IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS)
e-ISSN: 2320–1959.p- ISSN: 2320–1940 Volume 9, Issue 2 Ser. V (Mar - Apr. 2020), PP 56-60
Surgical Masks: The Hoax &the Truth
College of Nursing, AIIMS Raipur,Chhattisgarh
Abstract: Surgicalmask (a.k.a. Surgical face mask/Medical mask) is one of the most commonly used personal
protective equipment (PPE*) in the health care settings. Frequent epidemic outbreaks made awareness among
the public regarding the importance of wearing a mask or face coverings. Though the surgical masks are widely
used, a better understanding of its basic properties and usages will help anyone to make use of it properly. This
article is an attempt to find out the hoax and truth regarding the surgical mask.
Key Words: Surgical mask,PPE,Epidemic.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------Date of Submission: 23-03-2020
Date of Acceptance: 14-04-2020
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------I. Introduction To Surgical Mask
The surgical face mask is produced using fabric making technology. Even though there are three
fabrics forming technology (Woven, Non-woven and Knitted), currently, most of the surgical face masks are
made upof non-woven by using SMS* (SpunbondMeltblownSpunbond) technology with a view of discarding of
after use.1,17As SMS material can be treated with additional repellents to withstand for example alcohol, oil and
blood, this makes it an outstanding fabric for the medical industry. Typically used to make Masks, gowns,
sterilisation wraps, surgical drapes, disposable patient sheets, female sanitary products, nappies and
incontinence products.17Polypropylene, polyethylene, polyester polystyrene, polycarbonate etc. are suitable for
manufacturing surgical face masks. The surgical face masks are produced in different sizes like14.5 X 9.5 cm
for a child,17.5 X 9.5 cm for adult, use and12 X 7 cm for infants. They are available in multicolourslike white,
blue, green, yellow and pink.1
As per international standard ASTM F 2100–07*, surgical face masks are largely classified into 3
types. They are i) Low barrier, ii) Moderate barrier and iii) High barrier. The basic features to distinguish the
surgical face masks based on its barrier properties which are listed in Table 1 (ASTM F 2100, 2007*). 1
Table 1. Classification of medical face masks based on its barrier properties. 1
Quality evaluation characteristics
Bacterial filtration efficiency (%)
Differential pressure (mm H2O/cm2)
Sub-micron particulate filtration efficiency (%)
Resistance to penetration by synthetic blood
(minimum pressure in mm Hg for pass result)
Flame spread
Surgical Face Mask
Low barrier
Moderate barrier
High barrier
Not required
Class 1
Class 1
Class 1
Groupings of surgical face masks as per BFE* in European standard EN 14683* is as follows: 1
BFE ≥ 95%: indicates the Type-I surgical face masks
BFE ≥ 98%: indicates the Type-II surgical face masks.
Groupings of surgical face masks based on splash resistance in European standard EN 14683* are as follows: 1
For Type-I and Type-II surgical face masks, this test is not applicable.
For Type-IR and Type-IIR surgical face masks, the specimen should be tested under the constant
velocity of 120 mm Hg.
