International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 4 Issue 08, August-2015
Speaker Recognition using Cepstral Analysis
G. Manjula
Dr. M. Shiva Kumar
Associate Professor: Dept. of ECE
Mysuru, India
Basavanna. M3
Prof & HOD: Dept. EIE
Mysuru, India
Abstract— The aim of the paper is to verify the identity of the
speaker using his voice as a metric. The system is trained using
database of registered voice signals. The system extracts features
from the user’s voice and stores his voice profile in database along
with his personal information. When the user has to be verified/
authenticated, user records the test voice signals. The system
compares the input voice with the one stored in the database. If
the input voice profile and the voice stored in the database are
matched with each other, the user is verified/authenticated
otherwise the user is rejected. The voice profile of the user is
stored in the database in form of MFCC coefficients. The system
uses a minimum Euclidian distance measurement algorithm to
compare the two voice profiles. Graphical User Interface [GUI] is
developed with the system and the performance of the system is
tested on 10 users.
Keywords: Speaker recognition, Cepstral Analysis, MFCC: Mel
Frequency Cepstral Co efficient.
Speaker recognition is process of automatically identifying
who is speaking person based on the individual information
embedded in the speech signal. Speaker recognition is an
appealing research field for the last decades which still yields a
number of unsolved problems such as recognition of speech
disorders, whispered speech. Speaker recognition can be
broadly classified into two types: Text dependent speaker
recognition and Text independent speaker recognition. In the
former case, the text must be same for both enrollment and
verification of speaker recognition. In the later case,
cooperation of the speaker required is less and hence it is the
most commonly used technique for speaker recognition. In this
technique, text employed for enrollment and testing\may be
different [1]. Speaker recognition technology is the most
potential technology to generate new services that will make
our everyday lives more secured. An important application of
speaker recognition technology is in forensic field.
The need to determine the identity and authority of users and
customers is increasing in today’s life. For any individual, it
results in a growing number of PIN-codes to remember which
requires more memory space. A simpler solution would be to
construct biometric verification systems based on the
individual’s physical features such as fingerprints, retina and
voice. The various application possibilities for speech based
systems is in telecommunication, banking, shopping by just a
phone call, database access services, informative services,
security control for confidential information areas, and
Assistant Prof essor: Dept. of TE
Mysuru, India
remote access to computers makes such systems an attractive
alternative. Speech is a complicated signal produced as a result
of several transformations occurring at different levels such as
semantic, linguistic, articulator. Acoustic Differences in these
transformations appear as differences in the acoustic properties
of the speech signal.To increase security in speaker-based
verification systems, a combination with more conventional
methods could be used.
This work aims at developing a simple but effective speaker
recognition system. The fundamental difficulty of speaker
recognition is in extracting features from non-stationary signal
which deals with noise, channel variations, voice changes due
to health conditions, aging, mimicry and acoustic conditions.
The speech feature extraction is a process of reducing the
redundant information and retaining useful information which
has desirable features such as high discrimination between
sub-word classes, low speaker variability, Invariance to
degradations in speech signal due to interference.
The general approach to automated speaker verification
consists of five steps: Digital speech data acquisition, feature
extraction, pattern matching, making an accept/reject decision,
and enrollment to generate speaker reference models. A block
diagram of this procedure is shown in Fig.2.1.
Fig. 2.1: Generic Speaker Recognition
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 4 Issue 08, August-2015
The feature extraction maps each interval of speech to a
multidimensional feature space. Then, this sequence of feature
vectors is compared with speaker models by pattern matching.
This results in a match score for each vector or sequence of
vectors. The match score measures the similarity of the
computed input feature vectors to models of the claimed
speaker or feature vector patterns for the claimed speaker. A
decision is made to either accept or reject the claimant
according to the match score or sequence of match scores,
which is a hypothesis testing problem.
For speaker recognition, features that exhibit high speaker
discrimination power, high inter-speaker variability, and low
intra-speaker variability are desired. Many forms of pattern
matching and corresponding models are possible.
Pattern-matching methods include dynamic time warping
(DTW), the hidden Markov model (HMM), artificial neural
networks, and vector quantization (VQ). Template models are
used in DTW, statistical models are used in HMM, and
codebook models are used in VQ [6].
