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Musical genres are categorical labels created by humans to characterize pieces of music. Although music genres are inexact and can often be quite arbitrary and controversial, it is believed that certain song characteristics like instrumentation, rhythmic structure, and harmonic content of the music are related to the genre. In this paper, the task of automatic music genre classification is explored. Multiple features based on timbral texture, rhythmic content and pitch content are extracted from a single music piece and used to train different classifiers for genre prediction. The experiments were performed using features extracted from one or two 30 second segments from each song. For the classification, two different architectures flat and hierarchical classification and three different classifiers (kNN, MLP and SVM) were tried. The experiments were performed on the full feature set (316 features) and on a PCA reduced feature set. The testing speed of the classifiers was also measured.The experiments carried out on a large dataset containing more than 1700 music samples from ten different music genres have shown accuracy of 69.1% for the flat classification architecture (utilizing one against all SVM based classifiers). The accuracy obtained using the hierarchical classification architecture was slightly lower 68.8%, but four times faster than the flat architecture.
International Journal of Engineering Business and Social Science
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning can be cited as one of the greatest technological advancements in this century. They are revolutionizing the fields of computing, finance, healthcare, agriculture, music, space and tourism. Powerful models have achieved excellent performance on a myriad of complex learning tasks. One such subset of AI is audio analysis. It entails music information retrieval, music generation and music classification. Music data is one the most abstruse type of source data present, mainly because it is a tough work to extract meaningful correlating features from it. Hence a myriad of algorithms ranging from classical to hybrid neural networks have been tried on music data for a getting a good accuracy. This paper studies the various methods that can be used for music genre classification and compares between them. The accuracies we obtained on a small sample of the Free Music Archive (FMA) dataset were: 46% using Support Vector Classifier (SVC), 40% ...
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on …, 2001
Musical genres are categorical descriptions that are used to describe music. They are commonly used to structure the increasing amounts of music available in digital form on the Web and are important for music information retrieval. Genre categorization for audio has traditionally been performed manually. A particular musical genre is characterized by statistical properties related to the instrumentation, rhythmic structure and form of its members. In this work, algorithms for the automatic genre categorization of audio signals are described. More specifically, we propose a set of features for representing texture and instrumentation. In addition a novel set of features for representing rhythmic structure and strength is proposed. The performance of those feature sets has been evaluated by training statistical pattern recognition classifiers using real world audio collections. Based on the automatic hierarchical genre classification two graphical user interfaces for browsing and interacting with large audio collections have been developed.
Journal of The Brazilian Computer Society, 2008
This paper presents a non-conventional approach for the automatic music genre classification problem. The proposed approach uses multiple feature vectors and a pattern recognition ensemble approach, according to space and time decomposition schemes. Despite being music genre classification a multi-class problem, we accomplish the task using a set of binary classifiers, whose results are merged in order to produce the final music genre label (space decomposition). Music segments are also decomposed according to time segments obtained from the beginning, middle and end parts of the original music signal (time-decomposition). The final classification is obtained from the set of individual results, according to a combination procedure. Classical machine learning algorithms such as Naïve-Bayes, Decision Trees, k Nearest-Neighbors, Support Vector Machines and MultiLayer Perceptron Neural Nets are employed. Experiments were carried out on a novel dataset called Latin Music Database, which contains 3,160 music pieces categorized in 10 musical genres. Experimental results show that the proposed ensemble approach produces better results than the ones obtained from global and individual segment classifiers in most cases. Some experiments related to feature selection were also conducted, using the genetic algorithm paradigm. They show that the most important features for the classification task vary according to their origin in the music signal.
Deși realist, narativ și cu aparență (auto)biografică, romanul Cititorul 1 (Der Vorleser, 1995), de Berhard Schlink, este de fapt o contra-saga; de dimensiuni reduse și nespectaculoasă stilistic, scriitura are ritmul alert al unui raport interesat de context și de particular, și nu de ansamblu sau de timpul istoric; totodată, este focalizată în mod egal asupra faptelor, portretelor, gesturilor și obiectelor-cărți. Caleidoscopul pe care îl realizează Schlink prezintă de fapt rădăcina comună a politicului și a esteticului 2 , respectiv lumea ca teatru și scenă publică, însă prin intermediul unor personaje comune, unele chiar marginalizate, fie că sunt victime, fie, dimpotrivă, condamnați pentru co-participare la crimă.
International Journal of Academic Research in Education, 2021
Clinical Otolaryngology, 2010
Congenital malformations of the ear and cochlear implantation in children: review and temporal bone report of common cavity.