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Surgical Masks: The Hoax & the Truth
II. The Recommended Criteria For The Surgical Mask
As per National Centre for Disease Control, DGHS, Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, a
surgical mask should be Triple Layered,Tie on Mask of Non- woven fabric material, Hypoallergenic 3 ply
construction with the filter in between and with 4 tie strings.5Fluid resistant Type IIR , or ASTM F2100* level 2
or level 3, or correspondingsurgical mask is recommended by many organization like WHO. 6,8
The terms „fluid-resistant‟ and „fluid-repellent‟ are frequently used interchangeably to represent a Type
IIR surgical mask, which might not appropriate to denote its category. Because a „fluid repellent‟ mask may
occasionally describe a mask that does not meet the BS EN 14683* splash resistance criteria and which is not
suitable for protection against splash or spray i.e. a Type II surgical mask. 8
When we wear a surgical mask or a respirator the infiltration of an environmental particle can occur in
two ways, through the filter medium within the mask and face seal leakage. As most of the environmental
particles penetrate via face seal, the priority in the development of a respirator or a maskshould be shifted from
improving the efficiency of the filter medium to establishing a better fit that would eliminate or minimize face
seal leakage especially the surgical mask.18,19,23Control of exhaled particles attained with a surgical mask worn
at the source, attains far greater levels of protection than an N95 respirator on the recipient. This shows the
importance of respiratory source control in dropping exposure risk. 19,20,21 Wearing more than one mask at the
same time does not give added protection and is not recommended.6
In concise fluid-resistant Type IIR, Triple-layered surgical mask with the filter in between, designed to
provide optimum face seal should be used to get sufficient protection from the droplets and splashes. Surgical
mask plays a major role in controlling the source of infection rather than protecting the recipient. 20,21
III. The Purposes Of Wearing Surgical Masks
The base for the use of surgical face masks is is to protect the wearer from sources of
infection e.g. splashing or spraying of bloodand second is to protect others from the wearer as a source of
infection.8Even though surgical mask with filter layer may be suitable to remove bacteria exhaled or expelled by
health care workers, they may not be adequate to remove the submicrometer-sized aerosols containing
pathogens to which the health care workers are possibly exposed.2
WHO*guidelines for health workers to wear the mask in the scenario of the Covid-19 outbreak is as follows,
Wear a surgical mask when getting in a room where patients suspected or confirmed of being infected
with 2019-nCoV are admitted and in any situation of care provided to a suspected or confirmed cases;
Use a particulate respirator at least as protective as a US National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH*)-certified N95, European Union (EU) standard FFP2, or equivalent when carrying out aerosolgenerating procedures such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, non-invasive ventilation, tracheotomy, tracheal
intubation, manual ventilation before intubation, and bronchoscopy. 3,7,25
WHO* also recommends that in community, the individual without respiratory symptoms need not
wear a medical mask, as no evidence is available on its usefulness to protect non-sick persons.3Wearing masks
when not required may cause pointless cost, procurement burden and create a falsesense of security that may
lead to neglecting other importantmeasures such as hand hygiene practices.3In context of Covid19,CDCrecommends the public to use cloth face coverings in situations where social distancing measures are
difficult to follow to slow down the spread of the virus and help people who may have the virus and do not
know it from transmitting it to others. It also recommends that face covings should not be used in children under
2 years and in one who is having trouble breathing.26
Hand hygiene is an important aspect of infection control that one should take care of before and after
wearing a surgical mask.Wash hands with soap and water for at least for 40 seconds or make use of alcoholbased hand sanitizer with 70% alcohol at least for 20 seconds should be practised frequently. If hands are dirty
or soiled, do not use alcohol based hand sanitizer, instead, wash hands with soap and water.9
A surgical mask, if properly worn, will be effective for up to 8 hours. If it gets wet in between, it needs
to be changed instantly.4
The used mask should be considered as possibly infected. During home care,Masks used by
patients/caregivers/ close contacts during home care should be disinfected utilizingsodium hypochlorite solution
(1%) or ordinary bleach solution (5%) or appropriate concentration of Quaternary ammonium household
disinfectant and then disposed of either by burning or deep burial.4-5 In community settings, it may be disposed
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Surgical Masks: The Hoax & the Truth
of either by burning or deep burial.5In the health care settings,it should be disposed of in the identified infectious
waste disposal bag/container (Yellow) using appropriate biomedical waste management practices. 5,16
IV. Structural Significance Of Surgical Masks
Most of the standard surgical masks (Fig.1) have a three-layer design (though there are single and
double-layered masks available without filter,it is not recommended to be used in the health care settings. 5,10)
which includes an outer fluid-resistant layer, an inner moisture-absorbing layer, and a middle layer which serves
as a barrier to germs (filter). Wearer should follow the manufacturers‟ recommendations when using surgical
masks (e.g. determine which side of the mask is facing outwards or inwards). In general, the coloured side, the
side with folds facing downwards of the surgical mask should face outwards with the metallic strip
uppermost.10For masks without a coloured side, the side with folds facing downwards should face outwards. 4
There may be surgical mask available in the market with a non-coloured fluid-resistant layer which should be
facing outward when wearing it.( I tested the same with 5 ml of tap water and found that the coloured layer was
not fluid-resistant but on the non-coloured layer it was. Fig.2).So the coloured side of a surgical mask cannot be
trusted always as a way to identify the fluid-resistant side, Instead, it is alwaysbetter to follow the
manufacturers‟ recommendations when using a surgical mask. If manufacturers‟ recommendations are not
available with a surgical mask, I think the side with folds facing downwards should face outward.
