Oggetto: Lavoro finale.
Matricola: 1259910
Cognome: Vecchio
Nome: Giovanni Gabriele
Corso di laurea: CLEF – Corso di Laurea in Economia e Finanza.
Titolo: Operational risk management with derivatives.
Tutor: Professor Giampaolo Gabbi.
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Giovanni Gabriele Vecchio†
20th July 2010
† Bocconi University Economics and Finance Graduate 2010. E:mail:
[email protected]
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To my Parents
For their continuous unconditional support
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Table of contents
1. Operational risk and its measurement.
1.1. What is operational risk?
1.2. Regulatory definitions.
1.3. Quantitative measurement.
2. Current regulation.
2.1. An introduction to operational risk in Basel II.
2.2. European regulation.
2.3. British regulation.
2.4. Italian regulation.
3. Operational risk transfer with insurance.
3.1. Risk aversion.
3.2. The economics of insurance markets.
4. Operational risk transfer with derivative contracts.
4.1. Introduction: a model for operational risk.
4.2. Catastrophe derivatives.
4.3. First:Loss:to:Happen Put Option.
4.4. Operational risk swaps and Insurance Linked Warranties (ILWs).
4.5. Operational risk market: players and limits.
5. Pricing.
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Operational risk is one of the less known yet one of the most important risks in the
banking industry. Growing attention on operational risk management has been showed
both by regulators and banks. This thesis will investigate Alternative Risk transfer
mechanisms for operational risk. Insurance is nowadays the main way of transfering
operational risk. Nevertheless, risk may as well be transfered using derivative contracts.
Operational risk derivatives such as swaps and options have not yet been very succesfull
in the industry but their adoption would open up the operational risk market to the whole
set of capital markets' players such as hedge funds, other banks, etc thus allowing a more
ample risk dispersion, a lower cost of hedging and a more liquid market for such
Plan of the work
In Chapter One we will define operational risk in its economical terms. We will also see
how operational risk is defined by the industry and by regulators. We will then explain
how operational risk can be quantitatively measured and managed. In Chapter Two the
current main regulations concerning operational risk are presented for the main
economical regions of interest. Chapter Three deals with the economics of insurance
markets, how they can provide coverage for certain risks and why they may fail. Chapter
Four may be considered the main part of the thesis. We explore the different derivative
contracts that can be implemented to transfer operational risk. We start from the basics of
modelling operational risk where a simple model is used to explain the benefits of
transferring risk. We then analyse the sector of catastrophic derivatives as the most
mature subset of operational risk derivative market. We explore both CAT bonds and
CAT options. We then present the market for Industry Loss Warranties and compare it
with a basic swap transaction. Next, after presenting the main market participants in
operational risk derivatives, we analyse the problems of hedging with standardized
contracts for example the issue of basis risk. In Chapter Five we explain why pricing an
operational risk derivative might be complex if not impossible. We then suggest some
methods to price many derivatives such as CAT bonds, CAT Options, Swaps. At the end
we present a model that may help to solve some of the many problems in operational risk
derivative pricing.
Keywords: operational risk, derivatives.
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1. Operational risk and its measurement.
1.1 What is operational risk?
During its business, a bank is constantly exposed to risks. If the bank runs a trading book
it will be exposed to market risk, if it has leant money it will be exposed to credit risk, the
bank might retain some further exposure to interest rate risk and so on.
The nature of the banking business is that of being constantly exposed to risks so the
presence of so many threats to the banks stability shouldn’t worry us. In fact, banks
derive their social justification, and a big slice of their profits, from assuming risks in a
controlled manner and from managing them more effectively than their clients. Most of
the risks to which a bank is exposed are therefore double:faced: on one side they
represent a threat to the bank; on the other side they represent a source of profits. In these
situations, the bank appears to be handling a trade:off between stability and profitability
and it’s up to the institutions top management to decide where to find the right balance.
Nevertheless, the bank may well be exposed to one:faced risks. This means that the
exposure to such risk just generates a potential loss or a null value. The bank will not earn
any excess profit from gaining exposure to such risks. These types of risk are called pure
or absolute risks. They represent an almost sure damage to the bank and the management
of the bank will only try to reduce them until it is economically convenient to do so.
There are many examples of pure risks in common life. Is there any gain in having
exposure to fire risk? Or to the risk of being robbed? Does it payoff to live in a seismic
region, being thus exposed to the risk of an earthquake? It is clear everyone has interest
in reducing these pure risks as much as it economically can.
During their day to day business, banks face a very particular pure risk called operational
risk. Intuitively, it is the risk of incurring in a loss due to daily operations. It is a very
broad category of risk and it is therefore very difficult to define precisely. I’m sure some
examples will help.
Amaranth Advisors LLC,
In 2005 the hedge fund Amaranth Advisors LLC started focusing its business on natural
gas futures trading. Brian Hunter, head of the fund’s energy desk, started building up a
spread trading position between natural gas futures with different maturities. Flawed
internal control systems failed to detect the massive exposure the fund had acquired. In
2006, the fund ultimately lost $ 6.6 billion on the trade and was forced to close.
Societe Generale,
In 2008, Jerome Kerviel, an arbitrageur trader at the French bank Societe Generale,
started placing huge trades on equity markets without executive authorization. The
situation degenerated and Mr. Kerviel was later arrested by French authorities. Societe
Generale was later forced to close those positions, realizing a loss of almost € 5 billion.
All these examples confirm how important operational risk has become in the modern
financial industry. In the course of the last two decades, the global financial system has
been characterized by deregulation and globalization, accelerated technological
innovation and revolutionary advances in the information network.
For example, in October 1986 during Margaret Thatcher’s government, the London Stock
Exchange was radically reformed by the so called Big Bang. Fixed commissions where
eliminated from securities trades and automated screen based trading was allowed.
As for the United States, the Financial Services Act of 1999 repealed the Glass:Steagall
Act, thus abandoning the historical division between commercial and investment banks.
In Japan in 1998 Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto reformed the financial industry by
boosting competition among banks, funds, stock exchanges and insurance.
Financial deregulation has triggered a number of remarkable technological innovations
such as Internet, e:banking, e:commerce, web based trading, etc.
These marvelous breakthroughs led inevitably to a higher speed at which financial
information is exchanged, the expansion of financial services and large scale international
deals. This obviously increased the banks’ exposure to various sources of risk. For
example, increased use of e:banking increased the number of web based frauds or credit
card frauds. When business units expand, additional employees are required and this may
increase the number of errors committed and increase the hazard of fraudulent activities.
In such a changing environment, operational risk has risen to be one of the most
important sources of risk. While products have been developed to hedge against market
risk or credit risk, operational risk remains the biggest unhedged source of risk and that’s
why it has been raising growing concerns among regulators. As Roger W. Ferguson, Vice
Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, stated “In an
increasingly technologically driven banking system, operational risks have become an
even larger share of total risk. Frankly, at some banks, they are probably the dominant
risk.” Furthermore in 1999 the Basel Committee pointed out “the growing realization of
risks other than credit and market risks which have been at the heart of some important
banking problems in recent years.”
1.2 Regulatory definition.
As the reader has surely already understood, defining operational risk and its boundaries
with other risks is a quite complex task. The very same definition of risk is still
controversial. As we have already seen, operational risk belongs to the category of the so
called “pure risks”, thus a bank will not gain any return from exposing itself to such risk.
It appears then natural to define operational risk as the risk of incurring in pure losses.
To comprehend how difficult it is to find a clear consensus on how to define precisely
operational risk, here a brief list of the definitions some international banks gave of the
“The potential of any activity to damage the organization, including physical,
financial, legal risks and risks to business relationships.”
“The risk that deficiencies in information systems or internal controls will result
in financial loss, failure to meet regulatory requirements or an adverse impact on
the banks reputation.”
“All risks which are not banking (i.e. it excludes credit, market, and trading risks,
and those arising from business decisions, etc.)”1
In 2004 the Bank of International Settlements issued the Basel II capital accord. In the
accord, the Basel Committee defines operational risk as:
“The risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and
systems or from external events.”2
According to such definition, the Basel Committee defines four operational risk factors:
processes, people, IT systems and external events. The definition appears to be too vague
to be practically employed by banks to identify and manage operational risk. Basel thus
supplies a more detailed list of operational risk causes.
Event:Type Category
Internal fraud
Losses due to acts of a type intended to defraud, misappropriate property or circumvent
regulations, the law or company policy, excluding diversity/
discrimination events, which involves at least one internal party.
