricus
Muusoctopus yaquinae
Muusoctopus unid.
Sasakiopus salebrosus
Family Megaeledonidae
Graneledone boreopacifica
Family Octopodidae
Octopus californicus
Octopus rubescens
Octopus unid.
Family Ocythoidae
Ocythoe tuberculata
Order Vampyromorpha
Family Vampyroteuthidae
Vampyroteuthis infernalis
Max length
250–1,000 m
/50 cm
0–1,260þ m
69/400 cm
100–1,500 m
200–1,500 m
60/ cm
85/160 cm
0–1,000 m
2,795–3,000 m
130–1,000 m
90–500 m
>1,000 m
150–3,400 m
1,200–3,850 m
30–220 m
1000–3000 m
>500 m
200–1200 m
/250 cm
8/25 cm
6/24 cm
7/27 cm
18/78 cm
/29 cm
14/ cm
16/ cm
8/ cm
10/25 cm
700–1,500 m
16/ cm
100–1,000 m
0–100 m
10–300 m
10/ cm
10/25 cm
Depth range
0–200 m
31/96 cm
300–1,500 m
8/13 cm
differences in the timing of peak gonad development
between males and females, it is likely that females have
the capability to store sperm. This phenomenon has
been documented in aquarium studies of octopus in
Alaska (Jared Gutheridge, pers. comm.) and British
Columbia (Gabe 1975). Larson et al. (2015) provided
molecular genetic evidence supporting multiple paternity
and suggested contribution by two to four males in single clutches of eggs. Fecundity for this species in the
GOA ranged from 40,000 to 240,000 eggs per female
with an average fecundity of 106,800 eggs per female.
Fecundity was significantly and positively related to the
size of the female (Conrath and Conners 2014).
Fecundity of E. dofleini within this region is higher than
that reported for other regions. Fecundity of this species
in Japanese waters has been estimated at 30,000 to
100,000 eggs per female (Kanamaru 1964; Mottet 1975;
Sato 1996). Gabe (1975) estimated a female in captivity
in British Columbia laid 35,000 eggs. Eggs are suspended
in long strings from the ceiling of a rocky den and are
protected and aerated by the female for 5.5–6.5 months
before hatching, depending on water temperature (Gabe
1975; Mottet 1975; Cosgrove 1993). Both sexes undergo
senescence and eventually die; males after mating and
females during egg brooding or soon after hatching
occurs (Cosgrove 1993; Anderson et al. 2002).
Hatchlings are approximately 3.5 mm and weigh
approximately 0.02–0.03 g (Hartwick 1983; Cosgrove
1993). After hatching, paralarvae spend 2–3 months in
the plankton and settle to epibenthic habitat at
approximately 1 g (Rigby 2004). Mottet (1975) estimated survival to 6 mm at 4% while survival to
10 mm was estimated to be 1%; mortality at the 1 to 2
year stage is also estimated to be high (Hartwick
1983). Since the highest mortality occurs during these
early stages, it is probable that ocean conditions have
a strong impact on early survival and result in large
interannual fluctuations in recruitment. Rigby (2004)
estimated absolute growth rates of 0.82 to 0.95g/day,
depending on water temperature, for E. dofleini of
2–4 kg. Brewer (2016) showed that specific growth
rates of immature octopus decreased with increasing
body size; growth of 10–15 kg E. dofleini tagged in the
southeast Being Sea ranged from 0.2 to 1.3%/day.
Hartwick et al. (1981) reported specific growth rates
of 0.1–1.8%/day based on tag recoveries in Clayoquot
Sound, British Columbia.
12.1.1. Stock identification
The stock structure and phylogenetic relationships of
E. dofleini throughout its range have not been well
studied. Three subspecies have been identified based
on large geographic ranges and morphological characteristics including Enteroctopus dofleini dofleini
ulker, 1910) (far western North Pacific),
Enteroctopus dofleini apollyon (Berry, 1912) (waters
near Japan, Bering Sea, Gulf of Alaska), and
Enteroctopus dofleini martini (Pickford, 1964) (eastern
part of their range) (Pickford 1964). Hochberg (1998)
rejected subspecific designations and referred to E.
dofleini as a species complex. Hochberg and Fields
(1980) suggested that an undescribed subspecies was
present off southern California. Recent genetic studies
(Toussaint et al. 2012; Barry et al. 2013) suggested the
presence of cryptic species of E. dofleini in Prince
William Sound and possibly Stephens Pass, Alaska.
Although sample sizes were small, Larson et al. (2015)
found evidence of moderate genetic diversity and
moderate population structure amongst sample groups
from Oregon, coastal Washington, Puget Sound and
British Columbia. Additional genetic and/or tagging
studies are needed to clarify the stock structure of this
species in the northeastern Pacific.
There is little information available about the
migration and movements of this species in the
Eastern Pacific. Kanamaru (1964) proposed that E.
dofleini in waters off of the coast of Hokkaido, Japan
move to deeper waters to mate during July through
October and then move to shallower waters to spawn
during October through January. Studies of movement
in British Columbia (Hartwick et al. 1984) and south
central Alaska (Scheel and Bisson 2012) found no evidence of a seasonal or directed migration for this species. Tagging studies in the southeast Bering Sea
(Brewer 2016) saw limited movement of both small
and large E. dofleini, with the highest movement rates
in intermediate size ranges (15–18 Kg). Within-season
movement vectors from this study were up to 4.6 km,
and between-season movement between 0.95 and
11.5 km. Further studies are needed to document spatial distributions and seasonal movement patterns of
E. dofleini in the eastern Pacific.
12.1.2. Catches/landings
There currently is no directed octopus fishery in
coastal or offshore waters in the Northeast Pacific.
There is, however, substantial incidental catch
(bycatch) of octopus from groundfish fisheries in
Alaska, and historic contributions from a directed
dive fishery and bycatch in crustacean trap fisheries in
British Columbia (Figure 82). Alaska and U.S. Pacific Northwest. From
1992–2003 total incidental catch of octopus in Alaska
Figure 82. Catch of octopus (all species, mt) from fisheries in
Northeast Pacific (FAO Statistical Area 67), 1950–2014.
Figure 83. Retained and total catch of octopus (all species)
from state and federal fisheries in the Gulf of Alaska (NMFS
Region). Note that only total catch was estimated before 2003.
Figure 84. Retained and total catch of octopus (all species)
from state and federal fisheries in the Bering Sea and Aleutian
Islands (NMFS Region). Note that only total catch was estimated before 2003.
was estimated from observed hauls (Gaichas 2004).
Since 2004 the total octopus catch in federal waters
(including discards) has been estimated using the
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Alaska
Regional Office catch accounting system. Bycatch of
octopus (species not identified) is estimated between
200 and 500 mt/yr in the BSAI and between 300 and
800 mt/yr in the GOA. Both total catch and percentage retention have increased in recent years, especially
in the GOA (Figures 83 and 84). Some of this increase
is probably due to improved catch reporting and catch
accounting, but awareness of octopus and its potential
commercial value has also increased. Landings of
octopus in commercial fisheries off Oregon and
Washington has ranged from 2.7 to 6.1 mt/yr, with
particularly high catches in 2012 and 2015 (Pacific
Fisheries Information Network [PACFIN] 2015). Exvessel prices for landed octopus are higher in Oregon
and Washington than in Alaska, ranging from $0.62
to $1.17 per pound. British Columbia. Historically, catches in BC
were documented using fish slip data maintained by
the Pacific Region Commercial Catch Statistics Unit;
these data were summarized in annual reports
between 1951 and 1995 (DFO 1951–1995). Octopus
were not reported until 1969. Catches post-1995 are
from Pacific Region Commercial Catch Statistics Unit
databases until 1999; data from 2000 to present are a
combination of logbooks and at-sea or dockside monitoring, depending on the programs in use for each
fishery. There were considerable discrepancies
between fish slip and other monitoring data, with fish
slips reporting significantly more catch from 1980 to
1999 and other monitoring program reporting significantly more catch after 2000.
Catch of octopus was relatively low until the mid1980s when increased demand for octopus bait supported further development of a directed dive fishery.
Landings peaked briefly in 1988–1990 surpassing
200 mt and then declined (Figure 82). Landings again
exceeded 200 mt in 1996–1998 with a peak of 294 mt
in 1997. After a poor year in 1999 landings increased
dramatically to a historic high of 1,103 mt in 2002.
Participation and effort declined after 2002 and landings fell consistently thereafter.
All increases were driven primarily by increased
landings in the dive fishery; incidental bycatch in the
shrimp trap fishery became more important after 2008
and became the sole producer after closure of the dive
fishery in 2013 (Figure 85).
12.1.3. Fisheries/fishing methods/fleet Inshore tribal and recreational fisheries.
Octopus harvested by hand from intertidal areas have
historically been part of the diet of many native tribes
throughout the Pacific Northwest, Alaska, and the
Aleutian Islands (Morris 1987; Lape and Kopperl
2013). First Nations in British Columbia traditionally
harvested octopus for both food and bait (e.g., Ellis
and Swan 1981). Fishers would search for octopus
Figure 85. Landed catch (mt) of octopus from commercial
fisheries in British Columbia, as reported in logbooks
(1980–1999) or catch monitoring programs (2000–2015).
dens by wading or canoe in shallow water and octopus were driven from their den and dispatched using
sharpened yew “octopus lances.” Mantles, arms and
suckers were occasionally eaten but most of the flesh
was prepared for bait; some was dried and stored for
later use. Octopus were also used to fashion dressings
for burns. There are no reliable estimates of British
Columbia recreational or First Nations’ harvests but
there are two permanent area closures in regulation
specifically to ensure First Nations access for Food,
Social and Ceremonial purposes.
Recreational octopus fishing is regulated by states
in the western U.S. and the Federal government
(DFO) in Canada. In the US, permitted recreational
catch methods range from angling to scuba diving
and traps; use of chemical toxins or irritants is prohibited. In Oregon and Washington, one octopus per
day is the limit for recreational permits. The state of
Alaska permits octopus to be harvested under recreational and “subsistence” licenses, with similar regulations. In Alaska, there is no bag limit, but the number
of traps is limited to five per individual and ten per
vessel. There are no seasonal restrictions in any of the
state recreational fisheries. Canadian regulations allow
recreational harvest of one octopus per day with a
possession limit of two; use of sharp-pointed instruments, snares, hand pumps or chemical irritants is
prohibited and a tidal waters personal fishing license
is required (DFO 2016d). State and provincial fisheries. Directed
commercial fishing for octopus is allowed in Alaska
state waters (within 3 mi of shore) only with a special
“commissioner’s permit” from the Alaska Department
of Fish and Game. These permits are issued on a
case-by-case basis and usually include either total
effort or total catch restriction. This fishery has been
limited to trap gear, using a variety of trap types and
sizes from commercial crab and shrimp traps to
experiments with small “habitat” traps selective for
octopus (Sagalkin and Spalinger 2011; Conners et al.
2012). Efforts were made in the late 1980s to evaluate
the potential for a state octopus fishery (Paust 1988,
1997); catches from 1988–1995 were reportedly less
than 8 mt per year (Fritz 1997). In 2004–2016 commissioner’s permits have occasionally been given for
directed harvest on an experimental basis. An experimental fishery in the Bering Sea in 2004 had 13 participating vessels and landings of 4,977 octopus
totaling 84.6 mt. The majority of this catch was from
larger pot boats during the fall season cod fishery
(September–November). From 2005 to 2014, few permits have been requested and all catch of octopus in
state waters was incidental to other fisheries (Bowers
et al. 2010; Sagalkin and Spalinger 2011).
In British Colombia, dive fishers would search for
octopus dens, often using midden piles of discarded
crustacean and bivalve shells as a cue (Wylie 2006;
Cosgrove and McDaniel 2009). Octopus were flushed
from their dens using an irritant; copper sulfate,
ammonia or liquid bleach were used historically but
these were banned and after 1999 divers primarily
used dilute hydrogen peroxide. Octopus were placed
in mesh bags and returned to the surface for processing. Divers would revisit known areas of high den
concentrations and harvest new octopus that had
inhabited dens after the previous occupants had
been removed.
