Summer School Maritime Law online edition 2020 (2)


This year's Summer School on Maritime Law will take place online with substantial savings in way of travel and lodge for the attendees. It is an opportunity to be briefed on current issues in international shipping whether you have a legal background , or not.

%$5&(/21$,17(51$7,21$/21/,1( 6800(56&+22/,10$5,7,0(/$: --XO\ &217(17 2YHUYLHZRIWKH 3URJUDPPH 7LPHWDEOH 6WDII &RXUVH8QLWV /HDUQLQJ2XW FRPHV 2UJDQL]LQJ 7HDPDQGWKH 9HQXH :HOFRPHWRRXU%DUFHORQD,QWHUQDWLRQDO6XPPHU6FKRROLQ 0DULWLPH/DZRQOLQHHGLWLRQ 0 LTXHO 5RFD QXHVWUR 7KH 2QOLQH 6XPPHU 6FKRRO HGLWLRQ ZLOO HTXLS WKRVH ZKR DWWHQG ZLWK D GHWDLOHG 6RFLR 'LUHFWRU KD LQVLJKWLQWRLVVXHVRIFXUUHQWLPSRUWDQFHLQWKHDUHDVRIVKLSSLQJODQGWUDQVSRUW VLGR LQFOXLGR HQ DQG (XURSHDQ ODZ ,W LV GHVLJQHG WR SURYLGH D PDMRU OHDUQLQJ UHVRXUFH IRUOD ODZ \HUVDQGEXVLQHVVSHRSOH,WZLOOUHFUXLW\RXQJSURIHVVLRQDOVIURPDOORYHU(XURSH SUHVWLJLRVD OLVWD ³7KH EHVW  DQGWKHUHVWRIWKHZRUOGLQDWUXO\LQWHUQDWLRQDOHQYLURQPHQW /DZ\HUVLQ6SDLQ´TXH7KH&RU SRUDWH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO SXEOLFD FDGDDxRUHFRQRFLHQGRDORV 7KH 6XPPHU 6FKRRO ZLOO RIIHU DQ LQYDOXDEOH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR OHDUQ IURP GLVWLQ JXLVKHG DFDGHPLFV OHJDO DQG EXVLQHVVPHMRUHVDERJDGRVGH(VSDxD SUDFWLWLRQHUV ZKLOH HVWDEOLVKLQJ IXWXUH FRQWDFWVDQGIULHQGVKLSV 0LTXHO 5RFD UHFLEH HVWH KRQR UDEOH UHFRQRFLPLHQWR SRU VX %DUFHORQD6XPPHU6FKRROLQ0DULWLPH/DZRQOLQHHGLWLRQZLOOEHDDQHYHQW\RX HVSHFLDOLGDGGH'HUHFKR0DUtWL GRQRWZDQWWRPLVV PR 0 LTXHO 5RFD RXU 0D QDJLQJ 3DUWQHU KDV %DUFHORQD,QWHUQDWLRQDO6XPPHU6FKRROLQ0DULWLPH/DZ RQOLQHHGLWLRQ ZZZEGOH]RFRPVXPPHUVFKRRO %$5&(/21$,17(51$7,21$/21/,1( 6800(56&+22/,10$5,7,0(/$: --XO\ Aims and Objectives This Summer School will equip those who attend with a detailed insight into issues of current importance in the areas of shipping, land transport and European law. It is designed to provide a major learning resource for lawyers and business people. It will recruit students from Spain and the rest of Europe but also internationally. The programme is designed to meet the specific needs of professional lawyers who may be seeking to expand their practice in the field of Maritime Law, and also to meet the complementary needs of shipping executives who have to understand the complex legal issues which context their commercial enterprise. The Teaching Programme The rationale of the course is that the Law of England and Wales is the legal system which provides the basic reference underpinning all International Shipping Law, and is the universally preferred jurisdiction in respect of maritime disputes. A full balance of academic, legal and commercial expertise is represented in the composition of teaching team, whose members are drawn from the Law Departments of leading British universities and Law firms which specialise in Maritime, Shipping and Transport Law. The Learning Atmosphere 0 The Summer School will offer participants the chance to meet like-minded professionals in a LTXHO 5RFD QXHVWUR sympathetic but nonetheless demanding academic atmosphere in which 6RFLR valuable professional 'LUHFWRU KD knowledge will be gained. VLGR LQFOXLGR HQ OD SUHVWLJLRVD OLVWD ³7KH EHVW  /DZ\HUVLQ6SDLQ´TXH7KH&RU English is the language of instruction, but all the teaching units will be supported by detailed SRUDWH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO SXEOLFD notes prepared to assist participants with the seminar work, and with later professional reflection. As acquisition of business