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Part 2 of an open letter written on June 8, 2020 to my field of fellow creatives — a letter challenging all artists, designers, and craftspersons, alongside educators and creative leaders at all levels of instruction, to come together in shaping an effective anti-racist agenda for the 21st century. (See attached website link).
CSMA CAR, 2019
CSMA CAR est une plateforme mobile miniaturisée qui combine trois modes de fonctionnement. Mode manuel, mode automatique et mode mouvement. Ce projet est basé sur une manette PS3 qui envoie des instructions à une carte ARDUINO via BLUETOOTH. Cette carte contrôle quatre MOTEURS DC, trois SERVOS, trois ULTRASONS, quatre LED et un BUZZER.
Дурново Н.Н. Русские рукописи XI и XII в. как памятники старославянского языка : [Окончание] / Николай Дурново. – Београд, 1926-1927. – С. 93-117. – Отдельный оттиск из: Jужнословенски филолог, кн. 6.
La programación es una rama de la ingeniería mecatrónica que sirve para programar maquinaria en algunos casos programar lo veo como el hecho de enseñar a una computadora a realizar tareas. ¿QUE ES UN ALGORITMO? En matemáticas, lógica, ciencias de la computación y disciplinas relacionadas, un algoritmo (del griego y latín, dixit algorithmus y este a su vez del matemático persa Al-Juarismi)1 es un conjunto prescrito de instrucciones o reglas bien definidas, ordenadas y finitas que permite llevar a cabo una actividad mediante pasos sucesivos que no generen dudas a quien deba hacer dicha actividad.2 Dados un estado inicial y una entrada, siguiendo los pasos sucesivos se llega a un estado final y se obtiene una solución. Los algoritmos son el objeto de estudio de la algoritmia.1 En la vida cotidiana, se emplean algoritmos frecuentemente para resolver problemas. Algunos ejemplos son los manuales de usuario, que muestran algoritmos para usar un aparato, o las instrucciones que recibe un trabajador por parte de su patrón. Algunos ejemplos en matemática son el algoritmo de multiplicación, para calcular el producto, el algoritmo de la división para calcular el cociente de dos números, el algoritmo de Euclides para obtener el máximo común divisor de dos enteros positivos, o el método de Gauss para resolver un sistema de ecuaciones lineales. ¿QUE ES UN PSEUDOCODIGO? En ciencias de la computación, y análisis numérico, el pseudocódigo (o falso lenguaje) es una descripción de alto nivel compacta e informal1 del principio operativo de un programa informático u otro algoritmo. Utiliza las convenciones estructurales de un lenguaje de programación real,2 pero está diseñado para la lectura humana en lugar de la lectura mediante máquina, y con independencia de cualquier otro lenguaje de programación. Normalmente, el pseudocódigo omite detalles que no son esenciales para la comprensión humana del algoritmo, tales como declaraciones de variables, código específico del sistema y algunas subrutinas. El lenguaje de programación se complementa, donde sea conveniente, con descripciones detalladas en lenguaje natural, o con notación matemática compacta. Se utiliza pseudocódigo pues este es más fácil de entender para las personas que el código del lenguaje de programación convencional, ya que es una descripción eficiente y con un entorno independiente de los principios fundamentales de un algoritmo. Se utiliza comúnmente en los libros de texto. DIAGRAMA DE FRUJO Un diagrama de flujo es una representación gráfica de un proceso. Cada paso del proceso es representado por un símbolo diferente que contiene una breve descripción de la etapa de proceso. Los símbolos gráficos del flujo del proceso están unidos entre sí con flechas que indican la dirección de flujo del proceso. El diagrama de flujo ofrece una descripción visual de las actividades implicadas en un proceso mostrando la relación secuencial ente ellas, facilitando la rápida comprensión de cada actividad y su relación con las demás, el flujo de la información y los materiales, las ramas en el proceso, la
Brain Behavior and Immunity Integrative, 2024
According to Kelley et al. (2023), BBI Integrative 'recognises the historical importance of Eastern health practices in the entire field of PNI' (psychoneuroimmunology). We applaud this editorial innovation and believe that it is an important step in advancing the ability to provide healing to human beings.This article aims to illustrate suggestions for scientific research and integrative care derived from studying the ancient Chinese medicine and philosophy using pathophysiological and clinical examples. It shows how some fundamental categories of ancient Chinese philosophies, such as the yin-yang theory, and healing models, such as yang sheng (nurturing life), can help us understand how the immune system works and where the foundations of health are rooted. It also examines some examples of the yin-yang dialectic in immunology, such as T helper 1 (Th1) circuit control by the same cells that initially produce cytokines (IL-12 and IFN-γ) to activate this circuit and then produce Th2 circuit cytokines (IL-4) to moderate it. In addition, the transformation of regulatory T-cells into inflammatory Tcells (Th17) and the IL-6 dual pro-or anti-inflammatory face, depends on the context. In the first example, yin is present in yang. In the second, the yang is in the yin. Finally, we present an example of the cytokine yin-yang. This article also shows the surprising concordances of ancient Chinese chronobiology with the modern science of circadian rhythms and the unknown connections between organs, such as between the lungs and gut, which has drawn the attention of modern scientific research only recently. Finally, this article highlights the peculiar approach of ancient Chinese medicine to prevention and treatment, called yang sheng, which shows strong concordance with the model proposed by Psychoneuroendocrineimmunology.