External fraud
Losses due to acts of a type intended to defraud, misappropriate property or circumvent
the law, by a third party.
Employee Practices and Workplace Safety
Losses arising from acts inconsistent with employment, health or safety laws or
agreements, from payment of personal injury claims, or from diversity /discrimination
Clients, Products & Business Practices
Losses arising from an unintentional or negligent failure to meet a professional obligation
to specific clients (including fiduciary and suitability requirements), or from the nature or
design of a product.
Damage to Physical Assets
Losses arising from loss or damage to physical assets from natural disaster or other
Business disruption and system failures
Losses arising from disruption of business or system failures
Execution, Delivery & Process Management
Losses from failed transaction processing or process management, from relations with
trade counterparties and vendors
1.3. Quantitative Measurement
In order to successfully manage operational risk, it is necessary to collect historical P&L
data, to track down the risk sources, to map the business units and to estimate the banks
constant exposure.
(a) This first part of the process is to break down all risk sources per business unit/line
and to collect data. The definition of which events must be included and which mustn’t is
1. G.Gabbi, M.Marsella, M.Massacesi, “Il rischio operative nelle banche”, Egea, 2005.
2. Basel Committee, 2004.
crucial: small changes in these parameters may well radically change the data collection
system. Operational risk management (ORM) systems are a recent innovation so it is
quite common in the industry not to be provided with long historical time series. As ORM
becomes more widespread, historical data will be more available and ORM will be more
statistically sound and effective.
(b) Once the bank has a complete database of historical OR losses, it can start to research
the risk sources of OR. The first step is to define some Key Exposure Indicators (KEIs)
such as “Total Assets”, “Turnover”, etc. As Cruz (2002)3 suggests, casual modeling might
then be applied: linear regression, multivariate regressions, Kalman filters, discriminant
analysis, neural networks, Bayesian belief networks, data mining or fuzzy logic.
Identifying statistically sound risk sources is crucial in building a model for forecasting
operational risk. The main risk to such statistical soundness is the usually small number
of historical observations. As the reader surely remembers, the variance of the estimation
is inversely correlated with the number of available observations. This means that when
forecasting future OR losses we will always have to keep in mind such estimations are
highly unstable or might be subject to abrupt changes.
(c.) Once a sound model has been built, some stress test analysis can be performed on the
model. Monte Carlo analysis might be very useful during this step in order to generate an
expected P&L distribution curve. It is interesting to notice here that operational losses do
not follow a Gaussian distribution. In fact the distribution of losses often shows a positive
skew: this means a long tail will appear towards the right of the graph. With such a
peculiar distribution, the variance of operational losses might well be higher than the
expected one, thus rendering extreme realizations more frequent than in a Gaussian
(d) Prudent risk management practice would then require to calculate an Expected Loss
(EL) equal to the mean loss of the distribution. This EL will then be factored in the prices
the bank applies to its customers. The real operational risk though is the possibility that
the actual operational loss might be different, in particular higher, than the expected one.
By using the probability distribution and by setting a certain confidence interval (for
example 99.9%), it is possible to calculate the Unexpected Loss (UL). This is the real
measure of operational risk and it is called Operational Value at Risk (OpVaR).
The main problem of measuring operational risk is that we have to find a probability
distribution that best fits operational losses. It has been proved that operational losses
present fat tails so that its variance is greater than normally distributed variables. Weibull
distributions are usually employed. Tail events are particularly important so that Extreme
Value theory finds many applications in operational risk modelling.
3. M. Cruz, “Modeling, measuring and hedging operational risk”, Wiley Finance, 2002.
2. Current regulation.
2.1. An introduction to Operational Risk in Basel II.
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision was created in 1974 by the central banks
Governors of the G10 countries to issue non binding recommendations on banking
supervision and to promote international convergence on common banking regulations
and standards. Nowadays the Committee’s members are 274 and its Basel accords are
employed all over the world. Even though the recommendations are not legally binding,
they tend to be enforced with national or EU:wide laws or regulations.
The Committee is responsible for issuing recommendations on a wide range of issues
such as accounting, auditing, risk management, transparency, liquidity risk, market risk,
credit risk and, of course, operational risk. All these subjects are covered in a pan:
European accord on banking supervision, the Basel II Capital Accord, published in 2004
but continuously updated. The recent crisis has highlighted some of the flaws in the
accord so a new Basel III accord is being discussed and might be published in the years
Being the main banking regulation framework in Europe, most of the current regulation
on operational risk and its management practices may be found in Basel II. First of all, in
2003 Basel published a paper called “Sound Practices for the Management and
Supervision of Operational Risk”. At article 4 we may find the regulatory definition of
operational risk: “the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes,
people and systems or from external events.” The definition includes legal risk but
excludes strategic and reputational risk.
Article 5: The Committee recognizes that operational risk is a term that has a variety of
meanings within the banking industry, and therefore for internal purposes (including in
the application of the Sound Practices paper), banks may choose to adopt their own
definitions of operational risk.
The paper then offers a comprehensive list of sources of operational risk: internal and
external fraud, employment practices and workplace safety, clients, products and business
practices, damage to physical assets, business disruption and systems failure, execution,
delivery and process management.
After having clearly defined what has to be intended as operational risk, Basel II then
outlines three alternative regulatory methods banks may adopt to manage operational risk.
All three methods require the bank to set aside a certain amount of regulatory capital as a
4. Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong SAR, India,
Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore,
South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.
function of its exposure to operational risk. Given the problems in defining operational
risks, the regulation proposes some proxies of such exposure such as gross
revenue or gross income.
(a) Basic Indicator Approach – The Operational Risk capital requirement is 15% of
gross income. Gross income is defined as the sum of Net interest income and non:
interest income, net of every non recurrent item.
(b) Standardized Approach – The Operational Risk capital requirement is calculated
separately for every business line and then summed up. For every business line,
Basel II identifies different coefficients, called Beta coefficients5. The capital
requirement for each business line is equal to the product between the Beta
coefficient and the average gross income from the unit over the last three years6.
(c) Advanced Measurement Approach – Under this approach, if the bank proves to
meet certain regulatory requirements, it is free to use whatever method it prefers.
Basel II just suggests three main non mandatory approaches to operational risk.
The first approach is the “Internal measurement approach”: the bank must
cross each business line with certain risky event. For each cross, the bank
must calculate the Expected Loss (EL) in case the risky event happens by
estimating probability of event (PE), loss given event (LGE), exposure
indicator (EI)7. Regulatory capital is then equal to the product of EL and a
gamma coefficient.
The second approach is the “Loss distribution approach”. Under this approach
the bank will derive a probability distribution of the operational loss for every
business line either by using know distributions either by using Monte Carlo
simulation. The bank will then consider the operational losses with a certain
degree of confidence (99.9%) at thus calculate operating VaR. The total
capital can be the simple sum of all VaRs or it may consider the correlation
among business lines8.
The third approach is the “Scorecard approach”. The Operational Risk capital
requirement is calculated at an aggregate level and then allocated among the
5. Here a list of all Beta coefficients: Corporate Finance 18%; Sales and Trading 18%; Retail Banking 12%;
Commercial Banking 15%; Payment and Settlement 18%; Agency services 15%; Asset Management 12%;
Retail Brokerage 12%.
6. It is interesting to note how this approach has a hidden hypothesis: all loss events are perfectly correlated
so the bank must set aside enough capital to hedge all events at the same time.
7. Remember that EL = EI*PE*LGE.
8. Note than if the gamma coefficient under the “Internal measurement approach” is chosen as
y = (k*st.dev) / EL, then the capital requirement is the same as in the “Loss distribution approach”.
different business units according to certain “scores”. These scores may vary
with time and may include assumptions on the future evolution of the business.
2.2. European regulation.
The 14th of June 2006 the European Parliament enacted the pan European Capital
Requirements Directive (CRD)9 that lays out the European normative framework for all
financial institutions. Among all the rules, Annex X specifically deals with operational
After outlying the main operational risk measurement approaches I just talked about in
the previous chapter, from articles 25 to 29 the Directive specifically deals operational
risk transfer mechanisms. Other forms of risk transfer are explicitly allowed sub art 25 as
long as the contract and the protection seller meet certain regulatory requirements and the
contract achieves a noticeable risk mitigation effect.
The original text of the directive is reasonably clear so I will directly report it.
