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Resumen En la práctica realizada se estudió el comportamiento de una bomba prototipo y otra bomba similar llamada bomba modelo. Se estudió el caudal, el cabezal y luego se obtuvo la potencia. Con los resultados de la bomba modelo se hizo una estimación de los valores de caudal, cabezal y potencia hidráulica del prototipo para luego compararlos con los datos experimentales. Esto se pudo llevar a cabo gracias al Teorema de Pi Buckingham, donde establece que, dado que se conoce todas las variables involucradas en el prototipo y las dimensiones reales del mismo, se puede crear un modelo con una diferente escala para estudiar el comportamiento de él, y mediante un análisis dimensional, obtener constantes que relacionan las variables involucradas. Estas constantes son propiedades adimensionales del fluido y son iguales tanto en el prototipo como en el modelo. Entonces estas propiedades obtenidas en el modelo se igualan a la relación de variables en el prototipo para obtener las estimaciones. En los resultados se pudo observar que el prototipo puede describir aceptablemente el comportamiento de las variables, como por ejemplo tener una idea de cómo se comporta el cabezal respecto al caudal, esto es que, a medida que disminuye el caudal, el cabezal aumenta con relación cuadrática, el cabezal llega a un valor máximo y el caudal a un valor mínimo, que se interpreta a que la bomba necesita más potencia. La potencia hidráulica se comporta de una manera similar, pero esta llega a un valor máximo y luego decae a medida que el caudal disminuye cada vez más. En magnitud los valores estimados estuvieron muy alejados de los valores experimentales por lo que no es recomendable usar el modelo como para estimar los datos del prototipo, esto se pudo deber a la condición del banco de pruebas en general y no al prototipo en específico ya que los instrumentos de medición del caudal y cabezal no se encontraban en muy buen estado. Abstract The behavior of a prototype pump and other similar pump called pump model where studied in the lab. The flow and the head where studied and then, the hydraulic power was obtained. With the results of the pump model, the values of flow, hydraulic power and head of the prototype where estimates for be compared them with the experimental data. This could be carried out thanks to the theorem Pi Buckingham, It establish that, a different model with a different scale can study the behavior of the real equipment, using a dimensional analysis, to get constants that relate the variables involved, That's true, when all the variables involved and dimensions of the prototype are known. The constants are dimensionless properties of the fluid and they are equal in the prototype and model. So the properties obtained in the model are equalized to the ratio variables in the prototype, to make estimates. The results showed that, the prototype can describe acceptably the behavior of the variables, such as having an idea of how the spindle behaves relative to the flow, that is, with decreasing flow rate, head increases relative quadratic, the head
Journal of Ancient Philosophy, 2024
Lucian has often been treated as a sophist, and his most Socratic dialogue, the Hermotimus, has been dismissed as a sceptical dismissal of the possibility of philosophy. This paper contends that the dialogue is a critique of dogmatic or sectarian forms of philosophy, not philosophy per se. It shows that there are five points in the dialogue wherein Lycinus presents a positive conception of philosophy as a way of approaching inquiry. Key to discerning Lucian's critical but constructive philosophical intention, the paper shows, are Lucian's clear references to the educational program in Plato's Republic VI-VII, notably the association of sectarian philosophers with the forms of inquiry characteristic of geometry: that is, unable to call into question dialectically its own first principles, which is what philosophy proper should do, up to and including the openness to admitting that we may previously have been wrong.
these services are worried about maintaining control of personal information that varies from credit card numbers to social security One of the fastest growing areas in network security, and numbers and home addresses.In their search for a way to approach certainly an area that generates much discussion is that of ethical the problem, organizations came to realize that one of the best ways hacking. In today's context where the communication techniques to evaluate the intruder threat to their interests would be to have have brought the world together; have also brought into being anxiety independent computer security professionals attempt to break into for the system owners all over the globe. The main reason behind their computer systems. This scheme is similar to having independent this insecurity is Hacking-more specifically cracking the computer auditors come into an organization to verify its bookkeeping records. systems. Thus the need of protecting the systems from the nuisance In the case of computer security, these ―tiger teams‖ or ―ethical of hacking generated by the hackers is to promote the persons who hackers‖ would employ the same tools and techniques as the will punch back the illegal attacks on our computer systems, The intruders, but they would neither damage the target systems nor steal Ethical Hackers. The main purpose of this study is to reveal the information. Instead, they would evaluate the target systems' security brief idea of the ethical hacking and its affairs with the corporate and report back to the owners with the vulnerabilities they found security. This paper encloses the epigrammatic disclosure about the and instructions for how to remedy them. Hacking and as well the detailed role of the ethical hacking as the 2. HISTORY OF HACKING countermeasure to cracking in accordance with the corporate security as well as the individual refuge. This paper tries to develop the centralized idea of the ethical hacking and all its aspects as a whole. 2.1 PREHISTORY 1960s: The Dawn of Hacking
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în perspectiva autonomizării fiinţei sub toate aspectele (din punct de vedere cognitiv, afectiv, comportamental etc.). Cunoştinţele constituie o formă complexă de reflectare în conştiinţă a unor straturi ale existenţei (materiale, spirituale) şi care asigură subiectului eficacitate existenţială, pragmatică, psihică. Orice nouă cunoştinţă, achiziţionată de individ, suportă un proces de semnificare, reajustare, chiar de elaborare, în consens cu o serie de date contextuale. O cunoştinţă transmisă de profesor nu trece de-a gata în mintea copilului, ci este "cucerită", în parte pe cont propriu, doar astfel achiziţia devine proprietatea celui care o posedă şi devenind cu adevărat operaţională. De regulă, cunoştinţele nu se ivesc pe un teren gol, ele continuă, amplifică, specifică, duc mai departe alte gânduri, alte idei. De aceea, predarea poate să se deruleze de la caz la caz fie pe un traiect inductiv, fie pe un traiect deductiv. Capacităţile sunt răspunsuri adecvate la situaţii diverse, modalităţi conştiente de rezolvare a unor probleme materiale, situaţionale, comportamentale. Deprinderile sunt elemente automatizate ale activităţii, o formă de stereotipizare a acţiunilor. Prin repetarea unei acţiuni (materiale, mintale), executarea acţiunii se automatizează, se fixează în deprinderi. Atitudinile sunt poziţionări preferenţiale şi valorice, emise de subiect, direct sau indirect, în împrejurările diferite ale vieţii şi acţiunii.
2023 Diseño y Administración de Bases de Datos - Clase 2, 2023
Journal of Human Growth and Development, 2024
Expository Times
Annals of King Edward Medical University, 2009
Mediators of Inflammation, 1994
Excelencia: Journal of Islamic Education & Management