The dive fishery occurred primarily along the east
coast of Vancouver Island from Port Hardy to Sooke,
with some fishing occurring on the west coast of
Vancouver Island in Barkley and Clayoquot Sounds.
From 2000 until the fishery was discontinued in 2013
approximately 60% of the landings reported in logbooks originated from inside waters and 40% from
the west coast of Vancouver Island.
Historically, very little trap effort was directed at
octopus; most landings were of octopus caught incidentally in trap fisheries for crab and shrimp
(Jamieson 1987; Gillespie et al. 1998). Crustacean trap
fishers considered octopus a nuisance as they consume
shrimp or crabs confined in traps; octopus move from
trap to trap and several in sequence may be found
with only carapaces and an octopus in the final trap.
Brief attempts to establish directed octopus trap
fisheries in British Columbia (e.g., Hartwick et al.
1978; Adkins et al. 1980; Hartwick and Barriga 1997)
and Alaska (e.g., Paust 1988, 1997) were unsuccessful,
but interest continues (Barry et al. 2010).
Octopus caught incidentally in shrimp trawl and
groundfish fisheries may be retained; those taken in
groundfish fisheries cannot be landed, only retained
for use as bait (DFO 2016b, 2016c). Shrimp trawls
(both otter and beam configurations) are fished on
soft, level bottom. Groundfish trawls are larger and
use heavy ground gear to fish grounds that have
harder bottom but are still of relatively low relief.
Unlike the dive fishery, which seeks out denning
octopus, trawl fisheries likely encounter octopus that
are foraging. U.S. federal fisheries. Waters from 3 nm to
200 nm offshore the coast of the U.S. are regulated as
federal fisheries through regional Fishery Management
Councils (North Pacific Fishery Management Council
[NPFMC] 2015a, 2015b). While octopus are regulated
as shellfish by the states of Oregon and Alaska, in federal fisheries of the northeastern Pacific they are considered part of the groundfish fishery (NPFMC 2015a,
2015b). Groundfish fisheries are regulated by Fishery
Management Plans for three regions: the U.S. West
Coast, the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) region, and
the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) region
(Figure 81). At present there is no directed fishing for
octopus allowed in any of these three regions, but
regional plans permit some retention of non-target
species, including octopus. Retention of incidental
catch in the BSAI and GOA regions is permitted up
to a Maximum Retainable Allowance (MRA) which
varies by fishery and species. In most groundfish fisheries, retention of octopus and other non-prohibited
species is allowed up to a fixed percentage (usually
20%) of the retained catch of target species.
Octopus are not included in the Fishery
Management Plan for the U.S. West Coast and are
infrequently encountered in West Coast commercial
fisheries. Most octopus taken by offshore fisheries are
discarded at sea. Total annual landings of octopus
(both federal and state fisheries) in the West Coast
region from 2010 to 2015 ranged from 2.7 to 6.1 mt,
with an average of 4.1 mt.
The most substantial catch of octopus occurs in the
federal groundfish fisheries in the two regions off
Alaska, which are among the largest and most economically important in the U.S. Total Alaskan commercial fish harvest in 2014 exceeded 1.2 million mt
and was valued at $4.3 billion dollars (Alaska
Fisheries Science Center [AFSC] 2016). Commercial
groundfish fleets in Alaska include catcher vessels,
which deliver to shoreside processors or motherships,
catcher-processors, which process and freeze catch in
onboard factories, and floating processors known as
motherships, which buy and process catch from
smaller vessels. Because of the extreme weather conditions in Alaska, these fleets are generally made up of
larger vessels; catcher-processors in the BSAI range
from 80 to 160 ft, and motherships exceed 200 ft
(NMFS 2016). Gear used includes mid-water and bottom trawl nets, longline (hook-and-line) gear, jigging,
and traps or pots. The “pots” used in Alaska commercial fisheries are large steel frames (usually 7 ft by 7ft
by 3 ft) covered in 4” mesh, with two or three
entrance tunnels. While these pots are primarily used
by crab fisheries, they are also used in groundfish
fisheries targeting Sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) and
Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus). The majority of
the incidental catch of octopus in federal groundfish
fisheries is taken in this pot gear. While octopus are
undoubtedly attracted to these pots by the bait used,
fishermen have also reported frequently finding octopus in unbaited traps, presumably using them as temporary habitat or shelter. Some incidental catch of
octopus also occurs from prawn and shrimp fisheries
using smaller trap gear.
The highest octopus catch rates are from Pacific
cod pot fisheries in the western GOA and in the
southeast Bering Sea near the tip of the Alaska
Peninsula. While some octopus are taken in trawl and
longline fisheries, the overwhelming majority of the
catch in both regions is taken with pot gear fished for
Pacific cod. Crab and sablefish are generally fished at
greater depths, but cod pots are fished at 50–200 m,
and octopus are taken throughout this depth range.
Cod pot gear is selective for larger individuals; this
catch is almost completely composed of octopus
>5kg. While most octopus bycatch was discarded in
past years, in recent years both the total catch and the
percentage retained has been increasing, particularly
in the western GOA (Figure 83). Retained octopus is
generally either kept by the vessel or sold to a processor for use as bait, but there is a small market for
octopus prepared for human consumption. This market has the potential to substantially increase, based
on the worldwide demand for octopus.
12.1.4. Fishery management and stock assessment Alaska. The only explicit management for
octopus in the U.S. portions of the northeast Pacific
occurs in the two management regions off Alaska. An
octopus assemblage, including all species of octopus,
is included in the Fishery Management Plans for the
BSAI and GOA regions. Octopus in observer and
catch data are not identified to species; for
management purposes all octopus species are grouped
into a single assemblage. The species composition of
the octopus community is not well documented, but
data indicate that the giant Pacific octopus E. dofleini
is most abundant in shelf waters and predominates in
commercial catch (Conners et al. 2016).
Prior to 2011, octopuses were managed as part of
an “other species” complex in both the BSAI and
GOA regions. Until 2003, catch of other species
(squid, octopus, sharks, skates, and sculpins) was
reported only in the aggregate, and annual catch limits were set for the entire category. Separate catch
reporting for different components of the other species complex was initiated in 2003, but octopus are
still reported as an aggregate catch for all species.
Catch of other species from 2005–2009 was limited by
a TAC set at 5% of the combined target species
TAC. In October 2009, the NPFMC voted unanimously to amend both the BSAI and GOA Fishery
Management Plans to eliminate the “other species”
category. New regulations to set separate annual catch
limits for species assemblages from this group were
implemented in January 2011 for the BSAI and
January 2012 for the GOA. The National Marine
Fisheries Service (NMFS) Alaska Fisheries Science
Center (AFSC) prepared preliminary stock assessments for each species assemblage from 2006 through
2010 and annual assessment of each assemblage, with
recommended overfishing levels and allowable catch
limits, since 2011.
Assessments of the octopus assemblage in the
BSAI and GOA management regions are extremely
data-limited (Conners et al. 2016). There are several
problems trying to apply the standard methods for
groundfish stock assessment in these regions to octopus. There is as yet no established aging technique for
E. dofleini. Statoliths of this species are too soft and
chalky to age (Robinson and Hartwick 1986). While
banding structure has been observed in the stylets
and beaks, a linking of these bands to specific time
intervals has not been established. Since octopus
bodies are pliable and growth is highly plastic, there is
no equivalent to a fixed length measure or length/age
relationship. Size frequency of octopus caught is
highly gear-dependent, with trawl nets catching
primarily small (<1 kg) octopus and pot gear catching
only large (>5kg) animals. Because of this size selectivity, no effective methodology exists for determining
the size or age structure of the population.
The biggest problem is estimating the standing biomass of octopus populations in the BSAI and GOA.
The AFSC conducts annual (BSAI) and biennial
(GOA) bottom trawl surveys as the basis for estimating groundfish biomass. These surveys are not, however, an effective sampling tool for octopus; octopus
are present in only 4–12% of survey tows and variance
of extrapolated catch per area is very high. The
research bottom trawl net captures primarily small
octopus, with the occasional individual over 20 kg,
which results in high variance of estimates. The survey
does not cover shallow inshore areas and extremely
rocky or high relief areas, both of which are known
octopus habitat. As a result, there are survey estimates
of overall biomass for each region, but they are not
considered accurate and are probably far less than the
true biomass.
A variety of methods for setting annual catch limits
have been attempted for the octopus assemblages in
the BSAI and GOA. With other groundfish species,
when no reliable biomass estimates are available an
average of historical catch rates is recommended.
Since the only historical catch data for octopus is incidental catch, however, this average catch rate is very
low. Historical rates of incidental catch of octopus
have been estimated for 1997–2003, but these catches
do not represent any directed effort and are unlikely
to have caused any measurable depletion of the stock.
Catch limits for octopus in the BSAI for 2011 were
set using the maximum historical incidental catch rate
of 428 mt. The BSAI catch in 2011 was the highest yet
observed, reaching the overfishing level by midOctober. On 21 October 2011 the NMFS regional
office closed directed fishing for Pacific cod with pot
gear, resulting in substantial economic loss.
In 2012, a new methodology was introduced based
on an estimated natural mortality of octopus due to
predation by Pacific cod (Conners et al. 2016). Food
habits data collected by the AFSC indicates that
Pacific cod is the major predator of octopus in the
Bering Sea, and data from large numbers of stomach
samples of Pacific cod are available. Estimates of
numbers of Pacific cod by year, spatial stratum, and
one cm length bins were obtained from the bottom
trawl survey. Cod ration, in mt prey/cod/year was
estimated from allometric growth relationships
(Essington et al. 2001) and cod weight-at-age data,
and the proportion by weight of octopus in the diet of
cod for each year, stratum, and cod size class was estimated from stomach samples. The total consumption
of octopus (t/year) was calculated, and is used as a
conservative approximation of natural mortality for
octopus. Estimates of annual predation mortality by
Bering Sea cod on octopus ranged from <200 to over
20,000 mt; the majority of the annual estimates prior
Figure 86. Estimated consumption of octopus by Bering Sea
Pacific cod, 1984–2015. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals of posterior distribution; solid bars are annual hyperbolic means.
to 2004 were in the range of 3,000 to 6,000 t (Figure
86). Annual predation rates increased in 2010–2015,
due to both an increase in the abundance of Pacific
cod and increased presence of octopus in the diet.
The geometric mean of the posterior distribution for
all annual predation estimates yielded a conservative
long-term average predation rate of 4,770 mt, which is
a full order of magnitude higher than the estimated
rate of incidental catch in current fisheries. This calculation was presented in the 2011 BSAI octopus
stock assessment, and has been selected as the best
available procedure to set BSAI catch limits from 2012
through 2017.
Catch limits for octopus in the GOA have been
based on different procedures. The bottom trawl
survey of the GOA uses trawl nets more suitable for
rocky habitat and catches a wider range of octopus
sizes, so the bottom trawl survey biomass estimate
is considered more representative of octopus populations. The consumption-based estimator was considered but rejected in this region for two reasons.
Food-web analysis for the GOA indicates that there
are several important predators for octopus, and estimating overall consumption for multiple predators
would be complex. Secondly, stomach sampling in the
GOA is less extensive that in the BSAI, and greater
uncertainty is associated with consumption estimates
for the GOA. As the best choice among poor alternatives, the GOA currently uses the standard surplus
production model where the overfishing fishing
mortality rate (F) is set by the calculation F ¼ M
(Alverson and Pereyra 1969; Francis 1974), where M
is an estimated rate of natural mortality. The overfishing fishing mortality rate is applied to estimated
biomass to determine overfishing levels. The natural
mortality rate currently used is 0.57, based on the
Rikhter and Efanov (1976) equation and a presumed
average age at maturity of 3 years. For future assessments,
Figure 87. Pacific Fishery Management Areas for the North and South Coast of British Columbia.
an exploratory size-based population model is being
developed. Estimation of model-based population
parameters would, however, require both a dedicated
octopus survey (time series of biomass) and some estimation of size frequency in octopus catch (catch
at stage). British Columbia. All directed commercial
fisheries for octopus in BC were managed under a single license until 1992 when dive and trap fisheries
were shifted to separate licenses. By regulation, North
Pacific giant octopus (E. dofleini) is the only species
that can be commercially harvested.