25. Credit institutions shall be able to recognise the impact of insurance subject to the
conditions set out in points 26 to 29 and other risk transfer mechanisms where the credit
institution can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the competent authorities that a
noticeable risk mitigating effect is achieved.
26. The provider is authorised to provide insurance or re:insurance and the provider has a
minimum claims paying ability rating by an eligible ECAI which has been determined by
the competent authority to be associated with credit quality step 3 or above under the
rules for the risk weighting of exposures to credit institutions under Articles 78 to 83.
27. The insurance and the credit institutions' insurance framework shall meet the
following conditions:
(a) the insurance policy must have an initial term of no less than one year. For
policies with a residual term of less than one year, the credit institution must make
appropriate haircuts reflecting the declining residual term of the policy, up to a
full 100 % haircut for policies with a residual term of 90 days or less;
(b) the insurance policy has a minimum notice period for cancellation of the
contract of 90 days;
(c) the insurance policy has no exclusions or limitations triggered by supervisory
actions or, in the case of a failed credit institution, that preclude the credit
9. Directive 2006/48/EC. The full text of the directive is available here: http://eur:
institution receiver or liquidator, from recovering for damages suffered or
expenses incurred by the credit institution, except in respect of events occurring
after the initiation of receivership or liquidation proceedings in respect of the
credit institution; provided that the insurance policy may exclude any fine, penalty,
or punitive damages resulting from actions by the competent authorities;
(d) the risk mitigation calculations must reflect the insurance coverage in a
manner that is transparent in its relationship to, and consistent with, the actual
likelihood and impact of loss used in the overall determination of operational risk
(e) the insurance is provided by a third party entity. In the case of insurance
through captives and affiliates, the exposure has to be laid off to an independent
third party entity, for example through re:insurance, that meets the eligibility
criteria; and
(f) the framework for recognising insurance is well reasoned and documented.
28. The methodology for recognising insurance shall capture the following elements
through discounts or haircuts in the amount of insurance recognition:
(a) the residual term of an insurance policy, where less than one year, as noted
(b) a policy's cancellation terms, where less than one year; and
(c) the uncertainty of payment as well as mismatches in coverage of insurance
29. The capital alleviation arising from the recognition of insurance shall not exceed 20%
of the capital requirement for operational risk before the recognition of risk mitigation
2.3. British regulation.
Since 1985, the United Kingdom has attributed the role of financial watchdog to the
Financial Services Authority (FSA). Its competences are set by the Financial Services and
Markets Act of 2000. The FSA is therefore in charge of regulating banks and their
operational risk management systems.
The relevant regulation may be found in “The prudential sourcebook for banks, building
societies and investment firms instrument” (also known as the BIPRU Handbook)
published by the FSA in 200610. Section 6 is dedicated to operational risk. The handbook
basically replicates the European regulation for the operational risk measurement
approaches word by word. Insurance and other risk transfer mechanisms are covered
10. FSA 2006/41. The full text of the handbook is available here:
from art. 6.5.26 to art. 6.5.30. Art. 6.5.30 explicitly deals with alternative risk transfer
6.5.30: A firm may recognise a risk transfer mechanism other than insurance to the extent
that a noticeable risk mitigating effect is achieved and the risk transfer mechanism is
included in the firm's AMA permission.
In order for a firm to obtain AMA permission, the firm must meet a wide set of regulatory
requirements listed from art 6.5.3 to 6.5.25.
2.4. Italian regulation.
Italy has enforced the European CRD with its Circular n.26311 of the 27th December 2006,
modified the 15th January 2009. Operational risk is covered in Title II, Chapter 5. The
Italian regulation is exactly the same as the CR Directive. In section IV, part 1.3
“Operational Risk Transfer”, the circular explicitly says12 “Mitigation from other
operational risk transfer mechanisms are allowed as long as they show high quality
standards, as high as those required for insurance policies, and as long as the bank is able
to demonstrate a significant operational risk reduction effect.”
11. Circolare della Banca d'Italia n. 263 del 27 dicembre 2006. The full text of the circular is avaiable here:
12. “E’ riconosciuta l’attenuazione derivante da altri meccanismi di trasferimento dei rischi operativi a
condizione che questi presentino elevati standard di qualità, comparabili a quelli previsti per le coperture
assicurative, e che la banca sia in grado di dimostrare il conseguimento di un significativo effetto di
riduzione del rischio”.
3. Operational Risk Transfer with Insurance.
3.1. Risk aversion.
Social sciences like economics always start from modelling the psychological behaviour
of market participants. A common feature of every rational individual is risk aversion.
Imagine you have two lotteries: lottery A pays X with probability 100%. You are sure you
are obtaining X. Lottery B pays 2X with probability 50% and zero otherwise. The
expected value of lottery B is therefore X. A risk adverse individual will always chose
lottery A because for him U [A] > U [B] i.e. U[X] > U[ E(X)].
At this point one may ask: how much should I pay the individual in order for being
U[A] = U [B]? This amount is called “certain equivalent”.
The amount E(X) – CE is the excess return we have to hand out to the risk taker in order
for him to be indifferent between lottery A and lottery B. It varies according to the shape
of the curve i.e. how much risk adverse the individual is. Nevertheless, it will always be
possible to make someone take greater risk if we promise adequate compensation.
3.2. The economics of insurance markets.
As we have just seen, regulation mainly focuses on regulating operational risk transfer
with insurance contracts. Insurance is indeed the most widespread method for hedging
against operational risk for its simplicity. Hereafter I will explain what is an insurance
contract, I will outline an economical model for insurance markets and I’ll then explain
why insurance coverage may well be incomplete.
Imagine an individual in state A. You have a net wealth of w and imagine you are facing a
risk that will occur with probability π. If the event happens, you end up in state B and you
will incur in a loss d so that your net wealth is now w – d. Lets furthermore imagine the
risk is a pure risk (as outlined at the beginning) so that no payoff is earned if the event
doesn’t happen. Your expected loss is therefore πd.
Now imagine an insurance contract that provides you with the payment q in the event of
loss. In order to enter such contract, you need to pay a premium pq.
The net payoffs in the two scenarios are:
Scenario A (probability 1 : π):
Scenario B (probability π)
WA= w – pq
WB= w – pq – d + q
If this market is perfectly efficient, p = π, and the premium is said to be “actuarially fair”.
Every individual will maximize its utility:
max E[U(w)] = πU[WB] + (1 – π)U[WA] = πU[w – pq – d + q] + (1 – π)U[w – pq].
First Order Condition:
∂E[U ]
= π U’[WB](1 – p) + (1 – π) U’[WA](:p) = 0
π U '[WB ]
1 − p 1 − π U ' [W A ]
If p = π, U’[WA] = U’[WB]. This means WA = WB, q = d. If the premiums are actually fair,
every individual will be completely insured against risk, asking for complete coverage.
The premium paid is then pq = πd13.
This very brief model explains the basic mechanics of insurance markets. As often
happens, reality is far from theoretical models. Insurance markets may fail to supply
13Artoni, Elementi di Scienza delle Finanze, Il mulino 1999.
complete coverage leaving policyholders exposed to a certain amount of risk. This
happens for a number of reasons:
The existence of administrative costs or other fixed costs prevent the insurance
industry to offer actuarially fair premiums. This means p is not going to be equal to π but
Lets imagine p = απ with α < 1. The utility maximizing F.O.C. changes in:
π U '[WB ]
1 − απ 1 − π U ' [W A ]
U '[WB ] =
α − απ
U ' [W A ]
1 − απ
If we assume a lognormal functional form for utility, U = log (W),
α − απ 1
WB 1 − απ W A
WA =
α − απ
1 − απ
WA= w – pq
WB= w – pq – d + q
α − απ
γ =
1 − απ
Solving for q:
(1 − γ )ϖ + γd
The premium is therefore π[(1: γ) w + γd]. If we assume w > d, this premium is
higher than in the efficient market hypothesis. At the same time, the policy holder
will not be completely covered by the insurance policy. The percentage of
coverage is the ratio between d and q. It is always < 1.
Another typical problem in the insurance markets is information asymmetry. In
contract theory, we have asymmetrical information every time a party has a considerable
informative advantage against the other party. This implies the terms of the contract are
not going to be neutral or impartial but they might be skewed in favour of the party with
the informative advantage. In the previous example, lets imagine the policyholder knows
better than the insurance company the probability of the risky event to happen. If the
customer declares a lower probability, this will lead to lower premiums thus ultimately
creating solvency issues for the insurance company. Information asymmetry is therefore a
very important factor that could prevent insurance markets not only from working
properly but also from being solvent in the long run.