English is often accelerated whenFDGDDxRUHFRQRFLHQGRDORV students can express new concepts equally in their native tongue, it may be possible for the seminar discussion to be held in a PHMRUHVDERJDGRVGH(VSDxD language other than English where four or more students request it. 0LTXHO 5RFD UHFLEH HVWH KRQR UDEOH UHFRQRFLPLHQWR SRU VX HVSHFLDOLGDGGH'HUHFKR0DUtWL PR 0 LTXHO 5RFD RXU 0D QDJLQJ 3DUWQHU KDV %DUFHORQD,QWHUQDWLRQDO6XPPHU6FKRROLQ0DULWLPH/DZ RQOLQHHGLWLRQ ZZZEGOH]RFRPVXPPHUVFKRRO %$5&(/21$,17(51$7,21$/21/,1( 6800(56&+22/,10$5,7,0(/$: --XO\ TIMETABLE This is a tentative timetable. Final timetable to be published on 1st July 2020 7LPH 0RQGD\ 7XHVGD\ :HGQHVGD\ 7KXUVGD\ — &RXUVH2SHQLQJ ,QFRWHUPV DQGZHOFRPH 05 — ,QWURGXFWLRQWR &RPPRQ/DZ $5 2LO *DV $5 7KH5RWWHUGDP 5XOHV 05 0DULWLPH (FRQRPLFV $& /RQGRQ0DULWLPH $UELWUDWLRQ 05 — %UHDN %UHDN %UHDN %UHDN &ORVLQJ&HUH PRQ\ $5—05 — $GPLUDOW\/DZ $5 6DOYDJH /2) $5 6KLSEXLOGLQJ FRQWUDFWV 0' )UHLJKW)RUZDU GLQJDQG/RJLV WLFV '* — 6KLS$UUHVW $5 /D\WLPH 'H PXUUDJH $5 6KLS6DOHDQG SXUFKDVH 0' 0DULWLPH(QYL URQPHQWDO/DZ 5& 0DULWLPH %LOOVRI/DGLQJ DQG+DJXH-9LVE\ (FRQRPLFV $& 5XOHV 05 )ULGD\ &KDUWHU3DUWLHV LQSUDFWLFH $$ Secure On-Line Access: All session will be done on-line via Zoom in secure sessions protected by private password access. 0 5RFD QXHVWUR Time Zone: Timings of all sessions are shown in Central European Time.LTXHO If any timing is not 6RFLR 'LUHFWRU KD convenient for you in your geographical area, sessions can be recorded and you can have access VLGR LQFOXLGR HQ OD in your most convenient time zone. SUHVWLJLRVD OLVWD ³7KH EHVW  /DZ\HUVLQ6SDLQ´TXH7KH&RU SRUDWH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO SXEOLFD FDGDDxRUHFRQRFLHQGRDORV The Summer School Team PHMRUHVDERJDGRVGH(VSDxD DIRECTOR Anthony Rogers 0LTXHO 5RFD UHFLEH HVWH KRQR Is a former Legal Advisor to several prominent Ship-Broking and Ship-owning companies in the UDEOH UHFRQRFLPLHQWR SRU VX United Kingdom. He is currently Senior Lecturer, the City, University of London, where he teachHVSHFLDOLGDGGH'HUHFKR0DUtWL es Maritime Law, and Trade and Commercial Law. PR 0 LTXHO 5RFD RXU 0D QDJLQJ 3DUWQHU KDV %DUFHORQD,QWHUQDWLRQDO6XPPHU6FKRROLQ0DULWLPH/DZ RQOLQHHGLWLRQ ZZZEGOH]RFRPVXPPHUVFKRRO %$5&(/21$,17(51$7,21$/21/,1( 6800(56&+22/,10$5,7,0(/$: --XO\ DEPUTY DIRECTOR Dr. Miquel Roca Maritime Law Professor at ALBA University in Athens, Greece and Associated Lecturer at ARU Cambridge University. Is qualified to practice Law in both Spain and England & Wales. He is the managing partner of LMA Legal in London. He has been a member of the Managing Board of the Spanish Maritime Law Association during 7 years and publishes regularly in specialised journals. Appointed Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Spain to sign the Rotterdam Rules at the United Nations on behalf of the Kingdom of Spain. He is also the co-author the book “El Arbitraje Maritimo en Londres” (London Maritime Arbitration), the first book on the subject ever written in Spanish. Mark Davis Mark is an expirienced solicitor in matters across a broad range of maritime disputes including matters arising out of or related to banking and financial services, commodities, energy, insurance and reinsurance, letters of credit, logistics, metallurgy, naval architecture, oil and gas, shipbuilding and the sale and pruchase of ships. He is the author of the first and second editions of Bareboat Charters published by Lloyds of London Press in 2000 and 2005. He has been regularly recognised as a leading