Commercial octopus dive licenses were no longer
issued in 2000. Some harvest continued under experimental guidelines and scientific licenses with the
intention of testing environmentally acceptable and
efficient irritants and collecting more detailed biological information to support stock assessment (DFO
2006). Experimental guidelines required fishers to
select one of three fishing areas: North Coast (Pacific
Fishery Management Areas (PFMA) 1–10) (Figure
87), East Coast Vancouver Island (PFMA 11–19, 28
and 29) or West Coast Vancouver Island (PFMA
20–27) (Figure 87) (DFO 2006; Wylie 2006).
Experimental guidelines were discontinued after 2007
and harvests continued under exploratory fishing
guidelines and permits (DFO 2011). After significant
declines in effort and landings, the commercial dive
fishery for octopus was discontinued 31 July 2013.
Historically, harvest opportunities for octopus by
trap were limited to periods of time when shrimp trap
fisheries were open; typically April to August. This
was to eliminate bycatch of shrimp during periods in
which the shrimp trap fishery was closed for conservation reasons (DFO 1998). Currently, octopus retention is allowed in periods and areas that each trap
fishery is open; now typically April through July for
shrimp trap and year-round for crab trap fisheries
except management areas with seasonal softshell closures (DFO 2015, 2016a). The shrimp trap and crab
trap management plans include numerous octopus
closure areas (where any octopus encountered are
required to be released unharmed) for provincial and
national parks, marine and ecological reserves, First
Nations Food, Social and Ceremonial concerns,
research and study areas and navigational issues. New
logbooks requiring octopus catch information were
introduced to shrimp and crab trap fisheries; the logbook for crab requires total number and weight of
both retained and released octopus (DFO 2015).
Octopus stocks are not assessed in BC beyond catch
reporting requirements.
12.1.5. Economic importance
Octopus caught in U.S. groundfish fisheries are often
discarded at sea, but may be retained in small quantities (up to the Maximum Retainable Allowance) for
sale as either seafood product or bait. In 2004–2007 a
commercial market for human consumption of octopus developed in Dutch Harbor, Alaska, with ex-vessel
prices running as high as $U.S. 0.90/lb. The main processor marketing this food-grade octopus went out of
business in 2009, decreasing demand. Other processors in both the GOA and BSAI continue to buy octopus for bait at ex-vessel prices in the $U.S. 0.40–0.60/
lb range. Octopus is a desirable bait both for longline
and pot fishing; some vessels retain their octopus
catch for their own later use as bait. At present, octopus products contribute only a small amount to the
total value of fishery products in Alaska (AFSC 2016).
Total wholesale value of octopus from Alaskan fisheries in 2010–2015 averaged $U.S. 412,000 per year
out of total returns over 4 billion per year. Due to the
worldwide demand for food-grade octopus, however,
the possibility of increased future marketing effort for
octopus products exists.
103 British Columbia. Most octopus landed in
BC are utilized as bait in longline fisheries for Pacific
halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis), sablefish and other
groundfish (Adkins et al. 1980; Parker 2002; Wylie
2006). Introduction of Individual Vessel Quotas in the
halibut fishery in 1991 greatly reduced demand for
octopus bait, as fishers were able to utilize bycatch
such as pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) or
other less expensive alternative baits (Parker 2002;
Wylie 2006).
Reported total value of octopus fisheries in British
Columbia ranged from 1.1 million $Cdn in 1997 to
14,000 $Cdn in 2014 and 2015 (DFO Pacific Region
Commercial Catch Statistics Unit, Vancouver). These
likely underestimate true value as fish slips account
for only a portion of total landings after 1999 when
other catch monitoring methods (logbooks, dockside
and at-sea monitors) were implemented. Values
declined steadily except for a brief recovery in 2002
through 2004. Declines post-2004 were apparent in
the shrimp trap fishery but driven primarily by the
decline of the dive fishery. Since licenses were separated in 2000, the dive fishery represented 40% of the
landed value, shrimp trap accounted for 58% and
there were minor contributions from shrimp trawl
and crab trap fisheries.
Average annual price over all gear types between
1982 and 2015 ranged between $Cdn 2.25–4.25/kg
($Cdn 1.02–1.93/lb). Average annual price was highest
in the dive fishery (1982–2013) ranging between $Cdn
2.67–7.73/kg ($Cdn 1.19–3.50/lb) with the peak
in 2010.
13. Central-Eastern Pacific
The Central-eastern Pacific encompasses a variety of
regions where several octopus species co-exist and
octopus fisheries of different levels of development are
carried out. The coastline of the FAO Major Fishing
Area 77 extends from Cape Mendocino in northern
California to Panama, and westward to 175 000 W,
covering all of western Polynesia. During the first half
of the past century, a targeted octopus fishery operated in California. In contrast, octopus catches off the
Mexican Pacific only increased significantly during the
1980s with landings over 1,000 t year 1. In Polynesia,
octopus fishing is a significant age-old practice linked
to myths.
The area reports mean octopus landings of 1,384 t
year 1 during this century (FAO 2016), of which 95%
of the landings are from western Mexico. There is little biological and fisheries information available from
some regions within the fishing area; moreover, most
octopus catches are not reported at the species level.
As a result, there is a significant lack of information
on the life history, stock identification, recruitment,
catches, size of the fleet and people employed, among
others, which limits the capacity to develop robust
management measures.
13.1. California and Mexican Pacific
13.1.1. Enteroctopus dofleini
Although E. dofleini occurs in the North Pacific from
California to southern Japan, no studies on this octopus have been conducted in Californian waters,
although it has been well studied in the areas of the
North Pacific where fisheries targeting this species
occur (see sections 11 and 12).
13.1.2. Octopus hubbsorum
This species, commonly known as the Hubb’s octopus,
was originally described for the Gulf of California in
1953. It was not until 1995, however, identified as the
main component of the octopus fishery along western
Mexico. This species is known as “pulpo verde” in
Mexico and is reported from Magdalena Bay off
southwestern Baja California, into the Gulf of
California and south to Oaxaca, as well as around the
Revillagigedo Islands. It is found from the intertidal
to shallow subtidal zones (0–30 m), in rocky areas in
holes, crevices or under boulders (Aguilar and
opez-Uriarte et al. 2005;
Godınez-Domınguez 1997; L
Domınguez-Contreras et al. 2013).
All of the information available of O. hubbsorum is
from studies conducted in western Mexico. This octopus
grows to a maximum of 220 mm ML and 3,700 g BW at
Magdalena Bay, Baja California Sur and off Oaxaca
(Alejo-Plata et al. 2009; Domınguez-Contreras et al. 2013;
Alejo-Plata and G
omez-Marquez 2015). Modal size analysis estimated ML growth rates of 0.40–0.76 mm day 1,
and a post-settlement life span of 9 months for females
and 7 months for males, with an estimated maximum life
span of 15 months (L
opez-Uriarte 2006).
Size at maturity varies depending on the location.
At Oaxaca, females mature (ML50%) at 160 mm ML
and males at 140 mm ML (Alejo-Plata et al. 2009),
although another study estimated the ML50% at
90 mm ML for females and 74 mm ML for males
(Alejo-Plata and G
omez-Marquez 2015), and BWs of
1,195 g for females and 527 g for males (GarcıaGuadarrama 2013). At Jalisco females mature at
115 mm ML and 758 g BW while males mature at
70 mm ML and 320 g BW (L
opez-Uriarte and Rıos-
Jara 2009). In the Gulf of California females mature at
615–680 g BW and males at 405–445 g BW (BravoOlivas 2008; Pliego-Cardenas et al. 2011), similar to
females from Bahıa Magdalena (628 g BW; 120 mm
ML; Domınguez-Contreras et al. 2018).
Mean potential fecundity ranges from 107,103 to
240,050 oocytes female 1, with a minimum value of
22,447 oocytes and maximum of 545,444. Mean relative fecundity is 32–471 oocytes g 1 of female BW
opez-Uriarte and Rıos-Jara 2009; Pliego-Cardenas
et al. 2011; Garcıa-Guadarrama 2013; Alejo-Plata and
omez-Marquez 2015). The average size of the eggs is
1.6–2.1 mm length and embryonic development lasts
from 20 to 30 days at 28–30 C. Hatchlings are planktonic and measure 1.2 mm ML (Monsalvo-Spencer
et al. 2013; Alejo-Plata and Herrera-Alejo 2014).
Reproduction extends throughout the year with
spawning peaks defined in most studies. In some cases,
however, small sample sizes analyzed resulted in discordant spawning peaks. Off Oaxaca spawning peaks were
observed in May–June and October–November (Alejoomez-Marquez 2015),
Plata et al. 2009; Alejo-Plata and G
whereas at Jalisco they occur in June and September
opez-Uriarte and Rıos-Jara
(Aguilar-Chavez 1995; L
2009). In the Gulf of California different reproductive
peaks have been reported. At Loreto one spawning peak
was identified in June, and a weaker second peak was
detected in February (Bravo-Olivas 2008). Spawning
peaks occurred from September to December, and during March off Espiritu Santo Island (Pliego-Cardenas
et al. 2011). Off the west coast of the Baja California
peninsula, reproduction takes place from May to
October (Ibarra-Garcıa 2012; Domınguez-Contreras
et al. 2018).
Octopus hubbsorum is an opportunistic predator
that feeds on crustaceans (e.g., brachyuran crabs), mollusks (including octopuses) and small fishes (L
opezUriarte and Rıos-Jara 2010; Alejo-Plata et al. 2018). Stock identification. Recently it has been
suggested that O. hubbsorum and O. mimus from
Peru and northern Chile are the same taxon (PliegoCardenas et al. 2014); in which case the species would
occur from Baja California to northern Chile.
Specimens from western Mexico, Costa Rica and
Ecuador form a distinct subgroup from those from
the Peruvian province (Pliego-Cardenas et al. 2016).
13.1.3. Octopus bimaculatus
The geographic range of O. bimaculatus, the Twospotted octopus, extends from Point Conception,
California to Baja California and the Gulf of
California (Norman et al. 2014). Recent studies suggest that its distribution extends further to the Gulf of
Tehuantepec and may be as far south as Central
America (Alejo-Plata et al. 2012); although the taxonomic status of ocellate octopus in the region has not
been resolved yet (Norman et al. 2014). This species
occupies depths from 0 to 50 m depths in intertidal
and subtidal kelp forests, rocky substrates, and reefs,
where they use rock crevices, sand, and rubble as shelter (Ambrose 1982; Norman et al. 2014).
Maximum recorded size of O. bimaculatus has
been recorded at 260 mm ML and 3,400 g BW
(Castellanos-Martınez 2008; Rodrıguez-Garcıa 2010;
opez-Rocha et al. 2012). The growth parameter K
has been estimated at 1.2–1.61 y 1 (L
et al. 2012). Maturity is reached at a broad range of
sizes; with female ML50% maturity occuring at
143 mm ML and 1,029 g BW, and males reaching
maturity at 124 mm ML and 757 g BW at Bahıa Los
Angeles (Castellanos-Martınez 2008). At Bahıa
Sebastian Vizcaıno, females reach maturity at a
smaller size of 112 mm ML (Rodrıguez-Garcıa 2010).
Mature individuals are found throughout the year,
with females spawning mostly from April through to
July off southern California (Ambrose 1988). At Bahıa
Los Angeles
spawning occurs in June and September
(Castellanos-Martınez et al. 2007; CastellanosMartınez 2008), whereas the reproductive season at
Bahıa Sebastian Vizcaıno extends from January
through June (Rodrıguez-Garcıa 2010).