Information asymmetry leads to a new set of problems. The first is called adverse
selection, the second moral hazard.
If an insurance company is mispricing its premiums, for example by overpricing
risk, then the customers’ willingness to enter in such a contract is going to be skewed. If
risk is overpriced, only the risky customers will find it convenient to buy the insurance
policy. The median customer will find the policy overpriced and will not enter the
transaction. This will lead the insurance company to handle a pool of unexpectedly risky
customers and therefore to increase the risk of insolvency. The process for which a
company attracts the worst customers due to mispricing is called “adverse selection”.
Adverse selection is a problem of asymmetrical information that arises before the
transaction is made.
As we have seen, if a market is perfectly efficient, individuals will choose
complete coverage. Once an individual is covered, his or her attention on mitigating or
preventing the risk to happen may decrease. Imagine you have just perfectly hedged the
risk of car theft: your attention on preventing your car from being stolen might well
decrease. You might park in areas where you usually preferred not to park in, you might
remember less frequently to turn on your anti:theft alarm and so on. Some might also
tend to fraud the insurance company by arranging fake robberies, just for the purpose of
cashing in the insurance payment. Overall, insurance companies risk exposure usually
grows after the transaction is made: this is called “moral hazard”.
As we have seen, insurance doesn’t always work effectively. Risk transfer may not be
complete or it may be transferred at inefficient prices. Moreover, the insurance industry
might be affected by a latent, yet present, industry:wide solvency risk so that you have
just exchanged exposure to a particular risk with exposure to the insurance industry’s
credit risk.
4. Operational Risk Transfer with derivative contracts.
4.1. Introduction: a model for operational risk.
Insurance is not the only way to transfer risk. Capital markets have developed a wide
range of derivative products aimed at managing risk in a more efficient way than the
solutions available outside capital markets. Swaps, options, forwards and futures are just
one of the many solutions that financial innovation has produced over the last two
decades. Some of these instruments were invented centuries ago, others are more recent:
all of them were created to manage market, credit, interest rate risks or other type of risks
more effectively than with insurance.
Operational risk theoretically is no exception: swaps or options may be structured to
hedge operational risk just as any other risk factor. Unfortunately, these products haven’t
yet been developed by financial institutions so nowadays a market for operational risk
derivatives doesn’t exist. I really hope my work and others’ will contribute to the creation
and the expansion of such market.
On the sell side (protection buyers), there are several advantages for managing
operational risk through derivatives and not through insurance:
1. Cost efficiency: it is more likely that the cost of managing operational risk
through derivatives will be sensibly lower than the cost with insurance. This
because competition between buyers and sellers will reduce bid:ask spreads to the
minimum no arbitrage level.
2. Flexibility: each company may sell exactly the right amount of derivative
contracts to hedge their operational risk. This might provide complete coverage
against operational risk.
3. Liquidity: the potential buyers of these products may not only be existing
insurance companies but also other players in the capital markets industry such as
hedge funds, private investors, other banks, etc.
4. Business valuation: a company would always be able to monitor the cost of its
operational risk exposure, thus making more accurate business valuations.
5. Transparent information: every market player would be aware of the
operational risk of every issuer just by looking at the price of these products
quoted on the market.
There are quite a few advantages for the buy side (protection sellers) too: correlation
between operational risk events and market returns is very low14. Asset managers might
14. See “Catastrophe Insurance Options: are they zero:beta assets?”, Hoyt and McCullough
then find it profitable to invest a portion of their portfolio in operational risk assets, thus
increasing diversification and lowering the overall risk of managed funds.
Cat losses and market returns from 1970 to 1995.
A proxy of operational losses might be considered losses from catastrophic events. This
type of data is collected by Property Claims Service and published in an index PCS Index.
As shown by Hoyt and McCullough, correlation between market returns and PCS Index
returns is not statistically significant with a confidence level of 10%. Operational losses
can then be considered uncorrelated with market returns and including an exposure in
such asset class may benefit asset of hedge fund managers.
As in every economical phenomenon, the first step is to create a model for operational
risk. Operational risk practically can be measured as the standard deviation of operating
losses recorded in a banks income statement during a certain year t. It is therefore an
income data, not a stock data exactly like market returns are income data while the
trading book or portfolio is a stock data. This difference is very important when trying to
model operational risk and its derivatives. In maths, this means that operational losses are
the variation over t of a certain stock value than might be called “Cumulative Operational
Losses” (COL). In maths:
OL(t) = COL(t) – COL(t:1) = ^COL(t).
With: OL(t): Operational Loss for year t.
COL(t): Cumulative Operational Loss at the end of year t.
In a continuum environment: OL(t) = dCOL(t).
Now lets try to model a banks’ asset side balance sheet i.e. what a bank owns. All these
values will therefore be stock values. A bank will typically hold two types of assets:
“market assets” (M) that yields a return rm determined by the CAPM model and other
operating assets that the bank uses to carry on its commercial activity (C). These
commercial assets allow the bank to obtain a further profit from the equilibrium CAPM
return. This commercial profit might be considered a premium p over the equilibrium
return rm. Operational losses may also arise during a bank’s activity. As we have just seen,
Operational Losses are income data. We therefore need to add the stock data Cumulative
Operational Losses to our model.
Translating these concepts in formulas let A(t) be the total assets of a bank at time t.
A(t) = M(t) + C(t) – COL(t)
With: M(t): market assets at time t.
C(t): commercial assets at time t.
COL(t): cumulative operational loss at time t.
It is plausible that at time t = 0, COL(0) = 0.
For each year, income data can be derived as the variation of stock data in the following
A(t) – A(t:1) = [M(t) – M(t:1)] + [C(t) – C(t:1)] – [COL(t) : COL(t:1)]
^A(t) = ^M(t) + ^C(t) – ^COL(t) = ^M(t) + ^C(t) – OL(t)
In a continuum environment:
dA(t) = dM(t) + dC(t) – OL(t)
A numerical example
Lets imagine a banks has just been started with total assets of $100 MLN. The retail
banking ATM infrastructure costs $70MLN. The remaining cash is invested in marketable
securities. No Operational Loss has been recorded yet so COL(0) = 0.
At time t = 0, the bank’s assets will be:
M(0) = 30; C(0) = 70; COL(0) = 0;
A(0) = 30 + 70 – 0 = 100
During year 1, the bank earns a profit of $7MLN from its commercial assets and earns
$6MLN on its market portfolio. It also records an operational loss of $2MLN. All earning
are in cash or invested in marketable securities.
Income data may be expressed as follows:
M(1) – M(0) = 6;
C(1) – C(0) = 7;
COL(1) – COL(0) = 2;
Total income = 6 + 7 : 2 = 11
At time t = 1, the bank’s assets will be: A(1) = 36 + 77 – 2 = 111.
During year 2, the bank earns a profit of $11MLN from its commercial assets and earns
$3MLN on its market portfolio. A system disruption results in an operational loss of
M(2) – M(1) = 3;
C(2) – C(1) = 11;
COL(2) – COL(1) = 10;
Total income = 3 + 11 : 10 = 4
At time t = 2, the bank’s assets will be: A(2) = 39 + 88 – 12 = 115.
This model allows us to break up a bank’s assets in its main components. In such way, we
can analyse the dynamics of COL(t) and its variations i.e. operational losses.
Components M(t), C(t) and COL(t) of A(t) over time.
Operational Losses of the bank over time.
As we can see, total assets grew during the eleven years. The bank registered a number of
operational losses during the time being. These losses, cumulated, decreased the value of
total assets in time. OL(t) data can also be analyzed to determine several statistical
features such as average, standard deviation, correlation with other market variables, etc.
The next step is to model operational risk transfer. Operational risk may be defined as the
standard deviation of Operational losses. The exposure to such risk increases the overall
risk of a bank and thus the capital providers of the bank (stock and bond holders) require
a higher expected return. These economical features of operational risk may be modelled
as follows:
We have already modelled the income of a bank as:
^A(t) = ^M(t) + ^C(t) – OL(t)
Dividing by A(t:1):
A(t )
M (t )
C (t )
OL(t )
A(t − 1) A(t − 1) A(t − 1) A(t − 1)
A(t )
M (t ) M (t − 1)
C (t ) C (t − 1) OL(t )
A(t − 1) M (t − 1) A(t − 1) C (t − 1) A(t − 1) A(t − 1)
Let define the following new variables:
Return on Assets (ROA) =
Market return (rm) =
A(t )
A(t − 1)
M (t )
M (t − 1)
Percentage weight of assets invested in market portfolio a =
Commercial premium p =
M (t − 1)
A(t − 1)
C (t )
C (t − 1)
Percentage weight of assets invested in commercial assets c =
Operational Loss Rate (OLR) =
C (t − 1)
A(t − 1)
OL(t )
A(t − 1)
The equation may then be rewritten as follows:
ROA = a*rm + c*p – OLR
For an unlevered bank, its Return on Assets is a function of market returns, commercial
returns and operational losses rates.
