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Content zoning can be understood as a segmentation of textual documents into zones. This is inspired by [6] who initially proposed an approach for the argumentative zoning of textual documents. With the prototypical Cozo+ engine, we focus on content zoning towards an automatic processing of textual streams while considering only the actors as the zones. We gain information that can be used to realize an automatic recognition of content for pre-defined actors. We understand Cozo+ as a necessary pre-step towards an automatic generation of summaries and to make intellectual ownership of documents detectable.
We present an automated approach to classify sentences of scholarly work with respect to their rhetorical function. While previous work that achieves this task of argumentative zoning requires richly annotated input, our approach is robust to noise and can process raw text. Even in cases where the input has noise (as it is obtained from optical character recognition or text extraction from PDF files), our robust classifier is largely accurate. We perform an in-depth study of our system both with clean and noisy inputs.
2008 IEEE 25th Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel, 2008
Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management
Generating informative summaries for scientific articles is a challenging task. Argumentative Zoning (AZ) is a tool to obtain informative summaries of scientific articles. Using AZ assumes the definition of the main rhetorical structure in scientific articles, which are, then, used for the summary creation. The unavailability of large AZ annotated benchmark datasets is a bottleneck to training AZ-based summarization algorithms. In this work, we present an annotation platform for an AZ that defines four categories (zones), Claim, Method, Result and Conclusion, that are used to label sentences selected from scientific articles. The proposed tool can be used both for collecting benchmark datasets, and to help the researchers to create their own sub-corpora.
ArXiv, 2022
In populous countries, pending legal cases have been growing exponentially. There is a need for developing techniques for processing and organizing legal documents. In this paper, we introduce a new corpus for structuring legal documents. In particular, we introduce a corpus of legal judgment documents in English that are segmented into topical and coherent parts. Each of these parts is annotated with a label coming from a list of pre-defined Rhetorical Roles. We develop baseline models for automatically predicting rhetorical roles in a legal document based on the annotated corpus. Further, we show the application of rhetorical roles to improve performance on the tasks of summarization and legal judgment prediction. We release the corpus and baseline model code along with the paper.
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Archaeologies. Journal of the World Archaeological Congress, 2023
This paper investigates the use of postcolonial theory in Egyptology and Sudan archaeology. Theories and concepts developed out of examinations of specific historical colonial encounters were often applied by Egyptologists with little or no critical historical contextualization. Consequently, when using postcolonial theories and concepts some Egyptologists unwillingly transferred specific historical backgrounds to both ancient Egyptian experiences and those of their neighbours. This is inspected using the concept of reverse discourse as developed by M. Foucault. We need to construct novel and more data-informed concepts to understand the experiences and realities of living under Egyptian occupation.
Turkish Journal of Agriculture -Food Science and Technology, 2022
This study analysed the economics of plantain production in Northeast Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were to; describe plantain farmers' socioeconomic characteristics in Northeast Nigeria; identify factors affecting plantain production in the study area, and also ascertain farmers' resource use efficiency in plantain production. The study adopted a multi-stage sampling technique to collect primary data from 250 plantain farmers selected from 13 communities. In the analysis of the data, descriptive statistics and a stochastic frontier model were used. The finding of the study indicated that most (86.8%) of the respondents were male, having an average age of the respondents was 39.15 years, who are mostly educated (92.8%) and cultivate an average of 2.39 ha of land. The stochastic frontier production function maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters indicated that the production of plantain is determined by farm size, the number of suckers planted, the amount of hired labour used, and family labour. Similarly, the plantain production cost is being influenced by the cost of plantain suckers, labour, and the depreciated cost of land. Furthermore, the study revealed that the farmers were technically and allocatively efficient, although, the maximum technical efficiency was not achieved by farmers. Therefore, it was recommended that agricultural extension agents should be encouraged to reach plantain farmers with the required production technologies to promote production efficiency.
Para la sistematización de la investigación tomamos generalmente las etapas del proceso de la investigación las cuales se presenta en el esquema siguiente:
Em finais da Idade Média, os espaços da água são cada vez mais alvo da atenção das autoridades urbanas. Ao seu papel no abastecimento às populações urbanas, associou-se uma crescente preocupação com o seu papel nos fenómenos de doença e pobreza. Este trabalho dedica-se precisamente a analisar como este processo decorreu na Lisboa tardomedieval, observando a sua articulação com os poderes locais e a cada vez maior intervenção da Coroa. A partir das diversas componentes dos sistemas de água urbanos (captação, condução e distribuição): observamos a relação entre a distribuição das principais fontes na cidade e o desenvolvimento de tecnologias alternativas de captação da água; identificamos a forma como essas estratégias se alteraram nas formas de condução e evacuação deste recurso; examinamos como isso se articulou com o desenvolvimento do poder simbólico da Coroa a partir do exemplo do Chafariz d’el-Rei; analisamos como este processo acompanhou as preocupações com a saúde e a limpeza da Lisboa quinhentista.
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2018
The paper presents simulations using three different models for a hydraulic turbine. The models are too simple and unrealistic to be used for actual simulations, but the intention is to discuss behaviour intrinsic to the models that provide insight into the physics involved. The presented results point out several behaviours that are contradictory to actual turbine behaviour, and suggest what can be done to avoid this. The models can be used as a basis for later modifications that make the models applicable for simulations, modifications the authors are currently working on.
Ιστορία της Ορθοδοξίας, Τ. 5, 2009
Educational Researcher, 2021
Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriâ 4. Istoriâ, regionovedenie, meždunarodnye otnošeniâ, 2024
Communauté de l’Emanuel - Paray le Monial (Francia), 6 agosto 2006
Sociology of health & illness, 2017
Bezpieczeństwo: Teoria i Praktyka, 2017
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2019
Studia honoraria archaeologica, Zbornik radova u prigodi 65. rođendana prof. dr. sc. Mirjane Sanader, 2020
Arte da Cena (Art on Stage)
Health Systems & Reform, 2017
Advances in Interventional Cardiology
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 2017
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2020
Journal of Insect Behavior, 2004
European Journal of Operational Research, 2016