The egg clutch contains an average of 20,000 eggs,
with eggs being 3.8 mm long. Embryo development
takes 1–2 months at 16–20 C. Paralarvae, hatching at
2.6 mm ML, spend one to several months in the
plankton before settlement (Ambrose 1981, 1988;
Alejo-Plata et al. 2012). The settlement to adult phase
takes approximately 8–10 months, with the adult
phase lasting 11–12 months. The overall lifespan of O.
bimaculatus is thus estimated at 19–22 months, plus
several months in the plankton (Ambrose 1988). Two
life cycle models have been proposed for O. bimaculatus in Catalina Island, California. The “alternating
generation” model suggests that octopus that hatch in
June will spawn the next year, while those that hatch
late in September will spawn until the following
second year. The “alternating years” model states that
all octopus take 2 years to spawn (Ambrose 1988).
Octopus bimaculatus is active all day long with
activity peaks at dusk and dawn. The preferred prey
are crabs, although bivalves, chitons, limpets and
snails are also preyed upon (Ambrose 1984;
Armendariz-Villegas et al. 2014).
13.1.4. Octopus bimaculoides
The species Octopus bimaculoides (Pickford and
McConnaughey 1949) (or the lesser two spotted octopus), is reported as occupying the inter- and sub-tidal
zone from San Simeon and the California Channel
Islands, to at least Magdalena Bay at western Baja
California peninsula (Lang 1997; Monsalvo-Spencer
et al. 2013; Sanchez-Garcıa 2013; Norman et al. 2014).
In the Baja California peninsula it is referred to as
“pulpo manchado.”
This species grows to 130 mm ML and to BW
ranging from 800 g to over 1,000 g (Forsythe and
Hanlon 1988b; Ibarra-Garcıa 2012). Life span has
been recorded as 15–17 months in captivity at 18 C,
or 12–14 months at 23 C (Forsythe and Hanlon
1988b). Females mature at a mean weight of about
500 g and a size of 110 mm ML. The spawning season
is wide-ranging and variable; for example at Santa
Barbara O. bimaculoides spawn from December
through May, with hatchlings occurring from May
through September. At San Quintin (western Baja
California peninsula), spawning occurs from October
through January, with hatchings occurring from
January through May. Approximately 137–774 large
eggs of 8–18 mm in length are laid. Embryonic development lasts from 82 days at 17.8 C to 46–51 days at
23.4–22.5 C, respectively. Hatchlings are benthic and
weigh 0.07 g (Forsythe and Hanlon 1988a, 1988b;
Lang 1997; Ibarra-Garcıa 2012; Monsalvo-Spencer
et al. 2013).
13.1.5. Octopus rubescens
The Red octopus O. rubescens is distributed from the
Gulf of Alaska to western Baja California peninsula,
and in the Gulf of California, Mexico at depths of 0
to 300 m. It is probably the most common shallowwater species of octopus in the North-eastern Pacific
(Hochberg 1997; Norman et al. 2014). It inhabits
rocky areas or can be found occupying the large shells
of dead gastropods or barnacles, empty bottles, and
cans on soft bottoms.
Spawning peaks occur in shallow waters during
April–May and July–August in California. It spawns
20,000–50,000 small eggs, each with a length of
3–4 mm ML, that hatch in 40–90 days. Hatchlings
measure 2.5–2.8 mm and are planktonic for 1–2
months. This is a migratory species that moves offshore during winter. It grows up to 400 g during a life
span of 12–18 months. Individuals are most active at
night and feed mainly on crustaceans, mollusks, and
occasionally on fishes (Hochberg 1997).
Figure 88. Cumulative octopus annual landings in California
by area. Data from Duffy (1997), Leos (2014), selected Calif.
Dep. Fish Game, Fish Bull. and CDFW (2018).
Other octopus species such as “Octopus” alecto and
Paroctopus digueti occurring in the Eastern Tropical
Pacific are occasionally taken in minor quantities in
the intertidal and upper subtidal (Norman
et al. 2014).
13.1.6. Fisheries
The Monterey Bay area led octopus catches in
California over two decades (1920 to 1944), due to an
established trap fishery targeting E. dofleini. Octopus
traps were cone-shaped wicker baskets made from rattan with a funnel shaped mouth (see illustrations in
Bonnot 1932; Phillips 1933). Octopus used to be
caught by approximately 30 fishers at rocky areas in
35–55 m of water using jig boats, and landed at
Monterey and Santa Cruz. Octopus weighed 10–15 kg,
which supplied the low local demand. This has been
the only directed octopus fishery in California
(Phillips 1933; Duffy 1997; Figure 88).
San Francisco was an important port for octopus
landings in the 1940s and 1950s. Since 1972, most
octopus were landed in the Eureka area as bycatch in
net trawlers for rockfish and flatfish (Cox 1949).
Landings again decreased during the mid 1980s and
have averaged only 4 t year 1 since 2003. Today, most
catches (bycatch) occur in Southern California (Cox
1949) (Figure 88). Currently there is no directed octopus fishery in California. Although there have been
attempts to assess the fisheries potential of several
species using PVC pipes, clay pots and box traps
(Engle 1997; Hochberg 1997; Rasmussen 1997), the
only large species occurring in this region, E. dofleini,
is not abundant in California, with the more abundant
(Rasmussen 1997).
Prior to the 1980s, octopus caught in the Mexican
Pacific were considered bycatch and returned to the
ocean, or used as bait for fin fisheries (L
et al. 2005). Octopus have, however, been targeted by
artisanal fishers since the 1980s. Most are caught by
hooka or snorkel during low tide, using 60–80 cm
long hooks to catch the octopus (DOF 2018). In the
most productive fisheries, however, fishermen use
“pangas,” 7 m long open boats with outboard engine.
In Jalisco the fishery is carried out with one diver per
panga using hooka at 5–30 m depths (Aguilar-Chavez
1995), whereas in Oaxaca four to eight free divers per
panga catch the octopus at 3–15 m depth (Alejo-Plata
et al. 2009). While diving for octopus, fishers usually
also spear for finfish and lobsters or collect gastropod
or bivalve mollusks (Alejo-Plata et al. 2009); this practice is widespread in Latin America. Diving is also
common inside the Gulf of California (Bravo-Olivas
2008; Pliego-Cardenas et al. 2011; ArmendarizVillegas et al. 2014) and in some parts of western Baja
California peninsula such as Magdalena Bay (IbarraGarcıa 2012; Sanchez-Garcıa 2013) and Guerrero
Negro (Gonzalez-Melendez 2012).
In western Baja California most fishing is done
using baited traps. Pangas can carry up to 50 traps
made with wire. They are baited and set along rocky
areas at 2–50 m depth during fishing trips that last
8 hours (Rodrıguez-Garcıa 2010; DOF 2012b; Figure
89). These traps seem to have evolved from lobster
traps commonly used in the area. Alternatively,
unbaited PVC shelter tubes of 8 cm diameter and
30 cm long are set in shallow waters (GonzalezMelendez 2012). Chlorine sprayed in octopus shelters
at low tide or diving are also methods commonly
used in some localities of western Baja California peninsula such as Guerrero Negro lagoon. Although the
use of chlorine represents a hazard to the octopus, the
consumer, and the environment, fishers still use it due
to its low cost and the limited surveillance by authorities (Gonzalez-Melendez 2012).
13.1.7. Catches
Although octopus landings are not recorded at the
species level in western Mexico, O. hubbsorum makes
up the majority of the octopus catch at most localities
in the tropical Mexican Pacific including the central
and southern Gulf of California (L
opez-Uriarte et al.
2005; Markaida and Gilly 2016). Octopus fishing in
this region is performed throughout the year although
landings peak during summer (CONAPESCA 2016).
At Magdalena Bay, O. hubbsorum is generally caught
in October–November and accounts for up to 80–98%
Figure 89. Octopus fishing methods used in the Central-eastern Pacific. (A) Octopus trap from Baja California Sur (Mexico); (B)
Traditional octopus lure from Tahiti and the Society Islands (Cook-Forster Collection, Univ. G€ottingen); (C) Modern octopus lure
with metal hooks from Hawaii (
of the average catch of 95 t year 1 taken by 218
small boats (Domınguez-Contreras et al. 2013;
Sanchez-Garcıa 2013; CONAPESCA 2018). The CPUE
for O. hubbsorum in Oaxaca was found to average
13 kg day 1 (Alejo-Plata et al. 2009), whereas in
Jalisco it is approximately 26 kg per fishing trip
opez-Uriarte 2006; Espino-Barr et al. 2007).
The species O. bimaculatus is caught mostly during
March and April off western Baja California peninsula, mainly using traps. Octopus are of great concern
to local fishermen as it preys on valuable resources
such as lobster and abalone (Rodrıguez-Garcıa 2010).
In the temperate northern Gulf of California, at Bahıa
Los Angeles, octopus are taken from January to
August via scuba diving (Castellanos-Martınez 2008;
CONAPESCA 2018). Octopus landed in those regions
account for a quarter of all the Mexican Pacific production, ranging 235–404 t year 1. Some O. bimaculoides are also taken in coastal lagoons of western Baja
California peninsula and represent a minor
contribution to catches in Magdalena Bay (IbarraGarcıa 2012; Monsalvo-Spencer et al. 2013; SanchezGarcıa 2013; DOF 2018). Some confusion may arise
when identifying both species, O. bimaculatus and O.
bimaculoides, in catches from western Baja California
peninsula (Gonzalez-Melendez 2012).
As landings are not reported at the species level
(Domınguez-Contreras et al. 2018), cumulative octopus landings are discussed in this review. Octopus
landings remained low in the 1970s; increasing steeply
during the second half of the 1980s, from 283 t in
1985 to 1,569 in 1991. Between 1992 and 2017, annual
landings fluctuated around 900 t. Landings peaked at
over 2,000 t in 2017 and 2018 (Figure 90,
CONAPESCA 2018). Mean monthly landings ranged
from 145 to 247 t with a peak in summer, from May
through July. Jalisco reported most octopus landings
during 1980–2007 (204 t year 1 corresponding to 30%
of the total landed). Since 2008, however, Baja
California Sur led catches accounting for 40% of
Figure 90. Cumulative octopus annual landings along the
Mexican Pacific by state (CONAPESCA 2018).
Mexican Pacific landings. About 30–44% of the western Mexico annual catches occur inside the Gulf
of California.
13.1.8. Fisheries management and stock assessment
In Mexico, octopus fisheries management is mainly
focused on the octopus fishery from the Yucatan peninsula, with little or no attention to other regions. The
only management measure for octopus in the
Mexican Pacific concerns the effort through commercial fishing permits. In Baja California Sur there are
103 permits covering 370 fishing boats with 10,300
traps. Guerrero and Oaxaca hold 17 to 19 permits for
around 100 boats and 450 fishermen each. Jalisco has
24 permits. Other states account for 15 permits for
over 100 boats (DOF 2018).
The need for a normative and a management plan
for octopus in the Mexican Pacific is acknowledged by
the Carta Nacional Pesquera (DOF 2018). This document assumes that octopus are fished at the MSY in
some places but have fishery potential in others.
Recommendations have been made to not increase
fishing effort, and to avoid the use of chlorine or
other chemicals, which are major threats in western
Baja California peninsula. Efforts by the Mexican government and NGOs are currently being made to stop
the use of chlorine. The use of non-hazardous and
selective fishing techniques is being encouraged
instead (Gonzalez-Melendez 2012).
A recent agreement regulates the octopus fishery in
Bahia Los Angeles in the Gulf of California (DOF
2016b), where an annual closure is established from
August to November. In addition, MLS of 1,029 g BW
for females and 757 g BW for males are established.
Capture of spawning females is forbidden.
Figure 91. Commercial annual landings for octopus in Costa
Rica and Nicaragua. Data from INCOPESCA (2014) and
INPESCA (2017).
13.1.9. Economic importance
The value of octopus annual landings from 2014 to
2017 in the Mexican Pacific ranged from US$3.8 to
9.7 million. Baja California Sur landings contributed
to 35% of that value followed by Jalisco (19%) and
Guerrero (16%) (CONAPESCA 2018).