expert in Legal Business' Legal Experts publications and acknowledged at the "The World's Leading Litigation Lawyers". Dr. A. J. Corres Dr. Corres is the chairman of the Hellenic Association of Maritime Economists, member of the Board of the Hellenic Short Sea Association, and International Shipping Policy Professor at the Aegean University. Dr. Corres will take care of the maritime economics sessions in the Summer School, sharing its expertise in the field gained with its professional relationship with the Union of Mediterranean Shipowners, Intertanko, the International Union of Maritime Underwriters, the Union of Greek Shipowners and the International Chamber of Shipping. 0 LTXHO 5RFD QXHVWUR 6RFLR 'LUHFWRU KD VLGR LQFOXLGR HQ OD Mr. Angel Arnaudas, Director of Autochartering S.A., leading Spanish Shipbroker SUHVWLJLRVD OLVWD ³7KH EHVW  Ms. Concha Hill, Maritime Law Professor, University of Barcelona /DZ\HUVLQ6SDLQ´TXH7KH&RU Mr. Ignasi Pinart, Director at Hutchinson Logistics SRUDWH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO SXEOLFD FDGDDxRUHFRQRFLHQGRDORV PHMRUHVDERJDGRVGH(VSDxD Invited Lecturers: 7KH&RXUVH8QLWV 0LTXHO 5RFD UHFLEH HVWH KRQR UDEOH UHFRQRFLPLHQWR SRU VX HVSHFLDOLGDGGH'HUHFKR0DUtWL Unit 1: The Common Law of England and Wales PR An introduction to the Common Law, and particularly to the doctrine of precedent, which is found in the legal systems of (among others), England and Wales, the USA, Canada, Australia, LTXHO 5RFD RXU 0D and much of Africa and Asia. We will also look at some issues of Tort and Contract Law. QDJLQJ 3DUWQHU KDV 0 %DUFHORQD,QWHUQDWLRQDO6XPPHU6FKRROLQ0DULWLPH/DZ RQOLQHHGLWLRQ ZZZEGOH]RFRPVXPPHUVFKRRO %$5&(/21$,17(51$7,21$/21/,1( 6800(56&+22/,10$5,7,0(/$: --XO\ Unit 2: Admiralty Law and Practice We will look at some of the core areas of Maritime Law. There will be a focus upon Admiralty practice, which will include an examination of ship arrest, (including sister ship arrest) and maritime liens. This unit will also develop an understanding of salvage issues. Unit 3: Freight Forwarding, Logistics and Multimodal Transport This unit will provide an introduction to the legal issues concerning freight forwarding and logistics operations with particular reference to their legal classification. The types of multimodal transport and the problems that arise in the sector. Unit 4: Carriage of Goods by Sea & Cargo Claims This unit will examine issues surrounding contracts of affreightment, principally time and voyage charterparties and bills of lading. This will include current developments in the Hague/ Visby rules, the Rotterdam Rules and the recent disputes due to Covid-19. Unit 5: Maritime Economics This part of the Summer School will give consideration to Maritime Economics and all the different markets that form the economic organisation of the Shipping Industry. Unit 6: The International Law of the Sea This unit will provide delegates with an opportunity to discuss the issues of oil pollution from ships and, more generally, the shipowner’s ability to limit liability. The module will examine the international conventions that regulate these matters. This is an area of great practical importance to shipowners and charters alike. 