Imagine you are an investor and you are deciding how much return you want in order to
invest in a company. First of all you analyse the risk of the investment defined as
standard deviation of past returns. Then you require an expected return in proportion of
the risk you are undertaking. How much return should you require?
The answer to this question is not simple. Adopting an equilibrium approach, the Capital
Asset Pricing Model answers exactly this question. Without entering the details of
CAPM15, we can imagine the investor is facing a certain capital market line as in figure 1.
The capital market line sets the so called “market price of risk”, m, in other words the
additional marginal unit of return for each additional unit of risk you are undertaking. It is
mathematically equal to the slope of the capital market line.
For example, a security with a risk of 14% should have an equilibrium return of 18%.
Another security with 16% of risk should yield 20%. The market price of risk is therefore
constantly equal to 1%. What happens if returns are not as the ones predicted by the
capital market line of figure 1? Arbitrage opportunities may occur: investors will short
the underperforming assets and buy the over performing assets. This will lead the price of
the former to fall and the price of the latter to rise. This will quickly bring the market in
equilibrium again.
Capital Market Line with risk:free rate of 4% and price of risk of 1%.
Returning back to our bank, the return required by investors will be proportional to the
risk of the bank in other words to the standard deviation of ROA. We make just one
hypothesis: correlation between rm, p and OLR is zero.
15. See Markowitz, H.M. (March 1952). “Portfolio Selection”. The Journal of Finance 7 (1): 77–91.
ROA = a*rm + c*p – OLR
St.dev.(ROA) = St.dev.(a*rm + c*p – OLR) = a*st.dev.(rm) + c*st.dev.(p) + st.dev.(OLR)
Investors will therefore require an expected ROA, E[ROA], proportional to
st.dev.(ROA) = a*st.dev.(rm) + c*st.dev.(p) + st.dev.(OLR).
Now imagine the bank is able to transfer operational risk through insurance or through
derivative contracts. Mathematically this means that OLR is not a variable anymore but it
becomes a fixed constant equal to u, probably equal to the average operational loss rate
u= E(OLR). Imagine also that the bank has to pay a marginal price g to enter such
contract. Both u and g are constant so their standard deviations are null. The equations
change in the following:
ROA = a*rm + c*p – u – g.
St.dev.(ROA) = St.dev.(a*rm + c*p – u) = a*st.dev.(rm) + c*st.dev.(p)
It is clear that the overall risk in the second case is lower than in the first case. Risk
transfer has reduced the overall risk of the bank so investors will be satisfied by requiring
a lower expected ROA.
Lets now shift to analyse the problem from the protection seller’s point of view. Under
the risk transfer contract, he or she receives an upfront premium payment of g. He then
has to pay the company the amount u every year and receive in exchange exactly OLR.
The first hypothesis might evaluate g as the discounted value of all future payments:
g =∑
t =1
OLR − u
(1 + r ) t
No arbitrage arguments suggests so that g = 0. Nevertheless, this approach is wrong. As
we have seen in chapter 3.1., investors are risk adverse. This means that from a risk
adverse perspective U[E(OLR)] < U[u]. In order for the two utilities to be the same, the
risk taking protection seller investor will have to receive remuneration for its risk. How
much remuneration? Again we can use the concept of market price of risk to calculate it.
The investor is adding st.dev.(OLR) to its portfolio. Since the capital market line is linear,
the additional remuneration required by investors for that risk must exactly be equal to
the difference between the expected returns required by the bank’s investors before and
after insurance, as seen before.
Imagine the expected return required by investors is rA in the first case and rB in the
second case with rA > rB. Imagine also the market price of risk is m. Return for protection
sellers must be = rA : rB = m*st.dev.(OLR). It necessarily follows that
g = m*st.dev.(OLR).
The more volatile the OLR, the more expensive it will be to hedge such risk. Substituting
g in rb:
ra = a*E[rm] + c*E[p] – E[OLR]
rb = a*E[rm] + c*E[p] – u – m*st.dev.(OLR)
The return g = m*st.dev.(OLR) is therefore the equilibrium return required by investors to
purchase operational risk derivatives.
4.2. Catastrophe Derivatives.
Operational Losses are sometimes classified according to their frequency and their
severity. In this way, operational losses are often divided into High Frequency:Low
Impact (HFLI) and Low Frequency:High Impact (LFHI) losses. The first type of loss is
easily manageable: due to its high frequency, such losses may be predicted with a very
high accuracy and can be included in the cost structure of a bank. The second type of loss
is more difficult to manage: its low frequency increases the variance of the estimate. This
means that it is very difficult to include an adequate expectation of loss in the cost
structure of the bank. The risk deriving from LFHI losses is therefore the type of risk
which is more likely to be transferred with alternative risk transfer mechanisms.
Widespread types of operational LFHI losses are catastrophic losses. These are losses
occurring from natural events such as hurricanes or earthquakes.
CAT Bonds
A big market has been developing around catastrophic events mainly through so called
Cat bonds. A Cat bond’s yield may vary according to the occurrence of a catastrophic
event. In concrete, usually an index is chosen to represent a benchmark of catastrophic
losses and the interest paid on the bond is reduced when a trigger event happens or when
the index reaches a trigger level.
Imagine a property and casualty insurance company has a big insurance exposure to
Florida’s housing market. If a hurricane occurs, the company may be forced to pay a
great number of policyholders endangering the solvability of the business. In case of
hurricane, the insurance estimates it will incur extra losses for $1million. The company
then strikes a deal by issuing a Cat bond with a face value of $100 million and a yield of
4% with the following clause: in event of hurricane, the nominal interest paid on the issue
will decrease to 3%, leading to a cost saving of exactly $1million. The company is
therefore perfectly hedged against the catastrophic event of a hurricane hitting Florida’s
housing market.
In practice, the yield on Cat bonds is linked to an index issued by a division of American
Insurance Services Group Inc., Property Claims Service, called PCS index.
PCS indices are daily estimated and published16. They reflect the dollar cumulative
amounts of catastrophe claims in a specified US region and time. By PCS definition, a
catastrophe means an event that leads to more than $5million of insured property
damages and affects a significant number of insurance companies and policy holders. The
PCS loss indices track insured loss estimates identified by PCS at a national level (all 50
states plus Washington D.C.) at a regional level (Easter, Northeastern, Southeastern,
Midwestern, Western) and at State level (Florida, Texas, California). The loss period is
the time during which a catastrophic event occures. Most of these indices refer to loss
periods as the calendar quarters. The March contract refers the first quarter, the June the
second, September the third and December contracts the fourth quarter. Only the Western
index and the California index refer to the whole calendar year (annual contracts). PCS
provides loss estimates as catastrophes occur.
The daily PCS insured loss estimates are based on both the expected dollar loss and the
projected number of claims to be filed. It is intended to estimate the total industry net
insurance payment for personal and commercial property lines. PCS uses a combination
of different methods for estimation catastrophe damage. First of all, PCS takes a
confidential general survey of almost 70% (based on written premium) of the whole US
insurance industry (agents, companies and adjusters) by composing the reported
individual losses and claim estimates. Second, PCS relies on its National Insurance Risk
Profile (NIRP), where in more than 3.100 counties potential risk affectness of objects like
buildings or vehicles are carefully regarded.
The dollar value of the PCS Index doesn’t exactly match the aggregate industry loss. In
order to make the index more manageable, the following formula is applied:
L(t )
+ 0 .5
Li (t ) =
10 M ln
Li (t) = index value.
L (t) = industry aggregate loss value.
A typical Cat bond payment is usually triggered by an event. There are four main trigger
types, according to the correlation with actual losses:
1. Indemnity: triggered by the issuer's actual losses, so the sponsor is indemnified,
as if they had purchased traditional catastrophe reinsurance. If the layer specified
in the cat bond is $100 million excess of $500 million, and the total claims add up
to more than $500 million, then the bond is triggered.