13.2. Central America
13.2.1. Catches
In Costa Rica octopus are caught almost entirely in
the northern province of Guanacaste, where they are
taken by free and hooka diving. Catches averaged 33 t
year 1 since 2000 and most are done from April to
August (INCOPESCA 2014). Octopus represent the
most important catch by weight in diving landings
and are the second most important catch by value
after lobster (Naranjo-Madrigal and Salas-Marquez
2014; Figure 91). Most of the catch is consumed
locally for subsistence or sold to local restaurants, and
is therefore not officially reported (Naranjo-Madrigal,
pers. comm., 28 October 2016).
In Nicaragua, octopus landings averaged yearly
almost 10 t from 2002 to 2015, with increasing catches
since 2012. A third of the catches are done during
July and August (INPESCA 2017; Figure 91).
13.3. Polynesia (including Hawaii)
13.3.1. Octopus cyanea
This species is commonly known in Hawaii as “He’e
mauli” or “day tako” (Young and Harman 1997;
Norman et al. 2014). It shows stronger affinities
with the genus Abdopus and its generic placement
remains unresolved (Norman et al. 2014). Most
information about the biology of O. cyanea is from
laboratory studies. It is one of the largest octopods
with a maximum BW of 5,000–6,000 g. Growth rates
vary, decreasing during its lifetime from 5.8 to 1.3%
of BW day 1. The lifespan is 12–15 months from
settlement (Van Heukelem 1983b; Kramer 1986;
Young and Harman 1997). Males mature at 7–9
months and females mature at 10–11 months at a
wide range of BW, i.e., 600–5,000 g. The presence of
paralarvae and juveniles in Hawaiian waters
throughout the year suggests an extended reproductive season (Van Heukelem 1983b; Young and
Harman 1997).
13.3.2. Callistoctopus ornatus
The species Callistoctopus ornatus (Gould 1852)
(previously O. ornatus), commonly known as the
“white-striped octopus,” “night octopus” or “he’e
uloa” (Young and Harman 1997; Norman et al.
2014), is widely distributed in shallow waters (0–10
m) of the Indo Pacific. This species grows up to
500–1,000 g. The small egg size suggests that hatchlings are planktonic. It is a nocturnal species (Houck
1982; Norman et al. 2014). It is harvested on a small
scale throughout its range, primarily in local subsistence fisheries. It is sold in fish markets in the central
and southern tropical Pacific, but less frequently
than O. cyanea. It has been historically harvested at
night using torches and spears in Hawaii (Young
and Harman 1997).
13.3.3. Fisheries
Fisheries in this region are largely based on the day
octopus, “he’e mauli” or “day tako” (O. cyanea),
while small amounts of the “night octopus” or “he’e
uloa” (C. ornatus) are also caught (Titcomb 1978;
Kramer 1986; Young and Harman 1997). Given the
large diversity in this area, other octopus species
might be occasionally taken as well (Norman
et al. 2014).
The octopus lure is a specialized and complex tool
used to catch octopus with handlines in the Pacific.
The most extended type is a mere lure colloquially
known as the “imitation rat” (Figure 79B). It is barbless and bears several cowrie shell plates tied over a
conical stone sinker. A coconut tree root, or other
slender stick, is tied to this component. This lure is
widely distributed across the Pacific, being found in
both Polynesia and Micronesia, where a tale tells
about the octopus longstanding hatred of the rat
(Beasley 1921; Pfeffer 1995).
Another type of lure includes a hooking device and
often a distinctive coffee-bean-shaped sinker. It is
known from the Marquesas and mostly from
Hawaiian Islands, where it reached the most complex
and varied form (Pfeffer 1995). In Hawaii the “kilo”
(watching) method targets octopus looking into clear
waters from a canoe at shallow bottoms 11–18 m
depth. Visibility was enhanced by spitting some
chewed candlenut (Aleurites moluccanus) on the sea
surface. The kilo or stone lure, “okilo he‘e,” was made
with a stick and a hook, a sinker stone and a tuft of ti
(Cordyline fruticose) leaves. Once an octopus burrow
was spotted, the lure was lowered with a line to the
burrows inhabited by octopus, which would grab the
lure. By jerking the line, fisherman could impale the
octopus on the hook (Young and Harman 1997;
Pfeffer 1995).
A second handline method traditionally used was
the “lu he‘e”. The lure was made with the same materials used above, but with the addition of one or two
cowrie shells (Cypraea spp.) on the side opposite to
the stone sinker. It is used only in exceptionally deep
waters of 80-fathom depth. The cowries and stone
sinkers were carefully chosen and different cowries
were used depending on the time of day. The cowrie
(wife) and the sinker (husband) represented a dancing
ritual to which the octopus were attracted when the
fisherman jerked the line up and down. These fishing
methods have changed little in modern times,
although diving masks have replaced candlenut chewing; gas or electric lamps have replaced torches, and
metal has replaced the hardwood for spears and bones
for hooks (Young and Harman 1997; Pfeffer 1995;
Figure 79C).
Diving for octopus is widespread in the Polynesia.
Fuka (1979, quoted in Bell et al. 1994) noted that due
to the time and effort needed to prepare the traditional lure “makafeke,” fishermen from Tonga have
abandoned this technique and are turning to spear
guns and free diving equipment as the more popular
method for octopus fishing.
A clear gender division occurs in the artisanal and
subsistence fisheries of Oceania (Chapman 1987).
Octopus are also traditionally speared by women in
shallow waters in Hawaii, and torches used at night to
catch C. ornatus (Kramer 1986; Young and Harman
1997). Women from American Samoa gathering shellfish, octopus, seaweed, and small fish on the reef,
while men fish by snorkeling, diving with a spear or
angling with a rod (Armstrong et al. 2011). Women
in Tonga and Tokelau use metal rods to glean for
octopus at low tide in the reef, while the men use
Figure 92. Cumulative commercial annual landings for octopus
in Hawaii by fishing gear. Data from WPRFMC (2017).
lures inside the lagoon (Bataille-Benguigui 1988;
Tiraa-Passfield 1999). In Fiji, women use cowrie lures
to catch octopus in shallow waters (Wright 1994).
Some octopus are also taken as bycatch in lobster
traps (Kramer 1986; Young and Harman 1997).
13.3.4. Catches
Only three political entities from western Polynesia
(Hawaii, American Samoa and Cook Islands) report
octopus catches to the FAO (2016). In Hawaii 24 t
were landed in the year 1900, half by spears, a quarter
collected by hand and another quarter using lines
(lures). Half of the catches were made in Oahu (Cobb
1902). In 1903, approximately 44 t were reported with
the same pattern of distribution (Cobb 1905).
Although catches reported since 1966 did not exceed
16 t year 1 (Figure 92), there is no requirement to
report subsistence and recreational catches, which are
carried out mostly with spears and which are thought
to vastly exceed commercial catches. Commercial
catches used to be equally divided between octopus
caught by lures and by spears. Although the catch
with handlines has remained stable, spear-fishing
landings have increased in recent years probably due
to the introduction of scuba diving (WPRFMC 2018).
Largest catches occur during fall (Kramer 1986;
Young and Harman 1997). Official landing records do
not distinguish between octopus species until the year
2004, when O. cyanea was recorded, which accounts
for virtually all of the catches.
The Cook Islands reported annual catches in the
30–80 t range since 1970, while American Samoa
reported 4 t in the entire series (FAO 2016).
Reconstructed estimations are available for a few
entities of Polynesia: Samoa, American Samoa,
Kiribati and Niue (New Zealand). Estimated octopus
landings from Samoa are particularly large, averaging
1,458 t year 1 this century. This figure is comparable
to annual landings in western Mexico, the current
leader in the whole Eastern Central Pacific. The subsistence fishery (Lingard et al. 2012; Figure 93A)
accounts for 93% of the total catch.
Anecdotal landing records have been found in
some regional reports. The species O. cyanea accounts
for 2.2 t annually in the subsistence fisheries of
American Samoa, where it represents 5% of all the
catches. This species is caught with spears or by hand
(Craig et al. 1993, 2008). This figure almost doubles
reported octopus annual landings (FAO 2016) for this
territory. The reconstruction of unreported catches is
still, however, much larger (Pauly and Zeller 2015). A
sharp decrease of subsistence harvest occurred from
over 100 t year 1 in the 1950s to barely three t year 1.
Recreational catches ranged from 20 to 13 t/year 1
and currently they constitute most of the share
(Figure 93B). Reconstructed catches from Kiribati,
mainly subsistence, shows a sharp decrease in octopus
landings from 77 t year 1 in the 90s to 3.6 t year 1
during this century (Pauly and Zeller 2015; Figure
83C). Reconstructed unreported subsistence catches
from Niue have steadily fallen since the 50s from 1.4
to 0.4 t year 1. Three surveys in the early 1990s estimated landings of 3.7–24.1 t year 1 at two landing
sites at Nukualofa, Tonga, with a worth of
T$12,500–30,000 (Bell et al. 1994; Vaikona
et al. 1997).
13.3.5. Fisheries management and stock assessment
During much of the early 20th Century, customary
practices in Hawaii controlled many aspects of fishing
activity. A closed season was established in octopus
habitats, beginning in January or February and lasting
four to six months. During this closed season, women
were forbidden to go to the beach or to fish with nets;
and after the season spear fishing was again allowed
(Buck 1964). According to Kamakau (1961, quoted in
Maly and Maly 2003), it was taboo to fish in the
month of “Kaelo” [May–June], and in other places in
“Kaulua” [June–July]; with the taboo lasting four, five,
or even six months in some places. Octopus could
only be speared when the rainy, winter months
“ho‘oilo” began, while “Welo,” the sixth month, was
the time to catch octopus with lures.
Currently in Hawaii there is a minimum size of
one pound for both commercial and recreational take
Figure 93. Cumulative reconstructed annual landings for octopus by fishing sector and reported status for (A) Samoa, (B)
American Samoa and (C) Kiribati. Data from Pauly and Zeller (2015). Note that vertical scales vary between graphs.
of octopus; however, there is no closed season nor
bag limits (Young and Harman 1997). Permits for
spear fishing average 66 while those for handline are
23 for the last ten years (WPRFMC 2018). In the rest
of Polynesia there is no MLS (Bell et al. 1994).
Management plans for octopus in Tonga include
banning of scuba and hookah to capture octopus, limiting “domestic” consumption exports, legislation to protect octopus burrows, initiation of studies on taxonomy
and life history, encouraging a commercial, and undertaking public awareness activities (Anonymous 1995).
13.3.6. Economic importance
Octopus fisheries in Polynesia are characterized for
being more important as subsistence and recreational
fisheries than commercial, and catch values are seldom
considered. Octopus fishing in Hawaii is an old tradition that involved ceremonial associations, careful confection of gears and ritual regulation rules (Maly and
Maly 2003), similar to other Polynesian islands. For
example, in the Cook Islands a mother breastfeeding a
child was not allowed to eat octopus (Mokoroa 1981).
The remains of octopus lures (dated as at least 2,500
years old) have been found at Tonga (Connaughton
2007) and octopus lure sinkers are the most abundant
relics of the Old Stone Age (Brigham 1902). These stone
sinkers have proved to have archeological value for
studying Polynesian culture, as their different forms
and distribution allow tracing the migrations of these
people through the Pacific (Lavondes 1971). In addition
to being a significant age-old practice, women play a
main role in these subsistence fisheries for octopus
(Voss 1973; Kronen and Malimali 2009; Gillett 2011;
Norman et al. 2014). Octopus are also commonly used
as bait in other fisheries (Bell et al. 1994).
14. South-Eastern Pacific
Octopus fisheries in the Southeast Pacific Ocean (or
FAO major fishing area 87) probably started in preHispanic times (Guerra et al. 1999; Markaida and
Gilly 2016). During the late 80s and early 90s octopus’
exploitation began in northern Chile and Peru, being
operated and marketed as the European species O.
vulgaris, without studies on the identity of the species
~ez et al. 2010). The study of
being exploited (Iban
Guerra et al. (1999) determined that this species from
northern Chile and Peru was instead the “Changos’
octopus” O. mimus, with further molecular studies
confirming the identity of the species (S€
oller et al.
2000; Warnke et al. 2000, 2004).