Cepstrum analysis is a tool for the detection of periodicity in
a frequency spectrum. It provides methodology for separating
the excitation e(n)*from the vocal tract shape Θ(n).
s(n)=e(n)* Θ (n) …(i)
The convolution makes it difficult to separate the two parts,
therefore the cepstrum is introduced. The cepstrum is defined
in the following way:
Cs(n)= ξ-|{log |ξ{s(n)}|} …(ii)
where, ξ is the Discrete Time Fourier Transform and ξ-| and is
the Inverse Discrete Time Fourier Transform.
S(w)=E(w) Θ (w) …(iii)
log|S(w)|=log|E(w) Θ (w)|….(iv)
log|S(w)|= log|E(w)| + log| Θ (w)|
log|S(w)|=Ce(w)+CΘ(w) …(v)
Cs(n) = ξ-1 (Ce(w) + CΘ(w))
Cs(n) = ξ-1 {Ce(w)} + ξ-1 {C_(w)}
Cs(n)=Ce(n)+CΘ(n) …(vi)
In order to process a signal by a digital computer, the signal
must be represented in digital form. Initially, the acoustic
sound pressure wave is transformed into a digital signal
suitable for voice processing. Data acquisition system
comprises of three modules namely : Signal acquisition,
Signal Pre-processing and Processing of speech signal. The
first module consists of microphone which is used to convert
speech signal to an electrical analog signal. The second module
consists of anti aliasing filter. The purpose of anti aliasing filter
is to limit the bandwidth of the signal to above the value of
nyquist rate before sampling. The conditioned analog signal is
processed by third module i.e. analog to digital converter
which has a resolution of 16 bits at a sampling rate of
8000-20000 samples per second. Over-sampling is commonly
used to reduce distortion introduced by practical digital to
analog converters, such as zero order hold.
However, because of the large variability of the speech
signal, it is better to perform some feature extraction that
would reduce that variability. Particularly, eliminating various
source of information, such as whether the speech signal is
voiced or unvoiced and, if voiced, it eliminates the effect of the
periodicity or pitch, amplitude of excitation signal and
fundamental frequency etc.
Feature extraction involves analysis of speech signal.
Features of the speech signal are highly variable with respect to
time, feature extraction would reduce the variability of speech
signal. The feature extraction techniques are classified as
temporal analysis and spectral analysis techniques. In temporal
analysis, the speech waveform itself is used for analysis. In
spectral analysis, spectral representation of speech signal is
used for analysis.
Speech signal is composed of excitation source and vocal
tract system components. In order to analyze and model the
excitation and system components of the speech independently
and also use that in various speech processing applications,
these two components have to be separated from the speech.
Fig 3.1 : Structure of VQ based Speaker Recognition System
In the Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients, the calculation of
the Mel Cepstrum is same as the real Cepstrum except the Mel
Cepstrum’s frequency scale is warped to keep up a
correspondence to the Mel scale. The Mel scale is mainly
based on the study of observing the pitch or frequency
perceived by the human. The scale is divided into the units mel.
The mel scale is generally speaking a linear mapping below
1000 Hz and logarithmically spaced above. The mapping is
usually done using an approximation (where fmel is the
perceived frequency in mels)[2]:
fmel = 2595 * log10(1 + f/700) …(vii)
Vector quantization (VQ) is a lossy data compression
method based on the principle of block coding. In Vector
Quantization, a large set of feature vectors are taken and a
smaller set of measure vectors is produced which represents
the centroids of the distribution. The vector distributions are
defined over a high-dimensional space. In the current work,
vectors are represented in 12-dimensional space. The set of
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 4 Issue 08, August-2015
vectors stored in the rows of the feature matrix. Each row of the
feature matrix represents a point in the 12- dimensional space.