Umar, 2021
mangroves can be categorized as plants that live in the region of species, tidal, and brackish plants Hutan mangrove in Indonesia belongs to thewidest category in Asia, the diversity of mangrove varieties in Indonesia is very diverse. With the number of mangrove varieties as many as 202 varieties that include 89 varieties of trees, 5 varieties of palma, 19 varieties of climbers, 44 varieties of ground herbs, 44 varieties of epiphytes and 1 vaietas nails. Ayah Beach is one of the beaches located in the South Coast area located in Kebumem Regency, Central Java. Mangrove in Ayah Beach has functions, including physical, biological, and economic functions. Ayah Mangrove Forest has many species of mangrove plants, there are about 18 species consisting of association mangrove groups and true mangroves andkeanekaragaman mangrove in Ayah Beach, Kebumen can be said to be low. , caused by mangrove forests is an artificial ecosystem where the type and number of mangroves are more donminan consists of species Rhizophora Mucronata.
University of Illinois Law Review, 2005
Freudian psychoanalytic theory has greatly influenced the modern definition of criminal culpability. Indeed, much of the language of key criminal statutes, cases, and psychiatric testimony is framed by psychoanalytic concepts. This impact is particularly evident in the Model Penal Code's mens rea provisions and defenses, which were developed in the 1950s and 1960s, a time of Freudian reign in the United States. For contemporary criminal law, however, this degree of psychoanalytic presence is troublesome. Freudian theory is difficult to apply to group conflicts and legal situations, and the theory emphasizes unconscious (rather than conscious) thoughts. The rising new science of consciousness and conscious will provides continuity with Freudian theory. Yet, in contrast to Freudian principles, this new science offers criminal law a means of enlightening existing mens rea doctrine with advanced discoveries that more easily comport with human behavior and evidentiary standards. The results of this author's unprecedented statewide study of criminal jury instructions also suggest that courts are wrong to distort or reduce the significance of mens rea in the ways juries interpret criminal cases. This article concludes that current consciousness research provides a sound vehicle for criminal law doctrine to return the law's focus to the defendant's
The author examines, from a legal point of view, the widespread phenomenon of migration in the EU Treaty and its legal acts. In pursuant to article 3 of the Treaty, "the Union shall offer its citizen an area of liberty, security and justice", migration and related issues affect a series of fundamental rights belonging to different people who have different interests: for migrants these are, the right to entry, the right to stay, the duty to meet analytical entrance requirements; whereas for the local population they concern the right to live peacefully and in a safe condition. More specifically, this article illustrates the EU Directives regulating migration, giving emphasis to a methodology according to which EU migration acts have to be applied and interpreted striking a balance between the principle/right of liberty of migrants and the principle/right of security of the EU community. In una recente ricerca in materia di immigrazione si era pervenuti ad una conclusione m...
Culture and Cosmos, 2007
Previous work in the study of ancient horoscopes (Neugebauer, van Hoesen, North et al.) has suggested that ancient writers were deficient in their computations of horoscopes regarding the computation of the Midheaven degree and the cusps of 'places' or 'houses'. This paper suggests that such was not necessarily the case and that these sources used the zodiacal signs, themselves, as 'places' and did not (with a few late exceptions) even try to compute the second twelve-fold division independent of the signs. The charts included in Neugebauer and van Hoesen's Greek Horoscopes, and in Jones' Astronomical Papyri from Oxyrhynchus (which include the bulk, if not all of, our surviving collection of ancient charts) are used as the basis of this research. Ptolemy and Julius Firmicus Maternus are also discussed for their apparent views on 'places'. Examples are provided that suggest that this practice survived into the medieval Arabic tradition. The Problem It is generally known that in ancient, medieval, and modern astrology, a properly constructed astrological chart divides the ecliptic into twelve zones in two different ways. In modern astrology the first method of dividing into the twelve zones creates the signs of the zodiac; the second method creates what are called, in modern astrology at least, the houses. But in ancient and also in much of medieval astrology what we now call 'houses' were called 'places' (Greek τόποι, Latin loci). 1 The term 'house' (Greek οἴκος, Latin domus) at that time was used to designate a sign whenever that sign was referred to in relation to the one or more planets that were believed to 'dispose of', in some way rule or govern, or merely be at home in that sign. Such a planet was called 'ruler' or 'lord' of the sign (Greek οἰκοδεσπότης, Latin dominus). But returning to 'houses' in 2 J. D. North, Horoscopes and History (London, 1986) [hereafter North], p. 1. 3 There are two common spellings of this word, 'ascendant' and 'ascendent'. The former is more common among astrologers and in popular writing. The latter is more etymologically correct as the Latin word is ascendens. I follow the astrological convention here. 4 North, p. 6. Culture and Cosmos 8 This system is found in a chart given in O. Neugebauer and H. B. van Hoesen, Greek Horoscopes (Philadelphia, PA, 1959) [hereafter Greek Horoscopes], pp. 138-40, where it is designated as L428. 9 I do not follow the practice of referring to astrological charts as 'horoscopes' because that term properly applied means either the ascendant or some other point used to begin reckoning the places. The use of the word 'horoscope' to designate the entire chart is modern, and inappropriate given the original use of the word.
The Dancing Circle vol. 3, ed. Judy King, 2001
Folk dances can be tools to experience healing, integration, grounding, community, celebration, joy, affirmation, and more, if we work with them carefully and consciously. To me the dances are like living entities, which actively want to help us experience these qualities which may be scarce in our modern lives.
This piece was originally published with The Hampton Institute and republished with Monthly Review.
Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2024
Pergaminos UG, 2023
Monografia, 2020
Aula Orientalis 40/1, 185-186, 2022
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Lab on a chip, 2017
Nigeria Journal of Animal Science , 2019
… of the First Workshop on Treebanks …, 2002
Pensar los nudos de las memorias y violencias en Chile Escenas de la Cueca Sola, 2024
American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2013
Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 2009
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2012
The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 2013