In Latin America, octopus fisheries are less developed than squid fisheries, representing only about 8%
of world catches (Markaida and Gilly 2016). Octopus
catches in the Southeast Pacific are concentrated in
Chile and Peru. In Ecuador, Peru and Chile, the only
commercially exploited species is O. mimus (PliegoCardenas et al. 2016; Markaida et al. 2018), whilst in
southern Chile and the Argentinean Patagonia, E.
megalocyathus is the only species commercially
exploited. Both are caught by small-scale operators,
and sold in local markets, although most of the catch
is exported to Asia and Europe. Other benthic octopus
such as Muusoctopus eicomar (Vega, 2009),
~ez, Sep
Muusoctopus longibrachus (Iban
ulveda, and
Chong, 2006) and Graneledone boreopacifica (Nesis,
1982) are common as bycatch in the crustacean fish~ez et al. 2006, 2011, 2012, 2016).
eries in Chile (Iban
Artisanal fishers occasionally catch the small-sized
octopus R. fontaniana, but despite the species does
not represent a commercial resource (Osorio et al.
~ez et al. 2008), it constitutes an important
1979, Iban
aquaculture candidate in Chile as its small size (“baby
octopus”) is very attractive for Asian and European
markets (Uriarte et al. 2011).
14.1. Octopus mimus
This species is distributed along the east coast of
South America from northern Peru to Caldera, Chile
~ez et al. 2009). This species inhabits
(4 S–25 S) (Iban
rocky substrata and is common from intertidal reefs
to at least 30 m depth, where it seeks cover in crevices
and under boulders (Guerra et al. 1999). Genetic studies confirmed the presence of this species in Ecuador
(Pliego-Cardenas et al. 2016).
The evaluation of O. mimus diet in Peruvian waters
showed 18 prey items, predominately crustaceans over
other taxonomic groups such as mollusks and echinoderms (Cardoso et al. 2004). Recently, Cisneros
(2016), based on analysis of 741 stomachs of O.
mimus captured in Callao between 2013 and 2014,
found a higher number of items (>30) in the diet,
which consisted mostly on Porcellanidae and
Xanthidae crabs. Furthermore, the diet was similar
between sexes, with some important prey species
being highlighted, including Petrolisthes desmarestii in
summer–autumn and Allopetrolisthes angullosus in
winter–spring. In Chile O. mimus feeds mostly on
grapsid crabs and bivalve mollusks, although up to 25
prey items have been identified (Cortez et al. 1995a).
The drilling ability of this species on bivalve shells has
also being documented (Cortez et al. 1998).
Reproduction takes place all year round with a
(October–February) (Cortez et al. 1995b, Nacarino
1997; Cardoso et al. 2004). The oocyte development
comprises eight stages during oogenesis (Ishiyama
et al. 1999). Gonadal maturation and size at maturity
is achieved at smaller sizes in males than females
~iga et al. 1995; Nacarino 1997; Ishiyama et al.
1999; Villegas and Tafur 2000). In northern Chile
males reach their sexual maturity at 200 g and females
at 1,200 g of BW (Olivares et al. 1996). Females
mature at a 1,000–1,200 g BW, whereas males mature
at 500–800 g BW (Markaida et al. 2018). The egg sizes
range between 1.8 and 2.2 mm in females from Peru
(Baltazar et al. 2000) and between 2.3 and 3.2 mm in
females from Chile (Guerra et al. 1999). Fecundity
can reach from 200,000 to 400,000 eggs in Chile
(Guerra et al. 1999). The embryonic development is
inversely related to water temperature, ranging from
37 to 66 days at 19.7 C and 17 C, respectively
(Warnke 1999, Baltazar et al. 2000). Paralarvae swim
actively after hatching, with TL ranging from 0.9 to
2 mm (Baltazar et al. 2000).
14.1.1. Stock identification
Genetic analyses using microsatellites and mitochondrial markers have been independently carried out in
specimens from Chile and Peru, with no genetic structure being found (Galleguillos et al. 2010, PardoGandarillas et al. 2018).
14.1.2. Catches
The O. mimus catches in Peru and Chile show similar
trends (Figure 94). In the Peruvian coast catches are
common from 3 S to 18 S. Octopuses are landed all
year round, although with a high spatial and temporal
variation. Specifically, during 2013–2015, the highest
monthly landings (>80 t) were recorded in Ancash
(9 S) and the lowest in La Libertad (8 S), Tacna
(18 S) and Tumbes (3 S). Landings of O. mimus in
Chile (first recorded in 1978 under the name O. vulgaris) (Rocha and Vega 2003), increased over 1,000 t
since 1983 and reached 4,877 t in 1998 (Figure 94).
This fishery is concentrated in Regions XV, I, II, III
(18 S–27 S), being the most important ports Iquique,
Tocopilla and Antofagasta (Rocha and Vega 2003).
Annual landings during 1993–2014 varied between
Crusoe Island, octopuses are caught by no more than
10 snorkel divers at depths ranging from 1 to 15 m.
As in northern Chile, boats do not exceed the 10 m
length. In Ecuador octopus is taken by free diving or
hookah (Markaida et al. 2018), while some intertidal
collection exists.
Figure 94. Landings (t) of Octopus mimus in Peru and Chile
during 1978–2014.
602 and 5,153 t, and had a mean value of 1,686 t. The
largest landings were recorded in 1998, coinciding
with the El Ni~
no 1997–98 event (Castilla and Camus
1992; Defeo and Castilla 1998) (Figure 94). In addition to continental landings from northern Chile, O.
mimus and O. vulgaris have also been genetically
identified in oceanic islands at the Juan Fernandez
Archipelago (33 S, 78 W; 600 km from continental
Chile; see Amor et al. 2017; Cifuentes-Bustamante
2018), where octopus small-scale fishery has been
developed from around the year 2000. Up-to-date
records at the main island, Robinson Crusoe, suggest
annual landings that range from 1 to 3 t in the last
three years (SERNAPESCA 2015, 2016, 2017); however, these values may possibly correspond to a combined catch of the two species sharing shallow water
environments around the island, O. mimus and O.
Information on proportions of both species in artisanal landings is not yet available, but ongoing studies
are unveiling important life-history traits of both species, including reproductive periods, spawning habitats, egg and hatching traits, among others (S.A.
Carrasco; unpublished data).
14.1.3. Fisheries/fishing methods/fleet
In Peru, there is no fleet dedicated exclusively to O.
mimus, with the artisanal fishery consisting of multispecies boats (<15 m). Fishing for this resource is
mainly carried out by scuba divers. In Chile, the fishery occurs mostly intertidally, with octopus being
caught with gaffs (by fishers known as “pulperos”),
and subtidal collection occurring in the surf zone by
snorkel divers and in deeper waters by hookah divers
(Defeo and Castilla 1998). In the 90s, the octopus
fishery of northern Chile was composed by over 2,000
small-scale fishermen, working in boats of less than
15 m length (Rocha and Vega 2003). In Robinson
14.1.4. Fishery management and stock assessment
In Chile, the minimum catch size is 1 kg (Exempt
Decree No. 137 of 1985) (Subpesca 2011). The
Chilean government (Exempt Decree No. 254 of
2000) established two reproductive biological closed
seasons for the octopus resource (Family
Octopodidae) in northern Chile (i.e., Regions I to IV)
from 1 June to 31 July each year, and between 1
November to 28 February of the following year, both
dates inclusive (Subpesca 2011).
Population assessment for O. mimus in the
Peruvian coast has not been carried out; however,
there is a constant monitoring of landings, effort, size
structure and biological aspects of the species along
the Peruvian coast. There is also a minimum catching
size of 1 kg, but no catch quotas or biological reference points.
In Ecuador the octopus fishery has no official status as there are no catch records or management
measures (Markaida et al. 2018).
14.1.5. Economic importance
In northern Chile, octopuses are one of the most
important resources after the Chilean abalone
(Concholepas concholepas), and prices between 2005
and 2010 fluctuated from 1.2 to 2.4 USD by kilogram
of octopus (Subpesca 2011). During 2008–2012, O.
mimus caught in Peru was exported for a value of 31
million dollars to 29 countries, 6 of which accounted
for 90% of exports. It is also marketed and consumed
internally in both countries Peru and Chile.
14.2. Enteroctopus megalocyathus
As previously mentioned, E. megalocyathus is distributed throughout the southern coast of South America,
from Chiloe Island (42 S) in the southeast Pacific
~ez et al. 2009) to San Matıas
Ocean (Rocha 1997; Iban
Gulf (42 S) in the southwest Atlantic Ocean (Re
1998a). It is a sub-Antarctic species, inhabiting rocky
reefs from lower intertidal zone to 170 m depth in
Argentina (Ortiz 2009) and up to 220 m in Chile
(Osorio et al. 2006).
It is considered an important subtidal predator in
~ez and Chong 2008),
southern Chilean waters (Iban
feeding primarily on brachyuran and anomuran crus~ez and Chong
taceans, fish and conspecifics (Iban
2008). Whilst dietary composition depends on octopus
size and fishing area, it does not depend on octopus
~ez and Chong 2008). Cannibalistic behavior
sex (Iban
~ez and Chong 2008), especially on
is common (Iban
conspecific eggs, which may play an important role
~ez and Chong 2008; Iban
when food is scarce (Iban
and Keyl 2010). In addition, E. megalocyathus predators include marine mammals such as sea lions
(Otaria flavescens, Alonso et al., 2000) and dolphins
(Lagenorhynchus australis, Schiavini et al., 1996), penguins (Schiavini and Rey 2004; Schiavini et al. 2005),
elasmobranches (Laptikhovsky et al. 2001; Alonso
et al. 2002) and teleost fishes (Salilota australis,
Arkhipkin et al. 2001).
This species has a large size, reaching approximately 1 m TL and 4–5 kg BW (Re 1998a; Chong
et al. 2001), although individuals with maximum
weights of 8 kg have been reported (Olguin et al.
2014). It reaches maturity at 149 mm of ML in both
sexes in Chile (Chong et al. 2001), although differences among sexes were found along the Argentinean
coast (male, 158.8 mm; female, 135.3 mm; Ortiz et al.
2011). The sex ratio on fishing grounds was 0.87:1
with a higher proportion of females (Ortiz et al.
2011). In Argentina, sexual maturity has a strong seasonal component, with maximum reproductive peaks
from middle spring to late summer, although with
few reproductive individuals in winter (Ortiz 2009).
Mating can depend on octopus’ size as reported under
laboratory conditions (Gutierrez et al. 2012). In addition, mating may occur mainly in deeper waters of
fishing grounds given the more stable environmental
conditions (e.g., bottom sea temperature) (Ortiz et al.
2011). The breeding season can extend from summer
to late winter on the Atlantic coast (Ortiz et al. 2006;
Ortiz et al. 2011), and between December to February
in Chile (Chong et al. 2011).
Potential fecundity is highly variable (Chong et al.
2011), ranging from 1,429 to 6,427 oocytes (Ortiz
et al. 2011). Likewise, absolute fecundity can range
from 1,469 to 5,000 eggs in the wild (Ortiz et al.
2006) and under captivity (Uriarte and Farıas 2014)
conditions, respectively. Feeding is absent during
maternal egg care as demonstrated in controlled conditions (Farıas et al. 2011). Eggs (10.7 mm TL) and
paralarvae (7–12.8 mm ML) are large (Ortiz et al.
2006; Pardo-Gandarillas et al. 2016), with a free-swimming planktonic stage after hatching (merobenthic
species, Villanueva and Norman 2008). A suprabenthic mode of life was suggested, however, as both
planktonic (e.g., swimming) and benthic (e.g., crawling) behaviors were observed in newly hatched individuals (Ortiz et al. 2006). Embryonic development
takes around 150–180 days at 12 C under controlled
conditions (Uriarte and Farıas 2014). Additionally,
natural mortality was reported between 1.9 and 2.1
year 1 (Chong et al. 2001).
14.2.1. Stock identification
No stock identification has been undertaken, although
recent studies have suggested two populations for both
Pacific and Atlantic coasts (Pardo-Gandarillas 2012).