Each frame of the audio signal represents a point in the
12-dimensional space. The speech signal does not vary much
in neighboring frames so all the similar frames in the silence
are representing points in the 12-dimensional space which are
very near to each other. Also the frames of the vowel part of the
voice have similar characteristics as they have a continuous
periodic signal. All the similar frames contain redundant
information about the voice signal. Hence, all the redundant
frames should be removed from the feature matrix to decrease
the size of the matrix. The process of combining the nearby
points in the space in to a single center is called Vector
Quantization [5].
There are many algorithms available to achieve the
goal of Vector Quantization. Clustering involves dividing a set
of data points into non-overlapping groups or clusters. where
points in a cluster are “more similar” to one another than to
points in other clusters. When a dataset is clustered, every point
is assigned to some cluster, and every cluster can be
characterized by a single reference point, usually an average of
the points in the cluster. All the N frames from the voice signal
represent N points. This set of N points will be considered as
the sample space for the further processing. k-Means algorithm
is one of the simplest unsupervised learning algorithms. The
procedure follows a simple and easy way to classify a given
data set through a certain number of clusters (assume k
clusters) fixed a priori. The main idea is to define k centers,
one for each cluster. These centers should be placed in a
cunning way because of different location causes
different result. So, the better choice is to place
them as much as possible far away from each other.The
k-Means algorithm aims to minimize the following error
Here j is the index for the clusters and i is the index for the
points in a particular cluster. Cj is the center of the jth cluster.
||xi (j) – Cj||2 is the distance formula to find distance between
the points xi and Cj.
The Algorithm
Place K points into the space represented by the
vectors that are being clustered. These points
represent initial group centroids.
Assign each vector to the group that has the closest
When all vectors have been assigned, recalculate the
positions of the K centroids.
Repeat Steps 2 and 3 until the centroids no longer
move. This produces a separation of the vectors into
groups from which the metric to be minimized can be
The k-Means algorithm gives optimum solution in terms of
minimum VQ distortion. Several iterations of k-Means
algorithm are needed to converge in a optimum VQ dataset for
large number of points in input dataset. k-Means algorithm
implemented for two dimensions is shown in Fig 3.2. The
diagrams show results during two iterations in the partitioning
of 9 two-dimensional data points into two well separated
clusters using the standard k-means algorithm. Points in cluster
1 are shown in red, points in cluster 2 are shown in black; data
points are denoted by open circles and reference points by
filled circles. Clusters are indicated by dashed lines. Note that,
the iteration converges quickly to the correct clustering
because the number of input data points is less in number.
Fig 3.2 Standard k-Means algorithm in two dimensions
The K-means algorithm partitions the X feature vectors into M
centroids. The algorithm first chooses M cluster centroids
among the X feature vectors [7]. Then, each feature vector is
assigned to the nearest centroid, and the new centroids are
calculated. This procedure is continued until a stopping
criterion is met, that is the mean square error between the
feature vectors and the cluster-centroids is below a certain
threshold or when there is no more change in the cluster-centre
assignment. Typically, the value of N is 500 and the range for
C is from 50 to 100. The final feature matrix is used as the
voice profile of the speaker. To compare the profiles of two
speakers, a Euclidian distance measurement algorithm is used.
Pattern Matching and Distance Measurement
The method used to compare two feature matrices is the
measurement of the distortion distance between two vector
sets by minimizing the Euclidian distance. The Euclidean
distance is the distance between the two points that one would
measure with a ruler, which can be proven by repeated
application of the Pythagorean theorem in two dimensions [6].
The formula used to calculate the Euclidean distance in n
dimensions is as follows.
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 4 Issue 08, August-2015
Fig : 3.4 Euclidean Distance Calculation for two feature Matrices
Fig 3.3 Feature Matrix Comparison
Two feature matrices to be compared using distance
measurement algorithm is shown in Fig 3.3 . These matrices
are the final features after application of the VQ algorithm. In a
typical case, one matrix is generated by the real time recording
of the voice at the time of verification and the other matrix is
stored in the computer memory or in the system database. They
differ in size even for the same speaker because the time of
recording and the voice variations are different at registration
and verification time.
The distance measurement algorithm (Euclidian distance
algorithm to compare two matrices in MATLAB) is as follows
1. Find Euclidian distance between each vector i of
the matrix1 and every vector j of matrix 2 using the distance
formula given above. Hence, we get a complete distance
matrix of size m x n and having elements d ij (d11, d12 etc. up to
dmn). Here dij is the Euclidian distance between vector i of the
matrix 1 and vector j of matrix 2 shown in Fig 3.3.