2. Modelled loss: instead of dealing with the company's actual claims, an
exposure portfolio is constructed for use with catastrophe modelling software, and
then when there is a large event, the event parameters are run against the exposure
16. See “PCS Catastrophe Insurance Options – A new way of managing catastrophe risk”, Schradin.
database in the cat model. If the modelled losses are above a specified threshold,
the bond is triggered.
3. Indexed to industry loss: instead of adding up the insurer's claims, the cat bond
is triggered when the insurance industry loss from a certain peril reaches a
specified threshold, say $30 billion. The cat bond will specify who determines the
industry loss; typically it is a recognized agency like PCS. "Modified index"
linked securities customize the index to a company's own book of business by
weighting the index results for various territories and business lines.
4. Parametric: instead of being based on any claims (the insurer's actual claims,
the modelled claims, or the industry's claims), the trigger is indexed to the natural
hazard caused by nature. So the parameter would be the wind speed (for a
hurricane bond), the ground acceleration (for an earthquake bond), or whatever is
appropriate for the peril. Data for this parameter is collected at multiple reporting
stations and then entered into specified formulae. For example, if a typhoon
generates wind speeds greater than X meters per second at 50 of the 150 weather
observation stations of the Japanese Meteorological Agency, the cat bond is
5. Parametric Index: Many firms are uncomfortable with pure parametric bonds
due to the lack of correlation with actual loss. For instance, a bond may pay out
based on the wind speed at 50 of the 150 stations mentioned above, but the insurer
loses very little money because a majority of their exposure is concentrated in
other locations. Models can give an approximation of loss as a function of the
speed at differing locations, which are then used to give a payout function for the
bond. These function as hybrid Parametric:Modeled loss bonds, and have lowered
basis risk as well as more transparency.
CAT Options
The real advantages of PCS Options are, that they might open the private capital market
for to sustain the traditional catastrophe (re:)insurance markets and that they might add
flexibility to insurers' and reinsures' risk management. But on the other hand, there are
several critical aspects of the PCS market that may change this optimistic view, e.g. PCS
contracts are less customized as traditional reinsurance programs are and the liquidity and
stability of the PCS market are not yet really proved.
The clearing process at the CBOT is organized and ensured by a clearing house which is
named BOTCC (Board of Trade Clearing Corporation). Beside the CBOT itself the
BOTCC is a separate entity that works as a third:party guarantor to every option contract
as well as it takes an integral part in market transactions: customers place orders through
their brokerage firm. The broker which should be a clearing member of the BOTCC fills
orders through the open outcry system on the CBOT trading floor and transmits trade
information to the BOTCC. After that the BOTCC matches the trade information,
guarantees performance and requires to settle gain or loss from the transactions.
The margin account system at the CBOT does not much differ from those of other futures
exchanges. Beneath the margin system the BOTCC disposes over additional resources,
such as a reserve capital amount of currently more than $140 million and $300 million
committed credit facilities available to provide temporary liquidity.
PCS Options are European style, which means that an exercise is possible only at
maturity. At this time all positions in:the:money will be equalized automatically. For
example, the holder of an option call (put) receives a cash payment equal to the positive
(negative) difference between the PCS index value at maturity and the exercise price.
Without regarding the settlement date, all PCS Options can be traded all over the trading
To limit the amount of losses that can be included under a PCS contract which means to
improve the flexibility of PCS contracts as a risk management instrument, PCS Options
are available both as small cap (aggregate insured industry losses from 0 USD to 20
billion USD which means an index value from 0 to 200 points) and large cap (aggregate
insured industry losses from 20 billion USD to 50 billion USD which means an index
value from 200.1 to 500 points). The strike or exercise values are listed in integral
multiples of five points (5 to 195 for small caps, 200 to 495 for large caps). Moreover
each index point has a dollar value of $200.
In order to understand how PCS Options work and which benefits they might give to an
insurance company managing catastrophe risks one should look in a first step at the
fundamental position of a PCS long call.
The pay:off of a PCS long call large cap with strike price K is:
c(t ) = max[( Li (t ) − K ),0]
Substituting Li(t) with its industry loss expression see above:
L(t )
c(t ) = max[(((
+ 0.5) ) − K ),0]
10 M ln
Taking into account the cap of 500 points and the dollar amount of $200:
L(t )
c(t ) = 200 min{max[(((
+ 0.5) ) − K ),0],500 − K }
10 M ln
Specularly the pay:off of a long put option must then be:
L(t )
p (t ) = 200 min{max[( K − ((
+ 0.5) )),0],500 − K }
10 M ln
The interesting aspect of PCS Options is that they can be employed to build up strategies
such as bull and bear spreads to hedge a company's exposure to catastrophe risk.
I will now briefly illustrate a hedging bull spread strategy realized by buying a PCS call
option with strike KL and selling another PCS call option with strike KH > KL. The first
step is to determine the two relevant strikes. Lets denote with OL(t) the operational
catastrophe loss of the company at time t. Lets also denote D the amount of operational
catastrophe loss that we want to transfer to the market. We then obtain:
OL(t ) − D
+ 0 .5
KL =
10 M ln
OL(t )
+ 0 .5
KH =
10 M ln
Hence, the number of contracts k that must be purchased is:
k =
In figure 7 we can see the original exposure of the company in red and the pay:off of the
strategy in blue. If correlation between the company's OL(t) and the PCS Index is perfect,
the strategy provides a perfect hedge. The final pay:off is the black thick line. As we can
see, the pay:off between KL and KH is flat or, in other words, perfectly hedged.
Figure 7: Spread pay:off in blue, underlying exposure in red and net pay:off in black.
CAT Futures
Insurance Catastrophe Futures Contracts began trading on December 11, 1992 on the
Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT). As in all commodity futures contract trading, a key
objective is to increase liquidity of a market by bringing in new participants. These new
participants, who are not professional consumers or producers of a commodity, increase
liquidity of a market with their shorter term investment time horizon. For Insurance
Catastrophe Futures the attraction of capital from non:traditional sources for insurance
risk can create increased catastrophe capacity that is sorely needed in today’s insurance
In traditional insurance or reinsurance, the process of insuring against catastrophes is
tedious requiring months of negotiations to conclude a sound agreement, In addition, the
reversal of such agreements through commutation negotiations is equally tedious.
Through the design of uniform insurance agreements, the CBOT attempts to develop a
liquid market in which catastrophe risks can be easily assumed or transferred and in
which non:traditional capital is attracted to insurance.
Unfortunately trading volume was anaemic and CBOT decided to discontinue the product,
relying only on PCS options. Nevertheless, please note that a synthetic future position is
replicable by selling a PCS put option and buying a PCS call option with the same strike
4.3. “First:Loss:To:Happen” Put Option.
Another totally different approach to operational risk transfer with derivatives may be
represented by the so called “First:Loss:To:Happen” put option. As the name suggests,
the contract is a put option purchased by the company. The option's strike may be
calibrated on the company's equity or on other technical indicators such as its COL(t).
The company that wishes to hedge its operational risk exposure purchases the option. If a
loss event occurs, the seller of the option must then provide money for the difference
between the strike and the actual loss. In this way, the seller cashes in the premiums. If
nothing happens, the seller earns money. If a loss event occurs, the buyer of the option
will be hedged and will receive payment. The premium is usually defined as x basis point
over the risk free rate. Lets now examine what “First:Loss:To:Happen” actually means.
In order for the contract to be clear, it is necessary to precisely determine which loss must
be paid out. Given a certain period, the option pays out the first loss event. If more loss
events occur during the period, the option covers the greatest.
4.4 Operational Risk Swap – Industry Loss Warranties.
Another way operational risk may be transferred is a swap. A swap is nothing more than a
contract between two parties that agree to exchange cash flows at certain future dates.
Cash flows may be fixed, floating or indexed. Swaps may provide flexible operational
risk transfer mechanisms to banks due to their versatility. Imagine you are a bank and you
will migrate your electronic payment system in the next 4 months. You don't want to
incur in more than $10 Mln losses. To hedge your operational risk exposure, you could
issue an OR Swap were the buyer agrees to pay the potential excess loss over ten million
dollars and you pay monthly payments in exchange.