0 LTXHO 5RFD QXHVWUR 6RFLR 'LUHFWRU KD We will examine how the insurnace market operates in the industry and which is the current VLGR LQFOXLGR HQ OD status of the law regarding shipping risk cover and that related to P&I Clubs. SUHVWLJLRVD OLVWD ³7KH EHVW  /DZ\HUVLQ6SDLQ´TXH7KH&RU Unit 8: London Maritime Arbitration SRUDWH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO SXEOLFD Most maritime disputes are dealt with in London, under EnglishFDGDDxRUHFRQRFLHQGRDORV law, and by use of Arbitration. It is a must unit for all those involved in the shipping disputes resolution. We will look at genePHMRUHVDERJDGRVGH(VSDxD ral arbitration concepts and focus on maritime arbitration and the Rules of the London Mariti5RFD HVWH KRQR me Arbitrators Association, and other institutional rules, such as0LTXHO the LCIA orUHFLEH the ICC. UDEOH UHFRQRFLPLHQWR SRU VX HVSHFLDOLGDGGH'HUHFKR0DUtWL Unit 9: Port Terminals PR This year the largest port terminals operator in the world, Hutchinson Ports, will join the us at LTXHO 5RFD RXU 0D the Summer School to tell us all about the practical aspects of port terminals. QDJLQJ 3DUWQHU KDV Unit 7: Marine Insurance 0 %DUFHORQD,QWHUQDWLRQDO6XPPHU6FKRROLQ0DULWLPH/DZ RQOLQHHGLWLRQ ZZZEGOH]RFRPVXPPHUVFKRRO %$5&(/21$,17(51$7,21$/21/,1( 6800(56&+22/,10$5,7,0(/$: --XO\ 6WXGHQW/HDUQLQJRXWFRPHV By the conclusion of the Summer School delegates will: 1. Have gained practical knowledge of several expanding and potentially lucrative areas of Maritime and Commercial Law. 2. Be able to identify complex legal issues that arise in commercial situations. 3. Be able to analyse these problems, and provide suitable solutions. 4. Have gained confidence in arguing their cases and in defending the positions that they have taken. 5. Be able to research the answers to legal problems that they will face in the future. 0 LTXHO 5RFD QXHVWUR 6RFLR 'LUHFWRU KD VLGR LQFOXLGR HQ OD SUHVWLJLRVD OLVWD ³7KH EHVW  /DZ\HUVLQ6SDLQ´TXH7KH&RU SRUDWH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO SXEOLFD FDGDDxRUHFRQRFLHQGRDORV PHMRUHVDERJDGRVGH(VSDxD 0LTXHO 5RFD UHFLEH HVWH KRQR UDEOH UHFRQRFLPLHQWR SRU VX HVSHFLDOLGDGGH'HUHFKR0DUtWL PR 0 LTXHO 5RFD RXU 0D QDJLQJ 3DUWQHU KDV %DUFHORQD,QWHUQDWLRQDO6XPPHU6FKRROLQ0DULWLPH/DZ RQOLQHHGLWLRQ ZZZEGOH]RFRPVXPPHUVFKRRO %$5&(/21$,17(51$7,21$/21/,1( 6800(56&+22/,10$5,7,0(/$: --XO\ &(57,),&$7( All those who successfully complete the programme will be awarded a Certificate of Achievement issued by The City University of London. City, University of London is one of the few universities in the world to offer a dedicated LLM in Maritime Law. This degree is taught by leading academics with commercial expirience also offering a strong input by current practiconers both from England and abroad. The location of the Law School in the City of London itself means that it is very convenient for the City institutions and the Royal Courts of Justice and the wider cultural and social expirience that London has to offer. The Barcelona University is a leading university in Spain. The University academic programme is build upon a solid fundation between the community of its students and the academic staff and the excellence of the goals to be achieved by all students. The University offers to all its students a very close connection with the leading companies and law firms in Europe, and it is the perfect host for all those students comming from abroad to one of the most vibrant and lively cities in the world. Language requirements The course will be conducted in English language. Students will however be encouraged to work in small groups, and these may be conducted in other languages by the agreement of the participants. It is advisable that participants should feel comfortable in working in English, although an IELTS or TOEFL certificate or any other equivalent English Certificate are not required. 