2. Now find a vector j in matrix 2 that is closest to vector i
in matrix 1. To do this, find the minimum of each row of the
distance matrix. Hence, we get a minimum distance vector of
length m. Similarly for columns, we get a minimum distance
vector of length n.
3. Find average of the two minimum distance vectors and
calculate their mean value. The mean of the averages of the
distance vectors will be the final distance between the two
The final distance calculated using the algorithm is the
minimum Euclidian distance between the two vector sets. This
distance shows the similarity between the two voice profiles. It
is time invariant, that means the time shift of the same phrase in
two voices does not affect the distance value. Hence it is used
as the comparison metric for the voice profiles.
Two voice profiles can be verified by comparing the distance
with a particular threshold value. The threshold value can be
calculated at the training time by comparing the different
sample voices of the same person.
4.1 Intra-speaker variations
At the time of registration, a system training session is
implemented. During the verification of speaker, five different
samples of the same person are trained with single voice
password. Features are extracted and VQ algorithm is
implemented on each of them. Resulting five feature matrices
are compared against each other and Euclidean distances are
calculated. The average of these distances is called the
intra-speaker distance. This distance shows the amount of
variation among the voices of the same speaker. The maximum
of all the distances is the maximum detected for intra-speaker
variation. This maximum distance variations among the
speakers, is set as a threshold value, but there is no thumb rule
to decide the threshold. There is always a tradeoff between
false rejection and false acceptance mainly which depends on
the threshold value. So in order to minimize false rejection and
false acceptance after several iterations, maximum threshold
value plus offset is set. This threshold value is saved in the
system database at the time of registration along with the voice
4.2 Comparison and Verification
After enrollment, the voice profile verification is performed as
follows.. User enters the name and system asks the user for the
password. The same quality/duration/loudness/pitch features
are extracted from the submitted sample password and
compared to the model of the claimed or hypothesized identity.
System performs feature extraction and vector quantization
operations on the real time recorded sample password speech
signal. These methods all compare the similarities and
differences between the input voice and the stored voice
“states” to produce a recognition decision using the procedure
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 4 Issue 08, August-2015
explained in section III. System also reads the threshold value
stored in the database at the time of registration. The Euclidean
distance is compared with the threshold value set. If the
distance is less than the threshold, the user is accepted while if
distance is more than threshold, the user is rejected.
The “Speaker Recognition System” is divided into
1. Speaker Identification.
2. Speaker Verification.
Fig 5.1: Creating data base for Speaker Identification
i. Registration
When a biometric registration is needed for transactions
between the user and speaker recognition system, the interested
user need to be should enroll in the speaker recognition system.
Initially, the user has to request for the service from speaker
recognition system which causes its client to be redirected
towards speaker recognition system for registration. The
system creates a voice profile for the user by extracting
features from the voice. Along with the voice profile and
threshold, user’s name, age, gender, id, and the date of
registration are stored in the database.
ii. Verification
After registration, verification of the user is done for the
probability of a fraudulent enrollment. The registered voice
profile of the speaker is compared with a known voice profile
stored in the database. The system temporarily records and
saves the voice. The system recognizes the speaker, by
comparing two speech samples, one that is used as reference
which has been trained and stored in the database and the other
that is collected during the test from the person who makes the
claim. Now system extracts features from the voice recorded
and measures the distance between the current voice profile
and the saved profile using Mel Frequency Cepstral
Coefficient, Vector Quantization and K-means algorithm.
Speaker Identification:
This system works in two phases : one is registration in which
database is created and the another is Verification phase
which is used for verification of the speaker.
(ii) After entering the basic details, the user has to record
his/her voice in order to train the system as shown in Fig 5.2
Verification Phase:
When the user wants to check his/her identity in the any
registered system, he/she has to enter the “Speaker Verification
system”, as shown in Fig 5.2.