The objective of this study was investigating the interaction patterns among Basic English Language writing skills, the effects of peer review on improving the students " writing skills, and the inspiration aroused by writing in a peer reviewed writing environment. Forty-four accounting department students, Continuous Education Programme (CEP) attendants, were chosen randomly and were divided into two, experimental and control groups. , Both groups were taught Basic English writing skills for 3 months. The control group received teacher feedback, while, the experimental group received peer-feedback; the students were trained as how to assess peer " s work at the beginning of the semester. The process provided opportunities for the students to pick up good vocabulary, language use and style of writing from their peers. Students learned through an exchange of ideas during the discussions. Writers became more aware of the reader " s perspective. They also learned about their own errors as well that of their peers. The data were collected using a pre-test and a post-test for language proficiency and performance skills and Perception questionnaire towards peer feedback. The mean score of pre-test of experimental group and control groups were 61.66 and 65.64 respectively, while the mean score of post-tests of experimental and control groups were 73.045 and 68.82 respectively. Besides, the perception test results of the treatment group in pre and post-test were 3.06 and 3.48 respectively. It was found that the students " writing ability was improved significantly, at **p<.01 level. As the result, the writing performances of the students in the experimental group excelled those in the control group. Highly positive Perceptions towards the teaching technique were also found, in particular on the following aspects: the writing ability development, self-directed learning, cooperative learning, and self-confidence. It was concluded that peer review provides learners with an authentic audience, increases the students " motivation for writing and enables them to receive different views on their writing. Finally, the researcher recommended possible avenues for further works.
A Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) is an instrument used in the determination of a physical object's geometry using a Vertical Probe Head. The probe (mechanical, laser, or optical-based) senses separate points on the object's surfaces, thereby detecting its geometry. It is often challenging to design a CMM program that has all the necessary features of a Workpiece because there are certain features the probe cannot approach. More so, for a CMM's probe to reveal the hidden features, the Workpiece needs flipping over of up to 180 degrees. Unfortunately, this requires yet another program. The constant flipping over of the Workpiece might, however, attract faulty repeatability. Hence, a CMM equipped with a Motorized Probe Head is the best solution for the underlying challenge. This reasoning emanates from the fact that the probe is capable of rotating in different angles and directions, thus covering all the features of the Workpiece effortlessly. Moreover, this automated designing fixture can work with any CMM Bridge-Type and work with a physical touch probe CMM and a vision CMM measuring system. Although the cost of a CMM with a motorized probe head is almost double the price of a CMM with a vertical probe head, the automated fixture will reduce the human error associated with the periodical loading of a Workpiece, consequently improving the CMM productivity. Furthermore, with this automated fixture, the measuring area of a CMM is bound to increase; hence, the use of a single probe with a one-degree angle head (Vertical Probe Head) will be enough to inspect a complete Workpiece. This study thus demonstrates various CAD software, including SolidWorks. In this design, the automated fixture uses a servo motor to rotate the fixture plate based on an Arduino microcontroller, which easily integrates with a CMM. The automated fixture can rotate a Workpiece at 0, 45, 90, 135, and 180 degrees about a CMM Y or X-axis. Consequently, the main objective of this design is to support a Quality Control Inspection and a Bridge type CMM, thereby saving time and augmenting its ability through the use of the automated fixture. In so doing, the design used SolidWorks for the simulation of the automated fixture. Based on the simulation data obtained.
Risarcimento e pena di morte nel diritto biblico-ebraico e ittita Per conoscere il sistema giuridico e l'amministrazione giudiziaria ittita possediamo, oltre ai trattati internazionali, agli editti e alle istruzioni reali, una fonte di primaria importanza che consiste in copie tarde di raccolte di leggi composte in periodi più antichi. 1 Questi paragrafi di leggi si riferiscono, con un approccio più pratico che teorico, a varie colpe e condotte illegittime che sembrano caratterizzarsi quasi come un insieme di sentenze legali vincolanti, permettendoci quindi in alcuni casi un confronto immediato e interessanti parallelismi con corrispondenti disposizioni giuridiche bibliche. 2 Inoltre, come vedremo meglio in seguito, scorrendo le raccolte di leggi ittite si può notare un doppio livello di datazione che in alcuni testi cuneiformi evidenzia chiaramente come la legge possa cambiare da un periodo a un altro in funzione di una situazione contingente, 3 permettendo una costante e continua evoluzione normativa, in cui le
Proyecto, progreso, arquitectura, 2018
Biblical Interpretation, 2010
Archaeology Ireland, 2006
Lifelong aerobic exercise protects against inflammaging and cancer, 2019
Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 2017
BMC Public Health, 2013
Media Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan, 2018
EDULEAD: Journal of Christian Education and Leadership
Journal of Business Strategies, 1970
Physical Review Letters, 2005
Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, 2016