This basic and simple idea may be applied to all areas of operational risk transfer. As
already seen, the catastrophe derivatives industry is usually the one that pioneers the most
innovative products. OR Swaps have been already implemented in the CAT context since
the 1980s. They trade under the name of Industry Loss Warranties or ILWs. Under a ILW
agreement, the buyer accepts to cover up all excess losses over a certain trigger level and
for certain events such as quakes, hurricanes, etc. The seller agrees to pay a certain
amount over a notional value. For example a $20bln US Wind and Quake ILW buyer will
have to cover up the issuers losses if the total industry loss exceeds $20bln in the US for
damages caused by wind or quakes. The market for these products is quite liquid with
many brokers and dealers. Among all the dealers, Access Reinsurance Inc. agreed to
disclose its pricing: a $20bln California Quake ILW with first event covered June 20
2010 was pricing at 7%. This means that the protection buyer had to pay $140mln of
annual payments to hedge its catastrophe risk.
ILWs are also provided on the so called “second events”. These are ILWs that cover the
losses that arise after the catastrophic event took place. In the appendix at the end of this
chapter, I provide the pricing grid released by Access reinsurance Inc.
4.5. Operational risk derivative market: players and limits.
The market for operational risk derivatives is growing fast. The notional amount of Cat
bonds issued in the second quarter of 2007 was $4.3 billion, more than quadrupled in six
years. The notional amount of ILWs outstanding in 2007 exceeded $10 billion, more than
quintupling in a matter of three years. The recent financial crisis has dried up a lot of
liquidity but the market is set to rebound as liquidity starts flowing back in the business.
The market participants may be divided in three main groups:
1. Protection buyers: Every player that wishes to transfer risk is essentially buying
protection against such risk. Right now these players are mainly big reinsurance
companies but as time passes and as a liquid operational risk derivative market develops
protection buyers may directly be commercial and investment banks willing to transfer
such risk.
A new market practice for protection buyers is that of pooling together insurance policies
in a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) called “Sidecar” and then use such collateralized
assets to back an issue of Insurance Linked Securities (ILSs), such as Cat Bonds. For tax
purposes, such vehicles are often set up in business friendly nations such as the Cayman
Islands, Virgin Islands, Bermuda or Ireland. These issues may be divided into senior,
mezzanine, junior and equity tranches, each bearing an increasing risk and thus an
increasing return. These securities are usually rated as “junk” (BB or lower) due to their
high risk profile. In 2005, capital raised with “Sidecars” was $1.745billion. In 2006,
capital raised topped over $4billion (+150%). In 2007 the market softened probably due
to the financial crisis.
Operational risk and catastrophe derivatives may then be purchased, repackaged and sold
by other financial intermediaries, creating an “Operational CDO”. It is nevertheless
important to remind that these types of securities are not very liquid so excessive
financial engineering and structuring may create extremely illiquid assets. This type of
problems has arisen during the 2007 subprime mortgage financial meltdown.
Main market participants are: Munich Re, Swiss Re, Validus, Hannover Re, White
Mountains Re, Harbour Point, Reinassance Re, Tower Group, Flagstone Re, Lancashire
Re, AIG, Marsh, USAA, Hatford, Liberty Mutual, SCOR, Allianz, Tokyo Marine & Fire,
XL Capital.
2. Protection sellers: On the other side of each purchase there is a seller. This fundamental
statement is true also for operational risk protection. Main sellers nowadays are other
reinsurance companies, investment banks, mutual funds, pension funds and, particularly,
hedge funds. Hedge funds have been playing a vital role in trading and dealing such
securities, providing capital and liquidity to the market.
Main market investors are: Aon Benfield Securities, Swiss Re Capital Markets, Barclays
Capital, Deutsche Bank, BNP Paribas, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, GC Securities, JP
Morgan, Willis Capital Markets, J.C. Flowers, First Reserves, Golden Tree, Highfields,
3. Dealers, brokers and traders: Many market participants support the buying and selling
activity by providing brokerage services or by posting bid:ask prices for each product. In
many cases, a secondary OTC market for such products has been created even though
liquidity remains small. For example, Access Reinsurance Ltd. provides quotes and
pricing for ILWs and market info.
Other main players are: Goldman Sachs, Barclays Capital, Deutsche Bank, BNP Paribas,
JP Morgan, Merrill Lynch Willis, Access Re, Artex Risk Solutions, Marsh, Aon
Corporation, Aon Benfield, BB&T Insurance Services, RK Carvill, Guy Carpenter.
4. Consultants and legal: Issuing operational risk derivatives, setting up all the adequate
corporate legal structures, making contracts, etc. requires deep strategic and legal
expertise. For such reasons, issuers are usually advised by a number of strategic and legal
World renown consultants are: AIR Worldwide Corp, EQECAT, Milliman International,
Patterson Martin, Planalytics Inc., Risk Management Solutions Inc., Tillinghast, Lane
Financial, Navigation Advisors LLC, BB&T Assurance Company Ltd., ABS Consulting,
Belmont Risk Solutions Ltd., The Taft Companies, Capstone Associated, Mercer, Watson
Wyatt, Capstone Associated Services Ltd., Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft, Conyers Dill
& Pearman, Fried Frank, Wilkie Farr, Dewey & LeBoeuf, Debevoise & Plimpton.
Several problems may prevent an operational risk derivatives market from functioning
The first set of problems has already been outlined in the previous chapters: information
asymmetry. When an investor is selling protection, it must be careful who he sells it.
Information asymmetries on the protection buyer’s real operational risk data might be so
deep no investor will trust to enter the market. To avoid this type of problem, two
solutions are making their way. The first is to organize public operational risk databases.
Companies or consortia like ORX, ORIC, OpRisk Analytics and OpVantage collect and
sell operational risk data to the market or, for consortia, to its own members. This will not
eliminate information asymmetry but it will likely reduce it. The second solution is
regulatory intervention: Basel III might force every firm that has to comply with its
operational risk regulation to thoroughly disclose its operational losses data. The second
solution is the easiest and probably the more effective nevertheless regulators should also
consider regulation has a cost and there should be now need to force firms to do what
they are partially heading to do themselves.
Another problem that may arise is “adverse selection”: those providers that require
protection are exactly those with an exposure above the average or those with the poorest
operational risk management and mitigation framework. Only with deep pre:trade
compliance this risk is nullified. But compliance has a cost: the liquidity of the market
may be hurt by long and extensive pre:trade compliance procedures.
Furthermore, if a trigger event is defined as “indemnity”, in other words it’s triggered by
the issuer’s internal data, the chance the issuer might modify the data becomes significant.
Issuers may fake excessive losses just to trigger the event and receive operational risk
insurance payments. This is a practical example of “moral hazard”.
These problems already exist in traditional insurance markets. They are hard to solve
because they deal with the most precious good on the market: information. This means
that also operational risk derivatives market will probably be affected by these problems.
Nevertheless, if a bank is discovered providing false data, the bank would immediately
lose its credibility and its access to the market. Its cost of borrowing would sky rocket
and it will soon be out of business. Trust and reputation has always a key element in the
way markets work.
A way to try to solve such problems is to link triggers to publicly available data, for
example by linking cat bond’s payments to the PCS Index instead of the issuer’s internal
data. This is the solution that the market seems to appreciate the most. In this way the risk
that losses are above or under the index remain on the issuer’s balance sheet and he has
all the interest to reduce such risk with adequate risk management and mitigation
frameworks. This residual risk that remains on the protection buyer’s balance sheet is
usually referred to as “basis risk”.
Basis Risk
The term “basis risk” is used to describe the residual risk baring by a an institution that is
hedging a risk with exposure to a different asset. A perfect example might be an airline
trying to hedge jet fuel risk taking exposure to oil futures. Since the correlation between
jet fuel and oil is not 1, the airline is baring the risk that the two prices might differ
substantially. This risk is then called “basis risk”. In our case, we are hedging our internal
losses with an exposure to and industry loss index and the correlation between the two
assets is not 1. This is exposing us to the risk that the values of the two assets may differ
substantially. If, for example, we recorded a loss of $1.5MLN, mostly concentrated in
Florida, the broad USA PCS Index would underestimate our loss and we would not be
perfectly hedged. Obviously there are ways of managing, but not neutralizing, basis risk.
Basis risk can me measured as the R:squared of a regression between index returns and
loss data17. It can be shown that the optimal hedge ratio h with basis risk can be computed
as follows:
h = ρ S ;F
So that: NF = h NA, where:
S = the bank’s loss data
F = the derivative on operational risk
N = the number of contracts
ρS;F = correlation between S and F
σ = standard deviations
h = optimal ratio of derivative contracts to buy.