Fig 5.2: Recording and Training Window for Speaker Identification
(iii) (iii) Once the above dialog box is obtained, enter the
identification name as registered during first phase, Then input
the test voice signal by clicking on the “Record” button for the
specified amount of time period by clicking on the “stop”
button. Then click on the “verify” button to proceed for the
identification process. The identity of the test voice is shown in
the dialog box as shown in Fig 4.3. when the evaluation button
is activated If we press the “Evaluate” button, then the
performance of the speaker verification system is evaluated
and is displayed as shown in Fig 5.2.
Registration phase:
(i) When the user clicks on the “ Create database ” button,
create database window opens and the user has to enter his
name in the specified space .
Fig 5.3: Speaker identification window
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 4 Issue 08, August-2015
Fig 5.6 : Result Dialog Box of Speaker Verification
Fig 5.4: Result Window of Speaker Identification
Verification Phase:
In speaker recognition system, verification phase is the one in
which the claimed identity of a speaker is verified based on the
speech signal from the speaker.
Similar to the registration phase, Verification phase of the
speaker recognition works in two phases namely :
1. Registration Phase
2. Verification Phase.
Registration phase:
Registration phase of speaker verification system is to identify
a particular person . During initial configuration of registration
phase is carried out during the training or enrollment person
when each speaker to be verified by the system has to provide
samples of speech which are then used to train the model for
that speaker as shown in Fig 5.1.
All of us are aware of the fact that voices of different
individuals do not sound in the same manner. Recent trends in
speaker recognition have produced new tools that can be used
to improve the performance and flexibility of speaker
recognition. Speech is a useful parameter for identification
because it is a product of the speaker’s individual anatomy and
linguistic background. In more specific, the speech signal
produced by a given individual is affected by both the organic
characteristics of the speaker (in terms of vocal tract geometry)
and learned differences due to ethnic or social factors.
The human voice depends largely on many non-linear factors.
Hence, the human vocal behavior can never be predicted with
100% accuracy. We tested our system on 10 different speakers
for evaluating the efficiency of the system. For each person, we
took five voice samples for training and 1 sample for testing.
We have written a script in MATLAB to automatically test the
performance of the system using the samples from these 10
people. The efficiency of the system turned out to be 95% on
average. The results are as shown in Fig 6.1.
Fig 5.5 Check Password window for Speaker verification
when the individual has to make a claim as to who he/she is,
and the system then proceeds to verify whether that claim is
true or false. With speaker verification the speech of the
unknown person is compared against both the claimed identity
and against all other speakers (the imposter or background
model(s)). The ratio of the two measures is then taken and
compared to a threshold, if above the threshold the claim is
accepted as true, if below, the claim is rejected as false as
shown in Fig 5.1. Then the claimed person voice (or voice
profile) is compared against the stored voice signal (or voice
profile) of that person directly & and the result is displayed as
shown below in Fig 5.5, if the claimed user voice does not
match with the password stored in the database as shown in Fig
Fig 6.1: Performance Evaluation of Speakers
These results are comparatively good. The effectiveness of this
method is examined from the viewpoint of robustness against
utterance variation such as differences in content, temporal
variation, and changes in utterance speed
(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 4 Issue 08, August-2015
1. The incidence of identity theft has increased rapidly in
recent years, and is an issue that worries everyone. The result is
that, to complete many everyday transactions, without any
probability of fraudulent activities. This above function is
performed by this system successfully.
2. A major aspect of our work is access control. On a security
gateway, for a person to be allowed to pass through, his
identity needs to be authenticated. If our system is installed
there, the authentication process can be done.
3. Speaker recognition system can be used for remote
authentication due to the availability of devices for collecting
speech samples from microphones, telephone network etc.
4. One of the challenging and demanding areas of speaker
verification application is in forensics. Usually in the cases
where the crime has been committed and it has to be verified
from a recorded speech signal. Speakers voice can be identified
by comparing with the spectrograms. Spectrograms can be
generated using Discrete Fourier Transform . But the accuracy
of these methods found to be not reliable and effective. To
prove the suspect to be criminal it needs to be verified beyond
reasonable doubt. Hence reliable and automatic speaker
verification system is desired.
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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)