0 LTXHO 5RFD QXHVWUR 6RFLR 'LUHFWRU KD VLGR LQFOXLGR HQ OD The course takes place online, via Zoom with secure password access. SUHVWLJLRVD OLVWD ³7KH EHVW  /DZ\HUVLQ6SDLQ´TXH7KH&RU Enquiries and Application Form SRUDWH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO SXEOLFD Enquiries about the course may be sent by e-mail to the Deputy FDGDDxRUHFRQRFLHQGRDORV Director: [email protected] PHMRUHVDERJDGRVGH(VSDxD Sent him also an e-mail to get the Application Form or visit Venue and don’t miss this great chance. Spaces are limited, so please be quick5RFD in booking space! 0LTXHO UHFLEH your HVWH KRQR UDEOH UHFRQRFLPLHQWR SRU VX HVSHFLDOLGDGGH'HUHFKR0DUtWL PR 0 LTXHO 5RFD RXU 0D QDJLQJ 3DUWQHU KDV %DUFHORQD,QWHUQDWLRQDO6XPPHU6FKRROLQ0DULWLPH/DZ RQOLQHHGLWLRQ ZZZEGOH]RFRPVXPPHUVFKRRO %$5&(/21$,17(51$7,21$/21/,1( 6800(56&+22/,10$5,7,0(/$: --XO\ $33/,&$7,21)250 Family Name First Name Correspondence address Email address Telephone nos. Business Other phone Mobile Citizenship Nationality 0 LTXHO 5RFD QXHVWUR 6RFLR 'LUHFWRU KD VLGR LQFOXLGR HQ OD SUHVWLJLRVD OLVWD ³7KH EHVW  First Language Other languages /DZ\HUVLQ6SDLQ´TXH7KH&RU SRUDWH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO SXEOLFD FDGDDxRUHFRQRFLHQGRDORV Name and address of nearest family member PHMRUHVDERJDGRVGH(VSDxD Passport No. (N.B. for emergency use only) Contact Telephone no. 0LTXHO 5RFD UHFLEH HVWH KRQR UDEOH UHFRQRFLPLHQWR SRU VX HVSHFLDOLGDGGH'HUHFKR0DUtWL PR 0 LTXHO 5RFD RXU 0D QDJLQJ 3DUWQHU KDV %DUFHORQD,QWHUQDWLRQDO6XPPHU6FKRROLQ0DULWLPH/DZ RQOLQHHGLWLRQ ZZZEGOH]RFRPVXPPHUVFKRRO %$5&(/21$,17(51$7,21$/21/,1( 6800(56&+22/,10$5,7,0(/$: --XO\ $33/,&$7,21)250 Education (most recent and highest achievements first) Professional Experience Reasons for wanting to attend this Summer School How did you hear about the Summer School? 0 LTXHO 5RFD QXHVWUR 6RFLR 'LUHFWRU KD VLGR LQFOXLGR HQ OD SUHVWLJLRVD OLVWD ³7KH EHVW  /DZ\HUVLQ6SDLQ´TXH7KH&RU SRUDWH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO SXEOLFD FDGDDxRUHFRQRFLHQGRDORV PHMRUHVDERJDGRVGH(VSDxD 0LTXHO 5RFD UHFLEH HVWH KRQR UDEOH UHFRQRFLPLHQWR SRU VX HVSHFLDOLGDGGH'HUHFKR0DUtWL PR 0 Signed…………………………………………Date……………………………. LTXHO 5RFD RXU 0D QDJLQJ 3DUWQHU KDV %DUFHORQD,QWHUQDWLRQDO6XPPHU6FKRROLQ0DULWLPH/DZ RQOLQHHGLWLRQ ZZZEGOH]RFRPVXPPHUVFKRRO %$5&(/21$,17(51$7,21$/21/,1( 6800(56&+22/,10$5,7,0(/$: --XO\ Payment: □ – Tuition fee ………………………..………………..…...……. 650 ¼ Students from Spain should note that VAT is not included □ – Undergraduate Tuition fee ……………………..……….... 450 ¼ Current undergraduate students . Deposit This form is to be returned with the proof of transfer: BARCELONA INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL IN MARITIME LAW F.A.O. Dr. Miquel Roca Bank Account No:  ,%$1(6 ,& 6:,)7 &$,;(6%%;;; Please allow 3/4 days for payment confirmation. 0 QXHVWUR Please note that the full balance of the tuition fees is required to be paid at LTXHO least 5RFD 15 days before 6RFLR 'LUHFWRU KD the start of the Summer School. VLGR LQFOXLGR HQ OD SUHVWLJLRVD OLVWD ³7KH EHVW  This form and further queries shall be sent to: [email protected] /DZ\HUVLQ6SDLQ´TXH7KH&RU SRUDWH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO SXEOLFD FDGDDxRUHFRQRFLHQGRDORV PHMRUHVDERJDGRVGH(VSDxD 0LTXHO 5RFD UHFLEH HVWH KRQR UDEOH UHFRQRFLPLHQWR SRU VX HVSHFLDOLGDGGH'HUHFKR0DUtWL PR 0 LTXHO 5RFD RXU 0D QDJLQJ 3DUWQHU KDV %DUFHORQD,QWHUQDWLRQDO6XPPHU6FKRROLQ0DULWLPH/DZ RQOLQHHGLWLRQ ZZZEGOH]RFRPVXPPHUVFKRRO