14.2.2. Catches
The first official octopus landing in Southern Chile
occurred in 1984 (1 t, Olguın et al. 2014), although
these were identified as O. vulgaris (Rocha and Vega
2003). The E. megalocyathus fishery landings were
continuously reported from 1991 onwards (Rocha and
Vega 2003; Olguin et al. 2014), being identified in
fishery statistics as “Southern octopus” in Chile from
2007. In addition, the fishery mainly occurs in X
region (40 S–42 S) in Chile (99% total catches),
although it is also existent in southern regions (XI
and XII regions, 42 S–54 S). Major landings in X
region come from Quell
on, Dalcahue, Ancud, San
Rafael and Queilen (Olguın et al. 2014) (Figure 95). A
total of 10,282 t were landed between 1998 and 2014
in Chile, representing around 25% of the total octopus
Chilean landings. Inter-annual variability in octopus
catches is evident (Figure 95), with maximum peaks
in years 2003 (768 t; 38% total octopus Chilean landing), 2008 (1,738 t; 62%) and 2012 (976 t; 44%).
Additionally, octopus CPUE in X region in Chile is
highly variable, ranging from 5 to 24.5 kg h 1 between
1995 and 2012 (Olguın et al. 2014).
Figure 95. Landings (t) of Enteroctopus megalocyathus in Chile
during 1998–2014.
14.2.3. Fisheries/fishing methods/fleet
This species supports small-scale fisheries in Chile
(Rocha and Vega 2003; Olguın et al. 2014) and
Argentina (Re 1998a; Ortiz et al. 2006). In both countries, the red Patagonian octopus is harvested by free
diving or by hookah using gaffs to extract octopuses
from crevices and holes located in isolated rocky outcrops or in submerged limestone platforms (Re 1998a;
Ortiz et al. 2006). Although smaller, an intertidal
rocky fishery exists along the Patagonian Atlantic
coast (Ortiz et al. 2011). Previous attempts to fish by
using octopus traps were not successful in Chile. For
the 1995–2012 period, a total of 1,578 divers and
1,151 boats extracted this resource in Chile (Olguın
et al. 2014).
14.2.4. Fishery management and stock assessment
Fishing closure extends from November 15 to March
15 in Chile (D.S N 137/85), with a minimum catch
size of 1 kg (D.S N 137/85) ibeing implemented. The
Chilean Fishery Institute (IFOP) has identified this
resource as highly exploited (Olguın et al. 2014),
although no fishery management has yet been
developed in this country.
14.2.5. Economic importance
Historically, the E. megalocyathus fishery has not been
identified as a key benthic resource in Southern Chile,
although in recent years it has increased its participation in benthic landings around the X Region (Olguın
et al. 2014). Regarding the commercialization, octopus
price varies across years, with prices ranging from
2.55 to 1.13 USD between 2002 and 2012 in the
X Region.
14.3. Robsonella fontaniana
This small-sized octopus, also known as “pulpito,” is
an endemic benthic species distributed along the
entire coastal tip of South America, from Peru (6 S)
to Cabo de Hornos in Chile (55 C) in the Pacific
Ocean, and from Puerto Madryn (41 S) to the south
in Argentina in the Atlantic Ocean (see Re 1998a;
~ez et al. 2008; Uriarte and Farıas 2014). This speIban
cies commonly inhabits rocky reefs, over hard substrata, crevices or underneath boulders; although some
records also suggest the use of sandy habitats to a
lesser degree. The bathymetric distribution extends
from the intertidal to the subtidal zone, up to 225 m
~ez et al. 2008; Ortız
deep (reviewed by Re 1998a; Iban
and Re 2011). In central Chile (32 S), this species
inhabits shallow subtidal kelp forests of Lessonia
trabeculata and Macrocystis pyrifera, where it can be
usually found beneath boulders or perfectly camouflaged with red-Colored crustose algae. Specimens
inhabiting sandy substrata have also been recorded at
these latitudes, although usually in association with
anthropogenic structures such as wharfs, concrete
moorings and benthonic fishing gear (e.g., crab traps)
(S.A. Carrasco; unpublished data).
It is an important intertidal and subtidal predator
consuming several species of crustaceans, fish and polychaetes. Nonetheless, observations suggest that this
species possesses a selective hunting behavior and a
specialized diet, with decapod crustaceans being their
preferred prey item in the field (e.g., Cancer setosus,
Caridea megalopa, Alpheidae) and in the laboratory
(e.g., Emerita analoga, Cyclograpsus cinereus,
and small-to-medium sizes Rhynchocinetes typus,
Homalaspis plana, Taliepus spp., Petrolisthes spp.)
~ez et al. 2009; S.A. Carrasco; unpublished data).
Similar to previous observations for the northern
Chilean octopus O. mimus (Cortez et al. 1998), R. fontaniana is also able to drill bivalve preys when the
preferred food items are not available. Feeding experiments in the laboratory have shown that the mussel
Perumytilus purpuratus can be perforated and consumed, suggesting that other small bivalves present in
the field (e.g., Semimytilys algosus, Brachidontes granulata) could also be incorporated as a food items (S.A.
Carrasco; unpublished data).
Although benthic octopuses constitute an important prey for several species of mammals, birds and
fish, their overall role in the marine environment as
well as their significance as food resource for higher
trophic levels is only recently being understood
(reviewed by Piatkowsky et al. 2001). This is not the
exception for R. fontaniana, as to date, there are only
a few observations regarding the presence of this species in the stomach contents of mammals (i.e., the
dolphin Cephalorhynchus commersoni) (Re 1998a),
teleost fishes (i.e., the conger eel Genypterus chilensis)
and elasmobranches (i.e., the cat shark Schroedericthys
~ez; pers. obs.).
chilensis) (C.M. Iban
This is a small-sized octopus, with 273 and 209 mm
TL for males and females, respectively. Arms correspond to 70% of the TL. DML can reach up to 69 mm
in females and 68 mm in males (Re 1998a; Iban
et al. 2008). Individuals do not exceed 200 g (Uriarte
et al. 2010). No maturity stages have yet been assigned
to particular size/weight classes, and additional information regarding field reproduction patterns (e.g.,
maturity, seasonality, reproductive peaks) is
still lacking.
Although knowledge of the reproductive biology of
R. fontaniana is limited, laboratory observations on
mating behavior suggest that females do not copulate
at small sizes, accepting males reproductive interactions only at 43 mm ML and 39 g in weight (S.A.
Carrasco; unpublished data). Mating behavior can
extend around 120 min under laboratory conditions,
occurring mostly by mounting (Brice~
no 2004).
Females may spawn from 4 to 8 weeks after mating
(S.A. Carrasco; unpublished data) usually at sizes
ranging from 59–145 g (Brice~
no 2004; Gonzalez et al.
2008). Fecundity can reach up to 2,500 eggs per
female, with egg sizes around 4.5 mm length and
3.0 mm width (see Gonzalez et al. 2008; Ortız and Re
2011). The embryonic development varies from 83 to
103 days (Gonzalez et al. 2008; Uriarte et al. 2009),
but is highly dependent on thermal conditions (i.e., 74
days at 12 C; 39 days at 14 C; 91 days at 8 C;
reviewed by Uriarte and Farıas 2014). After hatching,
paralarvae (3–4 mm ML) become competent predators, reaching the juvenile stage in 70 days when fed
with appropriate food in controlled laboratory conditions (for details see Gonzalez et al. 2008; Ortız and
Re 2011; Uriarte et al. 2010). Despite the wide distribution range of the species, few studies have provided
information on field-collected early life-history stages
(Carrasco et al. 2012; Pardo-Gandarillas et al. 2016),
highlighting the necessity to improve our understanding on the ecological role and potential economic
importance of R. fontaniana in coastal areas along the
Pacific and Atlantic coasts.
14.3.1. Stock identification
Genetic studies carried out in paralarvae R. fontaniana
from southern Chile evidenced that these specimens
shared the same haplotype with adult individuals collected from northern, central and southern Chile, suggesting that this species has a high dispersal potential
and no genetic structure along the Pacific coast (see
Pardo-Gandarillas et al. 2016).
14.3.2. Catches
There are no official records of landings for R. fontaniana. Field observations in shallow subtidal kelpforests habitats in central Chile suggest that the CPUE
by SCUBA diving is approximately 4–6 ind. h 1 per
diver, although the proportion of sizes and sexes
might vary (S.A. Carrasco; unpublished data).
14.3.3. Fisheries/fishing methods/fleet
This pigmy species does not support commercial fisheries through the distributional range. On the
northern and central Patagonia, Atlantic coast, this
species may be occasionally caught intertidally (i.e.,
hand-collected) and misidentified by fishermen as O.
tehuelchus or as juvenile E. megalocyathus, both species of economic importance (Re 1998a; Ortiz and Re
2010). Additional records in southern Chile also suggest that adult specimens can be caught using cylindrical polyethylene traps of 5–7 cm diameter and
25 cm length (Gonzalez et al. 2008). None of those
collections, however, have been reported for commercial purposes.
14.3.4. Fishery management and stock assessment
No management or stock assessment has been undertaken for this species.
14.3.5. Economic importance
The commercial value for this species as “baby
octopus” is recently being explored in Chile, and several studies have evaluated the feasibility of aquaculture in controlled conditions (see Gonzalez et al.
2008; Uriarte et al. 2010; Uriarte et al. 2011). The
growing interests of global markets for obtaining
healthy and safe food may position baby octopuses
such as R. fontaniana as important coastal resources,
suggesting intensification of catches and increased
interest for aquaculture production. Understanding
the ecological role of R. fontaniana and its trophic or
non-trophic interactions is therefore crucial before the
development of a well established fishery, facilitating
decisions on fishing methods, minimum fishing sizes,
reproductive closures, among others.
15. Interactions between octopus fisheries
and ecosystems
In a review of the squid fisheries of the world,
Arkhipkin et al. (2015) listed two types of interactions
affecting squid fisheries. These were ecosystem
dynamics affecting fisheries, and fisheries (if conducted on a large scale) affecting and changing, sometimes irreversibly, existing ecosystems. Similar types
affect the octopus fisheries around the world, and the
reader is referred to Arkhipkin et al. (2015) for full
details of these interactions. Here we discuss one way
in which to address these interactions, which is the
Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF), which has
gained recognition in recent years (Cochrane et al.
2004). It is especially relevant to octopus fisheries due
to the extensive use of bottom trawls in targeting this
group of cephalopods (and resultant damage to the
substrate), and the substantial problem of unreported
catches. As previously discussed, non-reporting of
catches is especially rife in FAO Area 34 where >30%
of the global octopus catch is caught, and with the O.
vulgaris fishery here being one of the worlds’ most
important octopus bottom trawl fisheries (Balguerıas
et al. 2000).
A study conducted on the impacts of hake directed
trawling on the benthic environment in South African
waters suggested that intense trawling is at least partly
responsible for the significant differences observed in
benthic infauna and epifauna occurring in heavily and
lightly trawled areas (Sink et al. 2012). It was found
that the abundance, biomass, diversity and community
composition differed significantly at heavily versus
lightly trawled sites, with epifauna (particularly larger,
slower growing epifauna) showing a stronger response
than infauna (Sink et al. 2012, Figure 96). This
reduced epifaunal species diversity, abundance and
biomass was considered likely to impact on ecosystem
functioning, specifically in terms of bioturbation and
its associated functional role in such habitat types
(Sink et al. 2012).
Figure 97 is a good illustration of changes to the
sea bottom appearance after repeated trawling using
bottom trawls.
15.1. Ecological analysis of the ecosystem change
as a tool for EAF
There are many excellent ecological studies on octopus, covering a wide range of topics, including influence of various environmental parameters (also
climate change) on the life cycle of octopods (e.g.,
Faure et al. 2000; Caveriviere and Demarcq 2001;
Otero et al. 2008; Caballero-Alfonso et al. 2010; Andre
et al. 2009, 2010; Vargas-Yanez et al. 2009; Garofalo
et al. 2010). There is an even larger number of population dynamics and stock assessment studies (e. g.