17“Options, Futures and other derivatives” J.C. Hull
Appendix: Access Re indicative pricing grid at June 30, 2010.
# ++
!" #$%
.&& /( (&
% &
!" #$%
1 '
1 '
!" #$%
2 (3
(& )
2 (3
* + (
1 '
, &) #- .
/ 0
1 '
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(' '
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5 &&
7 5 &&
5 &&
5 &&
5 &&
5 &&
5 &&
5 &&
5 &&
5 &&
5 &&
5 &&
# ++
2 (3
.&& /(
(& % &
.&& /(
(& % &
8 $
.&& /( (&
% &
4 5 &&
4 5 &&
4 7 5 &&
5 &&
7 5 &&
5 &&
5 &&
5 &&
5 &&
" ;
# ++
!" #$%
.&& /( (&
% &
.&& /(
(& % &
8 $
.&& /(
(& % &
4 5 &&
4 5 &&
4 7 5 &&
5 &&
5 &&
5 &&
5. Pricing
Every day brokers, dealers and traders buy and sell derivative contracts at ask and bid
prices. Having a model to find the correct no:arbitrage price for a derivative is absolutely
indispensable for the derivative’s market to develop. Robust pricing models have already
been developed for plain vanilla derivatives as well as complex structured contracts.
Nevertheless, operational derivatives present some features that make them hard to price
with traditional pricing models.
1. Incomplete markets: the first and most difficult problem to solve is that operational
risk markets are incomplete. In a complete market, a derivative position can be
dynamically hedged with a portfolio made up of the underlying security and bonds. In
OR markets, this is not possible because operational losses are not a liquid asset that can
be traded. This means that dealers and traders will have to hedge their derivative
positions using proxies of operational losses and this makes the pricing way less robust.
In order to be compensated for this huge risk, market makers will probably keep very
wide bid:ask spreads18.
Some may then think that a feasible process to practically deal in these securities might
be to price them as if the were normal derivatives and then just increase ask –bid spreads
until the dealer is compensated for the risk. This is in fact what might happen but using
classical derivative pricing instruments is wrong for a number of other limits of
operational risk.
2. Non:normality: Operational losses usually occur with fat tails. This means that
catastrophic events are by far more frequent than a Gaussian distribution may forecast.
This then means that the volatility of the process is greater than expected and the prices
should then be higher.
3. No: Brownian motion: The path of a stock for derivative pricing purposes is usually
modelled as a stochastic Brownian motion:
dS 0 = S 0 dt + σS 0 dWt
Where c is called the drift and Wt is a Weiner Process with the following properties:
(1) Normal distribution; (2) Mean = 0; (3) Variance = ^t.
Operational losses OL(t) = dCOL(t) are not normally distributed and have a positive
mean > 0. The variance is then also very large and difficult to model. This means that
traditional stochastic calculus like Ito’s lemma cannot be used when pricing operational
risk derivatives.
18. M.G. Cruz. (February 2002). “Modelling, measuring and hedging operational risk”. Wiley & Sons Inc.
6 (2): 233 – 251.
Given these theoretical restrictions to Operational risk derivatives pricing, some attempts
to provide indicative pricing models have been advanced by many sides.
The first way to try to find a price for a derivative is to use utility theory. As we have
already seen in chapter 4.1., it is possible to define a certain equivalent an calculate the
premium for the risk transfer as:
g = m*st.dev.(OLR).
where m is the market price of risk calculated with the CAPM and st.dev (OLR) is the
standard deviation of the Operational Loss Rate.
Some very interesting methods are then suggested by Cruz (2002) such as:
a. Defining the premium as a Var measure:
g = Q(1:α)
with Q = quantile of a risk measure and α = confidence interval.
b. Trying to define a martingale through the Essecher principle (Christensen, 1999):
E ( Xe δx )
E (e δx )
Another very interesting utility based pricing formula has been advanced by Elliot and
van der Hoek19. The bid price vb of a contingent claim G is expressed as follows:
v b (G ) = ∑ q S {U −1 ( E[U (θ S0 + G AS ]) − θ S0 }
G = contingent claim on a non:tradable asset Y.
qs = probability of state S
AS = Arrow:Debreu securities in state S.
θ S0 + G AS = certain equivalent in state S.
19. Elliot, Van der Hoek. “Pricing claims on non tradable assets”.
Furthermore, with reference to CAT Bonds pricing, Cruz (2002) advances the following
simple method to price the bond:
1. Estimate the parameters of the frequency and severity distributions. Using maximum
likelihood methods we can estimate the parameters of the operational loss distribution.
The decision of the distribution is very important. Cruz suggests using a Poisson but
Weibull and Gamma distributions may as well be used20.
2. Analyze the sensitivity of the parameters using re:sampling techniques. We have now
to test the robustness of tail events.
Let Θ̂ n be the estimate of a parameter vector θ based on a sample of n operational losses.
An approximation to the statistical properties of Θ̂ n can be obtained by studying a
samble of bootstrap estimators Θ̂(b) m , b=1,…,B.
The estimated asymptotic variance is therefore:
1 B ˆ
ˆ ][Θ
ˆ (b) − Θ
ˆ ]
[ Θ n ] = ∑ [Θ
(b) m − Θ
B b =1
3. Find the aggregate distribution through simulation. This step is usually performed with
Monte Carlo distributions.
4. Structure the OR Bond. This involves calculating the default probability due to an
extreme event, calculating the return required by the market for such risk and then
discount the nominal value with the overall return required by investors.
Another useful tool provided by Cruz (2002) is the Gumbel method of exceedances. It
yields the probability of an event to exceed a certain trigger t given the total number of
events n, the number of event over the trigger j and the number of future observations r.
r + n − t + j j + t − 1
where j = 1,2,…n.
Pr( H = j ) =
r +n
In this way we can compute the probabilities of loss p and survival (1>p) and therefore
adequately price an OR Bond or a OR Swap/ILWs.
20 Panjer (July 2006) “Operational risk: modelling analytics”. John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Some efforts have also been made to price PCS call and put options. Moller develops a
model based on a process:
L(t ) = L(0)e X (t )
? (t )
With X (t ) =
, t ∈ [0, u ) is a compound Poisson process with frequency λ and jumps
n =1
exponentially distributed, Yn are i.i.d. random variables following an exponential
distribution with parameter a and ?(t) is a homogeneous Poisson process with parameter
Moller then applies a Esscher transform to create a martingale and is therefore able to
solve in a linear form and compute prices for call and put options.
c(t ) = L(t ) ? (d 1 ) − Ke −δ ( v −t ) ? (d 2 )
ln( K L(t ) − (δ +
d1 =
σ (v − t )
p (t ) = Ke −δ ( v −t ) ? (− d 2 ) − L(t ) ? (− d 1 )
ln( K L(t ) − (δ −
)(v − t )
d2 =
σ (v − t )
)(v − t )
We can end this chapter by suggesting a possible process for operational risk:
dCOLt = COL0 dt + σCOL0 dz + JdL
COL = Cumulative Operational Loss
c = average increase in COL i.e. the Operational loss rate OLR
OL(t ) A(t )
OL(t )
COL (t )
= .
divided by
COL (t ) A(t ) COL (t )
A(t )
σ = standard deviation.
JdL = a jump diffusion component with an alpha stable Levy
distribution with mean zero an infinite variance.
This model might be successful in modelling operational risk due to its fat tails behaviour.
Ito’s lemma for Levy distributed random variables has been provided by Kleinert
21. See Hagen Kleinert (2004). “Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics, Statistics, Polymer Physics, and
Financial Markets”, 4th edition, World Scientific (Singapore).
In this thesis, we have seen what is operational risk,how it is legally defined and how it is
currently hedged in insurance markets. After proving that it is legally possible to transfer
operational risk with alternative risk transfer mechanisms such as derivatives, we have
then researched all the possible ways of transferring such risk within capital markets.
Catastrophe risk is an interesting subset of operational risk that helps to test ideas on how
to transfer HFLI risks such as quake risks, hurricanes, etc. We have therefore analyzed
the CAT market for bonds and options. Some other less known yet interesting products
have been proposed such as OR Swaps and “First:Loss:to:Happen” (FTH) puts. We also
analysed the liquid ILWs market for extreme events as a proxy for OR swaps dealing.
We have then analyzed the pricing problems in an operational risk environment and
suggested possible solutions.
My hope is that this work might clarify how convenient it would be both for protection
buyers and protection sellers to find alternative market solutions to their risk management
needs and thus pushing forward financial innovation.
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