V. Difference Between The Surgical Mask And The Respirator
The surgical masks are principally designed to protect the environment from the wearer, whereas the respirators
are made-up to protect the wearer from the environment.22
Table 2.Comparison of the respirator and Surgical mask.11-15
It can be fitted tightly to the face, giving sufficient face
seal, with two head straps and an adjustable clip over the nose to
allow for a more custom fit.
Surgical Masks
Usually do not fit tightly to the face and can not
provide complete face seal as there might be gaps around the
Filter particles from the air when appropriately fitted,
helping reduce the number of particles or germs the wearer
breathes in.
Prevent large particles expelled by the wearer
when coughs or sneezes to spread into the environment.
Ideal for protection from airborne hazards like
PM2.5*and Words like EN / NIOSH / ISI and the approval type
(i.e. N95; FFP1* etc.) printed on the product.
Not designed to protect your lungs from airborne
hazards like PM2.5*and do not have the word NIOSH / EN /
ISI and the approval type (i.e. N95; FFP2* etc.) printed on the
The similarity of the surgical mask and the respirator is both can reduce the wearer‟s risk of exposure to large
droplets and body fluid splashes in the health care settings.
VI. Conclusion
The primary purpose of wearing the surgical mask is to protect the environment from the affected
person or to control the source of infection.Therespirators like N95 should be used to protect the unaffected
person from the high-risk environment where there is a chance of aerosol formation. Both play their own role in
preventing the spread of contagious infections if it is properly used and discarded as per the manufacturer's
instructions. One should also practise frequent hand hygiene, use of other PPE* along if required,IPC (Infection
Control & Prevention) measures, maintaining at least one-meter safe respiratory distancefrom others and good
respiratory etiquettes as these are as important as wearing a mask. The health care professionals especially
nurses should emphasize to practice these measures among team members, patients and caregivers.
ASTM-ASTM International, formerly known as American Society for Testing and Materials, is an international
standards organization that develops and publishes voluntary consensus technical standards for a wide range of
materials, products, systems, and services.
BFE- Bacterial filtration efficiency.
CDC- Centres for Disease Control and prevention.
European standard EN 14683-This European Standard specifies construction and performance requirements,
and test methods for surgical masks.
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Surgical Masks: The Hoax & the Truth
FDA-The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or USFDA) is a federal agency of the United States Department
of Health and Human Services, one of the United States federal executive departments.
FFP1/ FFP2-filtering facepiece score comes from EN standard 149:2001
NCDC-National Centre for Disease Control (formerly known as the national institute of communicable
NIOSH-National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
OSHA-Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
PM 2.5 - refers to atmospheric particulate matter (PM) that have a diameter of less than 2.5 micrometres.
PPE- Personal Protective Equipment “specialized clothing or equipment worn by an employee for protection
against infectious materials” (OSHA).
SMS:SpunbondMeltblownSpunbond, commonly known as SMS is a tri laminate non woven fabric. It
is made up of a top layer of spunbond polypropylene, a middle layer of melt-blown polypropylene and a bottom
layer of spunbond polypropylene.17
WHO- World Health Organization.
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Surgical Masks: The Hoax & the Truth
Figure 1. Separated layers of Standard triple-layered surgical mask showing coloured outer fluid-resistant
layer and inner non-coloured moisture-absorbent layer.
Figure 2. Separated layers of Standard triple-layered surgical mask showing non-coloured fluid-resistant
layer and coloured moisture absorbent layer.Middle filter layer not shown. In this case,thenon-coloured layer
should be facing outward while wearing the mask.
Mr.SHARUN.N.V. “Surgical Masks: The Hoax & the Truth.” IOSR Journal of Nursing and
Health Science (IOSR-JNHS), 9(2), 2020, pp. 56-60.
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