Arreguın-Sanchez et al. 2000; Katsanevakis and
Verriopulos et al. 2009; Leporati et al. 2009; Herwig
et al. 2012). In many cases, however, data of these
studies and their conclusions are not integrated into
EAF, and into fisheries management in general. In
reality EAF is not an easy approach, but there are current efforts to include octopus fisheries, for example
O. cyanea in Tanzanian waters (Guard 2009), and a
general octopus fisheries project in the western Indian
Ocean (Rocliffe and Harris, 2015). As both of these
projects are aimed towards Marine Stewardship
Council certification in the longer term, such a holistic approach is mandatory. A large regional case
study, conducted in Europe (Paijmans et al. 2013)
provide a further example of an EAF-related initiative
driven by “the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
(MSFD),” which is a thematic strategy for the protection and conservation of the marine environment
with the overall aim of promoting sustainable use of
the seas and conserving marine ecosystems.
16. General discussion
The current review highlights the large number of
countries targeting Octopus worldwide (some 90
countries according to FAO catch statistics for the
current century), supporting innumerable coastal
communities. Indeed we are harvesting more octopus
than ever before supporting both our growing population and growing appetite for seafood (FAO 2018).
Octopus fisheries are likely to continue to grow in
importance and magnitude as many finfish stocks are
either fully or over-exploited. Despite this increasing
reliance on octopus as a source of food, we still know
relatively little about the octopus species we harvest;
in fact, some harvested species have even yet to be
described (Norman and Finn 2014).
Given the critical role octopus play in marine ecosystems and their importance in supporting coastal
livelihoods, there is a growing need to understand
more about these complex animals. We do know that
some octopus populations are increasing in abundance
(Doubleday et al. 2016), despite exploitation and
environmental change. This is not too surprising,
given octopus and other cephalopods are highly
adaptable and responsive to change (Rodhouse et al.
2014). In fact, octopus may become important sources
of food in the future as longer-lived, less adaptable
species struggle to compete in a rapidly changing
environment (Doubleday and Connell, in press), and/
or struggle to withstand continuous pressure from
fisheries (Pauly et al. 1998). Species like octopus, however, are not immune to overexploitation and need to
be managed sustainably like any other natural
resource. Indeed, this review highlights several examples of overexploited populations, such as O. vulgaris
in the Mediterranean (Quetglas et al. 2015) and
O. cyanea in Rodrigues (Sauer et al. 2011).
16.1. Management of octopus fisheries
More than twenty described octopus species are harvested worldwide, mostly from shallow water coastal
environments. These species represent a diverse range
of biological characteristics, from small species
(<1 kg) with benthic young to large species (>10 kg)
Figure 96. Top: The distribution of trawling effort as determined by hours trawled in the commercial grid blocks for the period
2000–2008. Data taken from commercial logbook records. From Sink et al. (2012). Bottom: Analysis of categorized abundance data
(top 10 species contributing to differences) between lightly and heavily trawled areas in selected sites along the west coast of
South Africa. Species in bold show consistent trends between sites. Species underlined show opposite trends between sites.
Percentage dissimilarity between treatments at each site is indicated in ellipse. A black circle indicates the area of greater abundance per species. From Atkinson et al. (2011).
Figure 97. (A) An un-trawled coral reef area in the Oculina Banks off the coast of Florida, and (B) a trawled area. Photo Credits:
NOAA/R. G. Gilmore and NOAA/University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Undersea Vehicles Program.
with planktonic paralarvae. Biological data for most
species are still very limited and the management of
stocks is inconsistent and diverse, and range from
complex spatial management (for example the
Australian O. aff. tetricus and Tasmanian O. pallidus
fisheries) to no management or assessment at all.
Indeed, only seven commercial octopus species have
been aged, with only three aged using a validated
method (Arkhipkin et al. 2018). As such, there needs
to be a concentrated research focus on understanding
octopus age and other fundamentals such as fecundity,
brooding patterns, survival, and recruitment.
This general lack of information on octopus and
octopus fisheries (Boyle 1990; Pierce and Guerra 1994;
nski et al. 1998) make the management of these
fisheries particularly challenging. Many of the octopus
fisheries discussed in this review are unassessed and
unregulated; and so their productivity and status is
unknown (i.e., under- vs. over-exploited). This reflects
a broader problem for many marine invertebrate species, which are harvested without stock assessments
and little knowledge of their basic biology (Anderson
et al. 2011, Gibbons et al. 2016). In terms of stock
assessment and management a key concern for shortlived, terminal breeders like cephalopods is that there
is no overlap of generations, and therefore, little buffer against recruitment failure (Rodhouse et al. 2014).
Current methods to estimate stocks are therefore limited, with depletion models (e.g., Young et al. 2004,
Robert et al 2010) remaining one of the most widespread, despite limitations, such as the requirement
for accurate catch and effort data. This data challenge
extends across the globe, including in the official FAO
records, making estimations of catch trends difficult
and challenging. As an example, the recent increase in
catches from China are likely to reflect better catch
reporting as opposed to an increase in targeting. The
“Seas around Us” project found major gaps in the
reporting of artisanal catches, with octopus comprising a significant component for some countries
( An analysis of catch in
FAO Area 34 by Belhabib et al. (2012) has revealed
the scale of underreporting that can occur, as much as
a fourfold difference in that reported. It is indeed surprising that there are still octopods surviving in this
area, where the bottom is continuously trawled by
hundreds of ships, for over sixty years. Such high levels of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing also
makes trade in octopus products difficult to track.
16.2. Concluding remarks
This review highlights the breadth and diversity of
octopus fisheries worldwide, from the largest fisheries
in north-west Africa harvesting more than 100,000 t
annually, to the smallest subsistence fisheries supporting villages in Madagascar and Polynesia. But this
review also highlights a global industry that is underresourced and, in many circumstances “running
blind” as octopus are harvested without knowledge of
their productivity. A sustainable aquaculture could
relieve fishing pressure on octopus stocks and provide
a mechanism to understand more about octopus life
cycles and basic biology. Octopus are prime candidates for aquaculture because of their high rates of
growth and food conversion (Vidal et al. 2014).
Although commercialization is still constrained due to
the major knowledge gaps associated with raising and
sourcing juveniles, advances in octopus aquaculture
have been made recently (Dan et al. 2018); and the
next decade is likely to see commercial production
underway. Octopuses are voracious carnivorous with a
vigorous protein metabolism. The challenge for a
future octopus aquaculture will be to obtain a sustainable artificial feed independent from fisheries products
and formulated probably from vegetarian sources.
There is no doubt that, as our environment
undergoes rapid change, octopus could be a key
part of our future seafood supply, but to ensure this
we need to invest in a pragmatic and holistic management of octopus fisheries (using an Ecosystem
Approach–EAF) and provide the necessary incentives to assess both the resource and their roles in
the ecosystem, as well as tracking and understanding local and global trade.
Thanks are due to Ryan Gandy, Florida Fisheries and
Wildlife Research Institute, Paul Rudershausen, North
Carolina State University and David Whitaker, South
Carolina Department of Natural Resources, for information
provided about octopus trials in eastern US. Estanislao
Balbuena, Consejo Dominicano de Pesca y Acuicultura,
Dominican Republic and Rafael Tizol, Centro de
Investigaciones Pesqueras, Cuba, provided information on
octopus catches from their countries. Roberto Gonzalez and
Ma Lourdes Jimenez-Badillo provided information from the
fishery in Veracruz. Juan Carlos Mendiald
ua supplied the
picture of a Venezuelan jig. We also express our appreciation to Joshua DeMello, Western Pacific Regional Fishery
Management Council, Hawaii and Helven NaranjoMadrigal, ALNA, Costa Rica for information provided
about octopus fisheries from their respective countries.
Gundolf Kr€
uger, Cook-Forster Collection, Univ. of
ottingen, and internet site
Producciones kindly provided frames from Figure 3.”
IGG has been supported by the Japan Science and
Technology Agency (Grants J130000263 and AS2715164U).
RV has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of
Education and Culture (Grant PRX17/00090), Spanish
Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities
(OCTOSET project, RTI2018-097908-B-I00, MCIU/AEI/
FEDER, EU) and by the Direcci
o General de Pesca i Afers
Marıtims, Generalitat de Catalunya. FAFA was supported
by a predoctoral fellowship of the MINECO (BES2013–063551) and an Irish Research Council - Government
of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship (Ref. GOIPD/2019/460).
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Appendix A. Sources of octopus catch and
import data for Japan
Data were obtained from the following sources:
Statistics of Japan (the Japanese governmental eStats
web site portal for all statistics concerned with Japan;
available in Japanese only). This enabled access to a
useful data time series, though only for a single category of total octopus caught per year. Data on landings by prefecture from 1956 to 2015 were also
available on this portal, in one row of values (in metric
tonnes) headed “octopus species” within a spreadsheet
of catch data covering all categories of sealife: one
spreadsheet per prefecture (one each for Okinawa and
Hokkaido, four for Shikoku, seven for Kyushu and 25
for the coastal prefectures of Honshu). These were each
downloaded after scrolling down the following web
page to section 5, which lists each prefecture in
Japanese (last accessed in January 2018):
Japan Customs web site (providing catch and import
values for octopus, broken down country-by-country,
provided by the Japanese Foreign Ministry Trade
Statistics portal). This requires selection of various categories at the following URL:
030751,,,1,,,,,,200 (last accessed in January 2018)
More detailed catch data are available at certain
Prefectural Fisheries Research Institutes. Some data
were downloaded directly from a web site (e.g., from
the Toyama Prefectural Fisheries Research Institute:
data for both Toyama and Ishikawa, including some
species-specific data). Other more detailed data were
obtained through the co-operation of individuals. For
the latter, IGG thanks, in particular, the staff of the
Chiba Prefectural Office, who very kindly talked him
through some of the non-intuitive steps required to
reach pages of data on the eStats web site.
The Japan Fisheries Information Service Center
(JAFIC). The JAFIC web site provides catch and
price data for the previous 6 y, which have to be
called up specifically (by pressing a “processing” button) after first selecting the port, species group and
species of interest. Included are data for E. dofleini,
O. sinensis and A. fangsiao but this is limited to a
selection of ports around Japan (e.g., including ports
contributing about 10% of catch data for E. dofleini).
The category “All Japan” refers to inclusion of all the
selected ports from which JAFIC has collected data
(and does NOT mean the grand total for individual
species landed at all the ports in Japan). Therefore,
at present this source is not reliable for attempting to
ascertain catch totals for Japan.
Appendix B. Estimated approximate
percentage of each octopus species landed
from local coastal waters at selected ports
Kitakyushu, Sone
Osaka Bay Market
Octopus cyanea
“Octopus” ornatus
“Octopus” luteus
Octopus sinensis
Amphioctopus fangsiao
Muusoctopus longispadiceus
Octopus sinensis
Enteroctopus dofleini
Octopus sinensis
Muusoctopus longispadiceus
Enteroctopus dofleini
Enteroctopus dofleini
Octopus sinensis
Amphioctopus fangsiao
Muusoctopus longispadiceus
Enteroctopus dofleini
Muusoctopus longispadiceus
Enteroctopus dofleini
Muusoctopus longispadiceus
Enteroctopus dofleini
Muusoctopus longispadiceus
Enteroctopus dofleini
Octopus sinensis
Amphioctopus kagoshimensis
“Octopus” sasakii
Amphioctopus sp. (ocellate)
Amphioctopus kagoshimensis
“Octopus” sasakii
Octopus sinensis
Muusoctopus longispadiceus
Enteroctopus dofleini
Octopus sinensis
Octopus sinensis
Amphioctopus fangsiao
Amphioctopus sp. (ocellate)
Amphioctopus kagoshimensis
“Octopus” minor
“Octopus” sasakii
Octopus sinensis
Amphioctopus fangsiao
“Octopus” minor
Octopus sinensis
Amphioctopus fangsiao
Amphioctopus kagoshimensis
“Octopus” minor
“Octopus” sasakii
Octopus sinensis
“Octopus” tenuicirrus
“Octopus” hongkongensis
Percentages for Okinawa fide Ohta & Uehara (2015). Remainder are personal observations by H. Furuya over several years of specimen collection.
Prefectures not listed have not been observed for catch proportions.